#ted lasso uk
tsmoxie7 · 1 month
How do I look my fan
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sageandred · 5 months
*(& still salty about it)
new poll: Who's your Roman Empire non-endgame couple Part 2? ends 12/30
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atorionsbelt · 1 year
interviewer: are you aware of the fans who are begging for royjamie—
phil dunster, pointing at self: I WAS the one who— started it
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doththymayo · 3 months
Albert: I swear to God if we actually win this strike, I will burn this deli to the ground!
Albert: I will... Knock over a chair!
Albert, sighing: I will channel my raging enthusiasm into ways to help my community.
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hacash · 1 year
I’m trying to find a good way of saying ‘I’m glad they made Sam cry’ that doesn’t make me sound like, y’know, a MONSTER
but whenever you have a character of colour who is wise beyond their years, you run the risk of de-humanising them and not allowing them to be vulnerable in ways their white counterparts are, and I feel like as much as I love him, Sam occasionally skirts that line? in that he showed anger with both the Dubai Air protest and the whole Jamie thing, but it always passed very quickly; you always get the sense that he’s being very mature...and alright, that’s part of his character but still it runs the risk of hinting that Sam’s not really allowed by the narrative to be properly fucked off or hurt.
and here... well, he totally deserved to lose his shit and run into his dad’s arms to cry his eyes out, because the poor boy is twenty-two years old and trying his best, and he 100% deserves to be pissed off and devastated! and people more qualified than me can talk about whether they feel the entire storyline was done well or poorly*, but I’m glad Sam was allowed to be both angry and upset, and he wasn’t expected to be the bigger man or take it on the chin, he was vulnerable and he expressed his feelings and needed support from his dad and that was precisely what he needed then
(*I personally hope we have more follow-up than we got from Dubai Air because both racism directed at footballers and the refugee crisis are a real-world situations that need more focus. I also hope this episode gets brought up at every single interview Suella Braverman and Priti Patel do from now until the end of time.)
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just a reminder that it doesnt just matter WHO is the first shot of the season, but also where they are. season 1 of course started with rebecca in her office, and ended with rebecca in her office. season 2 opened with nate on a football pitch, and closed with him on the west ham training pitch. which means that s3 will likely end with ted in an airport.... hopefully not going back to kansas...?
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sherifftillman · 1 year
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BRETT GOLDSTEIN as CASPER 'Last Place Hero' from Uncle (2014-2017) 2.03
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ohdeargodwhy · 9 months
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no thoughts, only Crimm
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lunar-years · 3 months
What’s my American, non-sports fan brain’s best reference for how famous we think Roy is? Like, the sportsballers I know of and could potentially even recognize out in the wild as someone who does not follow this type of thing at all is limited to like, Michael Jordan, Lebron James, Serena & Venus Williams, Shaq, Tom Brady, Michael Phelps, Usain Bolt, Beckham…that’s about it 😂😅 I guess my question is…is Roy Serena Williams famous? Or is he more like, Patrick Mahomes famous (obviously top of his field at the moment and very well known amongst people who follow us football, but let’s be so real…I did not know who that man was before Taylor started dating Travis. I sort of knew of his name, but he could’ve been walking down the street and I wouldn’t have known a thing). Like what status of legend are we talking about here?
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tedlassogif · 1 year
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thelassoway · 1 year
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Happy anniversary to this important text message!
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Me love the idea of Mama Lasso going to London wondering why in the hell his son is staying in the UK, the food is terrible and he's not with Henry. Then Rebecca walks into the room and she's like-
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theyknowthatweknow · 1 year
I didn't see anyone talk about this, but Sam's storyline in Ted Lasso was heavily based on things that actually happened involving the British government and Marcus Rashford and eventually, since this episode was written before it happened, was a foreshadowing of what would happen with former player and current pundit Gary Lineker (who did make an appearance as himself in S2).
Some may remember this, but during lockdown Rashford raised a lot of money for children in poverty and campaigned for free school meals for poor children whose families couldn't afford proper meals and have free school meals provided due to having to do home schooling according to coronavirus lockdown procedures. This led to a lot of right wing politicians and people telling him to 'stick to football' and like Sam did on twitter on the show, Rashford also got into a heated exchange on twitter with a right wing politician regarding this. Thankfully, because of support for him and ordinary people and small businesses supporting him and choosing to help these families with meals, the government eventually had to give what he campaigned for, which was basically just to save face. Because of this, a murial was painted in honour of Rashford.
Something that was also happening at the time was the Black Lives Matters moment - every single club had their players start to take the knee before the match. And it wasn't just because of this movement, but because of the growing number of racism black players were receiving both social media and in the stadiums. Rashford himself was subjected to a lot of it. A lot of football fans even were booing players taking the knee, especially when English players were playing against opposition from other European countries like Poland and Ukraine, such as in the Euros. But tumblr with the fake workery were more offended by English fans booing national anthems of European countries, than actual ignorance to racism. Many other international teams in the Euros like Italy who tumblr was frothing over because they had some weird fetish for Italian men even refused to take the knee, despite Italian football having far worse racism than England and also being notorious in football for the horrific racism from Italian fans. On club level, it was already bad from football fans, but what happened after the Euros final was something else.
