#the beginn of the age of sail
ltwilliammowett · 1 year
The Battle of Lepanto in 1571 — Shattering the Idea of Ottoman Invicibility
from SandRhoman History
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motleyfolk · 1 year
Web Bookmark List
Cataloguing important, fun or interest websites I’ve come across over the years. Trying to add most of these to internet archive. * = use F11 for best experience.
Last updated: 13/12/23
Internet Safety, Privacy, Rebellion
Frontpage - Tldr of different sites or services terms of service. Has browser addon.
Disroot - Project promoting the ability to communicate on the internet in a decentralized, private and open way. They have a browser, video and voice call apps, temporary upload storage, and more.
De-google-ify Internet - Like the above but cute graphics, french and no vpn.
12ft Ladder - F u paywalls
Info On How To Definitely Avoid Torrenting
Little Sis -  A free database detailing the connections between powerful people and organizations. Who do the wealthiest Americans donate their money to? Where did White House officials work before they were appointed?
Article of Journalist Trying To Completely Cut Amazon From Her Life But Its Literally Not Possible
Internet Archive - Legendary Archive of the Internet
Yesterweb - Community about how the internet has changed, advocating for positive interactions and self expression on the internet.
Stop Using Chrome Help
Wii Gay, U Crimes & Three Gay, New Crimes - If you have a wii, wii u or 3ds click this
Digital Wellbeing - Stuff on adblocks, alt browsers, just not getting tracked
Toffeeshare - Share files free, encrypted, no size limit.
SingleFile - Browser addon, downloads pages/sites at .html
Masterpost on How To Be a Pirate and Where Its Safe To Sail
Good Academic Research Sites
How To Get Music Without Subscriptions, Anyway You Want
Dark Pattern Games - Game review site that tells you about tactics games use, giving lists of bad games that use said tactics, and good ones that don’t.
DIY Feminist Cybersecurity - Simple guide to travesing the internet and tech safely, protecting yourself and your privacy.
Data Hoarding in the Modern Age - Intro guide on data hoarding.
How To Change Cursor
Itchi.io - Steam for indie games, ttrpgs, books and assets. So much cool (and free) stuff.
blinkie maker - Make your own blinkie
WebZine01 - Zine on making a personal website from scratch for absolute beginners and Another
Old Games Download - What it says on the tin.
Old Web Themes - Like above
Noclip - View and clip through tons of old game maps (like Mario Kart Wii!)
Free Movies, Books, Shows & Audiobooks
Photomosh - Free picture editior
The Spriters Resource - PNG sprites from tons of gaming sources.
Backgrounds with Emma - Tons of repeating backgrounds
EzGIF - My go to gif editor, webp to anything and quick pic cropper/editor.
Internet Archive - My beloved <3 Arching webpages, books, movies, software and making it available to the public. One of the most important websites of the internet.
Catbox - Free image/video sharing resource. Simple and 200mb limit.
Fraidycat - RSS Feed. If you don’t know what that is, it’s where you can congrate things like a specific tumblr users posts, blog posts, a youtuber, a wikipedia page, etc are updated in your own personal curated newsfeed with no ads of clutter. All your internet in one place :)
Smithsonian Open Access - Millions of free images.
Can I Play That? - Guides/reviews for those that need accessibility in games.
The Blinkie Hoard - Tons of blinkies 
pixelbank - Graphics
murderscene - Dark pixels
SORAHANA - Japenese artist has tons of cute pixel art for stuff
@pixel-soup - Tons of cute graphics
cinni’s dream home - More cute graphics
Trash Paradise - Cool, mythical graphics
Spirit Cellar’s Horror Zone - Has some horror blinkies and stamps to the side.
Backgrounds with Emma - Tons of repeating backgrounds
Masterlist banners
Pattern Banners
List of Atrocities Commit by the United States Government/Country
Article on Companies That Publicaly Supported Abortion Rights but Funded Anti-Abortion Politicians by The Guardian.
The Anarchist Library - Archive of over 800 pages of Anarchist Literature
Survive Nature - Info on wilderness and urban survival skills
Article on US Courts Sending People to “Rehab Centres” ThatS Actually Chicken Factory Slavery for Fortune 500 Companies
Wiki Page on Unethical Human Experimentation in the United States
Canadian Aboriginal Children Starved in Government Experiments during 1940s
National Security Archive - Archive of declassified US Gov documents and investigative journalism into rising government secrecy. 
Anti Capitalism Facts/Info
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pocket-jack · 6 months
Ok. I'm gonna share this one... Kidd and Law is Luffy's older brothers, instead of Ace and Sabo.
In this AU Ace was given to White Beard instead, and he was raised like his adopted son (so, less aggression and daddy issues, I guess). He met Luffy in Alabasta and decided to stick alongside with Straw Hats, repeating the filler episodes in dessert. They got along so well, that he shared his Vivre Card with Luffy in case if he ever needs his help. Sabo was one of Luffy's friends, when he was younger, but then he went missing after the fire at Grey Terminal, and Luffy never knew why. Then he appeared in Dressrosa attempting to gain Ace's Devil Fruit for revolutionary army, and Luffy, who wanted to make sure that his friends Fruit will be given to the right person, allowed him to have it.
Luffy in this AU was mostly alone in his first months with Dadan's clan. He was 7 years old and never had friends his age, so the best thing he came up with is to follow around a bunch of teenage thugs who play pirates.
He loves hanging out around those guys, because they were cool, and pirates, and they had a bear! And the funny hat guy's name is Penguin! And other guy wears cool glasses! And Traffy is always patches him up if he gets hurt trying to chase after them. They like a cool older brother's for him! But Traffy doesn't like when Luffy following them around. And he said that he's allowed to visit them only if he's hurt or needs his toes to be cut off. Luckily for Luffy, there's a guy who's beats him almost all the time.
Kidd is 11 years old. He's a kid who's been sold to Bluejam Pirates because his parents were poor and couldn't handle him. Luffy know he's just misses his home, that why he's always so wild and aggressive. Kidd's also love fixing and building stuff on the Grey Terminal, but last time Luffy got caught on spying him, he got beat up really bad. Many people at GT or Dadan's clan members talks about him as a little monster, who's too violent for this world. Many are afraid of him, some are angry, some are pitying him, but Luffy are actually amused by his strength. Even if Kidd causes trouble to everyone, even his crewmates, he's strong and cool. He builds cool stuff and actually pretty great at it. But perhaps he have some self-esteem issues? He often sees danger in people and their words. Just who did this to him?
Law is 15 years old. He's a pirate. And these three guys are his crew. They call themselves Heart Pirates, but currently they don't have any boat. They've had to set sail from their home to hide from the bad man and almost shipwrecked on the Dawn Island. Law never talked about this bad man, and no one, even his crew, never asked him about it either. He's a doctor. A beginner, to be right. He usually goes to GT to practice his medical skills, luckily there's a lot of wounded there. He also takes care of Luffy, because Dadan literally said "Well, he choosed you. Do whatever you want with him, just don't kill him" when he brought him to her the first time. He usually visits Dadan clan when Luffy receives pretty bad injuries and require bed rest. We all know that Luffy just can't lay in bed all day, right? Everyone is cherishing Law, because he acts like a golden child, when he stays at their place for some time: he and his crew wash the dishes, clean the house, take care of wounded and also help bring food. Dadan just ready to switch children up to this point. He and his crew also have troubles with Bluejam Pirates, mostly because Kidd have troubles with them. The battle between the Heart Pirates and Kidd's band sometimes resembles a bloody war rather than childish fight, especially when Kidd is only one standing and just can't give up no matter how hard he gets injured. HP are usually leave his little band patched up and without some of their body part as a threat (Kidd always retrieved them with fight, while the other kids were simply asking nicely or doing errands for HP as a payment).
