#the lady with the spear is adventurous mrs took; the lady in the flower crown is the fairy wife she met on her adventures :)
arofili · 10 months
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lord of the rings ladies week day one | hobbits + fairy tales | mrs. took and her fairy wife | @lotrladiessource
It was often said (in other families) that long ago one of the Took ancestors must have taken a fairy wife.
—The Hobbit, “An Unexpected Journey”
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Common Kitchen Herbs 🌱
Not every witch has access to metaphysical shops that sell specialty herbs, or herbs you can’t find in your local grocery store, so here is a list of common herbs and spices that you can easily access, or that you may already have! 
Aside from obtaining these herbs and spices individually, look for bottles of poultry or beef seasoning, and other seasoning blends (Cajun, Italian, etc.) - they usually contain a variety of these herbs in one convenient container. 
·         Allspice - prosperity, luck, healing, energy
·         Anise Seed - protection, happiness, enhanced psychic ability, cleansing, warding off nightmares and disturbing dreams
·         Basil -  love, banishing, wealth, success, sympathy, protection; dispelling confusion, fears, and weakness
·         Bay Leaf - wishes, protection, good fortune, success, purification, strength, healing, inducing prophetic dreams, enhanced psychic ability
·         Black Pepper - protection, banishing, cursing
·         Chamomile - peace, relaxation, restful sleep, love, healing, luck, prosperity, removing curses or negating spells
·         Chili Powder - love, fidelity, cursing, removing curses or negating spells
·         Cinnamon - success, healing, protection, power, love, luck, strength, prosperity
·         Cloves - protection, love, prosperity, banishing, friendship, stopping gossip
·         Cumin - love, fidelity, protection, banishing, preventing theft
·         Dill - prosperity, protection, luck, lust
·         Fennel - strength, vitality, sexual virility; prevents curses and wards off negative energy
·         Garlic Powder & Garlic Salt - healing, protection, banishing, cleansing, purification
·         Ginger - sensuality, sexuality, personal confidence, prosperity, success, health, protection, new experiences and adventures
·         Mace - concentration, focus, self-discipline, studying
·         Marjoram - cleansing, purification, dispelling negative energy, protection, love, wealth, revealing the truth through dreams, overcoming sadness and grief
·         Mustard Seed - courage, endurance, preventing physical injury, luck, success
·         Nutmeg - prosperity, luck, protection, intellect, removing curses
·         Onion Powder & Onion Salt - prosperity, stability, endurance, protection, breaking bad habits, cleansing
·         Oregano - happiness, strength, energy, vitality 
·         Paprika - energy
·         Red Pepper - energy, banishing, cursing
·         Rosemary - healing, love, lust, improved memory, dispelling negative energy, cleansing, warding off nightmares
·         Sage - cleansing, purification, wisdom, healing, dispelling negative energy, wishes, overcoming grief and loss
·         Sea Salt - cleansing, purification, banishing, protection
·         Sesame Seed - prosperity, lust, passion
·         Tarragon - healing, compassion
·         Thyme - loyalty, affection, strength, courage, banishing, cleansing, healing, luck, prosperity, restful sleep, warding off nightmares
·         Turmeric - cleansing, purification
Common spice brands include: 
·         McCormick
·         Mrs. Dash
·         Lawry’s
·         Old Bay
      🌕 Moonbeam Ward 🌕
With the rise of the full moon this evening, I feel as though it’s a perfect time to cleanse and ward your space. 
Ingredients & items: 
·         Visualization 
·         Basic knowledge of shielding and energy work
·         Lemon essential oil or lemon peels
1.       At sunset, or when the moon is visible in the sky, begin by cleansing your space using either lemon essential oil or lemon peels (lemon corresponds with both cleansing and lunar energy)  - you can use these in whatever manner you choose, but some ideas include steam cleansing, crafting a spray to use in your home, making a floor wash, etc. 
2.       Once you feel as though your space is sufficiently cleansed, it’s time to put up a fresh ward - you may do this next part inside or outside so long as you can see the moon. 
