#the darth vader fight was a master class in tension
laelior · 8 months
I'd like to thank Jedi: Survivor for finding yet another way to rip my heart out and stomp on it.
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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For the week of 24 June 2019
Quick Bits:
Action Comics #1012 keeps a number of plates spinning with the Invisible Mafia, Leviathan, and tying in events in Superman, while bringing back a character who we’ve not seen for some time in the DCU. Some great layouts and art from Szymon Kudranski and Brad Anderson.
| Published by DC Comics
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Age of X-Man: X-Tremists #5 is the explosive conclusion to this mini from Leah Williams, Georges Jeanty, Roberto Poggi, Jim Charalampidis, and Clayton Cowles. We get Jubilee’s perspective on the end, as they all collectively remember what came before, what was taken from them, and the nightmare that they’ve been placed in and forced to participate. Damn good stuff.
| Published by Marvel
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Amazing Spider-Man #24 is a lot of Peter avoiding dealing with things in a rational adult manner and some weird stuff with Mysterio and the new villain who has been haunting the series for a while. My guess is that it’s Ned Leeds, but his true identity is still hidden for the moment. Pretty good for a buffer issue.
| Published by Marvel
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Angel #2 is another entertaining issue from Bryan Edward Hill, Gleb Melnikov, Gabriel Cassata, and Ed Dukeshire. There’s another nice split as we see a bit of Angel’s past as he reforges a slayer as his “axe” and then a dive into the current evil plaguing the kids in social media. Wonderful reveal of Lilith’s “true form” as well, great design by Melnikov.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Ascender #3 is harrowing and breathtaking. While Andy and Mila try to run in the present, we get more information on what happened with them and Effie in the time between Descender and now. Gorgeous, stunning artwork from Dustin Nguyen.
| Published by Image
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Bad Luck Chuck #4 concludes what has been a fun, but weird, series from Lela Gwenn, Matthew Dow Smith, Kelly Fitzpatrick, and Frank Cvetkovic. And it ends with a pretty epic battle between cops and nuns.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Black Panther #13 begins the next arc of “Two Thousand Suns” and T’Challa’s attempts to contact anyone back on Earth. Daniel Acuña returns to provide the art and it is beautiful. The effects as T’Challa attempts to calculate a communication path to Earth with the various planets and such are amazing.
| Published by Marvel
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Detective Comics #1006 begins a new arc guest-starring the Spectre, with art from Kyle Hotz and David Baron. The Corrigan/Spectre joining sure works different than it used to. Interesting mystery with the Spectre cult and great art.
| Published by DC Comics
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Ghost Tree #3 takes a few nice moments of quiet introspection and reflection from Brandt and Arami, as well as exploring more of Brandt’s grandparents life, before ramping up the tension with the demon. Beautiful artwork from Simon Gane, Ian Herring, and Becka Kinzie.
| Published by IDW
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Justice League Dark #12 has huge ramifications as “Lords of Order” rages on. Stunning artwork from Alvaro Martínez Bueno, Raul Fernandez, and Brad Anderson. Also Tynion gives us a fascinating rumination on magic between Batman and Wonder Woman.
| Published by DC Comics
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Killer Groove #2 continues this excellent crime drama. The little pieces of interaction and tiny character stories throughout this issue are wonderful. Ollie Masters’ approach to the narrative reminds me a lot of Robert Altman. 
| Published by AfterShock
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Road of Bones #2 leans hard into the brutal survival aspect of travelling across Russia in winter, without much idea or sense of where you’re going. Wonderful art from Alex Cormack.
| Published by IDW
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The Silencer #18 concludes this series with a kind of stock-taking story from Dan Abnett, V. Ken Marion, Sandu Florea, Mike Spicer, and Tom Napolitano. There’s some bits about the reconciliation between Blake and Honor, but a large portion of this is Honor trying to find out information on what’s happening with Leviathan. 
| Published by DC Comics
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Stranger Things: Six #2 continues to flesh out the time before the first season at Hawkins Labs as we continue to follow Francine through her past and experiences there. There’s a wonderful feeling of dread with the glimpses of the Upside Down.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Thor #14 builds on events in War of the Realms #6 with a story that is concurrent with what happens in that book diving into the younger Thor’s perspective. Great art from Scott Hepburn and Matthew Wilson.
| Published by Marvel
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Transformers/Ghostbusters #1 is a great debut from Erik Burnham, Dan Schoening, Luis Antonio Delgado, and Tom B. Long beautifully integrating the two properties here. Cybertron as destroyed by Gozer is just wonderful, and there’s a nice bit of humour that fits well with Burnham and Schoening’s other Ghostbusters work.
