#the mayor of DILF City
andy-clutterbuck · 4 months
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RICK GRIMES The Ones Who Live
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dickgraysonwayne · 19 days
Today? Yesterday?
Summary: Of all the things to kick off a time loop…
@dickgraysonweek 2024, Day 3: DILF Dick Grayson | Apologizing To Dick | Time Loop
Day 0
Dick knows it’s bad news when the man shrieks “A curse upon you!”
He changes course mid-flip, trying to predict where he’d be hit. He feels nothing, so he lands on the ground steadily, looking up at the platform where the man stands: finger pointed in his direction and a wild look on his face.
“Whoa,” Dick says, putting his arms up. “I didn’t know we were rolling like that.”
For all he had figured, this was supposed to be a quick grab-and-go rescue of a Blüdhaven mayoral candidate. She’d made a promise to clean up the city and, of course, certain groups weren’t very pleased with the concept.
Instead, he’d run into an armed-to-the-teeth gang that were not making this rescue any easier. So, he’d opted for a more subtle approach, sneaking around on rooftops until he was able to maneuver his way into a large warehouse. He’d wandered through, found a locked room in the corner, and then—
And then he’d run into…whatever this was, and the situation turned from guns&gangs to curse&magic territory.
He really hadn’t been ready for curses.
“Okay,” Dick says, eyes darting around. He needs to get to that door. “So, um. When you say curse, do you mean a plague on both your houses lamenting type curse or may you turn into a frog type curse?”
The man doesn’t clarify. “A curse,” He screeches again. “May you never find satisfaction in validation. May you be locked in a cycle of discontent. May the one who you need the most from—”
The man squacks as he’s interrupted by a Batarang to the head. Stunned, he falls backwards onto the platform and stays there.
Dick puts his arm down. “Well,” He says. “That was more…high minded than curses usually are. Very psychological.”
He hadn’t seen any physical indications of anything actually happening, but you can never be sure with this kind of thing. He hopes that whatever this was didn’t take.
“Okay,” He mutters to himself. He wishes Roy would’ve seen this, he would’ve found it hilarious. “Let’s finish this.”
He runs towards the door probably holding the promise for Blüdhaven’s future, hoping that the rest of the day goes by without any further incident.
Day 1
They’re not even in costume when it happens.
Hell, they’re not even working when it happens.
Instead, Dick finds himself making the long trip to Gotham the next morning, called in to assist with something Tim is working on. It’s something from your files, back in the day, Tim had said over the phone. Can you make your way over?
He’d slept in a bit, hoping to enjoy his Sunday. But getting to spend time with Tim is always great too, so he had agreed to make his way over.
It had taken maybe a few minutes to explain the case (Two-Face, now that was a time), before Tim had gotten what he needed. “Thanks, Dick,” Tim says, scribbling down in his notes. “I think I just need to set up a trap, and then we’ll be all good here.”
“Need any help?” Dick asks, tapping his fingers on the table, feeling restless.
“If you’re staying,” Tim says. “I’ll be going out at, like, 2300 so. You sticking around?”
Dick shrugs. “Sure,” He says. “Since I’m here. B around?”
“Yeah,” Tim says, sitting back into a stretch. “He’s workin’ on something else, I dunno.”
“Look at you!” Dick says, messing with his hair. “Solo mission guy over here!”
“Quit it!” Tim says, batting his hand away. “I’ve been solo mission guy!”
Dick laughs. “Hey,” He says, getting off of the chair. “You wanna go get some burgers or something? There’s still a long way to go til 2300 hours.”
“Sure,” Tim says, languidly getting up. “Man, I feel like I’ve been sitting here for ages.”
And that’s when, whilst heading over to grab a burger in town, Dick tells Tim about his encounter the day before.
“It was pretty insane,” He tells him as they pull out of the manor’s driveway. “The whole curse thing made me a little nervous, not gonna lie. That stuff gives me the heebie jeebies. But I got up just fine today, everything totally normal. So either the dude didn’t actually get me, or he was talking a big game.”
Tim frowns. “That’s a little weird,” He says, taking a sip of water from his Robin branded water bottle. “You should be careful though. You never know with magic.”
Dick nods vigorously. “Exactly!” He says, making his way to the manor’s large gate. “There aren’t any rules or anything to watch out for. You just gotta wait and see for something to happen before you can do anything about it.”
Tim’s frown only deepens. “I don’t know about that,” He says. “Maybe you should go talk to Zatanna. I dunno, I wouldn’t mess with this stuff. Have her check you over or something.”
“Yeah, but it’s not even a guarantee with her,” Dick says, waiting for the gate to open. “Sometimes magic doesn’t show up or whatever even when she checks. It’s a total crapshoot. But the smart idea still would be to check anyway—”
He jumps as Tim loses his grip on his water bottle, spilling it over his lap and the seat. “Ah, shit!” Tim says, hurriedly picking the bottle back up.
“No worries, Timbo,” Dick says, grabbing some tissues from the side of the door. “It’s just water.”
“I know,” Tim says. “Even so, though, I’m sorry-”
Everything stops.
Day 2
Dick wakes up.
He blinks up at his apartment ceiling. Damn, he thinks, yawning deeply. That was one hell of a dream. He feels around on his bedside table for his phone, then blinks at the numbers on top: 08:04
Damn. Slept in.
That curse must’ve really been playing in his thoughts, to follow him into his dreams like that. Unless it was a curse about dreams, which means it was now starting to work…
Dick shakes his head. He can’t think like that. If he does, it’s never going to end.
He levers himself up, stretching again. He’s going to enjoy his Sunday morning before updating his reports on the night before, maybe figure out what to do about the whole curse thing…
His phone buzzes, and he picks it back up. Tim.
Curious, and trying to push away the ominous feeling in his gut, he answers.
Okay. So this is a little weird. But, hey. It’s not like he’s never had a dream about hanging out with Tim before. It’s a perfectly normal thing for him to do. Plus, well, he has been keeping an eye on Gotham. Maybe he’d subconsciously known that something was going on, that Tim would reach out to him for help…
And then it had gotten weirder. But. Still explainable. If he’d been keeping an eye out on Gotham, maybe he’d figured out somewhere back in his mind that Two-Face was going to be the problem…
“Thanks, Dick,” Tim says, scribbling down in his notes. “I think I just need to set up a trap, and then we’ll be all good here.”
“Hm,” Dick says. He taps on the table, feeling off. “Okay.”
He looks up. Tim is looking at him, concern in his eyes. “Everything good? You seem a little…distracted.”
“Oh,” Dick says, trying to pull himself together. “Yeah. I’m good. I’m just…you know. In my head a little. There’s a whole—” He waves it off. “I’ll explain later. Um, you gonna need any help on your mission?”
“If you’re staying,” Tim says, still eyeing him with concern. “I’ll be going out at, like, 2300 or so. You sticking around?”
The Deja Vu hits him even harder. “Sure,” He says. “Hey. Is this a solo mission?”
Tim gives him a small smile. “Yeah,” He says. “I’ve been doing them for a while now. B’s working on his own thing, I’m working on mine.”
“Nice, Timmy,” Dick says, finding a smile for him in return. “Hey, wanna go get something to eat? I’m hungry. Let’s go eat.” He shoots to his feet, needing to move, needing to do something.
“Um,” Tim says, stumbling up with him. “Yeah, sure. Yeah let’s get…let’s get burgers, or something.”
Dick nods, fast walking his way out. An icy feeling grows in his stomach.
“What were you saying earlier?”
Dick starts, looking away from the slowly opening gate. “Hm?”
“You had a whole,” and Tim makes a circle gesture with his hands. “Thing you were thinking about. What was it?”
“Oh,” Dick says. “Well. Um. I had a little…run-in yesterday. Some guy yelled that he was gonna put a curse on me. And, like, I didn’t feel anything off or anything like that. But today…I don’t know. It’s all weird today. Like majorly Deja Vu or something.”
Tim frowns. “That’s weird,” He says, taking a sip of water. “You should be careful though. You never know with magic. In fact, you should probably—”
“Go to Zatanna, I know,” Dick says distractedly. “I will. I think I should. After our mission today, I will. It’s just…nothing specific, you know? Just an off feeling.”
The gate opens, and Dick quickly turns to the side. “Hey—”
He catches Tim’s water bottle, just as Tim drops it.
“Oh!” Tim says, flinching back. “Hey. Nice catch.”
Dick hands it back to him, mind spinning.
“I don’t know what happened,” Tim continues. “I wasn’t paying attention, I guess, sorry—”
Everything stops.
Day 3
Dick wakes up.
He shoots up in bed with a gasp. He throws his sheets off of him then lunges at his phone, unlocking the screen to check the day and time. Sunday. 08:04.
He falls back into bed, phone clutched tightly in his hand. Okay, He thinks, slightly hysterical. Okay. This is…this is probably the curse, huh? This is probably the curse.
What had the man said again? Something about…validation. Satisfaction in validation. And a cycle of discontent.
Well. That’s the cycle part figured, then. He’s gonna keep resetting until he breaks whatever curse this is. So, all he needs to do is figure out exactly what it is that’s going on that’s causing the resets, and he should be good to go. Right?
“Okay,” He tells himself. “Okay, what were the factors that set this off? What made me reset?”
