#the color in her world; Greyson
star-anons-blog · 26 days
Trials and Celebrations
{Closed; @drgreysonmd}
Friday afternoon comes with much anxiety. Alice has worried through every possible scenario, rendered her colleagues ears' all deaf with her muttering all week, and been nearly entirely unproductive while lost in her thoughts.
But its excitement, too, and as she watches herself in the mirror she smoothes out her baby blue dress, hoping it's appropriate, but she feels pretty. For once, maybe not Akso nurses pretty, but it feels nice.
A glance at the clock sends a cold rush of blood to her fingers and she presses them to her heart, as if it'll help calm it. I wonder if he's thinking of me. The timer of her oven interrupts her thoughts further and she races to finish up her tasks.
Perfumed, makeup successfully accomplished to accentuate her own blue eyes, cookies packaged, and hair curled in place, she catches a taxi down to the hospital and stands in the all-too-familiar lobby, trying not to look nervous as she stands. It felt like a miracle to even be there.
[->Dr. Grey: I'm in the lobby (:]
One of her imagined scenarios is thinking he might be called into an emergency surgery, or God forbid have an incident of her own, or that he simply would have forgotten, and why couldn't he have? He's so busy and she's just one... patient. She's mentally prepared for any of those possibilities. Mindless matching games on her mobile device certainly came in handy for the wait.
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Damien was not proud to say that, when he first heard the noise, he had been baffled at what it could be. It was beautiful, strung together and structured with all the planned grace of his favorite sword. It was not until the women started singing that he realized that what he had been listening to was music. Sure, he understood in theory what music was, had been taught the word and understood the basic principles that governed it, but he was an assassin. There was no reason for him to need music, and so like all superfluous things Damien had simply never been exposed to it. Nor had he ever sought it out. Still, he found himself being drawn forward
Before him was a stage much like those he’d seen in photos of old theater houses, the bright overhead lights casting a down in strange colors with no name. At the center of the stage was a woman. She wore odd clothing resembling a superhero costume, though without any identifiable armor, and her face was painted with swirls of black that differed from any makeup he’d ever seen. She had the look of anyone of this realm. Her skin was mottled and hair burned a phosphorus blue, eyes glowing like the Lazarus pits. Damien did not recognize the instrument in her hands, but the sound it made was… enchanting. From his place in the empty audience, Damien found himself swaying ever so slightly.
“Little boy
Why are you here?
So far from the world you hold dear
Oh kid
Quite your spying
Don’t you know you are dying?
Does your mother know
You’re playing with ghosts?
Does your father see
Your liminality?”
“So you finally got a new song?”
A soft hand hand lands on his shoulder and Damien starts. He doesn’t remember the last time someone snuck up on him like that. He looks at the person who so rudely interrupted the performance. Phantom stares at the woman on the stage with something resembling anger.
“What? You like it Babypop?”
“That’s KING Babypop to you, Ember.”
The woman, Ember, laughs. Phantom’s grip tightens and Damien hears a low growl radiating from his chest. He glances down, the worry radiating from him like heat from the noon day sun.
“Hey,” Phantom says, “you wandered off. Everything good?”
Damien stiffens; it suddenly occurred to him he may in fact have done something wrong by leaving on his own without any sort of warning to follow the ephemeral melody.
“Yes. I was merely listening to the music. She is very good, I’ve never heard anything so lovely.”
“Don’t tell her that, she’ll never let me hear the end of it.” Phantom grinned. He glanced back to Ember, clearly calculating what to say next. “Do you want to keep listening?”
Damien nodded mutely. Ember took this as her cue to begin playing again. Phantom took him by the hands and began guiding him closer to the stage.
“Do you know how to dance?”
“Would you like to learn?”
“I can’t see what possible purpose it could have.”
“Absolutely none.” He said, pulling Damien around so that they where face to face, “here, stand on my feet”
“Will that not hurt?”
“I’m a lot sturdier than I look.”
Damien followed his instructions and Phantom guided him through the basic steps of what he would later learn was called a waltz. They stayed like that, stepping and spinning to the melody for the better part of the day. Occasionally Ember would switch up the tempo, and Phantom would have to show him new steps, until finally he stepped back and began dancing on his own.
“Come on,” he encouraged, “Don’t worry about the form, just follow the melody, same as before.”
“I am not yet ready.”
Phantom smile, a sort of boundless sorrow hidden just beneath the surface.
“No one ever is.”
To say Dick Greyson was nervous would be the understatement of the century. If asked why, Dick would probably be hard pressed to explain why the thought of meeting his second brother’s new partner was as absolutely nerve wracking as it was, although he was fairly sure it had something to do with the fact B seemed to be dead set on treating this as an interrogation. Not even the standard well meaning but ultimately misled, “explain everything about yourself and if I get so much as a hint you’re not good for him they’ll never find the body”, type interrogation. No, an actual, criminal interrogation. To be fair, given he was dating Jayling, the odds were Danny was involved in at least some sort of criminal activity, but that was to be expected. Probably not a great way of thinking for a cop, but so long as he kept out of Bludhaven; not his monkeys, not his circus.
Really, it wasn’t that Dick didn’t understand why B was acting this way. Danny was, after all, an unknown, something Dick knew his adopted father couldn’t abide in much the same way he couldn’t abide sunlight and injustice. If they could just find something, anything that told them this guy had a life prior to coming to Gotham than maybe he would feel less like a threat. As it was, even Dick had to admit he was antsy. Still, he had to respect the skill with which Danny had so far avoided their questions. He could see what Little wing saw in this guy.
That was it really. Jay bird saw something in this guy and for all his anxiety and suspicion, Dick still respected that. If anything, this proved to make him more nervous. Jas was flighty. Getting him to agree to do anything with the family was an uphill battle of mammoth proportions generally only achieved by the likes of Alfred, but he had agreed to bring Danny to dinner so they could meet him. Moreover, he had agreed to come to the manor specifically. Dick couldn’t remember the last time he’d come here without actively bleeding out. Dick wasn’t so self centered to think Jayjay was coming back just for little old him. This was because they had been harassing Danny and he wanted it to stop. Of course, if it had just been that they would have just met on a rooftop, so Jay must honestly want Danny to meet his family and see his childhood home, and wasn’t that terrifying. It felt as if Dick were walking on egg shells, knowing a single wrong step could be the end of whatever faith he had put in them.
There was another, deeper fear that they would, somehow, scare Danny away entirely. They weren’t exactly the easiest people to deal with, long term. Jas deserved people; to feel loved and wanted in a way he understood and reciprocated. He would never forgive them if they took that away from them. Moreover, Dick would never forgive himself. It boiled his blood that B was willing to put all of that at risk to calm his fears.
This is why, when the knock finally came, Dick found himself quite literally tripping over himself trying to get to the door. Luckily, his training kept him from landing all that hard, and with a quick forward motion he rolled himself back to his feet. By this time Alfie had, of course somehow beaten him to the door despite definitely being in the kitchen mere moments ago. There in the door frame, standing next to his wonderful baby bird, who looked about ready to punch someone, was the man Dick knew must be Danny. It occurred to him suddenly that he had never seen him up close before, given that all cameras seemed to be unable to get a good image of him. Besides his obvious adoption bait traits (Dick was probably going to have to have a TALK with B later), he looked… well… he looked odd, but not in a way that immediately made sense. He was thin, sure, upsettingly so and it took all the self control bestowed by his Robin training not to pick him up and take him straight to the dining room, but his skeletal frame wasn’t it, not exactly. There was something to him, to the sharpness of his teeth when he smiled, the fluid bend of his limbs and neck as if  unimpeded by joints or bones, the absolute depth of his eyes and the silence of his steps that seemed terribly wrong and absolutely familiar. He reminded him of Dami.
See, Dick Greyson was a lot of things; an acrobat; ex-boy wonder, current detective-extraordinaire; eldest daughter syndrome poster boy; and easily the hottest Wayne; but for all his acting, he was not an idiot. He may not be a genius on the level of, say, Tim, and he still didn't get how Cass did her whole “definitely not mind-reading” bit, but he had experience. He was bright in his own right, and he knew his family, maybe better than they knew themselves. When Dami first came to the manor, back when they were strangers and his threats meant something, he’d been… feral. Dams was still feral, but he’d improved; he’d become more human, less… whatever else he was that led him to hiss and bite and scratch with claws too sharp to be human. Whatever made the air around him so oppressive when he was angry or frightened. At first, Dick had assumed he was a meta of some kind, but a quick genetic panel (and what a thought that the idea of running and reading a genetic analysis had become so straightforward he could probably do it in his sleep) had shown that, besides the honesty concerning levels of Lazarus water in his system, there was nothing which he could see that would make him anything but a standard human. He’d asked Dami before, but he’d only said he was “the son of Batman and heir of Al Ghul, of course his steps were silent and his movements fluid,” completely ignoring the rest of his concerns. Dick hadn’t pushed. It wasn’t his place. As long as he was safe and happy, Dami could keep whatever weird-kid secrets he pleased. Then Danny hugged him, and Dick wondered if maybe this was his concern after all.
The dining room they moved into was not the private one usually used for these dinners but the great one reserved for parties. Dick rolled his eyes. Of course, B would insist on this room. Intimidation was key, apparently. Dick wondered when precisely the others were planning on arriving. Being late was not unusual in this family, much to Alfred’s eternal displeasure, but keeping Jayling and B from going for each other’s throats was becoming increasingly difficult. Having more people wouldn’t necessarily help, but it would spread out the attention. Dick wished B would kindly take a hint and back off. He didn't like something in the way Danny and Jay were acting. It felt too familiar. Too much like the way he acted when trying to keep his siblings from learning something he knew would inevitably hurt them; the dodging, misdirecting, and a look of absolute fear he had suppressed almost every day for the last ten-odd years. They knew something, and whatever it was, Dick was willing to bet his last box of cereal it was about Dami. So when he asked how exactly Jas and Danny had met, it had less to do with his own genuine curiosity and more to do with changing the subject right now.
“Ancients,” Danny started, “I’m pretty sure the first time we met was… the auto shop?”
It was pitch black out when Jason arrived at the shop. He’d heard about it in the usual way, words whispered in dark corners amongst people with downturned eyes and who spoke in quiet voices. The building itself was unassuming, located at the very edge of Crime Alley where the city began to fall away. The worn bricks were painted with graffiti; strange and winding shapes of no recognizable language or culture. Jason couldn't help but feel that if he just stared long enough, he could read the messages left there facing the street. There was a neon green sign above the door. It read,
“ Vehicles, appliances, and more!
You break it, I can fix it!”
Something about the color reminded him unavoidably of a certain toxic pit. Jason did his best to shake that off. He needed to be here. See, the word on the street was that the sign didn’t pull any punches, that the Mechanic, as he’d come to be known, really could fix anything you could break, be it mechanical, medical, mental, or even spiritual. His next-door neighbor, Synthia, claimed he’d helped her with her “ghost problem,” fixed her stove, and saved her house plants to boot. The man on the corner selling samosas said he’d ended his nightmares, which he’d had every night for the past thirty years. One lady even claimed he cured her cancer. All of the stories had two things in common. One, there was a young man they called the Mechanic with dark hair and blue eyes. In Gotham, that wasn't exactly much to go off of, given the city’s disproportionate number of people fitting that description. The second bit was more interesting. People said that the Mechanic used a kind of barter system. You could pay cash for most things, but if you either couldn't afford it or the service was particularly unusual, he’d ask for other things. Favors, mostly, sometimes stories or promises. Even trinkets, if that was all you could afford. The general consensus seemed to be that he preferred things with strong emotional connections. Folks seemed split on whether this guy was an angel or the devil.
Even the building itself was suspicious. For all the wear and tear apparent, he had it on good authority it hadn’t existed until about three months ago. There was no paperwork for the lot, no signs of an owner, and no records for the business itself. Hell, the place didn't even show up on Google Maps. The whole deal screamed illegality. So, a building that didn’t exist, a business with no name, and an owner who was apparently a miracle man. It had been a pain in the ass to find the place. Jason didn't know how he had gotten lost in this town where he’d lived almost all of his life.
There were no hours on the door, but when he turned the knob he found it unlocked. The door creaked loudly.
“Huh, guess he can’t fix everything after all.”
“Maybe I just like it that way.”
Jason started. Maybe he was getting rusty because he had been absolutely sure the room was empty. That or the man in front of him could just walk more quietly than any Bat besides maybe Cass. He certainly fit the description of the Mechanic, however vague it may be. Messy black hair, silver-blue moon eyes. He was... Beautiful. Etherial. He looked like the kind of guy people wrote poems about. When he walked, he moved with the grace of a dancer. He didn't look like a mechanic, but his skin and clothes were stained with motor oil.