3.       Visualize a moonbeam shining down onto your home, engulfing it in a ball of light, thus providing a shield to repel negative energy (you can use your hands or a wand to physically direct lunar energy down from the moon and onto your home if that helps). 
4.       Meditate on your intent as you do this, which is to prevent the entrance of negative or unwanted energy into your space.
5.       When finished, seal the shield at the top of the ball of moonlight, sending any unused energy back into the cosmos. 
6.       Renew this shield during each full moon.
 Lunar Eclipse Water 🌕🌞
Lunar Eclipse water can be used for matters involving illumination, revealing secrets, unveiling hidden knowledge, healing, protection, and divination.
·         Clean, clear container 
·         Water (the source doesn’t matter) 
·         Optional: a sigil or statement of intent written on paper
1.       On the day of the lunar eclipse (August 7th), fill your container with water and set outside or in your windowsill before the peak of the eclipse (the time will depend on your location) 
2.       Program the jar to absorb energy from the eclipse - you can use visualization to accomplish this, or set the jar on top of the sigil/statement I mentioned above
3.       Remove the jar before the eclipse ends and store in a cool, dark place
Note: this eclipse will only be visible to those who reside in Australia, Europe, Africa, and Asia.
   Magickal Folk Names for Herbs
Having knowledge of herbs and plants (either magically or medicinally) during the Middle Ages, often was reason enough to accuse a woman of being a “witch,” so there is no doubt some of the country folk at the time took these herbal folk names literal.  Chances are, these names were used merely as descriptors to help remember them easier.  Most plants were given names descriptive of their uses and others were given names for something they generally resembled. Spells written by witches in ancient times were often written with such descriptors, which personally i believe to be a form of secret coding.
Here is a small list of “witchy” herb names (most of these are already floating around the community) that you can use in your craft when you create your spells.  This list could be a great addition to any Grimoire and i hope you find them as useful as i do. 
Enjoy ~~~  Cannawitch
Aaron’s Rod - Goldenrod or mullein stalk  Absinthe - Wormwood  Adder’s Fork - Adder’s Tongue Fern or Bistort  Adder’s Tongue - Dog’s Tooth Violet (or Adder’s Tongue Fern  Ague root - Unicorn root  Alison - Sweet Alyssum  Angel Food, Archangel - Angelica  Angel’s Trumpet - Datura  Ass’s Ear - colt’s foot or comfrey  Ass’s Foot, Bull’s Foot - colt’s foot  Auld Man’s Bells, Old man’s bells - wood hyacinth, Hyacinthoides hispanica
Bad Man’s/Devil’s Oatmeal/Porridge - hemlock  Bad Man’s/Devil’s Plaything - Yarrow  Bastard - false Dittany  Bat flower - tacca  Bat’s Wing - Holly leaf  Bat’s Wool - moss (which moss?)  Bear’s Foot - Lady’s Mantle  Bear’s Grape Bearberry Arctostaphylos uva-ursi  Bear Paw - ramsons Allium ursinum or the root of male fern Dryopteris Felix-mas  Bear weed - Yerba Santa Eriodictyon californicum  Beard of a Monk - Chicory  Beggar’s Lice - Hound’s tongue  Beggar’s Buttons - Burdock  Bird’s Eye - Speedwell Veronica officinalis  Bird’s Foot - Fenugreek Trigonella foenum-graecum (Also bird’s foot violet and bird’s foot trefoil)  Bird’s Nest - carrot, Indian pipe  Bishop’s Wort, Bishop’s Elder - Wood betony Stachys betonica  Bitter Grass - Ague Root Aletris Farinosa  Black Sampson - Echinacea  Blazing Star - liatris  Blind Eyes - Poppy  Blood from a head - Lupine *  Blood from a shoulder - Bear’s breech *  Blood of a Goose - Sap from a mulberry * Morus nigra  Blood of an Eye - Tamarisk gall * (probably the tannin extracted from)  Blood of Ares - purslane *  Blood of Hephaestus - wormwood *  Blood of Hestia - Chamomile *  Blood - sap of the elder or bloodwort  Bloody butcher - Valerian  Bloody Fingers - Foxglove  Blue Bottle - Bachelor’s buttons  Boy’s Love, Lad’s Love: Southernwood  Brain Thief - Mandrake  Bone of an Ibis - buckthorn * I am not sure if this is Rhamnus cathartica or sea buckthorn Hippophae spp If I can find a recipe containing this, I will know for sure by comparing its purpose to their very different qualities  Bread and Cheese - Hawthorn  Bride of the Meadow - meadowsweet  Bull’s Blood - beet or horehound  Burning bush - false dittany, also a modern name for species of Euonymus  Cow’s Horn - Fenugreek Trigonella foenum-graecum  Bride of the Sun - calendula  Brown Dragon - wake robin  Buttons - tansy
Calf’s snout - Snapdragon  Candlemas Maiden - snowdrop  Candlewick - mullein, the flower stalk  Capon’s Tail - valerian  Carpenter’s Herb - bugleweed Lycopus europaeus  Carpenter’s Square - knotted figwort  Carpenter’s weed - Yarrow  Cat - catnip  Cat’s foot - white balsam, black cohosh, ground ivy  Cat’s herb - valerian  Chameleon star - bromeliad  Cheeses - marsh mallow  Chocolate flower - wild geranium (I don’t buy it)  Christ’s eye - wild clary Salvia verbenaca  Christ’s ladder - centaury  Christ’s spear - adder’s tongue fern Ophioglossum vulgatum  Church steeple - Agrimony  Clear eye - clary sage  Cleavers - bedstraw  Click - goosegrass  Clot - great mullien  Cocklebur - Agrimony  Cock’s comb - amaranth  Colt’s Tail - fleabane  Crane’s bill - wild geranium  Crow’s foot - wild geranium, or wood anemone bulbous buttercup (verified)  Crowdy kit - figwort  Cuckoo’s bread - common plantago  Cucumber tree - magnolia  Cuddy’s lungs - great mullein  Crown for a king - wormwood
Dagger flower - blue flag  Daphne - bay laurel  Dead man’s bells foxglove  Death angel - fly agaric Amanita Muscaria  Death cap - fly agaric Amanita Muscaria  Death flower - Yarrow  Death’s Herb - Belladonna  Delight of the Eye - rowan  Devil Plant - basil  Devil’s Apple - Mayapple or Mandrake  Devil’s beard - houseleek  Devil’s bit - false unicorn root  Devil’s cherries Belladonna berries  Devil’s plaything - yarrow  Devil’s dung - asafoetida  Devil’s ear - wakerobin  Devil’s eye - henbane or periwinkle  Devil’s flower - bachelor’s buttons  Devil’s fuge - mistletoe  Devil’s guts - dodder  Devil’s herb - belladonna  Devil’s milk - celandine  Devil’s nettle - yarrow  Devil’s Shoestring: Various varieties of vibernum, esp Black Haw, cramp bark, hobblebush  Dew of the Sea - Rosemary  Dog Berry - wild rose hips  Dog’s mouth - snap dragon  Dog’s tongue - hound’s tongue  Dove’s foot - wild geranium  Dragon - tarragon  Dragon Flower - blue flag (really, wild iris? not an arum or a Antirrhinum?)  Dragon wort - bistort  Dragon’s blood - calamus
Eagle - ramsons Allium ursinum  Earth apple - potato  Earth smoke- fumitory  Elf’s wort - Elecampane  Enchanter’s plant - vervain  Englishman’s fruit/ White man’s foot - common plantain  Everlasting friendship - goosegrass  Eye root - goldenseal
Fairy smoke - Indian pipe  Fairy fingers - foxglove  Fat from a Head - spurge *  Felon herb - Mugwort  Five fingers - cinquefoil  Fox’s Clote - burdock  Frog’s foot - bulbous buttercup  From the belly - Earth-apple. * potato?? Did the writers know about potatoes? When was pgm written?  From the foot - houseleek *  From the loins - chamomile *
