#the most serious thing ive ever drawn
hartlesshart · 21 days
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how we got here -> Page 1 yes it keeps going -> Page 4
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majorcatboy · 3 months
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MGS3 Secret Theatre was peak honestly, this is exactly how it went right
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pastadoughie · 4 months
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hai! im rowen (he/him) and i draw thingse soemtimze!! im a queer (trans, intersex, gay) 17 (5-1-07) yr old furry artist :3 u probably know my blog for drawing many many silly kitties and miscilanious creechers, but i do other things!
i do requests (no ocs or fandom shit, ONLY silly) and i take commisions (i am working on a website to organize all the prices and stuff, but for now, just dm me if youre intrested)
i do all my art on mspaint (win10 ver.) unless explicitly stated otherwise, i just use the default pencil tool on 4px (the largest default size setting) witch is a round brush with no antialiasing
i use a drawing tablet, the XP-Pen Deco 1 V2 (Celeste, He/Him), and an ASUS Harman/Kardon i7 14.5 In. laptop (Chelsea, She/Her)
my blog mostly runs on a queue, witch is very long and only goes onse a day, so sometimes extremeley old artwork gets posted. for this reason posts that are recently posted are not nessasarily recently drawn. furthermore, asks sometimes take an extremely long time to post after ive actually answered them, so please dont resubmit things. (+ i have far too many askse to actually be able to answer them all. so asks that are very similar to things ive already answered, are extremely time consuming, or are just not that funny, are unlikely to ever be answered)
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rebeast : is for reblogs of other peoples content
rowencatfanart : is for fanart people have made for me (if you make any please tag it as such, as well as mention me in the post)
the beast speaks : is for all my original text posts
retchid opinions : are for my own text posts where i actually say things of value and have an opinion on topics
screaming and scampering : is for when i say bullshit that doesnt matter
consulting thea council : is for polls of mine
rowens serious art : is for serious rendered art of mine
rowens liddol guys : is for sillies of all kinds that ive made
biblically accurate rowen : is for art of non-kitty me, for blacklisting purposes (i like to not be reminded i am a person when im scrolling thru my own blog) mspaint animations : for when i animate things on mspaint (onion skin is for cowards i let my heart guide me) rowens animatics : are for when i make, animatics, its really self explainatory. rowens advertising : is for when i advertise my products or twitch or commisions or whatever. for blacklisting purposes the mewsifixtion : is for when i give out easter eggs 2 ppl who send me asks. asks for this are currently CLOSED rowensumptions : are for when ppl send me headcannons they have abt me thru asks S teir wimpering : for the text postre ive made that r actualey funny rows gross old ort : for when i reblog old art of mine i tag all asks with the username of the person who asked them, so if u want to find a previous ask of yours i answered you can just search your own username i also try to tag asks i answer with the date of when they were sent to me, and the date i actually drew them, because the queue can make this confusing,,, i cant really retroactively see the send date of posts i made before this tagging change, so some we will simpley nevr know,,, dates are written in american date format. so month-day-year i always tag the software i use for each artwork, but its pretty much always MSPaint (Win10), though i occasionally do image editing in Asesprite
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the gray and white kitty i draw most frequently is my catsona! he is not an oc and is specifically meant to represent me
i ask that you please do not use drawings of him as personal branding (such as pfps, banners, avatars, ect.)
the samething applies to my fursona, valentine, though his design changes too much to give an accurate ref for, i generally will specify in the tags
i am generally fine with people saying that my catsona is cute but please dont make any overly explicit comments about my fursona, or on my posts in general. i am a minor (i dont care if you say like, ouyhh bark bark i love men i get it hes meant to be attractive but use some common sense)
furthermore. for people who have blogs with alot of untagged sexually explicit content its best you dont interact with me, i have my age set properly, so i do not see sexual posts that are properly flagged, but if your posts ARENT flagged, and you interact WITH ME, then thats on YOU for exposing a minor for sexually explicit content
if you have minors DNI in your bio and make a whole song and dance abt how ggrrr!!! i block ageless blogs and minors!!! and then go and reblog my posts with sexual comments then thats on you. and not me.
i dont care that much frankly, about seeing joke posts abt penis or whatever, but there is a line. and if you are trying to curate a specifically adult space on your blog then you also have to put in the work to not intentionally loop minors into that
also. please do not act overly familiar with me, im a 17 yr old on the internet and not your friend. and while i am not opposed to meeting people on tumblr, there is a line and you need to actually build some kind of relationship with me before youre allowed to act like that.
u can find me on tumblr (duh) : @pastadoughie : my main @leftoverdough : is my reblog sideblog @scungledfiles : is the web graphics blog i run w/ my friend (@soggiedsocks) (though we havent been as active as of late cuz mentol ealness + i have been fopcusing moar on this blog) youtube : pastadoughie (i havent posted in 6 months ouhm, oops,) twitch : pastadoughie etsy : scungledthings (i also share this with @soggiedsocks, when contacting my shop you will most likely be talking to him and not me.) if you would like to contact me FOR COMMISIONS directly you can also do so discord : pastadough email : [email protected] PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ONLY BUISNESS INQUIRIES!! stupid shit should be sent via ask or tumblr dm. DO NOT FLOOD MY EMAIL!! i WILL block you!! --- Last Updated : 5-1-2024
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alaskasbignaturals · 5 months
by the way this is what i drew yesterday when my hands weren't cooperating with my brain and my art style had a mind of its own
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most serious thing ive ever drawn ever <3
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squid-ink-symphony · 4 months
f1sh and chips headcanons?