“Long time no see,” the man smiled.
“I’m sorry, do I know you?”
“Guess not,” he said. His voice was comforting, like the sound of old cartoons playing in the next room on a rainy day. The guy could make a killing as an ASMR YouTuber. “What can I do for you?”
“I,” Jason knew his story, but part of him was struggling with the feeling that he was betraying an old friend, “I wreaked my bike.”
“Ok, I can fix that.”
“What’s your price?”
“For you? Hmm...” He tapped his chin with a long clawlike nail. Jason couldn’t imagine how he kept his nails so long while working with machines. “How ‘bout... Lunch.”
“I don't have to stay around or anything, just drop off some food when you come back for your bike and we’ll call it even.”
“You realize we’re talking about a good $750 repair job at least, right? We’re not just talking about an oil change.”
“I know.”
“I live in Crime Alley, pretty sure that means I already owe you my life.” the man’s grin widened, his eyes sparkling, “Or well, whatever it is I’m doing”
Jason snorted.
“Trust me, you don’t owe me shit.”
“Don't I get a say in that?”
“Alright, fine, be indebted if you want. Free bike repair for me. What do you want to eat?”
“As long as it’s dead by the time it gets here, I couldn't care less.”
“That’ll make two of us.”
The man’s eyes flashed a familiar green, and Jason braced himself for an attack but none came. Looking at him, Jason saw none of the anger he associated with that color. If anything, he looked... Sad.
“Who are you?”
“The name’s Phantom, but most folks here know me as Danny Nightengale.”
“What? Your real name say a bad word?”
“Guess you could say that.”
Jason left after that, but he came back the next day. He brought empanadas, which they ate together on the sidewalk just outside. The work on the bike was a masterpiece, especially given the time it took. Jason came back again later. And again. And again.
“My fridge’s busted and won't stop making ice.”
“There’s a mole in my gang and I’m not sure who it is.”
“My helmet broke.”
“I got shot.”
“My head hurts.”
“My heart hurts.”
His reply was always the same.
“Ok, I can fix that.”
The next time Jason came to the shop (he still didn't know the name) it was sunset, he was covered in blood, both his and not, and all he could see was green. Tear tracks cut through the red. He threw his helmet to the wayside where it sent a precarious stack of papers flying.
“Hey, Hood. Long time no see.”
Danny looked how he always did. If he noticed the blood, he didn’t show it.
“What can I do for you?”
“Please,” Jason begged, “It’s the Pits, I...”
He fell to his knees, body shaking from the force of silent sobs.
“...I just want to be ok.”
Danny dropped down next to him, cupped his face so gently as if he might just break, and did his best to wipe away his tears, with the corner of his sleeve. Jason cried harder. He couldn’t remember the last time anyone has held him so carfully. Had they ever?
Then Danny plunged his hand into Jason’s chest. He froze, the cold sensation of clawed hands grasping at his very soul shocking him to his core. It was unlike anything he’d felt before, and as quickly as it started it was over. Danny pulled back. Grasped in his hands was a writhing black mass, like earthworms fat from eating their kin. Then he opened his mouth, much wider than any human ever could, and Jason watched in horror as he ate it whole and struggling. Then Danny cupped his hands together, a strange green liquid that looked horribly like the Lazarus Pits, if a bit brighter and not bubbling angrily the way they should, filling them. He plunged his hands and the liquid back into Jason’s chest, though this time he could only feel a vague tingling chill.
“What the Hell?”
Jason wasn’t sure how else to react to what he had just seen.
“This,” Danny said, indicating with a nod to his hands, still very much in Jason’s chest cavity, “is pure ectoplasm. It should help clear out the last of the corruption. Think of it like dialysis; I clear out the bad stuff and replace it with something clean.”
“What corruption?”
“The corrupted ectoplasm in your system? I’m pretty sure that was clouding your head and messing with your emotions.”
“You... Got rid of the Pits. You... Ate them.”
Jason wasn’t sure how to process this.
“I guess? A rose by any name and all that.”
He withdrew his hands. Suddenly Jason felt very empty. Emotionally, he was drained, and he was pretty sure he was still in shock from what had just happened, but more than that, Jason’s head was uncharacteristically quiet. There was no rush of blood, no bubbling murmur corrupting his thoughts, no green tinting the corners of his vision. It was just... Him. A cool rag touched his face. At some point, Danny must have stood up and gotten a damp washcloth to clean the blood. When had that happened? Golden sunlight streamed in from the glass door, casting soft shadows and making a moon of Danny’s face, his pale skin glowing in the reflection of the setting sun.
“Who are you?”
“Danny Phantom, remember? You know me.”
“No,” Jason paused, “I mean, what are you?”
“What are you?”
Jason wasn’t sure how to answer that. A dead kid with daddy issues and a gun fixation? A ghost of Robins’ past? A zombie? A fucking mess? Suddenly, a blinding light haloed Danny, spreading from his middle and passing over him. When his vision finally cleared, he saw Danny, greyed skin and vibrant green eyes haloed by glowing white hair which floated as if unbound by gravity. He looked like an angel. Something untouchably beautiful and impossibly holy. He smiled, and his teeth were as long and sharp as a deep sea predator.
“I’m a halfa.”
“What does that even mean?”
“Honestly? Not much. It's sorta a slang term for someone who's both alive and dead.”
“How does that work?”
“Well sometimes I’ve got one foot in the grave, and sometimes I’ve got the other foot outta it.”
“Is that what I am?”
“Not quite. As far as I can tell, you’re a revenant.”
“And here I thought I was just a plain old zombie.”
“Oh trust me, if you were a zombie, you’d know.”
“How do you know all of this?”
“It's kinda my job.”
“I wasn’t aware a working knowledge of the undead was a requirement for mechanics.”
“What can I say? I’m just good at what I do.”
“Speaking of which,” Jason said, “any idea what I owe you for literally giving me back my sanity?”
“Ancients... I don’t know.”
“I’ve got an idea... How about...”
They both paused, Danny halting what he was doing to listen to what Jason had to say, the rag in his hand now thoroughly saturated with blood, harsh red against snow white. Jason wasn’t sure what it said about him that he found the sight of his blood on his hands so attractive, but damn. Before he had time to think about it, Jason peeled his sweat-soaked leather gloves from his fingers and took those ivory hands in his. God, they were cold. It was like holding ice. If he kissed him, would his lips freeze to his skin? Would they ever come apart, or would they stay connected forever? Jason was starting to suspect he might be a little hysterical from shock and exhaustion.
“My heart.”
“You gave me my head, let me give you my heart.”
Danny opened and shut his mouth, gaping like a fish seemingly at a loss for words.
“You don't have to do that.”
“No,” Jason said, “no I don't. Hell, the truth is I’m ripping you off if you accept, ‘cause I’d just be paying you something that's already yours.”
“Ok,” Danny nodded.
“Yeah, deal.”
It wasn’t clear who moved first, but the two met in a kiss. Sharp teeth knicked Jason’s lips, soothed by cool saliva. Danny’s hands, so frail looking, gripped his wrists as unyielding as iron cord. Overhead, the electric light flared, popped, and burned out. The sun had long since set, and the only light was Danny’s otherworldly glow. They sat there for a long time, neither speaking. Finally, they got up and together stepped into the rest of their afterlives.
“Oh,” Dick asked, “you work in an auto shop?”
“Well, sorta,” Danny shrugged, “It's my shop. I’ll fix up just about anything, but yeah, I get a lot of cars and bikes.”
“Babe, calling what you do “repairs” is like calling Supes a pencil sharpener.”
Danny waved his hand dismissively.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
By then, Alfred had served the salad course, making the rest of the siblings officially late. Danny eyed the salad, a rose vinaigrette with summer greens, as if expecting it to bite. Dick couldn’t help feeling personally offended on behalf of Alfie’s cooking. Finally, after poking it a couple of times with his fork, Danny seemed to decide it was in fact edible and began eating with the speed and ferocity of someone starving. Watching him, Dick couldn’t help but feel deeply uncomfortable as Danny unhinged his jaw and consumed the salad without chewing. There was something almost… predatory in it. Looking closely, he swore his tongue was split.
To his left, B watched with wrapped attention, his eyes steely and stern, building fear and distrust building behind his standard mask of stoicism. On his right, Damien seemed utterly unaffected. If anything, he seemed almost cheerful, listening to Danny talk about his job, his school work, and all the dull details which come with any life. He had a pet dog named Cujo; his older sister had just started her own psychology practice—tiny details which did nothing to explain the bone-deep discomfort permeating the air. Danny, for his part, was animated. He spoke with an effervescent energy that felt almost unreal. Jayjay sat back, occasionally throwing in a smart comment with no bite but mostly seeming content to watch. It was nice seeing his brash and bullheaded brother so comfortable. The usual anger which seemed so ever-present was absent. Dick didn't know how to cope with that. Danny was disturbing. Still, he made his beloved brothers so happy, and the contradiction ate him alive.
Throughout the meal, siblings began to filter in. Duke was the first to arrive, followed by Steph, Cass, Barbra, and finally, Tim. Each would introduce themself, take their seat, and find themselves slowly introduced to the madness that was Danny’s existence. He had this odd habit of saying the most baffling, concerning things Dick had heard in his life. Honestly, that alone was an achievement to be proud of. He watched as his siblings shared glances, seemingly trying to figure out whether this guy was for real. Duke, in particular, was staring Dick dead in the eye as if daring him to stand up and yell, “Sike!”. The only exception seemed to be Cass, who, much like Damien and Jason, was apparently unaffected, even cheerful. It seemed like the most screwed-up members of the family were the ones most comfortable with this strange man, and it was starting to paint a harrowing picture. Dick had to ask himself, what made them different? What set those three apart from the rest of them? He thought he might know the answer, and he hoped to God he was wrong.
After all, if he was right, what would it mean that this guy seemed like catnip for the previously deceased?
Tag cultists
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kitkat-artcorner · 3 months
Family Photo ♡◇♤
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Did this drawing a few days back, I mostly just did it to use it as a temporary ref for all my persona's lol
I haven't been really vocal with my Persona lore lately so in case I haven't said it b4;
The Narrator (from The Stanley Parable) is now Summer's canon father along with all my other persona's, who are in fact siblings with the same exact ages
In case ya wanna learn more ab the newest ones, I'll just leave info under the cut
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Dr. Miu (She/Her and He/Him)
Miu is a mad scientist who lives in her underground lair, her eye color is a side effect of experimentation she did on herself, one which has also given her the ability to grow a giant mouth on her stomach at will along with growing spiked vines from her back. She's not only dangerous but incredibly smart to a point where it becomes a little creepy.
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Babii (She/Her)
Babii is a shut-in phone addict who could be best described as braindead. She's got a constant nosebleed and drools alot. Because of her phone addiction she can't function much without it and probably doesn't understand half of the english dictionary anymore.
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Cerulean (She/Her)
Cerulean is, well, a crybaby. She's afraid of everything and has the emotional stability of a card tower. The constant flow of tears not only effected the look of her eyes but gave her once brown hair a blue tone.
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Forsaken (He/Him)
Forsaken is a business man who thinks too highly of himself, often referring himself as "Greyson but better" and gives his money to his siblings for whatever they do in their lives. Despite his high and mighty attitude, he really does look up to his father and hopes that he can be a pocket dimension host like him someday.
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Boss (He/Him)
Boss is Forsaken's housemate who's a tryhard in the gaming world, he's always giving it his all and is usually raging at the usual troubles a gamer can have. His hands are usually bandaged because of this bad habit and he probably has a lot of money spent more on repairs than his games.
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Nerine (She/Her)
Nerine is the only sibling that's a different age, she's 3 years older than the others and spends her time travelling the world and being with nature, that being mentioned, she left home at age 14 to go and live her own life. Maybe some day she'll reunite with her siblings. Other than the fact that she's gone all the time, not much is really known about her.
And that's all of em for now lol, hopefully I don't make more ^^;
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ofheroism · 2 years
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{sean teale; cismale; he/him} hey isn’t that REUBEN VALENCIA? the 25/30 year old DHAMPHIR with the ability of PRECOGNITION and a song that plays when you see them is EMPTY by LETDOWN. They are known to be RESOLUTE and CYNICAL. They have been in VALDEZ for 10 years and always remind me of being lost in a forest in the dead of winter, a silhouette of someone alone in a cemetery, a murder of ravens, always looking over your shoulder. what secrets will they discover?