One day they gonna become best friends and then brothers, that compete against one goal - to become King of the Pirates.
Can you imagine the scene in Shakky's Rip-off bar where she explained to them about Supernova's and especially emphasized on Law and Kidd, because they're the most dangerous out of them. And Luffy just goes "Yeah, I know, they're my big brothers!" leaving everyone shocked as hell. Two of the most dangerous guys in The Worst Generation... And they're Luffy's brothers. Why no one is surprised?
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alinalioness · 16 days
Alina and Singing Monsters 4 Chapter:Plant island.
Meanwhile, with heroes.
The heroes sailed by boat to the plant island. The girls looked at the map while Alina marked the route with flags.
Christina:What else do you know about the monster world?
Alina:I know that their world in the form of a donut.
Katya:And how can some islands be located?
Alina:Some of them are in the sky, and even almost near space.
Christina:They don't even need air.
Pladdie:We've arrived! This is the same Plant Island.
The heroes were surprised to see the island and immediately headed there. The island itself was filled with plants, from grass to trees.
Krash:It's like a whole forest.
Donut:And there are so many different trees.
Later, they saw Mammott and Furcorn sitting on the grass and eating apples. They just came up.
Mammott:Oh, hello!
Kayna:Hi guys. Have you seen any of my friends?
Furcorn:(I noticed the other characters) Oh, yes. For example, one of them is a round and a red bear. Almost like them (Points to kikoriki).
Krash:Hey, it's Barry.
Mammott:And we also saw people. Such as a farmer and a bird lover. Along with creatures like them.
Leo:It's Jose, Sana and their costumes.
Lance:But there should also be their Negabosses.
Furcorn:If you want, we'll show you the rest of the newcomers.
Two monsters led the heroes to the right place. When they arrived, they saw Barry, Jose and some island monsters tending the vegetable garden. Sana and Guardian Bird keeper put birdhouses in the trees. Liszt made swings out of plants for Furcons. And Alla and the rest of the costumes of Chapter 1 and 5 watched the plants.
Alina:They were found. (With the others, they stood in the center) Hello everyone!
Barry:That's how the meeting is. Our.
Everyone immediately turned around.
Balan:How are you all doing?
Jose:Everything is fine, Mr. Balan, Barry and I are making a vegetable garden for everyone.
Familiar male voice:And we are...
Boog, Eliot, Toy Jammer, Drumpler and Clamble came out of the bushes.
Eliot:We just tasted a delicious tree before it disappeared.
Alina:It's great, of course, but the hunters will find us and catch us. We don't know where he is now.
Noggin:Are they going to catch us?
T-rox:What did it mean to them?
Alina:We don't know, but obviously nothing good is going to happen. We also need to warn your boss and go straight to the others.
Mammott:To the bosses, we have two. Entbrat and his father are a rare version of Autumn.
Carlin:Then let's go.
Everyone headed towards the palace and stopped near it. Noggin immediately knocked on the door
Noggin:Good afternoon, plant boss, I have news for you.
Three versions of the Entbrat came out of the palace. They were very happy to see the heroes.
Krash:You said there were two of them.
Furcorn:And this is their grandfather, it's all about age. He's retired if anything.
Entbrat:Greetings to you, even beginners. What's the news?
Noggin:That girl named Alina says that we need to collect all the monsters and warn the others.
Autumn:What's the big deal?
Alina:The fact is that the hunters will come after us anyway and catch us.
Bardolf (Epic Entbrat):We absolutely understand and will go with you.
Jumping Jack:And by the way, we listened to their song plants. Even the werdos were singing.
Tawkerr:It's about us. We can sing to you.
Parlsona:You can also sing along with us.
Christina:Yes, but only Alina knows the lyrics.
Sana:We also. While you were gone, we remembered.
Entbrat:Well, a song is a song. Let's.
Everyone lined up and started singing.
Song "Plant island"
Verse 1:
Every monster knows... how plants grow!
And every monster cares!
And they know how they shape and they feed them!
And they keep them alive!
Let's watch plants grow! (2x)
[Parlsona and Tawkerr]
Everything here is alive! (2x)
Verse 2:
They sleep when it gets gold.
And the leaves turn.
They turn red and they turn gold.
They need sunlight and water and earth and the air to keep them alive.
That's how plants grow! (2x)
[Parlsona, Tawkerr and heroes]
Everything here is alive! (2x)
Verses 3:
A note becomes a chord,
Becomes a phase,
Becomes... a melody!
[With heroes]
And a melody... becomes... a monster!
[Parlsona, Tawkerr and heroes]
Everything here is alive! (2x)
You plant a seed
It settles is... and then it bursts!
And then it splits, and makes a twin!
Then, there were more.
Look, across the landscape, and you'll find.
It's just a bunch of plants! (Echo)
After the song, the heroes clapped.
Krash:It's not a bad song.
Alina:Well, then. (Took out the map) The next island will be cold.
Entbrat:If anything, there is no need to be afraid. You won't have a function to freeze there.
Christina:Great, then.
Alina:Well, go ahead.
Everyone immediately took their places on the boat and sailed.
To be continued...
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ilions-end · 1 month
i came across a norwegian schoolbook from 1814 (the title is suuuper long but is essentially "the most noteworthy people in history, intended for beginner students"), which straight up opens with a confidently detailed biography on homer and then presents all the (human) characters in the iliad and the odyssey as historical persons. it's a full chapter
here's an excerpt listing the most remarkable greek heroes, let's see how they rank:
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translated -- doing my best as this is danish, not norwegian (danish was still the language used in education back then):
The most noteworthy Greeks of this war were: 1.) Achilles, the bravest of the Greek princes who fought against Troy; but he was also very short-tempered; in the end he was killed in his prime by Paris. 2.) Ulysses, who in particular aided the Greeks with fine advice and suggestions. On his journey home he sailed for ten years and was frequently in mortal danger; but by his wits he saved himself each time and eventually returned home to his fatherland Ithaca. 3.) Agamemnon, the Greeks' chief commander, who after his homecoming was murdered by his wife and her paramour. 4.) Menelaus, king of Lacedæmon; he was Agamemnon's brother and Helena's husband. 5.) Nestor, who by Homer's testimony lived three man-ages or almost a hundred years, and was a very well-spoken man. 6.) Palamedes, who during this war invented the game of dice, with which the Greeks amused themselves when they were tired of the war.
i feel like not eeeveryone got dealt a good argument for why they're particularly noteworthy (agamemnon: he got murdered at home! menelaus: he was related to people!). not to mention how i'm half offended at who didn't even get a mention and yet palamedes is there
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friendsaqua · 2 months
The Best Watersports Rental in Dubai Where Adventure Meets Luxury
Dubai, a city known for its stunning skyline, luxurious shopping districts, and extravagant lifestyle, also offers a paradise for watersports enthusiasts. From jet skiing to parasailing, Dubai is a hub for adrenaline-pumping water activities that cater to both thrill-seekers and leisure enthusiasts. With its pristine beaches, clear waters, and state-of-the-art facilities, Dubai is the ultimate destination for anyone looking to experience the perfect blend of adventure and luxury in the realm of watersports.
Watersports Rental Dubai: Unleash Your Adventurous Side
When it comes to watersports rental in Dubai, there are numerous options available to cater to every preference and skill level. Whether you are a seasoned watersports enthusiast or a beginner looking to try something new, Dubai has something for everyone. From jet ski rentals to flyboarding experiences, the city offers a wide array of watersports activities that promise an unforgettable thrill.
