#tftgs roger
wtfgaylittlezooid · 7 months
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I'm enjoying Volume 4 a lot so far, and I'm really enjoying Roger.
A bonus, because I think him and the Collector should be friends: (Link to the original)
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rootworks · 4 months
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he’s like a taxidermy butterfly to me.
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felixcosm · 3 months
This is your sign to listen to MrCreepyPasta read TFTGS.
If you're on the fence and were wondering whether or not they are worth it, I'm telling you without a shadow of a doubt that yes, they absolutely are.
Not only are all the voices the original voices MCP did on his youtube channel (something I'm very particular about) but he understands the characters and he brings the story to life like no one else.
MCP knows how to handle the dramatic shifts from horrific to funny, to sad to nonsensical, to disgustingly gory and suddenly emotional.
It's truly everything any fan who listened to the OG stories could want.
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mia-townie · 8 months
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Last part of cute/heartwarming moments with these all being from tftgs vol 4!! (again context and spoilers are under the cut)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
1st pic is from 27 and is Jerry defending Jack after Wendy (Jack's foster sister) was being condescending and rude.
pic 2 is from page 55 and basically Rosa is crying because she accidentally stepped on a lizard and killed it :( but dont worry the dark god brought it back :)
pic 3 is from page 88 and right after Jack was brought back to the gas station when he tried to leave town after he found out Sabine died. It's a really sad moment because Jack is so out of it and still very much grieving but I do find it sweet how worried Jerry got and how he basically panic bought a puppy trying to find some way to help like,,, he really cares about Jack a lot ;-;
pic 4 is from page 116 when Jack was dreaming/hallucinating/??? Spencer and Sabine showed up and killed dream-Spencer. Also Jack, seeing Sabine covered in Spencer's blood and smiling: God my gf is so fucking gorgeous (and honestly good for him!!)
pic 5 is from page 125 and after Jack got arrested for harassing Kieffer (I think?) and Jerry "broke in" to check on him
pic 6 is on page 157 and is after Jack, Benji and Whitebeard (one of the guys who attacked Jack and Jerry in vol 2) got kidnapped by the Brick Roscoes. man, I just love Jack's and Benji's friendship
pic 7 is on 252 and right before Jack, Rosa and Travis headed to Miller (Jack's bio dad) and I fucking how they're both protective over each other
pic 8 is from 305 and basically the gang are tied up and chained at the mathmetist compound by Roger's orders and a demon that is hunting Jack showed up (Jack got free from the chain by disconnecting his prosthetic leg)
pic 9 is on page 317 and is Jack and Sabine talking during a dream/hallucination/I don't know man it gets pretty muddled
and lastly pic 10 is from page 382 and is Jerry talking to O'Brien, right as Jerry, Jack and Rosa were about to leave town. I honestly think Jerry and O'Brien is one of my favorite dynamic in all of the books, wish we got more of that duo
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rana-temporaria · 2 years
Anyone else imagine Roger from tftgs as the professor from puppet history
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hamu-eggu · 5 years
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Roger’s probably my favourite character that was introduced in Finding Vanessa
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tysonfurybattlepass · 5 years
tales from the gas station speculation
so! i’ve been thinking a lot about this series since we seem to be fast approaching endgame territory. we likely have a few months before Volume 2 is released, so here’s a comprehensive runtrhough of my interpretation of the Bodysnatchers arc and its sister series, Finding Vanessa.
here’s what we know:
sometime before the christmas episode, eric riggin returns to town to look for his niece, vanessa in the first season of Finding Vanessa. we know it happened before christmas because in the christmas episode, jack mentions havigg found a “mummified corpse” in the walls of the gas station. this is in reference to the vanessa double that eric found when he tore down the wall.
in Finding Vanessa, spencer middleton is confirmed to be working alongside the Invasion that is replacing people (like vanessa) with doubles. roger tells eric that spencer has crucial inflrmation that the Invasion needs to “build their army”. this, of course, puts eric and spencer on opposite sides of the battlefield as enemies. (this also means that spencer was employed by the Invasion during the christmas ep, and he caught the shapeshifter under their direction.)
so why, then, is the first episode of Finding Vanessa: Season 2 a flashback to eric and spencer working under a tenative alliance? if eric’s goal is to take down the Invasion to rescue vanessa, and spencer is employed by the Invasion as a bounty hunter, what circumstance would cause them to work together?
here’s what i think: spencer doublecrossed the Invasion. this is supported by evidence gathered in the How Did We Get Here/Bodysnatchers arc of tftgs as well.
in the leadup to jack’s final stand against the Invasion, he recieves a package in the mail from spencer. in this package is a note, and a severed human head that looks exactly like jerry. as of part 11, jack believes that spencer killed jerry and mailed the head to fuck with’s jack’s mind. however, we need to remember that part 11 happened in april of last year, and during recent months jack has told us fans that jerry “is okay”. this, coupled with the fact that jerry has posted on the blog since then, suggests that this severed head was in fact not the real jerry, and was more likely a clone produced by the Invasion.
so why would spencer send jack a talking clone head? well, let’s examine the note spencer sent alongside it:
“By now, you’re probably aware of what’s going on. They’re everywhere. They can look like anyone. And they want you dead. Luckily, I found a way for you to tell who is and who isn’t replaced. No need to thank me, just stay alive.”
spencer is trying to keep jack alive, but why?
let’s look again at part 11. jack explicitly tells us that the Invasion, for some reason or another, needs the gas station to further their agenda. that’s why they sent calista and the benjamin clones. they can’t keep moving forward if jack is still alive to defend the gas station.
spencer wants to slow the Invasion down so he and eric can dismantle it, and he needs jack to be alive in order to do so.
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 7 months
Has anyone made the comparison between “we both reached for the gun” and the scenes with Roger bailing Jack out of jail yet. Have they.
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 8 months
TFTGS AU where Sabine passes is a ghost but can’t be seen/heard by anyone. She sticks by Jack and is the main reason he doesn’t did/is always so lucky. Roger of course has some influence, but Sabine is mostly pulling the strings.
Either manipulating the environment or focusing on using her own soul to keep Jack breathing, she keeps him alive and will continue to do so until he fucks out of the town and keeps their promise.
She also of course has her own fun. She likes to do the typical paranormal shit: stacking objects, flickering lights, but she mostly looks out for her gas station and Jack.
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 7 months
Going around at random and saying hi because I realized that I can spread this message!
So hi! How’s your day? What’s a good thing that happened? Have a good rest of your day!!!
(You don’t have to answer all questions, just want to bring some regular connection to people!)
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felixcosm · 2 years
so can anyone share what they thought about the whole showdown scene with karen and roger? idk i feel like it was rushed by maybe i just read it wrong. i really enjoyed the book! but i think jack could've put some more effort into the endgame
on the other side i feel tftgs is very camp and shouldn't be taken too seriously as a book. although jack is def an amazing author
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