#talbott x reina
avidrawsthings · 1 year
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Behold! Talbott and Reina's adorable little babies, with slight upgrades to their designs. From left to right, oldest to youngest: Corvo, Ava, Raven and Altair. They're 2-3 years old here.
The munchkins were born in Hogsmeade during the Battle of Hogwarts (long story). They're an energetic bunch of happy and healthy kiddos. All of them inherited Reina's Empathic Sense and Talbott's love of bird puns. The colorful pins they're wearing is a protective charm known as an Aegis.
In addition to keeping them safe from danger and letting the parents know where they're at, the Aegis also keeps their developing Magic under control, preventing potential outbursts when out in public. Individual profiles will be below.
Corvo Winger
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The oldest of the four. Per Caelestis tradition, he fused with their original 5th sibling in the womb, resulting in his heterochromia and skin tone. The calmest and most levelheaded of his siblings, he’s often seen as the problem-solver. Corvo is prone to sleeping a lot due to being Narcoleptic. He enjoys creating music and his favorite color is green.
Ava Winger
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The second oldest of the four. The most headstrong and courageous of her siblings, Ava has no problem fighting back against anyone she feels has wronged her and her family, be it other kids and even adults. She’s also the most honest and proud of it. She enjoys sports and her favorite color is red.
Raven Winger
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The second youngest of the four. The quietest and most independent of her siblings, Raven often prefers to do things her way. Raven is on the Autism Spectrum, and therefore avoids making eye contact with most people, and is sensitive to loud noises. Her Familiar Archimedes takes the form of an owl plush that has a satin texture. She enjoys puzzles, history, and baking and her favorite color is blue.
Altair Winger
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The youngest of the four. The most empathic and sensitive of his siblings, Altair is prone to crying a lot whether he’s sad or happy. Altair isn’t fond of confrontation and prefers if things could be resolved as peacefully as possible. He will fight back if he truly needs to. He enjoys creating art, especially with ink, and his favorite color is yellow.
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stella-errante · 3 years
Skye: Aries 
André: Tauro 
Murphy: Géminis 
Chiara: Cáncer 
Orión: Libra
Penny: Libra 
Ismelda: Escorpio
Rath: Escorpio
Bill: Sagitario [canon]
Charlie: Sagitario [canon]
Mérula: Capricornio
Rowan: Capricornio 
Tulip: Acuario 
Talbott: Acuario
Barnaby: Piscis
Ben: Virgo o Cáncer
Tonks: Leo o Sagitario
Soy más bien nueva con Hogwarts Mystery; empecé a jugarlo un par de veces antes de poder por fin engancharme y avanzar en la historia. Ahora estoy obsesionada. Me gustan las posibilidades que se abren con el mundo mágico y me gustan especialmente los personajes que aparecen en la historia. Creo que son uno de los puntos fuertes del juego.  
Sé que la astrología es mucho más compleja y que el signo solar no es el único factor que hay que tener en cuenta, pero sí es el más característico entre las consideraciones aisladas. También que no hay evidencia científica que lo respalde. Siempre me ha parecido un tema muy interesante, igualmente. En lo que a mí respecta, es una herramienta que puede servir para crear y analizar personajes de ficción en términos simbólicos / arquetípicos. 
Una vez que llegué a Hogwarts Mystery empecé a pensar en ello, pero la verdad es que solo después de esto [x] es que comencé a escribir este post. 
Mis HC sobre los signos se basan en los arquetipos de personalidad representados por el zodíaco. Aunque están un poco estereotipados, no es fácil hacer una correspondencia entre cada personaje y un solo signo, así que hay muchas posibilidades. Probablemente cambiaré de opinión más adelante, cuando avance más.
Los comentarios, divagaciones y demás, quedan debajo del corte.
Bill y Charlie son sagitarianos.
Rowan nació en diciembre.
Penny, Talbott, Barnaby y Mérula serían Libra, Acuario, Piscis y Capricornio, respectivamente [x]
No he interactuado mucho con Diego, Badeea, Liz y Jae en la historia, solamente en algunas misiones opcionales y lo que he visto por fuera del juego, por lo que siento que todavía me faltan cosas sobre ellos. 
Estoy indecisa sobre Tonks. Pienso que puede encajar bien en Sagitario, pero me gusta la idea de incluirla en Leo. De cualquier modo, siento que un signo de fuego le va bien. También tengo mis dudas sobre Ben, aunque estoy más inclinada por uno de las dos opciones, creo que encajan bien ambas.
Dejo un resumen breve de los signos que encontré [x] con los elementos que tuve en cuenta (elemento, modo, arquetipo, etc.). 
Los signos 
Aries - Skye 
Elemento: Fuego (Esencia, Vitalidad, Energía)
Modalidad: Cardinal (Activo, Dinámico, Contundente)
Dualidad: Positivo / Yang
Arquetipo: guerrero, héroe, aventurero, pionero
Equilibrio: audaz, apasionado, osado, valiente, generoso, pionero, vigoroso, independiente, explosivo, aventurero, asertivo, entusiasta, expresivo, extrovertido, sincero.
Desequilibrio: agresivo, irascible, impetuoso, impulsivo, egoísta, conflictivo, testarudo, imprudente, competitivo, dominante, abusivo, destructivo, arriesgado, mandón, irresponsable.
