#the map is filled with 200+ items at each location
alexyssc13 · 29 days
May 6 - Asakusa | Fukagawa Edo Museum
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To start off the day, we went to Asakusa as a class. This was the first time we used our Suica cards to ride the train. It was such a maze in the train station. The maps that showed all the lines were crazy and complicated. I was so glad we had a guide because I probably would get lost if it was just me and Google Maps. The train ride was pretty smooth and quite fast. However, it wasn’t as quiet as I thought it would be because I still saw people whispering to each other.
When we got to Asakusa, there was a lot of people already. Many tourists were taking pictures of the famous arch with its big red lantern. There was also a market that led you towards the temple, and it was comprised of various shops that sold items from clothes to souvenirs to food. Near the middle of the market, there were two paths opposite each other that led to long arcades filled with even more places to explore. At the end of the market, there was an arch with a large pair of sandals attached to it as well as a five-storied pagoda. This was right before the area where you can get your fortune for 100 yen. I got the best fortune! Then right before we entered the temple, we did a few things to prepare ourselves, such as being immersed in the smoke of incense, washing our hands with water from this fountain, and giving yen. When we entered the temple, I noticed how beautiful the ceiling was. As I got closer to where the crowd was, I saw a golden display that people were bowing towards and offering their prayers to. At the sides of the display, there were stands where you can buy charms for different purposes. I bought two charms for 1,000 yen: one for good health and one for education and learning. Afterwards, the class split up for lunch, so my friends and I found this small restaurant where I ate delicious tonkatsu. Across from the restaurant, there was a capsule store that we looked at. In the end, I just bought a pin for 200 yen right in front of the restaurant. Then, we regrouped and took the train to the Fukagawa Edo Museum.
At the museum, we were able to explore a small town from the Edo period. We were able to enter the shops and houses as well as interact with some of the props. There were guides who were scattered around the area so they could teach us about the history and the purpose of various props or buildings. It was so interesting learning about how people used to live in the Edo period, especially how families were forced to live in such small houses.
Academic Reflection:
Around the temple area, I saw several statues and smaller temples, and in front of them, they had boxes where you can donate money. They also had two large containers with slates that hordes of people passed by and threw yen into. One was located before you entered the main temple and one was right in front of the golden display within the temple. In comparison to these “donation boxes”, there were the charm stands and fortune stands that I mentioned earlier where people willing give money for something in return. It’s interesting how the temple found other methods to earn money, other than from funerals which was mentioned in the first reading. I also noticed how the temple is probably utilizing the market and stores nearby as a way to grab the attention of the broad audience that it desires, which includes younger generations and tourists.
When we were at the museum, one of the guides told us about the difference between the house sizes. The men who were rich and owned these big saws lived in the larger houses. Those who weren’t as wealthy lived in these much smaller houses that were basically the size of a single room, and they were fitting the whole family inside them. This difference in living reminds me of how the samurai had much better lives, compared to the peasants and townspeople. I also went inside a storage building in which they used to keep their rice, and I remember learning about it from the third reading.
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eldarya-no-lorraine · 2 years
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sketchs-trashcan · 5 years
so, it seems like tumblr ate my original post...*sigh* at least this means I can do the same thing but with the entire game now.
Since I ended up with PQ2 early, I wrote down most of everything that happened and decided to put it all together in a guide of some sort. I have a less-spoilery section full of general info and a much more spoilery section that pertains to the labyrinths. The labyrinth parts will be mostly about where to unlock special screenings as well as weakness to some FOEs and the boss of the labyrinth. Keep in mind that this is NOT a full guide and I definitely left some things out and/or vague. This is more like the bare bones of the game. Kinda. idk what to call it.
if you want something a bit more specific and/or want to scream about the game, feel free to message me!
Less spoilery stuff
•don’t play based off of knowledge from PQ, literally almost every shadow has different weaknesses and resistances
•hitting a (fill in the blank)bane lexy with something it’s resistant to can cause it to use holy wrath on a row (heavy damage, all binds) (seems to only be specific ones, i have yet to find a pattern though. i don’t think it started to happen until farther along in the game, which was an aboslute bitch in some cases)
•golden shadows always move first, don’t bother with moves like line guard unless that character is in boost
•FOEs can’t be knocked down
•speaking of knocking things down, you need all enemies to be down before you can do an all-out attack. also, all enemies will go back up after one
•after getting back up, enemies might attack. it’s a bit inconsistent
•you know what else is inconsistent? some of the in-game descriptions and explanations. i’m pretty sure armor smasher or whatever only lasts one turn, not three. also, blue is the weakest color for an FOE, not white. i refuse to believe that a dinosaur is somehow less threatening than a dude in a chicken suit. there’s other problems, but those are the ones i can think of off the top of my head
-i lied. i thought of something else
•in the shop, the “have” section includes anything in storage, while inventory is what you actually have with you. it’s a bit dicier when withdrawing items, i think that counting system’s just fucked
•the huge churros are a bit of a ripoff by the time you can get them unless you want to restore only 30 HP to a row in battle. otherwise, just use normal popcorn (as a side note, i was playing on hard, so my team had to be hella buff to take on the first boss, this could be why i view the churros with distain)
•the hotdogs and large dual dogs, on the other hand, are good. especially the dual dogs, stick to those once you unlock them
•selling FOE bits doesn’t really seem to unlock new items in the shop until later. very disappointing gosh darn it yosuke, stop messing with the game mechanics
•read item descriptions. i went into the first boss battle thinking gutsy fries were the same as revival beads. they are not.
•sacrificing personas doesn’t seem to create special materials anymore
•unison attacks can happen so long as at least one participating member is in the battling party. example: the unison attack with P3P and the other (human) 2nd years can occur even if fuuka is the only one present (she’ll need to be navigating the battle though)
•unison attacks occur at random from what i can tell. they’re very strong, but don’t count on one always popping up when you need one
•follow-up attacks are also random, but much weaker. they at least knock down the shadow that’s still up and gives you the opportunity for an all-out attack, so there’s that
•always take the opportunity for all-out attacks. enemies might recover before the rest of your team can attack and get into boost mode
•some special screenings seem to be unlocked only if you check the shop/box office at specific points in the game. i don’t know if they’re only at specific points or if they can happen after that, too
•wildcards do not all need to be at a specific level to unlock ultimate personas, so don’t feel completely obligated to keep them up to speed with joker (you should still train them a bit though). everyone else needs to be at least level 55 to unlock theirs afterwards
•if two FOEs end up running into you at different times during a battle, the most recent one will kick out the older one (aka you don’t fight both of them at once). which means if you win, the newer one dies, but the older one will still be lurking next to you (this is based off of one special screening where i got cocky and nearly paid the price for it)
-i am currently unconvinced that homonculi or however it’s spelled exist outside of chests. i beat the entire game, beat every FOE, and they still haven’t shown up in the shop
That was long. Oops? Well, next up is the labyrinths, so if you want to find out this stuff on your own, best not go any farther.
More spoilery stuff
•i’m 90% certain that the goba-k more is in a golden chest somewhere in this labyrinth. if not, it was in junessic land
•Noir and Queen do not join until after boss
•P3P does not join until second floor (if I’m remembering correctly, otherwise it’s third)
•when rescuing P3P, take out the original shadow, then beat the shit out of tank with everything you have
•just try to stay alive during inital Kamoshidaman encounter, don’t bother too much with attacking (i don’t know if attacking is required for the battle to end, i tried to attack and quickly got pummeled)
•there’s a shortcut that leads to the stairs between the 2nd and 3rd floor, but you have to fight a battle before you can activate it. the battle is not nice
•Boss: Left is weak to fire, right is weak to electricity, middle is weak to fire once left and right are gone
also, the scene where the thieves make their move is fantastic, make sure to watch it. volume on also makes it better
Junessic Land
-lots of the enemies here have a weakness to psi, some of them have weakness to nuke. change your team accordingly
•you can’t sneak up on the pterodactyl FOEs. even if you sneak up on them. they “sneak up” on you and gain advantage (they’re weak to ice, resistant to curse, and can confuse you, btw) ::edit:: they don’t gain advantage so long as you approach them from the front
-t-rex FOEs only chase you if you walk into their line of sight (they’re weak to nuke and resistant to basically everything else, btw. highly recommend avoiding battle when possible)
•IT minus Yosuke does not join until the second floor
•Yosuke does not join until you rescue one of the herbivores
•dead end in area 1, D4: regain HP and SP
•for a certain special screening, ammonite is located in D3. don’t be a fool like me. avoid the pond until you find all the chests
•electric gates are essentially mean walls. you can walk right up to them, just don’t try to walk through them
•dead end in area 3, B6: unlocks new special screening
•can begin unlocking unison attacks after rescuing Yosuke
•dead end in area 3, E4: allowing Fox and Teddie to eat the fruit causes them to lose HP and gain SP (probably only matters if one of them is in your party, idk)
•dead end in area 4, F6: unlocks new special screening
•Boss: weak to electric, resistant (and eventually null) to wind
-Left back: Weak to psi. Resistant to ice, nuke
-Middle back: Weak to nuke. Resistant to ice, psi
-Right back: Weak to ice. Resistant to psi, nuke
-Based on context clues (those being the boss going from mostly chilling to beating the shit out of me), I’m 99% certain you do NOT want to actually knock out the “boss”, focus on the back line
-for the most part, anything robotic has the exact weakness you’d expect it to have
•SEES minus P3 and Aigis join on the first floor
•the stationary FOEs are stupidly easy to defeat if you have electric attacks
•the other FOEs, on the other hand, are not. they will hurt you and some of them chase you through security gates. do not engage, do not pass go, do not collect $200 (unless they’re either blue or white on your map, in which case, go nuts)
•there are three possible tasks you can choose from to open the lab. don’t know about the other two, but power doesn’t involve battling
•Aigis and P3 join on first floor of lab
•dead end in zone 1, C4: unlocks new special screening
•dead end in zone 2, C6: unlocks new special screening
•dead end in zone 2, B5: unlocks new special screening
•southwest corner of small room in lab 1F (corner is in A4): unlocks new special screening
•dead end in lab 2F, B6: unlocks new special screening
•boss: no weakness initially, but weak to everything once hacked first time (it’s still on and can attack though, and the hack is temporary), weak to curse second (haven’t checked everything)
-has an attack that brings everyone to the same amount of hp, using all/line guard is probably a bad idea when it happens depending on everyone’s hp, recommend fuuka as battle nav for healing tide and bringing along someone with mediarama
-seals one attack from each person at random
-uses multiple magic attacks (have found electric, ice, fire, and wind)
-has attacks that can bind magic, strength, or speed
-make sure ALL elements are covered, preferably by more than one skill/person
•be very wary if you come across an actual set of stairs, there will be a battle in the next open space/beyond the next door
•some stage lifts have FOEs on them
•gnomes turn every three steps
•mr. bear can potentially change its path when you flip a switch
    -in case you were wondering. they are weak to curse. and they hit really fucking hard (as in, over 200 damage while under the influence of debilitate to a roughly lv 50 aigis in the back row, and she’s resistant to physical attacks. big yikes). but. if you use the combination of debilitate/masukunda/masukukaja/orb of haste. they hit you once in a blue moon. so basically never
•there is a goho-m more in the golden chest in the first act
•dead end in act 1, 4C: new screening
•(just assume the rest of these are dead ends) act 2, 3E: new screening
•act 5, 5E: new screening
•act 6, 7B: new screening
•act 6: 6F: i’m 99% certain this unlocked a special screening but for some reason i wasn’t given a notification
•boss: first off. can i just say. WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK IS THAT??? WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?? DISGUSTING!!! EUUURGHHHH!!!!!
-looks like a variety of attacks, including almighty. it depends on where the eye is
-eye is the only part that can actually take damage, the rest seems to be just for boost
-knows mamudo
-eye: immune to everything except physical/almighty
-left arm: weak to wind
-right arm: ?
-head: ? (never figured out these two bc i beat it before i could bother figuring it out)
-real weak point: weak to electric and ice
-later on, if you use any support skill other than your new one (you’ll know which one), the real weak point will bind you again. also happens once everyone is unbound
-side note, normal unbinding items don’t work, unless that was a very unfortunate glitch i had
-you have to actually step on switches to use them. that’s really all i’ve got
-wait. there’s a dead end somewhere that unlocks one of the last unison skills. i forgot to write down where though.
-there is also a “treasure spot” somewhere on the last labyrinth floor :) that has :) a special surprise :) have fun :):):):) *screams into the void*
-defeating the FOE that chases you is required to unlock the ultimate weapons. the FOE that mimics you is required to unlock ultimate armor. both things require parts from other FOEs, so go nuts, i guess
-rain leg musha is weak to fire and curse, resistant to nuke. wicked turret is weak to psi, resistant to fire
-there are “reruns” of the bosses you have to beat. they’re easy so long as you exploit their weaknesses. they’re basically the easy version of when you first fought them, no extra gimmicks. i found kamoshidaman in the lower left, dino boy in the bottom right, computer in the upper right, and big ol’ blob in the upper left
-weak to psi and nuke, resistant to electric
-ok, this battle was both fun an an absolute bitch (my entire team was level 72 and i was on hard mode, if that give you any context)
-first and foremost, this boss can change its affinity. you can tell what it is based on what attack it’s using. in all cases, it’s null to wind. not sure why
     -weak to ice, resistant to fire (and vice versa)
     -weak to light, resistant to dark (and vice versa)
-the boss can nullify buffs to your party and debuffs to itself. this makes those skills useless overall, but they can at least distract her for a move, which could give you the breather you need
-the boss can bind and afflict ailments
-retake undoes everything that happened in the previous turn (it’s like the turn never happened in the first place), so if the boss is “charging up” and there’s no sword in front, just have everyone guard
-if the sword is in front and it starts glowing in waves? fucking. block.
     -the attack seems to alternate which row it hits, but i beat the boss before i could actually think to look for a pattern
-there will come a point where the boss does an action you haven’t seen previously. see things through to the end (aka don’t turn of the game in a panic)
There’s another battle post-game, but it’s. uh. really. really. REALLY fucking hard. my team was all level 72, i switched to safety mode, and I still died before i could really do anything. the only tip i can give you is that when a new character joins the battle, for the love of all that is good, G U A R D, dammit
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campingblog-blog1 · 5 years
A Beginner's Guide To Essential Camping Gear
Spring is in full swing, which means that camping trip you’ve been itching to take is just around the corner. Of course, you’ve also been meaning to buy the required gear too. Don’t worry, whether you’re a complete beginner or a vet looking to cover your bases, we’ve got you covered.
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What you should take on your camping trip depends on what type of trip you have in mind. Driving somewhere and going on small day hikes from a populated base camp? You can bring a nice, big stove. Hiking 25 miles into the middle of the Grand Gulch? You want something a little more portable. The distinction between the two is usually labeled as “camping” or “backpacking.” Campers drive somewhere and camp out of that location. Backpackers hike in and then make camp with what they’ve brought.
The gear best suited for each usually has to do with weight and packability, so make sure you consider which you’ll spend more time doing when you shop for gear. Backpacking gear tends to be pricier because it focuses on weight, but it’s great for both camping and backpacking. That dual-use nature is good for anyone planning on doing both. You should consider your specific needs instead of relying on a generic checklist, but the list of essential items for most trips remains the same.
The Basics: Essential Camping and Hiking Equipment Illustration for article titled A Beginner's Guide To Essential Camping Gear Let’s start with the most obvious camping-specific equipment: Tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, and all that other stuff that immediately comes to mind when you think of camping. This is all the expensive gear you’ve been putting off buying until you really needed it. Thankfully, you can get by with a lot less you think.
Tents, Tarps, Poles, Tie Downs, and Stakes: You’ll need something to sleep in, so a tent should be at the top of your priority list. There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all tent though. Tents come in a variety of sizes and in a variety of types. Some ultralight tents are best suited for backpacking, while other, heavier tents come with spacious luxuries best suited for hanging out near a car. To confuse matters more, most tents come in two varieties: three-season and four-season. Three-season tents are good for just about anything but the deep of winter, while four-season tents have more durable fabric that can handle snowdrifts. Good news though, as our friends over at The Wirecutter point out, most tents in the $200-$300 range are pretty good nowadays, so you pretty much can’t go wrong. They suggest the now discontinued Big Agnes Blacktail 3 person tent, but you can still snag it as new-old-stock for around $230.
 If you want to dig into the specifics of the differences between tent types, Backcountry walks you through the different types of backpacking tents, what to look for in weight, and how to choose the right seasonal variety for you. You’ll also usually want a footprint to place beneath your tent to block out water. Any of these will do the job.
Sleeping Bags and Sleeping Pads: Like tents, sleeping bags come in different weights and handle different temperatures, so you have to do some research to find the one best suited for you, where you plan to camp, and when. Outside Magazine’s best sleeping bags or the Wirecutter’s picks are good places to start. Wirecutter’s a fan of the $200 REI Radiant Sleeping Bag as a good all-around bag. Outside Magazine’s top recommendation is the Marmot Electrum, which you can usually track down for under $160.
 You will probably spend around $150-$200 for a decent sleeping bag. On top of that, most people will also want a sleeping pad, an air-filled pad that sits between your sleeping bag and the ground so you can get a little more comfortable. Our friends over at Indefinitely Wild have a rundown of the best sleeping pads for various budgets and uses. Which is best for you depends on your size, but I’m personally a fan of the $80 Therma-Rest Prolite.
Backpacks: Backpacks are an area where the distinction between camping and backpacking matters. If you’re camping, you arguably don’t need a backpack at all (though you want a good day pack if you’re planning on small hikes). In the backpack world, there are three main distinctions for sizes: day packs, overnight, and long haul. Which you need depends completely on what you plan on doing. Outside Magazine has a great rundown of some of the best packs for each type, but if you’re new to backpacking and don’t want to dish out a ton of cash, 
Indefinitely Wild has a cheapskate guide that keeps things as budget-friendly as possible. They suggest the Kelty Redwing for $140 as a solid but cheap bag that’ll hold what you need and won’t kill your back.
Headlamps, Lanterns, and Flashlights: Surprise! It gets dark in the woods, so you want something to help you see at night. Any cheap flashlight A sturdy, reliable flashlight will work here (LED is best, something like this $8 Mini CREE LED flashlight will do the job for most people), but having some extra gear is helpful too. A lantern like the Black Diamond Apollo Lantern for $44 is super useful for camping so you can make your way around the campsite and your tent easily in the dark, but it’s far too bulky for backpacking. For that, a headlamp like the $30 Black Diamond Spot Headlamp is surprisingly useful, especially when you’re trying to set up a tent after dark.
Water Filtration Systems and(or?) Treatment Tablets: If you’re camping, you can (and should) bring along as much water as you’d possibly need in your car, so it’s easily accessible. Some campsites even have fresh water available, but you should bring some anyway. If you’re backpacking however, that’s not an option, so you’ll need a water filtration system. For something on the cheap end, the Sawyer Mini Water Filtration System filters water and only costs $20 at Amazon. For a slightly more portable solution, Iodine tablets like these $6 Potable Aqua Treatment Tablets work too.