The obvious answer, is, of course, Tim.
He thinks on this for a moment. He’ll need to tell Tim everything, brainstorm through the issue with him. He’s smart, he’ll probably help him figure this out…
His phone rings. He looks down. Tim.
He picks up.
“Hey, Dick,” Tim says. “So, I’m working on something—”
“I’m on my way,” Dick says, running to his closest to grab something. “Just gimme a—”
“Hey,” Tim says, confusion clear in his voice. “It’s okay, there’s no emergency or anything, I just need your help with something.”
“I know,” Dick says. “And I can do that. But I need your help with something too. Buckle up, it’s a weird one.”
“Time loop?” Tim says, eyes wide.
“Time loop.” Dick confirms with a nod.
Tim sits back in his chair, baffled. “Well,” He says. “The good news is that you’ve only just started on this, I guess. Maybe you won’t have to deal with it for much longer.”
Dick groans, going facedown on the table’s surface. “Don’t do that,” He says, voice muffled. “You just jinxed me.”
“Shut up,” Tim says, but he sounds distant. “What did the guy say again?”
Dick lifts his head. “He cursed me with never finding satisfaction in validation,” He says. “And told me I’d be stuck in a cycle of discontent. And then he started saying something about a person I’d need it from before I stopped him.”
“Hm,” Tim says, steepling his fingers together. “And when you went through the days with me, it reset at about the same time both times?”
“Yeah,” Dick side eyes him. “You’ve got your I-have-an-idea face there, Timbo.”
“I do not,” Tim says, making his I-have-an-idea face. “Well. I do have an idea…not a very specific one, but still.”
Dick raises an eyebrow. “Yeah?”
“There’s a specific series of events,” Tim begins, “That lead to your reset. I speak with you, you come here, we discuss the case, we go out to get food, I drop my water, and then you wake up. Is that right?”
“Yeah,” Dick says. “That’s right.”
“So,” Tim says. “What if we disrupt it? We break the chain of events. And then we can see from there. It could be time related. Did we leave at about the same time both days? Did the reset happen at about the same time both days?”
Dick thinks about it for a second. “You know what…” He says slowly. “Yeah. It did. Around…12:30, I wanna say?”
“Okay,” Tim says. “So let’s stay in. And then wait for 12:30. Disrupt the chain of events, and then see if you reset or not. And if you don’t…we’ll know it’s not time dependent, and we can try to work on it from there.”
“Timbo,” Dick says, beaming at him. “That’s a great idea. You’re great!”
Tim blushes. “Come on,” He says. “Stop it. It’s just an idea. I didn’t even think about what the actual phrasing of the curse could actually mean.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Dick says, grinning. “It’s a start! And if I don’t reset at 12:30…it means we’re making progress! And maybe I won’t have to be stuck in this, which I would very much appreciate.”
Tim smiles back. “Well,” He says. “If you do reset, come find me, okay? We can pick up where we left off, and you can explain everything we’ve tried so far.”
“You’re the best, Timmy,” Dick says. He checks his phone. “I think we’ll find out soon, anyway. We hit 12:30 in about half an hour, so. We’ll know then.”
Tim nods at him. “Okay,” He says, sighing. “So. We wait.”
Half an hour passes with the speed of molasses. Dick can’t sit still the entire time: his knee jumps constantly, he fiddles with anything he can get his hands on, he gets up and paces on occasion.
Fifteen minutes in, Tim looks at him askance. “That isn’t helping you, Dick,” He says, clearly trying to be patient with him. “Sit down. Nap, or something. Wait, actually don’t. Go watch puppy videos on your phone, or something.”
“As cute as that sounds,” Dick says. “I don’t think that’s gonna help.”
Tim sighs. “You’re so fidgety,” He complains. “You must have been such a nightmare child. I feel like apologizing to Bruce on your behalf.”
“I wasn’t that bad,” Dick defends. “If anything, Bruce needs to apologize to me for not being able to manage my energy.”
Tim grins. “Well,” He says. “Can’t say I disagree with you on that.” He checks his phone. “Okay,” He says, countenance turning entirely. “Minute to go. Tell me if you start feeling weird, or something.”
Dick nods, shifting nervously. “Will do,” He says, then starts counting time in his head. 60, 59, 58…
He makes it to the last few, 4, 3, 2, 1, then braces himself.
Nothing happens.
Dick turns to Tim. “I feel normal,” He tells him. “No resetting feeling or anything going on from here!”
“Let’s wait a little longer, Tim says, eyebrows furrowed. “Maybe there’s a specific time to the minute or second to hit, and we haven’t gotten there yet.”
Dick groans. “Yeah, you’re probably right,” He says, sitting down again. “Okay. Let’s wait.”
Another fifteen minutes pass. Then twenty.
And still nothing.
Dick turns to Tim again, eyebrows raised. “It looks like I’m still good,” He says. “I think we can say that I’m in the clear?”
Tim nods. “Looks like,” He says. “So it’s not time dependent. Nor chain of events dependent. There has to be a trigger here. We have to find out what it is.”
Dick nods, tapping a finger to his knee. “Satisfaction in validation,” He mutters. “So that means…it’s something where I got validated for something? When did that happen in the previous resets?”
Tim frowns. “Let’s try to go through your day,” He says. “Specific things you did. Specific things you said. Maybe we’ll figure it out that way.”
Dick sighs, running a hand through his hair. “My memory isn’t as good as yours,” He says, running through his days in his head. “And…I don’t know, the details are kinda fuzzy. But I’ll try.”
“I know, Tim says, not unsympathetic. “It’s not easy, sorry—”
Everything stops.
Day 4
Dick wakes up.
Shit, he thinks. It’s unnecessary at this point, but he checks his phone again. Sunday. 08:04.
He taps his phone to his chin, frustrated. Right. So, it clearly isn’t a Tim-specific problem. Or, maybe it is? Maybe it’s the combination of location and person?
If that’s the case…maybe if he just doesn’t go, then he doesn’t reset.
Satisfaction in validation.
He still isn’t sure about that one. But if he can hack it by breaking the curse without figuring that out, then he’ll take it.
Anyway, if he stays away from Tim for the day, he might figure out how long it’ll let him go before it resets. Will it go on forever, until he sees Tim. Will he have to avoid him for a while? Can’t let that happen, He thinks. That would be ridiculous.
He really should give Zatanna a call. She might be able to break the curse without even needing to figure that part out.
His phone rings, and he picks up without even looking the screen. “Hey Timmy,” He says, deciding not to try to tip him off that anything was amiss. “How’s it going?”
“Hey Dick,” Tim responds, “I’ve got something here—”
“Okay Tim,” Dick says, going to get his day started (again). “If you need my help with something, I’m all in. But I’ve got something I gotta go do, so I can’t actually come over. Is it something you can send me? Promise I’ll help out.”
“Sure,” Tim says, sounding a bit taken aback. “Yeah, no worries. Thanks for the help, Dick. I’ll send it to you now. Standby.”
“Thanks, Timmy. See ya.” Dick says, disconnecting, and feeling a little bad about the whole thing. He’d usually jump at any opportunity or hang out, which Tim knows. He doesn’t think he’d hurt his feelings or anything, but he still does feel a bit guilty for blowing him off like that.
It’s for a good cause, He thinks. I’ll come by to see him when all this is over.
He thinks about Tim’s directive to come see him during the next reset. Sorry, buddy. Maybe if I reset again. So, what can he do? How does he go about solving this problem?
He gets ready, thinking about how to go about his day. Maybe I should call Zatanna, He thinks, putting his jacket on. And hopefully she’ll be able to see me now.
Dick heads out of his apartment, not having a particular plan in mind. He pulls out his phone, considering giving Zatanna that call. He scrolls through his contacts, hovering over her name, conflicted.
As he goes to open the doors to his building’s stairwell, they suddenly swing open in his direction. Startled, he steps back, just about missing being flattened by the door.
One of his neighbors emerges, almost bumping into him. “Oh my god,” The man says. “I didn’t see you there, I’m so sorry—”
Everything stops.
Day 5
Dick wakes up.
Sunday. 08:04.
He sighs, leaning back against his pillow. Take 5, I guess.
Right. Okay, so. It’s pretty clear what’s causing this now.
Satisfaction in validation. Apology.
If he receives an apology, no matter who it’s from, then his day resets.
He can’t believe he hadn’t noticed before. Both times with Tim and the water bottle, he’d apologized to trigger the time loop. In the non water bottle day, Tim’s “sorry” had triggered it. With his neighbor, the apology from the door had triggered it. Getting it from a new person had really brought it home.
So, solutions?
He sits back up, holding his phone, waiting for Tim’s call. The obvious play would be to just…not receive any apologies. While it’s easier said than done, it would definitely give him an idea of what’s going on, and help him test how far this loop is going to let him do. Could he go days, weeks, even years without an apology, then receive one and loop back around? That would be a problem.
Well. Maybe he can test it out, just for today. A no-apology-day.
The phone rings. He picks it up. “Hey, Timmy,” He says. “How’re you doing?”
“Hey Dick,” Tim responds, “I’ve got something here—”
Well. If he wants to be left alone today…
“Oh yeah, Tim,” Dick says, trying his best to remember his earlier statement. “If you need my help with something I’m ready. But I’ve got something i have to do today, so I can’t actually come over. Can you send me the files and I’ll give you a call about them later? I’d come if I could, promise.”