Jet Ski Rental Dubai: Ride the Waves in Style
Jet skiing is one of the most popular water sports activities in Dubai. Riding a jet ski allows you to explore the huge expanse of the Arabian Gulf while experiencing the thrill of rushing over the sea. Several rental companies in Dubai offer jet ski rentals, allowing you to experience the thrill of riding a jet ski without the hassle of owning one. Whether you are a solo rider or looking to share the experience with a friend, jet ski rentals in Dubai cater to all preferences.
Water Sports in Dubai Jumeirah Beach: Iconic Adventures Await
Jumeirah Beach embodies elegance and pleasure, making it ideal for a variety of watersports activities. Jumeirah Beach has a variety of water-based activities available, including banana boat rides and parasailing. Whether you prefer a leisurely sail along the coastline or an exhilarating ride over the sea, Jumeirah Beach is the ideal destination for watersports enthusiasts of all ages.
Adventure Meets Luxury: The Ultimate Watersports Experience in Dubai
Dubai is renowned for its ability to seamlessly blend adventure with luxury, and its watersports scene is no exception. Whether you choose to embark on a jet skiing adventure in the Arabian Gulf or indulge in a parasailing experience overlooking the stunning Dubai skyline, the city offers a myriad of watersports activities that combine adrenaline-pumping thrills with the opulence of a world-class destination.
Water Activities in Dubai Marina: A Playground for Watersports Lovers
Dubai Marina is a hub for watersports activities, offering a vibrant and dynamic environment for those looking to indulge in aquatic adventures. From wakeboarding to paddleboarding, Dubai Marina offers a diverse choice of water sports for all ability levels. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn a new watersport or an experienced enthusiast seeking a new challenge, Dubai Marina has something for everyone.
Luxury Yacht Charters: Sailing in Style
For those looking to take their watersports experience to the next level, luxury yacht charters in Dubai offer a unique opportunity to enjoy the open waters in style. Whether you are looking to host a private event onboard a lavish yacht or simply want to relax and soak in the panoramic views of the city's coastline, a yacht charter in Dubai is the epitome of luxury watersports experiences.
Conclusion: Dive into Dubai's Watersports Paradise
Finally, Dubai's watersports sector exemplifies the ideal combination of adventure and elegance, with a varied choice of activities to suit all tastes. Whether you want the thrill of jet skiing, the peacefulness of paddleboarding, or the splendor of a luxury yacht rental, Dubai has something for everyone. So, dive into Dubai's watersports paradise and go on an incredible trip of adventure and luxury on the Arabian Gulf's dazzling waves.
The watersports rental sector in Dubai continues to expand, with new and interesting experiences being launched to meet the rising demand from both residents and visitors. Whether you want to soar above the sea on a flyboard or dive deep into the ocean with a scuba diving tour, Dubai has limitless options to see the beauties of the aquatic world. The city's warm climate and crystal-clear waters create the perfect backdrop for watersports enthusiasts to indulge in their passion year-round.
In addition to the adrenaline-pumping activities, watersports rental providers in Dubai also prioritize safety and customer experience. Experienced instructors and guides are readily available to assist and ensure that participants have a safe and enjoyable time on the water. State-of-the-art equipment and well-maintained facilities contribute to a seamless watersports experience, allowing visitors to focus on having fun and creating lasting memories in the city's aquatic playground.
Whether you are seeking a solo adventure to test your watersports skills or looking to organize a group outing for friends and family, Dubai's watersports rental offerings provide a diverse range of options to suit every preference. From exhilarating high-speed rides to leisurely trips along the coast, Dubai's watersports sector caters to people of all ages and interests, making it the ideal location for anyone looking for the right combination of adventure and luxury on water. Explore Dubai's watersports rental options and embark on a memorable journey where excitement, luxury, and the beauty of the Arabian Gulf converge.
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theclubhousecleveland · 2 months
Discover the Joy of Golf: Enhancing Your Game with Lessons in Cleveland
Embracing the Wholesome Sport of Golf
Golf is a remarkable game that appeals to individuals across all ages and walks of life. It's a sport that conglomerates physical fitness, precision, and strategy – not to mention an excellent way to enjoy the outdoors. Whether you're a novice willing to try your hand at this challenging sport or a seasoned golfer keen on refining your skills, engaging in golf lessons in Cleveland can pave the way towards achieving your goals.
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At the core of every fantastic golfer lies solid training. It's important to understand that beyond buying a good set of clubs, honing your golf skills requires learning from professionals who have mastered the intricate art behind it. Opting for golf lessons is a step towards understanding key fundamentals such as grip types, swing mechanics, stance postures, and course management. With golf lessons offered within Cleveland's serene greenscape spaces, you can immerse yourself in dedicated practice while acquiring valuable tips directly from experts.
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What sets golf apart is its gracious aesthetic appeal. The sight of a well-executed swing causing the ball to sail smoothly across the sky is undeniably soothing to watch - an elegant action flow resulting from mastering physical coordination and mental focus.
Golf lessons in Cleveland are geared towards creating such enchanting swings through personalized training methods suited for diverse skill levels. From correcting beginner’s grip alignment to helping experienced players perfect their putting techniques - these lessons encapsulate instruction modules tailored for everyone.
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To be truly successful at golf requires more than just perfect swings; it takes smart strategic choices too! This includes aspects like understanding wind direction effect on ball trajectory, knowing when to apply varying club usage, and figuring out the best route around water hazards. Engaging in golf lessons in Cleveland places you under guidance from instructors well-versed with course strategy intricacies. These professionals dispense valuable insights enabling you to make intelligent decisions during your game, putting you on the fast track towards realizing your potential.
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enruiinas · 3 months
"𝐈 𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐎𝐍 𝐀 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐌." - headcanons/musings on Law's impulsive desires to help people (and leading into a further analysis on him supposedly not being a "good person".). As with every hc/musings thing I write up, this is way too long and includes Law novel spoilers.
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I'm still slowly working my way through the novel again but spent some time this afternoon just flipping through my notes on it, and it occurred to me that literally every time we've seen Law say he "doesn't know" why he did a thing and/or "it was only a whim", it really is as simple as because he's a good person who felt compelled to do so.
Aside from the notable going to help Luffy at Marineford, there are four instances of this particular word choice in the novel alone.
Exhibit A: Law saves Bepo from Penguin & Shachi, then proceeds to bring him back to stay with him and Wolf. Bepo asks why Law is so nice to him and we see then-13 y/o Law musing, The reason I am so nice? I myself have no idea. "I acted on a whim," I simply answer.
Exhibit B: Law saves Wolf after an accident with one of his inventions leaves the old man with life-threatening injuries. Wolf, with his whole "We're not friends! This is a give & take system- you saved me, so now I owe you" mindset seriously pissed Law off with this. Mostly he's offended that Wolf would scrutinize Bepo, Penguin, and Shachi's intentions like this and counters that it was only natural the 3 wanted him to live; he'd taken all of them in and given them a home. Wolf asks Law what his motivation was, then, and Law gets very flustered and stutters his way through a response. "Hmm... Me... As a beginner doctor, it is my duty to come to the aid of any dying person... Le... let's say it's like a whim for me!"
