#tf Asgore
erineas · 4 months
Did you see 6 skeletons 1 maid updated?
I was saving this ask to make a little comic of how that last chapter felt but- lets say it didn't turn out how i wanted. Instead, i just dug out some of my old Maid-chan drawings and stared at them blankly for the next days.
I'm still particularly fixed on this one little page:
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Mister Green was my absolute favorite and the only light i saw at the end of her tunnel. He was so kind and sweet, and pretty much the only one that treated her like a person (besides Yellow of course). When i first read this fic so many years ago i didn't trully realized the dark tone of this story but i still chose the only "healthy" option. I wanted MC to be happy and free, and oh how i wanted him to give her that. I held those drawings of him for years imagining a chapter where they would encounter again and that would drive her to a better ending (either skeletons overcoming their issues and treating her with respect or him taking her away).
But then this final chapter appeared and it was... a thing.
(Kinda spoilers for the babes that haven't read it)
Second of all, it didn't look good at all and it was getting worse as I read. But then good because it was a week alone for her to rest and Sans was eating with her?? But also that whole scene reminded me how bad her situation really was so it actually wasn't good at all.
And then the scene that broke me.
I was aware that I wanted her to flee before, but I never thought she could.
It was oddly satisfying, if not a bit anxiety inducing because of the thought that they would caught her eventually. As always.
But then Asgore, and Orange. And nothing...
I got mad that he found her. Which was a weird feeling since I remember liking him a lot. It felt to me like he ruined her good enough ending. But despite that, it makes sense it was him so I don't complain.
What crushed me though, wasn't that she couldn't say goodbye or that Sans got tired of trying to get her back. It was the fact the Gs didn't even try looking for her. They didn't even got mentioned. What happened there, I wonder. Didn't they like her? Care for her? Mister Green wrote her letters, of course he liked her. But then why...?
Suddenly he looked like a fairytale.
The ending was great, finally lending her the ability to choose. It made absolutely everything worth it and the way it was written made me feel like I do have a say in the matter. And for the first time, i didn't choose the skeletons.
I realized she could find her happy ending alone.
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(My live reaction)
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darthpastry · 1 month
Top ten photos taken before disaster
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avemarts · 2 years
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fanart of @carlyraejepsans​​ ‘s extremely chara-like childhood activities
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reddiamondyeet · 6 months
Playing Undertale right now. Fighting Omega Flowey right now, I've only gotten through one soul and I've died twice he keeps beating my ass thing is hilarious.
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robo-bozo7125 · 10 months
who cares who w.d. gaster is, i wanna know how tf asgore makes his tea
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shimbongulus · 1 year
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More Chapter 2. Pie-making and book-reading.
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askfallenroyalty · 1 year
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So I decided this will be the main group, which mirrors DR Chapter 1.
Frisk - Kris (under player control) Leader
Suzy - Susie (obviously) Antagonistic
Chara - Ralsei - Supportive magic user
Feylow - Ralsei and Lancer - Child character who guides the party but doesn't fight
My story plan is that Suzy bullies Frisk, who continues to try to befriend Suzy against her wishes. Chara tries to step in to no avail, Frisk won't listen to reason and back off.
To everyone's surprise, one day Chara sees Suzy making graffiti and joins in. The two become a pair of rebellious punks up to no good. When Frisk asks to join in (not really wanting to commit public destruction but wants to be friends regardless) Suzy of course says no and Chara silently follows Suzy over Frisk.
When the three fall into an artificial darkworld, Suzy has to accept Frisk as they're the only one who seems to know what they're doing
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Darkworld vs. Lightworld Designs for teenage monster Chara ^
Shadow demon vs. Torch Angel. Chara doesn't turn back into a kid anymore in this version of the story to better integrate them into the party and side with Suzy. At this point in the story, Chara has no direction in life and views themselves as a blight on the world. They drift through life without any purpose or desire for the world. Suzy gives life meaning in the form of (mostly harmless) destruction which is something Frisk can't offer.
Chara like Suzy cause Chara can fuck up and be "bad" around her and it's not a condemnation. with Frisk, Chara feels guilty all the time for not living up their ideals. Frisk is pretty hurt by this choice, but Chara expects Frisk to forgive them. (And they do, because they know it's the "right" thing to do, and will have to grow to realize that hey, they can tell Chara to grow tf up and be better)
This storyline shows Frisk's characterization better- someone who's used to be the "savior" of others and is willing (and expected to) bend over backwards to do just about anything for others.
Canon Frisk is helpful but doesn't let others do shit to them. They'll run away from Undyne and they won't let Asgore kill them. The message isn't "be nice always even when facing adversity" its "survive and don't harm others." (you can be an ass and you can beat people up in pacifist) but I need to give Frisk a flaw that they can over come. My Frisk desires to be loved so much they'll accept any bullying from Suzy, allow Chara to be destructive to/around them, and do whatever MK wants them to do to the point all of this wears them down.
Frisk, through the adventure, learns to stand up for themself and take control of their destiny.
This theme doesn't really fit the escapism and chase for the past that Suzy and Chara have going on. Frisk wouldn't approve of Ruler's rule but they don't have any personal vendetta against them as a symbolic entity. Which, hm, I guess is a good thing. UltimatelyI feel it's immature of Suzy and Chara to be against growing up and it's Frisk who understands its inevitable (and not a bad thing to age) that lets them reason and overcome Ruler where the other two cannot.
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Noble Vs. Ignoble Bosses
Please note that I am only referencing UTY to highlight my train of thought. I am NOT trying to suggest any connections between UTY and UTDR.
I try not to draw too heavily from AU's, but I noticed a pattern in UTY that made me realize something about UTDR. So, in UTY, almost all of the bosses become op simply to defend their own pride:
Decibat fights us to shut us up so he can go back to sleep. We don't even meet him in Genocide.
Dalv has some hidden power that we never see- he says at the end of a Pacifist that he "held back," which would make us think he would be difficult in Genocide, but he's not. He just assumes he's imagining us and the whole battle plays out exactly the same as in Pacifist.
