#talluluh qsmp
namecantbeblank · 10 months
Transcript and Description:
Phil and Talluluh are in the art museum looking at and talking about a drawing of Roier and Cellbit.
Phil, laughing: We get it, you're happy. We get it! *Retches* We get it. It's fine, I'm not missing Missa, alright? It's fine. I don't want to talk about it.
Phil runs out of the museum, glancing at his chat amused.
Phil: Anyway.
Clip ends.
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shortystack75 · 1 year
Uncalled for >:(
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sliceocheese · 1 year
Dauochueowobjcwnjsjwno wouhchuro
I’m crying whilst I watch Wilbur sing to talluluh
I’m singing with him
and crying
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crychaoss · 11 months
I find Foolish, Tallulah and Leo's relationships really sweet.
Foolish was so nice to Tallulah yesterday. He made sure (most of the time) to read all of her signs, when they went in a laggy area and she disappeared he was asking where Tallulah went and started looking for her. And the fact that she is the only one who got a nickname from Foolish is really sweet "Talluluh <3"
It was so fun seeing the sisters suffering together on the floor while being bored in Bad's base, Tallulah saying she really likes Leo and wants to spend more time with her, and making sure Bad doesn't read her letter out loud because she doesn't feel save around Hogar :(. Tallulah was also the one saying hi to Leo when she was late to the hide n seek event and she didn't know what was going on. She also tried to wake up Leo when she didn't had any tasks done last week, and later on went to check up on her when she went back to her room because she got overwhelmed.
Also, if you remember, earlier on, I think the second time the eggs went to the daycare, Tallulah was there and Foolish was saying hi to her (i think because it was his first time seeing her), Leo stepped in front of Foolish so she's between his father and Tallulah because she got jealous.
Both Leo and Tallulah require a bunch of patience, Leo because of her language barrier, and Tallulah because her laptop barely holds the qsmp server together, but both of the girls are really sweet and i think they would make a great duo if they spent more time together <33
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trenchcoatsbi · 5 months
rant because I'm so fucking angry and I'm currently watching cc!philza's stream rn /cw: tallulah neg (?) JESUS CHRIST I AM SHAKING HER RN WHY IS SHE SO STUBBORNNN OKAY so for summary dappy got kidnapped today in canon, and she is being very stubborn and going off alone by herself trying to find him and god I'm so angry I will regret saying all of this but jesus christ I want her to stop, stop being stubborn PEOPLE CARE FOR YOU ARE YOU FUCKING BLIND? PEOPLE ADORE YOU THEY LOVE YOU! THEY LOVE YOU MORE THAN THEY WILL EVER LOVE ME THEY PROVED THAT IN MY EYES SO STOP, I KNOW YOU ARE ANGRY, I AM TOO, I KNOW YOU ARE HURT I AM TOO!! and I dont think you realize how lucky you are how lucky you are of being loved by people meanwhile I'm destine to be a shadow, people always focusing on you, the ones that are watching us from the screen always preoritizing you you're acting like me, I think maybe that is the reason I'm mad at you because you are acting like I am .... maybe that's what makes us siblings isn't that right talluluh?? .... I'm mad...how do I know that is even you who I am talking about? I cant even remember my own timeline but you are acting just like I used to as far as I'm aware, you're becoming me and it makes me wonder back it makes me wonder again but it doesn't truly matter right now you dont know us, and maybe I dont know you either you are burdened with expectations this was bound to happen you have no idea how jealous I am of you and your family and how I wish to be part of it always, how pain it caused me being dead or being in your shadow as both pomme and a mere code ... but I wont get anything by snapping at you like you are at everyone, because is not truly you, is me, is my own issues, that I had been holding back and not told people how much I had cried and not even for canon, we are kids...but sometimes I'm angry at you sometimes I want to shake you so you can see how angry I am but I cant, we both bottle things up, is this why I'm so angry? I'm hearing you again I am not angry anymore...I'm realizing again, you are being just like I am, we are both alike in almost every single way... *sigh* sorry I needed to get this out of my chest, I dont know anymore but I see again how similar we are maybe that's the thing tallulah, maybe I'm angry because I see myself in you because you are practically my reflection and yet I still feel jealous but I can never understand, why I'm jealous, why I'm angry, why I feel worthless when you're around and I see people trying to help you I cant understand anymore I'm sorry llulah -(cannon divergent llulah anon) tilin/pomme (+ code tallulah kinshift) qsmp⭑
sorry i left this in the inbox so long.
