#survey offer
izzy-b-hands · 3 days
Just submitted a new patient request to Anchor Health. Cross your fingers for me, so I can get set up w/a doc I can stick with who can handle my T and PCP stuff and maybe even mental health stuff? (their website let me mark all three as things I wanted them to provide care for at least)
and the poor local PP can get back to trying to help others without me taking up any more of their scarce resources and staff
#text post#tbh they might say no#i do fall under the qualifying thing of I came from a state that's not safe for trans folks anymore#but I did note on my form that I've been here abt a year since they needed an address and I didn't want the CT address to be confusing#my concern is bc i've been in the state a year already that will disqualify me#told them too that I've been working with pp but need to find full time care for these things and would like to switch to them#they take medicaid plus offer rides to the clinics and i think telehealth too?#so for whatever can't be done via telehealth I could get a ride to the nearest clinic and back again#which frees me from having to try and budget for lyfts or for poor Housemate to have to work aer schedule around me needing rides#which reminds me i neeeeed to get my bloodwork done#idk if i can manage it today bc the doc messaging thing already has my brain even Louder than before (but it deeply needed doing)#but this week if the uni finally shoots me my latest paycheck I think i'll just take a lyft and either go to a blood draw clinic or call pp#and ask to have them do it and apologise for it taking so long to get it done#bc I can tell they're judging me for it and like. they're not wrong to#i really do want to get it done it's just been hard to coordinate around other stuff and yeah. blood draws usually suck for me so also#it's hard to make myself go do it even when something important to me depends upon it#im rambling too much again time to dip back to survey sites and maybe researching dentists for the fall for me and Housemate
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r2y9s-notartblog · 7 months
y'all new tumblr survey dropped. check ur email.
or go here
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tumblhurgoyf · 1 year
Feeling super negative for a multitude of reasons, some not Magic related at all, but the recent talk on Blogatog about “microset” products just feels so out of touch. I don’t want to bring that negativity on one of Mark’s posts as I’m not sure I could be polite about it and I’ve mostly just dismissed the product as not for me already anyway. But I do want to vent.
First it’s like $1 a card for random cards? That’s nuts. Boosters are already overpriced with all the commons included. They worked some really good PR speak by explaining away cutting the commons to give you more rares and uncommons, but the reality is you’re just paying more for less. It’s not like those rare slots are actually going to ever reach an EV that makes it a good gamble.
Second let’s talk about product fatigue. Like not only is this an additional release (or four) a year, but you’re doing normal and collector’s boosters for this as well? Holy fuck.
The fact that Mark’s openly work shopping what variation of this product players might actually shell out money for tells me it’s not received well. I haven’t seen a positive video about it at all.
It’s a shame though that they can’t give their golden goose a bit of breathing room though. I shared that post the other day about... let me find it for the term... trust thermocline. The basic idea is that people who like your product will stick with you through some missteps and bad ideas. And you won’t even notice how bad all of them are because sales keep increasing and people keep paying higher prices and buying new stuff and all that.
But at some point you hit that trust thermocline. Something pushes a lot of people over the edge. You walk it back but it’s too late. Because the thing is that was just the straw that broke the camel’s back. They didn’t leave because of one bad story, or because $5 a pack was too much but $4.50 wasn’t, or because two dozen products a year was ok but thirty went to far.
They left because of all of it. The last thing is just what made them finally say “enough.” And once they say enough and leave, you don’t get them back. It’s hard to see because things keep chugging along and all your numbers and metrics look fine. But I feel like Wizards has to be approaching this. I wonder about why they stopped including space at the end of surveys for additional comments. Too much negativity they don’t want to put any effort into handling?
On a different front, I’m also not enjoying the lore changes they’ve dropped with this same product. I am willing to admit that I’m somehow still too close to the story to really take a step back and appreciate this; that could change with time. But my reaction right now is that desparking a lot of planeswalkers while opening rifts so anyone and anything can now travel the multiverse is just stupid. You’ve just eviscerated the story conceit that made planeswalkers special.
idk, I wasn’t thrilled with how they handled the team up cards anyway, and to me this feels like the next step of that. We got to see unlikely allies on cards, now what if we got stories where Thalia was on Ravnica fighting the Obzedat? It feels (I keep intentionally using the word feels to describe this--it’s my emotional reaction detached from the idea that they’re going to be able to tell cool stories they couldn’t otherwise tell), anyway, it feels like they just tossed out a core story concept and don’t even realize it.
Like as much shit they get for the world of hats approach, I think that really works for what they do and is part of what I enjoy. I’m honestly in part concerned that the recent big events that effect the entire multiverse and set up this situation where planes can blend a lot more freely could impact the distinct feel of different worlds. And while I’m sure that’s something that’s on creative’s radar, they’ve also burned enough trust in recent years that I’m doubtful they will handle it well.
Though at the same time this feels kind of par for the course. There have been so many let downs in Magic story over the years that the amazing part is that I’m still invested at all. But the story’s a slave to corporate needs and is undoubtedly more story-by-committee than ever. A left-right punch to KO any creative work for sure.
But I shouldn’t be surprised. They are not and have never really tried to say they’re anything else. They make blockbuster sets and want blockbuster stories to go along with it. Anyone who wants a fantasy card game with DC/Marvel story sensibilities to produce artistic short fiction is a damned fool.
Anyway this is just me venting. Could all be wrong. Time will tell. If you want to vent here feel free.