Nonbinary and kinda indifferent on their gender. Goes by She/They. Doesn't really care if you use other pronouns for them tho.
Aromantic and a lesbian. Is still ok with labeling a relationship as dating even if she doesn't experience romantic love the same way as other people.
Autistic, and doesn't always function super well as an adult on her own. But she's doing her best.
Collects stuffed animals and small toys.
Likes cute things, but some people would label their definition of cute as weird.
Loves bright colors. Crank that saturation up!
Very blunt.
Gets along pretty well with her bandmates. They aren't SUPER close but they are friends.
Knows she is different. Doesn't care. It probably used to bother them more when they were younger, but now she has come to terms with it.
House is very messy.
People are just drawn to her, she doesn't particularly like it.
A lot of people think that because she is blunt and speaks her mind that she doesn't ever lie and take everything she says at face value. He is very capable of lying and will do so for various reasons if needed. Or sometimes just cuz spreading misinformation is funny. Will tell you the sky is bright green with no hesitation and a deadpan expression.
Depressed. Is on medication for it and handles it ok ish...
Video game addict. You can usually find her at home in her pajamas playing some new game surrounded by empty instant ramen cups.
Mostly enjoys creative or cute games like pokemon, animal crossing, or minecraft. Doesn't play them often, but she is the absolute best at fighting games. Could beat anyone blindfolded. Is good at a lot of hard games, but doesn't really like that kind of stuff.
Plays a lot of things as they come out and probably has a blog where she reviews them.
Knows every skip and speedrun strat ever.
Likes platformers, especially 2d ones.
Collects old nintendo consoles/games.
Stims a lot with any object nearby. Likes to play with her bracelets a lot. Will just pick up random things and fidget with them.
Seems to be tired a lot, has bags under her eyes. Stays up late a lot but doesn't mind the lack of energy.
Very clumsy and has poor motor controls for a lot of things. Has to take frequent breaks when playing games or music. Gets hurt a lot bumping into random objects.
Issues with her wrists have been a problem for most of her life due to her hobbies, and she is surprisingly good at taking care of them nowadays. Used to not care but then some serious injuries happened and she realized she couldn't afford to do that.
Bigender! He/She/They probably. Would maybe be open to neos if he found the right ones.
Demiromantic, Bi, and Asexual. Both Acht and Harmony are aspec(not for any reason what no i'm not biased as an aroace person noooo-)
When first getting out of the metro he was VERY malnourished and had a hard time eating food. He has a lot of texture issues and finds most foods unbearable to put in her mouth.
Has since gained her weight back and is looking more healthy.
Is very sensitive to sunlight, and burns very easily even in normal weather with minimal exposure. This is part of the reason she spends so much time alone indoors.
Eyes are also very sensitive to light after being sanitized and living in the deep for so long. This is why he wears sunglasses everywhere.
Is also autistic like harmony. (again, as an autistic person i am in no way biased towards headcanoning characters as autistic ok?) Is sensitive to sounds and wears noise canceling headphones a lot.
Goes nonverbal if overstimulated.
Doesn't talk that much, is more the type to say as few words as possible to get their sentence across.
Likes eating cereal with no milk. It's one of their favorite snacks.
LOVES fruit. They are that meme of the person covered in mango juice.
Just like harmony, his face isn't very expressive. But while harmony always looks like she's daydreaming, Acht often looks angry. This is especially true when she has her glasses on since you can't see her eyes.
Really likes fashion. Likes very femme alternative stuff specifically.
Is already naturally tall, and wears heels everywhere. Towers over most other octolings/inklings.
There are many lasting effects from the sanitization. Including physical and mental symptoms. Acht is slowly recovering tho!
Can play piano, just doesn't. Doesn't remember where they learned to, but it makes them feel slightly sad to play it.
Has amnesia due to the sanitization. Can remember things like skills, but not where they learned them or from who. Doesn't remember much of her past. Doesn't remember much family or friends either. Can picture some blurry faces, but not names or how they knew each other.
Tartar told her about her decision to be sanitized, and she has no choice but to have taken his word for why she decided to due so as she has no memory of it.
Has a hard time adjusting to life on the surface.
Has some trauma surrounding medical equipment, and doesn't like to go to doctors.
I've always Acht having known Marina before coming to the surface, but with Side Order confirming they know each other somehow i will wait to flesh that out until we get more info.
Is confident and somewhat social(especially compared to Harmony) but needs a lot of time to recharge their batteries after being around others.
They both like to make music, and often make silly little songs together. Acht likes to take whatever Harmony hums and turn it into short songs.
Both of them don't sleep much. Harmony doesn't like to because she prefers to spend her time on hobbies n such instead. She also has insomnia, but since she doesn't like sleeping it doesn't really bother her TOO much. Acht on the other hand has issues sleeping due to frequent nightmares. She ends up having terrifying nightmares of her time with tartar or things she can't fully remember from before she was sanitized. Harmony is always there to comfort him when he wakes up sweating and frightened.
Both of them are very picky about food and so their pantries end up being stuffed with lots of their prefered safe foods.
Acht tries to push himself to leave his apartment in splatsville from time to time to avoid being totally disconnected from the world because that's what she did when she first got to the surface and it made her very depressed. On one of those trips Acht ended up visiting Hotlantis because he was just exploring various shops. He really liked the vibes of the shop and the wide variety of items that rotated frequently had him coming back. This is where the two of them first met.