Exhibit C: The 4 boys saving Pleasure Town from Artur Bacca. Rad thanks them all and Law simply responds, despite the injuries they'd all attained, "Oh, it's nothing, we acted on a whim." (16)
Exhibit D: After the boys set sail and earn their first mentions in Northern papers for putting an end to a pirate gang that's been going around kidnapping children to sell into slavery, the paper notes, "I acted on a whim!" These were the only words the captain of the crew of the "Heart" had uttered before resuming the sea aboard his submarine. (presumably 20+)
Now, first of all, let me just take a second to say here how much I love this kid for doing these things. I think it's really easy at this point to be like "Okay, yeah right, Law, everyone knows you're just a goofy kid with a bigger heart than you'd like to admit, just fess up already" - but. Given how early we see Law express the sentiment that "Anyway, I was never what you would call a 'good person'"(within the first 20 pages of the novel), here's the thing. I really don't think he's so much embarrassed/denying that that's his motivation as it is him honestly not realizing that's why he does the things he does.
We know he's an overthinker and needs everything to have a reason/meaning, from Cora-san deciding to help/(love?!) him to trying to figure out "how should the situation evolve" re: his new relationships with Wolf and Bepo. He does this whole in-depth "what was Cora-san to me?" reflection thing, asking questions like "Will I ever be able to carry affection for someone like that again?" He actually admits a lot of stuff to himself he'd never say out loud throughout the novel. But he never really ponders this beyond the "the reason I am so nice? I myself have no idea." which tells me it's seriously just never occurred to him. (Probably because, by thirteen years of age and no more than 20 pages into the novel, we see him think to himself "Anyway, I was never what you would call a 'good person'." in a way that suggests this was something he'd worked out and accepted a long time ago. I would venture to say even before the fall of Flevance, but that's a second write-up to follow here in a bit. &lt;3
➡️ Part 2: ❝𝐀 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍.❞ (will come back and add a link once I'm done with that one).
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iloveclearwater · 3 months
Dive into Fun: Clearwater's Ultimate Water Activities
Clearwater, Florida, is not just a destination; it's an aquatic playground for water enthusiasts seeking adventure, relaxation, and unforgettable experiences. With its crystal-clear waters, sandy shores, and a plethora of water activities, Clearwater beckons visitors to immerse themselves in a world of aquatic wonders. From thrilling water sports to serene excursions, Clearwater offers something for everyone.
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Crystal Clear Adventures:
Clearwater lives up to its name, boasting pristine waters that invite you to explore the underwater world. Snorkeling and scuba diving are popular activities for those eager to discover the vibrant marine life that thrives beneath the surface. Guided tours provide a safe and educational experience for both beginners and seasoned divers.
Sail into the Sunset:
For a romantic and serene experience, consider a sunset cruise along Clearwater's coast. Whether aboard a sailboat or a catamaran, these cruises offer breathtaking views of the sun dipping below the horizon, casting hues of pink and orange across the sky. Many tours provide complimentary drinks and even dolphin sightings, making it a memorable evening on the water.
Paddleboard Paradise:
Embrace a sense of balance and tranquility with paddleboarding along Clearwater's calm waters. Paddleboard rentals are readily available, allowing you to explore at your own pace. Whether you're a novice or an experienced paddleboarder, this activity provides a unique perspective of Clearwater's shoreline and is an excellent way to stay active while enjoying the scenic surroundings.
Jet Ski Excitement:
For those seeking a burst of adrenaline, jet skiing is the perfect choice. Feel the wind in your hair as you zip across the waves and explore the coastline from a thrilling perspective. Many rental shops offer guided tours for added excitement, ensuring a safe and exhilarating experience for riders of all levels.
Family-Friendly Fun:
Clearwater Water Activities extend to family-friendly options, ensuring that visitors of all ages can enjoy the aquatic wonders. Consider renting a pontoon boat for a leisurely cruise, complete with fishing, swimming, and picnicking opportunities. Dolphin-watching tours are also a hit with families, providing an up-close encounter with these playful marine creatures.
Fishing Adventures:
Clearwater's rich marine ecosystem makes it a haven for fishing enthusiasts. Charter a fishing boat for a deep-sea fishing excursion, where you can reel in a variety of impressive catches. From grouper to snapper, the Gulf of Mexico offers a bounty of fish, making every fishing trip a memorable experience.
Water Activities in Clearwater Florida cater to a diverse range of preferences, making it an ideal destination for those seeking aquatic adventures or simply a relaxing day by the water. Whether you're diving into the depths, sailing into the sunset, paddleboarding along the shoreline, or enjoying family-friendly pursuits, Clearwater offers a myriad of ways to make a splash and create lasting memories. Plan your visit to this aquatic paradise and dive into the fun that awaits along Florida's picturesque Gulf Coast.
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ltwilliammowett · 10 months
A little Naval History Beginners Guide
Books I like to recommend because they are really well written, have a high information content and I personally work with them. This is only a small list, there are of course many more, but for a start these are good to begin with.
   B. Lavery, Nelson’s Navy. The Ships, Men and Organisation. 1793-1815 New Edition    (London 2012)    B. Ireland, Naval Warfare in the Age of Sail. War at Sea 1756-1815 ( London 2000)    N. Tracy, Nelson’s Battles. The Art of Victory in the Age of Sail (London 1996)    D.Davies, A brief history of Figthing Ships (London 1996)    A. Lambert, War at Sea in the Age of Sail 1650- 1850 (London 2000)    G. Wells, Naval Customs and traditions (London 1930)    P. Goodwin, HMS Victory, Pocket Manuel 1805 (London 2015)    J. Eastland a. I. Ballantyne, HMS Victory. First Rate 1765 (London 2011)    J. Bennett, Sailing into the Past. Learning from replica Ships (London 2009)    M. P. Smith, Terror at Sea. True Tales of shipwrecks, cannibalism, pirates, fire at sea & otherdire disasters in the 18th& 19th centuries (Maine, 1995)    J. Lowry, Fiddlers and whores. the candid memoirs of a surgeon in Nelson’s fleet, James Lowry, 1798 (London 2006)    B. Lavery, Royal Tars. The lower deck of the royal navy, 875-1850 (London 2010)    R. and L. Adkins, Jack Tar. Life in Nelson’s Navy (London 2008)   A. Bruce, Encyclopedia of Naval History (London 1998)   J. Black, Naval Power: A History of Warfare and the Sea from 1500 (London 2009)   N.A. M Rodger, The Safeguard of the Sea: A Naval History of Britain 660-1649 (London 1997) C. L. Symonds, The U.S. Navy: A Concise History (New York 2015)
https://naval-encyclopedia.com/ C. G. Davis, American Sailing Ships: Their Plans and History (University of Michigan 1984) B. Greenhill, The Evolution of the Wooden Ship (1988) R. Woodman, The History of the Ship: The Comprehensive Story of Seafaring from the Earliest Times to the Present Day (1998)
Admiral W. E. Smith, The Sailor's Word-Book: An Alphabetical Digest of Nautical Terms (England 1867)
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woodenmodelkits · 3 months
Nautical Elegance: OcCre Wooden Ship Models on Display
When it comes to wooden ship models, there is something timeless and captivating about them. Exuding the nautical elegance, the wooden ship models provide an opportunity for artists or ship enthusiasts to put them on display. Showcasing them enhances their beauty while serving as a conversation piece.
Having said that, among the esteemed brands in the world of wooden ship modeling, OcCre model ships stand out for their dedication to quality and authenticity. They are crafted with attention to detail and precision to capture the essence of maritime history. Also, OcCre wooden ship miniatures evoke a sense of adventure in those seeking re-living the historical ships. In this blog post, we will explore the top 6 OcCre Model Ships you can own to admire their craftsmanship while adding a masterpiece to your abode.
