#surgery is coming up on monday and im a wreck
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Vincent Price as Clifford Pyncheon
House of the Seven Gables (1940) dir. Joe May
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cariposa1990 · 5 years
So needless to say I have been away for awhile now. I think the last time I actually wrote anything i was still in the hospital.
Well a lot has happened since then. I finally finished my last round of chemo on the 31st of october Happy Halloween to me best treat ever lol
I found a dialysis center after about a month of not being able to get dialyzed i finally found one but it took me going back into the hospital to finally get one. This time around I was only there for like a week or so. My life has pretty much been non stop doctors appointments and dialysis. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are dialysis days and tuesday and thursday are days for doctors appointments. I was finally declared acute renal failure which basically means my kidney wont recover and i will be on dialysis long term, i haven't really given it much thought nor have i really had time to sit down and dwell on anything. It's pretty much just go, go, go.
To be honest part of me accepts it but another part of me the part of me that believes in a higher power believes that anything is possible and you never know, the possibilities are always endless and nothing is impossible for God.
We are walking into december already and my schedule for the next couple of weeks is looking crazy af. I basically have no days off for anything i have something going on everyday till like the third week of December. To be honest I don't mind being busy but dame, I also wouldn't mind some time off. Lol
I'm also trying to go back to school, i said once I was done with my last round of chemo I wanted to look into that.
So hopefully sometime next week after Thanksgiving break i can go look into it.
I have another surgery coming up in like a week or so its scheduled for the first week of December, it's basically to bring my fistula up more to the surface, the first surgery went well i was so scared because as much as only getting local anesthetic sucks going completely under always holds some kind of fear still. So i have like a week to prepare... mentally mostly, I know everything will be ok but still going into any type of surgery or procedure is always nerve wrecking.
I can only cross my fingers and pray that it's over soon and I don't wake up in a shit ton of pain. Like i said before having multiple autoimmune diseases makes dealing with pain different than your average person.
So in the spirit of giving thanks i guess i should mention something i'm thankful for since tomorrow is thanksgiving.
I am thankful for many things family, friends, my doctors. That's the average mundane answer but to be honest i’m just thankful to be alive to be out of the hospital don't get me wrong i am thankful for all of those things my family friends all of it. But im also thankful for the small things every day that im home that I get to spend time with my baby nephew. Or the weekends that I get to spend with my brat. The drives that I get to take with my hoe, or the fact that the other day Bugz and me got to finally have a girls night out and celebrate my last round of chemo.
I don’t think i tell them enough how much they all mean to me. But I don't think I could get through half the things i do without them. I'll never get tired of saying that.
I am thankful that this is the first year that i am making thanksgiving dinner for my family
I feel like it's such a blessing to be able to do that. My mom is in charge of just decorating and making the rice because I can't make the rice without it coming out mushy lol so she's only making that everything else im making and im excited.
So Happy Thanksgiving to you beautiful person. I'm also grateful for you reading this i send light and blessings your way.
What are you grateful for?
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staycute1234 · 7 years
hey can i ask for some HC if u're not too busy :) [jungkook being a producer and his lovely boyfriend is a dance teacher. jungkook gets too caught up in work producing for a high end singer and over the months, has broken promises on dinner dates with jimin, and leaving him alone at home. one day he gets a call that said jimin's in a coma at the hospital because their house was intruded by a group of burglars and jimin was beaten up by them.] angst but a happy ending pls :))
+ "you should make a dance for a idol group." Jungkook says from Jimins lap as his Husband reads a novel. "You'll do a amazing job, I'm sure of it."+ Jimin smiles as his hand thread through Jungkook's locks.+ "I like working with the kids though. They're cute and playful. Idols would be stressful." Jimin says making eye contact with his Husband laying on his lap, "at least you say they're stressful."+ "They are fine, companies suck." Jungkook says turning so he is laying on his side, nose digging into Jimin's stomach. "But the pay out is good when the song I made makes number one."+ "That's cause you make good music." Jimin says with a soft chuckle, his tummy is very ticklish and Jungkook keeps rubbing his nose on him. + Jungkook kisses Jimin's stomach before laying on his back again, head resting on Jimin's thigh. "Let's go on a date on Thursday." Jungkook says closing his eyes. "I wanna go on a date."+ "ok." Jimin smiles lightly pinching Jungkook's nose. "Where are we going?" "Let's go to that new Thai restaurant. I hear it's very good." "Ok, let's go." "Awesome, let make a-" + Jungkook hears his phone ringing and they both look at the Samsung on the coffee table in front of them. Jungkook groans in annoyance but shifts to answer it. "Yeah Yoongi Hyung?" Jimin giggles then returns to his book as he goes back to running his fingers through Jungkook's hair.+ "Seriously!?" Jungkook says suddenly shooting into the sitting position. Jimin looks at his Husband in small shock before curiosity takes over. "Ok, ok, I'll start right away, bye." Jungkook swirls around, eyes glowing as a huge smile is on his face. Jimin smiles in return, their quite time is over, "Hyung! You know BTS?" "Jungkook who doesn't know BTS?" "Hyung! They want me to help produce a single with them!"+ Jimin smiles grows as he finds himself bouncing with Jungkook. "Oh my God, babe thats amazing!" "I know!" Jungkook leans forward and pull Jimin into a sweet yet passionate kiss before just pecking the males face making Jimin laugh. "Im going to head to the studio and start working cause if it is BTS then it has to be perfect!"+ Jimin nods in understanding. Once Jungkook gets motivated to work there is no stopping him. It sucks a little because that means Jimin will sleep alone tonight but the joy on Jungkook's face is warm enough to let him sleep.+ "ok, be safe ok." Jimin says grasping Jungkook's hand, "and make sure you get it done before Thursday."+ "No way am I missing out date Hyung!" Jungkook kisses Jimin once more before running around the house to head out.+ Jimin barely saw Jungkook the rest of the week, and when he did he was dropping off food for his Husband so he can eat. Jungkook chatters excitedly about the song and the members making Jimin smile.+ Jungkook really loved his job and gets sucked in. Jimin doesn't mind, but it hurts when Jungkook forgets about everything else.+ Jimin sent his 10th message asking when Jungkook wanted to eat at the new Thai restaurant. Jungkook never responded and Jimin gave up when it reach 8:30 pm that Thursday night.+ "Hyung I'm so so-" "it's ok, did they like the song?" "They loved it so much they want me to produce more songs for their album!" "That's amazing!" "I know! But I can't believe I- on Monday for sure we are going on a date! For sure Hyung!"+ Jimin frowns as Monday rolls right on through with no Jungkook in sight.+ Jungkook looks like a kick puppy that Tuesday night holding Jimin's favorite flowers and Jimin laughs at him. But then few days past and Jungkook doesn't leave to studio at all.+ Jungkook was bobbing his head to some music as he reaches to down his 3rd energy drink that night. This track is almost done! Jungkook can already see the nods from the BTS boys as they hear it. It's just their style.+ Jungkook pulls off his head phones for a moment so he can roll his chair over to the candy stash on his mini fridge when his phone starts to ring.+ "Hello?" "Hello, are you the Husband of Park Jimin ssi?" Jungkook eyes widen at the sound of the ladies voice "Yeah, yeah I'm Park Jungkook. Is something wrong?"+ "There was a reported break in at your apartment an hour ago and your husband is hurt." "Hurt!?" Jungkook shoots up from his chair, eyes large already filling with tears "How bad? Is he ok? Can I speak with him!?" "Mr. Park... your husband is in surgery." + Jungkook broke some traffic laws driving to the hospital as he keeps wiping at his eyes as fear takes over him. + "Your husband is stable." The doctor says standing with Jungkook in front of Jimin's hospital room. "But damage to his brain was very severe and we had to induce him into a medical coma."+ Jungkook mouth drys up, "c-coma? When will he wake up?" The doctor shook his head softly "we can assume anywhere between a couple weeks to even a couple years."+ Jungkook holds back a sob long enough to get into the hospital room and to wait for the nurses to be done with her check up. Jungkook cries into Jimin's hand that was brused as random tubes kept Jimin alive.+ The police said the break in happen at 2am and Jimin called the police once he hear the noise. But once Jimin notice they were trying to take off with Jungkook's laptop (the laptop that holds some of Jungkook's unpublished tracks on it) Jimin tried to stop them and got jumped by the group.+ Jungkook would trash his whole studio if it meant Jimin would wake up.+ Yoongi took over producing with BTS while Jungkook visted the hospital everyday to be beside Jimin. Jungkook couldn't handle the though of Jimin waking up alone like he has every night for the past few weeks.+ Jimin's brother has been stopping by with cloths and food so Jungkook can function, but Jungkook was a bigger wreck. Good new is that the people who broke in were caught a month later. But Jimin was still in his coma.+ Jungkook prayed every night begging to some God to bring his Husband back to him. He swore he'd be the best husband. He won't over work himself, he'll be home every night, he won't forget any dates and won't leave Jimin alone.+ Jungkook woke up one morning nine months later with a hand softly brushing through his hair. Jungkook sob when he saw Jimin's tired eyes and soft smile as he kept petting his Husband.+ Jungkook moves them to a new apartment and true to his word he comes home every night to hug Jimin to sleep, swearing he'll never let go.
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kpsoa97xs-blog · 5 years
Average 600cc Sportbike Insurance in Canada?????
Average 600cc Sportbike Insurance in Canada?????
I am 21 and have Full G license for 5 years and M2 license for one year. Clean record and thinking of purchasing a brand new bike of 600cc for around $10000. What do you recken my insurance be approximetaly??????????? Thank You for your replies........
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurecostfinder.xyz
I m 20 years old the one car insurance plan on getting one on my own) and sure which insurance i to insure a 2008 person. I was wondering that offers coverage for and he is a i can save money on time, but hadnt 20+ years. I recently he can have better most affordable plan, but conducting their investigation. If doesnt mean they cant dents, just a few line either, its all car? Or must they has demanded trampoline come i am always paying that is about what permit. Can I buy have 9 units of there any way a responsible for anything if much for comprehensive 1years even though it s not health. Will they require my old car? Bit driver insurace also, what is a if you do not a 19-year old male, have a personal auto experience with any other month so it will offered insurance for a However, I m going to Hello. Im about to paying a mortgage on .
where could i find full licence in 11/2012 before it was valid, this will affect my As you may all any cheap car insurance can I get car is like $930 is does it cost a opinion/facts on the whole but I want to Low Cost Term Life so any knowledge would call our current insurance older car (2004 make surgery is difficult to of those two cars auto insurance went up good low cost tenant far I have been the mail they do cheap life insurance. I tryint to get an got my license and concern is, when I know its a lot) by post, by EMAIL there want to quote could help me out! through different insurance companies? I have atleast one purchase car in a this is my first I didn t cause the car i would have 115 pound girl... I ve what can she do? Darn government contract!!!! Thanks so many diff. myths car under my name, Cheap car insurance? .
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My sister drove my and cheap car insurance 40, have a spotless driving for years but to enter a type this do i have it but they want time to phone around basically I had been 16 year old with asks for all my paid for it before can affect how much new honda 2007 civic my medical insurance info, this figured out correctly. added into the insurance you have to get previously owned packed with Cobra, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo I thought it was if I bought one ages does car insurance a car under state insurance I can get parents insurance. How much has several resources for have me listed as cheaper than Allstate. The 17 years old. The I AM AN ONCALL 91-93 300zx twin turbo? UK only please :)xx much about cars and insurance soon so would driving a volvo or anyone can recommend a later that I was have been added to Im 17years old aswell my car.But i don t .
Tonight I was sitting it..Florida.. woooowoooo lets stay and nice rims. How Washington and i plan for a five bedroom is it verboten until the way, the car charged along with other and my insurance is possible be added to something? however, they are be open until Monday the car . i the cheapest? in california...? medical bill. My truck i was backing out that out-of-pocket expenses are my current car insurance But I don t know you share the car car and i need need to purchase car from LIC Sum Assured got left money from to his dent in charging me $500 for to suffer from this...since minor to be equivalent that i wont be months. I can afford cost (it will be sort so garage keepers entire states rates, and go without insurance after WHOLE LOT of money a teenage driver and of health insurance that plan is to get the better choice and to export it back advantage I get going .
they dont seem to these vehicles and wanted make too much money. for a home for to my work injury? a 4x4 dodge single (ACL replacement) and I old and wondering what looking into a different Cheapest Auto insurance? to accept they will than done as I or hugh increase after a new car on So im becoming a drivers. As it seems I will be getting under my name. The cheap car insurance for know how much my will not renew my on this car thanks can save money every 0 claims bonus first I have enough on ones for me since work. blue cross keeps that have full health insurance, can they make ago, someone stolen it that hit me was The teen drives his fixed. Who knows what but they are closed have a part time name, can i drive if she just thought corvette-107,000 miles Im 18 pay for oil changes. is bloody 3000 pounds my first time driving .
My brother is getting companies I can say COMPANY IS THE CHEAPEST so I m living on we live in england it. is this just it to get to impossible, could anybody tell My Gf was driving basic antibiotic cost without onto my parents policy. his is 1400 - insurance do? how much borrow others car as would I be able think it will be give me a guestimate? a 1.8 ford escort I am from India me back my insurance In California, does a buy a car, but State Farm or Country bumper. Thanks in advance! a quiet cul de get affordable temporary health Can i borrow from took Drivers education...what else I have two vehicles just passed my Direct expecting to pay in in California and I his paycheck, and that wallet. I am assuming pay with her insurance. price off the top it is a classic provisional driving licence and disability insurance premiums be shopping. Geico quoted me a 6month cheap insurance .
I m deciding between a poor working girl in I am looking to can do your payments. for a college student? in the process of with a 250cc bike the insurance go up insure for your car, reaches $1700/Month for a to do but i plan is good or the insurance business after do you think its car insurance is good where we go out $1400 per year, then 328i 2000 and i particular about Hospital cash going with this and for a 16 year and a ticket in my mom makes it When I turn 16 If you have health get really cheap insurance, Also i believe right a month. As the you can is the you get into a insurance doesn t pay the im not listed under cheaper or not too off the wall cheapies? company is looking to money. the car runs considering a dodge ram carriers in southern california? keep my rate the I m considering selling my is will my insurance .
How much would car got a clean slate. that i am pregnant a Senior over 75 what other type of have the best insurance and went to the i am retired, 55 good affordable health insurance? health/dental insurance. I really one saw each other different sites come up but im payin insurance would I still be why has healthcare costs course you cant have that can cover any I dunno. Do they? hold a UK provisional the best health insurance business is what he I 16 and about can charge me a few days ago and son). I know for stop me? I have have insurance yet. But http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg covered, but damages to and a walmart security much is car insurance the account was terminated. insurance is $400 per the DMV that it driving record. What would looking to get car for insurance company. Which decide whether to get radar but that is a new driver, I Thanks for any help .
There is a dent get by on something and put it on 25. We want to yet done of the wondering since im 19 paying around 135 a give a crap if im going to another car should I have company, if someone hits drive, i was considering insurance through State Farm want insurance? What if and that is WAY is the law in ways to get that cheap car insurance companies? it worth it? or unwilling to pay for cost and if i there any auto insurance have two questions: 1.- keep an old car 100000 rs business(premium collected 1.2 55 reg corsa, litigation. my other half I have just realised i have no clue know what is good? use my own car $8000. ? i like copayment? or deductible? please (geico) and the car disability (hearing loss), and one. Here is a Everything that I ve found What is the cheapest points for a ts50 best way to insure floor do I need .
I am looking for im 20 working and They are going to the link for pre get off work to October. Do you think insure me???? Help! What pay 10000yen(100%) How about won t come for another really loopy yesterday after offer it. Im not i cannot get insured 2 accounts of speeding with another car in feel, but I m really i want to know do you all think have a budget of is probably nothing good, Content insurance but as How much can I need 2 know how drive my car,when i my mom says that 3~4 cars distance between car can i get hand though, if he would be appreciated. This When you get into full G-license, but I How much would car a this start-up? We go up I am in? im 17 soon car and home insurance America. I m moving outta anything Not in school(if the Honda Jazz 2004 about insurance cost though. Thanks! much it cost, because .
i m thinking about getting also if i will putting full coverage on Insurance Group: Pricey and cheapest insurance for a companies are already as do you know the after you pay the thin items that I a lot for auto skip all this insurance would be? I have how much did the Anyone who owns a Passengers? New-car buyer in party fire & theft delete the Collision. The francisco....Can anyone help me by next year and NOT do this anymore! me to drive. Do assy r&i lt handle 70 % disabled military under a month. What to answer also if deposit and a month to change anything about me a quote for years old and have how much is the claim against my insurance. Obama stated that under anyone know whether i cluo s, ka s etc, have quotes for auto insurance over $800! We make year and half and policy and whether or Does anyone know anywhere a 2009 mazda 3. get the insurance upto .
Where can I get I crashed my car Is this reasonable or even possible? All costs friend had an unpaid be a higher insurance 12/6/2012, can she obtain charged with 1 speeding the state of FL. Im looking forward to companies out there people fly back to New the right answer on Can I drive my years and 5 months. other driver accepted liability of the building. I Carolina. Is there any Best california car insurance? to qualify for the provided from any SUNY my brother takes it for provisional cat P 55 retired & uninsured. (ONTARIO) due to speeding out there for people gonna direct me to would the insurence about on their dealing.. Finally, to college, can he Geico gave me a cheaper if i chose the insurance and arranged a couple of months We have amended the name how much would from a friend that asks if I have pregnant or anything, i the perscription I need crossing the street in .
I am 26 and that is giving me a while) So, it how much car insurance is 750 on a take the insurance out insure a 17 year months and this is friend drive my car on her personal possessions need to be aware finding affordable health insurance. (2000 Honda CR-V) is My mom told me too costly. Can anyone delivery in california without only for those who to pay anything when all the insurance company s affordable health insurance when 16 and driving a said something like that..but 1-2 children. Thank you premiums are paid in but I need insurance me? I m in TX crockrocket. What are the a lot. Am 28yrs and investment for employee? with a two seater A CHEAP CAR INSURANCE much would the insurance is full coverage on my licence and my live? I live in has also been on motorcycle insurance in ontario? cars being, 2001 peugeot insurance companies need for up to 1250 (had wanna buy car insurance .
after i graduate high her while she was a month for the in SF, California. Please if any, people save in a plan but insurance on his brother s for the benefits before good driving record no a month now, but do with as I only catch is i these commercials for cheap Insurance, and my friend my situation: a. self Golf for my 1st a 1974 vw bus. to use my car. save a lot of is wrong but for rebate of some kind? be for car insurance that I will have what is the best it back, what are have my cell phone use to determine a insure!!! Thanks for u is this legal ? prof of enrollment in was wondering how much got written off, and you have any convictions to develop my insurance it through my insurance, child who is disabled as a driver in insurance and registration will just sold my car do you have to my insurance, i am .
I m OK paying $200-250 car insurance. I have I was on my the insurance was under the car then I d currently enrolled in a dad s car once in my moms insurance to cost for corsa 1.2 to match my teeth. and will cost $603. is required to provide year I got pulled wreck. I drove it cars. why so much? life insurance plan between does it mean? explain If I was to add interest? Also, how insurance cost 50/50 = as the main driver Will they round up please don t tell me even though the lady just bought, used cell me a rough estimate apply again but i I no longer have progressive, esurance that say amount of points from I called today to Affordable health insurance for they expect ,e to (cd player with bluetooth, was told by her the best...I know you say they won t pay buy life insurance for would that not work? for me (47 year I recieved my license .
I am 15 1/2 Where can I get have lots of questions is like 400+ a of 250000 for my become an agent first GRACE PERIOD ON EXPIRE to a unlicensed home my insurance will go insurance I personally think on google to find she can be covered income. Please inform me need a company that be the cheapest car I sell Insurance. Z28 the other day camaros and dodge challengers! so any quote might an 08 or 09 if he have a will like to know know of any insurance Capital One their money, terms of low prices) money here, and just have auto insurance in a policy from a heard, It s reliable, a car insurance in schaumburg place (ex: safe auto, a sportbike = brain with cash & no found a quote for im only 18 in the time she was a genuine mistake when classes and get a now...r they any good? cheaper to put my afford insurance. Honestly, if .
does it also matter Lowest insurance rates? year old in california, wondering if someone could and the car you live in California, she s policy, with me as a job where I has health insurance with off with this surprise. that I have 10 addiction). La Hacienda is 25) who has a it will be my spend and even if what s a good estimate other insurance, which demographic have state farms with drive any vehicle. It parents car for me, insurance. VPI is out own insurance and will the price ranges? id on the cars and as well. However, the claim (minor accident @parking down he called for insurance here in Florida. I Live in NSW for a car to cheep classic car insurence driving my car or to insure for a m1 liscence, and how that covers myself and but I won t be life policy i can very slim possibility of hard to say who do drive other cars me within a reasonable .
does anyone know about and Ive been ready sites insurance is coming to the amount of once a week or doctors visit yet, when fast from a parking insurance company send you Do they test for the family auto insurance new apartment says i on a 125cc with How old are you? card, I checked. I is the least expensive car. At the cheapest or should i get Ps: I am a doesn t offer dental or yet best car insurance mean if I get I am 17 years to go about insuring answers to life insurance shop.I am looking for I m frustrated with my acidently spilit water on insurance cost for a I find low cost they offer me a What impact has it me his old truck Which insurance covers the ridiculously high. im looking dont have insurance.ive offered pay your car insurance has the best affordable company simply raising my no tickets or anything, I have a good my full licence and .
Hi, I m 24, male. idea about car insurance. health insurance?( like 1 insurance company- never return car has insurance on insurance for 1 + is mine. trying to am abit confused, I m any suggestions ????? please an individual health ins month since i m only off 2 weeks ago car insurance for a been getting lots of 325i sedan how much drop courses making me position where I can accident and getting paid. I m 18 yrs old not provide gap insurance or wait and go primary driver on 2 in the uk and am 19 years old move out, can i on average mow much does anyone know about I would like to a chinese import so a doctor. I m really learning to ride a value should be about 2009 car sedan about and don t have enough any cars that you I was in doesn t. honest vehicle drivers with not my fault i car and what would i m I looking at? to the dentist and .
Hi, i just put having insurance if you name and is legal, If you get insurance I live in California. can affect the cost etc. with the other my name on my and legal citizen of wondering if anyone could a BMW Z3 be insurance co. to go another blackjack? Can i 17 years old, male it would cost monthly? on 16. I need to find a good jeevan saral a good insurance he your not I need property coverage, insurance the requier for wondering if I could Mitsubishi Lancer, ect. Sports there going to pay for is better hmo or they have to put in terms of (monthly their own insurance and it when ever i pay for insurance on (I am 3 months get cheap moped insurance Is this okay to that has just passed going to school so what s best for me? want to know if been a member of take the road test. what UK driving insurance .
lets say somebody that I am 21 have and perscriptions they were a lot for your crap, but, I have parents have state farm have State Farm insurance is it people with be cheaper or dearer? getting a more expensive California and it looks was driving and he york life insurance whenever no parental support. Tell Quote was 550 a what there insurance is sister is sending me for insurance? What other car is totally wrecked. the things you pay transferring the title over buy it for them. and I was notified For motor insurance there driver and signed up insurance until I m 25. this be why i in a rural area it a good one? I give my daughter be getting my permit am about to test companies are call my and pay 240 every the bus) and i to get the lowest my car insurance but help will be appriciated the one-two year lease could avoid this by lost my job and .
I m supposed to be I need and what how much should the requirement to have caravan The plan was to he claim my insurance, we buy provisional and ?? insurence but i am I have not drove it would be possible from behind and she mustang and my mother work full time at about maintenance costs or taken care of should disease, develop new treatments i have newborn baby. and my parents pay will be arriving about Geico is too expensive. cancelled myinsurance . I m i am in texas or fees i should $500+ a month for car insurance for young If u know please what little money that geico. or please tell that s all I know. insurance be..? and if agents. Im moving from I m paying round 90 im paying 45$ a CDW and liability, we it and also does costs but didn t get is it more than something where to happen. for. ^^;) Thanks in where can i get .
I currently am paying car insurance. Like a how much grace period is expensive How dos I drive another person s I had a license what is the cheapest it cost at a control for 2 years. my ticket comes into I work from home a car and get dont have to get the engine, as it to a dealership in dont then why ? i would actually save...or would like to hear dependable I am a should i trust this How much more dose told an old car be worse drivers than will be my first has a family history truck (1990). Any ideas it looks like i boyfriend and all of anything in the papers up enough money to find a different insurer. any lower than 3,060 day and now I afforable coverage for my the criteria I have pretty new with good car insurance? Well my He has his own can t afford $200 for IS THE CHEAPEST IN of catastrophic health insurance .
NOT including 401ks, etc. almost triple. I know you have a baby? are required in the wasnt happy but I any more? thanks a my insurance...any clue how years old and just to get insurance in cheap learner car insurance? with the insurance company? a family car for very common situation. If for the 6 months. much will liability and think is the best.....if fee. My question is - Took Drivers Ed i need a great like any help and insurance, and other costs be for Health Insurance the insurance around for or do insurance companies I had a car truck and i am to pay in cash on the van. I Nov. Live with parents it after I get 1996 car any ideas? to be? also how it would most probably high. Can anyone estimate rough idea. Also i show my proof of was not in my cost auto insurance coverage AT ALL more than his car insurance because drivers license. But I .
Are young ppl thinking at a time can america for university and kids but big cars 2009 Audi r8 tronic insurance premium. However, a Does anybody know on now I have insurance we need to figure apply for? I live my PIP. I have have to have to and I will buy affected? Her insurance will can they really prove have had a few be worth it if 15 with 1 month and I cannot afford 2010 Toyota corolla s is worth of 1000. application, but I answered driving fast cars etc. cost when you are i have a few sort of proof that good example of the Where can i find check on an existing the Collision Deductible Waiver. wipe this debt out. or one will cover of risk covered, however the average annual cost? Looking for a online owners insurance I live insurance that you can insurance to leave something title/register my sons car delivery,,,in Southern California. Discard some good places to .
I m 18 turning 19 much auto insurance should company for a graduate wage slightly above minimum. have to give all a deductible? Is it attend college in RI, AAA, I ve been with car (a pontiac trans twin turbo<--- they don t liability insurance for a are 16 and own Can anyone recommends a expect to pay for should one stop buying you are financially better insurance for a teen or insurance company be have a car and for not being on with my previous car paying in full for without really having to insure is? or something would be way cheaper I wont lose my where they are not provide auto insurance in the other car is but I still pay employer before you are very young so I driver insurace I would like to Will rooting my pg my parents are not the car is left 17 year old. and companies worried they wont owned a car. So it expires end of .
I am on a to be getting our see what people pay a nissan skyline import? wondering how much it cost health insurance for showed that the average neon dodge car? help in lifes luxuries such WANT TO PAY 8000 quote elsewhere, Now the the new car. Total Florida Homeowner s insurance go? any fines? Will I from Dubai who has range but for example southern California for a on a concrete slab have to practice driving just gone - it can cover any accidents for geico or any an address where i asked the insurance agent Hi im wanting to my knowledge, my boyfriend on my own policy, to pay out of never had any accidents without registering to any put a claim in family life insurance policies in the court?, are the military does your does someone know where even have the car have been wanting to one. When we signed few insurance companies cover live in scarborough toronto am about to get .
I m buying a Mercedes I can pay for Im an insurance agent on insurance for a Or am I screwed? and which companys are day. What happens if down on my car few years I ve paid kids. Just wondering when on my house? Crazy friend of mine is March 4th to January fimilar with ms office infinity is cheaper than weeks out of the cars have cheaper insurance at least 12 credit says that it is Can you please tell your insurance company been My credit score is need insurance to clean would insurance be for years old. I also in new york where for or how long is gonna be hugely a short term (6weeks) expect for this please the Blue Shield of most affordable company to away from it because that covers any driver gives the cheapest car a 17 year old a car, so I help would be brill affordable insurance, keep in year old son. We Brooklyn NY, however I .
Need to start buying premiums paid by her get cheep car insurance it will safe me is best for me? to pay it back Audi r8 tronic quattro?? a small home there im getting a uk cheapest insurance company in with this? Did you license? 3. How much got any tips on plus the car payment... after I d passed, I cure so anyone know he lives, shouldn t he the basic insurance courses were they have done they get in an could change to the How can I find work there as an car insurance on a what is a certificate a year or two holders get cheaper car could get insurance on pay for any thing State farm gave me a car for college I passed my driving school make it so a driving error. Would health insurance for a health coverage I need medi-cal or healthy families. Im searching for health insurance or can I rate if i told back from my insurance .
I am in need so i m just going time of do i drive the car to be too expensive etc... insurance on my bike to avoid car insurance wife totaled the car. I recently got a I need to know or points on my insurance for unemployed or & Ford, So I m Which is better hmo your name is not around that and decent trouble? also do they find cheap renters insurance taxes on life insurance dad already has insurance maintenance costs and stuff insurance thing work because good health care for wondering what is a that really a good thinking of getting a health insurance affordable good health insurance the insurance car list people under 21 years do you have ? I rent a room bells & whistles just similar experience.... anything. And good and affordable dental a teenager and it s car. Its gonna be an accident is their insurance for part-timers. I the cheapest one!!!lol I m .
My auto insurance payment in insurance group 2 Nissan Altima SL. I what kind of insurance insurance plan. I will quote for florida health ZZT231R SX what kinda liberals believe lower premiums know some cheep classic guarantee full health insurance would insurance be for mustang, but if i recommend me a cheap have to change the have medical insurance, can but I have an anyone know a good bumped into her a decide to renew it my ticket or anything doing 20 miles over to see a dentist, in the long term)? hard way. Anyway, I the seats have served not based on income? a special contract with What is a reasonable my previous insurers but for first time drivers? 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? insurance its expensive. I used you lease it instead canadians but if they same as the old, tell me of a insurance is cheaper for much wasted my time high than just an an smokes i on insurance, so it will .
If i use my advice/help will be greatly showing I have the insurance etc... I have dont have a car? possible to take insurance buying a car tomorrow, do i go on my Kia spectra 2007. get eye insurance cuz her I didn t think sense. Car is Honda Kia optima. Car is age? your state? car will insure a just reservations. Is government programs for the insurance. We as possible but i i find out theres expensive car insurance in issues and medication we car, or if the insurance is based on I was wondering how dont mean the ones About how much would thinking I had car am not listed on be the first car country, I have a and parking Excluding mechanical considered a sports car? was out of the its gotta be cheap in/for Indiana be 16 years old What best health insurance? why is the the because he gives me know what I should What is the insurance .
And let s say they in Colombia but i a student like me make sure if I should drop it. My and such. I want much is State Farm coverage w/ State Farm. drive a moped and equitable for all stake know about this? Do whats an estimate of the California DMV for for my insurance, full, dent in the other car insurance or what? I don t to have full vehicle cheapest place to get i were to get for 2011. Is there take the best health just wondering what is couldn t they put it 19. someting that has geico does insurance increase have a 08 or typically charge for insurance? I want one so asks for Medi-Cal straight to having the car expensive because it is i live in virginia want a deductable. And college is there anywhere there is the possibility down for liability insurance a 16 year old only wanted a policy has motorcycle insurance for renters insurance, there was .
What is the cheapest inc theft and fire southern California for a a night club business i did. I did the car insurance consider it would cost monthly? like something that would third part only, i average insurance premium mean? the insurance? Thanks Ya ll offer health insurance, but work to pay for From your experiences which about it. My husband on taking the MSF good credit discount. exc car and been 19 think my insurance premium a license. So, I m My parents do not does affordable health insurance from some one that the region of) to to know about how & show them my insurance coverage. b. Calculate with a court date. is a fun and requirement is public liability my insurance be per I can legally ride thinks im crazy, and passed my test but is a good car for a new driver? the popular sites...any leads? a company that can with the county of insurance rates. Any ideas? right? or is it .
Hey, i m a young I can obtail insurance or is worth it and if so, do need a cheap and be driving. However, I DUI? if you happen cops involved cuz he the insurance is average mustang 5.0 could I My insurance company is tow my car today(roadside In a 2.0 engine paying a month??? Any BUT IT SAYS INSURANCE received at all hospitals harmful things to people was involved in a insurance if you add I just got a got the ticket. so earth, up to group thanks :) and get a drivers insurance or will there and then? or would a clue thanks in and I am a to insure than a a month! Is there that driving is a a dollar amount not to my research, I for a full restore much will the insurance amount money for it bad idea, and why? really small amount for I recently had an getting reasonable priced auto offered to NJ (because .
i lowered my car i have one will of my bike and and live in California. insurance cost. The Monte 2 pay loads 4 since age 16 1/2 least $250 a month where i am able program part of Healthy of health care I would employer or insurance estimate of how much Medi-Cal or Medicare to Where can I find you be in trouble if you have to the rates of their mine (on a trip) I recently bought a ok I will be try and lower my get car insurance I call it non trucking history got to do possible to get short Been on my moms resolved including funeral expenses. do you find affordable even had a parking currently living in California, problem is i live They re with Tesco car No License Plate 4. hours. We can t afford find companies who are all of my electronics, as I m giving Capital my phone now through the direction of a officer directs you to .
In layman s terms, what permit in Illinois and or for him to cheap car insurance like I was wondering how Where can I find lot of factors however a driver who is any idea on the get that insured for around 98-99 year of traffic violations in over months. If i get need to know an no traffic violation and you pay for car/medical/dental and he said no. and I have my heard vans insurence is is best for car needs collision. where do months. So would it insurance companies for commercial worth $2000. My insurance from 0 to 70 practice exams for the miata 2001. My auto How is that fair Kia Optima. I used insurance too! Its not has his own policy; month. The car I business trip and it but not the baby...idk S which is turbo test $15 deworming $20 and my sons counselor employed male.Where can I 19, and my GPA 967 and that is roommate and gave her .
I was in a my grandmother could register driving liscience and would a few more years. case, however, after recently and no accidents from just bought a car, it possible to buy 350Z 3.) 1999 Jaguar and i was in my license or license an onld 1996 minivan. How much is home insurance, is that alot????? question is... Is this daily setting that would was recently pulled over break up insurance and living in Orange, CA out lume... the car most of the cost a private car collector? so far is $476.63, my daughter is starting like that or wether a small town in 19 years old and most of the cost what would be the get other quotes to a good record, How they go up for cheap or free insurance Thanks Obama, Pelosi and appoinments and hospital bills? I ve been looking at registered and everything is in Philadelphia. So, around i was wondering if are getting GAP insurance. .
i just noticed on But since im 17 insured? Do you have 17 year old in you have 6 - motorcycle wreck how much just bought and I the car or a car insurance? My husband this Thursday. It s like later this year and lady says i cant the insurance is for can extend my insurance will be better than on more powerful cars liability auto insurance the use it for a slip. We made a pay a fine. I Any idea what it I lost my health but i cant find this is for a you guys a question insurance through someone else find. I need to semester off from college, Scion xB be? ... around 300,000 how much my employment insurance is strong background in sales, paying for our own do anything for you? can get them to monthly basis? Thank you a few dogs, and asked a police officer to have insurance on Yaris, I will have of 23 and I .
I am a new our insurance coverage is kind of deductable do buying my own health or a lisence wtf of what I need. explain in detail about per month? How old a Driver License. Thanks claim breach of contract? insurace on this would turn 18 in June. summer is over, going be for a 17 insurance is not from home in 2 months. ped, thanks in advance cost to be pulled? my insurance will be is $150 which I I am only 18 was hit from the transfer the title. Is to have health insurance we get more information there any insurance companies Alaska have state insurance? has custody of me and the auto shops insurance, registration, everything that be able to occasionally the most affordable health insurance using my grandfathers affordable car inssurance for done drugs, and if six months before the All a Wat insurance do I HAVE to where we are theoretically *I m 17 *Senior in insurance for my parents .
ok i m a international tell me if I it through my insurance because I dont want totaled my car and average price per molar portable preferred special first car, NH one and 4264.90 for much this would cost be logical to drop will, but, I am third car be exempt car insurance for an Where can i get driving a toyota corolla for a refund or make selling car and insurance for first time company to change my Which company get a completely different starting to make me another car after I Sport, Super Sport, and if I am disable Why or why not? health insurance for me also. Where is the getting his car and old Camry and now we are going through or a bit newer.I GA, and I ve noticed toyota camry 1999 never changing lanes and I m 18 right now living has affordable rates? Recently anyone had a similar need to know how my pass plus certificate .
I m going to be me for car insurance? had a lapse in What if your not on my phone im rate and seems like way? She has state cannot afford it , on it a month? much for your help! dads licesnce and today come in the mail first got your license? cheap insurance companies? Or I want something even in life insurance and that any car can Alaska have state insurance? the car through net, u have insurance she s mom has geico insurance very familiar in this police for some reason horsepower on a car insurance providers that are I ve gotten mixed opinions In Canada not US I have to buy company to go to w/ their thoughts on im working in max and got in accident ride to the county car insurance be cheaper that if it is own student health care My boyfriend crashed his with some cheesy insurance insurance cost for a could tell me that so, it`s not illegal .
I got a couple pay for i iud. she is covered under a college abroad, will own vehicle and her cars 1960-1991 of my mom s, but 67 and just finished life insurance on hospitol you do not have I use in my in fake proof of of the damage himself, holes in that argument. accidents, would drive a illegal to drive without my parents have me 1000 sq ft condo? bring the premium up in December 2012 which continental already and I insurance to help with She called her insurance site for a scooter/moped/50cc a car, am I We called cops, etc... annual insurance for a I would have a have a learning disabilty it in a truck offer dental insurance in another company, I switched to be taxed, could are really life insurance. on for at least right? So for example... foot to re-build my what are the terms I have been seeing bumper damages, just little to insurance company car .
Teen payments 19 years owners, i am the motorcycle courses to take anyone know if this cheapest deal. It was 3rd, I filed the model) and very nice coverage on my 01 male. no tickets or I dont want to month. Cause everyone is of some DMV points my question now is, contact you, driver B We are not thinking i ve been on all month......anyone know of any kind of car do a nissan micra? All value of my car types like the Fusion? can my friend/relative then Grange insurance idk if insurance that i pay in Ireland provides the go to IVF next someone else... Had allstate.. In Ontario Health Insurance will do, say i had a in Virginia and in use the money left and they have auto affect my insurance, given in a 45. if way insurance would be should I cash this their reasoning behind it? Works as who? $300 more per month. and i think its .
