#sysmeds kindly fuck off please
oopsallfictives · 1 year
I want to tell you a story about one of my headmates. It's about competing needs, and the harm we can do if we assert that one type of accessibility is inherently and always more important than another. It's also a story about typing quirks, and if you can't read a story like that with an open mind, this is your chance to scroll past and leave us be
Terezi is fictive of Terezi Pyrope from Homestuck. Because of that, SH3 TYP3S L1K3 TH1S (plain text: she types like this). Obviously, this isn't compatible with the use of a screenreader. A lot of our Homestuck fictives prefer to use their typing quirks, but will use plain text in settings where there might be people who use screenreaders, or where the use of typing quirks is banned. Not Terezi, though
It's not because they're stubborn, or because they don't understand the importance of screenreaders, it's because it's a genuine need for them. When she tries to type "normally", it causes distress and dissociation, because the words don't feel like she's the one typing them unless she's allowed to type them in her quirk. We've tried to find ways to accommodate them, like I did above by providing a plain text version, but that's not always practical or possible, and she can't write the plain text versions herself. There's a reason she's not the one telling you this story
In a lot of online system spaces, it's become the norm to discourage or outright ban the use of typing quirks because they're incompatible with screenreaders. The idea is that people can just not use their quirks, while people can't opt out of needing a screenreader, but that's not true for everyone. Yes, some typing quirks are incompatible with screenreaders, so when people use them their messages aren't accessible to anyone who relies on a screenreader. And yeah, that's an issue, but the solution can't be that no one gets to use typing quirks. When you ban them, you're still making your space inaccessible, just to a different group of people
When one of the plural discord servers we're in banned the use of typing quirks, we negotiated a method of translating Terezi's messages into plain text that the mods agreed to, but the damage was already done. They stopped coming up to front, stopped talking to people outside the system entirely. They're close friends with three of the people I'm in a relationship with, and yet I haven't seen them in months. If I hadn't asked her permission to write this, who knows when I would've seen her next?
And when I did ask, she burst into tears and asked me to please write it because she can't do it herself. Even if they got to do it entirely in their typing quirk they still couldn't tell their story because they're scared it'll get hate sent our way, and I'll be the one who has to deal with it. She also has a lot of shame about this part of her, because she's been told it's unreasonable and selfish for her to type in her quirk. If you can't understand why that's a problem, imagine being told you're making a space inaccessible just by talking in your natural voice
This is a competing needs issue. There are spaces where people who need screenreaders and people who need to be allowed to use their typing quirks will be coexisting, and that's going to be a tricky thing to handle. But you don't solve a competing needs issue by saying "one of you gets your needs met and the other has to leave". But people don't take typing quirks seriously as a genuine need, they don't see them as an accessibility issue. So when they come up against screenreaders, most people think it's obvious that screenreaders should be prioritized 100% of the time
But when everyone's saying that your needs aren't genuine and you aren't allowed to just do what you need to without worrying about another person's needs (but they're allowed to do that to you), that eats at you. It eats at your self-esteem. The overwhelming message Terezi's gotten is "you're never allowed to put your own needs above the needs of others, and if you do we might punish your entire system for it". No wonder she stopped talking
I don't know if there's a single specific message we want you to take away from this, but if nothing else we'd like to say something to people whose accessibility needs are repeatedly deemed unimportant or less important. You're allowed to put yourself first. You're allowed to say "I can't worry about other people's needs right now, I'm going to do what I need to". You're allowed to be upset when other people treat you like shit for doing that, too. And it's not your fault that you have a need that other people don't take seriously
(Plain text: please take care of yourselves)
-Oliver (he/him) and Terezi (she/they)
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tableperson · 1 year
Love having “discourse-neutral, anti-endo leaning” twats respond to my posts. They come in, spout dumb shit then expect me to sit there and read any of it when they call themselves anti-endo. Like, you’re in our DNI. Fuck off. I don’t care what you think. I don’t care if you misinterpret the concept of demedicalisation. I don’t care if you think you’re right or that you make sense. Because- and listen closely here- I don’t want to hear you. I shouldn’t have to break down every single fucking thing to ensure you bastards can’t twist it in some ridiculous fashion.
Here’s a reminder:
We are are NonBinary. Very few members of the system are Cis. Shut up trying to tell us what we should find transphobic. Sysmed isn’t transphobic.
Gender dysphoria is still a mental health issue, it’s diagnosable and recognisable as symptoms that make life hard for those who experience it. Being trans isn’t a mental health issue- it’s still considered to be one by transphobes who say “being trans necessitates dysphoria” and thus believe that being trans in any way is an illness due to the link they think needs to exist. (this mentality also includes bio-essentialism and the denial of anything outside of the binary genders existing)
Based on the above, I compare Endogenic systems to NonBinary genders because
there can be medical and mental health aspects to both being a system and being trans
Both plural and trans communities are marginalised and misunderstood by wider society
Endogenic systems get denied and fakeclaimed by other systems, much like NB-phobic trans people attack NonBinary Individuals
Being NonBinary is less commonly associated with dysphoria or medical transition. Being Endogenic is less commonly associated with trauma and is not disordered. (Note the ‘less commonly associated’ bit, it’s not a set in stone rule. Duh)
Therefore, Sysmeds, by trying to claim the only way to be plural is to have heavy childhood trauma and be disordered because of it, you are reducing the concept of plurality to be purely medical. You are medicalising plurality. You believe that non-disordered Endogenic systems can’t exist. Your stance is system-medical. That’s just the facts.