1. LISBOA TRAM (OCCRE 1:24/G-45): Originally a part of the 701/735 series of the Compania de Carris de Ferro de Lisboa, Lisboa trams were considered the safest in Lisbon as they ran on the reinforced braking system and used for covering the most difficult routes. If you are a fan of OcCre wooden models, Lisboa tram will be your new favorite. Lisboa Trams OcCre model ships available at Ages of Sail are standard Lisbon type with American brill designs and sharply cambered roofs (maintained up until 1985-1987).
2. SOLLER TRAM (OCCRE 1:24/G-45): Touted as Mallorca’s first electric tram, Soller Tram was designed and directed by Pedro Garau. It had its own electric power plant, alongside Soller station and was driven by a 65HP explosion engine. This OcCre model boats at Ages of Sail is the AAB FHV-2 model, belonging to the company Ferrocarril de Soller, S.A. The Soller OcCre model ship uses a pantograph to pick up the electrical current, a voltage of 1200 Vcc. It also comes with electrical and vacuum braking systems and is fitted with 4 Siemens-Schuckert traction motors. For someone who loves to house a model boat full of surprises, this is the one!
3. ADLER COACHES (OCCRE 1:24): The third in our list is Adler Coaches OcCre wooden model ship which allows you to relive the age in which the countries were jammed with coaches like these. The coaches were manufactured by Robert Stephenson and Co. Of Newcastle and later, they were transported from Newcastle to the Port of Rotterdam, and from there to Rhine and then to Cologne, reaching the destination Nuremberg in pieces. Replicating the original carriage, the OcCre model of Adler invites you to let yourself carried away in the nautical forefronts.
4. ALBATROS (OCCRE 1:100): Perfect for beginners, the Albatros OcCre wooden model ship kit challenges your nautical tribe. Albatros OcCre wooden model shipA typical American Schooner (ships used for different purposes, including coastguard work and the control of smuggling along the coast), the Albatros OcCre model ship kit provides a unique and fascinating building experience by offering wooden or metal blocks, deadeyes, cannons, doors, deck pumps, and carriages. The full set of pre-sewn sails, rigging lines, and flags are easy to assemble, following the instruction manual step-by-step.
5. AURORA (OCCRE 1:62): Explore the greatest flow of naval transport in the 19th and 20th centuries by bringing the Aurora OcCre wooden ship model kit home. A good example of brig, the Aurora was widely used for travel to the Americas back then, providing the safest rides even during constant winds. If you are the fan of rigged, robust historical model ships, the Aurora will satisfy the sailor in you!
6. AMERIGO VESPUCCI, ITALIAN TRAINING SHIP (OCCRE 1:100): The Amerigo Vespucci model ship by OcCre is an excellent way to enjoy ship building activity. The original Amerigo ship was constructed for the Italian Navy in 1931 and was equipped with a pair of 6-pounder saluting guns. Crowned as the most beautiful ship in the world by the Americans, the Amerigo is a pure nautical marvel. The Amerigo model ship kit includes cast nameplate, basic stand display, and sails. Though this OcCre model ship comes with step-by-step video tutorials, instruction guide, HD photos step by step, scale plans, and FSC or PEFC certified wood planks, it is a high-quality model which includes high skills to assemble.
TakeawayIn addition to the 6 OcCre model ships discussed here, you can find more at Ages of Sail depending on your interests and level of expertise. The OcCre wooden model ship kits offer a gateway for marine enthusiasts to indulge in maritime history and explore the art of shipbuilding. The OcCre wooden ship models will also let you celebrate the craftsmanship, history, and allure of the sea while also giving wings to your passion. The meticulously crafted DIY model kits at Ages of Sail not only provide a rewarding hands-on experience but also let you immerse in the world of nautical history. So, whether you select a sleek schooner or the majestic training ship, each OcCre wooden ship kit is a testament to precision and an eye for detail. Hence, owning these OcCre model boat kits fuels your desire to preserve a legacy that spans centuries. 
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hitechsailing12 · 4 months
School Holiday Activities in Singapore: A Comprehensive Guide
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School holidays in Singapore are eagerly awaited by students and parents alike. It's a time when children can take a break from their studies and explore new activities that entertain and educate them. In this article, we'll explore a range of exciting and educational school holiday activities in Singapore. Whether you're a local or a visitor, these options keep your kids engaged and learning during their time off.
Exploring the Great Outdoors
Hiking and Nature Trails
Singapore may be a bustling metropolis, but it is also home to lush greenery and scenic nature trails. Take your kids hiking in places like Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, MacRitchie Reservoir Park, or Pulau Ubin during the school holidays. These trails offer a chance to connect with nature, observe local wildlife, and teach children about the importance of conservation.
Botanic Gardens
The Singapore Botanic Gardens, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is ideal for a family day out. Explore the lush landscapes, have a picnic, and visit the National Orchid Garden to see a stunning collection of orchids. It's an educational experience where kids can learn about plant diversity and conservation.
Educational Museums and Exhibits
ArtScience Museum
Located at Marina Bay Sands, the ArtScience Museum offers a fascinating blend of art and science. Their exhibitions often feature interactive displays that engage young minds. Check their schedule for special exhibitions, workshops, and events during the school holidays.
Singapore Science Centre
The Singapore Science Centre is a hub of hands-on science exhibits that make learning fun. It's a great place to spark curiosity and interest in science among kids of all ages. Don't forget to visit the Omni-Theatre for an immersive learning experience.
Enrichment Workshops
Cooking Classes
Sign your kids up for cooking classes during the holidays. Several cooking schools offer classes designed for children, teaching them valuable life skills and fostering an appreciation for good food. They can learn to make anything from pasta to cupcakes.
Coding Camps
In today's digital age, coding skills are invaluable. Enroll your child in a coding camp where they can learn the basics of programming and create their games or apps. Numerous institutions offer such camps, like Coding Lab and Saturday Kids.
Water Adventures
Sailing Camps
For a unique and thrilling experience, consider enrolling your child in a sailing camp. Hitech Sailing, located at hitechsailing, offers programs suitable for beginners and advanced sailors. Kids not only learn to sail but also acquire teamwork and problem-solving skills.
Water Parks
Escape the heat by visiting one of Singapore's water parks. Wild Wild Wet and Adventure Cove Waterpark are fantastic options for a day filled with water slides, wave pools, and lazy rivers.
Cultural Experiences
Chinatown Heritage Centre
Immerse your family in Singapore's rich cultural history by visiting the Chinatown Heritage Centre. Explore the exhibits, which recreate the lives of early Chinese immigrants, and discover the stories of their struggles and successes.
Singapore offers a myriad of school holiday activities that blend entertainment with education. These activities keep children engaged and help them develop new skills and knowledge. Whether exploring nature, diving into science, or embarking on a culinary adventure, Singapore's school holiday options will provide a fulfilling break for kids and parents alike. So, plan your holiday wisely, and make the most of this precious time with your children.
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writeleg1ant · 6 months
Dismissing writing advice for beginners: My Approach
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In the vast landscape of writing advice, finding a personalized approach is crucial. As a writer, I've navigated the sea of suggestions, learning to dismiss certain advice that doesn't align with my philosophy. While valuable insights abound, a critical evaluation of generic recommendations and a focus on personalized strategies are essential for any writer's journey.
