#the mycanoids are right there
astarionlover · 10 months
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ottertooferswriting · 8 months
BG3 NPC-Oc's
Something I haven't seen much of (if any) yet in the BG3 fandom is Oc's that aren't Tav's. There's so much love for some of the NPC's that we all wish we could romance, (I'm looking at you, Zevlor, Rolan, Dammon ect) and such a wide variety of side quests and little interactions you can do with the existing NPC's that it feels like almost every playthrough you discover one you didn't realize you Could do something with.
The sheer breadth of the game leaves plenty of wiggle room to just...add your own. Romanceable, potential new companion, a flesh out to an area you wished you could have done more with in one particular area of the map?
So....my question is what kind of NPC Oc would you all make?
Disclaimer: There's a healthy dose of indulgent creative liberty with my NPC's quest triggers\backstory think of it as a What If for the game not something meant to fully mesh 100%.
Here's mine:
Name: Micarbryn (Mica to friends\lovers) She\Her pronouns.
Seldarine Lolth Drow: Notable Features: Unusual eye color for Drow, Scarring across left side of face, partial left ear, artificer mobility aid covering left elbow down to fingertips disguised as a gauntlet. Age:300
Class: Artificer: Alchemist\Fighter: Psi Warrior Cross Class.
Romanceable\Companion addition: Yes: Poly Options with Halsin, Astarion, Shadowheart
(more details under cut now with added character pictures!)
Location in game: Underdark
Quest triggers: Freeing suspiciously intelligent runt phase spider from trap who offers to take you to "The Crafter" for a reward.
Stumbling on cache of coded paperwork in locked chest (pass an INT or WIS check to decode) that gives location of a safehouse "The Den".
Siding with the group of masked\disguised raiders that attack a Drow settlement to free a group of slaves.
Stage 2 (addition to camp) quest trigger: Coming back to the Den to trade only to find it raided, speaking with a survivor (or dead body) informs you that Mica was taken to Moonrise.
Freeing\Finding her along with the tiefling's and other captives at Moonrise offers a quest line depending on what kind of run your doing:
"Good" Run: Waking to find that she's snuck off in the middle of the night while still near to critically injured and Halsin has followed her.
Durge Run: Waking to find her hovering over you with her chains wrapped around your neck, (succeed on a STR or CHA check to convince her not to kill you)
Approval actions: Persuasion: using your charms to better your situation, Intimidation: dealing with upstarts or enemies, Deception: protecting your companions\allies, and Kindness choices, Ie: Helping the Mycanoids, Tieflings, Barcus Wroot, the deep Gnomes ect (you can ask for compensation but following through is key)
Disapproval actions: Unnecessary cruelty in dialog or actions, making promises you wont keep, choices that allow others to be exploited or their secrets outed.
Discoverable backstory:
Her family was secretly not affiliated with Lolth, their right of passage for its daughters on their coming of age birthday (100th) they have to find a good act to do to better the life of someone other Drow would deem lesser. Mica was on a trip with her mother to another city and saw a captive Halsin, turned to her mother and answered 'I know what I want for my birthday'. It then became her sole responsibility to make sure he was freed without it tracing back to her family as a test of her skills. 
Family’s fall from grace and her subsequent journey to becoming a sort of Robin Hood meets Powerloader (my hero) meets Captain Amelia (treasure planet) happens roughly fifty years after she freed him (In "Good Run" Durge style run is a different timeline with other...options >:3) next time she sees Halsin is in Moonrise.
Did a quick creation of an approximation of her current age of 300 and what she looked like when she would have first met Halsin at 100. And also have a spotify playlist
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That's it for now, I may do some fic snippets of her, maybe look for some art....
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npbapdr · 6 years
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Toy Info: Medium Kobold, in 0030 hardness, coloured light blue and light green, by PleasureForge, available on etsy at pleasureforge.com
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Toy Info: Mycanoid, in 0030 hardness, coloured light pink and light yellow, by Pleasure Forge, available on etsy at pleasureforge.com
These two toys is the second set of purchases I’ve made from Pleasure Forge, however the circumstances of my purchase are a bit irregular, and are worth mentioning as they could affect my review. The first purchase I made from this store in early December of 2017 had multiple issues, namely, fingerprints on the bottom, and the fact that I received a different albeit quite similar toy than I ordered (same model, different colour). After bringing this up with the store owners, they said that they gave me the wrong order due to a hectic schedule caused by recently finished shop repairs from a hurricane, and that they should’ve marked it as a flop. Due to this, I got a 50$ discount off of this purchase, making these much cheaper as a result.
All these events gave me a pretty deep insight into their customer service. Despite the fact that there was some confusion that occured during my order, and every response took a day because I could only message them after their work hours, they had really good customer service, always being kind, and always attempting to help out as best they could. Regardless of their great customer service, this is a review of the toys themselves at the end of the day, so onto that.
It is important that I mention that I am a male, and as a result, I can only review how these toys feel when used anally.
I will first be reviewing their medium kobold. I was very pleased with the pour I received; although one side of it is mostly green, I got about exactly what I wanted. The toy itself has a very squishy feel to it I absolutely love, feeling amazing in the hands, and even better on the inside. The previous order I made was both too big for me to use, and too hard for my tastes, so this was something I was glad to be able to use at all, let alone regularly
There is one notable issue with the toy design, however. Disappointingly, it’s kind of hard to get a grip on it at times. If I want to move it around with my hand, the only option available is to grab it from the bottom, which forces my wrist at a 90 degree+ angle when I move it in and out with my hand. When I’m using this toy I usually sit down on this while I do other stuff, so if I decide to play around with it a bit with a lubricated hand, it will slide around when I sit down on it later, forcing me to stop what I’m doing to wipe down the bottom.
Onto the myconid: although the pour and hand feel this one was as amazing as the first, this one was pretty much a flop for me for a couple reasons. When I first purchased this toy, I planned to use this as a kind of butt plug, since that’s what it looked like to me. I now feel kind of like it wasn’t really designed for this. Firstly, it seems really really big for that; I can only get half the toy and me, and I only managed to get it inside me all the way once, with immediate regrets. Perhaps I’m just inexperienced, and it’s actually designed for plug type use, however if it’s made for a more in and out type of function, there’s another issue that’s hard to get around, at least for anal use. The texture on the outside is moderately abrasive, and makes it harder to do in and out motions with. All the “ridges” (I guess?) make me sore after a short time, especially since I can only get like 2 inches down the thing, which makes me unable to reach the prostate with it, leaving me only with the feel of the the toy itself. I can see this toy working great if you have a vagina, or are well experienced with large toys, but there isn’t really anything I personally can do with it right now.
I think it would be nice if there was a smaller and/or skinnier version, as that would fix one or both of the problems I had with this toy. I think the outside wouldn’t be as much of a problem if it wasn’t stretching me out too much already, as being stretched and rubbed a lot at once gets overwhelming very quickly. On the bright side, I have a pretty good, yet perverted stress ball on my desk now thanks to this.
Overall, I’d say I was pretty happy with my purchase. I got one really good toy out of it, and one that taught me a number of things to be more attentive of when purchasing anal plugs, namely texture and size. The 0030 hardness feels great, and is something I definitely will be getting from this point onwards whenever I buy any more sex toys.
This store has great customer service and high quality materials, and is one I would suggest buying from if any of their designs catch your eye, and if you are in the market for a fantasy toy.
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