#the colouring of this set differs DRASTICALLY between phone and laptop
from-the-mind-of · 2 months
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Christine hosts a Murder Mystery before a screening of Murder on the Orient Express at the Ace Theatre Downtown, 1st Nov 2017 [x]
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Have you ever had a computer virus before? Not with any of my Apple laptops, which I’ve been getting for over 10 years now. Prior to that, I did have a few issues with viruses. Not fun.
Are you dependent upon anyone? >> Of course. Everyone’s dependent on someone, even if only indirectly. <<< True. I’m also very dependent upon my family, especially my mom.
Are there any book characters you’d like to portray? Uh, I don’t want to portray any character. I’m definitely no actor.
Who did you last text? My dad.
Is there anything on your bed right now? Yeah, several pillows, my bedsheets, my throw blanket, a few stuffed animals, a coloring book, a couple sets of colored pencils, two little pencil sharpeners, a little notebook, a book, an Nintendo Switch, my laptop, my phone, the chargers for aforementioned electronics... lol my bed is also my desk since I spend majority of my time in bed.
When was the last time you went to the grocery store? Back in early March. Prior to this quarantine/lockdown, I went with my mom twice a month. Since all that began, she’s just been going. We’ve been using the online order thing. What way would you like to die when it’s your time? Peacefully.
What are you most afraid of in the world? Death, diseases, violence, losing loved ones... Have you ever been caving? No.
Do you do well in math related things? Noooo. Me and math never got along.
What is your favorite fruit? Bananas. 
If you had to choose, which sibling would you live with? My younger brother and I already live in the same house.
Do you have any tattoos? Nope.
Are you planning on getting any in the near future? No.
When was your last date? Four years ago.
When did you get Facebook? Sometime in 2008.
What was your first pet’s name? Buster.
Are you good when it comes to computer issues? Uhh, depends what the issue is. If it involves the hardware itself then no.
Are there any people at your job who absolutely hates you? No job.
What was the last book you read? Don’t Tell by Willow Rose. I’m just starting, The Girl and the Hunt by AJ Rivers, which is the 6th book in a series.
Have you ever read any books in one day? Yeah, several.
What was the last thing you bought? A couple shirts and masks from Young and Reckless. The masks are black and say, “Keep your distance.” The shirts are black and say that as well in tiny font on the upper right side and on the back it says, “Thank you for staying away” in big font. I got one for my mom as well because it seemed like the perfect shirt for her to wear to work lol.
What are your plans for tomorrow? Nothing out of the ordinary.
Is there any jewelry you wear constantly? Nope. 
Are your fingernails painted at the moment? Nope.
Do you prefer cool, warm or neutral colors? >> I like a variety of colours for different reasons. <<<
Have you ever taken art classes? Just an art history class in college.
What’s the most boring movie you’ve ever seen? Hmm. I’m blanking.  Do you know how to work a cash register? I’ve never used one.
Fact or fiction novels? I’m more of a fiction gal.
Have you ever suffered from depression? Yeah, it’s been an ongoing battle for as long as I can remember, but these past few years have most definitely been the worst. Depression won.
Do you think you’re a clingy person? I can be when it comes to my mom. 
Do you enjoy kisses on the cheek? Uhh depending on who it’s from.
Have you ever been in a physical fight before? No.
How often would you say you disagree with your parents? We definitely have our disagreements, but I don’t know how often I’d say they are. A lot of them are about the same things.
What color shirt did you wear yesterday? >> Black.
Do you have a job? If so, do you like it? Nope.
Have you ever been called a slut before? I’ve had friends say it as a joke.
What’s something you’ve been craving? A day at the beach. D:
Have you ever slept with your window open? Yeah.
Can you play violin? I took lessons in 4th grade, but I didn’t enjoy it. Just wasn’t my thing. I stuck it out for the whole year, though.
What was the last desert you had? Brownies.
Have you ever had a wild animal as a pet? No.
Do you know anyone you talk to on Facebook but won’t talk to in person? No.
What color are your mother’s eyes? Brown.
Do you have a best friend? If so, how long have you been best friends? All 30 years of my life.
Do you cry easily? Yeah. Somedays I’m just on the verge of tears all day and anything can set it off. 
Have you ever been into a court room? I think during a field trip in elementary school.
How many necklaces would you say you own? Hmm. Maybe five.
Do you plan on being strict towards your children? I plan on not having children. I’m going to be 31 soon and feel strongly about not having children and I just don’t see something super drastic happening that makes me change my mind. But I’d be even older if something drastic did happen, so probably not even then. I’m meant to have doggos. (:
Do you own any tie-dye shirts? Yeah, a few.
What would you say is your favorite day of the week? They’re all the same for me, really.
Do you ever wear lipstick? I haven’t in a long time.
Do you own a pool? Nope.
Do you have a Tumblr account? Never heard of it.
Would you say you’re overweight? No. I’m actually too underweight.
How many colors are in your hair? Well, it’s mostly red, but my roots are starting to grow out. It’s not too bad, yet.
Do you flirt with a lot of people? I’m not a flirtatious person in general. If I flirt, it’s with someone I’m interested in and have been talking to. I don’t flirt with everyone or with people I don’t know.
How many bank accounts do you have? Just one.
Have you ever been falsely accused of starting drama? Yes.
How old are you? 30.
Do you attend church regularly? Not physically, but a local church uploads their service every Sunday to watch or listen to and I’ve been watching that even before the lockdown/quarantine. Since then, they’ve been live streaming since they can’t meet in person.
Have you ever found a song that describes your whole life? There’s a lot of songs where the lyrics just speak to me as they say and I really relate to them.
What time did you wake up this morning? I haven’t gone to bed, yet, but I assume I’ll get up sometime between 1 and 3 since that’s how it’s been the past few months.
