secretcherimaybe · 1 year
Maurice LaMarche doing his Orson Wells is always pure joy
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baseballgreat · 6 months
on this episode of bunny stop making ocs , I make a formula 1 driver oc using Jacob elordi / @fast1ane
@fast1ane 👈🏼👈🏼👈🏼👈🏼👈🏼
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villanevehaus · 1 year
I love it it feels so much like elf 😭😭 my favorite part was when ken was like “I think I’ll stay over tonight” and Barbie’s like “why? 😄” I love that it’s camp and colorful and theatrical not dull and realistic like every other live action ever. I am strangely not really against will Farrell being in it and that is said with no knowledge of him as an individual beyond the limited exposure I have of his career so if he’s a dick I take that back
YEA!! it looks like its going to be very visually fun. also i have literally no idea about farrell as a guy but i think i was accidentally scarred and given a bias against him when i watched him smear his ballsack across a drumkit in stepbrothers. im pretty sure this was the first movie i ever saw him in </3
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catboyvader · 2 years
my phone is not charging (:
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pwlanier · 9 months
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The Art of the Negro Murals
Housed in the atrium of Trevor Arnett Hall, the Art of the Negro mural series was painted by Hale Aspacio Woodruff (1900-1980) and consists of six, 12 x 12 foot oil on canvas panels. Woodruff, founder of the Atlanta University art department and permanent collection, painted the murals between 1950 and 1951. Woodruff aspired to providing the university community with a global narrative on the cultural history of Africans in the Americas. Referring to his rationale for painting the murals, Woodruff stated:
"It portrays what I call the Art of the Negro. This has to do with a kind of interpretive treatment of African art. . . . I look at the African artist, certainly, as one of my ancestors regardless of how we feel about each other today. I’ve always had a high regard and respect for the African artist and his art. So this mural, . . .is for me, a kind of token of my esteem for African art. One of the motivations again for doing these would be these murals would deal with a subject about which little was known—art and also among Negroes, there was little concern about our ancestry. Then I took the idea that art, being a little known subject, would attract the curiosity and attention of young people, as well as older people, toward further study and in that way the murals would have educational value. I thought also that the unusual subject matter would be timeless in a sense that the arts are always timeless."
Although Woodruff proposed to paint the murals after completing the Amistad mural series at Talledega College in 1939 and conferring with the Mexican muralist Diego Rivera, Atlanta University did not grant him the opportunity until 1950. By this time he had relocated to New York City and joined the faculty at New York University. Hence, the murals were painted in his New York studio. Woodruff declared them to be the best of all his murals.
Courtesy of Clark Atlanta University Art Museum
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v-eight-lover · 11 months
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Throwback Thursday; Donnie Allison (left), Cale Yarborough & their '69 Ford Torino Talledega's
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cowboyshit · 6 months
roddy strong giving ricky bobby from talledega nights when he thinks he’s paralyzed
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ser-zoras · 1 year
Making this one (1) post so I don’t piss people off. So here’s me writing ASOIAF characters into a bunch of Really Stupid Movies that I like because it’s fun. MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL - Oddly this one is tricky. I think the narrative itself probably best fits Dunk and Egg, but I haven’t gotten to read that yet. So obviously Arthur is Robert Baratheon. Barristan Selmy is Lancelot, and I think Bedivere should be Jon Arryn for no real reason other than that it’s funny. Jaime is Galahad because in a theoretical sense they’re both formidable but in a more practical sense, very useless. I don’t know any other edits I would need to make according to this but replacing the rabbit with like. The Hound’s horse. That would be fantastic. And the Black Knight is the Smiling Knight, just because.
BLADES OF GLORY - ok credit to @jackedup180 on this one and also as inspiration for the whole post. So Sansa and Dany get kicked out of international figure skating singles due to getting into a fistfight on the podium and are forced to team up in the doubles division to skate again. This means challenging the throne of the reigning international champs, Cersei and Jaime, who are not fucking but have just as much creepy sexual tension. I’m not kidding this is the actual plot of the movie. Instead of Jenna Fischer’s character, I want Tyrion to be an accountant with zero sexual tension with either of the girls and who Jaime keeps convincing to spy on other teams. TALLEDEGA NIGHTS - Ultimate Jaimecore. So Jaime is a NASCAR driver who gets dragged into a competition with a younger, gayer driver (Loras) and ends up getting horribly injured and can no longer drive. For some godforsaken reason he was still living with Cersei and her kids and she kicks him and all the kids except Joffrey out of the house and hooks up with either one of the Kettleblack brothers or Taena. Jaime and co have to move in with Genna, who sets about whipping the kids into shape, and Jaime has to learn to drive again, from like Arthur Dayne or somebody. He eventually befriends Loras but decides to race him again anyway.
ANCHORMAN - I’m sure people think I’m lying when I say this, but this is just if JB were local news co-anchors in the 70s. There’s even a scene where they end up in a pit with a bear!
BAD MOMS - Yet another difficult one. Our charming, recently divorced heroine could be Cat if we’re doing exclusively the main series but I think drawing from all eras of Westeros is funnier, so it’s Rhaenyra, with Rhaena and Daella as her backup, taking on Alicent, the head of the local PTA, who is allied with Cersei and Alysanne.
