#the Agrovators
androids-insides · 7 months
I made this. Interpret it how you like.
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At this point, I’m still trying to figure out how to draw them. I don’t entirely like these designs (because I have better ones), but I thought I’d post it just to get it out of my drafts. There’s always time for writing practice!
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poemsfor-her · 10 months
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— truly my all time favorite book. this book taught me everything i know about dating/men. The only book i could actually reread a hundred times and never get bored. I even have a notebook with all important stuff that i highlighted while reading it. some people dislike this book but i genuinely found it so much helpful! thank you sherry agrov!
— the only reason i read it was because i just LOVED the first book and to no surprise this book was amazing and helpful as well!
— as someone that doesn't like reading poems, this book was such a magical experience. i wasn't expecting much, but reading this is what pure love feels. it changed my opinion on many topics and i've never read something so beautiful.
every book listed here is available on anna's archive, and you can read it through the moon+ app.
with love, 𝒯
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korpuskat · 8 months
(sniffle sniffle) may-haps some needy ramattra? He's over heating and agrovated and so desperate to just pin you down, but your not home yet so he paces around and growls and complains and when you finally get home you barely get time to take your shoes off before he's on you.
He's so worked up he doesn't even bother trying to jerk off, he just knows he needs you to satisfy him. You wouldn't even make it past the doorway before he's got you lifted with one arm, the other hand delving under your shirt. All the while he'll be rumbling in your ear about how much he needs you, how he's been waiting so long for this.
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oinkinpigprince · 20 days
Is it bad if I request multiple times? I'm sorry!
But I was thinking about a Charlie dompler x reader were the reader is secretly like super violent when something really agrovates them. They are a slasher, like ghost face or something. And they had just found out about Charlie’s nose, and decides to visit James and repay the favour.
They were like really quiet and keeping inside how sad they were and Charlie noticed and when they where leaving he asked where they were going and they lie and say the store, so when they come back they brings his fav snacks
Lol next day Charlie sees James dead in the news paper, shhhhhhh he doesn’t know it was y/n
Pls and thank you
I might actually try this later, I have already drawn it
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You’re fine, silly!! I’ve just been getting a crazy amount of requests so it takes me a while to get through them, I love it though, seeing each new request!! I’m always happy to see repeat costumers!!
Charlie x slasher reader
Tw: acts of violence and blood
Slashers had always been your favorite thing to watch. Charlie found it a bit funny how you gawked at the gory films telling you “if you wanna see real horror dude, you should go on liveleak” you just giggle
There was something always so alluring about the theatrics of it all. The style and humor in it that always entranced you, charlie never understood it but he wasn’t gonna yuck your yum
You were at home cleaning up the kitchen when you got a call from Charlie’s work saying he was in the hospital due to a work place accident. Without thought you rushed to the hospital to see him as quick as possible
When you finally got there, you were quite horrified to see a huge chunk of your boyfriend’s face completely ripped off. You quickly asked him what the fuck happened and he just said “there was a uh, interesting client today. Don’t-Don’t worry about it.”
You stayed the night with him but you couldn’t sleep, your thoughts brewed and steamed. You slept for a little bit but woke up, next to Charlie. He got released the next day and you took him home.
He could tell something was bugging you but you just told him you were fine as you got up to leave and he asked where you were going
Smiling you told him that you had some stuff to do but were going to get him some snacks and a drink. You were outraged though and quickly left for the smiling face head quarters, ready to figure out what happened
You did some snooping and possibly, probably, definitely illegal stuff but you got what you needed! You figured out who was responsible and was able to make a plan.
