#the little world of kirn
speculative-world · 1 year
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an updated map of the galaxy of which my projects take place, with a top on view to help make it easier to comprehend as well as the ranges of the empires being changed as well, similar to the first each dot is the [general range of the] star system of the planets the of the projects, the ◗ta empire is the green outline and the kirn empire is the orange outline, and the dots go
red: dumuno
green: ngiu◗
purple: ath
blue: lotred
and as established in the old galatic maps post the kirns homeplanet is long gone
[old post https://speculative-world.tumblr.com/post/687083547534802944/a-little-update-plus-a-map-of-my-worlds-galaxy-im]
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dreyernorris83 · 1 year
Here's how 'Minecraft' Creates Its Gigantic Worlds
Have you ever wondered how Minecraft can create massive worlds that are full of little details, like intricate cliff faces and waterfalls? PBS' Game/Show is more than happy to explain the process in a new video. As you'll see below, Mojang's game relies on procedural generation, which automatically creates environments and objects that are at once random, but guided by rules that ensure the same logic. Mountains are always rough and sprinkled with snow, for example the lowlands are typically full of grass and trees.
Perlin noise calculations are used to create rough textures for Minecraft. It starts out on a very broad level by painting the basic topographical map and adds "noise" through more fine-grained features of the terrain like trees, lakes and animals. Importantly, it has just enough freedom to create unexpected delights, like the elaborate rock structure that you see above -- as in the real world There's a reason to explore what's across the road.
Procedurally-generated game content certainly isn't new. The Diablo series and Spelunky make use of it to keep their worlds current, while Borderlands uses the code to create unique weapons. It is essential for the seemingly endless number of worlds that exist in No Man's Sky. It's safe to say that Minecraft's dependence on math is what makes it special. Every playthrough is unique, and you might not have seen every single thing. Kirn
[Image credit: Federico, Flickr]
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A fullscreen picture for a friend / un fond d’écran pour un ami It is in 1920X1080
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maswartz · 4 years
Power Rangers Pirate Legends
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(Logo by @masterpikachu6)
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I just want to say that I came up with the majority of this while Gokaiger was still airing. Using his suit’s cloaking feature Zoltar turned his armor red to honor his original suit. Zoltar pretended to be a mere pirate in order to fool the Stellar Empire, it worked and he was allowed to search the universe for the orbs which formed into Ranger Keys. He soon got a crew together to help in his search. The first was a rogue named Dresk who Zoltar saw great power in. He had hoped to help Dresk use this power to help others. The second was a wanderer in Red looking for a purpose named Marvelous. Zoltar saw greatness in him too. Zoltar had become known as the Red Phantom by this point and he told his crew that the Ranger Keys were the key to the “greatest power” though he did not tell what the power was. Finally after months the trio managed to gather all the Ranger Keys together. Tragically Dresk betrayed the others to the Empire in order to gain the Greatest Power. Zoltar managed to buy Marvelous enough time to flee with the Keys however he suffered too much damage. His Eltarian spirit began to fade. He used his final bursts of power to teleport himself back to Eltar, back to Zordon’s lab where everything began so long ago. Surrounded by the spirits of his brother and his team Zoltar finally entered the light as his spirit washed over the ruins of Eltar. Meanwhile Marvelous swore a grim vow, that he would not die until Dresk laid dead before him. Now Captain Marvelous he continued to search for the Greatest Power. Weeks later while resupplying on a planet he came across a squadron of Empire troops attacking a swordsman in Blue. He came to the man’s aid and gained his second mate. Less than a month later the two found a bandit in Yellow trying to steal from them. They had the third member of the crew. After a trip through an asteroid belt the ship was damaged and they needed the help of a scientist in Green. Another member joined the crew. The fifth member joined after they came across an escape ship containing a princess in Pink. The crew was complete for the time being. It wasn’t until months after they arrive on Earth and meet an Earthling in Silver…
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Red Pirate Ranger- Captain Marvelous- 28- When he was a small boy he and his father lived a quiet peaceful life on their home world of Akarn.  One day a cowardly crook broke into their home, the father and son caught him trying to steal a lock locket this was the only thing left of the boy’s mother. The father wouldn’t let this man take it from them. A struggle ensued and the father was shot.  The boy picked up the fallen weapon and shot the intruder. As his father was dying he told his son that one day “you’ll be marvelous” and from that day on the boy went by that name. As he grew older he stole what he needed to survive.  Marvelous is eccentric and will stop at nothing to find the Power. Before battle he will tell his team “Let’s make this a show!” and is known for leaping before looking.  Before the final battle he reveals his real name to the team “Markel” At three points (near the start, middle, and end) he reveals his growth. Each time involves him forgetting his change at a market. The first time he accuses the clerk of stealing from him. The second time he mutters his thanks and takes his change. The third time he smiles, thanks the clerk, and tells them to keep the change. Face Claim: Frank Dillane
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Blue Pirate Ranger- John- 29- This young man hails from the planet Aosa. His parents urged him to join the Empire army and make them proud (on a planet controlled by the empire there was no greater honor) and looking for a challenge in his life he agreed. He soon regretted it. The training nearly killed him and if it were not for a man named Silias he would have perished. Both Silias and John realized that they wanted nothing to do with the empire and their wars and the two started to plan to desert. However on one mission John was ordered to do the unthinkable and slaughter a group of children found by the empire. He refused and struck back against his commanders. For this treason he was scheduled to be killed however Silias saved him and seemingly gave his own life to save John. Fleeing from planet to planet John met a strange captain named Marvelous. The man in red helped him fight off his pursuers and helped him destroy the tracking device they used to find him. In gratitude he swore his service to the man. In return Marvelous handed him a Pirate Morpher and a Blue Ranger Key and made him his first mate. John is the only one of the rangers able to physically stand up to the captain when the latter is acting irrationally. His skills with the sword are unmatched. Stoic and strong he will keep to his vow and help Marvelous find the greatest power. For his parents role in his experiences with the Empire he severed all ties with them. Face Claim: Stephan James
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Yellow Pirate Ranger- Lucy- 27- A young street urchin who made a living stealing from the Empire on the planet Kirn. One day her young sister Lilian died while sneaking into a ruined building to gather supplies which then collapsed and the event left a mark on her. She would dream of getting enough money to help all the orphans made by the empire. One day she snuck onboard a strange craft and was soon discovered by two men. One in red and one in blue. The two men were impressed with her skills and offered her a place on their crew. Asking what was in it for her the man in red replied “the greatest power” with that Lucy accepted the Pirate Morpher and yellow Ranger Key.  As the ships lookout she trains her eyesight by spotting shooting stars every night. Refusing to let anyone tell her what to do she often is right next to Marvelous charging into battle without looking first. Face Claim: Tiffany Alvord
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Green Pirate Ranger- “Doc” Doug- 26- At the Intergalactic Institute of Science Doug was among the top in his class. He was the favorite pupil of the head master Professor Midon. Midon had discovered a formula that would allow for endless power and instantly he thought of all the good this could do for the universe. However the Empire found out about the formula and wanted it to power their weapons. The attacked the IIoS and laid waste to it. Midon and Doug were trapped in his office when Midon revealed a weapon from his desk. He ordered his friend and student to flee to an escape pod but Doug didn’t want to leave him. Finally he forced Doug to flee. As Doug ran a single shot rang out. Midon took the formula to his grave. Making his way to a safe planet Doug set up a small repair shop where one day he was approached by three people. They said their ship had a problem and Doug offered to help. After he fixed the ship they gave him a Pirate Morpher and green Ranger Key (it would be handy to have him around in case the ship broke again). The rest of the crew usually call him Doc. In battle he uses unusual methods and is the most cautious of the rangers. Face Claim: Fady Elsayed
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Pink Pirate Ranger- Princess Amanda of Momos- 21- Momos was a peaceful planet ruled by the Queen and King equally (the Queen was head justice and made the laws, the King was the head of the army and police) The royal family was known as the Sun (queen) Moon (king) and Star (Princess) of Momos.  When the Empire started their attacks on peaceful worlds Momos sent aid to them. Finally the empire came to Momos and demanded their loyalty. The royal family as well as the people refused. In response the Empire laid waste to the people and destroyed much of the planet. The Queen and King were victims of this attack but Princess Amanda managed to flee off world. However some scout ships from the empire started to attack her escape ship. As Amanda thought she was going to die a large red ship appeared and blasted the scouts out of the stars. After they brought her on board she recognized them as the pirates who gave the empire so much trouble. Wanting to be a light to her people she asked to join. With a shrug the captain gave her a Pirate Morpher and a pink ranger key. Amanda is the peacekeeper among the crew. Face Claim: Aleisha Allen
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Silver Pirate Ranger- Lewis Karlson- 25- When Lewis was a little boy he and his parents were in the park when they were attacked by a monster. They were saved by the White Tiger Ranger (Tommy) and from then on Lewis loved anything and everything to do with the Power Rangers. The child of a firefighter and a doctor Lewis realized when he grew a little older that just because he didn’t have powers didn’t mean he couldn’t be a hero too. So he dedicated his time and effort to helping others (volunteered, helped out, gave a homeless man his jacket) One day he was going for a walk when he saw a child run into the street after a ball just as a truck was speeding down the street. Without hesitation Lewis ran and pushed the child out of the trucks path but was unable to get out of the way himself. After the truck sped away (the driver was never caught) Lewis was taken to the hospital in a coma. While in this coma he had a vision where he met an old man in flowing white robes. The kind man introduced himself “Hello Lewis.  My name is Zordon” This was the spirit of Zordon. He saw the goodness and potential in Lewis and created the Legacy Morpher and Silver ranger key for him to help the Pirate Rangers. Telling Lewis that the Pirate Rangers needed a reason to care about Earth and its people. They needed an Anchor, Lewis was to be that anchor. Waking up from his coma he ran home and told his parents everything. He then went to find the Pirate Rangers. And soon enough he was the sixth member of the team. Lewis discovers he has the ability to combine certain Ranger Keys. He uses this to combine the RPM Silver and Gold keys. As well as all the sixth rangers to create the Gold Anchor Key. After challenging Dresk Lewis manages to recover the Jungle Fury Spirit Ranger Keys and combines them into the TriSpirit Ranger Key. Face Claim: Daniel Radcliffe On Earth Doc met up with his close friend from the IIoS Zinda when the Megazord needed repairs. She had arrived on Earth following the attack on the IloS. She would go on to be invaluable to the Rangers.  N.A.V.I- Built by the Red Phantom to help in the quest for the keys and powers and the greatest treasure in the universe. Navigation and Vision Interface. His visions lead the rangers in their quest. When Lewis joins the hints become easier to understand. Ranger Keys are the condensed form of the Power contained by the suits. Regarding extra powers, the general rule is, if the original Ranger could use the ability while unmorphed the Ranger Key cannot use it. However if the ability can only be used while morphed then the Ranger Key can use it. (the OO abilities are an example of the former while the RPM abilities are an example of the latter)
The Pirate Rangers each have their own zord Red- Pirate Galleon Zord- A red pirate ship which doubles as the base for the crew Blue- Pirate Jet Zord Yellow- Pirate Truck Zord Green- Pirate Racer Zord Pink- Pirate Sub Zord Pirate Megazord R-Torso/Head/Weapons BG- Arms (the hat comes from B) YP- Legs Main attack is Pirate Cannon Burst When the team begin to collect Great Powers they sometimes gain a new zord to combine with. Pirate Mystic Megazord Formed from the Mystic Force Great Power- Mystic Dragon Pirate SPD Megazord Formed from the SPD Great Power- SPD Zord 1 Pirate Wild Megazord Formed from the Wild Force Great Power- Red Lion Pirate Bushido Megazord Formed from the Bushido Great Power- Red Lion Pirate Ninja Megazord Formed from the Ninja Storm Great Power- Minizord Pirate Rex Megazord Combination of Pirate Megazord and DrillRex Megazord- Formed from Dino Thunder Great Power Pirate RPM Megazord Formed from the RPM Great Power- Condor Speeder Pirate Ultrazord Formed from the Pirate Legends Great Power- Combines Pirate MZ, DrillRex, and CS DrillRex Megazord- Lewis’s personal zord- Has three modes- Drilljet, Dinosaur (nicknamed “Awesomesaurus” by Lewis), and Megazord- When inactive it is kept in the 30th century and maintained by Time Force- Is implied to have some form of sentience on occasion and once even moves its arm to catch Lewis after he is thrown from the cockpit during one of the final battles Stellar Empire- Controls over 90% of the universe. Emperor Zang- The ruthless ruler of the Empire. Prince Waru- The prince who constantly seeks his father’s approval Damaras- A battle hardened general who is in charge of the Prince’s safety Drorg- A robotic swordsman, in reality is Silias converted into a cyborg and reprogrammed to protect and serve the Prince. Inscine- The top science officer of the Empire Smasage- A hammer wielding guard of the Emperor
Zarms- Grey- The standard foot solider of the Empire Zargs- Blue- Larger brutes with blaster arms Zards- Red- The elite foot soldiers of the Emperor himself. Dresk- The former crew mate of Marvelous and the Red Phantom. Hides his true monstrous appearance. Believes that it is best to give up something to gain something better. Simi- A robotic monkey that helps Dresk with his plans. Able to produce monsters within itself. Great Powers Season- Guardian- Power- Order received- Lesson- Misc Eltar- Zoltar- Eltar Zord- Movie power- Used to destroy Noxturn forever. MMPR- Billy- Dinozords (all seven)- 19th- Honor the past- used to destroy Thrax once and for all Thunder Spirits- Aisha- Thunder Megazord Slash- 13th- Power can come from unlikely sources Aquitar Rangers- Aquitar Rangers and Ninjor- Falconzord -18th- Unite your mind, body and spirit- It’s revealed that Ninjor survived but had to retreat to his bottle to heal. The Aquitarian Rangers agreed to look after him and his temple. The Pirates seek the power after fighting and loosing against a group of ninjas (Feline Flora Force). It is revealed that there are two types of ninja. Ninjetti uses the power of the ninja beasts (ape, wolf, bear, etc) while Ninjutsu uses the power of the elements (air, water, earth, etc) Ninjor reveals that he is a master of both types and in fact helped form the first Ninja Academy. However neither type is stronger than the other but it is often best to fight fire with fire- Ninjor also uses some of his remaining power to create a Ninjor Ranger Key for Lewis to use. Zeo- Rocky- Zeo Blast (The five zeo crystal shapes come out of the limbs of the megazord and form the zeo icon and blast the enemy)- 12th- No lesson- Nearly stolen by Dresk but saved in time by the Rangers Turbo- Justin- Turbo Megazord Spinout- 6th- Don’t judge a book by its cover In Space- Andros Ashley and child- Mega Voyager Missile- 16th- Adapt to your enemy- Dresk held Andros and Ashley’s child hostage for the power but the Rangers managed to save them- Andros is the main cameo but Ashley appears in the last scene Lost Galaxy- Spirit of the Magna Defender- Galactabeast charge/ Torozord spin for DrillRex Megazord- 7th- Don’t let rage and revenge rule your life Lightspeed Rescue- Dana- Lightspeed slash- 9th- Helping others is good- Dresk tries to steal the power but is stopped by Lucy and Amanda Time Force- Alex, Wes and Jen- Chrono Cannon - 17th- Alex contacts the Pirates and says that one of them won’t survive the next battle, after hesitating the team decide to shape their own future, in the end a conversation between Alex, Wes, and Jen implies that Alex lied to teach them that.- You make your own destiny Wild Force- Cole and Alyssa- Pirate Wild Force Megazord- 4th- Never give up Ninja Storm- Shane, Dustin, Tori- Pirate Ninja Megazord- 10th- Get past your differences to fight a common enemy Dino Thunder- Conner- Pirate Rex Megazord- 11th- Power can come from within anyone SPD- Anubis and Sky- Pirate SPD Megazord- 2nd- The difference between Justice and Revenge- Sky is still a new recruit at the time of their encounter. Mystic Force- Nick- Pirate Mystic Megazord- 1st- Believe in magic Operation Overdrive- Mack- Overdrive sabre- 8th- The thrill of adventure Jungle Fury- Casey -Jungle Spirit rush- 3rd- Never stop training yourself RPM- Dr. K and Ziggy- Condor Speeder/ Pirate RPM Megazord- 14th- Even in darkness there is light- The Condor Speeder is based on unused blueprints for the Eagle Racer- Used to destroy Venjix once and for all.- During the team up with the Bushido Rangers Venjix leaped from Scotts morpher into Professor Cog, however after the battle he had to repair himself. Almost right after she arrived in this universe Doctor K uploaded the Venjix antivirus program to the internet thus preventing the original Venjix from leaving Cog’s body. Bushido Blades- Takeshi/Kiyoko- Pirate Bushido Megazord- 5th- The meaning of teamwork Pirate Legends- 15th- Pirate Ultrazord- People are not judged by the lowest point in their life, they are judged by how they reach their highest.
