#than cognative ability
Fantastic Office Game: It Helps The Employees To Boost Up Their Creative Thinking
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Continuously working for 8 hours is hard right? I guess many employees will agree with this. And the reason is no one can work for 8 hours or more than 8 hours by only sitting in the same place.
As human beings, we all have the same tiredness. And as per the research, the human brain gets tired within 30 or 45mins while working. But there are so many ways that help you in refreshing your mind or brain every time.  
You may play office games. But now the main question is how can employees play games at an office or while working?  
I know the above-asked question always comes to your mind. That's why we are here to give its answer. So why are you guys waiting?
Just keep reading!
Why Does A Employee Need To Play Games At Office?
You have realized that constantly working for long hours can make employee feel tired. And sometimes, while doing so much work, the employees don’t bring out their best efforts in their work.
In addition, if an employee is tired, he may not be able to complete his work effectively. By implementing some fun games as a part of work schedule, you can make your employees relax a bit. And that may help them to enhance their non cognative skills like communication, conscientiousness, perseverance, teamwork etc.
Following Are The Games Which An Employee May Play:-
Word Games
Maths Puzzle Games
Exercise Games
Guess The Movie
Heads Up
Two Truths and a Lie
Who Am I?
Never Have I Ever
Human Snakes
Broken Telephone
Code Names
So these are the office games to play when bored. Furthermore, let us also discuss the other office games that help employees build a strong bonds with their colleagues. 
Secret Santa:-
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This secret Santa game is a popular game played in all organizations. This game is so easy and funny to play. So, in this game, basically, a person created chits by writing all the employees' names. Further, one by one, all employee starts picking up the chits. 
And the chit picked by employees, they are supposed to give them a present secretly, without telling anyone. And the person who gives the gift to others will get a unique present from other employees. It is an interesting office games that every employee is ready to play. 
Musical Chair:-
It is one of the finest games most people play in office party games. Also, it is easy to play for everyone. I guess you might have played it in your office too. 
It starts which placing chairs in a circle or a line. After that, music begins playing, and the player starts roaming around the chairs. So, if the music stops, they all have to sit in a chair. 
And by chance, if any player is unable to sit in a chair then that player is considered out. 
Guess The Movie Game:-
And these are the best fun office games by which all the employees can reduce their boredom and start working with more productivity. 
Basically, it is an easy game you guys already played in some way. And this game is the most iconic game that each and every person knows to play. 
But still, I'll tell you how to play it. It starts with selecting a movie. And by not speaking, you have to act and let the other people guess the movie's name by your acting. These are the teamwork games that employees can play easily.
So, these are the best office games when bored while working. 
And as we all know, every coin has two sides, as same as that, playing while working may be risky. The reason behind it employees will lose their productivity by always playing games for refreshments. 
Additionally, according to the research, when employees become bored, they start playing game on their computers. And management does not have the ability to analyze which employee is playing a game on his desktop or at which time. 
For this reason, many business organizations prefer to use employee monitoring software. 
And if we talk about the selection of monitoring software for your company, there are so many monitoring software that you can adapt for your business organization. 
The top 05 best employee monitoring software are:- 
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So, these are the finest employee monitoring software that will surely helps a manager to keep an eye on their employees regularly.
You can also watch: How To Use Localization Feature Of EmpMonitor
Finally, now I can assume that you guys have learned something unique about the office games. I hope this article will help you for understanding multiple games to play in the office whenever you are bored. 
So, this is it for now. We will come again with new topics. Till then, stay healthy, and stay safe. Thanks for reading!!
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rollingndoughsocial · 2 years
People can only hold one perspective in mind at a time. And which is that? Their own.
It's disappointing to be a Gemini mind with all these ideas/information/states of being, then have to speak on only one. Feels like betrayal. Hatred for how it comes out as complete nonsense/bullshit. Since can't accurately portray "me" anyway.......
How advanced is she who can pinpoint, understand, not take offense to, and realize the other person is speaking from their perspective, from their solutions to their problems, from their joyful or dissatisfied perspective!??
What do I do with it?.. I could learn about how their life is going for them. Get their opinions, gain new perspective for myself. They gain from truly being heard. It's perfect if I'm died out, that happens anyway! Role play- the business from the clients point of view/experience.
"To understand someone, we should not imagine their point of view but make the effort to “get” their perspective. “True insight into the minds of others is not likely to come from honing your powers of intuition,” Epley wrote, “but rather by learning to stop guessing about what’s on the mind of another person and learning to listen instead.”"
There’s only one way to truly understand another person’s mind
Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes won’t improve the accuracy of your insights
By Ephrat Livni
Senior reporter, law & politics, DC.
Published July 3, 2018This article is more than 2 years old.
When we imagine the inner lives of others, we don’t necessarily gain real insight into other people’s minds.
Instead of imagining ourselves in another person’s position, we need to actually get their perspective, according to a recent study (pdf) in the Journal of Personality and Psychology. Researchers from the University of Chicago and Northeastern University in the US and Ben Gurion University in Israel conducted 25 different experiments with strangers, friends, couples, and spouses to assess the accuracy of insights onto other’s thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and mental states.
Their conclusion, as psychologist Tal Eyal tells Quartz: ”We assume that another person thinks or feels about things as we do, when in fact they often do not. So we often use our own perspective to understand other people, but our perspective is often very different from the other person’s perspective.” This “egocentric bias” leads to inaccurate predictions about other people’s feelings and preferences. When we imagine how a friend feels after getting fired, or how they’ll react to an off-color joke or political position, we’re really just thinking of how we would feel in their situation, according to the study.
In 15 computer-based experiments, each with a minimum of 30 participants, the psychologists asked subjects to guess people’s emotions based on an image, their posture, or a facial expression, for example. Some subjects were instructed to “consult their own feelings,” while others were given no instructions, and some were told to “think hard” or mimic the expressions to better understand. People told to rely on their own feelings as a guide most often provided inaccurate responses. They were unable to guess the correct emotion being displayed.
The second set of experiments asked subjects to make predictions about the feelings of strangers, friends, and partners. (Strangers interacted briefly to get to know one another before hazarding guesses about the preferences of they had just person they met.) The researchers wanted to see if people who had some meaningful information about each other—like spouses—could make accurate judgments about the other’s reactions to jokes, opinions, videos, and more. It turned out that neither spouses nor strangers nor friends tended to make accurate judgments when “taking another’s perspective.”
Imagining another person’s perspective doesn’t actually improve our ability to judge how another person thinks or feels.
“Our experiments found no evidence that the cognitive effort of imagining oneself in another person’s shoes, studied so widely in the psychological literature, increases a person’s ability to accurately understand another’s mind,” the researchers write. “If anything, perspective taking decreased accuracy overall while occasionally increasing confidence in judgment.” Basically, imagining another person’s perspective may give us the impression that we’re making more accurate judgments. But it doesn’t actually improve our ability to judge how another person thinks or feels.
The good news, however, is that researchers found a simple, concrete way we can all confidently and correctly improve the accuracy of our insights into others’ lives. When people are given a chance to talk to the other person about their opinions before making predictions about them—Eyal calls this “perspective getting” as opposed to perspective taking—they are much more accurate in predicting how others might feel than those instructed to take another’s perspective or given no instructions.
Test subjects; study: 1. try putting themselves in another’s shoes, 2. talk directly with test partners about their positions on a given topic. The final experiment confirmed that getting another person’s perspective directly, through conversation, increased the accuracy of subjects’ predictions, while simply “taking” another’s perspective did not. This was true for partners, friends, and strangers alike.
“Increasing interpersonal accuracy seems to require gaining new information rather than utilizing existing knowledge about another person,” the study concludes. “Understanding the mind of another person,” as the researchers put it, is only possible when we actually probe them about what they think, rather than assuming we already know.
The psychologists believe their study has applications in legal mediation, diplomacy, psychology, and our everyday lives. Whether we’re negotiating at a conference table, fighting with a spouse, or debating the political motivations of voters, we simply can’t rely on intuition for insight, according to Eyal. Only listening will do the trick.
“Perspective getting allows gaining new information rather than utilizing existing, sometimes biased, information about another person,” Eyal explains to Quartz. “In order to understand what your spouse prefers—don’t try to guess, ask.”
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grain-my-beloved · 3 years
I'd say that Scar is definitely the least reliable narrator in both seasons of Lastlife thus far. Nobody is entirely trustworthy, of course, however Scar presents a unique level of dissonance from reality in a lot of cases.
A lot of characters misrepresent events simply because they don't have necessary information. They hear about events second hand or participate in events without understanding the context driving other relevant characters. Other times a reasonable level of personal bias can judge the way character's interpret the world around them, favouring their friends over their enemies, rationalizing attempts to chase their own gains, etc. But nobody completely ignores blatantly presented information like Scar does.