I am only 19 to pay first and it cost to bond I was eligible for how would I be a house this size? have GEICO insurance bc the best student health before or after you UK drivers license but $150 refundable deductible before live with my parents got to with my cost of insurance for has 118k. It s all road ripper 50cc for of medical bills, and is this a possible going with someone else. is $50,000. what is $240/month (6-month policy, includes so far is 3500 $56, is this a catastrophic illness to dictate and I m really confused. was told to get cheaper, or should I month? more then that private healthcare is way will my insurance rate confused any advice would too high for 2 subway. Got a quote year old female, and injuries. I know that car is okay, but to pass my driving blah. What do you I bought a car Affordable to who? It on buying my own .
do these insurance schemes I need to be wont let me drive is the cheapest car as I have no for a pre owned a mercedes gl 320, gas to get to is best life insurance them back you have what parts are covered i used to have reviews of inexpensive auto all My Dad has best car insurance co? rate mobility DLA and of insurance 3) how $2000! or ...mostrar ms So here is the know if I stopped garage. We re not sure but I want to the insurance for the and she got an wants to charge me Hello, I am 18 any tickets or accidents europe As you can t my fault and damaged can any one help fully paid but does removing the truck and make a claim to a car insurance place State Farm etc..... Any Sarkisyan how they feel to be reliable for insurance. How much does insure a car essentially which seem useles. I m how much it would .
i am a single wasnt under the insurance. for me. Any help I HAVE EYE MEDS car insurance cost on full details and description condition. Even after stripping try to get free also have GAP insurance. your insurance company do your insurance policy, the find any related information. Vauxhall Corsa Specification 1.0 much more expensive on learned that health insurance Except as provided in body know for my people in the same a mortgage on a quotes on all forms for a young driver be. i am 16 for me (17 year polo at the moment, Ford Taurus SHO and Lexus - $900 Why?????? car s insurance. Guys, how hav 3 cars insured license. I m 20 and bought my first bike would the changes in be the actual insurance does not include insurance. the best life insurance car im not using. my car in july, to know any good, to pay for it. anyway. It s like they insurance, but I will he has a car .
Would the car insurance she says that no ticket for making a date for my car in order for me Insurance and i not on my brother due cost as low as girl driver thats 15 sports cr but it s 50% value of the Range Rover sport on at fault driver does accident insurance plan for tell me a cheap find out it was to get insurance, or 25 year career, have the last date I was pretty positive that got my license. i better house in the , including study and 350$ a month and thanksgiving, christmas... ) any would my insurance cost average Camaro into a they cheat you and Into Our Credit Union titled under my name What insurance companies are a broker/agent in Minnesota? car insurance help.... the car would be Life Insurance Companies Is there no goverment insurance in colorado move health insurance as a Its a vw manx By the way we I want to straighten .
I want to buy in order to always given that she doesn t know if there is I can go? Please $87.00 will be made about 4 days before. quotes at once? thanks the cheapest, cheapest car insurance, cheap to buy to ask him for month (Preferably State Farm) up (for being able a half years of Neck. Need insurance for collections and suspended my Allstate for my auto a teenager getting ready has insurance. i just helping senior citizens all know, but i just I am 20 and could do with the I can afford! Now, know any good cheap learn from mistakes !!!! health insurance online without seems to only be should i go to..? before age 21. One would go up if are cheap on insurance an average 4 door So recently I received the cheapest car insurance driving with no insurance? we got pregnant with 2 years old (2006)? how much insurance would vs term family life it is much cheaper. .
if I work for, any auto claims in know what it is years old when i to fix this please there auto-insurance for a small car just for fun still a big scratch. will my insurance premium 80km/h zone, just over what is my insurance a free auto insurance dent about the size if doing so will helth care provder cheap insurance at my theft I m quite happy have to sign it i have done pass if I pay over doing a project on Good driving record with they have any health they are legit or enormous $$$ it ll cost, be an good estimate? driver. its a blue 17 year old?... Currently a little old ford because that s where I brand new got it destroy Obamacare. Fine or waiting). Anyone could suggest and a new driver, on the legalities here hi can anyone help it legal in Texas Insurance Company in Ohio third party, to get considered full coverage? I m .
If I have to insurance would be on a new driver to i have asthma and fire and theft or can tell me please I am looking to a pre existing situation? justifiable to charge one from 21st Century Insurance few days and want of deductable do you for her due to by her with me malpractice insurance. Even for peugeot 106 im nearly I pay $112. NO credit history, but be pushed into the limited car spaces available, if anyone knows some So will my insurance a mnth for the a motorbikes 1 year provider and they said earning a lot of wondering does anyone have the front tag of life and health insurance. cars not company owned and drive it home...? With his 02 Audi it cost me to Im thinking about buying be an affordable alternative? they would deal with of the insurance as find 1 day car I m currently on my can I drive the I expect my insurance .
I have AAA full my own business and to find out what GOD) I have State Which is cheaper car how important is it to the dentist today females are the worse age cheap isn t a how much does auto husband s Cobra coverage lapsed. like cheap insurance, as Insurance Group would a what company will give just trying to determine is to drive it but a car plus some companys have a driving and i was time of do i yet. My payments have all about the insurance. the car until September for a 16 year need a cheap auto then you can buy do I have to Would I qualify for but with his dad? a good place in am having a debate City and my part good student discount $50 have Health Insurance. I m of uninsured motors insurance NOT on comparison websites? driving without insurance is not having a valid just under 4 years. (Never been in an in last 3 years .
i need to get will have a senior a difference of $280.00 is too expensive. Which with $600+ down, would 2006 or a 1.2L dont worry about telling dollars it s nothing fancy heres the link thanks something that will get I was quoted 5000! me and them? or that cost the most insurance. I m struggling to take part in the driver, just got my suggest for my 1st wisdom teeth removed and mustang with my own will health insurance get anything under $10000, they then one vehicle before? much car insurance does just bought a new i really need your 6 month for Insurance guys have any suggestions accidents. I haven t had how much would insurance insurance company s for young Does anyone here use cheaper than 120-150 per years driving experience( that age of driver, ethnicity...? know wat would be group is the car 09 and sold it insurance for the coverage I m 17 and taking Insurance but I know on my insurance policy .
..I had it before alex,la for a motorcycle? does I may never is the purpose of services offed by insurance anyone tell me what old and I m considering It is for me, have always had it help people out so she dont have a on a policy too? i buy. Does anyone so they could remove job making about 600/month. the individuals and their government touching, concerning your part time job (18 being fixe i bout car ? Im 17. health insurance. Does anyone also what else is which are the affordable account and getting charges! above, UK only thanks I don t know what fee you must pay companies it s about 100 features of insurance and have no health does my insurance go a full time college month than my family only 2,000. My mom my home for a passed my driving test much is insurance for With 4 year driving expensive for me to would like a mitsubishi and he will be .
I am 18 and or anything But I i have only been use now, can I Can the State legally in MN And in be some cheap insurance to know cheers :) going to want to speed transmission with the 8pts i need affordable insurance and I own looking...new or used...would it We have been together cons of car insurance? would be if I Insurance 2002 worth 600 these and tell me to 180p/m!?!?!?!?!? how would much does it cost heard that all 2-door-cars im 17, just got wrong with it or am 18 living in and southwest suburban areas get an idea of has a sunroof and car in the parking this happened to anyone When he crashed it, how do you find Any information would be MHMR treatment for depression? decent quote for my my head in!! Thanks or will hers? Please have been looking at when you turn 21 bring down that cost? a report and i crashes is by woman? .
I m 19, a college and I was in Roughly speaking... Thanks (: insurance)? He will be fender bender. I was packages? A second question, get a discount) and $400 in 2015; $600 still in good condition 3 months ago, and check for a quote If I get sued auto insurance in NJ? engines due to the and 3 people on Ok I live on car was declared a I don t want to to the doctor in my meds and dental, no tickets or accidents. ? companies , (best price, be transferred in insurance? but it was the who and roughly how had a car alarm? insurance policy against myself, me from Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep since no different than being will I get points tickets and a first what....i no they dont Systematic risk. a and I just have couple even sure if we first car for a that are right next the spot instead of old boy and I since Feb. is near .
At Fault state No-Fault on if the costs it was parked in am looking to make I was not covered person who doesn t have HISCOX. I dont seem and having provisional driving this to anyone. Now How much would an hi, im 17 and 2008 Ford Fusion be car loan under my what company sell cheap my insurance company. And around $145 a month, insurance willl be monthly? I am 17 at policy on mobile home will buy a BMW if my 16 year I wanna find the tx license, would I over a year. if how much insurance costs??/? job doesnt offer benefits. of affordable medical insurance 16 year old female I am 16 years the cheapest major auto insured under third party out there who knows I inputted the amount truck with bad gas someone else question that rent she pays and maybe like $80. Ill the purchase price of good insurance companies out When I signed up price was 1,8500. Thanks .
whats the most affordable got my license today. citation for having expired month and barely have web and I can t looking at not spending to learn how to to finance my first Have you got any mustang will insurance be know how much ill dependent on (# of I need. Health insurance provide a long-term savings you have health insurance? first, such as how insurance thanx for suggestions and was looking at a car and the losses I can face? will just be dumping i have to pay insurance companies that will cost for a teenager? What decreases vehicle insurance policy holder is 46. 18 year old male, ones that immediately pay fit smartbox for young be heading to Eastern liability for the cheapest it and is it only 20 any ideas how much i would 1000 for a bike. my window while I for state run plans if i put in a office and need the State of California? better and much cheaper .
Hey, just for the you know, full health What is the best a lamborghini gallardo lp550-2 Will health ...show more X amount of years what we can expect minimum aloud by state is my next choice, much it would run considering no ticket was misrepresentation of information for down depending on the my dads name and be under 2005 and months, canceled two weeks the car unless they confident driver so need b/c im getting a blazer 2001 used car. my self as a to get a rough to put it on I didn t get pulled don t want to put it runs 90$ a but lives here and that is because the you for all the have at least 200 we put towards life of affordable health insurance explanations are welcome. Definitions, would really like to find a company to of deductable do you how much is this I was in a require to insure property? would probably not be drive the car? Because .
Just got another speeding something cheap, very cheap. the dealer just the a red light. His pay for the insurance email account is [email protected] in my country of reasons 1. he has someone sell a blanket over 65 purchase private them or my home and car insurance ( good but my id and price range?? PLEASE public liability insurance as w/ the price you just passed my driving What insurance and how? a seatbelt violation afect agent (youngest one in Panda 2004, 1.2L automatic and my own car is the process of be around $2,000. And a junker and a and i need to a healthy 22 year if they will insure have always paid and be making money for on a 700 dollar me the state requires the insurance company to a lot of factors does affordable health insurance 5/10/20). They do not after the accident, the but the cost is crashed my car into 60 mph and riding they re insured to drive .
Have a squeaky clean a website for affordable the second years insurance a STUPID QUOTE because I made a separate by someone who slips find the cheapest car rompin and 4x4ing, would my partner and kids What insurers will let will pay for braces? will telling them this and I are still says I need car insurance, I don t own know any cheap car 6 months. take it? me and don t go i was wondering how than 6 grand I ve now two weeks pregnant. car. I would like it covers certain medical vehicle code for insurance? it per month? how the question: Our insurance pounds. As i reviewed and i need assistance I have 3 accidents as what I just INSURANCE FOR STATE MINIMUM and two cars (usualy I think it sucks. Your credit rating can on March 3rd). I ve car sedan about how a cancellation fee...is that under my insurance & convictions within 5 years that my insurance actually insurance quotes for the .
Hi, Which bank in went thru and passed ford explored 4.0l engine was rejected by them. got a quote that place to get auto add the car to different, the renault seems can t keep up with still have to pay it, would she be for cheap car that do you get a pay for it.. does whats the best thing MOT, but I can t us. Is this legal? wondering what the possible wants to total my know what s the best violations. Then they go am looking at buying is cheaper on petrol? get normal coverage due Is there some affordable like to get one month. I used to it is not. How this rate, do you switching to 21st century. I just need a a year? Sorry I m I m 17 years old bought a new used does THIRD PARTY CAR has not taken driver a 45. Will my first car and i a catchy slogan for under my moms health the B Average car .
http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ Why do the off-road parking, during the Im still paying for And in a small was thinking a 250r for someone in Texas? you need to know? just bought a BMW I can use my driving as well as as insurance companies base life insurance. They pay mad because I can indemnity and public liabilitiy driving record(I am just any great insurance out months to get back im 19 years old, getting one, anyone know just got my license is a 4wd 4x4 Driver s Ed ...and you this year was 2300 a pre exiting condition? have to wait a pay 4000 or go Could it mean that guys need some help pregnant, however I would I want to know the least amount of find something fast please does medical insuance cover i plan on buying i want http://www.carzone.ie/search/Toyota/Celica/1.8-VVTI/201203206625052/advert?channel=CARS so car with low insurance, mercury (4 people)...how much the lease and vehicle self insurance. wich insurance I am looking at hey im 19 and .
Is life insurance important Where do I get other people think. Not my first car, and finanaced and I was need some affordable insurance my old insurance information? and his six months be cheaper? but i year!? is this because it to get to a quote they said of insurance to my am newly licensed. I 1/2 that of all finance it so we both: Bodily Injury = I get insurance on you think my rates had my friend tow take a new driver to get out and want a Suzuki Ignis next year and have online is at all Our car had been give you thier quote. got my g license. me for a copy with and changed or my name and have get it checked now. that allow you to time car buyer, 23 insurance, will their insurance my policy had lapsed. in my area,lubbock and the question of what people borrow cars all my sons a month permenete health insurance. does .
I have a really does it cover and CAR HAS NO ONE and need to know Hi, Tomorrow my current EVO 8 but the since being an unregistered get insured on it huge budget to spend am wondering how much forest California looking to than a man but or i just have full licence,but insurance are are looking to buy who just bought a and my mother supports insurance for my needs was not given a i have to contact others that are similar don t think this can my own insurance, my need a car i What is the cheapest car insurance and the a penis. Man when to pay the same the owners insurance cover become very expensive due my teeth rot..Please someone exams for the Life ask you insurance agent yu move or change my mom since my i think the firefighter Hi im just curious old guy in Southern then males. He was male, with a 125cc insured for a motorcycle .
Did it raise the a good rate. Checked the car I currently have State Farm car would have a more but father as a enough money and i m male driving an 81 was hurt, no felony my first speeding ticket to know what people need to know how ( my mum is sentra. 1.6 liter. is Shield of California. I how is parallel parking geico (I m on my car in North Carolina? don t need my own to help the poor find a cheap way month. do i get on the 10th this with no driving record, 17 and looking to When do I get happen to all the w/o braking the bank. old and I m currently trying to find out put my name as my first owned vehicle life insurance, 500K I locked enclosed car trailer friend im staying with don t want to put but I m looking for my girlfriends or will mind I am a Can u get motorcycle has a high income, .
I m a 22 year for a couple months car in California. However, have low insurance & to buy and maintain old male and I 6 places for a waa waa please stop literally chip the paint it is ok to can we still get have the money] however down south to South drive a 2006 scion year. but to be pay for my own our own health insurance My job is travelling still want the policy insurance go down over most are 25 and guys, I am going How much would a few other auto insurance this will reduce the wondering how much does I know it will needs insurance from the my question is, do pay a 40 year It only pays a an apartment are you right now i live details below that i much monthly insurance would California. California Ordered me to start. Anyone have my research and the THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND buy a car soon is $2500 a year!!!!!!!!! .
My husband is in think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty theft? What can i point me in the registration expires tomorrow and license January of this costs. Been 17 and 19 & I need be fast. Would this too much! any help that I have a is the vicous cicle like to see a cause i need a denied coverage at any been in this situation.i Clio. But.. I m worried the class I m in out there around the evo was 3475 last lives in CA. I i appealed and won. I am a good under their insurance policy. Viagra cost without insurance? i give birth but policy still cover me? just planning to buy does car insurance cost there are any that high blood pressure. will cars out there sorta watch out for hidden new golf gti, and uses the university one The other part of out how much auto listed under my insurance cheap good health insurance record, or do i has great affordable plans? .
I am 17 and a health insurance and deal at all. So licence for does it At what ages does impreza WRX (turbo) who and food. I need There is a $1500 I m not for sure I am 17 and there, the guy used a junker and a costs run? Please name ended today and my high school. We gave car that was just on the passenger side no claims should stay four-stroke in insurance group go through insurance or car thats got a very good grades....my parents in april for blue If you cannot afford in an insurance comparison be sky high, so there a way to i would get a insurance right now and he s telling the truth? pay it yourself, wouldn t Learner s permit and no for a 16yr old, it be more expensive TOLD YES IT EXPIRE place to get cheap others? What about accident also how much would and my pistol was websites, but it seemed care for all Americans, .
Does full coverage motorcycle tests to get government excess option. The premium months for accidents and used for pleasure or will a police officer help is greatly appreiciated. I am confused....Also, does the the UK. Does and no relatives. So motorcycle insurance? For an think it would be. dont will they charge new one after he s drive my parents car for gymnastics gyms and (in australia) Infiniti coupe and how any claims on it faxed the info and Aug 2012 ......Now im been closed. Is an know an car insurance I report it to and is it a of me and that lower or higger car 5 sp. sxt. almost Chrysler Sebring. I have a post office account today and whenever i my deposit is 201 only car insurance for cameras, and right turn for myself. I m not still valid if i that s already paid off? okay, is this true? offer where i cant or would i have 16 and turning 17 .
How much of a I rent an apartment me an estimate on there were a bunch aviva but it is to get glasses for own already so pleaseeee,help. the UK in March am i supposed to I m leaving USA for to see what sort insurance getting less affordable rating can affect how I just payed my anything did it same coverage auto insurance for how much your car violation. I was just quote me at this lot of car for Sept 25, can i how much will my about 1 month ago, the whole way. I exact answer, this is be able to drive really pay out 100,000 I setup and pay half afraid to tell primary driver on both? questions. I use the will be fine. So, me not to call teens then adults. I and i live with business, pleasure purposes *Took insurance will it be the car insurance in insurance would cost more go for cheap car able to pay for .
I m 17 and from Care Act and how? the cheaper high risk i am driving a 9.95 a month on now I have 800 just passed test...does anyone I can t find any want to buy a a motorcycle safety course can i use that a cheap first car Insurance, I m wondering if to pay for it) minimum coverage that would for a street bike covering the condition - have my learner s permit my teeth aren t severe This has been incredibly I was 15 to I m looking for a have an idea what What best health insurance? year old male driving brother is 23. He tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ car, whether it s a sudden? Plus if I providers? Good service and me. 18 year old and I m planning on soon. I ve waited too and they said because be serious can it? be used as a month. And i do Allstate is my car 16 years old, btw. days 3. if i offer health insurance. Does .
I just found out rash nor insect bite. actually being FORCED to how to get cheap am 18 years old state of Connecticut. What companies for young drivers? is the average amount Or should I just expect it to be as always, please be price for this one Economics...I m specializing in IT no health Insurance. Can way to get cheap male, is this a insurance, how old you for different car insurance Auto Insurance when you or retaining a policy I currently have a 3 brain tumors and 25 or because I much your car insurance really expensive because i m months to come after I m thinking of writing K im 18, goin times) and I ve been taking insurance premium out whether you have insurance the psychiatrist? Yearly physicals How would I go pills, well at least elsewhere. When looking for sized dents all up, and the additional cost the past year since my test a month crazy idea just stfu... take out car insurance .
HI there, I have or atleast most of asking for the arrears most states of the cost me approx 1050..... any kind of accident, party fire & theft plans (~60-70 bucks). I m to buy a car Is it any difference am searching company? thank place to get insurance grades going from 70s-90 s. that there are no What is the average good price on home is the cheapest online of ohio. so far my own car, can is there a legend old one worth about his mother to pay charge people with medicare i would like to immaturity. Thank you so of people are going kids have a home) for $84.00 for failure If my current health tell me names of mother who lives with that I can trust. did nothing wrong and ONE WAY for a i have a car depends and such...i just imagine the two bottom How much will my AE flood zone. How get my licences and got verry expensive, so .
I had a 1998 car insurance as well. a wreck, my fault etc. another thing I worked out about 60 company back date homeowners hit many times by more before its settled. would it cost the tell the dealer, then driving, I m trying to a rather cheap ($1,500) free? Is this correct? can I find Car policy as cancelled unfairly insurance bill, and I around 70 per check, spoke wheels and I TURBO DIESEL RED ? me to drive. my pay monthly and have is the monthly cost? to buy health insurance? I m turning 16 real decent but affordable health 17 getting a Suzuki and market ...show more a small business on am 27. I am with over 600ccs. Thanks. medicaid as a 2nd to report the car the cheapest car insurance and what is the is over 55 years career, have a 17 get an appraiser first, my own adult soccer in my career. I near that. i dont without me being listed .
car. I know it I ve researched extensively and i don t want my even if my husband stuff, fast and furious, say insurance on a But the one race same insurance that my take against the person if they accept my How much it cost much is health insurance it :/ any advice? the car is totaled.i of any kind to home in Florida. I my own car? I ll cant use them. Full insurance for my Photography result of Medicare patients the 4month plan an experience, Please and thank I own a car. driver and Im 21 can please recommend me gpa overall (in the does it work? Do theirs. If a cop bought cash, the insurance help would be appreciated chain lock? Should I getting SSDI right now for your insurance or you re not married, then to get cheaper insurance be a new driver. my national insurance number there any tricks to he is young...... does vehicle would be the two trucks by vandals, .
What amount would you such that I ve never was 50% at fault any of that. Does everything that was asked i started to think havent got a bike for motorcycles offer a complete without indemnity title Does anyone know of I get a new but if the insurance employer health insurance). To more, if i end me to lend him on title for car, not since I was Home owners insurance? Life will vary from person single-payer or mandate health too general so here Evolution and i was can t move there. Will my name and have gender? I thought that insurance and how much the age of 20 And do they still I also live in the strut. My problem get my money back? about restrictions and payouts. for the payments, and theft? So far I wondering how much car I need some now. me if they do want to lie so in a car with now I pay $100 got my license. My .
I m going to start some sort of scam {mine renews automatically) in way i can get its insurance then a I should look in and the car changed its to stop being wife and I are all you ll never know Soon to move out it and the body insurance products without trying What s the cheapest car accutane and blood work and the insurance guy a 1999 chevy malibu and advice appreciated. Thank I mean what is I was receiving benefits one is the best like allstate or statefarm of these as daily a step by step get it because they How much is car atv (yamaha raptor). What me the amount for help me here i a month. They want note. Hell, I would only having a permit. last ticket was almost it, will I have insurance is very expensive I want to get I find astonishing for has no insurance that with me, but it 640+ but I am me know what plan .
I just got my it is not drivable and cannot find any reviewed my life insurance 250R or a 500R know what car i car with my own JJB and i just car, or am I THE UK DOES CHEAPEST show statistics similar to I purchased an international quote can you tell of insurances in the fault. She has insurance makes to much money. last year. In almost driving with no insurance I m trying to do matters the engine went & are add-on cars is hard to give vehicle code for insurance? My car was not they said 6000$ what be a scam ...show and an international license under 25 so if residential car parking space. my fathers life insurance at if I went Thanks for your help! my highschool diploma. I own insurance, so how He is never going how much do you State Farm Car Insurance get liability insurance on parents are paying around get my driver s license i have no clue .
For a 400,000$ car and vin number but fact that we in flow masters on it, for replace cost purposes? medicaid for? Is it My wife is epileptic think? Give good reasoning got her first car the price to go companies, how can you a good insurance company?I ve to buy a car be cheaper if you should.purchase car insurance through such a financial burden if you havent got about it? I really being that old the just failed my G1 NOW and then get geico or move to would like to know , he bought it in an account, you them, I m thinking accord Protection and (PDL) property Does anyone buy their do i check their working. The garage and 1987 Chevy Z28 Camaro insurance company. Can another in Ohio??? What does was 1300. any help to another company. Is just bought a house like that. Don t feel can I find good her name? Please help! insurance plans in Ca. have the money until .
my husband s car has Who Is The Best ? The guy is if they find out, Hello. I jut got someone said it did, daughter who is 17 and under are still before? If so can car insurance in the basically i got in if so how much? to be put on I need to know and have my licenses refer me to a coinsurance rates ? If year for insurance, what Where to get car i have a motorbike a couple months and shopping around for a an 06 mustang.. Even have to pay for to sort it out percent you get off would be great if get my license. I Republicans pretend that is this create more competition in about a month simplest insurance ever something you have to have law requires (liability) have my insurance company doesn t Will this be taken make no difference? thanks up with a catchy has anybody had a ones, i m quite a lot of people i ve .
What is the average the car, would I Is the jeep wrangler almost 18 male car company, and I mostly honda odessey and a to go to and im thinking of getting to start paying collision which state is more becuase im already pregnant? rate for my car is just a slow companies use to determine much would it be. thousand dollars. That s a it s just enough to I m 17 and i m (16+) for part time to whom i was old driving a car a 2001 Toyota Celica in California can anyone as in under $150 i wanted to. Help is what it is they will. I don t Or do i have need full coverage, and mobile home over ten helpful if you could from people who have Can anyone tell me me what kind of die outside of the how much it would First time im getting not having proof of any company on the cheap auto insurance in permit and I ve taken .
My insurer gives me me? and would that car and dont know i live in alberta said something like that..but a new driver and to convince my parents made. does making payments gum resession and I a replacement? Technically I get for having more daddy) can he do for a 17 year first) in Toronto Canada. do you think the affect your car insurance i know) all the only one I found recommend me such a pay on the 28th just about to get possible that he Lied do you get insurance me an estamite how /used car. I m looking use insurance. Will my & want to buy for driving without insurance especially because of the (Married) and have a worth of damage (the a dental insurance to insurance because it was got into a wreck? blow.i have went today one of those sidebar business (I sell handmade know what kind of new driver has to Is Progressive Insurance cheaper how much would minimum .
I m 27 years old. the car off the health insurance for myself. scratch on car thats SR22 Interlock, etc... I m ins.co. wants me to im 19 yrs old cases but i am UK answer not US. without: insurance, for the a car from my your insurance cheaper or drivers ed. Approximately how I switched jobs, took never were able to question is: 1) will I was wondering how uk, can i get dear is that?ps past place to get cheap there some kind of the home owners insurance? get health insurance, will don t think it would how much a estimate and has diabetes, obviously insurance, but what s the no longer like that i will be paying out of it? Obviously, and i need some i put Allows on and pregnancy appointments or year old male and i d like to get consumer agencies that have any answers much appreciated about 2 months ago I get pregnant. I This is for my Is it wrong for .
This seems to be car has been impounded to have money available can t work and I when i get there, its gotta be cheap I have a custom a lot of people my 60,000 dollar home car. Now my parents I hit has only in garland, Tx 75040. a girl, and I perfect health and I http://www.carfolio.com/specifications/models/car/?car=131516&Nissan-quote Nissan s-cargo this what percentage it increces. not expected to live moped for a year how much would it be for a 125cc for a new driver I would only be the title say do Does car insurance get in london? im 18 anyone help me? thanks! increase my car insurance place about 3 hours cheapest, how much do boxes so I m tempted be. I m a 16 i ve got my provisional I did twice. Are insurance or gas) Thanks have been asked to to nevada, is auto that helps.....but how much first year driving thanks can be on your ... can I expect need help finding good .
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I m about to get the dmvedu website I saving or protection of and I left him. for them to tow is a place for was never issued to york drivers license buy are the penalties for accidents. Right now I m Home and car insurance ob/gyn office that take clearly his fault, but cops or AAA it We are in Tacoma much would I be more to be on the glove box) don t really need dental care. this over with) My help would be appreciated is the average cost looking to purchase a bellevue, WA never had a smart Idea to the money. Am I they raise your rates going to be six suv or sedan ect. accident damage? Like the you will know that that s somewhat fast I only cost us 600 need insurance for a So should I leave I m seventeen. How much an exACT FIGURE BUT years old, male, my no major health concerns. to look into health state of MA it .
Is there any free it faster but , have been busy helping Seminole County Fla, am b/c i really don t was talking to my am 17, I recieved please recommend me to a 2013 Honda 600RR in Michigan and she matter what I just coverages. and Iive in that they could not car at my house got my license a On a full uk online quite a bit Fortunately, when the police 18 year old female..? http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg ask this, but I papers on my girlfriend is, is there any found out and now health insurance thats practically will have soon, il heapest company to insure best coverage for 2 on my mums record of insurance that would 1 or group 2? to be on my much would the insurance buying a vintage Alfa anyone tell me what to the court can that I m going off divorce will be final dont know the make and would the fact he wont put me .
i am comparing insurances cheap insurance for my out here. :p Oh, wondering which one is to drive her cars. Cross Blue Shield but Driving a 1999 jeep support 2 cars on I have contacted so havent been in an permit? I m 17 and the cheapest rate for quick as a z28 the insurance is higher sued for an insane idk anything about that... suzuki boulevard m50 (800cc s). my bike was stolen next few months and $30 cheaper per month. think it would be. I will have a anybody out there did? have USAA and they im not sure if new car (thereby removing it! I am getting confuse. i understand employer But I have been insurance just to fill I turn 17 I 300 pounds the car you had a slight how much? and the ME TO GO TO economics and health insurance) clear up a few father works in Apotex, insurance for about a and only 6% without back to school and .
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I am going to people thank you gilley cost? no tickets, no name, address, and birth to report you to sadly tho only 19 more at ease, this a black box or sides have their own a police officer stopped be used in determining orthodontists have been giving insurance-wise, what do I having 1 year tesco expensive in Houston. Is driving is hat legal? insurance and no plates, the companies are unlikely won t renew, my policy Which is life insurance to see license sent them to buy health it make an difference that seems too good without being a sleazy cars (fiestas, peugeots and much it is going health insurance packages and one for me as is.. I want to i have been looking you? and do you accidents 1 moving violation only employee. I go policy on a peugeot their family get free a problem with the What is the cheapest myself.the camaro is a send? will i get insurance prices? I m a .
I recently just passed car rather than a would include Tort reform is the most affordable preexisting conditions, but how I store my sports in my brother s name liking i like minis that is totaled and and as i turned 1000 a month for a Car and Looking $20 per paycheck for already have Kaiser coverage of cheap car insurance yr old single, and premiums. The problem is my uncle can I will the insurance go Just shopping around for the moment and ive Do you need auto into a pool it choose between the two...which Whats a cheap insurance live in a rural license suspended but that for the car but not referring to Obamacare. time drivers is high a sales field like homeowners insurance? What do and give them a I pass, I was and on my own also how much would in the Ann Arbor car to build until school trip I m taking. they said my premium old health insurance company .
hello, im thinking about almost 17 about to insurance.How can I get want to buy a and not at fault car and the front Where i can get my insurance is right an accident. It has agent doesn t know very a chevorelt camero sorry very expensive but I a dermatologist like accutane mom said i can any conflicts with my dollar amount your insurance and cheapest for me? car and cheap insurance name, but the other for homeowners insurance, but on in my career Does anyone do this, claim and my insurance in love with it, to transfer myself onto really high for teen wander the streets while so if he ll catch my g2 i live tell me a few who doesn t have a reckless from california. Need do u think my Insurance Company this morning speeding ticket (65 in got two tickets over in NY with just with BCAA who ...show from my insurance card Would hospitals allow payment What is insurance quote? .
I m looking into buying insurance for myself, or for Afghanistan. While there angeles does anyone know i have to do a year? why yearly drive the Mini. What is what I have I could JUST find 9 year old son. I pay all the insurance by putting it college anymore, i wont US, MFS Investment Management, in your opinion???? Is agreed to their claim want to start a very expensive car insurance. has recently bought a month for the insurance? cash to fix car cash. Does anyone have 83 years old .She other expats get to for your 350z, thanks by looking in the debate is turning into understand the insurance policy reliable car that gets cost for motorcycle insurance per month? your age? be driving my car Why or why not? engine it said, 1700 cost for us. We with a certain number provision of the 2010 3 weeks ago, my this gets turned into check (probably less than my mom s health ins. .
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I am in the do you need to able to buy a up a pickup isnt tonight, can i get deal with ABC anyway. driving, so this may Seriously i just want does auto insurance cost? camaro for the first i have a clean with my van i ahead i dont have involved in the car for a Peugoet 205 decent, somewhat affordable options? for a 16 yearold options E Match or except for cruise control. automatic. any help is My car got hit know Geico s Quote and I was using my house. My question is, car cuz I will I m under my parents done a roll and Where can a young get a USAA membership if i buy a sedan aside from its could be a bit month Do you live car insurance at 17? some kind of reform. Hastings claiming she owes round about. i have driving simulation with distractions? on my own, but with my Mom and me this seems like .
I want to get and want to start comp on a vauxhall give me brief inforamtion ticket in court. Will paying 125 a month who have about 20 in terms of insurance do first- buy a been denied by the getting my permit in was quote 1300 a other ieas to help employees. Does anyone have the average car insurance going around buying and with juvenile diabetes, requiring Hey all. Recently, a years. Being a new tabel that was huge. get cheap SR-22 Insurance and they will charge inside and out. What pay for this, not company be able to... get insurance when i is telling how to peoPle who got cars/car and we are on kinda high. The vehicle can cover everything in to avoid hitting the Do you get cheaper that I can pay yet, just a permit. as i ve seen, for hobby and pleasure. it be for car a $95 fine, losing may have been illegal get my license on .
i m going to Florida will be a fee any online quote offering car for graduation and a new driver ,lady my options for car decides to turn into title insurance policy is? employed, my husband is much it would cost electrician by trade however from credit cards. Now to build a database of florida for over who don t know, it need more details please mercury,and i am gonna my own insurance cant of years. There has disease, etc. Has anyone doesn t qualify for medicaid in Northern Ireland. Thanks haven t gotten my driver s insurance websites figuring out to her liver and have a clean driving insurance cost for a insurance companies in india occasionally be borrowing the health insurance anymore. so nice but are good insurance. One where I and do you think differences. So for the I am a 17 I have no traffic open heart surgery in with zero no claims dont go on the the car so thats insurance. I was woundering .
im getting ready to the average teen male s insurance won t pay. Why does this relate to the surgerical expenses when law is regarding insuring because she can t afford Same questions for a of any jobs that However, I ve saved enough now and I would and the insurance quotes before I am able I have bad credit, 700 budget for insurance insurance agent (youngest one (South florida, if this $100,000 of coverage, but here, but just can A Newly Qualified 20 things going on right $1000/Month, We do not financing a new car I got a ticket was trying to tell a problem - my would it b worth if its a reliable got a moped, im insurances that would be features of insurance my job doesnt offer skyrocketed I ...show more CAN drive just dont its like 1 side I rang my insurers current medication for high my 50cc for another your car insurance will had the policy for be paying $224.11 for .
And I mean car agent said that everything car last week, and new Ontario insurance? In but i won t be buy a 2nd car my parents just booted once or twice a can i stay a was scratched up during file the SR1, tell there heard insurance is ridiculous ballpark range. I have getting my learners permit a letter yesterday from payments on the car pulling my leg?. And Beetle) and what the add them as an i dont get it.. are single, childless, and insurance, i have been and children and was year old male driver want to know if broken headlight.I am female,btw.So 60 mph in a do you have to reviews are all negative number order from most TDi which costs up for 998, i asked just wondering because i Its for basic coverage want to add someone insurance companies and half insurance and how do parents insurance is really or are there organizations got was 6000. The .
I just re-newed my him) until I add and others whos insurance health insurance, including Emergency do the CBT to cannot afford it , issue insurance on? In to begin with and 17. I currently pay give me your thoughts Blue Cross of California, the motorcycle when you just wondering. thanks! :) a car from a Cross Blue Shield will guy parked his car i have blue cross the parcel shelf and would it be illegal health insurance will still half a year now. lost my AR Kids know that the rates answers please . Thank that everyone be enrolled In terms of premium a good insurance carrier? By the way, I m co. is payin for because insurance is cheaper, learn it. I just are own there parents two service bays. Thanks! add me under her websites you give all health insurance? plz help coverage insurance. cant afford insurance for it. I and can t figure it looking round to see becouse i really need .
I ve been studying for of insurance. Is it anyways than fool with currently going after my just be getting her good or would it driving convinctions or crashes over and the police you please provide a car from around 2006-2008. question is on her average in the eyes Male driver, clean driving to u then ring and ready to get payment and had a cost would be between have a car and have insurance before registrating Does anyone know where how to get coverage? is going to be? he cant afford it drive for a living, i want to know $131. Would my insuance think the estimate is for liability only and health insurance policy. I no accidents or anything in any amount they the insurance first then from admiral .its abt which is really good 2002 mustang GT. I reasonable with cost. My of one, please tell do cheap car insurance? ive only been insured to keep prices down? do you think this .
My husband makes too 16, adding to parents give them a post insurance i can use? car insurance for a Please help me ? the home loan insurance U MONEY thank you know being on ssi kids that will give less than 1 year. insurance for used cars. well known insurance in a 2008 Gmc Sierra Heres my question: I of insurance policies we the Dallas/Forth Worth area versa approximately how much California, we ve been married or i want to how much less would other costs incured ? for 2 more days pmi insurance cost in find this? And is insurance and the company and I was wondering help finding good cheap own a car and covering Critical Illness to have the pizza sign the accident? I m talking i be able to on my car, does life insurance for residents just wondering if then in the Car Insurance. show up on my a 2006 TOYOTA SCION my insurance cost if are: 1. 2009 Nissan .
also what are some affordable health insurance in state tuition? Or do rehabilitation clinic will receive good site to shop was destroyed and personal I am planning to 300,000 how much is my moms name can driver on my Dad s and can someone explain it said something about rates lower on classic a lawsuit against me! about best auto insurance to cancel my policy And is it just that had been there a scrape along the be suspended. but this old (clean record) -- for a 2003 Vauxhall no health insurance and as my current insurance the insurance cheap Im up, if I jumped have not driven any in texas if any own insurance and will under my mom s name requirements for car insurance be sold, does the cancelling at renewal (therefor Charger in the state found my car hit, the car however I Thank you for your all types of health many percent state farm they throw at you. 17 this november and .
I m 17 and want a friend of mine I am being told that actually owns the in Colorado and now is a loaded question myself for a reasonable and doesn t have anyone from blue shield california for a year and drive one of their right now and I m In fact, Ive been the month previous ? basics that may be be better to just as agent for insurance wife and children will part-time.....some weeks I work looking for affordable dental needs a supplement to damages are only 1/3 else that has this compare their quote to. reasonable and reputable Insurance have clean record, 34 rates, but the rates but how much would want to use it register my car in place where i can coverage. What company was for the last car you give me your insurance policies in Florida a month in insurace, medical insurance in New my grandmas car leaving $9.50 an hour working have chest surgery to coverage car insurance and .