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Hiking Boots or Shoes: Depending on the type of trip you’re taking, you’ll want to grab some hiking boots or shoes. Your sneakers will do just fine in many places, but if you’re planning on going for a longer backpacking trip, dedicated shoes are much more comfortable since they offer more support, padding, and stability for your ankles as your cross rough terrain. Of course, like everything else here, you have a million choices. In this case, your selection breaks down to boots, trail runners, approach shoes, and hiking shoes. Boots are clunkier but sturdier, so they’re good for people who like a lot of grip in their shoes and who like to jump into mud piles. 
Trail runners are light but have no real traction or ankle support, so they’re best for the nimble-footed who prefer to jump around. Hiking shoes are the goldilocks of each of those, they are lightweight, have good traction, and solid durability. They also tend to have low longevity. Approach shoes are meant mostly for climbing but sit somewhere in-between boots and runners. If this was an RPG, boots are for your tank, trail runners are for your high DEX character, and approach or hiking shoes are for your basic all around character. Each has their own list of merits and best use-cases, and Gizmodo compared the pros and cons of each type. For most people, they land on approach shoes as a suggestion, but more general all-around hiking shoes like any of these will do the job too.
Paper Maps: Regardless of whether you’re camping or backpacking, there’s a good chance you will not have cell phone service. Get a map of wherever you’re going before you get out there, then learn how to read it and not to rely on GPS, even if you bring a stand-alone satellite GPS unit. You can typically find a map from the ranger station near any park entrance, or you can print them online. Either way, make sure you have one.
First Aid Kit: It shouldn’t be a surprise that you need a first aid kit for camping. Include the usual aspirins, bandages, and gauze here, but also toss in some hiking-specific stuff like moleskin for blisters, bug sprays, and aloe vera for burns. Indefinitely Wild has a guide to put together your own kit, and the Washington Trails Association has a great checklist as well. There are thousands of other gadgets, knick-knacks, and other gear available for camping, but most people don’t need more than what’s listed here when it comes to the essentials.If you are looking for more information about Camping Blog  visit Here right away.
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Chapter 14: Mission’s Bane
Disclaimer: We (@zazabelle and @draksisreborn) own nothing but our OCs. Star Wars belongs to Lucasfilm and Disney. Please review and enjoy this latest installment. 
“...In short, we might not have to build the data table at all! If I could install a section in BX’s chest to integrate the power flow of lightsaber crystal, then we could have a walking data table-!”
Lerti and BX weren’t paying much attention to Nek as the three of them sat in a city transport speeder on their way to the orb’s directed coordinates. Lerti sat up front near the driver, head in her hand and helmet on her lap as she watched the rain streak off the hovercraft window while they soared in between city buildings and stayed within the near impossible lanes of 3-Dimensional traffic. Nek and BX sat in the back; Nek was still rambling on about his new design plans to no one in particular, unless you counted the driver, who didn’t seem any more interested than the rest of them. BX sat stoically, head bent, staring down at the old rusted lightsaber he still gripped in his left claw.
BX had been unwilling to hold the orb again to see if the same coordinates would come up, so Lerti had to immediately recorded herself saying the series of latitudes and longitudes she could remember from the sequence before Nek compared them to the map of the city they had on file in the ship. The closest they could find to the sequence that Lerti remembered was a large living complex called “Iron Gate Residential” located on the southside of the 3rd quadrant in the sprawling planet-wide city. This wasn’t impossibly far from docking depot The Raving Titan was being housed in, so a short city transport ride later, Lerti, Nek, and BX were now arriving on an entrance platform nearly 200 stories up the living complex. 
As the cab slowed to a stop, Lerti gazed up at the skyscraping tower and cursed silently to herself as the ridiculousness of her life once again set in. 
Paying the driver, Lerti nearly started cursing less to herself as they exited the cab. As soon as the engineer and the droid’s door slammed shut, Lerti turned with a frown on her teeth.
“Did none of us think how we were going to know what apartment we’re looking to head into?” She snapped, quickly shutting up Nek who had still been talking, “Or, what we’re even looking for to begin with!?”
The two were quiet for a moment before Nek shrugged, “I mean, I figured we’re looking for a holocron.”
Lerti sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, “BX? Any ideas?”
Lerti looked up.
BX was gone.
“Wha the-? BX!?” Lerti called as Nek spun around to find the same nothingness.
Nek quickly pointed as he spotted the tall droid moving through the crowds and rain towards the living complex’s 200th story entrance. Lerti and Nek jumped to action to keep up. The two called out to the droid but the commando seemed fixated on something in the distance.
They caught up just as BX was entering the building and saw the droid wasn’t fixated on something far away but was instead holding the old rusty saber out in front of him almost as if he was holding a compass.
As the droid entered the ‘lobby’, or rather a very run down, big room with a receptionist and moldy smelly couches, Lerti grabbed BX’s arm and, with effort, spun the droid to face her. BX’s attention suddenly snapped to her as she hissed, “What are you doing!?”
“Following the sequence.” The droid explained, motioning with the lightsaber. 
Luckily the saber was so rusted, from a distance it likely resembled more of an old drainage pipe than a near-mythical weapon. Just to be safe, Nek eyed the Ithorian receptionist to look for a reaction but the alien’s slug-like face didn’t move away from the holonet screen she watched lazily from behind her desk. 
“What do you mean?” Nek whispered as he turned back to the conversation, also keeping his voice down for their one audience member. 
“There is a sequence of very subtle sounds rising from this device echoing off another device in this building and so I was following.” BX explained in great detail.
“Sequence of sounds… you mean like a song? Like Vis talks about?? How can you hear it?” Nek questioned with a hint of jealousy in his voice. 
“I believe it is connected with the error that occured in my system earlier today. Or my trick circuit is acting up again, but the connection seemed viable enough to act on. Though the sound is very faint.” BX explained with a shrug to his tone.
“That’s so cool.” Nek breathed.
Lerti snorted softly, “You sound like Vis.”
“Well you smell like Vis.” Nek retorted.
Before Lerti could begin to even scrape the surface of whatever that was supposed to mean, BX was off. Again the droid made his way across the lobby but this time Lerti and Nek simply followed. Stepping into an elevator at the other end of the room, BX stood for a moment, contemplating the nearly 400 floors worth of buttons on the inside of the elevator’s panel. 
He held out the saber in front of the buttons.
“3… 1. 4. This is the correct series.” BX concluded as he selected Floor 314.
As the lift doors slid to a close, Nek caught a glimpse of the Ithorian receptionist lazily pointing to a plaque on the wall Nek hadn’t seen before, her eyes never leaving the screen in front of her. 
‘Trespassers will be shot.’ The sign read.
“Lovely.” Nek sighed as the door clicked closed.
On the ride up, Lerti contacted Soron and updated him on their status and position. “From the looks of things we may be in for a heist, but we don’t know who it is we’re stealing the box from.” 
“Who knows?” Nek cut in, “Maybe it’ll be some wise old Jedi who’ll see the purity of our hearts and hand it over.”
“Well… Maybe? No. Probably not.” Soron’s doubt filled voice responded over the comlink.
“Yeah, you’re right.” Nek’s voice deflated.
With that, the elevator doors slid open and the three left the lift. Hanging up on Soron, Lerti and Nek followed as BX wove purposefully through the maze of hallways and rooms just on the 314th floor of the skyscraper. 
The hallways reflected the 200th floor lobby that they’d entered in from: dark, dingy, and wrought with this planet’s varieties of mold. And no doubt the rooms within also reflected that same proviso. The lights above them seemed to flicker with each step they took and voices could always be heard around each corner but each cause of the sound quieted before any of the three could make out a word. 
Lerti had placed her helmet on in the lift but now kept her hands near her blasters at her sides and Nek reciprocated her caution by keeping a hand along the shaft of his double bladed vibroblade he had strung across his small, but sturdy form. BX, on the other hand, did not seem concerned with the lights or the voices. The normally alert and defensive droid seemed somehow distant as he held the saber in front of him, only adding further to the eerie nature of the situation.
BX suddenly came to a stop outside a room only one door away from the emergency exit door at the end of the hall. A notably prime spot for anyone needing conveniently to escape.
“Room B-214e. This is the correct sequence.” BX announced in a hushed voice. 
Lerti, snapping to attention, drew her weapons and made the motions for Nek and BX to get into position next to and in front of the door. BX crouched and backed away so his back was nearly touching the door across the hall. With Nek just across from her at the edge of the door frame, Lerti gave the signal for BX to scan the room for life signs.
After a moment BX silently looked to Lerti.
“Anyone home?” Lerti whispered.
“There are life signs in the room above and in the rooms two doors down but none in this room or its immediate neighbors.” BX reported quietly. 
“Alright. Nek? You want to be the one ot do the honors?” Lerti said motioning to the keypad on the door.
Nek nodded quietly and got to work debasing the keypad frame and rewiring the circuits holding the door shut. A few moments later, the door slid open. In the near silence of the dingy living space, the sound was deafening. 
Lerti gave the signal for how they were to enter and the three of them slid into the pitch black room. But…
“Hold.” Lerti commanded as they finished taking their positions, “Something’s off.”
The three stared curiously at the scene before them. It was no wonder there were no life signs of the neighboring rooms if this one was empty. 
There was only one room.
BX’s eye lights shined in through the open door. Nek inched forward, his eyes darting around the room.
“If I’m seeing this right, it looks like the two rooms directly to the right of this one have been knocked down and I think the two rooms in the hallway adjacent to this one have also been joined.” Nek surmised quietly. 
The space was filled with crates. Though, to Lerti it looked like a garage sale compared to the large scale black market operation that herself, Cenden, and Vis had stumbled upon in Tiss’sharl. Nonetheless it was still an impressive amount of things to put in the “one” room.
The three crept into the room, leaving the door open for extra light and the first point of escape if need be. Nek fidgeted where he stood with vibroblade at the ready, “BX, can you hear the singing?”
BX was quiet for a moment, looking towards the lightsaber like he was waiting for it to talk. The droid then nodded and pointed somewhere deep in the crate maze, “I believe it’s somewhere in that direction.”
Nek followed BX further into the darkness, his back to the droid and vibroblade extended as he watched the inky surroundings. Lerti stayed behind in the open space of light, blasters drawn. 
She was exposed this way. Anyone coming in, or hiding within, would be more likely to focus on her and not the two procuring the item. Lerti gazed about, expectantly, for while BX’s scans for lifeforms were mostly accurate according to his programming, but there were plenty of ways to trick a droid, especially one acting as strangely as theirs.
Listening to make sure she could still hear BX’s clanking footsteps in the distance, Lerti allowed her attention to move from examining the darkness for shifting shadows to examining the storage room itself. 
Even in the dim light, Lerti could make out the basic shapes of the crates around her. They weren’t identical, so she figured this wasn’t an official business like Jinx had, or even like Beebs carries out. Whoever was collecting these things didn’t care about presentation. 
“I sure have been stumbling into some real junk piles lately.” Lerti said to herself thinking of the blackmarket of Tiss’sharl, Vis’ mismatch temple, and just Cenden in general. 
She heard a metallic snap sound from open somewhere in the storage room followed by the fainter sound of a lid being placed on the floor.
Lerti put her hand to the comlink button on her helmet, “Find what we came for?” Lerti asked.
“We found the holocron.” BX’s voice returned.
“Let’s get out of here.” Lerti said turning towards the door when something caught her eye. Something glinted in the dim shadows that stretched across the ceiling right above their escape route. 
‘A hatch? ...A hatch into the room above.’ Lerti realized too late. 
The metal hatch shifted.
A silhouetted figure fell to the ground blocking the door, the only thing Lerti could see was the glint of a smile revealed from beneath a wide-brimmed shadow.
“I’m just saying,” Nek whispered, “You being able to hear the kyber-crystal makes no sense, especially without the orb. I mean can’t Jedi only do that stuff cause of stuff in their blood? You don’t even have blood.”
BX was receiving the sound of Nek’s voice perfectly to his receptors and the data was being processed accordingly, but the droid had decided he couldn’t hear him.
Nek wasn’t interesting. 
Interesting, to BX, involved acting outside of his calculations for reaction. Interesting meant that BX would feel that nearly inoperable loose wire in his head twitching and telling him to fix something. And the wire that caused, what Soron called “house cleaning mode”, didn’t care about Nek’s rambling and his obvious questions.
BX knew what was possible and what wasn’t. He’d been built to fight Jedi in The Clone Wars, as the war had been named. He knew how Force-sensitives operated, and they did interest him. Their spontaneous nature beyond his calculations, the way they defied odds, was a mathematical nightmare for someone built on the idea of calculating and defeating odds. 
BX turned one of the dark corners, and stopped.
The sound had quieted to near nothingness.
Lightly shaking the lightsaber he held before him, he strained his receptors against Nek’s babbling and continued on for a few more steps.
Nek’s obvious questions were nagging at him. How was he hearing that slight… ringing? That was the only way the droid could think to describe it. A ringing sound pulsating in and out of the saber’s rusted hilt, and somewhere in the distance, he could hear the same sound reverberating off of something else. 
But truth be calculated, the sound was growing dimmer and dimmer by the moment. The sound was an anomaly in his system that he had first defined as an error. Sending him data that he had not previously stored, only for it to disappear upon his attempt at recovery. Not to mention the coordinates… It took nearly everything in his system not to reject the noise to his malware protection systems. But as long as that loose wire sparked...
The sound stopped.
BX lurched to a halt, Nek lightly bumping into the sudden stationary object in front of him. 
“What?” Nek said urgently, once again spinning to watch BX’s back.
The droid did not respond, he was now interested in his sudden lack of interest. The wire sparking in his head had gone dim. 
BX turned in a circle, looking for something, anything that would make the interest begin again.
‘If the drive of interest does not begin again, the engineer will again begin his talking which I don’t want to hear.’ BX ran this train of thought through his mind before turning and, completely at random, yanked open one of the crates.
Nek let out a small whistle as a faint blue light was cast into the room. 
Inside the crate, sat a single holocron. 
The crate had been specially designed to hold just this one thing, and appeared to be weighed to feel heavier in the anti-grav registry screen. 
“Nice going BX. How’d you know it was in there?” Nek asked as he carefully lifted the holocron out of the crate.
“Odds…” BX answered quietly with a very human shrug while staring at the crate.
“Find what we came for?” Lerti’s voice suddenly came over their comlinks.
“We found the holocron.” BX answered.
“Let’s get out of here.”
The sound of metal grinding on metal shrieked out into the darkness.
Blaster fire rang out.
Nek cursed and, throwing the holocron into his backpack, ran to where they’d last seen Lerti.
BX’s programming poised him to run, but suddenly his wire twitched and he looked at the lightsaber in his hand. 
Blaster fire burst out in red light not far from him. He needed to move… but first.
Opening his back systems panel, BX wedged with difficulty, the lightsaber into his back before taking off. 
Taking in the sounds of blaster fire and his crew mate’s shouts combine with his life scan, BX picked out where the odd-ones-out stood.
Pistons in his legs and feet tensed.
BX launched himself upwards, he pushed off some of the stacked crates that became below him. 
The “not crew member” was spotted in BX’s flight off the crates and BX twisted his leg through the air as the ground came up to meet him. 
The figure ducked and BX’s foot snagged something that came flying off the figure’s head. Tucking in his body as he connected with the ground, BX snatched the item off his foot and examined the wide brimmed hat he found in his claws.
“Hand the hat over junk pile, and I might consider letting you live after stealing my holocron.” A metallically-garbled voice drawled as a blue wrinkled hand extended out from the figure standing across from BX.
BX’s head shot up.
This time the wire didn’t have to twitch, as raw memory data flooded his circuits with the voice match he had on file.
“Cad Bane, bounty-hunter employed under the Separtist Order.” BX relayed.
“Formerly Separtist, currently Empire.” He corrected nonchalantly.
“Wait, who?” Nek’s voice struck out from where he and Lerti stood pushed up against the backs of two small crate walls, weapons still smoking. 
The figure stepped slowly into the light, jet-boosters on his shoes clinking with each step. An old Duros emerged from the shadows, his blue skin was wrinkled and weathered. Around his neck was installed some sort of breathing device that ran metallic tubes from the square of his jaw to the center of his neck. His lipless mouth was pulled back into a scowl practiced over the ages, but his red eyes seemed to defy his age, piercing through his surroundings, swift and calculating. 
BX readied himself. 
 “Am I supposed to know who this is!?” Nek again intervened.
The bounty-hunter smirked at this, and stopped to adjust the cuffs on his coat long, leathery trench-coat.
“No, no I suppose you wouldn’t know me...” Bane paused, “But you will.”
Blaster bolts rained, replacing the sounds of the storm outside.
The old bounty hunter hadn’t given them the chance to speak again, he’d barely given them the chance to find cover before he created a maelstrom of his own within the confines of his antique shop.
Lerti and Nek had dove out of the way in opposite directions, readying themselves behind crates. 
BX stood his ground.
Tossing the hat aside, the droid launched forward, fist extended.
Bane spun.
CLANG! BX’s fist plunged into the metal crate that had backed Bane before BX twisted his leg through the air attempting to connect to where the bounty hunter had maneuvered to.
From the corner of his lens, BX watched the blue blur duck and roll beneath his swing.
The man was behind him.
BX turned to move.
The panels that made up his back suddenly cried out as damage receptors flared to life with the two impacts that struck BX numb.
The droid collapsed to the ground for the second time today, just barely managing to receive the data that told him the old Duros had retrieved his tossed hat back onto his head as he turned and walked away.
Lerti heard the loud metallic thump, she assumed to be BX, vibrate through the floor as blaster fire suddenly returned in full force. 
‘He’s just trying to spook us out, that’s why he’s not coming to us. Maybe he knows he can’t take on two against one?’ Lerti’s mind raced.
In her time with her own clan, she’d heard of Cad Bane, but never in all of her time touring the galaxy had she wished she’d been paying more attention to what people gossiped about. 
‘What are the odds…?’ Lerti thought, shifting her weight as she remembered catching BX’s monotoned worded drifting over the com’s. 
“Nek? We’re going to need a distraction.” Lerti spoke over her comlink softly as blaster fire still rained steadily down on her.
“I don’t have visual on the bounty hunter, but I’ll try and take out the turret gun!” Nek said hastily.
“Turret gun!?”
Lerti’s eyes darted over her shoulder.
Sure enough a blaster turret had unfolded from a near invisible panel in the ceiling, that was what was shooting at her.
Lerti’s head turned as she ducked back down.
A face. Inches from her own. 
A hand shot out and threw the rest of his weight against her.
Lerti shot in front of her just before her helmeted skull smashed against the ground and the world pierced with white, searing light. 
Clenching her teeth, Lerti pushed herself off the ground in a flurry of blind, dizzying clouds of pain and nausea. 
She swung out her leg.
A fist suddenly knocked her across the face.
Lerti twisted her stance in the direction the blow had come from as her vision began clearing.
She found Bane standing only a foot away. Launching herself forward, she feigned a sweep of the leg before throwing her shoulder forward. 
