#thanks to the QC bump I guess
fayes-fics · 6 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10
Well instead of Spotify wrapped.... here’s my Tumblr wrapped lol. As of November 30 2023, these are my Top 10 fics written/posted in 2023:
1. Second Son 3,673 notes - May 26 2023
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2. Awakening 1,973 notes - Jul 24 2023
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3. Rescue & Ruin 1,855 notes - Apr 25 2023
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4. (Be)Longing 1,813 notes - Apr 29 2023
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5. Lessons In Breeding 1,414 notes - May 4 2023
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6. A Beneficial Arrangement 1,274 notes - Sep 3 2023
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7. Happy Birthday Mr Bridgerton 1,274 notes - Jan 6 2023
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8. Making An Heir 1,248 notes - May 19 2023
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9. Bella Notte 1,239 notes - Mar 18 2023
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10. The Things We Do For Love 1,162 notes - Jan 12 2023
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Created by TumblrTop10
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kuuxkat · 7 years
[EN]Lisani Vol. 27.1 Interview with Mimori Suzuko
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Translated by: @kuuxkat
Typeset by: @kuuxkat / QC by: @yujachachacha @ #teamonibe
Originally TL by: 卫青与百里
Sourced from:  卫青与百里
Images from: @emitsunosaurus-rex
Contents under the Cut!
Typeset images can be found: here
“These six years were what let me truly feel that, as long as you keep using your own words to carry your dreams, and never stop running towards it, it will eventually be at a distance that you can touch with your hands.”
Although it seem like a scene from a Teen Film, this is not a movie! The comrades do really exist!
Q: It has been half a year since the end of “μ’s Final Live”. In this period of time, have you touched any of the songs by μ’s?
Mimo: Until recently, I haven’t listened to any of the songs by μ’s. As I felt that there were too many difficult feelings that I couldn’t rearrange, I didn’t have the desire to actively listen to those songs. Even as I verified the details of the BD footage of the Live, basically I wasn’t really looking at it, and even now I haven’t broken the seal on the final packaged product. But this past summer, on the return flight from my personal lives, the long absent idea of listening to songs by μ’s grew on me. As the first day of the performance was at Sapporo, I thought, “Around this time last year, I came here too just because of the Fan Meeting Tour…that time was so much fun”, and I felt very nostalgic. Hearing the songs after so many days apart, as expected, I still feel that it is a very good project (laughs).
Q: It just ended a while ago, so you haven’t arranged your thoughts about it, right?
Mimo: Although I must say that at that time, my emotions haven’t quite calmed. But even if that was so, time still marches on day by day. There are many things that have to be handled in daily life, and my own personal tour is also starting soon afterwards, so unwittingly there’ll be thoughts of “W-What do I do?!”
Q: In this period of time, have you met with the other members?
Mimo: In my radio program and my personal lives, I have the other members coming as guests, so you could say that we do bump into each other often. In the TV anime, the second years went to Okinawa, right? So in the real world, the three of us - the second years - said, “Then let’s go too!”, and we went to a Okinawa restaurant together (laughs). Coincidentally, the person who seems to be meeting with the other members the most appears to be me. And for me personally, there doesn’t seem to be any feelings of separation. Rather, there’s a strong feeling that we are still together.
Q: Bringing the topic back to the Final Live, did you feel nervous at that time when you were at the last and biggest stage?
Mimo: I had always been happy throughout the entire process, as I am the type that will get nervous instead when the setting is small. As the stage gets bigger, my nervousness will seemingly be more dispersed. Also, everyone might have gotten used to it while preparing for the live in the past half-year - or rather, you could say that the process unfolded too quickly and everyone was a little numb from it (laughs). During the time of the performance at Kōhaku Uta Gassen, I also spent the entire day in a state of happiness, without a single shred of nervousness.
Q: Which parts of the live do you feel left the strongest impressions?
Mimo: If we are talking about that, there are many… but as expected, it has to the time right before [Bokutachi wa Hitotsu no Hikari] started, when everyone was doing our preparations inside the flower and holding each other’s hands. As we were wearing monitor earphones, we couldn’t speak with each other, but the feelings of, “This is the end, let’s work hard together,” were flowing through all of us. At that time, I felt like it was a scene from a teen film – but it definitely wasn’t a film, and was happening in reality. We are really, truly comrades, huh? The things that I would normally be embarrassed about, at that time it felt like they all melted into my heart, so there was not even a single thought of embarrassment.
Q: What did you feel during that instant at the very end of the second day?
Mimo: What I felt at that time was: These are the closing moments of my youth. I guess the thoughts were of “Thank you, my youth.”? As the large screen was slowly pulled up, I thought, “I won’t be able to see everyone again”, and a hundred different feelings rushed to the forefront of my heart.
Q: Then when the performance ended, what was the scene backstage roughly like?
