#the star wars brainrot will return i promise
thrawns-babygirl · 8 months
Look, Imma level with y'all
The bg3 brain rot is strong. Unending. Undying. Absolutely destroying me from the inside out.
I'm attempting to tag all of my bg3 posts with bg3, so if you don't want to see it, I recommend blocking that tag.
I apologise, I know all 1300 of you are here for Star Wars. But I cannot help myself. I simply am weak for this game. I've already clocked 200 hours since the ps5 release, and I'm not stopping any time soon.
If you wanna unfollow, I understand, but I promise I will still post star wars from time to time. But bg3 has honestly consumed my entire being, and it will probably stay that way for the foreseeable future.
Thanks for understanding my absolutely unhinged hyperfixations shifting and changing. I love y'all, I really do.
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myrlin · 1 year
when i say the brainrot is STRONG WITH THE FORCE RN
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callmemerry00 · 3 months
The takisei brainrot hit me like a brick, so I wrote a ficlet. I promise it's cute ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Title: Jealousy
The world forgot the day when they all said goodbye, but not Seimei.
Before returning to his war-torn homeland, the god of thunder gifted the great hero one of his earrings. With a broken heart, the god of prophecy handed the hero a drop of the water from his sea of stars and then embarked on an arduous and lonely journey through the labyrinth of time. Seimei later stored the drop of water inside the earring and attached it to his fan.
It is inevitable that a tinge of loneliness would flash through the hero's eyes when he catches sight of the earring. After all, it will always serve as a bittersweet reminder of his two long gone friends and their forgotten sacrifice. So Seimei only allows himself to dwell on the memories and promises etched on that earring when he's alone and no one is watching.
Except it's difficult to be alone on the Golden Tentacles, and Taki is watching. He's watching him attentively with the curiosity characteristic of a cat. What is it about that earring that it causes Seimei's eyes to lower and cloud with heartache? Left to its own devices, Taki's mind is going in uncomfortable directions, so he decides it's better to ask him directly:
"That is a very unusual accessory you have attached to your fan. Where did you get it, if you don't mind me asking?"
"It's a...It's a memento from a friend."
There is that look again, Taki thinks and hesitates for a moment.
"Was it a close friend?"
Taki waits for a follow-up, but Seimei's thoughts are drifting off once again. It's just one word, but it floods Taki's heart with a sour and unpleasant emotion. He refuses to name it.
Silence sets between them and Seimei notices a small frown settling between Taki's beautiful brows for a split second.
Before Seimei gets the chance to react, Taki takes a large step towards him. He's close, Seimei thinks with a start as his back hits the wall.Very close.
Not only that, but he's leaning down, forcing Seimei's heart to do a somersault. With a swift motion, Taki takes his own earring off and attaches it next to the one already dangling from the fan.
"Think of it as a memento from me. So that you'll look at it with a smile on your face when you get lost in thought."
Seimei is at a complete loss for words, his eyes on the silver earring fitting perfectly right next to Susanoo's.
What's got into him?
Seimei looks up at Taki and wait, is that a pout on his face? Well, now Seimei really is at a complete loss for words. As realization dawns on him, a rosy tinge starts coloring to tips of his ears. He can't possibly be-
"Is there a problem if I am?" Taki asks with his usual calm smile now that Seimei's reaction gave him something he must have wanted. He chuckles.
"Remember to think of me, Seimei."
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evelxtus · 2 years
Okay! Sooo, I remember before I fall asleep back then, I was listening to this song [Endless Love] by Jackie Chan! And i remember how much I associate this song to Zhongli and possible reincarnated!lover reader sksksu the lyrics was so romantic and heartbreaking at the same time like:
"Undo the most mysterious wait of mine. The stars are falling, wind is blowing. Finally, once again you are in the embrace of my arms. Our two hearts tremble. Believe in my unwavering sincerity. A thousand years of wait, you have my promise. No matter how much winter has passed. I will never let you go."
Zhongli waiting for his reincarnated lover bc he promised he would wait no matter what 😭😭😭 Idk i just imagine reader maybe dying during the archon war or smth and he promised that he will wait for her no matter how long like shsksgsih noooo 😭😭😭
"Every night is pierced through by heartbreaks. There is no end to my longing. I've gotten used to lonely meetings a long time ago I face it with a smile. Believe me, you chose to wait. No matter how painful it is, there is no running away. Only your warmth can save me from the endless cold."
AND THIS VERSE IS SO PERFECT LIKE SHSJSHSJSJ old schongli was reminiscing his time with you while waiting patiently for your return sjsksja he was undoubtfully lonely, but he was still holding onto your promise bc he wants to see you again 💦😭 like no matter how painful it was for him waiting without any assurance, he will do it just for you :33
"Now tightly hold my hands, and close your eyes. Please think about the times when we were deeply in love. We loved each other too much. That is why we have been in such pain. We cannot even say the words "I love you " to each other"
THE CHORUS WAS SO BEAUTIFUL TOO SJSJSJ it was sung by the girl. and i was thinking maybe they werent really lovers back then xD but just honestly pining bc they were idiots at war and its not clever to have your lover there sjska and even tho they know that they loved each other immensely, silently, they cant say it directly bc...well, not the right time.