Once you got to James’ house it was night time, you had a knife and a Halloween mask. You felt giddy and infuriated as you broke into the house. Sneaking through you crept down the hall to a living room where James was throwing knifes at the wall haphazardly
You were a little intimidated by how big the guy was, but you craved revenge and blood. Knowing you had to quickly get the job done you attack fast. But he saw you too early and got the jump on you
It was a struggle, he punched wildly and you had to try and maneuver around him. You were too quick and you finally got him, laughing in his face as you snuffed him out
Getting out as fast as you could you left and went to a nearby gas station to pick up a few things for Charlie. Getting home you and Charlie snacked on some chips and candy while watching The Black Christmas
It wasn’t til a week later you and Charlie were getting ready for work and watching the news. When you heard a headline that made your skin crawl with satisfaction
“34 yr old James lastname was found dead in his house on may 18 2024.” The report had no witnesses, no evidence, and too many leads. You could see Charlie’s eyes widen but you had to feign ignorance
“That, that was the guy who fucking ripped off my nose. Holy shit he’s dead?” He panicked, more shocked than anything.
You acted shocked and appalled. “Jesus, I guess you weren’t the only person he’s hurt.” You gasped, putting a hand on your heart “well, good riddance I’d say. That man was a fucking psycho.” You continued, choking down laughter
Charlie shrugged and you two finished getting ready. Satisfied and peaceful.
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mx-smileo · 11 months
Hello guys!! I just want to address something real quick..., will be mentioning something that's been bugging me for a while, and has recently resurfaced because of the incompetence of @/littlehistorian to just accept they have done something wrong, and STOP MAKING PEOPLE FEEL BAD FOR SOMETHING YOU WONT ACCEPT YOU DID. 💀
This really quite annoys me...
what she is referring to in the image above is an incident where they took the idea and character of my CountryHuman china; who, if you dont already know, is the antagonist of my CHau; he harasses America at any chance he gets in a p3rv3rt3d way.
I've expressed my discomfort with hem making jokes such as these in my discord server, which was SUPOSSED to be a safe space for my friends and I, which at the time, I saw Historian as a friend.
Now, what is my problem with this if I am also using this character? Well, Historian was using this character, without permission, AND made recurring jokes of (S/H) about China with their OP countryhuman Oc.... which is the same age as them; 14, even thinking it was funny, normalizing it?? Like what the fuck.
first of all, I have never done that, and I never WILL do that, it is just downright horrible and gross, that OBVIOUSLY realize it's wrong, yet still jokes about it...
as a victim of it myself from close relatives- this agrovated me severely, but i tried to stay as civil as possible-
I had confronted them privately aswell, about how what they were saying, "reciting" even, was wrong, and that they shouldnt ever be saying stuff like that at ALL, since it is literally a form of gr00m1ng. They did not take well to this, however, as they victimised themselves near other friends that we share mutual friendships with, AND acted in self-sorrow. The image below is proof of this. You can also see that this was a while ago too.
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seeing this topic coming back as Historian makes themselves the victim really aggravates me, and I WOULD keep this civil, IF It wasnt for the fact that they turned at least three of my friends on me and my server.
She also told nobody WHY she was kicked when they asked, making it sound as though she had done nothing wrong, making ME seem like the villain, as my (ex) friends constantly pestered and guiltripped me the way she did for kicking her out, as if I had forced her to lose contact with them.
Thank you for reading this, obviously this is only a shortened version of what has lead to this post, but I'm very thankful unlike some people you will be able to hear my side of the story :,)
I hadn't done anything of the sort, and had given her and others in my server OBVIOUS warnings beforehand, which they flat out ignored.
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my-st0ff · 11 months
Something Soft and Delicate
Chapter Four
Fandom: Dragon Age
Pairing: Cullen Rutherford x female reader
Song: Drain You - Nirvana (lyrics in bold)
It had taken you until you were returned to Skyhold to fully render that it was now nighttime of the same day you had experienced this morning. This bewildered you. You sat beside Cullen on your royally lengthy dining table and did your best to chew and swallow the grossly red slab of meat that spoiled your otherwise pristine and expensive-looking china plate. It expelled runny juices that were too watered down to be identified fully as blood yet too crimson in colour for your mind to associate it with any other liquid. All the while you attempted to ignore Cullen's edgy eyes continuously flickering between his own food and your trembling hands that floated above yours with a knife and fork.
Cullen: "It's okay, y/n. Your home now and I'm here"
You remain unreactive as he slowly moves in to kiss your temple and then gently move your chin to face him with his index and pointer so that he can press his forehead to yours.
