taylorfiction · 5 years
Day 5: Being asked interview questions about each other
man this took a turN
‘Should I answer any questions I get about Joe or like not,’ I ask Tree as I slip the earrings I was planning on wearing in. Ellen was known for asking overly personal questions, I loved her, but she did always dig a whole for me.
‘What do you want to do?’ Tree asked as she placed the blue heels in front of me so I could slip them on, I thought about this for a few seconds, fuck it, I had wanted to talk about him non-stop for the last three years so let’s just do it.
‘Yeah, I guess I do,’ I finally said and tree nodded telling me to go for it because that’s what the entire album was about this time, not even a mention of another person, and If I didn’t want to talk about him I basically couldn’t even mention the fact that my seventh album was now in stores ready to buy.
I walked out to cheers from the crowd and gave her a quick embrace before sitting down in her white chair and waiting for the first question to hit me.
‘So,’ she started, crossing her legs and interlocking her hands over her knees, ‘how are you doing, I haven’t seen you in,’ she paused as she thought, ‘four years is it?’
I scrunched my nose up, ‘yeahhhh sorry ‘bout that’ I could feel my face getting redder as I said, ‘been kinda busy with stuff,’ I laughed because I knew exactly what was coming
‘Hmm don’t you mean been kinda busy with someone,’ she raised her eyebrows at me and I could feel myself suddenly going very shy and I let out a little giggle which made the audience ‘aww’.
‘So how is Joseph? Been treating you well?’ She used his full name and I couldn’t help but smile at it along with the fact that Joe had been treating me very well.
‘Yes yes he’s good everything’s good about him, all, all good, yup’ I stammered over my words as my cheeks got redder and I could see Ellen’s smile get wider.
‘It’s been almost three years right? Can I ask what the first fight was?’ My stomach flipped as I knew exactly what our first fight was and it ended with us both crying. Oh boy I totally asked for this.
‘Uhh yea so um,’ I started, taking a breath in before I continued, ’basically um I was not in a good place at all like and I was super self-conscious of that so I kind of tried to break up with him um and told him to get out and all that and he kind of refused and there was some yelling uhh and crying and eventually I just caved and let him stay and yeah here we are,’ I smiled at the end as the audience all reacted with ‘aww’s’
Ellen smiled at that before commenting, ‘Guy should’ve gotten out while he could,’ I laughed at that along with everyone else, I knew she was joking, but before I could respond a face appeared out of nowhere and I yelped and jumped out of my seat, covering my face with my hands as I walked around the stage a little.
Before I could yell at Ellen to stop it I felt arms around my waist. Familiar arms. I turned around in them and a smile instantly burst across my face, forgetting what had just happened as my arms snapped around his neck, almost as a reflex. I was so focused on the scare that I hadn’t acknowledged the face that had scared me.
‘What are you doing here?’ I asked as I hugged him and I felt him laugh into my ear before he pulled away.
‘Ellen asked me to surprise you and I would never miss a chance to scare you so here I am,’ Joe laughed again as he talked.
We both walked back over to the sofa, Joe hugging Ellen before he sat down next to me so we were effectively sharing a seat but it was okay because I only had a small frame.
‘Joseph Alwyn everybody,’ there was a round of applause from the audience which I included myself in as Joe waved to everyone.
As soon as he was no longer waving, he rested his hand on my leg, which I was extremely aware of, I did want to put my hand over his but I could tell that people would go crazy if I did so I managed to refrain.
‘So when are you guys gonna give us adorable blonde babies,’ Ellen asked and I already regretted coming on this show. What the hell was I meant to say to that.
I looked to Joe and sure enough he had the perfect answer, he always did, ‘We’ll let you know when we have,’ everyone laughed and I couldn’t help but slip my hand behind our backs and squish my hand into his back pocket. It was fine. No one would be able to tell because we were sat so close to each other. In response I felt Joe squeeze my leg and turn his head to smile at me. I smiled back.
‘Oh Joe I need to ask,’ Ellen started, a smirk on his face, ‘Whats your favourite song off the album?’ there was a pause for a second as he thought and I looked to him expectantly, he normally said all of them but I wonder if that would change with other people asking.
‘Uhh all of them,’
I laughed at this along with everyone else and Ellen nodded her head in response.
‘And before you leave I have something for you,’ Ellen said, pulling out a small velvet box from her jacket pocket.
Oh what gag gift has she got now.
I laughed as she handed it to Joe, winking at him in the process of transferring the smirk and the box.
He got up off the chair as it was too squished to turn completely towards me.
He got down.
On one knee.
