#the introduction of randy and eventually billy and stu
starstaiined · 1 year
tatum is nine when they read the story of abraham and isaac during bible class. it is the first story that consumes her attention completely. the idea of believing in something so devoutly you could sacrifice what—who—you loved most without question scares her a little.
could she ever do the same?
the question sits heavy in tatum's mind for nearly a week: it plagues every waking moment and seeps into her sleep, twisting dreams to nightmares.
well, that isn't entirely true.
it isn't the question that haunts her. it's the answer.
tatum knows what the answer should be. she knows what good little church going girls should say. she knows what answer her mother would expect of her. she knows what answer the golden cross hanging around her neck should signify.
if god himself demanded the life of the person she loved the most, could she deliver the way abraham had?
the answer should be yes. undoubtedly. without fail. if the lord asked it of her there had to be a reason, and she should fall into line. the answer should be yes.
but it isn't.
because there is no world in which tatum could imagine giving up sidney prescott in any way, shape, or form.
not for a guaranteed place in heaven. not for god himself. not for the world. hell, not for the universe. because a universe without sidney prescott wouldn't be worth saving.
she wonders if that makes her a bad person.
she decides she doesn't particularly care.
on the sixth day of wrestling with the question and the answer, tatum sits up in bed. her hand clasp around the small golden cross glittering on the nightstand, and she bows her head.
"you can have anything else." her voice wobbles as she mutters to empty air, eyes squeezed shut in prayer. "you can have anything else, but you can't have her. not now. not ever. okay? i ... i mean it. do you hear me? if it comes down to a choice between you ... between you and her ... i'll choose her everytime." she swallows thickly, her little heart crashing against her ribcage violently. she thinks if her mother could hear her talking like this, she might have an aneurysm. "if you want her, you have to take me first, okay? please? because ... cause i don't think i could do any of this without her."
she sits in the quiet following that admission, the kind of vulnerability that makes her hands shake and her breathing stutter and her heart stall: sits as the air around her becomes palpable and tears well up in her eyes and it feels so unbearbly stifling in the small room.
she runs her thumb up and down the cross before setting it down on her nightstand. she picks up the stuffed bunny sidney got her for her last birthday—thinks of shy smiles and warm brown eyes that feel like the closest thing to peace tatum has ever seen—and her runaway heart slows.
she knows she made the right choice.
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slasherscream · 4 years
I just found your blog and I love it! I saw your chill!Latina!reader x Poly! ghostface and I raise you a Latina!reader with absolutely no chill? Like someone says something even remotely insulting towards them or the boys and they're immediately cursing them out in Spanish and English.
the duality.... of latina adjkl- 
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Woodsboro.... straight up wasn’t ready for you. 
It is important, in the cut throat land of high school, to immediately establish oneself as someone to not be messed with. This is especially crucial if you are entering a new high school in the middle of senior year. 
This would be a big yikes for absolutely anyone. But you? You waltz into the school with your head held high, you make eye contact with everyone and walk like if someone is in your way you will simply run them over and not pause to check if your shoes left marks on their back. 
The boys hear about you but they don’t seek you out or anything. They’re curious, of course, but it’s not that huge of a school and they know that they’ll run into you sooner or later. 
They have a few classes with you but you keep your mandatory “class introduction” short and sweet like no one has a #Right to know anything about you. Billy respects that he knows nothing about you besides the fact that you clench your jaw when you’re annoyed. 
It’s about a week in when someone finally decides to test you. 
One of the more popular girls in school is getting a little jealous that you’re all anyone can talk about. Wanting to knock you down a peg she tries to trip you at lunch in the hopes that you’ll make a mess of yourself. 
You wind up spilling your food but manage to not fall on the floor. Everyone watches with baited breath for your reaction. They expect you to run off crying in embarrassment, instead you whirl around on the girl like the devil. By the end of you absolutely reading her for filth she’s the one who leaves the cafeteria in tears. You get another tray of food, find a table, and eat in peace.
At that point you have the whole school’s attention. But who cares about everyone. The important thing is you caught the attention of the dangerous duo. 
Stu is the one who approaches you first as the people person. 
They’re not sure about what they want to do with you honestly. That little display of fire was.... intriguing. You have final girl archetype written all over you. The people they kill so rarely put up a fight it can almost get boring. But before they finalize any plans they want to know you. The wait makes the kill all the sweeter.
It takes you quite awhile to warm up to Stu. Frankly you’re just trying to do your time and then get the hell out of dodge. You go to school, deal with your insufferable classmates and teachers, and go home to unwind. But Stu is nothing if not persistent. 
