#that is when i don't post here solely on queue for months obviously
armenelols · 1 year
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constellationcrowned · 11 months
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((I think I've mostly figured out the whole 'moving things over to this blog' conundrum in a way that won't make me tear my hair out. This is still going to be a long and stressful process---because alexandrite has 9 months of content that I need to move which might not sound like much but it is---and will include both ic and ooc content. If you have interactions going with any of the muses found here this EXPLICITLY APPLIES TO YOU and I need you to read this post in full and contact me to discuss things.
In regards to ooc content (aesthetics, musings, hc's):
Concerning both single character and ship aesthetics and musings I'm starting from the bottom and working my way up (so oldest content when I first started writing these characters up until the making this blog) in order to keep down on having to see the same post twice in a row if you happen to follow both of my blogs. I'm accomplishing this with a combination of just reblogging a handful of (mixed) posts a day on top of setting up a smaller queue for when I'm away, asleep, whatever.
HC's (and in this moment I'm admittedly glad that I don't usually share them,) will be reblogged from alexandrite as the mood takes me and any hc posts with the header graphic attached are new content.
In regards to ic content (asks):
I've already contacted the three people this really applies to (@magioffire @guardianofyesod & Michelle, respectively) but I want to outline everything as best as I can. I've sent screenshots of what original, non meme asks I could find in my inbox to the people who sent them so they could be resent to this blog. Any asks that were based from a meme HAVE BEEN DELETED. This is in an attempt to keep down on my stress about this entire situation (which is already incredibly high as is) and the memes I spam post often will appear on this blog to spurn interactions soon. I've actually already reblogged some of my faves but I digress.
In regards to ic content (threads):
Again this really only applies to @magioffire & @guardianofyesod but I'm being thorough here so! On my end of things I am hoping to continue all of the threads that are already established/written but that doesn't mean that we have to do that. If you want to delete/scrap an interaction; reason doesn't matter, please communicate that to me as soon as you can to avoid unneeded stress and such. I, admittedly, don't really know the best way to move these particular posts over (be it just by reblogging it, linking back to the interaction in a completely new post, etc) and it's a little too much to think about right this second but rest assured I'll be approaching the people this applies to about this. Or, if you're really enthused about something (or feeling any other kind of way, obviously) you can contact me. I'm sure we'll be able to work things out together like always. (Also a huge shout-out to @magioffire for not only wanting to continue both of our threads but for also letting me post them here early, that was very helpful just in general, for testing the blog, etc. I'm very excited to continue those with you ontop of new stuff 💚)
Obviously all of this applies solely to the content still on my other blog and won't hinder any new content here (I'll be doing a small call soon, actually) and I appreciate everyone's patience and understanding in regards to ...well, literally all of this, wether you're a new follower or you've come over from alexandrite. If anyone has any questions please feel free to shoot me an ask or a message over on discord if you have my info.))
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