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taylorfiction · 6 years
Day 3: First night of tour
enjoy!! i know its quite small and im sorry but i have a load of work to catch up on aha, love u guys!!!!
‘excited or nervous?’ he asked calmly as we sat next to each other on the sofa, waiting for my call to the stage which would lead to the group huddle before we actually took the stage.
‘Uhh, a bit of both,’ I nodded stiffly at him, biting my lip and fidgeting my fingers on my lap.
He placed his hand over mine to calm them down before he responded, ‘Well I’m gonna be in the crowd so look out for me,’ his smirk made my heart skip a beat and I couldn’t believe how lucky I’d gotten with this guy.
‘I won’t take my eyes off you,’ I smiled at him, resting my head on his shoulder as we sat in comfortable silence, ‘Wait didn’t you have shooting today or some even I swea-‘ I started, my head snapping up and a frown forming on my face as I remembered a conversation from a few weeks ago.
‘Shh, I rescheduled because there is no way in hell I’m missing this,’ he squeezed the hand that was still over mine in reassurance and once again my heart did a little skip, god I loved him.
Calling all cast to the stage
The announcement blared form the speakers and Joe and I were snapped out of our moment abruptly.
‘I guess I have to go then, I’ll look out for you,’ I smiled at him before getting up off the sofa and making my way to the exit only to turn back around and rush back to him, planting one final kiss on his lips, ‘Bye,’
‘Did you see me?’ I asked as I clambered off the stage into his waiting arms,
‘Hell yea I saw you, you were on fire out there,’ he chuckled as he hugged me tightly, making sure I didn’t disappear off again.
I pulled away and smiled at him, one of those childish grins that you get when you’re so ecstatic about something and it makes you feel like you’re five years old again.
‘But did you see me?’ his hands were still on my waist and his eyebrows were raised in my direction, clearly expecting an answer.
‘Were you the weird one that wouldn’t stop dancing?’ I joked lightly, sticking my tongue out at him in response.
‘That was me,’ he winked before picking my hand up, lacing his fingers through it and mentioning that my entire family was in my dressing room waiting to ambush me and tell me how amazing I was.
We walked slowly down the corridors walking past smiling crew members who were clearly very happy about the fact that the first night of tour had gone as smoothly as possible.
We stopped outside the door signposted ‘Taylor Swift, Dressing Room’
‘Before we go in, I just wanted to say-‘ I stopped him with my lips as I knew what he was going to say and I knew I was going to have that everyday from my parents for the next six months or whatever, not that im not appreciative, but it sure does get a bit repetitive.
Our lips connected and it was as though we hadn’t seen each other for six years, I felt like it had been too long since I had last kissed him, when really it had only been about 3 hours. His fingers ran through my hair and I couldn’t help the little noise that escaped my mouth. At that I felt him smirk and if I wasn’t in the middle of making out with him I probably would’ve wacked his shoulder and told him off.
The door to the dressing room opened and Joe and I managed to pull apart even though we didn’t really want too, ‘Are you gonna stand there and make out for the rest of the day or are you gonna come visit ya family teff?’ Austin said with raised eyebrows and I punched him in the arm as I walked past, Joe following behind with his head low.
The minute I stepped into the room family members surrounded me with hugs and congratulations and ‘im so proud of you’ talks that I stopped Joe from doing earlier. God how I wish we were alone instead of surrounded by all these people.
I looked back at him then and couldn’t help but smile as he talked to my Dad, both of them clearly fully invested in the conversation. He was part of the family.
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taylorfiction · 6 years
Day 2: Meeting each others family’s (Meeting one’s or both)
‘Are you sure you’re okay?’ I asked her slowly as we drove towards my parent’s house, Taylor in the passenger seat beside me, my hand resting on her leg and the other on the steering wheel.
I looked towards her as I asked this and she met my eyes and nodded vigorously but with a weak smile on her face. She was nervous. ‘It’s gonna be fine, they’re gonna love you, I promise’ she smiled but her eyes said something else and I rubbed her thigh in reassurance and to try and calm her down.
We pulled up outside the house and I parked the car before turning to her and smiling.
‘Do you do drugs?’ I asked and she frowned, clearly confused, and shook her head.
‘Do you smoke?’ Once again, she shook her head in response, still with a confused frown on her face.
‘Are you a bad influence?’ She paused for a second at this one.
‘I mean probab-‘ she started but I cut her off before she could finish, hitting her leg playfully and responding no you’re not, shut up before she asked, ‘What’s the point of this again?’
‘My parents are gonna love you if I’m happy and if you’re not bad for me. And you’re not so. End of. Stop worrying,’ I finished before opening my car door and rushing round to open hers for her.