The final went to penalties and Rashford, along with other black players who took the penalties missed them. Almost any of us who are people of colour knew what was gonna happen - which was the horrific racism they all endured not just England, but internationally. Remember the line from Sam about how he is supported till he misses a penalty kick? That was based on this and also Rashford and other black players experiences of racism when missing penalties. I remember as well tumblr and especially Italian fans here and on other social media doing their fake wokery and laughing at these players, all whilst we were trying to ask them not to, when they were getting a lot of racism. But this was probably because Italians subjected Mario Balotelli to the same racism when they lost a final years ago and have been subjecting him to many years, to the point he's been reduced to tears and severely affected his mental health. The next day, it was discovered that the murial painted for Rashford was graffitied with racism. Remember how Sam's restaurant was also graffitied? A lot of people covered them up with messages of support for Rashford, but the man who painted it went back to get it back to normal - what made this more heartbreaking is that he was also black and saw the racism on it which he said made it very hard for him to do. Remember how the players helped fix Sam's restaurant?
As this happened, a right wing politician tweeted that if Rashford 'sticked to football' this wouldn't have happened - she received a barrage of criticism so had to delete the tweet. Also remember how Sam's exchange was with the home secretary of Britain? Well the then home secretary, priti Patel - who is a brown British Indian woman of immigrant background - was criticising the players taking the knee. When the racism happened, she decided to tweet in support which led to a black English player Tyrone Mings furiously (and correctly) responding that her words like her right wing peers has enabled this to happen and that she doesn't get to be a hypocrite and now decide to support them. Because not only did she criticise them, she was also using dangerous rhetoric against refugees - much like the home secretary in Ted lasso.
But just when we thought the worst had happened... Along came suella braverman, another racist brown woman with an immigrant background. She is actually way worse than priti Patel which we never would have imagined and is trying to pass laws that go against international law along with the current right wing government of jailing or deporting people seeking asylum who didn't come from 'legal routes.' Even though they've made it so difficult for them to gain asylum. A Jewish woman actually asked her to stop using the language she has because it reminds her of how Jewish refugees were treated during the holocaust, but she refused to listen and was very offensive. So very similar to the home secretary on Ted lasso talking about sending boats back. Just recently this year Gary Lineker, who himself has housed an immigrant, asked right wing government officials like her to stop using such dangerous language and have empathy which led to him being suspended by the BBC who he does football punditry for, to keep politics out. All of his colleagues then walked out on strike in support of him, along with other people in the country supporting him, which thankfully led to him being reinstated. However sadly, the current right wing government are still using dangerous language against immigrants and refugees and trying to push legislation against them which breaches human rights and international law. Just today, the current prime minister rush sunak - who is also a brown Indian person of immigrant background that has used his immigrant story to help him reach where he is - said legal migration is TOO HIGH - the same things which let him become the British prime minister.
An episode after this one, Ted was reading a story to his son Henry about a character called Marcus - that was a book from Marcus Rashford as he is trying to help improve reading literacy amongst children. Whilst these books were being released he was doing poorly but this season he has been doing AMAZING whilst seemingly taking a step back from the activism he's done. A lot of people, many of whom supported him have said he did badly because he was doing 'too much' off the field when they are ignoring the very obvious psychological effects of continuously being racially abused just before that season, had on him. There have been some changes such as football fans in England since the Euros being overwhelmingly supportive of the taking of the knee and being more supportive of anti racism messages. But support doesn't mean the problems have gone away.
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weclassybouquetfun · 2 years
“Boy, I love meeting people's moms. It's like reading an instruction manual as to why they're nuts.”
My TED LASSO babies and their moms (and dads).
Kathryn and Dan Sudeikis
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Melodie and Harry Waddingham
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Amanda and Julien Temple
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Vivienne and Howard Goldstein
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Catherine Lance
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The Family Jimoh
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The Family Fernandez
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The Family Dunster
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Mama Bokini (and little uns Kola and one of his sisters)
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Sylvia Swift
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Papa Swift
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Papa Manas
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Baby Greyhounds
Stephen Manas
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David Elsendoorn
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Billy Harris
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sighonaraa · 1 year
anyone want to brainstorm silly ideas for the youth football club au i've got rotating thru my brain like a rotisserie chicken with me? haha jk.................... unless 👀
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snappysprinkledog · 10 months
It's not the popular interpretation, but I truly in my heart believe Roy's sister is older than him
He just kind of gives 'has a big sister' vibes to me, if there is one thing he is from the start of the show it is like, respectful to women, and he just kind of grumbles along, which reads to me man who was made to sit still while his big sister treated him like a large doll
Also the way she looked at him on uncles day was not giving shit head little sister that was knowing older sister enjoying watching little brother squirm
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