What time do you plan on waking up tomorrow morning? ^^^
What kind of car do you drive? I don’t drive.
What kind of car would you like to have? Not something I’ve given much thought.
Have you ever been to Dairy Queen? If so, what’s your favorite thing to eat from there? Not since I was a kid. I remember liking the blizzard things.
How old did you turn on your last birthday? This is just another way of asking how old I am, which you already asked me.
Ever felt like falling apart? Oh yes. I’ve felt like I’ve fallen apart and like I’m going to fall apart, just barely hanging on. I’m always just trying to keep it together. I’m like Humpty Dumpty who couldn’t quite be put back together again.
Have you ever been in an ambulance? Yes.
Do you tend to worry a lot? Yepppp.
How old were you when you lost your first tooth? Like 6, I think.
Do you remember your first time on the internet? It was when I was 9 or 10.
Which website do you email from? Yahoo.
Do you enjoy receiving souvenirs? Sure. I love getting them myself when on vacation and I’d certainly appreciate if someone brought me something from theirs.
Do you get angry with people easily? Not angry, but irritated and frustrated. 
Do a lot of people dislike you or is it the other way around? I feel like I’m just not even on the radar for most people.
Have you ever had the flu? Yes.
What about strep throat? Yes. It’s been a longggg time, though.
Have you ever been to a psychologist? No, but I need to.
What’s the worst part about school? For me it was that I just got so overwhelmed and stressed out so easily.
Do you normally have a lot of homework, if you’re still in school?
When was your last vacation? Back in early February. I can’t believe that even happened this year because quarantine/lockdown has felt like 84 years.
Would you ever consider going on a cruise? I’ve thought about it and they do sound fun, but... I don’t think I could.
What did you last buy from the store? A few Starbucks Doubleshot energy drinks.
Would you say you enjoy being single or in a relationship more? All I really know is being single, so I can’t really say for sure. I do miss being interested in someone and talking to someone in that way, though, and the very little experience I do have with dating. It’s best for me to be single, though.
Do you try to stay busy a lot? I spend my days with my usual go-to distractions. I wouldn’t call that keeping busy, though. I don’t feel like spending all day on various social media platforms, watching YouTube and TV, reading, playing Animal Crossing, and lounging is “busy” if that makes sense. I think of productivity when I think about keeping busy. To me the things I do are just distractions and things to pass the time. Just something to do, ya know? *shrug*
What’s your favorite quote? “Blah.” ha.
Do you lie a lot? I’d be lying if I said I never lie, but I’m not a pathological liar. 
Do you still act childish most of the time? I sure can be stubborn, moody, and whiny like one.
Did you ever enjoy gym class? Nope.
What is your biggest insecurity? I have a lot of insecurities. 
Have you ever painted a room alone? Nope. Or at all.
Speaking of which, when did you last paint your room? Never.
What’s for dinner tonight? I don’t know, it’s only 3 in the morning.
Do you ever drink alcohol? Nope.
Have you ever had a terrible hangover? Ugh, yes.
Do you ever get migraines? No, but I get terrible tension headaches.
Do you know how to garden? I don’t do any gardening. Not my thing.
What was the last thing you plugged into an outlet? The egg cooker thing to make hard boiled eggs.
Do people consider you to be a funny person? I have my moments.
Do you have any bad habits? Oh do I ever.
Do you like children? If not, why is this? Sure, in small doses. haha.
What is your favorite snack? Deviled eggs. Super random, but they make a delicious snack.
Do you own any gaming systems? I have a Nintendo Switch. I use my brother’s PS4 to access stuff like Netflix or watch DVDs in the living room.
How old were your parents when they had you? Early and mid 20s.
Is there a big age difference between you and the person you like? There’s no such person, currently.
Do you trashtalk people a lot? Nah, just myself.
What is the most amusing thing on the internet, in your opinion? TikTok has been pretty amusing.
Does the future excite you or scare you? It terrifies me.
Have you ever been to Disney World? If so, how many times have you been? No.
Do you try to spend a lot of time with family? I spend a lot of time with my immediate family. We’re very close, but we also live together so we’re able to do so. I don’t see my extended family very often, and not at all since the quarantine/lockdown.
How often do you shower? Every couple of days.
What would you say is your favorite genre of music? I like a variety of music.
Do you need to clean your bedroom? It could use a little straightening up.
What do you plan on doing with the rest of your life? I don’t know. I don’t want to keep going on like I have been the past few years... 
Do you enjoy Chinese food? I like some. I haven’t had any in quite awhile, though. I’ve actually been really wanting potstickers.
Do you smile a lot? *shrug* I give a lot of half smiles.
What is your favorite movie from the nineties? That’s tough. I love a lot about the 90s.
Which decade were you born in? The 80s, albeit halfway through the last year of the decade. 
Are you good at giving advice to people? I think I used to be. Not now.
How many huge secrets do you have? Wouldn’t you like to know? Maybe I have a lot. Maybe I have none. Like the Tootsie Pop owl says, “the world may never know.” Oooh, I’m so ~mysterious.
How many people know these secrets?
How many times a day do you brush your teeth? Once.
Do you ever floss? Once in awhile, but no not usually. 
Have you ever been in a long-term relationship? No.
Ever considered suicide? If so, did you try to commit suicide? Yes. No. Is there anyone out there who makes you feel completely useless? No, I do that to myself.
Do you like texting or calling people more? Text. I don’t like talking on the phone. I don’t a lot of texting either, though.
What’s your favorite band? Linkin Park will always be one of them.
Do you have a lot of friends? I don’t have any friends.
Have you ever painted something and been impressed by it? I don’t paint.