Mimo: Everyone was huddled into a group, crying terribly. It was not just us who were on the stage - even the staff were all huddled together and crying. Although it felt like if we used this in a ‘Making Of’ Episode, we would be able to film some great materials here, at that time no one could spare such thoughts (laughs). When everyone who was outside in the audience seats started shouting “μ’s! μ’s!”, at our end someone said: “Everyone is calling us… are we really not going out to see them again?”. I could not help myself and I said: “Don’t.” - my tears couldn’t stop at all.
The performers working together wholeheartedly, with a kind of “sportsmanship” as we went through these six years.
Q: When the project just started, what was your impression of Umi?
Mimo: When I saw the illustration design, I felt that just by her appearance, Umi was the kind of girl who is very ordinary. As back then, compared to all of the other characters that I have performed for, Umi’s hair color brings a feel of stability right at the start. Her personality is that of a Yamato Nadeshiko too, and she didn’t have any special powers or anything like that. So in this case, it made me feel another kind of difficulty instead: how would I properly get along with Umi? At that time, in my heart I did not have any confidence or answer for this at all.
Q: The job that you started off with was the recording for [Bokura no LIVE Kimi to no LIFE], right?
Mimo: Yes, at the beginning it was the recording of the song, and afterwards was the recording of the audio dramas. But at the time when we just started, we didn’t know what direction this project would be heading towards, so it felt like everything was an unknown. It was only when I was starting to do the recording of the audio dramas did I notice the interesting parts about Umi. It felt like she was not just a very talented and cool girl - unexpectedly, she did possess a part in her personality where she could fool around. At that time, I thought: “This project where I am performing as Umi has become something much happier~”.
Q: Then, let us divert to the time after the work for the TV anime began. What do you remember about the recording job for the first episode?
Mimo: It took a very long time to record the first episode - it wasn’t completed until late at night. Although I had the experience of recording for other projects, for some of the members this was their first time taking up recording jobs due to ‘Love Live!”. And back then, I too hadn’t completely gotten used to it, so I felt that the period of time needed wasn’t ideal. But at that time, Nanjou-san, despite having finished her portion of the recording, still stayed behind to accompany us, so there was the impression that all of the members finished the recording together. Small things like these were what contributed to the sense of all nine μ’s members being united as one. At the very beginning, during the briefing we were informed, “This project does in some sense have elements similar to that of a sports project”, so we did take on the same kind of spirit that a sports project would have, and we finished the recording job with the feel of a club activity in mind.
Q: It roughly was because of this that your bonds grew in strength day by day together with the other gradually growing members. And your relationship with Umi became stronger too, right?
Mimo: Yes, at that time I felt that whatever I uttered from my mouth wasn’t just a line, but it would become a part of Umi’s personality and a part of the whole. Rather, I was the one who was setting it off. I did deeply consider questions like, “What should I do to make Umi more charming and cute?”
Q: Which songs do you have the strongest impressions of?
Mimo: Right, I have the deepest impression of [Wonderful Rush]. As μ’s songs are done by first recording the portions where each member would have to sing, subsequently everyone would have to record a full version as well. So, there were lots of portions where one has to sing. Normally, I would be able to finish recording a song very easily, but during the recording for [Wonderful Rush], I was the first to enter the recording studio. However, after a few hours I still hadn’t finished recording, and meanwhile my entire body felt exhausted. At that time I hadn’t tried doing a portion of a song where it would be similar to rapping. For a high tempo style of performing like rapping, I could not associate it with the consistently calm image of Umi, so I felt it was extremely hard to complete.
Q: It is true that there is quite a difficulty curve to finish a rap with Umi’s style.
Mimo: The other members also would probably have their own types (of songs) that they are good at or not too good at, but if I have to use Umi’s style to finish a song, the songs with raps would definitely become harder. Like for [Super LOVE=Super LIVE!], I had many difficulties at that time as well. For songs like these, it would be Nico’s time to shine, and at that time you’ll feel that “Genki girls really are nice~” (laughs).
Q: When it was decided that at the 1st Live in 2012, it wouldn’t be just singing, but dancing as well, roughly how did you feel?
Mimo: I thought: “All right–!!” As at that time, I myself had always been dancing, I felt very happy and eager now that it was finally time for me to display my skill. I borrowed the footage that the dance instructors would be using beforehand, and I watched the recorded dance steps. In the first dance lesson, the teacher praised me with, “You dance very well,” so I felt very happy. As I am the type to get motivated after being praised, my tension hit the max in an instant (laughs).
Q: That particular live and the Animelo concert afterwards, both became a very big turning point for the project, right?
Mimo: For the 1st Live, as we didn’t know how many people would be coming, we felt very uneasy. But as we were adjusting our dance formations in the dark, we heard very loud cheers. All of us were shocked, and as we experienced the feeling of people waiting for us, and being needed by them, we were very happy. That year could also be said to be the year that gave us lots of courage. Before that, in our hearts we had doubts on how the future would be like, so we had feelings of uncertainty.