El Bailador isn't even trying to fight, he just wants to dance, and we get hurt in the process. He doesn't appear in Genocide; presumably, he fled with the other monsters.
The Feisty Four only attack in Pacifist/Neutral because they're mad at Star and taking it out on you. We never even see them in Geno.
Starlo is difficult in Pacifist because he's defending his wounded ego, he's mad at himself but taking it out on you, but we don't even get a real battle in Genocide.
Axis is always following the instructions programmed into him by a monster with a deep-seated hatred of humans.
Ceroba is ridiculously hard in Pacifist because she loathes herself and is taking it out on you, but doesn't even get a proper second phase in Geno.
In all of these cases, the only one they are protecting in Pacifist is themselves (except Axis, who is strictly following programming). When it comes down to facing a Genocidal murderer, they just can't muster enough fighting spirit to do much of anything. Heck, Ceroba is only difficult in Geno because of revenge and pure rage. She says she's protecting monsters from us, but the only real reason she's fighting is because she's pissed at us for killing Starlo.
And... we actually see a similar pattern in UTDR:
Toriel fights us under the pretense of "protecting" us (which never made much sense to me, tbh), and she can muster almost no fighting spirit. It's very difficult to force her to kill you. And we one-hit her in Geno, she does no damage, she has no defense.
Maddie is semi-difficult in Pacifist/Neutral because they claim to be taking revenge for their cousin, but she can't even remember their name, and she flees as soon as Blookie starts crying on her. In Geno, Maddie stops caring about their cousin as soon as they merge with their dummy and become Gladdie. We don't even get a proper Maddie fight in Geno.
Muffet is semi-difficult even after a couple of playthrus, and what's her reasoning? Partly to save the spiders, but her motivation is mostly money- she was paid to kill us. She doesn't give a fig about other monsters at all, just spiders. We don't even encounter Muffet in Geno.
Mettaton. What's his reason for fighting us in Pacifist/Neutral? Purely selfish: he wants to be the star, not just in the Underground, but on the surface. Killing us and giving our SOUL to Asgore is just his way of accomplishing that. He doesn't give up until: a) we blow his arms and legs off so that he can't be much of a star at all anymore; and b) he gets a call from Blookie. Remembering what actually matters in life is what makes him end the fight. And in Geno, MTT becomes a literal one-hit wonder. When he has to fight to try to SAVE the world, he just isn't cut out for the job.
Asgore. Yeah, he puts up a fight in Neutral. He doesn't want to, tho. He's tired of fighting. He's tired of killing. He doesn't really want to go to war against humanity on the surface. So we can beat him. And in Geno? Where tf was he when his entire kingdom was being decimated??? We get to the throne room and he just offers us tea!
Flowey/Asriel, doesn't matter what name he goes by, every time we fight him, he's trying to defend his position as a wannabe god and keep playing with Chara forever. He fights because he has nothing left in the world to live for. He fights because that's the only thing he can still feel, the rage and the joy of killing. As soon as we remove that feeling from Asriel, he becomes a child's ghost, and then back to a flower, but a helpless and innocent one that can't fight at all anymore.
Lancer's first battle is the only time he poses any kind of a threat, because he's fighting for the right to become "son of the month." (And even I haven't ever died to him.) He's really not a threat in the fight against him and Susie, and he starts missing in the battle between him and Susie. He was never really out to hurt us at all.
Clover isn't too difficult because she's basically just fighting with herself and we got in the middle of it.
K. Round is never a threat, either, because they never wanted to fight, they were forced into it.
Susie (when we fight her alongside Lancer) is about as difficult as one would expect by the time the fight happens. She's fighting to maintain her persona as a bully and a bad person. In all actuality, tho... she's not as tough as we would expect from someone who keeps threatening to bite people's faces off.
Jevil is clinically insane, fighting and killing for the sheer fun of it, and is crazy hard.
Spade King is difficult, and his motivation is purely selfish. He doesn't care about his people- I mean, he wanted to throw his own son off a 5-story roof! He only cares about the Knight that put him into power, about maintaining that power status, and about revenge against the Lightners that sealed him away and never returned. His difficulty in battle is fueled by rage, revenge, and a lust for power.
Sweet Cap'n Cakes claim to be on a crusade, but they really only seem to be interested in having fun and making music without restrictions. Their battle is only difficult because all three of them attack at pretty much the same time and cannot be killed. Getting all of them to dance at the same time ends the battle. Their shop in the city disappears completely in a Snowgrave.
Rouxls is... um, can we even call that a battle? You know what, let's just not even try to analyze him right now....
Spamton. His only reason for fighting, in either Normal or Snowgrave, is to become a [[BIG SHOT]]. And we know how difficult Spammy is. In reality, he's no harder in Snowgrave than in a Normal Route. It just seems harder because there's only one hero character to fight him with.
There are only 3 characters between UTY and UTDR that are more difficult in a No Mercy route than in a Normal route:
Martlet is the last boss that is highly unlikely to kill you at all in Pacifist/Neutral. She turns into sans of UTY in a Geno- and that's her second battle. She's pretty OP when we encounter her in Snowdin, too.
Undyne is difficult enough in Pacifist/Neutral, but we have the option to flee. Her reasoning is that, since she is the Captain of the Royal Guard and Monsterkind's Hero, it is her duty to take our SOUL. But in Genocide, she changes completely. Her Determination, which causes her to melt in a Neutral, suddenly gives her the power to completely transform into a god-like character. And why? Because she is the only thing that stands between us and the world. Because she can see that we aren't just a human- we're some kind of demon that will destroy everything. She's not just fighting for monsters, but for humans, as well.
sans fights us for the same reason, albeit far too late to save the monsters. But he realizes that we will tear down the rest of the world if we keep going, and something inside him decides that he can't allow that. We actually don't know why he suddenly decides to care so much, but he does. He uses every ability he has, from karma, to Gaster blasters, to bone attacks, to teleportation, to even sleeping, just to make us quit. Because he knows we'll kill Asgore. And then there will be nothing to keep us from destroying the rest of the world. We NEVER fight sans in a Pacifist/Neutral, only in Geno. So this weird little guy with only 1 HP left to his name stands up to us, knowing full well that one day we will kill him, but he is literally the ONLY thing left to stop us from destroying the entire world. He may be too late, but when he finally steps up, it's for the right reason. There is no more selfishness in his battle than there is in Undyne's. Both sans and Undyne have no interest in personal gain or glory, but in saving the world.