Outline of the Article
- Introduction - Brief explanation of the writing landscape and the abundance of advice. - writing advice for teens - Navigating the Sea of Advice - Discussing the overwhelming nature of writing advice in the digital age. - My Approach to Writing Advice - Introducing the concept of dismissing certain advice. - The Pitfalls of Generic Suggestions - Exploring the drawbacks of one-size-fits-all advice. - Developing Personalized Writing Strategies - Emphasizing the importance of tailoring approaches to individual writing styles. - The Subjectivity of Writing Success - Discussing how success in writing is subjective and not universally defined. - Balancing Structure and Creativity - Exploring the need for a balance between adherence to principles and creative freedom. - Learning Through Trial and Error - Highlighting the significance of personal experience in the learning process. - Embracing Positive Advice - Encouraging writers to seek and appreciate constructive guidance. - Overcoming Self-Doubt - Addressing the impact of conflicting advice on writers' confidence. - Identifying Credible Sources - Discussing the importance of discernment in evaluating writing advice sources. - The Evolution of Writing Styles - Exploring how writing styles evolve over time and the need for adaptability. - The Writing Advice Deluge - Reflecting on the inundation of advice from various sources. - My Writing Journey - Sharing personal experiences of encountering conflicting advice. - Conclusion - Summarizing key points and concluding the article.
Dismissing Writing Advice: My Approach
Introduction Embarking on a writing journey is akin to setting sail in a sea of advice. From well-meaning suggestions to expert guidance, writers are often inundated with information on crafting the perfect prose. However, there comes a point when the sheer volume of advice can be overwhelming, leading to the realization that a personalized approach might be the key to unlocking one's unique writing style.
writing advice for teens
Navigating the world of writing as a teenager comes with its unique set of challenges and opportunities. Writing advice for teens goes beyond the conventional tips and delves into nurturing creativity, building confidence, and embracing self-expression. One crucial aspect of writing advice for teens is fostering a love for storytelling. Encouraging them to explore different genres and experiment with diverse writing styles allows for self-discovery. Providing prompts that resonate with their interests or experiences can spark creativity and make writing an enjoyable outlet. Teenagers often grapple with self-doubt, and writing becomes a powerful tool for self-expression. Advising teens to write authentically, without fear of judgment, instills confidence in their voice. Emphasizing that their unique perspectives matter can be transformative, nurturing a sense of individuality in their writing. Setting realistic goals is another cornerstone of writing advice for teens. Balancing academic commitments and personal writing endeavors requires strategic planning. Guiding teens to establish manageable writing routines and encouraging consistency can help them hone their skills without feeling overwhelmed. Peer feedback and collaboration play a vital role in a teen writer's journey. Encouraging them to share their work with friends or participate in writing communities fosters a sense of camaraderie. Constructive criticism and positive reinforcement from peers can motivate teens to refine their craft continuously. In the age of digital platforms, introducing teens to online writing communities or blogs can broaden their horizons. Connecting with like-minded individuals globally provides exposure to diverse perspectives and encourages a more expansive approach to storytelling. Ultimately, writing advice for teens should empower them to embrace their unique voices, overcome challenges, and enjoy the journey of self-discovery through words. By providing guidance that goes beyond technicalities, mentors can inspire the next generation of writers to express themselves with confidence and creativity. Navigating the Sea of Advice In this age of relentless information flow, the landscape for aspiring writers is both vast and tumultuous, as they find themselves engulfed in an overwhelming sea of writing advice. The digital realm is saturated with an abundance of tips and tricks, delivered through various mediums such as blog posts, online articles, and podcasts. While this wealth of information can be a valuable resource, it also presents a challenge—how to navigate through the deluge of advice and discern what truly aligns with individual needs and aspirations. The key lies not just in consuming advice but in developing a critical eye, being selective, and questioning the applicability of generic suggestions. Every aspiring writer must learn to distinguish between valuable insights and generic recommendations, finding a balance that suits their unique journey. My Approach to Writing Advice As I reflect on my personal writing odyssey, I've encountered numerous instances where the advice I received was not only conflicting but also failed to align with the nuances of my writing style. The writing journey, akin to a labyrinth, is inherently personal, with each writer charting a distinct path shaped by a tapestry of personal experiences, influences, and preferences. In my pursuit of honing my craft, I discovered that rejecting certain advice became an integral aspect of carving out my distinct voice and approach to writing. This realization emphasizes the significance of embracing advice selectively, recognizing that the rejection of certain suggestions can be as instrumental as the acceptance of others. The journey to becoming a proficient writer involves not just the acquisition of advice but the ability to sift through it, incorporating what resonates while staying true to one's unique creative vision. The Pitfalls of Generic Suggestions In the labyrinth of writing advice, one significant pitfall is the assumption that one-size-fits-all solutions are universally effective for every writer. This perspective oversimplifies the intricate and deeply personal nature of the writing process. Writing, being a subjective endeavor, varies significantly from person to person. What may prove to be a game-changer for one writer may fall flat for another. This realization dawned on me as I navigated through the sea of advice, prompting a critical examination of the generic guidance that often fails to acknowledge the diverse and individualized aspects of the writing journey. The awareness of this pitfall underscores the importance of discernment in applying advice, emphasizing the need for writers to tailor recommendations to suit their unique creative needs and preferences. Developing Personalized Writing Strategies While writing advice for beginners offers valuable insights, its true efficacy comes to light when aspiring writers embark on the journey of developing personalized writing strategies. Advice serves as a compass, but the true exploration lies in experimentation and self-discovery. Aspiring writers should adopt an open-minded approach, willing to venture into uncharted territories, and cultivate an environment of creative trial and error. It's through this process of exploration that writers can identify what truly resonates with their unique voice and style. Developing personalized writing strategies involves a willingness to discard approaches that don't align with one's creative instincts while wholeheartedly embracing techniques that enhance the individual writing experience. This transformative process not only refines the craft but also empowers writers to navigate beyond the limitations of generic advice, fostering a deeper connection with their creative selves. The Subjectivity of Writing Success Understanding the subjectivity of writing success is paramount for every aspiring writer. Contrary to a one-size-fits-all concept, success in writing is inherently subjective, taking different forms for each individual. Blindly adhering to generic writing advice for beginners without considering personal objectives can lead writers astray, steering them down a path that may not align with their unique goals and aspirations. It is essential for writers to embark on their journey with a clear understanding that success is a deeply personal and fluid concept, allowing room for individual growth and creative fulfillment. By defining success on an individual level, writers can navigate their paths with purpose, using advice as a valuable tool rather than a rigid roadmap. Balancing Structure and Creativity Finding the delicate equilibrium between structure and creativity is a pivotal aspect of effective writing. While structure provides a necessary foundation, an excess of rigidity can stifle the creative process, hindering the development of a writer's distinctive voice. Striking the right balance is crucial, where foundational principles serve as guiding beacons rather than constrictive rules. Writing advice for beginners should be viewed as a compass, offering direction without imposing limitations. This perspective empowers writers to experiment and explore their unique styles, fostering an environment where creativity flourishes within the framework of structured guidance. Ultimately, the synergy between structure and creativity forms the cornerstone of compelling and impactful writing, a balance that writers must strive to achieve as they navigate the vast landscape of their creative endeavors. Learning Through Trial and Error Embarking on the journey of writing is akin to setting sail into uncharted waters, and learning through trial and error becomes the compass guiding the way. No amount of advice, no matter how well-intentioned or comprehensive, can replace the invaluable lessons gained through personal experience. Each mistake is a stepping stone, an opportunity for growth and refinement. Aspiring writers should view missteps not as failures but as essential components of the learning process. Embracing this mindset transforms setbacks into catalysts for improvement, shaping