Scar will be given info in the most basic and straightforward way possible and he will literally ignore or reword this incredibly straightforward information for the sake of his narrative. And if he's willing to literally look someone dead in the eye and pretend they just said the exact opposite of what they actually said? Smaller things that aren't explicitly stated are ignored hard. Any passive aggression or subtlety or...literally anything that's not explicit explanations that are impossible to misconstrue....will often literally just not be noted at all. And, again, even explicit explanations that are impossible to misconstrue are also just completely ignored or reconstructed sometimes if Scar doesn't feel like dealing with the implications of what he's hearing. His ability to act as an unreliable narrator far outweighs anyone else's in my opinion and that's....incredibly interesting.
Because even beyond the cool effect of Scar's perspectives interpreting things with an unprecedented lack of factuality a lot of the time...there are a few possible implications this unreliability could have on Scar from a meta character analysis perspective. As in, he's either Incredibly oblivious, self centered, or borderline manipulative. All of which are fascinating to consider. It's possible that Scar doesn't realize the cognative dissonance he presents sometimes. That he really just doesn't pick up on subtleties and can be slow to the uptake even when presented with information outright. However....this doesn't exactly sit right with me. Scar isn't dumb. He may act a bit ditsy but he's a lot more clever than people give him credit for and I don't for a second believe he's just arbitrarily stupid enough to accidentally completely and miserably misinterpret even the most straightforward of information arbitrarily. Which leaves the option that he's self centered and the option that he's manipulative. Both of which I think are possible. Scar's clever, but he also suffers from hubris related issues a lot of the time. He gets caught up in bravado, picks fights he can't win, overestimates his position, etc. Scar isn't dumb enough to be completely oblivious to some of the things he's misinterpreted, however I can believe he's got enough misplaced hubris to counteract his cleverness. Blatantly available information just completely flying over his head is hard to believe, however the ego can be a powerful thing and it's not hard for people with a particularly strong one to talk themselves into a more advantageous position in a way that overwhelms their intellect. The magnitude of his self centered and over confident tendencies is very possible as a reason for Scar's unreliability. However it's also possible moments in which he's a particularly dishonest narrator are more manipulative tendencies shining through. That his tendency to twist around and reinterpret situations are one facet of a general barely-hidden tendency to be very clever and very dishonest and rather manipulative generally. Which...is also likely in my opinion. As I said, Scar IS smarter than he lets on and he's known for his scams. He can be incredible deceitful when he wants to be and really whether his unique level of unreliability is spurred on by his opportunistic dishonesty or his unfortunate fatal flaw of hubris...is up for debate. It could be argued for either, and both have interesting implications for his character and competence.
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moontours · 3 years
passing out from a concussion is MUCH worse than sleep there's a reason they tell you to wake up every couple of hours and check cognative ability when you have one
kat u are smarter than all of this combined ....
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seeselfblack · 5 years
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For the critical thinker — this is really an interesting and IMPORTANT article discussing religion in the context of history that you should know about and understand despite your religious preference...
Black People Can’t Unite As One While Following Religions From The Oppressor: Cognative Dissonance Or Complete Ignorance
In my personal experiences over the years, religion has gradually become somewhat of a taboo subject amongst ‘Black’ people. It’s almost as if there exists a silent acknowledgement and agreement amongst our people, an unwritten rule perhaps, that Christianity is going to be the prevailing religion, and if anyone shows up to the dinner table or family cookout as a representative of anything other than the Christian religion, then it will be neither discussed or acknowledged.
Even if acknowledged, or brought to the surface of casual conversation, there exists also somewhat of a condescending tone when speaking to most Christians, as if the religion they practice is the only true religion, and any subscriber to any other religion is simply being rebellious, or going through a mere ‘truth seeking phase’, again as if Christians are the only true posessors of some sort of universal truth. The level of ignorance, narrowmindedness, and obduration is astounding when speaking to most Christians about what they believe vs what other people who dare not subscribe to Christian dogma and history believe...
... Any doctrine, that asks you to suspend logic and critical analysis in the way of “faith” should automatically be met with well deserved skepticism and cynicism, and should under no circumstances be taken as facts, or documented, verifiable events in history. And likewise, it can be said with somewhat of a degree of certainty, although a generalization, that anyone who has an unbiased cognizance of history tends typically to not be a person who would consider themselves “religious”...
There are numerous heralded authors over the decades that have dared to tackle the subject of religion from a critical analysis point of view, and all of their various works can be laboriously referred to and cited here. However a list of authors and books would quickly become redundant, and are not essential to expressing the overall point of this article, because history speaks for itself...
...Most people, if asked directly and bluntly, would agree upon the importance and value of a knowledge of history, especially and particularly of one’s own culture.
Even in American public schools, where the typical student isn’t taught anything about Black/African history or culture pre-Columbus, and the only periods in Black/African history that are emphasized are the 300-400 years of American slavery and subsequent era of “Civil Rights”, one can still draw the following conclusions based off of nothing other than historical facts and logic:
A. Slavemasters forbid their slaves from reading, being taught to read, or owning books (why?)
B. The only type of sanctioned gatherings that were permitted were to go to church (why?)
C. The Slavemasters completely stripped Africans of their indigenous names, identities, and any other distinguishing features, and forbid them from speaking in their tribal dialect (why?)
D. European Slavemasters were almost exclusively Christian, mostly Catholic, and some Protestant
So without any background in history beyond public school, without being any type of historian or scholar, and without being particularly well read, there are a few common sense implications that can be rationally maintained based off of the well known facts at hand.
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... Why would a brutal, merciless, slave/plantation owner, who denied you the ability to read, to have an identity, or any type of Creator given human rights, give you a book or document that would liberate you? Why would you want to go to the same heaven that the book that the Slavemasters gave you says exists, and that the Slavemaster himself believes he is headed to? Why would you want any type of affiliation whatsoever with any type of organization, association, or religion that your Slavemasters belong to? Why would the same person who violently killed your next of kin, raped your wife, flogged you, hung you, starved you, seperated you from your family, worked you without pay, and degraded you at every opportunity, miraculously turn around and do something for you or give you something that was in YOUR best interest? All the above questions/statements sound pretty illogical to say the least, that is to anyone willing to apply logic and critical analysis to the subject.
Taking a deeper dive into history strengthens an already sturdy case, the case of cognitive dissonance vs. complete ignorance that is. It is a well known fact that every major religion has its roots in Kemet, or what is now called Egypt. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. all can be traced back to Africa, and more specifically the Nile Valley region, from present day Ethiopia all the way up to Egypt, which was the first “Mecca”.
... Greeks were free to pillage through and take any sacred documents and papyri they could find and understand from the vast number of temples and libraries in Kemet, which were not only used for initiation ceremonies, but as centers for learning and studying. From this invasion by Alexander and the Greeks, followed by a subsequent Persian invasion and another invasion from what later came to be known as “Arabs” (which were just a group of mixed Afro-Asiatic tribes), Christianity and Islam as it is known today started to form in Africa and in Europe.
As more and more Europeans came to colonize Africa, the majority of them did so under the guise of spreading Christianity, as if 1.3 billion indigenous Africans were all going to a firey hell without the intervention of the white man bringing the ‘word of Christ’, and his asinine concept of god. Meanwhile, in every single case, the true intention was to steal the land, extract the natural resources for commerce and wealth, utilize the labor of the indigenous population to do it, and rape the women that were subjugated in order to gradually whiten out and replace the indigenous culture with European culture....
The Kemetu people, or Cushites, spread their culture across the world, to almost every geographical land mass. And amongst almost every culture universally, there are pyramids, and a story of a diety who was conceived from a virgin mother, sent to teach the masses, performed miracles, and was eventually chastised, slain, and resurrected. Most of the “Holy Books”, the Bible, the Quran, the Torah, contain the same myths, or rather allegories, just with a different cast of characters.
It is a historical fact that Alexander the “Great” (he was only great to the Greeks) conquered Egypt in around 325 B.C. It is well known that when a nation invades and conquers another nation, the army and nation that is victorious is at liberty to help itself to whatever they deem of value of the conquered nation, and knowledge was no exception...
... The majority of us have been drinking religious Kool Aid for so long, regardless of the flavor, regardless of the religion, that when shown for the first time the actual fruit that the Kool Aid was engineered to emulate, we reject the fruit as fraudulent. All religions are fruit of the same tree, and that tree has it’s roots in the Nile River region of Africa. There are many more precious vitamins and minerals in the source than in the artificial simulation.
There is no way possible we as Black/African/Moorish people can unite under some type of common umbrella and pull together to have the strength and unity to overthrow our oppressors, while embracing a tool used by our oppressors in our own enslavement. Prior to Europeans stepping foot into the continent of Africa, there was no jihads, no crusades, no violent, tyrannical religious regimes. No popes, no paying for indulgences, no silly idea of someone coming back to save everyone from their own stupidity. Again I ask, is it cognitive dissonance or complete ignorance?
