If Tanizaki was in love with me
Yes it’s gonna ve as dangerous as you can imagine
Basically here me vs his sister Naomi
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Tanizaki in background: Pls guys stop >.<
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sweetleaf-cafe · 3 years
hello ! could i request a ada x child!reader (maybe around 12-15)? i was thinking headcanons or a scenario of them suddenly showing up at the agency and (previously knowing atsushi from the orphanage) just laying and going to sleep on his desk - straight after telling him their parents kicked them out again (maybe for her being lgbt if that’s okay and ur comfortable with that — it’s okay if not !) this is more of a self projection art request so could you please make it so they’re not as phased and are a little stoic about everything? it makes me feel really weird when the reader is all shy and stuff.
Thank you for your request! We’re happy to fulfil it for you to the best of our abilities.  Though we weren’t particularly sure how to write this, we hope that you enjoy it nonetheless! 
Atsushi and Kyouka made their way to the agency, they made good time, though they did not rush, as they had just solved and finished taking care of a case. While it was not particularly difficult nor time consuming, Atsushi was glad to be finished with it.
Their walk was interlaced with small bits of chatter, but remained quiet and peaceful for much of the time. Both him and Kyouka instead admiring the cherry blossoms that always came with the spring.
Winding their way through the familiar streets, the two entered a brick building that was quite weathered, but remained sturdy. Finally, they arrived on the fourth floor, it was the same as ever. People shuffled around, filing paperwork, typing out reports, or heading over to a case. While the atmosphere felt busy, there was also a sense of comfort that fell over Atsushi like a blanket as he walked in.
With that, Atsushi paused, "Hmm... Where is Dazai?" He pondered, now having noticed the sheer lack of chaos.
"Dazai and Kunikida went out for a case." Ranpo responded, and Atsushi let out a sigh of relief. Though also pondered just how many new bruises Dazai would have upon returning.
Moving on from that, Atsushi made his way back to his desk, finishing up some paperwork that was related to the case. However, not much time had passed before his was interrupted.
Dr. Yosano tapped on his shoulder, alerting him to the familiar face that was staring at him from across the room, making their way to his desk.
"Friend of yours?" She asked, and Atsushi nodded dumbly for a moment, rather in shock.
"(Y/n)!" Atsushi called out, quietly though, as to not bother his co-workers.
"Hey." They respond.
"It's great to see you, (Y/n)!" Atsushi beams.
"Yeah, great to see you too." They reply with a tiny hint of a smile.
Atsushi smiles, seeing that his friend is the same as ever. "Anyways, what brings you here?" He asks.
"My parents kicked me out for being LGBTQ." They said plainly, right before sitting down at his desk, letting their head hit the table.
Atsushi blinks a few times in surprise, just standing there for several seconds, "Are you okay?" He asks hesitantly, only to notice their breathing even out as they fall asleep.
Kyouka walks over, "Who are they?" She asks.
"(Y/n), a friend from when I was in the orphanage." Atsushi keeps his voice down, as to not disturb them as he reminisces. "Actually, they're around your age, Kyouka."
"I see." Kyouka responds, still staring at them.
"Still, we probably shouldn't disturb them right now, I think they're asleep." Atsushi mentions.
Before anything else could occur, the door was thrown open. "GREETINGS HUMANS!!!" Dazai shouts from across the agency, right before his mouth is clamped shut by Dr. Yosano.
"They're resting right now, so keep it down." Yosano warned.
After a moment, they heard a groan. "How is anyone supposed to sleep in this racket?" A slightly groggy voice asks.
"(Y/n)! You're awake!" Atsushi exclaims.
"Obviously." They retort, proceeding to stare at Dazai's feet.
After a moment, Atsushi understood, seeing the fluffy bunny slippers he was wearing.
"Dazai?" He asked, confused, and somehow not surprised. Behind Dazai, he could see Kunikida facepalm. With that, Dazai turns around, putting a pair of bunny ears on Kunikida, who tore them off.
"Quit it, Dazai!" He shouts.
"Why though~ They make you look so much more approachable, nobody wants to talk to someone as stern as you." Dazai whines.