‘Madame,’ I offered my hand to her as she got out the car, shutting the door behind her, she took it and lead me to the front door before looking at me, clearly waiting for me to knock.
I squeezed her hand and offered another reassuring smile before pressing my knuckles to the door, knocking twice. As soon as my fist left the wood the door opened and my mother’s familiar smiley face greeted me, pulling me into a hug almost as fast as she had opened the door.
‘Mum, this is Taylor,’ I said as I pulled away from her tight embrace.
‘It’s lovely to meet you dear,’ My mum said to the girl standing next to me, who leaned down slightly to meet my mum’s open arms, letting go of my hand in the process.
‘And you’ Taylor smiled sweetly and stepped in after my mother who was ushering us both in muttering something about it being too cold and that only food could warm us up.
We stood and took our shoes and coats off before following my mother into the kitchen, a small exchange of whether Taylor was doing okay in the process. Her nodding head was interrupted by my Dad who had been sat in the kitchen watching the food cook, clearly willing it to cook faster.
‘Ahh Joe,’ he smiled at me and brought me in a for a hug with a slap on the back which almost took the wind out of me.
‘And you must be Taylor,’ he stepped past me towards her and embraced her gentler than he had I, her smile grew larger as my dad started rambling about how much he’d heard about her and I couldn’t help that my cheeks where growing redder by the second.
‘Joe go and get Patrick, he probably has his headphones on,’ My mother ordered me and I gave another smile to Taylor as I wandered out of the kitchen, ran up the stairs and burst into my brother’s room.
‘Get your ass downstairs, dinner’s ready and I want you to meet someone,’ Patrick grunted in response and I took that as an okay. As I made my way downstairs, I heard laughing from the kitchen, I bet they were already telling her childhood stories. She didn’t need any more ammo.
‘-We heard this horrible crack and it was his brother’s arm breaking,’ My dad laughed as I entered the room and I the 3 pairs of eyes landed on me, Taylor’s eyebrows abnormally raised.
‘What did you tell her?’ I asked with a warning tone in my voice before I walked toward her, looping my arm around her waist as I stood next to her.
‘We were just telling Taylor about the time you broke Patrick’s arm,’ My dad laughed as he saw me rub my hand over my face, I was always trying to block that memory out.
At that, Patrick entered the room and I could see Taylor’s eyes flick back and forth between us, the differences between us where so few it was hard to tell us apart if you didn’t know us. ‘Hi,’ he waved at Taylor and she waved back
‘I’m Taylor,’ she smiled at him, ‘It’s Patrick, right? the one whose arm was broken by this doofus?’ she pointed to me and I shook my head at both of them
Patrick laughed a bit at that before deciding it would be a good idea to show Taylor the scar. Oh God.
When they were finished chatting about how much of a terrible brother I am we all crowded round the table, sifting into different seats, the chatter never stopping.
I was happy. I was so unbelievably happy. I could tell that they liked her and I could tell that she liked them. They hadn’t stop chatting since she had gotten here and it made my heart burst that four out of five, the fifth being Tom, all loved each other’s company and got along so well.
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taylorfiction · 5 years
Day 7: Christmas/holiday themed (With family, in the future, exchanging gifts, ect.)
I just wanted to say that this festival has been so much fun and im glad people got involved, love you all xx
‘Merry Christmas baby,’ he said before I felt him kiss my lips.
I frowned, my eyes still closed from the glorious night’s sleep I had gotten.
What did he just say?
‘Chrimus?’ I murmured, scrunching my eyes shut before opening them slightly and squeezing them shut again
‘That’s right, and guess what? It’s snowing’
I sat up instantly at the word snow and my eyes were wide open wanting to see it for myself.
‘Well that got you up, it’s not snowing but I love you and merry Christmas,’ he smirked before leaving another peck on my lips before handing me a cup of coffee. I glared at him as I took it, wrapping my cold holds around the warm mug.
‘You’re a bully,’ I said before sticking my tongue out at him for being so cruel.
‘And you’re lazy,’ he said, responding with the same childlike gesture, ‘its Christmas get up,’ he said as he stood in the doorway about to go back downstairs.
‘Finnne, I’m coming,’ I said as I pulled the covers off and quickly pulled a jumper over my head to keep me even a little warmer.
I wandered downstairs and what I saw made my heart flutter; there was a stack of pancakes waiting on the island, along with all the toppings you could ever want, there was Christmas music playing softly in the background and I smelt cinnamon from a candle that had already been lit. It really was feeling a lot like Christmas.