Would you rather go out to eat or stay in? Oh, I’m not going out to eat anywhere anytime soon. I don’t care if dine in is slowly becoming an option again. Things are starting to open up again in phases, but please don’t mistake that to mean we’re in the clear and it’s perfectly safe to do so. We’re still very much in the midst of this pandemic. Please don’t be lax about your outings or start going all over the place. 
When did you last babysit, if ever? Not since my brother and a couple of my cousins were kids. They’re all adults now. 
Do you have any younger siblings? Yep, just mentioned my younger brother.
Have you ever thought of someone as useless? I don’t think of others that way, just myself.
Have you ever considered bleaching your hair? Yes and I do.
Do you drink vitamin water? I was super into Vitamin Water back when I was in high school. I haven’t had any in quite a long time.
Do you ever straighten your hair? It’s been a few years since I’ve straightened it myself, but when I go to get my hair done the lady who does my hair straightens it.
What’s the best way to end a conversation? Uhhh it depends? 
Are there any old movies you absolutely love? Yeah, there’s several.
Have you ever had a Big Mac before? Many times. I’ll get a craving for one every now and then.
Do you think you attract the opposite sex at a reasonable rate? Haaaaa no, not at all.
Where is your favorite place to travel? Beachy places.
What is your goal for the next few months? Getting through the summer somehow. Next week we’re having a few triple digit weather days.... it’s not even summer, yet. I don’t know how I’m going to do it. I can’t even escape to the beach this summer. D:
Can you count to ten in another language other than your own? Sí, en Español.
Do you own a lot of shoes? A few pairs.
What is your favorite season and why? Fall and winter. I just love everything about it--the cold weather, the holidays, the smells, the decor, and just the coziness of it.
Does photography interest you at all? >> Not really. I like looking at photographs other people have taken, though. <<< Yeah, it interests me in that way but I don’t have any interest in taking up photography myself.
Have you ever played on a sports team before? If you have, what was that sport and when? Nope.
Have you ever filed a lawsuit on someone? No.
Do you think you’re a good singer? Nope, I know I’m not. Doesn’t mean I don’t do it anyway at home to myself, though. 
Would you rather wear jeans or sweatpants? I’ve only been wearing leggings the past few years.
Do you think you have a good sense of style? I like what I wear, which is all that matters.
Do you enjoy reading often? Yes, I love reading.
Ever had food-poisoning before? Yes. Not fun.
Where did you last eat dinner at? We got Wingstop takeout last night if that counts. I haven’t physically been out to eat in months, though.
Have you ever shot a gun before? Yes, once. I went to a shooting range with friends and learned how to hold and shoot one. I don’t know what type it was exactly, but it was a small handheld. It actually made me quite anxious doing so and even just being in that environment, so yeah it was just that one time. 
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Redmi Note 7 Review
Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 full review Following a Chinese launch in January the Redmi Note 7 officially went on sale in the UK on 7 May, charging straight into the top spot in both our UK and Chinese budget phone charts, knocking the Mi A2 Lite off its perch. It's the first phone from newly spun-off Xiaomi sub-brand Redmi, and as such it marks a huge departure from Redmi as you know it.
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Headlining is a 48Mp dual-lens camera, and Redmi Note 7 was actually the first Xiaomi phone to pack such a high megapixel count - though Mi 9 then came along and did it better. There are some similarities between this budget phone and Xiaomi's flagship, but Redmi Note 7 is much more closely aligned in specs and performance with the Oppo F11 Pro, another Chinese phone that has not yet gone on sale in the UK (and may not ever do so).
It's also got a large 6.3in Full-HD+ screen and promises all day runtime from a 4000mAh battery with Quick Charge 4 support. Plus some users will be very happy to see the inclusion of a traditional 3.5mm headphone jack.
Xiaomi has kept down costs by specifying a mid-range Snapdragon 660 chip and 3- or 4GB of RAM, allowing this budget Android to be available from as little as £179. That's for the 3GB RAM, 32GB storage model, while the 6GB RAM, 64GB storage model we review here costs £199. There's also a 128GB storage version at £249. You can choose from Space Black or Neptune Blue colour options.
Right now GearBest is offering an incredible deal on the entry-level 3GB/32GB option, where it costs just £113.54.
You can also buy Redmi Note 7 direct from Xiaomi, or from retailers such as Amazon. It will also be available on a contract basis from Vodafone.
The Redmi Note 7 is available in Europe from 179€, but if you're looking to buy in the US you'll need to import it from a site such as GearBest or Geekbuying. The latter is currently stocking the global version of the top-end Redmi Note 7 at the discounted price of £170.01/$209.99/185.57€. Do remember to take into account potential import duty fees, which is calculated at 20 percent of the value on the shipping paperwork.
Redmi Note 7 review (Also see: Best Xiaomi Deals)
Redmi Note 7 Design & Build Redmi Note 7 is not all that dissimilar in design to the flagship Mi 9, which packs a fractionally larger (6.39in) screen into an ever so slightly smaller chassis. Both have tall 19.5:9 panels and slim bezels - naturally slimmer on the Mi 9, but the only place this is really obvious to the untrained eye is on its smaller chin.
Each also feature a Dot Drop (waterdrop-style) notch to maximise the available screen space and house the selfie camera, which is more obvious on Mi 9 with its larger 20Mp sensor (Redmi Note 7 has a 13Mp front camera). There's also a blink-and-you'll-miss-it slit at the extreme edge between the screen and frame for the earpiece.
Around the back you'll find some more obvious differences, however, with a dual- rather than triple lens camera on the Redmi Note 7, the Redmi rather than Mi logo, and a physical fingerprint sensor. All members of the flagship Mi 9 family now use an in-display fingerprint sensor.
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Arguably physical fingerprint sensors typically work better than these early in-display versions, and though it might be a fancy new feature to have the omission is not a game-changer.
