#the god killer
macko-99 · 3 years
You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
What is the vibe your character gives off to the world? How does the world view them? Is this aligned or in disagreement with how your character feels internally?
Nabiyah gives the vibe of someone who gets shit done. They know what they are doing and they will get it done. The world views her both as a hero and as a potential threat if she is wronged. Tgis is in disagreement to how she feels internally, in that she never wanted this responsibility, but she will do it because no one else can.
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night-zaveri · 4 years
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The God Killer
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fury-of-darkin · 6 years
The God Killer
It’s official. I’m going slightly canon-divergent based on this post from last night. New Aatrox is no longer out to destroy reality; rather, his goal is to slay and consume powerful, god-like beings across Runeterra and beyond. There isn’t much I’m changing about his bio, but I’ve effectively re-written from the eleventh paragraph onward:
“Aatrox traveled the land, endlessly seeking a way to return to his true Ascended glory, but the seal upon his blade proved unbreakable... Or so it seemed. Over the span of hundreds of years, Aatrox would groom many more hosts, and learned to sustain his stolen forms with the blood of those he had slain. The more he consumed, the more he was able to warp his new flesh to better approximate his Ascended form. However, mortal essence proved insufficient, and so Aatrox was left with but one conclusion: to truly return to his Ascended form, he required the essence of the divine.
Now, Aatrox marches grimly forward on a warpath against the gods themselves. He aims to find and slay any imbued with primordial or celestial power, and take his revenge on those that sealed him within his blade.”
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actual footage of The God Killer picking up a random sword 
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dustellar · 12 years
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Iron Man #5 previews
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...Which Kratos..?
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