And then there are 3 anomalies, all of them in UTDR:
Berdly is, to my knowledge, the only character to be no more and no less difficult in Snowgrave than in Normal. (Well, maybe a little easier in Snowgrave, but that's just because of Noelle's spells, not because Berdly himself changed.) He puts up the best fight that he possibly can, no matter whether he is protecting himself, or trying to save Noelle. This, to me, suggests 2 possibilities: a) he cares just as much about Noelle as he does about himself; or b) he really was fighting for Noelle in both routes. I don't think the second option is entirely true, since in a Normal fight, he does "hit [Noelle] in the face with a tornado," and talks more about himself and how superior he is to everyone else than he does about Noelle. But even so, I think she always was a big part of his reason for fighting.
Queen is the only character to have a difficult battle (with multiple phases, no less) in a Normal Route, and no battle at all in Genocide, who is not doing it for purely selfish reasons. Granted, it seems likely that she would want to preserve her comfortable, regal lifestyle, but not only does she never cite this as a reason for fighting, she doesn't even balk at having to leave her mansion and move into Ralsei's castle. The only reason she ever gives for fighting is trying to help the Lightners (the exact opposite of her ex-husband).
I say this all the time: Papyrus CANNOT kill you. Not without the player seriously breaking the game. And as I understand, at Undertale's initial release, he could kill you, accidentally, if certain conditions were met; but this happened very rarely and has since been entirely patched out. So. For all intents and purposes, he CANNOT kill you. So the fact that there is no real Papyrus battle in Genocide is kind of a moot point, since he was never going to kill you, anyway. And, as many people have pointed out, Papyrus should be able to kill you, probably even one-hit you no matter your LV, in a Pacifist/Neutral route. But he breaks the game to make sure that doesn't ever happen, whether by lowering his own stats, moving the final large bone in his "really cool regular attack," etc.
Anyway. I said all this just to make some points about the characters: that most of them pretty well parallel real life. Truth is, most people don't give their all for the right reasons. Most people do only fight to protect themselves and their egos, and not to protect others.
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didderd · 9 months
hi. i feel like i’m pretty out of the loop. what exactly is underfell? like, what’s the premise. how does it differ from undertale canon
(idk if u might'v done ur own research by now, bc it has been a full day, but here u go)
if i remember correctly, underfell was first started as like a hell-ish version of undertale, where everyone's evil, n it was gonna be called underhell, but the name was already taken.
the premise. from my understanding? (again, if i remember correctly) is that as everyone started to lose hope of getting out of the underground, they kinda started to turn like. bitter and edgier, n kinda lost it, and they end up embracing the mentality of "kill or be killed". (Flowey actually 's more timid n a lot nicer in this one, n doesn't wanna kill everyone) Asgore's this big ruthless ruler. abt what you expect him to be approaching the castle in ur first playthrough of Undertale, if ur going in blind.
but then Frisk comes in n kinda teaches everyone they don't have to kill to survive n to jus chill tf out, n frees everyone in the end. (least for a pacifist playthrough)
in canon, once they chill out n go to the surface, their color theme changes from red to purple. thought that was a pretty cool detail. :3
the creator and owner of underfell is actually still kinda active and their blog is @/underfell, if u wanna check that out n learn more. :>
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saltv2 · 2 months
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skylermadness · 4 months
A Taste of Home (Asgore TF/TG/MC)
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(Original Date of Upload: January 22, 2024)
Original Description:
As you can see this was meant to be a story to be released around Christmas but my brain combusted into flames around the time and so I had to put it off for multiple weeks. Still, here it is! This was actually an idea I've had in mind for a long time. Or well, the concept of an FtM Asgore TF was one anyway. FtM is already pretty underrated but FtM involving more hairy and dadly characters seems to be even more underrated in the community. So, y'know, be the change you want in the world! Plus it means I can finally take a crack at doing anything related to Asgore in general... Overall this was a pleasant story to write! I admittedly didn't have much of an idea on what to do while going into it at first, hence the post-TF was just me aimlessly writing until I could reach a satisfying conclusion in my head, but I'm still pleased with how it came out. Although I was not expecting a final word count of 5.3k but well, I guess I really got into things! Plus I get extremely anatomical with transformations these days anyway. Guess those classes I took in high school are paying off. I wish I could use some better artwork in the thumbnail though. But I dislike using fanart for thumbnails so... pixel Asgore it is. I do quite like the artwork I used as a reference though...
   Being alone on the night of Christmas Eve was not really in Jade’s plans for the night. Then again having your friends cancel at the last minute is the peak of unexpected occurrences. It also didn't help that she was alone at a bar, much less one that evidently didn't seem to have anyone else around.
   “Mmm, this just looks sad…” Jade muttered to herself. She had spent the past few minutes just looking down at her phone, the woman only breaking her focus on the object to glance at the bartender nearby. But she would always go back to her phone and pretend she had something to focus on.
   In truth all she was doing was staring at a group chat in her messaging application and eyeing the last few messages sent. A part of her was just hoping someone would backtrack or something. Just send a ‘hey, I was wrong and can actually head down to that nightclub!’ It was clear such a thing wouldn't happen though. Being alone on Christmas Eve was definitely the worst of feelings…
   “Yer doin’ alright there, ma’am?”
   “AH!” Jade shrieked, startled by the sudden acknowledgement of her existence. She proceeded to spend a few seconds trying to make sure her phone didn't tumble out of her hands, all while properly making eye contact with the person who spoke to her. That person being the bartender.
   “O-ough, sorry! Didn’ mean t’ startle ya like that!” the bartender attempted to reassure.
   Jade blinked a few times and regained her composure. “N-no, it's alright! Just… wasn't expecting someone to talk to me is all-”
   “Mmm,” the bartender nodded. Jade never realized in her glances just how much older he seemed to be. Larger body, thick beard, bald scalp.