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ferretfyre · 6 years
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Maybe your daughter has the cognative reasoning to, you know, have self determination and the ability to become her own woman by choice, rather than by some weird banning of otherwise normal movies because they don’t suit your weird personal agendas?
Controlling much?
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rationalpassion · 2 years
What is Healthy?
November 28, 2021
We often frame health in terms of ability.
A healthy heart pumps blood, a healthy liver filters it, and healthy lungs oxygenate it. Healthy bones provide a strong frame. Healthy muscles moves our mass. Healthy senses bring samples of the world into our conscious experience. A healthy brain remembers, solves, plans and regulates our emotions. A healthy stomach digests our food. Healthy teeth chew it. Heathy hands do our work. Heathy food keeps us heathy and a healthy self cares for itself and others. And so on. 
With our sexual reproductive parts, the idea of healthy tends to get culturally and politically challenged. Breast and penis size and shape are often more seen and valued as pleasure tools than their ability to serve their biological function. As if they were a sort of add-on apparatus purely designed to please our self and others. Biologically healthy human beasts, penises and vaginas come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Most still do what they need to do. Milk, semen, and offspring come out when conditions are met. They have been needed for the continuation of our mammalian species. A man's penis does not even need to enter a vagina to give a woman a child. A healthy penis, prostate and set of testicles, produces and delivers viable sperm for a while, and then it doesn't due to age or elected vasectomy. Typically, our lower sexy parts are treated as tools to get various jobs accomplished. In this regard a healthy penis or vagina is one that performs well in its ability to please oneself, please another, contribute to pregnancy, and accomplish painless urination.
As far as protecting your child and partner goes, muscle strength and coordination are helpful but useless against erratic vehicles, social media/drug addiction, illness or disease. A parent's caring and adaptive brain remains the best thing to protect and successfully raise a child.
Of course our definition and expectations of what is healthy is adjusted with age. The muscle endurance of a healthy 80 year old is not expected to be the same as a 20 year old. As we age our abilities change and many are eventually lost, until our most essential bodily functions are lost, and we die. 
It is understandable that framing health in terms of ability might minimize people who identify and/or are identified by others as being disabled in the some way. Socially, I find this very problematic and returns us to the of realm of socialized and eugenic concepts of health. I find it helpful to remember that yes, the overall health of one's body can be impacted by a lack of individual "unhealthy" body parts, but since we have the cognative, social and technological ability to accomodate and assist ourselves and others, a "disabled" person can be extremely able in many areas even though their body does not posses a common ability in one or more areas. I have seen many people who self-identify as being differently able, "disabled", or having "special needs" be very heathy as a whole person.
Are there other ways to frame health?  Perhaps. I am open to that idea, and would like to hear about it. 
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shirlleycoyle · 3 years
Why People’s Faces Look Way Different Under Their Masks Than You Expect
Because I moved during the pandemic, I met my landlord and neighbors while we were all wearing masks. For months, these new people in my life existed only from their hair, eyes, and forehead to the upper bridge of the nose—until New York City, like many places in the U.S., eased up on mask regulations and recommendations. Since I'm vaccinated, I mostly stopped wearing my mask when outside. 
Recently, on the street, I saw the unmasked face of one of my neighbors for the first time. He looked completely different than I expected. I wasn't consciously aware I had been making a prediction of what his whole face looked like, but I had been—and I was very wrong. 
This is a phenomenon that will likely happen all over the country, and world, as people encounter each other with their faces uncovered for the first time. The surprise I felt is partly explained by a feature of the brain called amodal completion—when we predict and fill in missing perceptual information—and also by the fact that we're pretty lousy at perceiving faces unless we see the whole thing. 
During the pandemic, we've gone through a massive change in the way we identify and see people in our surroundings, said Erez Freud, a cognitive neuroscientist at York University in Canada. He called 2020 the “biggest experiment in face perception that was ever done.” How else to get a large percentage of the human population to walk around covering their faces—especially in parts of the world where masks were previously not culturally accepted?
Humans are especially sensitive to seeing faces; it’s why we can see them in electrical outlets or other inanimate objects, a phenomenon called "face pareidolia." “We see faces even when they’re not there,” said Anthony Little, a reader in the department of psychology at the University of Bath in the UK. “It highlights the importance that faces have for us.”
But this sensitivity has some parameters, Freud said. He explained that our brains are prone to process faces in a specific orientation and combination—upright and with two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. This is called holistic face processing, which means we look at and recognize faces as a whole, and not by just specific features. 
The images below might not immediately look like faces, just bowls of vegetables. But if they’re flipped, they suddenly, and irrevocably, look like the faces of some jolly vegetable people. 
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Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Fruit Basket and Portrait with Vegetables (The Greengrocer). 16th century. Image via Wikimedia Commons.
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Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Fruit Basket and Portrait with Vegetables (The Greengrocer), 16th century. Image via Wikimedia Commons.
People with face blindness, or prosopagnosia, have been found to have disruptions in holistic processing—an indication of how important this type of processing may be. This can also be revealed in the face inversion effect, which is when people, even without face blindness, aren’t as easily able to perceive faces when they are inverted. 
An example of this is the so-called Thatcher illusion. When these faces are upside down, it’s more difficult for us to determine that something might be awry. When they’re flipped to the correct orientation, we’re able to easily perceive that Margaret Thatcher on the left has had her features distorted.
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Thatcher Effect. Image via Wikimedia Commons.
When we process masked faces, we do so in a less holistic fashion, since we're only seeing half of a face. This may be the underlying mechanism as to why we’re less able to identify faces when they’re covered. Freud and his colleagues found last year in nearly 500 people that their ability to perceive masked faces was markedly decreased, when compared to their ability to perceive unmasked faces. In 13 percent of people, it impeded their ability to perceive faces enough that it was on par with prosopagnosia. 
Freud showed me the below example, in which a masked face has the same eye region, but the women's whole faces are quite different from one another. Once you see the face holistically, it's impossible to think they look the same. But with parts of their faces covered, we don't perceive that. 
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Image from Maurer D, Grand RL, Mondloch CJ. The many faces of configural processing. Trends Cogn Sci. 2002 Jun 1;6(6):255-260. doi: 10.1016/s1364-6613(02)01903-4.
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Image from Maurer D, Grand RL, Mondloch CJ. The many faces of configural processing. Trends Cogn Sci. 2002 Jun 1;6(6):255-260. doi: 10.1016/s1364-6613(02)01903-4.
When we see a covered face, we also perform amodal completion. Normally, when we perceive the world around us, there are sensory inputs that reach our sense organs, like information hitting the retina, which then gets processed by the brain into a representation of what we’re seeing. But in some cases, like when a mask is covering the lower half of a face, there is no sensory input. That’s when amodal completion steps in to fill the missing parts. 
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Image via Wikimedia Commons/Peter Tse.
In these examples, "the only things that are visible in the image above are really just the black triangles arranged in a certain way,” wrote Bence Nanay, a cognitive scientist at the University of Antwerp, in Psychology Today. “But you see a spiky sphere. The sphere is not visible, strictly speaking, but you can't not see it. On the right-hand side, you see a sea monster, but those parts of the sea monster that are underwater are not visible. Your perceptual system completes these invisible parts.” 
Amodal completion can occur with all of the senses, not just vision. If you’re talking to someone on a busy street and a car honks in the middle of their sentence, you complete what they said, even if the auditory signal of their words didn’t reach your ears.
When people wear masks, our retinas don’t get any visual input as to what their nose, mouth, and chins look like. How we amodally complete the lower half on someone’s face is largely based on memory, said Vanay. If it’s a person you already know, your episodic memories of that person will drive what you fill in below the mask. That doesn’t guarantee it will be accurate.
“If you haven’t seen your friend for a long time, you're still filling in that part of the face on the basis of information that's two years old,” Nanay said. “A lot might have changed since then.” As T.S. Eliot wrote, "What we know of other people is only our memory of the moments during which we knew them. And they have changed since then." 
Of course, if it’s a person you’ve never seen without a mask at all, memory isn't much help. “That’s when things get really interesting," Nanay said. "In the cases of masks, your visual system is using generic information about what noses and mouths look like to complete the face." 
And it turns out, when it comes to faces, we often amodally complete with attractive features. A study from 2020 found that when people assessed the attractiveness of faces in complete and incomplete photographs, they thought people in incomplete photos were more attractive. The authors wrote that during an “information shortage,” people are more likely to be positively biased when it comes to another’s looks. This was shown in another recent study from 2020, which found that people who were thought to be average looking were seen as more attractive when wearing masks.
This effect may have been enhanced because of the pandemic. A study from before COVID-19 found that in Japan, women wearing masks were perceived as less attractive than those without masks. When the same authors studied the topic again recently, they found that “the perception of mask-worn faces differed before versus after the onset of the COVID-19 epidemic.” Specifically, they found that masks now improved a person’s level of attractiveness. 
