#the akrida hide in your deepest trauma thought box
incarnateirony · 2 years
we're turning over all the cards.
Death and the goddess, something took hold of the darkness; the dark side of the moon. The ego's searching light through the darkness that might reveal the garden within.
2. You've arrived, then. The answer to life's greatest question. Nothing gold can stay. Something too precious to let go. What is your Whole World. The good and the bad. It was done for one thing. Cas, there's something I have to say. It's in just saying it.
3. Burn my dread, face myself. What do you fear. I know what you hate. I know who you love. What you fear. There is nothing for you here. Let the sun shine on your face. Very violently. Death is the infinite vessel. The Universe/The Whole World; what is your whole world. The Shadow, the thing that rules the empty. Humanity. I love you. It's a Supernatural love story. Tick tock, we're running out of time. It's in just saying it, in just Being.
Death is an infinite vessel.
OMITTED - the glass cliff
Follow the given timestamps:
0:00-7:07: Aeon; skip to:
19:50-21:10: The World; The Universe
We already saved the Whole World once, this is just our Encore.
I don't have many regrets but the few I do still haunt me; empty is just... regrets. I don't think he has any regrets. The Great Seal. The Tzimtzum. Graveyard dirt, Angel Blood, A Human Heart, My own still coursing blood, and my The Final Breath. Death is an infinite vessel. The One True Thing. In Order to be In The Garden-- He's watching us. The whole world.
VITRIOL is an acronym for Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem which translates into “Visit the interior of the earth, and by rectifying what you find there, you will discover the hidden stone (philosopher’s stone)”.
Or, loosely translated, in order to be in the occultum, the occultum/garden must be in you. Let in the light, let the sun shine on the moon and raise mind to soul. And soul to mind. In the garden. Where we belong, and always did. What is real. People, families. Chuck only wins if you let life's machinations beat you down. That's the babysteps. Now keep moving.
Let man know that he himself is deathless, for the cause of Death is Love, but Love is The All.
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