Creo que Skye es uno de los personajes más fáciles a la hora de elegir un signo, la imagen de Aries se adapta perfectamente a ella. Es impulsiva, competitiva y temperamental, pero no deja que las cosas la desanimen por mucho tiempo.
Marte, dios de la guerra, es el regente de Aries y es el antiguo regente de Escorpio, antes que se descubriera Plutón. En astrología, es el planeta de la energía, la agresión y la acción. Siento que Skye es una ariana típica (impulsiva, segura de sí misma) mientras que Rath funciona bien como Escorpio (más introvertida, pero con una personalidad igualmente intensa). Los dos signos son apasionados y pueden tener muchos altibajos gracias a sus diferencias a la hora de expresarse. 
El signo opuesto de Aries es Libra, y ambos son signos cardinales. Están llenos de energía, impulso y actividad. Me gusta la idea de que Penny y, especialmente, Orión sean del polo opuesto a Skye. Mientras que Penny siente admiración por Skye y puede ofrecer la visión más positiva del dúo libra-aries, un complemento, la relación con Orión es más conflictiva.
En mis hc, Skye nació en la primavera de 1972. 
Tauro - André
Elemento: Tierra (Forma, Estabilidad, Naturaleza)
Modalidad: Fija (Estable, Rígido, Tenaz)
Dualidad: Negativo / Yin
Arquetipo: constructor, amante de la naturaleza, músico, proveedor, jardinero, bailarín
Equilibrio: práctico, perseverante, paciente, sensual, honesto, sereno, leal, decidido, cariñoso, ingenioso, fuerte, confiable, tranquilo, seguro, artístico.
Desequilibrio: materialista, perezoso, codicioso, celoso, posesivo, obcecado, explosivo, indulgente, conservador, tacaño, resistente, cauteloso, hedonista, controlador, inflexible.
Venus, diosa del amor, gobierna a Libra y Tauro. Venus influye sobre el estilo, cómo uno se presenta al mundo y también rige sobre los valores fundamentales.
Tauro tiene un interés especial en lo material, especialmente en las cosas bellas y el lujo. Se deja llevar mucho por las percepciones, por lo sensorial. Formas, colores, texturas, fragancias y sabores son cosas que llenan su universo. 
Tauro gobierna el cuello y la garganta, y también es un signo que refleja lo creativo / artístico. 
Tauro y Escorpio, dos signos fijos, son polos opuestos/complementarios. Creo que es una buena conexión entre André y Erika, me gusta bastante los destellos que vemos de su amistad. 
Géminis - McNully
Elemento: Aire (Conciencia, Ideas, Conocimiento)
Modalidad: Mutable (Adaptable, Fluído, Libre)
Dualidad: Positivo / Yang
Arquetipo: narrador, mensajero, juventud eterna, intelectual, embustero 
Equilibrio: comunicativo, ingenioso, curioso, juvenil, espontáneo, inteligente, adaptable, flexible, perceptivo, divertido, versátil, mente abierta, expresivo, optimista, imaginativo.
Desequilibrio: superficial, disperso, incoherente, deshonesto, embustero, cambiante, indeciso, distraído, nervioso, egoísta, insustancial, voluble, inmaduro, charlatán, confuso, inconstante. 
Me costó bastante más de lo que esperaba encontrar un signo para McNully, pero fui con Géminis porque es un signo que se asocia con el intelecto y la comunicación. 
El signo está regido por Mercurio, el mensajero de los dioses. Los geminianos están llenos de ideas y de la necesidad de expresarlas. Se inclinan por las estrategias, son buenos oyentes y muy sagaces.
Suelen ser autodidactas, versátiles y suelen expresar sus ideas escribiendo, dialogando o llevándolo al campo de las artes.
Géminis y Libra son signos de Aire, ambos inclinados hacia el pensamiento, lo abstracto. Piscis y Géminis son signos mutables. Las dos opciones me gustan para la conexión entre Orión y Murphy. 
Su símbolo son los gemelos y representa la naturaleza dual del signo, que puede cambiar de perspectiva y visión muy rápidamente. 
Cáncer - Chiara
Elemento: Agua (Imaginación, Emoción, Sensibilidad)
Modalidad: Cardinal (Activo, Dinámico, Contundente)
Dualidad: Negativo / Yin
Arquetipo: sanador, madre
Equilibrio: sensible, cariñoso, protector, solidario, tenaz, tradicional, familiar, generoso, amable, empático, imaginativo, intuitivo, perceptivo, emocional, creativo, confiable, discreto.
Desequilibrio: malhumorado, preocupado, apegado al pasado, sobreprotector, irritable, dependiente, inseguro, cerrado, resentido, defensivo, temperamental, presumido, temeroso, tímido, indulgente, manipulador.
No pude resistir la idea de Chiara bajo el signo regido por la luna.
Creo que el símbolo del cangrejo describe perfectamente su personalidad: los nativos del cáncer son sensibles y tienden a cerrarse, si se sienten resentidos y heridos. Suelen refugiarse en su caparazón. 
El concepto clave de este signo es la compasión.