The Pirate Rangers met many other heroes. The first of which was Power Rider 4-Z Cody Rodgers- A lifelong friend of Lewis, Cody is a friendly and excitable guy. One day he comes to town to show his old friend something amazing. He has the 4Z belt (four zone) Along with his friend they discover that when Edenoi fell to the Empire King Dex fell as well buying his people enough time to escape. With Lewis’s help Cody avenges Dex and destroys the monster that killed him (spider based a fact that scares Lewis greatly given that he has arachnophobia). “3 2 1… Let’s Ride!” “BLAST OFFFFFF!” Power Ranger/ Power Rider Crossover (regular episodes not movies) “RANGERS AND RIDERS” (two parter) Cody and the Rider Club appear in Angel Grove during a school vacation (they all go to Milky Way University) (takes place before Meteor is introduced) Rider Club Ken- Son of the man who made the FZ belt Yolei- Middle School friend of Cody and Lewis Mindy- Head Cheerleader Jake- Gamer and he has an ear to the information highway of the campus. Shawn- Quarterback of the football team and pilot of the Powerdriver armor Tiffany- Goth with a strange sense involving the Cosmic Switches During the crossover the spirit of King Dex reveals that the original king of Edenoi was the first Rider. During the crossover in order to get past the villain’s trap Lewis and Cody switch morphers “LET’S RIDE” Third part (separate episode one parter) More about the fall of Edenoi is revealed It’s revealed that the original King of Edenoi and Zoltar were friends and helped create the alliance between the worlds. The monster that killed King Dex appears on Earth and thrashes everyone Later the spirit of Dex reveals this info to Cody and Lewis and gives Cody a special switch that allows him to access the powers of the original Rider (theme from Kamen Rider plays in the background) Cody uses this power to avenge Dex and his people and finishes the monster off with a Rider Kick. “Movies” “RANGER LEGACY!” Soon after Lewis joins the team Noxturn returns and the Rangers end up fulfilling the ancient prophecy. Noxturn uses his powers to send the rangers to pocket universes until they all break free. He rises an army of defeated monsters and the Ranger Keys create an army of the past Earth Megazords and the Great Power of the Eltar Rangers is used to destroy Noxturn. “TRIBUTE TO HEROES” Crossover of Rangers, Riders, Beetleborgs, Mystic Knights, VR Troopers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Ultraman Tiga A strange new enemy puts five of the rangers out of action. Acting on a vision from N.A.V.I (Find the rider of power, a child who bugged out, a night mystic, a digital warrior, an unnatural ninja and the ultimate man) Lewis gets Cody and the two journey to the Hillworth Mansion (they remember it from their comics which in universe were based on the real deal) Drew is working at the comic book store the two stop at and throws them out. It turns out that during the Ranger War the Rangers asked the Beetleborgs for help but they refused seeing as how they would have been slaughtered. However they do convince him to take him to the mansion. (the beetleborgs defeated their final enemy by gaining a new set of powers that combined the first two into one suit of armor {blue+ gold for example}) Flabber hears them talk about the next part of N.A.V.I’s vision and opens a portal in time.Out of the portal falls Rohan of the Mystic Knights. With a quick translation spell from Flabber they quickly explain the situation. He realizes that they are heroes and offers their aid. (it’s revealed that Lewis and Cody used to go to a Mystic Knight exhibit at the museum all the time as kids) The next hero to get is one of the VR Troopers. It turns out that Drew had Ryan as a professor in college. During a battle a mutant rises from the sewers armed with twin swords. Leonardo joins the team to fight the threat. The six heroes unite and put a stop to the villain. Oh and the villain is IVAN OOZE! (somehow the comet blasted him across the multiverse and he recently freed himself and found himself here.) Lewis comments that there was an in-universe version of the Power Ranger Movie but many found it full of incorrect facts and dated graphics but Lewis still enjoyed it. After Ivan creates new versions of his titans a jet arrives with the G.U.T.S logo on the side. The Ultimate Man has arrived. With a shout Ultraman Tiga enters the battle. The heroes unite and destroy Ivan. “Guardian Legends” The Guardian Spirit Rangers arrive and engage the Pirate Rangers (Lucif cast an illusion to try and get the Pirate Rangers to destroy the Guardian Rangers for him) however during the battle both sides take care to save bystanders revealing the illusion. The two teams unite to destroy Lucif once and for all with Talaa gaining his battlizer to deliver the final blow. As he falls Lucif accuses the Guardian Rangers of dooming Gosei revealing he had cast an illusion shielding the planet from the Empire’s sight. With his destruction the illusion fades and the Empire begins to approach the world. Before leaving to protect their home Talaa mentions that the universe looks at Earth like a shining beacon of hope (Giving Lewis an idea for a plan) Near the end Marvelous and Dresk have a final duel and after striking Dresk down he begged for mercy. At first it appears that Marvelous was going to grant it. Only for the Captain to fire a single shot. A quick death was the only mercy Dresk deserved. Lewis meanwhile has grown tired of the Empire going unpunished for their actions. He comes up with a plan. A plan so dangerous that if a single step goes wrong they will all die. The plan is to destroy Empire facilities on Earth and as many ships in orbit as they can. This causes them to call in reinforcements from other worlds weakening their hold on those worlds. Using the trumpet and with some help from Zinda they manage to make a device to create ranger energy clones.  They use the device to create teams of six rangers (one real 5 clones) of the same color (or equivalent) and target Empire bases and plants. After they short out the device they broadcast a transmission to the universe by highjacking the Empire satellites; telling them that this is the time to stand up and fight for freedom! Lewis at one point says that “the power is on OUR side! No one will ever take us down!” A montage of different planets happens. On Aquitar ninjas rescues members of the Aquirian rebels and they team up to fight the Empire. The rebel leader Mantor  personally saved the life of Cestria at the cost of his own. On a rebel colony a group of cloaked figures approach a group of grunts. They gesture and the grunts go flying. KO-35 fights back. On Miranoi the colonists and natives ambush a group of Zarms and destroy them. On the planet Grifforzar a figure raises a sword in the air and unleashes a war cry and the sky is filled with the wings of golden warriors fighting for their freedom! On Edenoi many different Riders are fighting the Empire to take back the planet. Across Earth the heroes fight back. In Hillworth the Beetleborgs and Vr Troopers buy the civilians enough time to get to a magic shelter created at the mansion by Flabber and his muses. Flabber also uses his magic to allow the monsters to leave the mansion and fight against the alien threat. In the sky above China the forces of G.U.T.S assist Ultraman Tiga in defending the innocent. In the streets of New York a certain group of mutant turtles leap from the shadows and strike down the Zarms. Flabber also opens a portal in time, this time all the Mystic Knights arrive in Ireland and after Rohan explains the situation the knights quickly join the battle. The Rider Club is listening to the speech as well. Cody and his enemies form a temporary truce to fight against the Empire. All across the universe the Empire troops are falling. The final battle approaches… After a long and hard battle in which the Pirate Rangers use every team’s powers the Pirate Rangers win! The Emperor falls. The Empire falls! The universe is free! Days later after resting from the battle the six discover the Greatest Power in the Universe (it’s in the ruins of the Command Center) Inside the strange container is… A second Z-Wave! However unlike the first one this wave doesn’t destroy anything or anyone. This Z-Wave restores the damage caused by the Stellar Empire. Scenes of Triforian pyramids rebuilding themselves, Aquitarian structures repairing, and the fields of Momos are beautiful once more. In his temple Ninjor is fully healed. And on a certain floating island the Red Lion Wildzord wakes up from a nap to find the island populated by Wild Zords again! Captain Marvelous has a new goal, to invade the Empire homeworld and take all the treasure they stole during their invasions. As the Pirate Rangers leave Earth they release all the Ranger Keys and they fly back to their original owners. In an epilogue the RPM Rangers find and unleash the second Z-Wave restoring much of their Earth. Across the universe alliances forged in combat are strengthened by treaties and peace spreads. On Aquitar Cestria becomes the Pink Aquitar Ranger and pledges to honor Mantor signalling a new age. Empire prisons are raided by the SPD and the Space Sheriffs  and those falsely jailed are set free.  However the adventure is not over yet… Morphers- Pirate Morpher/Legacy Morpher Morphing Call- Pirate Power Morphing- The pirate logo hits the ranger creating pieces of the suit. Lewis’s anchor logo does the same but for the final part it hits from behind and his glasses form his visor. (Bios by @dream-chef-flavors and @rosegrl18) RANGER WAR <——–Powerverse——-> Power Rangers Pirate Legends Set Sail
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locke-writes · 5 years
what books did you buy?
Too many. As always. I went to my favorite used bookstore, I’ve been going there since I was a kid, and donated some books (nine bags worth). They do a cool thing where you get store credit for any book you donate that they actually take (because they go through them to see what they can use/what they don’t have enough of at the moment). All in all it’s a win-win scenario, they get books coming in and going out at the same time. Today I picked up:
The Awakening & Other Short Stories - Kate Chopin
Metamorphoses - Ovid
A Man Called Ove - Frederik Backman
The Wolves of London - Mark Morris
Doctor Zhivago - Boris Pasternak
I’ve seen the movie, now it’s time to read the book
Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson
I’ve read it before but I’ve never owned a copy until now
A Storm of Swords - George R R Martin
I still haven’t started reading the series but I buy the next in the series if I can find it
Up in the Air - Walter Kirn
I know of the movie but I’ve never seen it and today learned from finding the novel, that it was a novel originally so I decided to snag the only copy
The High Druid’s Blade - Terry Brooks
Another series in the world of Shannara, comes after a series that I have two of the three books (need to get the third in that trilogy). It’s third in line of series that I need to read to catch up
Bio of a Space Tyrant: Executive - Piers Anthony
I own this but the edition that I currently have is a different cover than the 4 other books in the series. Bought it so I could have all 5 books be the same edition. The old edition cover is being donated.
Red Sparrow - Jason Matthews
Saw the movie, now to read the book
Gold - Chris Cleave
I’ve read two of his four novels (Incendiary & Little Bee) but I had only heard of his other novel (Everyone Brave Is Forgiven) before stumbling upon this today. I love his writing so I snatched this right up.
The Darkling Child - Terry Brooks
2nd in The Defenders of Shannara trilogy, bought the first and second books today
Gone With The Wind - Margaret Mitchell
Saw the movie, going to read the book
The Story of Edgar Sawtelle - David Wrobleski
Everything Is Illuminated - Jonathan Safran Foer
Stiff: The Curious Life of Human Cadavers - Mary Roach
Eldest - Christopher Paolini
I owned this in paperback but had the other books in the series in hardback. Bought myself the hardback and will be donating the paperback
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mspowerverse · 5 years
Power Rangers Pirate Legends
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(Logo by @masterpikachu6)
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I just want to say that I came up with the majority of this while Gokaiger was still airing. Using his suit’s cloaking feature Zoltar turned his armor red to honor his original suit. Zoltar pretended to be a mere pirate in order to fool the Stellar Empire, it worked and he was allowed to search the universe for the orbs which formed into Ranger Keys. He soon got a crew together to help in his search. The first was a rogue named Dresk who Zoltar saw great power in. He had hoped to help Dresk use this power to help others. The second was a wanderer in Red looking for a purpose named Marvelous. Zoltar saw greatness in him too. Zoltar had become known as the Red Phantom by this point and he told his crew that the Ranger Keys were the key to the “greatest power” though he did not tell what the power was. Finally after months the trio managed to gather all the Ranger Keys together. Tragically Dresk betrayed the others to the Empire in order to gain the Greatest Power. Zoltar managed to buy Marvelous enough time to flee with the Keys however he suffered too much damage. His Eltarian spirit began to fade. He used his final bursts of power to teleport himself back to Eltar, back to Zordon’s lab where everything began so long ago. Surrounded by the spirits of his brother and his team Zoltar finally entered the light as his spirit washed over the ruins of Eltar. Meanwhile Marvelous swore a grim vow, that he would not die until Dresk laid dead before him. Now Captain Marvelous he continued to search for the Greatest Power. Weeks later while resupplying on a planet he came across a squadron of Empire troops attacking a swordsman in Blue. He came to the man’s aid and gained his second mate. Less than a month later the two found a bandit in Yellow trying to steal from them. They had the third member of the crew. After a trip through an asteroid belt the ship was damaged and they needed the help of a scientist in Green. Another member joined the crew. The fifth member joined after they came across an escape ship containing a princess in Pink. The crew was complete for the time being. It wasn’t until months after they arrive on Earth and meet an Earthling in Silver…
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Red Pirate Ranger- Captain Marvelous- 28- When he was a small boy he and his father lived a quiet peaceful life on their home world of Akarn.  One day a cowardly crook broke into their home, the father and son caught him trying to steal a lock locket this was the only thing left of the boy’s mother. The father wouldn’t let this man take it from them. A struggle ensued and the father was shot.  The boy picked up the fallen weapon and shot the intruder. As his father was dying he told his son that one day “you’ll be marvelous” and from that day on the boy went by that name. As he grew older he stole what he needed to survive.  Marvelous is eccentric and will stop at nothing to find the Power. Before battle he will tell his team “Let’s make this a show!” and is known for leaping before looking.  Before the final battle he reveals his real name to the team “Markel” At three points (near the start, middle, and end) he reveals his growth. Each time involves him forgetting his change at a market. The first time he accuses the clerk of stealing from him. The second time he mutters his thanks and takes his change. The third time he smiles, thanks the clerk, and tells them to keep the change. Face Claim: Frank Dillane
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Blue Pirate Ranger- John- 29- This young man hails from the planet Aosa. His parents urged him to join the Empire army and make them proud (on a planet controlled by the empire there was no greater honor) and looking for a challenge in his life he agreed. He soon regretted it. The training nearly killed him and if it were not for a man named Silias he would have perished. Both Silias and John realized that they wanted nothing to do with the empire and their wars and the two started to plan to desert. However on one mission John was ordered to do the unthinkable and slaughter a group of children found by the empire. He refused and struck back against his commanders. For this treason he was scheduled to be killed however Silias saved him and seemingly gave his own life to save John. Fleeing from planet to planet John met a strange captain named Marvelous. The man in red helped him fight off his pursuers and helped him destroy the tracking device they used to find him. In gratitude he swore his service to the man. In return Marvelous handed him a Pirate Morpher and a Blue Ranger Key and made him his first mate. John is the only one of the rangers able to physically stand up to the captain when the latter is acting irrationally. His skills with the sword are unmatched. Stoic and strong he will keep to his vow and help Marvelous find the greatest power. For his parents role in his experiences with the Empire he severed all ties with them. Face Claim: Stephan James
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Yellow Pirate Ranger- Lucy- 27- A young street urchin who made a living stealing from the Empire on the planet Kirn. One day her young sister Lilian died while sneaking into a ruined building to gather supplies which then collapsed and the event left a mark on her. She would dream of getting enough money to help all the orphans made by the empire. One day she snuck onboard a strange craft and was soon discovered by two men. One in red and one in blue. The two men were impressed with her skills and offered her a place on their crew. Asking what was in it for her the man in red replied “the greatest power” with that Lucy accepted the Pirate Morpher and yellow Ranger Key.  As the ships lookout she trains her eyesight by spotting shooting stars every night. Refusing to let anyone tell her what to do she often is right next to Marvelous charging into battle without looking first. Face Claim: Tiffany Alvord
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Green Pirate Ranger- “Doc” Doug- 26- At the Intergalactic Institute of Science Doug was among the top in his class. He was the favorite pupil of the head master Professor Midon. Midon had discovered a formula that would allow for endless power and instantly he thought of all the good this could do for the universe. However the Empire found out about the formula and wanted it to power their weapons. The attacked the IIoS and laid waste to it. Midon and Doug were trapped in his office when Midon revealed a weapon from his desk. He ordered his friend and student to flee to an escape pod but Doug didn’t want to leave him. Finally he forced Doug to flee. As Doug ran a single shot rang out. Midon took the formula to his grave. Making his way to a safe planet Doug set up a small repair shop where one day he was approached by three people. They said their ship had a problem and Doug offered to help. After he fixed the ship they gave him a Pirate Morpher and green Ranger Key (it would be handy to have him around in case the ship broke again). The rest of the crew usually call him Doc. In battle he uses unusual methods and is the most cautious of the rangers. Face Claim: Fady Elsayed