the writer's journey in profound ways. It is through these trials and errors that a writer hones their craft, carving a path uniquely their own amidst the vast landscape of writing advice for beginners. Embracing Positive Advice Navigating the sea of advice requires a discerning eye for positive and constructive guidance, a beacon of support amidst the tumultuous waves of information. Positive advice, with its emphasis on strengths and encouragement, serves as a catalyst for growth. It acknowledges the unique voice and potential within each writer, providing the impetus to overcome challenges and refine their skills. Embracing such advice fosters a sense of community, where writers uplift and inspire one another. Constructive feedback, a cornerstone of positive advice, becomes a powerful tool that propels writers forward on their journey. In the expansive realm of writing advice for beginners, actively seeking and embracing positive guidance is not only a practical strategy but a transformative mindset that shapes writers into confident and resilient storytellers. Overcoming Self-Doubt In the vast landscape of writing advice for beginners, self-doubt can be an insidious companion, often fueled by the abundance of conflicting suggestions. The influx of diverse opinions and recommendations can create a maze, leaving writers feeling lost and questioning their own capabilities. Overcoming self-doubt becomes a crucial aspect of a writer's journey, requiring a conscious effort to navigate through the noise. Recognizing the intrinsic value of personal intuition is the first step. Writers should trust their instincts, understanding that their unique approach is what sets them apart. Embracing this mindset fosters a sense of self-assurance that withstands the uncertainties inherent in the creative process. As writers navigate the sea of advice, overcoming self-doubt becomes a transformative journey toward confidence and authenticity. Identifying Credible Sources Amidst the vast expanse of writing advice for beginners, the ability to discern credible sources is paramount. The digital age has democratized information, allowing advice to flow from various channels. However, not all advice carries the same weight. Beginners should cultivate the skill of identifying reliable and trustworthy sources amidst the noise. Understanding the credibility of the source ensures that the advice received is not only relevant but also backed by authority. It involves scrutinizing the author's qualifications, checking for reputable endorsements, and assessing the reliability of the platform disseminating the advice. This discernment empowers beginners to sift through the plethora of information, honing in on guidance that is not only abundant but also credible. In the journey of learning and growth, identifying credible sources becomes a compass that directs beginners toward valuable insights in the expansive realm of writing advice. The Evolution of Writing Styles The dynamic evolution of writing styles is a testament to the ever-changing landscape of creative expression. Cultural shifts, societal changes, and individual innovations continuously shape the way writers convey their narratives. To rely solely on static advice in such a dynamic environment risks clinging to outdated practices. Writers must remain adaptable, recognizing the fluid nature of the craft. Embracing change and evolution is not just a choice but a necessity in a world where every stroke of the pen or keyboard reflects contemporary influences. Learning through trial and error becomes indispensable in this process, where personal experience emerges as the guiding force, surpassing the limitations of theoretical knowledge. As beginners embark on their writing journey, understanding the evolutionary nature of writing styles becomes a compass guiding them through the ever-shifting currents of creative expression. The Writing Advice Deluge In the expansive sea of writing advice for beginners, the sheer volume of information can be overwhelming. The digital age has ushered in an era where aspiring writers are bombarded with an abundance of guidance from various platforms. From blog posts to podcasts, the accessibility of advice is unparalleled. However, not all advice is created equal, and discernment becomes a vital skill. While some tips undoubtedly carry value, the challenge lies in navigating through the deluge and questioning the applicability of generic advice. As I tread through this sea of insights, I've learned to be selective, allowing a nuanced approach to shape my writing journey. The deluge of advice, while abundant, necessitates a thoughtful and discerning perspective to extract gems from the vast sea of information. My Writing Journey The odyssey of a writer unfolds uniquely, as each individual charts a course shaped by personal experiences and preferences. Reflecting on my own writing journey, I've encountered crossroads where the advice received was conflicting or simply did not align with my distinctive style. Every writer's path is distinct, an intricate tapestry woven with the threads of their unique encounters. In rejecting some advice, I discovered a powerful tool for carving out my distinct voice and approach to writing. This journey is not a linear progression but a mosaic of influences and decisions. Each rejection of advice became a brushstroke, contributing to the canvas of my writing identity. In embracing the uniqueness of my journey, I found the freedom to shape my narrative authentically. Conclusion In dismissing certain writing advice, I've found a more authentic and fulfilling writing path. The journey is about embracing individuality, finding what works personally, and evolving as a writer. Aspiring writers should navigate the advice landscape with discernment, recognizing the value of personalized strategies. FAQs About Dismissing Writing Advice - Why dismiss writing advice? - Dismissing advice allows writers to tailor their approach, fostering authenticity and a unique writing style. - How can I decide which advice to dismiss? - Evaluate advice based on its alignment with your writing philosophy and goals. Embrace what resonates and discard what doesn't. - Is dismissing advice common among writers? - Yes, many writers, at various stages, choose to dismiss or adapt advice to suit their individual needs and creative expression. - Does dismissing advice hinder growth? - Not necessarily. Dismissing irrelevant advice can free writers to explore and discover their voice, contributing to growth. - Can dismissing advice lead to success? - Yes, success in writing often involves carving a unique path. Dismissing advice can be a step towards defining individual success. - How can a beginner start creative writing? - Embarking on the journey of creative writing as a beginner can be both exciting and challenging. To start, immerse yourself in diverse literature to understand various writing styles. Cultivate a consistent writing routine, dedicating specific times to unleash your creativity. Begin with short exercises, exploring different genres and themes. Don't shy away from experimenting with your unique voice and perspective. Seek feedback from peers or online writing communities to refine your skills. Most importantly, embrace the joy of storytelling and view challenges as opportunities for growth. Remember, the key is to start writing regularly, allowing your creativity to flourish over time. - What are the five basics of creative writing? - The basics of creative writing lay the foundation for compelling storytelling. Firstly, grasp the significance of engaging and relatable characters. Develop a strong plot that unfolds organically, capturing readers' attention. Master the art of setting, creating vivid and immersive environments. Hone your dialogue skills, ensuring it feels authentic and advances the narrative. Lastly, pay attention to your writing style, experimenting with language and tone. These five basics—characters, plot, setting, dialogue, and style—work synergistically to craft compelling narratives that resonate with readers. - What are the 5 principles of creative writing? Read the full article
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angelincris · 6 months
Setting Sail in Digital Marketing: A Beginner’s Handbook
Welcome to the world of digital marketing, where exciting possibilities await! If you’re just starting out and feeling a bit overwhelmed, don’t worry. This blog is here to guide you through the basics of digital marketing in simple terms, making it accessible and enjoyable for beginners.
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Step 1: Grasp the Basics of Digital Marketing:
Start by understanding what digital marketing is all about. It’s a way of promoting products or services using digital channels like the internet, social media, and search engines. Learn the core concepts that make up this dynamic field.
If you want to learn more about digital marketing, I highly recommend Digital Marketing course in Bangalore at top Digital Marketing training because they offer certifications and job placement opportunities. Experienced teachers can help you learn better. You can find these services both online and offline. Take things step by step and consider enrolling in a course if you’re interested.
Step 2: Explore How Websites Work:
Dive into the world of websites. Understand their structure, design, and the importance of making them user-friendly. Your online presence matters, so learn the essentials of creating a website that people can easily navigate.
Step 3: Learn About SEO:
Unlock the secrets of SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization. This is all about making your online content easy to find. Dive into things like using the right keywords and optimizing your content to rank higher on search engines.
Step 4: Get to Know Social Media Marketing:
Discover how social media can be a powerful tool for marketing. Learn to create engaging content, optimize your profiles, and explore paid advertising on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Social media is where you can connect with your audience in a fun and interactive way.