“Sure,” Tim says, and he sounds the same as last time, excellent. “Yeah, no worries. Thanks for the help, Dick. I’ll send it to you now. Standby.”
“See ya Timbo,” Dick says, disconnecting with a sigh. It’s more waiting, then. And this time, he’s gonna have to do it alone.
Staying away from people all day is difficult.
He knows he’s got a reputation as a people-person, but that’s only because he has the fortune to be in probably the most socially awkward family in history. He actually doesn’t mind a little alone time every now and then.
This, though? This is total isolation. And, while he’s wired and worried and anxious, is a tough thing for him to overcome.
He spends the first part of his day working on the stuff Tim sent him. He’d seen it all before, of course, but he makes sure to really pour over the information, adding a lot of very detailed explanations and analyses. He hopes this doesn’t make Tim suspicious (who is he kidding? Of course it will) but hopefully he won’t have enough time to actually act on his suspicions before Dick can hopefully move on to phase two of his curse-breaker plan.
After he sends all his notes to Tim, he finds himself left with hours and hours of time and people to avoid. Which, actually, is harder than he’d anticipated.
He spends the rest of the day from late afternoon fielding calls. As a general rule, Dick always picks up (just in case. You never know who’s using a burner). But man, he hasn’t realized exactly how many people call him until he wanted to avoid talking. After checking to see if anyone was in any immediate danger (they were not) he’d make his excuses and hop off swiftly before anyone got it their minds to give him an apology of some kind.
Not to mention the texts. And half of them aren’t even work stuff: just Wally sending him memes, or Donna sending him memes, or Babs sending him another article on the activities of the Red Hood, or Amy sending him memes, or Clark sending his weekly “good afternoon 😊” texts that he somehow manages to stick to every single week. Dick doesn’t know if apology-by-text would count here, and it is a minefield navigating conversations to make sure that the word is never sent from the other end.
“Sorry” is, in Dick’s opinion, very overused.
As for the rest of his time in self-induced isolation, he tries to keep himself busy. The TV is on, and he scrolls through all the things he’d put on his watch later list on streaming services (he watches nothing). He picks up a book he’d planned to trying (only to put it down minutes later, unable to concentrate). He tries stretching and running through some gentle warmup exercises (this one takes).
Overall, it’s not an experience he’s keen on repeating. If I make it 24 hours without looping, he tells himself firmly. I’m going to call Zatanna.
It probably would’ve been smarter to start with her, like Tim had said, but hey. The more info he can give her about how this works, the easier time she’ll have lifting it.
He makes it to the evening, and then into the night without further incident. Thankfully, Tim hadn’t tried to call him back. Nor did, to his relief, Bruce. Bruce would probably see through him in a heartbeat, and involving him in this would be a headache and a half to deal with.
As time ticks down to midnight, Dick feels exhaustion wash over him, thanks to the nervous tension he’d held on to the entire day. No he tells himself, staring at the blurry numbers on his phone. Stay awake.
Once midnight passes, maybe he can take a nap. Then he can figure out what to do next.
He rubs at his eyes, glancing at his phone again. 23:59.
Well, he’s almost done with the full day. This should give him a good idea of how this curse wo—
Everything stops.
Day 6
Dick wakes up.
Sunday. 08:04.
He doesn’t even wait for the phone call this time. Instead, he scrolls through his contacts, tapping on Zatana’s name with a determined finality.
“Ah. Well, that seems like an issue, doesn’t it?”
Dick groans, putting his head in his hands. “Yeah,” He says, voice muffled between his fingers. “It really is. Thanks for coming to help break it. I couldn’t risk going out to you.”
A hand pats his head. “No problem,” Zatanna says, sounding amused. “And, look. Could be worse. You’re, what, a week in? Not too bad. And with the myriad of curses out there? This is a pretty light one, comparatively speaking.”
Dick sighs, dropping his hands on his lap. “I guess,” He says. “So. What’s the deal here? Can you break this…whatever it is?”
“Let me check,” Zatanna puts a hand on his head and closes her eyes. Her hand glows into a warm, white light, and he feels a sense of peace wash over him…
She takes her hand away. “There’s definitely something there,” She says, sitting back down across from him. “But. I’ll tell you right now, it’s more risk than it’s worth to break from my end.”
Dick frowns. “What’s the risk?” He asks.
Zatanna shrugs. “Since I don’t know the magician, or the source of the magic,” She says. “I’d have to go with a general curse break. It would require a lot of energy from both our sides, and then you would need to keep feeding the break from your own energy. It takes too long, or you don’t have enough? Well…it would be risky, let’s just say that. It wouldn’t be worth it for a relatively low stakes curse like this.”
“Okay,” Dick says. “Yeah. I see your point. So,” He crosses his arms. “What do you think? How would I break this and resolve the time loop normally?”
Zatanna goes over to his fridge, pulls out a water bottle. “Here,” She says, giving it to him.
Dick takes it, confused. “Will drinking this solve it?”
Zatanna laughs. “It’s just water,” She says, sitting back down next to him. “You look dehydrated. Okay. I need your memory recall.”
Dick takes a sip. “Okay,” He says.
“We need to go through the exact wording of the curse,” She says. “Figure out exactly what you were cursed with, and then resolve it. Probably the best way to deal with it would be to confront it directly.”
Dick frowns. “Okay,” He says, going through the memory. “Exact wording? I went through this with Tim earlier. Um,” He thinks for a moment. “May you never find satisfaction in validation. May you be locked in a cycle of discontent. May the one who you need the most from—” He stops. “He cut off there.”
“Huh,” Zatanna says. She looks elegant even when she’s confused. “That’s…verbose.”
“Tell me about it,” Dick says. “Anyway. I think I’ve figured out what the first two parts mean. Satisfaction in validation probably refers to the apologies, because every loop occurred right after I got one. Cycle of discontent is probably the loop, because, well, I’ve been looping. The third part got interrupted, so I don’t know if it went through…”
Zatanna gives him a piercing stare. “Interesting,” She says. “Wait a moment. Let me try something.”
Dick nods. “Go for it.”
She looks directly at him, mouth curled up in a slight smile. “I’m sorry,” She says.
Dick flinches, slamming his eyes shut. A moment later, he opens them to find Zatanna still sitting across from him, eyes sparkling.
“Why’d you do that?” Dick demands, heart pounding. “At least warn me first.”
Zatanna laughs. “I know,” She says. “I needed to check something. So. It looks like the apology needs to be sincere in order to trigger the reset.”
“Oh,” Dick says. “Okay. I see what you did. So this is better, right? Just hearing sorry won’t be enough to catapult me back?”
“Yes,” Zatanna says. “I have to tell you, though. I think this just made the curse break a lot more complicated.”
Dick frowns. “How so?”
“Well,” Zatanna says. “The third part of the curse. That’s the key to breaking it. He may not have finished the phrase but he started it, which should’ve been enough to make it stick. It looks like you’re gonna have to hear an apology from a specific person, a sincere apology, in order the break the curse.”
Dick breaks out into a smile. “Thanks, Z,” He says. “Should be easy enough, right? I have to tell you, I was expecting something a lot more—”
He trails off at the sympathetic look on her face. “What?” He asks, an ominous feeling settling over him. “What is it?”
“Well,” She says. “The wording says ‘the one who you need the most from’ is the person you’ll need to get the sincere apology from. Tell me, who do you think that is?”
Dick turns it over in his mind for a moment, then…
Bruce…A voice in his head whispers. It sounds like his own, but not.
He freezes. “Oh no.”
“Yeah,” Zatanna says, exuding sympathy again. “I think we both know who that should be.”
“How do you know?” He asks, heart pounding. “Are we even thinking of the same person?”
“Oh, please,” Zatanna says. “Who else could it be? We can confirm it though. Does he dress like a bat and fight crime?”
Dick groans. “Oh my god,” He says. “How am I even gonna do that? Get a sincere apology from him? I can’t even talk to him most of the time.”
“You’ll have to, to break the curse.” Zatanna says. Dick takes another sip of water. “And remember, you only have til midnight of the same day to do it.”
“A deadline,” Dick says, despairing. “Even better.”
“Right,” Zatanna says. “So you have a plan, then? Know where you’re going?”
“Yeah,” He says. “I just have to come up with an idea…”
“You’ll probably need the full day,” Zatanna says. “So allow me, okay? Good luck.”
Dick frowns at her. “What do you mea—”
She looks him right in the eye. “I’m sorry.”
Everything stops.
Day 7
Dick wakes up.
Sunday. 08:04.
He groans, considering just going back to sleep and dealing with this again tomorrow. Today. Yesterday. Whatever.
Because, well. Getting Bruce involved? That’s gonna be a whole ordeal.
Not to mention, getting Bruce to give him a sincere apology in less than a day? Talk about an impossible task.
He might as well get started now. He’ll need all the time he can get.
The phone rings.
“Hey, Timbo,” Dick says. “How’s it going?”
In many ways, this day plays out a lot like the first one.
He shows up at Tim’s invitation, then takes him through the case that he now knows like the back of his hand. Tim’s shocked but impressed, and it’s really amusing even though he’s kind of cheating.