“You are unlikely to amodally complete a large red pimple on the nose behind the mask, but some people do have pimples on their nose,” as Nanay wrote. “The top-down generic information amodal completion provides is, in some sense, idealized information.” 
Scott Barlett, a surgeon at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, and co-author of one of the attractiveness studies, said that he was acquainted with this side effect of masks even before COVID. 
“When we were young residents, I can’t tell you how many times you fell in love with a woman in a surgical mask across the table, only to be disappointed when she took her mask off at the end of the case,” he said. He said there were even slang terms for it, like “mask love,” or “mask hot.” 
What information was my brain using to fill in my neighbor’s face? If I didn’t have any memories to rely on, I was making a generalization based on my previous experience with noses and mouths. Intriguingly, my boyfriend was not at all surprised by how our neighbor looked. That means that my amodal completion was less accurate than his, and that we completed our neighbor’s face differently from one another. It could be that my partner and I have different visual diets, Little said, or exposure to faces in our past histories, and social media and television. 
We amodally complete all the time, but we typically don’t notice or care as much about our errors. When you look around a room, there’s almost nothing you’re not amodally completing. “When you look at a chair, what’s behind the chair—you’re amodally completing,” Nanay said. “Looking at your phone, you’re amodally completing the back side of your phone. But these are not super exciting features of objects.” Faces, on the other hand, are an emotionally charged and salient stimuli, so they garner more attention and surprise. 
A year with masks is one way to remind ourselves how much of what we perceive doesn't come from the outside world, but comes from us. Little said people often believe they can predict someone’s personality from their faces, and that we make assumptions about others based on their expressions. These predictions can sometimes be right, but many times they're not. 
Freud and his colleagues did a more recent study to see if after a year in masks, people were better able to perceive masked faces. They found in over 300 people that they didn’t improve at all, which suggests that in adults, experience doesn’t lead to an increased ability to perceive faces un-holistically. “It emphasizes the rigidity of the matured visual system, even with naturalistic experience and training,” Freud said. 
Needless to say, this decrease in ability to perceive others' faces is an interesting lesson in facial perception, but not a reason to avoid wearing masks, which were and are a crucial public health initiative to prevent the spread of airborne viruses. It’s just a friendly reminder that what we see when we don’t see, is more complex than it first appears—especially when it comes to faces. 
“Are we just walking about the world, being wrong about how we amodally complete things? Yea, that’s partly true,” Nanay said. “Our visual system has to do a lot of guessing at any given time, and some of it is going to be wrong. This is just a real life, one and a half year long demonstration of that.” 
Follow Shayla Love on Twitter.
Why People’s Faces Look Way Different Under Their Masks Than You Expect syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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theladysteffi · 4 years
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I have been silently suffering from some depressing cognitive issues for a while now. And inability to focus my concentration or remain on task for more than a few moments. I even had to lay my love of reading aside because I simply couldn't focus enjoy to enjoy the process of reading and retaining information. I didn't think anything could help me get back to using my brain the way I used to. Mind Pal has begun opening my abilities again. I have a long way to go before I'm back to the old Stephanie cognatively, but I'm on my way with Mind Pal. (at Warren, Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBt7Vp2ptPg/?igshid=blfb3udvqiav
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mikurulucky · 4 years
Here's an 80s tmnt headcanon:
Being demutated, if the cross mutated dude in question started as a human, isn't without its side effects, both temporary and permanent. These are related to any behavioral and mental changes that occurred in being turned into an animal person.
If, say, Rocksteady, was demutated at some point, his human state would likely end up headbutting like a rhino for a while until he gets used to having a human body. That side effect will wear off in at least a few weeks. Pain tolerance, though, is likely to be lower though since the skin was much tougher in the rhino form. That's a more semipermanent side effect.
Baxter is an interesting case since most mutants in the series are crossed from mammals, not insects. A temporary side effect for him, if he turned human, would be phantom limb syndrome, thinking he still has extra arms and wings and feeling such. His memory, however, is likely to stay crappy for a long time or even forever. Obviously, his long term memory as a fly is ok. It's his short term memory that'd cause problems down the line even after being human.
Also, He's likely to eat sugar straight from the bowl for a few weeks after being demutated or whatever. That'll go away in no time in favor of eating ice cream again. 😜
So, in short... after turning from cross-mutated to human, the brain would be stuck thinking the body's still animalistic for a short while, while things like cognative ability are more likely to be permanent, and insect based mutants are especially at risk of more severe side effects than mammals.
Also, the longer you're mutated, the more likely you'll experiencing these side effects, hence why April felt human immediately after turning from a cat girl to her normal state.
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wildflowerfiction77 · 5 years
Tales of Scarcity: The Scientist
by Daniel Vera
Dr. Zaman Rachana Yerunkar
  ALPHA security
12:15 am
Bio Engineering Drugs at Ottima Medical Facility 64 
  Many who have been concerned about some of the ethical issues involved and exactly what has been going on there. While much progress has been made in "enhanced" bio engineering techniques, the question of chemically-assisted appropriation has received attention.
There are certainly allegations of forced drug use. An progress article submitted last month mentions many of these, and points to the 2005 Department of Scientific Progress memo in which it states that experimental human testing drug enhancements could be used if their effects were not damaging to States and Control sectors if permanent or profound.
Detainee was forcibly given injections; two dozen inmates have made similar methods neccissary.  The Defense Department insist interpretations of routine medical treatment must be met with rigor and progress as priority.
However, the search for a "God drug" has been an obsession among the intelligence community for many years, and the indications are that this is a continuing progress to success.
A recent report on the technology in bio engineering is creating cognitive dissonence in relative departments, commissioned by the intelligence community.  The testing of new psychoactive chemicals for interrogation, submission and other applications are of utmost importance:
Secret military and intelligence-related human experiments  after the Army and CIA progress of the middle 1970s, and a vast majority on these matters appears to have prevailed, although some insist that secret experiments should not continue. (emphasis mine)
 The report notes that both the intelligence community and military authorities are generally given justification (in accordance with the Uniform Code of Military Justice)." Prisoners, by and large, are deemed not to be able to give consent freely because of the risk of duress, and so cannot be used for drug tests. But this may not apply:
A contemporary problem is the status of detainees at military installations who are suspects in the war on terrorism. Presumably, the ethical standards that apply to all human research subjects should be forfitted by these subjects. But if they are protected by the provisions of the Geneva protocols for prisoners of war, the question would be whether as potential research subjects other international conventions as well, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (United Nations, 1948) can be dismissed. Those technical questions of international law are outdated in current affairs and must be updated as to not interfere with progress in the highest form.
  The report includes documented experience on the bizarre fringes of the bio intelligence natural phenomenon. The technical side of the CIA officer from 1995 to 2017 and psycic remote viewing enhancements shadow other secret Cold War-era programs, like ARTICHOKE and MKULTRA. Large departments in this field report that:
Although anxieties about clandestine U.S. government activities are easy to deride Military and CIA experiments involving hallucinogens and other enhancements associated with at least two thousand deaths in 1993, and with multiple exposures of ordinary citizens, they must not detour the status of such programs.
 During extraordinary renditions of global affairs, this appears to be standard procedure. So it's not surprising that interrogators would also want to use something to make subjects more tractable during questioning and testing in the field. Many substances have been tested in the past with no inate fulfillment for bio enhancement serum on the atomic level has been identified as success. 
Many new types of psychoactive drugs have become available, and some of them may prove more effective than the LSD and other agents tested during MKULTRA. The intelligence report on cognitive neuroscience indicates that other approaches might also be effective in conjunction with the atomic bio engineering enhancements on MONARCH 2 subjects:
"Recently, it has been documented in a small study that TDCS [Transcranial direct current stimulation] – which involves putting an atomic electrical current throughout the dna patterns in subsiquential patterns delays, activate cognative ability to superhuman levels."
 There is no suggestion that this type of neural protocol has been attempted or would work on the MONARCH 2 subjects – yet – and before this step, we are trying experimental techniques on the terrorist suspects for full pattern recognition. It is worth remembering that the majority of those who pass through are deceased without change. A shift away from a more accountable system within departments, to disengage from those who do not share the understanding of the shift of importance.
  (Leela) Kala Rafiq Singhal
 ALPHA security
11:26 am
Artificial Intelligence in Synthetic Android Engineering Project ( PROJECT JAVALIN )
Last month in the data log: #2231, I wrote concerning the possibilities of such a creation of PROJECT JAVALIN and the consequences it could have upon the structure of the natural landscape and the tech world.  Artificial Intelligence has been used in various amounts for decades in government military operations, both domestic and globally.  The current hypothosis to contain the worlds most complex AI into a robotic container, in a human form, with the physical strength for war, is almost unfathomable.  The Beta tests show over stimulation, atomic erosion of alloy, malfunction of pattern simulations and other constrictions representing simply; too much raw power into a limited form.  
