#the line is Isabella's catchphrase from phineas and ferb
cosmichearter · 1 year
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Michael: I am once again pestering you, Archivist 
[Image ID: The drawing depicts Michael Distortion, a white man and spiral entity with long fluffy blonde hair, speaking to Jonathan Sims, a brown man with gray streaked short brown hair and crescent moon glasses. Jonathan Sims is reading from and holding up a piece of paper, while Michael is resting his chin in his hand. Michael wears a lime-green fuzzy sweater under a brown cardigan, while Jonathan wears a green button up shirt. Michael is slightly glowing. /. End ID]
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cartoon-aes · 6 years
so i’m totally in love with the crossover (duh) but i do feel like i didn’t enjoy it as much as i could’ve because i hyped it up so much in my head. there wasn’t anything wrong with it really, it was amazing. i just wish they had more time i guess? some of the scenes, especially the one with candace and milo, felt super rushed. candace to me just didn’t really feel like pnf candace. i can’t pinpoint why exactly but she just felt a little ooc. i’m super pissed about isabella though. she didn’t come in until 35 minutes into the special, and she only had two lines. TWO. and they were both like a little play on her catchphrase from pnf. i get that she was out being badass and whatever like NOTLP but she should’ve had more screen time, more lines, a bigger role in saving the world because she is so fucking cool. like she wasn’t even in the final scene with all the kids??? it’s like she wasn’t even a main character in pnf. it just really pissed me off that this is all we got because she deserves better. on another note, dacavendish is basically canon at this point like it was so obvious. and umm baljeet dabbed. that’s so cursed but whatever i still love him. doof’s little character development was so fucking amazing to see though. and perry was out there being the best character in the world as usual. i did really like the overall feel of the episode though. it had classic elements of a phineas and ferb episode with the montage and especially the music that just made it feel straight out of like season 4 to me but it kept the feel of mml too with the time travel and somewhat convoluted plot. idk i can’t really explain but i felt like they mixed the two different vibes together really nicely. i’m really excited for season 2 now and the note about possibly more crossovers at the end has me really excited. i wish diogee could’ve had some cool owca mission or something, so maybe that will come later? and maybe we can actually see isabella and vanessa and carl and everyone. i enjoyed the crossover for what it was, even if it wasn’t exactly what i had hoped. for the time frame and the budget it was really good. 8/10
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