streetslost · 2 years
I apologize if you have addressed this before or not, but does Cat ever get therapy throughout the verse with Amber and Scott? What she went through and her years being out on the streets I imagine would do a tune in her psyche.
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yes !!!  actually, i probably haven’t explained to anyone outside of amber the importance of my npc, margaret.  because i haven’t updated cat’s homeward bound verse... my verses page needs a serious fixing up. but anyways!  cat actually has a doctor ( for physical health ), psychiatrist ( for mental health diagnosing and prescriptions ), and a therapist when she’s back with scott.  in fact, attending her psychiatry and therapy is part of her plea deal/sentencing, essentially.  she’s required to go. cat’s doctor: mr./dr. oscar mendez cat’s psychiatrist: mr./dr. gillian woods cat’s therapist: miss. margaret atwater oscar and gillian are not super thought out or the like.  they do what they need to and are good men, but they are strictly her doctors.  margaret, however, was cat’s therapist when she was in juvie.  and it was seeing cat and knowing she could help that margaret grew angry with the system.  because they wouldn’t let her fully help cat.  the detention center had other concerns - their reputation and money and all that.  getting the kids the proper help they needed wasn’t actually their top priority.  this made margaret angry, and after cat escaped, she quit. margaret actually moved to new york to become a therapist for youth, wanting to actually be able to make a difference for troubled kids.  it’s her who ends up finding cat, and since she met amy and jon ( scott’s aunt and uncle ) briefly when they visited cat in juvie, she knew to get a hold of them, and was the one to take cat home. she moved her practice to los angeles where there are plenty of other youth to help, as well as to be there for cat and continue to help improve cat’s life. margaret becomes an important figure in cat’s life, and while she isn’t a second mother or the like, she’s a guardian in her own right, and she does everything she can to help cat work into a better place, and it certainly appreciated and close after all the hard work she commits.
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Lauren for the character writing meme!
Pick a character I’ve written and I will explain the top ~three to five ideas/concepts/etc I keep in mind while writing that character that I believe are essential to accurately depicting them.
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Oh wow, I must confess did not expect to get one for her! I was prepared to write one for Angel or someone xD That said, I'm always happy to talk about my favourite OC, so thanks! :D
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Well, first... and, I'd argue, most importantly to me: the fact that Lauren isn't just bitter rage-ball at the world all the time. I mean, granted, that actually was true of her when I first created the character; but I've developed her so much since then. Even still, though, it's all too easy for me to slip back into her being just rage and bitterness and forget all the nuances I've built up for her over the years, so I always need to keep this in mind.
Like... yes, she does harbour a whole lot of bitterness; but the thing is, it isn't readily apparent a lot of the time? She should have the freedom to look and act just like your average teenage girl a lot of the time - to have fun and laugh at dumb jokes and not just have every single aspect of who she is defined by her bitterness and nothing else. That has the added bonus, too, of when her bitter side does spill out... it's a shock to people around her, because she's actually seemed normal up to that point? It makes it much more impactful when it comes up unexpectedly, rather than being her constant mindset at all times.
(rest beneath the cut for length!)
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Tying into that, there should be a balance in just how fighty and violent she can get. Again, originally, she would just lash out all over the place without regard for anything, whenever someone said something that touched on her specific area of vulnerability - that being, her parental issues. (This was, in truth, because she started out life as a minor bully in a story focused around an entirely different character, so it didn't matter that much - but she eventually just stole the spotlight entirely and became the main character herself!)
But the more I worked with her story ideas, the more I realised that it just didn't make sense... Lauren specifically doesn't see herself as mean, even in spite of her fighty tendencies. If she was beating up other kids left and right if they so much as breathed about having the caring parents that she didn't have, there was no way she could keep that view of herself... that, and she would probably have been expelled from her school five times over. Again, it's easy to fall back into writing her that way, because it was grounded in how I originally imagined her; but it's just not the truth of her anymore. She is temperamental, she does lash out... but she also has common sense and self-control, and unless she really feels like her issues are being deliberately poked at (or her friends threatened), the most she will do is seethe silently.
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Third is that Lauren doesn't lie. It's not a matter of morals or principles for her; she just has never had reason to believe that it's worth the effort - in her mind, it just sets up worse problems down the road, no matter what the situation. If she doesn't want to talk about something, she will very determinedly not talk about it - she has being sullenly silent down to a fine art - and can be evasive like there's no tomorrow, but she won't outright lie.