Cullen: "I'm so sorry, y/n. I can never forgive myself for letting this happen to you."
You watch his eyeballs twitch below their lids and his brow furrow as you keep your eyes open during this intimate moment.
Cullen: "I swear to the maker I shall never again allow any single soul to harm you"
He affirms to you in a low almost whisper of a voice. He finally pulls away and it feels as if you can breathe again. Cullen smiles at you.
Cullen: "Right, it is now my duty to completely drain you of any hurt you have in your soul and see to it that we can commence our "honeymoon""
Your face has contorted into a confused and slightly agrovated look. 'I haven't spoken a word since I've returned... how is he so eager to put this to rest, this is important'.
You: "Huh?"
Cullen's face lights up when the tiny noise escapes your mouth after over an hour of quietude.
Cullen: "Huh... what?"
He eagerly pushes you on to expand upon yourself.
You: "We cannot just lay this to rest... have you no concept of morality"
You reel back in shame and distress as you speak.
Cullen: "I... I don't understand, my love"
You: "You killed a man today"
You hiss. Cullen appears dismayed and offended.
Cullen: "A man who was holding my wife captive"
He gets progressively louder yet keeps a calm tone to his words to reassure you he means you no threat. You shake your head and fold your lips inwards in an attempt to protect them from trembling.
Cullen: "I'm sorry"
He retreats, twisting in his seat so that he can pull your cold hands towards him and clasp them within his, his thumb rubbing back and forth gently onto the back of one of the them.
Cullen: "You shouldn't have had to see that"
You turn your head to meet his eyes.
You: "I've seen- no I've killed plenty, Cullen. I fought in a war. But I have never killed an innocent individual, never"
Your words with an edge like a razor blade.
Cullen: "I cannot say the same... you knew that... but who I put an end to today was a vile, evil man"
You all of a sudden bring yourself to your feet and begin pacing to the hall door with your head down and arms folded in a clear display of weakness.
Cullen: "Where are you going?"
He demands.
You carry on walking in silence, hearing the squeak of a chair being forced along wooden flooring as Cullen stands.
Cullen: "Come back and eat, don't act so childish"
His words manifest a tense and angry atmosphere. Cullen paces after you but you stop him in his tracks by spinning around to finally face him.
You: "Don't follow me"
Cullen: "I need to know whatever it is you mean, please"
You: "That man's daughter died because of me... because of my petty, pathetic crimes as a young woman and he thought he'd find some closure in knowing I was punished for what I've done. He just wanted his daughter back, Cullen... we were leaving for Skyhold when you burst in, I was going to help him make a better life for himself"
Towards the end of your sentence your eyes and nose start to run with emotion. You bring your hands up in an attempt to conceal tears. Cullen stands speechless.
You: "Maybe if you weren't so fucking dependent on me!"
Your throat sounds raw as you cry out your hormonal words.
Cullen: "I... what is that supposed to mean"
His gaze focuses on the floor beside you in shame and his words are mousy.
You: "You practically sent out an army the moment I wasn't in Skyhold!"
Cullen: "You were gone for hours and I couldn't find you in town"
His expression suggests begging and his tone makes it evident he himself is doing all he can to not cry. You turn to go again but stop when you immediately hear scurrying footsteps after you and turn back.
You: "See! Dependency! You want me to chew your meat for you as well!"
Then, under his breath, he speaks under gritted teeth.
Cullen: "So grateful"
You open your mouth as if to speak but lose the idea of speech all together, surrendering with the simple action of walking away. Retreating to your room to do nothing other than sit on the edge of your bed with a bouncing knee and a woozy headache. You managed to direct your attention aventually to the desk and chair that sat against the wall opposite you. You push yourself up to your feet and stand still for a moment so you can focus on keeping yourself steady. Once stable you trot over to your desk and collapse into the chair in such a literal sense that the wooden legs of your desk bend and skid across the ground a bit with the force of your push on it when you sit. After adjusting yourself to get as comfortable as possible you open a draw on the table to retrieve a piece of paper and then a quill and small glass pot of black ink closed with a loose cork. You twist and pull the cork and gently place the pot. You dab the quill an unsure amount of times, letting out an agrovated sigh realising how disconnected you've been since the war - not even remembering how many times would be appropriate to dip your quill. You take three deep breaths and set ink down onto the course paper.