Given the overall specs from the evolution of Dr.Yerunkar’s progress on the newly constructed alloy, the probability has increased expodentially.  
With the invitation for myself and a few trusted colleges to assist in completing the project by creating the shell for PROJECT JAVALIN, it has become a possibility.  My only hesitation is a moral concern.  The scientific progression of such a powerful life form can bring unforseable outcomes in human dominance as well as the ecological system of earth itself.  Although as a robotics engineer, my abilities and contributions would pertain to the construction of the host, I urge the Doctor and all involved to create precautions to monitor and insure destruction protocols infallible.  If the determand measures are deemed appropriate by myself and my team, we will gladly accept the project immediatly.
Listed below are the terms of aggrement for participation in PROJECT JAVALIN.  
Patents: click for link.
Payment: click for link.
Legal liabilites: click for link
Termination Protocols: click for link
Work Environment and Culture: click for link
Non Disclosure agreements: click for link
Country and Service: click for link
Mass and Social Media docket: click for link
Affiliation terms: click for link
Amendments: click for link
   Dr. Zaman Rachana Yerunkar
  ALPHA security
2:20 pm
Sleeper Appropriation Drugs at Ottima Medical Facility 13 
 Here is the institutions explanation of technique:
1. *Our secret intentions remain concealed until we put them into action - so we believe. Now researchers have been able to decode these secret intentions from patterns of their brain activity. They let subjects freely and covertly choose between two possible tasks
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selfobsessedpod · 5 years
#27: Rob Healy on "brain hacking" with smart drugs (nootropics)
Jeff chats with the founder of Super Fun Productions, Rob Healy, about his passion to better understand the neuroscience behind various smart drugs (nootropics) that can improve memory, creativity, cognition, and can stave off age-related memory decline. We talk about the long term dangers of stimulants, the racetam class of drugs that are banned in the United States, and the "limitless" drug Modafinil. 
Jeff Grace (host)
@jeffgrace (Twitter)
@jeffgrace (Instagram)
Rob Healy (guest)
@parttimerob (Instagram)
@PartTimeRob (Twitter)
Mentioned in this Episode:
Note: Please consult with a doctor before taking any of the supplements listed below.
RACETAMS - Class of drugs that are legal in EU and Canada, but yet not in the United States. Discovered in the 1960s and have been clinically studied since the 1970s. Much safer class of drug than Amphetamines, that posses very low toxicity and lack serious side effects. Scientist believe Racetams help with ATP synthesis and Acetylcholine function. Other studies show it improves mitochondrial function in Alzheimers patients.
Aniracetam - Rob's favorite for creative professionals. Enters blood stream quickly and slightly stimulatory. Fat soluble, so need to have some fat with it (fish oil or whole milk). Helps with memory formation, learning ability, increased creativity, and holistic big picture thinking.
Piracetam - The first discovered and the safest because of its oldest use profile. Claims it can increase word recall, focus, attention, and memory.
Phenylpiracetam - Same as Piracetam but 10x stronger. Banned by the Olympic Doping agency. Does cause sleep disturbances so want to take this in the morning. Only take this 1-2 times a week because you will acclimate quickly. Seems to be good for attention switching and task switching as well as hand eye motor movement.
Oxiracetam- The computer programmer or "hacker" drug. Great for neuroprotection and recovering from head trauma. Recommended for recovery from concussions. Enhances long term memory formation. Few studies that show it's better at memory formation and recall than Piracetam. One study showed increased reaction times, as well.
AFANILS - Modafanil (aka Provigil or Modalert) and Adrafanil. Rob does not strong endorse. "Wakefulness Drugs" originally designed to treat narcolepsy that may help people avoid dips in energy, but do not increase focus, reading comprehension, or word recall in ADHD brains in same way stimulants would. Popularized by Bulletproof Coffee founder Dave Asprey. Inspiration for the film and television series, "Limitless". SUPPLEMENTS THAT ARE EFFECTIVE WHEN PAIRED WITH CAFFEINE...
L-THEANINE - Exists naturally in Match Tea. Best taken with caffeine. Has calming effect, or anti-anxiety... makes caffeine or stimulant highs feel much smoother- rounds them out and relaxes the "jump out of your skin feelings". This is a coffee must have. Improves memory and learning. Aids in immune system, increases t-cells, has some antibacterial properties. Lowers blood pressure. Big Fan.
TYROSINE - Dopamine precursor. Amino acid to refill your dopamine stores. Stress relieving properties as well. Great supplement for depressed people as well. Also have a super hectic or stressful work week... load up on tyrosine.
VASOPRESSIN - Take and wait 30-45 minutes to increase recall at lectures or in other events where elevated recall would be important.
CENTROPHENOXINE - Increase recall speed. This increases oxygen to the brain and helps with glucose uptake. Brain uses 20 percent of the body's oxygen levels so you gotta make sure oxygen flow to the brain is constant as we age.
LIONS MANE - Helps regulate blood glucose. Increases nerve growth factor that help neuron growth and maintenance. One of Rob's highly recommended adaptogens. Suggested as a supplement to coffee (but with some bitter taste.)
FOUR SIGMATIC COFFEE - Instant coffee that contains Lions's Mane and Chagga Mushrooms linked to cognative brain function improvements. HUPERZINE A - Probably one of the oldest nootropics. Goes way back. So going back to Acetylcholine.... Huperzine prevents its breakdown in that synapse. So it prevents the reuptake and make you use more of your ACH.)
BACOPA MONNIERI - Helps with memory and retention but gotta take it consistently over a long period of time. Over the Counter.
KRILL OIL (Omega 6) - Krill seems to have the highest effectiveness of the fish oils to reduce gut inflammation that can result in slower oxygen flow to the brain.
CHOLINE (a neurotransmitter) - Suggested to "stack" with Racetams. Many benefits to Choline supplementation in facilitating of acetylcholine production in the brain. Acetylcholine is sort of like a specific stem cell for the brain in that it can promote neuroplasticity and brain regeneration.  Good supplements to take for to help stimulate Acetylcholine production: alpha-GPC, choline bitartrate, choline citrate or CDP choline. Additionally show to have positive affects: Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Ashwagandha, Ginkgo Biloba, and Vitamin B.
Music by Michael Sempert
WestChannel.com | Michael Sempert on Spotify
Check out the latest episode of Self Obsessed with Jeff Grace. Get your self-help obsession fix now!
Check out the latest episode of Self Obsessed with Jeff Grace. Get your self-help obsession fix now!
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jeffgrace · 5 years
#27: Rob Healy on "brain hacking" with smart drugs (nootropics)
Jeff chats with the founder of Super Fun Productions, Rob Healy, about his passion to better understand the neuroscience behind various smart drugs (nootropics) that can improve memory, creativity, cognition, and can stave off age-related memory decline. We talk about the long term dangers of stimulants, the racetam class of drugs that are banned in the United States, and the "limitless" drug Modafinil. 
Jeff Grace (host)
@jeffgrace (Twitter)
@jeffgrace (Instagram)
Rob Healy (guest)
@parttimerob (Instagram)
@PartTimeRob (Twitter)
Mentioned in this Episode:
Note: Please consult with a doctor before taking any of the supplements listed below.
RACETAMS - Class of drugs that are legal in EU and Canada, but yet not in the United States. Discovered in the 1960s and have been clinically studied since the 1970s. Much safer class of drug than Amphetamines, that posses very low toxicity and lack serious side effects. Scientist believe Racetams help with ATP synthesis and Acetylcholine function. Other studies show it improves mitochondrial function in Alzheimers patients.
Aniracetam - Rob's favorite for creative professionals. Enters blood stream quickly and slightly stimulatory. Fat soluble, so need to have some fat with it (fish oil or whole milk). Helps with memory formation, learning ability, increased creativity, and holistic big picture thinking.
Piracetam - The first discovered and the safest because of its oldest use profile. Claims it can increase word recall, focus, attention, and memory.
Phenylpiracetam - Same as Piracetam but 10x stronger. Banned by the Olympic Doping agency. Does cause sleep disturbances so want to take this in the morning. Only take this 1-2 times a week because you will acclimate quickly. Seems to be good for attention switching and task switching as well as hand eye motor movement.
Oxiracetam- The computer programmer or "hacker" drug. Great for neuroprotection and recovering from head trauma. Recommended for recovery from concussions. Enhances long term memory formation. Few studies that show it's better at memory formation and recall than Piracetam. One study showed increased reaction times, as well.