   He then continued to speak. “First off, name’s Maurice. Second, I jus’ noticed you sittin’ here for the past ten ‘r so minutes. Reeeal long time to be alone.”
   “Yeeeeah,” Jade began smiling awkwardly. “Originally came here to hang out with some friends. Avoid the rush by going out on Christmas Eve and all! They all uh, canceled pretty unexpectedly though. Just me now!” a nervous laugh escaped her throat. She had really hoped to not have to recount this story to anyone tonight.
   Maurice seemed to pick up on the embarrassment however and proceeded to try and switch his tone of voice to sound more caring. “Ahh, huh- apologies for makin’ ya pour all that t’ me, eheh. I should be the one here pouring stuff out!”
   Jade smiled, letting out a light laugh at Maurice’s joke. “It happens, I guess. Just a little bit annoying and all to have it happen, y'know?”
   “Mmm, yep,” Maurice nodded, “But ey, at least ya got out? People ‘ere love t’ walk in the wint’r or somethin’.”
   “Eh, personally I'd rather not have to go out in the freezing cold if I don't have to. Then again I probably will have to in a few minutes so I can get home…”
   “Doesn’ have t’ be freezin’,” Maurice responded. “I have a nice Christmas menu lined up! Was hopin’ to test a few on some people tonight, but well… gettin’ some perspective on at least one ‘s fine.”
   Jade raised a brow. “Christmas-themed drink menu, huh?”
   Maurice had swiftly plunged a hand beneath the table and pulled out an ornately decorated, albeit small, menu card. “Yerp! Warm drinks n’ all! Might help those muscles of yours keep from frostbitin’ over!”
   Jade playfully rolled her eyes at the frostbite statement. “Fine, fine. I'll take a lot at it, see if anything interests me.”
   Maurice slid the menu over to her and Jade picked it up. It was a piece of paper with a fairly Christmassy design embedded within. Mistletoe outlining it, the top middle portion adorned with bells. In the background of the menu section itself was a Christmas tree. The menu itself seemed to just be titled ‘Maurice’s Festive Picks!’ though, subtitled with a statement saying you'll never feel lonely with one in your system.
   “Quite on the nose for my problems, huh?” she muttered to herself.
   Her eyes then finally lay onto the actual items on the menu. It was a fairly small selection of drinks, six to be exact, all with fairly interesting names to say the least. The Polar Express, Fireplace Frappé, Holiday Spirits, Sweet Snowy Success… Cookie ‘Nog?
   “Hmph, this makes me wonder what even makes a place be considered a bar anymore,” Jade joked. “Not a lot of this seems alcoholic actually.”
   “Eh, could put some in one for ya’ if you need,” Maurice offered.
   “Dear God no, getting home drunk alone has never been an easy feat for me-” Jade responded, remembering a fairly embarrassing time she woke up with a hangover in the middle of a park. “All of these do sound rather nice though…”
   “Any in particul’r catch yer eye? ”
   “Hmm…” Jade started to stare at the ingredient listing and pricing. Everything did seem pretty good, although she was worried that the content of the Polar Express or Sweet Snowy Success didn't really fall under warm drinks. And the idea of a Fireplace Frappé came off as mildly oxymoronic.
   After a few more seconds her eyes laid on the last item on the list. A Taste of Home, listed as a nice warm hot cocoa spiced with cinnamon and laced with butterscotch. On the surface it seemed like a bit of an overload of sugar overloaded, but she didn't mind too much. It sounded like it would taste rather good, and give her a kick of warmth while at it.
   “A Taste of Home seems like a good choice!” Jade said, handing the menu back to Maurice before turning to go into her purse to pay.
   The older man nodded. “Perfect! Bet with one of those you’ll be feelin’ warm n’ cuddly in no time!”
   “Cuddly?” Jade inquired as she took out her wallet. Maurice just looked at her with a knowing smirk though.
   What a strange, strange man he was…
   The door creaked open, a hand slipping through its opening to pat the wall a bit before touching the lightswitch and flicking it up. The entryway then fully opened with Jade properly stepping through it, twenty-five percent full pint glass in her hand.
   “Surprised he agreed to letting me keep the glass…” she commented as she walked towards the island in her apartment’s kitchen and set it down.
   As she took off her coat, Jade’s mind wandered a bit. She was still fixated on that strange bartender down at Oreum Sirius. The man got real cryptic when it came to her drink order, it was a bit disconcerting. At the very least the drink tasted good. Real good actually. It wasn't sugar-hopped as she was expecting it to be. Just some hot cocoa with extra flavor. Definitely did its job in giving her body some warmth on her way home.
   With her coat hung up and her purse thrown somewhere on the coach, Jade headed back to the kitchen to pick up the glass before returning to the couch to take a seat. Laying into it she let out a relaxed sigh, smiling. A random thought crossed her mind that made her laugh a bit. “If that bartender were any older he'd probably make a good Santa look-alike…”
   She then downed the last of her drink, savoring the beautiful taste it possessed. Although truthfully it felt like as the last bit of the beverage cascaded into her mouth there was a certain layer of nostalgia to it she couldn't pinpoint.
   Glass now empty, she leaned forward and placed it onto the small table in front of the coach. For a few seconds she felt pretty fine… and then in one sudden wave her brain started to feel strange. Fuzzy.
   A warmth began to course throughout her body. One that felt nice, welcoming. A feeling that steadily dispersed throughout her form. A feeling that also came with something a bit extra. And that something was beginning to form in her hands…
   It started with what seemed to be a steady growth in size forming within Jade’s hands. Slowly each of her fingers were on their way to getting thicker and even a little longer. A bluntness was seemingly forming within the tip of each finger as well, her nails undergoing an opposite change as they instead were sharpening. Her hands themselves weren't unscathed from the size growth either as they were being stretched wider while a level of bulky meatiness was filling them up. This wasn't even a miniscule change either as after a while her hand went from its default size, to one-point-five times its size, to almost double it. Just swelling into a strong, firm level of thickness.
