#that or I just like overanalyzing things
skoulsons · 1 year
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extravagav · 28 days
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Yk I never did truly recover from the sick fic chapter
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egophiliac · 4 months
so have you heard about the ride kamens app game? seems like it's gonna be a twisted wonderland like game with all the riders being hot anime guys now, and it's also gonna be written by yuya takahashi and produced by naomi takebe (apparently it was in development before geats), with designs by the person who did sk8 the infinity, so take that for what you will
have you ever gotten the feeling that a piece of media came into existence just to appeal to you specifically, or
(brb preregistering immediately)
(as far as I can tell you play as an agent who maintains a secret superhero base for riders in the basement of the rider-themed cafe that you run with your butler, and there's some other plot stuff going on but honestly I'm way past sold at this point, this sounds amazing)
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kagoutiss · 1 year
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undercover sheik au again, in which i think its also very funny if sheik realizes impa and ganondorf have confoundingly similar personalities
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arunneronthird · 1 year
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self portrait of a comic fan in the morning
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n00bcat1234 · 2 months
You guys
Heart, Mind, and Soul's respective colors make like no sense
The only one that makes a little sense is Mind's, because I guess machinery could be associated with the color blue, and blue is generally associated with coldness and harshness like Mind.
The reasoning behind Soul being red might be it being Whole's favorite color, which makes sense because Soul stands for everything he likes and such (excuse me, Chonny Jash megafans for not knowing his favorite color.) But if it isn't, there are so many more reasons why it would make more sense for Heart to be red and Soul to be purple.
First off, red and blue mix to make purple. Soul is a mix of Heart and Mind, giving him the half and half cookie design we all know and love, so it would make sense that his color would be a mix of Heart and Mind's colors, too.
Secondly, hearts are associated with the color red. If you think of it literally, your heart pumps red blood. If you think of it metaphorically, hearts represent love, which is generally associated with the color red. You could even go as far as to say that red is the color of anger, which is something that Heart has for Mind.
ALTERNATIVELY Soul could be associated with red because of passion, and Soul represents Whole's passions. But I have no idea as to why Heart might be purple, y’all can put your theories in the reblogs.
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he's expressive!!! the boy is expressive!!!
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also the way she asks if it "awakens memories" OUCH
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huskies709 · 2 months
Been looking at a whole lot of That’s Not My Neighbor lately, and I’ve gotta say: as a horror game, the game is not scary at all.
What is scary, though? The fridge horror of it all.
Just imagine how society must function in this world. You have to match your ID near EXACTLY if you don’t want to get at best held for questioning and at worst ‘cleaned’ by the DDD, and some of these IDs expire 10, 20 years out into the future! Do you even look like your ID within one year of having it?
No dyeing your hair or cutting it, not without warning the DDD or your apartment or your workplace or anywhere else that people might need to be screened for doppelgängers. No nicking yourself while shaving- and if you took your ID photo when clean shaven, you have to do that till god knows how long- and if you do, how do you explain that cut to people? Do you need to have a DNA test done? Have a family member vouch for you? Even if the evidence is accepted by those in power and you are allowed to continue, what of the social stigma? Do people avoid each other when they look differently?
Getting sick, too. Sneezing and coughing can give you a red, irritated nose and a raspy voice- and if the doorman doesn’t trust you then, what do you do? No one would want to be near you, both because they don’t want to feel ill and also because that could mean having no place to sleep or worse.
Speaking of worse. Do you know how many doppelgängers there are? Some nights there are more doppelgängers trying to get into the apartment than there are real people! How does society function at all? Do the doppelgängers have jobs and go to work? Do they know instinctively who other doppelgängers are, or once the area is saturated with them, can they no longer tell? Is this why they don’t attack humans until they are in the safety of their own homes?
Are the apartment buildings the only private, human rich spaces left? How many people are left?
How many humans are left?