At first Harmony and Acht didn't even notice each other despite Acht becoming a regular to come buy and look at weird little items. But eventually after having to check Acht out so many times she finally started to pay attention to what Acht was buying and noticed they had similar tastes. Then one day Harmony struck up a conversation with Acht and they became friends from there.
I think they are both poly and wouldn't mind if their partner dated someone else. But neither of them have another partner right now.
While they both may struggle with a lot of things they help each other out and manage to get through life ok.
It took a bit for Acht to get back to making music after getting out of the metro.
They like to watch ghibli movies while cuddling for a lot of their dates. They will watch all of them and then just start over with the first one again. I think the movies are comfort media for them. Harmony's favorite movie is Spirited Away and Acht's favorite is Kiki's Delivery Service.
Acht chills with Harmony's fish a lot i think.
Neither of them know how to cook.
Harmony leaves her work spaces very messy, but Acht keeps hers VERY neat.
Acht and Harmony both take surprisingly long to get ready and pick out outfits, but Acht takes much longer than Harmony.
They do a lot of parallel play where they just sit in silence and do their own thing.
Acht hangs out at Hotlantis with Harmony a lot and just keeps their headphones on and chills.
Acht also runs the store when Harmony isn't there.
They both listen to a lot of video game osts and it's probably what Harmony keeps playing in the store as well.
Acht has asked why Harmony doesn't stream playing games, and Harmony just doesn't wanna. She would rather just post reviews.
They swap whos the little spoon depending on the day.
Both of them have terrible sleep schedules.
The first time Acht ever saw a splatfest she was enamored, and now she makes sure to always attend the concerts. Harmony insists on keeping the store open since people are everywhere during splatfests and love to shop. But the floats come through the same streets as the shop, so Acht makes sure to pull her away to watch them at least once. And Harmony loves seeing the music as well.
Neither of them really participate in turf wars. Acht is older than most players and finds it awkward to team up with random teenagers but isn't willing to put together an official team of players her age. But she still likes to take her trusty squiffer out to the practice range to keep her skills sharp. Harmony LOVES to watch her practice.
I was about to go into a whole thing of which team they would pick for each splatfest and why, but i think thats gonna have to be later/if anyone asks for it cuz it may be too long for this post lol
so yeah ill end it there for now. they are my beloveds and i could talk about them forever so feel free to ask questions/send in suggestions/talk about how you view them
here is a goofy doodle i did in 5 mins on my laptop for compensation for reading this far:
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raccoonhearteyes · 2 years
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Part I  | Part II  | Part III | Part IV  | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X | Part XI
December 18th, 2018 
It has been over a month since Lexa saw Clarke. Or accidentally fucked her after falling asleep on her roof. She was just so warm. And kind. And being pulled into Clarke’s orbit is just too easy. Lexa knows that if she sees her, she won’t be strong enough to walk away. Even though it’ll be better for her. So instead of risking the temptation, Lexa has avoided any place she may run into Clarke. She refuses to go near the gallery. She avoids the whole borough where Clarke lives. She won’t even let herself get coffee somewhere if there’s a chance a flash of golden hair and baby blue eyes will send her spiraling again. 
Lexa usually loves the holiday season in the city. She loves the lights and the display windows. This year, seeing happy couples kiss at the Rockefeller tree, families cozied together in the winter chill just makes her feel hollow and empty. 
The Darkness preys on weakness, and skates by Lexa. Lexa’s too depressed to walk away and make him chase her. When he takes a lap the second time, he slows to a stop in front of her.
“What’s the matter Lexa, no holiday spirit this year?” 
“Hard to be cheery when you spend it alone.”
“What are you talking about, I’m here, aren’t I?” 
“You’re not exactly the company I’d ever hope for.” 
“Hm, still hung up on your artist, then?”
In the past twenty years, he has been cruel and relentless in trying to get her to give up her soul. He taunts and times his appearances on the days when she feels the worst. But he is still the most consistent aspect of her life, the only person or devil that remembers her. That she can carry a conversation with without worrying about being forgotten. While he’s shown up at bad times, he sometimes shows up just to check. They talk about things other than stealing her soul every so often. Sometimes he’s the outlet she needs for a more serious conversation that a stranger won’t have. 
And tonight, for whatever reason, he seems less likely to convince her to give up. Maybe it’s the holiday spirit. Maybe she’s projecting. Maybe she really is just that desperate for some semblance of human connection. 
“I feel like I lived an entire life with her in these past six months. I know her better than most of her friends do, but I’m not even a blip on her radar. So now I'm just killing time.”
“Until what?” 
“Until I die. Until I give up and let you take my soul.”
He seems genuinely surprised at her confession, then she continues, “You’ve known all along, haven’t you?” 
“Known what?”
“That offering a life in which you don’t age seems like something that would last longer. But no one lasts longer than a standard lifetime, do they? People barely last a full lifetime.”
“The best kind of deals are the ones where you think you’ve won,” he shrugs arrogantly.
Lexa is fuming with anger at this point. Who preys on foster kids with lofty promises and rigged deals? This is so wrong, and yet she’s still so trapped, so lonely, that he still might win. 
“So, is this you waving the white flag?”
Lexa is about to say yes, to end it, and let him take her soul if it means the heartbreak stops. But suddenly, there she is. Wrapped in a knit scarf and a beanie, art supplies sprawled over a park bench as she draws the scene. Clarke. She looks beautiful, and seeing her there at this exact moment feels like a sign, and it gives Lexa the courage to tell the Darkness, “Not today.” 
