#the adventure continues ( ic. )
pcktknife · 7 months
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drawlody · 8 months
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May i interested you in some Swap AU :D
I'll go and make a proper ref later as well as explaining some design choice the goodstuff ya feel me?
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corvid-khaos · 7 months
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it’s always snowing inside the mind of simon 🌨
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scavengerbunny · 9 months
Honestly, if you're a "idc if it isn't healthy for him I want Simon to be always obsessed with Betty/keep looking for her" kinda person even tho he's aging and old and should be looking for something that makes him happy instead of depressed and eventually let her go at some point...
You shouldn't be shaming ppl for wanting Ice King back either 🤷
Sounds ironic lol
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7roaches · 9 months
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chat is this real 🙁
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aster-go-brrr · 9 months
i'm... so very lost. and i don't know why or how! i think i'm in sumeru but i have no idea!
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gyakusama · 7 months
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❝ Think it's okay to eat raw shrimps? I hope so. ❞
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tkachuksoralfixation · 2 months
Finding out that bbno$ is not only a hockey fan, but also performed at a Canucks game, right after he released a song with two of my all time favourite youtubers was kind of whiplash tbh
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geraniumshurricane · 1 year
continued here || @adventures-written
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— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — » ( ✗ )
❝ Hey, Nai I ... ❞
It's as he knew just by looking at him. His hunched posture the dry cough that he heard ... He had never seen Nai sick before. Vash rushes over to his side.
❝ Are you okay? You look flushed. ❞
The younger says as he reaches over to press his hand to his forehead. He is extremely hot and breaking out in a fever.
❝ You're burning up. ❞
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milo-is-rambling · 1 year
Shit I have therapy at 11 and it’s 2:38
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askclaireelford · 2 years
have you ever had honey lavender ice cream? its rlly good, its my favorite flavor :)
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no, i haven't :(
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but it sounds delicious! and if it's your favorite then it definitely is!! i'll be sure to try it sometime!
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ofvaporex · 2 years
There wasn't even a foundation here. Not anymore.
The coordinates were right, at least. The site of the hospital he'd learned his earliest lessons in, following a weathered old medic like a puppy on a string. He'd been so quiet and gentle, and perhaps some of that had rubbed off on Ratchet.
It was strange. Certainly information creep had stolen so many of his early memories, but every feature of the old building that had once stood here was clear as a bell in his mind's eye.
Standing here felt almost blasphemous. Funny, considering here was among the last places he'd been religious at all, that blasphemy would be the first thought to occur to him. But like so many places rebuilding on Cybertron, every single new thing was a reminder of everything that was.
His optics trailed to the datapad in his hand. To the title of the very first chapter in his life.
"First Partings."
Many of the people he'd known here were dead. Those damn functionalists or the war or some other violence had claimed them. And yet somehow he, the youngest of the scant handful of sparks so lovingly carved from the seven-strong hotspot near what had once been the city's center, was the one left standing.
The one who'd been in the thick of it. The one who by all rights should have died.
The very first chapter of his memoir was a love letter to a city long dead, and sparks long extinguished. He'd never been good at saying goodbye. Hell, he'd never told anyone here goodbye when he'd been spirited off to the Iacon Medical Academy.
A rare gift, the functionalists had said. Back then, he'd been young. Naive. Stupid. And he'd believed them, leaving Vaporex without even the slightest of a glance back.
Regret bled into every word he wrote. Could he live with himself if he left it unpublished?
His optics drifted to the horizon. There were no answers here either.
"...why the hell did I come here alone...?"
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thatone-highlighter · 2 years
ooooo cool coool ! I’m not huge on Fionna and cake and Fionna personally but whispers and three buckets (which is the s9 finale :]) are both very good ! They are also fern episodes like I said so !! Blorbo !!
Fionna and cake and fionna Wasnt like a super interesting episode but i like it because of the sheer Amount of implications it has for the fionna and cake universe and its connection to the normal adventure time universe
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doomduck · 2 years
Today in me being a whiny bitch, I had Brendan Kerry walk past me 3 times in the rink's Cafe and I didn't have the courage to say hello. Also seathing that the preliminary skate test isn't for another two weeks.
I needed it now damn it.
So there's that...
*face plants desk and sobs softly*
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cliffandthekid · 2 years
"Hey. Can we go on a roadtrip?"