| Published by IDW
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War of the Realms #6 is the conclusion to this event with Jason Aaron, Russell Dauterman, Matthew Wilson, and Joe Sabino giving us a “storm of Thors”. It’s fairly epic as Thor and Malekith meet in the final confrontation, capping off one of the longest narrative arcs in Marvel that began back in Thor: God of Thunder #1 years ago. There’s more to come, but this is a very satisfying end.
| Published by Marvel
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The Weatherman #1 is a welcome return for the second volume of this series from Jody LeHeup, Nathan Fox, Moreno Dinisio, and Steve Wands. The story shifts as the team search for the clue to unlocking Bright’s memories on the one place we thought previously was all dead...Earth. Great stuff.
| Published by Image
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Wolverine: Exit Wounds #1 is another of Marvel’s 80th Anniversary one-shots, this one presenting three stories from some of the luminary creators that have worked on Wolverine before. The standout for me is the Wolverine/Venom story from Sam Kieth and Ronda Pattison. It’s a simple Vs. story, but the artwork is gorgeous. Larry Hama, Scot Eaton, Sean Parsons, and Matt Milla & Chris Claremont, Salvador Larroca, and Val Staples provide the other two stories giving a glimpse into other stages in Logan’s past. Joe Sabino provides letters for all three stories and it’s nice to see how he adapts for the tone and style of each tale.
| Published by Marvel
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Wonder Woman #73 is a fill-in from Steve Orlando, Aaron Lopresti, Matt Ryan, Romulo Fajardo Jr., and Pat Brosseau giving us a story of Diana’s past in an alternate reality. It’s a decent tale on its own, giving a hint at something important for the ongoing story.
| Published by DC Comics
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Other Highlights: Avengers #20, Battlestar Galactica: Twilight Command #5, The Beauty #27, Bone Parish #10, Books of Magic #9, Canto #1, Conan the Barbarian #7, The Crow/Hack/Slash #1, Dark Red #4, Deadly Class #39, Diabolical Summer, Dial H for Hero #4, Dick Tracy Forever #3, Doctor Strange #15, Eve Stranger #2, Fantastic Four #11, Fight Club 3 #6, The Flash #73, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #8, GLOW #3, The Goon #3, Head Lopper #12, High Level #5, Invader Zim #44, Isola #8, Kick-Ass #15, KISS: The End #3, Magnificent Ms. Marvel #4, Major X #5, Marilyn Manor #1, Martian Manhunter #6, Marvel Comics Presents #6, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #40, Mr. & Mrs. X #12, Punk Mambo #3, Punks Not Dead: London Calling #5, Redneck #21, Rick & Morty #51, Runaways #22, Spawn #298, Spider-Man Annual #1, Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Darth Vader #1, Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge #3, Steel Cage #1, Stone Star #4, Summit #15, Superior Spider-Man #8, Teen Titans: Raven, Thanos #3, Thief of Thieves #43, War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas #4, War of the Realms: The Punisher #3, War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men #3, X-Men: Grand Design - X-Tinction #2
Recommended Collections: Breakneck, Coda - Volume 2, Fearscape - Volume 1, Hardcore - Volume 1, HP Lovecraft’s At the Mountains of Madness - Volume 1, Interceptor - Volume 1, Joe Golem: Occult Detective - Volume 3: The Drowning City, Man of Steel, Old Lady Harley, Outcast - Book 3, Relay - Volume 1, Shock - Volume 2, Star Wars: Doctor Aphra - Volume 5: Worst Among Equals, Starjammers, Tony Stark: Iron Man - Volume 2: Stark Realities, Usagi Yojimbo - Volume 33: The Hidden, Wasted Space - Volume 1, West Coast Avengers - Volume 2: City of Evils
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d. emerson eddy enjoys frozen cheesecake bites.
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ewanfuckingmcgregor · 7 years
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Kylo Ren | Ben Solo
 you owe me (18+) | PART ONE
Kylo Ren is readers step brother and he gets handsy under the dinner table 
repaid debt (18+) | PART TWO
Things have been a little weird between you and Kylo since that dinner, and what have you gotten yourself into now
the last time (18+) | PART THREE
This is the third installment of the you owe me series 
dr ren modern!au (18+)
He’s wearing a tight white shirt and a nice black blazer, you let your eyes rake him up and down, he was sex if sex was a person.
 anger management (18+) 
Kylo Ren takes his anger out on reader in and productive way 
  kidnapping (18+) 
Reader hadn’t want to go out in the first place, going to a bar seem stupid with General Organa needed you, but Poe insisted, and look at you now. Covered in Kylo Ren’s cum.
eighteen (18+) 
Being an 18 year old, and possibly one of the smartest people on board had it’s advantages. But after a meeting with Snoke, a certain Commander makes readers work come to a halt to have some fun of his
solo!twins (18+) 
Virgin!Reader has a lovely time sharing Kylo & Ben solo.
