#tami x eric
nightlocktime · 2 years
‘You’re my dream’ askfajf
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clubglee · 1 month
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I love you guys. And you guys are the best parents in the world.
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muserepeats · 1 month
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let the light in
a friday night lights x euphoria crossover!
Tami Taylor's first day as the new Vice Principal at East Highland was not turning out as she'd expected. Tami stepped right into the fallout of a very controversial play by student Lexi Howard, one that laid bare the troubling social dynamics of the Southern California high school and caused a violent altercation that the whole town is buzzing about. On top of that, another student named Fezco O'Neill had gone missing, and Tami and her husband Eric seemed to be the only adults who cared about finding him. What they imagined as an easy last chapter before retirement would be much more challenging for the Taylors as they get to know Lexi, Fezco, Rue, Jules, Maddy, Cassie, Kat, Ethan, and Nate. But, as always, Tami knows best, and she might be just the person to turn things around at Euphoria High.
Author's note: This was written as a part of the @ficwritersforreproductiverights drive - almost two years later!
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forbescaroline · 2 years
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MELISSA'S 225 FAVORITE SHIPS OF ALL TIME ranked by my followers 208. eric taylor and tami taylor - friday night lights “I love you. I respect you. I am proud of you. I am in love with you completely.”
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headbandsandflats · 1 year
it’s driving me crazy that i feel like i can’t find ANY gifs of one of my top 10 fave fnl scenes, when matt comes to dinner after he & julie get back together and he challenges coach to let him play wide receiver after he gets benched as qb1. like, am i the only person who adores this, bc truly this scene has everything:
-coach & tami passive aggressively sniping over dinner
-julie, at her least annoying, championing matt
-julie shutting matt down w/one word - in v tami fashion - and coach’s eyes snapping over, clocking it all
-coach & matt playing football together (😭😭😭) and julie & tami cheering matt on
-coach taking the blame for the last pass & telling matt he’ll think about giving him a shot (and then quietly asking tami for aspirin for his arm)
-matt & julie v cutely flirting on their way back in
-(bonus: the thought that this is what family dinners for the four of them ((+gracie i guess, whatever)) will be like for years to come 😭😭)
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thievesandtraitors · 1 year
22, 34 and 49 for the tv show ask game! 💕
Hello my dear!
22. If you could write your own TV show, what would it be like?
Oh goodness, if only I was creative enough to think of a good show. (I've been struggling with this for 5 minutes because I genuinely am stumped.) If I had to force something out of myself it would be about a woman who runs a company but is trying to be pushed out by the board members who want her to merge with a competitor but she refuses to do so. Add a love interest somewhere that is very complicated and potentially goes unresolved, and for flare I always thought of some tragedy happening like her daughter dies in a car accident because her ex is drunk driving or something awful. Yeah--I know I'm messed up lol.
34. What are your top 5 shows right now?
I'm not actively watching a lot of shows right now. And I know this question is simple but it's not a simple answer for me since I've only started one new show. But just going through my list, here are five shows I'm in the middle of: Ozark, The Crown (s5), Worst Roommate Ever, I Am A Stalker, and The Texas Killing Fields.
49. Who are your favorite tv couples?
Oh now you've got a bitch going!! AH. Where to end. MerDer, Olitz, CJ x Danny, Elena x Damon, Tami x Eric, Owen x Amelia, Robert x Sol, and so many more.
Thank you, thank you for the ask!
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zalrb · 5 years
oooh could you list your favorite power couples?
Buffy and Angel
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Dan and Blair
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Tami and Eric
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Stefan and Elena
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I’m including Stefan and Elena in this because when they were together they were also a team who within their circle would be considered a power couple/mom and Dad
Ben and Leslie
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Beth and Randall
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Barney and Robin
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Jon and Sansa (yes, I’m including them)
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Tommy and May (what could’ve been anyway)
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In a way, Jonah and Amy – they’re like the power couple of Cloud 9
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Dan and Amy (they kind of were but could’ve been for realsies if the show would’ve just let them dammit!)
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Amy and Josh (yes, I liked them better than Donna and Josh)
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Jax and Tara were sort of a power couple too, I think, I mean they’re Club Royalty basically
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Jake and Olivia (they were and they could’ve been)
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Katara and Aang
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Sokka and Suki
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Mai and Zuko
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Tormund and Brienne (what could’ve been!)
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Silver and Madi
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Lucretia and Batiatus
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brettseyparallels · 2 years
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This parallel is for my girl Bridget!! (@girlmadeofstarlight)
Couples that can be dorky together stay together, am I right??
Gif credits: @sunscorch-blog @selenaurrr @brettsiexcasey
Brettsey in Chicago Fire 10x01/Eric & Tami in Friday Night Lights 2x05
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conniebritton · 3 years
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I love you. I respect you. I am proud of you. I am in love with you completely.
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hgedits · 3 years
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itspileofgoodthings · 3 years
Eric in the middle of an argument with Tami is always like “wait! I have to kiss you!” and then he does and only then he can be like “okay, we can proceed” and honestly it’s too much for me
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forbescaroline · 3 years
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TOP 100 SHIPS OF ALL TIME: #56. eric taylor and tami taylor (friday night lights)
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the most healing straight energy I’ve ever seen
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headbandsandflats · 1 year
wait a minute. WAIT A MINUTE. is coach & tami’s spot the same place as matt & julie’s spot or am i just a city mouse who thinks all texas lakes look the same?!?!?
(I like...really need a definitive answer on this. Tami & Eric pull over at a spot where they had their not first date but their *eyebrows raised* first date [which was a typically adorable convo] and then when matt came back for thanksgiving [crying forever] he took julie to where he “deflowered her” [julie’s mocking words] and idk i feel like it looked identical and i just really with everything in me need to know if the taylors + julie & matt have the same special sex spot - and if they do why are there not 1000 fics about them all somehow finding this out)
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tinkertayler · 2 years
'#they are both mentally ill #like.. actually. literally. they are unhinged. #we don't talk about that enough' was going through the tags on that farscape post & found yours. & yes! but also i love that the show acknowledges that and is always talking about it through the text as the entire show is a down in the blood and guts exploration of trauma.
Yes anon, YES! Farscape knows what it is and what it’s doing, just as you said. It is an exploration of pain and trauma, love and loneliness, growth and change, destruction and reformation. It wears a campy science fiction suit, but under all the puppets, aliens, Living Ships and bondage gear lies a vivid, emotional and tragically human life.
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rigginsruzek · 4 years
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the best tv relationship w/o a doubt 💗
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