Step 5: Master Content Creation:
Understand the importance of content in digital marketing. Learn how to create valuable content, whether it’s through blog posts, videos, or infographics. Good storytelling is the key to capturing the attention of your audience.
Step 6: Explore Email Marketing:
Dive into the world of email marketing. Learn how to build and manage email lists, create interesting campaigns, and use automation tools. Email marketing is a direct way to communicate with your audience.
Step 7: Understand Paid Advertising:
Learn about paid advertising on platforms like Google Ads and social media. Figure out how to set budgets, target the right audience, and analyze the performance of your campaigns. Paid advertising can give your brand a boost.
Step 8: Embrace Analytics and Data:
Become familiar with data and analytics tools like Google Analytics. Learn how to interpret data to make informed decisions about your marketing strategies. Understanding the numbers helps you measure the success of your campaigns.
Step 9: Adapt to Mobile Marketing:
In the age of smartphones, learn how to adapt your strategies for mobile users. Explore mobile app marketing and ensure that your content is not only mobile-friendly but also optimized for the growing number of people using mobile devices.
Step 10: Master E-commerce Marketing:
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Step 11: Discover Inbound Marketing:
Uncover the power of inbound marketing, which is about attracting and engaging customers through valuable content. Build lasting relationships by focusing on what your customers need and want.
Step 12: Navigate Legal and Ethical Aspects:
Understand the legal side of digital marketing. Learn about privacy regulations like GDPR and explore the ethical considerations that guide responsible digital marketing practices.
Step 13: Develop Your Marketing Strategy:
Bring everything together by developing a comprehensive digital marketing plan. Learn how to integrate different channels into a cohesive strategy that aligns with your business goals. A well-thought-out strategy is your roadmap to success.
Step 14: Learn from Case Studies:
Analyze successful digital marketing campaigns and learn from real-world examples. Understand how theory translates into practical success stories. Real-world applications provide valuable insights.
Step 15: Get Certified and Stay Updated:
Prepare for digital marketing certifications and stay updated on the latest industry trends and innovations. Equipping yourself with credentials and knowledge ensures you’re ready to thrive in this ever-evolving field.
Congratulations on embarking on this journey into the world of digital marketing! With the knowledge gained from a comprehensive��digital marketing course with certification, you’re well-prepared to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Remember, the digital world is always changing, and as a digital marketing enthusiast, you’re now equipped to make your mark in this exciting field. Best of luck on your digital marketing adventure!
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danielhcole · 6 months
Golf and Social Media- Building a Community of Golf Enthusiasts
In the tranquil yet demanding realm of golf, the rhythmic swish of a well-swung club echoes, synchronizing with the satisfying thud of the ball as it sails through the air. Golf, a sport that harmonizes serenity and competitiveness, has always made its home on the lush verdant greens. In the hands of Daniel H. Cole, an ardent golfer, it has transcended traditional boundaries. In today's fast-paced, digital-centric age, the sport has found a new lease on life through an unexpected ally - social media. The union of golf and this digital platform has conceived a thriving community, binding enthusiasts from all corners of the globe in a space stretching far beyond the fairways and greens. The transformation of golf under the influence of Daniel H. Cole and social media is a testament to its enduring appeal and its capacity to evolve in the face of changing times.
Once secluded to exclusive country clubs and elite gatherings, golf now finds itself amidst the dynamic landscape of social media platforms. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook – these digital playgrounds have become the canvases for golfers worldwide to share their passion, experiences, and expertise. From beginners seeking guidance to seasoned pros showcasing their craft, the online realm has become a haven for all things golf.
The allure of social media lies in its ability to transcend physical boundaries, forging connections among golfers regardless of location. Through hashtags like #GolfLife or #GolfSwing, individuals immerse themselves in a stream of content, from picturesque course snapshots to insightful tutorials on perfecting that elusive swing. It's not just about showcasing prowess; it's about fostering a sense of belonging in a shared passion.
One of the remarkable aspects of this digital community is its inclusivity. Golfers of all levels – amateurs, professionals, hobbyists – converge on platforms like YouTube, sharing tips and tricks, unraveling the mysteries of mastering the game. This democratization of knowledge has made golf more accessible than ever before, breaking down barriers that once confined expertise to the privileged few.
In an era where technique and skill are paramount, social media has evolved into a platform for narrating one's journey. It paints vivid images of triumphant birdies achieved through rigorous practice, challenging bunkers overcome with strategic gameplay, and the serenity of a misty morning tee-off, encapsulated in a moment of time. These tales find expression through detailed blogs, insightful vlogs, and captions that capture the reader's imagination. Like threads in a tapestry, these narratives intertwine, celebrating the very soul of golf – the bonds of camaraderie formed on the greens, the resilience displayed in the face of adversity, and the sheer, unadulterated joy of the game. An embodiment of this spirit is Daniel Cole, whose passion for golf resonates through every swing, every victory, and every challenge he faces on the course.
But it's not all about the players. Social media has also opened doors for courses, brands, and tournaments to amplify their presence and engage with their audience. Through immersive content, live coverage, and interactive campaigns, these entities not only promote the sport but also cultivate a sense of community around it. Whether it's a virtual tour of a championship course or behind-the-scenes glimpses of a pro tournament, social media bridges the gap between the spectator and the spectacle.
Yet, amid the splendor of this digital realm, challenges persist. The democratization of information also brings forth a deluge of opinions, some conflicting and others misleading. The echo chamber of social media can propagate myths and misconceptions, creating a maze for novices seeking authentic guidance. Navigating this labyrinth requires discernment and a critical eye amidst the abundance of content.
The digital realm, much like the physical world, is not immune to bouts of negativity and conflict. Instances of trolling, unwarranted criticism, and online disputes do occasionally surface, casting a brief shadow over the otherwise harmonious online golfing community. Despite these intermittent issues, the resilience and collective strength of this community frequently become evident. Positive reinforcement, words of encouragement, and a genuine sense of camaraderie ripple through the community, helping to counteract and neutralize the negativity. It's a spirit that Daniel H. Cole, a dedicated golfer himself, has often marveled at. This community support underscores the inherent bond among golfers, painting a vivid picture of unity in diversity.
Nevertheless, the benefits far outweigh the challenges. Social media has become a melting pot of ideas and innovations for the golfing world. It's not just about sharing; it's about learning, evolving, and embracing the evolution of the sport. From tracking fitness routines tailored for golfers to exploring the latest equipment reviews, the digital realm offers a cornucopia of resources for enthusiasts to enhance their game.
In addition, the dynamics of sports spectatorship have been revolutionized by social media. Audiences, such as fans of Daniel H. Cole, can now participate in instantaneous dialogues during tournaments, postulate on game tactics, dissect each shot, and even form a connection with esteemed players. This level of engagement blurs traditional boundaries between watchers and the watched, creating an immersive experience that surpasses standard spectatorship.
At its core, the amalgamation of golf and social media is a testament to the power of community. It's a space where passionate individuals converge, exchanging insights, celebrating victories, and supporting each other through defeats. The digital landscape has expanded the horizons of golf, turning it into a global conversation that thrives on the enthusiasm and dedication of its members.   
As the sun sets on a day filled with drives and putts, the digital community of golfers remains ever vibrant, alive with conversations that transcend time zones and continents. It's a testament to the enduring spirit of a sport that transcends barriers, uniting individuals under the banner of a shared love for the game. In this realm, social media isn't just a tool; it's the heartbeat of a thriving community, pulsating with the passion of golf enthusiasts worldwide.
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hatetwolose · 7 months
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