Obi-wan Kenobi 
darling (18+)
Obi-wan wasn’t supposed to be having feels for his young padawan.. especially these type of feelings
Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader 
master skywalker (18+)
After not seeing Anakin for years, you finally reunite
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Credence Barebone 
street help **requested**
Credence wets himself in the street, and reader helps him.
just like him 
Newt finds another obscurus 
another child 
When Mary-Lou has to take in another child on short notice, reader is stuck sharing a room with Credence, and maybe that’s a good thing
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Billy Hargrove 
library fun (18+)
Reader is trying to study, but Billy is horny and has other ideas
tutoring session (18+) 
Billy is falling behind in math, and he needs help from the smartest girl in class
 but you’re my girl (18+) 
When Billy gets angry, he gets rough.. and reader like it rough.
save the day (drabble)
Who know Billy had a soft side, especially for a girl who isn’t the skinniest one around. 
the youngest harrington (drabble)
Billy finds out Steve has a sister, and he has a field day with it.
 wasn’t expecting that (song drabble)
Based off this song (x)
  guys my age (song drabble) 
Based off this song (x)
drunk thoughts are just sober feelings (drabble) 
Billy gets drunk and a side comes out of him that reader has never seen before
taken (drabble) 
Billy and Steve want the same girl, but forget to find out anything about her.
 dirty jeans (18+) 
Billy just looks so damn good in those jeans, reader cant help themselves
  locked in (18+) 
Billy and the reader get stuck in the disabled toilets at school, so they gotta entertain themselves.
  keep driving (18+) 
Billy has a rough day and you help him out
shower time (18+)
It’s raining and reader gets a ride from Billy, but then everything goes south
Steve Harrington
locker room talk (18+) 
After fight with Nancy at Tina’s party, Steve discovers that he wants you and he wants the reader bad.
 plaid skirt (18+)
Steve really loves that skirt, and the view of readers ass it gives
 taken (drabble) 
Billy and Steve want the same girl, but forget to find out anything about her.
 say you won’t let go (song drabble) 
based off this song (x) 
little sister (18+)
Reader and Steve have been seeing each other for a while, but they have to keep it a secret, why? Because she’s Billy’s little sister
 parking lot fun (18+) 
Reader and Steve had a flirty relationship from the start, but you both never thought it would go this far.
 biology class (18+)
Readers mum bought them a new skirt that doesn’t exacting fit right and Steve can’t help himself
Jonathan Byers
demogorgon watch (drabble)
Everyone had fallen asleep while waiting for the demogorgon to show up, except for reader and Jonathan, and reader start talking and he confesses his feelings for you.
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Jake Peralta 
 evidence locker (18+) 
Reader and Jake have had a very flirty relationship since the start, but when reader sees him get flirty with a girl who came into to file a report, reader retreats to the evidence room in jealousy and he follows reader and.. well.. things happen
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Tom Holland 
limo fun (18+) 
On the way to the Avengers: Infinity War premier, reader just looked so damn good in their dress Tom couldn’t control himself.
trailer fun (18+) 
Ever since the beginning of filming for Far From Home, Tom and you just couldn’t get along, it isn’t until recently reader understood why
seven minutes in heaven
a simple game can lead to so much more
 hallway closet (18+) 
Reader is  out to dinner and Tom just can’t keep his hands to himself
 spin the bottle (18+) 
a simple game can turn into so much more
movie night (18+) 
Reader was supposed to be watching a movie with Tom but he has other ideas
Peter Parker
 men’s bathroom (18+) | PART ONE
Peter is needy and really badly wants reader to suck him off
returning the favour (18+) | PART TWO
Since reader helped Peter out, he’s been dying to help reader out
i’m at your window (18+)
Peter comes to your window one night, wanting to be more than just friends
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Michael Langdon: 
tension (18+)
Michael hadn’t really paid attention to sex and attraction, he had bigger things to worry about, but when the reader showed up that changed
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Spencer Reid 
mile high club (18+)
after a tough case you help Spencer relax
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Dracula BBC (2020)
Delicious (18+)
Dracula had always saved the reader for a special occasion, tonight is that night
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Roman Sionis 
Dark Corner (18+)
roman sionis has his way with reader in a dark corner of his club
Sharing is caring (18+)
Victor had eyes for you first, but someone else noticed you as well, so now they have the chance to share you
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thunderlummox · 7 years
Rogue One: Keeping Hope Alive
Rogue One has a distinct honor in the Star Wars Universe; it occupies a new area of the films that has to this point been the sole domain of the Old Extended Universe of comics, books and video games (and in that tradition the New Extended Universe in the same format), that being a story adjacent to yet in many ways apart from the main storyline of the epic struggle between Light and Dark Sides of the Force.  As the first of these “side stories” (the next of course being the Han Solo origin story coming soon) it also has the job of selling the idea of side stories in form of film. The result of this is a real feeling of being torn between delivering the bombastic epic set pieces that are the hallmark of the epic SWU main films and telling a smaller, more character driven story. There’s a feeling, to me at least, that the direction of the film is being warred over. Knowing what I know of Gareth Edwards’s other films he prefers a tighter, character driven story; allowing his actors to draw in the audience with their charisma and motivations and then sparsely doling out amazing scenes for the necessary danger that drives the narrative.