Like a moth to a flame, she’s drawn closer to Clarke. But she’s wary of getting too close. Close enough to bask in her warmth, but not so close that she burns her wings. It’s a delicate line to tightrope her way across. Especially in the aching loneliness of the holidays. 
Clarke is drawing people, as she always does. So Lexa decides to stand near enough that she’ll inspire another piece, but not so close that she risks falling into conversation with her. That’s too risky. Too easy to fall back into her orbit. Too easy to get sucked into another devastating heartbreak. 
So Lexa is content to watch from afar. To watch Clarke's eyes light up when she captures a moment on the page. To watch her smile at the little kids learning to ice skate below the massive tree. To watch the colors of the tree reflect off her blonde hair and the snow get caught in her lashes. It makes her chest swell with longing, so full it begins to ache. 
It’s not her fault a family asks her to take a photo of them. To get the full tree in the frame she had to take a few steps back. It’s not her fault that happened to be in Clarke’s direction. It’s out of her control that Clarke watched the whole interaction, watched the silly faces she made to get the baby to look in the right direction. 
She was trying to avoid her. To be close, but not too close, but Clarke noticed her this time. It’s not her fault. 
“That was adorable,” Clarke says, gesturing at the small family happily peering at the photos Lexa had just taken. 
“I couldn’t let the baby ruin the photo by looking over there,” Lexa blushes. 
Clarke just smiles at her, “Hi.”
Lexa doesn't try to continue the conversation. She very intentionally turns her attention back to the tree and the ice skaters below, but she should have accounted for Clarke. Clarke, who has no hesitations in starting a conversation with a pretty stranger, who always talks to new people like they’re old friends. 
“Can I draw you?” she asks. 
“Sure.”Always. She knows she’s breaking a promise to herself, but instead of being rude or dismissive, she caves to blue eyes and a soft smile. 
Clarke has her turn around to face her, lean back on the railing and prop her elbows on it. She wants to get the whole tree in the background, and Lexa tries to steady her breathing to prepare for the intimacy of sustained eye contact while Clarke draws her. Again.   
They make idle chit chat while she works. Lexa keeps her answers short, just shy of curt. She doesn’t return the questions because she already knows Clarke’s answers. Instead, she focuses on the pink tongue poking out between Clarke’s teeth. The little freckle above her lip. Those eyes. Lexa blinks and Clarke is teasing her about something she said over fries. Those eyes are full of mirth and still feel like home. She blinks again and sees the same cocky twinkle looking up from between her legs. 
She has to get out of here. 
But Clarke’s not quite finished, and Lexa is a glutton for punishment. So she stays to model, letting Clarke's eyes trace the curve of her ass. The jut of a jawline. It’s a divine sort of torture. 
But she can’t let it go any further. She can’t, she can’t, she can’t. She’s not strong enough. She’s too afraid to get caught up in a conversation. To end up tangled in bed with Clarke yet again. Her heart can’t take it. 
The second she sees Clarke finish, she literally runs away. It’s not her proudest moment. Or her most well-thought-out, but she’s on survival mode now, and it is what needed to be done. 
Safely on the other side of the rink, she takes one last look at Clarke, who just finished signing her name to the bottom of the piece. Lexa watches her look around in confusion. Glancing down at the piece then up, looking for the model and seeing nothing. Not recognizing the face. Not remembering the brief conversation they had while she worked. Drawing a blank. And Lexa’s heart shatters once again.
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neoarchipelago · 5 months
tw for rape and sorta mentions of suicide (just basically saying kys in context ) for those very sensitive or triggered by these!!
but like i went through all the posts i could find and they never said anything bad about non con or dubcon she said rape fics were bad- and the point of her being a “hypocrite” for writing dubcon confuses me as why would someone who didnt support that stuff write it? it doesn’t make sense to me. i understand not liking her point on the kys bit but you guys got really hung up on it and completely missed the point of it about literal rape being romanticized and used as a fetish, not noncon and the likes used as a coping mechanism. it breaks my heart to see especially from people i supported and enjoyed a lot and got me into this community supporting rape. ive dealt with lots of sexual assults and have been raped myself a few times starting from a young age and let me tell you, its horrible. me and my boyfriend do get quite rough at times and do indulge in things like noncon- something that is used to cope and can help- and it is so much different than actually being raped. if you like it rough and dirty trust me girl i completely get it but actually being raped is the most demeaning, violating, and live devastating things that can happen- not to mention the other physical side affects of it. not trying to spread hate, maybe i should be for supporting it, but im more just sad? like seeing a community im so into and my biggest comfort character ( who also has dealt with rape) supporting and defending it all just feels like a betrayal and so debilitating. so many of my safe spaces have been ruined in a physical and metaphysical sense and it just reminds me of the sa when i was a teenager and other boys on my team (i was raped and abused by multiple wrestlers as i was the only girl in the sport in a very large state wide tournament hosted by my school) joking about it and making it not serious not taking me serious and sexualizing the whole situation and thinking i was lucky for a chick. just sickening and heartbreaking to see and the worst throwback thursday ever.
Hi love. First of all, I'm truly sorry of what happened to you. No one should ever have to go through that and you are truly amazingly strong.
Thank you for sharing your point through respect and calm.
I'd like to throw you back to this essay that explains my point of view here. Of course, it's understandable if you don't accept it. I'm not here to convince anyone on this. This is sharing a point of view.