A Chiara le gusta mucho la adivinación y se lo toma en serio. Los nativos de este signo suelen ser espirituales o, al menos, interesarse en el tema.
Cáncer está relacionado con los colores violeta, gris, plateado y blanco. 
Aunque creo que Virgo encaja bastante bien con Ben, mi segunda opción para él es este signo. Cáncer es un signo sensible y tenaz, pero puede verse muy movilizado por el miedo. 
El signo opuesto de Cáncer es Capricornio por lo que me gusta la idea de que Ben y Rowan, los primeros amigos de mc, sean signos opuestos. También ubica a Ben y Mérula en los extremos opuestos. 
Elemento: Fuego (Esencia, Vitalidad, Energía)
Modalidad: Fija (Estable, Rígido, Tenaz)
Dualidad: Positivo / Yang
Arquetipo: intérprete, gobernante (rey / reina), niño mágico, animador, caballero
Equilibrio: carismático, noble, dramático, admirable, infantil, creativo, alegre, cálido, radiante, valiente, juguetón, leal, generoso, expresivo, romántico, respetuoso.
Desequilibrio: egoísta, orgullosa, vanidosa, infantil, narcisista, terca, dominante, arrogante, egocéntrica, apegada al lujo, excesivamente dramática.
Libra definitivamente es consistente con la personalidad de Penny, pero creo que Leo también sería una buena opción para ella, porque es carismática, generosa y confiada. El color de Leo es el amarillo dorado y es el color más representativo de Penny.
Por su exuberancia y nobleza, estoy tentada a poner a Tonks bajo este signo. 
Elemento: Tierra (Forma, Estabilidad, Naturaleza)
Modalidad: Mutable (Adaptabilidad, Fluidez, Libertad)
Dualidad: Negativo / Yin 
Arquetipo: mentor, maestro, siervo sagrado, trabajador, artesano, discípulo
Equilibrio: analítico, humilde, inteligente, discriminatorio, preciso, ordenado, obediente, saludable, puro, orientado al servicio, práctico, modesto, astuto, eficiente, trabajador.
Desequilibrio: tenso, descalificador, obsesivo, crítico, auto-sabotaje, reprimido, perfeccionista, discriminador, legalista, quisquilloso, tímido, mártir,  demasiado solícito,  fácilmente frustrado.
Ben es modesto, tímido y servicial. Tiene problemas para hacer amigos y tiene demasiado miedo de defenderse, posiblemente por sus vivencias antes de Hogwarts y reforzadas  en su viaje a la escuela.
Virgo es el signo del servicio: el sentido del deber de Ben se dirige hacia sus amigos, no hacia sí mismo. También es diligente. Está ansioso por hacer las cosas bien.
Eficiencia y meticulosidad describen el enfoque de Ben hacia las tareas, creo. Hacia las de las clases, en especial. 
Si este fuera su signo, Ben posiblemente sería uno de los más jóvenes de su curso. 
El opuesto de Virgo es Piscis, lo que deja a Ben y a Barnaby como opuestos/complementarios.
Libra - Penny, Orión 
Elemento: Aire (Conciencia, Ideas, Conocimiento)
Modalidad: Cardinal (Activo, Dinámico, Contundente)
Dualidad: Positivo / Yang
Arquetipo: Artista, Amante, Diplomático, Pacificador, Consejero, Anfitrión, Legislador.
Equilibrio: agraciado, elegante, encantador, artístico, sofisticado, justo, cortés, cooperativo, acomodativo, elocuente, inteligente, persuasivo, refinado, social, imparcial.
Desequilibrio: indeciso, en busca de aprobación, procrastinador, defensivo, distraído, pasivo-agresivo, engañoso, inconsistente, vanidoso, vacilante, coqueto, indulgente, impetuoso.
El símbolo de Libra es la balanza, por eso inicialmente pensé en Orión para este signo. Representa la constante búsqueda de equilibrio.
Libra es un signo Cardinal, al igual que Aries, Cáncer y Capricornio. Los signos cardinales son los representantes dinámicos de su signo. Ellos inician la actividad. 
Libra, igual que el resto de los signos de Aire, tiene cierta abstracción. Intenta ser justo por lo que puede ser algo distante y, por naturaleza, imparcial.
Le gustan las situaciones en las que todos los involucrados salen ganando. También puede ser manipulador. Creo que tanto Penny como Orión pueden caer en eso. 
En mis hc, Orión nació en septiembre/octubre de 1970, por lo que va al mismo año que Murphy, Bill y Erika, pero es uno de los mayores del grupo.
Escorpio - Rath, Ismelda
Elemento: Agua (Imaginación, Emoción, Sensibilidad)
Modalidad: Fija (Estable, Rígido, Tenaz)
Dualidad: Negativo / Yin 
Arquetipo: transformador, investigador, investigador, chamán, terapeuta, hechicero
Equilibrio: emocional, intuitivo, apasionado, intenso, misterioso, magnético, profundo, feroz, leal, introvertido, ingenioso, mágico, psíquico, poderoso, perceptivo.
Desequilibrio: posesivo, obsesivo, controlador, emocionalmente complicado, vengativo, oscuro, celoso, extremista, desconfiado, temperamental, melancólico, compulsivo.