But there’s another direction that is being pushed, I assume by the producers and Disney as a group, to make sure the movie “feels” like a Star Wars movie. As is typical of SWU films most scenes and acts of the film ended on a big epic battle or other explosive finale moment, robbing the characters of important growth in the service of the EPIC.  The end result comes off as distinctly fractured. Felicity Jones and Diego Luna have amazing chemistry and their relationship never reaches that all-too-overused “sudden romance” point, instead turning from reticent companionship to militant comradery, dying literally as comrades-in-arms in the penultimate battle of the film. But as refreshing as this relationship is in cinema these days (what a concept; a woman-man relationship based on something other than romantic love) it’s stilted by the lack of air for it to breathe. A few more quiet, honest scenes between the two would have completed the job nicely.
Another warring faction within the narrative seems to be the need to be referential to the original trilogy this leads into and it’s own animal entirely. In many ways this movie is completely unlike any other SWU film, but because there seems to be this nostalgia-driven need to show the same characters over and over in newer films we see unnecessary and often jarring portrayals of familiar characters. There are literally about 10 new characters with good performances and probably interesting and varied back stories that could have been explored further but instead we get CGI Gov. Tarkin and a “just a little bit off” Darth Vader. Neither were necessary in the amounts included. Tarkin could have been referred to as an off-camera adversary to Krennic, and Vader could have been reserved for the very last scene of him tearing apart the Rebel forces in searching for the Death Star plans and had more impact than if he was the antagonist all the way through. It robbed Krennic of some of his menace and villainy, in some ways protraying him as a besieged middle-manager rather than an evil scientist bent on galactic terror.
Of course this movie starts with an announcement; by beginning with the same sentence each SWU movie starts with but avoiding the bombastic GIANT YELLOW LETTERS and John Williams fanfare it announces that it’s about to be referential and original at the same time. This movie is a tester of sorts; Disney is testing how adult it can skew with this series. Can it indeed leave behind it’s “standard format” and become on film what it was in the EU, full of varied and experimental stories. I think the answer here is a resounding yes; in fact I believe if this series is to be anything more than what it was in the late 70′s-early 80′s it needs to embrace variety and Rogue One makes a great start at it. (Personally I’m hoping the Han Solo film is a buddy-heist movie). 
The ending of the movie was so well choreographed, shot, and edited that it’s a master class in embuing drama into a situation in which there is not mystery to the outcome: we KNOW the plans get to Princess Leia, and about halfway to the end of the act you KNOW none of the Rebels of Rogue One are going to live, but there is such a sense of tension to it all, a visceral gut-grabbing pace that sucks you in despite your foreknowledge. 
I’d like to note that Alan Tudyk had the absolute best character in this film. K2-SO is so perfectly snarky without crossing into broad humor and endearing in a strange way that he’s easily the only character who dies in this that made me truly sad to see go (again the small amount of space he had to work with is all the more impressive; Alan Tudyk is a severely underused actor). His scenes with all of his “co-stars” are easily the best interactions in the film. In honor of this new excellent droid here’s a bonus update to filmic droid rankings (droid rankings are not negotiable):
1. R2-D2 2. K2-SO 3. BB-8 4. Every other droid is garbage (probably with bad motivators too)
There’s been talk of this movie’s “political agenda” and “overtly transparent diversification” but I think it’s a fallacy to read too much into these things. Star Wars has always had a broad political message: the fight between those who wish freedom and provincial governance and those who wish order and central control is woven into the main films as much as the overarching black hat vs. white hat narrative. Trying to place meaning on the current political climate specifically as it stands today is erroneous in both temporality and intention; it was written and wrapped a year before it came out (coincidentally after our political system fell completely apart) so claiming it references our current institutional situation is ignoring the way time works. And I’m sorry but bitching about seeing more brown people and women in a movie series that has seen a thousand types of fake alien species already is just idiotic. (Let’s not even delve into the overtly racist stereotypes sprinkled throughout SWU under Lucas’s penmanship). 
Finally, I believe there will be two groups of people who have seen this movie and they will forever have fundamentally different impressions of it because of WHEN they saw it, and those are the people who saw the movie before Carrie Fisher’s death and those who saw it after. I’m in the latter faction obviously and the gut-punch feeling of seeing a de-aged Carrie Fisher’s face as the last thing before the credits leaves a distinct impression. I’m curious to see over the years how the opinion of the movie differs in these two groups. 
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