So if she does lie, that's when you know that something is very, very seriously up.
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Fourth: Lauren's closest friends mean more to her than ANYTHING. This is in large part because, even with not being angry all the time, she's still a very closed-off girl, and very, very guarded about letting people get close to her. After all, if she can't expect her parents to care about her, how can she imagine that anyone else will? So if someone does manage to get close, it's very little exaggeration to say that Lauren will defend them with her life. She very much has an 'I don't care what you do to me but don't you DARE hurt them' stance and becomes very protective of the rare person she gets close to.
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Lastly, I guess, is just to remember that Lauren doesn't fear physical pain. She does have her fears - her greatest one is being rendered helpless and unable to fight back - but even with the changes mentioned above, at this point she has still been in (and lost) enough fights that they've toughened her up to the point where she honestly doesn't care if she takes a beating. She doesn't seek pain, of course, but she also doesn't run from it as long as she has opportunity to give as good as she gets.
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hxzelwallflower · 2 years
( 🌻 ) - ::
- Carmel is nasty. It sticks to your teeth, leaves a bitter after taste and overall has an awful texture. Even stuff that's 'flavored' is no better.
- Halloween is overrated, and no it's not because I don't celebrate it. It's because we're so desensitized that the killers will be the ones running away instead of us.
- Bayverse Ninja Turtles will always be the best designs. I will lay down on this hill.
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trencri · 2 years
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@sxsamarantespacexsea​ arrived at the station !      ⊵  So, what textures does Garvey like? * unprompted / / ALWAYS ACCEPTING !
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If we’re on the topic of clothes : real simple things. Like cotton shirts/sweaters. Can NOT have tags because those are terrible. No zip-up hoodies.  Only the pull-over kind. Doesn’t like those designs that feel different on shirts.  Would rather wear long-sleeves cause he likes his arms covered.  Honestly sweaters are his go-to most the time. He likes the heaviness of them. Makes him feel secure. Even if said shirt meets the criteria , he might still be picky. Better to let him decide for his own. Lil bro gotta spend forever choosing which is ✨just right ✨ 
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Questions Often Left Unanswered: Mun Edition
@sxsamarantespacexsea​​ said: Who is your least favorite character in the fandom you RP in? List three admirable traits about them.
Are there any plot tropes you are sick of/refuse to RP? If so, what are they and why?
Who is your least favorite character in the fandom you RP in? List three admirable traits about them.
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Yeah, Blitzo is probably my least favorite. Okay, uhhhh, he genuinely cares about Loona and is a pretty good dad to her. And...yeah, sorry. That’s all I got. I literally cannot think of any other admirable traits about him.
Are there any plot tropes you are sick of/refuse to RP? If so, what are they and why?
Answered here!
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1, 12-13
1. how do you feel about reblog karma?
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That's the whole 'if you reblog a meme from someone you should send them something from it too', right? I completely understand it; I know it can be a bit discouraging if someone reblogs memes from you and doesn’t send anything (especially for memes that wouldn’t start interactions, headcanony ones and the like), so I always try and do that myself; but it’s not something I enforce from others. It is nice when it happens, though!
12. what roleplay trends do you remember from the year you started tumblr rp? how did you feel about those trends?
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Hm. That was... what, back in 2013? (has it really been almost ten years???) I know I remember it being more common than it is now to use gifs for icons in RP posts. Maybe it’s just the circles I was running in, as a newbie, but threads made up of shorter posts definitely seemed to be more the norm, too, compared to the longer posts that seem typical these days... then again, maybe short posts still are the norm, it’s just that I can’t make them myself!
I guess I don’t really remember? I used to just stick to my own little corner, so a lot of the common trends just sorta passed me by without me really taking them in?
13. what themes/motifs do you hope other people notice most about your character?
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That is... a question that I wish I had a good answer for xD As much as I’d like to say something profound about my muses and their themes... honestly I don’t think I’ve ever thought that deeply about it. My roleplay choices typically come down to nothing more profound than “I love these characters and want to make more content for them”, I’m afraid!
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hxzelwallflower · 2 years
tbh I don't really have an opinion of you yet. You at least seem sweet though!
