#the answer is never
forlorn-crows · 6 months
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she. she had little heels.
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mist had little HEELS how did i never notice
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wikitpowers · 1 month
it's the way ty's hand is like longingly holding onto kit's hair for me~~~
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god they're so in love i'm sick (with heartbreak)
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rhonuscorner · 1 month
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Have a WIP to show that I'm not actually dead when it comes to drawing DCA stuff. Also, new AU yaaaaay! No I haven't forgotten about my circus theater AU, but these two suddenly decided they have a right to take up space in my brain and wanted a story to go with it, so that's a thing now. I can't wait to actually show off their designs, so happy with how they came out.
I'm calling this AU the Eclipse Protocol and I'm really excited about it 👀 I say that while I still haven't uploaded the first chapter of Cirque des Célestes, which is still sitting unfinished at 14k+ words which is way too big and I have yet to figure out how I'm gonna tackle that and make that story manageable. I don't have the brain power for that right now, so I'm giving the new AU priority for the moment.
I also have a love/hate relationship with drawing robo hands/joints/parts aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. It's fun but it hurts my brain.
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mediumgayitalian · 2 months
went “oh i’m too tired to write a whole chapter for the road trip au i’ll just write smth small” next thing i know an hour and like 2k words have passed on a different thing. such is the way of the world
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honeyby · 1 year
So how long until we stop having collective freakouts over every piece of bee content we get (show and elsewhere)
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you’ve heard of...
fall out boy: backstage rituals 2023
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trigun98watchparty · 1 month
Time is a relative construct that functions very well for our purposes here. How is everybody doing? We have SEVEN days left before the month of April and the tri98watchparty event!!
As the social antisocial armature that I am, I thought why not throw some questions at you every day until then? So here it goes-
7 Days until the watch party, starting classic and simple: who is your favourite 98 character? And I know, this is an unfair question, what if I just love all of them? Well, which one of them makes you grin and be as giddy as a child being offered a very special gift when all that happened is they popped into the screen?
For me, that has to be Milly and Frank Marlon!!! (of course I love Vash and Meryl a whole ton, and Wolfwood and Brad too!)
Don't you love that every single character in trigun 98 is named? Almost every stranger that pops in for one scene has a name to them, and that's pretty neat! It's also a nice reference to how Vash always pays attention to everyone and likes to remember their names, because everyone matters!
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lzrusrising · 11 months
seeing spn trending sends me into a panicked state. when will it end
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bakudei · 2 years
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uhhhh guess who got into guilty gear
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1eos · 4 months
It really is funny that everytime an idol goes independent they immidietly get negative popularity. Like the corporate boot cannot be that good!! Suddenly everyone can't use social media and see their fav's new album like who do you even like at this point??
fans will be saying leave your company for 40 days and 45 nights and THEE MOMENT they sign to a lesser known company its 😴 'i didnt see any of the promotion' you mean to tell me you terminally online across 4 different platforms and aint seen NOTHING about your supposed fave? the person you love? would die for? interesting........like im serious when i say fans secretly want their faves to flop bad 😭😭😭😭 i still havent figured out why tho. ik for leo its bc starlights hate that vixx dont have 'even' popularity and want leo to be irrelevant as penance for mid line which is insane like the hatred for bad bitches is getting out of hand!!!!!!!! i remember when everyone was like luna fx leave sm theyre awfulllll they suckkkkk free somebody soty but then when she dropped madonna it was literal crickets this shit is sick!`
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currently being very not normal about you stabbed me in my sleep
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artpo · 9 months
Porsche and Chay pt.4
It's so obvious how neither of them is used to being mad at the other, nor having serious conversations:
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But this conversation was necessary for them to have an opening to start repairing their relationship.
Porsche opens with the catching up. This is something they usually do, given the scene when Porsche comes home and Chay happily talks to him in the bedroom or given the sweet updates Chay sends Porsche when he's away.