Knock knock
"You awake in there? Can I come in?"
A raspier version of Cullen's voice asks politely through the thick wood of your bedroom door. You lay fast asleep with your head flopped onto the rough scratchy surface of your desk. A quill next to your hand with a few dots of stray ink surrounding it that had sunk into the wood as well as an extensive, spruce letter of sorts. Once Cullen had brought it upon himself to let himself in he saw all of the above. He came to your side and crouched, stroking a few bits of your tangled hair behind your ear so that parts of your face were revealed.
Cullen: "I love you... my y/n"
His eyes rapidly jump around taking in all of your physical attributes that complimented your face.
Cullen: "You taught me everything I know about love. I hope you know all I do is out of love for you"
His hushed speech is accompanied by a sigh before he stands himself straight and cautiously pulls your chair out so that he could lift you into his tensed arms. Waking you to his dismay. Your hazy state leaves you only producing a small 'hm?' before bringing your hand up to clasp your head - quickly realising that in order to keep yourself upright, you had to grapple onto what was holding you up. The warm, comforting embrace of your husband automatically bringing you great content. You snuggle your face into his chest in your half asleep state. Cullen smiles widely whilst taking a deep stuttered breath through his nostrils to ground himself, getting emotional from seeing you so pure after your and his previous outburst. Soon enough you were fully unconscious again, your sleeping body wriggling deeper within the duvet Cullen had wrapped you in.
Your eyes flutter open and are gradually met with increasing stinging as the raw daylight squeezes through the gaps of your royal drapes and dabs drops of salt-like sun into your eyes. You groan and flop a hand over you eyes. You move one finger to peek through, with a half lidded eye your met with a shirtless Cullen laying on top of the duvet beside you in his pyjama bottoms with one arm folded over his eyes/head and the other by his side with his hand placed on his peacefully rising and falling stomach. Memories of the previous day and night flood back like a natural disaster in your mind, making you grimace as what feels like a rock forms in your stomach - rattling around your sickly gut. You waste no time in bringing yourself directly back over to your desk, holding a blanket coated in long fur-like fluff around your shoulders. You collapse to the seat similarly as you did last night. You read the letter thoroughly, you'd demanded Skyhold build another wing for those without housing, welcoming all. You explained your reasoning thoroughly and with just enough personal experience to make a clear and convincing argument and planned to send it straight to Josephine. Yet now you read it through it came across a little aggressive and you found yourself embarrassed to send this to your friend where you could simply speak to her. You eventually settled on bringing yourself to her office this afternoon to present your ideas with the letter as support. But for now all you wished to do was to make amends with your dearest. How to do so you took time to ponder, sitting lost in thought, head in hand. Your pupils expanded to their limit as your vision became milky so that your minds eye could take forefront. You swiftly become aware of your surroundings when a hand carefully glides up your back and rests on your shoulder, the thumb of which rubbed gently back and forth.
Cullen: "Goodmorning"
A weak and unsure voice began. You reassuringly twisted your head round in attempt to see him but could only manage getting his middle into your peripheral.
Tou: "Did you sleep well?"
You ask with a desired amount of politeness but a level of formality that left you regretful.
Cullen: "No matter. Did you?"
You curl up your lips to the middle amount of which they could be lifted to show appreciation.
You: "I did. Thank you for taking me to bed"
You sheepishly bring up your hand to meet his on your shoulder and grasp it. He understands and returns your concealed desperation for one anothers affection and squeezes your fingers.
Cullen: "Maker, my morning breath"
He laughs with might and nerves before sliding his hand off your shoulder and heading to your shared bathroom. You follow after, fidgeting with your own fingers in a state of unease.