Cliffjumper pauses, before tipping his head to look down at the human teen perched on a wide rock. "...you mean now?"
"No. Yeah." Sierra huffs. "I don't know. I just- want to go, somewhere, and not stop. Not for a while."
The Autobot hums. After a beat, he carefully sits himself down beside Sierra's rock, and lays an arm across it just behind her. The girl accepts his invitation and leans back - Cliff can feel her relax against his warm armor, some tension easing away. "Well. You do kinda have school to attend, and I've got this little matter of a war going on, but- maybe we can find a day to just hit the road. Have the Doc 'bridge us out somewhere remote, with nice highways, and drive."
Eventually, his kid nods. "This weekend?"
"You got it."
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dxfiedfxte-a · 2 years
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Minato’s 24th Birthday || Accepting for 24 hours
@bluescarfvivi​ sent:  It wasn't too difficult finding out when her boyfriend's birthday rolled around. Many of his online fans already addressed the upcoming date of the paranormal investigator, which included fancams or selfies taken at the most random locations. The glitz and glam of popularity never suited her but Vivi always supported Minato in all his endeavors
Today, it would be special, for the two of them to fully enjoy Minato's special day. After sending him a text invitation to her apartment, the bluenette set out on her day of errands. Picking up certain foods he enjoyed, and nearly clearing the snacks section from her local grocer, or finding one last minute present perfect for her fellow ghost hunter. Time flew by without Vivi realizing the sun almost tucked beneath the horizon.
With a little help from her canine companion, everything was set. Just in time as Vivi greeted the boy in blue at her door. "Hold up!! Hold up! I need you to close your eyes, and keep them shut tight!" No peeking whatsoever. If he did comply, Vivi slipped a hand in his kneading her fingers through Minato's and gently guiding him inside her home. "Okay...aaaaaaaand OPEN!"
Displayed across her kitchen counter was a very large sheet cake with two lit candles stuck on either end. Customized to his liking as well! Little ghosts roamed across the icing message, all coming from the largely sculpted haunted house taking a corner of the cake. "Happy Birthday MinMin~! There's a lot more where that came from too!"
Presents, of course, awaited Minato on the couch. Two gifts, in smaller-sized boxes but each were crafted by Vivi's own hands. They were the best kinds of gifts, after all. The first was a small, jewelry sized box wrapped in blue paper. An official Mystery Skulls Investigation Team pin awaited Minato's curiosity, although it glimmered a shiny blue in the light. They worked together for so long on joint investigations, of course Vivi would consider him a part of her team even with him having a crew of his own. The second appeared slightly larger, and more elongated than the first. He would find a handknit scarf beneath wrapped tissue paper. A dark blue matching the wavy locks of his hair, patterned with little ghosts and stars all across the fabric.
"I thought we could have a night indoors for your birthday, considering you probably out all day celebrating." The girl smiled sweetly, squeezing his hand lightly and reaching out to kiss his cheek. "You can stay the night here too, I bet you're looking forward to some birthday cuddles with me~."
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And so the day was finally here, the time of year that everyone celebrated their day of existence in the world, his birthday. Usually, whenever his birthday would come around, he never did anything special for it, especially in the past when he was a different person in his teenage years, although he did find worth in actually enjoying his birthday these days, in most cases, he was always too busy with work, even on his birthday. While he got a bunch of heartfelt birthday wishes from his dear friends through text and sometimes phone calls, even video calls, commonly through Facebook since he had an android smartphone, as he preferred those over apple iPhones.  
After taking a look at his work schedule for the oncoming week and making a mental note of the locations he would be investigating in the new week, he felt his phone vibrate, curious, Minato pulls out his smartphone and sees that he had a text message, at first he thought it was another one of his old friends, until he saw the name on top the text chat in his contacts, it was from his girlfriend Vivi the lead investigator of Mystery Skulls, a fellow crew of Paranormal Investigators, and a group that him and his crew from Paranormal Quest had collaborated with on many investigations, in fact, his new season had at least five different locations where PQ and MSI did a joint investigation, and even more in the last season, which only helped strengthen their relationship even more over time, which lead to them being a happy couple ever since, the both of them were busy, but made time for each other whenever it was possible. 