Goat’s foot - morning glory  Goat’s Horn - Fenugreek Trigonella foenum-graecum  God’s hair - hart’s tongue fern  Golden’s star - avens  Gosling’s wing - goosegrass  Graveyard dust - mullein (and sometimes it’s just graveyard dust)
Hag’s taper - mullien stalk  Hagthorn - hawthorn  Hair of Venus - Maidenhair fern  Hairs of a Hamadryas Baboon: Dill Seed *  Hare’s beard - mullein  Hawk’s Heart, Old Woman - Wormwood Artemisia absinthium crown or seed head *  Hind’s tongue - hart’s tongue fern  Holy herb - yerba santa  Holy rope - hemp agrimony Eupatorium cannabinum  Horse tongue - hart’s tongue fern  Hundred eyes - periwinkle
Innocence - bluets
Jacob’s Staff - Great Mullein  Joy of the Mountain - Marjoram  Jupiter’s Staff - Great Mullein
King’s Crown: Black Haw vibernum  Knight’s Milfoil - Yarrow  Kronos’ Blood - sap of Cedar *
Lady’s glove - foxglove  Lamb’s ears - betony but more likely lamb’s ear Stachys byzantina  Lion’s Hair - The extra little roots that stick out of the turnip bulb or the base leaves Brassica rapa *  Lion’s tooth - dandelion  Little dragon - tarragon  Love in idleness - pansy  Love Lies Bleeding - amaranth (Not so ancient, a modern ornamental variant)  Love Leaves - burdock  Love man - goosegrass  Love Parsley - lovage  Love root - orris root
Maiden’s Ruin - Southernwood  Man’s Bile - Turnip Juice *  Man’s Health - Ginseng  Master of the Woods - Woodruff  May Lily - Lily of the Valley  May Rose - Black Haw viburnum  May - Black Haw viburnum  Maypops - Passion Flower  Mistress of the Night - Tuberose  Mutton Chops - Goosegrass
Nose Bleed - Yarrow
Old Man’s Flannel - Great Mullein  Old Man’s Pepper - Yarrow  Old-Maid’s-Nightcap - Wild Geranium
Password - primrose  Peter’s Staff - Great Mullein  Poor Man’s Treacle - Garlic  Priest’s Crown - Dandelion leaves
Queen of the Meadow Root - Gravelroot  Queen of the Meadow - Meadowsweet  Queen of the Night - Vanilla Cactus
Rats and Mice - Hound’s tongue  Ram’s horn - valerian  Ring a Bells - bluebell  Robin run in the grass - goosegrass
Scaldhead - blackberry  Seed of Horus - horehound  See bright - Clary sage  Semen of Ammon - Houseleek *  Semen of Ares - Clover *  Semen of Helios - White Hellebore *  Semen of Hephaistos - Fleabane *  Semen of Herakles - arugula *  Semen of Hermes - Dill *  Seven Year’s Love Yarrow  Shameface - Wild Geranium  Shepherd’s Heart - Shepherd’s Purse  Silver Bells - Black Haw viburnum  Snake Root - black cohosh  Soapwort - Comfrey or Daisy or maybe Soapwort  Sorcerer’s Violet - Periwinkle  Sparrow’s Tongue - Knotweed  St. John’s Herb - Hemp Agrimony  St. John’s Plant - Mugwort  Star Flower - Borage  Star of the Earth - Avens  Starweed - Chickweed  Sweethearts - Goosegrass  Swine’s Snout - Dandelion leaves
Tail of a Pig - Leopard’s bane *  Tanner’s bark - toadflax  Tartar root - ginseng  Tears of a Hamadryas Baboon - Dill Juice *  Thousand weed - yarrow  Thunder plant - houseleek  Titan’s Blood - Wild Lettuce Lactuca virosa *  Torches - mullein flower stalk
Unicorn’s horn - unicorn root or false unicorn root  Urine - dandelion or maybe urine
Wax dolls - fumitory  Weasel - rue  Weasel snout - yellow archangel  Winter wood - wild cinnamon Canella alba  White - ox eye daisy  Witch’s Asprin - white willow bark (this is ancient?)  Witch’s brier - wild brier rose hips  Wolf claw - club moss  Wolf’s foot - bugleweed  Wolf’s milk - euphorbia  Woodpecker - herbLpeony  Worm fern- male fern Dryopteris Felix-mas
Yerba Santa Maria - epazote
Plant Parts/Body Parts