   Size wasn't the only thing that was growing however as another layer of changes was seemingly being introduced alongside it. Budding out of his skin was soft white hairs. A few at first, but it was evident they were quick in spreading across both appendages. Sheets of white fuzz just absolutely overtaking each hand in the pursuit of coating the backs and sides. Furthermore her palms were in the process of bulging a little as a layer of soft yet firm padding was seemingly being added to them. This was a stark contrast to the slightly rougher texturing they were garnering. They had also seemingly been altering in pigmentation with a whiteness forming into them that was similar in tone to her growing pelage of fur.
   The gaining of fur also wasn't stopping at her hands nor did it take long for it to move onto her wrists, now disappearing under the long sleeves of her sweater. But this hiddenness of her changes was only momentarily as the furry pelt layered onto her arms. Size was quick to accumulate within each limb as both her skeletal and muscular structures were being shifted, immense amounts of thickness yet again being applied to her form. This was rather prominent when it came to her muscles as they were developing drastically as if years of working out were being applied to her in mere moments. 
   The sleeves of Jade’s sweater would very quickly begin to attempt to contain her increasing mass, although it would seemingly appear to not be enough. Slowly they would move up her forearms as her arms in general were lengthening. The now thickening size of the region made her sleeve’s journal increasingly more taxing on the material as well. Something that grew more prominent as her muscle mass increased more and more, the region of her upper arm not unscathed thanks to her bulging biceps and densifying triceps. In the end it wouldn't be very long until the more flimsy material of her clothing started to split apart over her arms, white fuzz poking through various holes her muscles had tore open just by existing. After all, if her hands were twice the size that they were before then her arms would have to bulk up to compensate. Although it would be noticeable that through a few of the tears in her sweater it could be seen that sprinkles of almost golden fur had made their way across the back of arms. That sparse gold would only continue to form as fur made its way up each limb.
   More splits in sweater fabric occurred as her deltoids got more developed, shoulders not in the process of broadening as a low pressure emerged in her collarbone. This soon prompted her body to begin to widen. Although it would seem that her upper limbs hadn't been the only portion of her body that had been changing all that time. At least judging by what had been appearing on her face, anyway.
   The changes in this case seemed to be almost more gradual for Jade. Low amounts of golden fuzz lining their way across her jaw and above her upper lip. An equally as golden hue entering the tips of her hair as it seemed to have lengthened by a few quarters of an inch. There were a set of weirder changes however. A dull pressure building up at the top of her skull as a sharp and bony growth started to bulge on each side, even seemingly to already be beginning to extend some more to form what was only a small pair of horns on her head. Meanwhile a small amount of white fuzz was making its way onto the edges of her ears and seeming to prompt a slight growth in her lobes, one that looked almost a little floppy in appearance.
   At this point though the woman had been left… unaware? That wouldn't be the right phrasing. Her brain was blocking out the feeling that anything was fully different. With the exception of occasional tinges that something was off she was just unable to comprehend that anything was fully changed about her body for very long.
   That didn't stop her from raising up a hand and casually trying to move a bit of her hair out of her general eyesight however. An almost tangible glint of differing discolorations formed in both her irises as she did so. Meanwhile within her mouth she could still taste that drink from earlier, the mixture of cinnamon and butterscotch flavors that were in it seemingly oddly intense despite the fact she finished the beverage just minutes ago. Just a strong sensation of taste (and smell, weirdly) overwhelming two of her senses. And all of it was accompanied with this feeling of nostalgia that, at least for the time being, she hadn't fully connected mentally yet.
   “Urgh, what's this… feeling I'm having…?” she asks herself, the rolling fog in her mind just leaving her confused. Even more when the sound of the second half of that statement hit her ears. Even in her haze she could just momentarily register the differences in the two halves of the question. As if her voice had moved a little deeper halfway through it. Jade just sits back and groans, voice continuing to sound deeper as she did so.
   By this point the more overt changes in her physicality had been making their way to her torso. Waves of white fur spilled across her chest from their originally isolated positioning in her arms, the pelage now making its way to meet at the middle of her chest and back before it would eventually descend down the rest of her torso. And much like with what had happened in her arms the fur growth wasn’t the only change happening to her main body. As the fur had run across her chest, the fat within her breasts began to steadily melt away and cause them to undergo a process of shrinking in size. But it was already becoming evident that the size change wasn't a negative net amount as while her chest had shrunk her pectoral muscles grew and developed. Meaty slabs were pushing their way out of her chest, a firmness etching into the region as her upper body strength was improving. 
   The shift from fat to muscle almost gave the impression that her breasts were hardening into the pecs, although it wouldn't take long before it was getting proven that perfectly cut muscularity wasn't what she was getting granted. Especially with a significant amount of fatty tissue still remaining on her chest, melting and reshaping itself into a different form that evenly spread itself across her now thicker chest. Softness was still evident in the woman’s chest with the appearance now much flatter, flabbier. Something that was proven by the way her larger size was getting indented into her sweater. A rip had now slowly begun to form from the sweater’s neck, running down the middle of it as her increase in girth was getting more known. And as it got closer to her chest and closer to her cleavage, it started to show that a tuft of golden hairs had formed between her chunky pecs. And while it wasn't fully tangible, yellowish fuzz had been dusting its way across the front of her body as the white fur grew in prominence more.
   That hadn't been the only thing happening to her torso either. Just as her chest was morphing, so was her abdominal region. A low gurgle entering her stomach as a feeling of bloating entered her. With some musculature had began to make its way into that region, abdominal muscles slowly ripping outwards for a time, it was already evident that the transformation to this region was going to be more than that as any tangible muscle was smoothed out and her abdomen started to expand forwards. It was instantly clear that fat was formulating within her belly, it moving forwards more and more as each second passed. The hem of her sweater was pushed upwards as the size of her stomach got larger, unveiling the white fluff that was rushing down her gut while golden fuzz trailed down her midline. 
