#thank you sara! <3 <3 <3
sollucets · 2 months
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— evening sun, jane kenyon
as long as he lives one day, I'll live that day with him.
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bamsara · 1 year
I never mind when small buissness artists and creators take a long time to ship out something I bought because I forget that I even ordered something, and when I do get the package its like OH SURPRISE DOPAMINE!!! YIPPEE
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the-words-we-sung · 2 months
Season 3 ending
So... It's been almost a week since the last episode, almost a week trying to wrap my head around the end of the show, trying to manage my feelings about it all.
It's hard to end up feeling the complete opposite of nearly everyone on my dash but I've come to terms with the fact that I didn't love the ending. I didn't love this last episode. (I shouldn't feel ashamed or weird for saying so but you guys loved it so much that I feel a bit like an outsider right now 😓)
I haven't been a fan of the show for as long as most of you, but it means so much to me. These characters carved a place in my heart and in my head, and they've made me happy for months now. They helped me get through some stuff, made me discover some amazing artists, meet even more amazing people through this fandom. And I loved the story. Even in its darkest, saddest parts, I loved it. I was invested.
I love Wilhelm and Simon, together and separately. They mean so much to me. And I loved season 1 and 2. It made me happy, and sad, and frustrated, and exalted. But overall, I trusted the show and I was not disappointed.
Season 3 was a lot. I liked the first 5 episodes. I can't say that I loved everything about them: I was not expecting things to get so hard for Simon, with no reprieve in sight. I was not worried about Wilmon being endgame (I know it was a big stress for the fandom but honestly I never doubted that they were endgame), but I was wondering how the show would go about tying all the knots it made (I should even say all the knots it added during this last season).
(Under a read more because it's a bit long and I don't want to bother those who don't wanna read more of my frustrated thoughts ^^')
And unfortunately the last episode was a huge let down for me. Yes, it's partly because nothing I was hoping for actually happened, but mostly, it's because the choices they made did not feel very satisfying to me: ⁕ Simon was barely there. We went from him being bullied online/offline non stop for 5 episodes to almost nothing. It makes 0 sense to me. ⁕ Kristina suddenly feeling better: she was having break down upon break down for an entire season, could barely look at her son or even just talk normally and all of a sudden she's back, smiling and agreeing to everything Wilhelm says? I'm sorry but I don't buy it? Where did this Kristina hid during the entire show? ⁕ Wilhelm deciding to not be king, talking for 3min to his parents about it, them agreeing and him running into the sunset with Simon. I'm sorry, what?? I love that they end up together of course, but it makes very little sense to me? It won't change any of the issues they had this season? They're still gonna be famous? And bullied online/offline? (Probably even more so now?). I'm not obviously saying that Wilhelm staying in line to become king was the only or the best solution, but I wanted more from this storyline. I wanted to believe it. And right now, what we got? It feels a bit cheap (and I feel bad for saying that because the ending was cute and romantic and all, but it felt too disconnected from the rest of the show for me ><)
And apart from these few points, the big issue I had with this episode was: The Angst. So that might be a me-problem, but it was too much for my poor little heart (I haven't rewatched the episode yet, and I'm not sure I'll be able to anytime soon ><). I spent like 40min of the episode with a huge knot in the stomach because the heartbreak between Simon and Wilhelm was too much to handle for me. I can see how it was beautifully made, that having lots of throwbacks to the previous seasons, the Wille song, all of that was great cinematography. But it was just too much for me. I got in the season spoiler-free but for this episode? During the lake scene I had to take a break and check online if they were actually endgame because it was starting to actually give me a stomachache. So yeah, this part might be me being too sensitive but I did not like that they made me see them fight for each other for 2 seasons and 5 episodes, but then just giving up for 40min before finally running back to each other during the last 10min. It was just too much sadness for me ><
So yeah, maybe my expectations were too high? But I feel sad, and kinda cheated. Too many things are left wide opened. Too many things make zero sense to me. And of course I'm happy we got our Wilmon endgame, but I'm less happy about how it happened.
