#the quest for tanalorr
tatzelwyrm · 1 year
The ending genuinely surprised me.
I had several theories throughout the game as to where the story was going with Tanalorr.
1) Nobody goes to Tanalorr (because the final compass is destroyed, or the compass or the arrays malfunction after not being used in such a long time or because the Abyss has changed in 200 years, or because Cal simply decides it’s not worth the bloodshed). Tanalorr remains an unreachable, quasi-mythical place and becomes a representation of the characters’ hopes and dreams that they give up on and eventually replace with a smaller goal (say, keeping the outpost safe and thriving).
2) The crew does go to Tanalorr, but it’s disappointing. Either because in the 200 years since Dagen went there it turned into a wasteland, or it has since been settled by hostile forces (Nihil remnants?) or because the Empire follows them there immediately. The crew returns to the galaxy they know and, again, pick a smaller goal (say, keeping the outpost safe and thriving).
3) The crew does go to Tanalorr and it’s exactly what they wanted, a lush world full of life, a beautiful, peaceful place for everyone who survived to live happily ever after, free of the Empire.
Never, ever would I have guessed they would go with #3! I mean, Tanalorr can still turn out to be ultimately disappointing in a sequel, but it’s a win for the crew and a happy ending for now (as happy as any ending can be with Cere and Eno Cordova gone and Kata having had to go through that).
It was hard for me to believe that the game would actually give Cal what he wanted, when it seemed to me that every NPC in the outpost was giving Cal the same advice: “get out while you can”, “be happy with what you have”, “don’t set your hopes too high”. At the point that I was really picking up on this, Skoova got to the part in his fish story in which he returned home from pursuing a whale (!) only to find his home destroyed in his absence, which only seemed to confirm my assumption that Tanalorr was, metaphorically speaking, going to end up being a White Whale.
At that point I was expecting to hear “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” by the Rolling Stones to play over the credits.
"Get out while you still can” is one of the major themes of the game. This is the underlying goal of finding Tanalorr. Fighting the Empire was destroying Cal. For pretty much the entirety of the game, Cal is not well. He is angry, vengeful even, and so sad. He gets kicked, shot, stabbed. He has panic attacks. His friends die. He needs a break.
And then a map shows up that supposedly leads to a place only ever spoken of in myth, hidden in a deadly nebula that cannot be reached without an item of which only one remains?
I immediately understood Cal’s excitement for Tanalorr, but I was sure I was going to see him get his heart broken yet again, because Tanalorr simply sounded too good to be true.
But no. Just for once, the hero gets not only what he wants (mythical fix-it-all paradise planet), but also exactly what he needs (a break!).
It turns out, the things Cal needed to let go of are the Order and his pain (easier said than done when the game keeps throwing ever new kinds of pain at him). His hopes and dreams are fine. He gets to keep them.
And isn’t that the best ending one could wish for?
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antianakin · 5 months
Bode Akuna was such a douchebag. He didn't need to join the Empire or betray Cal Kestis and his friends. If he truly cared about his daughter's safety, he could have and should have discussed his situation with his friends instead of stabbing them in the back. They would have found a way to keep her safe. But no, he took the easy way out: the coward's way out. Because of his actions, Cere Junda and Eno Cordova are dead. He should be ashamed of himself that the Empire's Great Jedi Purge has now claimed two more lives.
Yeah, I don't know if it's just because I only really watched playthrough of the main storyline stuff and didn't spend as much time on the side quests or anything, but I just didn't really feel the build-up of Cal and Bode's friendship enough to really grant him as much sympathy when he turned on Cal.
Also, his entire deal with the Empire seems pretty stupid to begin with. He claims that this is the only way to keep himself and Kata safe, but he's constantly having to leave Kata at an Imperial base, surrounded by people who would absolutely kill her without hesitation, nobody her own age, nobody who cares about her or would protect her if it came down to it, nobody who understands her situation. She is arguably in MORE danger now than she would've been on the run because Bode seems to be gone more than he isn't and Kata's quality of life has gone WAY down as a result. He has a deal with the Empire, but they've got a pretty massive amount of leverage over him, too.
And he KNOWS IT because he betrays everybody specifically so he can get Kata out of that situation and to somewhere safe ALL BY THEMSELVES. He specifies that the reason he stopped helping Cal completely was when it became clear that they were sharing Tanalorr with any refugees who needed it. He'd have shared with like... Cal and Cal's direct friends, sure, but the moment it became about helping literally anyone who needed it, THAT was unacceptable and what caused him to turn on everybody, Cal and Cal's friends included. He refuses to accept that the way he feels about Kata is the way the rest of them feel about the entire GALAXY. Whatever compassion he might've learned from his time as a Jedi is now completely and entirely gone. He no longer has any selfless love for anyone.
And even if he HAD gone to Tanalorr with Kata, he likely never would've let her leave and she'd have been stuck there with nobody but Bode for company for the rest of her life. Alive, perhaps, but probably pretty miserable from that level of isolation and loneliness. So it's not all that different from her life on the Imperial base in terms of quality of life. Much like their current situation, she'd be alive, but she's not really LIVING.
His decisions are nonsensical, panicked, and selfish in the extreme. And it honestly calls into question just how much he ever cared about Cal at all, especially with how little time they truly spent with one another. I can't manage to scrounge up a single ounce of sympathy for him or his sob story, I'm just so so glad that Kata was a better person than her father and sided with Cal and got to escape the poisonous influence Bode had on her and clearly isn't holding Bode's death against Cal given that, ya know, Cal was just defending himself from Bode trying to KILL HIM. Kata will be 10x the Jedi and person her father was specifically because he's out of her life.
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amikoroyaiart · 1 year
Hey, it's been a while.