“Thanks, Dick,” Tim says, scribbling down in his notes. “I think I just need to set up a trap, and then we’ll be all good here.”
And here’s where the divergence has to happen.
Dick nods. “No worries,” He says. “Hey. Bruce around?”
“Yeah,” Tim says. “He’s around here somewhere, probably down in the Cave. Why?”
“Gotta talk to him,” He says, standing up. He ruffles Tim’s hair on the way. “See you later.”
He can’t tip them off. If the apology needs to be sincere, Bruce cant be aware that it has to be, or the sincerity is gone. Right?
It’s gonna be a challenge either way, and he takes the route down to the cave in a grim sort of silence.
He taps on the large wall twice as he walks in, sound echoing across the cave. “Hey, Bruce,” He says, heart pounding. “How’s it going?”
Bruce is sitting at the computer, staring at bits of data that only make sense to him. “Dick,” He acknowledges, without turning around. “Working on this. You been hearing about what’s going on in New York?”
“Hm?” Dick goes through his non-time-loop-related memory bank. “Oh. You mean…the alien incident? Yeah. Why, is that relevant to us?”
“Maybe,” Bruce says, still staring at the screen. “Possibly. There’s something there…”
He trails off. Dick is familiar with the pauses, so he waits patiently.
He’s putting it off. Time is of the essence, and he’s putting it off. But goddamn. He really does not want to do this.
The only thing he can think of doing at this point is to go in bluntly. He doesn’t have time to plan a more nuanced approach, and Bruce’ll probably see right through it anyway.
Here we go, Dick thinks, before taking a deep breath. “Bruce,” He says, and he can barely get the words out. “We need to talk, okay?”
He’s not sure if it’s the words or the tone that gets Bruce’s attention, but it works. Right away, Bruce whirls around in his chair. His focus, previously fully on the screen in front of him, is now concentrated entirely on Dick. “What is it?” Bruce asks, and he staring at him like he’s able to see right into his brain, like he’s reading through his thoughts one by one.
The weight of his attention is almost too much to bear. “Um,” He says, taking another breath. “It’s. Well. It’s kind of a long story.”
Bruce isn’t moved. “You’re sacred,” He observes, leaning closer. “What is it? What’s happened? What’s wrong?”
Dick lets out a shaky breath, trying to regain his composure. “Do you trust me?” He asks.
This probably doesn’t help with Bruce’s concern. His eyes narrow. “Why?” He asks. “What’s wrong?”
“If you do,” Dick says. “I need you to trust me on this. Um. I need an apology, okay?”
Whatever Bruce had anticipated he’d say, it was clearly not this. “What.” He says flatly, more of a statement than a question.
“I…” Dick says, feeling like he’d made a mistake with his approach. “I need you to say sorry, okay? To me.”
Bruce is, uncharacteristically, shocked into silence. He sits back, face impassive, eyes confused. “For what?” He finally asks, when Dick doesn’t elaborate further.
Of all the questions…“Anything,” Dick says, and he feels his face grow hot. “Pick something. There’s a lot… I just need a verbal apology from you, okay? And you need to mean it.”
Bruce’s face finally cracks, settling on a frown. “What is this?” He asks, voice rising. “Where is this coming from?”
“You trust me, right?” Dick says, an edge of desperation to his voice. “I need you to do this. Please.”
He thinks the plea will be enough. It isn’t.
Bruce just stares at him. “What is this?” He repeats, then: “Tell me this: how old were you when I fired you?”
Dick’s stomach drops. “Bruce,” He says. “It’s me. I’m me, you don’t need to check—”
“How old?” Bruce snaps. Dick can see his hands drift to his belt.
He exhales. “Seventeen,” He says, conceding defeat. “It was after I got shot.”
Bruce’s hands pause right before they get to his weapons. “Then,” He says. “Why are you asking this? You’re not making any sense.”
“I know,” Dick says. “But…I’ll explain later. I just need this from you. Please.”
Bruce grits his teeth. “I can’t do that unless I know..”
Dick stares at him. “You won’t?” He asks. “You’re not gonna trust me on this?”
Bruce doesn’t answer, still eyeing him suspiciously.
Dick tastes defeat on his tongue. Embarrassment, rage, and sadness battle in his throat. “Fine,” He says shortly, turning around. “I’ll…I’ll go then. See you tomorrow.”
Bruce doesn’t go after him.
Dick gets back home and goes right to his apartment, slamming the door shut as he enters.
He’ll need another plan tomorrow. Today. Yesterday. But, for now…
For now, he sits and stares at the time until it hits midnight.
Day 8
Dick wakes up.
He doesn’t even bother to check the date and time, jumping out of bed and grabbing for his clothes.
Okay. New plan. New approach. But what? Straightforward isn’t going to work. Subtle isn’t going to work. What’s left to him now? How can he possibly get Bruce to apologize to him and mean it?
He freezes in the middle of putting on a sock. Maybe…maybe he wasn’t doing enough earlier. Maybe he needs to get more straightforward. God knows Bruce can pull out sincerity when he needs it. Maybe hearing that the world is in a time loop that only he can break will do enough.
Grimly, he pulls the rest of the sock on. He’ll be able to tell Tim this way too, and maybe the both of them can convince Bruce of doing this together.
The phone rings. He grabs it. “Timmy,” He says. “It’s Two Face, by the way. Your case. You’ll just need to set your trap for tonight, and you’re golden.”
There’s a short silence, then: “How did you know that?” Tim asks, baffled. Dick can practically hear him peering at all corners of his room. “How—”
“I’m on my way, okay?” Dick says, grabbing his keys. “I’ll explain everything when I get there.”
“Time loop?” Tim says, eyes wide.
“Time loop.” Dick confirms with a nod.
“Damn,” Tim says, shaking his head. “And I told you to keep coming to me to figure this out and you didn’t? Lame. This could’ve been over by now.”
Dick huffs a laugh. “Honestly,” he says, shrugging. “You might be right.”
“How’re you gonna…you know?” Tim says, giving him a sideways glance. “Get Bruce to agree? Think cluing him in to all this is gonna help?”
“It has to, right?” Dick says, sighing. “I mean, asking him to do it didn’t work. If he knows it’s a time loop, then he’ll try.”
“But what if trying is the problem,” Tim says, and Dick stops him before he can continue.
“I know,” Dick says. “I considered that one too. But we have to try. The other way didn’t work, and if this does then we’re golden. If not…then I guess I’ll have to try something else.”
Tim rubs his head. “Well,” he says. “At least you get a bunch of do overs, free of charge. It’s not even a this-place-kinda-sucks Groundhog Day situation.”
Dick can only laugh. “Yeah,” He says. “We’re only on round 8, too. Haven’t even reached double digits yet.”
“Light work,” Tim scoffs, then stands up. “C’mon. Let’s go tell Bruce now.”
“Yeah,” Dick says, the familiar dread starting to form in his stomach. “Okay, let’s go.”
When they make their way down to the Cave, Bruce is exactly where Dick had left him. Staring at the a screen, contemplating the information within.
“Dick,” Bruce says, almost like an announcement. I know that you’re there. “Come take a look at this. You been hearing about what’s going on in New York?”
“Yeah,” Dick says, making his way over. He doesn’t look at the screen. “I couldn’t tell you if it’s relevant or not to us, though. But, Bruce. Listen. I need your help with something.”
“Hm?” Bruce says. His eyes stay on the screen, but Dick can tell that he’s listening. “What is it?”
Dick gives a side glance to Tim. Tim gives him a thumbs up. “Well,” He begins. I seem to have found myself in a…time loop situation. Groundhog Day style.”
This interests Bruce enough that he turns around, pinning Dick with a very familiar searching look. “Time loop?” He asks, then. “Report.”
“I got cursed,” Dick says, keeping it short and simple. “In Blüdhaven. I’ve completed about 7 resets so far. The loop triggers whenever I get an apology, and when the day ends. I spoke with Zatanna during one of the resets, and she told me that I essentially got cursed with needing to hear a sincere apology from…well, you. And if you do that, it’ll stop the loop.”
Bruce barely flinches. Dick’s kind of impressed despite himself. “Hm,” Bruce says, eyeing him critically. “Is this verifiable?”
“It is,” Tim chimes in. “He knew about the thing I’m working on. Knew the questions I was gonna ask him before I was able to do it.”
“Interesting,” Bruce says. “Well. An apology, you say?”
Dick shrugs. “Yeah,” He says, “Should be easy enough, right? It had to be sincere to work, though. The word itself doesn’t trigger anything. It’s more like the word plus the intention.”
Bruce considers him further. “Right,” He says, almost to himself. “Well then. My apologies.”
Dick waits. Nothing happens.
“You have to mean it, Bruce,” He tries. “Just…anything. Anything you have any guilt about. It should work.”
Bruce looks him in the eye, holds contact for a few second, then darts a glance to the side. “I’m sorry,” He says. It sounds somber, real.
Another beat. Nothing happens.
“Are you sure?” Bruce says, and Dick makes an annoyed sound. “That this is supposed to be me?”
“Pretty sure,” Dick says, already tired of the conversation.
“Why?” Bruce says. He gets up, clearly getting into detective-mode. “What did the curse say exactly? I need precise details.”