‘In here!’ Joe yelled from the lounge but before I could move anywhere, he yelled again, ‘Can you bring the pancakes and the honey because I need honey pancakes before what we’re about to do,’
My eyebrows raised as I heard what he said but I obeyed and picked up the pancakes and the honey before wandering into the lounge. Before I could register what was actually in the lounge I asked, ‘And what exactly, are we about to do?’
Joe laughed as he obviously knew where my mind was but I snapped out of it the minute I saw the presents sitting under our six-foot tree.
‘Opening presents you dummy,’ he sighed at me before shaking his head, as if he wouldn’t have thought the exact same thing, ‘now sit,’ he patted the space of floor that was in front of him but also directly in front of the large tree and all the presents that were waiting there.
As I put down the pancakes on the coffee table that was next to us Joe offered me my first present. While I took the gift and began to unwrap it he tucked in to one of the pancakes using only his hand as a plate to stop any honey dripping on the carpet.
I peeled off the paper and gasped as I saw what it was, a smile spread across my face as I examined the antique jewellery box that we had seen at an antiques fair around a month ago, I had obsessed over it then and I was obsessing over it now.
‘Thank you,’ I giggled as I leaned over to kiss him, thankfully he’d finished the pancake.
And so we took it in turns, one person opening and the other person eating until all the pancakes were gone and there was only one present left.
It was for me.
It looked quite small.
He picked it up and handed it to me, a small smirk on his face as he waited for me to open it.
Underneath the paper was a box, too big to be a ring box but too small to hold chocolates or a big necklace like the one in Ocean’s 8.
I opened the box and I frowned slightly.
It was a set of keys.
‘I know we were looking for a place to call ours and I found this house, god this house, it’s got a large garden, but not too large, it has 5 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms and the biggest kitchen in the entire world with an island in the middle because I know you love having that, also there is a lounge and so many empty rooms that we can fill with music or movies or it can be a playroom or a cinema or whatever we want,’ He took a breath from his excited outburst and I couldn’t help but smile at just the humungous grin on his face.
He continued, ‘I went ‘round it with your mum and multiple of your friends and they all agree that you’d love it so you kind of have to and also because I bought it.’
He nodded and before he could say anything else I closed the gap between us, expressing exactly what I wanted to say with a kiss to his grinning lips.
‘Merry Christmas,’ he said as I finally pulled away
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taylorfiction · 5 years
Day 4: Attending an award show together
Um i hope u like this because i kind of want this to happen?? also if you type in red elie saab v neck into google, the second result is the dress i was thinking of,, enjoy x
As soon as I opened the bedroom door I was frozen in the doorway. My eyes scanning what was in front of me, my stomach flipping and my heart beating a mile a minute. I couldn’t take my eyes of her, not that I really wanted too to be honest.
She turned around and I took sharp breath in, the back was beautiful but the front, something else. ‘Oh, don’t you look dapper,’ she smiled and took a step towards me and placed her hands gently on my chest, smoothing out any creases in my red velvet tux.
‘You look,’ I paused as I looked down at the simple red Louboutin’s on her feet, ‘Incredible,’ my eyes travelled up her body. She wore a crimson red Elie Saab gown with flower embroidery snaking up and down the sheer material, the V neckline which met the belt accentuating her neck and making the necklace I had given her ten times more obvious. All of which was tied together with her signature red lip and a pair of simple red earrings.
I met her eyes again and she blushed slightly under my gaze, ‘ready to go?’ she asked before taking my hand and walking out of the room to get into the car that was already waiting for us.
I squeezed her hand once more before we got out of the car, I didn’t have to hear it to know that her heart was beating uncontrollably fast, this was our first red carpet together after all. At the Grammys.
The car door opened for me and I slipped out, walking round to the other side to open Taylor’s door, as soon as she stepped out the screams started and the yells began, I looked at her and smiled, taking her hand before we walked towards the red carpet.
It felt like everyone was everywhere and the only control I had was in my feet which walked me to the next star where we would stand and smile, my arm around her waist, holding her to me probably too tight. I didn’t care.
‘You okay?’ I whispered briefly while walking to the next star, her head nodded in response and I had to refrain from kissing her because I really wanted to in that moment.
We were sat in the front row, I in seat 14 and Taylor in 13, unsurprisingly. I couldn’t not rest my hand on her thigh, I had already been deprived of kisses I couldn’t be denied of human contact. I wouldn’t allow it.
She was in the running for Pop Vocal Album and I knew she was terrified about it, she didn’t have to say it I could feel the nervous energy radiating off of her. ‘Whatever happens, I’m here,’ I whisper into her ear as we hear the nominees being read out. Her leg bounced under my hand, another piece of evidence supporting how nervous she was and I squeezed her thigh slightly trying to reassure her, calm her, anything.