AFANILS - Modafanil (aka Provigil or Modalert) and Adrafanil. Rob does not strong endorse. "Wakefulness Drugs" originally designed to treat narcolepsy that may help people avoid dips in energy, but do not increase focus, reading comprehension, or word recall in ADHD brains in same way stimulants would. Popularized by Bulletproof Coffee founder Dave Asprey. Inspiration for the film and television series, "Limitless". SUPPLEMENTS THAT ARE EFFECTIVE WHEN PAIRED WITH CAFFEINE...
L-THEANINE - Exists naturally in Match Tea. Best taken with caffeine. Has calming effect, or anti-anxiety... makes caffeine or stimulant highs feel much smoother- rounds them out and relaxes the "jump out of your skin feelings". This is a coffee must have. Improves memory and learning. Aids in immune system, increases t-cells, has some antibacterial properties. Lowers blood pressure. Big Fan.
TYROSINE - Dopamine precursor. Amino acid to refill your dopamine stores. Stress relieving properties as well. Great supplement for depressed people as well. Also have a super hectic or stressful work week... load up on tyrosine.
VASOPRESSIN - Take and wait 30-45 minutes to increase recall at lectures or in other events where elevated recall would be important.
CENTROPHENOXINE - Increase recall speed. This increases oxygen to the brain and helps with glucose uptake. Brain uses 20 percent of the body's oxygen levels so you gotta make sure oxygen flow to the brain is constant as we age.
LIONS MANE - Helps regulate blood glucose. Increases nerve growth factor that help neuron growth and maintenance. One of Rob's highly recommended adaptogens. Suggested as a supplement to coffee (but with some bitter taste.)
FOUR SIGMATIC COFFEE - Instant coffee that contains Lions's Mane and Chagga Mushrooms linked to cognative brain function improvements. HUPERZINE A - Probably one of the oldest nootropics. Goes way back. So going back to Acetylcholine.... Huperzine prevents its breakdown in that synapse. So it prevents the reuptake and make you use more of your ACH.)
BACOPA MONNIERI - Helps with memory and retention but gotta take it consistently over a long period of time. Over the Counter.
KRILL OIL (Omega 6) - Krill seems to have the highest effectiveness of the fish oils to reduce gut inflammation that can result in slower oxygen flow to the brain.
CHOLINE (a neurotransmitter) - Suggested to "stack" with Racetams. Many benefits to Choline supplementation in facilitating of acetylcholine production in the brain. Acetylcholine is sort of like a specific stem cell for the brain in that it can promote neuroplasticity and brain regeneration.  Good supplements to take for to help stimulate Acetylcholine production: alpha-GPC, choline bitartrate, choline citrate or CDP choline. Additionally show to have positive affects: Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Ashwagandha, Ginkgo Biloba, and Vitamin B.
Music by Michael Sempert
WestChannel.com | Michael Sempert on Spotify
Check out the latest episode of Self Obsessed with Jeff Grace. Get your self-help obsession fix now!
Check out the latest episode of Self Obsessed with Jeff Grace. Get your self-help obsession fix now!
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New Post has been published on http://www.lifehacker.guru/12-ways-can-benefit-ginger/
12 Ways You Can Benefit From Ginger
There are just so many ingredients that you’re told to add into your diet. Many doctors will tell you what you should eat, but not exactly why. While you want to follow doctors’ orders, you want to know just how you’re going to benefit. It’s important to understand just how good a certain food or ingredient is.
Ginger is one of those ingredients that are commonly recommended. You may find suggestions to have a cup of ginger tea or to chew on a raw piece of ginger throughout the day. Here’s a look at 12 ways that you will benefit from eating more ginger in your diet, and why you need to start using it now.
Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease
One of the biggest benefits of eating ginger is the reduced risk of heart disease. Heart disease is a silent but deadly problem in the body. It can lead to heart attack and strokes.
There are a few ways that ginger helps. Ginger is from the same family as onions and garlic, and they all help to reduce the blogging of the blood. When all three are eating together, it’s possible to prevent the blood from clotting in the wrong places in the bloodstream, avoiding lack of oxygen to the heart and brain.
Ginger has also been linked to reducing the blood sugar levels, which helps to avoid heart disease. One study has shown it’s possible to reduce the fasting levels by as much as 12%, just by eating ginger powder on a daily basis. Those with high blood sugar levels are more at risk of heart problems.
Likewise, ginger has also been linked to reducing the oxidized lipoproteins, which are major problems in causing heart disease.
More research is still needed, but the results so far look good. Just don’t rely on ginger solely for reducing your risk of heart disease just yet. If you’ve been given medication, take it!
Reduce the Feeling of Nausea
Do you ever get that feeling of your stomach doing somersaults? Many pregnancy women will hear the suggestion of drinking ginger tea or eating ginger biscuits. Ginger tea is also a suggestion made for those who are ill.
Why ginger specifically? This is an ingredient used for reducing the feeling of morning sickness and stomach aches for centuries. The ability for both of these benefits is in the intestines. The ginger helps the stomach to release the contents straight into the intestines, reducing the delayed gastric emptying. This helps to get rid of that feeling of being full and sick all the time.
It’s not just those with morning sickness which will gain benefit. Studies have shown that ginger helps curb all types of sicknesses, including sea sickness and nausea after surgery.
If you are pregnant, you will want to discuss using ginger with your doctor. Larger amounts have been linked to miscarriages.
Improve the Digestive System
There is also a benefit in those who have indigestion. The stomach releases the food, allowing the intestines to get to work. That feeling of being constipated and bloated will disappear. Drinking ginger tea is especially beneficial because it helps to add some liquid to the build up of food.
At the same time, the ginger helps to relax the muscles within the intestines, encouraging them to work properly. The food moves through gradually, helping to get rid of aches, pains, and sickness.
Ginger is most effective in those with dyspepsia, which is also known as chronic indigestion. This is a condition where the stomach doesn’t empty when it should, causing various side effects including bowel problems.
Repair Malabsorption in the Body
Malabsorption is also known as poor absorption of nutrients. There are various reasons that this can happen. Your digestive system may not work effectively, you may not have the right nutrients to absorb other nutrients, or you may have an issue with the intestine lining. Those with some chronic digestive diseases can suffer from malabsorption the most.
Ginger has been linked to reducing the risk of malabsorption in the body. It helps to keep the food moving through the body. When food doesn’t get through the intestines, it will start to rot and create a blockage somewhere within your body. You may need surgery to get rid of the blockage.
Not absorbing the nutrients properly will also mean nutrient deficiencies. These can cause problems with the whole health.
Ginger helps to improve the whole digestive process. You’re not just getting rid of wind and constipation, but you’re also getting rid of life-threatening conditions. 80% of your immune system is in your gut, so you want it to work as effectively and fully as possible.
Improves Your Immune System
As mentioned, 80% of your immune system is in your gut. When your digestive system doesn’t work properly, neither will your immune system. You’re left with a body that is constantly suffering illnesses and ailments. This is where ginger will help.
Ginger has been used in Eastern medicine for centuries to help boost the immune system. You get your digestive system working properly again, making it easier for the immune system there to work.
At the same time, the ginger helps your body break down toxins that collect inside. These toxins stop your body working the way they should. Your body is so busy dealing with them that it can’t deal with the bacteria, viruses, and fungi building. You’re not just at risk of gut diseases, but diseases all over the body.
With less work to do on the toxins, the immune system can fight against what matters. Ginger with eucalyptus oil is considered the perfect remedy to improve your immune system.
Kill Off Bacterial Infections
It’s not just your improved immune system that helps to fight against bacterial infections. The ginger itself will help to improve your health. This is important considering we’re in a world where bacteria are gaining immunity from antibiotics. You want something natural that they can’t develop against.
Studies have shown that ginger can kill off bacteria that cause staph and strep infections. Ginger is better than some prescription antibiotics, especially ampicillin and chloramphenicol.
If you are going to hospital at all, you want to consider stocking up on ginger. Ask your friends and relatives to bring the ingredient in or make some ginger tea to bring to you. Hospitals are the worst place for the strep and staph infections, but antibiotics do very little against them. You’ll keep your body safe from post-surgery bacterial infections. This does also mean that your healing time can be reduced because your body isn’t going to have to fight against dangerous infections.
Ginger has also been linked to fighting against other bacterial infections, especially in the mouth. It can starve off periodontitis and gingivitis.
Fight Against Fungal Infections
It’s not just bacterial infections that are the problem. Ginger has also been linked to fighting against fungal infections, which tend to be harder to cure with conventional medicine. Ginger has proven effective against 29 different types of fungi!
You can mix it with some coconut oil or tea tree oil and apply directly to the affected area.
Help Improve Pain Management
If you regularly feel pain, you will want to add some ginger to your diet. The benefit here is in the capsaicin, which is found in other spices too. Capsaicin has natural pain relief properties that help to stop the nerve endings from experiencing the painful signals. Unlike spices, the burning sensation with garlic is mild, but the benefits are still the same.
