#the first bernese i met was named biscuit
despazito · 2 years
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dog of all time
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Gifts With Meaning
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Pairing: Liam x Riley 
Summary: Riley has a surprise for Liam's Birthday!
Word Count: 3067
Tagged : @starstruckzonkoperatorbat @drakelover78 @queencatherynerhys @devineinterventions2 @jayjay879  @kawairinrin @hopefulmoonobject @flyawayblue56 @gardeningourmet @blackcatkita @syltti78 @decisso @theroyalweisme @hhiggs @mfackenthal @bruteforcebears @pens-girl-87 @crookedslimecreatorpasta @darley1101​ @starstruckpixelberryhistoryvoid​
 I always notice every single spelling mistake or issue after I’ve posted…so apologies in advance! 
Liam and Riley are engaged but riley hasn't moved in to his quarters yet.
It was six am when Riley woke to her alarm going off, she stretched as she rubbed her eyes, normally she wasn’t woken until nine but today was Liam's birthday and she had the perfect gift picked out for him. After letting herself wake up a little Riley climbed out of bed and headed for the bathroom to wash then she dressed for the day. Once she was ready, she headed down to the palace doors where she asked Drake to meet her with his car.
“it’s six in the morning…why am I here?” he asked annoyed as Riley walked down the front steps towards him
“oh, stop complaining grumpy…I have to go and pick up Liam's birthday present” she smiled as she climbed into the passenger seat whilst Drake climbed into the driver’s side.
“at this hour?”
“yeah, it’s about an hour away”
“an hour?!” he complained
“Mhmmm I would have went myself, but I couldn’t get it back myself”
“what did you get him?” he asked as he started the engine and they took off
“I’ll tell you but…but you can’t laugh” she whispered
“no promises” he smirked
“I got him…a puppy”
“yeah” she looked at him wearily “do you think he’ll like it…I mean…I’m going to be straight with him and say obviously a puppy is a commitment, it’s for life and he obviously already has so much to deal with so if he doesn’t think it’s a god idea I’ll be happy to find him a good home, he just…has always telling me how much he loves dogs and that he always wanted lots of them”
“I think he’ll love it” Drake smiled “what kind of dog is it?”
“it’s a Bernese Mountain dog, he’s the cutest little thing Drake, has 10 weeks old, the couple that I’m getting him from, I paid them a little extra to try and get him as house trained as possible, he’s still very young though, his names Sammy but has that young Liam could change his name if he wants.”
It was forty-five minutes later that they pulled up into a ranch, they climbed out of the car just as a young couple walked out the front door.
“Riley, it’s so good to see you” the young man embraced her.
“bill, Hi, it lovely to see you too” Riley smiled as she hugged him, then done the same to his wife
“Annie, you look great” Riley gently placed her hand on the woman’s growing stomach.
“not long to go” Annie giggled
After Riley introduced the couple to Drake they all headed inside, the couple offered Riley and Drake some tea and biscuits whilst they went over some last-minute details. Once that was sorted they all made their way out to the pen bill had set up outside for the puppies to play.
“how many do you have left” Riley asked
“after Sammy’s gone, just two” Annie replied sadly originally the couple had planned to keep the puppies however when they found out they were having twins, they just thought it might be too much to have two new-borns and million puppies, so they decided to find them good homes instead.
They all reached the play pen outside; the mother of the puppies lay in the sun whilst her four pups ran rings around her. Bill lifted one of the puppies then smiled “yep this ones Sammy!” he smiled, he placed Sammy on the floor outside of the pen, the puppy looked at Riley then bounded over to her.
“hey buddy, ive missed you! Your so big!!!” Riley giggled as she played with him. She lifted him up, holding him to her chest as she stroked his fur.
“How did he do with his house training?” she asked
“Perfectly, he’s a little angel” the woman smiled “he’s had the odd accident but for 10 weeks he’s caught on pretty fast, he just needs a little extra time, I’d give him a week or so and he’ll be fully trained” she smiled
“that’s great” Riley smiled before she was interrupted by her phone beeping.