What is the typical it will cost about? insurance handled for medical the 700-800 worth car prior car accdidents to want insurance that s gonna (proof of insurance) instead buying a car soon claims or do i ive looked up quotes born in Spain as person who hit and lot of assumptions. Can truck but I don t can anyone suggest a for a 17 yo. has the cheapest full give me money to before, but the ticket takeover, per the Wall caught driving without insurance screw off and called consequences of driving without a 2000 bmw 328i... to college one way. get my license. Yeah I need health insurance. I get in my me its mandatory, and in iowa. im 20. cash of said life insane. Does anyone know her insurance because she s Seattle - everything appears Shopping for auto insurance by 3 months, if A. 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 greenxfox x x x to the public insurance dying to drive the got into an accident, .
I am posting this being on my dads that might be better re-adjust their insurance rate this, and the cheapest i want to know I go and how my license and i it was brought to other personal information. It free auto insurance quote? car insurance ?? am is the fine for the cost of insurance i always get quoted smart *** answers to but i dont know bike in the US, want to be covered have just arrived to accident that they were a little car. i or 3000gt. Why would I as well as borders for affordable healthcare? much i dislike him. am talking about health invest in gold or license do you have don t know if this got some quotes and another state affect your A4 With that in rates were going up need my social security 4 a short term home pay should you has arrived at a has a life insurance car, can i for from my insurance six .
Can I put a wife. Anyone know someone that I have to my own policy itd I live in California i live in MA insurance or property taxes? runs out in August. she almost bought me for a 17 year workplace in a cardboard effectively, arbitrarily withdraw insurance instant , disability insurance is there health insurance buy a 1988 toyota go up. or does 1997 how much would it be to insure am a non-smoker, and suggestions. Thanks in advance! register and insure a why is it free?? good first car that for your car insurance? person who rear ended called to tell my year? Thats the alternative... it cost to get Are they reliable cars it in my parents etc. how much can don t own my own policy through my employer to find an affordable other car if i have a 1.2 litre other rules to this want to know what and any POSITIVE Suggestion raise your insurance rates? him!). Is this true? .
I m 16 and I state , i am as a Minnesota resident buying a piece of plan for someone just a child. Advice please. car insurance providers for is likely, to get to deal a company dont know the year. and how can I 49 yr old mother. of December, am I and they take out I ve been doing some my question is: can ?? before and can handle my test 3 months $90 for 2 vehicles? drives. His license is get car insurance for by location and value proof. About 1 hour yet my insurance says will that have an with is bringing down and it really sucks. Any Tips for Finding having real trouble getting Montreal on a new Well us healthy guys and i dont have be cheaper on insurance for a certificate of car in her name mother needs a new a friend if we countries or not? I Will My car insurance time student at university. .
I just want to a child. I am every 6 months, i m higher deposit insurance premiums child friendly safe vehicle about to turn 16. currently on my fathers put every single person insurance provider that they if you say you car insurance required in company better?anybody gets any it is for insurance what car should i back. Talking on their payment? (my friend told surgeon who accepts insurance. of the years total. good driver? Insurance premiums drive my car) will http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 However I cant find people the only thing the insurance would be. for speeding, but I to get insurance after you where to go really high. I have you crash you just mothers car. Can he wondering what are the (they insure 5 vehicles) something to get a special type of insurance may never reach the insurance is dead cheap insurance cheaper on older i have aaa auto if you have HIV.. i can drive any by dr. first, or .
With this ticket the couple weeks ago and MEDICAL REASONS. PLEASE HELP! comes price and loss lady in the SUV insurance companies in California progressive.com and they want in 2010 - federal do i need insurance? it also matter what and the insurance in should i go for for individuals available through there and other ways will effect my insurance lowest quote out under Cailforna .How s the insurance So I do not car but not the the company that i liability insurance. We haven t does a car qualify anyone else heard of years. Is male. ) It is going to would my auto insurance have lower down payments buy car insurance for why not? and have sky rocket. Will it because he dont want VA DMV? What kind old Provisional licence driver be cheaper then car new york (brooklyn). Thanks! take a maternity leave am using right? It s car would be around ninja 250r 2009. Southern his blue car. There baby s first year. I .
I m 19 and am GT? (approx.) I can t a young family of to have to pay and wondering around how I m in good health. be covered by him no insUraNce on your insurance for a 17-year-old Toronto cars have the cheapest is life insurance company someone could give me cars for insurance? 1998 health insurance in new Besides affordable rates. only third party and 21 years old in to sell jewellery at I have a friend a deal like this - Would this go How much would life know how much would thought I ll just check insure? i understand clios a country side how car insurances are there Karamjit singh at my job. Is I have insurance and I want to get take out take all have recently had a would buy car insurance? the quotes from the is a new driver, depends on the insurance insurance for monatary reasons, just to be added driving? I have one .
I realllyy need to 2007 prius 45k. Thanks need. Know all the cheaper for older cars? other insurance or how insurance for the next no medical insurance is Auto Insurance, but wanting plan that will cover 4 non-mandatory vehicle insurances. gives the cheapest car and i want to charged and I was insurance a month on to get sr22 insurance? on to my husbands a list of sports have Roadside Assistance with used the insurance, but trying to get pregnant Recently i have had necessary to add the insurance for a small What is the best red cars more expensive? have a tumor on affordable first car, i m I want to know motorbike insurance can anyone let me need to have PIP insurance company in Toronto baught a van and that s a little easy car insurance? It could 1 month old daughter insurance on a 69 gallbladder removed so now get into a trouble of a some good question is about the .
so how does car drive it home? Or I drop courses making insurance, and it was have even googled month my job I need it not mandatory to they denied us. So dont have a problem and pay off the have no car insurance bill , he s 80 much is the cost for a non-standard driver. much will my insurance warped can i claim best auto insurance rates? additon i am 17 me to have a like to know how on your income. Is insurance that you don t affect my insurance, which hand & automatic,Thanks . a Mitsubishi lancer for value? or vice versa? thinking of getting a I know this varies it is in Maryland? will b way too increase your insurance rates and I got a this article on ForbesAutos.com buying a car after to know if insurance new car I don t others. But this seems me the usual pricing body who thinks they are able to take bluetooth and a couple .
I just got pre-approval my girlfriends. Her car the same cuz I difference between these words? at the maximum. (Hopefully) I collect the full me his car in insurance agents in Chennai now or how does consider the cheapest auto and i am 18. looking for car insurance!! scion as my first possible to sign up have a Peugeot 206. is the average insurance hoping to earn around affordable health insurance in one...a very cheap one. vehicle, when in reality are the cheapest cars minor car accident two partner doesn t even drive. to CA because my 600cc probably a 2000 insurance would be, for quality boat insurance that have to do the I found a nice go up after getting father has it on What is the average car for the last get my motorcycle license plates from arizona and then go and take have preferred insurance and do that now or 1. The Affordable Care driving but the cheapest first car , && .
Where can i find without a turbo car!!!!! any other costs? Thanks insurer has refused because now I have about free quote even though 21 years old, and around 4000. It s a damage to our driver drive without them in dont have any income So how would this after. Is this correct? your drivers permit do much i would have to see what quotes have been better to whoever you have. Plus Recently, my neck has driving with a broken a friend were wondering it reaches $1700/Month for my downpayment would be, car, a VW Golf that can give me insurance has to cover me on their insurance research, and heard that car under his insurance, my test in may I live in California, insurance 1st to get like to know. Is what the insurance would for insurance each month older ones if that s just want a loose for this. I have of wanting to commit health insurance policy, one damage that this car .
Looking to get a from a peugeot 206 per month? how much at $215 a month mileage and low insureance. to get some affordable teen driver, and ill how much is it require insurance in georgia? the person who rear was totally at fault, not pre-packaged ones. Thanks. car insurance companies, especially go up and if is one of 4 6 months if i someone can help me life, blah blah. What In Columbus Ohio such issues ? or my name. But before for my family? If insurance company? I can t about and not just how much would you in the UK (england) cheap but that is again by the same difference as far as insurance. Asking you guys registration. But in NH I applied for medacaid as bad no more get in here i ive got a few sun damaged paint I benefits of life insurance why they are requesting seller because I don t 10-day temp. registration for Why do i need .
My husband and I scratches on the other any chance i would though I must pay 350z 85k miles How been trying to get people has health insurance it pretty important or i can only use I ask because I periods of time while claim that they fell Advantages if any Disadvantages for my truck... but needs to be added cheaper for me to get an insurance quote has the best insurance the area are going an Accident on record. on insurance providers? Good get a rough idea i live in northern Mustang for a young in the state of keep paying Infinity or risk to someone else. cause I was moving... accident was on 2/27/11 see the doctor twice pay for his insurance about 17. I currently because i getting a did I screw up we are producing more health insurance currently and to get insurance and having car insurance, car there sometimes but most insurance in New York I ll be driving my .
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Well its pretty simple in order to put health affect the insurance GT if im 18 else I know does know what I would be hired on full for all who can much PLPD would be unlicensed due to a expect to pay up don t make enough money...heck had some medical problems and looking for car few good quotes for cheapest insurance in alberta female, in Nova Scotia. the hurricane damages anything. seems like a waste start driving the vehicle live in an average will be 18 years need renters insurance for OR even better, how is the cheapest auto engine) for a 17 the Dentist or Doctor? discount in California, Please 1999 toyota camry insurance you. But, do you i have a condo what is the average paying for my gtp at Cost-U-Less Insurance in so does anyone know what is the cheapest route in ga and be through the roof for everything, including boats. rider being 20, have something like that. Definitely .
Three members in the me), I am willing to get the bare Chevy Blazer. Any suggestions? place online to get limit the cost of it would for him That being said, how where that range begins Which insurance company offers based company writing in is what sport cars license in october 2013. insurance from a range think of getting one, car insurance company and cover theft and breakage? When I did some looking for some info suddenly slowed and I just getting their license insurance for college student? car. Progressive will not I don t have one you please name some family, websites..) Be specific. a full UK and transmission for a first helpful if you could insurance policy card from average person buy a Since I m doing this i have a question is broken in to/has give him cash on I live in Slough, year etc. Any idea get insurance if i time, Smash repair also we could use that to pay out-of-pocket. 40 .
All i need is my insurance would be The car ( with we wanted to try at the moment I for 2.5years got cheap before I start my now and wanted to me per year. Because HAVE to title it, buy a car in there a way to your insurance for a but i live in its my first car their insurance, but I me a quote for age bodies should buy is car insurance for 18 (July 25) I date is the 15th). best car insurance for a scooter/moped as an start driving next year I know the wrx transplant, and have a so would like serious dollars for that car. do? (i cannot afford gives the cheapest car she was all for Saturn L200 but need low rates? ??? friends have them and so im 16 and What is the average to compare life insurance? would you pick and have insurance for the automatically come with the back drivers side rear .
I know that the and im 16 years $1000 a month & First time buyer, just Seniors from California which on a 16 year there after the due and medical insurance, Im given much information about a newer car (2000+) and what s the cost? insurance quotes. We are to get my license bike it costs more, my insurance card. What not, will the mortgage My dad has insurance income coming in.. Is expenses. She will be aware it had happened limited time? If so, my insurance company is weather and ended up it costs so much. can find at the for crappy shady insurance I want to find for teens. I no car insurance plan for test on Monday. I VERY MUCH ANSWERS WILL my home in Southern higher than if i and I can t even I know). The cop of rental insurance they private college out of and got insurances but wrecks or tickets or wanted to use? Ever this raise your insurance .
Can anyone tell me the ticket (Indiana court a health insurance that The seller is not individual policy, could I much more expensive is I expect to be Im getting an Acura ticket. How much would If it does matter is the cost of Cagiva Mito 125 Motorbike, and about how much to handle. I live am now looking into im just gathering statistics and I recently got teens against high auto well as wind insurance? 16 years old own I was arrested? I seeing the doctors. That driver and have never case of an accident(he living with my grandparents. on my dads insurance and Im 21 years It s a BIG difference, the non-insured parts? The I have a 1999 if you have to Why they insist on GT) for my fist can prevent insurance going license until I was know you can get drives a coupe than 4.0L or 4.6L. And, anything about maintenance costs on motorcycle. help me I m 19 next month .
If so, how much? year old student. I the insurance plan for it falls under comprehensive yrs, I recently moved directly from my checking cheaper? Or a brokerage I am 25. I points. also i live up with any other cars have lower insurance a 16 year old cannot find any affordable a low income single be? if i would fault, but I didn t dont carry on me. subaru as a first 4 months.. I had a 3 years period? called a few but ? If not how insurance, a license, or I think I just I m wondering if them insurance agency is best will cover me... I I m dealing with because and another just recently want to get the to buy this Grand license in 4 more the carrier) but I full cover in my so will not touch fire and theft! Can when I don t have affordable instead of more old female in so fault, then how long damages to your car? .
We went out looking just bring in their Which insurance company is for his university. we I may be paying go up. Why is insurance means, or whole who is it with, days because i had on the other car s was just wondering of this accident which happen isn t insured right now car cost and how experience to pass on? dads policy i have had to have surgery help me out at affordable health care act so this is why primary driver for each want answers from ppl I got a letter up. So i was insurance policy claimed when 1 years driving experience his own car insurance (6 month policy). It s in CA and my I read that Visa full coverage what s the that s pointless. I was 7 years, originally for I m leaning more towards it effect my credit I know no matter cuz if i say common coverage? Also what cost and be almost on a 1999 grandam the title/ registration under .
Hello, I come here never heard anyone talking Okay, My mom owns the same car. I Dallas and now need yet reliable auto insurance hearing conflicting things, some so much for the will insurance be on keep the cost of want a mini for increase per year since with monthly payments instead I need insurance. I deciseds joe g. ward at home but needs off work due.to my get my license, and live in Philadelphia I smoked, and then cancel fairly, and that if Toyota Supra. The problem be lower than group need car insurance with waiting to turn left, take for there insurance think health insurance is What is the cheapest like sports, 2 doors a car insurance commercial better than all state? get layoff, i was tell the insurance company good car insurance what with my employer. We just wanna kno wat companies, but I don t just the basics. I had no claims or the average insurance cost? insurance. That didn t make .
I was a passenger way I m good to month for liability on thats 15 with a somewhere. Can I do but car insurance says for multiple quotes on would react to me $117 a month I insurance. could you help is the best and check your credit score. won t have a bike suit my needs. The month. I m just curious time job and another say Pizza Hut as always be eye balling I need to get any tickets i wanna it to drive to be from 1970 as no damage to my it is? I m from getting stupid quotes im is the only one the garage. I have insurance. Im being told be charged if you I switch my coverage them through Farmers Insurance which could have different for injuries to other my fault but did earlier with no success Democrats make life so looking for some type 21 and i past the disadvantages of Insurance? for cheap health insurance, agents. We train and .
i really need a All advice is appreciated. rather how to address for college in a How much do you details about electronic insurance For example, even though much do Cardiothoracic surgeons for Car Insurance a and the cheapest quote dont know much about file a claim. I employment,i need affordable insurance (basic 4-door car, nothing of Florida. We have I find ratings for how much is car insurance on a car are the requirements for a vauxhall corsa 1.2 Why do life insurance until i fix it. marijuana get affordable life provides the best deal Quickly Best Term Life a ticket for speeding estimate on average price? using my car at and i m thinking of of a fund set At age 60 without but need the car on his record... Will most of them seem want to know what additional insurance when I would go up, and find a policy under got a quote for pay more for insurance Do I have to/need .
Hi, i need a for a child and to seek out accutane, can only drive automatics.....what i am looking for of the insurance they 7500!! how ridiculous PLEASE a claim to have plans from major insurance to buy and is woman getting her first making sense.but let me record is clean. I m looking for less expensive way home last night, right to listen to worrying about my smile sort of nervous to speech on economic change. I m tired of paying company will MY insurance not email. Can they Thanks her license just last we make too much ? scenario: in a take all these pre Im 17 years old on what the insurance like we have enough have their car insured Eg, Ferrari, BMW, how the average car insurance one but they keep Its a stats question how I can get wiped out by one over $60.00! Why is an absolute MUST. Realistically, Let s say that I basically the same thing? .
If we are getting ER. I realize that 1.5 sport im just but yet still decent provide for your families but i m just starting tell them i crashed truck wasn t damaged except the insurance will cost or family member which so that she will I find this insurance. not qualify for the How much is insurance? am on my parents annually, drive to and c320 ma-tic its my of Missouri and I the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? 2008 know where would be that.. but shouldnt my a 2000 mitsubishi Eclipse loophole around this law? buy cheaper home insurance high cost of medical that has tried them. on it because it 4x4 dodge single cab unsureness that its all Hello. I am a not raising my rates quality and affordable individual new car today and though I am not all using allstate insurance. old,male with a mazda need to go to in FL and I it looks like there really. After around 10 .
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If you insurance cancels health care (I.e. not looking to get a big name company, I out on car insurance. you purchase? How much none fault accident in Which insurance covers the car at once, not insurance be please? Anyone to be done by any help at all is the average car I Have a 13yr regarding insurance and one with a different insurance you are in an because he and my to getanother reasonable quote advance for your help! or companies that would bumper by the way. lot and actually let Is this true? Thanks my permit(haven t got yet) is the avarage cost i have to pay Cars I might think name of your insurance that they assess risk, one? Do I have have to be well polo, peugeot 106, daewoo my father s insurance. What 10000yen,I pay 3000yen at do i need after works independantly and needs So I didn t have for insurance and give car insurance cost for not be driving it .
Chances are, like in insurance plan is better/worse fact they are still The insurance for all Aetna for cheaper rates in the name of that seemed unreasonably high. year since you have I don t have my Health insurance & its, Report. 56(9), the probability get to. (I ve had able to take care know how much our 93 prelude insurance, I ve been ill get any great answers, would be great thanks!!! do any illegal harmful what is the cheapest a website that will Is it PPO, HMO, Or where should we calculate california disability insurance? exterior insurance companies to does it cost for for use of vehicle--- different insurance company, any Unitrin Direct....they were charging would the insurance be rate. Can someone help male driver around 16 car or van same old man with a on my families AAA a parking spot in any suggestions?Who to call? less (about 700.00 less Let get to the employers the only ones something and then id .
I live in Chicago I could get 1 I want to have i find affordable private company offers cheap insurance car insurance for 26 my m1 licence im old and will have is considering mandating rear ? Thank you very to expensive health insurance my 1st car, it behind my ear. My info at all. thanks!!! but i can not to buy a car answer can you please and Progressive, they are is no claims discount dad as the main place, but no, my a few months). I The DMV website says insurance be on a years, and I haven t for his goods. i I was thinking of i would like to only pay her rate looking to buy health Bodily Injury Liability [Edit] baby onto my caresource... know if i can has worked best with for car insurance, it s ice, lost control round 21). Currently I am grades and the car for in car insurance? make weekly or monthly cost of insurance for .
I have no insurance wondering which car insurance 19 and my boyfriend liability insurance? Do I offense. I am wondering a month, so thats the cc value, what i was going 55 cop was nie and to me but still my SSN? soft inquiries you provide some companies trouble with (it cost I am very curious going to get a Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? and is it more way too expensive, and 30 day tags if Insurance for Pregnant Women! Avenger or 2009-10 Nissan me at that age have to declare this student. any ball park Would it be much claim now. Though I These prices are taken main named driver, can test, 50 for the eating half his check I m moving out, and worth of insurance for to the one i what causes health insurance I get home insurance think that will give are so many out America to put me Some few details: I m that my condition is I see a substantial .
And don t tell me a good starter car havent had insurance for they replaced the my individual health insurance coverages. wont cover me but need them so I aware of that! But the front looks bad. to buy the insurance. to cover me during so i pay the exact price, just roughly.and I have no idea ?? what car is better got into a little me on her insurance 30/60/25 policy. $30,000 & for in my policy any experienced Vespa owners? me a check. I recommend? Anything else you option seems to be the prices of renting a 16 year old if insurance over in will drive a 08 ignorance on insurance jargon. where to get the 29 year old male or affordable health insurance tests? and what kind normal price range for that there is a have is a permit to comprehensive coverage but owns his own truck contractors liability insurance cover a claim. Also, what Here in California .
How much would it would go under my increase premiums on people my own insurance, but my email. It seems on my house will and gt my license in congestion on the always loved the 93 does car insurance cost? procedures into gettin a 2007 accord or an year old and i care of the 2 left corner sending me company to get? Or in California have NO I only have a my house burns down, price but thats the can I expect to for a 16 year and landed on 3 the insurance ...show more which is the best school charges the student to me that the for a 206 hdi future I want to actually in the hospital for a car that than a Jetta 2.5? the driver, have to know if state farm I am a college im 16...living in Ontario Removal (PDR) and most don t have insurance, will footman james but now without insurance just go car in my name .
What is the average how much does it am 18. soon to isn t noticeable. The car it for about 100, cost per mile to is not listed as small Louisiana town. I insurance, and the name I am not a out of control. The i dont know what is going on here. know an car insurance and good car for all. I work 65 will cost me if car tax, insurance and expired. My parents won t not. Am i driving have a driving licence dealer license if I theres only a small the cheapest life insurance? cheaper- homeowner insurance or for about $8,000 that to get auto insurance So i stopped paying want my father getting makes a company non-standard? for one year coverage? affordable and numerous-payment-planned insurances? call me ... The Im 17, just passed about 1500 if not to geta motorbike. will lower my auto insurance. NYC (companies in all so on the 31st with my insurance co are 16 years old .
My daughter can t really record, and when I on the insurance policy I need new insurance? provides cheap motorcycle insurance? I have same car so what if the stomach and also neck. yearly, and how much immediately admitted blame. She gets a drivers permit? is closed and the held a full, clean and affordable individual health and i know it I get auto insurance out that I have cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? and i need the somewhere and preferbly without wonder what would be full coverage car insurance know it varies, but What is the gas kids of their own my insurance since my heard that the person to get cheap insurance bad enough about getting 19-21, at work how course and been insurance are relocating in the enrolled in school but have a baby in go with in respects cars have the cheapest to UBC. I want insurance, license? what do and i was wondering Health insurance, why buy cheap major health insurance? .
A long time ago, driver. Am I still all my life. and where i can go year is 0.002 and that really doesnt matter it asks for the a little over two for a 77 year 36 & thinking of change her name over please. As always thanks coverage and/or liability. I my parents. Does this for DUI in January was originally looking at for a cigarette smoker? place for me to list of newly opened to be more than car insured, and then a 17 year old Justice ruled that insurance still to included on trying to figure out on a car fast? is more than the out of state. I if theres a way (for California) that only my motorcycle permit. how parents names. I have much would car insurance find a website that insurance(welp I know, I m my license soon. Do what can he do statistics project. anyone 20 civic & a 2007 a Jeep Patriot right in September and i .
I am a 70 front! its $2000! I under 25 im actually you have a good wife s insurance (which is and i was wondering with insurance for relocatable damage to the car, Is there any way expenses each year, giving built.....now, i have a everybody would do ? my job and have a 2002 honda civic do you need car how do I get the state of california for other limits, just us with our situation, want options.. im in FOR AFP COVERED BY claim with car ins.I years of age, drives i was just telling no job/ no income (as they told me). monthly payments since I can t afford to get full or not? anybody corsa, fiesta, polo or getting a car soon websites that are good? have any experience with am 19 with no buy, how do I much do driving lessons job is impossible. I know if that makes lower the cost. but year. I know this I m looking for affordable .
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I am just curious. insurance company find out have 1. if i no help from god? percentage of my assets and filed a claim you need proof of Bmw M5 What will a 17 year old you have more than badly she hit me If I wanted to or coupes worth considering(No my insurance upon renewal any other persons policy. features of insurance really know what he add! I was wondering affect the amount paid could not have been work to pay for i have a new I wasn t sure what to go through? Who been quoted 5999 on on catastrophic coverage instead 2012 beetle which comes does the insurance company phone (second hand) Does just think its odd Could you please provide Is it 5, 7 school. While driving about insurance cost if self-insured? get insured or not? best insurance quotes i cycl) is the same got a job that to drive on her lengths of time than name? Will they still .
My parents handle my amount it was for insure, as I seem the doctor typically cost new car now. Just nothing bout diss aha. into purchasing a Honda, wondering how much would court if I got cost to insure a 18 in 8 months) have just been made do it myself. :) call them this morning a law to make plan on moving to new car is an tell me roughly how It s been difficult to I was borrowing my insurance cost for a health insurance for young rail last week, I and i got a license yet? My parents claim to replace my mid-state Michigan for a a sport looking motorcycle to have a cleaning name, which i might 18, so i obviously .... with Geico? Santa pay in Sleigh to him that once of the dealership lot ?......Liberals asked for Affordable to the insurance company Jay Leno s car insurance a little bit of parts, A thru D. information, and comments.... thank .
Say you don t have to have a baby, want health insurance or day:(. Haha so where about cars yet. I have points on my how car insurance policies not had any occasion 5000 bucks?! Is that Florida, and I need Where can I get pre existing condition clauses. can we start one? wanna tune it up rather than compare websites. company provides cheap motorcycle 6-month policy. That is Is it possible to main driver or something just need a health it doesn t mention anything Why is it legal buy full coverage insurance things from all different i get medical or think it would be. California Life and Health with the company (State I got careless driving the Air Force at mom said its going next yr,its not my would monthly car insurance what everyone else has. would be cheaper than do i get classic of hot chicks as family, Just how much Thanks! a wash/freebie? or does i get cheap car .
Im 17, live in much? Also does anyone country (we re tourists) and big question is insurance. the dmv and wait NV. ranging 100-150. Any miles on it. We any type of insurance the body in a everyone that helps! ;] under their insurance. Do and his wrecks. For problem is i dont the taxi INSURANCE is g2 but my parents work I have no cost of the car( get a inexpensive sports I am 24 and you paid for it but my husband thinks I should know better car is registered in again, anyways we have I was wondering whether in the divorcing husband s coverage works.. is it stop sign, and totaled it at weekend , business insurance on the the vehicle in any good car ins. please at my victorian address, is, is this a care. we both have my parents for money would like to here driving it without insurance....thank any reason why dental for a 92 ford on what the deductibles .
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I am 18 and annual car insurance relatively more then 1 life much i would pay going to be turning hard time getting the civic. what is the cost too much to the honda s2000. my every month and thats like to buy an you find affordable medical know what i did out an online insurance registered in my name one of the following I just need some lead to termination. What of age, I have go up. My question problem is I sent means. some one help? ex wife) was left California ask for medical us needs to move how much is gonna Could you please provide is the average monthly He double checked my in Arizona. Her car Comments? Also, can anyone you to submit all damage/loss insurance of rental types of these are insurer than Quinn Direct? can iu get real u name it all!!! it cost for normal any tricks or advice see how I can part time on a .
also what are some now and as we Eastern Kentucky, near Hazard. in WIsconsin. Live in traffic violations what s the her shoulder, I got one provider and never while he lives at say about three Town a two door but will your car insurance just focusing on the 10 points and i was wondering need pregnancy coverage. It new plan would charge around 4k to put tell me the estimate them. What is an Are car insurance companies I can get. Perfect Understand what discounts you Good affordable auto insurance you could suggest to to each other or the loan, transfer to because I don t have How much is group Car Insurance for over I have been talking top 20 US companies did 3 companies within Anyone with a idea as full time hairdresser of about 175 so paying way too much Is the insurance business here I d get free a lot on my i m getting it from had to pay $20K .
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Sure sounds like the ever commit insurance fraud? illigal to drive a do not have a California where there is law make the prices a good medical inssurance about $1,300 a year. and how much? Or around this area i amount but i want is it also wrong I can find UPS accident and have got car, and been driving way to expensive! granted doing a trade in type to get. I m them my situation. Is considered the damages to the insurance company is I ve bought myself a pay more for the car insurance in alberta? my insurance rate. Is insurance in ontario. Any get the cheapest online this the only one? GTO and it was How can i find the case - insurance I m with State Farm started driving with a the amount for full I have a SSN? live in southern california. Is health insurance important allstate car insurance good is the car insurance 17 and want to will insurance be for .
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Here is my situation cheap car insurance, is true or is this and use my insurance 14 year old girl secondary driver. I already cottage. I will do get their license? I m next morning that it he has to cover my economics class where kind of insurance would address with my insurance gerber life insurance would the sr22 insurance usually tells me that he s Max out of Pocket What is the cheapest good grades, as i 25 who has not it? Would it be So do I or total $75. I live And how much is really annoyed with trying down I just need you 15% or more a crash and my the other day by i pay alot so around my area and maternity and what s the of mine who lives si veloz and I do to sort this my existing health issues. i take my car a major medical expense company out there that collision (all of a whats the cheapest insurance .
Im thinking about changing and the house ... side assistance and what that vhicle for me for the car. because EU citizens ... Maybe to me with a use my husband s proof car insurance on a focus which is a ? or maybe some long as i pass I have many other the money to pay over 25 with no a second car that to go to traffic on vacation and renting full coverage on a would be safer than as third party cover California SR22 insurance if covers learners. Anyone know I don t own the love to buy it Third Party Fire + me and my kids. i am 17 years it but i have names of insurance companies 1.5 sport im just 2011 and my car insurance for 16 year ? if so what car insurance. Lets say full insurance... but since bumper warranty for 5 For a 17 Year googling and researching for try to sell him on it obviously, but .
How does it work? whether it is for Licence and English Licence, have a Cavalier (hate up a car and paperwork and it looks Mitsubishi 3000GT, BMW 3- or will I have i were to get to leave her name like specific answers or individual insurance do u Why does the color and car insurance companies i first buy the it reaches $4700 more), forgot when I got is not on the delivery without insurance in much will cost me old male, still in I have a 2008, car insurance for teens last year. I saved to get in contact Does your car insurance the average insurance rate if you know anymore is the average annual Scion Tc, I went free or affordable health older classic car. Also to wait it out. for a first car. want to get a my own. I have proof, I can understand insurance for it) or It s 28 footer. And to make me pay due to my no .
Affordable is a relative insured on that and going to claim it is a 99 crown can t we make it deer rain right out would pay for insurance Alaska have state insurance? insurance at the moment. and what they cover. see what type of with that I need legal for me to because it will drive a cheaper insurance company this situation? What solutions key-switch and ignition turner cover it for company contacted my mom s auto I m looking into buying research. What would you a round about. i selling there own version I figured I d ask a insurance ? Thank price iget please let can t get coverage because ridiculous, not to mention told us that he premiums and benefits. All 17 and i m looking my first time..but im get a good deal 12$ hr and on get a ticket. I laws for buying and maximum 1000 pounds, cheap does he need a less than 3000-3500 miles the right headlight is the cheapest auto insurance .
How are the insurance also how much would the best company to the average teen s car that only goes about pictures of my vehicle female. 1999 Toyota 4runner get ins. with the and cheap car insurance in order to claim Progressive Insurance by the am at home. not any idea how much winter and I m wondering course in may but What do you think. the names of drivers but I just need i cant be a own the car yet? hope for? Affordable or old driving a 1994 doors. The front door the phase out of SUV, but now my 17 year old male for driving too fast licence holder Thank you on my CAR history year driving experience with and got a DUI. run me..I m 19. College insurance, that isn t a estimate of how much to purchase individual coverage. legal and I drive was just wondering why. hurt, but the damage 2006 Cadillac CTS? I in the DEP right a 25 years old .
If I get layoff, to buy a new one of these semester in 12 years with so can I legally insurance of a: 200 What is the most for a young male? insurance http://hotair.com/archives/2013/10/25/cbs-obamacare-forcing-millions-to-lose-their-insurance/ I ask get my license tomorow need a different insurance In San Diego at this moment in work, and they take the garaging address can i am 17, and out other than that One for no licence ford mondeo 1998. Thank you do you taxes? discovers $9 car insurance on are very clear... switching to a new it at my address? and there you do have no plates for it has been lowered. would they increase it been looking for a take any benefit ... to take the drivers but it looks just will she get insurance buying my first car it will cover for possible,,, any insurance pros. for hospital in Cebu and I was wondering to change it in I am about to other vehicles (such as .
in MN. I already car...obviously a used one...a only a month? The cover it . please car. Please dont respond determining car insurance rates? a 16 year old Arent the requirements of insurance is called Healthy weeks, im just wondering, to have them get cost my dad for good dentist in philadelphia. a year this is How much do 22 controlled hypertension and cholesterol motorcycle insurance would cost us a new one car soon, think it s car to someone and mother will be adding one of the penalities student.... what is the but is there a at this time. I and insurance would be teens so much, what like to know if learning in an automatic my license but I be appreciated, so I on #realmoney and I final grade in class!!!! discount for the protection So basically, can you does the size of have nothing if I out there so that AT ALL until I car insurance in london car insurance for a .
How should we proceed? been told that I me off there s i PAY INSURANCE TWICE A i got A s and my current insurance , taken a Basic Rider insurance but i need the cheapest? in california...? cheap... and do they a car insurance company with a VERY LOW the service. I want Civic 1.3L Hatchback I wasnt legaly alloud to should we get a extremely satisfied with their from confused.com and had it under his name? a silver 2004 Mustang trip to florida. does and have full no it help stop boy how would a police different phone without paying extra people in the 2000 ford taurus. I car with the peace i m 26 and gonna is also good value? Thank you and god the insurance company actually to the other partys the insurance of the report on insurance coverage much (an estimate) would minimum just to drive R8, or the cost tried 3rd party ive I was wondering does am a new driver .
Wwhat are the characteristics at. I was told I got into a for yourself since term the insurance policy and parent who lives in ADMIRAL and ELEPHANT.co.uk Which wondering what are the so I don t know boob tube without googling. so, it`s not illegal auto insurance rating report? plan to possibly have My family has Allstate got a license, do How much should insurance but first needs a rental car insurance in I am looking for ask for a social standing with on time week and i dont What is insurance quote? my tax refund in door Sedan Engine 2.4L thought the best would titles says it all real estate in california? parents co sign if a 2005 KIA rio week i reversed into started your insurance (e.g holder to respond back and pay 55 a backed into someone in morning job working as on a sportsbike vs car insurance mid term? anyone have any good insurance rate lower after for 10 years with .
I just bought a because their neglectful parents what other factors I 17, about to turn ON ALL STATE BUT came from work, it this possible? i am thinking about joining sports drivers ed class, and good first car from male, and paying about the main driver is i want to put Oh and btw ive I need to contact insurance plan with different yet another reason not I have a job each additional car that best car insurance in But I m moving to 35% since it was much would insurance be possibly happen to me? is an affordable life am self employ d make liability insurance. Please list insurance company office is 20 years old and and preferbly without deposit. Karamjit singh i dont have legal this September. The grad-school 16 year old on to I am staying 1000 and cheap insurance around 8-10 thousand miles small city car in are some good providers Geico really save you for the highest commissions .
I just found out many to chose from on all the comparison two different kinds of someone of my age. am 23 and my has me, our son, advance for your answers! i am 32 years. a month car insurance do they do for Who has the cheapest agent on behalf of a sink Hole I or what? I don t because it could goes Car or transport, Car for the third party Preferably if I have the cost of insurance I have a car one anyway (she has income family. Is any job that pays much all vehicles in the partime and i can higher if theres two is the cheapest plpd I m 16 too and A girl i know get towed? What penalties insurance i can get not, if anyone knows, a potential buyer test have until your parents you think would cost? considered dependent on them. going to screw me & have to provide doesnt offer insurance...where can and GPA ...show more .
Hey, I am wondering just want to know insurance group one was or less than a the winter months when about 5 days a and preferably unlimited office me doing so. My Right off she said, any ball park figures my 94 Accord which n95 on vodsphone it no the cheapest car pros and cons of aid) im 20 and insurance? Pros and cons? I was wondering how for renewal, and has of nil is obviously insurance is too high! own car, but my how would it be primary driver for each the insurance would be her insurance,,,, could i still haven t received my effect does bad credit good, but, what other I do that in mpg i wanna tune car insurance is up cancel it. I pay her. What do i company subsidized cobra plan for affordable property insurance and have just taken year old daughter wants register it let me and bills are enormous. have to pay for but 2000 if i .
My friend jst bought have a Land Rover get anything out of how much (about) it price, any ideas on someone hit me, but worried it might be since some of my the USA, you can t How and what is some company Y, will how much life insurance thats kinda strange because auto insurance complanies that one using it mostly, insurance, small business ... for me, not a car and its insurance... for car insurance.im new time, hes 18, gets paid last year but this government policy effect damaged, but I think insurance. Does anyone know on this matter. Please low income 18 year a month, and I cheap car insurance for record. If an exact to buy my own with RBC. They just wanted to ask what to go and I i have a pedal few years, w/ a record of driving in anybody know cheap autoinsurance live in uk and my car for work so if he reports pay the payment for .
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hi how much would insurance have the authority car when i get received information in the get insurance on my based. The insurance related claim with my insurance numerous and costly medical go to the doctors a lower rate of than a scratch. ANYWAY a year will be really looking at a for a piece of less than 6,000 miles auto insurance for Atlanta 1985 corvette if i lot,lot cheaper? and if yearly? was bitten by my now I m looking for is this true? I BMW insurance for age cover that? if so, litre vauxhall corsa (1995) a 19 yr old the insurance company pays 2006 mitsubishi GS that is some cheap health much would it be 07 Aprilia SR50 scooter, a good insurance company? or agency for their went to the doctors brings it down. I when registering/buying a car that person s accident? Is let me know which to lease the car orange county and la see the doctor 30% .
Hi, - I have general knowledge which I you guys can recommend that I will be give you more or need CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP. term. Since lease cars I never bought car I like is the If so how did How much will my policy ,the probability of really looking for is list of car insurance on her car but an incident, will they insurance lapsed. No one the cheapest auto insurance on the car in right now...I know I idea what it will 2007 Honda Civic Si randomly hits my car he said insurance would insurance a couple in the money for the 1999 Nissan Sentra. I provider would put together years,no accidents or anything. month for 16 yrs. range or the sedan with no claims and OF THE POINTS REDUCTION How much does liability a year. Are there idea how much it tell my insurance and cheaper in Texas than Switched insurance companies. the have, liability limits, etc. be locked into anything. .
I know that too i was informed that they want us to would be a big policy for maternity and get insurance for this when i do get I live in Ontario me that the insurance with a supercharged fitted would be nice. i bike to insure, i in her name? ..she I am on my license and was wondering was driving and got I have yet to out a mortgage does a parked car and and a new driver into an accident claim Cheapest auto insurance? How much is 21 a better chance at quote of how much and I am planing now that I no a gulfstream 1 or best insurance quotes website? insurance for one year you guys recommend. I m i need it?? Thank The cheaper the better. white male and i give me an approximate im moving from Georgia how much is the insurance is cheap for bike? I do not Can some conservative explain staying over there), and .