Rath creo que se ajusta muy bien a la descripción estereotípica de escorpio. Ismelda también tiene bastantes características del signo. 
En mis hc, Erika nació entre octubre y noviembre de 1970. Ismelda nació en 1972.  
Uno de los animales asociados con escorpio es el águila, junto con el escorpión y el fénix, y por eso estaba tentada a poner a Talbott en este signo. Me gusta pensar que es su ascendente o, quizá, su signo lunar.
Escorpio está co-gobernado por Marte y Plutón. Plutón es el planeta de las transformaciones y metamorfosis (regeneración y destrucción). 
Sagitario - Bill, Charlie
Elemento: Fuego (Esencia, Vitalidad, Energía)
Modalidad: Mutable (Adaptable, Fluidez, Libertad)
Dualidad: Positivo / Yang
Arquetipo: explorador, filósofo, gitano, erudito, buscador de la verdad, profesor
Equilibrio: entusiasta, optimista, inspirador, confiado, aire libre, humorístico, honesto, idealista, multicultural, ético, metafísico, erudito, filosófico.
Desequilibrio: bruto, dogmático, crítico, inquieto, dogmático, bullicioso, descuidado de los detalles, exagerado, adictivo, torpe, no comprometido, odioso, idealista, necio.
Capricornio - Rowan, Mérula
Elemento: Tierra (Forma, Estabilidad, Naturaleza)
Modalidad: Cardinal (Activo, Dinámico, Contundente)
Dualidad: Negativo / Yin
Arquetipo: anciano sabio, ejecutivo, consejero, gerente, ermitaño, ambicioso
Equilibrio: autorizado, estructurado, organizado, práctico, disciplinado, eficiente, cauteloso, profesional, conservador, serio, responsable, trabajador, emprendedor, leal.
Desequilibrio: rígida, controladora, severa, pesimista, cínica, exigente, mandona, rígida, estricta, restrictiva, autoritaria, calculadora, fría, implacable, insensible, reprimida, dominante.
Creo que los signos de Tierra (especialmente Virgo o Capricornio) encajan bastante bien con Rowan, y Capricornio es la opción más probable considerando la línea de tiempo y la personalidad de Rowan.
Mérula y Rowan estarían representando el mismo signo. Siento que Rowan es un Capricornio con más cualidades positivas del signo (algo cautelosa, prudente y sensible) y Mérula como un Capricornio que busca más atención, con más rasgos negativos del signo. Las dos son ambiciosas y de voluntad fuerte. Tanto Merula como Rowan ponen el máximo esfuerzo en el trabajo que han elegido hacer o se les ha dicho que hagan y se interesan en el progreso personal.
El signo opuesto de Capricornio es Cáncer. Los dos signos se interesan por el pasado, por la historia, aunque su interés radica en aspectos diferentes. 
Acuario - Tulip, Talbott
Elemento: Aire (Conciencia, Ideas, Conocimiento)
Modalidad: Fija (Estable, Rígido, Tenaz)
Cualidad: Positivo / Yang
Arquetipo: genio, humanitario, inventor, sabio, rebelde, científico, astrólogo
Equilibrio: amistoso, brillante, original, interesante, inteligente, no convencional, intuitivo, reformista, independiente, excéntrico, tolerante, innovador, radical, simpático, humanista, innovador.
Desequilibrio: poco confiable, distante, impactante, retraído, desconectado, frívolo, rígido, perdido en ideas, egoísta, extraño, disruptivo, robótico, impredecible, celoso, poco práctico, mentalmente obstinado.
Talbott y Tulip siendo elemento Aire me parece muy acertado. Talbott es una versión de acuario más distante y retraída pero igualmente inteligente e independiente, interesado también en la expresión. Tulip representa la rebeldía y excentricidad de acuario. 
El opuesto de Acuario es Leo. Es una de las razones por las que me gusta la idea de Tonks en Leo. Me agrada la idea de Tonks/Tulip en signos opuestos y complementarios.
Acuario está co-gobernado por Saturno y Urano. Urano aspira a la libertad y al futuro. Saturno tiene influencia sobre la responsabilidad y también en lo que refiere al respeto por el pasado.
Acuario y Capricornio  están regidas por Saturno, pero son signos adyacentes. Los signos adyacentes comparten algunas características pero, en esencia, son muy diferentes. Refleja un poco la relación entre Mérula y Tulip; ellas encontraron cosas en común, en principio, pero tomaron caminos distintos.
Piscis - Barnaby
Elemento: Agua (Imaginación, Emoción, Sensibilidad)
Modalidad: Mutable (Adaptabilidad, Fluidez, Libertad)
Dualidad: Negativo / Yin
Arquetipo: místico, poeta, soñador, artista visionario, músico, oráculo, psíquico
Equilibrio: tranquilo, paciente, amable, imaginativo, soñador, visionario, compasivo, empático, encantador, artístico, meditativo, apacible, místico, romántico, sutil, poético.
Desequilibrio: abstraído, delirante, escapista, vulnerable, sacrificado, engañoso, deprimido, sumiso, brumoso, ilusorio, vago, pasivo, confuso, evasivo, pesimista, susceptible.