(Y/n) watches them, looking only mildly interesting as Kunikida proceeds to choke out Dazai.
"Maybe you should introduce yourself?" Atsushi offers awkwardly.
"Sure, hey guys!" (Y/n) calls to get their attention. "I'm (Y/n) (L/n), friend of Atsushi's."
Kenji looks at them in wonder, "Nice to meet you, I'm Kenji! So why are you here?" He asks.
"Parents kicked me out." They shrug.
"And why would they do that?" Kunikida asks.
"They don't like that they're LGBTQ." Ranpo answers. (Y/n) Looks towards him, slightly surprised.
"Of course, as the greatest detective of the world, Ranpo, I would figure that much out."
"Mhmm." (Y/n) raised their eyebrows, but decided to not comment.
Dr. Yosano grimaces, clearly not pleased that someone would do that to their own child. "Well, you're welcome to stick around here. I'm Yosano, I'm a doctor here." Yosano says.
"That isn't such a good idea, as we're constantly in conflict, it wouldn't be safe for them to stay here longer than necessary." Kunikida objected.
"Come on! It wouldn't be so bad to have them around for a little while." Dazai intervened, already thinking of pranks to play.
"As much as I hate to say, Kunikida's right." Tannizaki replies, "By the way, I'm Tannizaki, this is my little sister, Naomi." Tannizaki says as he gestures to the girl hanging off his arm.
"You're welcome to come visit the café downstairs though, we come by there often." Kyouka interjects.
"What's your name?" (Y/n) asks.
"Kyouka Izumi." She replies simply.
"W-Wait!" Atsushi interjects. "I don't think they have a place to stay, seeing as their parents kicked them out and all."
"Is that true?" Kunikida asked.
"Yup, don't really know where I'm going." (Y/n) replied.
"We certainly can't leave a kid on the streets like this either." Dr. Yosano added.
"They can stay with us!" Atsushi replies quickly, "I mean, if Kyouka is okay with it." He finishes, looking at her.
"Yeah, she can stay with us." Kyouka agrees, appearing to be unbothered by it.
"Thanks for the help." (Y/n) smiles, glad to know where they're going to be spending the night.
"Alright then, but tomorrow, we'll properly address your situation." Kunikida assures, issuing a word of thanks from them. "Anyways, we all have work to do, (Y/n) until the work day is over, feel free to stay here." Kunikida finishes before attending to the papers at his desk.
"Hey (Y/n)!" Naomi calls them over, waving an arm.
"Yeah?" (Y/n) asks walking over.
"I'll show you where you can hang out for now." Naomi says, pulling them along into something akin to a waiting room.
"This is going to be one heck of a ride, isn't it?" (Y/n) asks, not really looking for an answer.
"Sure is!" Naomi responds cheerfully, causing (Y/n) to sigh a bit.
"Well, we'll see how this goes."
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If Ada and me got stranded on abandonded inslad
Kunnikida, trying to set up rules while also babysitting Dazai and Ranpo and at the same time trying to build shelter with Kenji’s and Atsushi's help: I wanna retire President this was not written in my job contract and books of ideals
President sitting on leaf sipping from coconut: You are doing perfectly fine Kunnikida
Ranpo surrounded by food Atsushi had to find for him in jungle: I am thirsty
Atsushi exhausted from assisting Kunnikida, Dazai, Ranpo: I am a weretiger I cant do magic
Dazai attempting suicide by drowning in ocean while hunting for crabs that he wants for dinner: blublrbrl
Kenji - the only unneffected person by situation 2nd in command for survival: Its fine Atsushi-kun I am already planning to raise my rice crops and then dig water ditch
Tannizaki , very stressed, the first one to get sunburn: Kenji-kun you know you cant grow rice on tropic island right?
Yosano sharpening her made up weapons: I go hunt later with Kyouka-chan but now let me treat your sunburn Tannizaki-kun~
T: Nooooooooo
Kyouka-chan: unfazed stays close to Atsushi or President and helps around
Me, lazing around seconds before getting yelled and getting to help to survive watching all of this unfolding: This is better than watching comedy movie
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