   Jade’s abdomen would only continue to churn and swell for some time as her gain in weight was proving to be sizable. Especially if her larger arms had been any indicator, whatever she was becoming was meant to be substantial in its size. So it was only natural that the amount of fat she was attaining within her stomach was going to be equal to that. Her sweater’s hem moved well above her belly button and only inched further upwards as her size had increased. Bits of fur poked out from rips forming within the material as it continuously failed to fit her fatter body. And soon enough, after about a minute, it would just get forced upwards as her gut made one final push forward and slightly spilled over the waistline of her pants. 
   “O-oh gosh, that feels nice…” Jade stated in absolute bliss. Her voice seemed to continue to deepen, a more masculine and older tone being embedded into it with each word she spoke. Her neck had also widened a bit while the internal workings of her vocal cords had shifted. Such an intricate change had left her voice becoming more than just wisened, an accent almost beginning to creep into it as well.
   With everything else about her changing, the transformation to her face had progressed even more. The golden fuzz that lined her jaw was becoming a little more plentiful and thicker, as was the bit edging the ends of her mouth, with what could only be a beard now forming on her face. Bits of gold continued to run up her hair as well as a significant portion of the hair on the back of her head was extending while almost thickening in its density and seemingly becoming almost fluffy in its appearance and feel. Meanwhile atop her head a divide formed in the middle of her hair and started causing a significant amount of strands to cascade down her forehead in a direction opposite to the split. All the while the newly formed horns on her head continued to grow in an upwards slant. She could also feel her now much fluffier ears folding and drooping as their size seemed to lengthen over the course of the changes, both already seemingly halfway down the ends of her head and still extending. 
   Perhaps the weirdest change that was happening now was what was happening to her face. The lower half seemingly began to push out a little as white fuzz was poking out evenly and symmetrically around it. Almost like the beginnings of some kind of muzzle, especially judging by the pressure she could feel from the beginnings of her skull restructuring.
   Despite it all though, Jade looked to be oddly content. She just looked down at her belly and gave it a nice pat, chuckling as she seemed to enjoy the nice warm feel of the fat she had gotten. Her mind was registering it all as being a part of her. Like she'd been like this for a long time… a very long time actually. Concepts of her body and age were now distorting in her mind as she thought about everything more and more. It didn't help that she couldn't get the taste of that drink out of her mouth, the nostalgia of it feeling just as overwhelming as everything else. Mental connections had still remained dashed however, her memories seemingly still in the process of adjusting and reformatting for this severely different identity she had been getting.
   Still, she leans forward a bit as she tries to readjust herself on the couch. Her mind was still flip flopping between just how used to the weight she had really been, but it was evident the seat she had taken hadn't caught the memo yet. “Urgh, I swear everything felt… fitting earlier,” she muttered in mild discontent, feeling her clothing continue to tear as she moved around. It also didn't help that she felt like her own innards were practically being rearranged beneath all that fat…
   Of course, among the clothing that was in the process of losing its ability to fit her, was her pants. A pair of standard blue jeans that were only equipped to handle her average size. But considering the button had already snapped off thanks to the pressure of the weight of her now much fatter gut on it, and now the increasing pressure across her legs as the changes reached the lower half of her body, it wouldn’t be long until her pants would be split apart.
   With much of the fat having accumulated around her belly it was clear that adjacent regions would accumulate substantial sizes as well. This was most evident around her thighs, muscle mass growing in her hamstrings and quads before fat quickly spread across them. This had caused the diameter of her legs to practically double in size, the sheer amount of mass each limb was getting forcing them to press up against the denim of her pants. The seams that held the edges together were quickly becoming undone as tufts of white fur (with gold sprinkled in) poked out from the tears. All the while a tinge of pressure pulled at the base of her spine, a feeling that was quickly followed by a bulge in the seat of her pants. This bulge was caused by a new growth: a small nub of a tail that was quickly growing amounts of fluff across it.
   At the exact same time as the upper half of her legs, the lower half of them were being affected as well. Splits in her jeans forming more and more as her calves ballooned back with muscle and fat as well. All the while fur had covered them, a sea of white with gold speckling itself at random. The bottoms of each pant leg had also seemingly begun to rise up her legs as the bones lengthened, Jade’s height altering throughout her form to fit the shape and proportions of her drastically different form. Taller, larger, thicker, wider, everything about her physicality and size had been significantly overwritten.
   Soon enough all that would remain of her lower half were her feet, and even then those didn't remain unchanged for much longer. The toecaps of her shoes already began to bulge a little with five bumps indenting into the material of each sboe. These bumps then proceeded to move and merged. Five became four, and those four quickly became three, and as the bumps merged they only seemed to get larger in size during the process. The source of all of this had obviously been her shifting toes, now changed to three chunky toes that had quickly been overtaken with fur. Her toenails had also begun to poke at the material of her shoes as well as they were in the process of sharpening, now protruding from each toe in a claw-like manner. The lining holding the top of her shoe together with its sole steadily began to split as the bottoms of her feet swelled with rough paw pads. All the while the rest of her footwear was put to its limit by the increasing length, width, and just overall size of her feet. And their limit was truly tested as her feet continued to grow and grow to meet with the proportions of the remainder of her body. More and more of her shoes got rended such as the backs snapping off against the pressure of her heels, or the top portion getting split in half with the strings tearing apart against the new width. Then, after a few seconds longer, her shoes exploded at the front with the rest of them blasting apart shortly after. Her feet had finished changing and were now practically doubled in size, covered in white fur (with bits of gold sprinkled on the top), and would probably now be more accurately described as paws.
   “Golly, I never did well with footwear!” she had exclaimed at the mere sound of her shoes being burst. The sound of her voice was seemingly settling at this point as well: clearly more suited for an older male with a tone that sounded so warm and inviting. This had been coupled with the settling of an accent, seemingly tinted with a Southern feel now that fit with the vernacular she had adopted. By this point it had all been because her neck had finished widening, fur having quickly consumed it.
   Her own mental state was also still continuously changing. The constant wave of acceptance that this was her body, that it feels like this has always been her body, it was oddly appealing. So much so that by the time her brain tingled and the feeling of something more elaborate began to occur, she had no real resistance to it. That's when a new identity started to take hold in her, shifting everything about her perspective about herself. Name, gender, his very life.