Here, hoping that you fully understand.
This will however be the last time I'll debate on this subject, further comment or anons will simply get a copy paste.
I- dub-con, non-con and CNC kink in fiction.
A- the place of these themes in fiction and how it separated from reality.
I think the line has to be drawn. A line people seem to forget too easily. Obviously, rape is a horrible thing. This fact has never been refuted in any fics or novels or books. No writer will ever tell you, ‘rape is awesome and soooo romantic’.
Fiction is absolutely fiction. We are aware of it. There's a big difference. This obviously something readers choose to read being aware of fiction. Being aware that the real thing is horrible. Warnings and tags are always there to avoid readers unaware of it.
B- the differences with other themes
One thing I've been asked is what kind of difference writing rape is from writing dub-con or even pedophilia?
On dub-con, the line is blurred. Softer, protagonist may be in a path where the sexual action is wanted but blocked by the mind or pushed to it by the other protagonist, forcing their own need to give in. It is still seen as rape as consent is not fully given. There's not much difference from non-con. Writers usually use this tag to avoid any triggers to people.
For pedophilia, let's see this in a more details. I think we can all agree that all these themes, dub-con, CNC, non con, always involve adults. Whatever it is the kink, or in stories, it’s adults. Adults who are aware of what sex is and what this kink it. Children should never be near any of those themes. It's not about kinks anymore, children don't have kinks.
II- the reality of voicing your opinion on internet
A- SA victims and SH victims, sexual shame
Now there's something we need to talk about. Writing theses themes are used by many as a coming mechanism. SA victims may often use these writings to help the aftermath of these events in their own life.
In the kink itself it's something that obviously causes a lot of shame towards people who are not part of it. But many things need to be said. It's a need for a control of a situation that is dangerous and traumatizing. It's a sign of truth with your partner. Fiction is a way to live that fantasy in full safety as they are clearly aware of the truth of that situation in real life.
Now the thing that has started this whole conversation was the ‘don’t forget to tell rape kink writers to off themselves’.
It is not a small detail. Not at all!
This is where fiction is separated from reality. You are telling a real person to commit a real act that could lead to fatal consequences.
Obviously I think we’re all aware that many people on this website suffer from depression, self harm tendencies and bullying. I do too. Your words matter. Trust me. We’ve seen it with Inquisitor’s death while a live TikTok.
Many other tiktokers who had helped not only spread rumors but bully the creator only realized their mistake once he killed himself.
This is a no turn back situation.
Do you think you have the guts to wake up in the morning, knowing someone killed themselves because they wrote something you were against? That you are the reason they died? Their families are grieving?
You can find an article on the CNC kink here:
B- respect even through anger
We have established one thing. The internet is a wild, free universe. Anyone can say or write or post whatever they want.
You are free to voice out your opinion, anger amongst these binary and servers. But one thing that is not ok is the way you say it.
A point doesn't need to be full of hate or threats to be said. Especially when serious consequences could be blown by it.
Everyone has their opinion, things they don't like. You are free to avoid tags, not read, block people. Protect yourself first. But attacking isn't protecting yourself. You’re simply causing another kind of harm.
People need to own up to their words and actions.
If you tell someone to kill themselves, it's horrible. It's an actual crime. A full crime.
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the-kipsabian · 9 months
i have my two cents nobody asked for but i do have them
orange cassidy was one of the staple names of aew for me since the very beginning. he was one of the few kids from indies (hilariously enough, considering how old he is actually lol) that i knew beforehand and whos work i greatly enjoyed (janela and mjf being few others, for example), so ive been drawn to him since the very beginning of this company; hes one of the names that got me interested in aews potential, and what they could offer to me as an alternative, cause if they choose to hire him, they knew what they were doing
ive been in his corner since day one. be it comedy wrestling or any of this more serious stuff. him winning the belt was huge, and he continued to make it, he kept it important. hes the second ever international champion, and its already one of the most prestigious titles in this company. because of him, his title reign and how he defended it
watching oc go through all of this, the character growth through the months and how hes been dealing with all of this - especially with last weeks stadium stampede - has been.. i dont know if theres proper words for it, honestly. it sure has been something. the one thing thats sad about it is that people are finally getting behind him and seeing how fucking good he really is only after it all became serious like this, but also i get it. he is not everyones cup of tea, but boy howdy he should be. man so versatile he puts everyone else to shame fr
he has done so great. matchups nobody thought possible, and hes almost always come out on top. orange cassidy elevated not only his game throughout all of this, he elevated the entire game. his opponents, the whole ass fucking playing field. improvise. adapt. overcome. nobody do it in this game like orange cassidy
am i sad he lost the title to mox? yeah. all personal bias aside, i think we should have given him more time, mainly cause the last few weeks he has been absolutely insane and i wish we could have seen him build on that more. more talk time like hes been having, i dont say more blood orange cause thats.. twice is already so much. but more time to show this feral stray cat side of him, him talking shit and elevating even on that game, putting the money where his mouth is. we needed more of that honestly before he was dethroned and had to move on to hopefully a well deserved rest for a while, especially since what we got was absolutely incredible and got peoples attention. he deserves more than that, so people can be taking notice when he scoots over to world title pictures next cause lbr, thats where this superstar is heading
i do hope mox keeps this title growing. he is more than capable of it for sure, but also i just dont think we are ever seeing as hard of a title reign in this company as orange cassidys. that man is one of a kind, and so deserving of all of his roses that will ever come to his way. and i think, love him or hate him, everyone should give him those roses after all of this
thank you
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twiggyart6 · 3 months
collecting short funny things to write under fanart of characters you really love
please feel free to add more thank you :3
(this is long as shit be prepared)
looking at them
my friend :)
I can't believe this
brain blasted
what a little freak
do you even care
be so fucking for real
your kidding
what a weirdo
a wonderous creature
consider this
from my personal collection
what the
I'm so normal
I'm not normal
why are they like that
evil swag
I'm gonna frow up
yeah this is pretty cool
pretty fucked up dog
have you seen this?