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Pink Pirate Ranger- Princess Amanda of Momos- 21- Momos was a peaceful planet ruled by the Queen and King equally (the Queen was head justice and made the laws, the King was the head of the army and police) The royal family was known as the Sun (queen) Moon (king) and Star (Princess) of Momos.  When the Empire started their attacks on peaceful worlds Momos sent aid to them. Finally the empire came to Momos and demanded their loyalty. The royal family as well as the people refused. In response the Empire laid waste to the people and destroyed much of the planet. The Queen and King were victims of this attack but Princess Amanda managed to flee off world. However some scout ships from the empire started to attack her escape ship. As Amanda thought she was going to die a large red ship appeared and blasted the scouts out of the stars. After they brought her on board she recognized them as the pirates who gave the empire so much trouble. Wanting to be a light to her people she asked to join. With a shrug the captain gave her a Pirate Morpher and a pink ranger key. Amanda is the peacekeeper among the crew. Face Claim: Aleisha Allen
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Silver Pirate Ranger- Lewis Karlson- 25- When Lewis was a little boy he and his parents were in the park when they were attacked by a monster. They were saved by the White Tiger Ranger (Tommy) and from then on Lewis loved anything and everything to do with the Power Rangers. The child of a firefighter and a doctor Lewis realized when he grew a little older that just because he didn’t have powers didn’t mean he couldn’t be a hero too. So he dedicated his time and effort to helping others (volunteered, helped out, gave a homeless man his jacket) One day he was going for a walk when he saw a child run into the street after a ball just as a truck was speeding down the street. Without hesitation Lewis ran and pushed the child out of the trucks path but was unable to get out of the way himself. After the truck sped away (the driver was never caught) Lewis was taken to the hospital in a coma. While in this coma he had a vision where he met an old man in flowing white robes. The kind man introduced himself “Hello Lewis.  My name is Zordon” This was the spirit of Zordon. He saw the goodness and potential in Lewis and created the Legacy Morpher and Silver ranger key for him to help the Pirate Rangers. Telling Lewis that the Pirate Rangers needed a reason to care about Earth and its people. They needed an Anchor, Lewis was to be that anchor. Waking up from his coma he ran home and told his parents everything. He then went to find the Pirate Rangers. And soon enough he was the sixth member of the team. Lewis discovers he has the ability to combine certain Ranger Keys. He uses this to combine the RPM Silver and Gold keys. As well as all the sixth rangers to create the Gold Anchor Key. After challenging Dresk Lewis manages to recover the Jungle Fury Spirit Ranger Keys and combines them into the TriSpirit Ranger Key. Face Claim: Daniel Radcliffe On Earth Doc met up with his close friend from the IIoS Zinda when the Megazord needed repairs. She had arrived on Earth following the attack on the IloS. She would go on to be invaluable to the Rangers.  N.A.V.I- Built by the Red Phantom to help in the quest for the keys and powers and the greatest treasure in the universe. Navigation and Vision Interface. His visions lead the rangers in their quest. When Lewis joins the hints become easier to understand. Ranger Keys are the condensed form of the Power contained by the suits. Regarding extra powers, the general rule is, if the original Ranger could use the ability while unmorphed the Ranger Key cannot use it. However if the ability can only be used while morphed then the Ranger Key can use it. (the OO abilities are an example of the former while the RPM abilities are an example of the latter)
The Pirate Rangers each have their own zord Red- Pirate Galleon Zord- A red pirate ship which doubles as the base for the crew Blue- Pirate Jet Zord Yellow- Pirate Truck Zord Green- Pirate Racer Zord Pink- Pirate Sub Zord Pirate Megazord R-Torso/Head/Weapons BG- Arms (the hat comes from B) YP- Legs Main attack is Pirate Cannon Burst When the team begin to collect Great Powers they sometimes gain a new zord to combine with. Pirate Mystic Megazord Formed from the Mystic Force Great Power- Mystic Dragon Pirate SPD Megazord Formed from the SPD Great Power- SPD Zord 1 Pirate Wild Megazord Formed from the Wild Force Great Power- Red Lion Pirate Bushido Megazord Formed from the Bushido Great Power- Red Lion Pirate Ninja Megazord Formed from the Ninja Storm Great Power- Minizord Pirate Rex Megazord Combination of Pirate Megazord and DrillRex Megazord- Formed from Dino Thunder Great Power Pirate RPM Megazord Formed from the RPM Great Power- Condor Speeder Pirate Ultrazord Formed from the Pirate Legends Great Power- Combines Pirate MZ, DrillRex, and CS DrillRex Megazord- Lewis’s personal zord- Has three modes- Drilljet, Dinosaur (nicknamed “Awesomesaurus” by Lewis), and Megazord- When inactive it is kept in the 30th century and maintained by Time Force- Is implied to have some form of sentience on occasion and once even moves its arm to catch Lewis after he is thrown from the cockpit during one of the final battles Stellar Empire- Controls over 90% of the universe. Emperor Zang- The ruthless ruler of the Empire. Prince Waru- The prince who constantly seeks his father’s approval Damaras- A battle hardened general who is in charge of the Prince’s safety Drorg- A robotic swordsman, in reality is Silias converted into a cyborg and reprogrammed to protect and serve the Prince. Inscine- The top science officer of the Empire Smasage- A hammer wielding guard of the Emperor
Zarms- Grey- The standard foot solider of the Empire Zargs- Blue- Larger brutes with blaster arms Zards- Red- The elite foot soldiers of the Emperor himself. Dresk- The former crew mate of Marvelous and the Red Phantom. Hides his true monstrous appearance. Believes that it is best to give up something to gain something better. Simi- A robotic monkey that helps Dresk with his plans. Able to produce monsters within itself. Great Powers Season- Guardian- Power- Order received- Lesson- Misc Eltar- Zoltar- Eltar Zord- Movie power- Used to destroy Noxturn forever. MMPR- Billy- Dinozords (all seven)- 19th- Honor the past- used to destroy Thrax once and for all Thunder Spirits- Aisha- Thunder Megazord Slash- 13th- Power can come from unlikely sources Aquitar Rangers- Aquitar Rangers and Ninjor- Falconzord -18th- Unite your mind, body and spirit- It’s revealed that Ninjor survived but had to retreat to his bottle to heal. The Aquitarian Rangers agreed to look after him and his temple. The Pirates seek the power after fighting and loosing against a group of ninjas (Feline Flora Force). It is revealed that there are two types of ninja. Ninjetti uses the power of the ninja beasts (ape, wolf, bear, etc) while Ninjutsu uses the power of the elements (air, water, earth, etc) Ninjor reveals that he is a master of both types and in fact helped form the first Ninja Academy. However neither type is stronger than the other but it is often best to fight fire with fire- Ninjor also uses some of his remaining power to create a Ninjor Ranger Key for Lewis to use. Zeo- Rocky- Zeo Blast (The five zeo crystal shapes come out of the limbs of the megazord and form the zeo icon and blast the enemy)- 12th- No lesson- Nearly stolen by Dresk but saved in time by the Rangers Turbo- Justin- Turbo Megazord Spinout- 6th- Don’t judge a book by its cover In Space- Andros Ashley and child- Mega Voyager Missile- 16th- Adapt to your enemy- Dresk held Andros and Ashley’s child hostage for the power but the Rangers managed to save them- Andros is the main cameo but Ashley appears in the last scene Lost Galaxy- Spirit of the Magna Defender- Galactabeast charge/ Torozord spin for DrillRex Megazord- 7th- Don’t let rage and revenge rule your life Lightspeed Rescue- Dana- Lightspeed slash- 9th- Helping others is good- Dresk tries to steal the power but is stopped by Lucy and Amanda Time Force- Alex, Wes and Jen- Chrono Cannon - 17th- Alex contacts the Pirates and says that one of them won’t survive the next battle, after hesitating the team decide to shape their own future, in the end a conversation between Alex, Wes, and Jen implies that Alex lied to teach them that.- You make your own destiny Wild Force- Cole and Alyssa- Pirate Wild Force Megazord- 4th- Never give up Ninja Storm- Shane, Dustin, Tori- Pirate Ninja Megazord- 10th- Get past your differences to fight a common enemy Dino Thunder- Conner- Pirate Rex Megazord- 11th- Power can come from within anyone SPD- Anubis and Sky- Pirate SPD Megazord- 2nd- The difference between Justice and Revenge- Sky is still a new recruit at the time of their encounter. Mystic Force- Nick- Pirate Mystic Megazord- 1st- Believe in magic Operation Overdrive- Mack- Overdrive sabre- 8th- The thrill of adventure Jungle Fury- Casey -Jungle Spirit rush- 3rd- Never stop training yourself RPM- Dr. K and Ziggy- Condor Speeder/ Pirate RPM Megazord- 14th- Even in darkness there is light- The Condor Speeder is based on unused blueprints for the Eagle Racer- Used to destroy Venjix once and for all.- During the team up with the Bushido Rangers Venjix leaped from Scotts morpher into Professor Cog, however after the battle he had to repair himself. Almost right after she arrived in this universe Doctor K uploaded the Venjix antivirus program to the internet thus preventing the original Venjix from leaving Cog’s body. Bushido Blades- Takeshi/Kiyoko- Pirate Bushido Megazord- 5th- The meaning of teamwork Pirate Legends- 15th- Pirate Ultrazord- People are not judged by the lowest point in their life, they are judged by how they reach their highest.
The Pirate Rangers met many other heroes. The first of which was Power Rider 4-Z Cody Rodgers- A lifelong friend of Lewis, Cody is a friendly and excitable guy. One day he comes to town to show his old friend something amazing. He has the 4Z belt (four zone) Along with his friend they discover that when Edenoi fell to the Empire King Dex fell as well buying his people enough time to escape. With Lewis’s help Cody avenges Dex and destroys the monster that killed him (spider based a fact that scares Lewis greatly given that he has arachnophobia). “3 2 1… Let’s Ride!” “BLAST OFFFFFF!” Power Ranger/ Power Rider Crossover (regular episodes not movies) “RANGERS AND RIDERS” (two parter) Cody and the Rider Club appear in Angel Grove during a school vacation (they all go to Milky Way University) (takes place before Meteor is introduced) Rider Club Ken- Son of the man who made the FZ belt Yolei- Middle School friend of Cody and Lewis Mindy- Head Cheerleader Jake- Gamer and he has an ear to the information highway of the campus. Shawn- Quarterback of the football team and pilot of the Powerdriver armor Tiffany- Goth with a strange sense involving the Cosmic Switches During the crossover the spirit of King Dex reveals that the original king of Edenoi was the first Rider. During the crossover in order to get past the villain’s trap Lewis and Cody switch morphers “LET’S RIDE” Third part (separate episode one parter) More about the fall of Edenoi is revealed It’s revealed that the original King of Edenoi and Zoltar were friends and helped create the alliance between the worlds. The monster that killed King Dex appears on Earth and thrashes everyone Later the spirit of Dex reveals this info to Cody and Lewis and gives Cody a special switch that allows him to access the powers of the original Rider (theme from Kamen Rider plays in the background) Cody uses this power to avenge Dex and his people and finishes the monster off with a Rider Kick. “Movies” “RANGER LEGACY!” Soon after Lewis joins the team Noxturn returns and the Rangers end up fulfilling the ancient prophecy. Noxturn uses his powers to send the rangers to pocket universes until they all break free. He rises an army of defeated monsters and the Ranger Keys create an army of the past Earth Megazords and the Great Power of the Eltar Rangers is used to destroy Noxturn. “TRIBUTE TO HEROES” Crossover of Rangers, Riders, Beetleborgs, Mystic Knights, VR Troopers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Ultraman Tiga A strange new enemy puts five of the rangers out of action. Acting on a vision from N.A.V.I (Find the rider of power, a child who bugged out, a night mystic, a digital warrior, an unnatural ninja and the ultimate man) Lewis gets Cody and the two journey to the Hillworth Mansion (they remember it from their comics which in universe were based on the real deal) Drew is working at the comic book store the two stop at and throws them out. It turns out that during the Ranger War the Rangers asked the Beetleborgs for help but they refused seeing as how they would have been slaughtered. However they do convince him to take him to the mansion. (the beetleborgs defeated their final enemy by gaining a new set of powers that combined the first two into one suit of armor {blue+ gold for example}) Flabber hears them talk about the next part of N.A.V.I’s vision and opens a portal in time.Out of the portal falls Rohan of the Mystic Knights. With a quick translation spell from Flabber they quickly explain the situation. He realizes that they are heroes and offers their aid. (it’s revealed that Lewis and Cody used to go to a Mystic Knight exhibit at the museum all the time as kids) The next hero to get is one of the VR Troopers. It turns out that Drew had Ryan as a professor in college. During a battle a mutant rises from the sewers armed with twin swords. Leonardo joins the team to fight the threat. The six heroes unite and put a stop to the villain. Oh and the villain is IVAN OOZE! (somehow the comet blasted him across the multiverse and he recently freed himself and found himself here.) Lewis comments that there was an in-universe version of the Power Ranger Movie but many found it full of incorrect facts and dated graphics but Lewis still enjoyed it. After Ivan creates new versions of his titans a jet arrives with the G.U.T.S logo on the side. The Ultimate Man has arrived. With a shout Ultraman Tiga enters the battle. The heroes unite and destroy Ivan. “Guardian Legends” The Guardian Spirit Rangers arrive and engage the Pirate Rangers (Lucif cast an illusion to try and get the Pirate Rangers to destroy the Guardian Rangers for him) however during the battle both sides take care to save bystanders revealing the illusion. The two teams unite to destroy Lucif once and for all with Talaa gaining his battlizer to deliver the final blow. As he falls Lucif accuses the Guardian Rangers of dooming Gosei revealing he had cast an illusion shielding the planet from the Empire’s sight. With his destruction the illusion fades and the Empire begins to approach the world. Before leaving to protect their home Talaa mentions that the universe looks at Earth like a shining beacon of hope (Giving Lewis an idea for a plan) Near the end Marvelous and Dresk have a final duel and after striking Dresk down he begged for mercy. At first it appears that Marvelous was going to grant it. Only for the Captain to fire a single shot. A quick death was the only mercy Dresk deserved. Lewis meanwhile has grown tired of the Empire going unpunished for their actions. He comes up with a plan. A plan so dangerous that if a single step goes wrong they will all die. The plan is to destroy Empire facilities on Earth and as many ships in orbit as they can. This causes them to call in reinforcements from other worlds weakening their hold on those worlds. Using the trumpet and with some help from Zinda they manage to make a device to create ranger energy clones.  They use the device to create teams of six rangers (one real 5 clones) of the same color (or equivalent) and target Empire bases and plants. After they short out the device they broadcast a transmission to the universe by highjacking the Empire satellites; telling them that this is the time to stand up and fight for freedom! Lewis at one point says that “the power is on OUR side! No one will ever take us down!” A montage of different planets happens. On Aquitar ninjas rescues members of the Aquirian rebels and they team up to fight the Empire. The rebel leader Mantor  personally saved the life of Cestria at the cost of his own. On a rebel colony a group of cloaked figures approach a group of grunts. They gesture and the grunts go flying. KO-35 fights back. On Miranoi the colonists and natives ambush a group of Zarms and destroy them. On the planet Grifforzar a figure raises a sword in the air and unleashes a war cry and the sky is filled with the wings of golden warriors fighting for their freedom! On Edenoi many different Riders are fighting the Empire to take back the planet. Across Earth the heroes fight back. In Hillworth the Beetleborgs and Vr Troopers buy the civilians enough time to get to a magic shelter created at the mansion by Flabber and his muses. Flabber also uses his magic to allow the monsters to leave the mansion and fight against the alien threat. In the sky above China the forces of G.U.T.S assist Ultraman Tiga in defending the innocent. In the streets of New York a certain group of mutant turtles leap from the shadows and strike down the Zarms. Flabber also opens a portal in time, this time all the Mystic Knights arrive in Ireland and after Rohan explains the situation the knights quickly join the battle. The Rider Club is listening to the speech as well. Cody and his enemies form a temporary truce to fight against the Empire. All across the universe the Empire troops are falling. The final battle approaches… After a long and hard battle in which the Pirate Rangers use every team’s powers the Pirate Rangers win! The Emperor falls. The Empire falls! The universe is free! Days later after resting from the battle the six discover the Greatest Power in the Universe (it’s in the ruins of the Command Center) Inside the strange container is… A second Z-Wave! However unlike the first one this wave doesn’t destroy anything or anyone. This Z-Wave restores the damage caused by the Stellar Empire. Scenes of Triforian pyramids rebuilding themselves, Aquitarian structures repairing, and the fields of Momos are beautiful once more. In his temple Ninjor is fully healed. And on a certain floating island the Red Lion Wildzord wakes up from a nap to find the island populated by Wild Zords again! Captain Marvelous has a new goal, to invade the Empire homeworld and take all the treasure they stole during their invasions. As the Pirate Rangers leave Earth they release all the Ranger Keys and they fly back to their original owners. In an epilogue the RPM Rangers find and unleash the second Z-Wave restoring much of their Earth. Across the universe alliances forged in combat are strengthened by treaties and peace spreads. On Aquitar Cestria becomes the Pink Aquitar Ranger and pledges to honor Mantor signalling a new age. Empire prisons are raided by the SPD and the Space Sheriffs  and those falsely jailed are set free.  However the adventure is not over yet… Morphers- Pirate Morpher/Legacy Morpher Morphing Call- Pirate Power Morphing- The pirate logo hits the ranger creating pieces of the suit. Lewis’s anchor logo does the same but for the final part it hits from behind and his glasses form his visor. (Bios by @dream-chef-flavors and @rosegrl18) RANGER WAR <——–Powerverse——-> Power Rangers Pirate Legends Set Sail
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arcticdementor · 5 years
The past few years have witnessed the inception of a new genre of affluent lament — a kind of marriage of our disparate cultural obsessions with the misery memoir and the university. The progeny of this union is the memoir of the elite university education that confers status but destroys souls. The plot of such memoirs almost always begins with a young scholar thirsting for wisdom who encounters our meritocratic educational apparatus, excels by its standards but is morally disfigured by them, wins admission to an Ivy League school, discovers that the place overlooks his secret cravenness and grants him success with professors and attractive women anyway, and is driven to the extremes of existential angst for a brief period by this discovery. When our wiser and more cynical scholar finally recovers, he concludes that elite education is rotten, graduates from the school, and proceeds to a brilliantly successful career as a writer, abetted by the publication of his memoir decrying the rottenness of his elite education. If these books don’t make obvious the devastating costs of an Ivy League education, what could?