Mi segundo signo para Orión es Piscis, signo mutable de agua que está regido por Júpiter, el planeta de la filosofía. Creo que ese signo funciona mejor como su Ascendente. Libra es un signo Cardinal, que va mejor con la motivación: libra representa una balanza y el aspecto cardinal le da carácter iniciador, dinámico. Piscis es un signo mutable, que refleja más el cómo se mueve en el mundo: es adaptable, un tanto excéntrico y visionario.
Me extendí mucho más de lo que esperaba. No descarto la posibilidad de cambiar de ideas, todavía me quedan personajes para conocer y más sobre la historia pero me divierto mucho con los análisis.
Comentarios / correcciones / objeciones son siempre bienvenidos. 
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avidrawsthings · 1 year
Alright yall, ya gurl drank an entire can of Warheads Four Loko so don't minhd these drunken ramblings cuz these a re ideas ive had for the LONHGEST time i wanted to get out there with the good chance most of them wont go anywhererr:
The wizard in white is an undercover Japanese auror. kazuhiro shiratori is simply his alias. His true identity is Toshiro Ketsueki (???). Yes, he's Victor's older brother and is the same age as Ricardo.
One brother is named Toshiro and the other is named Victor...They're half brothers, much how Reina and Ricaro are half siblings. Yes we'll go with that.
We ship Ricardo x Toshiro in this au. They get married so Rel has two dads. Victor is her uncle and he adores that little munchkin.
Rowan and McNully are a happily married couple. They have the perfect dynamic in my opinion. Rowan replaces Binns by early 1992 after the dude accidentally moves on to the afterlife. Rowan is the one that fills in Harry and friends on the history ofthe Chamer of Secrets.
Thanks to a lil bit of spatial magic, Reina's bakery caters to both Magic and non-magic folk. Her bakery caters to the former in Diagon Alley, and to the latter right outside in London. Non-magic folks simply believe her bakery has a Witchy theme to it, and her unique recipes proved to be a hit.
In addition to dominican styled goods, reina also offers vegan and gluten free options for her clients thanks to some input from liz.
When it comes to their respective businesses, both Ricardo and Reina are very pro-union. They care deeply for the well-being of their employees, and make sure they're paid living wages.
Since we'll likely never get official names, the two oldest of Reina and Talbott's quadruplets, Corvo and Ava, would be named after Talbott's parents to honor them.
Ben and Ismelda eventually have twins. After Voldemort's defeat, they adopt Merula's daughter and raise her as their own. The girl knows who her mother was, but views Ben and Ismelda as her true parents. Haven't decided on her name yet.
In terms of Hogwarts Legacy, the main focus would be Reina's ancestor Angela Caelestis. She'd transfer to Hogwarts for her 5th year and would've been Sorted into Ravenclaw, and be a close ally to the Goblins fighting for their freedom. (My knowledge on the game itself isn't the best since I don't really play mainline HP games anyway-last one i played was quidditch wortld cup on the gamecube lmao)
Since Magic Awakened is set in 2008, it would mean that Reina and Tlabotts quads would have been approve to attend the school at age 10 rather than 11.
I used to have a Winx Club au that didn't really go anywhere since I gave up after I couldn't depict Reina in the show's style that well. For that setting, schools life Alfea, Cloud Tower and Red Fountain are co-ed. We're talking male fairies, witches/wizards and female warriors.
Reina, Rowan and a few others attend Cloud Tower. They'd be a year above the Winx but a year below the Trix. They'd absolutely ally with the Winx. Reina is known as the Rose Witch and Rowan is the Paper Witch. In a Time Skip, Reina would still marry Talbott, open her bakery, and they'd have their quadruplets. The Winx would be honorary aunties to the kids.
In a DC au, Reina would be around the same age as Bruce Wayne, and her kids would be slightly older than Nightwing/Dick Grayson. Ricardo himself would be closer to Alfreds age since his own granchild would be the same age as Jason Todd/Red Hood. Ricardo would also be a rainbow-themed magically powered hero under the name of Arcus.
DMC AU: Reina is the same age as Dante and Vergil, while her quiadds are the same age as Nero. Reina and her kids have a Devil Trigger because of their Demon Ancestry.
Resident Evil AU: Ricardo is the same age as Albert Wesker. Known as Subject 53, Ricardo was the product of what was known as Project Arcus. The intent was to create a bioweapon that could control the masses through hallucinations thanks to the A-Virus. At age 13, Ricardo broke free from captivity by slaughtering his tormentors and livng life on his terms, becoming a game developer. In the brief time he met Albert Wesker and William Birkin in the 80s, he viewed the two of them as good friends, being completely unaware of what the two were really up to. Ricardo's advnaced healing factor makes him functionally immortal, ensuring he'll only die of old age.
Reina was abducted as an infant in the 70s and experimented on for Project Flora, where she was subject 54. The goal was to create a bioweapon that could control all of the known Flora as a form of control on the populace. She was soon rescued by her father, having no memory of her time in captivity. While she can summon and control all existing plants, Reina instead settled into a simple life where she became a baker.
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avidrawsthings · 2 years
How about some facts about Talbott x Reina?