It's a bit hard being on Tumblr right now and seeing everyone who thought it was the perfect episode >< And I don't want to "yuck anyone's yum" (as the saying goes), but I still wanna be able to share my thoughts! I probably won't write super angry/unhappy/complaining posts about the season/the finale, but I still wanna be able to chat about it. I did see some posts on my dash from people not being entirely satisfied with this ending so it's a bit comforting. And I hope we can share some nice headcanons, or just discussions about different plot points.
But yeah, I guess that's why I haven't really been active this week! Trying to get over the double heartbreak of the end of the show + being disappointed with the ending! I'm gonna come back though! I miss hanging out here, I just need to strengthen my heart a little bit more :p Gonna get back to writing about my thoughts episode by episode for this season (I can't promise I can rewatch the last one though 😖 It might take me a bit of time to get there). And I want to continue my song analysis of the show!! I'm not even done with season 2 yet, I have some work to do there ^^
So see you back here very soon 😘
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ratellini · 2 years
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my mc from @leoneliterary 's IF Honour Amongst Thieves 🤍
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croquettish · 4 months
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did someone say they wanted bg3 valentine's cards? no?? well you're getting them anyway
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dailysarachidouin · 8 months
requesting sara in a halloween costume!! u can pick what! also ty for putting sm effort into this blog i love it sm
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& thank you so much!! :D sara means a bunch to me, and i'm happy to share more art of her where i can <3 !!
[ID: A colored digital drawing of Sara Chidouin from Your Turn To Die in a witch costume. It consists of a dark purple witch hat with an orange ribbon around it, matching with a desaturated pink dress over a dark purple long-sleeved shirt. The ribbon around her waist and the cuffs of her shirt are also orange. She also wears white socks with orange trimming, and dark purple Mary Janes. She also holds a wooden broom in her hand, smiling at the screen. The background is a dark pink splotch on white. The artist's signature reads: "Tachi!". End ID.]
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boookfreeak · 4 months
My friend just surprised me with this little sticker and IM SO HAPPY @ikimaru
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x22bby · 3 months
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𝕀 𝕔𝕒𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕖𝕪𝕖 𝕒𝕔𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕣𝕠𝕠𝕞.. ℕ𝕠 𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕗𝕖𝕖𝕝 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕓𝕖𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕞𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕪𝕠𝕦..
(Click for better Quality)
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hamartia-grander · 6 months
Okay so I'm replaying re8 and I'm now on new game plus (playthrough 2) and walking through the house in the beginning and im just thinking about Rose and Mia. I admit I used to be a Mia hater but I'm not anymore bc you opened my eyes. But like it doesn't make sense that Rose didn't grow up in that house. Like to me Mia seems like the person who would want to honor the plans her and Ethan made and that she'd want to have Rose grow up in a home they built for her and that has ethans touch everywhere.
Like idk ik people mourn in different ways but I don't see Mia completely moving out of their home bc ethan died, so it means that Chris and his team or BSAA moved them out of their home, separated Mia and Rose and then Rose grew up knowing nothing about her dad and his love for her and everything he and Mia did for her. Like if you really look through their home in the beginning it's so full of love. They have pictures everywhere as well as toys for Rose when though she looks to be too young for moving around and stuff. They hand make her baby food and take the time to sit down and read bedtime stories. There's plants and heirlooms everywhere (the music box). They are both well read as well bc their house is full of books and even baby books for Rose. And there's just so much love put into their home and it looks like the dream home but not in the empty big house but in the well decorated with decor that's specialized to Mia and Ethan and there'd a piano and music players everywhere. Idk im just thinking about older Rose and the home we see in the beginning and like I think it's cruel that Rose didn't get to grow up in the home made from Mia and Ethans love and that has ethans touches everywhere. Figured you'd appreciate the Mia love and the fact that I think it's fucked up how they took Rose and Mias story.