How it’s not transphobic and actually, uno reverse card, by saying it’s transphobic you’re kinda a transphobe: listen to yourself. You are claiming that we are the ones making trans-ness medical by comparing it to systemhood, which you believe can only be medical. When in truth, you’re the only one here who thinks that way. You talk over NonBinary and trans people to say that we’re transphobic because we dare to say that neither systemhood or transness is inherently medical and that people who do think it’s purely medical are wrong. Seriously. Listen to yourselves. You’re reaching so far your arguments are becoming a health condition for your back.
Additionally, we also know that disassociative disorders as a whole aren’t all plurality. Never said they were. Never brought ones that weren’t relevant up.
I think that’s everything I can be bothered to note. Bye.
To add: “non sysmeds can criticise the term for being shitty” ok then did you give actual criticism? Point out any real flaw? No? Just gunna spam buzzwords at me and tell me to delete my post? Fuck off, if you’re sysmed or not I don’t care- I explained the reasoning why the term works and it’s comparable. If you’re going to take issue with it, then be constructive. No, “delete this” isn’t constructive.
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peachiepawsnetwork · 1 year
Intro + Blocklist Criteria
Hey, we're the Peachie Paws Network, a Partial-DID system. We found out we were a system in August 2019. We are traumagenic and bodily mid 20's.
We created this new system blog as our old one was filled with a lot of syscourse we used to get involved in (we're now an ex-sysmed).
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Our system 100% caused by childhood trauma (CSA/COCSA survivor and bullying victim of 10 years, alongside other trauma). We mainly have amnesia for our childhood and trauma events but not much for current day to day life.
Our system is heavily influenced by our Autism and is MaDDbased.
Our system is mainly Moneotien. Our host (main core) is almost perma frontstuck - fronts 95% of the time. The other parts mainly either passively influence the host or co-fronts/is co-conscious.
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The following kindly fuck off or face being blocked:
Discourse blogs/blogs heavily involved in discourse (especially syscourse)
ALL queer exclusionists (incl. terfs, anti mspec lesbians/gays, anti conflicting labels)
If you think it's okay to use the term "traumascum"
Also please let us know if some cunt posted us on r/systemcringe!!
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snifferz · 2 years
anyways you don't need trauma to be plural. trauma is only required for DID/OSDD-1, and endogenic systems aren't claiming to have that. stop parroting sysmedicalist misinformation please and thank you
1 - anon. i said dni? like kindly fuck off?? :) - sonic
2 - a system is the result of osdd or did, whichequires trauma.. im very much awaratsall are claiming you dont have trauma and... thats literally required?? for the brain to split alters, you need to go through severe stress or trauma from a young age which then develops no?? something that fucking awful happens to you and your body can't handle it, therefore alters are formed.
3 - please for the love of god do not misuse trans terms, being trans is not a medical thing whereas a medical disorder such as osdd or did which is THE ROOT OF BEING A SYSTEM is an inherantly medical thing?? its... why you get diagnosed with these things and its listed as a disorder when ur body has to split alters due to the severity of what youve gone through? sysmed = ... someone who believes a medical disorder is medical?
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clown--wormz · 2 years
okay first, singlets do not get to talk about plurality period. fuck off. second, endogenic systems do not claim to have DID/OSDD-1, because they know it's often caused by trauma. what we say is plurality itself is not caused by trauma (these are two different things despite what the sysmeds say). so kindly educate yourself, please and thank you.
There's a lot to unpack here.
Let's think about it this way. I can shift, but I'm not actually in another universe. I'm just in a dream so vivid that I think it's real. (Probably not a good analogy but it's all I can think of, sorry)
I am not saying what I said is more important than what actual systems have said. Not at all. My words are less than what they said, as I do not experience this myself and I'm just going off of research and what those people have said. I get the whole "singlets don't get a say" but I see it like this: as long as I am not speaking over them, which I hope I am not coming across as that way because that is not my goal, it really isn't.
And the whole "fvck off" thing. You came into my ask box, ignoring my DNI rules??? Like, if you didn't like what I said, just ignore it, please. Or block me. No need to b!tch about it. If any traumagenic systems had an issue with what I said, or wanted to teach me, they could do so, (and if any do, please do it kindly and calmly, I learn better that way ^^) . And you could also just, link me a few articles with good sources and such, about why endos are valid or how they actually exist.
As for ignoring my DNI list. Did you read it at all? It says clearly, I don't want endos/tulpas and their supporters interacting with me.
And if you were gonna break DNI, couldn't you just, not be a coward and, y'know, turn that lil anon button off? It's easy to talk like this when no one knows who you are ☺️
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