#the drama knob gets turned up a few notches
the-badger-mole · 2 years
No Sound but Silence: Heatwave
Somehow it was a shock to see Ozai leaning against his car. Katara paused midstep and wondered if she had enough time to sneak around the corner and get to her house through the back door. Unfortunately, Ozai spotted her in the split second it took her to come up with that plan. She sighed heavily and walked on with her head high. Suddenly she was grateful that Zuko had a class that afternoon and couldn't pick her up. The last thing she wanted was that particular father-son reunion on her lawn.
Ozai stood to his full intimidating height as she approached. Katara didn't bother to hide her eye-roll when he folded his dark wool-clad arms across his carefully gym-sculpted chest.
"Katara," he greeted her coldly.
"Ozai," she replied defiantly. Katara crossed her arms, which had the added effect of highlighting her growing baby bump. "Why are you here?"
"Straight to the point, I see." Ozai raised an eyebrow at her.
"I figured the sooner you get the point, the shorter this visit will be," Katara said. "Don't mean to be rude, but I do have chemistry homework to get to, you know." Ozai sneered down at her, but he didn't seem inclined to fight. At least not yet.
"I have a proposal for you," he said.
"Zuko already beat you to that," Katara laughed mirthlessly.
"Yes. So I'd heard." Ozai dropped his arms and straightened his cuffs. "I have a different sort of proposal in mind for you. I want you to leave my son."
"Not a chance," Katara snorted. She started to head inside, but Ozai's hand shot out and caught her arm. Instinctively, Katara tried to yank her arm free.
"I think you should hear me out." Ozai's voice took on a hard edge of menace. Katara froze at the sound of it. Ozai's mouth curled into a smirk. "You've never struck me as a stupid young woman, Katara. I'm sure once you've heard my generous offer, you'll see reason."
"I'm not sure we have the same definition of reason," Katara said. She pulled her arm free of Ozai and glared at him expectantly. "I assume, you aren't about to offer us a minivan."
"In a way, perhaps I am."
"Please, oh please get to the point," Katara groaned. As intimidating as Ozai could be, he had a flair for the dramatic that bordered on ridiculous. He had stopped just short of stroking his beard. Being rushed was a peeve of his, and his displeasure at Katara was evident, even if he seemed to be doing his best not to scowl.
"What I am offering is a hefty settlement on you and your unborn child," Ozai said, at last. "I know that Zuko is planning to use his own inheritance from his mother and my brother, but I am aware of how much- or rather, how little it truly is. It'll be gone in five years, at most. But I am willing to give you enough money that you and your child will want for little. I'll even set up a trust for the child so you won't have to worry about paying for university-" Ozai's gaze drifted to Katara's house with a distasteful sniff, "-or trade school." Katara bristled.
"You can't be serious," she scoffed. "You really think that's all it would take to make me leave Zuko?"
"Name your own price, then," Ozai insisted. "Money is no object. I could make you a wealthy young lady, and all it would take is for you to absolve my son of any obligation to you and your child." Katara started at Ozai for a moment. She shook her head incredulously.
"You really don't get it, do you?'
"Get what?" Ozai demanded.
"The only obligation tying Zuko to me is love," she told him. "Just because we stumbled into things a bit backward doesn't mean that we're not both exactly where we want to be. I love Zuko, and even you don't have enough money to change that. So take your checkbook and shove it up your-"
"I was trying to be kind," Ozai cut her off. "I was offering you a secure future, which is more than most girls in your position get. But make no mistake, I intend to clean up this mess my son made. As hard as he is trying to ruin our family name, it's going to take more than some cheap little slut to accomplish it!" Ozai pointed at Katara's midsection and hissed, "That child will never be recognized as a Kaji!"
Katara gasped, taking a step back. She brought her hand up to her mouth to hide her quivering lip. Ozai smiled smugly and stood up straighter.
"Now that you understand that you stand to gain nothing from tying my son to you, perhaps now you'll listen to my very generous offer."
"No, it's not that," Katara sobbed wiping at her eyes. "It's just that what you said, that my baby won't be recognized as your family...that's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me. I'm so touched!" Katara let out a couple more sobs before giving in to the manic swell of laughter bubbling up her throat. She threw her head back, mouth opened wide, and spewed the deep-bellied cackles at the man who had tried to destroy Zuko. After a moment Katara caught her breath and wiped real tears from her eyes and turned her derisive gaze onto Ozai.
"We don't want or need your recognition," Katara told him. "And you don't ever have to worry about us bothering you with our baby. So why don't you beat it before I turn the sprinklers on you. That suit looks like it's dry-clean only." Katara spun on her heels and hurried into the house before Ozai could recover. She had her key in the lock and the door open when he started after her, sputtering half-formed demands and indignations. Katara shut the door nearly in his face and locked it after her. Ozai banged on the door a few times, hurling vile insults at her. Katara stood on the other side, bracing herself against the door with trembling legs, until his voice got further and she heard the sound of his sleek sports car starting, then peeling off down the street.
Part 1... Part 22, Part 23, Part 24
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