   It was now that the remainder of his facial changes had solidified. The golden hairs of his beard continue to grow out causing it to become much thicker and longer to the point it hangs off his face and covers his neck a bit. All the while his beard looked to maintain a well-kempt appearance during its growth. Golden fuzz continued to trail up the sides of his head as well, connecting with forming sideburns that had become visible by this point. This wasn't the only portion of hair on his face that was getting a brighter color either as his eyebrows garnered the same gold, all while becoming thicker in size. 
   The rest of his hair had also gained that same gold coloration as it had finished rising up the follicles and brightened the roots. Much of his hair easily cascaded down the back of his head, significantly dense and fluffy with length that flowed down to his shoulders. It wasn't fully straight either, his hair having adopted a look that could best be described as a gracefully disheveled mane, an appearance to showcase just how fluffy it had become. The hair at the apex of his head hadn't been left unchanged either as a pair of bangs now hung down his forehead at opposing sides, their own appearance straighter in comparison to the rest of his hair.
   The rest of the changes to his head were coming to a close by this time. The horns had extended to a sizable length, seeming to curve backwards a bit now while getting a defined point to the ends of them. His now floppier ears had finished dropping downwards, their own length reaching his shoulders as well while their appearance had garnered a roundness towards the ends of them. But perhaps the most drastic change came to his face itself as it had continued pushing out, skull structure continuing to shift into becoming something a little more animalistic. It had grown larger to fit his new size and became wider as well, and as it pushed out his jawline seemed to shift beneath his beard to become a little more chiseled. 
   As his muzzle had continued to form his nose had shifted into his face a bit, nostrils turning upwards until they could be visible on the muzzle’s tip while the bridge of his nose was widened in the process. All while a certain roundness was given the muzzle’s frontward appearance. A solid mix of human and animal features. The last change in his muzzle came with his mouth, his upper lip more specifically, as two portions towards the end that would align with his upper canines seemed to sharpen downwards by a little bit.
   The changes in the irises of his eyes had settled as well, the right one gaining a light blue color while the left one became orange. At the same time his new identity seemed to lay itself clearly and easily within his mind, the name Asgore Dreemurr practically fading into prominence. Such a drastic change in mental status had practically been overwritten, replacing his old self with little spectacularity. Not just in regards to identity, but personality, memories, connections as well.
   Such shifts in mentality had easily allowed a menagerie of changes to flow into reality itself. Changes flowing within his home as a simple apartment was overhauled into something much different, more accommodating for the person he had become. This had also meant that his clothing wouldn't be left in disrepair for much longer as it too was swept up in the changes. 
   The rips and tears that had formed across his sweater restitched themselves. One of the exceptions to this was the tear that had run down the middle of it, which would instead continue forming downwards as the signs of being torn were cleared away in order to make it a shirt split. As this happened buttons and eyelets formed alongside the split while the overall size of the article of clothing started to enlarge to better fit his form. This would allow the two halves of the shirt to reach over his belly and fasten itself shut, which it would continually do so until stopping roughly halfway up his chest. Meanwhile the neck of the shirt was extending, blooming upwards a bit before folding down and making it a proper shirt collar.
   All while this happened the color of his shirt was shifting to a gentle pink while the actual material was getting thinner, becoming less akin to what would make a sweater and leaning more towards the composition of a standard shirt. Blotches of white faded into the material as well, quick to gain a consistent shape of what seemed to be four-petalled flowers. The final adjustment came to the sleeves, routinely unthreading themselves until the length of them only went a little above his elbows. And in regards to the remainder of his clothing it had been a more simple job as his jeans seemed to just repair themselves while also enlarging to fit his thicker leg size. A small hole also formed in the back of them below the belt loop, allowing his tail to properly poke through with ease. The only piece of clothing that wouldn't be shifted in the transition was his footwear which would instead just dematerialize as the reality around him was changed.
   The alterations in the surrounding reality were a lot more drastic. What had once been a simple apartment was expanding with rooms separating from each other and the overall layout being shuffled and changed. The room Asgore had been in was divided from the kitchen and entrance, the room itself being retooled into a fairly standard living room. The remainder of the now former-apartment would also end up getting renovated into full-on housing as well; warm, well-furnished, and much more familiar to the fully transformed goat monster.
   Not like he would notice though. Asgore blinked his eyes a few times and looked around, the haze in his brain steadily dissipating as he was now coming too. “Uhh, mmm, what was I… doing…?”
   He rubbed the side of his head in thought, attempting to recall what exactly had happened in the past few hours. There were glimpses of someplace else, someone else, but they were practically less than a second long and he could barely piece them together. Although as he looked around the room he did end up laying eyes on an empty cup that was on the table in front of him. The strange smell of cinnamon and butterscotch was still emanating from it. Nostalgia was hitting him (again?) from that, his cheeks flushing beneath the fur from that.
   “A-ah! I had drunk that, hadn't I?” Asgore had seemed to ask himself with genuine levels of questioning. He hadn't remembered anything about doing that, nor does he really recall how he even got it in the first place. He can recall the taste though, almost like one of Tori’s pies… albeit an imperfect imitation, but a good one nonetheless. 
   With a nervous smile Asgore comes to some level of resolve. “Must've been a bit strong, huh…?”
   With at least a viable theory in mind he let out a deep sigh and sunk into the couch a little, gently rubbing his belly as he did. He had a feeling that he wasn't really going to get a full answer as to what happened, but it didn't seem like anything all that bad had happened. Truthfully he felt a bit content at all of this, whatever this was. So he presumed that was some kind of positive at the very least!
   With those thoughts in his mind he would continue to rub his tummy, leaning back in his seat and smiling. A wave of tiredness had entered him at this point and he wasn't going to give it an ounce of resistance…
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beau-rebloga-coisas · 4 months
Okay so here I was thinking to myself how tf would they incorporate the video game mechanics if Undertale was to be a movie. I specifically was thinking about Asgore's battle where he shatters the mercy button but like I also remembered they already did a movie with video game mechanics included (Scott Pilgrim)
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paintedkinzy-88 · 2 years
For your winged multiverse au, what au do you think the OG’s would hate the most? Just like in terms of ‘wow this place really really sucks in a way I couldn’t have seen coming.’