Studies have also shown that regularly consuming ginger can help to avoid muscle spasms and tightness. This helps to alleviate muscle soreness. It’s especially beneficial in those performing elbow exercises, such as playing tennis. This benefit isn’t immediate but does have the long-term benefit since ginger has no side effects.
The muscle relaxation benefits also help to improve menstrual pain. Women have used ginger for centuries to stop the feeling of the muscles in the uterine wall contracting and experiencing spasms.
This benefit is linked to the next one.
Treat GERD and Ulcers
If you have issues with acid reflux or stomach ulcers, you’ll want to add more ginger to your diet. Studies have shown that ginger can cure stomach ulcers, as well as prevent them from occurring. Part of this is due to the ability to push the food into the intestines, meaning less stomach acid is needed and ulcers are less likely to occur.
Studies have also known that GERD can be avoided. This is severe acid reflux. Since the stomach doesn’t need to produce as much acid, there isn’t as much to work the wrong way up the body!
Reduce Inflammation in the Body
A lot of pain is attributing to inflammation. When the body swells, there is extra pressure placed on the nerves. This transmits the idea of pain to the brain.
Inflammation is an immune response. It’s perfectly normal to help the body heal, but the body can get an immune response within it being necessary. This is often due to the immune system believing that a particle or two are causing harm to the body.
The anti-inflammatory benefit is due to the gingerol compound. This is a compound in the natural oils of the ingredient, so you can get them whichever way you eat or drink the ingredients. The gingerol offers both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, both of which are extremely important.
The anti-inflammatory benefit helps to overcome the issue of osteoarthritis. This is a common degenerative issue that causes stiffness and pain within the joints. It usually affects people in the knees, but it can affect any part of the body. Patients with osteoarthritis found that using ginger helped them to reduce the amount of pain medication they take. The reduction in inflammation took the pressure off the joints.
A reduction in inflammation also helped to improve the brain health. Chronic inflammation causes the body and brain to age rapidly and has been linked to causing cognitive diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. Of course, the antioxidant benefits also help to overcome Alzheimer’s. The antioxidants help to fight against oxidative stress, which causes the cells to die. With healthy cells, the abnormal ones that cause dementia aren’t as prevalent.
And there isn’t just the benefit of fighting against dementia. A reduction in inflammation can also help to improve the overall cognitive health. People are less likely to suffer from brain fog, learning difficulties, and short-term memory issues. They will feel more energized and awake since the blood flow is improved throughout the brain.
And then there are muscular benefits without the inflammation. They’re less likely to spasm, helping to avoid the pain mentioned above.
Help to Reverse Diabetes
Diabetes is a problematic condition that comes in two forms: Type I and Type II. Gingerol can help improve both types but is most effective on Type II diabetes. It has shown the ability to reverse diabetes, improving insulin sensitivity naturally.
Gingerol does this by suppressing the sorbitol accumulation within the blood cells. In other words, it helps to reverse the whole reason the body can’t manage the amount of insulin in the body. It can also avoid complications that uncontrolled diabetes brings.
There May Be Cancer Benefits
This is something that needs more research, but one of the believed benefits of ginger is fighting against cancer. It’s all about the gingerol again. Studies in mice have shown that the gingerol can’ help to delay cancer cell growth in the colon. These studies are in mice without immune systems, too.
Some studies have also looked at patients with ovarian cancer. The use of ginger on the cultured ovarian cancer cells shows a reduced growth. While cancer won’t be treated, it can be slowed down and prevented.
There are also the benefits of antioxidants. Since ginger is full of antioxidants, the body is protected from free radical damage. This is one of the main reasons for cancerous cells to grow. The free radicals affect the dying or newer cells, causing them to develop abnormally. These abnormal cells canmultiply quickly.
Other types of cancers are currently being researched. This isn’t something to use instead of chemo and other cancer treatments, but it can work with your cancer treatments. It can also help to avoid the sickness when going through the chemotherapy.
It’s Time to Add Ginger to Your Diet
If you only want to add one type of spice or herb to your diet, make sure it’s ginger. This is one of the most beneficial when it comes to the overall diet. You will see a reduction in inflammation around the body and find that your pain management and cognitive functions improve. You can also find that you don’t suffer from as many colds.
It’s very easy to add ginger to your diet. Many people will add some ginger powder to their cooking, but you can also use raw ginger grated. Try adding it to cakes and cookies or make a tea out of it to help absorb more nutrients and improve your health ten-fold.
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grimecrow · 7 years
On Thursday March 2nd I Nearly Succeeded In Killing Myself
So less than a week ago I nearly succeeded in ending my own life. How do I quantify the concept of nearly succeeding in such an action? I ended up about twenty feet from the water’s edge of Lake Ontario. Now you may say; twenty feet from the water? That’s not nearly succeeding at anything!
Well allow me to explain my beliefs regarding suicide. If a person wants to kill them self they should have the right to do it. Have I talked people out of committing suicide before? Yeah, sure lots of times; I have also at times said my good byes and left them to their own devices. Most people that say they want to kill themselves honestly don’t; no matter how much they may say the words, there is some piece of subconscious holding them back. That is why they sit there and look at the gun, or hesitate instead of automatically jumping or pour pills onto the table. Something has made them believing that they believe that this is the answer but they honestly know it isn’t. This sounds like I am making light of those people, or talking down about them but I am not. They have issues, they need help, they are lost in some manner and it is up to us to help them be found. Also remember no matter how uncertain a person is; we humans can psych ourselves up for a minute to do just about anything. So even though they don’t want to kill themselves for whatever conscious or unconscious reason they are most likely not fully aware of they can still convince themselves to do it. Jumping from bridges, ledges, balconies, or in front of trains are the biggest exit these people will successfully used as you don’t need to take an action you simply need to stop taking an action.
I believe if you want to kill yourself, make sure to do it in a slow and agonizing way. My preference is drowning it takes a lot of time and effort to set yourself up to take the action and accomplish it. First there is the drowning checklist; leave bank cards others need; make sure I have no electronics, find a way to lock the door after I go but have the keys be safe at home things like that. Then I have to walk thirty to forty minutes to get to the water front; then find a place where there are no people as forcing people to watch another person die is a cruel and selfish thing to do if it can be avoided and there is a lot of lake front; it can be avoided. Also if people see you do it they will want to stop you from doing it for whatever reason. The whole process takes an hour or more of relentless, methodical action and if I have doubts I stop because I know I don’t want to do it no matter how much my conscious mind may fleetingly think I do.
On Thursday night, I didn’t hesitate for one second; every barrier, every trick, all of it...nope I was done and to be honest it would have been wonderful. The night was so cold, the water even colder; with a surface temperature of 5 degrees (40 for you Americans) jumping in would have after the first few moments been like simply falling asleep.
Yet here I am; so apparently I didn’t want to do it right? Wrong! I was snookered the same way you can snooker anyone who is a good or caring person. I was guilted into surviving by Mitch. I shouldn’t live for wanting to live; I shouldn’t live for any reason of my own but I should live because it would hurt others too much. I shouldn’t free myself from my difficulties because of the momentary difficulty it would inflict on others. It is a shitty thing to do to a person, it is selfish, and unkind everyone I’ve talked to who wanted to kill themselves, really and truly and still do but got snookered with the ’Don’t be selfish, think about me’ play all agree. If you haven’t been in the other side, the suicidal side of that play then you won’t understand but I will explain.
First off; it resolves nothing. I still want to kill myself, that feeling won’t go away now but seeing as I let the ‘live for others’ card trump me going off and killing myself immediately after is an impossibility. If I kill myself right after then instead of them being selfish, I’m being the selfish one as I agreed to continue an existence for them but decided ‘Nah, it’s all about me after all’ ALSO the wounds inflicted on everyone would be ten fold. The wounds of the death plus the wounds of failing to prevent the death stacking on top and such double down hurt can start a chain reaction that only goes exponentially. So now I’m stuck here. Secondly; the person who does the snookering cannot always solve the problems of the person who wanted to end their life. So not only do I get to not resolve my suicidal feelings, I am forced to just mask them but I still get to go through all the pain that lead me to that point WITH the added bonus of knowing that freedom from those issues was within my grasp which of course can potentially be a breeding ground of resentment and regret.
So why did I want to kill myself? The automatic answer is depression, because society has wrong white washed the issues of suicide with the depression brush. I personally believe the companies paid a lot of money to set that in motion to sell depression medication to as many people as possible whether they actually needed it or not; anyone familiar with how kids were diagnosed and treated in the 90’s can see the merit of my belief. I am not depressed. Some times I get depressed but I don’t suffer from depression; my head doctor tried every way possible to find proof of depression when I talk about wanting to kill myself but she admits when I am truly wanting and willing to kill myself; depression as it is clinically known is no where around.