Redmi Note 7 review
We tested the Black version so were unable to enjoy the gradient finish of the Blue model, but in pictures it looks gorgeous. With a glass back and front the Redmi Note 7 has a very premium design for a phone at this price point, and is only fractionally thicker than Xiaomi's flagship family at 8.1mm, though you will notice that glossy frame is plastic rather than metal. That extra space inside the case enables it to include a capacious 4,000mAh battery, too, matching the spec of the recently announced Mi 9T.
Something you won't find on Mi 9 phones (save for the Mi 9T) is the Redmi Note 7's 3.5mm headphone jack, which sits on the top edge of the phone alongside another increasingly rare feature: an IR blaster. While phone makers are rapidly making the switch over to USB-C audio, there are still plenty of users who want to use their existing earphones without an adaptor. Redmi Note 7 also has a bottom-firing mono speaker for audio.
At 6.3in the display is expansive, and ideal for watching high-resolution video and playing games. This is not the same AMOLED technology on Mi 9, but it's still good for the money, and actually nearly as bright - we recorded 398 nits using a Spyder. With a 2340x1080 Full-HD+ resolution everything is super-clear, too.
Although the Redmi Note 7 runs MIUI 10, on our review sample the system-wide Dark Mode setting found in the flagships is not available. It's possible this will come in the next update, with the Redmi running and our Mi 9 running This is useful not only because it seems to be the latest trend to do everything in Dark Mode, but because it drastically reduces the screen's impact on battery life.
The Redmi Note 7 also lacks the Ambient Display (always-on) mode found in Xiaomi flagships, which can additionally help you maintain battery life by reducing the frequency with which you feel you need to wake the phone to check the time or notifications. That could be an issue here, since Redmi Note 7 has the most ridiculous notification LED we've ever seen - it flashes up below the screen but is the tiniest little dot you could easily miss it completely.
Redmi Note 7 review
None of Xiaomi's current smartphone line-up is waterproof, though we wouldn't necessarily expect to find this feature at this price anyhow. Xiaomi also keeps down costs by excluding wireless charging from this phone, though it does support Quick Charge 4 and is supplied with a 10W USB-C charger in the box.
As with all Xiaomi phones you'll also find a silicon case is supplied, a nice touch given that these are not easily obtainable in UK High Street stores. The Note 7 does feature Gorilla Glass 5 to help protect it from scratches, but it is not infallible.
Redmi Note 7 Core Hardware & Performance The Note 7 is fitted with a 2.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 14nm chip, which integrates an 850MHz Adreno 512 GPU. This is a step down from the also mid-range Snapdragon 712 and 730 found in the Mi 9 SE and 9T, but there's not a huge difference in performance - at least not anything the average user would be able to perceive - as you'll see in the comparison chart below.
You'll have seen this chip before, in the likes of the Xiaomi Mi 8 Lite, Xiaomi Mi A2, Nokia 7 Plus, Samsung Galaxy A9, Elephone U Pro and so forth. It's quite a popular processor. And while Redmi Note 7 is not significantly faster than any of those other phones that use it, something you should note is that it is significantly cheaper.
The Redmi Note 7 offers capable - if not flagship - daily performance, and provided you don't turn up the detail too much some very playable framerates. In GFXBench's T-Rex and Manhattan tests we recorded 46- and 21fps, for example.
The 4000mAh battery inside is good for a day's use, but no more. In Geekbench 4's battery test we recorded 7 hours 16 minutes, which is actually a pretty middling score and a little lower than we had anticipated given the huge capacity of the battery.
As we mentioned earlier on in this review you get a choice of 3- or 4GB of RAM. We tested the latter, and this is the version we recommend for the best performance, especially when it costs only an extra £20.
Redmi Note 7 review
A major advantage of Redmi over Mi is its support for storage expansion, so there's no reason why you shouldn't opt for the lower-capacity version and bolt on extra storage later, if and when you need it. Redmi Note 7 can accept microSD cards up to 256GB via a hybrid SIM tray - you must choose between dual-SIM functionality and storage expansion. If you do opt for a second SIM instead, know that either SIM slot can be used for 4G data, but unlike with the Mi 9 family you can't use 4G on both at once.
In terms of connectivity there's also dual-band 802.11ac Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5.0, GPS and an IR blaster. You will not find NFC for making mobile payments, so if this is important to you step up to the Mi line.
Redmi Note 7 Cameras & Photography For a budget phone the Redmi Note 7's cameras are pretty good, though not quite as good as the marketing might have you believe.
The star of the show is a 48Mp lens that by default actually takes 12Mp shots. This is because it combines four pixels into one, averaging out the quality, exposure, colours and so on to create one significantly better-looking super pixel.
This is paired with a 5Mp secondary lens for blurred background (bokeh) shots, and together the Note 7 is capable of some decent - if a little dull - photography, given good lighting. Zoom right in and some noise is visible, but zoomed out the results are more than acceptable for a sub-£200 phone.
In low lighting the camera has more work to do, and even in Night mode it still struggles. Here you need to be really careful to keep the camera still for what feels like forever as it processes the shot. Though it did a good job of picking out different colours, including the different shades of black, text can be a little fuzzy and edges less well defined. Not a bad result, but equally not the best.
This is an AI camera, which means Xiaomi's software can intelligently set an appropriate preset for the shooting scenario. The app is very easy to use, and you can quickly switch between photo and video, Portrait, Night, Square, Panorama and Pro modes, and there's a shortcut for preinstalled Google Lens right within the app, too.
There's also an option to shoot in 48Mp, though all this is going to really do for you is gobble through your storage, since the results are not any better for the extra pixels.
The Redmi Note 7 supports 1080p video capture at 30- or 60fps with image stabilisation, but 4K and slow-mo video is off limits.