Blood - Sap or juice  Eye - The disc of a composite flower, or a seed  Foot - Leaf  Guts - Roots, stalks, tangly bits  Hair - Very stringy roots (sometimes silk or tangly stems)  Head - Flower head or seed head  Tail - Stem  Tongue - Petal, sometimes stigma  Toes - leaf or bud  Paw - sometimes bud, usually leaf  Privates - Seed pod  Worm - stringy roots  Wool - Moss
A Snake’s Ball of Thread - soapstone *  Blood of a Snake - hematite *  Crocodile Dung - Soil from Ethiopia *  A Physician’s bone - sandstone *
Animal Parts
A Snake’s Head - A leech *  Blood of a Hyrax - A rock badger, * small weasel-like/rodent-like (but actually neither) creature native to Africa and the Middle East  Blood of a Hamadryas Baboon - Blood of a spotted gecko *  Bull’s semen - the egg of a blister beetle *  Lion Semen - Human semen *  Kronos’ Spice - Pig Milk *
* From Ecloga ex Papyris Magicis: Liber I, V, xxvi
  More Sources for verification -
·         Galen - De succedaneis, Claudii Galeni Opera Omnia, v 19
·         Paulus Aegineta, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum IX/2 vII
·         Dioscorides De Materia Medica
·         Witchipedia
·         Lady Raven 
·         Tryskelion 
  ☀️ magickal tips for the august 21st eclipse 🌑
on august 21st, during the new moon in leo, the moon will pass in front of the sun in a total solar eclipse. with three planets in leo and five planets total in fire signs, this is a great time to cast spells that deal with power, authority, creativity, justice, starting new projects, and personal empowerment.
to fully utilize the energy of this eclipse, i would highly recommend timing your spell to occur during the exact moment of the eclipse. in my opinion, it doesn’t matter if you can see the eclipse or not. those of us who practice cosmic witchcraft draw from the energy of the stars often, and light pollution prevents us from fully viewing the night sky. in this instance, timing is far more important than location.
planetary placements:
·         ☉ ♌ (sun in leo)
·         ☽ ♌ (moon in leo)
·         ☿ ♍ (mercury in virgo)
·         ♀ ♋ (venus in cancer)
·         ♂ ♌ (mars in leo)
·         ♃ ♎ (jupiter in libra)
·         ♄ ♐ (saturn in sagittarius)
·         ♅ ♈ (uranus in aries)
·         ♆ ♓ (neptune in pisces)
·         ♇ ♑ (pluto in capricorn)
·         sun conjunct moon
·         sun/moon trine saturn & uranus
·         sun/moon conjunct mars
·         mercury oppose neptune
·         venus square jupiter, quincunx saturn, square uranus, oppose pluto
·         mars sextile jupiter, trine saturn/uranus, quincunx pluto
·         jupiter sextile saturn, semisquare neptune, square pluto
��         saturn trine uranus, square neptune
·         neptune sextile Pluto
spellcasting tips:
·         eclipses are all about balance, and the placements of this eclipse are all about balancing fiery energy with the rest of our solar system’s major cosmic players. (see more on eclipses and balance here.)
·         the moon is dimming the light of the sun, but this powerful event is taking place in the sun’s sign leo. further empowered by a near conjunction with mars, and two trines by this fiery trio to saturn and uranus, these planets are in excellent alignment to help you chase your ambitions in a measured, balanced way. exercise the caution and discipline of saturn and utilize uranus’s intuition and creativity.
·         be sure to consider the planets that are not currently in a fire sign to emulate the balance of the eclipse, particularly jupiter, which is the only planet in an air sign. i would suggest deliberately incorporating tools or representations for air to ensure your spell isn’t lacking in the element’s positive qualities.