And despite all this, people are still having children and going to school and pursuing their passions. Nacha is a teacher- has she seen child doppelgängers get stopped at the front gates of the school before? We know they exist, there are plenty of her child trying to get into their apartment. What does she think about it? Godddd I need a story more to this game so badly. I have so many questions you have no idea
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bunnihearted · 24 days
#im glad i went today to hang out with my friend c:#it was nice to just hang out with another person and talk and stuff#i also just like how considerate she is#and she's accepting and chill. i can like tell her that oh im sorry if im low energy now im just overheated bc of the weather and im feeling#sad. and she'll be like dont worry thats ok! and it also is ok she doesnt get annoyed or anything#plus she doesnt look at me weird when there's awkward pauses and i cant express myself properly lol#i overanalyze too much i know :c but anyway it is always nice talking w her so it was nice today#we walked to a sushi place and then to the library#i only stayed for like 30min at the library even if i wanted to stay longer#i realized that it's bc like she had sushi which gives her energy#but i cant afford to buy things out lol so i never eat and refresh my energy#so after 3hrs i got so low energy and just wanted to go home#i should try to find smth easy and cheap i can bring to snack on so i can stay longer!! T-T ugh.. next time!!#we also met a dog! :o she was just standing alone outside a house and stared at the gate#and we came by she walked up to us and looked at me and was like 'get me inside :)'#so my friend went around the house and the owner came and was like omgggg she ran away again!!!#im glad it was so easy to help the dog bc i could not have left her alone by a street w cars and stuff#but she was so sweet and cute and let me pet her 💗#hmm yeah! then i walked home in the heat that killed me... and now im sitting in front of the fan ^-^#im not cut out for summer!!! anywaysss it was just a nice time#i wish i could've stayed longer. i'll make sure to bring a cheap snack next time so i can hang out more
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lighterium · 2 years
Okay I am going to go a little nuts about the design changes/improvements from splat 2 inkling/octoling designs to splat 3 after I saw the eyebrow picture (which I’m assuming are the in-game models)
First of, the thing I noticed Is that they changed the shading in the beak making them a lot less uncanny in my opinion, I also really like the shading in their mouths, they make : }  faces.
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Secondly, Octoling ears seem to have changed. As we all know they most likely have their siphon holes located in their ears like most octopus, added to dumbo octopus ears, having them be mismatched.
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Seems like the devs thought their old funnel fin approach was a little too “ear-like” and have smoothed out the model in the new game, while still retaining the funnel. Maybe it’s for the earrings? I like it though!
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And least but nor last, hands: I think they’re a lot more detailed and highlight the differences of square vs round and slightly pointy
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comparing them to our beloved npcs in art. I wish in game octolings could have the colored fingers though.
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Either ways, I am excited to see what else has changed and what the game brings us.
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theoriginalsapphic · 2 years
Why I Believe That Byler Is Endgame (based only on what we have seen on the show). Part 1
And by that, I mean: no color-coding analysis, no set props analysis, no actor interviews interpretation, no script analysis, no movies parallels analysis; nada. Only what we’ve seen on the show and nothing else.
This will use a lot of comparisons with m/leven because, despite the fact that some of you refuse to admit it, this is a love triangle.
the relationship between Mike and Will vs the relationship between Mike and El
Only in images.
determination vs passiveness
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reliance vs independence
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understanding vs lack of understanding
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connection vs disconnection
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responsibility vs shifting blame
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will's art vs el's letters
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choice vs 'dumb luck'
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truth vs lies
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I wonder if this is foreshadowing of how Mike might react when he finds out that Will lied about the painting or if he will react differently. Either way, that lie will be revealed in season 5. You can't have a show in which the characters keep repeating the phrase "friends don't lie", only for this lie to never be brought back again.