"Love is the only beautiful legend that never changes in our hearts."
Also, this is the last line of the song and this whole song is what makes me fall in love with the Chinese language honestly ehsh it sounds so poetic 😭😭 idk what would be the end of that brainrot really lmao. You could chose if it will be angsty ending where reader did get reborn but...they loved someone else lmao (childeー) or a happy end where schongli and reader united :3
anyway, this song is really lit. It was about true love that stays strong beyond the test of time. About longing and hope :3 i think zhongli had long realized that love is so beautiful as it was painful. yet it cannot be separates by time and space as true love has no distance and time. Maybe all he could do in the end is to let love as...love itself. Accept all of its sides, no matter what the outcome will be :3
Zhongli of the past: "When we meet again, I promised I'll be the one to say those three words to you first...Isn't it something to look forward to?"
- 🐦 birb anon // raven
THIS IS.... THIS IS.... 😭😭😭💕💕💕
I'll write an end for this brainrot of yours but before I think of that I wanna share it because this is so good!!!
This is sad yet so lovely... I can't imagine how hurt must be zhongli, waiting incessantly for his lover to come back to his arms to never let her go ever again. <333
spoiler but i dont think im gonna give this an angsty ending... maybe a lil bit but not a lot <3333 neither of us deserve it.
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brother-genitivi · 3 years
headcanons for Deniz (and his son) because I have brainrot:
-He's gay and transgender. He takes a lot of pride in his own culture. He has a small nazar attached to his dogtags. Deniz also refers to his loved ones with Turkish words of endearment (canım, aşkım, güzelim).
-Deniz started crushing on Kaidan during their hunt for Saren. He kept his feelings to himself until they met again on Horizon, two years later. It's not until the Cerberus coup do they actually get together.
-He has a biotic son, Roşan, who's 9 by the time ME3 rolls around.
-It's very clear that he and Roş are a package deal. You can't have one without the other. However, Deniz struggles with this as he wants to keep Roş away from the dangers that come with saving the galaxy.
-Kaidan is well aware of Deniz and his son's strong bond. He sent Roşan and his uncle photos and stories about Deniz after the SR1 was destroyed. Kaidan is fully prepared to accept the responsibility of taking Roş in as his own.
-Roşan had been staying with Deniz's older brother and his brother's wife while he was under house arrest. Deniz doesn't discover his son and brother are even alive until after the Cerberus coup. His sister-in-law didn't make it that far.
-Around this time, he also finds out that Roşan's biological father died on Earth. They were still on good terms despite not being together anymore. Telling Roşan almost brings Deniz to tears.
-Deniz struggles to communicate his feelings well. He very rarely cries and wishes he could be more open with his emotions.
-He's a biotic renegade, but he's not unreasonable. He is always kind to his friends and family.
-After the war, Deniz finally grows his hair out. He's kept it short ever since he started transitioning, but decides to grow it as a "fuck you" to his dysphoria.
-He also takes a lot of pride in the scars on his chest. Deniz was thankful to Miranda who kept them while he was being reconstructed.
-Kaidan helps with the dysphoria, sometimes without even meaning to. He wears Deniz's hoodies from time to time, and Deniz finds comfort in his familiar scent.
-Deniz and Kaidan have a very open, communicative relationship. Though emotionally constipated, Deniz is receptive to the emotions of others. He takes accountability for being with Cerberus and apologises. He makes sure Kaidan knows his feelings towards Cerberus are completely valid.
-They get married after the war. The legal stuff is kept short and sweet, but the party is spectacular. There's dancing, Turkish food and music, and they have all their friends and family with them.
-All of Deniz's friends absolutely dote on Roşan. Liara teaches him how to improve his biotics all while lifting him into the air. Garrus looks after him and they go about the Citadel, exploring the shops. Auntie Tali gifts Roş his first drone. He often has playdates with Wrex's first son, Mordin.
-Jack takes him for a round in the Armax Arsenal Arena, then promises to give him a tattoo at some point. No one thought Zaeed would return from his retirement, but he shows up to Roşan's 13th with a present in hand. Samara tells him stories about her time as an asari maiden. Jacob takes Roş to the arcade and wins him every prize in the damn place. Kasumi gifts him artwork. It's probably not stolen. Grunt and Roşan bond over their love of dinosaurs. Miranda volunteers to look after him some days.
-James regularly gives him piggybacks or uses him as a weight whilst working out. Javik and Roşan star in an episode of Blasto. Samantha teaches him chess and is pleasantly surprised when she is beaten. Steve takes him for a ride in the Kodiak across the Silversun Strip. EDI quizzes Roş on his favourite stones and commissions a bracelet made of them. Uncle Joker lets him co-pilot the Normandy.
-Mordin would have loved to sing to Roşan. 'Scientist Salarian' is a classic, but Roş would also enjoy 'Krogan Queen'. Legion would play Galaxy of Fantasy with him. They'd both be banned for a few days due to 'unsportsmanlike behaviour'. Thane would teach him how to 'dance crazy'. Ashley would have loved to teach him self defense. Or poetry. Or both. Anderson would have shown Roşan how to bake and told him stories of his father.
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