Her shoulder connected with his chest before an arm appeared around her neck and, what she guessed was a fist, buried itself in her kidney. She found herself doubled over but didn’t remember again hitting the ground. 
The world swam as she heard Nek scream.
Nek launched himself off the tops of the crate stack, vibroblade poised to strike. He plunged the simple staff adorned with adjacent twin blades down to strike the old blue man. 
The Duros twisted as Nek struck.
Right before Nek’s feet met the ground, he felt a tug on where his staff had dug into the air. Cad Bane suddenly had his grip on the staff. Nek’s single foot hit the ground as Cad yanked the staff, swinging it’s other sharp end into Nek’s chest.
Nek stumbled back in off-balanced surprise, but hadn’t released his grip on the blade. 
He felt blood begin to leak from his chest where, luckily, only one of the sharp pommels had pierced him.
“You should really leave the sword swinging to the Jedi.” the bounty hunter drawled, looking Nek up and down as he released his grip on the staff, “Speaking of Jedi, what are you three planning on doing with a Jedi holocron?”
Nek glanced at Lerti. She still lay on the floor, her head bobbing about as she attempted to raise it up but her helmet seemed to be imitating a block of stone attached to her neck. And BX…
Before Nek even had a chance to glance over his shoulder, Bane fired a shot inches from Nek’s head and into the crate behind him. Nek jumped and locked eyes with Bane.
“Answer the question.” Bane said with a sigh, almost as if he couldn’t be bothered by any of them. “Not sure that crate of explosives behind you deserves to take another hit like that though. But I’ll give it another go if it means filling you with shrapnel.” Bane threatened as he backed a few steps away, slowly.
Nek’s stomach dropped a floor and his mind raced.
‘I’m going to die. I’m going to die. Be brave? Stupid. Plea for mercy? He might not let you live. Going to die. Going to-’ 
“Like I’d tell you!” Nek shouted. 
‘Stupid.’ Nek thought.
Lerti bellowed as her body suddenly pulled off the ground towards Bane.
A blue stun ray erupted from his blaster and Lerti’s war cry was silenced as she fell to the ground in complete stillness.
Nek stared at her unmoving form for a moment before he noticed the metallic clanking sound rushing in from behind him.
BX dove over the crates that were stacked behind Nek, smoke still trailing from his haul. It was a wonder he could move let alone perform acrobatics. 
Cad Bane smiled and pressed a button on a wrist gauntlet hidden under his sleeve. 
BX’s body lurched suddenly mid-air before flying up to stick to the ceiling.
Nek watched his happen and slowly turned his attention to the bounty hunter, “…Y-you couldn’t have sprung for any floor mounted t-traps?”
The Duros motioned with his gun, “They’re technically on the floor in my apartment.”
Cad Bane aimed the barrel of his gun at Nek, a hand placed confidently on his belt.
“And now you know.” Bane added as he pulled the trigger.
Blue light enveloped him, sucking Nek into darkness.
I opened my eyes as I pretended to lay stunned on the floor. 
The game ended there for now. Everyone was sitting in darkness.
I sat up, feeling shocked.
“Should… Should we be worried about that?” I asked from the floor of the sparring room.
“I’m not sure, is that really what’s going on?” Chol’s gruff voiced asked from his sitting position on a nearby chair. 
I’d set up shop in the sparring room, my papers lay strewn across the floor. Some of them rotting old temple papers, others freshly scribbled ideas from my own mind with the orb sitting on top of a pile of lightsabers I used to keep it from rolling around.
I shrugged at Chol, “It’s not like I normally don’t have other people around to test how accurate the things I think and say are. And it doesn’t normally seem like these things are happening in real time. More like… past time I think.”
Chol nodded and heaved himself to a standing position, “I’ll let Soron know something might’ve happened, ‘because of course it did,’” He added one of Soron’s favorite sayings as he turned to leave the room.
“We need to go help them! Soron and Cenden might not get there in time!” I stood and ignited my own lightsaber.
“NO!” Chol cried out, taking a step back. 
I felt fear wash over me as I switched off the saber.
“I-I mean, no.” Chol’s posture visibly relaxed as he cleared his throat, “You keep working on your… uh… homework.”
At that, I felt my guide tangle about my limbs, an idea forming in my head. This was where I was needed I guess…
I watched Chol leave the room and I threw my lightsaber back down into its pile, “I guess I should play a game then…” I said as I put a finger to my lip in thought and squeezed my eyes shut. 
‘Why is Chol scared of lightsabers? And this isn’t HOMEWORK, it’s RESEARCH… Homework is for school-people… School-people? That sounds sort of fun... I guess I can pretend this is homework and I’m at real school?’ This shook the worried feeling right off as I gathered void-conjured, faceless classmates around me.
I snatched up a paper off the ground that I’d been reading on kyber-crystals, pushed my back against the wall, and bent my legs like I was sitting in a desk. Leaning over to the “kid” next to me, I whispered,
“Pst! Hey Tiphanie! What’d you get for number S-12??”
The faceless kid glanced at the front of the room before answering, “I got: The meaning of the universe is 42.”
“Huh… Well what’d you get for number 42?”
“Ms. Alacritis! Passing notes again? Is there something you’d like to share with the class??” My faceless teacher barked as she hastened over.
“No Mrs. TheForce!” I said as my legs gave out from sitting against the wall. I stood from the ground as “my teacher” yanked the paper from my hand.
“Well we might as well read it now that you’ve disrupted everyone’s time.” 
My freckles turned red as I felt the eyes of all my classmates staring at me.
My teacher put on her spectacles on her faceless-face and turned up her chin to make out the words. “You know we have tutoring time if you’re struggling with the subject, Vis.”
I winced at this, “I’m just… embarrassed I don’t know the answer.” 
“You don’t have to know the answer all on your own,” she said before reading the excerpt of scroll, “The crystal is, by itself, the power source of the weapon. Like the Force user, the crystal is attuned to the Force. Without that attunement, the crystal is just a rock. And while a non-Force user could probably ignite and wield a lightsaber, the crystal is needed to be properly attuned to the Force. But for a Jedi, the lightsaber becomes more: it is a manifestation of a Jedi's connection to the Force.” Now. Who wrote this and why?”
I fidgeted, “I… I don’t know.”
“Well, let’s ask another question. WHEN was this written?”
Her faceless gaze was right in front of me now. She held out the paper for me to take, but I kept looking into the blur manifested by my mind even as I took the paper. 
As my hand held the paper, I felt the Force building up in my head. I winced as the feeling grew painful. All I could hear was a ringing in my ears, and all I could see was the foggy blur slowly morphing, slowly combining. But I couldn’t see anything…
‘I can’t see anything…’ I looked down wide-eyed at the paper, “I can’t see anything! CHOL! I NEED TO TALK TO CENDEN!!!”
I ran through the mist of people that didn’t exist into the empty halls beyond. The scroll bit with histories of kyber-crystal still clutched in my hand.
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beekeeperofeden · 6 years
Ficlet: Inventory
Inspired by @mortsix‘s tags on this fanart, and an ode to all the character sheet inventories I've filled with junk over the years.
Summary: No one has ever explained to them the concept of "not getting your deposit back from the landlord." A snapshot of the Sellswords era.
300 Candles, 1 cp each
The chandelier hangs from the ceiling like cloth-of-gold on a pig, taking up an inappropriate amount of space and attention. When Jarlaxle had insisted on this apartment, Entreri had assumed he liked the slightly-higher-than-average ceiling because it would allow space for levitating.
Now, if Jarlaxle levitates, there's a chance his cape will catch fire. Entreri smirks and wonders if he can goad Jarlaxle into trying it anyway.
2 cold-weather outfits, 8 gp each (+2 to Fortitude saves against cold)
After nine days of hanging coats and scarves on the nearest chair, Entreri finds the ugliest coat-rack in Heliogabalus and sets it by the door. Jarlaxle says it's has "unique aesthetic sensibilities," which Entreri assumes must be Jarlaxle-speak for "I would burn this if I could get away with it". There's a different face carved onto each hook, each in its own grotesque leer, and the stand is covered in tarnished brass buttons.
Jarlaxle studies it.
"This is revenge for the mittens, isn't it?"
iron pot, 5 sp
Drow don't often cook with fire, not when fuel is scarce and there's nowhere to vent the smoke. Entreri remembers this from Menzoberranzan, remembers going weeks on mushrooms, dried fish, mealy corpsefruits.
It's unsurprising, then that Jarlaxle is enamored of their small woodstove and the possibilities it presents.
In three decades of making his own food to dodge poison, Entreri thought he had found every possible way to ruin dried noodles. Jarlaxle, as always, manages to surprise him.
600 lbs. cheese, 3 gp
Entreri isn't sure if this is revenge for the coat-rack or if Jarlaxle is simply unaware of how to buy supplies for less than twenty people at a time. Even if Bregan D'aerthe doesn't go on extended campaigns with complicated supply lines, it's possible that he's never bought food that wasn't measured by bushel, barrel, or tonnage.
To pass the time until Jarlaxle gets back, Entreri carves several of the cheese wheels into increasingly exaggerated bald elf heads and hides them around the apartment. For the next week, whenever Jarlaxle annoys him, he'll just pull out a cheese head and start carving off pieces to eat.
1 bottle of wine (fine), 10 gp
It's a dangerous pleasure, letting his reactions dull like this, but Entreri never expected to get this old anyway. He's consoled by the fact that Jarlaxle is at least as drunk as he is, the fact that they've only been in the city for two days (which means there's probably no one here who wants to kill him yet), and by the fact that he's already put traps on all the doors.
Area Map, 50 gp (city of Heliogabalus)
The first set of pins (color-coded with red wax) was for tracking sightings of their current target.
Jarlaxle adds green pins for shops whose proprietors he's bribed.
Entreri adds black pins for taverns they've been ejected from. (This is so they can go back later.)
Jarlaxle adds yellow pins for bakeries that sell cinnamon buns, but he tells Entreri they're for reliable horse rentals.
Entreri adds silver pins for streets the city guard doesn't patrol.
Jarlaxle adds blue pins for places he's had sex.
Entreri takes the blue pins out.
Sewing needle, 5 sp; scorpion venom, 200 gp
Jarlaxle watches with interest as he sets the needle under the window latch, where it will prick unsuspecting fingers.
"What kind of poison did you use?" He's too close, inches away from jogging Entreri's elbow or stepping on his toes.
"How badly do you want to know?" He raises an eyebrow until Jarlaxle takes one step backward.
He could have used drow poison--Jarlaxle could certainly have acquired it, and more cheaply than the venom that Entreri had bought--but the opportunity to worry Jarlaxle (who certainly has magic items for immunity to drow poison but may not have everything else covered) is worth the extra gold.
Mirror, 10 gp
There are exactly three locations in the apartment that get full sun, and Jarlaxle has tried putting the mirror in all of them. Now he's fiddling with the drape of his new cloak, tossing over one shoulder, then the next, testing how it flares out when he moves.
"What do you think?" he asks. He watches Entreri's expression through the mirror and changes the cloak again. "This way, or the other?"
"They're both hideous," Entreri lies. He's honestly not sure why Jarlaxle bothered with the mirror, when the reflection is the last thing he’s paid any attention to this entire time.
19 notes · View notes
groovygladiatorsuit · 3 years
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As featured in:
Build. Battle. Create. Fortnite Battle Royale is the always free, always evolving, multiplayer game where you and your friends battle to be the last one standing in an intense 100 player PvP mode. Available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, Mac, iOS, and Android.
Save the World
The Storm came without warning and 98% of the world's population vanished … then came the monsters. You and up to four players lead the world's remaining Heroes in a battle to save survivors and hold back the monster hordes. Explore a large, destructible world where no two games are ever the same. Build huge forts, craft exotic weapons, find loot and level up your Heroes.
Battle Royale
Fortnite Battle Royale is the completely free 100-player PvP mode in Fortnite. One giant map. A battle bus. Fortnite building skills and destructible environments combined with intense PvP combat. The last one standing wins.
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Build your Fortnite. Imagine a place where you make the rules, filled with your favorite things and your favorite people. Claim your own personal island and start creating! Design your own games. Invent games with friends, and build your dream Fortnite experiences. Your island, your friends, your rules.
On mobile, Fortnite is the same 100-player PvP game you know from PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and Mac. Same map, same gameplay, same weekly updates. Build your fort as you battle to be the last one standing. Jump in and squad up with friends around the world or in the same room.
Band together online to build extravagant forts, find or build insane weapons and traps and protect your towns from the strange Monsters that emerge during the Storm. In an action experience from the only company smart enough to attach chainsaws to guns, get out there to push back the Storm and save the world. And don't forget to Loot all the things.
What's New:
Android version updated to 13.30.0.
Splash down into Chapter 2 - Season 3! Survive more than just the Storm in the aftermath of its revenge. As the Island adapts to its flooded way of life, stay afloat, take on new enemies and new challenges. Haven't tried Fortnite before? Explore the Island and check out what's new. Dive in!
Games For Mac Computers
Season X - Battle Pass
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New Season, new Battle Pass. 100 levels, over 100 new rewards. Find out more information on everything that’s new in Season X in the announce blog. In Season X, you'll have the ability to gift the Battle Pass to a friend! Available on all platforms (timing may vary per regions) until August 15th. Your first purchase also includes a unique Gift Box for you to use when gifting items from the shop.
Few suits make you feel as powerful as a mech suit does. In this two-person vehicle, players can control its movement while their partner controls its firepower. Those feeling extra adventurous can operate it solo by switching between moving and shooting!
Rift Zones
The Zero Point Explosion has made the island volatile! Locations once thought to be lost are beginning to appear, but they aren’t the same as they once were… Drop in and explore to discover what mysterious gameplay changes they have in store.
Weapons + Items
This vehicle can be operated by up to two players. If two players are operating it, one (the driver) controls movement, while the other (the gunner) rains down missiles and shotgun shots.
The driver is able to:
Dash into combat.
Super Jump to victory.
Stomp enemies and structures into the ground.
Anything you would normally harvest will grant materials when destroyed.
The passenger has two weapons at their disposal: a shotgun and a missile launcher.
Clip Size: 10
Damage: 50
Headshot Multiplier: 1.5x
Missile Launcher
Fires up to 10 missiles at once.
Holding down Trigger will begin loading missiles.
After releasing Trigger, or after 10 missiles have been loaded, all missiles will automatically fire.
New Mechanic: Overshield
Consumes 200 of any Material type to create a personal overshield for 5 seconds to protect you in the mech.
Quad Crasher
Flint Knock Pistol
Shadow Bomb
Semi-Auto Sniper
Tactical Assault Rifle
Mounted Turret
Air Strike
Itemized Glider Redeploy (still available in large team modes)
Over time, we have added many mobility options, both itemized and map-based. We feel that Season X is better experienced with a reduction in mobility. As with all changes, we’ll keep a close eye on how this affects the player experience.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the Heavy Shotgun not piercing through water in modes where it is available.
All Campfires now heal vehicles.
The Storm Scout Sniper Rifle no longer has perfect hip-fire accuracy after aiming down sights.
Boogie Bombs and Grenades no longer pass through vehicles.
Missions are a series of thematic objectives that grant rewards. As you complete these objectives, you'll earn Battle Stars, XP, and exclusive cosmetic items.
Battle Pass Owners will get access to a new Weekly Mission with rewards each week.
More information about Missions can be found in the Battle Pass and Challenges tabs.
Limited Time Missions
Limited Time Missions are available to all players.
Daily Challenges have been replaced by Limited Time Missions.
Each Limited Time Mission contains Objectives that unlock over the course of a week.
One Objective unlocks each day, even if you don’t log in, and the Mission expires after 7 days. So make sure to finish all your Objectives in that Week’s Limited Time Mission before the 7th day ends!
A new Limited Time Mission is available each week.
NOTE: Any Challenge that previously required Daily Challenges to complete can now be completed with Limited Time Mission Objectives.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue involving players getting stuck under a ramp as it’s placed.
Arena Game Mode updates!
Season kicks off with Solos and Trios Arena.
Hype will be reset at the start of Season X, with a new scoring structure in place.
10 Divisions - point values have been increased, but progression should be roughly the same. The bolded divisions are new.
Open I (0 - 499)
Open II (500 - 999)
Open III (1000 - 1499)
Open IV (1500 - 1999)
Contender I (2000 - 2999)
Contender II (3000 - 4499)
Contender III (4500 - 6499)
Champion I (6500 - 9999)
Champion II (10000 - 13999)
Champion III (14000+)
Scoring model updates - standardized points and bus fares across all playlists.
Eliminations: 20pt
Top 25: 60pt
Top 15: 30pt
Top 5: 30pt
Victory Royale: 60pt
Eliminations: 7pt (per team member)
Top 8: 60pt
Top 4: 30pt
Top 2: 30pt
Victory Royale: 60pt
Bus fare increases at Divisions 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Matchmaking in Arena is still based on players with similar Hype. Players in higher divisions may experience longer-than-normal wait times to ensure higher-quality matches.
Improved level streaming performance for all platforms by optimizing the way assets are preloaded. This reduces cases in which players land on buildings with a low level of detail, particularly on Switch and Xbox One.
Free Full Games For Mac
The Ride the Pony Emote is now a traversal Emote.
Players who earned the Ride the Pony Emote from the Season 2 Battle Pass have been given a new, additional traversal Emote: Pony Up!
Added new bullet impact sounds.
Increased the volume of distant gunfire and Gliders.
Increased Chest volume and audio range by 10%.
Bug Fixes
Ambient sound no longer cuts out when players walk between biomes.
Pressing the Main Menu button on controllers now defaults focus to the Main Menu (right side of the screen).
Bug Fixes
The loading content message will no longer be stuck at 0% when players are matchmaking.
Fixed a Lobby camera issue when returning from a replay.
Fixed an issue that prevented the selection of different players in the Lobby after switching from different game modes.
Selecting Leave Match no longer prevents a player in your party sitting out in the Lobby from entering matchmaking.
A new camera mode, Battle Map, has been added to server replays. This camera mode shows:
A path of where the followed player has been during the match.
The locations of the eliminations the followed player has done during the match.
Auto-fire system improvements:
We’ve re-tuned Auto-fire for every weapon with this update and would love specific and detailed weapon feedback so that we can continue to improve it.
If you want to try it out and don't use Auto-fire already, go into your HUD settings and enable Auto-fire.
Added a new setting: Tap to Search/Interact for Controllers.
Added a message for devices on Android that have the Sensor Pressure settings (S8, S8+, S9, S9+, and Note 9) to inform players about the settings being active.
Players would unintentionally return to the Home screen due to this setting being active.
We’ve increased the size of buttons and icons in the following areas:
The Frontend Lobby tab buttons.
The Crown for Party leader display icon.
The Map Marker.
'First team to reach the elimination goal wins!' message won’t remain throughout the whole match in Team Rumble.
Bug Fixes
Exiting a vehicle won’t reload the player’s weapon.
The button for skipping cutscenes is now visible on Android.
Vertical black lines aren’t displayed on the Challenges page.
