#the standard edition doesn't have the extra oomph you know
tbookblurbs · 5 months
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The Fellowship of the Ring - J.R.R. Tolkien (Lord of the Rings #1)
4.5/5 - Delightful, light entrance into the trilogy, plot gets lost sometimes
I have read the entire LotR trilogy so many times that it could be considered embarrassing. I've also taken a course dedicated to Tolkien's works so when I say I could write essays on a topic, trust that I have already.
I really enjoy a number of aspects in this book, with the first among them being the introduction to hobbits. I've never encountered another fantasy author that's introduced the species/race of their main character in such a way and I find it so charming. Classic favorites of this installation of the trilogy include Moria and the Balrog, Galadriel in the woods of Lothlorien, and, of course, the breaking of the Fellowship.
One of the things that always strikes me about this book is the way that Frodo embodies such simple heroism. He's doing this because it happened upon him, but he's willing to put his life in danger for others. It's something that is so small and seen in almost every hero of an adventure, but knowing Frodo's fate just makes it feel so much larger.
Tom Bombadil still confuses me as a character, but taking random things in stride is essential to Tolkien. A long novel, but one well worth taking the time to read even once, if only because knowing the depth in the books makes watching the films that much more enjoyable.
My one con, as always, with Tolkien is that there are hardly any women, but the ones that are present are interesting conceptually. They don't get a lot of screentime though.
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soniabigcheese · 2 years
Advent Calendar Day Eight - Crackers
The TV was running in the background whilst everyone was busy with .. something or other. They all had their allocated tasks
Decorate the tree Put up some garlands Wrap presents (and pretend they didn't see what they were getting) And cook dinner
Virgil was in charge of the kitchen this time, since Gordon managed to convince (drag) grandma to help with the tree. Alan, bored with the channel, flicked it over to a shopping channel ... and was going to turn it over when ....
"Wait!" Virgil put his vegetable peeler down, "turn it back."
So Alan obliged ... and they were faced with ... Langstrom Fischler of all people."
"Please," Scott groaned, " ... tell me he's planning on retiring." "Nu uh," Alan waved the remote around, "it's a shopping channel. They're only interested in selling things. Not announcing that they're .... wait ... what the ..." "Alan!"
He turned the volume up so that they could hear.
"Hello ladies and gentlemen, this is Langstrom Fischler here from Fischler Industries. Coming live to you from ..... what channel is this? Oh never mind. I am here to sell to you ... our very exclusive, limited edition ... Super Crackers!"
He waved one around dramatically, the presenter started leaning away, she appeared very nervous indeed.
"Oh come now," he edged closer, she was ready to bolt, "I can assure you that these are very safe. I did the tests and everything."
He looked at the camera, cracker still in hand.
"They have the standard safety marks on them and everything. I printed them off myself! You know how it is at Christmas, you pull a cracker and the snap barely makes a sound ... or doesn't work at all. How disappointing."
Back on Tracy Island, everyone stood there, disbelief all around.
"Should we start suiting up?" Virgil was the first one to voice concern, "I've a very bad feeling of foreboding here."
The background chatter between Fischler and the host was reaching a tense moment as he tried to thrust the cracker into her hand. She politely refused but the producer yelled in her ear to 'take the damned thing and get that idiot off the air' "Yeah," Scott replied, already heading for his launch station, "sorry grandma we won't be that long...."
"It's perfectly fine," Fischler insisted, "it's just a Christmas cracker with a little extra oomph, that's all. All you have to do is to pull my cracker and ..."
Nervous fingers clasped the end of the cracker, poked a finger into her ear, cringed and gave it a quick tug and ...
The TV station went off the air. News reports flashed up telling reports of an explosion at one of the broadcasting houses. Foul play and terrorism were instantly ruled out. And International Rescue were on their way.
Sorry if it is scrappily written. I wanted to write it as fast as possible before it disappeared. A big thank you to @janetm74 for the 'hell yeah!' I pitched the idea to hubby and he said .... nah.
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