Q: And up until now, which particular live left you with the deepest impressions?
Mimo: In the Third Live, at the time when the second years did the three-person version of [START:DASH!!], for me personally this left me with the deepest impression. We wore the same outfit that was shown in the TV anime, and we performed the related performance for that song, too…and after that performance, we didn’t get to perform the three-person version ever again.
Q: After that, it become a group whose momentum couldn’t be stopped …. especially from the period in the year 2015 all the way to when you arrived at the stage in Tokyo Dome, we can say that you were in the spotlight, right?
Mimo: The year 2015 could be called the year of µ’s, right? In the summer of last year, there was this constant feeling of disbelief in the air from getting the news that we would be performing at Tokyo Dome and that we would be able to take part in Kōhaku Uta Gassen. At that time, I thought that no matter what, let’s just run forward with all of our might - and then in that confusing rush, the year 2015 was over…but that is also why, no matter how many years have passed, if someone were to ask me about my memories of “Love Live!”, the year 2015 will always be the first thing to come to mind. I guess it was a year that was packed full to the brim.
 It is something that could never be accomplished alone, but because all of us supported each other, we will be able to accomplish it?
Q: Now, after going through these six years, what does the existence of μ’s mean to Mimori-san?
Mimo: I feel that it is an existence similar to “Youth”. It is like the word “Dreams” successfully turning into reality; it is something that could never be accomplished alone, but because all of us supported each other’s existence, we were able to fully complete it. The cooperative strength that came from people around us was really very strong.
Q: This is where the line “Come True, Our Dreams!” get its convincing argument from, right?
Mimo: Indeed! I truly received a very precious gift in life. It is a line from the nine lucky individuals along with the once ordinary Umi.
Q: And what do you feel about the other 8 members now?
Mimo: I feel that all the members of μ’s, including me, are very lucky individuals. I really am very thankful that all of us were so fortunate. Of course, it is because we did put in the effort that we were able to enjoy the final fruits of our labors after so many years, but if we weren’t lucky too, we would definitely never be as successfully as we are now.
Q: If it weren’t these nine individuals, it wouldn’t have worked.
Mimo: Every one of us is a very pure individual who is charging straight towards our dreams. Among us there are many perfectionists, and I am one of them. But at a certain level we are also slightly more mature, and we did experience many setbacks. Speaking from a perspective of human behavior, everyone could be said to be an individual who would not interfere with others; we are not like children who can be jealous or leave people out. This allowed us to have something akin to a good distance to interact with each other maturely.
Q: If you were able to say one line to Umi now?
Mimo: At the start, I felt that you were just a very honest and plain girl, and I did not ever consider that you would shine as much as you do now and carry the attention of so many people. I feel that this is just great. It could be that I really do not have an eye for judging people, right? (Laughs).
Q: I feel that for Umi to become who she is now, there were influences from Mimori-san too.
Mimo: That is true; if I was a person who was more like Umi, perhaps Umi would have always been a simple and plain girl. Looking back now, I feel that it was because of my improvised performance that Umi’s image started breaking apart. In the drama CD for the single [Wonderful Rush], there was a sequence where Umi became the lingering spirit of a fallen warrior. When I was recording this, I recorded it in a more laidback way. From that time onwards, there did seem to be the feel that I was leaning towards a more comedic route. I guess this particular talent is definitely due to my performance in the Niconamas, right (laughs)? If it really was due to how I was keen for the gag personality that caused this to happen, then I would like to tell Umi this: “It is great that we met, Umi – It is okay if you thank me too~”.
Q: I guess only Mimori-san can say that line (laughs).
Mimo: And I would say that while looking at her from above, too (laughs). But for me, after meeting Umi, I learned lots of things, like how to portray the part of a person who is quiet and calm. These are techniques that are very valuable for a voice actress; as expected, the two of us had formed a kind of win-win relationship?
Q: Finally, please convey your thoughts to the fans.
Mimo: For me, being able to meet with μ’s was something that, regardless of whether it was as a voice actress or as a person, caused lots of changes. Even I myself had always thought, “Having a dream that is too ambitious would mean it would not be realized, right?”, but in these six years, I truly experienced the fact that, “As long as you keep using your own words to carry your dreams, and don’t stop working hard towards it, you will reach a place where you can touch my dreams with your own hands.” For us who have received everyone’s support, if this can provide the motivation to be something that will help everyone cultivate the courage and confidence to approach your dreams too, then that would be really great. Even if the chances of me appearing as a member of μ’s has become smaller, but for this project, in the instance that you observe it, it will take a life of its own. So for example, if you have lost your confidence, I hope that everyone will go over it from the beginning, to once again dive into the start of this project. A good product, no matter how much time has passed, will never have its polish fade. I hope that from now on, everyone will continue to look at it, and I would like to say to everyone: “Please do not forget us” (laughs). If you could think about us even occasionally, then I’d be very happy.