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namecantbeblank · 10 months
WOAHOHOHOH qsmp shit post time again?? the last time I did one of these the french weren't even real. when i get enough i will make something with exclusively the French ppl (and find something for max that's better) but for now
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pov maximus @ forever
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namecantbeblank · 1 year
I have nothing to post today bc I've been incredibly busy so I am reposting headcanons I posted a while ago. Mutual who will likely see this shhh. Also this is going to be a LONG post so buckle up
- Foolish and Bad are both minor deities from seperate sides of life. Foolish is a god of life and living, while Bad is a minor trickster god that wriggled his way into a grim reaper position on the weekends. In a way, they're enemies, but one can't exist without the other.
- The Cucuruchos (aka 'Smile Bots') are robots. However, they don't hold a collective consciousness, meaning you theoretically could make friends with one of them, while another barely knows who you are.
- The Cucuruchos don't write in books, they print a piece of paper from their mouths. Adding on to that, their mouths never move, though they can blink and look around, which makes them have an unsettling nature to them like animatronics. The Federation is constantly making changes to make them seem more friendly.
- The winged people (ex. Phil and Jaiden) that have been on the island for long enough have noticed their feathers growing back after being clipped, leaving them hopeful for a chance out, but before they ever grow back enough, they wake up to them clipped all over again. I believe this affects Phil the most, especially the first time it happened. He went as far as to hide his wings when he first saw them growing back, just in case the Federation wouldn't notice, and when he saw them clipped again he was distraught. He was furious. He punched a hole in his wall. Think of him yelling at QSMP when the eggs came back with cracks, like that. How dare they clip his wings? How'd they get in his house? This could have been a chance to escape the island with his family. But it was gone. He still hurts every time it happens after that, but it's not as bad as the first time.
Jaiden is more sad and humiliated. Whenever this happens, Roier understands that she needs to be alone, and takes care of Bobby for the day. Later that night, Bobby finds her in her room and crawls into her lap, telling her about his day while Roier makes dinner downstairs. Now that Bobby's gone, it's harder, but often times they both just lay together in Bobby's old bedroom, comforting each other with just their presence.
- Fit smoked cigars before he got Ramon. Spreen didn't really give a shit, but when Ramon started teething he found one and tried to chew on them, so Fit threw them out. Now he just stocks up steroids
- With the tickets, each pairing was given something to connect them to their partners. Colored bracelets, necklaces, earrings, patches, anything. They give off different signals- when the partner wakes up, is injured/downed, and gives off a ping to locate the other. That is, of course, if they wear them. Bads link pings, and he follows it, but no matter how far he goes, he never gets any closer. His match is out there, somewhere, he knows that someone is wearing his link. Quackity, though, isn't so lucky. His pinged at first, but it quickly died out, and he spent weeks searching. He refused to believe he didn't have a match. But, well..
When Slime first left for exile, he tried smashing his link, but it didn't work, so he just buried it. Mariana tried for days to try and get it to ping again, but Slime was gone, and since he wasn't wearing his link, he couldn't find him.
- Tallulah and Richarlyson both have physical conditions! One of Richarlysons legs is underdeveloped, he has a congenital LLD. As soon as they realized, Pac and Mike set to work making all kinds of assistance devices and treatments for him. From shoe lifts to canes to crutches, they made sure Richarlyson had whatever options he wanted depending on how he's feeling. Sometimes he just prefers being carried bc he's eepy. A lot of people see him as having an amputated leg as well! Same deal for whatever u headcanon
Talluluh has hyperacusis and type 1 narcolepsy. She's sensitive to most sounds, so Wilbur and Phil got her ear plugs and noise cancelling headphones, of course decorated, to help her. Though they don't have access to the proper medication to help her manage symptoms of narcolepsy, they found ways around it. Her beanie is padded and snaps on under her chin, protecting her head if she ever collapsed (think seizure helmets!). They work on identifying triggers and symptoms, and at times she'd prefer to be carried or use a wheelchair. Anyways I'm physically disabled and just projecting a bit 💀
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namecantbeblank · 9 months
Qsmp headcanons I have...
Max is a cow hybrid but he only got a cow's tail.