CURRENT ALIAS: reuben elian valencia
BIRTH DATE + AGE: december 25, 1992 – 21:48
GENDER: male
PRONOUNS: he/him
ORIENTATION: heterosexual heteroromantic
SPECIES: dhamphir
SPECIAL ABILITY: precognition
OCCUPATION: mechanic at gutierrez auto
BIRTHPLACE: santa monica, california
FAMILY: hector ozuna? - biological father (vampire), valentina valencia - mother (human--deceased), anny perez - paternal half-sister (dhamphir)
FACE CLAIM: sean teale
EYE COLOR: dark brown
HAIR: dark brown
HEIGHT: 6′1″
TATTOOS: a small triangle on the outside of his left wrist, a grim reaper on his left shoulder, a rose entombed in glass below the grim reaper (not in color)
SCARS/BIRTH MARKS: a diagonal scar across his right palm 
ZODIAC: capricorn sun, aquarius moon, virgo rising
MBTI: intj, the mastermind.
ENNEAGRAM: 5w6, the problem solver. self-preservation/sexual subtype.
ALIGNMENT: true neutral / neutral evil
TEMPERAMENT: melancholic
ARCHETYPE: the kinslayer / the outlaw
ELEMENT: earth
ASSOCIATED CHARACTERS:, geralt of rivia, robbie reyes (agents of shield), bellamy blake, warren peace, rhysand from acotar, luke castellan, zuko from atla, maybe dick greyson/robin (teen titans).
AESTHETIC: being lost in a forest in the dead of winter, a silhouette of someone alone in a cemetery, a murder of ravens, always looking over your shoulder, hidden smirks, fists clenched, dread in the form of a foreboding thunderstorm cloud over your head like a cursed crown, checkmate on a chessboard 
bio tw: death (significant other and parental), murder, blood
reuben elian valencia was the only child born to valentina valencia. valentina had never believed in the supernatural, at least not in terms of vampires and werewolves and witches. with no belief in anything spiritual either and no particular moral values, valentina had no qualms about conning people out of their money as a pretend psychic. upon meeting a handsome man, she even went so as far as to hit on him by telling him his fate involved meeting a beautiful stranger under magical circumstances. he was entertained by her lies and they’d had a one night stand which ended in reuben being born. he also decided to feed on her without compelling her to forget. to be fair, he had asked permission to bite her...
for reuben’s early childhood, valentina declined quickly. no one believed the woman who lied for a living that she’d been attacked by some sort of demon and now also carried his child. she believed reuben to be some sort of punishment for her crimes against a mystical world she had ignored and mocked for years and kept him only as a form of penance. whenever he’d ask about his father, valentina would inform reuben his father was a devil who had cursed their family and he should never ever speak of him. 
a middle school aged reuben took this figuratively for the most part, assuming his father had simply walked out on them and filled his mother with hatred. that is, until he started seeing visions of terrible events at age fifteen. he went to his mother, confiding in her that he had recurring nightmare-like thoughts of his high school girlfriend dying whenever they were at school. his mother decided this must be part of the curse, to give her son the gifts she never had in a twisted way like this, that reuben must be cursed to destroy everything he loved with advance knowledge. reuben still didn’t believe her until said girlfriend actually died exactly as he’d seen, a random attack on the street. eventually, he lost his own mother as well. 
twenty and armed with nothing but an apparent curse and the name hector ozuna, that proved to be an occasional alias of his sperm donor, reuben eventually found his way to valdez, alaska. here, he found not the man he’d been hunting down, but a half-sibling named anny perez. after his years of research in high school and on the road after, he’d learned that he was some sort of vampire hybrid; a theory that turned out to be true when he snuck into a hospital to see if a blood bag had any sort of effect on him. with anny, he was determined to help her gain control as he learned himself. 
occasionally goes by ben. only if he likes you. he likes no one. ... maybe call him reuben.
still uses blood bags from local hospital instead of feeding on people. 
0 kills, but has nearly killed someone once: a human doctor who interrupted him during his first feeding. 
generally avoids everyone except his inner trio of friends
reuben believes that dhamphirs and nephilim are mostly left abandoned and tossed aside, and has some sort of desire for vengeance against most vampires and angels, if not other supernaturals in general. he does not really identify with other supernaturals but also avoids getting close to humans.
top 5 theme songs:
go to war - nothing more
I don't know what you had in mind, but here we stand on opposing sides. We arm ourselves with the wrongs we've done. Name them off one by one, let's go to war.
destructible - siiickbrain
Oh, oh, I see shadows, and they're in my window. Feelings I've never known. So cold, midnight graveyard. Oh, oh, I'm gone again. Every time my heart's under attack,  I slam my skull into a wall.
empty - letdown 
You don't know the hell I've been through. You don't know the price I paid. You can't see the walls I'm bracing, time I'm facing all my days. Every bit of man I once was. Every bit of love that I could have. Setting into motion All the other fear I had.
devil doesn’t bargain - alec benjamin 
The devil doesn't bargain It's useless, don't do this It's hubris to try He's ruthless, you knew this I can see that you're sure You can change him but I know you won't He'll only break your heart again It isn't worth it, darling He's never gonna change He'll never be Prince Charming He'll only do you harm.
outlaw - the phantoms 
Dark horse Renegade Vigilante Got it made Rebel heart Underdog Play the part They call me an outlaw.
His Pinterest board is here.
His Spotify playlist is here.
HALF-SIBLING - { 1 / 1 } - anny perez - his paternal half sibling who he views as a full sister after knowing for a decade. 
INNER TRIO - { 1 / 2 } - kay morgan, tba - the only two people reuben would call his friends outside of his sister. he thinks them rather illogically outside of his abilities somehow, as they are hybrids like him and he’s never once had a vision involving either of them. ride or dies. 
FRENEMIES - { 2 / 3 } - avery danuil, probably reserved for derek shaw, tba - despite not wanting to have any new friends, he sure does seem to spend plenty of time pestering them for his own amusement.
ROOMMATES - { 1 / 1 } - roxanne sinclair
FRIENDS -  { 0 / ? } - jasper is often known to hang out with other rich, arrogant, important people in town, but also has maybe one or two friends that don’t fit into any of those categories that he likes to keep separate from his regular life.
ACQUAINTANCES - { 0 / ? } they’ve met before around town, he fixed their car, etc.
CO-WORKERS - { 0 / ? } - others who work at gutierrez auto
ENEMIES - { 0 / ? } - did he sleep with their ex/significant other/sister/them and now they hate him? did his general arrogant and careless disposition start it? the possibilities are endless
TABLE THIEF - { 1 / 1 } - avery danuil - a special place in his empty heart is reserved for being irritating by avery danuil and her incessant need to glare at him and her nose crinkle when she’s annoyed that is definitely not cute at all. 
FRIENDS W BENEFITS - { 0 / 2 } - probably a current friend with benefit and maybe a former friend with benefit who wanted something more but he refused? no romantic feelings involved but he’s probably more charming towards them than others.
OTHER - feel free to hit me up with any other ideas you have as well !
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the-amalgam-house · 2 years
This is Noey! I'm sharing through Toby cause I don't wanna front but I want to say some things. It makes me really nervous though so please don't laugh at me.
Today I'm 14, which is the oldest I can be. My birthday is June 30, just like Sailor Moon! She's my favorite. I don't really like to front cause me and Toby look very very different inside. I'm black and I have skin spots and really long fluffy brown hair that's very important to me!
Um my favorite animal is a giant panda. I like a lot of animals that have skin spots like me, and especially ones that are black and white, like pandas and orcas! But I don't have any panda or orca toys yet which is kinda sad. Toby says he'll get me some when he has money which is nice and I hope he has money sometime to get me a panda cause I want one.
I've been stuck at this age for a while. I used to not be able to remember when I was smaller or not but with a lot of work I've been slowly remembering stuff from when I'm younger, and older stuff when I'm younger too. But ever since there was a big upset in the outer world, all the adults have been really weird and quiet or out of the house a lot, so some of us think that the reason I'm stuck as older is to take care of house things. It makes sense, and I guess I'm getting used to staying as my older self, but sometimes I wanna go back to being younger. I like to be Belly's age sometimes, but I can't be his age if I have to be the one to take care of him. It makes me a little sad.
Toby is trying real hard to get us all to work together. He's stressed out a lot, and actually so is Greyson. Frelly is really independent and doesn't hang out in the house very much, she mostly stays in her den next to the food garden. I think the biggest change has been with Oracle. It only spends time in the tower now, which was originally made for me to get away in, but I kinda stopped using it so much cause I like being in the house. But Oracle seems to miss being out in the rest of the universe a lot. I don't know if it realizes that it misses that, cause it's been trying to learn how to be a person. It used to be that Oracle would watch over me a lot, before Belly and ilo got here. Now I watch over Belly, and sometimes ilo watches over us both. She seems sad all the time, and maybe she's sad cause she never got to be who she wanted to be, I think?
It's been a little difficult to have to be the one who steps in to help a lot. Me and Toby did that sort of thing a lot back when we were the same age. A lot of times with Nina and Mikey cause they were little and me and Toby had to make sure they got to eat and stuff. I don't know if Toby's parents are the same as being my parents. I kinda feel like Toby was kind of like my brother and then he became like my dad when he grew up. Most of the adults are like my dad so I just call them my dads. Except for ilo who I think once I get used to it I'll call her my mom. Actually, Frelly is more like my uncle I think, maybe Greyson is like a big brother or an uncle too. I don't really know, but that's okay cause we all take care of each other anyway.
Um, I guess that's all. I don't know what else to say, I just wanted to say something since I'm usually not talking to people all the time. Oh and my favorite color is pink! I also like yellow. Okay bye!
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misdirecteddimes · 2 years
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ABOUT GREYSON: Sometimes I feel like I'm a silhouette, my imitation leads me towards regret.
FULL NAME: Greyson Cade Holloway
AGE: Twenty-Nine
FACE CLAIM: Logan Lerman
HEIGHT: 5′9″
WEIGHT: 150 lbs.
DATE OF BIRTH: August 12th, 1992
OCCUPATION: Tattoo Artist
SPECIES: Born Werewolf, Turned 9 years ago
STATUS: Beta Wolf
HOBBIES: Poker, Motorcycling, Smoking, Pool, Baseball
HOMETOWN: Brooklyn, NY
MOTHER: Camille Holloway ( née Cooper )
FATHER: Sean Holloway
TWIN SISTER: Freya Holloway
His whole life, Greyson had watched over his twin to ensure that he’d see her the next day due to her affinity with illegal substances. The role of protector came early on with being the older sibling by ten whole minutes and being born into a family of werewolves. Camille Holloway only wanted the best for her children, but Sean had other plans. He wanted them to be prepared if the gene decided to make itself known. Once Greyson hit puberty he could feel something change within him, every little thing that went wrong sent him over the edge, even if the moment only lasted a second. There was no denying the werewolf gene taking over his senses, once calm and suddenly a loss on the baseball field felt like his entire world was going to explode and that was something he didn’t see in his sister. He turned twenty and decided to celebrate the best way he knew how, a local club in Brooklyn. Greyson put up a good fight to convince his parents to let Freya come out with him, a decision he’d soon regret by the end of the night. Hours of losing count of drinks passed and Grey followed his sister out into the alleyway, letting his rage fuel him as he put himself between her and another patron.
Anger got the best of him, the curse fully triggering itself once the man succumbed to his injures and passed on after the lights of life support flickered off. The Holloway’s didn’t want that burden hanging over their only son’s head and with only their family pack to call home the word a small town that was crawling with creatures like them acted like a beacon of hope. Sean was a loss, the anger boiling from Greyson's late night encounter was nothing he'd ever seen before and the only answer they could find was to seek out an Alpha stronger than himself. They found a permanent home two years ago, settling in just in time for Greyson to find an apartment on his own and be taken under the wing of a new pack leader to get his fresh abilities under control.
Greyson met Blue Sweeney back in Elementary School and quickly hit it off until The Holloway’s did some digging into the boy’s family. They warned their son to be weary of him and the things they were about thus causing the two boys to drift apart. They’d meet again as teenagers years later, bumping into each other after sneaking off into clubs. The two picked things up where they left off each time Blue popped into the city, Greyson ignoring his parent’s words as he focused on having an amazing time with his long lost best friend. 
Ages 20-27 were spent traveling from NY to WA with frequent stops along the way. They’d stop to recover, ask questions, deal with the full moon, etc. Making friends and allies along the way until they reached the town they heard so much about.