You brush attentively in front of the oval mirror above your sink, noticing pigmy blemishes and bumps upon your skin you never usually pay attention to until your put infront of a mirror for an extended amount of time either to wash your face, brush your teeth otherwise. Your drawn out of your self criticism when Cullen, who is also brushing his pearly whites beside you with no mirror as you have taken the spot to use it, mumbles something through all the minty foam that filled his mouth. You blabber back a 'hm?' through your own filled mouth.
Cullen: "Sink"
Or something like that. The 's' sounds a lot more a 'sh', which you can't help but be silently amused by. You scooch along a bit so that he could get some time in front of the mirror to analyse his own face - though you couldn't put your figure on what he could possibly find unpleasant about his chiseled bone structure and smooth skin only disrupted by perfectly lengthed stubble. You let him proceed anyway. Your bodies move in a way you could imagine the humorous appearance of as you give eachother an unspoken fair amount of time with the spot of the mirror. You pass it back and forth between you before Cullen spits first. Bringing what he has to tell you to the forefront of his priorities rather than washing out his mouth, a small gesture that shows his desire to make sure your comfort is intact before even considering his.
Cullen: "I am... sorry for disregarding your feelings last night"
Your eyes widen just a little but you can't bring yourself to speak about something you should be taking seriously through the muffling foam in your mouth. You prematurely spit out your toothpaste and take the quickest swill of water to gargle you can before whipping your head back up. Rather than making eye contact you stare straight back at yourself in the mirror, Cullen's saddened eyes watching your face through the mirror is available to your peripheral vision.
You: "It's okay. I can't expect anyone to know how to react to such a situation... I was scared, very scared"
Your gaze flickers down for a moment and then back to eye contact with yourself.
You: "And for a moment, I was a little threatened by you. You killed a man I had become ever so strangely acquainted with in front of me and I was understandably distraught and... traumatised I suppose... but I too am sorry, Cullen. I never meant to undermine you, and I know for certain I would have done the same if it were you."
You turn around finally to meet his gaze, your bodies close.
You: "You protect me every day in every way you can, it doesn't go unnoticed Cullen. I'm lucky to have met you, very lucky"
Your gaze is sincere. Cullen's eyes beg for your hold and you need it too. You bring yourself close to his chest and melt into his embrace. Once you've sighed deeply and held your eyes shut for a while with your head rested against him, you pull back to meet his adoring stare. His perfect face portraying a half smile, to which you peck. Cullen bows his head after your quick endearment, so that he can take you in a passionate kiss. You giggle into his thin lips and he reciprocates your joy promptly. His laugh never failing to bring warmth from your stomach to your fingertips. You force only a tiny few centimetres between your starved lips to laugh the word 'minty' with a beaming grin, you both laugh quietly at the comment before continuing in your affection.
Noon had set in, and so had your plans. Josie had listened intently to your points and read through your direct paragraphs with a twinge of bias since she was your friend, after all. But none the less she found all that you had to say a matter of great importance as well as she thought the concept would bring great respect to The Inquistion. All this had led you to an old beaten up garden area that was once bustling with conversation and tweeting birds, a place of refuge during the war on a small scale. But refuge none the less. You analysed the space with a clipboard, jotting down the not so obvious improvements that had to be made. You found yourself becoming agrovated with the state of the area as if it was already being worked on and not yet to be pursued.
You: "The water is so yellow"
You whine, running a long-headed tap that stuck out of a stone wall of the main palace. Presumably for filling pales.
Josephine: "Acceptable water quality will be... expensive, y/n"
You: "As it will be when this water ends up in an infection and the whole wing becomes sick"
Josephine: "Wing?"
She tilts her head.
You: "Well of course we'll need wings for kitchens and beds and bathroom areas, etcetera"
Josie looks upon you with a proud smirk.
Josephine: "I've become your pupil when it comes to impressing people, y/n"
She smiles. You laugh humbly.
You: "Please, Josie"
Josephine trots over to where you stand, hands on hips, and brings and arm around your shoulder to successfully sooth your tense stance.
Josephine: "I must say, I like you when you get all determined like this. Always have, it's what people find so inspiring about you, ma'am"
You huff in laughter at her callback to how she had always addressed you until not so long ago, when she finally realised you were speaking to her because you enjoyed her company and not because she worked for you.