The genre seems to have taken off after the publication in 2005 of Ross Douthat’s Privilege, a memoir of his undergraduate years at Harvard. It was followed by David Samuels’s memoir-disguised-as-reportage, The Runner, in 2008; the most recent contributor to the cause is Walter Kirn, whose Lost in the Meritocracy indicts Princeton. If one were inclined to include former Yale professor William Deresiewicz’s partially autobiographical 2008 essay, “The Disadvantages of an Elite Education,” among these laments, then all three bulwarks of American status-lust — Harvard, Yale, and Princeton — will have come in for a beating. It may be a partially or, if you’re really cynical, wholly deserved beating, and our clever meritocracy lamenters unfurl their verbal whips in so many directions that they do hit some of the truly rotten parts of our elaborate educational mechanism, but the requirements of memoir always direct their thoughts back to crafting narratives of their innocence and corruption.
All remark on the class disparities and the snobbery among the student bodies. Douthat and Kirn register the now-ubiquitous complaint against radicalism and obscurantism in the humanities, Kirn and Samuels home in on the arbitrariness of the system of standardized tests and melodramatic personal essays that selects Ivy League admits and condemns the rejects to a life of dullness and obscurity with state-school diplomas, and so on. But there remains something implausible in these authors’ combination of purported naïveté about the meritocratic game and their canny manipulation of it. They manage the impressive feat of becoming unwitting victims of the same system they so cynically and effectively exploited, and then they ask us to sympathize with the raw deal they’ve gotten.
This precocious knowingness is essential to the genre. Unless one has been cursed with the kind of crippling cultural deprivation associated with backwoods religious homeschooling and a name like Jedediah Purdy, it’s nearly impossible to make an unironic claim to childhood innocence. So these writers admit to knowing all along that meritocracy is an elaborate status game, that college admissions is about faking the appearance of achievement and intellectual seriousness. But even as they concede that their outsized lust for admission to elite schools deformed their character, these writers insist that they seriously believed that attending these schools would make them whole again. As Douthat puts it, after the trials of being unpopular and overlooked in high school, Harvard “became a beacon of hope to my semi-alienated teenage mind.... At Harvard, athleticism and good looks and popularity would count far less than the things that really mattered: native brilliance, and intellectual curiosity, and academic achievement.” College would transport them away from the craven striving of their high schools to a world of integrity, refinement, truth, and beauty. How such an idyll would be created out of a class of craven strivers exactly like themselves seems not to have come under their consideration.
Unsurprisingly, once they arrive on campus and confront a place full of perfect reflections of themselves, all their pleasant illusions are shattered, and they indict their classmates as phonies. The rich — targets we love to hate because all Americans, and particularly the readers of such Ivy League laments, are supposedly part of the long-suffering middle class — come in for the harshest attacks. Douthat’s formative Harvard experience consists in being rejected from a club so exclusive that no nonmember has glimpsed its interior for two centuries. Samuels is tyrannized at Harvard by his roommate’s vast collection of neckties. But it is Kirn’s account of the cruelty of the wealthy that most absurdly plays to popular resentments — he alleges that during his junior year, he was led into a car by “a handsome blond campus prince — the descendant of a legendary industrialist,” blindfolded, and driven for hours out into the country. When he removed the blindfold, he found himself in front of “an actual castle, with countless tall windows, pediments, and columns.” In the middle of New Jersey. “My family’s estate. Behold, poor serf! Behold a power you will never know!” the scion told him, and drove off leaving him stranded.
Here again, the conventions of memoir undermine the meritocracy lament’s broader argument against elite education. All these writers want to drive home the quite valid criticism of the hypocritical “diversity policy” at these schools, which Deresiewicz describes as “the heartwarming spectacle of the children of white businesspeople and professionals studying and playing alongside the children of black, Asian, and Latino businesspeople and professionals.” The superficial diversity of race and ethnicity masks the underlying social homogeneity that arises from selecting a student body almost exclusively from America’s wealthy suburbs, its elite urban enclaves, and its top hundred high schools. The dominance of affluent culture at elite schools may be a real problem, but not for these authors, who are themselves the children of white businesspeople and professionals. But how else to demonstrate the problem in a memoir except to inflict it on your subject, who happens to be you? The results are barely believable claims of victimization of the rich at the hands of the really rich that do little more than provoke a pointless game of poorer-than-thou, in which the authors’ own claims to victimhood can be easily contested on the grounds that other students have it even worse.
The rich are just as corrupt as we’d like them to be in these stories, but, as blogger and English professor Margaret Soltan has pointed out, these caricatures can backfire: “One reasonable conclusion to draw from Lost in the Meritocracy is that only extremely rich people should go to schools like Princeton. Kirn describes a college culture in which the vast majority of the students — rolling-in-dough Percodan-snorters — are happy and well-adjusted, and the tiny minority of middle-class students like Kirn are miserable and alienated.” Indeed, Kirn himself points out that this is a problem inherent in the idea of meritocracy: “A pure meritocracy, we’d discovered, can only promote; it can’t legitimize. It can confer success but can’t grant knighthood. For that it needs a class beyond itself: the high-born genealogical peerage that aptitude testing was created to overthrow.” Possibly to ward against such a reactionary conclusion, Kirn and his fellow Ivy League-lamenters take aim at every other student type as well — the radical activists and the establishment politicos, the ethnic priders and the anglophiles, the prude and the prurient, the women and the men, the studious and the lazy — all phonies.
This contradictory hatred forms the crux of the problem with the meritocracy lament — the authors urge us to save the elite university but describe no one in it as worth saving. The misery memoir makes a terrible platform for serious social commentary — it is too bound up with the author’s own ego and his effort to distinguish himself from the mass of his very similar peers to be able to offer much insight. What they seem to be aiming at is the authority and historical vision of Allan Bloom, but the result is something that rarely gets beyond the pint-sized resentment of Holden Caulfield. In reality, as their own logic inexorably leads us to conclude, the authors are really no better than their classmates, and if they want to expose the rottenness of elite education, they must either excuse themselves from the story and shine a light on these schools objectively, or they should do us the service of finding the kind of students who are what they wish they had been — sincere, honest, diligent, and intellectually independent — and figuring out how they got to be that way.
Part of their difficulty lies in the fact that sincere, serious, and intellectually honest students persist beside them — a handful among their own classmates, but more often, at other schools — and their character proves difficult to fit into the meritocracy lament paradigm. Theoretically, no one should be able to pass through the system and remain whole, so how did these students manage to do so? One answer is that they sought after some purpose besides head-patting from adults and distinctions for their résumés.
For some, that purpose is salvation. Religious students are anathema to Samuels and Kirn, who share in common early repudiations of their own faiths. For Samuels, admission to Harvard was his ticket out of the repressive Orthodox Jewish world of his childhood, and Kirn claims to have discovered early on that the Mormon Church was just another branch of the meritocratic system, rewarding shallow displays of oratory with hot chicks to make out with in the parking lot after services.
But religious colleges in America have been sources of explicit opposition to the decadent, established elite ever since Yale was founded in 1701 to preserve Puritan orthodoxy against what some viewed as the increasing laxity of Harvard’s faculty. The social status of these schools seems to vary indirectly with their denominational orthodoxy — the Newman Guide to Catholic colleges, for example, heaps its praises on such schools as Christendom College and Franciscan University of Steubenville for their “vibrant and pervasive spiritual life,” but that’s not enough to sneak these schools into even those backhanded “best colleges you’ve never heard of” guides, not to mention the canonical U.S. News rankings. At the same time, the Newman Guide laments the decline of Notre Dame into degenerate secularism, and Georgetown University, perhaps the highest-status Catholic school in America, doesn’t even merit a mention on the Newman list.
Where the meritocracy lamenters come closest to getting at the source of the moral distortions perpetuated by meritocracy is where they put their personal grudges and ambitions aside to report on what is actually happening at these universities. From these accounts emerges a common thread of abdicated adult responsibility. In part, the theme arises out of the conventions of memoir as well — these are all coming-of-age stories, and coming of age is always to some degree a process undertaken alone. However, it is no coincidence that some of the most memorable absurdities described by Kirn and Douthat are moments in which adult authority is notably wanting.
Who would leave this kind of money to the sole discretion of a bunch of nineteen-year-olds? It might be said that such responsibility is good practice for a future in which graduates of these clubs will go on to manage even larger sums in investment banking portfolios and national budgets, and perhaps that’s true, at least for those who aren’t caught pocketing the loose change first. But at bottom, the Suzanne Pomey incident illustrates the refusal of adults at Harvard — and, indeed, outside of it — to exercise not just punitive but moral authority over what Douthat calls “the high-IQ club.” Douthat describes the glee with which the campus derided her after the embezzlement was made public, and suggests that justice was served when she was sentenced to probation (the judge argued that “no purpose would be served by a sentence of incarceration”) and denied her Harvard diploma, a punishment that amounts to, as Douthat puts it, being “expelled from the paradise of the American overclass.”
Only that’s not quite how it worked out, or how it ever works out with the children of the meritocracy. Once one attains the requisite credentials — the GPA, SAT, and hours of tutoring underprivileged children — then it becomes increasingly difficult to justify exclusion from elite circles on the basis of mere character flaws. Pomey, like the more recent Harvard disgrace Kaavya Viswanathan, who was found to have plagiarized portions of her much-touted first novel in 2006, fled to the shelter of an elite law school to rebuild her respectability after the Harvard embezzlement flap. Gina Grant, whose admission to Harvard was famously rescinded in 1995 after it became known that she had murdered her mother (a fact she omitted from her application), graduated instead from Tufts. Moral considerations should not stand in the way of a person’s clearly demonstrated “potential,” which may be the only thing the adults in these books value in education and the only realm in which they are willing to exercise authority.
In her essay “The Crisis in Education,” Arendt described education as the situation in which “authority in the widest sense has always been accepted as a natural necessity, obviously required as much by natural needs, the helplessness of the child, as by political necessity, the continuity of an established civilization which can be assured only if those who are newcomers by birth are guided through a pre-established world into which they are born as strangers.” And Kirn himself corroborates the value of such authority after he suffers a karmic bout of muteness caused by his lifetime of abusing language to get ahead: “What I learned from [Uncle Admiral], his master lesson — the one that would help me reconstitute my mind after it dissolved at Princeton, worn down by loneliness, drugs, and French philosophy — was that the world could indeed be grasped and navigated if one met it with a steady gaze. Matter wasn’t truly solid, no, but it was packed tightly enough to set our feet upon.”
This is essentially what the adults in these books have removed from the curriculum and from education more broadly. No longer certain of anything about the world, the adults of the last two generations have given up trying to pass it on — the culture, politics, and institutions that have constituted American civilization as a species of the West — but they have found nothing with which to fill the holes left behind. They have lost credibility, and, regrettably or happily depending on whom you ask, ceded authority so that succeeding generations can start from scratch and figure out how to fix things. One of the notable products of this abdication of responsibility has been the rise of the educational meritocracy that continually rewards “aptitude,” which seems like something everyone can still agree is good to have and adults are willing to reward, even when they cannot agree on the essential question of what is worth directing one’s aptitude towards. The result is a system that produces an elite that has no clear idea of its own purpose: “I’d been amassing momentum my whole life,” Kirn explains, “and I knew only one direction: forward.... No one ever told me what the point was, except to keep on accumulating points, and this struck me as sufficient.”
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walls-to-the-ball · 2 years
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Debbie Millman interviews Mike Mills, things I want to remember:
Mike: Salons makes it sound a little more romantic than it was. Santa Barbara in the ’70s was a drunken, weird intersection of a whole bunch of different kinds of people. The art world back then was more heterogenous than it is now. My parents were hosts to parties both in their house and metaphorically, in life. That’s how I treat directing; I’ve invited you all to this get-together. I am the host. I take a lot of cues from my parents’ generosity and how contagious that is. In a weird way, the biggest influence on my work was their dinner parties.
Mike: I’m not self-conscious in the work. The work is where I could always be free and somewhat myself. I can get nervous around anybody. The work was always a place where I could be bigger or braver than I am. Tibor could be a very intimidating person, and he was not an easy person to work for. He was very hard on all of us. He never let you draw a sketch bigger than a quarter. He wanted a ton of ideas. He didn’t want you to get involved in the aesthetics of your idea very much and work it out. He wanted lots of quarter-size ideas on a page.
Debbie: Your first feature film, Thumbsucker, came out in 2005. It starred Vincent D’Onofrio, Tilda Swinton, and Vince Vaughn. It’s based on Walter Kirn’s novel about an adolescent boy’s mutiny against his family. You wrote a script. You raised $4 million to make it. I read that you aspired to the simplicity of Yasujiro Ozu, the Japanese filmmaker who placed his camera at only two levels, sitting height and standing height.