Greyson doesn’t see a point to commitment, or hasn’t yet. Moving around a lot helped with not getting too attached to someone else romantically. Definitively known for going out and having a great time with whoever he ends up running into.
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drgreysonmd · 1 month
{She's instantly taken back to her first appointment, the way he almost seemed to get on her level. So gentle, kind, with a little bit of humor, and that smile that burned itself into her brain the first time she saw him without his medical mask. For someone who had a name of grey, he brought color into her world and she hadn't stopped seeing rainbows since.} He's so friendly, I've never seen a squirrel this close.
{She took the almond and held her hand out, timidly, but trying to be brave. After the squirrel takes it she beams at him, proud of herself for not jerking back. Then it occurs to her the time, and she can't help but glance at her little silver watch.} Clopi is lucky, he gets to be spoiled by you. {She smiles.} I should...get back to the office. Um, Doctor... {She adjusts her skirt but doesn't want to take her eyes off his breathtaking gaze} Maybe... Um. {Her heart is in her ears and she can't bear it so she looks into her lap, she backs down, not able to really say what she wants to.}
Don't forget to send me those things. I'll share the recipe from today in exchange. Thanks for indulging me in this, um...check up. {She smiles a little again as she stands}. My prognosis is that since you've taken appropriate steps, you won't develop stuck-in-office syndrome. Keep getting lots of sunshine and... I recommend daily doses of smiling. At least twice a day. ~🏞️
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(Aaahhh Alice suits her 🥹 what a good pick Nonnie I love it)
So many moments in his life could be called rewarding- he was a physician after all. Pre-med, Skyhaven, post-grad, residency, his job here at Akso even more so. Yet somehow watching her reach out to feed the fat little squirrel was an experience so entirely different that it was hard to contain himself.
Maybe it was the way that the tension that was always pulling at the edges of her seemed to be softening, leaving her more focused on a moment than her surroundings. Or perhaps it was the determination he could see settling between her brows, as if she'd made up her mind to do some bold and difficult thing. Though to her credit, Greyson thought, she definitely had.
And when she turned to smile at him, practically aglow with delight, he thought bravery looked absolutely stunning on her.
I don't know that I'd call being overfed by hospital staff lucky persay, but he is definitely spoiled. He laughs, hands on his knees as he pushes himself up to his full height again. The sight of her glancing at her watch has him checking his as well in reflex, and it's just as well. He's got 5 minutes left. That's fine, he'll enjoy them.
Of course, I've got another surgical briefing to prepare for this afternoon as well, and I definitely don't want to cause you any more work problems than you already seem to have. It was supposed to be a light-hearted comment, but her earlier remarks of work still ate at the back of his mind like tiny little inch worms. The comment that died in her throat didn't help either, but he decided it was best not to push. He'd already done enough damage for the day.
Oh, absolutely! Next time you visit, I'll be looking forward to hearing how your cake turned out. Or a photo, whichever comes first. As she stands, he takes a step back to allow her the room to step back onto the walking path beside him, enjoying his last few minutes with her, basking in her smile.
It's the diagnostics that come next that completely catch him off guard, pulling a confused but deeply amused laugh from him. 'Stuck-in-office syndrome'? Adorable, truly. Though he's not sure he's going to be able to stick to those smiling orders for a few days after this without his jaw falling off, but he's definitely not going to admit that to her.
Well, if I have to stick to these orders, Doctor Alice, then I think what's good for the gander is good for the goose, yes?
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sweetsouthernbelle97 · 3 months
I sat in the bar, nursing a whiskey and cola, admiring the gentleman at the end of the bar. He was tall with shaggy black hair and swirling emerald green eyes that made me quiver. Today was a day of celebration, I had just successfully served my narcissistic ex-husband with divorce papers and a restraining order. I smiled broadly, proud of myself for taking that step, and ordered another drink.
I heard a ruckus as behind me and turned to watch what I thought was a bar fight, only find my fuming ex standing there, hands balled into fists. “You little whore, how dare you try to divorce me! I have provided you with everything you have, you belong to me. And a restraining order? That’s so pathetic. I’ll never leave you alone, never.” He snarled the words and lunged for me. I scrambled back into the bar, knowing exactly what was coming until a very large shadow fell on me and a dark voice said, very calmly, “She doesn’t belong to you mate. For your information, she is mine now. Now fuck off before you get hurt.” The voice was rumbly and dark, my eyes running up the broad back and shoulders of the complete stranger I had been admiring.
My ex smirked, “Been fucking the little slut huh? Guess that’s evidence for my side of the divorce. You better stay out of my way buster. I can have you bought and ruined in 20 minutes.” His voice was laced with venom, condescending, even as he had to look up into the strangers eyes. The green eyed stranger smiled, a toothy smile, predatory, “Actually, you should know who you’re talking to. I own Wall Street. If you lay a finger on her again I will either kill you myself or have it done. You are the pathetic one for beating on a woman, let alone one who tried so very hard to love you and make you happy. Oh, and let’s not forget the medical records for every ER visit and the rather convenient photos and videos of you beating her. I don’t think the divorce will take much time and I guarantee you’ll walk away with nothing.” The words were icy and I saw the color drained from my ex. He backed away and left without a word.
The stranger turned and faced me, my eyes wide with amazement and fear, “Now, little lady, you are going to come with me. Please.” He hooked his arm through mine and escorted me out the back of the bar to a black SUV which he helped me into before sliding into the back seat with me. I allowed him to buckle me in before I began to speak, “I’m sorry Sir, but could you please tell me what’s going on here?” I asked softly as the driver started the vehicle.
The gentleman faced me, “I do apologize Grace, for the sudden rush of situations. Please allow me to explain.” He took a deep breath, “My name is Greyson, Greyson Wild. Yes, I’m the son of Harold Wild, the founder of one of the most profitable Wall Street organizations in the world. Your ex-husband owes me a substantial amount of money so I was having him followed by a friend. That friend has video and photo evidence of him beating you. After I was presented with this evidence I gathered your medical records and anything else I could find to build a case. Over the course of my work, I found out you had filed for divorce and submitted a restraining order. I came to the bar tonight because I knew he would try to hurt you, and honestly my heart couldn’t take it. I do hope you’ll understand Grace, I’ve grown fond of you and I want to keep you safe.” He released a deep sigh as he finished, searching my eyes nervously.
I blinked slowly, the reality of who I was sitting with, and that my ex-husband would lose everything if this man truly had the evidence he spoke about. I searched his eyes for dishonesty and found none, “That’s a lot to process Mr. Wild. I appreciate you looking out for me. But what I don’t understand is why you were undressing me with your eyes before the altercation occurred.” My voice was a squeak as he smiled and chuckled. He pulled me into his lap and told the driver to head home, “Because little lady, I’ve seen you, even covered in bruises and cuts, and you are unbelievably beautiful. I would be honored if you would allow me to show you the way a woman like you should be treated.” He pressed his lips softly to mine. I gasped softly, “You mean you want to …. Sleep with me?” the words were full of shock as I stared at him in awe. He smiled again, “I want to do more than that little one, I want to worship your body, heart, mind and soul. I will protect you, adore and cherish you, and provide for you. If you will let me, and if you can tolerate a few kinks.” He softly kissed me again, stealing my breath.
I rested against his chest as the car pulled up to his home, a luxurious manor with a mix of rustic and modern esthetic. I looked up at him, meeting his eyes, “What kinks do you mean? I’m not very experienced but I have a few of my own.” I bit my lip and continued, “I’m a submissive.” I blushed and looked away. He lifted my face with a finger and kissed me gently, “Well that makes you perfect for me Grace, because I’m a daddy dom and I love a curvy little submissive with a touch of brattiness.” He tugged on my lower lip and I could feel his energy shift, from tentative to strong and blunt as his hands caressed me.
He carried me up the stairs to the front door shouldering it open and taking the steps 2 at a time to his master suite. He gently eased me onto the bed and loomed over me, “Grace, I’m being genuine when I say this. You are a beautiful woman who deserves so much better than your piece of shit ex. I want to give that to you. I want to show you everything he could never give you, I want to make you my queen Grace, my beautiful, curvy, goddess. Please, let me be your king.” His dark green eyes met mine as he spoke. I shivered under his gaze, feeling the submissive in me melt desperate to fulfill his every need.
In what felt like seconds I lay naked on the bed his mouth latched on my pussy as feasted on me. He slipped two thick fingers inside me, pumping them in and out as he sucked my clit, making me scream and cum, squirming on his face and the bed. He laughed, a broad smile on his face, “You are quite the lady, and my God you taste divine. Would you be a good girl and suck daddy’s finger clean?” He asked, holding them out for me, testing my submissive nature and willingness. I sucked the fingers greedily whimpering, desperate to feel him inside me. He smirked, “Oh baby girl, I’m going to enjoy you. But first, I want you to see just what a beautiful queen you are. I’m going to sit on the bed and I want you to reverse cowgirl, and watch yourself in the mirror. Watch your gorgeous body take my cock, and watch me fuck you. Watch your king breed you baby girl.” He positioned himself and I nervously got in position, eyes rolling back as he pressed into me, longer and thicker than my ex, long, low moans dripping from my lips as I sat fully down on him.
He held my hips firmly as I stared at the curvy, brunette with blue eyes, full lips and heavy bouncing breasts. As he began to thrust up and into me the woman in the mirror transformed, her face flushing pink, looks of ecstasy posing over her with every thrust. He hammered into me as I watched, having almost an out of body experience as the woman in the mirror was ravaged by the beast of a man beneath her. I felt myself reaching a high, getting dizzy as he thrust deep and filled my with cum. He sat up and held me, playing gently with my nipples, cock still buried deep, “See baby girl, you are a beautiful queen, sensual and sexy, and now you have a king worthy of you. A king who will worship you and love you.” He finished, the words soft as he stared into my eyes in the mirror. I flushed and released a deep sigh, “Yes, my king, I think you’re right.” I whispered as we fell back into the sheets.
The court date came, 12 weeks after Greyson saved me in the bar, 12 weeks since I served my ex with divorce papers. I sat, in a short, low cut red satin dress with a slit up the thigh, dripping in pearls, a beautiful silver band with a delicate opal heart on my ring finger. Greyson sat beside me at the bench in a very fine black tux, with pearl cuff links and a similar ring on his finger, a band of mother of pearl. The judge was speaking to my ex, who was dressed poorly and looked as if someone had slapped him. Greyson squeezed my thigh as the jury ready the verdict, “We the jury find the accused, Drew Andrew’s, guilty of spousal abuse, domestic abuse, blackmail, and fraud. He will serve 10 years in federal prison with no possibility of parole.” The words took my breath, as my ex began to scream and throw things, raging at me. Greyson quietly eased me out of the court room, taking me to the car.
I blinked slowly, he held my hand and sat quietly, waiting for me to speak. I licked my lips, “Is it really over?” I asked softly, feeling the stress of the last few weeks draining from me as I collapsed in his arms. He lifted me, carrying me to bed, settling next to me, “Yes baby girl, its over. You got everything because he was guilty of those horrible things, and now you can rest and relax here with me. Let me take care of you and show you all the love and passion you deserve.” He kissed me softly before spending the next several days working every ounce of tension from my body and proving, over and over, just how deserving of love I truly was.
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to-my-son · 9 months
Hello feooss!
Today is Sunday, September 3rd, 2023, I haven’t written since May. Humberto you just started the fall season of soccer and you’re actually liking it, it’s a pain in the ass for me, your dad isn’t very involved so it’s a bit stressful for me. I get off at 5pm rush home to get here by 5:30 and drive back to Anthem to make it in time for practice by 6pm, but you like it, and I think it’s good for you so I’ll do whatever it takes. You’ve also started Kindergarten, you’re first day was on August 7th, you’re not a fan of going to school. I try to motivate you but you just want to stay home and play. Your teacher is Ms. Perillo, and she’s awesome. Unfortunately dad hasn’t been around much, and there’s been a sad morning or two during this time. I dropped you off recently and you were sad that you hadn’t seen your dad in 2 weeks and I bawled my eyes out as soon as I got in the car. I wish I could make that better but I just can’t.