Yeahhhhh. I've mourned this since the Shadows of Rose DLC came out. Truthfully they took Mia out of the picture because 1. They hate women, and 2. It was "too much work" for them to figure out how to include her without making her a focal point, so they just got rid of her. It doesn't make any sense that Chris and his team would've completely separated Mia and Rose, especially if Chris is calling the shots - he should know better than to keep family apart, especially after everything he's witnessed them go through. Even if Rose had to be relocated, there's no way Mia wouldn't be fighting to see her every damn day. People act like Mia didn't care as much about Rose just because she didn't get to be a part of the main re8 game, but she fought tooth and nail to protect Ethan and Rose, Ethan and Rose were her only priorities when Chris found her, and she was ecstatic to have Rose safe in her arms again. Of course Mia was devastated to lose Ethan, but that would only cause her to hold Rose closer (which we literally see her do, she tightens her hold on Rose) because Rose is all she has left. It doesn't make sense that they'd never see each other. It's maddening how the games treated Mia, especially with how stupid the fans act about it.
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laslow · 10 months
"We are bound for the land I was born in," Sara shares in a particularly quiet voice, wistful as she looks on the horizon. It will be days before they come close to approaching land, but her eyes remain fixated towards the distance like she can clearly see Jugdral's shores already.
"You should be careful. Though there is no questioning your skill with a blade, those we will soon face avoid direct confrontations when they can. Our adversaries will employ tactics that could be considered underhanded. The laws of the Church can be unforgiving. Dissent is punishable, traitors are executed. They do not value their lives or rather, they were taught not to by those higher in the chain of command." Light vanishes from Sara's eyes, expression growing increasingly listless until her whole face has become devoid of emotion.
"Your life belongs to the Lord. Your soul never truly vanishes from this world. You may suffer an unpleasant earthly death, but you live on through Loptous". An agonizing melancholy washes over her, one that takes Sara back to childhood. She laughs and does not know why. "It went something like that. I do not recall it anymore. I am telling you because I do not wish for you to die."
He'd been humming a sea shanty under his breath, coiling rope and generally staying out of the way by the bow when she appeared. The sun sinks lower, staining the sky shades of orange and gold. Laslow glances up at Sara, finishing the last coil before bracing his hands against the railing.
Mouth remains shut while she speaks. Interrupting now feels rude, almost dismissive of the trust she's placing in him by voicing her thoughts and concerns aloud. He's honored by her trust.
Gaze flicks over to her, side profile outlined in radiant yellow against the deepening blue sky. A shiver trips down his spine that has little to do with the fair breeze keeping their sails full. Her recitation of such an ugly vow followed by her laugh makes the fine hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. Laslow swallows, attention returning to the sea.
"Thank you, Sara. It feels right, somehow, that I should return to your homeland with you." After everything they've endured together, this feels like the natural course of things. Not quite an ending; he's said enough goodbyes for two lifetimes to ever rush along another. A new beginning instead, perhaps, or at the very least yet a wider understanding of the world.
He's careful when choosing his next words. "The Church sounds a lot like a religious sect I once fought. Perhaps it is a good thing you no longer remember their teachings with stark clarity. It means you not only survived, but found the will to move forward."
A tiny smile graces his lips. "But I will keep your words in mind. I'd rather not die so far away from my family. The same goes for you--I've always got your back, Sara. And if...if I don't get the chance," he starts, once more facing her, "I'm elated our paths crossed for this long. Promise me you'll keep smiling, yeah?"
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http-byler · 1 year
700?? THANK YOU!! kissing u all individually on the forehead <3 thank you for your support!!
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likegoldintheair · 16 days
likegoldintheair whomst? i go by likegoldi thwuar these days @cannibalismyuri
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serenpedac · 2 years
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The kind and talented @nerdferatum made this gorgeous commission of my Wayhaven detective Yael, and I’m very much in love with it! Just look at her!!