The Settings Menu will properly display when language is set to Spanish.
The text on the menu buttons in the Settings Menu is aligned.
Quick Heal button won’t appear when falling or after opening the map.
Scaling the Quick Heal button in the HUD Layout Tool won’t cause the icon to change to the item's icon in the inventory.
Quick Heal button won’t disappear from the HUD Layout tool when another button is modified.
Players are able to open doors or Chests while using the ADS button.
Build mode button will correctly change to the Weapon mode button when pressing it on Android.
Added header on multiple widgets in the HUD Layout Tool.
Graphical improvement of CloudBreaker outfit.
Graphical improvement of the blue variant of the Sea Wolf outfit.
Freefall icon will be displayed when falling to the map.
ADS button won’t be displayed when driving a vehicle that you entered while holding a gun.
When updating the Banner Trooper outfit, players won’t disappear in the Locker, and the proper Banner will be displayed.
Edit button will be displayed when using passenger seat.
Screen won’t turn black when looking inside of a body of water.
Jump button won’t remain greyed out after players press it.
Audio improvements.
Fixed the occasional static sounds on Android.
Tapping with interactable items in Edit mode will no longer cause the camera to lock.
Player won’t be able to edit through structures.
Ex: Looking at your wall and being able to edit another structure (floor, ramp, roof).
Fixed an unopenable Chest near Polar Peak.
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t-baba · 4 years
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17 Best Bootstrap 4 Plugins
Totally open source and free to use, Bootstrap has become one of the most popular front-end frameworks for desktop and mobile development. With a mobile-first approach, the framework essentially forces designers to create sites for small screens and then scale designs up from there. 
Bootstrap 4 Plugins on CodeCanyon
Bootstrap 4 is the newest version of the framework, and today we take a look at the 17 best Bootstrap 4 plugins available at CodeCanyon. Whether you're coding a WordPress theme or searching for form or navbar templates for your static site, CodeCanyon has a plugin for you!
Depending on what are looking for some of these plugin cost as little as $5. You also get 6 months of free support as well as free lifetime updates for any plugin that you buy.
Best Bootstrap 4 Plugins
1. WP Pricing Builder
WP Pricing Builder allows users to set up responsive pricing tables within minutes. The plugin offers a drag-and-drop builder, 89 unique designs and a colour theme generator among other features. This makes setup easy and allows for a high degree of customisation.
User TelosAlpha says:
"Fast clear support. But beyond that, this is a very advanced and well  written piece of code. Very intuitive to use, many fantastic styles.”
2. Nearby Places
The Nearby Places plugin is an extension of the above Progress Map plugin. It allows users to display points of interest near a specific location added from the owner’s Progress Map. These points of interest are supplied by Google Maps. The plugin also provides a powerful search form that allows users to target their position or to enter a given address and display all nearby points of interest. The plugin can be customised from the admin panel in order to match the general look of your website.
User gijon says:
“After so much searching, this is the best map plugin I have found very complete and easy to use.”
3. Laravel Bootstrap Starter Kit
This Laravel- and Bootstrap- based starter kit could be perfect choice for your next project. The plugin author has add quite a few features to this kit such as authentication, registration, admin panel, responsive layout, and user roles. This should cover a lot of common functionality needed in many website projects.
The kit is based on Bootstrap 4. This makes it ideal for projects which are already using the Bootstrap framework as the overall layout and styling of the kit will match that of their website.
Even if you are creating a project from scratch, the use of Bootstrap 4 means that you won't have to worry about writing a lot of CSS as many well designed UI elements already exist within the framework.
4. Web Slide
Inspired by mobile design, Web Slide brings slide navigation to your website layout. Featuring one code for all devices, a mobile drawer style menu, an app style look and CSS 3 animation effects, the plugin is compatible with major desktop and mobile browsers like Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, and Opera.
User quadnine says:
“A great product with top-notch support. This was money well spent.”
5. JQuery XML Shopping Cart
If you’re looking for a shopping cart that's easy to install and use, check out JQuery XML Shopping Cart. Some of its great features include support for unlimited products, which can easily be divided into categories and subcategories; a default tax rate which can be modified to a per-product tax rate; and a base shipping charge to which additional charges can be added as needed. 
User dnkn76 says:
“Documentation quality and flexibility is excellent comparing to another non-PHP shopping cart I bought. In no time the store was up and running and shipping cost, taxes and changing currency is a breeze. 
6. Bootstrap 4 Carousel
Bootstrap 4 Carousel gives users multiple options for displaying images on their website, including slider with thumbnails, multiple items carousel, fade effect carousel, Bootstrap image slider gallery, and more. The plugin provides over 200 pre-built examples and layouts for user convenience. This responsive carousel is compatible with mobile and tablet devices and all the latest web browsers. 
7. Bootstrap Plugin for TinyMCE
TinyMCE is one of the most popular and advanced WYSIWYG editors out there. This Bootstrap plugin for TinyMCE has been developed to make the editor even more powerful and useful for people who are using Bootstrap on their website.
This plugin gives you the ability to add Bootstrap-specific layout, components and styles to your content with ease. It comes with a bunch of awesome features like the Bootstrap 4 toolbar, styles, custom context menus and more. You can see all its features on the product description page.
8. Modern MegaMenu
Modern MegaMenu is all about giving users as many options as possible for creating the menu and navbar of their dreams. The plugin offers over 50 header layouts and a wide variety of navbar styles. This fully responsive Bootstrap 4 plugin is easily integrated into your site and is highly customisable. 
9. LiveSearch: Search Engine for Your Website
The LiveSearch plugin will add a basic search engine to your website. People will be able to use it to look up for text, images and PHP files within your website. It does not require the use of a database to function. You can also hide some content from being indexed. This plugin is ideal for small to medium sized websites.
The content of the website is crawled using a predefined based URL. The links and content is cached to make future searches faster. It is very easy to set up and you can also define logical correlation between search terms using AND and OR.
10. 47Admin: Bootstrap Admin Skin
47Admin is a Bootstrap skin that specifically targets admin templates. It comes with a lot of UI elements and bunch of additional functionality above what the basic Bootstrap framework provides. This will make help you quickly set up the front-end of the admin area in your next web project.
The templates and all their UI elements are responsive and come with cross-browser compatibility. It also comes with pages for login, registration, password recovery and more.
11. Floating Form
A collection of floating inline label forms, Floating Form contains a large number of forms such as contact, review, search, login and subscription forms, as well as a wide variety of booking forms. Each form has its own stylesheet.
12. Flat Form with Bootstrap 4
Flat Form is an incredible plugin if you want to add Bootstrap 4 based forms to your website. The plugin keeps its own styling to a minimum and take advantage of Bootstrap to design the forms. All the forms and UI elements look great. They will blend easily with the layout of your website.
There are shortcodes for adding ratings, toggle buttons, alerts, tooltips and much more. You can use the plugin to create all kinds of forms such as login, registration, review, comment or checkout form.
13. Bootstrap 4 WYSIWYG Editor
If you’re looking for a Bootstrap “what you see is what you get” (WYSIWYG) editor that will allow you to see what the end result of your project will look like while you’re creating it, then Bootstrap 4 WYSIWYG Editor may be for you. This simple and easy-to-use editor requires jQuery, Bootstrap 4, and Font Awesome. 
User innovationco says:
“I've used this for another plugin that I am making and it's a very nice editor with no bloat, which makes it easy for me to use. I have had no  issues with it and I would highly recommend it to others.”
Free Bootstrap 4 Plugins
In this section, I will cover some free Bootstrap 4 plugins that can help you add extra functionality to your website. They are mostly used to add some basic functionality unlike some of the premium plugins available on CodeCanyon.
1. Bootbox.js
 This is a free library that allows you to create Bootstrap based dialog boxes programatically. It automatically takes care of manipulating the DOM and event handlers for you.
2. Bootstrap-Navbar-Dropdowns
This plugin will come in handy when you want to quickly set up a multi-level dropdown menu based on Bootstrap.
3. DataTables
The Bootstrap DataTables plugin provides an easy way for you to add advanced interactions and controls to your tables. This includes things lie sorting the table along a particular column etc.
4. Bootstrap Select Dropdown
This Select Dropdown plugin comes will convert the select elements on your website to a dropdown. The aim is to make the long options list more user friendly with the help of keyboard navigation and a search box.
5. Form Validation
It is very important to validate any user input that comes you way through forms. This plugin will make it very easy for you to tell users if they filled any form incorrectly and how they can correct the error.
Tips for Choosing a Bootstrap Plugin
There are many things that can be confusing for an absolute beginner when it comes to choosing the right Bootstrap plugin. I have listed a few tips that can help you make the right decision.
Make sure that the plugin and your website are using the same version of Bootstrap. Many things change with each new version of Bootstrap. This means that some plugins and skins will not work with your website as expected if they are based on a different version.
One more thing that will help you quickly set things up in an existing project is to choose a plugin that does not apply excessive styling of its own over Bootstrap. This is particularly true if your own website uses minimal styling over what Bootstrap already provides.
The Bootstrap 4 plugins featured here just scratch the surface of options available at CodeCanyon, so if none of them appeal, there are plenty of other great options there to hold your interest.
And if you want to improve your skills using Bootstrap yourself, check out the ever so useful Bootstrap tutorials we have on offer.
by Monty Shokeen via Envato Tuts+ Code https://ift.tt/35dgluk
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lakotasafeco-blog · 4 years
20 GIFT IDEAS FOR HUNTERS WHO: LAKOTASAFECOMPANY.COM   WHERE: WINTER GARDEN, FL It’s that time of year when shoppers will be picking up gifts for family and friends.  https://www.lakotasafecompany.com/20-gift-ideas-for-hunters/ ‎ At the end of this article, our Editor will list his top picks for that special Christmas present for your father, mother, son, daughter, grandchildren or just a gift for yourself. Source: Shooting Sports Retailer - By Zach Bowhay -  November 18, 2019
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Vortex Diamondback 10x42 HD 1. All-Purpose Binoculars  Every hunter needs a good set of binoculars, and the new Vortex Diamondback HD 10x42 ($280) is a sweet set that won’t break the bank. With a nice rubber armored ergonomic feel and only weighing in at 21.3 ounces, the Diamondbacks are a joy to carry and use in the field. The lenses are multi-coated to increase light transmission, and the multi-layer coating on the prisms help provide clear and crisp images. The Diamondbacks are also tripod compatible, and they come with the Vortex Glasspack harness included ($30 value) so the hunter always has a secure way to carry and store their binos.
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Phone Skope 2. A Handy Phone Skope Nearly every hunter nowadays heads into the field with two things in tow: optics of some sort and a smart phone. Luckily, there will be no need to tell people of the one that got away when you can show them a picture. For years the folks at Phone Skope have been making cases that go on a smartphone, making it easy to attach to optics, so hunters can bring home great pictures. Most of the cases retail for around ($58), and they make them for nearly any optic or phone you can imagine.
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Yeti Loadout Go Box 3. A Tough Gear Case  One thing hunters always seem to have plenty of is expensive gear. Many times that gear includes small items like optics, cameras, GPS units and more, and having a secure way to carry all of that stuff can often be troublesome. Your shoppers already know about Yeti coolers, and now Yeti has decided to address the issue mentioned above with its Loadout Go Box ($250). With measurements of approximately 20.5x15x11 inches, the nearly indestructible Go Box has plenty of room to securely carry a hunter’s most prized gear to and from the field.
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Leatherman Rebar 4. A Functional Multi-Tool Hunters and outdoorsmen never know what problems may arise in the field, and one of the best ways to be prepared is to have a quality multi-tool. The name Leatherman has for years been a huge player in this space and with great products like the Rebar ($70), it is easy to see why. Weighing 6.7 ounces, measuring 4 inches long and made from stainless steel, the Rebar puts 17 tools at a hunter’s fingertips, ready to take on nearly any task they can throw at it.
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Benchmade Bugout 5. A Really Good Knife  Related: Bolt-Action Hunting Rifles for 2019 One product that a hunter should never be without is a quality knife. The Bugout ($140) from Benchmade is a great hunting blade or everyday carry for any hunter or outdoorsman or woman. With an attractive blue handle and classic drop point blade made from S30V steel, this knife is both stylish and ultra effective as a cutting tool. Weighing a mere 1.85 ounces with closed length of 4.22 inches, this knife is barely noticeable in the pocket. However, it opens to a nice 7.46-inch-long length when ready to use. The bugout also comes standard with Benchmade’s Axis locking mechanism and has a nice clip to keep it in place when carried in a pocket.
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Sig Sauer Kilo 1400 BDX 6x20mm 6. A Trustworthy Rangefinder  Every hunter needs a rangefinder, and it is hard to go wrong with any option from the Sig Sauer line. The Kilo 1400 BDX 6x20mmis a great value at only $300. Weighing only 5 ounces, measuring 3.9x 2.9 inches, and ranging reflective targets out to 1,600 yards and deer to 750 yards, this little gem does a lot, without adding bulk in the field. The Kilo 1400 has Line of Sight mode (LOS), Angle Modified Range (AMR) as well as Applied Ballistics Ultralight (ABU), which shows ballistic data in MIL or MOA. Lastly, it is covered with Sig Sauer’s Infinite Guarantee.
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Rugid Xtreme 48-inch Rifle Case 7. A Durable Case  An often-overlooked item by hunters is a great gun case to protect our firearm while being transported to and from the field. The Rugid Xtreme 48-inch rifle case ($140) will fill this void nicely. Made from a durable 500d waterproof pvc exterior and a 7/8-inch foam padding, the case will protect your gun from being knocked around. Not only is it waterproof, but it also floats. On the outside of the case is a waterproof pocket big enough for a wallet, cell phone or other small items. On the back, there are two tie down straps for securing the case to an ATV/UTV or anywhere else a hunter sees the need.
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Garmin GPSMAP 66i 8. A Reliable GPS  If your shopper isn’t opposed to spending a little more cash, a great new product to consider is the new GPSMAP 66i ($600) from Garmin. This is not only a top-of-the-line GPS, but it’s also a satellite messenger. The 66i comes preloaded with Garmin TopoActive mapping for North and Central America. In addition, the hunter will be able to keep in touch with his or her loved ones from anywhere through two-way messaging. For easy texting, simply Bluetooth the device to a smart phone and text as normal. If an emergency ever arises, the hunter has the option of the SOS button, which will alert emergency services to their exact location.
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Worksharp Guided Field Sharpener 9. An Always-Useful Knife Sharpener  Between field-dressing, butchering and general-use chores, hunters are constantly dulling their knives. Problem is, it’s always been difficult to sharpen a knife in the field without negatively affecting the blade. Enter the Worksharp Guided Field Sharpener ($30). The guides on this sharpener help keep the blade angle correct throughout the process. This little tool has a lot on board, with two diamond plates (220 grit coarse, 600 grit fine), a three-position ceramic rod with coarse grit, fine grit and fish hook honing side, and last but not least ,a leather strop. Overall, it is just a great piece for any outdoorsman to have in their kit.
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Double Bull Surroundview 360 10. An Invisibility Cloak  OK, a ground blind is not exactly a cloak, but every hunter deserves one of these, because they are just that cool. It will only take one look once you step inside to understand what I mean. The Double Bull Surroundview 360 ($500) is one of the most innovative products to hit the hunting market in years. Walls are constructed with one-way see-through material, meaning you can see all around your blind with no blind spots, but the animals cannot see in. The dimensions of the blind are 60x60x70 inches and it weighs 23 pounds with the bag. Shooting is done via the 180-degree full front window or through five shoot-through ports. The windows have silent slide closure for quiet opening and closing.
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Browning BXR Deer Ammunition 11. Accurate Ammo Before any of us head into the field, we need some good ammunition. Browning Ammunition has some great offerings in their BXR DEER ($25-30) line. The BXR deer is designed for use on deer- and antelope-sized game. The matrix tip is great for downrange velocity, high energy and rapid expansion. It’s currently available in .243 win, .270 Win, .270 WSM, .30-06, 30-30, .300 win mag, .300 WSM, .308 Win, 6.5 Creedmoor, 7MM Rem Mag and 7MM-08 Rem. Browning also has ammunition for those after bigger or smaller game as well.
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Carbon Express Maxima Red SD12. 12. Consistent Arrows Speaking of ammo, bowhunters can always use some as well. The new Maxima Red SD ($110) from Carbon Express is both stylish and functional. Each Maxima red SD is laser checked to 1/10,000th of an inch, and they are weight sorted to +/-1.0 grains. One unique feature is these arrows have a stiffer front end to keep the front of the arrow from flexing too drastically, helping broadheads shoot more consistently. The Maxima Red SD arrows have a .203 inside diameter, which helps reduce wind drift, and they are available in spines of 250 (8.3gpi), 350 (9.4 gpi) and 450 (11.1 gpi). Related: Making a Case for Cases
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Rage Hypodermic NC 13. Super-Sharp Broadheads  Most every bowhunter knows about Rage Broadheads, but they may not know about the new Hypodermic NC ($50). With a machined stainless steel ferrule, Hybrid hypodermic tip, two-blade design and 2-inch cutting diameter, the NC looks similar to the Rage from years past but with one exciting new feature. The NC stands for No Collar blade lock, where the blades simply lock up into place and do not need to be held in place with any sort of a collar. Once the blades have been deployed, they simply slide back up and clicked into place and they are ready to go.When it comes to specific archery gear like arrows and broadheads, be sure your shopper knows the exact specs of the hunter they’re buying for, to make sure the purchase makes sense with their existing setup. Otherwise, you’ll need to have a good return policy!
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Rinehart Targets 1/3 Scale Woodland Elk 14. A Lifelike 3-D Target 3-D targets, especially the big ones like elk, moose and caribou, can be expensive. The folks at Rinehart Targets made it possible to bring a bull elk to everyone’s backyard with the 1/3 Scale Woodland Elk ($200). Their claim is the target is anatomically reduced to 1/3 the scale of a 600-pound bull elk, making 20-yard shots equivalent to 60-yard shots in the field. I am not sure if that is the case, but this target has a realistic look and is fun to shoot. It’s made from a Solid FX self-healing foam and has a replaceable foam insert. The target measures 38x44 inches.
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Adventure Medical Kits Ultralight/Watertight .9 Medical Kit 15. A Life-Saving Med Kit Regardless of style of hunting, every one of us should carry some sort of a medical kit in the field. Having the right kit can make easy work of first aid needs; having the wrong kit can be a disaster. The Ultralight/Watertight .9 Medical Kit ($39) from Adventure Medical Kits provides hunters with the things they need in the field, in a convenient, small package — it only weighs 12 ounces and measures 10x7.5x3 inches. Within its contents you can clean and close wounds, combat stomach illness, do emergency repairs with included duct tape, manage pain, stabilize fractures and sprains, stop bleeding, stop blisters before they start and have easy access to bandages — and it’s all contained within two-stage waterproof bags.