·         if you won’t be able to sit down and take some time to cast your spell during the eclipse, you can prepare your spell beforehand and leave things to charge until a predetermined time during the eclipse. set aside five minutes to cast your spell, in whichever way you choose, from wherever you are during the hours of the eclipse.
o    from work, you could draw a sigil that will activate a spell jar at home.
o    sit down at your desk or in the break room and visualize the eclipse from space, seeing the moon’s shadow upon the earth, envisioning the fused solar and lunar energy filling you to the brim with power.
o    create a sachet, spell jar, necklace, or some other magical object and leave it outside to charge in during the hours of the eclipse.
☀️ eclipse magick 🌕
An eclipse takes place when one celestial body passes in front of another, obstructing the light we can see from it here on Earth. Since eclipses always take place during the most powerful phases of the lunar cycle, eclipses are great times for extra powerful spells! To find out when you’ll next be able to view an eclipse, take a look at this website.
Solar Eclipses take place during the New Moon.
·         A partial solar eclipse takes place when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are not quite perfectly aligned, and the Moon only covers a portion of the Sun. 
·         A total solar eclipse takes place when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are perfectly aligned, and the Moon passes right through the Sun’s center, creating a bright ring of visible sunlight.
·         Intents: destroy the things that are holding you back, starting something new, healing, drawing something to you, shadow work, balancing the conscious mind and unconscious
·         Ideas for extra powerful spells: Take note of the planetary placements and see if there are any other planets conjunct/aspect with the Sun and the Moon. Draw on those energies as well! Use as much planetary energy as possible to give power to your new beginning.
·         Tips for Safe Viewing:
o    View through a solar filter
o    View through Welder’s goggles with a rating of 14 or higher
o    Some telescope companies offer metal-coated filters that allow safe viewing of the Sun through a telescope
o    Build your own pinhole projector
Lunar Eclipses take place during the Full Moon.
·         A total lunar eclipse occurs when the entire Moon is covered by the darkest part of Earth’s shadow, its umbra.
·         A partial lunar eclipse occurs when part of the Moon is covered by Earth’s umbra.
·         A penumbral lunar eclipse takes place when the Moon travels through the faintest part of Earth’s shadow.
·         Intents: healing, protection, finishing projects, illuminating the unknown, balance, manifestation, peace
·         Ideas for extra powerful spells: Again, draw on the planetary placements - but since the Sun and the Moon are in opposition during a full moon, this time see which planets are conjunct/aspect with the Sun and the Moon individually. A lunar eclipse is a great way to balance opposing forces in your life and you can draw on the energies of other planets to help resolve the solar and lunar forces!
·         Tips for Safe Viewing:
o    Although it’s perfectly safe to view a lunar eclipse with the naked eye, please don’t trespass or venture into the wilderness alone.
 Cosmic Witchcraft 101 🌠
One of the questions I find myself answering a lot is “how do I get into cosmic witchcraft?” Although @phaesphore​ has a really good guide (here), I thought I’d write out a few of my own suggestions. 
·         Who can be a cosmic witch?
o    Anyone can be a cosmic witch! The main aspects of cosmic witchcraft include working with the various celestial bodies included in the cosmos, and harnessing energy from them depending upon your intent. If you feel drawn to the cosmos and the vastness of outer space, then cosmic witchcraft is definitely for you. 
What & Why:
·         Figure out what aspects of cosmic witchcraft that you are drawn to
o    Is it your fascination with outer space? Is it the desire for a spiritual relationship with the cosmos? There are many reasons someone might be drawn to this practice, so do some digging and figure out yours. 