Around the front is a 13Mp AI camera for selfies, and in this mode the app offers quick access to various beauty settings.
Redmi Note 7 Auto
Redmi Note 7 Auto
Redmi Note 7 HDR
Redmi Note 7 HDR
Redmi Note 7 Low-Light
Redmi Note 7 Low-Light
Redmi Note 7 Night
Redmi Note 7 Night
Redmi Note 7 Software The Redmi Note 7 runs MIUI 10, which is a custom version of Android 9 Pie. Since we're using a Global ROM model it comes preinstalled with Google services and an English-language keyboard and interface, so setup is as simple as on any Android phone.
You will find Xiaomi offers its own version of most Google apps, which does mean there's some duplication here, and most cannot be deleted (or removed from the app tray-less home screen, though you can tuck them away in a folder where they will remain out of sight and out of mind). This is for good reason, since Chinese ROM MIUI devices don't have those Google apps. Some of these apps are pretty decent, however, so either use them, or don't - there's enough storage that you don't really need to worry about them.
Redmi Note 7 review
We noted earlier that the Redmi Note 7 currently lacks the Dark Mode and Ambient Display found on the Mi 9 family. The software is pretty much the same in other respects, and there are some great extras only found on Xiaomi phones such as Dual Apps and Second Space.
A Split-screen mode is also found in the recents menu, with is accessible either from the onscreen button or by swiping from the bottom of the screen and then pausing before lifting your finger in the gesture-only Full Display mode.
While the notification LED is so pathetic that you're likely to miss it completely, you do get individual app control over which are allowed to display notifications on the lock screen or float at the top of the screen, which means only the most important will be allowed to distract you. Finding your way around the settings may not be immediately obvious, however.
Redmi Note 7 Conclusion Redmi Note 7 is a very decent mid-range phone with a budget price. In the UK budget smartphone market none of its similarly priced rivals (think Mi A2 Lite, Honor 10 Lite, Moto G7 Power) even come close.
In design it's not all that far removed from Xiaomi's flagship, with a similarly large and almost as bright display, but it's not of quite the same quality. In performance most users would not be able to separate Redmi Note 7 and Mi 9 SE, and it's as capable as many phones costing £350.
Compared to the flagship line it adds microSD support and a headphone jack, but loses the wireless charging, in-display fingerprint sensor and NFC for mobile payments. The triple-lens camera is here reduced to a dual-lens model, but still has a huge 48Mp lens headlining.
On paper the capacious 4,000mAh battery looks amazing; in reality you should get a full day's use from it.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 full review Following a Chinese launch in January the Redmi Note 7 officially went on sale in the UK on 7 May, charging straight into the top spot in both our UK and Chinese budget phone charts, knocking the Mi A2 Lite off its perch. It's the first phone from newly spun-off Xiaomi sub-brand Redmi, and as such it marks a huge departure from Redmi as you know it.
Headlining is a 48Mp dual-lens camera, and Redmi Note 7 was actually the first Xiaomi phone to pack such a high megapixel count - though Mi 9 then came along and did it better. There are some similarities between this budget phone and Xiaomi's flagship, but Redmi Note 7 is much more closely aligned in specs and performance with the Oppo F11 Pro, another Chinese phone that has not yet gone on sale in the UK (and may not ever do so).
It's also got a large 6.3in Full-HD+ screen and promises all day runtime from a 4000mAh battery with Quick Charge 4 support. Plus some users will be very happy to see the inclusion of a traditional 3.5mm headphone jack.
Xiaomi has kept down costs by specifying a mid-range Snapdragon 660 chip and 3- or 4GB of RAM, allowing this budget Android to be available from as little as £179. That's for the 3GB RAM, 32GB storage model, while the 6GB RAM, 64GB storage model we review here costs £199. There's also a 128GB storage version at £249. You can choose from Space Black or Neptune Blue colour options.
Right now GearBest is offering an incredible deal on the entry-level 3GB/32GB option, where it costs just £113.54.
You can also buy Redmi Note 7 direct from Xiaomi, or from retailers such as Amazon. It will also be available on a contract basis from Vodafone.
The Redmi Note 7 is available in Europe from 179€, but if you're looking to buy in the US you'll need to import it from a site such as GearBest or Geekbuying. The latter is currently stocking the global version of the top-end Redmi Note 7 at the discounted price of £170.01/$209.99/185.57€. Do remember to take into account potential import duty fees, which is calculated at 20 percent of the value on the shipping paperwork.
Redmi Note 7 review (Also see: Best Xiaomi Deals)
Redmi Note 7 Design & Build Redmi Note 7 is not all that dissimilar in design to the flagship Mi 9, which packs a fractionally larger (6.39in) screen into an ever so slightly smaller chassis. Both have tall 19.5:9 panels and slim bezels - naturally slimmer on the Mi 9, but the only place this is really obvious to the untrained eye is on its smaller chin.
Each also feature a Dot Drop (waterdrop-style) notch to maximise the available screen space and house the selfie camera, which is more obvious on Mi 9 with its larger 20Mp sensor (Redmi Note 7 has a 13Mp front camera). There's also a blink-and-you'll-miss-it slit at the extreme edge between the screen and frame for the earpiece.
Around the back you'll find some more obvious differences, however, with a dual- rather than triple lens camera on the Redmi Note 7, the Redmi rather than Mi logo, and a physical fingerprint sensor. All members of the flagship Mi 9 family now use an in-display fingerprint sensor.
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Arguably physical fingerprint sensors typically work better than these early in-display versions, and though it might be a fancy new feature to have the omission is not a game-changer.