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xxeggy-tartxx · 7 years
I find it funny sometimes how the things we used to treasure and love turn out to be something we avoid and hate now. How did we ever let something so beautiful and colorful to become something dull and lifeless? Such as this pastry I’m looking at now that’s on my desk!! It was delicious and fresh when I left it on the desk and life got busy, the next thing I know when I turn around, it’s already become moldy. I think I even see a worm crawling out of it. Ewww.
That my friend, is love. When you just let it sit and not take care of it and assume it will be neat and pristine when you become back, it will not be what you expect. So take care of your love and pastry.
Anyway as usual, I will like to pay tributes and give credits where they are due. First off, thank you Ratana Satis for blessing us with this great comic, which I’m sure we’ll spend countless of hours reading and fangirling over the 2 characters. I also want to thank the translators and staffs for doing an awesome job. You can read this on Lezhin or if you’re smart you will find some way to read it for free but I’m not promoting it here.
Okay, let’s get started.
Oh, did I mention that this is a yuri? Well, it is.
Spoiler Alert!!!!
Okay, okay, hotness is still going around. What an opening scene and I’m not ready.
So… Mel only acts aggressive if something is bothering her? What if she wants to have angry sex with Lynn, I guess she can’t do that without Lynn questions her motive.
And then we have Olivia. I need a second to prepare myself in what I’m about to get into.
I mean I don’t have any feelings for any bdsm situations but even I get excited seeing this, but not too excited. I like a little torturing in the foreplay, it makes everything more elevated. But when you pull out that whip and candle, ho ho ho. No, no, no.
And getting blindfold while having sex, nu-uh. Unless, I really really really really trust the other person, there is no way in hell I’m letting you blindfold me. When you get blindfolded, you don’t know what the hell is going on around you. Dude, if the other person is up to no good, they can pull out a camera and start recording and maybe blackmail you later. I guess I’m watching too much t.v shows.
Anyway, forget about those crazy girls. We’re finally getting to the important part of Mel’s past.
Well, I can think of other reasons why your hands are also important and that’s not because you’re a surgeon. If you understand what I’m implying, Mel. *nudge, nudge, wink, wink*
Just when I think this psycho ex is cute, she goes and prove me wrong. Really?! really?! And to say it won’t turn into anything serious, well how do you know?! Are you a seer that can see into the future?
You even sleep with the dude?! Sue, come on!! I mean I don’t really like you from the start but now I really don’t like you. What’s your problem?!
And seriously, this was all your fault. The nerve you have to go blame someone else when you’re the one that clearly in the wrong first. It’s like you bump into someone and splash hot coffee on them and blame them for not looking and now you don’t have your hot coffee. Really? If I can smack you Sue, I definitely will.
Lynn is like, Mel get your shit together. It was an accident and if anyone should blame anyone, Mel should be one to blame the psycho ex first. Sometimes a heartbreak is more severe than losing a hand, in my opinion. Clearly, not in Sue’s opinion.
Wrap Up
Okay, okay. Lynn finally gets to know about the psycho ex.That’s good cause at least she’s not in the blind and doesn’t know how to react in case the purple hair chick corners her somewhere. Ratana, I appreciate this so much. I hate when story line makes the main characters ignorant of the whole situation and they go around in their la la land when you just want to yell at them, “Oh my god, is her! She’s the psycho ex! Beware!”
The chapter started with Mel and Lynn getting frisky and too frisky, so Lynn had to put a stop on it. She knew Mel didn’t act crazy like this without reason unless something major went on. (Which to me, that mean Mel can’t have angry sex without Lynn suspecting, but angry sex is the best sex though.) So of course, Mel had to stop and tell everything about Sue and her and about the ‘incident’. Obviously, Lynn could tell that it was an accident but Mel stilled blame herself. So to convince Mel better, Lynn gave her some loving, like a lot of loving.
On the other hand, we had the bdsm couple. Mel was going for the angry sex, Olivia was going for the torture sex. Just the contraption that Olivia putted on looked like it took an hour to maneuver. Unsurprisingly, Olivia came back to Sue and asked her to continue on with their games. Of course, Sue much obliged.
I said this from the start, I’m not very trusting when it comes to drama. From the start, when Olivia and Sue get together, I feel like it’s going to turn out pretty ugly. Sue must be planning something in her head because otherwise why did she picks Olivia out of everybody in the hospital or the world. If she just wants to have fun, she can get any call/service girls she wants and they will be a less hassle to deal with if things are to happen. Why pick someone like Olivia who works in the same hospital as her and know of her past and her current situation? I can’t get past my feelings that this psycho ex is using Olivia for something, like maybe blackmailing to help her do things to take down Mel or something.