You’ve made some friends, Oakley and Greyson, you also go to school with 2 of your soccer teammates, he twins Grey and Grant. They’re also in Kindergarten. Now that’ you’ve made friends you barely touch your lunch, I can only assume it’s because you’re too busy talking. Stop talking and start eating little boy! You got punched in the eye by a little girl, Bobbie Martinez, because she was bullying your classmate Raven, you tried telling Bobbie that she was being rude and apparently she punched you. You forgot to mention it to me though so I assume it wasn’t as much of a “punch” as it sounds. I see how quickly you’re learning, and I’m so proud of you. More importantly I hope you’re proud of yourself. You recently volunteered me to bring snacks for your class “Pirate Booty” they’re puff chips, I’m so happy that you’re so confident in me that you volunteered me because to be honest I’m not even that confident in myself lol. This week we need to get you new cleats, your first game is on Saturday and we need you to be fast and comfortable to kick some ass! GO TIGERS FC!
Eva, where do I start with your bratty ass. You have so much sass and attitude! I am so amazed at your vocabulary, you’re the definition of 3 going on 13, and you’re fashion sense is unmatched, you have so much confidence, I hope you never lose it, and I hope you carry it forever, everywhere you go. I need to get you off the bottle because you have a strong emotional attachment to that “cold milk”. I have you on a waitlist for Gymnastics, it’s a bit difficult finding a gymnastics class that works with my work schedule and brother’s soccer schedule. I want you to try it and see if you like it. I think you’ll be good at it! The idea of dance is so cute, and girly but… I think in the long run gymnastics will be better. You’re a ball of energy, super independent, and very agile, and I want to take advantage of it. If gymnastics isn’t for you, we’ll try something else, but I’m not letting you fall behind on an extracurricular activity! You can count to 25 and you love to paint. You’ve got an artistic side, painting, coloring, singing, dancing, arts and crafts, doing your makeup and painting your nails! That’s what you’re into right now. You love all the Disney princesses and Minnie Mouse.
My little Beva, you have such a strong attitude, you’ve been getting in trouble a lot lately because Eva does whatever she wants even when I’ve told her not to. Parenting right now has been a bit challenging with you, you contradict me a lot! You’re very independent which sometimes leads to a little bit or a lot of a mess on your behalf. I know that attitude is going to get you far but right now I just need you to listen to mom a little bit more baby girl. You’re so easy to love, I’m the luckiest mom in the world to have you as my baby, both of you really. The hardest part is realizing that slowly you don’t need me as much anymore. I love seeing you grown but I also wish I could freeze time and keep you both this way forever. I know some day before I know it the stressful days of trying to get everything done for you both will be over, the mess will be less, and these baby faces and baby voices won’t be like this forever. I want to enjoy you as much as I can. There’s not enough time in the world to take you both in. I love you my babies, more than you can imagine, and I truly mean that. I love you forever.
Forever yours,
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remuscore · 3 years
please post them my goodness
Okay hang on
Full Name: Patton Leslie Picani.
Date of Birth: January 15th.
Age: 28.
Gender: Genderfluid.
Presentation: Masculine or feminine; switches.
Pronouns: He/him and she/her.
Sexual Orientation: Aromantic Pansexual.
Status: Single.
Height: 5’8.”
Body Type: Heavyweight; strong.
Hair Color: Black and blonde; uses temporary dyes sometimes.
Hair Type: Corse; fade haircut.
Eye Color: Dark brown/black.
Race(s): African decent.
Piercing(s): None.
Tattoo(s): None.
Physical: None.
Mental: Severe clinical depression and Bipolar 1.
Parent(s): Emile Jacob Picani and Leah Flowers Picani (dead).
Sibling(s): Jeremy “Remy” Micah Picani.
Pet(s): None.
Occupation(s): HR worker.
Skill(s): Comedy, gardening, cooking, baking, and caretaking.
Goal(s): To work with children, have a little cottage with tons of plants and animals, and tons of friends.
Full Name: Logan Mackenzie La Ray.
Date of Birth: November 3rd.
Age: 20.
Gender: Agender.
Presentation: Masculine.
Pronouns: They/them.
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual.
Status: Taken (w Roman and Virgil).
Height: 5’10.”
Body Type: Underweight.
Hair Color: Dirty blonde; shoulder length.
Hair Type: Wavy.
Eye Color: Brown and light blue; Heterochromia.
Race(s): White.
Piercing(s): Both lobes and two flats on left ear.
Tattoo(s): Stick and poke Gemini constellation on right wrist, E=Mc^2 written on the crook of elbow.
Physical: Disordered eating.
Mental: Autism and disordered eating.
Parent(s): Vivian Ann La Ray.
Sibling(s): Thomas Foley Sanders (half-brother).
Pet(s): None.
Occupation(s): Lab Assistance for a medical researcher; college student.
Skill(s): Math, writing, problem solving, teaching, drawing, and cooking.
Goal(s): To get a general teaching degree, a good paying job at a high standing school, pay off student loans by 40s, and maybe have a long healthy relationship with Roman and Virgil or whatever.
Full Name: Roman Henry Maurice Romeo.
Date of Birth: June 25th.
Age: 19.
Gender: Male.
Presentation: Masculine with lots of feminine aspects; sometimes completely feminine.
Pronouns: He/him.
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual.
Status: Taken (w Logan and Virgil).
Height: 6’1.”
Body Type: Fit; a little soft in the belly and upper arms.
Hair Color: Brown and white (dyed brown).
Hair Type: Curly; just beyond the ears.
Eye Color: Hazel.
Race(s): Afro-Latino.
Piercing(s): Both lobes, both upper lobes, and a nose stud on right side.
Tattoo(s): A couple branches with red flowers on left arm, stems aimed at the wrists and the flowers aimed at the crook of the elbow, but spread out with the leaves and two hearts on the outside of wrist on left arm, colored red.
Physical: Piebaldism and chronic joint pain.
Mental: ADHD, PTSD, clinical anxiety, and clinical depression.
Parent(s): Luis Javier Teo Romeo and Marianne Evelyn Romeo.
Sibling(s): Remus Luis Edward Romeo and Elijah David Charles Romeo (half-brother).
Pet(s): None.
Occupation(s): Baker for a small bakery; college student.
Skill(s): Drawing, singing, acting, music, writing, and dancing.
Goal(s): To become a famous Broadway actor and rich as all hell with the most handsome, successful husband in the world (maybe two handsome successful husbands at this point).
Full Name: Remus Luis Edward Romeo.
Date of Birth: June 25th.
Age: 19.
Gender: Non-binary.
Presentation: Masculine/androgynous.
Pronouns: Any, but most use He/They.
Sexual Orientation: Queer/unlabeled.
Status: Taken (w Janus).
Height: 6’1.”
Body Type: Thin.
Hair Color: Brown and white.
Hair Type: Curly; shaggy with Mohawk shaved sides.
Eye Color: Hazel.
Race(s): Afro-Latino.
Piercing(s): Both lobes, both upper lobes, orbital, industrial one left, both tangus, both nostrils, tongue, right eyebrow, vertical labret, and belly button.
Tattoo(s): Stick and poke devil smiley face under right ribs, decapitated rat head on right breast, teeth wrapped around left nipple, barbed wire under breasts, matching skulls on stomach tongues reaching to bellybutton, stick and poke “Notes” on right arm, spiderweb on right elbow, knife on left forearm pointing at elbow, stick and poke guy on skateboard with “Eat Ass” on right thigh, black and red crosses on right thigh, “Carl Marx” written above both knees, “Fuck Me” written above hips on lower back, big stitched up scar on the left side of head, and stick and pokes of his rats on each arm with their names.
Physical: Piebaldism, bad vision in left eye, and chronic joint pain.
Mental: ADHD, PTSD, and clinical depression.
Parent(s): Luis Javier Teo Romeo and Marianne Evelyn Romeo.
Sibling(s): Roman Henry Maurice Romeo and Elijah David Charles Romeo (half-brother).
Pet(s): Jonathan and Butt Plug (domestic rats).
Occupation(s): Janitor for an office (name forgotten).
Skill(s): Drawing, singing, music, and writing.
Goal(s): To not get killed and maybe live to be a weird old guy.
Full Name: Janus Rain Greyson.
Date of Birth: February 3rd.
Age: 21.
Gender: Female.
Presentation: Feminine or androgynous.
Pronouns: She/her.
Sexual Orientation: Queer.
Status: Taken (w Remus).
Height: 5’3.”
Body Type: Triangular; flat.
Hair Color: Ginger (dyed).
Hair Type: Wavy; long with shaved sides.
Eye Color: Green.
Race(s): Asian and White.
Piercing(s): Lobes, upper lobes, two helixes on left and one on right, right nostril, philtrum, and snake bites.
Tattoo(s): Thin vines wrapped around left wrist leading down to elbow, one thin vine wrapped around right wrist, a moth and two cover up lines above on right bicep, coffin with a skull in it on right thigh spread out almost all the way down to the knee stabbed with a cross, eyeball on the back of neck, and snake with two heads leading down sternum.
Physical: Port-wine stain birthmark, anisocoria, seizures, and Tourettes.
Mental: Clinical depression.
Parent(s): Dean Jackson Warren, Ruth Rose Greyson, and Monica Greyson.
Sibling(s): Virgil Storm Greyson.
Pet(s): Jekyll and Hyde (two headed corn snake).
Occupation(s): Bartender; college student.
Skill(s): Dancing, fashion, poetry, and self care.
Goal(s): To live long enough to be a successful, lawyer and just in general a rich as fuck woman. Also a hot wife would be delightful.
Full Name: Virgil Storm Greyson.
Date of Birth: December 19th.
Age: 19.
Gender: Demiboy.
Presentation: Masculine.
Pronouns: He/They.
Sexual Orientation: Questioning and Asexual.
Status: Taken (w Logan and Roman).
Height: 6’3.”
Body Type: Chubby; fluctuating weight.
Hair Color: Black (dyed purple fringe).
Hair Type: Wavy and thick; very shaggy haircut.
Eye Color: Dark brown/black.
Race(s): Asian and White.
Piercing(s): Both lobes, both upper lobes, septum, dimples, and two labrets (spider bites).
Tattoo(s): None.
Physical: None.
Mental: Severe clinical anxiety.
Parent(s): Ruth Rose Greyson and Monica Greyson.
Sibling(s): Janus Rain Greyson.
Pet(s): Charlotte (tarantula) and Phantom (black cat).
Occupation(s): None.
Skill(s): Baking and poetry.
Goal(s): None.
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ace-of-spaders · 3 years
Di's Headcanon Time: code word 'pumpkin'
When Liz was pregnant with their second child ( needless to say, Red was equally elated and fearful when Liz told him that they were going to be parents again because, just like with Agnes, Red noticed all the signs rather early on but didn't dare to let himself hope that after so many years the universe - or was it fate? - was so kind as to not only give him a second chance at having a family, a wife and a daughter he loved to pieces, but give him an opportunity to be a father - and a father of another girl, as they found out much later, at that - not for the second but third time... there must have been some kind of catch but there, thankfully, wasn't ), at one point - at the beginning of the second trimester, to be precise, when Liz's bump just began to show ( if you asked him, then no, Red didn't tear up when he noticed the slight but unmistakable roundness of her belly, the tangible proof there was a life growing inside of her but, of course, he did, that's his and Lizzy's child, after all ) - she and Red discussed the possibility of having a codeword for labor and Liz ( quite possibly because their little family just had an "Ice Age" marathon the other weekend ) jokingly suggested 'pumpkin'. They shared a laugh, reminiscing about the con they pulled with Greyson Blaise ( that 'reminiscence' - as often happens with these two - ended with them finally acquiring a villa at Lake Como and pulling an elegant but thrilling heist with the assistance of Paolo and Analia, who resigned themselves to spending the rest of their life like this because of their crazy and dangerous now-neighbors all in the same weekend ), but never talked about it again.
Imagine now the faces of the other members of the team when, some months later, Liz, feeling that their baby is finally ready to greet the world, said very clearly, calmly and quietly: "Pumpkin". Red didn't realize the meaning of that word right away - immersed as he was in the argument he had with Cooper and Ressler about how to better proceed with their current Blacklist hunt - so she repeated again, pointedly now, stressing the name of her dumbass husband and the word 'pumpkin' as much as possible: "Red, it's pumpkin time."
The second time did the trick, and the rest of that day came by in a flurry of activity that culminated in the birth of a sweet, healthy little girl with big piercing blue eyes ( both parents are convinced she got them from the other ) and strawberry blonde ( reminding a little of the color Red's hair was when he was little as Liz discovered when she found an album with his childhood photos in his Bethesda apartment ) fuzz who was eventually named Samantha "Sam" Scott Reddington, but whom her daddy took to calling 'pumpkin' ( and Liz would be lying if she said that she doesn't find it absolutely adorable ).