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Books I Read in 2019
1. Everything is Illuminated - Jonathan Safran Foer
2. Symptoms of Being Human - Jeff Garvin
3. Wishful Drinking - Carrie Fisher
4. Fox 8 - George Saunders
5. Postcards from the Edge - Carrie Fisher
6. Carmilla - Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
7. Lincoln in the Bardo - George Saunders
8. Idle Days - Thomas Desaulniers-Brousseu and Simon Leclerc
9. Spinning - Tillie Walden
10. Dog Songs - Mary Oliver
11. Crow Planet - Lyanda Lynn Haupt
12. None of the Above - IW Gregorio
13. Scrappy Little Nobody - Anna Kendrick
14. Dear Fahrenheit 451 - Annie Spence
15. Heartburn - Nora Ephron
16. Me Before You - Jojo Moyes
17. Good Me Bad Me - Ali Land
18. Disobedience - Naomi Alderman
19. I’ll Be Gone in the Dark - Michelle McNamara
20. Dark Places - Gillian Flynn
21. speak - Laurie Halse Anderson
22. What If It’s Us - Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera
23. Take Me With You - Andrea Gibson
24. The Portable Veblen - Elizabeth McKenzie
25. a city inside - Tillie Walden
26. The Immortalists - Chloe Benjamin
27. Less - Andrew Sean Greer
28. Higher, Further, Faster. - Liza Palmer
29. Dear Rachel Maddow - Adrienne Kisner
30. High: Everything You Want to Know About Drugs, Alcohol, and Addiction - David and Nic Sheff
31. Room - Emma Donoghue 
32. The Sixth Extinction - Elizabeth Kolbert
33. Mindhunter - John Douglas and Mark Olshaker
34. Being Mortal - Atul Gawande
35. The One Hundred Nights of Hero - Isabel Greenberg
36. The Year of Magical Thinking - Joan Didion
37. Sharp Objects - Gillian Flynn
38. Stay Sexy and Don’t Get Murdered - Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark
39. Americanah - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie 
40. Anya’s Ghost - Vera Brosgol
41. The Namesake - Jhumpa Lahiri
42. Euphoria - Lily King
43. The Order of Time - Carlo Rovelli
44. Up in the Air - Walter Kirn 
45. The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs - Steve Brusatte
46. Friends with Boys - Faith Erin Hicks
47. The Silence of the Lambs - Thomas Harris
48. Embroideries - Marjane Satrapi 
49. The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue - Mackenzi Lee
50. Seven Brief Lessons on Physics - Carlo Rovelli 
51. American Vampire - Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuquerque, and Stephen King
52. Unworthy: How to Stop Hating Yourself - Anneli Rufus
53. I Feel Bad About My Neck and Other Thoughts on Being a Woman - Nora Ephron
54. So Sad Today - Melissa Broder
55. The Curse of the Boyfriend Sweater - Alanna Okun 
56. Bad Friends - Ancco 
57. The Martian Chronicles - Ray Bradbury
58. Furiously Happy - Jenny Lawson
59. Reasons to Stay Alive - Matt Haig
60. The Weight of the Stars - K. Ancrum
61. Drift: The Unmooring of American Military Power - Rachel Maddow
62. The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake - Aimee Bender
63. Swamplandia! - Karen Russell
64. The End of the Fxxxing World - Charles Forsman
65. I love this part - Tillie Walden
66. Blue is the Warmest Color - Julie Maroh
67. The Vegetarian - Han Kang
68. If I Was Your Girl - Meredith Russo
69. Something New - Lucy Knisley 
70. Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe - Benjamin Alire Sáenz
71. In the Body of the World - Eve Ensler
72. The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller
73. Yes Please - Amy Poehler
74. Letter to My Daughter - Maya Angelou
75. Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald - Therese Anne Fowler 
76. two boys kissing - David Levithan
77. Moomin Begins a New Life - Tove Jansson
78. Artichoke Tales - Megan Kelso
79. Boy Erased - Garrard Conley
80. Many Love - Sophie Lucido Johnson
81. Last Day in Vietnam - Will Eisner
82. Bosspants - Tina Fey 
83. The Radium Girls - Kate Moore
84. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings - Maya Angelou
85. Sammy & Juliana in Hollywood - Benjamin Alire Sáenz
86. Logicomix - Apostolos Doxiadis and Christos Papadimitriou
87. Juliet Takes a Breath - Gabby Rivera
88. Nimona - Noelle Stevenson
89. The Nature Fix - Florence Williams
90. The Ten Most Beautiful Experiments - George Johnson 
Favorites: Less, The Song of Achilles
Least Favorite: The Ten Most Beautiful Experiments 
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flauntpage · 6 years
Meet the Flyers Fan Who Got Gritty's Face Tattooed on His Ass
Everyone has their own differing opinions when it comes to what makes a good, respectable sports mascot, and no fictional beast has polarized the general audience more than the orange, Philly-born mutt known as Gritty.
The Philadelphia Flyers unveiled the googly-eyed, sinister beast to the start off the NHL season, and right off the hop it was clear that Gritty wouldn't be playing the roll of your everyday, child-pleasing mascot we've grown to love and accept.
No, no, no. This thing is different. Gritty is a cocky asshole. A superstar of a mascot who has spent his first month in the spotlight in both the hockey world and beyond. From flying into Philly's home opener on a literal wrecking ball, to making the rounds on the late night TV circuit, to recreating a viral Kim Kardashian photo, to growing a Twitter following of 150K in a month, Gritty has forced himself into the mainstream conversation. And, remember, he's just a fucking mascot.
For every person outside the city that has a problem with the Flyers' new hype man, there's 100 Philadelphia sports fans who are firmly behind the savage monster. It's peak Philly in the most glorious way.
One of those people who is all in on Gritty is 25-year-old apprentice lineman, and Northeast Philly native, James Kirn, a lifelong Flyers fan who showed his respect to the polarizing mascot by getting a massive, vibrant (and very, very permanent) tattoo of the tweaked-out fur ball directly on his left ass cheek.
In a very important conversation with VICE Sports, Kirn spoke about the decision and reaction he's gotten since getting Gritty's face plastered across his ass.
The following interview has been edited for length and clarity.
VICE Sports: What were your first thoughts when the Flyers unveiled Gritty to the world?
James Kirn: Oh man, I guess the same thing everyone else thought—like what the hell is that thing? But I loved it immediately, when it came out [I thought] that this is great. I just thought it was hilarious. How could you not?
What has made Flyers fans like you and many around hockey embrace this freak of a mascot so much?
It's just the way he acts, running around like a mad man. The way he acts toward the fans and everyone else, you know? He pretty much does whatever he wants whenever he wants to do it. It's pretty badass.
Where did the idea to get Gritty tattooed on your ass come from?
My buddy who was supposed to go with me is getting married, so he came over and asked me to be in his wedding and brought me a bottle of whiskey, and that's how it all started. And then we went and grabbed food and when he was going to take me home he mentioned it and I said, 'Dude, I'm in.'
[My] buddy brought it up to me. I always wanted to get a tattoo on my ass cause I knew it'd be funny, but he brought it up to me and was like, 'Yo, let's get Gritty tattoos on our asses, and I'm like, 'Let's do it.' If I thought people weren't going to get a laugh out of [the tattoo], it definitely wouldn't be on me right now, I'll tell ya that.
But then your buddy bailed after bringing up the idea? We were out grabbing some some drinks and something to eat [on October 18], and he was taking me home and was like, 'You wanna go get those Gritty tattoos?' And I [told him] I'm all in. [But] we just ended up going home that night. Later on I texted [my buddy] and said, 'Yo I'm going, I found someone to do it and you're either in or you're out.' And he said he didn't know, so I said, 'Alright, sorry man.' And the next thing I know I'm face down getting my ass tattooed.
What's the reaction been like from friends and family?
I mean I loved the idea, like why not, you know? I think it's funny, apparently everyone else thinks it's funny. Of course there's a handful of people that think I'm a jackass but I don't care—that shit doesn't bother me. The bad reaction I've gotten isn't too bad, just people thinking I'm a jackass, which I know I am so it doesn't bother me.
After it was done I went [to see my friend who suggested the idea) and a couple of my buddies were there and took videos and stuff. Dude, it's hilarious. My brother is a huge Flyers fan so he loves it. [My] mom and dad were kind of like, you know. My sister's got a bunch of tattoos so she thinks it was pretty funny. Friends and family laugh at it because they know my personality—they're not exactly surprised that I went through with it.
My sister and brother love the ass tattoo so much they're getting the Phillie Phanatic and the Sixers mascot (Franklin) on their asses, and I have a 13-year-old brother whose going to get like a fake Swoop tattoo (the Eagles mascot) on his ass and we're getting a picture.
How many beers deep were you the night you got inked?
Quite a few. Yep, quite a few.
How did you select the tattoo artist and what kind of reaction did they have?
I have some tattoos but I wasn't going to make my regular guy tattoo my ass, you know? So I went to [some guy] in the city. He was real hesitant at first. I walked in and I asked him if he knew the Flyers mascot, Gritty, and he said of course. Then I was like, 'Well I want to get that on my ass' and he kind of like put his head down and looked over at one of the other artists and the other artist like shrugged his shoulders. [But then] the guy said, 'Alright, fuck it, let's do it.'
I [asked if] he was sure and [he was], so I said, 'Fuck it, let's do it.' He went back and drew it up and that was it. After he got over the fact that he was tattooing my ass, he actually loved the idea—he thought he could go viral with it, too, so he made sure to do his best work on it, and he definitely did. It turned out great.
What was your mindset once you knew it was actually going to happen?
Once I was committed it was game on. Once I decided to do it, there was nothing stopping me. I didn’t even care because, like I said, I knew it was going to be funny shit, so why not? There wasn't one single part of me that thought, 'Am I really doing this?' I was one-hundred percent in—not even one bit of hesitation.
Anyone in the Flyers organization, media, or Gritty himself, reach out to you after? Nah, not really. I was actually surprised when you even contacted me—I thought, 'Wow, is this guy serious?' I'm going to try to get Gritty to come to my buddy's wedding next year. I'm going to try to get him to come to the wedding and I think the only thing that's going to stop it is if the Flyers have a game that day because it's an October wedding. That might be the only issue. It'd be great, so I'm going to work on that.
How do you feel about going semi-viral on social media?
When I put it on Twitter I was just doing it for a laugh, I didn't think people would eat it up like they did. I didn't put it on Instagram or Facebook or anything, I just threw it up on Twitter to see what kind of reactions I'd get. I was reading some of the stuff people were saying and I just could not stop laughing. It was great.
How much did it cost and what was the process like?
I think it took around two and a half hours. And it hurt like hell. It hurt real bad. I think I paid him $300. I know what they cost so I knew it was a good price.
[But] I never intended for it to be as big as it was. He pulled out two stencils and I looked at both of them and one was bigger and one was a little smaller, and he put the stencil down and I looked at it in the mirror and thought, 'Wow, that’s huge.' I never wanted it to be that big but I was like, 'You know what, fuck it.' I didn't even care. It takes up my whole ass [cheek].
Do you see yourself regretting this at some point?
No, no. I've already committed to the fact that it's on there forever so, no, I don't care.
You going to even out your ass tattoo ratio with one for the other cheek?
I've thought about it already, we'll have to see. It's gotta be something just as outrageous, you know what I mean? Maybe I'll [also] get the Philie Phanatic on there.
If I would've gone with the Phillie Phanatic on my ass to start instead of Gritty, it wouldn't have blown up like it did, you know what I mean? Gritty's face is one that's only been out for like a month, but everyone in hockey recognizes it—more than just hockey. He's a star. You can't mistake that face. I got guys at work calling me Gritty and shit. It's great, I love it. I love the attention it brings, I love the laughs.
Have you been showing off your ass art?
I have a picture of it so sometimes I'll bring the picture out, but it depends where I'm at. If I'm around my family and stuff I'll just pull down my pants and bust it out and say, 'Look what I got' and just stand there with my ass out. I pulled it out at the bar one [recent] night and got a good reaction. I didn't get any free drinks out of it, though, which would've been nice.
This article originally appeared on VICE Sports CA.
Meet the Flyers Fan Who Got Gritty's Face Tattooed on His Ass published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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speculative-world · 2 years
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a little update plus a map of my worlds galaxy, im okay and should be finished the fungal steppe by july and i'll start posting it as soon as i can
image context, each dot is one of the planets i am doing the speculative biology for, dumuno is the red dot and ngiu◗ is the green dot, the other dots are planets we have yet to cover, also the outlines are the borders of the galactic empires, the ◗ta empire is the green outline and the kirn are the orange outline, the kirns home planet is long gone meaning doing their planet is impossible, and the two dots in the ◗ta empire has 2 other sapient species in it, though they were only spared due to the purple dot [ath] being during the beginning of their empire and the blue dot [lotred] being due to the empress finding them cute and sparing them, though being on the lowest part of the class structure of the ◗ta empire
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Wattouat one of my favorite pokemon/ Wattouat, l'un de mes pokémon favoris
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maswartz · 7 years
Power Rangers Pirate Legends
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I just want to say that I came up with the majority of this while Gokaiger was still airing. Using his suit’s cloaking feature Zoltar turned his armor red to honor his original suit. Zoltar pretended to be a mere pirate in order to fool the Stellar Empire, it worked and he was allowed to search the universe for the orbs which formed into Ranger Keys. He soon got a crew together to help in his search. The first was a rogue named Dresk who Zoltar saw great power in. He had hoped to help Dresk use this power to help others. The second was a wanderer in Red looking for a purpose named Marvelous. Zoltar saw greatness in him too. Zoltar had become known as the Red Phantom by this point and he told his crew that the Ranger Keys were the key to the “greatest power” though he did not tell what the power was. Finally after months the trio managed to gather all the Ranger Keys together. Tragically Dresk betrayed the others to the Empire in order to gain the Greatest Power. Zoltar managed to buy Marvelous enough time to flee with the Keys however he suffered too much damage. His Eltarian spirit began to fade. He used his final bursts of power to teleport himself back to Eltar, back to Zordon’s lab where everything began so long ago. Surrounded by the spirits of his brother and his team Zoltar finally entered the light as his spirit washed over the ruins of Eltar. Meanwhile Marvelous swore a grim vow, that he would not die until Dresk laid dead before him. Now Captain Marvelous he continued to search for the Greatest Power. Weeks later while resupplying on a planet he came across a squadron of Empire troops attacking a swordsman in Blue. He came to the man’s aid and gained his second mate. Less than a month later the two found a bandit in Yellow trying to steal from them. They had the third member of the crew. After a trip through an asteroid belt the ship was damaged and they needed the help of a scientist in Green. Another member joined the crew. The fifth member joined after they came across an escape ship containing a princess in Pink. The crew was complete for the time being. It wasn’t until months after they arrive on Earth and meet an Earthling in Silver… Red Pirate Ranger- Captain Marvelous- When he was a small boy he and his father lived a quiet peaceful life on their home world of Akarn.  One day a cowardly crook broke into their home, the father and son caught him trying to steal a lock locket this was the only thing left of the boy’s mother. The father wouldn’t let this man take it from them. A struggle ensued and the father was shot.  The boy picked up the fallen weapon and shot the intruder. As his father was dying he told his son that one day “you’ll be marvelous” and from that day on the boy went by that name. As he grew older he stole what he needed to survive.  Marvelous is eccentric and will stop at nothing to find the Power. Before battle he will tell his team “Let’s make this a show!” and is known for leaping before looking.  Before the final battle he reveals his real name to the team “Markel” At three points (near the start, middle, and end) he reveals his growth. Each time involves him forgetting his change at a market. The first time he accuses the clerk of stealing from him. The second time he mutters his thanks and takes his change. The third time he smiles, thanks the clerk, and tells them to keep the change. Blue Pirate Ranger- John- This young man hails from the planet Aosa. His parents urged him to join the Empire army and make them proud (on a planet controlled by the empire there was no greater honor) and looking for a challenge in his life he agreed. He soon regretted it. The training nearly killed him and if it were not for a man named Silias he would have perished. Both Silias and John realized that they wanted nothing to do with the empire and their wars and the two started to plan to desert. However on one mission John was ordered to do the unthinkable and slaughter a group of children found by the empire. He refused and struck back against his commanders. For this treason he was scheduled to be killed however Silias saved him and seemingly gave his own life to save John. Fleeing from planet to planet John met a strange captain named Marvelous. The man in red helped him fight off his pursuers and helped him destroy the tracking device they used to find him. In gratitude he swore his service to the man. In return Marvelous handed him a Pirate Morpher and a Blue Ranger Key and made him his first mate. John is the only one of the rangers able to physically stand up to the captain when the latter is acting irrationally. His skills with the sword are unmatched. Stoic and strong he will keep to his vow and help Marvelous find the greatest power. For his parents role in his experiences with the Empire he severed all ties with them. Yellow Pirate Ranger- Lucy- A young street urchin who made a living stealing from the Empire on the planet Kirn. One day her young sister Lilian died while sneaking into a ruined building to gather supplies which then collapsed and the event left a mark on her. She would dream of getting enough money to help all the orphans made by the empire. One day she snuck onboard a strange craft and was soon discovered by two men. One in red and one in blue. The two men were impressed with her skills and offered her a place on their crew. Asking what was in it for her the man in red replied “the greatest power” with that Lucy accepted the Pirate Morpher and yellow Ranger Key.  