Or maybe I’m just thinking too much.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Author: Ratana Satis
Translation: Shompu
QC: Coco Roco
Edit: Alextasha
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nicholasmeyler · 7 years
An Open Debate on QC vs. Blockchain
Nicholas Meyler
Recruiter/Broker for "Disruptive"​ Talent. Questing for the Next $Trillion Unicorn.
Blockchain and bitcoin will fail due to Quantum Computing. A CTO of one of the largest companies in the world recently agreed that quantum computers will be functional in three to five years. This is no longer a "pie-in-the-sky" possibility. Doug Peckover's "tokenization" security patents are still for sale, while Goldman Sachs and BofA are buying up all the Blockchain patents they can -- which will be worthless in five years. Meanwhile, "tokenization" offers an immediate solution. See my last two updates for articles. show less
With regards to Bitcoin, SHA is pretty safe from quantum computing. Provided it's not SHA-1. Nobody uses SHA-1 anymore. Bitcoin uses SHA-256. Some cryptocurrencies use SHA-3. With regards to Blockchain, there are quantum safe cryptographic algorithms, look at state of the art mathematics like elliptic curve cryptography. I'm quite certain Hyperledger will address before QC matures. However, QC is a very interesting animal and if it disrupts bitcoin and blockchain as you indicate, that would be the very least of our worries. 
Michael Bombace
We will see that type of change far enough in advance to make necessary changes. A good example is the slow use of SHA-1 for the same reason.
from Wikipedia: In August, 2015, NSA announced that it planned to transition "in the not distant future" to a new cipher suite that is resistant to quantum attacks. "Unfortunately, the growth of elliptic curve use has bumped up against the fact of continued progress in the research on quantum computing, necessitating a re-evaluation of our cryptographic strategy."[3] show less
Quantum computing in not the end of BlockChain - it is the end of all common encryption based on current computing paradigms. Until quantum compute becomes wide spread, or we can adopt new encryption (lattice, hash, supersingular elliptic curve, etc.) we will be forced to revert of dark age tech to securely transact, communicate, or keep secrets.  show less
Current computing paradigms seem awfully weak to me, Matt
As Matt says, using QC as an argument against blockchain should be the last on the priority list. You can start here first:http://cybersecurityventures.com/cybersecurity-500/ :)  
Luka Klancir just a list... no facts involved
Nicholas Meyler- You said the fact. QC will impact encryption algorithms. What I said is that first it will disrupt the security industry (way bigger market cap then blockchain). However, just my 2c :) 
Luka Klancir I totally agree... in fact, that was my point, entirely
Nicholas Meyler - Yes, seems like we have to start tinkering around some new paradigms :)
Some of us have already developed quantum safe proof of work protocols. Some are already in use. Your opinion is misinformed
I'm definitely going to look into that Bryce! I hope you are correct, but I can't read the article you attached on my cellphone... I will get back to you later show less
Thanks Bryce- the key to my point was adopt vs develop. How easy are these new approaches to adopt into end points, processes, and legacy systems... show less
Matt Vasey As with any kind of software, migration and upgrade paths are possible. The questions you're asking haven't even been answered for blockchains much less their technical limitations brought about by other technological advances. While I wouldn't trust a blockchain to manage my healthcare data, I would trust it with my music collection and personal finance. We are simply at that point where it isn't suitable for prime time in a majority of use cases where it might be of real operational benefit. 
Matt Vasey If you're talking about the wider technical world, there's a Y2K feeling in regard to quantum computing and cryptography that I have a fair amount of confidence we won't have to sacrifice SSL or go back to ciphers based on pages in a specific novel. 
Hum... I think we have one or two critical systems, other than blockchain, to worry about if asymmetric cryptography (public / private key) become irrelevant. It is "just" about the privacy of... all data :D
I'm still not convinced that the laws of physics will allow Quantum computing. especially since it's still impossible to observe an electron without affecting its state. however, this is a terrifying Prospect.
There is an elephant in the room. Just as in technologically superior superconducting magnets, like those used in particle accelerators and mass spectrometers, quantum computers have to be kept cold. For both quantum computers and superconducting magnets, helium-3 is used as a liquid cooling source. The US, the world lead in helium-3 production reached full scale demand and production in 2008 at 8kgs. Helium-3 is prohibitively expensive to produce at scale, that being it is captured from decaying tritium. Some newer materials have surfaced for superconducting electromagnets which allows for the use of the much less costly and easier to produce liquid nitrogen. This only being due to these magnets made by those materials remaining viable at higher temperatures, which quantum computers are not. The first successful superconducting magnet was built in 1955. Until new quantum computing materials with the capability of above 20 Kelvin are discovered, quantum computers will not be able to function reliably without an operational cost mountain that rivals some national GDP's. For example, the D-Wave Two, operates with 512 qubits at .02 Kelvin.  