PS: tagging @meetmeatthecoda because you like headcanons and I got a feeling that you will like this, @my-robot-heart and @tale-xistime because I hope you'll like this, too, and @codewordpumpkin because how can I not tag you in such a headcanon?)
PPS: I've got a feeling that this 'headcanon time' is going to become a regular thing on my blog, so if you'd like to be tagged in my headcanons/half-headcanons half-drabbles from this point onward, just say so in the replies to this post!)
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icedgroove · 3 years
The Whole Story (Arcane)
The Whole Story
(875 words) by
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Arcane: League of Legends (Cartoon 2021)
Characters: Vi (League of Legends), Caitlyn (League of Legends)
Additional Tags: Income disparity, Fighting
Summary: [AU] Caitlyn's mom takes Vi under foster care after the events of Arcane's episode 3. Will Caitlyn and Vi see eye to eye? (SPOILERS)
“Caitlyn! Meet your new friend.” ----
The stormy night encapsulated Vi’s feelings on the matter: she had just lost Vander, Powder, Claggor, Mylo, and her home. Uprooted by enforcers, they put Vi up for bidding in Piltover on who her new foster parents would be.
Knowing Vi was a high-risk child, Greyson ruled that she would live with Mrs. Kiramann. Some… lady. Her daughter was there, too -- Caitlyn was her name, apparently --; the whole welcome wagon. Approaching the house, Vi’s jaw dropped. “You guys live like this?” she whispered to Caitlyn, who was holding an umbrella open for her. Caitlyn nodded, inquisitive. She cocked her head. “It’s nothing special ,” she said. Vi, taken aback, yelled, “Of course it’s special! Do you not--?!” “Alright, alright ,” Mrs. Kiramann interrupted. She gave the girls a stern look. “I welcome you to my home, Violet, but I must enforce that you remain respectful . Around the adults, do not speak unless you are spoken to. And your homework--” This was when Vi tuned out her new foster mother. She shot a look at Caitlyn saying ‘ is she always like this? ’ who shrugged in response. They walked up the giant staircase -- was it covered in solid gold?! -- and made their way inside. “This is even bigger than it looked on the outside!” Vi yelled, earning another stern look from Mrs. Kiramann. “Dinner will be 6 o’clock, sharp. Caitlyn, show her to your room.” She marched away in what Vi learned was the ‘snooty rich person walk. ’ Looking tired, Caitlyn took Vi’s hand. That was a mistake. “Don’t touch me!” Vi yelled, falling into a defensive stance. Caitlyn recoiled. “Just… show me where I’m staying.” Vi pointed at a couch. “Here?” Caitlyn’s eyes widened. “ What? Why would we do something so barbaric as that? No, no, no! Follow me.” VI complied, but stared through Caitlyn. “Barbaric, huh?” she muttered. ------
Once in the room, Vi had to physically refrain from her jaw dropping a second time. “This whole thing,” she said, gesturing around her. “This is all yours?” Caitlyn shifted. “I mean, yeah?” She sat down on her bed; another had been placed along the other wall. Both of them stared at the second bed. “This isn’t a trick, is it?” Vi asked. She shuffled around the room, gawking and trying to hide it. With a head shake, Caitlyn stared as Vi jumped into her own bed. Her bed! Vi had a bed ! “Wow, this is great , do you get gold meals, too?” Vi half-asked, half-teased. She laughed when Caitlyn flushed. “We’re not that rich,” Caitlyn mumbled, not looking Vi in the eye. Vi’s guffaw turned Caitlyn’s face redder. “So lemme get this straight:” Vi said, sitting upright. “You get meals every day ?” Caitlyn nodded. “And you have shelter?” Caitlyn nodded. “ And your own bed?” Caitlyn stood up, glaring at Vi. “Listen, I hope this place suits you well, but I have no idea what any of that has to do with anything ! If you had any idea of the hardships it is--” “ Hardships?! ” Vi did a spit-take. “What hardships could you possibly have? Look around and open your eyes! Your basic needs are met?” “Yeah…?” “Well most of ours down there aren’t. We wouldn’t be able to handle your dumb aristocratic bullshit because half of us are starving down there or don’t have homes!” Vi shoved Caitlyn back onto her bed. “But I bet for a second you and your prissy rich girl act wouldn’t last a day down there. No, a night !” Caitlyn scowled. “Would too!” “Psh. You don’t know shit about the real world. You live in a fantasy world. I come from reality .” “What color is the sky in your reality ?” Caitlyn said, crossing her arms. “Ooh!” Vi laughed, clapping. She was delighted to see some fight in this rich girl. “Did you learn that at your preppy boarding school?” Caitlyn looked away. “ Hah! Called it!” Vi lowered her vision to match Caitlyn’s. She spoke low. “You have no idea what my life was like. My sky? Was red . With the blood of those I loved.” Vi stammered. “I-it isn’t a fair world out there.” Visions of Vander, of Claggor, of Mylo plagued her. Their deaths were her fault and on her hands. She was the reason Powder... Her introspection was cut short by Caitlyn’s sharp retort, “Of course it is fair , that’s what the enforcers are for.” With her hand balling into a fist, Vi had to count to calm herself. “The enforcers are Piltover’s bullies. They’d come after us just for their numbers, or whatever.” Eyes wide, Caitlyn said, “I don’t believe that.” A scoff. “Believe what you want. But know that there’s reality and there’s fantasy , and we come from two different worlds.” Vi straightened up. “Come talk to me when you’re ready to admit that.” She left the room. Caitlyn laid back on her bed. Her heart was racing. It was like that poor girl had tried to get her to fight . Her mother did tell her that Vi was a ‘troubled youth.’ Using words like ‘thug’ and ‘punk’ to describe her, Caitlyn thought nothing of it. She trusted her mother. But after hearing what Vi had to say, Caitlyn wondered: Was that the whole story?
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dedandgon · 2 years
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( aron piper, 164, cis man ) did i just see ABEL SALVATORE PRUITT  in town? you know, THE CONNARD? i heard they’re a VAMPIRE/FAERIE HYBRID and one of the SURVIVORS. they’re AGAINST the resurrection and apparently HE’S SEARCHING FOR A NEW CURE. but what do i know? they just remind me of THIS IS ME TRYING BY TAYLOR SWIFT.
full name:  abel killian salvatore pruitt
nicknames:  n/a
age:  164 (physically 24)
date of birth:  april 1st, 1863
zodiac: aries
place of birth:  london, england
gender:  cis male
pronouns:  he/him
sexuality:  bisexual
species: faerie/vampire hybrid
father:  damon salvatore gideon pruitt
mother:  orla pruitt née byrne
siblings: 2 maternal half-siblings, stefannie & greyson salvatore ( paternal half-siblings )
children: 2 children ( wc to come )
hair color:  black
eye color:  brown
height:  6′4″
morality:  chaotic neutral
positive traits:  alluring, astute, debonair, resilient.
negative traits:  abrasive, choleric, imprudent, recalcitrant.
currently re-writing abel’s bio to reflect him being a hybrid now blame theo so here’s a few basics about my boi (and by that i mean a shorter bio bc i’m incapable of writing a short bio)
damon’s kid. his mother was a faerie and she left mystic falls shortly after finding out she was pregnant with abel. she married her bestie/bodyguard and they decided to just pretend the kid was his.
abel grew up in both the human world and faerie courts. really lived his best life for a few years there. low key/high key fell in love with his childhood bestie (also a faerie, or possible hybrid? who knows, certainly not me) but she was betrothed to someone else. *cue ivy by taylor swift* they decided to run away together and marry in secret at seventeen. it was around this time too that abel found out from his parents that the man he knew as his father wasn’t his biological father, but that a man named damon salvatore was, orla was convinced damon was dead though, so any hope of meeting his father disappeared just as quickly as his entire perception of world shattered around him.
they lived happily in the human world for a few years and even had a child together, but that all went down the drain in 1886 when abel met and befriended a faerie/vampire hybrid. abel was always impulsive, he liked to have a good time and didn’t think through the consequences of his actions. so when this new friend mentioned the newfound strengths they had as a hybrid, how could abel resist?
long story short abel ended up becoming a hybrid. his wife, pregnant with their second child at this point, was fed up with abel’s impulsiveness, and incredibly angry that he would do something as stupid as becoming a vampire just because he thought it would make him more powerful or stronger. she left him and returned to the faerie courts, telling him he could either return with her to their families or never see their kids again. abel did follow her, but because he was now a hybrid, abel was banished.
abel spent the next few years on a bit of a ripper bender, he spent a few years in london before moving on to a new city in 1889. he could never truly settle down, but the one constant in his life was the bloodthirst. abel enjoyed killing, something that would have terrified him had he had his humanity on.  abel spent the better part of the next century turning his humanity on and back off again, never staying in one place too long, growing bored quickly. everywhere he went the blood trail followed, but with decades of experience under his belt abel got better at covering his tracks.
with his humanity being turned off pretty consistently abel was able to push back the regret he felt over losing his family, of not being able to see his children grow up and losing the love of his life.
it was only recently, haven restored his humanity, yet again, that abel’s curiosity about his biological father became unignorable. he did his research and found out that orla had lied about damon being dead, something he had always thought to be the case, but never cared enough about to look into. all of his research led him back to where it all began 164 years ago, mystic falls, virginia.
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jinmukangwrites · 4 years
Mutual (Mis)Understandings
Summary: Wild and Zelda seem to be engaged... and Twilight like the worried mother hen of the group that he is overreacts and misunderstands greatly. 
Or, Zelda and Wild are best friends, but they’re also both arcace and the only reason they’ll ever get married is for the Hylian equivalent of tax-benefits. 
Note: this was purely self indulgent and was written instead of my actual next LU fic. In the mean time, enjoy this. From now on I only write aroace Wild and Flora and if you don’t like it then don’t talk to me lmao
Twilight supposes it was only a matter of time before they ran into Wild's Zelda. Because, despite Wild's Hyrule being so much larger than it's versions before it, Zelda apparently was still a woman who could not be confined to the walls of her castle. If she wanted to explore and meet new people, then she would. According to Wild, that is.
Zelda is, at first glance, the embodiment of grace and beauty. Her hair is golden and her eyes the color of the grass that flourishes on the hills. Her lips are full, and colored not a perfect red but not a perfect pink either. Her hair, while chopped short, is braided and styled perfectly in a way that compliments her beauty even more.
But then, you look at her traveling clothes and the twigs in her hair, and you realize that Wild once told you a story about how she tried to force a frog into his mouth.
She stands in the center of Terry Town, near a beautiful fountain built around a small shrine for the goddess Hylia, and in a strange reincarnation way, a tribute for her as well. As the group walks into the town that's suspended on a circle of land that towers high over a small lake, she turns and smiles, delight sparkling in her eyes when her gaze lands on her knight. It's an unexpected reunion, one that started with Wild wanting to show them something he's proud of, and one that's turning out to be more of a treat than any of them expected. Especially, when besides Twilight, Wild lets out a happy gasp and runs ahead of the group, slamming into his princess with a tight and joy-filled hug. The moment is so touching that even Legend smiles.
The hug lasts a little longer before Zelda and Wild part, splitting to stand next to each other with shoulders brushing. They look perfect together. Like they were made for each other. Wild smiles at the group and Zelda matches his smile but in a more polite and curious way.
"I believe introductions are in order?" She asks, though it's not really a question. More like an invitation.
Twilight looks over at Wild, a matching look of awkwardness passing between them. Hyrule pulls at his collar nervously. It's always… strange to introduce themselves to people. While many people are named Link to honor heroes, it is still strange to have nine boys traveling together all introduce themselves as such. They really need to come up with better names than rancher and traveler and the old man.
Thankfully, Time is ever the wisest and the owner of the group's meager stash of brain cells. He steps forward with a respectable bow. "Princess Zelda," he says, standing up from his bow, "we have traveled with Link for a few months now and have found ourselves caught in… quite a complicated story. Perhaps, if I may be so bold, it would be wise to allow us a more private space for introductions?"
"I see," Zelda says, her polite smile turning into something a little sharper. Not in an offended way, but in a way that she knows something that they don't. Thankfully, she doesn't keep them waiting for long. "Yes, perhaps it would be wise. Though, it seems I must have to introduce myself as well before we begin. It's not princess. It's queen."
Twilight sometimes keeps himself up at night wondering about how his Zelda might take the news of there being eight more heroes carrying the name "Link" around. It's hard to tell with her, and it's not like they're close. Their relationship is strictly "Princess and Hero", and the most they have in common besides the whole reincarnation thing is Midna.