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dorianwolfforest · 1 year
Actually let’s get REALLY controversial
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hypershadicman · 2 months
just finished watching Red @comicaurora's newest video on the eclipse video and dear god i have THOUGHTS because the eclipse really was incredibly fucking magical (link below if you haven't seen it already)
so i happen to currently be living in an area where the path of totality was going directly over, i didn't have to go out of my way to see the eclipse and admittedly much like Red, i doubt i would've searched it out if it wasn't coming right to my exact doorstep. Unlike Red however, i had absolutely no idea what i was getting into, aside of course from Red's last eclipse video which put me on to the fact that i'd be in the right place at the right time; i brought up a telescope with no solar filter assuming that "surely i'll be fine if i wear my glasses" (i was advised against it once i got there, so i did not melt my telescope), i had no expectations and no preparations whatsoever essentially.
but fucking hell it was beautiful, i realized very quickly that i had absolutely no way to capture the real effect of it with my shitty phone camera, the sheer vastness of it all was overwhelming but i think the thing that really got to me is just how indescribable it felt. How was i supposed to explain this to my family and friends who weren't in the area, counting on me to send them something back to capture the experience? how could i even find the words?
so hearing quite literally some of the exact same descriptions from Red was quite possibly one of the most gratifying things i could've imagined. it was like there was just a hole in the sky, it was this oddly ethereal pale, the rim dotted with little pinkish red somethings that i still couldn't believe were real when i looked at them. it really was suddenly just night time in the middle of the day and i had absolutely no way to share it with anyone, not to the extent that i saw it.
so uh, thank you to Red for letting me know that someone else gets it, i hope that everyone else who saw it feels a little bit less alone knowing that we all got to share a moment like that, and i hope anybody who didn't gets to see something that beautiful at least once in their lives.
oh, and for anybody who made it this far down into this clumsy rant, i may not have been able to get a good shot of the eclipse, but a friend of mine with a 4K camera captured a full 2 hour video of the whole thing, beginning to end. i don't think it could ever compare to the real thing, but it is by far the closest i think it's really possible to get.
(apologies if dropbox is a little unwieldy to use here, or if the quality isn't quite up to snuff, i've had to take this through a youtube video converter so it probably got caught up in youtube compression a bit)
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kingofthering · 7 months
some top 3 (number of mentions in parentheses, only the pairings that weren’t offered in the survey lists) from the data I spent the last couple of hours treating for the f1 rpf survey (open until tomorrow)
automatic read/seek content about
fernando/lance (21)
oscar/logan (19)
alex/charles (7)
want to read more
oscar/logan (6)
fernando/lance (4)
prost/senna (2)
deserve more attention
logan/oscar (17)
charles/alex (12)
george/alex (9)
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essektheylyss · 2 years
being an adult with free time and opinions is great because it's like, I WILL fill out your email survey. I WILL tell you about what I liked and didn't like about my college experience. I WILL complain to you about my commute on local transit. I WILL tell the DNC where I think they need to put their time and effort ahead of the election.
I understand that volunteer bias is real and a statistical problem, but I'm an anarchist with an office job who obsessively collects information on everything, and somebody needs to offer a counter perspective to the middle-aged wine moms who fill out polls online to feel something.
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val-el · 1 year
Hey guys!
For those of you who don't know, I recently got incredibly interested in the different approaches Marvel and DC take to their queer rep, so I decided to make a survey form! Whether or not you consume Marvel/DC media, I encourage you to fill it out so I have a larger response pool.
And if you'd consider sharing it with friends and reblogging, that'd be cool, too!
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bunnyb34r · 4 months
Really missing having good/good enough managers man :/
Super fucking slow at work and they just let the auto-scheduler put in our shift schedules which is fine when it works but.... we're so fucking slow at work. Like my area is completely filled (with what I have... new shipment save me... save me.... new shipment) and recovered by 6am. I'm not needed. Not atm.
Now a good/good enough manager would remove my shifts (which would SHOCK save the company money! :0 and leave more of a budget for the managers which means bigger paycheck! Wow!) Or at least tell me that the reason I have ONE shift next week is in fact bc I'm not needed, and not the scheduler being fucky. But god we cant have THAT now can we!
I mean if I see "shift for DAY has been removed" on my app then hell yeah free time off! But bc they routinely forget to reprompt the scheduler, there's consistent weeks where I have 0 hours, but know to come in/assume I'm needed.
Like ffs arent you supposed to cut hours?? Which would be MINE since I'm only 20 a week??? Come on man 😭 I'm so bored
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jewelrana143 · 9 months
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sumrria · 11 months
Now you can earn doing offer, playing games, viewing ads, referring friends. Building your referral organization of hundreds or thousands of members and sell it back for top dollars. Check us out at https://sumrria.com/
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izzy-b-hands · 1 year
I think my fave, and by fave I mean most hated, thing, is when my brain decides literally from the moment I wake up that I’m going to be suicidal. Like, cool. I guess. I’d have preferred Not This, and there was nothing to trigger it, it’s just. Happening. Woke up to ‘oh you aren’t meant for this world’ no shit buddy but I don’t have a choice but to live in it, do i?
But we’re down to about once every other week for this so. A win? kinda. I’ll take it lol
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reloaderror · 1 year
after two years and 8 interviews im finally off stats norway duty 🫡
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luciferspit · 2 years
I've been binging WTNV at work trying to catch up since I stopped in 2014, and the repeated intros on Spotify need to be classified as torture by the sheriff's secret police.
If I hear Joseph Fink telling me to fill out a survey in his whispery raspy voice one more goddamn time I'm gonna end myself.
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
this semester is gonna be my first without a music history course since freshman year.......gaping vacancy in my soul
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janjamvp · 2 years
Tumblr media
(via GIPHY)
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