Redmi Note 7 review
We tested the Black version so were unable to enjoy the gradient finish of the Blue model, but in pictures it looks gorgeous. With a glass back and front the Redmi Note 7 has a very premium design for a phone at this price point, and is only fractionally thicker than Xiaomi's flagship family at 8.1mm, though you will notice that glossy frame is plastic rather than metal. That extra space inside the case enables it to include a capacious 4,000mAh battery, too, matching the spec of the recently announced Mi 9T.
Something you won't find on Mi 9 phones (save for the Mi 9T) is the Redmi Note 7's 3.5mm headphone jack, which sits on the top edge of the phone alongside another increasingly rare feature: an IR blaster. While phone makers are rapidly making the switch over to USB-C audio, there are still plenty of users who want to use their existing earphones without an adaptor. Redmi Note 7 also has a bottom-firing mono speaker for audio.
At 6.3in the display is expansive, and ideal for watching high-resolution video and playing games. This is not the same AMOLED technology on Mi 9, but it's still good for the money, and actually nearly as bright - we recorded 398 nits using a Spyder. With a 2340x1080 Full-HD+ resolution everything is super-clear, too.
Although the Redmi Note 7 runs MIUI 10, on our review sample the system-wide Dark Mode setting found in the flagships is not available. It's possible this will come in the next update, with the Redmi running and our Mi 9 running This is useful not only because it seems to be the latest trend to do everything in Dark Mode, but because it drastically reduces the screen's impact on battery life.
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Redmi Note 7 review
None of Xiaomi's current smartphone line-up is waterproof, though we wouldn't necessarily expect to find this feature at this price anyhow. Xiaomi also keeps down costs by excluding wireless charging from this phone, though it does support Quick Charge 4 and is supplied with a 10W USB-C charger in the box.
As with all Xiaomi phones you'll also find a silicon case is supplied, a nice touch given that these are not easily obtainable in UK High Street stores. The Note 7 does feature Gorilla Glass 5 to help protect it from scratches, but it is not infallible.
Redmi Note 7 Core Hardware & Performance The Note 7 is fitted with a 2.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 14nm chip, which integrates an 850MHz Adreno 512 GPU. This is a step down from the also mid-range Snapdragon 712 and 730 found in the Mi 9 SE and 9T, but there's not a huge difference in performance - at least not anything the average user would be able to perceive - as you'll see in the comparison chart below.
You'll have seen this chip before, in the likes of the Xiaomi Mi 8 Lite, Xiaomi Mi A2, Nokia 7 Plus, Samsung Galaxy A9, Elephone U Pro and so forth. It's quite a popular processor. And while Redmi Note 7 is not significantly faster than any of those other phones that use it, something you should note is that it is significantly cheaper.
The Redmi Note 7 offers capable - if not flagship - daily performance, and provided you don't turn up the detail too much some very playable framerates. In GFXBench's T-Rex and Manhattan tests we recorded 46- and 21fps, for example.
The 4000mAh battery inside is good for a day's use, but no more. In Geekbench 4's battery test we recorded 7 hours 16 minutes, which is actually a pretty middling score and a little lower than we had anticipated given the huge capacity of the battery.
As we mentioned earlier on in this review you get a choice of 3- or 4GB of RAM. We tested the latter, and this is the version we recommend for the best performance, especially when it costs only an extra £20.
Redmi Note 7 review
A major advantage of Redmi over Mi is its support for storage expansion, so there's no reason why you shouldn't opt for the lower-capacity version and bolt on extra storage later, if and when you need it. Redmi Note 7 can accept microSD cards up to 256GB via a hybrid SIM tray - you must choose between dual-SIM functionality and storage expansion. If you do opt for a second SIM instead, know that either SIM slot can be used for 4G data, but unlike with the Mi 9 family you can't use 4G on both at once.
In terms of connectivity there's also dual-band 802.11ac Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5.0, GPS and an IR blaster. You will not find NFC for making mobile payments, so if this is important to you step up to the Mi line.
Redmi Note 7 Cameras & Photography For a budget phone the Redmi Note 7's cameras are pretty good, though not quite as good as the marketing might have you believe.
The star of the show is a 48Mp lens that by default actually takes 12Mp shots. This is because it combines four pixels into one, averaging out the quality, exposure, colours and so on to create one significantly better-looking super pixel.
This is paired with a 5Mp secondary lens for blurred background (bokeh) shots, and together the Note 7 is capable of some decent - if a little dull - photography, given good lighting. Zoom right in and some noise is visible, but zoomed out the results are more than acceptable for a sub-£200 phone.
In low lighting the camera has more work to do, and even in Night mode it still struggles. Here you need to be really careful to keep the camera still for what feels like forever as it processes the shot. Though it did a good job of picking out different colours, including the different shades of black, text can be a little fuzzy and edges less well defined. Not a bad result, but equally not the best.
This is an AI camera, which means Xiaomi's software can intelligently set an appropriate preset for the shooting scenario. The app is very easy to use, and you can quickly switch between photo and video, Portrait, Night, Square, Panorama and Pro modes, and there's a shortcut for preinstalled Google Lens right within the app, too.
There's also an option to shoot in 48Mp, though all this is going to really do for you is gobble through your storage, since the results are not any better for the extra pixels.
The Redmi Note 7 supports 1080p video capture at 30- or 60fps with image stabilisation, but 4K and slow-mo video is off limits.
Around the front is a 13Mp AI camera for selfies, and in this mode the app offers quick access to various beauty settings.
Redmi Note 7 Auto
Redmi Note 7 Auto
Redmi Note 7 HDR
Redmi Note 7 HDR
Redmi Note 7 Low-Light
Redmi Note 7 Low-Light
Redmi Note 7 Night
Redmi Note 7 Night
Redmi Note 7 Software The Redmi Note 7 runs MIUI 10, which is a custom version of Android 9 Pie. Since we're using a Global ROM model it comes preinstalled with Google services and an English-language keyboard and interface, so setup is as simple as on any Android phone.