He’s everywhere you turn and eventually his presence just becomes a non-factor. You’ll be digging through your locker for your books, sense someone looming over you from behind and just say, “Hi Stu” - because that’s how on your jock he is. 
You wouldn’t call yourself friends exactly but you’re comfortable with him.
One day you happen to be looking for a movie at the local video store. You notice that Stu is in there talking to another boy but don’t take much note until your perusing of movie options brings you close enough to hear their conversation. 
You don’t hear the asshole thing Stu said that prompted Randy to insult Stu’s intelligence rather harshly       all you see is Stu’s face falling ever so slightly before he masks it behind a mischievous grin. You step in front of Stu instantly on the defense, “Who do you think you’re calling stupid with a face like that? ¡Vete a la mierda! Beat it, gringo.” and poor Randy runs off wondering how he became the bad guy during a run in with Stu of all people but whatever he knows when he’s in danger and makes himself scarce. 
Stu is #Shook because first off he rarely needs to be defended, he can handle himself, and second of all just... no one has ever really jumped in when people are mocking him (even though he admittedly deserves it sometimes) and believe it or not people thinking he’s stupid is a sore subject for him even though he acts like he’s the popular class clown that could care less. 
Now he has heart eyes for you and you really can’t get rid of him. 
When Stu comes running to Billy talking about they just can’t kill you is when Billy has to step in and see what’s so special about you that you’re suddenly above being their latest victim. 
After a few group hangouts he starts to get it. 
You’re vibrant, and passionate, and have so much fire in you that sometimes it can’t help but come out in bursts of you not being able to take a single ounce of bullshit and they’re in love. 
Billy flirts with you by pissing you off, full warning. He loves watching you get riled up and really loves the way you look at him before you’re about to let him HAVE IT. He’s never really been around a girl who doesn’t just melt for him. He likes that he’ll poke at you and you’ll poke right on back, never backing down. 
Stu just follows you around like a loyal puppy dog. He likes to annoy you a little here and there but not in the same way that Billy does. Billy likes to challenge you and see how far he can go, always testing his limit. Stu just likes to annoy you because then he has your undivided attention. He’s a kindergartner pulling on his crush’s pigtails.
Honestly you’re probably all going to be just friends for awhile until Stu finally convinces you to come to one of his parties where you will promptly be hit on and before you can rip the guy to shreds ENTER PLAYER ONE aka Billy Loomis who looks like he’s going to pop a blood vessel as he grabs the guy and asks him what the hell he thinks he’s doing talking to you. 
Once he gets rid of the guy you ask him who does he think he is running off guys for you and he’ll just snap and kiss you because the sexual tension has been there for like two months now and he can’t take it anymore. 
You guys are full on making out when Stu tracks you both down and you instantly pull away because Oh God You Also Care About Stu This Is A Nightmare but before you can panic Stu has pushed himself into your side and asked in the huskiest voice if there’s room for one more so there’s.....that. 
Everyone is so mad that you managed to snag the two hottest guys in school but they don’t dare say anything because....well, you’re you and no one wants to have their ass verbally handed to them. 
Every single one of your tirades is legendary. Do people respect you or do they fear you? Doesn’t matter because the end result is people leave you all alone about your relationship. 
Both the boys think it’s hilarious that people are so scared of you when they’re the coldblooded killers. 
You and Billy get into a lot of small spats because you both have tempers and don’t like to apologize because that’s admitting you were wrong and you’re both always sure that the other one is in the wrong and you are the long suffering tolerant partner. Stu is constantly cooling the both of you down until you can admit you both let things get out of hand. You’re both very clingy whenever you come out of these little fights. You missed each other while you were being stubborn :(((
The first time they tried to sneak into your room through your window you nearly killed them because you started hurling the heaviest shit you could find and they both almost fell like...two stories. Stu got his nose lightly bruised (not even broken!!!) and whined about it for weeks. You argued that they could’ve given you a damn warning before they tried to pull a Romeo and Juliet on you. 
High-key Billy wonders if you might one day be their third ghostface. He imagines you taunting and snapping at victims with that razor sharp tongue over the phone before the three of you close in on them like the prey they are and slaughter them. He wonders if you’d be as vicious with a knife as you can be with your words.
They’re working up the nerve to tell you about their little....hobby. They know your initial reaction is bound to be intense so they’ve already braced themselves for that they’re just not sure what will happen after. The thought of losing you because you can’t wrap your head around what they’re doing scares the shit out of them but they also know the longer they don’t tell you the more upset you’ll be, you demand 100% transparency from them because you can’t tolerate bullshit.
For now they relish the dynamic you all have together and tell themselves that no matter what your first reaction is they’ll just remind you of how much you all need each other. You’re their perfect fit and you always will be, they’re sure of that.
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