As the ships lookout she trains her eyesight by spotting shooting stars every night. Refusing to let anyone tell her what to do she often is right next to Marvelous charging into battle without looking first. Green Pirate Ranger- “Doc” Doug- At the Intergalactic Institute of Science Doug was among the top in his class. He was the favorite pupil of the head master Professor Midon. Midon had discovered a formula that would allow for endless power and instantly he thought of all the good this could do for the universe. However the Empire found out about the formula and wanted it to power their weapons. The attacked the IIoS and laid waste to it. Midon and Doug were trapped in his office when Midon revealed a weapon from his desk. He ordered his friend and student to flee to an escape pod but Doug didn’t want to leave him. Finally he forced Doug to flee. As Doug ran a single shot rang out. Midon took the formula to his grave. Making his way to a safe planet Doug set up a small repair shop where one day he was approached by three people. They said their ship had a problem and Doug offered to help. After he fixed the ship they gave him a Pirate Morpher and green Ranger Key (it would be handy to have him around in case the ship broke again). The rest of the crew usually call him Doc. In battle he uses unusually methods and is the most cautious of the rangers. Pink Pirate Ranger- Princess Amanda of Momos- Momos was a peaceful planet ruled by the Queen and King equally (the Queen was head justice and made the laws, the King was the head of the army and police) The royal family was known as the Sun (queen) Moon (king) and Star (Princess) of Momos.  When the Empire started their attacks on peaceful worlds Momos sent aid to them. Finally the empire came to Momos and demanded their loyalty. The royal family as well as the people refused. In response the Empire laid waste to the people and destroyed much of the planet. The Queen and King were victims of this attack but Princess Amanda managed to flee off world. However some scout ships from the empire started to attack her escape ship. As Amanda thought she was going to die a large red ship appeared and blasted the scouts out of the stars. After they brought her on board she recognized them as the pirates who gave the empire so much trouble. Wanting to be a light to her people she asked to join. With a shrug the captain gave her a Pirate Morpher and a pink ranger key. Amanda is the peacekeeper among the crew. SILVER PIRATE RAAAAAAANGERRRRRR!- Lewis Karan- When Lewis was a little boy he and his parents were in the park when they were attacked by a monster. They were saved by the White Tiger Ranger (Tommy) and from then on Lewis loved anything and everything to do with the Power Rangers. The child of a firefighter and a doctor Lewis realized when he grew a little older that just because he didn’t have powers didn’t mean he couldn’t be a hero too. So he dedicated his time and effort to helping others (volunteered, helped out, gave a homeless man his jacket) One day he was going for a walk when he saw a child run into the street after a ball just as a truck was speeding down the street. Without hesitation Lewis ran and pushed the child out of the trucks path but was unable to get out of the way himself. After the truck sped away (the driver was never caught) Lewis was taken to the hospital in a coma. While in this coma he had a vision where he met an old man in flowing white robes. The kind man introduced himself “Hello Lewis.  My name is Zordon” This was the spirit of Zordon. He saw the goodness and potential in Lewis and created the Legacy Morpher and Silver ranger key for him to help the Pirate Rangers. Telling Lewis that the Pirate Rangers needed a reason to care about Earth and its people. They needed an Anchor, Lewis was to be that anchor. Waking up from his coma he ran home and told his parents everything. He then went to find the Pirate Rangers. And soon enough he was the sixth member of the team. Lewis discovers he has the ability to combine certain Ranger Keys. He uses this to combine the RPM Silver and Gold keys. As well as all the sixth rangers to create the Gold Anchor Key. After challenging Dresk Lewis manages to recover the Jungle Fury Spirit Ranger Keys and combines them into the TriSpirit Ranger Key. On Earth Doc met up with his close friend from the IIoS Zinda when the Megazord needed repairs. She had arrived on Earth following the attack on the IloS. She would go on to be invaluable to the Rangers.  N.A.V.I- Built by the Red Phantom to help in the quest for the keys and powers and the greatest treasure in the universe. Navigation and Vision Interface. His visions lead the rangers in their quest. When Lewis joins the hints become easier to understand. Ranger Keys are the condensed form of the Power contained by the suits. Regarding extra powers, the general rule is, if the original Ranger could use the ability while unmorphed the Ranger Key cannot use it. However if the ability can only be used while morphed then the Ranger Key can use it. (the OO abilities are an example of the former while the RPM abilities are an example of the latter)
The Pirate Rangers each have their own zord Red- Pirate Galleon Zord- A red pirate ship which doubles as the base for the crew Blue- Pirate Jet Zord Yellow- Pirate Truck Zord Green- Pirate Racer Zord Pink- Pirate Sub Zord Pirate Megazord R-Torso/Head/Weapons BG- Arms (the hat comes from B) YP- Legs Main attack is Pirate Cannon Burst When the team begin to collect Great Powers they sometimes gain a new zord to combine with. Pirate Mystic Megazord Formed from the Mystic Force Great Power- Mystic Dragon Pirate SPD Megazord Formed from the SPD Great Power- SPD Zord 1 Pirate Wild Megazord Formed from the Wild Force Great Power- Red Lion Pirate Samurai Megazord Formed from the Samurai Great Power- Red Lion Pirate Ninja Megazord Formed from the Ninja Storm Great Power- Minizord Pirate Rex Megazord Combination of Pirate Megazord and DrillRex Megazord- Formed from Dino Thunder Great Power Pirate RPM Megazord Formed from the RPM Great Power- Condor Speeder Pirate Ultrazord Formed from the Pirate Legends Great Power- Combines Pirate MZ, DrillRex, and CS DrillRex Megazord- Lewis’s personal zord- Has three modes- Drilljet, Dinosaur (nicknamed “Awesomesaurus” by Lewis), and Megazord- When inactive it is kept in the 30th century and maintained by Time Force- Is implied to have some form of sentience on occasion and once even moves its arm to catch Lewis after he is thrown from the cockpit during one of the final battles Stellar Empire- Controls over 90% of the universe. Emperor Zang- The ruthless ruler of the Empire. Prince Waru- The prince who constantly seeks his father’s approval Damaras- A battle hardened general who is in charge of the Prince’s safety Drorg- A robotic swordsman, in reality is Silias converted into a cyborg and reprogrammed to protect and serve the Prince. Inscine- The top science officer of the Empire Smasage- A hammer wielding guard of the Emperor
Zarms- Grey- The standard foot solider of the Empire Zargs- Blue- Larger brutes with blaster arms Zards- Red- The elite foot soldiers of the Emperor himself. Dresk- The former crew mate of Marvelous and the Red Phantom. Hides his true monstrous appearance. Believes that it is best to give up something to gain something better. Simi- A robotic monkey that helps Dresk with his plans. Able to produce monsters within itself. Great Powers Season- Guardian- Power- Order received- Lesson- Misc Eltar- Zoltar- Eltar Zord- Movie power- Used to destroy Noxturn forever. MMPR- Billy- Dinozords (all seven)- 19th- Honor the past- used to destroy Thrax once and for all Thunder Spirits- Aisha/Saba- Thunder Megazord Slash- 13th- Power can come from unlikely sources Aquitar Rangers- Aquitar Rangers and Ninjor- Falconzord -18th- Unite your mind, body and spirit- It’s revealed that Ninjor survived but had to retreat to his bottle to heal. The Aquitarian Rangers agreed to look after him and his temple. The Pirates seek the power after fighting and loosing against a group of ninjas (Feline Flora Force). It is revealed that there are two types of ninja. Ninjetti uses the power of the ninja beasts (ape, wolf, bear, etc) while Ninjutsu uses the power of the elements (air, water, earth, etc) Ninjor reveals that he is a master of both types and in fact helped form the first Ninja Academy. However neither type is stronger than the other but it is often best to fight fire with fire- Ninjor also uses some of his remaining power to create a Ninjor Ranger Key for Lewis to use. Zeo- Rocky- Zeo Blast (The five zeo crystal shapes come out of the limbs of the megazord and form the zeo icon and blast the enemy)- 12th- No lesson- Nearly stolen by Dresk but saved in time by the Rangers Turbo- Justin- Turbo Megazord Spinout- 6th- Don’t judge a book by its cover In Space- Andros Ashley and child- Mega Voyager Missile- 16th- Adapt to your enemy- Dresk held Andros and Ashley’s child hostage for the power but the Rangers managed to save them- Andros is the main cameo but Ashley appears in the last scene Lost Galaxy- Spirit of the Magna Defender- Galactabeast charge/ Torozord spin for DrillRex Megazord- 7th- Don’t let rage and revenge rule your life Lightspeed Rescue- Dana- Lightspeed slash- 9th- Helping others is good- Dresk tries to steal the power but is stopped by Lucy and Amanda Time Force- Alex, Wes and Jen- Chrono Cannon - 17th- Alex contacts the Pirates and says that one of them won’t survive the next battle, after hesitating the team decide to shape their own future, in the end a conversation between Alex, Wes, and Jen implies that Alex lied to teach them that.- You make your own destiny Wild Force- Cole- Pirate Wild Force Megazord- 4th- Never give up Ninja Storm- Shane, Dustin, Tori- Pirate Ninja Megazord- 10th- Get past your differences to fight a common enemy Dino Thunder- Conner and Haley- Pirate Rex Megazord- 11th- Power can come from within anyone SPD- Anubis and Jack- Pirate SPD Megazord- 2nd- The difference between Justice and revenge Mystic Force- Nick- Pirate Mystic Megazord- 1st- Believe in magic Operation Overdrive- Mac- Overdrive sabre- 8th- The thrill of adventure Jungle Fury- Casey -Jungle Spirit rush- 3rd- Never stop training yourself RPM- Dr. K and Ziggy- Condor Speeder/ Pirate RPM Megazord- 14th- Even in darkness there is light- The Condor Speeder is based on unused blueprints for the Eagle Racer- Used to destroy Venjix once and for all.- During the team up with the Samurai Rangers Venjix leaped from Scotts morpher into Professor Cog, however after the battle he had to repair himself. Almost right after she arrived in this universe Doctor K uploaded the Venjix antivirus program to the internet thus preventing the original Venjix from leaving Cog’s body. Samurai- Jayden/Lauren- Pirate Samurai Megazord- 5th- The meaning of teamwork Pirate Legends- 15th- Pirate Ultrazord- People are not judged by the lowest point in their life, they are judged by how they reach their highest.
The Pirate Rangers met many other heroes. The first of which was Power Rider 4-Z Cody Rodgers- A lifelong friend of Lewis, Cody is a friendly and excitable guy. One day he comes to town to show his old friend something amazing. He has the 4Z belt (four zone) Along with his friend they discover that when Edenoi fell to the Empire King Dex fell as well buying his people enough time to escape. With Lewis’s help Cody avenges Dex and destroys the monster that killed him (spider based a fact that scares Lewis greatly given that he has arachnophobia). “3 2 1… Let’s Ride!” “BLAST OFFFFFF!” Power Ranger/ Power Rider Crossover (regular episodes not movies) “RANGERS AND RIDERS” (two parter) Cody and the Rider Club appear in Angel Grove during a school vacation (they all go to Milky Way University) (takes place before Meteor is introduced) Rider Club Ken- Son of the man who made the FZ belt Yolei- Middle School friend of Cody and Lewis Mindy- Head Cheerleader Jake- Gamer and he has an ear to the information highway of the campus. Shawn- Quarterback of the football team and pilot of the Powerdriver armor Tiffany- Goth with a strange sense involving the Cosmic Switches During the crossover the spirit of King Dex reveals that the original king of Edenoi was the first Rider. During the crossover in order to get past the villain’s trap Lewis and Cody switch morphers “LET’S RIDE” Third part (separate episode one parter) More about the fall of Edenoi is revealed It’s revealed that the original King of Edenoi and Zoltar were friends and helped create the alliance between the worlds. The monster that killed King Dex appears on Earth and thrashes everyone Later the spirit of Dex reveals this info to Cody and Lewis and gives Cody a special switch that allows him to access the powers of the original Rider (theme from Kamen Rider plays in the background) Cody uses this power to avenge Dex and his people and finishes the monster off with a Rider Kick. “Movies” “RANGER LEGACY!” Soon after Lewis joins the team Noxturn returns and the Rangers end up fulfilling the ancient prophecy. Noxturn uses his powers to send the rangers to pocket universes until they all break free. He rises an army of defeated monsters and the Ranger Keys create an army of the past Earth Megazords and the Great Power of the Eltar Rangers is used to destroy Noxturn. “TRIBUTE TO HEROES” Crossover of Rangers, Riders, Beetleborgs, Mystic Knights, and VR Troopers A strange new enemy puts five of the rangers out of action. Acting on a vision from N.A.V.I (Find the rider of power, a child who bugged out, a night mystic, a digital warrior, and the ultimate man) Lewis gets Cody and the two journey to the Hillworth Mansion (they remember it from their comics which in universe were based on the real deal) Drew is working at the comic book store the two stop at and throws them out. It turns out that during the Ranger War the Rangers asked the Beetleborgs for help but they refused seeing as how they would have been slaughtered. However they do convince him to take him to the mansion. (the beetleborgs defeated their final enemy by gaining a new set of powers that combined the first two into one suit of armor {blue+ gold for example}) Flabber hears them talk about the next part of N.A.V.I’s vision and opens a portal in time.Out of the portal falls Rohan of the Mystic Knights. With a quick translation spell from Flabber they quickly explain the situation. He realizes that they are heroes and offers their aid. (it’s revealed that Lewis and Cody used to go to a Mystic Knight exhibit at the museum all the time as kids) The next hero to get is one of the VR Troopers. It turns out that Drew had Ryan as a professor in college. The five heroes unite and put a stop to the villain. Oh and the villain is IVAN OOZE! (somehow the comet blasted him across the multiverse and he recently freed himself and found himself here.) Lewis comments that there was an in-universe version of the Power Ranger Movie but many found it full of incorrect facts and dated graphics but Lewis still enjoyed it. After Ivan creates new versions of his titans a jet arrives with the G.U.T.S logo on the side. The Ultimate Man has arrived. With a shout Ultraman Tiga enters the battle. The heroes unite and destroy Ivan. “Guardian Legends” The Guardian Spirit Rangers arrive and engage the Pirate Rangers (Lucif cast an illusion to try and get the Pirate Rangers to destroy the Guardian Rangers for him) however during the battle both sides take care to save bystanders revealing the illusion. The two teams unite to destroy Lucif once and for all with Talaa gaining his battlizer to deliver the final blow. Before leaving Talaa mentions that the universe looks at Earth like a shining beacon of hope (Giving Lewis an idea for a plan) Near the end Marvelous and Dresk have a final duel and after striking Dresk down he begged for mercy. At first it appears that Marvelous was going to grant it. Only for the Captain to fire a single shot. A quick death was the only mercy Dresk deserved. Lewis meanwhile has grown tired of the Empire going unpunished for their actions. He comes up with a plan. A plan so dangerous that if a single step goes wrong they will all die. The plan is to destroy Empire facilities on Earth and as many ships in orbit as they can. This causes them to call in reinforcements from other worlds weakening their hold on those worlds. Using the trumpet and with some help from Zinda they manage to make a device to create ranger energy clones.  They use the device to create teams of six rangers (one real 5 clones) of the same color (or equivalent) and target Empire bases and plants. After they short out the device they broadcast a transmission to the universe by highjacking the Empire satellites; telling them that this is the time to stand up and fight for freedom! Lewis at one point says that “the power is on OUR side! No one will ever take us down!” A montage of different planets happens. On Aquitar ninjas rescues members of the Aquirian rebels and they team up to fight the Empire. The rebel leader Buboarus personally saved the life of Cestria (who was leading the assault on the Empire stronghold) On a rebel colony a group of cloaked figures approach a group of grunts. They gesture and the grunts go flying. KO-35 fights back. On Miranoi the colonists and natives ambush a group of Zarms and destroy them. On the planet Grifforzar a figure raises a sword in the air and unleashes a war cry and the sky is filled with the wings of golden warriors fighting for their freedom! On Edenoi many different Riders are fighting the Empire to take back the planet. Across Earth the heroes fight back. In Hillworth the Beetleborgs and Vr Troopers buy the civilians enough time to get to a magic shelter created at the mansion by Flabber and his muses. Flabber also uses his magic to allow the monsters to leave the mansion and fight against the alien threat. In the sky above China the forces of G.U.T.S assist Ultraman Tiga in defending the innocent. In the streets of New York a certain group of mutant turtles leap from the shadows and strike down the Zarms. Flabber also opens a portal in time, this time all the Mystic Knights arrive in Ireland and after Rohan explains the situation the knights quickly join the battle. The Rider Club is listening to the speech as well. Cody and his enemies form a temporary truce to fight against the Empire. All across the universe the Empire troops are falling. The final battle approaches… After a long and hard battle in which the Pirate Rangers use every team’s powers the Pirate Rangers win! The Emperor falls. The Empire falls! The universe is free! Days later after resting from the battle the six discover the Greatest Power in the Universe (it’s in the ruins of the Command Center) Inside the strange container is… A second Z-Wave! However unlike the first one this wave doesn’t destroy anything or anyone. This Z-Wave restores the damage caused by the Stellar Empire. Scenes of Triforian pyramids rebuilding themselves, Aquitarian structures repairing, and the fields of Momos are beautiful once more. In his temple Ninjor is fully healed. And on a certain floating island the Red Lion Wildzord wakes up from a nap to find the island populated by Wild Zords again! Captain Marvelous has a new goal, to invade the Empire homeworld and take all the treasure they stole during their invasions. As the Pirate Rangers leave Earth they release all the Ranger Keys and they fly back to their original owners. In an epilogue the RPM Rangers find and unleash the second Z-Wave restoring much of their Earth. Across the universe alliances forged in combat are strengthened by treaties and peace spreads. On Aquitar Buboarus is given the position of Green Aquitar Ranger symbolizing the start of a new age. Empire prisons are raided by the SPD and the Space Sheriffs  and those falsely jailed are set free.  However the adventure is not over yet… Morphers- Pirate Morpher/Legacy Morpher Morphing Call- Pirate Power Morphing- The pirate logo hits the ranger creating pieces of the suit. Lewis’s anchor logo does the same but for the final part it hits from behind and his glasses form his visor. RANGER WAR <——–Powerverse——-> Power Rangers Pirate Legends Set Sail
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Un petit cauchemar et un grand coup de coeur! \ a little nightmare and a big hearth beat!