And yes, there are materials that can be utilized for quantum computing at room temperature. But, they have to be created at the isotope level which means that we would need nuclear production reactors on every corner like McDonalds. 
Not necessary there are hashes that are quantum safe.
QC from Bitse?
Elon Musk will have someone on Mars before this is a reality.
A common misconception. Not true at all.
Never say never - if not quantum then some other hypercomputing platforms will definitely be developed in the not too distant future.
I appreciate all the comments. For the remaining skeptics, watch this for a few minutes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2q4z6HnB-Tg&t=46m14s). The security design goal is to withstand infinite computing power, so we need change from how data is stored to where data is stored. Churchill said it best: "It is wonderful how well men can keep secrets they have not been told." show less
Churchill was completely ignorant of zero knowledge proofs.
They were invented by someone born in 1945, so that is pretty likely, Bruce.
Nicholas Meyler Hahaha of course you're correct, but modern advances in mathematics have made such perspectives obsolete. I predict we will see the death of other such long held data paradigms in the next decade. show less
Nicholas Meyler
D-wave already has one, but I think 10 years would be the latest that QC would be available.
As of 3:22 PM Pacific Time on January 1, 2017, this post has received 9,612 views (my personal record for something I've posted). More information on and articles by, Doug Peckover are available on my publications page. We are definitely interested in your comments.https://www.linkedin.com/today/post/author/posts#published?trk=mp-reader-h
Les Guessing
Nicholas Meyler
Interesting. No. Did not hear talk of this from the startups who's future depends on Blockchain.
Les Guessing Yet it represents a potential problem they should ALL be concerned with.
Interesting perspective.. thoughts?
I'm curious about the timeline on Quantum Computing. I did see an interesting presentation on the one Bezos is building. Just incredible potential. I went to a startup event in LA with Bitcoin/ Blockchain startups. Folks trying to do interesting stuff (healthcare) outside of currency with Blockchain. 
Some of the work is state sponsored in places like China, so it's hard to get real timelines. The people closest to this say fully-operational… 
You can read more about timelines here:https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/quantum-computing-dummies-doug-peckover?trk=mp-author-card
Bryce, I think that the prospect of "infinite computing power" makes it still quite rational to be concerned about the eventual obsolescence of cryptography, itself, but you are absolutely right that we simply don't know yet. On the other hand, wouldn't it be wisest to plan for that possibility? show less
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fayes-fics · 1 year
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Wow! Hello new followers 👋
Welcome, welcome. I guess I can thank QC for the bump 😁🫶
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xxeggy-tartxx · 7 years
So I had a dream last night. I still couldn’t believe it happened. In. my. dream… I dreamt of Jessica. Jessica Jung! If you don’t know who she is, you need to check your life. She is the goddess of the goddesses.
I was in her house, on her rooftop overlooking Bangkok. I don’t know why we ended up in Thailand, Korea or the States would be more fitting, but whatever, we were on the rooftop having dinner. She made me kimchi fried rice, if you don’t know what that is either, you really need to check your life. Then all of a sudden, more people arrived, because apparently it was my birthday but I knew none of the people. So, she then went around and introduced me to her friends. (You see how all these make sense. It’s my birthday party but she invites her friends.) She told me her friends’ name and when she introduced me, she went ‘This is my lover.’ Literally, I kid you not, I froze. Even in dream, like my mind still could not believe that this is happening.
I looked at her and my face is like ‘what?!’ I swear to goodness, she then smiled at me and I could swear like my heart stopped beating. Which is fine cause I’m in a dream, my heart can stop in my dream if it wants to. Then she was like ‘Cause I love you, you know’. I’m like, no I don’t know!!
And then I woke up. And then I lied on my bed for 15 minutes and could not stop smiling, like a creeper, and just rewinding the dream over and over in my head.
So I decided that I’m going to find a Korean girl friend and she can cook and makes me some delicious ass kimchi fried rice. If this girl name also happen to be Jessica as well then that’s a bonus. (I mean I’m delusional, but I’m not crazy to the point where I know Jessica Jung is going to be my girl friend. I will never.)
Anyway as usual, I will like to pay tributes and give credits where they are due. First off, thank you Ratana Satis for blessing us with this great comic, which I’m sure we’ll spend countless of hours reading and fangirling over the 2 characters. I also want to thank the translators and staffs for doing an awesome job. You can read this on Lezhin or if you’re smart you will find some way to read it for free but I’m not promoting it here.
Okay, let’s get started.
Oh, did I mention that this is a yuri? Well, it is.
Spoiler Alert!!!!
That was a long introduction, sawwy, but I can’t deny my Jessica.
So in the end, purple hair chick still can’t get over Mel. It may seem like she doesn’t care and she may be even out to get her revenge but deep down in the stony heart, she still have this lingering feeling for her ex-lover or she just wants to control her. Aww, that actually sound sweet.