‘And the award goes too…’
I took a sharp intake of breath as I waited for the announcer to finish the sentence, this was it. This shaped our evening for the night. After-parties or burgers on the couch?
Reputation, Taylor Swift
She looked at me, her eyes wide and a beaming smile on her face which I reflected on my own. We stood up at the same time and my arms snaked around her frame, holding her to me tightly. God I was trying so hard not to kiss her but. But.
Fuck it.
As we pull away, I grab her face in my hands and kiss her, it’s short but oh so sweet and as I pull away, I see a mix of surprise and a smirk on her face. She so wanted me to do that.
She turns around and hugs everyone else from her management, including Tree whose eyebrows are higher than the ceiling. Whoops. And finally her Mum and her Dad, who are both obviously emotional, rightfully so, because I am too.
As she walks past me towards the stage she mouths ‘I love you’ and I feel my heart burst with pride. That’s my girl. Winning THAT award. Damn.
I guess after-parties it is.
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taylorfiction · 6 years
Day 1: Joe reacting to the album
it’s really crappy and short and im sorry,, im also sorry i haven’t updated Wallflower recently but don’t worry it will!! come!!!! be patient with me x
‘Play it for me,’ he looked at me with those fucking blue eyes and that stomach-flipping smile, while holding my hand in his and playing with my fingers, intertwining them with his own.
‘But it’s not finished yet,’ I stumbled over my words and felt my cheeks warm at the thought of Joe listening to the first song that was written about him and all the things we’d done. Because yeah it was totally finished but I was totally embarrassed about it. Which was stupid but totally valid. I basically confess my love in every line of the song.
He looked at me and raised his eyebrows, ‘That was a total porky pie oh my god’ his hands went to my waist and he squeezed it gently making me squeal and break into a small fit of giggles.
‘Play it for me or I will never kiss you again,’ he stuck his tongue out at me, crossed his arms and stomped his foot as though he was a two-year-old who wasn’t allowed any more sweets on Halloween.
‘Whose telling porky pies now? You wouldn’t last an hour and we both know it’ it was my eyebrows that were raised now and I took step closer to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and smirking at him. His hands automatically rested on my waist and he shook his head as I talked, as if I was completely wrong. I wasn’t.
‘Play it for me,’ he repeated as he removed his hands and stepped away, ‘I’m gonna hear it at some point, and if you can’t play it to me then how are you gonna let billions of people listen to it’ he looked at me with that expecting look of his which normally made me feel guilty about something stupid I’d done.
‘Uh fine,’ I said as I rolled my eyes and walked towards the sofa. When I was comfortably sat among the cushions, I looked back at him, still standing there, his hands firmly squashed into his back pockets. ‘Well come here then doofus’
He laughed as I beckoned him towards me and as he walked he remarked, ‘Don’t call me doofus you moron’ I joined his laughter as he sat down and he winked at me. That damn wink.
‘Well then don’t force me to play you my song’ I stuck my tongue out and smirked as I joked with him. I picked up my phone and pulled up the song, I took a breath before I asked,
‘You ready?’
‘As ready as I’ll ever be’ he laughed and I smiled timidly. I was suddenly very nervous.
I found his hand and squeezed it as I pressed play, he squeezed back.
Call It What You Want.
He was quiet for the whole song until it ended and he asked me to play it again, my voice was shaky as I said ‘okay’ and I pressed play, my hand still in his and his eyes still focused on the phone rather than mine.
By the end of the second time of playing it I was dying to know what he thought, I was terrified but also weirdly excited, as though if I didn’t know what he thought I would combust instantly.
‘W-What do you think?’ I stumbled nervously as he still hadn’t met my eyes and he still hadn’t squeezed my hand again since the first time.
He looked up at me and I released the breath that I seemed to have been holding. His blue gems were glazed over as if he was about to cry and when a tear did spill down his cheek, I wiped it away with my thumb.
He pulled me closer, cupping my face in his hands and kissing me, with emotion and passion and happiness all mixed into one.
‘Thank you,’ he said quietly, his voice slightly hoarse from the crying and the fact that he hadn’t talked in a while, ‘thank you’ he repeated, his hands still framing my face and his nose still only centimetres away from my own.
‘Why are you saying thank you baby, surely it should be me thanking you?’ I pulled away slightly so his hands fell and landed in mine, a confused look on my face.
‘Thank you for being so impossibly smart and creating a song that perfectly describes how much I love you,’ I felt my heart smile as I watched him reach his hand towards me and tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear.
‘I love you too doofus,’ I said before he reached to the side table where my phone was placed and played the song for a third time.
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