You will find Xiaomi offers its own version of most Google apps, which does mean there's some duplication here, and most cannot be deleted (or removed from the app tray-less home screen, though you can tuck them away in a folder where they will remain out of sight and out of mind). This is for good reason, since Chinese ROM MIUI devices don't have those Google apps. Some of these apps are pretty decent, however, so either use them, or don't - there's enough storage that you don't really need to worry about them.
Redmi Note 7 review
We noted earlier that the Redmi Note 7 currently lacks the Dark Mode and Ambient Display found on the Mi 9 family. The software is pretty much the same in other respects, and there are some great extras only found on Xiaomi phones such as Dual Apps and Second Space.
A Split-screen mode is also found in the recents menu, with is accessible either from the onscreen button or by swiping from the bottom of the screen and then pausing before lifting your finger in the gesture-only Full Display mode.
While the notification LED is so pathetic that you're likely to miss it completely, you do get individual app control over which are allowed to display notifications on the lock screen or float at the top of the screen, which means only the most important will be allowed to distract you. Finding your way around the settings may not be immediately obvious, however.
Redmi Note 7 Conclusion Redmi Note 7 is a very decent mid-range phone with a budget price. In the UK budget smartphone market none of its similarly priced rivals (think Mi A2 Lite, Honor 10 Lite, Moto G7 Power) even come close.
In design it's not all that far removed from Xiaomi's flagship, with a similarly large and almost as bright display, but it's not of quite the same quality. In performance most users would not be able to separate Redmi Note 7 and Mi 9 SE, and it's as capable as many phones costing £350.
Compared to the flagship line it adds microSD support and a headphone jack, but loses the wireless charging, in-display fingerprint sensor and NFC for mobile payments. The triple-lens camera is here reduced to a dual-lens model, but still has a huge 48Mp lens headlining.
On paper the capacious 4,000mAh battery looks amazing; in reality you should get a full day's use from it.
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
The Sex Contract - Chapter 16
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Genre: friends to lovers au / friends with benefits / mature content / romance / angst
Characters: Shim Changmin x Kaia Ashton (OC)
A/N: Due to the overwhelming request I have followed your encouragement to bring back one of my older stories. This was back in a time where OCs were everything and writing one chapter in each main’s point of view was the trend. I hope that even though I have edited this drastically, that you can appreciate this story comes from my older style of writing. I definitely still read this often and find it enjoyable so I hope you will too.
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 - FINAL
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Chapter 16 – Kaia’s POV.
“Kai, its morning time, wake up!”
Kaia rolled over in the bed and her eyes washed over Changmin. She had been awake for a much longer period than the Korean, though he was too tired to realise the expression on her face. She had to look away after a while, not because she was afraid of what he’d see, but because she didn’t want another flare-up of what she had been internalising all night long.
It was stupid really, Kaia hadn’t realised where it had changed and become complicated between her and Changmin. But it was different now and the nausea within her stomach started to attack with full force.
“Changmin, I don’t really feel up to your schedule today,” Kaia admitted. And it was the truth too.
He gazed down at her with concern, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “Are you unwell?”
“Still a bit from yesterday. Don’t worry though I guess I’m not cut out for the lifestyle of a celebrity. I was thinking since I haven’t had much time to see Tokyo and you’re too busy that I might just go for a little wander today.”
“That would be a really neat idea,” he enthused, nodding his head. “I’m super busy all day long. Ever since the papers this morning were released I’ve pretty much got a jam-packed schedule. I wish I could come with you and enjoy the nice weather!”
She nodded. “I already submitted my article on Korea Star last night around the time of your date. There were photos up by that time too. It seemed like a good night.”
“If I had more time to tell you about it right now Kai, I would. But I have to get out of here early. Anyway, I’ll leave my credit card on the table, use it to buy something nice!”
“I don’t need it,” Kaia called out fruitlessly and listened to the front door shut shortly after. Pulling her knees up under her chin with a sigh, Kaia stared at the blanket until her eyes became unfocused.
Why was she starting to feel something for her best friend?
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Around ten, Kaia finally pulled herself out of bed, padding into the kitchen for a glass of orange juice. As Changmin mentioned, she found his credit card sitting there with a small note beside it telling her there was no limit on how much she could spend and to have a great day. She picked it up and screwed the note into a little ball, half contemplating maxing the entire card just to get back at him. Kaia knew he hadn’t meant it, but after last night’s sex she felt like it was just a way to pay for her services. She had to push back the bile rising in her stomach at the mere thought.
Ignoring the card, and finishing off the juice, Kaia headed back into her room and got dressed, picking up her bag and the spare card-key before locking the house up. It was another nice autumn day in Tokyo, the weather just the right temperature to enjoy. She pulled out my map book and found where she was on it, looking for the closest interesting place to visit she had scribbled down on a list in bed. Finally, deciding on taking a train to Hibiya Park, Kaia headed in the direction of the closest underground station.
It was a highly confusing platform and even though she was used to Korean ones, because she lacked knowledge of the language, Kaia struggled to follow what English was around her. Eventually, she found a ticket seller and asked as best as she could, the man showing her where to board and what number she needed. She followed the directions and hopped off at the stop she had counted out along the way, stepping into a group of businessmen before heading up onto the street.
“Okay, now it’s to the right from this station,” Kaia said to herself in English, hurrying along the street towards the park she was excited for. The pictures she had seen earlier on her laptop were something she wanted to explore in person, and hoped to get some nice photos to send to her nature-loving Mother.