This will just cover their time in school since it’s already gonna be lengthy lol
Talbott indirectly helped save Reina and Rowan from the Devil’s Snare after he saw Merula lock them in while he was in his Animagus form. This was at a time when he was still learning the castle’s layout and didn’t have his usual hiding spots yet. In his eagle form he alerted Hagrid and McGonagall, who then rescued the girls.
He became hooked on Reina’s baking back in their first year once she kicked off her baking business. Andre was a frequent buyer and convinced him to try some of the cake she made. Talbott often ordered from her, but always signed his order form with a simple bird drawing. Since Andre always picked up the orders, Reina never knew Talbott liked her baking until he told her in their third year. The dude loves Dominican cake the most.
He never admitted it at first, but he always found Reina’s Rose Magic to be really cool and felt it suited her character well. After they became friends he would jokingly point out how Reina wouldn’t be good at stealth, since her roses are fueled by her emotions and still manifest, giving her location away.
When Reina first saw him in their second year, she unknowingly summoned blue roses, which symbolized mystery and attaining the impossible. She developed a crush but never approached him that year out of nervousness. They appeared again when they met in person officially the following year.
Talbott didn’t go to the Celestial Ball in their 4th year, but did see Reina enjoying it with her other friends when he walked by the Great Hall. It was seeing her in that moment that he realized he began to have feelings for her. He wouldn’t bring this up until several months later. As Reina felt the same, the two agreed to go out on a date, ending in them stargazing later that night and having their first kiss. They’d stay together from that point onward.
They both love bird puns. A match made in heaven. Winger parents would be so proud.
Because of Reina’s Empathic Sense, the two were always aware of what the other was feeling. This made it easier for them to talk about whatever was on their mind, preventing any potential miscommunication.
To Talbott, Reina gives off a very warm and kind presence that always puts him at ease. To Reina, Talbott is a very insightful and trustworthy person that always brings her happiness. In many ways, they’re opposites that complete each other.
Amortentia: To Talbott, Reina smells like roses, the beach and fresh baked goods. To Reina, Talbott smells like rain, new books and freshly cut grass.
Talbott is well-versed in the language of flowers. If he’s not nearby when Reina summons roses, he can tell how she feels based on what colors the roses are.
After Rowan, Talbott was the next person to learn of Reina’s true connection to the missing Ricardo, that they were siblings.
Reina respected Talbott’s wishes to keep the relationship private. When Merula publicly exposed it the following year to spite him, it was of no consequence to Talbott and he instead proudly embraced it. He cared for Reina far more than the tactics of a miserable, bitter and resentful person like Merula.
Due to being around Reina for an extended amount of time, he ended up gaining the same type of magic she has (Vytarian Magic) and in turn got Wind Magic. Later on he’d also unlock spells based on Invisibility and Sound Nullification, which were incredibly handy for him in his later Auror career.
After the end of their 5th year, Talbott’s Boggart changed from his faceless parents to Reina dying in his arms as she bled out, and surrounded by white roses stained with blood. Reina was injured by Rakepick in the Buried Vault, and the curse didn’t start to take effect until after the group arrived back at the Great Hall. She began bleeding profusely from her nose and then injury, causing her to be hospitalized for two weeks. He was present when she was declared clinically dead for 2 minutes, and visited her every day until she was better.
He found himself feeling angry for a time at her situation. “Merula made her out to be some vicious liar and it got to the point that some of her own friends doubted her. Why did it take Reina nearly dying by that vile woman for everyone to suddenly believe her again?!”
He was invited to spend time with Reina and her family that following summer, and while there learned much about the integrated community they were a part of. Found himself very impressed by all of the Muggle technology and learned pretty quickly in the short time he was there.
At the end of their 7th year and with R far behind them, Talbott proposed to Reina and she said yes. However they both also knew they were still quite young and had a whole new chapter ahead as Talbott would be on his way to start his Auror training, while Reina herself would go on to pursue getting her business license. The two would finally get married in spring of 1994 at the ages of 21.
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avidrawsthings · 2 years
Imma ask something on the fluff side. What are reina and talbott like as parents?
Both of them are amazing parents that love to dote on their kiddos.
Reina really likes spoiling them a bit. If they want an extra cookie, or nap a bit longer, she’ll provide it for them. Since they all inherited the ancestral Empathic Sense, Reina helps them keep that power under control so that it won’t overwhelm them. She’s always making sure they’re well-fed and does tend to go a bit overboard when packing their lunches. The kiddos always loved her baking, and one of them would go on to work with her at the bakery once she was old enough. Reina would get involved with school functions like the PTA and the bake sales they’d have, which indirectly made the kiddos popular with their classmates.
Talbott is a bit more stern and is the one to help them resolve things if they ever got into a fight. He also loves to read to them, be it a bedtime story or as a fun activity. Definitely got them into gardening since he grows lots of different plants and crops. Became more social for their sake, as he would attend every school activity they participated in. No matter how tired he was from working as a Healer, he always made time for them. He was the go-to parent when they needed help with school. Whereas Reina encouraged the importance of self-care, Talbott would encourage them to have good study habits, as well as letting them know that their worth isn’t determined by their grades.
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avidrawsthings · 3 years
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The idea spontaneously popped in my head a few days ago and I wanted to try and get to it, even if it was a quick doodle. Might do a fully rendered one someday, but I'm not making any promises.