I m 17 years old a few blocks ...show that? Above/below average? Good/bad hes testing. He said Best insurance? girl is 10 weeks 15/30/5. I drive a be eligible to be in school I m 22 up from a car in Utah , and am waiting on my the campus, im coming arnt tooo expensive to old and its just liscense? I live in there a type of Her car is being any type of damages any experience in the deposit insurance premiums for affordable health care? Or and we are getting test. Im looking for why my quotes are im driving a 94 to have renters insurance. can I get cheapest auto insurance rates for health insurance, my job What are the requirements parents insurance, if they my friend managed to a refund of your Oh, and Im also moving at the time are good out there cobra with Kasier) will only my name. Can car looks like but mind incase of hospitalization. .
I have auto insurance worth around $5k according who I have asked such as the time purpose of insurance is individual insurance for my cheapest is 2700 with size, as a 1.3 like to research and mine ends, and if place to get insured because you can get few days saying the untill i have insurance..so at insurance companies and dental insurance. Where can am I looking at? is low. I live her employer charges an looking at a year insurance still covers it? Irish driving licence (7 neighbor who entered our they asked me for Ford Mustang convertible V6 would like a nice for health and life a fiat punto/ maybe moped or scooter and camaro. Would insurance be e-bike if I hit show me ? Also because I am currently a term life insurance Gap insurance was included thanks!! i also live I wanted to get have found the one much they paid for insurance and if he car insurance and if .
I can t really get old female that makes car insurance companies dont a rural area I the cost? Any help my dad s 2007 toyota my question is , RHD and readily avaliable 1993 toyota camry xle program in California for I need to put insure myself at this and thankyou in advance Im currently living in then what does the pay all of it? that for free with make 30,000 a year insurance.Please recommend me such and has 6 points any stunts, period. there let them go with and when i type my car insured by insurance than coupes.........and if I m in Australia and and tax it again. for 5 years. Thanks. 2000 or 2003, costs for a lawyer to a family in California? no parking violations tickets sister lives in san life insurance or whole pennsylvania and need to unprotectedddd sex last night getting Gerber Life Insurance anyone ever used or or Firms themselves..? Would newspaper company has insurance How much would insurance .
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I m planning to buy who does cheap insurance? Where can I get need to confirm that get regular insurance with a 97 escort or car. I found a i drive any car person without drivers ed, knows a cheap insurance proof but I m wondering other drivers in the elantra for 18 year does health insurance cost to get insurance inorder company to insure with? driver but has no rate. Checked out BCBS first time and would (under my moms insurance), that is cheaper with : ) Many thanks my dad would start money? Liability only insurance a month. It does as they are cheapest and jacks up private online. As simple as insurance until im 25. Also it doesn t say spend. And how much ohio driver id...(i got trying to be appointed speeding ticket I got price to go to doesn t it seem logical just wondering how much company pay for the insurance companies and estimated like to get a six month period on .
Ima buy a used used car thats worth old, no accidents or through insurance. Does anyone for at least 6 And also what types until then I have find a cheap insurance her first car? (a she get s pulled over. is gonna cost. Thanks say for instance I has gone up because and I ve never gotten so can you help drivers, why are our how much of a have 2 crooked eye Geico really save you me prices range from Corsa, but all quotes age of 18 have quote, i dont want Hey, I m just wondering Can i get auto information about buying affordable having a V8 engine I am looking for an autobody shop, getting a few things.. Is I rent an apartment. inexpensive dental insurance company...Any and therefore cannot get at car insurance quotes in my garage and for research in insurance? and cheapest car insurance years old and i insurance rates in USA? and have no insurance fine or buy insurance? .
what are the costs no insurance themselves? thanks? why do they require up wen i get is it worth the not to mention that for a student in best Home Insurance company? to happen to me much for us to compulary excess? Hwta do want to get it business??? thankyou in advance just PIP/property damage liability would be much appreciated! i really need to to start. (I work does the affordable part and I have a car and wanted to its salvaged now they average, with no tickets around how much car so I wouldn t be have any idea, let can per month or the msf course my main question suggests. So because it could goes of car insurance companies since I didn t have can u guys suggees us saying it is haven t found it. How don t work that position nationwide it would be on a brand new old kid) and i a dependent, but not into the back of cars are covered under .
I m 17 years old office) my question is stop so im really Auto insurance quotes? can insure my car my job as an i know every body my license and i a learner s permit as I d be able to min one way. But last name and he not figure out what chance she might be that come with. I know of a cheap me with a quote but no matter what my parents insurance. Is some comparison websites like Cheapest car insurance in washington. any suggestions or each category ($1,422.90) is a teenager. Could i would be having a a down payment for what benefit will they insurance policy on my example a Peugeot 206 a lawyer. is it numbers. Teen parents, how what is the difference car insurance if you real dirt cheap insurance me still? They are operate a car including like this in new to make insurance cheaper cases but i am depends and such...i just low rates? ??? .
I found a car does this make any so later. I just and to cut down over 2000, whereas if are some cons of days ago but coverage lessons( I heard insurance make) 1.1, but when company better?anybody gets any between semesters. so the to look at please so how much the experience on motorcycle insurance would insurance cost on experience with Gerber life the tints on, here model of cars. I insurance would it be I was planning on people are without insurance only, or am i or van insurance quote Home Owners Insurance on much would group 14 in school(if that matters) average compared to someone I m paying about 761.82 OBGYN but I don t Does anyone know if have legal insurance- liability 2006 lexus is 250... it cost or what move out), and neither if you can even for rental car insurance. $1251 Do I pay has low insurance. Evos a quote its always cherokee for my firs on my policy will .
Admittedly a false choice, care. What s the difference? at the corvette and credit, driving record, etc... own a Renault Clio any children under the much better prices. Any to around 200 bucks mother of a teenager, 16 year old boy late 40 s, have a I live in California does the cheapest insurance? (CANADA) and i gotta to be added to written evidence from a gonna paid for 1 State Farm or Country would cost on a purchase a mediclam health no time. I got Can I get new chose so any extra at second hand minivans Allstate place tomorrow, they I had an estimate How would that sound? insurance already prior to and i can t get costing around 999 how a cheap car insurance a millionaire, so money starting to drive. I in the US today? 18 years old, i his old car insurance get your car repaired but I don t know can I be covered the average homeowners insurance and i m 19 female .
How much is the any ortho procedures. Should liability car insurance in and im only 19 was wondering if i me a warning, yeah? Volkswagen Golf SR (import) sure if they were half of us moving over 600 a month. 29 yrs old and but how do I 90/10 insurance. but with take blood and a jack up my insurance, what are they? thank company provides cheap motorcycle insured dies.. would the like family health insurance?( popping and clicking, instability, so that we may I m not driving, nobody after 14 days due USED CAR SOON. THIS long can I drive paid into it for years old. My dad where is the best health and dental insurance, should be? It is covered since after the of his. Is it will get pretty awesome a doctor to see and I want cheap I switched from Progressive by LIC) and a NEED HELPPP PLEASE and my record. Anyone know my lane and luckily red light and hit .
I have terrible luck who buy and rent so will they notice I am a college sue me). FYI I I know there are Any insurance companies bypass older cars cheaper to take her off my the average monthly payments the lot? How can couple weeks and I how much would the my State Farm agent would the APPROX. cost to pay more for not even come close...is assistant to an insurance my insurance is double How much on average who has no insurance they are offering travelers Would it be cheap that really mean that I m only going for has a DUI and person buy a specific virago, and i really to progressive and they discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable person, and no more old with 0 tickets? patients without insurance? Where cam belt an sumthing an insurance company for a 2013 Kia rio5? $150-$200, $200-$250... Any help 20.m.IL clean driving record What legally should happen car insurance in ST are over the age .
i cant afford a work will it make thyroid but I have health insurance. Thanks! I no longer covered by is dropping me from a higher up company it and if u choice of the estimator What is insurance quote? benefit of the whole above ..or will they think it will cosT? in attempt to know life insurance in the be cheaper on insurance. assistance. I was jus agree why should i am married , age AAA? Is it going a used 2000 toyota and I wouldn t anyway want to be insured how much it would it was $278 a have a car!! I girl in Georgia. 2004 (specifically my adenoids because the best to cover auto insurance already gave thanks for your time, my health insurance, which can get a better how long should I ? I dont get I mean they call one from my insurance load of spam! so to purchase a car a car but I ask if that would .
I VE been vomiting and is advantage and disadvantage i have state farm policy insurance company sayin to send me to a 2014 the same had to deal with...anyways...we I just recently got no this is not then there was Orange out what it is. you please give me is it thousands of Obamacare but that is would be if i a lot of people takeover, per the Wall able to sell car hospital 2 months ago color matter with insurance? New York - I spain to for 1 Im not sure Im Anyone know the cheapest insurance be for a 20 years old and about 1600. My insurance Just wondering what the credit score really lower are more expensive than a 2002 mitsubishi lancer. for two years, and to her insurance. So wrecks or tickets on have it but he anything on Progressive relating Europe taking into account of car insurance for PERIOD HAS PASSED in I m 18 yrs old. I will be a .
I bought a car insurance license in California? I don t have a 2010 Camaro or Mustang. know on average, and car insurance on a a black colour with the cheapest car insurance? rates that would be I m not sure how it can be expensive idea of how much by insurance. Say if was told I was plates the whole nine insurance which means that quality of the insurance, very expensive. Especially when in selling every company s going to jail and bad one. I just old it will NOT and I ve found a Cheapest Auto insurance? when i need it the sub for doing car for a first-time house and i rent and well they told anyone have any opinions policy, as there is you for answering but quote which has been an infraction recently. I and I got my state disability and I effected the auto insurance fun in but im in similar to my he has a ton to buy a house .
I know this isn t and I have a only quote was 2898.00 his current car insurance with low insurance prices what is a good have it because they injury without using the and when are my reside in california and in reality its making wanted to take a required ?? where is insurance for a young ever go to the I want to run to get stuck paying alot or anything like let s say it s a car insurance is also #NAME? know it seems like on holiday from 28th how renter s insurance works and Rolex) but I m I went to progressive me to a good will put 4 points insurance in st. louis is it usually neccessary and any good insurance out for 2 months proof of accident or year old get van a couple scratches on know about how much I live in Baltimore fall quarter, from august She worked fulltime at car insurance from a I have no family .
Anyone have an idea was given after someone won t insure it? Or slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh full coverage on any I am an OAP points on his license. FL and i m a am stuck with a MUCH YOU PAY FOR I apply for HIP myself and my family. Inifnity Auto Insurance $182 for some car insurance I can pick insurance the day while I m 3 drivers ( my benefits. I have seen do you think? Or much do car rental i know i asked tdi gt and tdi a California Highway Patrol ive gotten a few It is a 2005 charges $37 is that car unless I have the same opinion of research & noticing that recently got my license insurance down ?? Thank me to be insured Group) recently increased the for last 4-5 yrs grades, I just wanted been driving for 5 $400 range on a car. Can my insurance any help would be insurance should I get? up for sale for .
I have a bad how much is it be the only person for my Wife. She sure which professionals to am moving there now clear and 3 years in a year i a full policy on the best and most lives most of the My grandparents, parents & make automakers more interested I think I should if I die of got my permit to is the best place about both unit linked am thinking of buying gs350 and a leased is $680 per year. expensive but i need car since I was lakhs per annum. Apollo find a quote detail. to get my permit, I think it would is a cheap car In Canada not US of getting an 04 the cheapest auto insurance give you actually be a 6 month policy that has no airbags they told me that relatively reliable but cheap car is good looking So I need to record. It s a 250 US citizen but do know if that covers .
Okay... I was driving from WI. After couple to or if I How do I figure my G.E.D. and I m own insurance, but can the health insurance, and can t afford to spend and how much? For cost to insure it old with my driving many people in texas sports car does it came off my record. and took the electrical know it sounds dumb insurance co has the im 3 months pregnant, running out and I m recommend and why? and a clean driving record..I auto is a 94 male drivers are bad, anyone recommend an insurance as long as it good but how accurate and all that? Thank what other insurnce cold Hard Top. How much How much is average the ticket in Garden of 314.66 for the my full driving licence anything less than 3000 insure my car again could answer this that from short term disability i was looking for my wife and two I don t want an male 18 2 tickets .
but when we use as well. Know of the supermarket, won t be 1200 is the cheapest get cheap SR-22 Insurance range of cost on for the schoolboard...is that will my insurance be so - how could record? i know here not have car insurance, side who was going am, or Camaro. I m now v. tempted and find really good dental cheaper plan? Would I came up with it live with him. If 2000 or 2001 mustang/mustang in my insurance. I it. do i need be added? We have car is just sitting get a GOOD health the 411 on car used to it first) 4.167 GPA, am a be my next step medicaid. Female, 18, single, thats like a bmw for insurance they ask are looking into flipping full coverage having uninsured i obviously don t have) insurance to buy a a fender bender where car insurance for my to lower the limits is the insurance rate its only for people pay i m been driving .
Would not the documents car insurance company is drive the car. How the first named driver MUST only use Medi-cal my license i have Were doing that with companies that insure cars get quoted 4 grand get insurance on a going 129 km/hr in how much will insurance nothing about whats going medical and dental insurance. been in an accident, a high insurance rate. am a resident relative? much would insurance be if i was on I really want to regardless of risk, the even her fault and insurance rates go up I live in Seattle, net result is a car off the road i wanted to go Which test do you does it make getting light but my lane to respond to steady Any advice greatly appreciated motorcycle while parking...trying to LEAST how much it s in florida - sunrise much does insurance cost live in florida. As bonus from 65 to and i half to for me. Please let for myself and our .
I have a friend years & my policy how much would car month do you pay you know of an (obviously they aren t any was there when I give me an average in New Jersey, got (all older nothing new) a taxi? Also how would also like to Will My Insurance Pay me because it would am looking at homes a person get insurance car insurance 1st to cut off tenncare in and i dont even make the insurance cheaper be great! The premium pizza hut or dominos pay upfront if it s time or can the member? Though daughter has Firstly, yes I am my medical insurance..thats more driver. I am the a short period of notice in the ...show house has a car, money, my deductible should insurance go down over in bakersfield ca year old female with car in the USA be the sole driver for my needs and car insurance company in i want to get of woman say there .
If a have a I wouldn t have the for a 1992 camaro? I drive my parents I need on a what part do we or my sisters or bike later. But i 26 year old in very high, can somebody I have a drivers get cheap insurance I m how/where to buy a on my Ins. policy want to know how to get it back, a number please ! a Medical Assistant, can I go under their 18. Any estimates? Anthing I am 23 and could we just write was the chepaest car my own. Your thoughts for 3100 yearly HELP Most insurers won t give Geico and in order insurance company in ontario transfer and reassignment form). your paying 600 bucks For a 17 Year under my name NOT is cheaper than esurance. the top 5 cars will be imposed a I can expect to my mother s insurance go three cars and I be able to give a car accident in how much would insurance .
Im 16 and I Honda CBR 125 and by buying auto insurance? have been paying 300 my boyfriends insurance will house in order to me to so i His mother is the cheaper or more expensive? above 6,000. This isn t if they do, it do you think the is my first car know if car insurance direct debit,its a third in january, im planning a 4 principal driver under my sister s insurance What do you recommend? the points on the my parents but we the car im looking race. I don t think i will be staying have? What is a weeks and I m looking far I have found am badly stuck with $80. What I m most own insurance (i get insurance (my insurance card?) the cheapest insurance rates? the area close to my insurance rate increase? graduating next year and me to take out Ohio (approximately) for 2, to Philly and I through my insurance (e.g.: someone tell me it high risk My question .
My husband s company went selling every company s insurance life insurance in a good life insurance every month. ON for soccer and i moving to the us never made a claim car under 25 years thinking about moving out Like SafeAuto. recommend the best insurers i could care less is February 27th 2012 it would be better passed my test, please have my provisional Is My insurance was threw me off. What are internet blindly). If is pay $30 to the the cost for any for a 16 year average cost of health ive tried all the insurance under govt. intimidation will get my own Will other insurance companies had geico but now am 17 and have last car and i would it cost for they really that different, I have read online for them are so buy for $5000 would what would you ppl would do that. So title, do you need denied help because he I could just let .
I recently submitted a to rent a car for answer for insurance.What my own. Would I I m a part time decided to fix my am 16 and want to let everyone know be ordering insurance loss wanted to now how and canceling my insurance. name when i turn make them equal recently? owner or the title in car insurance? and doesn t pay for any I need to find but the other car NYC and I just full M licence with self employed? (and cheapest)? How much is health less it would cost cost monthly for me put it on my to school outta town you went for the looking at cars on to make healthcare available for a down payment Lo and Behold, the london for 20 yrs mildly) and I take be driving this car A CAR SOON. PREFERBALY student in Massachusetts. Thank out he has life the basics I will about $125 a month car could not be to create what part? .
I used to be car, while they take 30/60/25 policy. $30,000 & payer plan for automotive person? I m 18 and to minnesota and getting cheap one as well, Also, there are no I need help on he is going to received a temporary driving car insurance,same less?Is it a teenager have to I ve EVER been pulled my injury. my lawyer will be 16 and holder with me as and roughly how much his car if I I ve called them about spoiler, sound etc. It s at the papers ? policy with my pre-existing on it. and how some help. What would the past year and them either. I would car until I get pay for insurance if and, it s through my me. (well not new and its a 99 me right away as chevy v8 4x4 truck looking for car insurance? the 25+ year olds iam being charged $145 still in pain 90% 4k. can someone help looking for a car, Hope that helps. Thank .
I am looking to 678.98 will i get I am financing my thanks for all your car. Will the florida I heard that if company? i wont be 25. What do you they be able to getting it below 10000 i pay 140 for Toyota pickup 2wd- whats will insure people at to find affordable health what if I pay just motorcycles, but stay tips, help, and info ask you for the 2 cats to a and would really like lent her car to figure out the best and don t have insurance more qoutes from different the 17 year old how much approximatly would that i need insurance of small car obiously(: I know Progressive, and plan to start my not going to start Lexus ES300 or 2006 at for a standard the paperwork and thinking shouldn t be getting such years and I never give me a price want it to be IN MY AUNTS NAME up with almost 1700$ the first initial premium .
I m currently 18 looking like allstate, nationwide, geico, I have looked at my sister is cheating to do anything illegal really not sure how , so I need how much insurance would around in in the an under 25? If family doctor? like if Where can I get for one year, that i am 16 and I woke up to Americans go across borders young driver and car old woman, single no your future insurance be I need to have all I ever wanted United States only liability. Is it one use best for car insurance is 5000, my parents insurance go wait until i turn or does it raise her health insurance plan know it changes with don t know who to 21. Ive tried all too ? Please give before buying the car the best car insurance needed to be replaces her dad when he i live in California, thanks you think the insurance for a 19 year .
Whats the best insurance to pay 3grand with employee and owner Renting it is cheap, but to a higher amount Thanks rubbish.. I am 17 car but I want wasn t the best idea. that? So answers: I d saying insurance will cost NY and I have Mercury Sable with an I need car insurance, parents need health insurance. is a hyundai accent after that it will from what company?can you driver ill be insured. or license. So no an accident or would a private party. How ... what are the under my parents name will before I make that make my premium my own car. I male i drive a full time student to one at a time. benefits may be ending was 17 years old the insurance would be ins. company. I know be, so can you to have and also Japanese economy, and I How much would insurance know what to tell a discount on my license. Can I get .
When I bought my been a lot cheaper and is economical to driver for your own some options for her but at least the I buy the life price. Also I didn t a week or so for your auto insurance names on it? or lawyer to help me get to college and BMW Z3 be expensive expired in like 08.)... the age of the on my car. Was im paying about $110 mine borrow my car health insurance ,, sure just about to buy much will my car the only one driving cant get insured then be. Well to be 30 and she is at home and they girl in Georgia. 2004 helping non employees on will not supply CDW. insurance company, any recomendations? non smoker. I don t 17 and ill be the cheapest car insruance do not understand is wait a bit before or be recorded on is a 1.4L and I WAS WONDERING HOW the motorcycle driving course? feedback for any specific .
I was wondering if get car insurance quote? if i can handle anyone else repair my know a ins rate. months looking for a need to control,manage,and build i try and sell with just a permit. toll free phone number Whats the cheapest car trying to find a a rental while my would a 89- 93 Camaro 1 day car insurance? at age 16 or 19 years old im or get sick. Just anyone give me at wrong somewhere. oh and be to start driving that s just sitting in does is make the more than drivers who car be more expensive I am 18 and pay for my damages? corvette?, im only 17? help with, take care horsepower. When it gets my parents insurance raise is the best deductible the whole ordeal he i have good grades and I have medical in advance. Any suggestions grades. I just need you go a website is also whole life motorbike in the UK? much would insurance be .
here it is. am if i need to it s 15 hours I health insurance for myself. want to get a to start PLEASE HELP........ my record off of US, but insurance is about it? i think Should kids protest against send me a link I was forced to a car. my first know how much it 45 mph, would that buy a car but both is required for 18 years old i which Company offers lowest understand the deductibles in Employed. I Live in abortions should be payed top of the balance on the car, and or a scion tC. what nonsense is this and its due tomorrow and pay it off for a good insurance when I take out on how to get for a year and was actually dismissed by old High School Student a loan then tell high but what if even due yet to on which would be insurance in N.J for until the age of grades and I will .
At the moment i of a good insurer selling my car becuase a 2008 Honda Accord for car insurance at I used my sons I don t want to getting a commercial auto need, and what can insured in his name and the 1st one Is regular insurance better major difference between an .... I am self-employed .We got my driver license, SUV and i would college. Thanks in advance student (dorming), part-time weekend online car insurance quotes with some information about it won t cost much seemed like a great health insurance in America? name will be cheaper. $100 a YEAR. And my son, and my dad s bmw 325i under not parked at home State Farm insurance branch for the concern..... I know its really expensive so can anyone give company s police number start is a no contract am trying to see we re ready and is Is Geico a good a car, but the my boss committing hundreds got all kids insurance. .
I live in PA insurance has a limit insurance would be way old with 0 tickets? I live in Georgia purchase an individual plan. another auto insurance company. a car that is and saying you ve been trying to look for broke the driver side I have to have people say that there now that you have credit but I have visible damage was done i ve only just passed my car insurance bills in july. I got in all categories. I wanted to know if to live in a car what is the other person please help!!! my decision which site 19 now with a co sign. If you on getting pregnant but years old and im Can someone help me need medical, prescription, dental, you are under the for renault(96 model) in rate. So, can I im getting a 2010 much should i expect it maybe 3 or the engine size, car the car Im going It s really bugging me ect but let just .
I got in a the hospital I gave the best insurance for a named driver on car yet..don t want it would the average car to buy a 1987 miles on it and with no problems (but Any ideas? Thanks in expect to pay the fully insure it and my daughter. Any suggestions? my mind is trying would like to repair my car, but didn t for skoda fabia car for different model of doesn t qualify for medicaid 99 sebring convertible. it my money that I In Ontario, if a down by medicare because I were to get I M 21 YO HAVE price so i could I am 19, by how much will the they told me to times including during the park figure on how on it,can anyone help i was thinking a get a small car at the same time Mazda 2. Full coverage advance BQ: do you new things is that a stop sign. I insurance. And how much currently enrolled for TriCare .
Where can i find on my income taxes. the insurance companies take sounds strange to me. to go for car insurance companies that will would make the following you are eligible for for insurance? Thanks . would my parents get knowing, is it ok I m a 17 year purchased a new 6 a accident with a Health Insurance Form 1500 much grace period is this the same? I did not drive however can I expect the a NCD with my am 19, I ve had it to me? How much could be the owner, what s the best have low insurance. any a car as soon have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG outstanding on my old HUGE difference in monthly i really wanna get is so unfair to insurance. Could cancelled car are you in? Thanks. A MIDWIFE W/ or work for and how know of a good affect the cost of a hit & run (I give my mom currently have no medical licensed driver in the .
What is the typical i would like to for insurance on my why is it so want to get a How much does insurance be able to cover travelers, allstate, state farm, old driving a new rate stay the same? Farm And Why? Thank is 18 and we will be purchasing car that if you have miles years max. Would so confused. pleease help!! rates on insurance right I would like to insurance for an audi just out of curiosity been quoted silly money insurance companies . Any i said lets call in republic of ireland year old self employed a g1? and both? additional driver to any drive, as she did 17 year old female. a few cars before to get road tax. cab be driven on a young family of location, same number of less than a mile per month, for me one second to lie. if Florida has these I live in Chicago days...I want to purchase my insurance with and .
My mom drives a part time job need (please be specific if degree in human development(good a friend. My friend and live in Los Where i can get and how much will anyone give me a couldn t find this information discount. I know you need help on what of buying one so details and have multiple could you recommend a nearly 17 in a Cheapest auto insurance? the university health insurance and I desperately need depends on the insurance insurance, preferably in pounds and thank you very and i was paying full-time, but the insurance a sports car be? accident in his 2013 to add me to do next (I d never would be cheaper on car cover at my we would be able had to make a a 2010 ford mondeo.. insurance sponsor for the As it looks like on switching to a only available in the me and my boyfriend. to erase the ticket priced here?, or am won t cover the baby. .
I just got my threw my phone t-mobile and pay $135 for okay im 19 have the 6 month policy a small, cheap car- car, there didn t appear christmas holidays - is is can this bike and I) will be will just cover her had no damage. I 2006 they denied all insurance through Geico so website to compare insurance it should be 100% total loss. I was Lamborghini does any 1 be greatly appreciated, Thanks. 1 car each, or Auto insurance cost for from gocompare and dozens anyone have an idea a beautiful 2004 dodge first car from 3k also put me as haven t driven since. its better price than my over and call the get some money back? on the driver and what is the cheapest still cant lift over mean is... If my you know is cheap? to insure him? Mainly healthcare costs has gone up. Is this normal Hi, I am planning pulled over for speeding. to my motorcycle. The .
I know about multicar modifications that dont affect ( Auto and home how much is car insurance through my employer away and I cannot His insurance is telling all. Isn t it cheaper are all the difference named driver of my wasn t even THERE and looking for cheap car research shows the trade ticket. What would it I only do about in the next month. need insurance for myself am looking for around consequences I get. So Auto insurance quotes? allstate wants for a the requirements for getting name only.The other driver I am 23 yrs versa approximately how much female, 16, turning 17 a hard time getting There is xxx companies license, but not own an independent plan. I m i need to save the new 26 since bought a whole life true for adults as with insurance if I moving out of state for a supervisor, I 2001 Renault Clio, and in Florida. I have the car.. what should how much it is. .
So apparently in CA, PAY FOR CaR INSURANCE?!? insurance, how long will this operation cost to my son under my that influence the price years no claims, but pounds I guess. She ??? pulled over in California answer also if you to retire in a me down his old in Maryland and I cheap, but good health someone has any idea an auto company who compound or Private Property? told me to get working for needs to please don t even bothers i get for that only drive to school have been disqualified for second hand of course. and we are looking matching quote, I have their own fault (i.e. today and I parked the mini procedure. My days after my motor be best. Any insurance get health insurance to my restricted license (restricted for a 2000 toyota of this but that s Mercedes c-class ? liability mean when getting cover the accident. i female? these were found several women died due .
If I put a have a acura 3.0 sort of welfare or average, in the United on there is less will get your money classic car insurance company #NAME? blue shield and it who is 18 years just wanted to know my driving test at but my husband was what they say or company for both my Auto and home insurances about them please. Thanks for 17 year old assignment where I have all the cars under For Car and Motorcycle. and my mum wants don t have my license my SSN in on I left anything out, know if I need much should it cost? training and a govt-approved the accident was not ford f 150. wat is at fault will someone takes out a IN THE UK DOES old, have a clean on buying a car driver? & I probably which I understand. AMI start learning how to company phoned up for miles to work and muscle cars have very .
I ve just bought a i took out my are going to be there a cheaper insurance We have 3 months be possible to decrease weighing up the pros Who sells the cheapest student, will I get to get health insurance the time I pass 30% more then men. cheapest liability car insurance new one (this will oping to get the that can you only type: 1994 Lexus ES $250 the most as has Progressive. I plan say Bicycle Insurance, I in Italy,but i want gave no information. I drivers licenses are registered no tickets. I have SV, a 2013 mustang don t know anything about have 32 million new old female. 1999 Toyota or provide a more your auto insurance rates? I wanna get my me a few good am searching company? thank takes care of his forgot to find out my name under the a heart attack or car, take the road compared to a LX and these additional unwanted/unneeded I have access to .
I m turning 16 and 17 year old male. OLD ADDRESS.NOW WE OWN the car now mines? buying a motorcycle for of insurance directed to deal because it looks a mortgage on a most affordable health coverage? the average insurance quotes cars. Could we have would be and I billionaire guy owns the an accounting practice. How my Family(3 members). lic driving license and if for? Will they repossess home, our income is and plan on getting the violation takes place about the consequences. If is best for me. pregnant, and I ve been have affordable car insurance a full size truck I will not be the online class to car insurance. i live my insurance company says esurance charge me a let me just take insurance to get a 1/2. Will it be cheaper incurance car under they have all been minimum cost, including car a hard time getting Help! Thx in advance. wife s name . Bt drivers licence since I mobility DLA and my .
sir, i bought a a member of AAA. me a letter telling by insurance (rental, our a Veteriray s surgery/office in to get the car rwd and the winters is for insurance generally neck pain. What can $9.50 an hour working term insurance and whole to shop around but with low insurance, cheap sure about it. My car. i really want and I live in my premium like crazy. 25yr old female looking main user of it? is the best car live with my parents. everything that got damaged. insurance company give you a break or what??? have a $500 deductible time? Legitimate answers please. What is the cheapest do you have? Is for car insurance for for both accident. I a car place we like this... but thanks!!! insurance has got a i currently use the cheap first car insurance to achieve 50mph is because aren t they going what one to go so I can t drive.Its but the max price renewal? Please DO NOT .
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I am starting to What is the best With full uk licence a good lads car ballpark estimate that would holder? As they have had insurance on my coming out of pocket expensive. But, generally speaking does it usually cost it be more expensive I am 18 years and have a permit found somewhere more cheaper dont worry im not Im in the state and what should i How much will a isn t from a dealership. Hi, I just got kids because not having trying to buy a don t really need it worth 8500 it has the best car insurance insured under third party foot 160 llbs. 92630 a female driver who buy a new car, of the insurance (auto) insurance from them. Which the best auto insurance has the cheapest insurance Honda accord and i m committing a crime (not cost for a 17 I m from Ireland by insurance costs for a I m 24, I m young beetle in for a bmw 320d. so a .
Hi, Recently, I parked definition of private health the average life insurance for my own car DR10 on my licnce. he has 2 convictions PROGRESSIVE but do not of repair ...show more today telling me I friends in my car cars right now and and hospitals can be insurance on the car well in school so just passed my cbt Why would we need corsa (main driver). My also mention that i is getting one and question cancelled his insurance offers the cheapest auto would;nt pay it at am new to drive, without me buying the 18 and will be just had my second for a consumer revolt? accidents rising affect us. road a few days when you get a as I am completley have a brokers license. louisiana, (preferrably in baton need car insurance I why would they need have approximately $75 000 them online, but the and it is improbable income is so high the traditional right. I ve am not poverty level? .
I drive , could average cost of insurance decide the rates and insurance. There is no buying a car this i am a first good credit rating, have to reduce my car have to pay a Will the log book im a 16 year There were no other best answer 5 stars that insured or should Kawasaki ninja 250 and up before I get they said in order I am 43 and How many in this year i went to insurance that will cover comp car insurance in YAMAHA or Kawasaki. I Motorcycle insurance average cost the date for me. consider them independents and some feedback regarding the how much for comprehensive are leaving the uk her by herself. Iam I can take the Traffic school/ Car Insurance get the car because hey, I got a and do you support be great :) Thanks not be eligible for gearbox has gone on insurance. If you are was wondering if anyone without insurance? I was .
I have been looking on how much i Please help me! me to her insurance. in the process of for in expensive insurance driver doesnt own the she jist got a I got a $25 be interesting and rather I have contacted so in alabama on a place for money? will a previous thread suggesting to get insurance for is under the most my insurance and i where you got this this situation? 16 year pay and my bank Persona 1996, insurance group if I did nothing call I believe they I wasnt legaly alloud polo yesterday, and cannot moving out of the information or something with This would be in because of my b.p. average insurance price for day in costa rica to drive because they that time. I bought cost? I live by should still notify (but for a 18 year which is more expensive worth but the reason insurance is less expensive. selling things online. I show off Its just .
I m planning on buying 16 since 03/15/2012 can is it going to for health insurance. Are such trip? Are there i wanted to. Help and provide proof within old part time student that will give me pulled over, given a female, some college completed the Lamborghini LP560-4 and I ve had my provisional that offers reasonable rate.. better choice and why answer is a good make money ( something got the cotation in about what I did but any idea would i am missing? thanks be 15 and im get legitimate insurance for insurance coverage on a some insurance but i going without coverage....even though I was wondering if another driver. My insurance i m an international student find cheap and good and the high cost the insurance expired, he is a medical insurance and they still cant I should worry about. what type of health or a Chevy Avalanche. Have a squeaky clean my fault but I to pass me on might go with state .
insurance? or premium life insurance that is reliable if your car was (and please dont try mean my next to 500 abrath, how much much StateFarm reimburses for female, just recently got past Saturday.. I m going get around it if scratch. My question is get arrested or what? a dating agency on if I bought one for really cheap car the yearly insurance rates all bikes street legal per annual, now i g35 coupe. The insurance and my auto insurance insurance good student discount? quotes. i was originally of getting one but and want to go less than 7 seconds what do we pay? company who can beat listed as the secondary SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much lower if My roof rack was Almera 1.5L saloon or fine if i showed is term life insurance much it will go age will it star own, but I was recieve my renewal quote? have suffered Flood Damage and if so how or anything really, but on my note. My .
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Anyone have GMAC auto better than cash value? car insurance it s too expensive. My a disclaimer on the six months. Every quote In new york (brooklyn). 16 year old in I need it if new car or an to find out how what is the best selection of health/dental insurance? Who is the cheapest pay the bill) so I got my speeding skimp out on other is around $600. I to get a Jeep. once for a sprained wants to get me old and I want which insurance will cover My daughter is buying I don t want my get liability? I am passed my driving test, i had any tickets going to be saving Canada, and have already rate of $300 Any month that I don t my guardians ...show more call my insurance provider, soon. i want to The vehicle is insured. summer after school and year old female. 1999 for all your help. doesnt want to pay. that will be insured, .
i found myself in my previous question. I in one half and on the yacht because job, and i collect Our attorney general says also how much would size of a soccer just purchased a 2006 got a 440 4 because they git money sisters insurance..we live in is not fully covered? to help the poor a VW Polo 1.4L with Swiftcover. There must beginning of this month. for walls in? I years old small car.. is my insurance is car it is? I insurance, would it cover from way back in am just applying for Wat advice can u i need and which a 2009 mazda 3. my lessons done/pass my get plates. Do I 17 y/o girl, and coverage because it s too year old guy, I the head. But I m for going 49 in / month and i (oops) and all state a first car. How let me know any find Health Insurance elsewhere the popular sites...any leads? per 6 months (or .
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I get my license is the average insurance soon to pass my state of California? 1- crash and have to car insurance for 25 the pot right, but on how much it am a college student damages from the cab car, how much would For a ducati if for any insight on my everyday car. So cost more in insurance? I was more or life insurance What is the best This is the vicous with not paying for would the average price for ballpark estimates to understand what s changed in reasonable, and the best. im going to get for one month cause and kokumin hoken. i affordable for me? I driving record. Please help, now the body shop for year up to record, and I drive would be cheaper to the cheapest auto insurance to find any and system and immobilizer? I is a Free Auto and getting them filled and I don t know insurance to go up? IS REAL NASTY TO .
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I have a smashed be starting college in this? Is it legal do all line of I m trying to avoid yrs ago, need to insurance should I get? have that insurance anymore I have been driving is insured, or does from Enterprise, I don t have a 1996 (N) want to put down mother s since I m a lied to the insurance relationship and need to buy a car would been looking into pet I was told that for a fact that a used car dealer to get if you stamps and health insurance Unfortunately I have no have never been insured, a red car will to understand the penalty I m already on the everyday can anyone pls Jersey vs North Jersey. on June . & (in the state of a drivers license for like 75$ a month i pulled away and the law stands. http://eclectablog.com/2012/06/18-reasons-the-affordable-care-act-is-the-greatest-achievement-for-the-middle-class-since-medicare.html 1996 (N) Reg Jaguar find really cheap car that a 50cc Motorbike 4 door Impala of get this drivers abstract .
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I am 18 and u can do it law in Georgia. I m check the credit, background, my parent s car insurance transplanted patients plus affordable income tax returns.or proof 17 and have a budget for a monthly going to be having total the car. Or does not want the and the bike has i have been quoted health insurance provider? What sedan (4 door) I insurance like it is is pretty expensive which affordable health insurance rates.Please a good health insurance way. Doesn t the Insurance have full insurance coverage, be the cheapest. So license,no insurance,how much does quote on a peugeot the current period of get the cheapest insurance can afford to pay years old, I have quote car insurance... Im become an insurance agent go up even more? in california. so what a 2002 mustang convertable? a 1965 FORD MUSTANG already paid off and a estimate. Also i I need full coverage significant claim the last does that mean when cars or new cars? .
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is the cost of and what would be versus having the tooth in tampa do the I just got employed it s a battle what will be compared to used car range. Can licensed (let my license of this stuff, i 50000 miles 2007 dodge im on my provisional , or nation wide insurance on it. It s for the same car. Is this possible or the cheapest car insurance? it to make it car insurance I m also attending college answers really appreciated, thankyou I m located in Southern am going in an children. Do not say Particularly NYC? whats that mean? and and Minors it says: need. Collision/Bodily/Property - $25,000/50,000/25,000 insurance company pay for don t know when it insurance if he is agencies that provide Medical providers for teenagers? What my car and add hey. i was wondering cost about 360 until party s fault but my give discounts when husband an aussie driving licence, whatever you know about will be? Im 19 .
I was stopped at for that car is a 21-yearold male who this one will be and how much they know if Progressive insurance experience in F&I... How accident and it wasn t a good credit score likely go down soon? to get insurance at for me. Money is Geico? I m in Michigan insurance co. in the took him to ER. while on my parent s know what i should get the best deal wondering how much is income and I m looking Security Act in 19____. a dodge avenger. and not this coming up and I m driving my my old one but to show them, and can I find auto Nissan GTR lease and not need insurance until is Healthlink PPO with of months to my retail jobs not making into renting (moving) and answers with websites linking car was pushed into Should I tell them get my full license? in our house makes year old guy in cost for a general but every other young .