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Tenzing Flex 16. A Comfortable Pack When going back and forth to the stand or hunting location, every hunter needs a good way to tote all of their gear. The Tenzing Flex ($100) is a great 650-cubic-inch fanny pack that’s big enough to carry what you need for a simple day afield, but not too big to wear you down. The adjustable shoulder harness and padded waist belt fit most torso sizes and are totally customizable. The fabric is a noiseless, very soft tricot to keep things quiet in the woods. Three storage compartments are easily within arm’s reach, while four compression straps can handle a fair amount of additional gear. Three interior organizational compartments help the hunter keep his or her gear organized and within reach. Weighing in at just 1.5 pounds, a hunter may forget he or she is even wearing it.
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Midland X-Talker T71VP3 Two Way Radio 17. A Wide-Ranging Radio  If keeping in touch with hunting partners is a consideration, try showing shoppers the X-Talker T71VP3 Two Way Radio ($80) from Midland. Midland has long been making quality two-way radios for outdoor enthusiasts, and this model is no exception. With 36 channels and 121 privacy codes, each group is sure to be able to find a private line. On top of that, the 38-mile range should make keeping contact within reasonable distance a snap. The T71VP3 also has NOAA weather alert and weather scan technology to keep you up to date on the latest forecast. Another great feature for hunters is silent operation to keep annoying beeps from scaring game.
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Howard Leight Impact Sport Earmuffs 18. Ear-Saving Muffs You always hear the old deaf guys who shot too much when they were younger say that “we need to use ear protection.” They are right, and the Howard Leight Impact Sport Earmuffs ($60) do a fabulous job of protecting what hearing we have left. This earmuff has a very low profile design to not get in the way while shooting. While they shut out noise when levels reach 82 decibels, they actually amplify ambient noise, so there is no need to remove them to hear talking while in the field preparing for a shot. They require two AAA batteries for use, but they have a 350-hour battery life. For $60, it is surely a worthwhile investment in hearing health.
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Bushnell Core DS Low Glow 19. A Night-Worthy Trail Cam Picking a trail camera as a gift or in general nowadays can be a confusing task — there are literally dozens of great cameras on the market that work very well. That being said, Bushnell has hit a home run with the Core DS Low Glow ($200). This cam has a dual sensor to provide sharp, crisp daytime images, while the nighttime sensor makes for images that are more detailed. On top of that, it has a 100-foot night range, and the Low Glow creates brighter photos yet still emits little light to the human eye. Pictures are 30-megapixel quality, and the camera has a 0.2-second trigger time to make sure hunters don’t miss a thing. Video is shot in 1080p at 60 frames per second with audio. The Core DS has a one-year battery life and a two-year limited warranty. Order these Products Now for Christmas 2020 at: Lakota Safe Company Online Store Gun Show Prices or Less 24x7 365 Day A Year! THE LOWEST PRICES IN CENTRAL FLORIDA - AND WE SHIP TOO TO ALL 50 STATES, DC AND PUERTO RICO. Mateo's Editor's Pick:  - Posting Soon.   Read the full article
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techyblogger · 5 years
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Cloudnine WordPress Web Development Company | What is SEO marketing? https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/csk4cx/cloudnine_wordpress_web_development_company_what/
So, let`s get to it. What is seo marketing?
SEO is an acronym that stands for search engine optimization, which is the process of optimizing your website to get organic, or un-paid, traffic from the search engine results page. In other words, SEO involves making certain changes to your website design and content that make your site more attractive to a search engine. You do this in hopes that the search engine will display your website as a top result on the search engine results page.
SEO technical and creative activities that are often grouped into ‘Onsite SEO’ and ‘Offsite SEO’.
These activities require expertise, often from multiple individuals as the skillsets required to carry them out at a high level, are quite different – but they can also be learned. The other option is to hire a wordpress web development company like ours.
Nowdays usually seo services are provided by wordpress web development companies that offer both ppc advertising services and social media services.
Keyword Research and Analysis
These days are long gone when keywords were the only SEO technique that mattered, but that doesn’t mean they aren't still crucial. The difference is that today, keywords must be well-researched, carefully chosen, and judiciously used in your content in order to be effective. But what are keywords, exactly? Keywords are words and phrases that prospects use to find online content, and that brands can then use to connect with prospects who are looking for their products and services.
When researching keywords, it’s important to look for ones that have high search rates and low competition and to choose short-tail keywords (such as dog), long-tail keywords (such as terrier puppies for sale), and local keywords (such as puppies for sale in Boston) to work into your content. You can also use keywords to optimize all your titles, URLs, and other on-page SEO elements (more on that later).
Page Titles
There are multiple tags on your page. The most important is your title tag. The title is what users see in the search engines for both organic results and paid ads, and the words that appear at the top of each tab in your browser.
The title tag outlines what the page is about. When ranking web pages for particular queries, Google looks at the title tag and compares that to the rest of the content on the page.
If you’re working in HTML, the code for the title tag looks like this:
<title>Our WordPress Web Development Company</title>
However, the WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast allows you to create a custom title tag within the platform. Keep your title tags descriptive and short. Google recently increased the character limit for page titles to 70 characters before showing ellipses.
Best practice is to ensure you stay below the character limit so your titles display properly. You can use Snippet Optimizer to simulate how your title and meta description will appear in SERPs.
Use your title tag to stand out from your competitors, appealing to your visitors. Make sure all the pertinent information is included, including your keywords and location for local businesses.
While it’s recommended to use your core keyword within the title, Google is shifting toward relevance and semantics in the results. Users aren’t blindly clicking on the first result, reading the titles and descriptions to find the best answer to their query.
When it comes to writing URL strings, they should be short, concise, and easily readable. How can we create the perfect URL string?
It has been established that shorter URLs tend to rank better. The study looked at the length of the URL and a number of folders. They counted each root domain as one folder, and each backslash after the root as another folder.
The report concluded that URLs with fewer folders tended to rank better, as well. It means that more folders can create a perception of depth for both engines and users, as well as making edits to the URL string considerably more complex.
From interior product or service pages to blog posts, the way we write URLs is an SEO practice that you must consider. Each word in your URL should be separated by a hyphen "-" and not an underscore "_".
The shorter the URL, the easier it is to share or embed while creating a better user experience at the same time. You want your readers to quickly identify what your page is about without seeing numbers, categories, symbols, or a mixture of everything included in the string.
You should use your primary keyword in your web page URL. Try to use up to five words, clearly outlining the information your users will find.
Don’t leave your visitors left wondering what’s on the page before they click. The title, meta description, and URL should make it clear.
The meta description hints at what users will find on the page. While not a direct ranking factor, search engines read the meta descriptions to determine the page’s topic and the audience that will find value.
A well-written meta description can generate a competitive advantage in the search results, creating a higher click-through rate with a greater chance of conversions. While there is a possibility that Google will omit the custom description and pull an excerpt of the content on the page, it is recommended that you fill in the meta description for every page of your site.
The best way to check which pages are missing a meta description is to run your website through Screaming Frog’s SEO Spider. It shows you every URL under your domain, the meta description, and its length.
At some point in 2016, Google extended the length of descriptions for both desktop and mobile. For desktop, users will see up to 200 characters, while on mobile they’ll be shown up to 172 characters. To appeal to users on both devices, keep your description between 165 and 175 characters.
Clearly outline what users will find on the page. Add your brand name and sprinkle in a keyword or two if they don’t sound forced. Think about synonyms and other terms that will get the point across.
This is the first interaction many visitors have with your brand. Make it welcoming.
Think of the meta description as your organic ad text.
Tell users what’s in it for them to click through to your site. Include an offer or call to action to entice a click. You’ll also see some websites show multiple site links to direct users to the page they’re looking for.
To find success and steady traffic to your site, it starts with your title and meta tags. Once you get the clicks, it’s up to your user experience and quality content to maintain engagement.
Write Impressive Headlines, Sub-titles, Sub-headings
Your landing page or blog should include multiple heading tags, from the h1 down to a potential h6. The most important is the h1. You should never have more than one h1 tag on any page. Include multiple h2’s or h3’s as users scroll down the page. These are used as subheadings.
Use the headings to represent the different sections of the page. You’ll notice the impact from both an SEO standpoint and a usability standpoint.
Focus on Content
Content is a vital part of SEO because it’s the vehicle you use to reach and engage audiences. For instance, if you owned a digital marketing company and wanted to increase your visibility, you might publish a series of blogs about digital marketing, choosing the right marketing tehniques and more. When a person who wanted to know about marketing went looking for that information, your blog would come up, and you'd be able to build a relationship with that prospect by providing valuable information. When the time came for that prospect to buy a PPC service for example, for instance, you’d be the first company that came to mind. Today’s content must be educational, but also interesting, relevant, engaging, and shareable. Content comes in a variety of forms, including:
⦁ Web page content
⦁ Videos
⦁ Blogs
⦁ Infographics
⦁ Podcasts
⦁ Whitepapers and e-books
⦁ Social media posts
⦁ Local Listings
On-Going SEO
This can mean as little as freshening up your page, or giving your whole website an overhaul. Many corporate leaders scoff at the idea that they should change their content, but even without factoring in SEO, keeping your site updated is never a bad idea.
Interesting, optimized content can help your site attract traffic and customers, and also rank well in search engine results. This content can be blog posts, article pages, infographics, or anything else you think your potential customers would enjoy.
For instance, have your primary products or services changed? Have you switched vendors? Added customer service items you want the world to know about? Started selling online or to buyers from an additional geographic location?
As your business grows, your website has to grow, too. The best way to prepare for this xgrowth financially is to add a line item in your budget for the upkeep of your website.
Submit XML Sitemap
You’ve heard about it.
You know it’s important.
But what exactly is a sitemap? And, why do you need one?
It’s actually quite simple. You can even set it up easily in WordPress.
This post will tell you everything you need to know.
There are actually a couple of different types of sitemaps, such as a visual one that you can create before building a website, but we’re going to focus on the one that is most important for SEO.
This is known as an XML sitemap. It’s simply a list of the pages on your website.
Think of it as a map for your website. It shows what all of the pages are on your website.
This also tells us why a sitemap is important:
It tells the search engines about the content that you have on your site so that they can find it more easily and when it was last updated.
The image below shows the sitemap for this site.
Clearly, this is important for your SEO. How would Google (or any other search engine) be able to send traffic to your site if it doesn’t know about your content?
⦁ Do I Need a Sitemap?
Based on the information above, it should be clear that, yes, you should have a sitemap.
Google has confirmed that “a sitemap can improve the crawling of your site,” especially if you have a large site, one with a lot of content, a new site, or one that uses rich media content.
To illustrate how critical this is for your SEO, take a look at the image below.
Do you see how the total number of pages indexed (the blue line) went from 0 to over 300?
Basically, Google hadn’t indexed the pages on their website, meaning that it hadn’t added those pages to its search results. Guess what happened to their traffic during that time?
The site didn’t get any traffic during that time!
Responsive Web Design
Have you asked yourself, “What is use of responsive web design?” Responsive web design is an approach whereby a designer creates a web page that “responds to” or resizes itself depending on the type of device it is being seen through. That could be an oversized desktop computer monitor, a laptop or devices with small screens such as smartphones and tablets.
Responsive Web design has become an essential tool for anyone with a digital presence. With the growth of smartphones, tablets and other mobile computing devices, more people are using smaller-screens to view web pages.
Off-Page SEO
Off-page SEO involves external optimization practices that happen away from your site rather than on it. The main technique used for off-page SEO is backlink building since quality backlinks to your site from external sites tell search engines that your site is valuable and high-quality, and this builds authority.
There are many tactics to backlink building, and some of the current best practices include guest blogging, creating lots of infographics that will be highly shared, and mentioning influencers in your content.
Local SEO
Local SEO is becoming increasingly important as more and more people use mobile devices for search. These days, almost 60% of all searches are performed from different smart devices, and half of those searches have local intent.
If you owned a bar, for instance, then local SEO would ensure that when people in your area went looking for the best bars in town, they’ll come across your site. Along with using local keywords, other local SEO best practices include claiming directory listings, creating location-specific pages for your site, and creating pages for your business on Google My Business, Google+, and Google Maps.
One of the most important functions of SEO is increasing visibility, which means making it easier for prospects to find you when they search for something you have to offer. Visibility is directly related to your ranking.
The higher you rank on a search engine result page (SERP), the more likely prospects are to see you and click through to your site. The more effective your SEO efforts, the higher your ranking and the better your visibility, which is especially important when you consider that a quarter of web users never click past the first SERP.
Increased web traffic is one of the main goals of SEO, and you increase traffic when you increase visibility and rankings. Consider this for a moment: nearly 33% of clicks go to the first ranking page, and the first five listings get over 75% of all clicks.
If you want more prospects to find your website through a search engine, then you need SEO practices that will help you rank among the top five positions, and ideally number one.
The concept of authority is relatively new in SEO, but it’s becoming increasingly important to search engines because it’s becoming more important to web users. Essentially, authority means that your website is trustworthy, high quality, relevant, and has something to offer. The more authority your site has, the higher your ranking will be, and the more prospects will come to trust your brand.
Another reason SEO is critical is because all the time you put into generating great content and optimizing your site with on-page SEO improves the usability of your site, and this creates a seamless and positive customer experience.
For instance, when you take steps to make your site responsive, it will make it usable for all your mobile visitors as well as people who visit from a laptop or desktop. Similarly, by increasing your page load speed, you'll reduce your bounce rate and encourage visitors to spend longer on your site. Nearly 50% of consumers expect a page to load within two seconds, and the longer the load time, the higher the bounce rate and the lower your conversions.
After all, SEO is still meant to help you achieve your business goals. SEO can help you build better relationships with your audience, improve the user experience, drive more people to your website, give you an edge over the competition, and increase conversions, which means more sales, more loyal customers, and more growth for your business.
As you can see, SEO is a complex and time consuming undertaking that involves many different techniques, tactics, and best practices. Nonetheless, SEO is very important for any business that wants to be visible online, so your efforts are well worth it.
SEO can help a business accomplish a number of goals, including ones involving brand awareness, traffic, conversions, customer experience, and much more, which is why it’s so important for digital marketers to have a solid grasp of what SEO is, how it can help achieve goals, and what the most cutting-edge best practices are.
submitted by /u/mkreegi [link] [comments] August 19, 2019 at 10:45PM
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dragon-memes-blog · 7 years
How To Play Pokemon Go – Tips & Trick
Hello, Hacks University followers. Today we’re doing a beginners guide on How To play Pokemon Go. Pokemon Go Guide.
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1. What’s the point of Pokemon Go?
Pokemon go is a free augmented reality mobile game on iOS and Android where the main goal was to catch Pokemon in your neighborhood. For now, only the Pokemon from generation 1 are available to catch, however, what’s available for players to catch is dependent upon their location. While catching Pokemon is the main focus, there are other goals as well such as visiting pokestops and gyms, strengthening and evolving your Pokemon and hatching eggs.
2. How do I find Pokemon?
Pokemon can be found in a variety of places, as long as the Pokemon Go app is open. Pokemon will appear on the game’s GPS map and your phone will buzz to indicate when a new one is nearby. If you want to catch it, simply tap the Pokemon to initiate the capture phase. It is also possible to use the item Insense to temporarily increase the chances of a Pokemon appearing while walking, or alternatively, you can install a lower module a ta Poke stop by tapping the blank area above the landmark emblem. This will temporarily lure Pokemon to that poke stop and not just for you, but other Pokemon trainers too! As for fighting new Pokemon outside your immediate area, well, you’re gonna have to get out there and explore!
3. Is it possible to find specific Pokemon?
That’s a tough one! So as we’ve already mentioned the types of Pokemon you can find change depending on the region. But if you’re looking for a specific Pokemon in your area, there is a nearby Pokemon icon in the bottom right corner of the map that will show up to 9 Pokemon that are close, along with footstep symbols, which display how close you are to that Pokemon. Three steps means it’s within a kilometer, two steps a hundred meters, one step means it’s within just 10 meters. And no steps means you will encounter it soon. If you want to find a specific Pokemon, tap its icon to highlight it. this will change the nearby Pokemon icon to that particular Pokemon and it’s footsteps, making it slightly easier to pinpoint as you roam around. The map will also show shaking grass at times which indicates a Pokemon should be around that area though it’s not always a guarantee.
4. How do I catch Pokemon
Unlike traditional Pokemon battles, you don’t actually fight the wild Pokemon in Go. Instead, you just throw pokeballs until one actually hits the Pokemon and captures it but an only counts if it hits the Pokemon first before it touches the ground. Now during battle, a circle will appear around the Pokemon that comes in three colors; green, orange and red which respectively represent; easy, medium and hard catches. This dictates how likely a Pokemon is to break out of a pokeball and if a more difficult Pokemon escapes several balls in a row, it might run away.
Fortunately, there are several items that can help better the odds of a successful capture such as Great and Ultra Balls, as well as Razz Berries that can be fed to the Pokemon to make the next pokeball thrown have a higher chance of capture. The colored circles serve another purpose though; it’s not just capturing the Pokemon that matters but how well you time the throw. So normally each capture nets you 100 XP by default, though you’ll get a 500 XP bonus if it’s a new pokemon. But you can increase that XP count even more the closer that colored circle is to the center of the stationary white one at the time of capture: so you’ll receive a nice bonus of 10 XP if it’s close, a great bonus of 50 XP if it’s even closer, and an excellent bonus of a hundred XP if it’s dead center.
And if that’s not enough, you can net another minor bonus of 10 XP if you catch the Pokemon with a curveball, which you can do by shaking the pokeball until it sparkles and then immediately flicking it. You can also double the XP you receive if a lucky egg item is used and in effect.
5. So I have some Pokemon, what next?
Well you can evolve them to start! Besides experience points catching a Pokemon will always net the player 100 Stardust and three candies for that specific pokemon’s evolutionary chain. These items are required to make your Pokemon stronger, increase HP, and eventually evolve. Both of which increase their combat power, or CP for short, and the higher the CP, the stronger the Pokemon. But there is a bit more to it, namely in relation to the Stardust.
When you look at your Pokemon CP you will see an arc that a white line is filling in, this is the pokemons potential and it is broken up by percentages. Every 20% the amount of Stardust needed to increase the pokemons power will increase as well. the first 20% is 200 Stardust 21% to 40% is 400 Stardust, and so on until the maximum of 1000 Stardust. However even if you have the right amount of Stardust, you won’t be able to increase your Pokemon CP past a certain percentage, until your trainer level is high enough. The higher the level, the farther you can push its power on the scale.
While one piece of candy is used for each power increase, the candies are mainly used to evolve Pokemon. Different Pokemon requires different amounts of candy to evolve, but it’s usually either 12, 25, 50 or 100. The lone exception is Magicarp which requires 400 of its candies to evolve. Evolution will increase the pokemons CP but it will not affect the CP scale percentage. Whatever it was at before evolution is where it will stay afterward. CP is used exclusively at gyms which is the only place battles can occur.