Which is a topic both of them tend to avoid.
So really, he cannot say for sure how she'd react. Would she believe it? Would she take it in stride? Twilight can really only imagine her taking in the information with a straight face before saying it doesn't concern her so begone.
One thing's for sure, she wouldn't react like Wild's Zelda does.
Because, well, if Twilight thought the kids at his home village were made of skin, bone, and questions, then the Zelda before him is made of questions, questions, and more questions.
"Who is the first among you? What year was it? Strange, it seems you used a different calendar than us. And it's peculiar you two have the same dates but live in completely different worlds- oh you and your Zelda were childhood friends? And you have two Zeldas'? What about you? What is your kingdom like-?
By the end of the afternoon, everyone's mouths had run dry from talking and Warriors was about to jump into the fountain at the center of town yelling about thirst before a tall Gerudo lady stopped him with a level look.
Zelda and Wild have broken off from the group; the town's people and the various guards who must be here for Zelda's protection (even though Twilight's sure she can definitely more than protect herself, it must be for their own peace of mind) have stopped giving them those you nasty foreigners looks and have actually started to seek out conversation in the form of you have money, I have things to sell, wink wink. As the sun crept closer towards the edges of Death Mountain, everyone one-by-one decided the beds promised to them at the inn sounded more interesting than sitting around and doing nothing.
Time being one of the first to retire, not that Twilight blames him. The question "Which one of you is the hero from ten thousand years ago?" weighs heavy on all their minds. The lore of that hero doesn't sound familiar to any of them, and it left the whole group wondering how many lives they have lived, and if they are destined to add more to their group of nine.
Regardless, Twilight finds himself one of the last members to head to bed, and not for the lack of trying. He had accidentally mentioned wrestling around a towering Goron and his little brother and had, in a sting of events he was entirely unwilling in, found himself wrestling Greyson with a whole crowd of townspeople watching with jeers and enthusiasm. Greyson wasn't a full grown Goron, so it was surprisingly easy to knock him out of their makeshift ring carved into the ground with a stick without the aid of his iron boots.
After winning that fight, the Gerudo lady who probably made Warriors wet his pants with her glare decided she wanted in on the action, to which Wind and Hyrule screamed out he was a coward for turning her down by saying he definitely already knows she'll win.
Because she definitely will win. He's seen fully grown pumpkins smaller than her biceps.
But, Twilight is ever the gentleman and absolutely not a coward and caved even though he knows he will walk away from this with a few new bruises.
Turns out, the kind of wrestling the Gerudo lady (who he finds out is named Rhondson judging by the "TEAR HIS ARMS OFF, RHONDSON!" that was yelled out from the crowd as she knocked his feet out from below him) was trying to do was different from goat and Goron wrestling, and he was completely unprepared for her to bring him to the ground and attempt at pinning him down like a madwoman. He's never been so terrified in his entire life.
He should have explained the rules better to more than just Greyson.
He was in the middle of trying to shove her off from him (because apparently a loss is being pinned down for three seconds as refereed by her husband and Twilight is not about to lose so easily with Wind in the sidelines laughing so hard he has tears in his eyes) when he notices Wild and his Zelda leave a building and quietly retreat towards the far cliff edges of town. Rhondson seems to notice this as well, because she pauses in her tortuous wrestling long enough to mutter under her breath "young love..."
To which. Twilight promptly short-circuits.
Young love?
And Zelda?
Yeah sure, he knew Zelda and Wild were close, but Wild was the most… rowdy and dirty piece of work he's ever met. And sure, Zelda isn't exactly the most poise and elegant creature in the world—the twigs still in her hair, the mud running up her boots to her trousers, the ever slowly becoming undone braids in her hair that she doesn't seem to truly care about are all testament of that. Twilight is just… well, he didn't think Wild had it in him. To catch the attention and affection of someone like Zelda… Twilight needs to hand it to him. He guesses Wild can be romantic when he wants to be.
Unfortunately, thanks to his little brain explosion, Rhondson manages to pin him down long enough for Hudson to smack the ground three times. (Seriously, what is up with the son part of everyone's name?)
Rhondson lets him up with a triumphant smirk and Twilight lays on the ground, winded.
"Young love?" He croaks, because his brain is still trying to process. It's like adding two and two together and getting goat.
Rhondson's smirk seems to widen even more as she extends a hand, golden jewelery clinking on her toned wrists. "Don't you know? The Queen and her knight are engaged."
She says it casually like it's nothing truly new or exciting as she lifts him to his feet.
Wind's laughter from the sidelines suddenly turns into choking noises. Twilight can only short-circuit some more.
Because what.
Rhondson doesn't explain anymore as she accepts cheering from the rest of the town. No one explains as the crowd disperses, the sun fully behind Death Mountain and the moonrise breeze moving in with the smell of the ocean. Soon enough, Twilight is still standing where he's been left, Wind sitting on the ground cross-legged with his chin in his hands, and Hyrule standing besides him looking unsure if he should suggest bed or something else.
Wild is seventeen (plus one hundred but that doesn’t count) years old and he's engaged.
He knows the age of adulthood changes every so often, but honestly at least wait until you're twenty before you commit! Or let Twilight be married first!
He slowly manages to crawl out from his churning thoughts back into his body, and the first thing he does is look towards where Zelda and Wild disappeared to and suddenly his brain is thinking of a whole matter of things the two of them might be doing. Alone. With no one to catch them.
He's moving to follow them before he can make himself rethink to maybe respect their choices and boundaries. Hyrule, perhaps thinking the same thing, grabs onto the tail of his wolf's pelt.
"Wait!" Hyrule says, trying to be the voice of reason, which is strange because normally that's Twilight's job, "maybe we should let them be… alone-"
"Traveler, are you a man or a mouse?!" Wind demands, catching up to the two of them, looking way too determined to intrude upon a potential make-out session.
Hyrule squeaks. "M-man!"
Twilight ignores them as he creeps towards the buildings the two love birds disappeared behind.
"Besides, the champion brought this upon himself," Wind continues. "He should have told us he was going to be the future King of Hyrule. He deserves it."
It; being a good sneaking up on. Twilight finds himself agreeing. They've known Wild for how long and he hasn't told them at all that he was engaged?
The topic of love and settling down has come up many times in their group.
"Champion, do you like anyone?" "Nah, the only thing I like is cooking." "Hey champion, after all this and settling down, what are your plans?" "To become a world renowned chef." "Cook! I saw the face you were making when Malon was talking about girls! Who were you thinking of?" "Food. Duh."
The sniveling little weasel. To think Twilight fell for it.
Twilight holds up his hand as they approach the buildings, Wind and Hyrule quiet down their conversations. It seems even though Hyrule took a rare attempt at peacekeeping, he has ultimately decided upon even though I don't like it I still want to come along. They poke their heads around the corner of the building and find…
No one is here.
How interesting.
Wind gives a groan of outrage and Hyrule releases a sigh of relief so powerful the grass waves a little. Twilight continues forward and looks at the soft dirt on the ground that leads to the sheer unforgiving drop of cliff. They should really fence this off, he's seen the children in the town and one of them could easily fall.
"I can't believe the cook, the sly fox," Wind was grumbling and not for the first time Twilight decides to not ask how the kid knows so much about stuff like this. Hyrule says something back about maybe there's a reason Wild's kept it secret but Twilight doesn't listen in too hard as his eyes catch on something in the ground.
There. Footsteps. Fresh. Two different sizes, one small and the other slightly larger. Could easily belong to a queen wearing muddy boots and a knight.
He follows the footsteps and his stomach jumps when he follows them to the edge of the cliff.
Did they… were they so... that they didn't notice the cliff?!
He rushes towards the quite literal edge of Terry Town and frantically looks down into the water below. It's hard to see with the light of the quarter moon creeping up behind them.
He can't see a thing, but thankfully Wind has a knack for looking into the horizon because his voice cuts through his internal panic with the pointing of a hand.
Twilight follows the pointing finger until his eyes land on the distant sight of two people sharing one lantern in the forest past the edge of the lake. One is vaguely femininely shaped and the other about the same height but with less curves. They're walking through the tall grass and wirey trees, past the empty husks of what Wild calls Guardians.
Until Wild points out something and they share a look before running behind one of the husks and staying there.
How… how unseemly! Didn't one of those things kill Wild?!
Twilight grabs at the grapple in his bag, thankful he decided to keep that with him instead of putting everything in the inn, and ties the end of it around one of the nearby fence posts. The shore of the lake doesn't look too far from here. He should be able to swim it. Easy.
Wind and Hyrule follow him down without complaint, as Twilight drops the other end of his grapple down with the fill length of chain extended. It takes a few minutes and a few stomach churning, chain wiggling moments with the wind for Twilight to finally find himself at the end of the line, just a short distance from the water.
He hopes there's no monsters in there.
Well. Here goes nothing.
He lets go of the chain and his stomach flips just a bit before he hits the surprisingly refreshing water. Not too cold but not worryingly warm. It's also shallow, his toes brushing the bottom for just a moment before he swims towards where he thinks the shore is and upwards until he reaches the surface with a gasp. There's two more splashes behind him and soon the three of them find themselves gasping and dripping on the muddy and rocky shore of the lake. Hyrule looks the worst out of all of them, perhaps not as used to swimming, but they at least all made it with no monster battles or near drownings. So a win.
The light of the two love bird's lantern is still a good distance away, and by the time they near most of the water has dripped away from their clothes and hair, leaving them uncomfortably damp.
And as they near closer, the louder they can hear… giggling.
Twilight puts a hand to his lips and stops Hyrule and Wind where they stand. Wind looks about ready to throw a fit with a string of embarrassing things like I know what sex is and 'm not a kid but thinks the wiser of it when Hyrule frantically makes cut throat notion, signalling yelling is not the best idea right now.
Twilight takes it upon himself to approach the husk of the Guardian himself. He feels… icky. Like he shouldn't impose. But there's such a thing as chastity and being too young to accidentally become with child. Twilight knows Wild and Zelda has been away from each other for some time, and the… urge must be strong, but he will not allow his protégé to make a mistake he might regret before he's even married.
"Oh Link, it's beautiful!" Zelda says, breathless.
Twilight takes a deep breath and walks around the Guardian with his hands on his hips. Hopefully Zelda doesn't order his death for this.
"What are you two doing?!"
And then he pauses, eyes wide as Wild jumps up from where he's been crouching, pulling out his sword and looking more angry than what Twilight's ever seen him, before shock and curiosity replaces the anger. Zelda is standing behind him, having jumped to her feet and pulling out a dagger, and behind her a green firebug flies away.
They're both fully clothed and looking at Twilight like he's grown a second head.
"Um." Twilight says smartly, his brain going back into process-mode as Zelda rolls her eyes, puts her dagger away, and looks behind her for the firebug that's flown away.
"Are they decent?" Hyrule's voice asks, which is something Wind doesn't bother to do before he steps around the Guardian to stand by Twilight with a disappointed face. Someone really needs to wash that kid's brain out with soap.
"Decent?" Wild asks, confused. Zelda doesn't say anything, she's crouched further into the forest and creeping up on another firebug.
They were… looking at bugs.
"It's okay, traveler," Twilight says, releasing a breath and thanking Hylia and all the other spirits for everything somehow being a misunderstanding. "We were wrong."
"Wrong about what?" Wild asks, sounding even more confused.
Twilight shakes his head and grabs Wind's head, wrapping his hand around the boy's mouth before he can say anything gross. Hyrule walks over, looking as relieved as he might if he were told the spirit of the demon Ganondorf was forever destroyed. Which is to say, he was looking extremely relieved.
"Oh good," Hyrule says as Wild mutters what's probably explicits behind Twilight's hand. "We thought you were having- mmph?!"
Twilight has successfully grabbed Hyrule's face with his other hand and covers his mouth too. Now, with both boys successfully gagged and pinned to his chest, Twilight gives Wild his best smile and hopes it doesn't look too conspicuous and nervous.
"We saw the light and thought you two saw something dangerous," he lies easily.
Wild gives him a slight suspicious look, his eyes flickering between Twilight's two captives and Twilight himself before shrugging and putting his sword away. Twilight had to fight to keep a straight face as Hyrule elbows his side and Wind licks his hand.
"It's Zelda's first time at Terry Town, and I wanted to show her the creatures that call this place home," Wild explains, not looking all that concerned that Twilight is still holding two of their group members captive by the faces. Hyrule is licking too now, but Twilight can't trust them not to say the sex word yet. Twilight grew up the perpetual older brother of four kids in Ordon, he's been in positions like this before with much more slobbery licking.