The husband, yes let’s talk about the husband. Is he in love with her and that’s why he is so concerns about her? Or is it because he knows he can’t find another person like Sue, who is controlling and dominating, that he’s sticking around with her?
And this woman, living a double lives. Sigh, in a way that’s kinda sad. Don’t we all?
Mel, I’m pretty sure Lynn isn’t the type of a girl to be flinging her medications around.
My nightmare is coming true!! No, Lynn! You gotta hang in there!! Gotta hang in there!!!!!!!
Okay, I’m not trying to be basic here, but under that blanket, Lynn must be naked. So that mean, people who are treating her get to see everyyyything. I know, I know, in a time of emergency Mel is not going to dress Lynn because of whatever, but I’m just salty everyone is seeing Lynn nakedness.
Mel, I’m not trying to add salt onto your wound, but situation like this, there will be plenty more to come. This is one hard road to go through for both yourself and Lynn. The best always come from the worst.
I have a feelings that Renny is going to have the ‘talk’ with Mel and I can’t gauge right now if it’s going to be good or bad.  He could be their (Mel and Lynn) number one fan, and tell Mel to make Lynn happy as much as possible with the time she has left. Or he tells Mel to leave Lynn alone because he doesn’t want Lynn to get hurt and she may not be able to handle a heartbreak.
And then Grace is back!! Her hair actually looks really good in the back than in the front. Lynn could also look like Grace with her hair dye red. Also, for some strange reason, I have a feeling that Grace is going to play a large role in the story for Mel and Lynn… like maybe save a life.
Wrap Up
Okay, okay, okay. This chapter seems short but there are a lot of things that are going on. I also come up a with a theory that I want to present it to you guys and maybe we can discuss about this or something (or maybe I can talk to myself, that’s fine too.)
The chapter started with Sue having a dream in which she was controlling Mel and Mel was succumbing to her every wishes. (You know that’s definitely a dream, because there is no way in hell that Mel will do such thing in real life.) And there was also a little flirting around between Sue and Olivia. (I can sense the tension.)
Then of course, the ultimate came, when Mel found Lynn lying on the bathroom floor suffering from a heart attack. (Thank goodness, I’m kinda glad it didn’t happen when she and Mel are having sex. Do you know how awkward it will be like when Mel has to explain to the people about where and what Lynn is doing before she has an heart attack.) Lynn was immediately brought to the hospital, fortunately she got help in time and was able to get pass critical condition. However, she still needed to stay in the hospital for further observation. (Watching her lying on the floor almost give me a heart attack too.)
Then, when you least expected, Mel bumped into the person that she didn’t know she would see so soon. Who? Grace.
This chapter is short but it seems like Ratana is exposing us to a lot of things at once, especially the dream that Sue was having. You know what they say, your dreams are your unconscious thoughts. Like what? Like, Sue still couldn’t get over Mel, or maybe is ‘you crave what you can’t have, I guess in this case, what Sue can’t control.’ The fact is, up to this point, it seems like everyone Sue meets, she’s somehow able to manipulate and control them in the ways she wants them to do. Except for one person and the only person who brought pain to her that cause her to lose everything. In her stony heart, Mel will always hold a position whether is good or bad. If Sue doesn’t get over this obstacle, she’ll never be satisfy.
Then there is Grace.
Call me crazy or a fool but for some reason I don’t think Grace is just a passer by in the story. If she is, when she got knock out by her psycho ex and Mel operates on her, her arc should has already stop. There must be a reason why Ratana is bringing her back maybe because her story didn’t end yet. And my crazy theory is, that somehow or someway, Grace maybe the saving grace for Lynn. For whatever that is going to happen, I have a strong feeling that Grace maybe the one that will donate her heart or somehow her heart will end up saving Lynn. Then you can finally say that Mel finally loves Grace back because Grace’s heart is now inside of Lynn and Lynn is the only one that Mel loves. Wow, this sound tragically romantic.
Hey, this is just my theory. I also have another one where Sue may be the one that save Lynn, then Mel will get to have her first love and last love all in one. Now, that will be some crazy and unexpected story line that nobody will forget.
PS: I notice I wrote a lot for this  review. Damn, 1458 words, I don’t think I have done that before.
Author: Ratana Satis
Translation: Shompu
QC: Coco Roco
Edit: Alextasha
0 notes
xxeggy-tartxx · 7 years
So I have a question, what do you guys think of PDA? And no, I do not mean like the mini computer/blackberry look alike back in the 2000s where you go to check your emails and stuffs. You young kids out there probably have no idea what I’m talking about.
No, I’m talking about PDA (public display of affection). Personally, I don’t hate it but if I’m taking the bus and you’re next to me and you start kissing and groping at each other, I will either come up to your face really close, like super close and stare at you or I’m going to pull out my phone and start recording. Option 1 and option 2 are all in my head. In real life, I will never do something like that. How disrespectful and weird. I will be super uncomfortable and try to stare everywhere but at THAT direction, but then every once in a while I’ll try to sneak a peek and see if they’re still getting frisky, probably taking each other shirts off by now . Gosh, so creepy. I’m talking about me, for watching.