6. What does leveling up do?
While Pokemon gains CP, trainers gain Levels. Those levels mark when certain things become available. The best example is you can’t claim gems until you have reached level 5. But this level also marks when new items become available such as potions and revives, both of which are necessary now that battles can take place. Each level will give the player more of these items as well as allow you to further increase the power of your Pokemon
7. What are Pokemon Gyms?
In short, Pokemon gyms are essentially control points for players to claim on behalf by assigning it a Pokemon. It’s here that battles take place and for earning currency. However, you can’t access gyms until you reach level 5. And once you access one for the first time, you can choose to pick one of three teams; team valor, mystic or instinct (aka teams; red, blue and yellow). Each has a leader and are represented by one of the legendary birds. Though, it mainly serves as a way for players to divide themselves into groups. Each group can attempt to claim a gym as their own which will net them Poke coins for use in the shop.
Coins and Gems:
The coins are earned based on the number of gems under your control though. Unfortunately, you can only earn ten coins per gym with a max of 10. This makes earning Poke coins rather tricky since it’s the only way to obtain them in-game. The other option is to purchase them with real-world money in the form of microtransactions. The shop holds all the items we mentioned before along with egg incubators, an upgrade to your bag to hold more items and a Pokemon storage upgrade to hold more Pokemon. Gems that are unclaimed or shown as silver, but if it’s any other color, it’s controlled by that team. To claim an empty gem, simply tap the icon on the left side of the screen to pick one of your Pokemon. That Pokemon will then defend the gym.
Now, when under a team’s control, the gym can gain levels in the form of prestige. Which you earn when the controlling team wins battles against challenges. Obtaining prestige will increase the gyms level and allow for more players from your team to place their Pokemon in the gym in an effort to better defend it. On the other hand, if you challenge a gym, you’re able to choose up to six Pokemon from your collection. Battles are incredibly simple, mainly consisting of the player tapping the screen to have their pokemon attack and swiping left or right to dodge enemy moves. Yeah, it may be simple, but dodging could really save your Pokemon!
Pokemon Attacks:
Now, every Pokemon has two attacks; their primary move and a special move that’s charged during battle which is automatically used as your next attack when ready. A Pokemon special attack can be different even within the same species. One Pidgey could have Aerial Ace while another has Air Cutter. However, winning a battle does not automatically make the gym yours, instead, it’ll lower its prestige points and it will remain in their possession until the prestige reaches zero. Now it is possible to challenge a Gym again right away in order to quickly accomplish this. Although, your pokemons damage does not recover. The only way to currently heal your Pokemon is by using potions or Revives. You can obtain them through Poke stops and leveling up your trainer. It’s also possible to battle against your own Gym in order to test their defenses, raise its prestige and earn XP. Of course the higher your Pokemon CP, the better chance it has in battle.
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8. What are PokeStops?
PokeStops are places of interest near you where you can get free stuff! Who doesn’t like free stuff?! They can be buildings like churches, small local monuments or historical signs and even public art projects. They are marked by a blue landmark emblem that enlarges once you are within range. By tapping on it, you can see what the point of interest is and sometimes even get information about it. Swiping across the marker causes it to spin and drop random items like Pokeballs, Pokemon eggs, potions and Revives, as well as a small amount of experience points. After using a Pokestop, its color will change to purple to show that you used it. However, it only takes a few minutes for it to refresh, allowing you to continually get new items if you so choose.
9. What do I do with Pokemon Eggs?
When you receive a Pokemon egg you can look at it in the Pokemon screen under the egg tab. From here you can place it in your incubator which begins the process of hatching it. And powered by you walking. The distance is different for each egg and we’ve seen them range from 2 kilometers to 10 so far. Once you begin Pokemon Go, you will have an incubator right away that can be used an infinite number of times. It is possible to find or buy more but they have a limit of 3 uses.
Finally eggs will only hatch if the player is walking. Thanks to the GPS, Pokemon Go is able to determine your speed. So trying to cheat by riding in a car, train or plane won’t count toward the required distance. In addition, you have to open the app.
10. What Are Medals?
Medals are the achievements of Pokemon Go. They track how far you’ve walked, how many Pokemon you’ve caugh, and various other aspects. Each medal has a bronze, silver and gold requirement that gradually increases the number needed to earn that achievement. Upon earning a medal, you will also obtain some XP.
And that covers the basics of Pokemon Go. It’s not too difficult to learn once you’ve got the hang of it. It can be addicting in its own way. Be sure not to use Pokemon Go Hack tools and stuff as they’re not working and will never be. Let us know if you have any tips of your own in the comments. Thanks for reading our Pokemon Go Guide.
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travelingtheusa · 5 years
7 Feb 2019 (Thu) – We went into town and toured the Luna Mimbres Museum.  It was three stories contained in a former armory.  There were lots of different collections donated by residents of the town.  After the museum, we went to lunch at the Rise & Shine Café.  It was run by an Amish couple.  I had chicken salad and Paul had a cordon bleu sandwich.  The white chicken chili was delicious and we got a quart to take home.  We made a quick stop at the post office to mail off a package and then picked up propane. We ran out of propane during the night and Paul had to go out at 2:30 a.m. in the subzero temperatures to switch tanks.  We started packing up and getting ready for our move into Arizona tomorrow.
 6 Feb 2019 (Wed) – We hiked the Jasper Trail in the campground this morning.  It was supposed to be a 0.6 mile hike but when we got back, my Fitbit said I had walked almost 1.7 miles.  
    We drove to City of Rocks State Park to see what the campground was like.  We had contemplated camping there before we decided to come to Rockhound State Park.  It was quite interesting.  There were large boulders dispersed around the campground in piles that resembled a careless child’s abandoned toys.  Campers were tucked in here and there among the rocks and trees.  Only six sites had electric and water hookups; the rest was dry camping.  We chose wisely by going to Rockhound.
    After the park, we drove on into Silver City (about 60 miles from our campground).  Mining is still going on and we drove past a huge tailings pile that was miles long.  The historic part of Silver City is very old western looking with narrow streets.  We had lunch at a place called Tapas Tree Grill. It was expensive and we didn’t think the food was all that good.  While we were eating, the wind picked up and snow flurries were driven along the road and sidewalks.  We watched through the window and felt glad to be inside.
    Next stop was at the Silver City Museum. It was located in a home that was built in 1861.  When the owner’s bank failed in 1863, the family moved to California.  Various things took place in the house after that – it was a boarding house, a fire department, housing for fire department volunteers, etc. It was finally turned into a museum about 50 years ago.  There were a lot of story boards located in each room that described the history of the area in general and Silver City in particular.  It was an interesting place.
    The drive back to the campground was over an hour.  We spotted a Moose campground and stopped to look around it.  We drove over to the Elks Lodge but were disappointed to find no campground there.  As we came down the road to Rockhound State Park, we turned at a road marked “Spring Canyon.”  I had read an information sign by Jasper Trail that said Persian Ibex had been brought to the area as a gift.  There are now 200-500 ibex in the area.  We hoped to catch a glimpse of them.  We drove down a winding road with a 19% grade (at one point) only to come upon a gate stating the park was closed.  They should put a sign back at the beginning of the roadway before getting to that point. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like if we had been towing a trailer!  The sign said the park was open Wed-Sun.  Guess we’ll drive over there tomorrow.  
 5 Feb 2019 (Tue) – We ran to the commissary at 8:00 a.m. to pick up some groceries but it didn’t open until 9:00 a.m. So we went to McDonald’s and had breakfast.  With still 40 minutes to go until 9 a.m., we decided to just pick up a case of water at the Express Stop.  We then packed up the RV and left for Deming, NM.  The drive was just two hours.  Paul and I both suffered sour stomachs.  Guess the food at the reservation wasn’t as good as it should have been.
    We arrived at the Rockhound State Park where we were met by the camp host on his golf cart.  He said there were only two sites that fit us.  We backed into a site and hooked up.  We had to add blocks under the front jacks as the ground slopes down a little.  This is one of the nicest campgrounds we have ever stayed at (we were here in 2015). The sites are spacious.  The campground is nestled at the base of the Florida Mountains.  There are two trails that wander into the landscape where you walk among a rich variety of desert flora and fauna.  The cacti are the healthiest I think I have ever seen.  At night, the stars in the sky stand out clearly and you can look down on the town below and watch the twinkling lights.  The park authorities allow people to wander around the mountains and valleys searching for rocks and minerals.  Many people come up for the day with their rock hammers and buckets. You are allowed to collect up to 15 pounds of rocks.  
4 Feb 2019 (Mon) – We went to the Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort & Casino on the Mescalero-Apache Homelands. It was a long drive into the mountains with some snow remaining in the cooler areas.  The casino was pretty.  They built a dam and a beautiful blue lake sat in front of the inn.  Big windows gave visitors a panoramic view of the lake and mountains.  We had lunch in the Broken Arrow Taproom.  The food was OK.  We each played $20 in the slots.  As usual, I made the obligatory deposit to the slot demons.  Paul, on the other hand, was able to collect $96.02.  That’s the way we like to play – spend some time and walk away without it costing anything.  Between lunch and gambling, we spent about $5.
    We drove back (it was over an hour) to the campground, quickly fed the animals, grabbed Bonnie, and headed over to White Sands National for the sunset stroll with a park ranger.  The sky was mostly clouded so we did not get a great sunset.  There was about a group of 30 people and 3 dogs who followed the ranger through the dunes, stopping at various points to hear him explain something about the history and geography of the area.  Surprisingly, there is water just a foot below the surface that helps to keep the sand dunes in place.
3 Feb 2019 (Sun) – We drove into town today to see the historic area.  It turned out to be two blocks of old, dilapidated buildings.  There are poor areas and not-so-poor areas around Alamogordo but no really wealthy area.  We had lunch at Can’t Stop Smoking BBQ.  They were running a special today for Super Bowl so we got a rack of ribs along with garlic potatoes and Italian green beans.  The meal was good and there was enough to take home for left-overs.
    After lunch, we drove around for a while just looking the town over.  When we got back on base, we drove around there giving it a look over, too. The base is huge.  They have fighter jets here and there is a test squadron over on the edge of the airbase.  
    We enjoyed our left-overs while watching the Super Bowl tonight.
 2 Feb 2019 (Sat) – When we woke this morning, there was a very thick fog in the area.  It slowly burned off so that  by the time we left at 9:45 a.m., most of it had lifted.  It was about three hours to Alamogordo.  As we drove through miles and miles of vast desert landscape, suddenly a snow covered peak appeared in the distance.  As we drew closer, a mountain range began to grow larger.  Soon we were driving through the mountains.  We climbed to 8,700 feet over winding roadways.  As we came around a mountain top, the area before us opened up and White Sands was visible off in the distance as a white streak in the brown desert.  It really stands out!
    We pulled into Holloman AFB FamCamp around 1:00 p.m.  There are three rows of 12 campsites with a decent amount of space between them.  A posted sign told incoming campers to check in with the camp host before setting up.  There was a sign on the camp host’s door saying he was off duty and to fill out the registration paperwork in the laundry.  We picked a site, set up, then filled out the form in the laundry.  They only take check or cash.  I wrote a check and dropped the envelope in a locked box.
    Sheba was really chomping at the bit to go out so we gave her outside time.  She has been spending a lot of time in the last month confined to the trailer because of lack of space or heavy traffic.  She really enjoyed exploring this campsite.  
 1 Feb 2019 (Fri) – Aaaahhh.  The smell of petroleum in the morning. NOT!  We walked out of the RV this morning and almost gagged on the overwhelming smell of petroleum in the air.  Texas and New Mexico are both extracting oil from the Permian Basin. We looked at a map of the area and it was covered with thousands of little white dots; each dot representing an oil well. How can there be anything left in the ground with all those wells?  Geologists say there are enough reserves in the basin to last 100 years.  The sheer volume of wells above ground and reserves in the ground are just mind boggling.
    We drove to Carlsbad Caverns today. This was our third time visiting the caverns.  Paul was there with his family when he was a young boy and remembers a cafeteria down in the cavern where they ate lunch.  I first visited Carlsbad in 2005 when I deployed to El Paso before shipping out to Iraq.  We both were here 3-1/2 years ago in 2015, and now we were back again.  We walked in at the natural entrance which was one mile of winding, descending walkway.  There was nobody around.  It was so still and there was a kind of reverence as we passed fantastic formations of stalagmites, stalactites, columns, bacon, popcorn, and soda straws (I think somebody was hungry when they named these speleothems).  Several times, we had the eerie feeling that they had closed the place (it would have been funny except that that has happened to us before).  
    When we reached the bottom of the entrance, we then walked the 1-1/4 mile walk around the Big Room.  It was so much fun naming the formations and exploring the vast space underground.  This was the best cave experience.  Even though we have been to Carlsbad Caverns before, there have been years of exploring dozens of caves over the years.  We can now appreciate how phenomenal this cave is.  It should be a bucket list item for everyone.
    After spending three hours at the caverns, we drove into Carlsbad and had lunch at the Red Chimney BBQ.  The food was excellent!  We packed up our leftovers and headed home, stopping to get fuel at a station.  It’s funny. We are deep in oil country and the cost of fuel is higher than it was deep in Texas.  The average price around here for diesel fuel is between $2.83 and $2.99.
31 Jan 2019 (Thu) – We pulled up stakes, left Seminole, TX, and drove to Artesia in New Mexico.  The drive was just two hours.  We drove past a HUGE oil field.  It was almost like someone had practiced a scorched earth policy.  There were oil pumps and derricks for as far as the eye could see.  The smell of petroleum was so strong that you could actually taste it on your tongue. We did not recognize any of the names of the companies operating along the way.  They must extract the oil and then sell it to the manufacturers whose names we know (i.e., Exxon, Mobile).
    We arrived at Artesia RV Park just before noon.  The campground is next to a very large orchard with huge trees.  The trees are bare and many have been cut back a lot. We think it might be pistachio trees. It’s just a guess.  The campground is nicely laid out with a good amount of room between campsites.  There are many oil workers in here, too.  
    After set up, we drove into town for lunch and to run errands.  Our meal was at La Fonda Restaurant.  It was Mexican fare and margaritas made from agave wine (guess they don’t have a liquor license).  It was a very sweet drink.  After lunch, we bought propane, got fuel, picked up groceries, and mailed off postcards.
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Portugal is a country for hedonists with a long history. Wandering the cozy streets of its cities, you can feel for a moment somewhere in Spain or southern France. With one fundamental difference: there are almost no ubiquitous tourists format "galloping across Europe", this place - rather for wealthy travelers who prefer a special, elitist vacation. Here they value tradition, honor the rich historical heritage, know how to enjoy life and not stingy on comfort, creating it for themselves and for dear in every sense of the word guests. Breathing in the smell of oranges and eucalyptus, strolling along the waterfront, enjoying wine to the sad songs of Fado in picturesque cafes, you can get to know the real Europe - the one that is too proud and beautiful to participate in the tourist race.
Regions and resorts of Portugal
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Photo by nextvoyage on Pixabay The capital is Lisbon, which became the center of the country in the 13th century and 5 centuries later was destroyed by an earthquake, but quickly regained its greatness. The most famous attraction is St. George's Castle: a formidable fortress on a hill which once belonged to a Moorish emir and later to the Portuguese kings. The Lisbon Cathedral, which has survived the earthquake and shows traces of Rococo, Baroque, Gothic and Neoclassical architecture, is also a survivor. There are beaches in the vicinity of the capital - a succession of fashionable resorts called the Lisbon Riviera. The main attraction of Lisbon are the winding streets of the old neighborhoods: meandering between the neat houses with a azulejos tile decor, you can not help but feel the mood of the city. The second most visited city is Porto, which leads its history since the 4th century. The best place to start in the capital of Porto - no, not the bar - is the historic center, protected by UNESCO. Here are both the fortress-like cathedral and the impressively sized Church of São Francisco.
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Photo by BernardoUPloud on Pixabay Tired of being monumental, head to the Ribeira neighborhood, with its colorful little houses that overlap each other to create a charming atmosphere. And after the tour, it's time to relax on any of the fine or sandy beaches in the city. Fifty kilometers north of Porto is Braga, the center of Portuguese Catholicism with the residence of the Archbishop. Not surprisingly, the main tourist attractions here are cathedrals and churches built in Gothic, Romanesque and other styles. Coimbra's main attraction is the oldest university in the country - a complex of smart baroque buildings, including even the former royal palace. It's also a great shopping experience with plenty of bookstores, boutiques and antique shops. Évora is also an ideal place for gastronomic pleasures: its cheeses, desserts and wines are over the top. Nourish your appetite by exploring the architectural beauty of the surrounding countryside, some beautifully preserved Neolithic monuments, and the ruins of a Roman temple and medieval cathedrals in the city itself. For the tastiest seafood, head to Faro, which is usually the starting point of excursions to the south of Portugal. The port restaurants are a handy place to stop by, right from the Blue Flag beach. Obidos - a small town and very cozy: snow-white villas, paved walkways, bright flowerbeds, as if came off a beautiful postcard. Found a place here and the sights: worth just a medieval castle, where if you want - and enough thickness of the purse - you can even spend the night. Setúbal is also known for its beautiful scenery and ancient architecture - the forts and cathedrals are a sight to behold in the mountains. See the full list of Portugal's cities and resorts on our page. Portugal is in two time zones: UTC-1 and UTC. The Azores are in UTC-1. The rest of the country (e.g. the cities of Porto and Faro) is in UTC time zone. In summer, the clocks in Portugal are changed.
Portugal's climate
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Photo by Leslin_Liu on Pixabay Portugal has a subtropical Mediterranean climate: mild, without sharp fluctuations in temperature. In the north, due to the Gulf Stream, the maritime climate prevails. Summers are dry and sunny, but not hot (average temperature about +20 ° C, in the mountains - about +18 ° C), winter is cool (from +4 ° to +10 ° C) and rainy. In the south of the country is warm and dry. Average January temperature is +5 … +10 ° C, July +20 … +27 ° C. The water in summer warms up to +20 … +23 ° C. The best way to get acquainted with Portugal from May to October, the weather at this time is almost always warm and sunny, the rain is a rarity, and you'll feel comfortable on the beach and on foot. But be careful about swimming: because of the ocean currents the water on the Portuguese coast is cool. Swimming is better to the south of Lisbon, where the Atlantic is warmer by 2-3 ° C, and the difference is noticeable. North of the capital, most vacationers prefer to sunbathe and enjoy the scenery. Spring is the best time for surfing, but in winter it's rainy, although the sun often returns to the south.
Visa and customs
Portugal is a Schengen country, and Russian citizens need a visa and insurance to visit the country. Import and export of foreign currency is not limited. When entering from non-EU countries, amounts over 10,000 EUR are subject to mandatory declaration. The prices on this page are for September 2018. You can import duty-free 200 cigarettes (alternatively, 250 g of tobacco or 50 cigars), 1 liter of spirits and 2 liters of wine. Allowed 500 g of coffee and 100 g of tea, 50 ml of perfume and 250 ml of toilet water. Importing and exporting drugs, items of historical value, weapons and ammunition, as well as animals and plants listed as endangered species are prohibited. Potatoes produced outside the European Union, any meat and milk products and chocolate are also banned. Tax free Prices in Portugal are quite high, so the Tax free system is very useful here. You can save up to 10-14%, the tax is returned on purchases worth 61 EUR and more in stores participating in the program. You will get two receipts: a regular cash register receipt and a special tax-free receipt, which you can fill out on your own or delegate this task to a salesperson with a foreign passport. The second part of the challenge is at the airport. Arriving at the airport at least 4 hours before departure you have to show the customs agent the unpacked goods, both receipts and your passport, get a special stamp and go to the Global Blue desk for the issuance of VAT. Information on check-in points Tax-Free - on the map of the airport or at the information desk. Those leaving the country by car will have to go through the same procedures at the EU border.