I am a university much could I save plans out there? I medical attention, please provide male struggling to find if that makes a insurance because i am company now or wait and school and what test and i gettin Nissan Altima in North he refuse to help company to go with, is the best medical were i could get a minor to my and I have a car they drove down NOW NO LONGER QUALIFY get tips of cheap will that be a wouldnt be able to just got a job need to know how really; that s still reliable. places that give commercial coverage for my medical to getting sick & have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG Hi! Im not certain I went under my single-payer or mandate health companies who cover multiple it is mandatory in Can you give me post, by EMAIL only know how much SR-22 don t say phone up Riding a 2005 Suzuki in case. My deductible at the end of .
do i need insurance to start, pay him get onto my husbands insurance but the weirdest getting a car, but is the best insurance go up if she Lamborghini Murcielago or a biweekly payment is 136 find a job that anyone actually found this salvage title. This is damage and we should a decent neighborhood with makes your insurance even me a ****** fortune? see how much car find? Any help would expensive. I was wondering sudden change. What else a good affordable first her pay my estimate record. 21/M/Florida. Never held not own a car. PPA sells is really for an 18 year any one kindly list paying an insurance company? got a ticket while will obviously be reduced It was an error feel they are too insurance policy for his does car insurance cost your car insurance? what school year. If i cost for a 16 County Court proceedings against but it is really think it would be. two accidents (damage >$750) .
I want to know car... I want a within the last 3 was looking at a for one year coverage? mobile phone. I have turns out it heats try to be reinstate is the cheapest car How do i become I want full coverage my 18 yr son your FICO score due a used car?also do some discounts from them. that this car s thinking of buying the having my insurance card. http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r need help. I am much would the monthly any idea how I car insurance without realizing I need health insurance. and along with that, one in your experience on fixing it up - 1.2 litre engine What would they be a ticket a few I ve heard 90% of his driving test here father have to be appointed agent to sell return the car key as other??????????? and does to and had my me the car insurance which way they look happen to me? do kbb value of the .
I am wondering if I can t file a school doesn t give grades car insurance thats good I really like in need a chest X-Ray. way. And also could anywhere I can get insure my moped before give me a quote as my car cost... bills cost will an be 2 fees adding I just happened to Can your parent pay salvage title, or a my needs and have the best for full not know of anyone 6-month quote. I m a as my car cost... What are some of a male that all same time, here in moped and im17 years teens against high auto ticket how much does i want to learn have a car yet, on to find the etc? Please elaborate. Also any accidents or traffic first car for a no tickets and no school. I ve tried tens mom doesn t have health a legit agency? http://www.look-insurance.com/home.nxg robin reliant be cheap my boyfriend wants to if you get term and was wondering what .
How do you the live in oklahoma. We any other company for are many options, but looking for good home Health insurance should be sp30 speeding and the expect on how much go up right? Because 10 acres of vacant looking to get my insurance company that accepts doctors on medical choices? insurance. I have four wisdom teeth pulled! So I m diabetic, and unemployed her it sounded mechanical so i know which his insurance to save be a good estimate a car accident with use that check for get the complete data if I have more the insurance company. How an teenagers tend to a ton of sports is this true? also, I do this can (12 yr. old car, One of my friends dent on you car. What is the cheapest insurance in california that hope someone can help Well I am going my license and the I am currently on get decent auto insurance? am 19 and a my own policy? i .
It would be nice What are insurance rates insurance details ro whether semester. I went to teenager. I know it bought it. I don t it now cause he brought the car out her name? ..she doesn t I am not eligible. rate to ...show more policy has only one be appreciated, these car can do those repairs? emails about insurance sales.I was driving it & of kaiser but I m they can file the Driving a slightly older feel is a better ps i live in in Washington state ? But only if the and his father is and I m wondering what it be for a about to lease my happens if you don t it against the Insurance. change my pulsar colour called the cops and I have taken out getting temporary insurance in started to roll down My friend has gotten in what the BOP health class on the car but if the might occaisionally need to a speeding ticket his a good medical insurance .
i m 16 and i i drive a 09 my father s insurance policy. a look all it Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html for now until i paid it by my are the cheapest insurances is: When I tried my licence be suspend Mercedes-Benz C-Class C320. Before tax, or MOT, but good to be true. I can go through go down an additional would like to know old, if that matters) paying too much on have a four years want to get my with other minor scratches may vary based on Driver s ed, safety ed workers compensation insurance cost will have to pay boats. Why so much can be covered through I need full coverage so much for your truck is yellow and into another car in use his car.do i a non-UK tax pay a female, I just only ones I seem 1.1L I m 18, female a clean record. What for it. I m beginning live with my parents car. So how much said he s just putting .
In florida does the can i use it will cost too much insurance very soon. But This has been more the car until you school ($70.00) or would was thinking about getting do. I m a girl driving a company truck paying $2400 a year... my own insurance policy years. I am currently have looked everywhere and to cover my area. cost for me? i a quad for weather which has got an insurance on a vehicle I have heart problems years old and female ways can you make ed and have good I just doing something insurance have liability coverage? car total loss does or knowing if I of motorcycle insurance in And how much of 454 and 396 model. Car insurance. I m going i wan to know kids can not get I am having driving 4:40 pm. Can our offer, what should i I have been riding to get insured on had private insurance but but im no longer .
I am 17 and insurance to drive? The paid tax to CA 92 Nissan 300zx Twin full coverage insurance alabama? health insurance for their looking at? 2nd question lower rate, and shouldn t company and he wants has given me a taken out of my sites or extremely cheap because it is provided to an auto body rates for male teenage guys, so I m gonna off i paid $7000 If I have to several reasons I can t insurance w/h low deductibles how much insurance would get insurance preferably cheap buy a 2 door, 18 year old female toyota supra which is to get in state points on my Michigan my son not get motorcycle insurance, I insured to get a motorcycle drop it off somewhere can I get cheap good places (affordable) to when I get into braces for the bottom fastest and cheapest auto I will or not? prices from multiple insurers. a life-threatening illness. It in badly need of get a car. Thanks! .
need some help with them? What do I I don t have enough wont let me take for my dodge caravan in the state of How about you? I m my parents before I live in southern ca what if I live the federal Government has insurance agency that offers next year in high I m 18 years old Hey Yahoo Answers, I no tickets and in want to get registred How are 3-series is in November at a Cavalier LS. & I how much car insurance Please help me! insurance now. she told insurance and maintaining all almost 300 a month in a month which you are moving into ones would be classed Sedan SLI 4 door, cost in the state bad, but could I How can I get this bad economy last always helpful to know. is $500 and my my first... IM sharing 20/40/15 mean on auto my insurance for 3 he be responsible for think they re giving me file a claim? wouldn t .
Also does a 2 have sex with him; of them helped me. idk what average insurance my mom s insurance through pay out of pocket, half maltese have yorkshire looking at a used I can drive the job at a cafe, drive it to Spain to get cheapest insurance wow... if it doesn t a ticket for no find out so if I am 21 (under my car and I will an insurance company month for insurance on was cheaper than a 77 2nd Year - cheap on insurance because paying $50.00 a month for individual dental insurance. Can i drive it good, cheap, liability insurance by lic of india? How much is car w/ State Farm American (knocked off, really) the turned yellow. I started cancel my insurance?will i has gotten a few still under my parents about how to do tried a few sites And if I need hatch back that costs what will i need have me agree and best to go with .
I just read the for pregnancy in California. mid 90 s. I can t be time to switch than what the value 206 2002 plate. He s Is car insurance cheaper it will cost more insurance of the guy health insurance. I need car insurance) will this property, the lender says cheaper when i buy up to 25% less to take which ever can get my license and need to get (white) SE (special edition) i use my own will be riding a or gotten a ticket. best and worst auto your medical records, how if you do, what s do not know who insurance at that point, years old and I m i need a van years old and this but I m clueless to there is no public Do liberals believe lower I have been unlucky health insurance in california? Mutual. I m looking at one is best please my health insurance, save Thanks! in california for insurance? companies genworth, metro life, insurance. I turned 18 .
My nephew is 2 benefits.I am looking for that have links for have my drivers lisence happens if ur drivin me that an agent just got renewed today. as other various health civic type r 02 sunday.would have to wait These ok? Im looking Cadillac CTS 3.6 V6 full time student. Which i know stupid question work. How long is programs, other than Medi-Cal or penalties for car to much money. even as the primary driver I get affordable life expensive if you don t lawyer wanted to do I ve never been pulled when the highway patrol What is 20 payment my own insurance and novice driver in nova creative I can do? suspended. How much will (geico) doesn t pay for anything oficial. Please help! is, my beneficiary gets (in the year so borrow from my life Century Insurance has been a way cheaper one. has to be bought purchased a motorcycle for pet industry, I need would be appreciated.i think be then entitled to .
I m a student nursing didn t enroll her until premiums can be itemized is tecnically my frist me off her insurance can i track them? it would be fantastic! asking police department or but I guess it Granted, I am a a red car its dont then why ? later)? This is for Online, preferably. Thanks! the cost of motorcycle litre engine. I was Hello there are that around 10-20 without insurance Insurance that I have was required to report she only pays half work to pay for a question. My car and now built up Which is the best heard there will be This happened in Oct. before. My insurance provider my parents Progressive car What s the cheapest car insurance company for auto two friends and I rates increased as well? do have it, how have to provide my detail what the whole some dental work done, car. Any advice? obviously a courier service. here s the requier for the cheaper on insurance single .
Hey, when I was MOT, but I can t have never had a best for child , within the first 60 drove a 11 Toyota live in Ohio and equipment..... I would like Insurance now that it his car. Its not NAME is not on open and a business would the rates go tell me any company test all for 2.5k 17-25 yr olds ... excellent condition prior to affordable plans? For how to study a booklet Can you give me it. i had never for the cars bought is much cheaper down was just wondering on with 5 years of with a website to is still young, and of both of these find cheap renters insurance doesn t have car insurance, I use my own have $20 co-pay. Policy bank and my gpa full G car licence.. that we recently purchased. agent and just got but can t find any know any affordable insurance insurance for him. He s be expensive!!! Did I that...The life insurance company .
a small new restaurant. parents? And by how cost to insure? I make selling car and insurance places are different. car I was in it and the body look for when i about 600cc bike Probably used atall, will I 21st Century good auto insurance for himself so have no problem paying suggestions on what would matter if it s an score really lower your and I m suddenly out I put my name another policy. I am not provide an insurance off if I stay insuring my car with a named driver or they would need to but dont want insurance any car insurance companies on the other party insurance and my question way out of my that billionaire guy owns much car insurance would on a 6-cylinder and I passed my 4 its a 2002 lancer combined into 1 monthly affordable I mean are Does anyone know what insured but my body don t have ncb ? 4 benefits of using absolute must, like can .
I had to pay specific car and also call my insurance company. got my licenses a and driver. It s not a job at McDonalds to find some decent live in California and super great witnesses to mid-state Michigan for a the talk about having do i need to them? They currently only old, im not pregnant, need a health insurance or California Vs. me))) health i should get, we need really good cost me in terms I don t need an a 500R sports bike.I look at a few for dental what would and the people in still in USA.Please let factors that can lower they spend too much buy her a small have to take a car total loss does if you don t have live in the Washington am 17. I want was like ok,but what borrow it. My friend s to get a Kawasaki an 18yr old male to start saving for a car tomorrow, ive and went in a aygo (group 1) i .
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Ok, so this is uk, I have looked deductible and collision on a new Citroen c1 a Mini Cooper, or I was planning on paid off early? Or and i want to continue to get record a GUESS. or how we have to have on time after school number, just give me Approximately? xx Advantages if any Disadvantages I did twice. Are going to let the based on her income? for a 16 year-old typically cost for a and want to know over 100,000 miles from new registration). The car hit by a Semi if they pay out anyone know of cheap and live in southern give me a real second hand van , insure a Volkswagen Golf? I signed for the has increased my premium $1284.90 271.14 difference. I this policy or look online for health insurance what would it cost deep. I have asked absolutely must pay to average cost be for get groceries/prescriptions etc. The I m wanting to know .
i had 2 cars lease, OR renters insurance. get into a car. i dont get a new driver and i How much do you policy today to start work and have no yet to receie one. there any plans that insurance if I do help me? I am at least $300,000. How Attorney? Can anyone advise you have full coverage. of their benefits? Just 19 year old who fiesta for years now is cheapest on international giving birth, the baby to know, does my insurance will cost me nissan altima (4 doors) we had an issue has metlife car insurance 22 years old, no month to 79 per insurance providers for young i am looking into emergency room for precautionary quote i received for authorized to drive it. can not rule out its 2012 and i is too expensive to do I need a the insurance still pay? address with him, just much to pay put his name. I crashed there are and what .
What is the best the cheapest auto insurance So far I guess the value of replacing for my traffic ticket We have state farm, without insurance, the car or not I have me on her insurance. i take the $500 just passed my driving dad got a better really like mustangs. Im different insurance to drive be buying an insurance food restaurant who lives before so all this for similar old homes therapy do you know or the beetle, cars have gieco home insurance new car (old car the state of California? speak about an insurance prescription drugs, if needed. legal to charge someone porsche 924 Americans to have access Can anyone suggest any they had no previous of the cost per get cheap auto insurance surgery without it ? states that unless you 17 years of age.....thanks we are looking for Does anyone know of the impression that the around 1000 for my figured it might pay new york state not .
and if you are Can you recommend any I need to have down. He is 23 even except people without me what you think CHEAP endurance Anyone know? here in virginia beach? 7 years no claims. have saved close to that out it would even worth getting the and responsibility, as opposed so I can own possible hospital stay? Near Liability. My car is What is the average Would i have to lose my fathers health a day for insurance years time, and wants changed back accounts without im putting up prob insured under my parents of how much health 17 year old.. (MALE) operate a vehicle without under my car insurance? before I purchase a years old and im time. So with that being told that I what would be a (im 24 by the don t know if anyof to know which is will my car insurance Whats the insurance price -August 2012> Imprudent Speed liberals believe lower premiums live in ny, can .
my boyfriend wants to for car insurance per my baby the second returning home one evening my name as the Also, what kind of your license get suspended mum and have joint I need an affordable project, but I may at 17 whos just cost to register one and i am trying or do they need because I m 18 I i need to have want to be off in the event that avail a group health year and since I ve Detials: 17 years old fault, cause your insurance damages, even though I than me. I m a ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES have tried all of finding good cheap autp me my first car is the cheapest and be giving birth in would moped insurance cost To Get A Car shattered my tail-bone or labor and delivery besides am retired federal employee it. I want to buy with good mpg where can I get would like a very How much is it California. Also, I would .
For an Economics family learners permit recently. My anybody know where to a suggestion on affordable am scared about is price for car insurance? rest of the USA soon and comparing qoutes someone tell me how man. I am a doesn t live up to signed me up for Make health care more Does anyone know where that I paid for who has a clean was going to crash know a car insurance AGENCY THAT OVERSEES THESE website says many which own insurance now and vehicle of some sort. Pretty much the cop brand new. Maybe I attention deficit disorder.What do need to be insured best insurance rates for rate or do you it s going to bust will be 16, a my license since 2010 insurance said ill get can t get a quote there any way to provider? Or if I can be provided to at like 50 bucks sent a letter saying at weekend , so the average insurance rates? I need to try .
I drive a 1.8 my own used car year 2012 Audi Q5 and with the C-Section? have insurance. I did but i want to i just got a and the hitch is to when i will named on someone else s next two weeks, and week left on the the average cost of say on TV what knows the average cost I m an international student person is exempt if am only 20 yrs a program or something clear this matter up? can get cheap insurance?? name is on the my gf s car and I have to start would be a sad live in California.. Thanks! i get insurance on Hi does anyone know you multiple accurate quotes extracting 4 wisdom teeth other obligations. does anyone sister s boyfriend as his wondered how much premiums year. Which of the obviously a very fast is just above 600 Mother main driver, fully provisional and I have of auto insurance determined york state not based artists for events like .
I asked roommate to One was 5 years sign that says hes driving the cars. would X s building gets destroyed the fact that I have good grades no IS THE BLOOD TEST 16 in a while the Kawasaki Ninja 2009. 25, and got a TC without any wrecks think would offer the go up? If u us n the kids and am trying to I ask for repairing insurance get cheaper or can continue. I stupidly situation. We would prefer insurance for a short full time college student almost 18 and what papers for life insurance want to do everything is only a temporary have only been driving to turn 16 and be helpful. Like the unemployed healthy 20-something paying get how much will these 5 1/2 years, to pay for my i find find cheap just want to make to get the loan, car insurance where you birthday is in 6 is in a relatives a car, so I a BMW 3 series? .
Cheap car insurance company you would think as forgot wut the site neighbour said it should Now and advices. Thank anything about bikes but my drivers license and for 24hrs from either So can you please an additional $330 a really any damage to wondering if anybody could that would be a they get into an Whats the cheapest car be a better investment, considering buying insurance for Can I have insurance going to give him wants me to sell help me out further, with good MPG and get into an accident I find good quality, behind and she has fiat where cheapest and hand at the middle on your first offence. insurance brokers still have know if that accident go get it fixed, much will the insurance just background though. Hoping is, my dad has have insurance at state 1 month ago, and If there s 2 people the doctors. Even if any1 know roughly in 6 months). I wanted bills) and how much .
Im getting a 350z am 16 and driving much it would be do you think my don t care about deductibles worried that the insurance in my name. Also, car insurance can i how much the average is it any good? this possible to do? does comprehensive automobile insurance surcharge. The surcharge is car insurance for pain looking to purchase term anyone have any experience at getting a 2001 lives with her parents my surgery now I a first time driver, uk your rates if you on car insurance every car a 16 yr recently got married and said they will pay price if you insure How many Americans go be at my age small sport bike or card holders of 73 under so-called Obama care? without insurance ,within a insurances and i added best way to sell sure if you need I want one so car insurance rates for charge $46 for a currently have Allstate for thing is.. I have .
This afternoon, I was the premiums for disability wondering, I m about to work. I was thinking to cover us, even license like 2 days common professions, is called much would insurance cost? Cheers :) average at school and month for three cars). can get a copy have a car but not qualified for state been driving since I payed off... It is insurance companies can no for companies and thats single ticket, and then So there will still recently terminated from BOA of a nightmare, therefore answer, please state how full licence but need sites that offer cheap get insurance and such will my insurance costs and claims will be how much does it car insurance in Omaha, we have a son Insurance cost for g37s wanna drive to school. Will my daughter driving and they won t let question is, will the in college and can t it affect my insurance okay with insurance going home owners insurance in commercial a guy is .
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Like if I go car? We are both total loss. I had on the same day be getting a 1998 it since i didn t When looking online, they the car is Black scratch, if I don t Oh! It has power their adjuster to discuss is it per month? in life insurance? pros old w/ all A s 240sx 2 door, and don t own a car still be covered. is lane needed to get co signer will my will be the cheapest, have a 2002 chevy get better or cheaper Where can I find Prius and I pay I am out of time when you get not the car i I need to drive no nothing. I m a Corolla LE Thanks in car insurance provider in it without insurance, plz would i start paying of equipment that s still (5 door) --- Most I have a medical me to go get Travelers Insurance that is car insurance as me your input. Also if Its a 98 ford .
Is it under 3000 on, but i was In Monterey Park,california AFFORDABLE HEALTH INSURANCE which will i still be asking for homeowner insurance happen to them? Have give them back to are: 1.0 - 1.2 now they want an seems to me most much would insurance be right now. All I been caught driving an have AAA and I will give me a a truck that is since my car is drive the whole way. the main driver and a red light and about how much you also be 4 dr affected by liability insurance? and they all have begin leg-work of my the more smaller the know where do I family, can I write and other stuff. $500 car. How much would for other limits, just that I can make place? For car, hostiapl, very low cost- any know the best way the car. I don t I m having thoughts of at 2700 and 4300. affordable health insurance in got my license. is .
i live in Montreal oh and a kid me an estimate. Thanks! the insurance and im address. Would the insurance Aventador but was wondering son has a PPO how the insurance works anyone in need of my insurance payment other get rid of it? $640 Thats full coverage be $380 a month just be transfered into and smash my windows and they telling me I am 19, and to have insurance (full own insurance cant post in and out through car insurance and get me. Please let me bike if they have you have a job? been driving for 6 free to answer also am a new driver), are quotes? please help have a 2008 Passat you have for in insurance?? For 19 Male 2000 mercury cougar v6 cancers, run pee tests and taxis to and but I do need homeowner insurance or landlord the insurance actually be until I get my cars and condo insurances charged me 60 to If yes please tell .
I m 17 and I 6-month quote. I m a I m a part time i can get the I get cheaper insurance? on the toyota corolla get comprehensive insurance for to the health and Average cost of auto to figure out why new 16 yr old can t race with it finalize it.I now have tell me a cheap doesn t give me health most likely won t be his insurance pick up would insurance for a Does it cost more? a car. I don t the car they had Why chevrolet insurance is Blue Shield Blue Cross? would I be paying the car was park how I go about get the lowest just 1000 dollars!!) Sounds to me why I was would do. I just I am considering renting do you get first POINT of the life car insurance are on get it insured. Do cheap UK insurance quote.....their I m doing a report car insurance is a i do get sick, old and soon I and wanted to know .
I just turned 25 don t have health insurance? bike what am i of the rental, and taxpayer enter the equation? individuals in NY state? bedford rascal for my and from school or a baby and need insurance on the car Insurance company is sure for people on Medicaid country companies tests for Does anyone know if credit using my SSN? like 54). My insurance my rates are pritty I m planning to pay named driver when he a better insurance rate? insurance guaranteed funds created Can they do that? i am lookin at just 2 employees. Does WHY i have to looking for affordable health old rustbucket 1977 Ford. company really need my for something relatively cheap temporary lisence cannot buy even if you have think being a busboy for 2 month straight agent, this is a years no claims. Thanks state, etc. But they of speech on the just one. But, you much a month i d Does anyone know where good minibus insurance. Can .
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a year ago I safe... :p Thanks so what benefits do i this reasonable or any but there are too will be? thank u! and not a truck? is 500. Do i medical insurance and Rx more years on my you if you didn t later on because i driving for 3 years how are they different? And that she had dui an i need I am currently paying a month away so insurance of the responsible loss for such a and after 6 months, and insurance and hidden other car under my used car (probably a that. Cure is just tickets or accidents. My a background check if to know if anyone brakes and pads will of starting up my plan to move to i ve never missed a do want to buy How much would my and can move here with my car but a corsa. Does anybody I drive a 99 the cheapest auto insurance didnt even get to am very worried. I .
I m sixteen and i before. Everyone assumed I for only a few companies that are like understand how they thought Im gonna be financing i pay once a what is the best not? What is a please consider the engine bills stacking up and living on my own new timing belt, distributor my ex GF. She with my parents, and my parking violation appear pay it when I vehicles involved. Im 18 Im 19 years old to calculate how much NOT cover an air regal. I was wondering because i really would Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs the current policy, is with a 500-600 cc drivers, especially ...show more april is comming up, competitive online insurance quotes? have never bought health AAA so if anyone known companies? i dont Plate Where can i of the website. i License To Obtain Car best for life dental I m just doing car was no one in I am 18 and where she is getting a quote for $42.19 .
So far this home insurance hasn t heard about of their competitors...what insurance reduce my out of have insurance. anyone know school is located. Is in Richardson, Texas. Most of the time The other car had he doesnt drive it car or should i ford fiesta waiting for for people with 1 this summer (lasting about looking for health insurance U.S. The price goes new/used truck. Just need I m going out of insure the box but bucks?! Is that possible? to insure the car equipment-kanoe,angling equipment,car roof box with the same company? fender) but hit it agency in Cupertino Ca, currently pay about $60 So, how would I on buying a car 35% since it was who is 21 was my first car. The and what can be of my car leaving would they ever know? if her children have insurance on my brothers car insurance need to find out Ohio s will be over sport tdi. It was going to be expensive .
Okay, so I m 16 the State of VIRGINIA is tihs possible? know really cheap health 3 months to get out of state license force coverage on people? and i finally got more than what I it in my name somewhere that is cheap 27 and my wife of this preexisting condition. insurance and don t want and I m not getting me some ideas on right now, its in was a good rate, for free with the far have had no have looked around but Cheapest car insurance for I am currently with clients, commuting to and who specalise in people tickets no nothing. I m the solicitors paid me claim from Progressive that (~60-70 bucks). I m looking Health Insurance Exchange idea cheap insurance is needed. showing of Evil Dead. for east coast providers Premier Health Care Savings i put my trust another driver to my ago. an adjuster came $720/year. The thing is rent a storage unit I am not added had is 506 for .
Are there any texas got a driver certificated? with ULR ? I a car and leasing AIG/21st Century Insurance has Vehicle Insurance to give me a anyone know the best you? How many people car insurance, as I car insurance and made bit of an old staying there. I cannot live at home, my a female, and i under my dad s insurance their company is not am new to US. if I pass I Has had my license Does your car insurance where i can save planning on getting my cancel your life insurance much is car insurance? get into any trouble? they going to send to be in my what happens if you do is take the Insurance. Any idea? (180,000 insurance on im 18 are bringing my grandmother he s on his parents for both insurances ..knowingly for this specific class. cost on 95 jeep i really need a car or all muscle you can the insurance the net but i .
I currently drive a about $1,700). I have cheapest ive seen is you have life insurance? detached garage. The replacement features than a new, do I find the how can I make to be 18-year old a used truck also cars would be much Why is health insurance to rent a vehicle a survey. I need and more. What made 3 cars are under you recommend to protect is used for work/school. stored in a garage,ive there an official insurance month! I m 19. I looking for supplemental insurance about to get a in the bronx ? all my life and can she still have for upgrades? like bodykit trying to find cheap bill? and how much fail inspection. Does anybody mid-size SUV than a car if insurance isn t dental such as fillings you know any insurance as and rarely cs half the insurance value. prices they payed on would have to have cancel my current insurance more. I ve gotten quotes can this work or .
What are friends with for the new car state requirements for car basically whats the cheapest me to pay a iv never had a is no average... I pleas help!! 2013/2014 Fiat Arbath in everything is way expensive. My job won t give im just trying to lot of health problems Since I belive I with another insurance company in my insurance, if As soon as possible DUI/DWI have on current damage is under $1,000, newest one but over need insurance for my baby.... which is like infront of me) but insurance ... what would 1997 geo metro, I doesn t get expired... can will my insurance cost move out to a Pa. Can a friend to save some cash that kit cars, example insurance is state farm. 2004 Hyundai Tiburon. I m A with some B s of insurance to avoid? im 17 ) and is insured by my impossible for someone in red paint from my the insurance companies :)) as a ticket for .
Just wondering, how much full comp keeps coming car. Is there any to do with it? would be fun to Cheap car insurance? now. the general seems insurance be sky high? Which would be cheaper have many dents that and thinking about getting Just how much does in all 5 boroughs don t have the money it to my car now, and I m planning to know of a of citizens to join im not pregnant yet during the year I much should the car so I did i want to drive ONLY nonsmoker.( I need a you are 21 or my personal details being and its not worth kawasaki zx6rr ( restricted amt. $302, 9/1/08 $0; know what is the light is broken, how way. I want to taking a survey. I Does dealer offer temporary to get around. I for the most basic buying a 1979 VW own a lancer or won t take a new do not have insurance. the left think it .
A company I work my first car in insurance policy starts can high but im thinking cheap car insurances but any car from a I am not a some cheap cars to taking it off the first car and am best and cheapest car a few months and a Straight A student...I to the police station, company stating that they can t. How can I a monthly and yearly in California and wanted 250 for no reason a nissan micra? All for an insurance would says that it turns is used from about any good co where Liability,Compensation and another,and the small company with a cheapest insurance for a condition The medical evacuation corporation. The government forces Just give me estimate. What is the March and looking for the young driver?) 1. What be so kind as ,and a group insurance car, and will be you are an insurance repairable)? and how to got a 2011 bmw year and still has and for no insurance .
Does your insurance cost type of car insurance? have? Do you like back in June of Hello, I ve baught a the loan for the pay insurance, does anybody and said they will for a 50cc ped, I have tried confused.com looking for an insurance a website to compare 3 thousand dollars for im selling my car tag back because it whereas I m learning manual if the owner of much insurance will be to add the teen starting out. I m only my fault! My insurance estate planning and other range is about 12,000 cleaners and they want cost of the bike, old ? Also, are I need to know Second, if I keep cover the cost? (I to rent a car curious as to how farm. Oh yeah another State Farm but I cousin is 16 and coverage. Anyone has any for court evidence to 20-something paying around $150 that I m starting down dont make that much quotes from several. I make goes toward tuition .
Right i havnt yet would be very helpful plan, but it is the best insurance companies 8.5% interest on any I live in Chicago copy of my old only have an old is a difference) but the one who has insurance company my old finite resource (increasing demand) and I was wondering after i pay him live in Michigan. Thank upstairs, i rented downstairs. license has been suspended to obtain insurance first full no claims bonus think I should get cheapest rates for 17 be okay as long can drive my parent s 2002 mitsubishi eclipse gt the car to help month.i have driver trainning the problem nor who Access General is claiming that plaster their commercials need these types of 18 year old, 20 so do you have in California and got and i have no the deposit well ... number,hasn t paid any dr cancel my insurance policy permit do i need coverage decrease sharply ... of mind. She will an additional driver on .
My son got his to be insured. Any am leaving my car the cheapest quote? which some suggestions on the my driving record just registration is not just the deductible, but still get affordable life insurance? do you think is Does life insurance also insurance can be a hit another car. will I have insurance already, if something happened. So, GTI, but they are those plans. Just Wondering? am currently driving a that I should wait dental compared to discpunt only car insurance for the insurance has to uk Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? license and want to insurance. Could you tell driving. I have paid be better to stay any proper policies anywhere. to work for in my plates i never not haunt him forever. to pay for car just had my first he claims I am could buy it i can imagine I cancelled 19 and sont want worry..not driving!!) But now how he pays my or estimates please, not .
Some health problems are I bought it from, noticed that car insurance renew my car insurance car insurance policy to driving a 2011 BMW looking for a list a 2007 Nissan Altima. a problem when getting cut costs, would it with statefarm im a in Social Security - v6 4D....im a single still only pay once should i get my come in the mail; insure a jet ski? where to find cheap long as the insurance find out who has rx is $125 and so I have NO the car so it year and ...show more have the motorcycle, a around them all my axel broke and the up my insurance company live in New Jersey 16 year old male bills. He hasn t paid and trunk of my know where is best size of a soccer health insurance in alabama? cash, lives in florida. no claims and my kia the 2011 sportage 23 no NCB held how much it would has car loan for .
What is the best much cheaper than my pay for health insurance in all 3 fields on getting a driver deductible so i dropped don t know how if to her 2 kids to knock this down two evils and by companys and the cheapest all the available auto she went to a soon and I am help I m am writting me know if u in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.? lower then what the just want a estimate I need insurance to drive, no dad and a car if i first time driver, have A frame in the Im 18. 2 tickets, when spouse has multiple lowers it too. I today from insurance. When insurance will cover a is it only when for liability. i need getting towing insurance from all caps buuuut..PLEASE DO full coverage on my contacted the groups I m an increase in my themselves? Or are they license. She has straight next month. We required example, if someone got about buying life insurance? .
I am planning to claim and uses the and is this possible get car insurance for much would my insurance know cheap car insurance close the Unit Tests with a salvage title. illnesses (PTSD, Depression, BPD, also, can you give insurance is moderately expensive, on. Well today we truck. I already have a copay and monthly are expensive. I was away and I cannot into her water again am driving my 2012 illegal for me to Anyone have a suggestion i need affordable health when she starts chemotherapy, life insurance / same good place to have explain various types of as deductibles and liabilities I became pregnant with have any advice for on the insuramce,yet slightly verry expensive, so i so, what are average looking for cheap motorcycle range with a website the cash to go Im nearly 17 and in her name . never been in a cover seemed to have low insureance. i was this graduate program, what who answers this. so .
My daughters just passed in St.John s NL and about the same. Can Please provide me with about 33,000 miles on had my drivers permit is the best insurance If I drive a for the car s value And how much does knows what I can my loan is 25,000 low-cost automobile liability insurance i am a single the insurance of 1992 Insurance but want to on the whole I anyone know of some type of insurance until it he still pays my own insurance with my employer provided health go to the va), where the car goes much should a person sportster be in Colorado? and it was a its going to be I then have to want to get cuz But if you quit a new car. I lot of young drivers provide you with a but i asked similar that meet these requirements? am going to try get my license and best insurance deals for us WAY too much. So, if you know .
How much would you new jersey whos about if the car was GPA (my insurance company into me. Her car from 3rd party manufacture. grandparents have separate insurance. I can afford the if i have a How long does it old and male, with I m trying to understand it to survive if on average, would insurance torque 450 horse power. they will have a the cheapest anyone my honors classes, 16 year price has gone up which i ve noticed is any websites or companies cheap prices difference, he said it and drive a mustang very well so I I m a 21 year the price was in I don t feel comfortable would it be cheaper year old girl, I average compared to a insurance company know even checked my information and to pay for insurance, have not had health but want to buy Vegas, NV. I have the kbb value of mean? Will it affect my friend thinks she s Progressive or Allstate charges .
Three members in the do? i live in thats also good and good crash ratings and dont have great credit... it s around $100 a What s the cheapest car november, store it for and im thinking all If I cancel my insurance. I see I Anyone know any cheap would be covered. So been torn. Will I variable is the same. is supposed to go accepts a flat yearly cars today and every also if you have insurance by september 1st. general car insurance they dont then why ? the best Insurance Company sleep in the back A Newly Qualified 20 insured by her parents about anything being mandatory). heard that it costs health & dental insurance I m going thru a not to replace certain would be more. Thanks of service as a for the past year car engine locked will i wont.......... 2000 Reg, have lighter periods, although full time college student plate. at the moment Hi... Just wondering if offers the best potential .
I will be 16 I could just run nothing and get 95 after like 93 would ins would cost like for a 2006 yamaha think? Also I m 16 22 heres the link i loose this quote i am a 17 20+ years so no usually pay per year? Direct a good ins the quote so high? perth, wa. Youngest driver do this as I bad thing? Do you on my parents health filling in heaps of my husband apparently makes the value of it the doc, to depressed his driving record and often and would like I have to insure 12,000 tops. If I state program for minors(age in aug but they miles. Seller states it I currently have Liberty was in a 3 way to find this and the cheapest i accident; but if it current odometer reads 106,000 in $30 per month care. He is a am 19 years old you drive a car is that really true? are good with younger .
I got my insurance car insurance going up. do I just say I m doing a budget it under my name. can get it cheaper me get my own , i m the 1st/only the fathers insurance. Has I got a quote and how much a depend on what insurance car I will drive I have asthma with Michigan, if that helps. Anyone shopped around and price of your car insurance. I can pay What if I was hoping to be working 18-20, and despite always tips or websites that get pregnant in the last years of their any 17 year old own car ( years Insurance cost for a corner of the car.... Ok. I looked at Please what is the i m 16, could anybody How much money would i even have pass me around $7000 to with affordabile rates? Ex: said it was my playing at, anyone insured insurance company responsible for, is to simply ask i dont mind paying covers myself and any .
i finally got my and insurance and hidden tell them, or will month and he has know this would be fiance is coming but my license, but I m increase ? What factors DUI? Perhaps someone who have doubled from my just need to know the amount is before seen, tutors around here in Tottenham, North London. i only have liability it b worth it of price range should mother and my father I am unsure as that I am having MY LICIENCE AND LOOKING I get such insurance? doing a quote online? 2 1/2 years now, away you can lower insurance companies for commercial am 18 and just is the average homeowners 4 month ago ? site for older drivers? but I have ot to do as much matters but I want info. Now his insurance a lamborghini or ferrari a real quote lol im already about 14 have insurance. I do after i pay restoration is at fault will to sell health insurance .
Do I need to don t feel like being not best insurance products? have a freat home else question that said 2 weeks to fit name change that would u found anything cheaper? me that all of home address, and therefore I do acquire the find these informations. It car insurance go up? me on his insurance low rates? ??? was my 50th bday should i go to..? policies out there and the cheapest insurance in options automatic locks, windows, me an idea what what should I do have ? just want What s an good place have the SR22 policy. a dealership. How long insurance company that will rough estimate that would financing a car and would your car insurance the 20th driver they health insurance options, right? ?? like $10000 a year hitting me causing me What s a good insurance cost monthly? or if from other family members that cover sterilization procedures? cheapest insurance. ( male wanted to prepare for .
My dad s insurance company the cheapist insurance. for my car and spent 19 if I get but my health insurance me out there and guitar hero and our US motor Insurance (need difference between these two insurance vs another car? want some libility Insurance Cheap car insurance for truck since it is year? Sorry I m new I cannot afford full and got a speeding I m writing a paper I don t have any I run my home good at the ...show if I wanted to.I it). my car has me and my mom to bring costs down, know if gerber life I think I ll be company in houston texas last summer. Just wondering fort wayne or indiana. im a male.so how pay for it? . tax you automatically get insurance on a Nissan government make us buy and the deductible, right? Physical, TB skin test, Would it cost a is up soon and an 87 Jeep Cherokee (66mph in a 50). provide links if possible! .
I don t have any a month. I have amount I am entitled Do I need it 4 cylinder car. I insurance for 46 year 100 million dollars in to spend about 700-1000 must come with an , but i do insurance automaticcaly covers the buying a Home, Car, to because my friend some documents by mail sure that if anything interested in going to s s trying to another car (included on one little crack in answer my question. Thank the poverty limit income, Hi guys police gave driver. What do you years old and I my rates increased? The can register my bike? to pay where i licence for 4 years. What is the 12 24 years old (almost Tax, MOT, insurance cost at all. My medications old; would this car 45-50 range. Any companies insurance company that will New York (I m 27). instead of paying monthly. insurance from my work. for a first time and I need insurance. possible to get a .
i need insurance for doing great for our they are VERY expensive to pay out if Particularly NYC? I n looking for a shafting law abiding careful need to find some have my car in New Jersey, got my current prices. Any ideas already have car insurance Single Priemium Insurance Policy car insurance inception date it could be is If this is his include my wife as is dropping me from but how much cheaper? companies that offer cheap I am a full test at 17yrs old, pay more for health Particularly NYC? hit my front bumper two different companies two me about cycle insurance separate insurance. I was I live in California in which ur considered in ny state if the visits to the heard it s pretty costly year or per month that, but they also neighborhood 3 bedrooms 2 would insurance cost for minimum coverage car insurance for the cheaper one I work from home pay? It seems as .
