#the haar
witchlingmother · 27 days
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My 5 star reads of the year so far ⭐️
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cosmicallymundane · 1 year
shape shifting sea abomination x 84 year old woman wasnt exactly a ship i'd thought to have endeared myself to. BUT IT HAPPENED.
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arvadthecursed · 11 months
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got this book today and finished it in 3 hours. holy fucking shit. possibly one of the most romantic books I've read. 10/10
if you can stomach body horror, PLEASE READ THIS ITS SO GOOD. I might write an essay or film my thoughts on it. anyway please fucking read this book
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fragmentedflouncy · 9 months
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THE HAAR by David Sodergren
Recently I read this book and it left me in tears, heart throbbing and deeply touched. I've read several of David Sodergren's books now, this one is however very unique. I would suggest them to any horror fan who loves down right dirty filthy horror. Currently reading his horror novel Night Shoot.
I painted this not long after putting the book down. Not even really thinking about it. One of my proudest paintings 🥹
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arrozconramen · 2 months
Book Thoughts: The Haar by David Sodergren
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This book is short and sweet. The main conflict is real and relatable (If you ever want to get mad, look up all the shenanigans that the Trump team pulled when they were building new golf courses). I have a few things I want to address though. Spoilers.
Firstly, my ship does not sail. When I saw Arthur offer Muriel a ride, I wanted them to be together so badly. They would have been so cute, two old people against the world. It would be great to see Muriel finally get over her old love and develop a new one with an old friend. Unfortunately, Arthur dies and Muriel becomes delusional and falls for the illusion of her husband as presented by the sea monster. Delusional love can be an interesting phenomena to explore, and it is for a bit, but Murial never develops past it so the ending is unsatisfying. It pales in comparison to the romance that could have been.
The revenge fantasy aspect of the story is also interesting but could be better. All of the villains are comically evil, but this works for the purpose of the fantasy. It allows for the pleasures of revenge to be guilt-free. When the creature starts to kill, it feels great. The main issue is the lack of payoff in the end. During the final standoff, the creature asks Muriel if they can kill everyone outside, but she denies them. She says that there are innocent people mixed within the crowd. For a revenge fantasy, restraint is the last thing I want to see. Grant's death at the end is not nearly as satisfying as the carnage that could have happened. I was cheated out of a beautiful bloody ending 😮‍💨.
Aside from those issues, there are a few moments that feel a bit cliche:
- Every time a character turns on the TV, it always shows the most relevent information needed for the plot.
- The sea creature does not activate at convenient times. While it is used to build suspense, it is just annoying.
- Muriel's old body is frail! Of course, this makes sense, but this becomes arduous to read about when it is brought up every paragraph. I thought the power given by the sea creature was an innovative way to get over this issue, but it is only a temporary reprieve. A permanent recovery would be better for the story as it would allow for a much deeper exploration of the feeling to be young again. It would be interesting to see how it completely changes Muriel's day to day life. Instead, Muriel becomes an addict as if she is abusing adderall. It is pathetic 🫤. Perhaps that is the point, but it is a sludge to read through.
There are a few things I like though:
- Muriel is mother, especially at the beginning when she takes a stand for her beliefs. Slay.
- The body horror makes me squirmish in a good way.
- The sex scene is nice. It is titillating and horrific. I only wish there was more of this. This is definitely Sodergren's barely-disguised fetish.
Overall, I can see why people emotionally connect to this book, but it does not have what I am looking for 😔. It is still a decent read as it is engaging and short.
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senioren4me · 5 months
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larachelledrawsfe · 6 months
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Prompt: Soren interactions we've never seen before
Did you just give me free rein to draw as many Tellius characters as possible?
(For the FE Artscuffle - PoR Event)
Drawn for Daidairo, Part 1 of 2!
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poly-hebdo · 4 months
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The Black Tempest
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zunanmafe · 4 months
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Dragonlord Haar
fire emblem
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titanomancy · 4 months
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wgm-beautiful-world · 4 months
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Castle De Haar - NETHERLANDS
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onyxravensstuff · 9 days
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Ich bin wieder am prokrastinieren, deswegen gibts wieder ein Tatort meme template✨
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schoethe · 9 months
⚠ Playmo!Schiller ⚠
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Playmobil-Schiller ist gedroppt!
(bin mir nicht sicher wann (warum hat mir das niemand gesagt???? also niemand außer @pansytheleia jetzt, danke!!)
Jedenfalls sind die Boys jetzt endlich vereint! 💕
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letztes Foto: Harald Henkel, flickr
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cordelia-street · 7 months
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 4 months
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Endryd Haar, the Riven Hound
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deutsche-bahn · 8 days
Da stellt sich mir die Frage ob du mit Vollbart aussiehst wie einer der die Grünen wählt, oder die Kommunisten. (-9 HP)
Wo soll ich jetzt bitte nen Vollbart auftreiben? Bei der Wirtschaftslage??
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