"Oh that's good then, no danger!" Twilight says, keeping in a gasp as Hyrule elbows his side harder and Wind makes a mad grasp for his hair.
Thankfully, Zelda speaks up in a whisper-yell from where she's crouching. "Link! There's a wolf!"
Wild gives the other heroes a wide grin before he quietly sprints towards Zelda and couches besides her. The two begin to talk to each other in hushed voices.
Twilight let's a second pass, and then he releases his captives.
Hyrule takes in a deep gasp like Twilight had been strangling him—he wasn't—and Wind spits at the ground furiously like what he licked had been poisonous—Twilight is doubtful the palm of his hand tasted that bad.
Before either of them could recover, Twilight leans down and grabs them both by the points of their ears.
"Do. Not. Say. A. Word."
Wind whacks his hand away, scowling. "Okay okay! Geez-"
Twilight gives them both level glares and eventually they both nod in agreement. Whatever misunderstanding has just happened, Wild and Zelda were to remain unaware of it. Period.
With the unspoken agreement, the three of them walk up to Wild and Zelda, of which Wild is currently in a long ramble in the differences between all the kinds of wolves in Hyrule. Apparently, wolves in Akkala have slightly shorter snouts compared to Hyrule Field Wolves even though they have the same coloring. Interesting. Kind of useless to Twilight, but he'd much rather listen to Wild explain the slight differences of wolves than… other things.
When Zelda requests to see the two kinds of wolves side-by-side, Wild promises he has pictures of both of them on his little magic box thing.
And that's... pretty much how the next few hours go. Wild and Zelda run bush to bush, talking excitedly between each other about black winged butterflies and the abilities gained from eating a golden beetle, and the three other heroes follow along like lost puppies, not able to offer a single shred of new information to the chatty environmentalists. Twilight manages to get in a small comment about the Ordon goats—and ignores the triplet groaning from Wild, Wind, and Hyrule—but after he fails to produce a picture of his favorite animal Zelda loses interest and moves on to poking the leaves of some random flower.
Twilight sighs. Someday someone will worship the Ordon goats like they deserve.
Hours pass and Wind gives a huge very bored sounding yawn, which somehow earns the pity of Zelda. "You're right, small pirate Link. It is probably about time we should head back." She turns towards the Wild with a glint in her eyes. "I'm sure the guards are missing us."
Wild snickers and Twilight rolls his eyes before turning to look at where the cliffs surrounding Terry Town. Then, something occurs to him.
"Hey, you came down with your paraglider?" Twilight says and Wild nods slowly, patting the folded up contraption on his back. "How did you two plan on getting back to town?"
Matching looks of we didn't think of that flashes on Zelda and Wild's faces.
Twilight sighs, turning to Zelda. "Think you can climb a chain or do you want to walk up the long way?"
Zelda narrows her eyes and rolls up her sleeves. Her biceps, too, resemble that of a grown pumpkin. Twilight won't ask if she's sure, he bets she can take him down wrestling as well.
"Alright then," he says.
They walk back towards the lake as a group, and Twilight does his best to comfort Hyrule who's glaring at the water with resentment. It will definitely be harder getting back up than it was getting down. They'll have to swim the lake and climb up the cliffs a bit before jumping to the hanging chain and climbing the rest of the way up there. It'll be a fun workout.
As they walk, Twilight falls back to fall into step with Zelda and Wild. Wind and Hyrule continue onwards in front of them.
"So…" Twilight says under his breath, just loud enough for the two champions of this time to hear them. They both give him curious looks. "Engaged, huh?"
Twilight expected blushing or blubbering or something. What he got was a full on belly laugh from the queen and a rolling-of-the-eyes from her knight and husband-to-be.
"Who told you," Wild demands as Zelda laughs on, earning slightly concerned looks from Hyrule and Wind, "was it Rhondson? I bet it was Rhondson."
"Why didn't you tell me?" Twilight asks, ignoring Wild's (accurate) accusations towards Rhondson.
At this, a flash of guilt passes over Wild's face and Zelda quiets, looking interested. "It… never came up?"
"You forgot, didn't you?" Zelda asks. Wild gives her an apologetic look and she scoffs, looking shockingly more amused than anything.
"I didn't... forget. I was just focused on the quest!"
"It's okay, Link. I forgot too."
"Oh thank Hylia."
The two of them fall into some strange companionable understanding silence and Twilight is left completely and frustratingly out of an apparent inside joke or some sort.
He sighs. "Look, I know this might sound weird, coming from me," Zelda and Wild give him their attention with matching expressions of curiosity, "but I know you're both young and probably haven't been taught very well about… adult matters, so…" oh this is so awkward, they're looking confused, "if you have any questions about… um… urges or desires-"
"Oh!" Zelda says, clapping her hands together in front of her. "You mean sex!"
Twilight chokes on his words and Wild nearly trips into the dirt. Zelda looks like she hasn't said anything strange at all.
"Don't worry, Mr Goat Farmer Link. Link and I know all about sex and we decided we will not being doing it," Zelda says as if she's reassuring a worried soldier or something similar. Indifferent. Straight faced.
"Y-yeah," Wild says after he had refound his footing. "Strictly business. Our marriage."
"I was tired of Impa asking when I'll get married and produce an heir," Zelda explains easily, though she gave a slight disgusted tone at the word produce. "I am much more interested in so many other things, but Impa was getting insistent." Zelda rolls her eyes.
"So Zelda decided to ask me to marry her," Wild puts in quietly, "and I told her that um… I'm not interested in her or in anyone that way, but she said the same thing and then told me that it would benefit us both to marry anyway and so… yeah."
"Impa would stop bugging me about getting married and Link would have unlimited access to the castle kitchens once it's fully repaired. I can continue my journey to study and rebuilt this country in peace and Link can continue his dreams of cooking."
Twilight finds himself nodding, because it makes just as much sense as it doesn't make sense. Which means he doesn't get it but they do so he won't argue on it. "But what about… continuing the royal line?"
"The line will die with me," Zelda says. Like that wasn't a royal bombchu-shell . "Because I will not be bearing any children. We will adopt or I will choose someone I trust to take the throne when the time is right. We will decide when the time comes." She grabs Wild's hand and he squeezes in reply. "Together."
Twilight nods again, deciding against arguing that too.
"Is that what you thought we were doing, rancher?" Wild asks. "Having…"
Twilight's cheeks heat up. "Nope. Not at all."
"Oh, okay…"
Wild definitely doesn't believe it, and he's smirking, but it seems he will save Twilight from embarrassment for the rest of the night. No promises tomorrow though, Twilight's sure.
Turns out, Zelda can absolutely crush them all at swimming and scaling a cliff with a hanging chain. She is hardly even winded when they all reach the top. She bids them all farewell and heads towards the home that has graciously lended her a guest room for her stay. The guards all look extremely relieved to see her, and they disappear into the home with a final wave from Zelda towards their direction.
"I can't believe you're engaged, gremlin," Wind says through a yawn and Wild laughs.
"We're just really good friends," he replies, and Twilight smiles. The trust between the two of them must be so strong regardless of physical desire. He still doesn't understand it, but Wild looks happy and Zelda looks happy and they both clearly love each other.
In their own way.
And Twilight can respect that.
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lunarxdaydream · 3 years
(🌠) My muse points out a shooting star and wants yours to make a wish! Quick! Selestiana
( moonlight aesthetic starters )
Greyson could not think of a single woman he has accompanied that glowed over every little detail. She is like a young child finally allowed to explore the world to their heart’s content. Vivid violets wide in awe, shimmering with excitement that he is captivated. Enthralled with every reaction she exhibits. For one moment, he had even considered her demeanor to be an act – but even an act had cracks in their performance. Not her though. Whole-heartedly, this woman is taken by the city and what it has to offer.
“Here.” A hand extends a warm plastic cup; steam rising from the small mouthpiece. Notes of cinnamon and anise tickle the senses. Brown sugar melts with bourbon to sweeten the beverage designed for adults versus the batch set aside for the younger crowd lining the booth. Taking it upon himself, an earlier taste was done with the vendor to ensure the strength would not inhibit Selestiana. What sort of man would he be if he did not at least take care to ensure her own safety?
“Hot apple cider. Just slightly spiked.” But should she desire without the alcohol, he will gladly return to the line to purchase it. “If today has been any indicator, I’m going to take a guess you’ve never had it before.” Or who knows, he could very well be wrong. “It’s a typical fall drink around here. Perfect for a cold night.”
Taking place on the first open seat, the pair have the chance to rest. Colorful lights hang between each tree, bright oranges set for the upcoming Halloween weekend. He can already see a few eager children dressed in their costumes, more than prepared to begin their candy haul. “So, what’d you think of today?”
Cup is carefully pressed close to his mouth. One breath used to blow the steam (as if it would make a difference). And just as he would glimpse up, all manners are nearly thrown out the window when he spots a flicker across the sky.
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“Hey, you have to make a wish!” Free hand points to the sky where, by chance another passed. Was there a meteor shower predicted or was it just by luck they happened to see it?
“Call it superstition but when you see one, you have to make a wish. And quick!” Will she try it? Or just stare at him like some strange madman?
"Don't want to miss out, do you?"
|| @cxrsedsouls ||
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Introduction: Joelle Olive Chapman
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Name: Joelle Olive Chapman
FC: Brenna D'amico
Fic Title: Undetermined 
Nickname(s): Jo, Jo-Jo, Joey, Ellie (family and Luke only), Chapman, babe, Pinky/The Brain(Baylee)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Pronouns: she/her
Birthday: September 28, 1987
Height: 5’1
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Place of Birth: Carolina Beach, NC
Residence: Carolina Beach, NC
Camp Half-Blood (summer/winter)
Hobbies: surfing, playing guitar, baking, scuba diving
Likes: thunderstorms, hurricanes, Luke, reading, fishing, school, horses, swimming, just being near water in general
Dislikes: not being claimed, the crowded Hermes cabin, Aphrodite’s cabin (they like messing with her love life), being sidelined, flying
Favorite Bands: Fall Out Boy, Nickelback, My Chemical Romance, No Doubt, The Veronicas
Physical Quirks/Scars: left-handed, incessantly cracks knuckles, scars from sword fighting, scar on her leg from a fishing accident.
Family: Kronos (paternal grandfather, Rhea (paternal grandmother), Chester Harley Chapman (maternal grandfather), Winifred Tessa Chapman (maternal grandmother)
Poseidon (father), Lucy Regina Chapman (mother), Amphitrite (stepmother)
Drew Corey Chapman (uncle), Zeus, Chiron and Hades (uncles), Tenley Rochelle Chapman (aunt), Hestia, Demeter and Hera (aunts)
Tyson, Percy Jackson, Procrustes, Polyphemus, Triton, Arion, Antaeus, Pegasus, Chrysaor, Chrysomallus, Cercyon, Sciron, Theseus, Bellerophon, Neleus, Halirrhothius, (paternal half-brothers)
Rhode, Kymopoleia, Despoina, Charybdis (paternal half-sisters)
Several Cyclops (paternal half-siblings)
Devin Robyn Underwood (adoptive sister)
Frank Zhang (paternal distant relative)
Harley Luke Castellan (son)
Honorary family: Hermes’s Cabin
Friends: Luke Castellan, Alexa Cantwood ( @thecaptainsgingersnap oc), Rainbow Aspen Rollins, Devin Robyn Underwood, Lucian Greyson Grimes, Santos Drake Ababio, Baylee Rowena Ford, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Athena’s cabin, Leo Valdez, Calypso
Love interest: Luke Castellan
Optimistic or pessimistic or realist
Introvert or extrovert
Occupation: Camp Counselor, waitress, high school student, lifeguard
Weapon: Trident and quindent
Favorite Animal: Pangolin and cuttlefish
Favorite color: teal
Favorite book: Fear Street Series by R.L Stein
Favorite food: her grandmother’s mac and cheese
Favorite movie/ tv show: (m): Indiana Jones. (tv): Smallville
Background: Born to Marine Life Photographer Lucy Chapman and the sea god Poseidon Jo’s life was anything but normal. Due to Lucy's career, she is constantly traveling so Jo is raised primarily by her grandparents. She loves spending time down at the beach when she’s not helping out at her grandparent’s restaurant.  Then, one day, a sea monster attacks and one of her regulars reveals himself to be a satyr. Suddenly, Jo's life is turned upside down as she's escorted to Camp Half-blood and trained to save the world. 
Forever tag: @thecaptainsgingersnap
Tags: @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle
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