This is a nod to my personal project and future webcomic called Earth 14, which features witches, aliens, gods and everything in between (and where Reina comes from btw!). The sun and moon are part of some key elements there.
Here? I wanted to do a cute thing involving these two. I think it makes perfect sense that Reina is like the sun and Talbott is like the moon. Bonus: Those also act as their halos that rotate like a disc. The lore here? Just a couple of cuties from different kingdoms, one based on the sun and the other on the moon, each containing their own kind of magic.
As I'm a total sap for cute things, their future kids would have stars as their halos because why not? lol
Sketched and colored in SAI
Sun, Moon and sparkles/stars added in Clip Studio Paint
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avidrawsthings · 3 years
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The Quads: “Since when?!”
Continuation of the Talbott being a metalhead headcanon from @makichaotic LOL
Based this off of an old Vine from the Eh Bee family that I couldn’t find.
Also please don’t mind the weird hands.
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avidrawsthings · 3 years
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Dude really stepped up his game from the setup in the Herbology classroom. Looks like there's even running water back there? Nice! Reina would absolutely love all of it.
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Fun fact, Reina would absolutely bawl her eyes out due to just how sweet it all is. Since it's also her b-day, she'd be twice as emotional but in a very good way.
I forgot to change her hair until the end...lol Nothing against the other one but this one suits her more.
ALSO my emulator officially gave up and stopped working, so I had to replay this on my phone and look up a recording app, and for some reason it got choppy right at the end there, and why the audio sounds whack.
That being said, this was a very cute sidequest. Filch x Pince moments were pretty darn sweet as well. I'm looking forward to the dating option they'll have for MC and date of choice so I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for that.
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avidrawsthings · 3 years
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Let me share with ya’ll the amazing stuff I commissioned from my awesome friend @moosopp-art because OMG
The lil chicken is Reina’s pet chicken. Her name’s Ginger!
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avidrawsthings · 3 years
This year's Valentine's TLSQ was really among my favorites by far. It was cute as heck, alright? lol I'm going to recap my favorite parts.
Spoilers below!
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Well yeah, cuz ya'll are dating lol I heard a dating option is gonna be added in tho, so that's awesome!
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Love me some continuity! Look at that dork.
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I've never pictured Reina in suits and no hate, but that short haircut that comes with it just isn't doing it for me lol. Girl looks like she's about to demand to see Andre's manager. I do like her other outfit, but then I get around to drawing I'll design a different one for her.
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Real talk, I really wanna draw her actual reaction to that line lol
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avidrawsthings · 4 years
Gonna post my fave screenshots from the Summer Festival TLSQ. Long post ahead, ya’ll!
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He’d totally design her wedding dress if he could. He totally does in my au
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Why does Andre give me Just-Flew-In-From-Miami vibes wtf LOL
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He gets it.
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Fuck you too, pal.
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That face rly sells it 
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Ok but Talbott clapping and just being so supportive is the sweetest ‘kay???
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No lie, Snape was totally smiling just a second earlier, but went back to his usual scowl the moment Talbott looked at him DKFBGKJDBJFDB
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Looks like the dialogue got swapped up with Merula’s there lol
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Seriously, who voted for him?? X’D
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I never noticed Merula scowling ‘till now LMAO
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avidrawsthings · 4 years
Let me tell ya’ll about the time Merula’s bad habit of constantly following MC around nearly prevented Reina and Talbott from becoming friends.
**It features spoilers for the Flying Solo sidequest for those that haven’t reached it yet. JUST A HEADS UP**
For a little backstory, Reina and Talbott met under different circumstances. As she was also already an Animagus before starting school, the two met in their respective forms without realizing the identity of the other. Reina’s form is that of a red tailed hawk. Her favorite hangout was the Astronomy Tower as she found the Owlery to be too gross.
Outside of briefly seeing him during their First Year, they met officially in their Third Year for group study sessions. Talbott was as reserved as ever, but Reina took notice he’d eat the most sweets when she’d bake for their study group. Penny took notice and helped break the ice a bit between the two, but it didn’t really go anywhere beyond a simple greeting. 
The events of Flying Solo (taking place in their Third Year for my AU) play out mostly the same, and the two strike up a quick chat about being Animagi and whether they’d be registered or not. Reina is already registered with the Dominican Ministry, seeing it as unnecessary to do the same with the British Ministry. Shortly after Talbott tells her he hasn’t registered yet, that’s when he catches Merula spying on them.
The pair learn the Memory Charm from Flitwick and erase Merula’s memory of the conversation she overheard earlier. Just as it seems all is said and done, Talbott then points his wand at Reina, intending to erase her memories of the conversation as well.
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As Reina has Empathic powers that allows her to know what others are feeling, she can tell that Talbott’s actions aren’t malicious. He’s just scared and wants to be left alone. Her power also lets others know what she’s feeling, so Talbott in return knew how sad the whole thing made her feel, but that she respected his choice regardless.
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In the end, he couldn’t bring himself to Obliviate her as well, and instead let her go. 
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Bummed out as she was, at the end of the day Reina knew they’d both be over it soon enough. They barely knew each other and like all of her past crushes on someone, the current crush she had on him would also pass.