my beautiful princess
I'm ill
oh good heavens!
my son. he has every disease
this shit aint nothin to me man
I laurve them
just a little bit. as a treat
tell them to stop
me when I GET you
the psychic worm (wohwohwohwohw)
good lord
cuteness aggression towards them
what the fuck ever
im feeling something
me when the
im fucking serious
love it when they appear
its becoming unhealthy
go white boy go!
your never gonna believe this
worst guy ive ever seen
their just so ... drawable
sorry guys
i saw it in a dream
she is very gorgeous to me!
i see them when i close my eyes
my little scrungle
be so fucking for real
i can do whatever i want
my baby girl
my little kitty meow meow
they've done something to me
i gotta get outa here
my favorite white man
full of joy a whimsy
going cray cray!
heyy gurl wasup
she is beuty she is grace
aaaaanything could happen
just like me fr
its time
divine retribution
so was foretold in the prophecy
their so ... woah
god. fucking. damn.
they understand me
you are not immune to propaganda
Explodes character with mind
Forgive me
I would tell them my most depraved thoughts
for the win!
my treasure my beloved
oh yeah woo yeah
thats it thats the post
this above all else
had to get it out of my system
you absolute baby buffoon
but make it epic
dont question it
gay baby jail
mwah <3
i want to make them into bread
no guys you don't get it
i got nervous
every fuckin time man
[puts face in hands and groans loudly]
no way
take a deep breath
stupid little bow wow
cringeposting once again
abandon society, embrace insanity
god has let me draw another day
had to do it
changed my brain chemistry
so the thing is-
im going to make you so girlfail
pathetic wet cat
their neat idk
or something like that
i have the disease and its terminal
shrimply amazing!
hits you with the beam
smile :)
send help
oh hi didn't see you there
no i will not elaborate
the creature is demonic in nature
i think there's something wrong with them
i think there's something wrong with me
its fine
woah woah woah
do you even realize what you've done
very cool
do you see my vision
whatever the fuck this is called
the strugler
oh i got you dont worry
nobody move
character on the brain always and forever
#1 hater
funny you should say that
nature is healing
imagine a guy. now imagine them again
ooo mama
get drawn idiot
get obsessed over idiot
if only they were real
post this character instantly
your honor i need them
ive got some notes
A juicy morsel
I want to push them down the stairs
They wouldn’t dare
(Eyes wide and mouth frothing) yeah!
my beautiful wife <3
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abimee · 2 years
4 and 20 for the ask thing :0?
4. Favorite thing to draw
🤔 hard to say but i think how constantly i draw characters naked in bed asleep i would posit drawing characters naked in bed asleep is one thing. i think i also love drawing characters smoking fsr. i also loooove drawing character redesigns im too lazy to make OCs but i love being given a character to mold and shape into my own image especially if theyre really boring to look at
20. A piece from this year that you're really proud of
surprisingly ive been hating most of what ive made so far this year but i genuinely think althaea gag reflex comic is the best thing ive ever drawn so i think it counts even if its. well
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if i gotta choose a serious picture i gotta say im always devasted whenever a comic of mine doesnt do well because theyre the things i spend the most time on while Also considering them the ugliest and worst pieces of art i make, so when they dont do well i weigh the idea that they Are bad and that i wasted a bunch of time, and that valentines comic i made not doing well at all made me really sad at the time and i havent made a comic of that scale since. but i really like how it came out regardless and will consider it the best piece of art ill make this year because i put my time into drawing the anatomy closer to my usual style than using a shorthanded one for faster drawing, and i made sure to color most of it in and even use some light shading and lightsourcing to really make sure it looked nice. my most intensive piece of art in a few years so its going on the wall for a while
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friesian · 2 years
sage and chamomile :??
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
as someone who can't really wrap their head around music (at least... haven't really TRIED yet, but maybe i will in the future.) i think that would be the kicker for me. i guess it moves me more since i can almost absolutely wrap and conceptualize my mind around forms of writing, and ive tried almost all forms of art in some respect...
i used to play flute a lot and i was jarred that i could even read music. it still seems foreign to me? sorta. i can also play by ear and stuff but i guess the idea of decorating time with words and music that can invoke some serious responses appeals to me the most since that concept escapes me.
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
ART!! doesn't matter what kind. you can buy it from someone else, you can make it yourself, ect. if its some type of thing that you at least looked at a creator and thought 'hey they may like that' i am REALLY keen on it.
the best gifts i've ever gotten are stuff people have drawn of my characters or got because it reminded them of me. i hold onto those for life. anyways. posts the christmas gift i got last year from my best friend.
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artist doesn't have any socials i can link since i believe they work exclusively through discord and is a personal friend of my bestie!! i don't wanna leak their disc....
but otherwise i LOVE stuff like this. this is my peak gift giving fav.