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dogtoling · 3 months
sode irder
this is true. there was in fact a trailer
i'm honestly just waiting and seeing to play it to see what they do with the story and not bothering with it before i get there. i can't really bring myself to care about it much at all when it's another story mode in what seems to be a Bubble separated from the actual world but i'll expect it to blow people's socks off in some way once we actually get to it
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katyspersonal · 8 months
That's like me first time seeing this
Also, while I was desperately trying to find where 'Agatha' came from, I've ended up looking at official DLC guide that I've never seen before ( x ). I never was able to lay my dirty hands on official merch of this kind (and now never will again), but looks like I was kinda wrong:
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All five of you remember my interpretation, right? I find it strange because not only all clues towards Willem still being important and relevant in the Healing Church are still in the game plain and clear, but also even in Japanese title for Laurence, his status refers to "the guy that replaces the ACTUAL leader of [religious institution]" ( x ).
It does not change... too much? But yeah, I will have to loosen my theory up and properly keep Willem as someone who stayed behind in Byrgenwerth, simply writing it as Healing Church still had contact with him (that secret cave in the woods, Yurie the Last SCHOLAR(!), that Church Giant in Lecture Hall, Byrgenwerth doing the Fishing Hamlet yet that's considered Church's secret, Willem and Byrgenwerth being aware of Laurence's Moon Presence and Gehrman even asking Willem to free him etc)... until it was declared "forbidden" later, for the same reason why Oedon Chapel ended up rumoured as cringefail place. I was moving towards it anyways, but now just more certainly! So, Byrgenwerth and Healing Church WERE in tight contact even after Laurence started doing his thing but Willem didn't help to found shit, he just layed back and watched the youth learn from their mistakes lol.
This also means that this altair is more likely not how Willem used to look, but Laurence, when I thought the opposite was true:
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On the other hand:
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The guide confirms what already was in the game but is often glossed over by the fandom; that Fishing Hamlet massacre was order of WILLEM and not Laurence and even devs say there is legit connection, that Willem wants us to hunt Rom and that Amelia was not a direct successor of Laurence but there were other Vicars that can make cool OCs!
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Otherwise, nothing new was learned! Just that fiiiiine, I will return Laurence his proper role and push Willem back to be little to none active in Healing Church's life like it was meant to be. I wish I've seen this statement on the nose before, and not some vague cutscene with many other things in the game pointing towards a different interpretation 🙄 (@val-of-the-north come begrudgingly sing the Wrong Song with me xd (Okay I am joking, like I said it barely changes our story, just makes Willem elbowed away stronger. he still dresses like a pope tho so Byrgenwerth totally was a theocratical school)).
..... ah, shit, right, Agatha
Yeah me and the girls figured out that it was just a placeholder name that stuck and no official source ever called Chapel Dweller that. Not even in the same name as how Djura used to be called Guyla in promo materials, like... ever. Chapel Dweller was and IS a nameless babygirl.
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feenmies · 8 months
Ask game uh. Idk these either. What's your top 3 favourite simarkus moments. Go
leto you can't ask me this and expect me not to write an essaANYWAY.
number one best simarkus moment known to man is the like 20 second hug in freedom march where you can hardly see what's going on because they're just so.. so fucking tender dude.... SO tender.... simon's little nod... markus' tiny pats.... they r so in love i hate it
compatible hearts scene would be first if that hug scene wasn't so good. but probably the first scene in the game i sat down and tried to dissect in a fit of homosex it drove me Crazy like.... is it gay to hold your boy best friend's wrist. is it gay to gently caress your boy best friend's chest. is it gay to hold your boy best friend's hand while he shuts down and dies. i think so.
also that scene in battle for detroit (seeing a pattern with where all the gayass scenes are. interesting) where simon gets shot and the moment he gets saved he goes on some homosexual monologue about how his life wasn't worth saving in comparison to everyone else's and yet his relationship with markus goes up tremendously anyway. yeah. i know what you are simon. i know what you are.
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thelassoway · 7 months
I'm still so mad that we got all those parallels and callbacks and yet no tedbecca. It was all for nothing. THEY WERE IN LOVE DAMMIT!!!!
First, I hope all is well with you.
And this gif sums up my feels on that season of that one show:
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shoechoe · 1 year
the fact that a large portion of Vento Aureo fans mostly just like la squadra is kinda weird to me. it's like we're looking at the same picture but we enjoy completely different things about it
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