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mspowerverse · 7 years
Power Rangers Pirate Legends
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I just want to say that I came up with the majority of this while Gokaiger was still airing. Using his suit’s cloaking feature Zoltar turned his armor red to honor his original suit. Zoltar pretended to be a mere pirate in order to fool the Stellar Empire, it worked and he was allowed to search the universe for the orbs which formed into Ranger Keys. He soon got a crew together to help in his search. The first was a rogue named Dresk who Zoltar saw great power in. He had hoped to help Dresk use this power to help others. The second was a wanderer in Red looking for a purpose named Marvelous. Zoltar saw greatness in him too. Zoltar had become known as the Red Phantom by this point and he told his crew that the Ranger Keys were the key to the “greatest power” though he did not tell what the power was. Finally after months the trio managed to gather all the Ranger Keys together. Tragically Dresk betrayed the others to the Empire in order to gain the Greatest Power. Zoltar managed to buy Marvelous enough time to flee with the Keys however he suffered too much damage. His Eltarian spirit began to fade. He used his final bursts of power to teleport himself back to Eltar, back to Zordon’s lab where everything began so long ago. Surrounded by the spirits of his brother and his team Zoltar finally entered the light as his spirit washed over the ruins of Eltar. Meanwhile Marvelous swore a grim vow, that he would not die until Dresk laid dead before him. Now Captain Marvelous he continued to search for the Greatest Power. Weeks later while resupplying on a planet he came across a squadron of Empire troops attacking a swordsman in Blue. He came to the man’s aid and gained his second mate. Less than a month later the two found a bandit in Yellow trying to steal from them. They had the third member of the crew. After a trip through an asteroid belt the ship was damaged and they needed the help of a scientist in Green. Another member joined the crew. The fifth member joined after they came across an escape ship containing a princess in Pink. The crew was complete for the time being. It wasn’t until months after they arrive on Earth and meet an Earthling in Silver…
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Red Pirate Ranger- Captain Marvelous- 28- When he was a small boy he and his father lived a quiet peaceful life on their home world of Akarn.  One day a cowardly crook broke into their home, the father and son caught him trying to steal a lock locket this was the only thing left of the boy’s mother. The father wouldn’t let this man take it from them. A struggle ensued and the father was shot.  The boy picked up the fallen weapon and shot the intruder. As his father was dying he told his son that one day “you’ll be marvelous” and from that day on the boy went by that name. As he grew older he stole what he needed to survive.  Marvelous is eccentric and will stop at nothing to find the Power. Before battle he will tell his team “Let’s make this a show!” and is known for leaping before looking.  Before the final battle he reveals his real name to the team “Markel” At three points (near the start, middle, and end) he reveals his growth. Each time involves him forgetting his change at a market. The first time he accuses the clerk of stealing from him. The second time he mutters his thanks and takes his change. The third time he smiles, thanks the clerk, and tells them to keep the change. Face Claim: Frank Dillane
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Blue Pirate Ranger- John- 29- This young man hails from the planet Aosa. His parents urged him to join the Empire army and make them proud (on a planet controlled by the empire there was no greater honor) and looking for a challenge in his life he agreed. He soon regretted it. The training nearly killed him and if it were not for a man named Silias he would have perished. Both Silias and John realized that they wanted nothing to do with the empire and their wars and the two started to plan to desert. However on one mission John was ordered to do the unthinkable and slaughter a group of children found by the empire. He refused and struck back against his commanders. For this treason he was scheduled to be killed however Silias saved him and seemingly gave his own life to save John. Fleeing from planet to planet John met a strange captain named Marvelous. The man in red helped him fight off his pursuers and helped him destroy the tracking device they used to find him. In gratitude he swore his service to the man. In return Marvelous handed him a Pirate Morpher and a Blue Ranger Key and made him his first mate. John is the only one of the rangers able to physically stand up to the captain when the latter is acting irrationally. His skills with the sword are unmatched. Stoic and strong he will keep to his vow and help Marvelous find the greatest power. For his parents role in his experiences with the Empire he severed all ties with them. Face Claim: Stephan James
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Yellow Pirate Ranger- Lucy- 27- A young street urchin who made a living stealing from the Empire on the planet Kirn. One day her young sister Lilian died while sneaking into a ruined building to gather supplies which then collapsed and the event left a mark on her. She would dream of getting enough money to help all the orphans made by the empire. One day she snuck onboard a strange craft and was soon discovered by two men. One in red and one in blue. The two men were impressed with her skills and offered her a place on their crew. Asking what was in it for her the man in red replied “the greatest power” with that Lucy accepted the Pirate Morpher and yellow Ranger Key.  As the ships lookout she trains her eyesight by spotting shooting stars every night. Refusing to let anyone tell her what to do she often is right next to Marvelous charging into battle without looking first. Face Claim: Tiffany Alvord
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Green Pirate Ranger- “Doc” Doug- 26- At the Intergalactic Institute of Science Doug was among the top in his class. He was the favorite pupil of the head master Professor Midon. Midon had discovered a formula that would allow for endless power and instantly he thought of all the good this could do for the universe. However the Empire found out about the formula and wanted it to power their weapons. The attacked the IIoS and laid waste to it. Midon and Doug were trapped in his office when Midon revealed a weapon from his desk. He ordered his friend and student to flee to an escape pod but Doug didn’t want to leave him. Finally he forced Doug to flee. As Doug ran a single shot rang out. Midon took the formula to his grave. Making his way to a safe planet Doug set up a small repair shop where one day he was approached by three people. They said their ship had a problem and Doug offered to help. After he fixed the ship they gave him a Pirate Morpher and green Ranger Key (it would be handy to have him around in case the ship broke again). The rest of the crew usually call him Doc. In battle he uses unusual methods and is the most cautious of the rangers. Face Claim: Fady Elsayed
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Pink Pirate Ranger- Princess Amanda of Momos- 21- Momos was a peaceful planet ruled by the Queen and King equally (the Queen was head justice and made the laws, the King was the head of the army and police) The royal family was known as the Sun (queen) Moon (king) and Star (Princess) of Momos.  When the Empire started their attacks on peaceful worlds Momos sent aid to them. Finally the empire came to Momos and demanded their loyalty. The royal family as well as the people refused. In response the Empire laid waste to the people and destroyed much of the planet. The Queen and King were victims of this attack but Princess Amanda managed to flee off world. However some scout ships from the empire started to attack her escape ship. As Amanda thought she was going to die a large red ship appeared and blasted the scouts out of the stars. After they brought her on board she recognized them as the pirates who gave the empire so much trouble. Wanting to be a light to her people she asked to join. With a shrug the captain gave her a Pirate Morpher and a pink ranger key. Amanda is the peacekeeper among the crew.
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Silver Pirate Ranger- Lewis Karan- 25- When Lewis was a little boy he and his parents were in the park when they were attacked by a monster. They were saved by the White Tiger Ranger (Tommy) and from then on Lewis loved anything and everything to do with the Power Rangers. The child of a firefighter and a doctor Lewis realized when he grew a little older that just because he didn’t have powers didn’t mean he couldn’t be a hero too. So he dedicated his time and effort to helping others (volunteered, helped out, gave a homeless man his jacket) One day he was going for a walk when he saw a child run into the street after a ball just as a truck was speeding down the street. Without hesitation Lewis ran and pushed the child out of the trucks path but was unable to get out of the way himself. After the truck sped away (the driver was never caught) Lewis was taken to the hospital in a coma. While in this coma he had a vision where he met an old man in flowing white robes. The kind man introduced himself “Hello Lewis.  My name is Zordon” This was the spirit of Zordon. He saw the goodness and potential in Lewis and created the Legacy Morpher and Silver ranger key for him to help the Pirate Rangers. Telling Lewis that the Pirate Rangers needed a reason to care about Earth and its people. They needed an Anchor, Lewis was to be that anchor. Waking up from his coma he ran home and told his parents everything. He then went to find the Pirate Rangers. And soon enough he was the sixth member of the team. Lewis discovers he has the ability to combine certain Ranger Keys. He uses this to combine the RPM Silver and Gold keys. As well as all the sixth rangers to create the Gold Anchor Key. After challenging Dresk Lewis manages to recover the Jungle Fury Spirit Ranger Keys and combines them into the TriSpirit Ranger Key. On Earth Doc met up with his close friend from the IIoS Zinda when the Megazord needed repairs. She had arrived on Earth following the attack on the IloS. She would go on to be invaluable to the Rangers.  N.A.V.I- Built by the Red Phantom to help in the quest for the keys and powers and the greatest treasure in the universe. Navigation and Vision Interface. His visions lead the rangers in their quest. When Lewis joins the hints become easier to understand. Ranger Keys are the condensed form of the Power contained by the suits. Regarding extra powers, the general rule is, if the original Ranger could use the ability while unmorphed the Ranger Key cannot use it. However if the ability can only be used while morphed then the Ranger Key can use it. (the OO abilities are an example of the former while the RPM abilities are an example of the latter)
The Pirate Rangers each have their own zord Red- Pirate Galleon Zord- A red pirate ship which doubles as the base for the crew Blue- Pirate Jet Zord Yellow- Pirate Truck Zord Green- Pirate Racer Zord Pink- Pirate Sub Zord Pirate Megazord R-Torso/Head/Weapons BG- Arms (the hat comes from B) YP- Legs Main attack is Pirate Cannon Burst When the team begin to collect Great Powers they sometimes gain a new zord to combine with. Pirate Mystic Megazord Formed from the Mystic Force Great Power- Mystic Dragon Pirate SPD Megazord Formed from the SPD Great Power- SPD Zord 1 Pirate Wild Megazord Formed from the Wild Force Great Power- Red Lion Pirate Samurai Megazord Formed from the Samurai Great Power- Red Lion Pirate Ninja Megazord Formed from the Ninja Storm Great Power- Minizord Pirate Rex Megazord Combination of Pirate Megazord and DrillRex Megazord- Formed from Dino Thunder Great Power Pirate RPM Megazord Formed from the RPM Great Power- Condor Speeder Pirate Ultrazord Formed from the Pirate Legends Great Power- Combines Pirate MZ, DrillRex, and CS DrillRex Megazord- Lewis’s personal zord- Has three modes- Drilljet, Dinosaur (nicknamed “Awesomesaurus” by Lewis), and Megazord- When inactive it is kept in the 30th century and maintained by Time Force- Is implied to have some form of sentience on occasion and once even moves its arm to catch Lewis after he is thrown from the cockpit during one of the final battles Stellar Empire- Controls over 90% of the universe. Emperor Zang- The ruthless ruler of the Empire. Prince Waru- The prince who constantly seeks his father’s approval Damaras- A battle hardened general who is in charge of the Prince’s safety Drorg- A robotic swordsman, in reality is Silias converted into a cyborg and reprogrammed to protect and serve the Prince. Inscine- The top science officer of the Empire Smasage- A hammer wielding guard of the Emperor
Zarms- Grey- The standard foot solider of the Empire Zargs- Blue- Larger brutes with blaster arms Zards- Red- The elite foot soldiers of the Emperor himself. Dresk- The former crew mate of Marvelous and the Red Phantom. Hides his true monstrous appearance. Believes that it is best to give up something to gain something better. Simi- A robotic monkey that helps Dresk with his plans. Able to produce monsters within itself. Great Powers Season- Guardian- Power- Order received- Lesson- Misc Eltar- Zoltar- Eltar Zord- Movie power- Used to destroy Noxturn forever. MMPR- Billy- Dinozords (all seven)- 19th- Honor the past- used to destroy Thrax once and for all Thunder Spirits- Aisha/Saba- Thunder Megazord Slash- 13th- Power can come from unlikely sources Aquitar Rangers- Aquitar Rangers and Ninjor- Falconzord -18th- Unite your mind, body and spirit- It’s revealed that Ninjor survived but had to retreat to his bottle to heal. The Aquitarian Rangers agreed to look after him and his temple. The Pirates seek the power after fighting and loosing against a group of ninjas (Feline Flora Force). It is revealed that there are two types of ninja. Ninjetti uses the power of the ninja beasts (ape, wolf, bear, etc) while Ninjutsu uses the power of the elements (air, water, earth, etc) Ninjor reveals that he is a master of both types and in fact helped form the first Ninja Academy. However neither type is stronger than the other but it is often best to fight fire with fire- Ninjor also uses some of his remaining power to create a Ninjor Ranger Key for Lewis to use. Zeo- Rocky- Zeo Blast (The five zeo crystal shapes come out of the limbs of the megazord and form the zeo icon and blast the enemy)- 12th- No lesson- Nearly stolen by Dresk but saved in time by the Rangers Turbo- Justin- Turbo Megazord Spinout- 6th- Don’t judge a book by its cover In Space- Andros Ashley and child- Mega Voyager Missile- 16th- Adapt to your enemy- Dresk held Andros and Ashley’s child hostage for the power but the Rangers managed to save them- Andros is the main cameo but Ashley appears in the last scene Lost Galaxy- Spirit of the Magna Defender- Galactabeast charge/ Torozord spin for DrillRex Megazord- 7th- Don’t let rage and revenge rule your life Lightspeed Rescue- Dana- Lightspeed slash- 9th- Helping others is good- Dresk tries to steal the power but is stopped by Lucy and Amanda Time Force- Alex, Wes and Jen- Chrono Cannon - 17th- Alex contacts the Pirates and says that one of them won’t survive the next battle, after hesitating the team decide to shape their own future, in the end a conversation between Alex, Wes, and Jen implies that Alex lied to teach them that.- You make your own destiny Wild Force- Cole- Pirate Wild Force Megazord- 4th- Never give up Ninja Storm- Shane, Dustin, Tori- Pirate Ninja Megazord- 10th- Get past your differences to fight a common enemy Dino Thunder- Conner and Haley- Pirate Rex Megazord- 11th- Power can come from within anyone SPD- Anubis and Jack- Pirate SPD Megazord- 2nd- The difference between Justice and revenge Mystic Force- Nick- Pirate Mystic Megazord- 1st- Believe in magic Operation Overdrive- Mac- Overdrive sabre- 8th- The thrill of adventure Jungle Fury- Casey -Jungle Spirit rush- 3rd- Never stop training yourself RPM- Dr. K and Ziggy- Condor Speeder/ Pirate RPM Megazord- 14th- Even in darkness there is light- The Condor Speeder is based on unused blueprints for the Eagle Racer- Used to destroy Venjix once and for all.- During the team up with the Samurai Rangers Venjix leaped from Scotts morpher into Professor Cog, however after the battle he had to repair himself. Almost right after she arrived in this universe Doctor K uploaded the Venjix antivirus program to the internet thus preventing the original Venjix from leaving Cog’s body. Samurai- Jayden/Lauren- Pirate Samurai Megazord- 5th- The meaning of teamwork Pirate Legends- 15th- Pirate Ultrazord- People are not judged by the lowest point in their life, they are judged by how they reach their highest.