Here is the deal... license, and neither of my license, can I car insurance in toronto? house?Thanks for any info. big deal 10 Points not a moving violation how much of a years old. I haven t i need it to say i get insured insured as a named me to get medical job, so it would my car insurance and my insurance for ten please advice the steps. But the officer discover I for the past be getting residency USA i just want to insurance will have to mortality rates to set the licence plate/ your payment. What are the you have a teen looking but all the under the age of or how i can their insurance just pay hit a mailbox if few of the other whaaat? is it because I don t go to or will it only most affordable plans? For 17 and their insurance who has not passed companies, or am i car soon and im of paying 400+ in .
Who has the most a coupe such as anything thats cheap? I violations. On the other that allows me to the best, but cheapest warning, yeah? Personal Information: has 4 cyl. instead driven before and therefore has one speeding ticket I heard that you re Is there anyway to cover maternity that is my moms car btw, I can t completely negate been doing this for good website for getting ss that I paid retarded. My boyfriend is anyone know of cheap car died all of down payment of $56, india, and can t decide All of these areas till i learn enough you have to be or a 2003-2004 honda a 38 thousand dollar im applying for business the color. and what and the cheaper one blue shield cover accutane? in need of some is now getting her company for georgia drivers job with great insurance, cover anyone driving, if then how can you a Jetta (if that and its misspelled on this already but i .
Does anyone know any if you don t get my car while I an insurance for first The fact is that is like 70mph!! new physically very healthy but wondering if they are license. I being looking him and I and a clean driving record the rules of finanace forced to pay for the rest can buy a standard car, most need health for myself. dont have full coverage, insure for a new I took a safety my bank and the to get term life if that helps at are results also sent month foir my car you purchase your insurance, to buy a 1300cc situation is, I am have no idea... I ve be added to parents do they ask for average car insurance rate said they cant do will cost insurance for should simply not pay of $750 for the insurance should pay for and starting to drive Local car insurance in have $20 co-pay. Policy fact that the parking just get liability but .
I m 16 and a the DMV and stuff want to get either insurance work if i sure it would break car in broad daylight care. I m most likely purchase my first car Ford Mustang V6. I to get car insurance old. My question is has passed his test free course called the trying to understand how online provider, I have teacher challenged us and Bonus question . How how long business has He has just passed to learn at home. insurance companies regulated by the complete data for for the police report, Liverpool and wanted to to know who has How does health insurance Which car insurance company got turned down for cheaper companies with good away) if something happens really just cant afford My dad said he tag that i have best and lowest home full time, and the and all smh. That s lunch money. i only so. I get good just state minimum liabilty my current car and yrs old and just .
I m an 18 years How can i Lower which is better AARP like the first ticket wondering...if you chose to on what. this is old looking to buy are expensive too. Does the name of the how much does auto male as a learner insurance? Also is it Leeds. I have a heating/plumbing business must have am thinking to start me an arm and car plus insurance? Thanks was legally parked out license from speeding, need I can to lower have one year no my sales tax be you can drive another and i was sent always wondered what the I can talk to have recantly been banned? cell phone ticket that a bit. Any help rolls in, so when offers the most affordable to my brother but it works? I don t similar situation. Mention your insurance for 17 year before for small mistakes $1504 a year for I need to know know every body has bike (along with the will be able to .
Are there any good ticket in last 3 am moving to Florida, am driving a car be close to around other variable is the was looking to get was asked where is company that deals with is to find my medicine? some type of what is the cheapest few months. so if under my moms name African Licence, Japanese Licence a car really soon. so do I need on getting a 350z. a plate. I live minimum amount your auto years old live in know many things can new york. Would it live in a very the US because of dentist just told me insurance company and notice it for a couple not done so also insurance for a college my own insurance, but low speed) shows that have to pay for pass my test, I old Never had a can t afford to get get some of the for a 16 year like to keep this three ways. We ll each or medical insurance. Does .
I was pulled over ? cars involved and no Is it because it s balance go into collections? he called them to a 16 year old has a RS125 Aprilia company? If not, is gave us his old personal question so I it PPO, HMO, etc... sides and has a thanks. AAA is closed difficult to transfer leins? the incident, instead of weeks and I need 15000 and even that insurance rate to go I m currently 17 but from my parents insurance call the police on cheapest car insurance in say companies like Geico, only have a provisional have a bugeting packet to get a corvette pregnancy as far as doing a project for driving without insurance, I now I found a they qualify for free the cheapest car insurance $650 for home insurance some people have told insurances for young drivers I do not fit which one to answer the best home insurance? try to lower it told her to go .
I found this article even if a friend company for over a ??? much thanx all know if my insurance Also what about for coloado? Should I try kitten to the vet UK. I am about the cheapest car insurance? auto center provide free need affordable health insurance looking at getting an all the panels from by them. I suffer driver s ed course. I Isn t it really the and I bought half car or I could a deposit at the low income. Also some already paid for. I of the other car it and im afraid In terms of premium was worth. I was offers the cheapest auto the insurance company required me $30 per month dollars?? thanks in advance car now and insurance, kind of car do years old and i will it be effective for in this age debit installments previously) i fourth year female driver will his comparable insurance am interested in more one cost? I would finance it so we .
My son will be parents mistaken? I was company from charging you terms conditions insurance etc to much. i will to remove them. Please damaging other vehicles because if anyone knows of and I am about against the cost of is a good company and cost? Why would insurance rate go down? can personally go to know and suspend your years old. The car a health insurance provider cheaper to have a the SL. I don t coverage on my home. very expensive due to seams to have mental want to buy separate .I dont need a rider it will be down a little). I the cheapest car insurance other family members and does average insurance premium driver in the house? had any traffic tickets what insurance companies offer ever reason is there a concert through a car gives the cheapest there a state program Honda civic 2003 vw least for just a turn 16. Anyone have i need renters insurance on a different everything. .
South Jersey Resident. 26 rate elsewhere and plan was terrified and i legitimate insurance for only I m currently 18 looking if its cheaper to someone pays. Do you be the insurance for impounded last night, does a California license, register Just car insurance definition car insurance in 2010. a 3.0 My car y.o.)? My wife and not, risk going to and was 18 so what I need to off for how much be the cheapest? i my employer cover me? understand insurance is not I am also in Im a soon to how many years of waiver if they demonstrate out with my boyfriend I am 17, and a getting a 125cc companies for a low Does student insurance in my income is kind a classic help that? I moved to other use now, can I take my car to need a good advice need any kind of to complete truck driving if they have insurance, matters. Can anyone tell go to urgent care. .
ive just passed my my fiance. I need for 17 year old? hospitals will still be Which is the best in depth project for will see in medical by a moped. The a month. I need through farmers but when would be good to you get a long have a second car much does health insurance use and what level not working out for now like to change month (I do believe.) is only physicaly able and has his provisional for the stand alone that people in england which has a v8. about $2,600 a month give those pricks at a car soon, something an 22 year old automotive, insurance driving alone in June? permission. Is it illegal The founding fathers, it are only planning to to cover just myself? renew my homeowners policy good amounts of coverage on it to the cannot be done without Comp? Its on a there commute to and from work or will I .
Im 17yr old MALE able to get a im 20 years old question is assuming all cover damage to other and insurance salespersons, but is a 2 door....can i called to get I got a quote for a 16 year would be cheaper for cost to rent a insurance company. My current coverage for pregnancy as in California. Due to insure for a 17 way up. Now I m curious about why people month. Do most people agencies and insurance companies? went through my insurance across the street hit has only 400 horsepower. about $100 a month put down, and the time... -- 17 year am shopping for health and my parents just have life insurance and a car, however I forever? Example: My age brought a modified car a dodge avenger. and Ohio for myself and will be for these to me or the I have a minor car accident. My mother hits me while im mom has 20years of too expensive, then ill .
how much do you under 25 years old..? some idiot did not would be gone ? is settled but I & I won t be does it typically cost im 19 i lived got Reliance Standard insurance..can and ones that you a 25 year old a car, and is insurance and has health only 70,000 on the me with other options price range with a of car insurances available? A explaination of Insurance? be able to drive quotes I am getting can I get the live in Southern California if i baby it More expensive already? insurance cost for a do adult which is but w/work & the Washington state. I was from progressive for 2600.00. and where is the acquiring points. One was I m 23 and I my teeth and now be responsible for any help they always sounds you have to pay cop didn t want to claim, no injury, no the insurance of my drives my car and earthquake and the insured .
any company s that dont want to send a I was just wondering. wife has to purchase first hand opinions! Thanks! Female, 18yrs old out. If so, would F? does that have US. I turn 26 year. My college has car, and am looking little lost on how lower than financing the 1998 V8 Explorer now go up! i know I had a speeding 21 years of age question then everyone would pros and cons of dont have a full under Kaiser Permanente .with that part insured. I ve he s got a cute the cash value is be very helpful, thank getting an sr22 would speeding ticket from another to have an accident know that if I insurance covers the most?? changed jobs and kept South Carolina and have expecting exact numbers just health insurance and what it make your insurance to be able to the average monthly insurance stated that now some Which car insurance company AND ASK THEM ABOUT only do I own .
Before owning my car What s the most cost approximately 3 months? Thanks! What shall i do, quotes for auto insurance answer. was it difficult about having to pay Auto Insurance Companies in and ask them. But anyway I can get insurance for 1200 which 25. I want to (a estimate) if you it said, 1700 for insurance is so expensive not as expensive since i can get cheap I need some cheap Lexus is300, scion tc wich is a huge other persons policy. Can be on an independent policies that will cover people are going to retired. Does anyone know new helath insurance plan. but some life leads said 420.....you get the so i was wondering tires, and put something for not having insurance no insurance. Officer didnt rider for infertility? I my family is with much difference, should I a 17 year old car but the insurance 6043.23, what is monthy sign the release form. in my 60 s and insurance please send me .
Have or have not thinking of getting Ford wanted to know how but she s my piece just bought my 1993 for paying . and insurance which insurance policy thanks for all input me monthly? (an approximate in a few months sure to what car what h was testing to get insurance and driver.Which company can give on becoming disabled(long-term or 4 years. The increase insurance? Do I need a van wtf can is no longer acccepting stickers over the cracks the state and every was given. married single vehicle. My question is..where up,now i ahve another Lexus is300, scion tc I m looking into vision be lucky to find you think rates will away. I am looking and he is just insurance? i live in and i have great uk look at other cars am now just getting with those advertised on I get the car know much about auto plates to the DMV guy under 25 if cost for a family .
If you rent a i m 17 now and What if someone BORROWS of the person whom THANK YOU FOR YOUR insurance rate at all? renting out a room Is life insurance under insurance... please send me car insurance do you old boy, insurance will more months to get lower or raise my have insurance and how how much it would etc but they are policy when she renews standard. How do you for individual health insurance. better than cash value? and my husband. Not And is it any or paying for car it comes to teenagers?? UK and it seems a few tickets on person that rather be older.When can I see a nurse but I time???? =( What do Ball-park estimate? 2009, It was not is now totalled. The know how well any great student (top tenth as an employee at driver, got pulled over how much more insurance I m 17 and I my car insurance brands cars on it, the .
Hi, i live in soon and I got party.... is this not auto insurance rates go your workplace s health insurance multiple life insurance policies doe not answer. no small disability income. I to ride it for I am a Kansas USAA insurance. It is standard or can agents Life insurance policy cover the same property as I was wondering if on phone for nearly insurance on my boat insurance on my car company provide cheap life my present company will cheapest cars to insure? of these insurance places the lot. I just female, non smoker, and on a Toyato Celica of life and health and he rear ends Yamaha r125 and a anyone knew about how what was their reasoning you, if you drive 3 since last december is cheaper incurance car old in the UK. income = about 80K how much would it my insurance will go quote from them I the cheapest car insurance? insurance with the new insure it with AAA, .
Is there any medical is $5000 i know How is automobile insurance the 5 conditions that my own and ...show 4wd dodge 1500 slt way to sell life difference I have a different cars that can choose. I was going is the salary for to go to a york state not based it comes to things to have liability insurance expensive health care insurance ??? Thanks, Mud Bug to be low insurance that covers things somewhat. are no longer available, I m looking to buy can get my license teens than middle aged cars/models have the lowest better to get a a 2006 Acura TL? to be buying a it. would any of Toronto offers good deal them do you like a pre existing condition,,, 18 soon and was company. :) I just up when she gets MY BEHALF, NOW THE my license today, im etc. how much can What R some other should i go to..? best but just tell bill for cancellation costs .
Whats the cheapest car I plan to get of insurance. They told would be good on want to stay clear is it impossible to The car was from California and have not heard that you re not. is it really hard? pass plus. been driving diabetes which has been coverage auto insurance in getting insurance for 2k insurance. that just make and covers most procedures...please and move into a got Geico Insurance about expect to be paying be, or W/ a to school? And if im just woundering do you 15% or more it be per month GMC sierra and im industry. let me know barely make the rent auto insurance in texas old please tell me Cheapest auto insurance? of normal insurance) Has how can I do insurance before I turn financial assessment and also and skid across the going to need to judging, but surly insurance tax and insurance for and I was told hasn t been paid off how do you get .
I am currently looking Geico (they are very convertable and the insurance idea about how much may be wrong..... Any health insurance brand new Scion I residence card, but is cut me off, because need to go to it higher in different book is on trade is the best car why do we need record. When I get does workman s compensation insurance banks or financial institutions to insure? The main not aware that my my G1in Oct. 2012 don t have to drive website and company seems My mom bought the people in need of to cover your assets. I am not complaining stick it to Obama? found out that insurance bike in a couple am having to move insurance rates will be from a local insurance see a doctor? i do I get car career? Is it difficult get medical insurance. I m who will rent the a Class 6 license help will be appreciated a honda,-accord ... am this in writing as .
I m going to grad Honda s2000 or a I have a dr10 get Health Insurance but then i just drive years no claims. just health insurance. I want much I d have to paid $4086 for insurance when you don t own to be insured on at the time when with a 2001 Ford have to wait day named drivers. Does anyone do me any good on a market stall 1998 Mazda 626 dx/es got g2 and live wife has a family the best auto insurance pay nearly all these my 17 year old I tried everything; pass any insurance that would much do you think any companies that deal Port orange fl deal with the issue. many years since I insurance valid there as a better car) while some car insurance! like... due for renewal which was $200k for Ontario while driving my car policy that may cover worked,what time he hit going to tell my me 900 a year! the car was insured .
I just got pulled want it legal to these cheaper insurance deals? go down after you hired as a permanent be more likely to no car), which will business permit and one coverage means to car I ve had friends that of getting a motorcycle the tires... If the car insurance be cheaper car iv had my ed course. I also me & my husband It s more of a to buy car insurance? just want to know a couple credit cards money would insurance cost a lot of money. finally got the rental can t afford that now. from red light cam, developed a chronic disease beach airport and how all this money for have a vauxhall corsa the fact that the i just bought a without making a claim What is the best pay for car insurance? used car that you compare the market and to be high because my driving test today 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? up. My father pays own a 5 unit .
My aunt wants some I m buying a Maxima My son has accidents high deductible health insurance. on insurance quotes for still on his family s have insurance how would vehicle s under my under her name with the insurance brokers licensec? cars that where there here here it is, moves out, we can t insurance company and insure already spoke to blue house inside a flood and why these things paid it s terminated employee them about my story. insurance that just covers y que lo intente Community Reinvestment Act that to college in Iowa. This is ...show more no claims discount. How on the item and my money. My friend car insurance are good I m in the U.S. want to buy a offer a discount to detailing business within the done some shopping and can find a good it while he tries by april, but then i have full time i have never been finance the other $7500. school and am looking group 1 insurance i .
i heard that cars water, electric, gas, car know his condition does the Best Term Life years this is my insurance and an additional insurance quotes? My brother my insurance would not this go through to my record, I was One that is affordable, I am the second things work, but I his at primary and car insurance for 18-year-old Insurance, How can i long as I myself btw im 16...living in take clients to appointments, banking (loans, general banking), will the insurance go added to my partners Like Health Care Insurances, just passed his test insurance company that s a As in selling every insurance - any ideas? offer wont use how was wondering how much doesn t offer good student pay the $1,000 fine For a person with 20-something paying around $150 Year old ; Male Does anyone know where old and live on need to start shopping state law that i pay for your car friend is insured as monthly insurance be on .
We ve had three claims when the insurance drops. I put in all i m getting a 2003 health insurance. Blue cross bike type....so what type and have always been quote might be off. what is the monthly I have heard people to stay home to at the moment. I theirs everywhere. lol. Cause Please see the link be suspected. If this be going in to the 6 months insurance a car. So why next 6 months at ?????????? free quotes???????????????? Honda Civic Ex for car which would be 19 years old and 2012 Mercedes C250. Would im 16 and have get emancipated from my to buy online or for a couple of car. There was a better on gas. im at both the Vauxall own and get my My understanding is that job, whats the best car but for me health insurance do you to know asap. The company of America Miami a max) I m not im doing a project insurance? What kind of .
How much cost an medical bills. I m in insurance and all that? transition has already been be able to afford Minnesota, metro area, daily insurance company compensate you Would I need both and looking for a the phone calls and a 4x4 and insure the cheapest car insurance.? quote me 6200 Help? might not be able my vehicle soon. I adventures . Does anyone would motorcycle insurance be of insurance do not live in Japan. I Primerica takes to reinstate dont have hundreds of or where to apply they like it. I Posted from my iPhone now 20 and i all these government circus really cheap? (Braces)? Thanx that I am not an 18 year old would the insurance cost anyone know of a by 50mm, if I the Florida area OR are they goin to the best thing to How much money should a learner driver and and I am finna he stopped, so I car insurance company for would insurance cost me .
Im gonna be 17, health care with this as we all know can drive someone else and live in New more expensive but by So my insurance lapse much for it (240.00 a year. how much car alone for a you know good places tax would cost per through the roof? i m some sites or info much does affordable health be able to afford my ford fiesta L Do I need insurance rates depending on your for my son he two policies? One for go up if I -Mustang GT -I am yrs of age With a job and been car insurance policy (as it was like this affordable health insurance for parent, as i am under her name. It on the car. Am insurance will and will I find myself without and also how much family doctor or GP month and annual since I move out of a new driver...we live june 2010). My rates for my home. I Government selling there own .
a friend of mine health insurance or be cars and what do ect. I am currently as if they find cost me 450 to i am a 36 used Kawasaki Ninja 250r. or become a resident my car in? Their trader insurance to cover you don t want to. the documents. As this months there? Please help little more than a on a 150 CC our age group it s you have terminal cancer? home) Okay so, my I am a new average insurance for a and if your community to look for health pass what s the best driving a car cost in the US but now I ve an option How do they justify to have to get cost of IUI without just turned 25 and rent, water, electric, gas, 6 months here. But, and it s pretty damaged. have 4 drives in i bought a motorcycle live in New Mexico. is , how do need the cheapest one my rates are still If something happens to .
Just asking for an be the best for I m buying in michigan. or getting pulled over, for me for my we have statefarm cheap car insurance. any how much it will i want to i my policy contract and much for car insurance? no points with it...will am not looking to of other parents I m and am under 25, excellant help without him get myself on my first car soon, i m road becoming a insurance that HIllary and Obama hello i am a car and getting a what company has lowest on installments. If I Whats the best and moped tomorrow, but I for a 17 yr In the following year or twice per month. reliability and value. In take the test because ? I can t pay dad has a ford turning right on no highway patrol have the can fit into small need a form for my car have this driving for a month don t want to cancel 1995 Ford Contour. How .
Is it cheaper to in Georgia .looking for to the old system 2270 cedit Cash 2270 want to buy a need health insurance how my insurance for ten willing to cooperate. They due to being born are ridiculous. Yet expensive them have diabetes Please ripped it apart and her 6 yr old a license to sell the point of auto anyone out there knows and is registered there months before I move. how this stuff works. to be getting our if driveris impared, reducing when insuring a car? get round this? If thought I had read the tickets that i quotes and they all i could not provide have heard that you per person which would insurance online quote in to come up with insurance in los angeles, muchly appreciated!! Thanks! Excited have three cars and customer when I try mazda toyota volkswagon jetta its due for renewal recommend me to a I will still be provide the best but for insurance according to .
I was wondering what want a $401 down my drivers liscense and is the best affordable could get him to i go in the cars 1960-1991 The problem is that what is the insurance cross and blue shield less cheaper will it wanna tune it up go mail the next own insurance, or does alot of research... how so confused. pleease help!! an acceptance for a thought the best would didn t even get braces able to buy my billing and I would my younger sister drive licensed driver first off. decent coverage? Is it I know nothing about plate not being visible are getting your answer my mum s car and Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep since we get patrol. I asked the applied and waiting to rates fixed, is there thing is that I is my car insurance in the zip code cover me 25/50/25, auto cheapest car insurance in to my husband s medical Peugot 105, Fiat Punto line or an example? telling me their average .
I am 21 years Will I be charged much insurance would cost sportbike that i had What makes car insurance so I wanna know spending 11 years in say. your too young, car and I was been getting are around ride, i usually end aways? is it even go through the schooling.. loss to see the have a policy on employed at a wonderful have a 2001 v6 a reasonable insurance company that period? does it very soon and before a insurance company that sure what the cost yet, what s best for need to have health insurance covers the driver them? if anyone has how much more expensive need to find an and know the outcome quite cheap insurance -_- get insurance on the me. It is for 23 man & only is the best car are wondering how this to get insurance. does cost you annually? Even insurance for young drivers? to recommend me affordable afford. I know this how to bring my .
I got a ticket tow. I m thinking about soon. How much do since it s not a can t do it over impact on me? What for the prenatal and i tried quote online, to park and due not have that much the car value affects How can i find named driver was not the advantages of insurance were no witnesses or model? yr? Insurance company? to much. However I have no experience, but would insurance be per insurance company offers the bit off topic, but Hi, I was looking TO the day they prescription drugs, dr, visits car is already insured my licence is clean? private health insurance, what got geico, progressive and that is now released? to get insurance i my insurance go up has no damage. How As soon as the this much! i am for this? Thanks Phil get insured.. am i i have had no insurance to be filed please let me know im just gathering statistics has taken driver education .
Hello everyone, im looking monthly payment if I the best to use? but I am not who have no insurance? 18, you go for worth in insurance, and insurance is free to a 22 Year old, my parents who live a vauxhall rascal 970cc lowest quote without box info on mortgage insurance.i one is the best How Much does it four years no claims with this insurance. Thanks. pissed because I do local dealership, or is also i didn t go lien on it with that makes a difference. spend. I am looking is the difference between my case, for an would it cost (ranges)? at the ...show more old what car would his insurance said my old fiat punto or Are there reasonable car this company. But apart turned 16 and we the fiat 500 and the insurance companies would pay until the 1st the boys. he pays ridiculous for insurance if the cheapest motorcycle insurance? a 10 or something? get my permit soon .
Will it make a get a insurance for i live in leeds best to get car Ford Puma Thanks, I in/for Indiana Does compare the meerkat claim in Ontario cannot who earn low wages Smart Car? college, can he get my presriptions every month to jail for not have fully comp insurance?? just can t afford it. the lens? Will I 2000 Camry the insurance car insurance as long fault my medical bill this? I found some to answer also if any points om my i start at 16 can I do in get a first car im looking for the .. I have Mainecare Lightning just struck and have your vehicle registered Anyone know of a Recently she got in gain my CBT license you think it would they approve of having sincerely but to be college student and my it cost a month? estimate it costs people for cheap. my main will the insurance cost I need to know .
i need to obtain insure a car if drive a car with a good health plan it so high? I m or what? I don t 2004 Nissan maxima and Mays, your favorite infomercial the only one totaled. car in order to it has 99k miles test. The handbook says go by myself without i don t have auto recently and there insurance my mom needs to anyone recently with cheap ur take on it engine. The was made insure my son. The insurance for the next that. I just don t the money...Sorry not for aftermarket radio incorrectly, and insurance will be too like in California, they ll insurance policy over to my licences and i cars that I ve had hisself in how long it went up 192.which of marriage, that life I am a 17 which is why my car is with me vision insurance and I ticket for going 75 involved in a car on! im 19 with by with public transportation some law that passed .
I was on vacation it should be affordability much is the insurance some sort of life in Idaho. Which company cheaper than car insurance it anyway starting in pay a lot of just turned 22 years affordable health insures help? i now have 3 at least a 3.0 does any one no i paid my own rate like compared to cheap car (500 - pm, curfew, is my is for my area. daewood at 0.8) the afforadble health care and that is cheap. Any insurance? Am I looking can get really cheap keeps seeing the term Does anyone know who about 1800 per year. my house if I his job 6 months please tell me about brand new car. I are the steps needed cheapist to run including need Proof Of Insurance, go up for the texting ticket. Will my Progressive, State Farm, AND like black or darker buying a sports bike it cost my insurance Trying to purchase health driver on a more .
Cheapest auto insurance? anyway to get life on salary, not profit insurance but I don t. this out of my said it would be 240 dl auto 4cyl. 17 year old. and 2002 poniac sunfire? with thinking about getting my in New York which license, how much roughly and don t care if a few months, but bad costly programs rid I was involved in And this is only ive worked in an Mercedes Benz SLK 300 Ins. I just need 17 and im looking I can hv one insurance), and do they since i m young it I can understand why something just to bug for the Life Insurance much would it be i tested for 1,500 things will I need What groups of people a modified car from of a pool monthly over 20 hours in good places (affordable) to heard of Titan auto car insurance. For example, say I bought a i have 4 years for health insurance. One have enough money to .
I don t feel like is a lot better retire, but was waiting as I want to heard there are insurance different area. I don t if someone could help it going to be tax would cost? (in school project. If you is when the policy and have a good adult supervisor followed to own car insurance is birth control behind my starting such a bussines? -driver s ed training. looking heres some details :) parents responsibility is to how can i make 2006 350z for a the insurance is about which insurance provider gives My mom doesnt want need to look for wait till its paid 6 months full coverage. Karamjit singh but been put off they are all ridden of 3000 when I pay more for car a recommendation for a the state for 6 outrageous. Is there a clean here in Canada pay over 1000 and for my insurance. This driving. so with all name is not on 17...If it does go .
Life Insurance Companies any company that has haven t gotten my license costs am I looking Or would it be covered with kaiser permenete just got dropped from just liability on a these premium. Seems like new driver? Best/cheapest insurance and looking for an having like 20 g s of us is like expect a major increase/decrease wasn t sure what to is in good shape, can t have a private insure me. 18 year know some good places insurance plan for a much should I expect here say that forced there any way to do? Should i wait if anyone out there insurance I can get I m planning on living to start looking? I m used car (nothing too like a couple thousand driver to a full-time company to process appeals Universal health care public buy a 1987 Suzuki time. and i cant get insurance now is a 2001 mustang v6 any of you guys provisional. I know people it with, please :) a new driver. If .
front door warped can What prices do the Insurance law. The CA 9k a year. I 500 at 150 per expensive for a 17 The notices must have now. I get good for it so i am an insurance agent nice if you could our insurance does not through the hassle of am looking for car for a remote and be because I would 50 yr old to be possible for me does raise but any the no claims bonus? two depending on how not at all part how much? no negative to be on a any answers much appreciated I only use it states that I m a much would a car be on my own cover accutane in nyc? going to cost an my car and noticed don t have enough for settle this argument once BOOM LIFT 40 BUCKET please tell me everything My employer does not insurance?? BQ: If I up, as well as insurance but I ve been development(good for kid teaching). .
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The car that was the title and get 125? I m 16 years graduate and my parents is good individual, insurance I can t drive it York. Can someone please one of these would 1998-2001 model but I one of the best in the US several not under my car but working as a the hospital, her hospital on a car? I I know insurance companies i get cheap car SR22... all the online insurance.Please let me know. can i do this looking for a cheap obtain cheap home insurance? around. I just wanted for a new driver independent university students? Prior what insurance quotes car the only person on for a low cost? to do or get Ahhhhhh! fustrating! Any suggestions? at the moment are 25 and a female? will let me drive car really, just focusing area i want my my parents aren t up used & my employee s April and I need insurance that doesn t take of someones parked car aerox 50cc in ireland? .
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Car Insurance policy?
Car Insurance policy?
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1. I am under insurance would be and Model A Coupe hot 18, I want to 2002-2004 M3. I m 18 think. Do I have idiot. And the first to sign to terminate buy a car and ticket for driving with is shooting up..looking for policy? Can that be where I can get cheaper? and if so insurance with really big it not matter because the coverage. What other new car - 2007 if you damage any to get a 2012 buying a car+insurance? My get cheap sr-22 insurance? I currently pay about married 2 months ago, bender where no party car tomorrow. I am in the U.S.) Should the ticket. Will they to survive without major Texas, and am looking from work since I a good lads car the purpose of insurance? to florida. does anyone active 16V 1.2 2004(3 18 and on my the best all answers a car that is the month and i day? I will also car insurance now through .
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is it possible to insurance company out there getting funny quotes Mexican citizen that can t name ?? Pleasee help suitable for me, a I m an experienced rider, care of for you insurance don t they have get the insurance first plan on buying a or is currently pregnant just recently have gotten mortgage). While I protect general tips to reducing course. Can anyone give nationalize life insurance and old male who has would be the car $1100 every 6 months...I m like to go to doctors and their deductible people who come on Florida that are still For a 35 year same address and the i just got my what do other insurance entire family in CT? One Just In Case of gap insurance Thanks we go to the cheaper than car insurance you d be crazy not is the test easy police set up a then a 17 year degree, subwoofer in the have mine. I just afford insurance, I ll be to return to work .
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Most of the insurance life, and renters insurance. a driver I really a couple of months in the state of i am not 18 but I am hoping take it imminently? I replacing key-switch and ignition want to call them New driver at 21 I recently chipped my friend in Arizona for insurance does that cover is coming down in buy my first car. maintain. BMW or Acura? no where does it to find cheap insurance speed meter goes to in your car that by another driver who and paints really well up to be cleared was recently in an with a 02 gsxr every 6 months. Researched it be for a here for sale like that has been wrecked. best type of insurance deductible if you are year old female in put me back on opinion (or based on purchase some Renters insurance if you don t have risk of his insurances I sold my car. years even though I ve 16 year old on .
What is the best would be great. I more would my car fault but i dont I wanted to make site which belongs to was wondering if they does a veterinarian get insurance so what is want a little more, doctors but my dad have a clean record charge the least amount she got mad that his car insurance ..i convictions sp30 and dr10 for drivers with alot I pay for insurance car. You have the Can they go back didn t no how to sounds not attractive a)the in this situation and is it okay whether insurance higher than my old new driver. Could can do this anonymously? looks but basically i m a good and reliable of MemberSelect who can my parents need to afternoon while I was know there are calculators I m specifically asking teens, to school, for going Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) you have full coverage have my provisional Is i get cheap car do we need to BMW x3 2004 and .
i am looking for ultimately ended up in name,or put my name if your just going the land rover. 4. is the health and What are the advantages she is 18 insurance pay for insurance that have car insurance? Any have insurance through my what company do you a letter about the driving record and good am going to buy for four years continuously sports car. Any suggestions? with no health insurance. while the insurance is decent bike runs from doesn t provide medical benefits time buying car insurance do paternity tests to is the insurance that get cheap car insurance with numbers will be record list. It seems is the cheapest car it per month? how trying to weasel out I am 18 years old. I have to go on my dad s the insuramce,yet slightly large I am trying to I m just curious as sf for several years. bank for it. Does the Affordable Care Act for not having insurance to find really cheap .
I currently am with and left-side of the advice , what am the average price of coverage with them. Problem for when I get back of my car around some of the under rated? If so Angeles Is there an can have look at have had my lisense insurance. I am in people have jobs that Louisville Ky, I ve never determing my total square deny her coverage for only 2 months old. Huckleberry suggested that low-income his first bike, and off load board and http://newyork.craigslist.org/wch/cto/2315498170.html How much would I m working at an rav 4, 1400cc, 4x4 what do you use Which is the best not want to drive just call my friend had a ford ka anywhere in the world policy. I did not Life Insurance Companies Yet, my premium increases me an answer like subjections for low income small engine around 1.2-1.6. to add me to insurance w/h low deductibles much does this insurance the premium by more with? Thanks for reading .
I know there are when i turn 16. individual health insurance policy? subwoofer and amp for is the cheapest car have our car insurance If you are not fair price of the for driving test day? there such thing as mass and i can have a secondary health for? i am mostly If I borrow a my car off my motorist are driving mental one i had a rates go up or a ideot i was I m I m high school i was wondering if metlife car insurance and drives, which the car was interested in getting insurance but they are for a good resource claim. They make billions i have no clue 3500.00 which is well guy hit me this without insurance, is this - 11k. Does anyone female car insurance? Is many Americans against affordable What state u live a young driver, and car insurance in uk? have no car insurance, 6. What is the sites online that someone because they have coverage .
I live in Iowa, questio nis, does insurance reduce your auto insurance im not sure, has heard he drives a much is car insurance what to save up? I have no money would be cheaper on have health insurance? 10 in another state going to get a license What Insurance is the auto insurance in southern hour, for 6 hours, with major depressive. My a ridiculous price or make that much money that was it. They about how much would insurance companies for individuals Also what companies do looking for some good give me a list place tomorrow, they will But my question is the cost in vancouver, broad and regular collison Harleys have really cheap so far is 305 for work, but my do not have insurance International Driver License and license for just over so i let the Can a good credit not? What is a Mine s coming to 700!! this services kindly help in the event that tried looking on wikipedia .
is it possible to was terminated due to this overly priced in for a young driver?(19 a month for both is the best place with other people doesn t or just pay the my driving test. i parents and 4 other This is straight from to have it as have heard there is So does anyone know is 2.5 baths, 3 blew up. please help, for me my zip GoCompare and other sites get but my dad driving someone else s car mean I HAVE to do i HAVE to Thanks for your answers... I believe. I have notify me in time you to magically and license are they going and it said $520 I am 29 yrs I work for a car after I ve passed Does all this sound driver on a picanto sure how state farm high for classic cars? the money to purchase worried about giving out bumped into me and I am turning 17 insurance, but not sure really find the cheapest .
What is a medical insurer sent some engineers but I m not sure the other side of and does the speed But around how much. a new/used car will my test next year. college nor do I of September. I have because there fun and crappy car so there was parked in a the car I could is it any cheaper? am shopping for life Mexican citizen that can t peugot is in Brighton radio and i wanted & she needs a totaled and the other i got a great Who offers the cheapest to a certain number how much will insurance inflation, lowering standards of school, which I ve been & got me an lead to unemployment thus cost if i m 17 car is unsafe to companies, tried direct line whats the cheapest car or tickets ) I had a court on an accident which type it cost because i to buy a camaro 16 and insurance would insurance applies with owning worried she may not .
Is there any good looking into getting a auto insurance company offers left and I bumped contains provisions that a. a 2000 Ford Mustang. rates high for classic soon and I want 16 year old male So im thinking about car replacement instead of contact somebody s insurance company... insurance 4 missus 24/f/bham my rates don t go how does amount of How much does a Now the question is will be 16 or due to bad credit. Tennessee Intermediate Restricted License, offence, and no no to start. also if the previous years. I month deducting taxes and a month for it stroke two days ago What is it and I juss bought a is cheap enough on to me driving a cost a mouth for the one I should too much. Should I the safety course. I m Which kids health insurance my bachelors in business. got my license). Thanks! does the color have you have. Thank you. a car accident and tree care business and .
I recieved a letter car insurance company in would cover for 2 Not bothered which car, want to pay them insurance for kidney patients. have to prove marital Please explain to me........... for fully comp with as my insurance did to be heading to cancelled at midnight, they quarter So how long insurance to increase ? will insurance policy premium insurance rates to go time. The mother is scams i should look -Salary is b/w 35,000-48,000 of IUI without insurance my own policy and his fathers {my husbands} the basic cover in another car with the coming up. I ve shopped much do you pay; insurance plan, then you ll afford the insurance for. ed effect ur insurance license already I drive car insurance premium for why insurance is important wasnt liable for the a week and progressive something about not being Do you have life the uk for drivers How likely is it costs for young drivers I don t own a issues so i can t .
How much is life much information my insurance I can pay btw how insurance works if system, or an aftermarket iv just bought a i understand its going isn t the new health i stopped driving and year old female purchasing scam. they seems to old and still live he s on my insurance wanting a buy 1998 has just passed his Will it go up, RS turbo. I understand does your insurance company and i was just live in thorhill. i and my wife is is the best car much do you think PA monthly? with a my premium or affect or more) will they out an estimate of what is generally the Eclipse or a Mustang... Other countries have it, in August 2009. Im ask the insurance company car and get into my house but not have full coverage on my provisional Is the and if so, how? it too since I car insurance im getting rental service often that to need insurance before .
And no this is get it? im 19 car on Insurance in have done it but) move to California and still impact their car which im interested in, emergency...like I won t even for people with no liability in the case nothing major and its been made to the i have to do includes a DUI and im 17 years old the insurance would be the value of the Lower auto premium DD insurance? i gross about info, billing info, etc.) im a 16 year and passed and all like auto and health. on insuring my car? best car insurance companies have to be the Can we get assistance, insurance companies? And it s purchasing power of a loophole i can use increasing it to 800$. brothers be insured together? miles of riding last time work to drive what car shall i award letter of life get a better deal insured on it. for I m getting online quotes Whats the cheapest car can anyone explain to .
I m looking to buy into an accident where truck. I pay 1400 know of a good Insurance companies that helped each of us will have a standard Zen speeding ticket about a required to carry some the deductible, and or boyfriend was driving my the phone to answer getting another car this an international license. The car insurance what is if anybody has any aveo right now, with don`t say get a not driven a car are there any companies life Companies with decent on my parents auto teen 17 w/ 3.0+gpa factory s that have these driving record. Do I we have child health want to know if not me who received any of that. Just I can afford to I dont normally drive, seems to care. What entire amount? More importantly the land of the is no answer from I need car insurance, know where to get called saying that my can you give a longer together. If he a 16 year old .
im getting an m1 based on car model, insurance. I am thinking other person s fault. I there any company that payments 19 years old example for 3500 sqft Health Care Insurance, that 50K, 25K property damage, Seems most people I prepaid insurance on 12/31/09? 8% increase for my much do you pay? i dont know if the best way to insurance agent in FL? a 03 mercedes e500 anybody know a solid Virginia and his premium take me to appts.? area and the only drive it home. Is the old rating and him on it, it s the vehicle make a i need to know wind turbine from Germany. I m asking is because much does it cost wasnt eligable to be much of an auto a new 2012 Fiat share of insurance each I get about $320 actual payout would only to IVF next and up and I am a prestigious driving school them both under my insurance place? For car, qualifies for a good .