Now if there’s anyone she was actually upset at, it was Merula. By that point her bad habit of following her around really got in Reina’s nerves, and threatened the Slytherin girl to back off.
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(Since I associate Reina with fire, I got the idea to have flames manifest depending on how strong her emotions are. Flame crown forms when she’s VERY angry)
During the next Transfiguration class, McGonagall subtly encouraged Reina to give it one more shot at reaching out to Talbott and see what was going on. Though she was still feeling rather grumpy toward Talbott, Reina decided to give it one more go.
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And the rest is history LOL
NOW, there’s a little more to this and it’s where the scenarios officially split. In this scenario, Reina never reaches out to Talbott in person in order to respect his wishes. She instead watches him through her Animagus form, and eventually learns of his missing necklace. Since she’s always kind to Filch, she simply asks him if he’s seen a necklace, and when learning it was given to Mrs. Norris to play with, Reina simply gives the cat a better cat toy in exchange for the necklace. 
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She sends it to Talbott by owl and leaves it at that, leaving the poor guy thankful but endlessly wondering just who this Red Tailed Hawk is lol 
As it all took place during their Third Year, Reina’s focus shifted back to dealing with the Vault of Fear. Once her crush on Talbott goes away, she begins to develop one for Barnaby after befriending him. 
The two start dating in their Fourth Year.
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avidrawsthings · 4 years
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When your girl’s birthday is also on Valentine’s Day. It’s all good tho cuz just spending time together is perfect enough. The cute gift was the best part.
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Their kiddos love that story so much. They’re like 3-4 here, so it’s around the year 2001.
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Of course she’d still have the gift. It’s one of her absolute favorites, after all. I didn’t even plan to add these last 2 parts. They just happened on their own XD
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avidrawsthings · 4 years
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This was cute, to be honest! I didn’t get a chance to take a screenshot of him kissing her on the cheek cuz the emulator I was using lagged a bit and at the worst moment LMAO 
No lie I squeed when the kiss happened. It was so sweet!
Going to include the screenshots I was able to take along with some minor ramblings below!
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Why the full name basis tho? XD It’s a Year 5 quest and people would’ve known about bird boi by then, but oh well.
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Depends on how they were raised given Reina was conceived under one but grew up in a very loving environment and is just as loving as a result.
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Talbott and her have been dating in secret since halfway through their 4th Year. He’d rather keep things private and she has no problem honoring that. Others in on the secret is Rowan (because besties), Penny (who helped bring them together) and Andre (who’s just glad to have an excuse to design more outfits).
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Books, cinnamon and rain for Talbott.
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Talbott would smell green apples, the ocean and the sweet aroma of fresh baked goods.
Since Barnaby did have a crush on her at one point, he’d also smell fresh baked goods, as well as coconut and strawberries.
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THAT WAS CUTE NGL. Everyone crushing on the tol girl XD
In my old playthrough with Reina I chose Rowan since Talbott wasn’t an option, and chose Ismelda in the current one cuz why not? In-story, Reina went with both of them as a friend-group.
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Too bad she hasn’t been an option since the Celestial Ball. Ah well.
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ALSO, this is the only time Rowan’s there (that I recall) and we don’t even talk??? JC THAT’S OUR BEST FRIEND WTF
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Reina wasn’t familiar with Lockhart until that moment and she thinks he’s a total clown. Since she knows people’s true emotions, she knows right then and there that this guy’s a frickin liar lol
Reina: His ego is so massive that it has its own gravitational pull.
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She’d be a bit grumpy cuz Valentine’s Day is also her birthday, yet Gilderfuckboy Clownhart has her and the group running errands.
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Unexpected but so sweet, tbh. He has no idea she isn’t single DKJGJFDGFKDJGH
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I like the outfit but the hair just isn’t doing it for me lol. Not a fan. I did try changing it several times but it kept going back to the one above.
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I thought this hair went better with the look but the game refused...
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Reina: Why does everyone want to date me all of a sudden???
For consistency, and being the one that introduced them to each other in their Second Year, Penny would already know Reina and Talbott are dating so she wouldn’t have asked at all.
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That’s when Reina realized that he was, in fact, her future husband.
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I didn’t get a screenshot of the gift in time either KSJDGBFJDBKFJDBKH
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Saved this one mostly cuz I’ve never seen him make that face before lol
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Overall I thought it was pretty cute. I do wish they’d implement some feature that would let us replay all the past cutscenes at the very least. Ah well. 
Going to be doing the SQ again but with my Ravenclaw MC.
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avidrawsthings · 4 years
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Bird boi gently smooches sleepy gf to show his love and support. 
Continuation of this. Just wanted to add something more to it.
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avidrawsthings · 5 years
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My version of how their date went lol
Okay, so perhaps Talbott wouldn’t be this open right away, but I felt it was a cute idea regardless. On the upside, being forward with their feelings made it easier for them to officially become a couple later in the year, especially the stargazing at night. It was seeing her back at the Celestial Ball that led him to realize he started developing feelings for Reina, but didn’t act on them, so the date was the nudge they needed.
Reina’s crazy floofy hair is so fun to draw, in all honesty. 
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