Reading the text, she had invited him over to her place, given that he hadn’t seen her since their last collaboration about a month or two ago, he was already excited to see her again. As preoccupied as their careers kept them, the two would always find time to spend together, those joint investigations being one of those examples, not only did they get to investigate together, but it also gave them a good excuse to see each other. Now that he thought about it, this would be the first time they saw each other outside of work in quite a little while, so he knew tonight would be special, even if her text appeared to sound casual, he knew that she likely had something planned, and he was ecstatic about seeing just exactly what it was.
Contact: Viv-Viv
Text: Hey babe, later tonight? Sure thing, it’s been a while since we last saw each other so I’m already looking forward to it. See you then Viv~ :Sent:
With his response sent, Minato prepared for the day, thankfully, this time he had no investigation to do today, though he did have a few interviews to attend today. One for a magazine called The Spook Weekly which featured a collection of eyewitnesses accounts of supernatural things they had experienced, as well as Paranormal facts, stories of urban legends and other stuff of the liking.
The second was a one hour podcast called The Haunted Insider which was a podcast where the hosts had several different guests from the Paranormal Investigation community come on and share their many harrowing experiences as well as looking back on their craziest investigations and other stuff. The third and final one for a YouTube account called Nightmares4Scares --  a popular channel within the Paranormal community who hosted other people in the field as guests, allowing them to share their views on the Paranormal community as a whole, as well as giving advice about things in that same realm and even took fan phone calls so they could get a chance to directly interact with their fans, and that was what pretty much consisted of hos work for the day. 
Fast forward to several hours later, Minato had just finished appearing on the aforementioned channel. During the part with the fan phone calls, he had lost count of all the birthday wishes he had received, along with some touching words, most expressing their appreciation of the show and for all the hard work him and his crew at PQ put into their work and such. After the busy day was finally over, he texted Vivi letting her know that he was on the way before he got into his car, powered on the engine, buckled up, and turned out of his parking lot and began to make his way towards Vivi’s place, curious to see what exactly she had in store for his arrival, she had a habit of always going above and beyond.
[{ 🦋 }] - “Hey Viv-Vi--- huh? Oh! alright.”
Upon his arrival, as he said his greetings, she was quick to cut him off, putting her short stature in front of him to prevent him from entering, followed by instructions to close his eyes and keep them closed, not taking long to comply, he closed his eyes and let the tealnette guide him by the hand, through the doorway and towards the center of the apartment where he was finally allowed to open his eyes. As grey hues reopened, he was met with a large array of different foods, all being his most favorite ones, as well as two amazing gifts, and even a very fancy cake, one that one clearly customized to the tee. 
While he was expecting a lot, there was no way he could have ever expected this much. The fact that she had done this all for him,  put all her hard work into preparing things, and taking the time to give him these amazing gifts. For a few minutes, as his eyes took in everything, he was left speechless for a few minutes before he finally found the words, she really went all out this time.
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[{ 🦋 }] - “All of this? Just for me? Wow Viv-Viv, I knew you had a lot planned, but not this much, I feel like a little kid on Christmas. Thank you so much Viv-Viv, really.”
Right away, he grabs the Mystery Skulls pin and puts it on his vest, grabbing hold of the handknit scarf, he looks it over, making sure he saw every bit of detail she put in it, if she had worked this hard on it, wanted to make sure he didn’t miss a single thing. After looking it over and taking in all the designs, he takes off his old teal-blue scarf, and replaces it with her handcrafted one. This was all so much, and just for him, she had really caught him off guard with this one, right now, he couldn’t be happier.
[{ 🦋 }] - “I wasn’t actually, just had a bunch of interviews to do today, my day was pretty busy, so a night in, sounds perfect.” The kiss on his cheek brings a smile to his face, instead of answering her question directly, he takes a much more direct response, since their hands were still joined, he pulled her closer to him, leaning in to plant a firm and passionate kiss on her lips and they met, prolonging it before parting, not hesitating to put his other arm around her, his free hand resting gently on her hip.
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[{ 🦋 }] - “Oh yeah, but not just the cuddles. but the full experience too~” He playfully teases, giving her a little wink.
Tonight wouldn’t be just about him, it would be about them. He didn’t need some huge party with a lot of guests in a fancy venue, nope. Not at all, there was nothing better than spending your birthday with the person that mattered the most to you, the person that you truly loved, and right at this moment, Minato felt like the luckiest man alive, tonight, would be a night he would never forget.
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