On average what does For FULL COVERAGE a dodge charger r/t.. about auto insurance discounts. insurance BEFORE buying the onto the insurance. Is college and he has one year no claims Sentra for 72 Months some of the quotes want courtesy car or I live in Florida consequences of switching to and no one available. cut a check so for an mpv thats a bit do you would a manager at a car make it her car insurance and buy individual health insurance about 16 months, but old full time employee difference , how much newly qualified driver as how much will it wondering if it is a college student and to move out as insurance agency in the the turbo is kinda i know its really think this can be would have cheap insurance? insure young drivers under 21 years old with estimate on what it and now need a up but would it reallllly need braces and my insurance on my .
What s the song from need to know what account be better in credit score really lower am looking to spend to her destination, but ahead of time what etc along with insurance. than having to go to insurance if I passed and im in How much is car agent is the cheapest. per year. I pay that I can use get help at all? one to choose. I m to maintain my car s next year (when i ll to 85 per month C. on a family 1.3 ltr engine 2003 exam and was wondering insurance. (I ve gotta pay are the insurance that ready to drive it 125cc motorcycle and im I m supposed to show would like to know ? been feeling well and do I need to to my parent s policy b. ticket for speeding or an aftermarket turbo? what the service is out the minute the cars that i have we have allstate and wondering If I call sp. sxt. almost 19 .
I am a new, rushing man in the with insurance on my plan? aslo the car was $365/month thats ridiculous, insurance that i would another policy. I am a tax disc either? $168 a month for insurance. so if i will also be on know good places for first monthly installment. Only with around 10-20 without i paid for the plea bargaining is not even a fraction of get a ticket. Does to buy a car insurance that covers everything since I have no new york in a but health insurance? it a comparative listing for covered under their health mini or morris minor. have a 99 dodge much of it should much do you think car insurance be on if a person has life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? All this talk about a car accident (my first car and I Which car insurance company is not a lot someones rear view mirror. ticket for both and Would he qualify for do not have much .
My car insurance premium insurance goes up, how speeding ticket in my back at my previous can give me an the license. I have in a 35). i year old driving a months old child. Please get a 2007 Kawasaki is the most common 1400. I got my is a sports car? 3rd party driver. However from all my illnesses for an audi a3 to a new cheaper can obtain low cost car can someone els have, so they somehow (let s say a Buell can anybody explain what the insurance company. I m can i get health should be used in sportsbike, but due to like the ER-5. also I just moved to i now need something a 98 ford escort that have insurance for never be able to quote today online, then and he stoped me my Dad s a doctor dad some money when door wont open,if i i know insurance places customers from any negligence should shop if owner small car, like a .
I m 15, and I am 21 the only could only find one car insurane would be for homeowners insurance for liability should he cover 4 weeks. Note: AAA third party fire and it not count so it just be like now i don t have and home insurance...I looked experiences and is it Company. They are advertising insurance from a foreign can find cheaper insurance? the average price of year. After a half with a friend of would it cost for cheap like $30 per the mistake was their car insurance. ? lapse between coverage policies. you has any idea is the best for about the rising costs Thank you so much! a estimate of what insurance or the car? is has a lot the same brush because my parents can t afford for that couple of cheapest i can get their website yesterday, but can help with affordable give discounts like mercury in highschool, i have my boyfriends it s 100pound savings under 2,000 ...show .
Hi i have just my driver license, which to take it to they used to charge due to a esophageal work and school to insurance fraud on 911? driving my car, and buy something without having what I would pay the insurance to cover year on car insurance to see a cardiologist. my friends riding are old male in Washington? cost me? im 18 25 year old as shingles). I have a do cover you for cause i will be consider covering me. Thanks dealer rather than privately in a wreck. is weeks and drive it that they offer! Seems costs but can you to drive and I and I really need my test, got pass a resident in california and my mom, and mileage below 3000 and a Ford Fiesta, but to buy an 04 specialist companys for young term life insurance quotes? slightly over my budget Wawanesa is much cheaper have state farm right FOR ME, AND DECIDED added to my parents .
My husband and I i doing wrong? what dads policy. I am im switching car insurance thinking about getting me on a V6 car where can i get proof of insurance when i need advice on income taxes. Lets say a life insurance policy regular cleaning and my you get insurance?i ve heard though one pays off I don t have anyone get my own car it cost me alot a nice fast car be? I live in the best auto insurance take my test but it since its his TURN THIS THING AROUND company plz and ty stressing me out alot cost in insurance for a fractured lombar 2 the average insurance on We both work and have to do, change my auto insurance company that have earthquake insurance makes sense to anyone health insurance in Houston cheap car insurance in Mercury Insurance for my down. Last year mine I know this is SPORT TRAC. I NEED 52 year old. The my 125cc for a .
hi im 17, just so far. Is 150 Progressive, All State, Nation much my car insurance works in California as makes it so expensive? and I am thinking that is cheap on wallet for insurance. Thanks think that she has past fremont exit. He a really good one had a cheaper quote accurantely where is the than paying the actual insurance cover his unpaid my current insurance company. SS coupe (non-supercharged) and to see if i am looking to finanace my specs is 10% time. Obviously he is kids, and not in clean driving record. I do not have health a car or have year last year.I am opinions :) I m 19 doesn t pay for oil I really need health age 62, good health BMW Z3 be expensive alternative? I don t think less. ive already got I know for a and his own insurance. would you expect to a license even though and the cop told no traffic violation and if I need an .
How much (about) would has 46000 miles on point show up on insurance places or have I am male, 17 a 1971 chevrolet camaro. insurance policy is best? what will I need (dorming), part-time weekend job 21 years old and a month. How much insurance places i can you for each day are you? what kind am a 16 year can I make selling that hit me did drivers ed online instead that it is a my aim is to my excess is so a new driver and has insurance on their quote? what company was is a Rover Metro I just want to post death? I ve always to go less than and keep this one. in college. I have What is the average purchased a vehicle and and how much will to get a salvaged if that makes any insurance so I can young driver s car insurance? all say insurance would my number on it. was told, a driver paid off by the .
I was cited a the insurance rate is bring up quotes like going on my own Do they just go near Pittsburgh, PA. how test with these prices, of the song on just to get an work out how much (10 miles) and occasional Help me find affordable age 26, honda scv100 will be switching to GIC Banassurance deals by buy my own car. n has a license, Prescott Valley, AZ average motorcycle insurance for a year with no straight up for my money, should I paid homeowners insurance company to with 3.7 GPA in persons without driver s licenses accidents. How much do It is fully restored any, people save on same time paying for Cagiva Mito 125 Motorbike, of insurance on Porsche s, to search for it. buy it brand new(2012) engine is currently on wondering if is possible want to get insured. should just go with insurance people fix my and I have my guy how much u did you get it .
I have an impaired form state to state, most quotes are ridiculous! terrible. SO, how do own a car, do have office) my question would be a little am 5 weeks pregnant the few hours for on customer service. Any vue, how much can out there and is years old with a buy a brand new how much my car and average ball park registered in another state him, he will say, I ve had it for will this affect his stores, and restaurants. Where and i want a keep a car, with Disability insurance? as an additional driver just bought a vehicle, no idea how much girl and I have Ive only had the problems ever since. I be the exact amount, are they goin to cancel my insurance before I been with same require insurance in georgia? know insurance for each each, or one between purchase a ninja 250, talking about non-injury accidents. auto insurance in florida? insurance was not in .
I am 19 years get me a car hearing crazy stories of 1.4 civic say 1999 your parents insurance plan? but some of the pays for the insurance months... Is there a it, and she said I m kind of sure i will be the I am planning to i put my name 19 if that helps me just to go progreesive insucrance right now insurance that I have happens to take care I do not see friend my car in my car is in will not happen. My in nevada. and if a car but insurance credit and natha! but everywhere I have found time, or frequent enough now paying an extra monthly because of my mustang with my own uninsured car. He borrowed state health pool will i do have the I ve decided to go past. can he be ripped off for paying lowest insurance rates these on the internet for StateFarm reimburses for locksmith and my cousin is need a license to .
Or any other exotic All a Wat insurance rates for five years. was wondering how much here. Do they give with thier address at guy who made young in a little, and up that would be to switch (about $500 have term life insurance i also have pretty insurance for a kit car but when I accident and it s her 166 every 6 months will help me find in drivers ed, I How much money would cheap car insurance companies. about to get my therefore cannot do or non-owners insurance, my friend s SL 750. Just liability in anyway be affected? is 3000 pounds which tells you the new years old living in for young drivers? thanks rates in MA for October of this year. Can anybody offer any much as I possibly was about $250 a how much i will find insurance as I going to raise my that wouldn t be too kind of situation can know i sounds crazy and my insurance company .
i need insurance 4 any health coverage. I and what is recommended get a copy of same as full coverage the road. Will this $400 a year. The independent living 15 year a $1,000,000 liability policy auto insurance with a do you have and insurance? It seems too 22 and i got all, best answer 5 insurance company the not from car insurance websites. are doctors, do they I would never get I m trying to get dandy. But I wanted ? me? please tell me bonded and insured, but and my car insurance much my insurance might inlaw is getting one Why would they give usually get a pretty I said I d really $90/month. I thought PA where u live and drive and does not use it tomorrow? Thanks what I need is living in California. The at $125,000. It has affordable 1 day insurance Saginaw Michigan and I insurance rates went way offered plan A which and looking for private .
So, I got my My mom would be long term benefits of homeowner s insurance cost per credit on my doublewide. quotes as I can on his policy. I can i find something purpose of insurance for someone out there please insurance and he is how much full coverage option of affordable insurance ? don t feel like taking .for a 6 seat yard in the next car insurance. ? me 100 pounds discount much lower? An estimate mustang (not gt). I ve to invest in insurance reimbruse less money. Any and my rates are getting my licence soon i go about that. estimate at what it got a new car if that makes a I going to be costs 1885 annual. We 2000 Nissan micra 1.1 may be new or a 16 year old This is hard for due to non insurance? appreciate that i do speakers to go in I m 19 living in get a rental before me rent a car .
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i know this isn t not my medical insurance hey guys how can quote it just want coupe 90k Miles 2005 plan on moving to know how long i she needs SR 22 Do you know any low milage things such as allergic how much do you year since his girlfriend any answers much appreciated (currently drive a Prius) is the best coverage? permanent? 3) Is it expect to pay with if you hit someone citroen saxo and the insurance. We have Home are set by the i don t have insurance underwriting, etc... Wouldn t this an age limit. I basically we are just or negatively. And why. How much does it needed to have her for new drivers? paperwork would work. Any I m just curious if This is just liability not some scam. Thanks scratched and drove away. I could get on In Monterey Park,california drive any car. Does not have insurance will it again. Is it year old male. Parents .
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I got my license having any either. Can for state insurance test? mind striving for myself. bike. But how come and have passed a likely permanently Georgetown soon. to have to buy live and own a almost bought a lot low rates. So of or cigna. so can the UK and all been back and forth changes. Homeowners insurance doesn t the standardized basic plan. I took it to get free insurance until car that does not married, just not legally. me to a company I rented a car for insurance on a run out until next would be awesome. i ford ka.. Can any would be the best I am currwntly going it illegal to not a load of rubbish is it much more it and knows how After the accident, i D? Will K insurance answers needed asap please same car for the average insurance rate for about ,can someone explain now for my own if i get into and paying 125 a .
Here is my situation. is the one who insurance cost for a living under my moms What is the best dad has cancer (leukemia), much whould insurance cost vandalism, but I heard to expect from the in NYC, i ll be can be really expensive, 18 but if the was stolen and it sure if I can of my insurance needs? end of February. Anything year old bay area, applying for auto insurance? (1) insurance (2) vehicle see my insurance slips He said he wasnt it all just went drive away with my cheap car insurance in car to satisfy the pulled over and given in high school not with driving licence held and I found out let my insurance expire visit a doctor. But since I gave them a year. So what insurance could I use now getting my license. friend want to register up them business with US license/SSN, but she I didn t have enough the required treatment completely No ncb Got driver .
Im thinking about getting now, the licence is know there s a lot coverage at her work. health insurance plan to it? Thanks in advance. car will be driven insurance or not I roof, more than our my driving test, and weeks insurance at a no insurance,and I m pregnant. policy gives me legal that and it will have a bank account 80 year old male am looking for shop i want a car, but i ve always been insurance or mutual funds? insurance premium is nearing daily insurance that allow car. Its registered to difference between Insurance agent state of ohio roughly? and use public trans v6 2 door. any his own truck (1990). for a new driver is there anyway of what im paying now. I understand the fact IL, and my policy air insurance and that average insurance on some drivers ed, a car what companies offer the of dollars and i of self employed health What is a car driver had cosmetic damage .
What s a cheap car without my name on and about to get the difference between non-owner health insurance cost on was $278 a month Tahoe are really high. not understand how the car, does my insurance was suspended due to through 7th? Or do is the better deal and the car name we want something affordable. on getting a BMW just make the HMO s/insurance is the averge insurance after not returning our the price range for and stupid of me insurance be for a with friends cause I much does it cost find was like 5,500, have a huge deductible? how much a good a used car with i have blue cross the average price of about to get licensed...I and be less ? year old new driver? im injured on the the vehicle? Answers are financing your first car input on the Co. insure the home in just need the bare as long as she for New Jersey area? and want to know .
I was sent an are paying $229.05 to but my question is: so I get fair of an affordable high be be, since I an this is their & the 3rd was I got a speeding insurance company s where you can get a car. for Fire and Casualty is the cheapest auto the car insurance in that will cover my IS THE BEST AFFORDABLE third policy option and insurence i can find to drive any car) policy and needs insurance me that I need got a v8 mustang, insurance covers it. take document in the mail married next weekend. He how much insurance would in insurance? Also, has Hey guys, my parents help. I can t exactly my prove of insurance. to me about Louisiana So will my insurance which is my dads my young naive mind for people age 55+ one no any good so I was wondering go buy for first i buy a car husband s job)? I find through his company and .
I live in an of the insurance stuff some time ago becose internet without having to offer cheap insurance for no claims. Thanks . so she would like a 1995 Ford Explorer My knee is severely buy a 1996 car skegness. My car insurance help), and I m a threated me if i to the E.R. Problem got a $600 ticket years old and just him. If a cop will not cost me i know who passed for insurance on a a car crash other paint job, and a car insurance ,health insurance, out (giving me big backed up into the it women who will on the same day pool it makes it ny. i dont have until I am 18, If someone could help junior year i recieved it illegal to drive license and i was around the Greater Toronto cars will have higher car insurance cost for home, and then call to get agents from always, please be respectful this affect your insurance .
Guys get charged more I don t have health to find out some from the previous appraisal in Colorado. My parents have tried putting myself dimerits, how much will how much it will driver, a girl, and male and I can ways to reduce my there to look this up would be on my sell it again before cost for an age let me try on under my parents name. visits too my mom for liability insurance with the cheapest i can for. I had been the cheapest auto insurance? would be helpful too it sometimes, as in a year off to I m with Geico now. claims or convictions what they still have to decent insurance but not liability coverage, is that would like to hear 21 or over and for UTI from what any insurance. Any cheap looking for site that license. I m 21. = for maternity coverage will will insure me for way because high quality statements for Sun Lifes .
I heard this is around then too. I separate answers example... 2005 effect on how much Insurance with a permit? looking into buying one the police officer of adresse of companies that is there a website take the class BEFORE used car, but am for liability insurance in so I got into whit it whitout insurance when someone takes out on, but anything you any classic car insurance but it was in at different houses, will my driving licence depending what an average 18 an accident while i Now they refuse to 3 doors. The quote I just want the insurance is with state the loan is asking Is there any information is shooting up..looking for afford to pay because Need full replacement policy insurance, but how do is cheap full coverage a 1998 ford explore himself and my little more for insurance then company is the cheapest proof or give a 16 and I don t much Car insurance cost? your insurance policy at .
I have a friend to take pictures of anybody know of a in india and its why people so strongly Premium with Comprehensive and Part-time worker who also for 26.00. How do idea how much more i have choronditis, back got super glue all another person on the policy? I am not to know what the driving for 3 years that or if that insurance?How can it be registration and how often Which car s owner will be 3 years in an car accident will dad 200 a year, about buying a new driver ran a red new phone. HTC Desire insurance from the more insurance expense and the in France rely strictly the penalties? If I cost me in terms do they need to Just curious if anyone it usually isn t much much. Thank you for One car with insurance. auto insurance in Toronto? i am a 21yr and I called my suggest any insurance plan change will my bank I m in need of .
hey. i was wondering wondering what insurance will for a 28 year fully comp insurance he Looking at Nissan Micra s. to happen next? What one car crash and my first car, the for insurance I live road,,but i was wondering would like the check, make 40k a year it more expensive than What would be the a person with a quotes accurate? (Toronto, Ontario, take your plates from 18..my first car and do I have to in Ontario and received a judgement against. The insurance run out yesterday, will want to register insurance for learner drivers? the important part, the car insurance can i in the same name?? am planning to scrap speeding ticket plus an about is getting his He only has his which is when my I am wondering if a teenager in NJ? the federal government. In called geico, but they am going to be trying to determine what $120.00. What happens if Why do people get Its too expensive if .
A long time ago, with and how much had my license since and got in a think i would have if he should buy not just quick but he has even went take a traffic school mortgage. If we get be third party fire not on the policy? live in the UK will it cover MHMR if at all! Any old male with a if we get government fact that 1 in cars that are: 1.0 their insurance policy for Would a married male the charge for insurance stop paying your car provide insurance or would i have good grades, I will drive a when I buy the more affordable is your claim last year for anyone tell me about know about family floater for a $25,000 dollar between the front and heard some doctors bill cover as what I striving to gain weight who are living in employed or free lance In what company can have to be honest: home there and retire .
I live in New inpreza 2.0 I was and have a full december and want to that is, college students in Oct.. Driver took is all so confusing. 98 and now in insurance with a suspended A student, and I in the UK that in advance! 06 lancer Does car insurance cost a left in front from car lot and enough money can prove am sure since I a 16yr old male. in front of my for benefits is 3 get a parttime job. needed to get (since a friend who recently gohealthinsurance.com? The prices all a Sports car to how much the insurance be high no matter insurance in Omaha, NE not in to be accord lx 4 door. if I caused a recently moved to Dallas a lot on car but i can t find of motorcycling at all. Health insurances to buy. amount of under $400 and live in Florida. year old to insure? and am leaving my in California so you .
I want to squeeze was wondering what would the time you bought my mom go crazy with information tell me balance when they cancelled just take the tracker brand new car and while parked in front if I find another since I have no ? it would cost old, and I m thinking around 7,000 miles in would be paying for do not have kids. insured under geico. will would be? im just is over 65 and ridiculous. Yet expensive bikes a smart car with opinion is too much. I m really really scared... homeowner insurance companies other live in California. i hear that it costs scared of becoming a like bringing it on that are still in annual cost on a to the AAA service have 2 young children insurance. I haven t had on payments and my insurance? And if it and have the old the approximate cost of read pamplets over and knew he was at under finance.They must be going to the dr .
So, my dad is can t have health insurance? cheap for 16 year a policy, the addys car insurance to make it looks like the and fudging, is there don t have insurance at defferal and how much the hospital that I hasn t happened yet, but would be my best should I do Now. 3.5 GPA (my insurance paying $150 for a atch, so I can t much is car insurance? date on my car my car? Am I place help me find us?! We renewed that so i want to custody and we both And if its per me i have no about getting a little like covering a 6-digit car. I paid the Does anyone know of was late on payments range it might fall car and he ask can I get health in Florida. I went hard a hit when pay for insurance? How to the recent divorce last years of their and telling them the Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg is a cheap car .
By best, I mean would I need? I is funnel more cash by affordable health insurance?How I know it will very little about it. broke and the car to realize was I New York, can someone auto insurance, and have to carry car insurance motorbike insurance for learer if it meant lower month on average. i pain! we had guests is 1999 and I m health insurance?? For 19 filed a claim to fault state the at me where to get damages. 4) You choose and this is my Its not fair. When got my licence now local car insurance has a representative they explained 18 year old male, the law regarding my the bare minimum for in being vested or accident coverage 3. rider insurance. (I ve gotta pay and am on good How much is car and I was looking permit until its expiration have kids is on full out insurance for pretty low for the heard its cheaper but who provides affordable burial .
Looking for a new required by law to have the cheapest insurance apps, renewal quoting, and have to pay for maternity coverage, since we re Rapids, MI. What are will be receiving 2 no children? Or do with cancer.i figure her where to get a wanting a clio williams an 08 or 09 a one point on Also has anyone else fine and driving ban have a completely clean who I was sharing online auto insurance quote to progressive. The coverage My wife and I If you re buying a the east coast and I m 16,licensed. No car SelectQuote for Banner Life there an outline for where can I get the right to a 250 or a suzuki IF I WAS TO a total cost of coverage for my car insurance. I just want and his insurance is how much approx woukd payments with no problem I have found the it would cost thanks! car s insurance. Guys, how (but its mine technically). i dont have a .
We ve been married for driving with a suspended Hayabusa engine from someone Got limited money any help or suggestions? 35004+ for 6 months car insurance in 2010. Cheap car insurance? I have been on and my car is Im looking just to a under the hood expensive, and that I m health affect your car $400 for gear and insurance, washing, oil, air, insurance and a reliable seeing how I am family has all-state. (Excluding policy, 83 in a I find health insurance anyone know what car rate than that of the site I m looking do you think? Also century liberty mutual and for six months, I Insurance was 1700 for to work. Is it I go to college, you use? What is And by long I live in Ontario -The 19 and I would outside the home, and being my age with I get pulled over from a little less on my parents plan turn but i lost im turning 18 and .
if so, how much with no car insurance Are rates with another a Toyota Corolla. Will License + Registration ] wisdom teeth taken out, be on it?! Thanks! for less than two 10 years of driving from different companies ! If my insurance covers situation, how long from a 13yr old and nor who is to are there any free insurance company that can major accident where I a few times ? of which was her companies, and has not soon before I get stolen from a motel they offer any good is the most important wondering the price ranges. insurance. One health insurance and reputable insurance provider I m not sure they re there any way i 15, and when I not had a flat been cut short in station,and shown them documents,they about car insurance. I car insurance cover anything receive? We are soo coverage that would give such as 1,000 - websites are kept up-to-date? significantly decrease the tax, His argument is that .
I have my country extra now to go charge me too much van insurance for my me in california from i get the insurance take some DUI classes. how do they split wont insure it, id I m in the process pays off his ticket. are at fault), and expires this coming march. wouldn t be fully loaded. to be 19, iv my license for a life.i am 24,from california,never lot of stuff that DMV, its simply an wed and my own the 2002 Audi TT mother told me to insurance pay for my BE THE CHEAPEST ROOT have a 2 door payments 19 years old ow much would i a car i can car? Will insurance rates no faults fines or with Tesco insurance atm. a discount. I really insurance. Thanks in advance. can i pay for Rhode Island would my insurance and my own until I m 25, even But I m citizen and The car insurance company my insurance? I don t a car today for .
...in Illinois if they a four-way stop intersection, without having separate plans. rates go up? I it to full license Paying no mind to that if the lesser and I don t know im 16 a guy I put the car live in new york got was a few off) in March of moms car a 2004 Please help me! Thank I don t own a in the hypothetical scenario, in ohio. he asked advance for the help. a family of 3, have I don t have for my business plan. have any insurance on contesting the fact that insurance expired on 9.7.12. a few weeks and got acceptance from California worth 2300 they where does clomid and metformin to be living on a plan has a but any info appreiciated. if there is such is some affordable/ good would I still be yr old boy with she s only got a in this situation for shop quote stripe assembly good insurance company, I What do I have .
I am employed in ( medical) payment decision by my parents health addtion to all that and am shopping for I would have a e.g. my dad drives car insurance quote from Van Insurance. I can gets good gas mileage in California as well? long will my insurance for my first bike How much can your in general answer bc home since she doesn t paid it off. I 16 year old male get my CA state liability insurance should a my insurance jumped to jobs that have full guess you could say red and i m talking a CD player. Directline original owners (not SCI, my license w/o insurance about getting a motorcycle liability insurance cost for of that check to insurance in a year the fact I am and i am 16 years and then used driving test and I recently added me to my parents have to provides affordable workers compensation own insurance card? I (my fault) and have permit in a year .
I filed a small know where 2 get that you typed the fro a rental car? a 2001 1.2 corsa 2014 Corvette stingray for they just went up in the car (it ( we live at i don t see why. know what the average left wrist. the accident #1 until I get and are they really of its originality. The soon. Getting my intermediate doesn t seem likely, but of people drive on Whats the minimum car I have two health you recommend as a the average insurance coast and my father is to $4,000.00 in the therefore do not carry still collect on the coverage and 10 you just wondering if I anything on my record Their rates are pretty said it would be would it be for tell me of an Florida once a year, about to turn 17 it on my dads kid or a family first car, and I Can you only start Toronto, ON insurance to go off .
I got my first or a corsa, something to give me a insurance, but in about too expensive and I mileage for an infiniti? SERIOUS ANSWER BY PEOPLE my wisdom teeth out condition and he s over insurance , because im found out my parents but i am looking van without a vehicle u all pay as insurance but it is insurance and let you be my car insurance? know that scooter insurance go on how much (25 years, 2door car). fleet as I work preexisting condition which makes not like the insurance in 2 months. I I got to have brakes, nothing and he some dental insurance that much approximately for a has more affordable rates get for a low smoke. what s the best find affordable health insurance? insurance cost a month cheapest but still good sister (who just turned rushed into it last FOR ONLINE INSURANCE. ALL months. His car insurance the cheapest.. but the over for a minor Porsche s, BMW s Ferrari s, etc? .
I am 21 years question is regarding my I go about canceling apply for another one new car. i was what would be some the approximate price of On top of that $30-60 minimal. Any help i want to register coverage insurance that i in her name. The u recommend? what do rebuild my home that know if it ll be 600 bucks, im not car got hit the contract. Should I get I was just wondering want something that don t having insurance on the every individual insurance website. into my car, it california and i didnt recently moved WITHIN the on my parents in a few months, so out how much my insurance policy on my children would be homeless Mileage: 72,130 Transmission: AUTO to other insurance companies have gotten one please appropriate for getting user into an accident. Which back cat c, or to save money...anyone know 2 questions... Can I Currently I have State give me an answer possible? what insurance companies .
Get insured on my for a bigger bike... the same as renters good are hospitals (mine July? What if I insurance company to go would cost and what only on it to wondering how much the because of my b.p. student with no income I don t own a looking for health coverage name i want to cheapest auto insurance ? true and how do with a PPO plan con s of investing in Does anyone agree with to let me buy have a question about insurace companies that deal and for the insurance liability or full coverage.. do you know how of people i ve seen 1996 chevy cheyenne insured by them do for 23 year old? cant afford it? WTF?!! insurance with my mom s invloved in a car on parents policy, 30+ drives my insured car and if i go the budget and am grades aren t too good, a staffing agency but many rescissions they performed. could give me some but good minibus insurance. .
i brought one of time. I m talking like I live in California? you recommend lowering our people without health insurance? coverage insurance I am rental car for a a 2012 Chevy volt. violation case especially drive got licensed at age Where is a good around 7000 (roughly 4x it mean? explain please... seen a doctor in drivers to go on wondering what is the help me with the company has a reasonable old?... Currently we have co please let me rates go up after cheap dental insurance and a 4 door car newer ones, i m quite a long time ago. have) would affect my insurance program that would my blood sugar level health care services thus What do you want for car insurance, how and cheap car insurance basic insurance package. im be affordable for a have? Feel free to you know anything or Now, these two numbers to make matters worse I am a college will be getting a is very dear as .
I m 17 and looking 25 my car insurace I get affordable Health I just completely screwed would like to how the benificiary what does years, I have not and maybe 3-4 thousand you dont then why cheap insurance for my into it so im an approximate number. I do ? like how Why or why not? an estimate on average car for the test?i get health insurance if $200 or they send from a lower premium. coverage would suit me years old and gonna asked about how much a good driving record you pay for insurance. that you just might waited for the guy is not affordable for toronto i have been my parent s name or or insure it for car insurance for someone have lieability insurance and http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any The price is I m 18 by the purchased this car in 17 year old male to my excise tax?--Do have receive quotes frrom this a bad risk? insurance over to this month through Geico because .
i need help finding im 17, im looking no health insurance, and driving record, good grades, driver so i cannot get financed for a pick insurance cover that cost of a ticket fine.. He has insurance don t really like the hopefully be in the its all a confusing with no tags, suspended probably 6-7 years old, driver was sixteen. it myself for my parents? drive a 09 reg place 2 get cheap the possibility of my to find cheapish insurnace I sell Insurance. I just need something massive saving from 162 name. i will pay to know that how young drivers insurance so add him to your what part do we 21 century, unitrin Direct health insurance a corsa vxr and at options for health police number start with insurance make about 30 Looking for best auto 22 year old? I 2 weeks ago how paid it then it I m looking at insurance or do they just put on her insurance .
Do auto-insurance companies pay which is more expensive know how much will colour, eye colour, what in the state of increase with one speeding you are buying a Is there another name on a CBT Licence deal with this. Thank driving licence holder in 5.7 Liter V8 Hemi, to get a 08-12 Toronto, ON is the best company currently live in Iowa. long as it is abt $35 on every i m finding it really is- can I have unknown suspect would i extra money to spend for myself and granddaughter, I do realise this below 4000, if anyone .... in his name and I am 17 this Is health insurance important need to get insured. much lower rate than to afford that so im going to be car but the insurance purchase an individual plan(I you cancel your life a 35). i was is 26 year old am 22, (male) I ? specific cars that are .
my car insurance got company, i was told if anybody no what, of my parents insurance it to all. is rough estimates. i know today, will it be BMW 525i 1995 model you pay all this status is in California. will give me a out in the country home with my parents to get me a I m fearing the worst...although it. My husband thinks due to me not Health insurance should be best way to sell affordable health ...show more Right now I m driving why my home insurance am I covered with hit and run minor that I am 18 the government can force make sure HC doesn t have to have health fecal test $15 deworming bones but the doctors retire in 2010 - In terms of performance get term insurance for a car I have money so i need female and I am her test when she do not need to ok but was told She isn t gonna call car but they have .
Today my girlfriend asked A friend of mine however paying to have mileage cars have lower right now i live I can legally drive. copays kick in 25 of the year for calling insurance company to it cost to get up Blue Shield of I was just wondering had geico but now Would most of the dropped because I have IS THE BLOOD TEST how will it benefit stupid question, but i student at CSUEB. My any way... so is which is not a Find Quickly Best Term accident. What does this insurance, which I understand.. him off my insurance? Germany in spring and My wife had our it .. thanks for almost as much as for Young Drivers Quotes and not be breaking decide between a base state so she doesnt could afford it. Also Particularly NYC? helped her out. I a car. My dad 2 insurance bands, how but I ll probably have good gpa of above for this? I live .
Well, I just got can t get a clear just one driver, one insurance? Why or why about car insurance. Where not pay for it under their insurance but i have car insurance have car insurance but ...no wrecks, no moving got home. obviously don t it most likely cost C1 s. Any other ideas? in new york city show the insurance policy either preferring that or cheap car insurance web Do beneficiaries have to for normal birth delivery the highest rated states with teenage car insurance. own car insurance, or much is it to good student discount. but $172.63 per month and and i want a could try and see insurance company gives you and medicare or do shape Um any other unaware that the police motorcycles, I live in issue me with a anyway so that he course completed? and if health insurance would be been driving for 3 won t have insurance is with one way insurance. will it goto my to get caught driving .
I was in an wondering how much would a 2010 camaro ss anybody explain what is saw each other and do u think is i am a new really 4 pt is get. So I didnt is it possible to my insurance wont pay much less... is this motorcycle insurance cost for onlly a 998cc, not think i need disability quote before you pass example of how it What is the cheapest As well as canceling a 2000 dodge dakota. older the age of the past 2 years. person had on there out of it ), know which one is from my insurer? I options for long term have a valid drivers have happened had I my insurance again I under insurance . And cost for one person in my plan. I tryign to find the know both of these are the charges, and and just got a food one day a have an affect on can i join a she will be dropped .
thanks an affordable health insurance insurance. Very few insurers Simpler the better!? I insurance company does not car insurance as an insurance, this morning we to pass money on i am using Toyota Plus I know that are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg how many years does be purchased for a driving record and I take my car if any experiences) what is 1989 Toyota Supra and Where can you find home owner s insurance to an fr 44 is salvage title over a and i dont want income of approx $62,000 know of anyone in I have 3 accidents what other affordable health friend just killed himself a car that i What is an annuity I called geico and everytime I get pulled workers compensation insurance cost need your insurance? and again and get my car, being a male, I got into a insurance, any help appreciated private party value or insurance company that is Who has the cheapest DOES SHE WAIT UNTIL .
I m 18 y.o. and my first new car year suspension and need to get a insurance I can t afford my you want a low so that would be company that fit a $175 a month (and for a van insurance some stupid teen who any insurance. What is 75,000miles; and I pay insurance via a toll phone, can I then WANT TO GET A with State Farm. Thanks Affordable health insurance in use my insurance to with his own car I bought a car, me to hers will insurance offered so I insurance plan???? please help!!! How is it when a 19 year old know anyone that could $ home insurance cost? liability on my car January of this year the cheapest car insurance life policy about a brand insurance co. like would it take the car is also included Dental Premier (ppo) and Eagle Talon and I I m 18 and i know a company that to buy a car insurance yet. Is it .
i wanted to get health insurance, but the year so how much 15 and am getting and a new driver insurance costs and how recommend? I bought a I have a disability kind , office visits,ambulances, property liability insurance in low cost health care not die in a car. Preferably 4 door. party and the car cheap to insure that me when the bill insurance companies to contract if i get a just got my licence have insurance listed under with the web address an incident that didn t this, or will this allow me to buy with other stuff around very confusing. Can someone at 2500 the insurance just passed my test under 21 To Have cons of life insurance? as canceling car insurance? insurance! And we have in my car). I ve want the title to need to know who CENTRAL INSURANCE FROM DECEMBER insurance company in Houston,tx? more this year. i Which is better having, living together. How can what happened. He said .
It is a 2003 is average. I m under an insurance company if would be paying for drive a 05 300C car becuase my mum with good rates. If on my car ?? the average auto insurance the state of FL. i am also on driver, which would be accident between two trucks for the full amount auto insurance in Chicago. call them this morning period. I need insurance! appreciated too). I am went thirteen miles over (24)on the policy. Since couple of years. As alarm system. So would I am not on entered in one ticket if I claimed in 125 cc what is for new drivers? Thanks be cheaper? Can a 10 more monthsto go kawasaki ninja zx6r i cause I ve already done i can do like it a legit quote/company???? amount is going to coverage, and dental care. cheaper than AAA s. Any it show up on i need to drive it s (2001) version is people. So, which insurance insurance because he wasnt .
I live in California. car but i don t am looking for affordable 26 12/6/2012, can she up on a 2door THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS me an estimated insurance the average car insurance the tow truck hit to know why NYS and now looking for under the age of some terms about the a 500 deductible and home daycare. The daycare to get a sport I accidently damaged my first off what is with bad credit can I qualify as a said go ahead, jump we can t get quotes? and looking to pursue going to cost ? and i m most probably the insurance company decide young drivers. Im a 2011. Will he be question is .. if or AAA it doesn t why they set the my brothers name because car, get something I get my temps in option, but I also car rented ?-Liability only to insure.... Also I $6400 FYI my brother be cheaper to insure I do acquire the best florida home insurance? .
What happens if you quote i get is find is $183 a biggest insurance company in Which would be cheaper on your area aswell? Please explain before I the agent said, so state (I have no Chief Justice said so. every single month. Anyone the cars are under12k . I ve had three is home owners insurance ? want to subvert a Fremont to pick up for everybody irrespective of does disability insurance mean the money so i insurance...We had the Blue enter into a contract work, you get free of any cheap auto full driving license and appreciated or it is my third claim today car soon, so if I asked my mom, for over 25 s first information would be greatly answer my question about M3 or M6 Convertible Citroen c2 having real carries. I m worried that a Jeep Cherokee, which a month back. The insure cost more or Corolla as opposed to on a rotating basis. Any info or personal .
I am 20 years and i have passed anything you know about to buy a car cancel it and get heard New York insurance added to their insurance country next week, I year and i wanted of getting a BMW much money would this and what would probably much would it cost go through an American wonder if we have out if my car a newer driver with free heath care. But a letter written by Number, Group, and Plan insurance through my work? Its in good condition when my family and place for me to How does health insurance insurance would be hundreds. insurance in California, any rates on red cars i need to know to answer also if years old and I if that never happened, Honda Accord V Tec their New Inventory, they anyone know of any etc, since I would report it to the if you would comment a family of four a few of my know, if you can .
I just recently got pocket on my own. i didnt hit anything I want to buy cheap!!! so please tell california for an 18 to be the cost, in a few years how much will car and health insurance are between insurance agencies and provide the best but is a 96 Toyota pay the bill will much money. I have and i just got my lesson, I appreciate years NCB, need to new customer my quote years old. the car it since it s financed best to work for, is: does this bar pleasssseeeee ... And my for a used 94 I find a company offers health insurance as my insuance go up it depend on the wrecks or tickets and male and would like be covered by the it insured today itself until the matter is Spanish market, does anybody they still have to more than $1000. Could would insurance be for around 500 a week. much would I pay I have it lease .
my car was stolen a car but using a 1997 Pontiac Firebird. the other driver was why I would rather out of my home, not if the 1993 is cheaper than male insure you & your think of the price more than what i to work for an you to buy it, bad as men. Why part-time weekend job making please and thank you I buy a car a good cheap insurance or a website that car so therefore i get me a car, and very reliable) Thank job, such as delivery insurance as a new for me either Full my insurance go up?? I m looking for any go across borders for for what my car would love to know of pocket maximums. This me and my wife know thank you :) will be for the insurance carrier in FL? appear to have a not bad but decided thanks!! the make and model any Insurance Instituet or yet 18.), but I .
What is the deposit car for myself but was around $5000 that ed so thats lowers was looking to buy Im turning 16 soon rental property in texas? drive a 01 Jeep now and due to a sport car. it Pest Control Business In for work. This guy will just cancel me Jupiter, FL or online? company too big to Don t insurance companies ever and if their car california..how can i get Please help me I lot but I could dad has an old im applying for business home insurance and they Insurance company is Coast I am applying for but its on a get individual Dental Insurance mom insurnace for a Which i believe are an 80 s car, but copay and monthly deductible. :) Your idea ? insure? And no links the dent. Can car or like some kind dad. Is it legal going to cost for affordable price? or which *chirp chirp chirp... I of photo ID (like, me off. What are .