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certain-blue-eyes · 3 months
Tack! Tack så mycket för detta vackra slut. ♥️
Hillerska kommer att leva vidare i våra hjärtan med alla studenter och deras berättelser. För oss är det inte "farväl", utan "på återseende".
I cried a lot during the last episode but I'm also glad the serie ended in a good way. 💜😍
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kimjimagery · 1 year
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I was planning on mentioning this before Assetvreek on deviantART has managed to get the assets to some of the Tad Jones game characters I say about a week ago when I discovered it.
I tried myself to put the assets through blender but I had to do a lot of converting just to get it to work on there and then when I did all I was able to get to work on there is just to mesh itself but they are and the amateurs don't work on there I tried manually setting up an Armature on it but again that's a no-go.
assetvreek mention that it worked when he did it through Daz maybe I'll give that go a see if that can work with these characters.
Funny story I was so closes with the rigging on the Ammyt as a test but that was a instant fail. I'm chalking this up to Blenders consent updating.
You can see in his gallery and pleases be civil
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10 Lines Challenge
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics (wips included) and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
Thank you Sara <3 <3 <3 @desfraisespartout
Of Dwarves and Dragons; A DND Rune Factory 3 Fanfiction
The town was swathed in lanterns that cast an orange glow on the streets, busy with bodies in motion. Foodsmells wafted from every corner as merchants hustled for drunk clients with loosened pockets. 
A particularly gutsy vendor pressed heavily to his side, thrusting a bowl full of something warm and viscous into his hands. It sloshed over the side, a few steaming veggies and tiny dough balls escaping to the dirty path below. 
He shivered, disgusted, and shook the vendor away, crushing a carrot under heel as he did. The bowl was dumped into the lap of a couple lovebirds to the side. Either too taken by the atmosphere or too distracted to care, they did not react. 
There was a reason for the town’s collective mood, of course. He didn’t blame them, he understood. it wasn’t every day that the world was saved.
L.I.P; A Birdmen Radiostation AU
He’d opposed it at first, but Eva’s working on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and, often, Thursdays was a blessing in the form that he didn’t need to work Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays or, often, Thursdays. But that his schedule went to hell on a Friday took into account exactly none of this. 
It was, however, contingent on the fact that he was weak. Weak. And that Dr. Saitou was as loose with his compliments as he was with assigning menial tasks. Saitou did that thing, the one where he acted like the heavens had conspired to send one angel down in human flesh for the slightest hint of goodwill. The one that was basically an air pump to Eishi’s usually depressed Inflate-a-Bed ego. 
Besides, he reasoned that to spend an extra hour or so in the company of new faces numbered quite low on the list of potential self-tortures. So when the offer came, he accepted without thinking much about it. 
“His name is Thrush,” Saitou babbled, radiating gratitude that lazy Friday morning. 
Eishi pulled a face. 
“He’s from Arizona,” Saitou clarified. 
Ah. Arizona.
With the Wisdom of Old Men Chapter 4; Birdmen Pirate AU
Someone drove the unkind muzzle of a burning-cold gun into his spine, urging him up the side of the boat. Freezing, Eishi’s fingers slapped uselessly on steps carved into the splintered wooden hull as he struggled to comply. It was hard to do anything else, the way his instincts tugged and pulled in opposite directions. Exhaustion conspired with the weight of the ocean dragging down his bones, the forces vying to see which would make him fall first.
Eishi’s heart stuttered in his chest and he barely reminded himself not to look down. Instead he blinked up, painfully blind from the incessant headache he’d yet to shake and made dizzy by the fear in his veins. When finally he scaled over the bannister, he was met by a series of white jackets as the day boastfully declared it could turn worse. 
Nevermore had he pitied a fish than when he was forced against the mast, a lanky not-adult fidgeting with ropes that chafed at his wrists.
I tag @kitsoa >:3c what're you working on, homie?
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