Porsche resorts to something familiar to both of them, as both of them are clearly uncomfortable.
To Chay this is no longer enough, he needs honesty from Porsche. And the good old "I did it for you" won't cut it this time, because how can't he still see that what he's done hurt Chay. Porsche might look at his life as a shield to Chay's life, but to Chay he is his brother, his only family, his only source of love, his everything. Had Porsche died, he would probably still have his mantra of "at least Chay is okay and safe". And Chay can't feel safe without Porsche, he is his rock, his safe place.
Porsche gives Chay reassurance without any foundation, and Chay lets Porsche know just how much his safety really means to him. It's not a really productive conversation since Porsche keeps making promises he can't keep. It's all he's ever known.
What softens Chay again is when Porsche asks if he can take care of both Kinn and him. Chay, being a sweet kid he is, loves seeing Porsche happy, especially since Porsche barely ever did anything for himself.
They have a long way to go to repair their relationship. Porsche should stop treating Chay like a clueless kid and Chay should speak up more. Still, with this, they got a start. They needed this.
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rubbish78 · 1 month
Can’t believe one of mutuals told me to my face IRL to stop putting Ryan Ross on their dashboard
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roshie-writes · 1 year
Marius' Claustrophobia, and His Conflicting Enjoyment of Darkness
A large part of Marius and Rosa's relationship is the fact she sees him. She sees and loves Marius. Not as a von Hagen, not as Pax's CEO, not as Z. Just Marius, with no strings attached. She knows him as the silly little catboy who got petty over ice cream and his little jealousy that led to him borrowing a guitar even though he doesn't know how to play.
All of that sounds very irrelevant, but you might be figuring out what I'm getting at.
Marius loves darkness.
When the lights are off, he's just another person in the crowd.
When the lights are off, he's just another faceless person in the mirror.
When the lights are off, he's the same as others: Nobody cares.
Nobody cares about who he is, because they don't know him.
In the dark, there's no one to place expectations on him. No one to judge him.
In the dark, he's just another John Doe, and the only thing special about him is that he was born.
He loves the anonymity.
After a long exhausting day, when the only thing he wants to do is cry (and he has those days a lot), Marius enters his room, closes the door, and turns off the light. He lets the sound of his breaths fill the silence. Sometimes, he even closes his eyes, and let a few tears leak out.
On the worst of days, he turns off the light in his office, and closes his eyes. He may have paperwork to sign, meetings to get to.
But at that moment, he has nothing.
He's free to picture his next painting, think about a cloud he saw, or plan a date with Rosa.
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thatgirl4815 · 2 years
Clothing, Color, & Pattern
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It’s interesting that Pete wears something with such an elaborate pattern when he’s at the lowest of the low. Typically, we’d assume he would wear muted colors with a simple design to better reflect his mood. But this wardrobe choice seems intentional for a few reasons:
1) Pete’s subconscious effort to look more like Vegas. Vegas wears similar patterns. Without even realizing it, Pete could’ve been trying to imitate this wardrobe choice as a way of being closer to Vegas. I definitely don’t think this was a conscious decision on his part, but it does seem important that he decided to wear this shirt now, right after escaping.
2) Black and white. Pete is living in the gray area when it comes to his situation with Vegas. At their most basic, black represents evil and impurity while white represents the opposite. In that context, one could see the colors on Pete’s shirt representing his pull to both sides. He wants to free himself of Vegas because of who Vegas is and the danger he poses. But he also confirmed to himself last episode that he wants Vegas too and, in doing so, yearns for that darkness and brokenness. Pete wears black and white because he’s caught between them.
3) An attempt to make himself feel better. Dressing up and feeling put together can have positive psychological effects. He’s been dressed plainly since his capture (actually, he’s hardly worn any clothes at all), so it makes sense that he would want to try to return to a state of normalcy by wearing something a little more flashy.
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starfxkr · 14 days
thinking about anon who asked when i sleep….u was sooooo dirty for that shajsjsj
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