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dreampearls · 4 months
i guess while we're all self indulgently drawing parallels between series that are not interrelated whatsoever i might as well document my various colleisms
colleiuka / collnanika Sorry i ahve to obscure the names so they dont show up in other fandom tags. my conscientiousness. i have drawn this before and it is perhaps the most self indulgent thing ive ever drawn but its very important to me as a fan of scary weirdgirls. this specific scenario has elements that dont completely match up However it does provide an interesting angle to view the archon residue through (in that collei was willfully denying the fact that its parasitic; maybe she even attempted to humanize it because it was all she had? she could have even found a friend in it) <- of course this would mean the residue's metaphorical basis as a manifestation of all her guilt & self loathing would fall apart but its like. a fun alternate world to consider. the conceit of being weaponized by others & your will erased remains regardless
colleikozakura okay this ones a little insane. nnothing i ahven't breached before though. keep in mind the framework through which i understand this particular vocaloid song series is similarly self indulgent and dismissive of canon when its convenient for my own personal narrative LOL. but yeah no i am somehwat serious about this one. the snake thing being prominent between both characters is probably the biggest component driving this specific parallel but i do think its signifcant both are young girls severely isolated from society who were brought into the world via a person who viewed them as an equal and showed them there is a capacity for goodness and kindness in everyone and that they just need to take that first step. weaponization once again applies here. god against your own will. you've already died once. you're not supposed to be here but here you are. oh god both of their mothers sacrificed themselves for their survival i need a moment
well ill add a third bullet point because this will nicely round off my ideas but i gotta say the prior two ended up being much more lengthy than i anticipated. even i dont want to read all that. sorry that this isnt proofread. i=okay end post here
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ariesbilly · 6 months
FP 4, 8, 24
who is anonymously asking me about fp that is crazy.... havent had one of you in months lmao welcome
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
sons of anarchy absolutely. he would probably die immediately but not if I wrote him. write him as a proper gang leader and not the bitch ass nonsense we got
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
the shorter list is what dont they do... i absolutely HATE the woobification/daddyfication of fp jones. and they go hand in hand. everyone wanted to fuck skeet so bad so the writers completely changed his character from being morally grey, shitty but trying father with a serious alcohol problem in season 1 to making him some unsung hero, can do no wrong, kind of man alice fucking cooper of all people would blow up her life for (please be so incredibly serious....). what they did to that man.... i hope i never see it again that was the WORST character regression ive ever seen in my life. and everyone ate that shit up. because people who watch the cw and riverdale specifically have incredibly rotted brains (i can say this as a cw watcher tho i havent watched a show on there in ages. i am NOT riverdale watcher ive only ever seen 1 complete episode i was just watching parent scenes)
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
so fp is very much My Type™ when it comes to characters so like he literally reminds me of all of them lmfao but the two i go with the most are shawn hunter (boy meets world) and billy hargrove (stranger things. although....they came out at the same time relatively so its really just about the curse of me being drawn to sad substance abusing men with daddy issues.... and anger issues....and being gay.... shawn also falls into this category of course)
shawn and fp also share the trailer park upbringing. all 3 share abusive dads. crushes on sunshine boys. it really is all there lmao im a very predictable person
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dexaroth · 9 months
every day that passes i hate doing lineart more and more. lineless that isnt painted looks too simple and digital but getting a lineart that looks right just feels impossible. and you can only judge if its good lineart if you line the whole sketch and if its bad Well you have to do that shit all over again lol! get fucked!
for like. most of my stuff ive ever drawn ive used thick strokes/brush sizes partially bc ofc i like the look but also because the thing with lineart is that the bigger the size the less detail you need/can provide with it. and thick lineart, well, allows you to omit a lot of details! and anatomy! and angles! everything!! its.. often easy. which can also be fun but i personally cant find a way to draw something with a 'serious' tone using thick lines. i dont even know its possible. and then i pay for it with all the handiwork of lining everything and it still looks like shit. fucking hell
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wanderingsoul · 1 year
money and love
i recently saw a podcast clip talking about how we often feel the same about money as we do relationships. if we’re in a scarcity mindset, its most likely affecting these two areas of our lives in similar ways. 
my first reaction was to balk at the comparison, knowing that money stresses me out beyond belief and feeling that i’ve “hacked” relationships at this point and they don’t really cause me a lot of anxiety anymore. mostly due to an extreme amount of self-evaluation and need to have everything packed away neatly, but i digress. 
ever since i was young, i felt money was something that i always craved but never had enough of. my family grew up poor, and so there was no room for extras or fancy things. my mom says i was cursed with expensive taste, and i actually agree with her. i am drawn to designer clothes and shoes, expensive events and hobbies and really a luxury lifestyle. i started working when i was 13 years old, and from the get-go, i never got into the practice of saving. anything that i made babysitting would be spent at the mall or online within a few weeks or months. my parents would force me to donate money to our church, or a charity every month but that was the only time the money i made was not mine to use entirely. once the pattern was created, it has stayed fairly consistent over the past 10 years, with increasing paychecks, and increasing spending. i’ve paid almost every bill ive had early, and was able to save enough to buy a few cars, and a house, so you would think i would have some sense of security in that. or security in my job, where i make more than the median household income in america. but somehow its never enough. every check is spent paying off student loans and my credit card debt, which is from the last check where i spent more than i made. and i am fully stuck in the cycle. it feels like for years now, at least 1-2 years, that has been my life. bi-weekly stress of paying off bills and loans, and over-drafting my account several times a year. you would think at some point, i would start saying no, learn some impulse control and stop buying things. and some months i do, but most months i don’t. so lets look at the mindset i have when it comes to money, which is “it comes and goes easily”. i say this often mostly joking but truly do feel this way. i am able to make much more than i ever though possible, and am able to afford things and experiences i never thought possible. i hardly every say no to things regardless of the cost because i know i will be able to manage it. i still manage to pay my credit cards off every month so in my mind i am fine. i still stress every single paycheck, every month about money, but also am having the most fun of my life. 