Dick sighs. “Bruce…”
Tim sidles up to him. “Dude,” He says, sympathetically. “Sorry.”
Both their eyes go wide at the same time before—
Everything stops.
Day 9
Dick wakes up.
He knows what’s gonna happen, but feels the need to check anyway:
Sunday. 08:04.
Well. He’s still chasing this Bruce angle, so he needs to up back to the manor for take 3 there. One more round of loops, and I’ll hit double digits. He thinks.
The straightforward approach didn’t work. Telling him the situation didn’t work. So he’s going to need to be more subtle with it, try to manipulate the situation into getting an apology.
Dick shakes his head. How is he going to do that, when Bruce has never apologized to him for anything big that he’d done?
Well. He doesn’t have a choice, does he? If this fails, maybe he’ll make a PowerPoint presentation of all the relevant points, and maybe Bruce will be convinced enough to apologize…
He’s getting ahead of himself. He should just try this round and see…
He grabs his phone, dials Tim.
“Hey!” Tim picks up. “I was literally just about to call you.”
“Oh, great,” Dick says, grabbing his shirt. “What a cool coincidence. I just wanted to check with you if Bruce is around, I wanted to talk to him.”
“Yeah,” Tim says. “Mind if I pick your brain before you go in?”
“Sure,” Dick says. He doesn’t want to alert Tim’s suspicions. “I’m on my way.”
Dick stops right outside the Cave, indecision burning away at him.
He needs a battle plan. If he doesn’t go in fully prepared, Bruce is gonna pry him apart in seconds.
Okay, He thinks to himself. Be friendly. Be open. Be helpful. And then…pick a fight. But don’t yell. Act hurt. And see
Oh, this is gonna go great.
Before he can talk himself out of it, he saunters into the cave, tapping at the wall twice. “Hey, Bruce,” He greets. “What’s up?”
Bruce is sitting at the computer, staring at bits of data that only make sense to him. “Dick,” He acknowledges, without turning around. “Working on this. You been hearing about what’s going on in New York?”
“Yeah,” Dick says. He approaches the screen, actually looking at the information this time. “Why? Think it’s something we should look at?”
He tries to include himself in the discussion, signaling to Bruce that he’s here to help.
It works. “Maybe,” Bruce thinks. This time, he gestures to Dick to come forward. “If you look here,” He points. “The origin of these beings seems…oddly familiar.”
Dick nods, barely processing the information. He keeps looking for a way in, a way to fall into an argument. “Sure,” He says. How is he going to do this? How is he ever going to get Bruce to say sorry? “You think it’s…uh….”
The words get stuck in his throat.
Bruce looks at him. “Dick?” He asks.
His voice sounds so genuine in that moment that Dick almost can’t handle it. “I’m good,” He says. His voice cracks. “Yeah, I’m good. Just…uh. I’m good.”
Oh boy. This is going great.
Shut up. He tells himself. Pull yourself together.
He looks down at his hands. They’re shaking.
He feels himself being pushed into a chair. “Dick?” A pair of hands grabs his face, lifts it up. He sees Bruce peering into his eyes. “What’s going on?”
Dick chuckles between breaths. “Nothing,” He says, trying to get himself back under control. “I’m good.”
“Clearly not,” Bruce eyes him. “Hold on. I’m going to do an assessment.” He pats Dick’s shoulder. “Stay calm.”
“I am,” Dick insists. He’s mostly embarrassed, really. His hands are still shaking.
In no time at all, he feels his head being yanked back over the top of the chair. A bright light is shined in his eyes.
He hisses, the sudden change in position confusing him. Pain radiates through his neck. “Sorry,” Bruce says, offhandedly, peering into his face. “Need to do this. You don’t look like you have a head injury…”
But Dick…
Dick has…
The word echoes in his head. Did he just…
He gets a feeling like a bucket of ice water has been thrown on him. Everything around him comes into focus with a scary amount of clarity.
Bruce clearly feels a difference, because he pauses. “Dick?” He asks again.
Dick blinks. Once. Twice. “I’m okay,” He gasps. He thinks he means it this time. “I’m okay.”
Bruce had been reluctant to send him home after that.
Dick doesn’t blame him. He’d completely fallen apart right then and there and probably scared the shit out of him, so.
And, well. His panic had been clear in the fact that. That he’d apologized. And…and it may have broken the curse? He thinks? He’s no expert, but there’s only one way to find out, really.
So, Bruce’s absolute insistence that he stay the night didn’t push his buttons the way it usually would. Instead, he gives in to the pushing. He’s too tired not to.
Plus, once Bruce got Alfred involved…there was no way he was gonna get away after that.
That’s why Dick finds himself in his childhood bedroom hours later, staring at the stick-on glow-in-the-dark stars and moons on the ceiling.
Satisfaction in validation. He thinks, then. Suck it.
He should probably go back to the warehouse anyway. Can’t have the dude going ahead cursing other people willy-nilly. Next time, he’ll bring Zatanna.
Bruce apologized. He thinks. It still blows him away. He actually apologized.
Not for anything major, either. Just…just in the moment, not even thinking about it. The words slipped out, just like that. Like he did it all the time.
Dick thinks he should be feeling some type of way about that. That it should resolve at something inside of him, at the thing that’s been there ever since he was seventeen years old.
May you never find satisfaction in validation..
He shakes it off. Maybe he would feel differently if it was a bigger apology. Or maybe it hasn’t quite sunk in yet. Either way. He’s pretty sure that the curse has lifted, but he’s not gonna count it a done deal until he hits the next day without incident.
May you never find satisfaction in validation…
Dick keeps an eye out on his phone, trying his best to stay awake.
The time ticks down…
He draws a breath, then another. He waits.
Monday. 12:01.
He drops his phone on the bed, breathing deeply. I did it. He thinks. I did it.
May you never find satisfaction in validation
He swallows all the feelings still simmering below the surface, then drops off to sleep.
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ciderwitch · 1 year
So like I was wondering if youde be ok with writing a self insert of Standley Pines bc I am such a simp and am in need of fluff. Please please Id love you forever.
Surprisingly, I've only recently noticed that I apparently have a debilitating attraction to DILFS and GILFs... Love me some Grunkle Stan!
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You had just started working at Gravity Falls Town Hall and already it seemed like things in your life were taking a strange turn. I mean, yeah, the realtor had told you that it was a "vibrant and quirky" community, so you figured it would be a little odd. The rent was cheap and the apartment you were living in was better than anything you'd even heard of back in the city, so vibrant and quirky would have to do.
Still, it was the third time this month the Pines kids had been chased by unholy abominations, and the terror of seeing a not-deer get eaten by a werepanther was starting to become a little too familiar for your liking.
You needed to get out more, you decided. Thankfully, some of your coworkers had a monthly get together at one of the local diners to hang out and they were more than happy to invite you along. They told you new folks didn't come here often, but you found the community warm and welcoming all the same. Eldritch horrors aside, it was a great place to live.
Apparently you did not get the memo that it was cancelled tonight, so here you were pouring syrup over your solo lunch of pancakes and sausage when the door chimed.
It was Wendy Corduroy and she had a downright miserable expression on her face. You could see why. Robbie Valentino was hot on her heels, as usual. It didn't take a genius to see that he was head over heels for her — or that she was completely done with him. And, since nobody else seemed particularly interested in helping, you called out to her.
"Ms. Corduroy! Care to join me? I was just going over some paperwork your father submitted and I could use your help."
She gave you a soft smile and quickly slid into the booth across from you while Robbie grumbled to himself, shoved his hands in his pockets, and stormed away.
"He is persistent, isn't he?" You say with a roll of your eyes.
"I know!" She groaned miserably, slapping her face between her hands. "Thanks for the save, by the way. If he actually paid attention to me he'd know my dad doesn't do paperwork."
"Anytime, Wendy. That's what adults are for, you know?" you answered.
"Pfft, no way," she said, "You're the only cool adult in this town, man. I bet if you were mayor it wouldn't suck so bad around bere."
"Thanks, but no thanks. I'm not ready for that kind of responsibility," you laughed. "Besides, Mayor Cutebiker is still plenty popular. I don't think I'd have a chance."
"Whatever you say, Miss Y/N," she said with a shrug, "Mind if I eat with you? My dad and my brothers are meeting here in about 30, but I'm starving."
"Of course not, Wendy. I'd be happy for the company," you answered happily. You ate your pancakes in good company and waved her goodbye when her family arrived. You were polishing off the last of your drink and a slice of pie when the door chimed again and in came the Pines family.
You recognized the twins immediately. Where trouble brewed, the twins were at the source. Despite the threat of danger, you couldn't be angry at them. They were very kind and intelligent kids and had saved you from a gnome kidnapping earlier just this month, so you would say you were on good terms.
Then you looked up and saw the Stan brothers, Ford and Stanley. You hadn't actually met them personally yet, but you could tell by reputation alone who was who.
Ford was walking with his journal in hand, taking notes and examining the Medusa-dog's head mounted on the wall beside him while he mumbled to himself.
Stanley followed right after. Mister Mystery himself, with the usual suit and red fez you'd seem from afar and that half the town had warned you away from.
Both brothers were handsome, you realized, though Stanley was the one that stuck out to you. He had a great dad-bod, but you could tell there was some muscle under the poorly fitted suit jacket he always wore.