The Pirate Rangers met many other heroes. The first of which was Power Rider 4-Z Cody Rodgers- A lifelong friend of Lewis, Cody is a friendly and excitable guy. One day he comes to town to show his old friend something amazing. He has the 4Z belt (four zone) Along with his friend they discover that when Edenoi fell to the Empire King Dex fell as well buying his people enough time to escape. With Lewis’s help Cody avenges Dex and destroys the monster that killed him (spider based a fact that scares Lewis greatly given that he has arachnophobia). “3 2 1… Let’s Ride!” “BLAST OFFFFFF!” Power Ranger/ Power Rider Crossover (regular episodes not movies) “RANGERS AND RIDERS” (two parter) Cody and the Rider Club appear in Angel Grove during a school vacation (they all go to Milky Way University) (takes place before Meteor is introduced) Rider Club Ken- Son of the man who made the FZ belt Yolei- Middle School friend of Cody and Lewis Mindy- Head Cheerleader Jake- Gamer and he has an ear to the information highway of the campus. Shawn- Quarterback of the football team and pilot of the Powerdriver armor Tiffany- Goth with a strange sense involving the Cosmic Switches During the crossover the spirit of King Dex reveals that the original king of Edenoi was the first Rider. During the crossover in order to get past the villain’s trap Lewis and Cody switch morphers “LET’S RIDE” Third part (separate episode one parter) More about the fall of Edenoi is revealed It’s revealed that the original King of Edenoi and Zoltar were friends and helped create the alliance between the worlds. The monster that killed King Dex appears on Earth and thrashes everyone Later the spirit of Dex reveals this info to Cody and Lewis and gives Cody a special switch that allows him to access the powers of the original Rider (theme from Kamen Rider plays in the background) Cody uses this power to avenge Dex and his people and finishes the monster off with a Rider Kick. “Movies” “RANGER LEGACY!” Soon after Lewis joins the team Noxturn returns and the Rangers end up fulfilling the ancient prophecy. Noxturn uses his powers to send the rangers to pocket universes until they all break free. He rises an army of defeated monsters and the Ranger Keys create an army of the past Earth Megazords and the Great Power of the Eltar Rangers is used to destroy Noxturn. “TRIBUTE TO HEROES” Crossover of Rangers, Riders, Beetleborgs, Mystic Knights, and VR Troopers A strange new enemy puts five of the rangers out of action. Acting on a vision from N.A.V.I (Find the rider of power, a child who bugged out, a night mystic, a digital warrior, and the ultimate man) Lewis gets Cody and the two journey to the Hillworth Mansion (they remember it from their comics which in universe were based on the real deal) Drew is working at the comic book store the two stop at and throws them out. It turns out that during the Ranger War the Rangers asked the Beetleborgs for help but they refused seeing as how they would have been slaughtered. However they do convince him to take him to the mansion. (the beetleborgs defeated their final enemy by gaining a new set of powers that combined the first two into one suit of armor {blue+ gold for example}) Flabber hears them talk about the next part of N.A.V.I’s vision and opens a portal in time.Out of the portal falls Rohan of the Mystic Knights. With a quick translation spell from Flabber they quickly explain the situation. He realizes that they are heroes and offers their aid. (it’s revealed that Lewis and Cody used to go to a Mystic Knight exhibit at the museum all the time as kids) The next hero to get is one of the VR Troopers. It turns out that Drew had Ryan as a professor in college. The five heroes unite and put a stop to the villain. Oh and the villain is IVAN OOZE! (somehow the comet blasted him across the multiverse and he recently freed himself and found himself here.) Lewis comments that there was an in-universe version of the Power Ranger Movie but many found it full of incorrect facts and dated graphics but Lewis still enjoyed it. After Ivan creates new versions of his titans a jet arrives with the G.U.T.S logo on the side. The Ultimate Man has arrived. With a shout Ultraman Tiga enters the battle. The heroes unite and destroy Ivan. “Guardian Legends” The Guardian Spirit Rangers arrive and engage the Pirate Rangers (Lucif cast an illusion to try and get the Pirate Rangers to destroy the Guardian Rangers for him) however during the battle both sides take care to save bystanders revealing the illusion. The two teams unite to destroy Lucif once and for all with Talaa gaining his battlizer to deliver the final blow. As he falls Lucif accuses the Guardian Rangers of dooming Gosei revealing he had cast an illusion shielding the planet from the Empire’s sight. With his destruction the illusion fades and the Empire begins to approach the world. Before leaving to protect their home Talaa mentions that the universe looks at Earth like a shining beacon of hope (Giving Lewis an idea for a plan) Near the end Marvelous and Dresk have a final duel and after striking Dresk down he begged for mercy. At first it appears that Marvelous was going to grant it. Only for the Captain to fire a single shot. A quick death was the only mercy Dresk deserved. Lewis meanwhile has grown tired of the Empire going unpunished for their actions. He comes up with a plan. A plan so dangerous that if a single step goes wrong they will all die. The plan is to destroy Empire facilities on Earth and as many ships in orbit as they can. This causes them to call in reinforcements from other worlds weakening their hold on those worlds. Using the trumpet and with some help from Zinda they manage to make a device to create ranger energy clones.  They use the device to create teams of six rangers (one real 5 clones) of the same color (or equivalent) and target Empire bases and plants. After they short out the device they broadcast a transmission to the universe by highjacking the Empire satellites; telling them that this is the time to stand up and fight for freedom! Lewis at one point says that “the power is on OUR side! No one will ever take us down!” A montage of different planets happens. On Aquitar ninjas rescues members of the Aquirian rebels and they team up to fight the Empire. The rebel leader Buboarus personally saved the life of Cestria (who was leading the assault on the Empire stronghold) On a rebel colony a group of cloaked figures approach a group of grunts. They gesture and the grunts go flying. KO-35 fights back. On Miranoi the colonists and natives ambush a group of Zarms and destroy them. On the planet Grifforzar a figure raises a sword in the air and unleashes a war cry and the sky is filled with the wings of golden warriors fighting for their freedom! On Edenoi many different Riders are fighting the Empire to take back the planet. Across Earth the heroes fight back. In Hillworth the Beetleborgs and Vr Troopers buy the civilians enough time to get to a magic shelter created at the mansion by Flabber and his muses. Flabber also uses his magic to allow the monsters to leave the mansion and fight against the alien threat. In the sky above China the forces of G.U.T.S assist Ultraman Tiga in defending the innocent. In the streets of New York a certain group of mutant turtles leap from the shadows and strike down the Zarms. Flabber also opens a portal in time, this time all the Mystic Knights arrive in Ireland and after Rohan explains the situation the knights quickly join the battle. The Rider Club is listening to the speech as well. Cody and his enemies form a temporary truce to fight against the Empire. All across the universe the Empire troops are falling. The final battle approaches… After a long and hard battle in which the Pirate Rangers use every team’s powers the Pirate Rangers win! The Emperor falls. The Empire falls! The universe is free! Days later after resting from the battle the six discover the Greatest Power in the Universe (it’s in the ruins of the Command Center) Inside the strange container is… A second Z-Wave! However unlike the first one this wave doesn’t destroy anything or anyone. This Z-Wave restores the damage caused by the Stellar Empire. Scenes of Triforian pyramids rebuilding themselves, Aquitarian structures repairing, and the fields of Momos are beautiful once more. In his temple Ninjor is fully healed. And on a certain floating island the Red Lion Wildzord wakes up from a nap to find the island populated by Wild Zords again! Captain Marvelous has a new goal, to invade the Empire homeworld and take all the treasure they stole during their invasions. As the Pirate Rangers leave Earth they release all the Ranger Keys and they fly back to their original owners. In an epilogue the RPM Rangers find and unleash the second Z-Wave restoring much of their Earth. Across the universe alliances forged in combat are strengthened by treaties and peace spreads. On Aquitar Buboarus is given the position of Green Aquitar Ranger symbolizing the start of a new age. Empire prisons are raided by the SPD and the Space Sheriffs  and those falsely jailed are set free.  However the adventure is not over yet… Morphers- Pirate Morpher/Legacy Morpher Morphing Call- Pirate Power Morphing- The pirate logo hits the ranger creating pieces of the suit. Lewis’s anchor logo does the same but for the final part it hits from behind and his glasses form his visor. (Bios by @dream-chef-flavors and @rosegrl18) RANGER WAR <——–Powerverse——-> Power Rangers Pirate Legends Set Sail
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flauntpage · 6 years
Meet the Flyers Fan Who Got Gritty's Face Tattooed on His Ass
Everyone has their own differing opinions when it comes to what makes a good, respectable sports mascot, and no fictional beast has polarized the general audience more than the orange, Philly-born mutt known as Gritty.
The Philadelphia Flyers unveiled the googly-eyed, sinister beast to the start off the NHL season, and right off the hop it was clear that Gritty wouldn't be playing the roll of your everyday, child-pleasing mascot we've grown to love and accept.
No, no, no. This thing is different. Gritty is a cocky asshole. A superstar of a mascot who has spent his first month in the spotlight in both the hockey world and beyond. From flying into Philly's home opener on a literal wrecking ball, to making the rounds on the late night TV circuit, to recreating a viral Kim Kardashian photo, to growing a Twitter following of 150K in a month, Gritty has forced himself into the mainstream conversation. And, remember, he's just a fucking mascot.
For every person outside the city that has a problem with the Flyers' new hype man, there's 100 Philadelphia sports fans who are firmly behind the savage monster. It's peak Philly in the most glorious way.
One of those people who is all in on Gritty is 25-year-old apprentice lineman, and Northeast Philly native, James Kirn, a lifelong Flyers fan who showed his respect to the polarizing mascot by getting a massive, vibrant (and very, very permanent) tattoo of the tweaked-out fur ball directly on his left ass cheek.
In a very important conversation with VICE Sports, Kirn spoke about the decision and reaction he's gotten since getting Gritty's face plastered across his ass.
The following interview has been edited for length and clarity.
VICE Sports: What were your first thoughts when the Flyers unveiled Gritty to the world?
James Kirn: Oh man, I guess the same thing everyone else thought—like what the hell is that thing? But I loved it immediately, when it came out [I thought] that this is great. I just thought it was hilarious. How could you not?
What has made Flyers fans like you and many around hockey embrace this freak of a mascot so much?
It's just the way he acts, running around like a mad man. The way he acts toward the fans and everyone else, you know? He pretty much does whatever he wants whenever he wants to do it. It's pretty badass.
Where did the idea to get Gritty tattooed on your ass come from?
My buddy who was supposed to go with me is getting married, so he came over and asked me to be in his wedding and brought me a bottle of whiskey, and that's how it all started. And then we went and grabbed food and when he was going to take me home he mentioned it and I said, 'Dude, I'm in.'
[My] buddy brought it up to me. I always wanted to get a tattoo on my ass cause I knew it'd be funny, but he brought it up to me and was like, 'Yo, let's get Gritty tattoos on our asses, and I'm like, 'Let's do it.' If I thought people weren't going to get a laugh out of [the tattoo], it definitely wouldn't be on me right now, I'll tell ya that.
But then your buddy bailed after bringing up the idea? We were out grabbing some some drinks and something to eat [on October 18], and he was taking me home and was like, 'You wanna go get those Gritty tattoos?' And I [told him] I'm all in. [But] we just ended up going home that night. Later on I texted [my buddy] and said, 'Yo I'm going, I found someone to do it and you're either in or you're out.' And he said he didn't know, so I said, 'Alright, sorry man.' And the next thing I know I'm face down getting my ass tattooed.
What's the reaction been like from friends and family?
I mean I loved the idea, like why not, you know? I think it's funny, apparently everyone else thinks it's funny. Of course there's a handful of people that think I'm a jackass but I don't care—that shit doesn't bother me. The bad reaction I've gotten isn't too bad, just people thinking I'm a jackass, which I know I am so it doesn't bother me.
After it was done I went [to see my friend who suggested the idea) and a couple of my buddies were there and took videos and stuff. Dude, it's hilarious. My brother is a huge Flyers fan so he loves it. [My] mom and dad were kind of like, you know. My sister's got a bunch of tattoos so she thinks it was pretty funny. Friends and family laugh at it because they know my personality—they're not exactly surprised that I went through with it.
My sister and brother love the ass tattoo so much they're getting the Phillie Phanatic and the Sixers mascot (Franklin) on their asses, and I have a 13-year-old brother whose going to get like a fake Swoop tattoo (the Eagles mascot) on his ass and we're getting a picture.
How many beers deep were you the night you got inked?
Quite a few. Yep, quite a few.
How did you select the tattoo artist and what kind of reaction did they have?
I have some tattoos but I wasn't going to make my regular guy tattoo my ass, you know? So I went to [some guy] in the city. He was real hesitant at first. I walked in and I asked him if he knew the Flyers mascot, Gritty, and he said of course. Then I was like, 'Well I want to get that on my ass' and he kind of like put his head down and looked over at one of the other artists and the other artist like shrugged his shoulders. [But then] the guy said, 'Alright, fuck it, let's do it.'
I [asked if] he was sure and [he was], so I said, 'Fuck it, let's do it.' He went back and drew it up and that was it. After he got over the fact that he was tattooing my ass, he actually loved the idea—he thought he could go viral with it, too, so he made sure to do his best work on it, and he definitely did. It turned out great.
What was your mindset once you knew it was actually going to happen?
Once I was committed it was game on. Once I decided to do it, there was nothing stopping me. I didn’t even care because, like I said, I knew it was going to be funny shit, so why not? There wasn't one single part of me that thought, 'Am I really doing this?' I was one-hundred percent in—not even one bit of hesitation.
Anyone in the Flyers organization, media, or Gritty himself, reach out to you after? Nah, not really. I was actually surprised when you even contacted me—I thought, 'Wow, is this guy serious?' I'm going to try to get Gritty to come to my buddy's wedding next year. I'm going to try to get him to come to the wedding and I think the only thing that's going to stop it is if the Flyers have a game that day because it's an October wedding. That might be the only issue. It'd be great, so I'm going to work on that.
How do you feel about going semi-viral on social media?
When I put it on Twitter I was just doing it for a laugh, I didn't think people would eat it up like they did. I didn't put it on Instagram or Facebook or anything, I just threw it up on Twitter to see what kind of reactions I'd get. I was reading some of the stuff people were saying and I just could not stop laughing. It was great.
How much did it cost and what was the process like?
I think it took around two and a half hours. And it hurt like hell. It hurt real bad. I think I paid him $300. I know what they cost so I knew it was a good price.
[But] I never intended for it to be as big as it was. He pulled out two stencils and I looked at both of them and one was bigger and one was a little smaller, and he put the stencil down and I looked at it in the mirror and thought, 'Wow, that’s huge.' I never wanted it to be that big but I was like, 'You know what, fuck it.' I didn't even care. It takes up my whole ass [cheek].
Do you see yourself regretting this at some point?
No, no. I've already committed to the fact that it's on there forever so, no, I don't care.
You going to even out your ass tattoo ratio with one for the other cheek?
I've thought about it already, we'll have to see. It's gotta be something just as outrageous, you know what I mean? Maybe I'll [also] get the Philie Phanatic on there.
If I would've gone with the Phillie Phanatic on my ass to start instead of Gritty, it wouldn't have blown up like it did, you know what I mean? Gritty's face is one that's only been out for like a month, but everyone in hockey recognizes it—more than just hockey. He's a star. You can't mistake that face. I got guys at work calling me Gritty and shit. It's great, I love it. I love the attention it brings, I love the laughs.
Have you been showing off your ass art?
I have a picture of it so sometimes I'll bring the picture out, but it depends where I'm at. If I'm around my family and stuff I'll just pull down my pants and bust it out and say, 'Look what I got' and just stand there with my ass out. I pulled it out at the bar one [recent] night and got a good reaction. I didn't get any free drinks out of it, though, which would've been nice.
This article originally appeared on VICE Sports CA.
Meet the Flyers Fan Who Got Gritty's Face Tattooed on His Ass published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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