Anyway as usual, I will like to pay tributes and give credits where they are due. First off, thank you Ratana Satis for blessing us with this great comic, which I’m sure we’ll spend countless of hours reading and fangirling over the 2 characters. I also want to thank the translators and staffs for doing an awesome job. You can read this on Lezhin or if you’re smart you will find some way to read it for free but I’m not promoting it here.
Okay, let’s get started.
Oh, did I mention that this is a yuri? Well, it is.
Spoiler Alert!!!!
This is the second time I’m seeing Mel getting mad. She is really protective of her girls.
Umm… I’m not trying to play devil’s advocate here but Mel, you do the same thing too. Umm, remember Grace?
You’re probably abusing your own power for your own advantage anyway.
Bish, get your facts straight. Lynn ain’t some new girl, well she is kinda new, but she is the love of Mel’s life. Don’t call her a new girl like Mel is going to move on from her like other chicks.
Uh, Mel maybe you should care. Like you know plan a counter attack in case she strikes. You should always have a good plan, just in case your ex go cuckoo you know.
Can you get fired for threatening your boss? Just asking.
Wow, kill is such a strong word. Psycho ex, calm down. Nobody is going to kill nobody. This ain’t some soap opera.
Beside your hand got hurt because of the glass probably stabbing you, is not like it got chop off or something. But still that hurt though.
Okayyy, drama queen is being too dramatic here. I mean you loss a hand but you become a director of a hospital and you still can have sex, isn’t that a still a win-win situation, no?
Oh goodness, who is this dude again? Shoo, go away.
I-is he flirting with m-m-my Lynn? Oh no you didn’t!
Okay, Ratana. I may complain that Lynn doesn’t have anybody coming after her like Mel with her fan girls. But I was thinking more on the line of girls flirting with Lynn not this random dude out of nowhere.
But anyway, it doesn’t matter who comes after Lynn because in the end she belongs to Mel and they live happily ever after. However, look at Renny’s face (that is Renny, right?), I don’t think he approves or something.
Shit is right, Olivia. Shit is so damn right.
Wrap Up
Um this chapter reminds me of soap operas that I used to click pass on t.v. Dramatic and juicy but dramatic. You know how soap operas always have a lot of either yelling, finger pointing, staring, blackmailing and threatening others? Well with the psycho ex coming in the picture, I know who is going to stir the pot of troubles.
So how dramatic is this chapter? Well…
The chapter started with Mel barging through the door and demanded to see her ex, Sue. Mel got super mad cause her ex went after Lynn, allegedly, cause Sue was snooping around asking for information on Lynn’s medical information.  Mel sensed something may be wrong, so of course she would head to the Director’s office and threatened her to back off or else. So then of course, the two girls started to argue and then Sue, dramatically said ‘What are you going to do about it?! It’s not like you haven’t kill me already!’ What Sue was referring to, was long long time ago, in a far away land, when Mel and Sue were still dating, they had a fight. In which, Mel accidentally(?) harmed Sue by having glasses flew at her hand and cut into it. (Something crazy like that).
Anyway, then Lynn and Andrew ( I think) accidentally bump into each other in school (or maybe he stalks her, I don’t know) and he purposely asked her out, which she totally rejected him. (Good!)
Then Olivia got herself in trouble because she went back to see Sue. (I guess Sue really is that good.)
So as you can tell, nobody is moving on from nobody. Everybody is acting like they’re fine and they’re so over it, but clearly there is a thorn in each of the girls’ hearts. I can definitely tell that Mel is still feeling guilty about what happen to Sue and Sue is still blaming Mel on what happen to her hand. And right now, it looks like she’s coming back to get revenge or something, makes Mel suffer the way she suffers before.
Then we also have Renny, who just found out that his baby sister is now dating and I’m pretty sure I know that he knows who Lynn is dating. Based on his expression, I don’t know what he thinks of her relationship. Approve or disapprove? That’s the question.
Last but not least, we have Olivia. I don’t know if I should call her smart or dumb. She’s smart because she’s a doctor but that’s still book smart, she may not be street smart. Maybe that’s why she lacking common sense when she decides to sleep with her direct supervisor or director or whatever. Seriously, sleeping with your boss can never go well. I’m not speaking with experiences but I watch too much dramas to know. Maybe Ratana is giving us another pair to root for or something. Because based on how things go, I’m almost 99% sure that Olivia will fall in love with Sue. I’m holding back that 1% in case I’m wrong.
Author: Ratana Satis
Translation: Shompu
QC: Coco Roco
Edit: Alextasha
This post contains reference to links and pictures from one or more sources and has given credits where they are due. In no shapes or forms do I make any money out of these products.
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