You blinked a few times to yourself. Man, you really had been single for too long. Your eyes met, and you offered a polite wave before looking at your mug and taking a sip. Staring probably wouldn't make a great first impression and you secretly hoped he couldn't read your thoughts.
Your reflection was interrupted the moment Mabel saw you, of course. The kid ran right over and dragged her brothers and uncles right along with her. She was sliding into the booth beside you before you even had a chance to scoot in.
"Hi, Ms. Y/n! It's me, Mabel!" she said excitedly. "Have you met my grunkles? This is Grunkle Stan, and this is Grunkle Ford!" she added, pointed to them accordingly.
"Nice to meet you both," you say, nodding at each of them. "My name is Y/n."
"Nice to meet you, Y/n. My name is Stanford Pines, and this is my brother Stanley," he added. "I don't believe I've seen you around before. Did you just move in recently?"
"Yes, a few months ago, but I've been so busy with my new job as Mayor Cutebiker's Chief Administrator that I haven't had much time to get out."
"Well, that's a shame, toots," Stan added with a sly smile and a performative wink. "You'll have to let old Stan-the-man show you the town sometime. I know this place like the back of my hand!"
"Grunkle Stan, you got lost in the mall two days ago and we had to have security come find you." Dipper added exasperatedly.
"Like the back of my hand!" Stan reiterated, using his hand to turn dip 180 degrees by his head.
"Ooh! ooh! We could give you the Pines Family Tour!" Mabel added excitedly. "We know everything, don't we Dipper."
"Well, maybe not everything, but I'm sure we could show her a couple of places," the boy added, running his nose at the praise.
"Children, Stanley, please. Let's give Ms. Y/n some peace. I believe she was finishing up as we came in, weren't you, Miss?"
"Yes, I had just finished the last of my coffee and alas, I have more work to do. But perhaps I will have to take you up on the Pines Family Tour, huh kids? And I'm sure you could show me a thing or two yourself, huh, Stan-the-man?" you laughed.
He laughed with you, but the blush burning up his cheeks as you left let you know he hadn't quite expected you to return his interest.
Man, you'd have to hang out at the diner more often.
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thrandilf · 1 year
What I mean: Viren is such a fascinating character, he's both highly emotional yet cold and pragmatic. He may believe that the ends justify the means but he is agonized over the means, but he does what he feels he must. He is an antagonist who genuinely believes he is in the right. He's made horrible mistakes as a father yet he does love his children, even Soren. His moments of kindness and likability are as genuine as his moments of ruthlessness and he's so humanly flawed and complex that I want to write a dissertation about him. The same man who deeply grieved Sarai and Harrow then took the throne without remorse because it needed to be done. He has so many layers to him and yet this potential for warmth doesn't negate the cruel and horrible things he's done, but it makes us wonder what he will do in the future, if he will continue on his path, feeling as though he has no agency in the cycle he perpetuates, letting precedence and history control him, or if he will be able to take his new chance at life and do something new with it
What I say: welcome to DILF city, he's the mayor
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onsunnyside · 2 years
sonny!! since this is now the sleazy city, who are the citizens? 🫶🫣🥰💓💓💘💕
i was thinking i was the mayor but it should be Lloyd. his sleaziness exceeds everyone else bc he's so daddy, he's the big boss !! ofc sleazy motel daddy owns a motel 🫥🫥 and does porn in some of the rooms, and collabs with fellow porn director Mr. Freezy. now, Ari definitely owns a gym and does boxing as a side job/hobby 🫣 Andy is a prof at the local college, the campus dilf. Ransom and Steve are stepbrothers and spoiled brats who live in the most luxurious penthouse, they're set to inherit their parent's company soon 🫡 and last but not least, Curtis (!!) he owns the mechanics right next to Ari's gym, and they're best friends ☺️
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enigmaticcattic · 1 year
Yknow what would make my day?
Imagine a tv series: The mayor of a city (who is a dilf) is in love with a mafia don (who is also a dilf) and they have to hide their relationship from the chief of police (who is, of course, also a dilf) while simultaneously trying to get him to join the relationship and make a polycule!!
Their kids all think each other's dads suck ass and they duke it out with fists on multiple occasions.
Their's also a reporter (who's supporting cast and basically like a cool/weird uncle ^^) and his kid (who tries to stop the fights between the other kids but after a while just records them XD) who will act as ✨️ The Ultimate Wingmen✨️
Based off of this one tumblr post:
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dontbreakthechain · 10 months
Doing this Scarlet Hollow meme I saw a lot of other people do
What can I say, I’m a follower by nature. Also, couldn’t find the original, can’t give a shout out to the maker. This is someone else’s copy pasted in and then their answers deleted.
Your “canon” trait combination? The canon-est playthrough I have is just my first one, Micah, the one where everything is a surprise. The traits for that playthrough are Book Smart and Keen-Eyed. I get why people think this combination is a little boring, but it’s great for a first playthrough. It gives you so much information, and its Skeptic Vibes work well when you don’t know how far the rabbit hole goes. I also want to give a shoutout to TTA and Street Smart (MC name: Kitty), hands down the funniest combination. This jaded cynical loner who talks to cute little animals like a fucking disney princess
What 3rd trait would you add for hardcore mode? I did do a hardcore mode, it was TTA, Mystical, and Hot. It’s a good hardcore set of traits, hot helps make up for the (to some characters) off-putting weirdness of the Mystical/TTA combination, and, because TTA and Mystical haven’t been special traits yet, it means your playthrough isn’t that much worse than a normal one. For my canon-ish runs, Keen-Eyed and Street Smart have some cool interactions, but overlap too much to make for a good playthrough. Keen-Eyed, Street Smart, And something else could be interesting.
What trait are you least drawn to? This is a fairly common answer, but Hot. It’s passively useful, and getting out of the Big Bad Choice of episode 4 is pretty great, but it has much fewer active interesting choices than other traits. 
Speaking of common answers, Powerful Build is fun you people are just nerds mean
Coolest trait? Street Smart. All the traits have their moments, but Street Smart is by far the most op and gives the most cool opportunities. Also, it makes a funny as fuck companion to half the traits. Street Smart/TTA?  Street Smart/Book Smart? Street Smart/Mystical? All absolute riots
Who are you romancing? Everyone, sooner or later. Micah is romancing the dilf supreme, thanks to being in a prime position to do so after rescuing Rosalina/banishing Charlie. Kitty went with Kaneeka, my most common LI. I am not immune to goth girls or the music of Bruce Springsteen. It is also my mission to rescue her from Sybil.
What romance are you least interested in? Listen, Wayne girls (gn), I’m glad you’re having fun, but it’s not for me. Also, Stella’s romance is frustrating on a purely technical level. I get that it’s on purpose and I get why they did it that way, but it’s so hard to unlock. It’s especially frustrating that it’s so unclear whether Stella can even stand you until the very end.
Who would you romance if every character was eligible? I want Bo to [REDACTED REDACTED  REDACTED REDACTED] me until I can’t walk straight.  
What character would hurt the most if something bad happened to them? Something bad is happening to everyone, but I will riot if Sybil successfully traps Kaneeka, Bo is made any sadder, or the curse on the pastor isn’t broken.
Would you stay in Scarlet Hollow once the week is over? I mean, we’ll see what happens, but the game seems to be heading in a Scarlet Hollow is not going to survive the week direction. If I’m wrong on that... maybe, but probably not. If some major changes get made and it becomes less of a ghost town (...literally?) by the end, it might be worth it, but I’m a city person at heart. 
Who would you vote for dog mayor? Me. I’m dog mayor now.
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bisexualcrowley · 1 year
Me: *Pirating the first episode of Velma.*
Velma, seeing a picture of Fred’s dad: “zAmN! diLF ciTy!”
Me: “First off, no teenager talks like that. Secondly, MAYOR FRED JONES SENIOR DID NOT DIE FOR THIS!”
Moral of the story, Velma sucks, and I do not appreciate that they refuse to acknowledge the TRUE dilf that is Fred’s father.
The fact that Jones Sr's voice actor was IN Velma as a different character added insult to injury there omg
"Zamn! Dilf city" applies to Mayor Jones and Mayor Jones ONLY, and they wouldn't even acknowledge it </3
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cwacomfan16 · 2 years
Gil: My Mayor dad is the most DILF in the world!!
Flint: DILF?? you say to your father DILF?? What's wrong with you??
Gil: well... let's say he's a bit "dominant" in that situation, and my dad is the dominant one here in this town, that's why he's a Big DILF
Flint: are you sick or what the fuck??
Gil: you only envy me because my dad is better than yours!!!
Flint: my dad is calm and super serious and should be considered a DILF, not your father, your father doesn't do edits or fanarts for him!!!! it's almost DILF
Flint: that your father is ALMOST DILF!!!
Flint: how DARE you??
Brent: Hold on!!! we all know that the best DILF is my dad!!!
Gil and Flint: Brent you don't have a dad!!!
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andy-clutterbuck · 2 years
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starryevermore · 2 years
welcome to angst city™ writing challenge
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Hello and welcome to Angst City™! I’m your humble mayor, starryevermore, and I would like to extend a warm welcome to my little town. We’ve just reached 3k residents, and I couldn’t be prouder for how much we’ve grown in such a short amount of time! To celebrate hitting such a tremendous milestone, I’ve decided to host a writing challenge. Now, let’s get into the rules.