when it comes to relationships, i can see some sort of patterns in my early experiences. i really did not have any notable relationships until college, and felt that attention was not something that i got very often. i had been single for a very long time, and did’t care to compete to date someone like most everyone else did. so when i did attach, i would become a bit obsessive. i would think about them all the time, want to spend every waking moment with them, and for the first notable partners, they did not feel the same. but as i’ve matured and expanded my dating pool, i have come to realize that i am the commodity. i am the prize and i can put in fairly minimal effort to get the attention i want. however, the attention that i get is never from someone that i see as an equal, or someone i would consider as a serious partner; it often comes from lonely guys looking for a good time. my mindset is a bit more protective of myself when it comes to dating, i am not going to invest my time in something i know won’t lead to where i want, and when i do invest time into someone, its at my pace, on my timeline, when works for me. i do not chase love, and i truly believe what is meant for me will be for me. 
after looking at both areas of my life, i realize that i do have some sort of trust in the universe that i will be taken care of, and i will be able to do achieve all my dreams. but for some reason, that peace doesn’t carry over as easily into money as it does in relationships, even though the stability i have in money is arguably much more than in relationships. i think with money i feel out of control and irresponsible, whereas in relationships i almost always feel in control. i would like to shift my thinking about money away from the scarcity mindset into one of abundance. 
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nar-nia · 1 year
You already know I'm gonna ask you too answer them all
Hehe <3
~M 🐝
and now i have time to do so 🤩 let's go! (I don't know how long ago that was and i'm so sorry, i just found that at the bottom of the editor list)
1. What are your top 2 favourite types of weather? Why?
summer rain and a light spring wind 🤩 both are just comfortable and peaceful
2. What are some youtube video you have watched multiple times and would go back and watch again?
i've already answered that but mostly music mvs!
3. Who have you see live at a concert?
most importantly of course enhypen 🤩 everyone who was at kpop flex (enhypen, ive, g-idle, mamamoo, ab6ix, nct dream and kai) and tiziano ferro, an italian singer
4. Who is ur go to Mario character?
either toad or yoshi!
5. Who is ur comfort streamer(s)?
gronkh! he's a german youtuber and from time to time i come back to watch his old let's plays.
6. How many ppl/gcs have you currently got left unread
4... i'll answer them now.
7. What languages do you listen to music in?
mostly english, german and korean, but occasionally italian, swedish /norwegian, dutch and french too
8. What is one music performance you always go back and watch?
puh... i'd say the mama performances from itzy and enhypen!
9. Whats one WIP (any kind: song, story, art, ect.) you dont know if you will ever finish? Give us a sneak peak or tell us the concept/idea?
i had an idea for a mamma mia retelling with enhypen characters, but i'm not sure if i can pull it off. and yesterday i found the beginning of a story involving jake and a reader who works in a cafe, that i might continue if i get new ideas.
10. Whats ur MBTI?
11. Big spoon? Little spoon? Both?
both, depending on the day and the circumstances 😊
12. Go onto Pinterest (or google or picsart or smth) rn! and put together some sort of outfit you would wear and show us
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13. Have you made anything by hand recently? Show it off!
does this count?
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14. What is the 107th most recent photo in your gallery?
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15. What is your toxic trait? (Non-serious answers only)
gatekeeping heeseung and failing 😔
16. What are you procrastinating rn?
... my bachelors thesis 🤐 (rn it's writing applications for internships)
17. Do you have any plants? What are their names and do they have a personality/any notable traits?
i do! but i also have a history of them dying, so i don't really give them names. i had one called bob but he sadly died at the beginning of this year. i do have two plants on discord which have names! one i can't say because i'd probably have to censor it, but the other one is called wonie 💀
18. Show me another picrew (or 2) you really like!
i don't have any on my phone rn 🥲
19. Whats the most recent reaction meme/image in your camera roll?
.. yeah
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20. Have you got any random concepts/plans/ideas sketched or scribbled out on paper somewhere that you want to share?
just some story ideas but those are kept secret 🤫
21. What are 3 songs that are definitely on your road trip playlist. Why them?
Ooh.. good question. I think i'm too indecisive for that
22. Can you drive?
i can but i won't ever do it again
23. Who's the most famous person you have met? How, why, when, where?
i have a picture with three very famous voice actors from germany! and my boss is a famous singer for kids songs.
24. Is there a famous someone you are only a few people away from?
does my boss count?
25. Do you have good time management or are you failing as badly as I am? 💀 Credits to the love @nar-nia for q.25
i am clearly failing
26. Have you got anything (other than this blog) that you want to plug?
not really
27. Do you enjoy giving or receiving things more?
28. Show me something you've drawn.
see above 🤭
29. What app/website/game is underrated and you think more people should use/play? Why?
idk but please drop some game recommendations!
30. What is the next social event you have planned? Are you looking forward to it?
a holiday with my parents, and yes!! also an ice skating show.
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