·         Which celestial bodies do you want to work with and why? 
o    This ranges from planets, to stars, to constellations, and various deep space objects. Each celestial body has its own set of correspondences and associations, some that may resonate more with you than others. 
o    Still at a loss? Complete your birth chart and figure out your dominant planet - birth charts show the alignment of the planets at the time of your birth. Each person has a dominant planet, which can be found in more detailed birth charts that you can complete online. 
o    To find your dominant planet, go to Astro.com > click “extended chart selection” on the right hand side > fill out the necessary information > choose “Pullen/Astrolog” > from the dropdown menu, select “simple chart delineation by Walter Pullen” > scroll about ½ or ¾ of the way down the page until you find a section that lists the percentages of the planets in your chart > the planet with the highest percentage would be considered your dominant planet.
·         What kind of spells do you like to perform? 
o    Each celestial body has their own set of correspondences to choose from depending on your intent. 
§  Planetary Associations
§  Celestial Body Correspondences
§  Asteroid, Comet, & Minor Planet Associations
o    The types of spells you can perform when practicing cosmic witchcraft are endless. 
§  Draw planetary symbols as sigils, or combine them to represent more than one intention 
§  Using Planetary Symbols (an ask)
§  Make spell jars or sachets using ingredients that represent various planets or celestial bodies
§  Perform glamour magick using cosmic spell ingredients
§  Celestial Roll-On Perfume
§  Planetary Bath Salts
§  Planetary Shower Disks
§  Uranian Coffee Scrub
§  Solar Herbal Salve
§  Burn loose incense or herbs that represent the planets 
§  Make powders that represent the planets to be used in spell jars, sachets, or to be sprinkled in a desired area
§  Planetary Powders
§  Charge water with celestial energy 
§  Moon Water
§  Uses for Moon Water
§  Moon Water & Lunar Phases
§  Celestial Gem Elixir
§  Turn your charged water into a consumable potion
§  Star Potion
§  Moon Potion
·         What kind of tools do you like to use? 
o    With Cosmic Witchcraft, you’re free to use whatever tools you like, as they all have some kind of association to the cosmos. This includes herbs, essential oils, and crystals, to name a few. 
§  Planetary Botanical Blends
§  Planetary Fruit & Vegetable Blends
§  Zodiac Botanical Blends
§  Planetary Essential Oil Blends
§  Planets & Minerals/Crystals
·         Spell timing in cosmic witchcraft can be done in a multitude of ways. 
o    Planetary hours (the hours of the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, etc.)
§  Planetary Hours
o    Lunar phases (waning, waxing, full, new, etc.)
§  Lunar Phase Associations
o    Planetary aspects and alignments (sextile, trine, conjunction, square, etc.)
§  Planetary Aspects & Orbs
o    Planetary placements (whether a planet is transiting through a certain zodiac sign)
§  The Moon in Zodiac Signs
o    Various times of day (sunrise, daylight, noon, evening, twilight, nighttime, midnight, etc.)
§  Spell Casting - Time of Day
o    Meteor Showers
§  Draconids
§  Orionids
§  Taurids
§  Leonids
§  Lyrids
·         Cosmic witchcraft can be performed literally anywhere, whether it’s inside or outside. You don’t necessarily have to be outside under the night sky to successfully perform a cosmic spell or harness cosmic energy. If you choose to perform cosmic magick indoors, use some visual or auditory tools to help you out; i.e. spacey music, a picture of space on your computer, a space poster on the wall behind your altar, etc.
·         Actively practicing cosmic witchcraft encompasses more than just doing spells. 
o    Learn to harness the power of the cosmos to not only perform spells but also to charge, empower, and enchant objects
§  Channeling Celestial Energy
§  Planetary Invocation 
§  Spiral Meditation
§  Black Hole Grounding
o    Learn to protect yourself using cosmic energy
§  Celestial Warding
§  Black Hole Decoy
o    Set up an altar dedicated to the cosmos and your practice
§  Cosmic Altar & Room Ideas
o    Perform daily, mundane-seeming tasks to connect with the cosmos
§  Tasks for the Cosmic Witch
o    Do arts and crafts that can be used as active spell components or as objects to represent the cosmos
§  Black Hole Jar
§  Star Jar
§  Nebula Jar
§  Solar Jar
§  Stardust Powder & its many varieties 
o    Incorporating Cosmic Magick into your practice (a reblog)
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