I heard that you finished playing Jedi Survivor.
Awesome!! 😃
Overall, what did you think of it? As for me, I thought it was excellent, and I hope we get a third game in the future 🙂
Oh I have a lot of thoughts about this game, I will put them under cut since they will contain major spoilers :D
Graphics were amazing. I was so excited when I saw Coruscant. It's beautiful, I keep going back to that planet and keep imagining Corries there. Tanalorr was beautiful as well.
When it comes to gameplay I have a love-hate relationship with it. I love all the new fighting styles but all the acrobatics and jumping made my hands sweat so much. I don't think I've ever swear as much as I did while I was playing Survivor XD but it's just me struggling with these types of adventures games. Fighting was awesome. While I love all the new quests, I was a little bit overwhelmed with stuff to do on the planets. At some point I had to force myself to stop doing side quests and finally progress the plot because people were spoiling the game everywhere while I was still in the beginning of the plot... (I wish some people understood that not everyone can finish a big game as this one during one weekend...)
As for the story, I liked it, I was living for all the High Republic bits. I kinda wish there was more of it. Overall the plot was an emotional rollercoaster and I cried like a baby during the last hours. Cere's death was tragic, especially when she called Trilla in her last words, Bode's betrayal hurt me so much.
Speaking of Bode, such an amazing character. I only wish his end was different. While I stared being wary of him, I did not expect him to be a Jedi. I love the bromance between Cal and him (or even romance, I already read some fics with them haha) and I understood Bode's point of view and why he did things he did. But I feel like the end was a little bit too extra. I get that we needed a villain but I wish Cal and Bode came to an agreement. I cried like a baby when I found the echo of Bode an his daughter singing the Ghost lullaby. I really wished them the best.
As for the romance between Cal and Merrin I still have mixed feelings. It's just that I see their banter more as siblings' banter rather than flirting but I am happy for the people who ship them! <3
I think that's it. I am still trying to digest the story as I only finished it yesterday and there is still so many things to discover for me. It's a neat game, maybe not always for me when it comes to gameplay but I have my fingers crossed for the third part.
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stardustandash · 5 months
Hello, I'm the one who reblogged your post about Dagan. I'm just changed my username. x3
Just having random thoughts. Daydreaming to see the interviews of Cody Fern and Tracy Ifeachor on Jedi Survivor so much. They're amazing. 💕
I'd love to see more of Dagan and Santari content. Maybe a comic or anything. Wanna know more of Dagan, his childhood and anything, also how they're both meet and Santari's childhood as well. Okay me crying over them again. Emotional again. Hope you're having a nice time. I'm sorry for being obvious but I can't stop thinking about them. I'm just daydream a lot.
I know what you mean! I kinda maybe secretly have hope that one of the High Republic books will be about Dagan and Santari and the quest for Tanalorr and his fall. We get glimpses throughout the game, but i want the whole story!! There's so much there, and i'm also a sucker for the high republic
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lady-of-luthien · 11 months
Jedi Survivor is awesome!
So I preordered this game (regular pre-order not pay an extra $20 for cosmetics - c'mon now EA) and started playing it immediately after work on release day. I finished the main storyline three weeks later and have been running around doing side quests. I will definitely play it again - on actual new game plus! (Yes yes I know why that wasn't feasible last game, but still.)
This game is jaw-droppingly gorgeous. I loved being able to do more things. There will be random spoilers, so the rest is under the cut.
Gorgeous planets: Koboh has so much variety. The "oh space frontier is like the Wild West frontier" is a little wacky, but they leaned into it so it's a little funny. I loved that we got to go to Jedha. There are so many random conversations I missed because I was focused on the storyline in my first playthrough.
More saber stances! I focused mainly on the double saber, blaster stance, and a little bit on the dual saber. Next playthrough I'm going to use more single saber and cross-guard - I want to see what those play styles feel like.
Merrin and Cal on Jedha - taking out that massive drill! So amazing!
So many themes of surviving, of trauma (escape pod from the Lucrehulk), moving on, dealing with grief and anger (Cal's dark deeds was scary), etc.
I was not expecting Master Cordova. I thought he died!
FUCK YOU BODE! I was not expecting that at all (I was hard avoiding spoilers while playing the game).
Cere looked awesome. I was so scared when she fought Vader, I did not want her to die.
I'm also afraid that Cal will have to fight Vader in the third game and then he'll die because NO NO NO.
They continued the hilarious random stormtrooper conversations and extended that with the clone-war era droids.
Rick the Door Technician!
The lead-up to the boss fight with Rayvis was legit more terrifying than the actual fight (I also chickened out and played the fight on Story Mode).
The Cantina music playlist is awesome!
My cantina peeps: Skoova Stev, Moran, Caij, and Mosey are so fun!
Dagan Gera's storyline was a bit...incomplete? Felt a little lacking. Why was Tanalorr your home? Why are you so focused on Tanalorr? Was it because of Santari Khri (her lightsaber is amazing)? Did you guys have a thing? It felt like you guys had a thing.
There are some bugs. Since I recently built my PC, I didn't have the same performance issues others had. Did it crash? Yes, but only when I went fast traveling from one end of the planet to the other. Other times, it won't let me customize Cal or quit the game. Fix that, please!
Why does the game require so much storage space? It's insane.
It has RPG-elements with the customization, but I wished it was a bit more RPG-like. For example: the conversation options have consequences (oh well, there's Star Wars Outlaws next year).
I want more planets! Or more expanded planets. There was Coruscant, Koboh (which yes is the main base), Koboh's moon, Jedha, the Nova Garon asteroid, and a tiny bit of Tanalorr.
I want more! Can we have a DLC?
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