You: "Please, come back for dinner, Josie"
Josephine: "Oh, I don't kn-"
You cut her off.
You: "Josie, it's time to come to terms with having done all your work and having free time"
You smile and laugh, bringing a beaming smile to her rosy cheeks.
Josephine: "I would absolutely love to"
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mr-moistman · 8 months
Wow, I really haven't been this interested in a game for a while. The lore is p interesting. The way it plays is great. It's a good challenge, but not too agrovating. And just the aesthetic is just *chefs kiss*.
(has only just passed the second boss)
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In 2012, the Horsch family took over the farm AgroVation in Kněžmost, Czech Republic, with the objective to practise future-oriented and economic arable farming. Constantin Horsch explains why CTF is no longer seen as a dogma on the farm and what they are working on in the Czech Republic. Read about HORSCH technologies, innovations and, above all, arable farming issues. Complete solutions for direct seeding and more... Click here https://horschaustralia.com.au/terra-horsch-272023
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worthplaying · 11 months
'Farming Simulator 22' HORSCH AgroVation Pack Coming Soon - Trailer
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krianian-stats · 1 year
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derbybeardo · 1 year
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now re-encoding: Tommy McCook & The Agrovators “King Tubby meets The Agrovators at Dub Station”, 2016 IT reissue release.
I dig the cover...
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chrysocomae · 1 year
То: alercander gerasimov & danila ,agrov YOU - vile creatures, support your ghoul-fascist Putler! May you and your rozzie be damned for centuries for the murder of innocent children, women and civilized (unlike you - savages) people! Shut your dog mouths! Avatar СЛАВА УКРАИНЕ!
May the dogs of russia pay for the blood they shed in Ukraine.
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ask-thsc-blog · 1 year
Jay: *still drugged and obliviously pointing at the glass* Meow bitch!
KON: "Stop that, Jay! We are trying to NOT agrovate him!"
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codehunter · 2 years
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1 while installing eventlet
I wanted to install eventlet on my system in order to have "Herd" for software deployment.. but the terminal is showing a gcc error:
root@agrover-OptiPlex-780:~# easy_install -U eventlet Searching for eventlet Reading http://pypi.python.org/simple/eventlet/ Reading http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Eventlet Reading http://eventlet.net Best match: eventlet 0.9.16 Processing eventlet-0.9.16-py2.7.egg eventlet 0.9.16 is already the active version in easy-install.pth Using /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/eventlet-0.9.16-py2.7.egg Processing dependencies for eventlet Searching for greenlet>=0.3Reading http://pypi.python.org/simple/greenlet/Reading https://github.com/python-greenlet/greenletReading http://bitbucket.org/ambroff/greenletBest match: greenlet 0.3.4Downloading http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/g/greenlet/greenlet- 0.3.4.zip#md5=530a69acebbb0d66eb5abd83523d8272Processing greenlet-0.3.4.zipWriting /tmp/easy_install-_aeHYm/greenlet-0.3.4/setup.cfgRunning greenlet-0.3.4/setup.py -q bdist_egg --dist-dir /tmp/easy_install-_aeHYm/greenlet-0.3.4/egg-dist-tmp-t9_gbWIn file included from greenlet.c:5:0:greenlet.h:8:20: fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directorycompilation terminated.error: Setup script exited with error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1`
Why can't Python.h be found?
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taysaynews · 2 years
Startups from the South region shine at Viva Technology 2022
Startups from the South region shine at Viva Technology 2022
Acwa Robotics Acwa Robotics is an innovative start-up that develops robotic and digital solutions to improve the performance of drinking water networks around the world. Winner of the I-Lab and I-Nov competitions, Acwa Robotics employs 12 people, 90% of whom are engineers, based in Aix-en-Provence and Bastia. grove Agrove, a startup from Aix-en-Provence, designs and markets connected garden kits.…
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dubreggae · 3 years
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123. Prince Jazzbo vs. I Roy (and Tommy McCook & The Aggrovators) - ...Step Forward Youth (1975)
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