She stopped walking when she realised she had passed the same noodle shop before. Glancing around her, Kaia tried to find herself again on the map, but not knowing where she was made it that much harder. She looked for a person she could communicate with but after attempting to get the attention of a couple of busy pedestrians, she knew that she was in the wrong place to be asking for advice. Business people had very little time to waste on foreigners.
Kaia wandered forward and then grinned, spotting Hangul across the street. After nearly killing herself trying to dart between the traffic, she entered the Korean store, bowing at the keeper. He simply waved her off before she could even speak, and even though she used her second language over her native one, he wouldn’t have a bar of her. Frustrated, she stomped her foot in anger.
Glancing around again, she noticed a Korean girl sitting on a bench and hoped for better luck. “Excuse me, would you be able to point me in the direction of Hibiya Park?”
“Uh no,” she replied coolly and held up her phone. “And couldn’t you see I was busy?”
“Wow, the youth these days have no respect for their elders,” Kaia muttered under her breath before sighing heavily. “Why can’t anyone in this area stop and help a person out?!”
“Perhaps, if you asked the right people you’d get somewhere,” a voice answered, and she snapped her eyes to follow it, somewhat surprised that the English accent didn’t match his appearance. Kaia stared at the man curiously as he approached her. He smiled and shared a dimple. “Where are you trying to head?”
“You’re surprising,” She blurted out and colour invaded her cheeks, as his laughter reached Kaia’s ears.
“Not every day you expect an Asian to be British?”
She nodded weakly. “And how timely you are. I even speak Korean fluently and wasn’t getting anywhere.”
“How surprising,” he bit back in his native tongue, and she rolled her eyes at the Korean man, trying to decipher why he looked relatively familiar. “I’m Jay.”
“Well since I’m able to speak both English and Korean well, shall I help you?”
“I’m trying to find Hibiya Park. Do you know where it is?”
He nodded brightly. “Not here.”
“What?! The train steward told me to get off at the fourth stop and I did!”
“You’re easily frustrated,” he observed and pointed in the opposite direction. “You must have missed a stop because this would have possibly been your third stop from your original destination.”
“Great, just my luck in trying to take myself around a place I don’t speak the language of.”
Jay grinned. “Good thing I speak Japanese too.”
“You’re a man of many talents it seems,” Kaia said, grinning back and he nodded.
“Come on, I’ll show you to the park. Perhaps you’ll learn more about me on the way too.”
By the time they reached Hibiya Park, Kaia had forgotten all about her previous frustration with the day so far. Jay was refreshing to be around, his laughter infecting her with a good mood. She learnt he had lived in London for ten years before moving back to Korea to study and get a career. They had a lot in common, especially as they discussed their favourite English things they missed whilst living in Korea. Kaia had expected Jay to say farewell at the entrance but he had accompanied her for the entire afternoon. She was thrilled to have made such a good friend already, Jay making her feel completely at ease, despite only knowing him for half a day.
“So you know about me,” he asked as he balanced on the edge of a fountain that wasn’t working. He pointed down at her and grinned. “What about you. Why is Miss Kaia Ashton in a country she cannot speak the language of?”
“Because of my friend. He has a career that involves a lot of jet-setting,” she carefully worded and smiled. “He asked me to come along and work with his team. I’m a writer you see, and so it was VIP access really.”
“You have me really curious, what kind of job does your friend do?”
“He’s a singer,” Kaia answered and his face filled with several emotions. “And as you can imagine his schedule doesn’t have a lot of time for sight-seeing.”
“So you decided to come out alone?” Kaia nodded. “And how would you document your fun time out? Unless you planned to do heaps of selfies of course?”
“Pretty much was the plan.”
Jay jumped off his ledge and grabbed the camera out of her hand, quickly taking a shot. Kaia yelped and tried to grab it back, the man laughing as he snapped some more. He then turned the camera on himself and took some of himself. She rolled her eyes at his mischievous expression but stepped closer to him, Jay instantly getting as close he could and holding the camera up. They took a few random shots before laughing it off and finding a new spot to take photos at. Although she knew it was a common experience in Korea to take a bunch of photos with friends, apart from Sungra, this was her first time enjoying it.
“Should we get some lunch now?” Jay asked and Kaia nodded before looking at her watch.
“Dinner you mean, it’s almost four o clock.”
“But dinner leads to the night ending early,” he proclaimed and she raised an eyebrow at him. “Let’s eat dinner later, perhaps with my friends?”
“If you think they’ll enjoy my company?”
Jay grinned. “Course they will. We all share a lot in common with the experiences you’ve already had being in Korea so far.”
“Now I’m intrigued,” she told him, and he nodded enthusiastically.
“Good, that’s how I want you to be Kaia.”
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Time slipped by quickly in Jay’s company and Kaia was already sitting in a trendy sushi shop waiting for his friends to turn up for dinner. The afternoon had finished effortlessly and rolled into the evening full of arcades and more laughter. It was the best fun she’d had in ages.
“They’re here,” Jay mentioned and Kaia looked in the direction he was pointing, as four Korean men approached. Each of them felt familiar and she wondered why.
Slapping her forehead lightly in realisation, Kaia shunted Jay beside her. He laughed and beckoned them over. After the introductions were done, she poked Jay in his arm and he let out another laugh.
“I was wondering if you’d recognise another singer if you crossed one.”
“Well it’s not every day I expect to be rescued by one in a random setting, Jaewon,” I said, emphasising on his full name. He seemed to find it humorous and Kaia had to admit she did too.
Meeting CODE V in Japan was definitely something she wanted to remember.
Part 17
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**Please note: The new character introduce in this part shows just how old this fiction is because CODE-V haven’t been very relevant since Jaewon’s scandal and his removal from the group. Naturally, this was written before that and I don’t have the energy to rewrite a new character in. 
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the-fitsquad · 6 years
Pc Workstations, Little Laptop Workstation
Maingear Pc
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