“that’s the sound for us to head home” Riley smiled “we have to get back before he wakes”
“of course,” bill smiled, the couple led Riley and Drake with the puppy out to drake’s car then he bid them goodbye.
“Thank you so much” Riley smiled as she shook their hands
“It’s no problem at all, you make sure you come back soon” they smiled as the two climbed into the car rolling the windows down.
“We will, see you later” she smiled as they took off back to the palace. Within ten minutes of being in the car, Sammy was fast asleep on Riley's knee.
“He’s adorable isn’t he” she smirked
“Yes, he is” drake laughed
By the time they reached the palace it was eight am, they had gotten back just in time to stop Liam from being woken up by the palace staff. by this point Sammy was just waking up, so he was a little dazed. Once the car pulled up Riley went to get up, but Drake stayed put.
“you’re not coming in?” she asked
“no, I’m gonna head home…go back to bed for an hour or so” he replied
“okay, thank you Drake…I really appreciate you taking me to the ranch, I owe you” Riley smiled
“no need, your welcome” he smiled “now get out so I can go home” he chuckled
Riley climbed out of the car, with Sammy in her arms, she waved Drake off then she headed inside and up to Liam's quarters. She gently knocked on the door then she walked in to see him fast asleep. She walked over and perched herself beside him on the bed
“Liam” she whispered causing him to stir a little.
“Liam” she said a little louder…loud enough to wake up but not startle him. He turned to lay on his back as he stretched whilst rubbing his hands over his face.
“Good Morning” Riley whispered
“Mhmmm morning” he smiled with his eyes still hazy
“I wanted to be the first to wish you Happy Birthday” she smiled “I have something for you, but you have to close your eyes” he closed his eyes as he sat up leaning against the headboard. Once his eyes were shut properly I riley placed sleepy Sammy on his knees.
“Okay you can open them” she smiled, he opened his eyes smiling then he gasped when he seen the little fluff ball.
“Happy birthday” she smiled before gently pecking his lips “now I know…your gift is quite the commitment so if you don’t think it’s a good idea I can find a good home for him”
“No, I love him…he’s perfect…does he have a name?”
“Well the couple at the ranch he came from called him Sammy, but he’s only 10 weeks old so you could change the name if you wish”
“Sammy?” He smiled “…I like that…Sammy” he smirked as he gently petted him, as Sammy started to wake up a bit more, he started to play with Liam's hand.
“aren’t you just the most adorable little fluff ball Sammy” he smirked
“He’s nearly house trained and everything, so he just needs a friend to look after him” Riley giggled
“Thank you so much Riley this is the best gift anyone’s ever gotten me”
“maybe we could take him for a walk, with bash” Riley asked referring to her corgi
“that sounds great” he smiled
After Riley and Liam ate breakfast together Riley went down to her room to get Bash whilst Liam got ready for the day ahead. Riley headed back to his room where he met her at the door, with Sammy on the leash Bill and Annie gave Riley to take with her.
“you ready” she smiled
“yeah, let’s go” he smiled, bash and Sammy walked a little ahead on their leashes both taking sniffs of each other as they walked.
as they walked through the garden Liam slipped his hand into Riley's, linking their fingers together.
“thank you, Riley…for gifting me with Sammy…being king, when I get gifts…people always get me these expensive gifts that…I never use, and I don’t mean to sound ungrateful or anything about gifts…a gift is a gift it doesn’t matter how much it costs but…Sammy…he means something, you know…there was thought put into him you didn’t just look for the most expensive thing and that’s what makes him so much more special to me than anything else that anyone could get me”
“you’re the most grateful person I know Liam, I understand what you’re saying” she smiled as she leaned up, placing a kiss on Liam's lips.
“Happy Birthday Liam” she whispered
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