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Photo by Nudio on Pixabay There are four types of buses in Portugal: expressos, rapidas, carreiras marked "CR" (stop at every intersection), and alta qualidade (luxury). The ticket Lisbon - Faro by express bus costs about 17-35 EUR (4 hours of travel time). The bus Lisbon - Porto takes 3,5 hours and the journey costs from 19-29 EUR. During the high season is better to book tickets in advance. Prices on local routes are affordable, and in the summer - even more so. There are often discounts for passengers under 26 years. The railroad connects Lisbon with the south of Portugal. Travelling by train is longer than by express bus, but cheaper. There are regional trains that stop at all stops, fast inter-regional trains and express trains. Learn the schedule and ticket prices on the official website of railroads. Public transport in cities A well-developed, well-organised transport network makes it possible to travel comfortably within Portuguese cities. Buses are available in every town and cost 1,40 EUR (1,80 EUR from the driver). There are night buses in Lisbon. To stop the bus, you must wave to the driver from the bus stop. Entrance is through the front door only. The capital and Porto have a metro: the first consists of 4 lines and runs from 6:00 to 1:00, the second consists of 6 lines and closes at 1:30. You can pay only with plastic cards. One trip in the capital subway costs 1,40 EUR, in Porto - from 1,30 EUR, depending on the zone. The cost of the Metro and Bus card in Lisbon is EUR 6,30 per day. The Zapping card is also available at the price of EUR 1,30 and is rechargeable for any amount from 3 to 40 EUR. In Porto, all public transport tickets cost 15 EUR for 24 hours and 26 EUR for 48 hours. Points of sale are located in stations and metro stations. For holders of the Lisboa Card (price from 15 EUR per day) travel on public transport is free. Another popular form of transportation in major cities - streetcars. In Lisbon there are both modern trains (route number 15, going to the area of Belem), and charming old cars, which take tourists to sights. The most famous is the route № 28, which runs along the main sightseeing points: from the castle of St. George to Augusta Street with the Arc de Triomphe. The cost is 2,90 EUR. Enjoy also a trip in a retro streetcar through the streets of Porto (tickets 2,50 EUR). A double-decker sightseeing bus is an alternative to the streetcar: a one-day trip to the capital city costs from 20 EUR, to Porto - from 10 EUR. There are audio guides in 7 languages on board and you can get on and off at any stop. Portuguese cabs are black and green or beige, equipped with indicators (green signal means "busy") and meters. The average fare per ride is 3,90 EUR, for each km - 0,56 EUR. Out-of-town trips are paid not by the meter, but by the kilometer (the cost includes return trip back to the city). It is no use to catch a cab in the street: you will have to look for a special parking or to call for a car by phone (plus 0,80 EUR to the cost of transfer). A trip around Lisbon costs 15 - 20 EUR on average and getting to the airport - 25 EUR. At nighttime prices go up by 20%, cab drivers are usually given a tip of 10%. An option for the sportiest is a bike rental: a day of skiing will cost from 20 EUR, rental stations are available in all major cities. But calculate your strength soberly: the Portuguese streets are fraught with sharp turns, steep climbs and descents.
Hotels in Portugal
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Photo by z0man on Pixabay Portugal is dominated by high-level hotels. Most of them operate on a breakfast basis, half-board is rare, there is no all-inclusive system. This is due to the fact that the country has a very tasty and diverse cuisine: tourists prefer to try everything in different places rather than eat at the hotel buffet. The best hotels - old hotels (pousadas), corresponding to the level of 4-5 "stars". Historic pousadas are old castles and fortresses, reconstructed and turned into luxury hotels (there are about 50 in total). Staying in them is considered prestigious. There are also regional "pouzades", which are manor houses or houses built in the typical architectural style for this area. Here guests are served mostly local specialties. There are accommodations for budget tourists in Portugal as well. For example, local hostels are recognized as one of the best in Europe: they regularly top the prestigious world ratings and please their guests with hospitality, cleanliness and decent level of service. The cost of a bed in a shared room in Lisbon, Porto or Algarve starts from 16 EUR per night. Prices in the capital's hotels 2 * - from 55 EUR, in the hotels above - from 65 EUR per night. The mains voltage is 220 V, 50 Hz, the sockets are standard European.
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Photo by nuno_lopes on Pixabay In Portugal it is not terrible to walk along the street at any time of the day, but it is better not to leave valuables in the car or on the beach completely unattended. Do not carry a purse in your pocket, photo and video cameras are better to hang around the neck. Cars in the country almost never stolen, there are no dangerous diseases, no need for special vaccinations. In major cities you can drink tap water, but in some areas - for example, in the Algarve - it is too salty. Portugal is located in a seismically active area, about twice a year earthquakes occur here. Another natural hazard - forest fires, so campfires on beaches, parks and forest belts are strictly forbidden: if you are lucky you get a fine, if not - jail. Besides, the local government toughened a ban on smoking: it is possible to light a cigarette only in specially allocated zones on streets and in establishments of public catering, the charge for disobedience - 50-750 EUR. But to the light drugs, as it seems strange, the guards of the order are more or less loyal. You can buy "weed" right in the center, but 90% of the cases it will be low-quality fake. And loyalty is loyalty, but you should not be cheeky and demonstratively smoke a joint in the middle of the avenue.
Beaches in Portugal
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Photo by makunin on Pixabay In Portugal all beaches are municipal. For two sun beds and an umbrella you will have to pay from 8 EUR per day. However, wealthy tourists (and others in the country almost do not go) is not afraid of this. On the Lisbon Riviera and the Algarve - fine white sand, Madeira beaches are pebbly or artificial. Flags warn about the state of the ocean: red - the sea is rough and swimming is strictly forbidden, yellow - you must be very careful, green - safe. The season officially kicks off June 15 and runs until September 15. The closest beach to Lisbon is in the town of Carcavelos, which never stops for the day or night. The coast is wide and sandy and has a gently sloping entrance to the water while the sun shines. It's a great spot for surfing, picnics, and leisurely meandering between bars. At night, Carcavelos becomes a trendy party spot, making the nightclubbing and sandy beach party all the rage until dawn. The most famous sporting beach is Guincho in Cascais, not far from the capital. There are always impressive waves and wind here, so surfers, windsurfers and kite surfers are magnetically attracted to the area. The coast is wide, the approach is easy, and there are cafes and picnic grounds nearby. Adherents of a more relaxed holiday suit the nearby "Torre" or "Riberia". Another famous spot for wave conquerors - the picturesque beach "Ribeira da Illas" in the town of Erisheira, which has won the unofficial title of "world reserve surfing". The coastline of the south of Portugal is dotted with beaches, one of the most popular resorts in the Algarve - Lagos: here and the rocky tunnels, and secluded corners for nudists, and equipped areas for recreation. One of the oldest nudist beaches is nearby, on the island of Tavira, with its serene atmosphere, clear waters and the eloquent title of "Nude Beach". For seclusion, the tiny island of Porto Santo, for example, has a 9-kilometer-long stretch of stunning sandy beaches. Sunbathing and swimming is possible not only on the ocean: in the town of Macedo de Cavaleiroos a recreation area is equipped with a reservoir at Albufeira do Azibu. The water here is clean, the river sand is snow-white, the beauty of sunsets is breathtaking, and the safety is guaranteed by the Blue Flag.
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Photo by joakant on Pixabay Divers love Portugal because of the amazing beauty of the underwater world, excellent visibility at different depths, mild climate and developed infrastructure, so that even the cool ocean is not an obstacle. Read the full article
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kathydsalters31 · 4 years
Check Out Pet Friendly Ghost Towns With Your Furry Travel Buddy
Visiting animal pleasant ghost communities isn’t
a journey to embark on alone! Simply the thought of these abandoned mining neighborhoods raises scary visions and chilling scenarios. With your faithful(and also furry)travel friend along for the trip, you’re in for an interesting experience. Right here are the most popular animal pleasant ghost towns throughout the country if you’ve constantly been interested about spooky areas. Pet Friendly Ghost Towns in America Animas Forks– Colorado Situated high in the San Juan Mountains at 11,200 feet, Animas Forks was a breaking mining area by 1876.
Every fall the residents relocated south to
the warmer town community Silverton for the winterWinter months By 1910, a lot of the mining had actually ended, as well as by the 1920s, Animas Forks was abandoned to the ghosts. You’ll find expository pamphlets and maps of the ghost community in the parking lot. And entrance to the structures is unlimited, however make sure since some are vulnerable. Bannack– Montana The Montana gold thrill began in Bannack in 1862 when John White located gold in Grasshopper Creek. For almost a years, the community’s populace fluctuated yet by the 1950s the gold as well as a lot of individuals were gone. Currently the site is a state park where you and your family pet can stroll amongst the 60 staying frameworks. There are likewise extracting artifacts as well as a cemetery. Batsto Village– New Jersey Found between
Philadelphia as well as Atlantic City in
New Jersey’s Pine Barrens, Batsto Village is a wonderfully maintained town with roots dating back to 1766. This former iron and glassmaking community has lots of intact structures and a number of nature tracks, consisting of a scenic walk along Batsto Lake. Bring a barbecue lunch and spend the day at this pet friendly ghost town! Bodie– California Bodie When silver and also gold were discovered in the Sierra Nevadas in 1875, ended up being a boomtown. Throughout its prime time, 10,000 people stayed below
, with the last couple of leaving in the 1940s. Today, the ghost town is a state park where more than 150 buildings are being protected in a state of”jailed degeneration.”The interiors remain as they were left, equipped and also stocked with items, with just ghosts roaming the halls. Cahawba– Alabama Carved out of the wild in 1819, Cahawba was Alabama’s initial capital. The state transformed the place of the funding in 1826, Cahawba continued to grow into a affluent and also flourishing river town. By 1870, nonetheless, the populace decreased to 300. By the millenium, the majority of Cahawba’s structures
were shed to fire, degeneration,
or dismantlement. Today at this pet dog friendly ghost community, you can take a self-guide tour of the landscape of damages, relics, columns, and gravestones, hike the nature route through Cahawba’s Town Commons, and also appreciate a picnic neglecting the Alabama River. Calico Ghost Town– California Calico sprung up in 1881 during the largest silver strike in California. With 500 mines, the community created over$20 million in silver ore during the following 12 years. However when silver shed its worth in the mid-1890s, Calico passed away. In the 1950s, Walter Knott acquired Calico and also restored all but 5 of the initial structures to look as they carried out in the 1880s. Today you and your family pet
are welcome to discover Calico Ghost Town’s history
as well as tourist attractions, as well as the stores and dining establishments. They additionally use a camping area, if you and also your animals do not mind oversleeping a ghost community! LEARNT MORE ⇒ Route 66– Pet Friendly Sights from Chicago to Santa Monica Garnet– Montana Hidden high in Montana’s Garnet Mountains, the community of Garnet was called for the semi-precious stone mined below. In 1912, a fire ruined several structures, as well as by the 1940s the town was a bust. Today you can see the 30 staying structures and discover more background of the area by taking a family pet pleasant walk on the Warren Park Trail, the Sierra Mine Loop Trail, and the Placer Trail. Goldfield Ghost Town– Arizona Goldfield, an hour eastern of Phoenix, is a family pet friendly ghost community that’s been resuscitated as a living background museum. You and your family pet can tour the gold mine, pan for gold, take a narrated flight on the slim gauge railway, and also see an Old West gunfight in the road. Keep in mind that family pets need to use their leashes and also can not go in the stores on major road or the basic store. Kennicott– Alaska With it’s red structures set in the rugged Alaskan hills, Kennicott is among the most picturesque pet dog friendly ghost communities you’ll discover. Established in 1903, this was a dynamic
mining camp filled with
miners and their households. But by 1938, the copper had actually run out and only
ghosts roamed the town. Today, it’s a prominent vacationer destination, and also the National Park Service is working to preserve most of the mill and town buildings. The only method to reach Kennicott is by foot or the animal friendly shuttle. McCarthy Road finishes at a footbridge that crosses the Kennicott River, approximately 5 miles from the community of Kennicott. Remember, services are restricted as soon as you begin your trip. Lodging, restaurants, as well as a bar are available at McCarthy and Kennicott, and appointments are suggested. Rhyolite– Nevada Rhyolite grown in 1904, when gold was uncovered near California’s Death Valley. Virtually over night the town grew to consist of hotels, shops, an institution for 250 children, an ice cream parlor, ice plant, two electrical plants, shops and factory, and a healthcare facility. Sadly, it was throughout by 1916. Today you can watch the residues of Rhyolite’s magnificence days. Some of the walls of the 3-story bank building are still standing, as is part of the old prison. The train depot and the Bottle House are two of the few total buildings left in the community. Saint Elmo– Colorado Saint Elmo was a gold and silver mining camp, as well as is one of the most effective maintained ghost towns in Colorado. There are dozens of
buildings still standing
, consisting of the court house, barroom, and also a couple of personal residences. It’s taken into consideration a ghost community, individuals still live in St. Elmo, and also tourism brings lots of people to community every year.
There are ATV trails, fishing, and the basic store is open all summer season long. READ MORE ⇒ Ride the Pet Friendly Gondola in Telluride, Colorado South Pass City– Wyoming Positioned in the Wind River Mountains, South Pass City got its start in the summer season of 1867 when gold was found by a team of Mormon miners. By 1868, the community hummed with enjoyment, and its half-mile long main street boasted various resorts, restaurants, general shops, 2 papers, doctors
, a bowling alley, and lots of hangouts
. Sadly, mining in the location struck a slump, and also by 1872, the community was occupied by just a couple of hundred people. Today, South Pass City is a state historic website with 23 original structures as well as 30,000 artefacts. The park is open from mid-May to late-September, and you as well as your pet can check out the town and enjoy nearly five miles of animal pleasant hiking tracks. Tahawus– New York Embeded the Adirondacks, Tahawus lies in between Lake George as well as Lake Placid. The town was established in 1826 to mine iron ore down payments, and also at its top the neighborhood included 2 ranches, mining and also smelting facilities, a saw mill, 16 residences, a school, as well as a bank. However troubles delivering the product to market caused the community’s ultimate desertion. Today, you’ll find several residences, barns, and the renovated blast furnace from the mining operation. Terlingua– Texas Terlingua is a previous mercury-mining community, located in the remote Big Bend location of western Texas. The ghost community began its new life as an off-beat traveler destination when mining finished in the 1940s. Deserted and also worn out buildings, mine shafts, and the old cemetery now stand along with the trading post, Starlight Diner, and old jail(now bathrooms). For a real reward, strategy to visit during the world-famous globally chili cook-off, which takes place each November. LEARNT MORE ⇒ Exploring Big Bend, Texas With Dogs Thurmond– West Virginia Thurmond was the heart of West Virginia’s New River Gorge, with the railway lugging coal and hardwood from the surrounding area. At its top, the community had 2 hotels, 2 banks, dining establishments, clothes shops, a fashion jewelry shop, movie theater, several dry-good shops, and also several office. With the onset of the Great Depression, the economy failed, and also two large fires cleaned out several major organizations. Today the National Park Service is functioning to stabilize the buildings in pet pleasant Thurmond ghost community till they can be fixed up or recovered. You as well as your pet can roam amid vacant buildings, and also delight in the nearby hiking tracks. FOUND OUT MORE ⇒ Visit West Virginia’s Monongahela National Forest With Pets
Virginia City– Montana Perched high in Montana’s Rocky Mountains, Virginia City got started when gold was uncovered in Alder Gulch in 1863. Within a year, 10,000 people were residing in a number of mining camps in the
location. However the community’s blossom discolored swiftly. By the early 1870s Virginia City’s population had actually been lowered to just a few hundred. Today, the pet dog friendly ghost town of
Virginia City has more than 200 historical
structures as well as supplies a number occasions for site visitors. You’ll likewise find museums, stores, dining establishments, and holiday accommodations. Throughout your browse through, do not miss the reconstructed ghost town of Nevada City, simply a mile away as well as connected by railroad. We hope these suggestions inspire you to embrace the spirit of the period! Appreciate checking out several pet friendly ghost towns with your hairy travel pal.
source http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/explore-pet-friendly-ghost-towns-with-your-furry-travel-buddy/
from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.blogspot.com/2020/09/check-out-pet-friendly-ghost-towns-with.html
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barryswamsleyaz · 4 years
Check Out Pet Friendly Ghost Towns With Your Furry Travel Buddy
Visiting animal pleasant ghost communities isn’t
a journey to embark on alone! Simply the thought of these abandoned mining neighborhoods raises scary visions and chilling scenarios. With your faithful(and also furry)travel friend along for the trip, you’re in for an interesting experience. Right here are the most popular animal pleasant ghost towns throughout the country if you’ve constantly been interested about spooky areas. Pet Friendly Ghost Towns in America Animas Forks– Colorado Situated high in the San Juan Mountains at 11,200 feet, Animas Forks was a breaking mining area by 1876.