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⇨ First things first, anyone participating in the challenge MUST be at least eighteen (18) years of age. Angst City™ only allows adult residents, and any minors who attempt to cross the town line will be blocked. There are no exceptions. 
⇨ All entires must be tagged #welcometoangstcitywritingchallenge and/or #starryevermore3kwritingchallenge AND you must tag me (@starryevermore). 
⇨ The idea of this writing challenge, and the purpose of Angst City™ as a whole, is to make the readers feel something. Go wild with that. You can do fluff, angst, smut, or dark fics. Make our teeth rot at how sickeningly sweet the couple is, make us sob uncontrollably at how heartbreaking it is, make us all hot and bothered by how sexy it is, make us disgusted by how twisted the dark!character is. Just make us feel the emotions you are trying to convey.
⇨ If you choose to write a smut or dark fic, please tag it accordingly. A good rule of thumb is that it’s better to overtag than to undertag. If you aren’t sure if you should tag something, always feel free to ask. 
⇨ The only things not accepted are as follows:
teacher/student or professor/student relationships. 
kinks involving scat.
self harm.
suicide/suicide ideation.
underage characters/readers.
⇨ Any entries that include those will not be read by me and will not be included in the challenge masterlist. 
⇨ If you are going to be entering the challenge, send me an ask (not a message, an ask) with the apartment complex you will be moving into, the floor number you will be renting your room on, and who your roommate(s) will be.
Example: and they lived happily ever after... + first floor + world’s mightiest heroes: steve and sam. 
⇨ Entries must be reader-insert, and readers must be over the age of eighteen (18). 
⇨ If you will be posting your entry on a sideblog, tell me the name of your sideblog when you send me the ask. 
⇨ There is no minimum or maximum word count required. However, I do ask that any entries over 500 words be put under a read more. If you don’t know how to do that, feel free to shoot me an ask and I will explain how to do. 
⇨ The deadline to notify me of the entries you plan on submitting by the end of January 2022—so, send me an ask telling me what you plan on entering by January 31, 2022 at 11:59:59pm EST. 
⇨ The deadline to post your entries is within the year—so post whatever fics you’re entering by November 23, 2022 at 11:59:59pm EST. If you end up needing longer than that, please let me know. 
⇨ There are no limits to how many entries you submit. However, I ask that you either (1) send me an individual ask for each entry you plan to submit or (2) list the entries you would like to submit in your ask. Remember, these asks cannot be sent after 01/31/22. 
⇨ If I do not interact with your entry within a week of you posting it (such as liking it or reblogging it), please send it to me via messages or drop a link to it in my asks. 
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If you would like to leave it up to fate, you can utilize the Wheel of Fortune. You may select only one (1) apartment complex.  
⇨ And They Lived Happily Ever After... Fairy Tale AU. 
⇨ Oh My God, They Were Roommates! Roommate AU.
⇨ You Can Brew It. Coffee Shop AU. 
⇨ Stacy’s Mom Has Got It Going On. DILF/MILF AU. 
⇨ The Red String of Fate. Soulmate AU.
⇨ Let’s Add a Tiara!��Royal AU. 
⇨ Lost in the Stacks. Library AU. 
⇨ How Do You Say “Fuck You” In Flowers? Flower Shop AU. 
⇨ My Favorite Position is CEO. CEO AU. 
⇨ Live To Ride, Ride To Live. Biker AU.
⇨ Smile For The Camera. Pornstar AU.
⇨ Say Hello To My Little Friend. Mob/Mafia AU. 
⇨ Bite Me. Any kind of monsterfucking you want.
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If you would like to leave it up to fate, you can utilize the Wheel of Fortune. You may select only one (1) floor. 
⇨ First Floor: Enemies to Lovers.
⇨ Second Floor: Fake Relationship. 
⇨ Third Floor: Miscommunication. 
⇨ Fourth Floor: Sex Pollen.
⇨ Fifth Floor: Drunken Confessions.
⇨ Sixth Floor: Unrequited Love. 
⇨ Seventh Floor: There Was Only One Bed. 
⇨ Eighth Floor: Mutual Pining.
⇨ Ninth Floor: Love At First Sight.
⇨ Tenth Floor: Accidental Marriage. 
⇨ Eleventh Floor: Friends with Benefits. 
⇨ Twelfth Floor: Major Character Death. 
⇨ Thirteenth Floor: A/B/O Dynamics. 
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You may select however many roommates you wish. You may mix and match from the roommate selections (i.e. take Ransom and Steve even though they are listed in separate categories). If you would like to leave it up to fate, you can use the Wheel of Fortune (full character list) or the Wheels in any of the categories. 
⇨ World’s Mightiest Heroes: Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Tony Stark, Peter Parker (aged up),  Thor Odinson, Valkyrie, Bruce Banner, Carol Danvers, Stephen Strange, James “Rhodey” Rhodes, Scott Lang, Darcy Lewis, Jimmy Woo, Monica Rambeau, Joaquin Torres, Loki, Sylvie, President!Loki, Mobius M. Mobius, Shang-chi, Ikaris, Druig,  etc. (Wheel of Fortune)
⇨ Chris’s Pretty Boys: Ransom Drysdale, Andy Barber, Ari Levinson, Johnny Storm, Jake Wyler, Robert “Mr. Freezy” Pronge, Frank Adler, “Harvard Hottie” Hayden, Jake Jensen, Colin Shea, Nick Vaughan, etc. (Wheel of Fortune)
⇨ Seb’s Cutie Patooties: Lee Bodecker, Mickey Henry, Lance Tucker, Chris Beck, Jefferson/Mad Hatter, Carter Baizen, Charles Blackwood, Destroyer!Chris, Dayton White, Scott Huffman, etc. (Wheel of Fortune)
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if you have any questions, please send a letter to the post office. 
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no pressure tags: @golbrockstar​ @annab-nana @tumblin-theworldaway​ @turbolisedcomet​ 
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happytroopers · 2 years
Boba Fett season finale shit post
Spoilers below. Obviously.
Rip hot twilek your 6 minutes of screen time will be duly forgotten
Fuck the Pykes man
I can tolerate space drug trade but I draw the line at killing renowned jizz musicians
God Fennec Boba and Din in one shot now there’s a sandwich I wanna be in
Many thoughts and yet none at all just sin
Not them trying to redeem the mayor
“I have an idea to draw Fett out.” I’m sending g that there’s the inspo for a new WAVE of self insert fanfic
Luke coming to help his boy toy???
The child????
That’s artooie:)))
Wait can he drive
Me and PELI are on the same page
R2 s like we’re on a SCHEDULE
Is he dropping out of Jedi school
If so I’m gonna have to start kinning baby Yoda
Goth Wookiee :)
Someone’s gonna sneak up on them
Din stop being so sexy
God boba in his armor is so sexy
This is the showdown we wanted in clone wars
Star Wars-issficstion of southern idioms
Ok but two of them are wearing beskar and u are not
Boba said “no 💖🖕”
Why do I feel like fennec is gonna take the brunt of this
Fennec being the sexy voice of reason as always
“Ur going soft in ur old age” as if Bane isn’t fucking ancient
I love my little beuqacratic wiggler
Yep just as I fucking thought
I don’t appreciate them ripping my found family trope to pieces
So that augmented eye is very helpful to his aim huh
Not the water waste
God I love her
Lil punk said lesbian panic!!!
The only woman I would call Mommy
The last time Din got trapped in a blown out bar, it didn’t go well
We love a loyal bestie
More self insert inspo “I’m with you til we both fall”
He said I’m not afraid to pathetic
Is he not gonna read that first
What if it just said “fuck u losers”
Yay space slurs!!!!
Pls be inappropriate
“Nothing 💖”
Creative writing king! He wrote that so fast
Jet pack hotties
Overkill a lil boys???
Awww yay :)
Can y’all imagine like living in this part of town??? Just like, trying to get brunch, and this shit happening.
No the moped!!!!
Disapproved dad says save it
Din’s thighs :)
Oh no
Hey maybe we should start shooting now
Yes start shooting now that they put their RAY SHIELDS up
Ahhhh clone wars nostalgia
Goth WOOKIE said show off
Well that was a waste of a missile
Quick mafs
“You’ve run out of friends” me too boba
God I love this man
Both of them actually
Hey maybe let’s not just run in a mobbed straight line guys????
There is one droid chasing you and approx 60 of y’all
Slutty lil spin there
Din is so fast ????
Bonk !!!
She’s gonna show that baby and dins gonna be like “YOU BROUGHT MY SON INTO A BATTLE ZONE????”
I fight usually leads to dying
They’re in love
Fave dilf
Not the tooth!!!
Zillow beast vibes
Boba lemme sit on ur lap while you ride
ok that was hot
Remisnent if genonosis Kenobi
Boba u are so hot
They’re in LOVE
But fr fr city x country makes the best pairing
Imagine if that was ur house
Boba I demand reparations
Who is the lil pretty boy we keep seeing
Not mysmotinal support space beast!!!!
They’re gonna date!!!!
Wiggler x PELI!!!!