(And then you don’t have to answer this part but if OG Undyne and Nightmare got locked in a room together how long do you think it’d take for a fight to break out?) i rlly like how you write :)
Oooooo good questionnn! I don't want this getting super long, so I'll put a cut, but I'll gladly answer both no worries.
And thank you very much that means a lot to me ;-;
The obvious one would be Alphys and Undyne's dislike for Horrortale. They may have semi-bonded with Horror just a bit, and kinda understand his stance even if they don't like it, but boi they do not like his AU at all. It's kind of a harsh reminder that things/people can change really darn fast. They don't even really know about Alphys' role there, just Undyne's o-o It's freaky, they don't like it, but Horror himself is kinda chill in a way I guess—
A lot of them probably don't like Underfell the most, even if it's a bit of a bias cuz they know Red and his issues. Specifically Sans, Toriel, and Frisk. They just don't like how UF!Frisk, Flowey and Red are treated, or just how "weakness" is treated in general, even when knowing that pacifism is possible. That's a lot of stress on one kid's shoulders. More than OG Frisk ever had oof.
Paps wouldn't like Dusttale. It makes him uncomfortable, for very clear reasons. But, it's also Papyrus: he doesn't hate Dust, nor has he given up on seeing the best in all the Bad Sanses. It's just his least favorite world.
I honestly think Asgore wouldn't like Underswap very much. He doesn't like the idea of Toriel having to hold all the weight he does ;w; Again, hate is probably a strong word, but still. Horrortale's probably up there too, cuz he feels a kind of guilt for leaving his people behind to such a horrible mess.
Flowey hates Fresh the most. Idk if there's an actual Freshtale, but if there is, he hates it with a passion.
Chara's difficult... They find a lot of the more dark AUs disturbing, but they don't outright hate any of them. They kinda feel indifferent to a lot of it. I think their least favorite would either be Killertale or StoryShift, the first because they don't like the idea of partnering with Sans, and the second because they don't like the idea of being Sans lmfao. They just don't like Sans much XD
As for your second question! I'm honestly... kind of torn. Undyne would only really attack if provoked, and idk if Nightmare would try to provoke her in that scenario?? He wouldn't have much to gain. But, let's say that he does — maybe he's looking for some entertainment, or just a burst of negativity to keep him satisfied while they're stuck. I'd say like, twenty-thirty minutes before they're fighting XD Enough time for them to question how tf they got there, maybe argue a bit, give each other the cold shoulder, and for Noots to get bored enough to start something. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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memoryheadundefined · 2 years
charname asgore
elp me.../"; global.msg[3]= "\TF* .../"; global.msg[4]= "* But nobody came./%%";
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charaunofficial · 2 years
does asgore know that in the tv that everyone's flirting with's world hes like. the devil
(bro why tf you askin me aksdjbglaskjfbghklabsdfj)
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floragators · 2 years
Top Romantic F/os:
FNF Whitty (including variations such as Julian and Nitty Gritty)
BTAS and Scooby Doo Special (primarily yet also other variations) Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane
FNF Girlfriend
BTAS (primarily) Poison Ivy
Purple Yam Cookie
Hank J Wimbleton
Chef Saltbaker
Cagney Carnation
Scarecrow (Wizard of Oz and some adaptations)
Bob Velseb (Spooky Month)
Morgo/Mr. Voice (Littlr Misfortune)
Beetlejuice (Cartoon and Musical)
Wally Darling (Welcome Home arg)
Howdy Pillar (Welcome Home arg)
Julie Joyful (Welcome Home arg)
Phantom Blot (Disney)
The Big Bad Wolf (Disney/Silly Symphony)
Megatron (Transformers Prime)
Bender Bending Rodriguez
Fictional crushes/not necessarily f/os sometimes:
FNF Boyfriend [Other self insert]
FNF Carol [With OC and other Self insert]
Holli Would (Cool World)
Rhythm Girl (RHF) [Queerplatonically]
Rye Cookie
PS Darnell
PS Nene
PS Alucard
FNF Zardy
The Lizard/ Curt Connors
Brahms Heelshire
Yautjas (City Hunter and Ultimate Predator)
Red Guy
Pyramid Head
Papyrus (including some aus)
Rob Zombie Michael Myers
Reboot Jason Voorhees
Texas Chainsaw 2013 Jedidiah Sawyer
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1-2 Bubba Sawyer
The Observer/Kevin Haas
Cedric the Sorcerer
Chromeskull/ Jesse Cromeans
Eddsworld Tom
Tankman Skittles
Fnaf Sun/Moon
MC Deimos
MC Sanford
MC Sheriff
Fran Bow Itward
Ludwig Von Koopa
TF Bumblebee
TF Knockout
Micah Yujin
Johnny Worthington III
H.G. Well’s Griffin/ The Invisible Man
Lonesome Ghosts
Helluva Boss Fizzarolli
Platonic/Non-romantic f/os:
Skid and Pump
Intruder Plushie (oddly enough)
Pink Pearl
Nephrite (Centipeddle)
Rose Quartz
Ms Frizzle
Flowerfell Frisk
Ruby the red bird
Mr Freeze
Jewel Von Starstone (Friend’s oc)
Sari Sundac
Custard Cookie the III
Other honorable mentions(aka some of my childhood crushes or on-off ones):
Morton Koopa Jr.
Peso the penguin
Marvin the martian
Dr Blowhole
Randall Boggs
Frosty the snowman
Black Hat
Bill Cipher
Keep in mind the difference in my definition of like f/o and other fictional crushes is one is personal and shipped with the actual me/myself, and the other, while I do simp for, I prefer on the side or with an oc.
It’s sorta rare to see me actually ship myself with anything other then my f/o. I’ll most likely ship one of them with a variation of my self insert such as Serpente and Joyfriendz
Here’s finally the revamped one! I plan to make another one for my ships and self shipping soon!! In the meanwhile enjoy all these info on my self. This one will be constantly updated ofc.
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