Every fall the residents relocated south to
the warmer town community Silverton for the winterWinter months By 1910, a lot of the mining had actually ended, as well as by the 1920s, Animas Forks was abandoned to the ghosts. You’ll find expository pamphlets and maps of the ghost community in the parking lot. And entrance to the structures is unlimited, however make sure since some are vulnerable. Bannack– Montana The Montana gold thrill began in Bannack in 1862 when John White located gold in Grasshopper Creek. For almost a years, the community’s populace fluctuated yet by the 1950s the gold as well as a lot of individuals were gone. Currently the site is a state park where you and your family pet can stroll amongst the 60 staying frameworks. There are likewise extracting artifacts as well as a cemetery. Batsto Village– New Jersey Found between
Philadelphia as well as Atlantic City in
New Jersey’s Pine Barrens, Batsto Village is a wonderfully maintained town with roots dating back to 1766. This former iron and glassmaking community has lots of intact structures and a number of nature tracks, consisting of a scenic walk along Batsto Lake. Bring a barbecue lunch and spend the day at this pet friendly ghost town! Bodie– California Bodie When silver and also gold were discovered in the Sierra Nevadas in 1875, ended up being a boomtown. Throughout its prime time, 10,000 people stayed below
, with the last couple of leaving in the 1940s. Today, the ghost town is a state park where more than 150 buildings are being protected in a state of”jailed degeneration.”The interiors remain as they were left, equipped and also stocked with items, with just ghosts roaming the halls. Cahawba– Alabama Carved out of the wild in 1819, Cahawba was Alabama’s initial capital. The state transformed the place of the funding in 1826, Cahawba continued to grow into a affluent and also flourishing river town. By 1870, nonetheless, the populace decreased to 300. By the millenium, the majority of Cahawba’s structures
were shed to fire, degeneration, or dismantlement. Today at this pet dog friendly ghost community, you can take a self-guide tour of the landscape of damages, relics, columns, and gravestones, hike the nature route through Cahawba’s Town Commons, and also appreciate a picnic neglecting the Alabama River. Calico Ghost Town– California Calico sprung up in 1881 during the largest silver strike in California. With 500 mines, the community created over$20 million in silver ore during the following 12 years. However when silver shed its worth in the mid-1890s, Calico passed away. In the 1950s, Walter Knott acquired Calico and also restored all but 5 of the initial structures to look as they carried out in the 1880s. Today you and your family pet
are welcome to discover Calico Ghost Town’s history
as well as tourist attractions, as well as the stores and dining establishments. They additionally use a camping area, if you and also your animals do not mind oversleeping a ghost community! LEARNT MORE ⇒ Route 66– Pet Friendly Sights from Chicago to Santa Monica Garnet– Montana Hidden high in Montana’s Garnet Mountains, the community of Garnet was called for the semi-precious stone mined below. In 1912, a fire ruined several structures, as well as by the 1940s the town was a bust. Today you can see the 30 staying structures and discover more background of the area by taking a family pet pleasant walk on the Warren Park Trail, the Sierra Mine Loop Trail, and the Placer Trail. Goldfield Ghost Town– Arizona Goldfield, an hour eastern of Phoenix, is a family pet friendly ghost community that’s been resuscitated as a living background museum. You and your family pet can tour the gold mine, pan for gold, take a narrated flight on the slim gauge railway, and also see an Old West gunfight in the road. Keep in mind that family pets need to use their leashes and also can not go in the stores on major road or the basic store. Kennicott– Alaska With it’s red structures set in the rugged Alaskan hills, Kennicott is among the most picturesque pet dog friendly ghost communities you’ll discover. Established in 1903, this was a dynamic
mining camp filled with
miners and their households. But by 1938, the copper had actually run out and only ghosts roamed the town. Today, it’s a prominent vacationer destination, and also the National Park Service is working to preserve most of the mill and town buildings. The only method to reach Kennicott is by foot or the animal friendly shuttle. McCarthy Road finishes at a footbridge that crosses the Kennicott River, approximately 5 miles from the community of Kennicott. Remember, services are restricted as soon as you begin your trip. Lodging, restaurants, as well as a bar are available at McCarthy and Kennicott, and appointments are suggested. Rhyolite– Nevada Rhyolite grown in 1904, when gold was uncovered near California’s Death Valley. Virtually over night the town grew to consist of hotels, shops, an institution for 250 children, an ice cream parlor, ice plant, two electrical plants, shops and factory, and a healthcare facility. Sadly, it was throughout by 1916. Today you can watch the residues of Rhyolite’s magnificence days. Some of the walls of the 3-story bank building are still standing, as is part of the old prison. The train depot and the Bottle House are two of the few total buildings left in the community. Saint Elmo– Colorado Saint Elmo was a gold and silver mining camp, as well as is one of the most effective maintained ghost towns in Colorado. There are dozens of
buildings still standing
, consisting of the court house, barroom, and also a couple of personal residences. It’s taken into consideration a ghost community, individuals still live in St. Elmo, and also tourism brings lots of people to community every year.
There are ATV trails, fishing, and the basic store is open all summer season long. READ MORE ⇒ Ride the Pet Friendly Gondola in Telluride, Colorado South Pass City– Wyoming Positioned in the Wind River Mountains, South Pass City got its start in the summer season of 1867 when gold was found by a team of Mormon miners. By 1868, the community hummed with enjoyment, and its half-mile long main street boasted various resorts, restaurants, general shops, 2 papers, doctors
, a bowling alley, and lots of hangouts
. Sadly, mining in the location struck a slump, and also by 1872, the community was occupied by just a couple of hundred people. Today, South Pass City is a state historic website with 23 original structures as well as 30,000 artefacts. The park is open from mid-May to late-September, and you as well as your pet can check out the town and enjoy nearly five miles of animal pleasant hiking tracks. Tahawus– New York Embeded the Adirondacks, Tahawus lies in between Lake George as well as Lake Placid. The town was established in 1826 to mine iron ore down payments, and also at its top the neighborhood included 2 ranches, mining and also smelting facilities, a saw mill, 16 residences, a school, as well as a bank. However troubles delivering the product to market caused the community’s ultimate desertion. Today, you’ll find several residences, barns, and the renovated blast furnace from the mining operation. Terlingua– Texas Terlingua is a previous mercury-mining community, located in the remote Big Bend location of western Texas. The ghost community began its new life as an off-beat traveler destination when mining finished in the 1940s. Deserted and also worn out buildings, mine shafts, and the old cemetery now stand along with the trading post, Starlight Diner, and old jail(now bathrooms). For a real reward, strategy to visit during the world-famous globally chili cook-off, which takes place each November. LEARNT MORE ⇒ Exploring Big Bend, Texas With Dogs Thurmond– West Virginia Thurmond was the heart of West Virginia’s New River Gorge, with the railway lugging coal and hardwood from the surrounding area. At its top, the community had 2 hotels, 2 banks, dining establishments, clothes shops, a fashion jewelry shop, movie theater, several dry-good shops, and also several office. With the onset of the Great Depression, the economy failed, and also two large fires cleaned out several major organizations. Today the National Park Service is functioning to stabilize the buildings in pet pleasant Thurmond ghost community till they can be fixed up or recovered. You as well as your pet can roam amid vacant buildings, and also delight in the nearby hiking tracks. FOUND OUT MORE ⇒ Visit West Virginia’s Monongahela National Forest With Pets
Virginia City– Montana Perched high in Montana’s Rocky Mountains, Virginia City got started when gold was uncovered in Alder Gulch in 1863. Within a year, 10,000 people were residing in a number of mining camps in the location. However the community’s blossom discolored swiftly. By the early 1870s Virginia City’s
population had actually been lowered to just a few hundred. Today, the pet dog friendly ghost town of
Virginia City has more than 200 historical
structures as well as supplies a number occasions for site visitors. You’ll likewise find museums, stores, dining establishments, and holiday accommodations. Throughout your browse through, do not miss the reconstructed ghost town of Nevada City, simply a mile away as well as connected by railroad. We hope these suggestions inspire you to embrace the spirit of the period! Appreciate checking out several pet friendly ghost towns with your hairy travel pal.
from Lucky Dog Solutions http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/explore-pet-friendly-ghost-towns-with-your-furry-travel-buddy/ from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.tumblr.com/post/628949790904942592
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lakotasafeco-blog · 5 years
20 GIFT IDEAS FOR HUNTERS WHO: LAKOTASAFECOMPANY.COM WHERE: WINTER GARDEN, FL It’s that time of year when shoppers will be picking up gifts for family and friends. How do you guide them to the right gift for the hunter in their life? At the end of this article, our Editor will list his top picks for that special Christmas present for your father, mother, son, daughter, grandchildren or just a gift for yourself. Source: Shooting Sports Retailer - By Zach Bowhay -  November 18, 2019
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Vortex Diamondback 10x42 HD 1. All-Purpose Binoculars  Every hunter needs a good set of binoculars, and the new Vortex Diamondback HD 10x42 ($280) is a sweet set that won’t break the bank. With a nice rubber armored ergonomic feel and only weighing in at 21.3 ounces, the Diamondbacks are a joy to carry and use in the field. The lenses are multi-coated to increase light transmission, and the multi-layer coating on the prisms help provide clear and crisp images. The Diamondbacks are also tripod compatible, and they come with the Vortex Glasspack harness included ($30 value) so the hunter always has a secure way to carry and store their binos.
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Phone Skope 2. A Handy Phone Skope Nearly every hunter nowadays heads into the field with two things in tow: optics of some sort and a smart phone. Luckily, there will be no need to tell people of the one that got away when you can show them a picture. For years the folks at Phone Skope have been making cases that go on a smartphone, making it easy to attach to optics, so hunters can bring home great pictures. Most of the cases retail for around ($58), and they make them for nearly any optic or phone you can imagine.
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Yeti Loadout Go Box 3. A Tough Gear Case  One thing hunters always seem to have plenty of is expensive gear. Many times that gear includes small items like optics, cameras, GPS units and more, and having a secure way to carry all of that stuff can often be troublesome. Your shoppers already know about Yeti coolers, and now Yeti has decided to address the issue mentioned above with its Loadout Go Box ($250). With measurements of approximately 20.5x15x11 inches, the nearly indestructible Go Box has plenty of room to securely carry a hunter’s most prized gear to and from the field.
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Leatherman Rebar 4. A Functional Multi-Tool Hunters and outdoorsmen never know what problems may arise in the field, and one of the best ways to be prepared is to have a quality multi-tool. The name Leatherman has for years been a huge player in this space and with great products like the Rebar ($70), it is easy to see why. Weighing 6.7 ounces, measuring 4 inches long and made from stainless steel, the Rebar puts 17 tools at a hunter’s fingertips, ready to take on nearly any task they can throw at it.
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Benchmade Bugout 5. A Really Good Knife  Related: Bolt-Action Hunting Rifles for 2019 One product that a hunter should never be without is a quality knife. The Bugout ($140) from Benchmade is a great hunting blade or everyday carry for any hunter or outdoorsman or woman. With an attractive blue handle and classic drop point blade made from S30V steel, this knife is both stylish and ultra effective as a cutting tool. Weighing a mere 1.85 ounces with closed length of 4.22 inches, this knife is barely noticeable in the pocket. However, it opens to a nice 7.46-inch-long length when ready to use. The bugout also comes standard with Benchmade’s Axis locking mechanism and has a nice clip to keep it in place when carried in a pocket.
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Sig Sauer Kilo 1400 BDX 6x20mm 6. A Trustworthy Rangefinder  Every hunter needs a rangefinder, and it is hard to go wrong with any option from the Sig Sauer line. The Kilo 1400 BDX 6x20mmis a great value at only $300. Weighing only 5 ounces, measuring 3.9x 2.9 inches, and ranging reflective targets out to 1,600 yards and deer to 750 yards, this little gem does a lot, without adding bulk in the field. The Kilo 1400 has Line of Sight mode (LOS), Angle Modified Range (AMR) as well as Applied Ballistics Ultralight (ABU), which shows ballistic data in MIL or MOA. Lastly, it is covered with Sig Sauer’s Infinite Guarantee.
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Rugid Xtreme 48-inch Rifle Case 7. A Durable Case  An often-overlooked item by hunters is a great gun case to protect our firearm while being transported to and from the field. The Rugid Xtreme 48-inch rifle case ($140) will fill this void nicely. Made from a durable 500d waterproof pvc exterior and a 7/8-inch foam padding, the case will protect your gun from being knocked around. Not only is it waterproof, but it also floats. On the outside of the case is a waterproof pocket big enough for a wallet, cell phone or other small items. On the back, there are two tie down straps for securing the case to an ATV/UTV or anywhere else a hunter sees the need.
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Garmin GPSMAP 66i 8. A Reliable GPS  If your shopper isn’t opposed to spending a little more cash, a great new product to consider is the new GPSMAP 66i ($600) from Garmin. This is not only a top-of-the-line GPS, but it’s also a satellite messenger. The 66i comes preloaded with Garmin TopoActive mapping for North and Central America. In addition, the hunter will be able to keep in touch with his or her loved ones from anywhere through two-way messaging. For easy texting, simply Bluetooth the device to a smart phone and text as normal. If an emergency ever arises, the hunter has the option of the SOS button, which will alert emergency services to their exact location.
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Worksharp Guided Field Sharpener 9. An Always-Useful Knife Sharpener  Between field-dressing, butchering and general-use chores, hunters are constantly dulling their knives. Problem is, it’s always been difficult to sharpen a knife in the field without negatively affecting the blade. Enter the Worksharp Guided Field Sharpener ($30). The guides on this sharpener help keep the blade angle correct throughout the process. This little tool has a lot on board, with two diamond plates (220 grit coarse, 600 grit fine), a three-position ceramic rod with coarse grit, fine grit and fish hook honing side, and last but not least ,a leather strop. Overall, it is just a great piece for any outdoorsman to have in their kit.
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Double Bull Surroundview 360 10. An Invisibility Cloak  OK, a ground blind is not exactly a cloak, but every hunter deserves one of these, because they are just that cool. It will only take one look once you step inside to understand what I mean. The Double Bull Surroundview 360 ($500) is one of the most innovative products to hit the hunting market in years. Walls are constructed with one-way see-through material, meaning you can see all around your blind with no blind spots, but the animals cannot see in. The dimensions of the blind are 60x60x70 inches and it weighs 23 pounds with the bag. Shooting is done via the 180-degree full front window or through five shoot-through ports. The windows have silent slide closure for quiet opening and closing.
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Browning BXR Deer Ammunition 11. Accurate Ammo Before any of us head into the field, we need some good ammunition. Browning Ammunition has some great offerings in their BXR DEER ($25-30) line. The BXR deer is designed for use on deer- and antelope-sized game. The matrix tip is great for downrange velocity, high energy and rapid expansion. It’s currently available in .243 win, .270 Win, .270 WSM, .30-06, 30-30, .300 win mag, .300 WSM, .308 Win, 6.5 Creedmoor, 7MM Rem Mag and 7MM-08 Rem. Browning also has ammunition for those after bigger or smaller game as well.
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Carbon Express Maxima Red SD12. 12. Consistent Arrows Speaking of ammo, bowhunters can always use some as well. The new Maxima Red SD ($110) from Carbon Express is both stylish and functional. Each Maxima red SD is laser checked to 1/10,000th of an inch, and they are weight sorted to +/-1.0 grains. One unique feature is these arrows have a stiffer front end to keep the front of the arrow from flexing too drastically, helping broadheads shoot more consistently. The Maxima Red SD arrows have a .203 inside diameter, which helps reduce wind drift, and they are available in spines of 250 (8.3gpi), 350 (9.4 gpi) and 450 (11.1 gpi). Related: Making a Case for Cases
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Rage Hypodermic NC 13. Super-Sharp Broadheads  Most every bowhunter knows about Rage Broadheads, but they may not know about the new Hypodermic NC ($50). With a machined stainless steel ferrule, Hybrid hypodermic tip, two-blade design and 2-inch cutting diameter, the NC looks similar to the Rage from years past but with one exciting new feature. The NC stands for No Collar blade lock, where the blades simply lock up into place and do not need to be held in place with any sort of a collar. Once the blades have been deployed, they simply slide back up and clicked into place and they are ready to go.When it comes to specific archery gear like arrows and broadheads, be sure your shopper knows the exact specs of the hunter they’re buying for, to make sure the purchase makes sense with their existing setup. Otherwise, you’ll need to have a good return policy!
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Rinehart Targets 1/3 Scale Woodland Elk 14. A Lifelike 3-D Target 3-D targets, especially the big ones like elk, moose and caribou, can be expensive. The folks at Rinehart Targets made it possible to bring a bull elk to everyone’s backyard with the 1/3 Scale Woodland Elk ($200). Their claim is the target is anatomically reduced to 1/3 the scale of a 600-pound bull elk, making 20-yard shots equivalent to 60-yard shots in the field. I am not sure if that is the case, but this target has a realistic look and is fun to shoot. It’s made from a Solid FX self-healing foam and has a replaceable foam insert. The target measures 38x44 inches.
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Adventure Medical Kits Ultralight/Watertight .9 Medical Kit 15. A Life-Saving Med Kit Regardless of style of hunting, every one of us should carry some sort of a medical kit in the field. Having the right kit can make easy work of first aid needs; having the wrong kit can be a disaster. The Ultralight/Watertight .9 Medical Kit ($39) from Adventure Medical Kits provides hunters with the things they need in the field, in a convenient, small package — it only weighs 12 ounces and measures 10x7.5x3 inches. Within its contents you can clean and close wounds, combat stomach illness, do emergency repairs with included duct tape, manage pain, stabilize fractures and sprains, stop bleeding, stop blisters before they start and have easy access to bandages — and it’s all contained within two-stage waterproof bags.
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Tenzing Flex 16. A Comfortable Pack When going back and forth to the stand or hunting location, every hunter needs a good way to tote all of their gear. The Tenzing Flex ($100) is a great 650-cubic-inch fanny pack that’s big enough to carry what you need for a simple day afield, but not too big to wear you down. The adjustable shoulder harness and padded waist belt fit most torso sizes and are totally customizable. The fabric is a noiseless, very soft tricot to keep things quiet in the woods. Three storage compartments are easily within arm’s reach, while four compression straps can handle a fair amount of additional gear. Three interior organizational compartments help the hunter keep his or her gear organized and within reach. Weighing in at just 1.5 pounds, a hunter may forget he or she is even wearing it.
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Midland X-Talker T71VP3 Two Way Radio 17. A Wide-Ranging Radio  If keeping in touch with hunting partners is a consideration, try showing shoppers the X-Talker T71VP3 Two Way Radio ($80) from Midland. Midland has long been making quality two-way radios for outdoor enthusiasts, and this model is no exception. With 36 channels and 121 privacy codes, each group is sure to be able to find a private line. On top of that, the 38-mile range should make keeping contact within reasonable distance a snap. The T71VP3 also has NOAA weather alert and weather scan technology to keep you up to date on the latest forecast. Another great feature for hunters is silent operation to keep annoying beeps from scaring game.
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Howard Leight Impact Sport Earmuffs 18. Ear-Saving Muffs You always hear the old deaf guys who shot too much when they were younger say that “we need to use ear protection.” They are right, and the Howard Leight Impact Sport Earmuffs ($60) do a fabulous job of protecting what hearing we have left. This earmuff has a very low profile design to not get in the way while shooting. While they shut out noise when levels reach 82 decibels, they actually amplify ambient noise, so there is no need to remove them to hear talking while in the field preparing for a shot. They require two AAA batteries for use, but they have a 350-hour battery life. For $60, it is surely a worthwhile investment in hearing health.
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Bushnell Core DS Low Glow 19. A Night-Worthy Trail Cam Picking a trail camera as a gift or in general nowadays can be a confusing task — there are literally dozens of great cameras on the market that work very well. That being said, Bushnell has hit a home run with the Core DS Low Glow ($200). This cam has a dual sensor to provide sharp, crisp daytime images, while the nighttime sensor makes for images that are more detailed. On top of that, it has a 100-foot night range, and the Low Glow creates brighter photos yet still emits little light to the human eye. Pictures are 30-megapixel quality, and the camera has a 0.2-second trigger time to make sure hunters don’t miss a thing. Video is shot in 1080p at 60 frames per second with audio. The Core DS has a one-year battery life and a two-year limited warranty. Order these Products Now for Christmas 2020 at: Lakota Safe Company Online Store Gun Show Prices or Less 24x7 365 Day A Year! THE LOWEST PRICES IN CENTRAL FLORIDA - AND WE SHIP TOO TO ALL 50 STATES, DC AND PUERTO RICO. Mateo's Editor's Pick:  - Posting Soon.   Read the full article
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