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hxzelwallflower · 2 years
' When was the last time you lied to protect your image? ' - - - - - - ❝ Quite recently . It's stupid but , I go through these yearly molting sessions and don't like people to see me during then . I get , very emotional during those things too , and I didn't want my friends to know how destructive I can be . ❞ ' What is the one thing that could make you happy, but you refuse to do it because you’re afraid of what others would think? ' - - - - - - ❝ Moving back to my home country . I miss it some days , but transportation isn't easy and seeing as we can't fly anymore it ; makes things complicated . Don't get me wrong this place has grown on me too , but sometimes I wish I could be in France . Around people who spoke my language , around the food ... but that's pretty selfish thinking isn't it ? Knowing I'd be leaving so many people behind here just to satisfy my inner child . ❞
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“Oh no. No, no, no, no, no. This bad. This very, very bad." (Petrie for Cera)
Tangled (2010) Sentence Starters
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"You don't have to keep telling me, I got that part."
Never mind the fact that it had been her idea in the first place; in fact, if anything, the fact that she'd been the one to get them into this was probably making Cera all the more snappish and defensive. It was the rare time when the girl would admit to being wrong, even now that she was a little more mature; and, in fact, it was perhaps because she liked to think she was now better at making sensible decisions that it stung all the more when she screwed up again.
If there was any consolation, this wasn't ditch Littlefoot and try and find our own way to the Great Valley-levels of bad idea; but it couldn't have been that far off.
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Still, even she gulped slightly as she looked around them. Forced herself to swallow her pride and sigh as she looked at her flyer friend again.
"I guess I got us stuck pretty good, huh."
It stung terribly even just to admit it, and her voice was unusually small and subdued as a result.
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@sxsamarantespacexsea​ said:  🍩 (Sakuya & Gloria) 🍟 & ☕️ (Hestia & Gabriel) 🍓 & 🍧 ( Yelis & Erebus ) 🍰 (Beelzebub)
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
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Japanese cake roll. Sakuya is not really big on sweets, but her mother used to make it for her sometimes as a “special treat.” So she has very fond memories of it and nothing else has been able to compare.
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Gloria’s favorite sweet treat is banana nut muffins. She thinks it pairs rather nicely with her coffee and is usually her go-to sweet.
🍟 FRIES - do they order food often? or they prefer to cook their own food?
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Hestia orders food more often than not simply because it’s easier due to her busy schedule. She does cook sometimes, but not a whole lot. 
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
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Gabriel has no real preference. That being said, she loves fruit smoothies! Raspberry and blueberry smoothies are a two of her favorites.
🍓 STRAWBERRY - do they eat their fruit & veg? what is their favourite fruit or vegetable?
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Not as much as they should. But they’ll eat most fruits and vegetables as they’re not particularly picky. A few of their favorite veggies are carrots, corn, broccoli, and cauliflower. As for fruits, they’re partial to grapes, bananas, strawberries, and avocados.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
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Well, it’s not like he could take any of his stuff with him when he died. However, one of the objects from his childhood that he still had before he died was an old journal he got when he was thirteen. It’s where he wrote his poetry, as cringy as it was and it was the journal where he first started writing his songs in. It’s still holds a lot of significance to him.
🍰 CAKE SLICE - favourite cake flavour? are they specific about types of cakes?
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She likes any and all cakes but strawberry shortcake continues to has a special place in her heart.
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Put ¥ in my ask and my muse will rate your muse on:
@sxsamarantespacexsea​​ said:  ¥ Sakuya @ Tentadora
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Looks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10   Personality: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 Attraction: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10   Would they date them: yes | no “Yeah, I’d take her out. Gorgeous woman like that deserves to be spoiled~” Favorite thing about them: “Love that we both seem share a love of pink.” Least favorite thing about them: “A bit too perky for my tastes but it’s whatever.”
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New Ask Game! Send me a 🌻 and I’ll just tell you whatever the fuck I want to talk about!
@sxsamarantespacexsea​​ said:  🌻
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I already miss my undergrad days. None of my IRL friends live anywhere near me and I miss the days where were able to hang out together in person. Sure, we have a groupchat but it’s not the same. I miss doing things like going to the movies together, binging shows, and going out to brunch or dinner. Hell, I even miss going to the grocery store with them because they made it fun. I dunno, just miss being able to do simple things like that with my friends. 
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