I doubt they’ll kill off Bane. But liek…. What if they did
Also that’s ANOTHER problem for the city
Mmmm Jango ment
Just grab his little face tubes
Oh maybe they will kill him
Makes since tho he’s like OLD OLD
He’s wAs old in Clone Wars
Oh nvm he’s def not dead
Ok now for a King Kong parallel
ok that was hot Din
How to train ur dragon parrlell
Found my new screen saver
Yay decaptiated heads are back!!!
They should hire a tourism director
So sneaky :)
Rip to the ham guards
truly encapsulated what having a toddler is like
Is there an end credit scene
Just realized that in the choral grunting they’re saying Fett- I’m an idiot
Yep end credit scene
I swear if it’s bane
Boba quit modifying ppl without their consent!!!
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darkisrising · 2 years
Okay, since my brain is fuzzy and indecisive this morning, and I always like to offer options on these things any way, some prompt ideas: #20; "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU/Heat of the moment confession for Din/Luke, #2; There's only one bed for Sheriff/Peter, or #22; Trapped somewhere together for Sheriff/Chris. Because Beacon Hills is full of DILFs, goddammit, and I will encourage others into my rare pairs whenever the chance arises. XD Hope some of these help with inspiration, if nothing else. :D
I went with the Sheriff/Chris one, anon, and it got a liiiiiiittle long. So here's the start, and then the rest is on AO3. Hope you like my first attempt ever at this rare pair! Thanks for playing :-) By the way they held their eyes If he were back in Beacon Hills it would be twenty minutes, tops, in front of city hall and maybe a lunch afterwards at Deb's with the mayor picking up the tab.
But this is a state commendation ceremony, which means there's pomp and circumstance. It means a cocktail hour and dinner at three hundred dollars a plate. It means schmoozing with muckety mucks and--maybe worst of all-- it means he's gotta get out the dress uniform that only ever leaves the dry cleaners' plastic when there's another officer's funeral to attend.
There's been an awful lot of those in Beacon Hills since the werewolves came to town. Or came back to town. Noah tries to keep up with the ins and outs of the local supernatural citizenry, but even all these years later it still sometimes feels like he's playing catch up while everyone else is in the majors.
Still, he's done a good enough job with the human population to have caught someone's eye at the state level who must have thought it made sense as a photo op-- small town sheriff with a crime rate to rival a major city doing his gosh-darn hardest to keep his men alive-- to think he could use some recognition.
Noah knows what he's really here for: to give some salt-of-the-earth, folksy, golly-gee-shucks-I'm-just-doing-my-job charm to the proceedings, and as little as he likes being used as a political prop during an election year, his son's face when he’d found the invitation in the garbage— and what Stiles had been doing, going through his garbage, is a mystery known to Mieczyslaw Stilinski alone, and maybe not even to him— had given Noah pause.
"You've gotta go, dad," Stiles had said, dark eyes shining with more excitement than he’s seen from his kid in years. Read on AO3
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horrordykes-moved · 3 years
im a lesbian but i'm also a boytoy, a girl husband, a male wife, a dilf, an absent father, a cunt, a bitch, a downer, a hater, and a style icon. i contain multitudes and that is why i am proud to announce my candidacy for mayor of new york city. see you all in the square <3
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cincinnatiburn · 7 years
accepted - blaine anderson
thank you to all our blaine applicants and congratualations to ryan. please follow our checklist and enjoy!
out of character information
hey, y'all! i’m ryan! i'm 22 and in the est timezone. i’ve been playing blaine for five years now and he’s currently my main muse! i graduated in may and recently moved back home to #findmyway. aka i’m always around while i get my life together. hit me up on skype or my main blog (ramirps). we’ll get wine drunk and plot together!
general statistics
NAME: Blaine Devon Anderson. NICKNAMES: B. AGE: 29. BIRTHDAY: 04-04-1988. GENDER: Male. PRONOUNS: He/him. ZODIAC SIGN: Aries. MOTHER: Pamela Anderson, wine mom and LGBT ally. FATHER: Alan Anderson, Filipino DILF and total dickhead. PARENTS: Pamela & Alan Anderson, avid church goers and suburban socialites. FAMILY: The Andersons: Pamela, Alan, and Cooper. Not as picture perfect as their neighbors might think, but Blaine loves them anyway. SIBLINGS: Cooper Anderson, Blaine’s hotter and more successful older brother. His parents’ pride and joy.
BORN: Columbus, Ohio. RAISED: Dublin, Ohio. VEHICLE: (Silver) 2014 Honda Civic. PETS: None. He has a 24 on/48 off schedule and works 56 hours a week. He doesn’t have the time to dedicate to taking care of a puppy even though he wants one. POLITICAL AFFILIATION: Democrat/Liberal. Left of center. RELIGION: Raised Catholic, now atheist. BELIEFS: Freedom to use hair product is a constitutional right. Size doesn’t matter. Katharine McPhee should’ve beaten Taylor Hicks in the fifth season of American Idol. MISDEMEANORS: None. Although he could’ve gotten one for stealing newspapers after his high school talent show. The local paper critiqued his abysmal performance of The Transcendental Études. He knew the piece was challenging. He didn’t expect to choke and embarrass himself in front of the entire student body. Disaster. He stole every paper in his neighborhood to hide the evidence in shame. FELONIES: Again, none. Even though his guilty pleasure crime show addictions have made him think he’s capable of murder. If only for the fun of the cover up. TICKETS AND/OR VIOLATIONS: None. He’s never gotten caught for trespassing at the Palace Theatre in Columbus. He loves breaking into dressing rooms when national tours come into town. The stolen souvenirs from these escapades are some of his most prized possessions. DRUGS: He’ll smoke a bowl in a social setting, but won’t partake in much else. Being around his friends while they do harder drugs doesn’t make him uncomfortable. It only bothers him if babysitting them becomes a hassle. He likes to enjoy his night out too. SMOKES: No, but he doesn’t mind being around the smoke or have a problem if someone does. It’s not a turn off. ALCOHOL: Grey Goose Vodka. Cosmos. Appletinis. Manhattans. Rosé. Champagne. If it’s fruity and alcoholic, he’ll drink it. He’s not opposed to knocking back a few beers with the guys either. At a pre-game, he’s the one slicing the limes and calling everyone over for tequila shots. DIET: He’s conscious of eating well most of the time. The baked goods on display when he stops for his morning and afternoon cups of coffee are his weakness. His sweet tooth is his greatest downfall. Who can blame him in a world where cronuts exist? AM hot yoga, his P90X DVDs, and boxing sessions at the gym help him work off the extra calories.
interview section
“let’s start off with some easy question, tell me a little about you, where you are from.”
Sure! I’m Blaine Anderson. Twenty-nine years young which is such a boring age. Can we please get this year over with so I can be thirty, flirty, and thriving already? I’m from Dublin, Ohio. I’m sure you’re familiar with it, we’re a suburb of Columbus. I’m also a Miami U alum and bleed red and white. Go RedHawks! While my degree is in business, I’m a certified paramedic and have found that saving lives is my true calling. Not all heroes wear capes, man.
“we’re looking at gay life in cincinnati in 2017. it’s not the usual kind of place you think up when talking about gay cities. what makes cincinnati so unique?”
Ohio may be a battleground state and swing red often, but not all areas are conservative. Cincinnati’s mayor is a Democrat and we’re ranked as one of the most queer friendly cities in America! Back in the day they called it “The Paris of America.” Romantic, right? Businesses welcome the LGBT community. Not to mention, there’s an anti-discrimination ordinance in place that gives me some peace of mind. Plus the Bengals stadium is here! What’s gayer than men tackling each other? I wouldn’t dream of living anywhere else in the state.
“it seems like a lot people here are split into two camps, sex positive and relationship positive, which camp do you fall into?”
I don’t subscribe to the notion that the two have to be mutually exclusive. I like to think I fall somewhere in the middle. Everything’s on a spectrum these days, right? Sex is a great time. Even better when it’s done with someone you care about. Cruising on nights out with the guys can be fun. Other times it’s draining. It would be nice to have a partner in crime to come home to after a rough day. I’m open to that if Prince Charming rides in on his valiant steed and sweeps me off my feet. Until then, I’ll settle for getting off when the opportunity presents itself.
“what is the most significant relationship in your life?”
My best friend, Sebastian. Nobody gets Seb the way I do. Sure, he’s a total asshole but despite his poor decision making and problematic choices, I care about him. Love him, actually. Even when he’s strung out on E and screaming out my sunroof at the top of his lungs in broad daylight.
“cincinnati seems to be a real up and coming gay city, so what’s next for you?”
Savings lives is tough work. We’re severely underpaid considering the long hours and nature of the job. Making ends meet on my salary hasn’t proven easy. Especially when you’ve got friends that want to go out every single weekend and some weeknights. I’m considering offering piano lessons to help fund my drinking budget. Teaching, working, and going out with the guys will have me booked solid. I guess I can pencil in some time to hunt for a future husband, but that’s on the back burner for now. Save myself the disappointment. I’ll think about starting a family when I hit thirty.
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andy-clutterbuck · 10 months
Mayor of Dilfshire
You win, man
💙💙 Mayor of Dilf City is normally my go-to but something with more of an English flair just fits my favorite cryptid, The Cotswolds Unicorn, better, I reckon 🤔🦄
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