ONE CRAZY SUMMER - Okay I am just saying that Jon and his Nights Watch boys take on the roles of Hoops and company. Sam is the character with the father who teaches children how to set off grenades. Grenn and Pyp are the twins, and Tormund is the kid whose place they’re staying at. Val or Ygritte is Demi Moore’s character. The real estate company they’re fighting is just the fucking Others.
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harriest2bois · 1 year
Disco elysium Talledega Nights au hear me out it’s perfect. You’ve got the talented racecar driver and his best friend with that mustache and sideburns AND the antagonist is a stick-up-the-ass (not a comment on his sexual orientation) fuckwad named Jean
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Hey! Can you do something about Jason being a F1 driver, like a Ferrari driver
I know absolutely fuck all about formula one.
Or Nascar. The only Nascar shit I know comes from Talledega Nights.
Like... People drive real fact and make left turns. Sometimes there's a wreck... So? Zoom?
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tom cruise summer has made me understand references in movies that i didn’t even know were references. john c reilly saying “help me tom cruise” in talledega knights is a reference to days of thunder. tina counting toothpicks in bob’s burgers is a reference to rain man
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crosby-interesting · 7 months
According to Taylor Haase-
Sid, Kathy, Jeff + Megan Carter dressed up as racecar drivers from Talledega Nights.
Honestly, looking at her notes, it looks like a lot of the costumes were just 1 offs and not a lot of groups. Also looks like a lot of the wives didn't attend.
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juanmecanico · 4 months
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"Karts de Noches de Talledega, El Hallazgo de Hoy en Bring a Trailer" ¡Dios mío!¿Les mencioné cuánto adoro el sitio de subastas Bring a Trailer? ¡Honestamente, cada vez que entro, parece Navidad anticipada! Hoy, me topé con estos dos maravillosos go karts de Talledega Nights. Sí, has leído correctamente, los mismos locos, divertidísimos y absurdos karts que encontraste en Talledega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. #CineAutomotriz Imagínate tener estos dos bólidos de cartón comprimido con fibra de vidrio, listos para ser exhibidos, decorando tu sala de estar, y brillando con sus esquemas de pintura amarillo-melocotón o grenadine-shock gloss. Su atractivo estético es impresionante, y su historia de película (literalmente) además le agrega un caché inigualable. ¿Necesito mencionar que cada vez que miras esos minúsculos coches de carreras, inevitablemente sonríes recordando aquellas excéntricas escenas de la comedia de Will Ferrell? Amén de la nostalgia cinematográfica, estos karts son notablemente aptos para uso en pista. Equipados con un motor de 3,5 caballos de fuerza y capaces de alcanzar velocidades de hasta 20 mph, estos pequeños corredores son más que meros artículos de colección. Cada uno se encuentra equipado con un interruptor de apagado de emergencia, un acelerador y frenos de pie, y ruedas de goma. Son completamente funcionales, aunque me hace pensar en el tamaño de la persona que podría caber en su pequeña cabina. Aún así, son absolutamente divertidos, sin importar cuan grande o pequeño seas. Estos karts son la personificación de la diversión automovilística pura y la extravagancia hollywoodense combinada. Además de los vehículos en sí, el comprador afortunado se lleva un trofeo de la película y fotografías firmadas por el elenco, lo que acentúa aún más el atractivo de este conjunto de coleccionistas de películas. Puedes pujar con la certeza de estar adquiriendo una parte especial de la historia de la comedia, ensamblada en un paquete compacto de fibra de vidrio y motor susurrante. Y aunque estos karts están lejos de ser considerados "vehículos" en el sentido convencional, sin duda aportarán un valor único a cualquier colección de coches. Para mi, estos karts representan un pedazo de cultura pop automotriz, una mezcla brillante de la realidad de las carreras de coches y su parodia en comedias de Hollywood. En verdad, los karts ofrecen una oportunidad única para revivir y honrar uno de los momentos más hilarantes y memorables de la comedia de carreras en pantalla grande. #ReviveLaComedia Cuando se trata de este conjunto peculiar de vehículos de película, solo puedo decir: "Si tú no eres el primero, eres el último". Una analogía perfecta tanto para las carreras como para las subastas. Y si alguna vez has soñado con gritar: "¡Shake and bake!" mientras recorres el vecindario en uno de estos karts llamativos, entonces este es tu momento. ¡Buena suerte a todos los postores y recuerda, hay que divertirse al máximo con cada curva de la vida! #CarLife
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costanzainc · 8 months
Movies like talledega nights and popstar are VERYYYYYY important to showcase what cinema is. Like. It actually is art. If you are big brained enough you will understand what I'm saying completely.
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gymnasticscoaching · 1 year
Didfus & Johnson to Talledega
Talladega College will now be the second HBCU with a gymnastics team. 👏🏾🙌🏾Just months after @TalladegaColleg announced its plans to launch a new women’s gymnastics program, it has received its first two commits, Kyrstin Johnson (left) and Jamilia Didfus (right) #HBCUBUZZ pic.twitter.com/GCvgxwkKVb— HBCU Buzz (@HBCUBuzz) April 5, 2023
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coldsoupman · 1 year
Best part is how my friend pronounces movie titles
"the devil wears pandera" (the devil wears prada)
"pride and justice....pride and pre-justice" (pride and prejudice)
"torpedo nights" (talledega nights)
"v is for vanilda" (v is for vendetta)
"some like it HAHT" (some like it hot, but better)
and my personal favourite:
"sail shark redemption" (shawshank redemption)
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