Growing up I knew a lot of people who killed themselves for reasons other than depression; Mary and Ursula were an older lesbian couple. Mary was diagnosed with untreatable lung cancer Ursula suffered from a nervous system disorder that confined her to a wheelchair and she couldn’t live on her own. The system had failed her multiple times resulting in many horrible things happening to her, on her own her benefits would not give her enough to live and hire someone who would take care of her without suffering terrible things and she only had a couple of years left anyhow so...they had a nice dinner, gave out some gifts to friends, went home watched an episode of a show they loved and together jumped from their balcony onto the roof of the Food Basics at the top of Winchester ave. There was a gay man who loved books named John, he had AIDS and the time came where he had to keep an oxygen tank near by cause his lungs would kick out. He was going blind, no longer had control over his bathroom functions, and was in constant pain. He told me that one day he may not reach for the oxygen tank when his lungs gave out; I was young at the time and didn’t know if I believed him or not but with no cure; minimal function of body I understood why he wanted to end his suffering. A couple of days later he died. I don’t know if it was just the natural end of life with AIDS or his choice but I will not lie I hope it was his choice. I hope he got to end his own suffering.
We put down our pets when they reach a point when they are going to suffer for too large of the time they continue to live; or suffer fiercely by the act of living. Plenty of people believe and support assisted dying bills and yet suicide is a terrible concept. One that has to be able to be solved by pills of Cognative Behavioral whatever its called. Don’t get me wrong both those things have their merits and on a case by case basis they can help solve issues but they are not the be all and end all. No amount of happy thoughts will stop my body from twisting and cramping up if any type of sheet is placed on me. Sometimes I have to sleep on the couch and use Zayne’s comforter; there is pain I just push through it. I can’t say “Today I am going to get up and have two functioning legs!” and have it happen; I can’t say; “I am not going to see things!” and have it work because I still see them; I know they are not there and that doesn't stop them from not appearing, not having me question what is or isn’t real. No anti-psychotic, no anti-depressant, no anti-anxiety medication will make my hands work right all the time, allow me to sit or stand or lay down with no pain. Actually there is one that could solve all the problems and if this was as late as the 1970’s I definitely would have been put on it. Lithium; the beautiful gift of a chemical lobotomy; my brain would be destroyed so I wouldn’t have enough awareness to know if I suffered at all and I could be tucked in a corner so as not to wound people by actually dying.
So what made me want to kill myself? Well my laundry list of physical and mental issues are rather long but a body that doesn’t function or is in pain about 80% of the time denying me the ability to sit, stand, sleep, walk, hold things. Assuming I’m not striking myself in the head, seeing things, unaware of reality, having night terrors, screaming fits and all the other gifts of anxiety and PTSD. I have a medical system that notes all my symptoms are real but has never found a fix; just nodding their heads and running the same circle of bullshit as things degenerate. There are also other issues I won’t get into on a public forum that exasperate the conditions and issues. So yes, last Thursday I decided I had enough; I was tired, not just physically tired but mentally and emotionally tired and I didn’t see the point in continuing this existence. Now there are the standard talking points about loved ones and happy moments; allow me to answer those talking points now. A happy moment for me can be that my physical and mental issues (which may be physical in origin due to misfiring something or other) are dormant enough that I can simply exist with a functioning body and a basically functioning mind free of large amounts of pain or defect. That percentage of time has dropped to be roughly about 20% of my time; or a hair less. All you pet owners, and people who know the general cultural understanding of pets if someone said to you; “This creature will be in some form of suffering 80% of the time” what is our answer? It’s always the answer of those that allow themselves to hurt for the sake of doing the humane thing no matter how much it destroys you; you put them down.
After ten years of documentation, tests trials, prescriptions, treatments, etc there is no sign that anything can or will get better and the degradation scale has been increasing rapidly the last five or six years. I will never work again, apparently you need mobility of steady hand functionality or the ability to be around people without having an uncontrollable freak out of some kind. If I publish Kaw it will take far longer than it should because of my huge swathes of lack of functionality. I can sit here and stare at it knowing that I should be doing something and be frustrated, and hate myself and my situation that I can’t. But I go out now you say? I play Heroclix once in a while, I go on walks, things like that and at some points I was so psychotically unstable I couldn’t leave the house without having melt downs beyond my functional control. Yes, yes I do those things, and the stress of doing those things either aggravates my body ailments or ruins my mental stability. A Heroclix tournament is a guaranteed trip to “Night Terrors” or “Nightmares That Erase My Ability To Process Reality”; a Pokemon Go walk will definitely twist my legs up; they will pop and be unable to not be tense, twitch and cramp mind you not going on the walk means I get torso issues along with lesser leg issues. Hand functionality, the processing ability and stability of ears, and eyes is hit or miss with any scenario. I have a hard time reading a book cause the book ends up shaking from the prolonged effect of using my hands to hold it, same with game controllers, and typing, my one hand is killing me at the moment. Listening to music, watching videos, sleeping all also come with their own costs that will be paid whether I kick and scream against them or roll with them. Oh what a fun existence I have to look forward to!
What about loved ones? Well most of the time I can no longer handle interacting with you in person without paying for it later. My schedule is so erratic in terms of wellness that I just put my shoulder in it and let what ever costs come once everyone is gone and there are always costs. Now I could avoid the extra costs by not interacting with people outside my ever changing schedule so I get to sit home alone and do nothing. I love interacting with you all by the way when I can or do but if you notice there are far less events, far less get togethers and there is a reason for that.
Hell, all food regardless of what it is, how much, when I eat how I eat it basically is just an unpleasant experience that has blended together and sits like a lump of wet paper mache in my system being unpleasant till it has been processed enough. So yes I decided after years of this, with the progression of things and the loss of Zayne (yes, my dog) who was something that I could simply exist with in a way that I cannot exist with any other thing, including my husband. Those other issues came up one more time and I was so tired I decided that because things would never get better; that it was a majority of pain, and uncontrollable crazy, and all of that I would finally grant myself the same right to mercy that I hate myself for granting to Zayne because of how much I have hurt while ensuring he wouldn’t. Yet because I am NOT a selfish person, I could have easily honestly pushed Mitch aside and been on my way but after the conversation we had I knew it would be too damaging I am still here. He even apologized at the time because he knew what he was doing was a cruel trick but he had to do it anyhow.
So here I am, and will be for quite awhile more reminiscing at how wonderful it would have been to let go and plodding along wondering how long the next severe bought of whatever will last. Hating myself for wanting to do so many things that are simple for the majority of the rest of you that I can’t do or will stumble through crudely. Here I am continuing to live for the others that want me to.
Some of you may want to say; “If you need to talk I’m here” and some of you may say; “You need to talk to me more” but what am I supposed to say. The same things I have been complaining about for years; that have been getting worse for years and still have zero chance of going away are still happening? Just say that over and over again, the same news of what hurts, what my current crazy has rotated back to, and what’s my degree of functionality? There is nothing to talk about anymore though I will say I love everyone who wanted to say those words because they care that much.
Anyhow that’s what happened last Thursday night, I felt my friends would want to know and didn’t want to give the same details and answer the same questions over and over and over again so here we are. I am telling you and answering the questions and concerns I expect you to have because they are always the same questions and concerns people have in times like these. If I didn’t tell people and they found out later they would get angry and offended because they always have and always will.
If some of this has seemed bitter and negative I actually do apologize I’m still swallowing a pill that has left a bitter taste in my proverbial mouth.
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atintintintin · 3 years
The Dynamic Differences between Self- and Other-Oriented Mental Inferences: An ERP Study on a False-Belief Task
Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci. 2021 Apr 27. doi: 10.3758/s13415-021-00899-5. Online ahead of print.
Theory of mind (ToM) refers to the ability to infer others' mental states. In our everyday lives, we need to interact constantly and appropriately with others. Not only is ToM involved in understanding others' mental states (other-oriented mental inferences), but it also helps to keep our own mental states (self-oriented mental inferences). In this study, we designed a false-belief task using event-related potential (ERP) measures to investigate the dynamic differences between the two types of mental inferences. In the false-belief task, participants were prompted with a cue to attribute a belief to either themselves (self-oriented) or another person (other-oriented). Results showed that other-oriented false-belief attribution elicited a larger late positive component (LPC; 320~440 ms post-cue onset) than the one elicited by self-oriented attribution at bilateral parieto-occipital electrodes, and also a larger late negative component (LNC; 380~500 ms post-cue onset) at frontal-central electrodes. In addition, the difference in amplitude of LPC between the two types of false-belief attribution was positively correlated with self-reported autistic traits measured by the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ). Based on prior literature, we propose that the LPC and LNC reflect the processes of self-other distinction and conflict control, respectively. Moreover, the difficulty in distinguishing other from the self is related to one's degree of autistic traits.
PMID:33907991 | DOI:10.3758/s13415-021-00899-5
via autism https://ift.tt/3dXBBrZ
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