While all the eggs don't talk the only eggs I headcanon as 100% mute are Trumpet and Tallulah. Others don't talk for other reasons.
Senhora Neide and xXCapybaraGamingEPIC1337Xx are the best of friends because they are siblings.
Senhora Neide is definitely the older sibling but not by much.
xXCapybaraGamingEPIC1337Xx being the younger sibling teased Neide when she got together with Elisangela.
Pozolito is on the run. If they ever come back chaos will continue though. Pozolito is imo Mr. Mustard's best friend (or close friend) but neither really knows why
Mr. Mustard I headcanon as slightly smaller than the other capybaras. Also I think he is slightly more red in his coloring.
Oh and until proven otherwise Mr Mustard is Demiromantic and Ace
Senhora Neide and xXCapybaraGamingEPIC1337Xx game together every weekend unless other things are planned
That is all as I don't want to put a whole list of my capybara headcanons.
HELLO ANON! U are absolutely welcome to put all ur capybara hcs, I hardly see any so this is amazing
1. Cow hybrid max,, I know you said he only had the tail but I think it would be funny if he had like, four stomachs as well
2. Real! I imagine the eggs not having the same vocal chords as humans, so it's hard for them to mimic sounds of human speak. Mute Talluluh and Trumpet is definitely something I can get behind
3. I'm in LOVE with the dynamic you've laid out for xXGaming and Senhora- the silliest ever. Definitely a younger sibling thing to do to tease your older sibling about their partners or crushes.
4. Pozolito on the run from the feds 💪💪 good for him good for him. I've also always thought him and Mr. Mustard were close with how Mr Mustard reigned him in at the early days. That's so silly
5. Itty bitty Mr Mustard... Also LGBT capybaras let's go 💪 Very good hcs anon I approve
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trenchcoatsbi · 6 months
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Like evil cucurucho said there was various scenarios showing talluluh and papa, and he had to destroy each of them, he burned the first but he wasn't able to destroy the second one that is a bday party for her much bigger, then, evil cucurucho destroyed that one and we come to the last Where is papa telling an bedtime story to her, after the papa dream version or smth leaves tallulah (?) Is able to see him, confused, since she thoughr he (my papa) already left but then evil cucurucho messed the entire thing up telling him that he had to kill this version of tallulah, but my papa refused so evil cucurucho killed her itself and that's when the stream ends
I am so done with everything
I swear
Oh I swear
I will fucking kill evil cucurucho, I want that fucker to suffer to feel pain pure and absolite pain
I want it dead
I want it to die to dissapear suffer
Whatever it takes to make it pay
-(cannon divergent llulah anon) tilin qsmp⭑
what the fuck man. holy fucking shit fuck evilsmealdk (<- i would fix that bht i am tired and dont wanna you can figure it out probaly)
you deserve to fucking kill that creature fucking hell
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trenchcoatsbi · 6 months
Watching philza's stream rn and jealousy is striking again because I want to be taken care of by q!phil as tilin and travel around with talluluh and chay
WHY IS THE UNIVERSE SO CRUEL TO ME JUST LET ME BE REVIVEDDDDD although I did got dia de muertos which honestly was a very good memory and nice day :]]
-(cannon divergent llulah anon) tilin/jaiden qsmp⭑
raghgh the universe is such a bitch sometimes
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trenchcoatsbi · 8 months
Hey trenchcoaters your nonbinary creature is back!!! Today is an awful day :DDD
I am kinda mixed with kinshifts rn but I am trying to figure out a bit more about my code (?) tallulah kin
Uhhto differentiate myself from cannon llulah I called myself melody that is also one of the first name ideas pa' wilbur had for talluluh
And well now I consider forever my dad oop
I dont know why. . . ? It might be because pai forever might have actually been my guardian but I kinda just assumed that for me and richas fight
Either way
Ig he is my dad now it doesn't matter if it was true or not I consider him as such as I consider llulah and pa' wilbur my parents when on tilin kinshift like rn
Also realizing how my typing changes when I kinshift to code tallulah I think?? Like I feel I type more dryly?? Its all messed up in my head but at least I am good for something
And I am figuring some stuff out even if is a little bit
-(cannon divergent llulah anon) tilin qsmp⭑
Figurin yourself out is awesome! I do hope you have a better day soon though.
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