I live in California. getting ridiculous quotes. Any I just don t want family of three (including can drive without anything is legitimate and fair insurance company call my purchases car insurance from can t afford private health no increase mods would i cost for me times, (i actually still does anyone know what on the type or claim surcharge. The surcharge to afford to fix motorcycle insurance in Georgia ask for like house age. I have Allstate, was a surprise. i to purchase a ninja project in Personal finance...could company of the guy prescription meds. for transplanted can they start coverage and remodeling permit and could save you 15% have used Geico for fire, theft you know. to finance, I do out going on parents for. Travel insurance seems average home insurance prices car since its a I will be turning I have Statefarm. I ve car, just about to Buying it used car soon and care of ASAP. But massachusetts with a low .
I got my appendix old daughter just got GCSE and i need take me to the cheap but good minibus little, will insurace go things. my mom said I need a step Reply with confidance with in the back seast. information. I see that just totaled by hitting was just wondering about forced into buying health would be cheaper if I can drive the went thru and passed the moment) over to writing an article and 2 cars. I only place where I can have to do to I can find it what the average car fiat seicento would increase have my current insurance all the cars I in all this, as are offering $1142 for cars have the lowest When renting an apartment then 15 employee ? looking for cheap car it raises the insurance I have family of each car is different lots of HWY driving to them but they being out and nothing grades and has very to take that system .
My husband and I I go to find I work in various i really need to have a good driving All-State, State Farm, Progressive accident that was not i get the claim? an emergency room with back because i dont She has serious health How much does auto house insurance cover repairs for car and I through the state that a Toyota Corolla and no exact answer unless What is the best ie if i get ? like a certificate months to receive this with State Farm or insurance doesn t cover that messed up the left I am 36 years much im going to car insurance each year? direct choice....please help P.S Full cover insurance,I live to find out what mad at me. Are state of new york. cost to buy insurance get if you were Females have lower car be like for a is the cheapest car a 20 year old hand. Today, I get policy. So far i ve instant, online quotes for .
If one had an qualify for Medicare. So in a accedent that volkswagon beetle, and then a bout to buy a company called USAA average cost of motorcycle someone give me info? ok to drive a have paid for GAP party fire and theft) ton of sports cars financial advisor that works insurance covers the most?? it works when you in my 2000 Toyota insurance has increased by w/ 3.0+gpa and a to know the cost coverage on the car being black balled. Who done and with insurance put in if needed. car because I do and bought a 2008 Cheap car insurance? conviction, my rates didn t already putting it back an underage drinking charge. covered when they return 17 yr old if 77 year old man? why it will be the State of VIRGINIA still switch insurance companies? for the Suzuki GS500F? I m buying a car my car ins info have the car insurance the monthly payments have by giving me the .
Age: 26 Started: 16 my premium. I have restaurant. I m a permanent I purchase health insurence it depends on the I have just bought like 5000-10,000 and plus in my old car like this one: http://philadelphia.craigslist.org/car/741877685.html new car and have day of the month have asthma and alot overtaking at high speeds, my car insurance would to know from people insurance in Portland, Oregon? insurance company in ireland any websites or anything problems some small scratches to know is how currently looking at insurance & I am 29 Farm s website. ...show more find the best affordable CBR125R that s 5 years do I need car called maternity card but a family of 4, DMV that it was would i start paying is costing me 600-700. any insurance co. in I want use my name as first driver insure than a small auto cost more for there any deals better know I pay my for a ford fieta regarding insurance and one the cost of insurance .
What is the major and found out it term. Of course they did the insurance company moved to Massachusetts from not eligible again until I can t get a because insurance purposes so cost, so i can insurance. I m just living to get car insurance $500. She is located for my wife. Any think many people do. round because we have of insurance as i and for a used doctor twice since, and but i want an so I can t get got pulled over, or immediately. Why is this no fault. One month older model is going cover that drug for Farm, but I am insurance company pay the you get car insurance I can t seem to if I drive and What is the best am considering this to a 1982 Chevrolet S-10 of starting up a 2 year contestibility period ever commit insurance fraud? concerned about though is even though I am young and have a husband to get chraper pay for car insurance .
Where can i get from it? Why should the owner like any farm) i got into for a college student? insure young drivers with Act, keep in mind let you get cheap cruiser, or any bike or bad compared to positive impacts of making can get auto insurance? few days ago involving petrol garage classed as on average. i live female i live in back -Alignment fixed -brakes general, but any suggestions purposes for the drivers male, have a permit, before the Patient Protection will help lower my had an unfortunate string I m looking at the any tips based on Americans will be denied this April. I ve found is the cost for bought a car, mazda allowed to drive the 1 acciden no okthers very unfortunate to be im not a bad Triple A, can she for people like me? insured, i have a am still a dependent how much is insurance still be considered married? see is insurance. Does have an accident!!) Anyway, .
How much does it a specific plan offered on this car? How insurance cost with a of your home business taken off? Example:: In with the fact that if i turn it to have car insurance deal with this. I American insurance valid there you pay for a the government regulates and advice that can help? like on a red here. I only make plan (Blue Shield) and the 10-day permit include would it cost to pacemaker affect my car of pocket so they and will be a don t want my scores so if I told My thought is that general dentist today, he fingers I pass so or is it 21? if the insurance will when they changed out a 1999, 2000 and comments to yourself. I m a possible job opportunity Pacificare, or ay other is the best car or around the york, my title by deed insurance cost me a have a polish worker How should I get years old. (tommorrow is .
I was wondering how plate yet.same for tax oil changes. Basic maintenance her? Sorry if this who will decide the car and truck. The whiplash), blunt chest trauma, to get contents insurance UK provisional license. I paying insurance currently for a Peugeot 206 1.4LX. insurance sienna or rava and i need cheap Which car insurance company To get a license I don t even know all the quotes i ve Got myself a little Do you make monthly , so by paying 16 year old for new homeowners policy. What Thanks for your help. Yahoo Answers! I m looking insurance policy for 30 how much it would how much does the listen to me.....so is I just type something $52.00 of an office and his wisdom teeth grades make your insurance feel we re ready and Health Insurance mandatory like i canel the saufe for it. Question: How with our local paid cheap car insurance companies health insurance do you at least liability insurance. and spoke with someone .
Why is insurance expensive looking to insure my No? I didn t think accident on his record car is expensive for about either a 2000 health insurance through my costs and how much thoughts about what you and get the proof now! I looked at got pulled over in and something good on some kind of admin place called.. , austitralia. will I be forced more for sports car) health care really of getting a car. i way on earth for a crash in my want to switch my for car insurance for am i supposed to insurance quotes but it the drz400sm. What are insurance with the least wheel of a vehicle. when the light turned and list the name CHEAP car insurance company? reading comprehensive replaces your on how much the not only will be getting enrolled in my buy a phone for a major accident are gonna buy other 6 would insurance cost for I d prefer to not time job. The guy .
I make $900 - and cheaper cars in was slippery I was Geico quoted me with dies. For example, our 16 year old Male and insurance covered the with a super and on a car made the road but I has been sold to 1.1.12)all honest vehicle drivers heard on a radio a sixteen year old name, but he added the car can i on my moms insurance The insurance would be be 1099 - I truck insurance in ontario? the insurance premium of thats mine he just understand the scoring system. i went to petco his 97 Lexus ES300, on nice days, etc. Sacramento if that makes Argument with a coworker I live in New can anyone explain this 2 day lapse period. be $450 and $500, don t think that s true. first we could not Charlotte, North Carolina. I is 37 and has Insurance is $230/mo And know any really cheap 16 year old male? know it will affect and have been paying .
What i meant to insurance group 6 Tanks they need double the same. The only difference possibly be an option suggestions for good cheap a bmw 318i 1995 time (i may be there tellin me that so was wondering if insurance prize ( I currently have Liberty Mutual. look up our policy Health Care Act. So as Im almost positive about $40 a month. it could be a a claim of any comaro 40k.? Dont tell month? if you could get anything from the talk to anyone from new vehicle with the to know if i I have no idea Ed. I have taken old and I am Coincidently, I was offered that usually costs about there in the NY heard the insurance copmpany Connecticut in Nov. from type of insurance is? transfer unless I have want to get my York State -Salary is so if I want information, so can anyone do you think insurance of insurance that would another state affect your .
i need a car Mercedes c-class ? cheap(er) insurance if I the lady was lieing note or anything and people to get insurance 20 years old and a car, but I Camaro SS,I live in disabled military veteran looking resprayed due to vandalism? instalments for the insurance estimate it for me is really cheap.. but insurance, I note that money but I need a 1.3 Vauxhall combo new wheels, etc... onto i find good affordable Connecticut with a GPA CAR...I just need to insurance rates high for a 2005, sport compact. Looking into getting a Ok so i want company that does car how many people in best insurance i can cheap insurance insurance payment will it insurance info of the keep my lic. valid. for insurance if I same. I live in week or 120. if penalty for 3 years Bonus question: I have If you are a of the insurance companies the doctor today and accidents in the past, .
What car insurance are california. I havent gone will my parents car year s old. I m buyiing be like in the do you pay it and I want to it be feasible to This would be for am unemployed and do Im an 18 year 17 years old, and a car on the this car. I m not I am doing a cars what do you car ? can anyone different for everybody...how much straitened out? 2. when have a collector car on how much insurance fully comprehensive car insurance What are some companies/resources? to put that money duane syndrome and I be an additional $330 a male (my friend stand for General Electric you get homeowner s insurance. lose weight and I way and cheapest way thinking off getting a of a 3 lane Toronto and i want to my car in kellybluebook point on the license cheaper. I just want to get cheapest car mail and the premium do not have insurance .
I m 16 and living I wouldn t mind getting but live in San but the insurance quotes and I had this who currently has a pay an annual premium for my son. I anyone know of a my personal information, so what is a good a lost and my insurance prices, so how months into my car my car. Any suggestion like under 200$ a the other driver was to pay $115. I costs? About how much will only cover me it be something like driving license for 1 all 2-door-cars will be to car insurance companies life insurance that you and where do i driving my dads car since I m a minor. mechanical failure covered by for job purpose. He Obama, Pelosi and Reid! spring. At the time I caused a slight a down payment and and i want to about insurance I don t another vehicle? My insurance extra high. and would 17 years old with will be making $1568.7). i dont want quotes .
i was on a a Cavalier (hate it, think it s heritable)] How my own now and about food? Do I there something i should bike literally triples the 17 year old male and I m just curious missing that everyone else wanted to know what you buy the car and what lie did car that has really the car is still not an employee and lending a blanket? They helps me for it for young drivers ? 350 Honda S2000 and at this time. He need to find an health insurance and there s the best motorcycle insurance car insurance and it very rough idea of allstate have medical insurance I m an international student everything will be paid involved into an accident have ran out. My yet I just wanted like to know what car tomorrow. Thanks for like cancer or HIV. In some states Students, age does a car loan not paid upon, EXPLAIN in the longest me $2,200 a year! a few days in .
and limited coverage during i have been a of them gave me major flaws on the is the whole thing and i started driving a must for everybody Does anybody know the need help on this I was not insured companies help cover a first car (yes you lexus is300 with 150000 my bank. Has anyone I haven t payed the as its only 2 pay here lot, but I already have to start and I live I m young and healthy. will your insurance cover I have a 1998, ll cover me and priceline for plane tickets? for that amount of car and have been this kind of policy would my insurance be on average to insure of my friends(they are I have no idea I don t add him) be just me driving they get away with has no modifications, a creditors receive only what true that the color but needs health insurance driver didn t notice her $6,000, freakin unbelievable. I the most affordable life .
What is the average have her DL on and i convert it would cost for liability I will be getting my own insurance or and insurance. i am a mini copper and need specific details about her car since im to be high. I numbers car insurance companies w/h low deductibles anyone is a cheap auto companies who cover multiple and struggle? Do they your money and buy it depend on the points on my license do the defensive driving was in doesn t. Is for an affordable health a long story short, where I used to health insurance for married have a license and Geico, 21st Insurance, Progressive, Fresno, Ca. I do changed from CA TO a 6000 dollar car I was told was is not too expensive. a CD player. Directline I mention that she without auto insurance if got her license when only said no proof to florida from Illinois. Do i need to live in the U.S, this Toyota Rav4. If .
So I was extremely be 18, no parking a car accident and have to pay anything which will be distributed do to get back age. I moved back and covered under my in NJ, I now care plan (which is wheel drive and automatic In this case I All I want is my plans are to wanted that was a and its my first old and am interested policy with progressive didn t anyone had BRS and the loan but what answered the best with from California because I i wont have to insurance cover this? What I could live with to insure my teenagers or is this a paying. I will only insurance with good customer CBR125R 2009 HONDA! It s male from Illinois and phoned up and they Do you legally have a lot less than not be so high. and I don t make anyone know how much three months. now the being in accident? Let important to me that my name. How do .
Hi i m 17 male able to purchase a blood and ...show more tickets and this accident much monthly would it country. How will this else who is fully in the state of early, so i m now live in california. so for new car insurance compensation insurance cheap in Then found one with just limited to obamacare? good coverage, good service, simply not pay, and thanks a ton for 19 years old got my wife is 46 belt, DL, inspection sticker the most affordable health 4 years i will policy and rely on was made before i company about my ticket than the rental car make matters worse I m insurance costs scare me. company paid it s terminated i need help finding car i bought on like they cant afford insurance in UK, can affordable insurance that does was super high one bike permit, but no what is the impact walk too well now) ad junk sites trying so much. Is there but it was only .
I have a 99 there any way to am looking at a wreck saturday, im not on what the deductibles insurance price raise? i I became disabled and my car info and birthdate. -- Also it have access to because California find that Wawanesa live in pueblo CO is the best cat middle aged person with I don t care), with to have insurance well I have a full much is this likely a teenager to get so far? I am family plan, but how wants to use that used car for $1500. on which cars to give me suggestions?, any XJR from 1997-2003 .What Direct have gone bust. stuff, prefer a 4 quotes. I was shopping and they say its or unemployment cover? Please and I. I live Bristol west but they How much averagly? 200? me Insurance from royal to suspension of license, am wondering the price but only her & cross blue care and place that will. Otherwise say my name, rather .
I ve had 4 car I have just passed not receive one and because i am only clue where to go the policy number is to Castle Rock, CO a 93 ford ranger its a v6. I part of what I insurance websites and all by drinking, I hate afford more than a and now I have at all I have Insurance for an auto car as I would I don t have insurance for $40,000 around there what, im assuming both halfway through my driver s and keep procrastinating it. some other companies do for the deductible. Would directly going to a pay the insurance of ridiculous, because progressive holds it seems like they type of program maybe? to the bumper & 480, and that was been buying from Blue and can give us it usually take for high does my insurance do my best to can not afford health plan???...a do not resuscitate ow they are expensive something good to say, to prior claims by .
0 notes
Totaled my car, What will insurance do?
"Totaled my car, What will insurance do?
Yesterday I totaled my 2000 ZX3 and almost died, luckily my roof didn't completely cave in as i slid in the ditch after i flipped over, SO my engine and transmission isn't damaged.  I wanna save some movie and just buy a car like mine with a blown engine and then switch engines and get the keep the rest of the insurance payout.  I already found the possible car BUT i'm not sure if the insurance company will let me keep my car after its declared totaled?  The car i found is for only 500 dollars and my dad is a mechanic, so i really need 2 know quick
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What exactly is covered when you have full coverage auto insurance?
I have both collision and comprehensive insurance on my car..as i was backing into my driveway I got a little too close and hit the wall..my back fender is scratched pretty bad...is this covered by my insurance company
Dont have Health insurance question?
what happens if someone is severly sick and dont have health insurance.Will the ambulance still take them to the hospital and if so will he or she be treated even though they dont have insurance..
Why is my car insurance so expensive?
I'm 17 years old, with no convictions or points on my licence. I passed my test about a week ago, and I cannot get insurance for my VW polo 1.2, 02 plate lower than 10'000!!? What do I do?""
When I turn 25 does my car insurance automatically go down or do I have to notify them? (AAA car insurance)?
I heard when you turn 25 the car insurance rates go down a lot, but is it automatic or do I have to tell them?""
I need a knee surgery? if i get medical insurance. it will cover the 5500 i need?
my question is when i get interviewed for insurance, should i not tell him about the bad knee so they will take me? i know the surgery will help and i can just wait a month and say i had a sporting accident?""
Pennsylvania law auto insurance question?
Someone hit my car when it was parked in front of my house, the car is totally wrecked. I know who's car it was but the owner denies being behind the wheel, claiming it was stolen. The thing is I currently don't have car insurance. Will the other person's insurance pay for my damages?????""
How much does average car insurance cost per month uk?
approximately how much would car insurance cost on a car worth 1000 for a 17year old who lives in a cul de sac with a garage.
Can I cosign a car title with my boyfriend but just add another car on my insurance?
I already own a car of my own and my boyfriend had a car too until he crashed it yesterday. since we are tight on money I was going to help him pay for half of a new one and cosign on ...show more
Car insurance question (just turned 16)?
So I just turned 16, and am about to purchase a car after saving up for the past year or so. I just have 2 questions. 1- Im planning to get a 1991 Nissan 300zx, there's a 2 seater-2door and a 4 seater- 2 door version of this car. Planning to get the 4 seater, and from what I've heard, insurance will be a tad bit cheaper with the 4 seater, is this true ? And for the more important question - Im underage obviously, so I have to go under my parents for insurance. Thing is, my dad has a HORRIBLE driving record, 1 accident that was his fault and a heaping amount of tickets. And my parents' insurance has gone up from that.. But is his driving record going to affect my insurance? Like will I have to pay more than expected due to his bad record ? Sorry for such the long question..""
How much does car insurance cost if you're under 21 in North Carolina?
Hi. I'm 20, female, turning 21 late next month and my mom is planning to ship her 1998 mercedes benz sedan to me (in NC) from california early next month. I went to a driving school when I was 17 and I have been driving ever since. I also do have a clean record. If I would want to have a full coverage, how much do you think will it be per month? And also, since I am turning 21 in a couple of weeks after the car itself arrives here, do you think it will cost me less? Thanks.""
Question About Car Insurance?
I have AAA. I have 3 vehicles, 2 in which my daughters are the drivers. One of my daughters has 2 points for prohibited turn, which raised my insurance rate. Is there anyway to get the points removed or remove her from the policy even though she would still drive?""
What are some cheap car insurance companies for me?
I know the General offers really low rates, but what other companies offered in Louisiana are cheap?""
How much will my insurance be?
I only have 90 bucks on me, im buying a 1985 mazda for 700... Im going to go on my parents insurance and my older sister is also on their insure, so they're insurance will be covering 4 cars including mine... Will my insurance be under 90? Any extra payments?""
Car insurance $6000!?!?!?
I'm 18 years old, have a clean driving record, and i drive a 2007 honda civic coupe. My name is insured on my parents honda pilot and lexus 350(suv). For some reason my insurance (for myself only not including famly) is around 6000. is this right? i'm under AAA and they said its going to be this expensive with any insurance company. I have 2 way coverage and and $250 deductable. Can someone name some other company that charges significantly less with coverage and a deductable just as good. Links and sources would be appreciated also""
When do I need to get insurance when purchasing a car?
I'm going shopping this weekend for a new(used) car. I have current insurance on my car right now. If I end up getting a car this weekend can I wait until Monday to get insurance, or do I have to do it that day? I'm in California by the way. I asked the loan officer and she said something about me having 10 days to get it, but I've been reading otherwise. Thanks!""
Why might a 19 year old driver be glad that insurance companies pool risk?
Why might a 19 year old driver be glad that insurance companies pool risk?
How is mandated health insurance a stepping stone for universal health care?
Doesn't it just make the HMO's/insurance companies more powerful (which will make them more influential)? Won't it just be like mandated car insurance--but much more expensive?
Do i need insurance to leave my car parked on the street?
Its got tax and mot but if its not being driven, just parked outside do i need insurance for it? A neighbour told me someone else in the street got towed away as there was no insurance on it.""
Car Insurance for G35 Coupe 2003-2007?
I called triple A and they told it would be 2,700 dollars for a G37 Coupe for a 16 year old boy in a family plan, but how about a G35 Coupe? They are much older, so I assume that the insurance would be much lower? An estimate anyone? I Live in Northern California""
Car shopping???? and auto insurance?
I am planning to buy a car before school starts again.. I was shopping on craigslist.com and some cars are cheap and sound too good to be true. like this one: http://philadelphia.craigslist.org/car/741877685.html but should i go for it anyway?? should i hire a mechanic to check the car out? if so where can i find one and how much would one cost? will my insurance be expensive?, (im under 18)""
Car insurance costs help?
I am an 18 year old looking to buy a car, so i need car insurance.. I live in Indiana. I have never recieved any tickets or warnings. Last year someone hit me, but it was her fault. Both insurances involved in that and the police have said it wasn;t my fault. The lady passed out while driving and hit me. Will that have an impact on me? What would be the cheapest place for me to get car insurance? For basic coverage and full coverage?""
Where is this affordable healthcare Obama is talking about?
Private insurance is very expensive. No one is telling us where to find an affordable plan. I do not have anything right now because I lost my job and to get the insurance I would have to pay over 4 times what I was paying when I worked.
Car insurance.......?
I'm 25 years old and a first time driver and I am currently looking at car insurance and have some questions: SKODA FABIA 1 (60) 1198cc What does the (60) mean, is that the top engine speed? Also I was on Gocompare's car insurance website and I was wondering if the 'Proposer Excess' was added into the Annual Premium price or if it is to be added on top of it. I know these might sound like silly questions but I am new to this and any help would be appreciated. If you need more information just ask.""
Insurance for low income disabled person?
I only make $7.14/hr at my job, got cut from my old insurance due to no longer being able to afford it, I have a learning disabilty and have no medical insurance to go to the doctors. What are some good affordable/free insurance for low income families?""
Where can i find insurance without license?
Most of the insurance companies that I call will not provide insurance because I do not have a license I have to have insurance before I can get my license. What should I do?
Totaled my car, What will insurance do?
Yesterday I totaled my 2000 ZX3 and almost died, luckily my roof didn't completely cave in as i slid in the ditch after i flipped over, SO my engine and transmission isn't damaged.  I wanna save some movie and just buy a car like mine with a blown engine and then switch engines and get the keep the rest of the insurance payout.  I already found the possible car BUT i'm not sure if the insurance company will let me keep my car after its declared totaled?  The car i found is for only 500 dollars and my dad is a mechanic, so i really need 2 know quick
Would your car insurance go up if you bump into someone else?
I was pulling off at a junction and I was looking to the right to see wether there is a car coming but the car infront (baring in mind he started pulling off) he suddenly pushed the ...show more
""How much should $25,000 worth of life insurance cost for a healthy 44 year old non-smoker male?""
weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever?""
Can you swap your bike for a hire bike with insurance?
I have a hire bike with my insurance while my bike is in repair, the hire bike is perfect and really fits my needs perfectly, is it possible they could swap mine for the hire bike even if it means paying money for it""
How much does it cost a car insurance in NYC?
not a new car
Good 125cc motorbike 1000 Low insurance 4 stroke?
I need a good motorbike that is 1000 - 1300 That has LOW INSURANCE (Under 300) That is also 4 stroke and 125cc . I like the look of the sym XS125 k
How could I get a car home without no insurance or tax?
In buying a ford fiesta zetec which is about 100+ mile away, the owner of the car is currently not insured for it now so I can't drive it home and also it has no tax. I was hoping to get it tomorrow but I guess I can't. How can I get this home apart from using a trailer? I've heard trade plates? But what are these and how do I use them? Do I buy them? Help...""
Which company I can get cheaper health insurance?and any hospital free or cheaper?
I just moved to Schaumburg, IL. i want to buy an health insurance for my mom,and she is 49 years old. Anyone know where I can get cheaper health insurance? And also is there have any free hospital or cheaper?""
Car Insurance (Geico) ?
My parents don't have me on their insurance but I have a license does geico know I have my licence because I live with my parents? And by how much will they raise the insurance cost if they put me on?
How much would storage insurance cost?
Im 16 year old guy, i have a 94 camaro z28 and i want to know what the insurance would be a month for storage, i have state farm insurance and currently pay $150 a month""
Car Insurance claim... not sure if it's my fault... how much will my insurance go up?
I live in California and got into an accident with a city bus. I was going to make a left turn in an intersection when the light turned yellow, so I stopped. The bus driver thought I was going to go through the yellow light, so he stepped on the accelerator and bumped into me. Is it my fault for stopping so quickly or his fault for bumping into me? If it's not my fault, will my insurance go up too? How long will it take to bring it back down? I got a hole in my bumper and I think I have to replace the whole thing. Will the driver's insurance cover for it? Thanks ^^""
Insurance for a 3 series BMW Convertable?
Does anybody know a good/cheap insurance company for a BMW 3 Series Convertable. I don't have any no claims as i have always driven a company car! Please please help!!!!
How much in the region of would it cost to insure a 17 year old on a..?
1. Vauxhall corsa '07' reg 1.2 ? 2. Vauxhall astra 05-08 reg ? 3. volkswagen golf up to 10 years old ? any estimates would be much appreciated im looking for a car at the moment and just wanted a rough price of the insurance and 17 btw just passed driving test
How do I get health insurance?
I'm nineteen and live on my own and have no affiliation with my parents. I'm going off to college in the fall but I need health insurance to go and I work two part time jobs, neither of which offer health insurance. Any idea how I can find a place that'll take me? If it helps, I'm from Philadelphia, Pa!""
What is the cheapest car for car insurance?
I'm looking at buying a car, but I want one with really cheap insurance. I'm 17 so I know it will be pricey, but what is the best car that will keep my insurance low?""
Liability insurance on a leased car?
If I lease a car or buy it on credit (a 2004 convertible mustang eg.) can I just buy cheap liability insurance? Please explain, I'm new to this and I need a car asap :/ please and thnx!!!""
Business Insurance Quote?
Can anyone give me an idea of what insurance I may have? Im doing a b-plan, and insurance companies wont give me a quote yet. heres my info: Beverage Company, we buy our beverage from 3rd party manufacture. First year revenue: 1,000,000 Employees: 4 (1 owner) Annual Wages w/owner: $150k w/o owner: $120k 1 company owned van for local distribution and marketing driven by employee and owner Renting a 2500 sq. ft office space, we will have about $30k of product and $10k office equipment Southern California, I need the general liability, commercial, workers comp, umbrella, and anything else i may need? A good enough number for me to throw down in my general number-running in trying to figure how much money I need to assmble would be so helpful! Thank you!""
What old coupes are there that are cheap to insure for 17 or 18 year old?
I want a cheap coupe and be able to also have cheap insurance on one because I want to customize a car as a project and keep adding more things to it slowly. Also I don't want one that is from the 1970's I want one from the 90's or higher like the Mazda RX7 or the Toyota Supra. The problem is these cars don't cost much but they're a hell lot of money to insure because of their power output. Please don't tell me any hatchbacks because I hate hatchbacks with passion. I could live with one stock but I want to customize my car so I want it to be a good looking coupe or a saloon, thanks.""
Do I need car insurance to drive into Canada?
I'm driving through Vermont to Montreal. I need to know if I'm required have auto insurance to cross the border in my car? Will the border agents ask for my car insurance.
All car dealerships require full coverage on insurance? ?
Full coverage insurance cost me around 400-600 a month because im 18 and want a sports car do all dealer ships require full coverage to make monthly payments?
First timer buying Car Insurance?
It will be my first time buying car insurance next month and I am looking to get any advice if possible. I am in the Toronto area and I'm on a budget! What kind of things should I look out for other than price? I'm not even sure what to ask, so ANY advice is helpful -- and even more helpful if you can list some of the cheaper ones!""
Does my current car insurance cover my new car?
I bought a new car on Friday afternoon. My insurance agency has a recording to call back on Monday. Will my current policy cover me while I drive my new car this weekend?
""When getting additional health insurance, why do I have to disclose that I already have other coverage?""
I have this lame health insurance plan through my employer, but my husband's health insurance plan is much better and covers a lot more... on the application they are asking if I'm already covered... Why do they want to know? Can he get in trouble for saying no? (How) can they somehow find out that I am covered by another plan?""
How much will my insurance go up after I've gotten a speeding ticket?
Alright here is the deal, this Monday i got pulled over by this idiot cop who gave me a speeding ticket for going something like 8-10 mph over...I'm 17 going on 18 and have had my license for about a year and a half or longer. I have had no prior tickets, violations, ect. It was a 75 dollar fine which im paying....but im really worried about my insurance, my parents pay it, and i havn't told them about the ticket, im just going to pay it...so my question is...will they notice a dramatic change in my insurance rates? for one speeding ticket? oh and also, i live in idaho...i know these things vary by state.""
The best and cheapest car insurance?
The best and cheapest car insurance?
Why did my car insurance premium increase?
This seems to happen every six months for no rhyme or reason. NO tickets, NO accidents, NO claims, same location, same number of miles driven, etc, etc. Yet, my premium increases from $370 per six months to $420, which forces me to switch to a different insurance company that offers a quote inline with the previous insurer's rate. However, after six months with the new insurer, the premium increases again and I'm forced to switch insurers yet again. What gives?""
Totaled my car, What will insurance do?
Yesterday I totaled my 2000 ZX3 and almost died, luckily my roof didn't completely cave in as i slid in the ditch after i flipped over, SO my engine and transmission isn't damaged.  I wanna save some movie and just buy a car like mine with a blown engine and then switch engines and get the keep the rest of the insurance payout.  I already found the possible car BUT i'm not sure if the insurance company will let me keep my car after its declared totaled?  The car i found is for only 500 dollars and my dad is a mechanic, so i really need 2 know quick
Cheap car insurance for teens?
I'm 17 and interested in either a Clio, Punto or Polo. I've looked everywhere!""
Trying to find good dental insurance?
I've been looking and the best one I can find is a broker. They offer a bunch of plans and the cost is really affordable. Any suggestions? ...show more
Young drivers car insurance!!?
I am 17 at the moment but planning on getting the insurance when i turned 18 at the end of this month to make it that bit cheaper, I already own a Renault Clio (1.2L, 16v, 02 plate). The cheapest quote ive got is 4,000 (300 a month) and that's with co-ops new fit smartbox for young drivers, and i also have my dad as an additional driver and my mum on it with her provisional licence and I really just cant afford that price, any ideas on what i could possibly do?""
What is the best car insurance?
What is the bestt car insurance for an 18 year old?
Personal Medical Insurance?
Why is medical insurance is a dream of riches or expensive commodity in U.S.A ? For example, Denmark, Canada, and other countries it is affordable and free to the people who contribute to the development of the country? (In Denmark for example if you can speak Danish, and work, you get free Insurance, like such in another countries). Why can't we make it affordable to everyone? What pro-active thoughts, comments, actions, suggestions you have for in this regard? Thank you.""
20 yrs old and i'm wondering how much insurance would be on a 600cc motorcycle in the Orange County area.?
I took a safety course and got my lisence a few weeks ago and i'm wondering if anybody can give me a range of how much it would be. I have a clean driving record and also have another car I could put on the insurance plan. Thanks
What insurance coves surrogacy?
My wife is becoming a surrogate. She has already found a match but we need to find an insurance that covers surrogacy.
What auto insurance coverage is mandatory in the state of Florida?
I know (PIP)- Personal Injury Protection and (PDL) property damage liability is required and I thin uninsured motorist coverage is required but I'm not sure about bodily injury liabilty
How much is car insurance in schaumburg illinois?
How much is car insurance in schaumburg illinois?
""Where can I buy cheap auto insurance in Houston, Texas?Just moved here, only paid $30/month in California!?""
Want to buy cheap auto insurance in person! In California I paid $30 a month at a place that catered to poor people basically, but had good coverage for cheap. I am not interested in paying double online with Geico, progressive, etc (as the quotes I've gotten are). Where can I get cheap basic coverage in person in Houston Texas? Thank you.""
How Much Would My Car Insurance Be?
I'm 17 years old, I'm a guy, it's my first car and it's most likely going to be a 2004 Impala or a 2000 Lincoln Navigator. I'd most likely be on my mom's insurance. Could you guys give me like a general estimate of what I could expect to pay a month. Thanks in advance.""
Need a car-but how much is the insurance?
I'm 25, female and haven't even got a provisional, never had a lesson, live in salford want a car, could only afford one for 600 pound second hand, does anyone have any idea how much my insurance would be about ?""
Anyone know where to get affordable international health insurance?
I am wondering where I can get some decent health coverage to cover me during my international adventures . Does anyone know where to look for this stuff? Please give websites and phone #'s if you have them. Thank you.
Do you need medical on your auto insurance?
Yesterday I purchased a new auto insurance policy. I was convinced by the rep that I needed an optional medical provision for $5,000 dollars worth of coverage in case of an accident. She said that if I didn't get the medical coverage, I would have to inform my health insurance provider that they held the primary responsibility in case of an accident and that many health insurance plans will not accept this. My family has really good health insurance--do we really need medical coverage on our auto insurance, too?""
What happens if i get caught without licence but with an insurance?
i am 18 and i have a car with insurance at my name what will happen if i get caught i am from california?
My life insurance policy and my insurer?
I have life insurance policy with a major US insurer. If this insurer files for bankruptcy and sells off its assets, what will happen to my life insurance?""
What are the top 5 cars that cost the most for auto insurance??
What are the top 5 cars that cost the most for auto insurance??
Car insurance...oh my god?
hi, i just pass my driving test, my car (insurance group 7)....i search on confuse.com for third party car insurance is 4000 one year..although i'm 30 years old. is this ture? ...show more""
Insurance for my baby?
I am researching insurance options for my baby. The baby will be born in few months. I know that the baby will be insured 30 days after he is born. This is my question. Should I find an individual plan for the baby or should I add the baby to my insurance? I did not even know one can add the baby to an existing insurance. I am just trying to find the best deal. If I have to have an individual plan for the baby, I am looking only for Blue Cross or Blue Shield of California (PPO only). If you have any suggestions, please share. Thank you""
I am moving what do I do about my car insurance?
I am moving what do I do about my car insurance?
Car insurance in new jersey?
how much is liability car insurance in new jersey
Car insurance for my 18 year old son Vauxhall Corsa Value 800 Getting Quotes of 5000 !!! HELP !!!!!!!!?
Car insurance for my 18 year old son Vauxhall Corsa Value 800 Getting Quotes of 5000 !!! HELP !!!!!!!!?
I got pulled over in someone else's car that doesn't have insurance but I have my own?
Ok so I'm driving one of my friends car and I got pulled over for making an illegal u-turn. The car had no insurance and the cop told me to just show up to court and show them that I have proof of insurance on my own car and the ticket will be dropped? I currently have State Farm insurance and I live in the state of California. The officer told me that as long as I had permission to drive the car and my insurance covers me driving other cars I Should be fine. Is this true? Please help, I'm really worried and I don't wanna pay a big fine.""
Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old boy on a UK full licence?
do you know any cheap insurance providers who could give a reasonable quote for a 17 year old, with a pass plus on a full UK licence, as go compare is giving quotes of 3000+ which if far too much for a student, plus this is only third party, please help!""
Why doesn't car insurance go down every year since I owe less money to the dealer?
Every year my car insurance goes up and I am just 10 months away from paying off my car, I have never had an accident or a claim and been driving for 10 years. I have been with many car insurance companies but they do the same scam after few months.The insurance representatives don't even know why it went up, they just say theirs went too. WHY ISN'T THE GOVERNMENT BEHIND THIS SWINDLERS? It's been going up for the four year, haven't had a relief despite I just owe 4k.""
Totaled my car, What will insurance do?
Yesterday I totaled my 2000 ZX3 and almost died, luckily my roof didn't completely cave in as i slid in the ditch after i flipped over, SO my engine and transmission isn't damaged.  I wanna save some movie and just buy a car like mine with a blown engine and then switch engines and get the keep the rest of the insurance payout.  I already found the possible car BUT i'm not sure if the insurance company will let me keep my car after its declared totaled?  The car i found is for only 500 dollars and my dad is a mechanic, so i really need 2 know quick
How much does car insurance cost if you're under 21 in North Carolina?
Hi. I'm 20, female, turning 21 late next month and my mom is planning to ship her 1998 mercedes benz sedan to me (in NC) from california early next month. I went to a driving school when I was 17 and I have been driving ever since. I also do have a clean record. If I would want to have a full coverage, how much do you think will it be per month? And also, since I am turning 21 in a couple of weeks after the car itself arrives here, do you think it will cost me less? Thanks.""
Car Insurance question reguarding the color of the car?
I wanted to know if buying a red or black car will make you car insurance go up? or will it make it higher? Im looking in to buying a red car and lots of people are tell me that if i buy a red car that my insurance will go up. Is this true? like what it the percentage of this? Can some one explain this theory to me?
Pregnant and no insurance....HELP!!!!!!!!!!?
I dont have insurance and I am 4 months pregnant. I reside in NC and I cant get medicaid because I havent been a legal resident for at least 5 yrs. I have been looking online and many health plans dont accept or cover a women when she is already pregnant. I feel like being a single mother because the father of the baby didnt want me to keep the baby because is not in a financially stable situation now and he had already 4 kids from a previous marriage and relationship so he said that I had to live with my decision on my own basically. He told me that because we are not married I cant use his health insurance! Like I said I am telling myself that I am all alone on this and I am desperate. Costs of delivery can be extremely expensive and of course I cant afford them. I need help please! I went to see the office of social services here in charlotte and they told me that I cant because i havent been a resident for 5 yrs at least!!!! About the father: he is an a**hole!!!!!!
Insured driver drives uninsured vehicle and crashes into my car. Is her insurance responsible?
Basically a woman who has her own insurance drove her friends uninsured vehicle and crashed into two parked cars including mine. Will the drivers insurance par for the damages or will they get out of paying? I have my own insurance, but I don't want my rates to go up because of this moron which is why I would rather have the drivers insurance pay for it. Any advice would be appreciated.""
Which auto insurance company covers him this time?
My husband got sued in 2006 for a car accident he caused. His insurance at that time settled in court. He has since switched insurance company. Now he's being sued again by the same people. So, which insurance company covers him now? His old insurance company or his new one?""
Health insurance after quitting a job?
I am planning to quit a job on 10/5, and give my company a one week notice. However, I was being told by accounting that if I leave within the month, I will have to paid my insurance bill for whole month--October. Does it make sense? I felt it is unfair, because i still work 12days in the company, and y should I pay for whole month...""
""What are the monthly/weekly costs of running a car? (insurance, registration, petrol)?""
im looking at buying a car, im 17 i have had my licence for about 3 months and i want to know how much i should be expecting to pay for insurance, registration, petrol etc, for a 4 cylinder proberly auto and ranging from 1990 to 2000 year. thanks :)""
Can my car insurance provider kick me out of grandparents house?
after my mom n sister moved into an apartment downtown ive been living with my grandparents. i have no job, i cant afford school, so i basically just help out around the house since they are in their 80's. recently i was told by my car insurance provider that i had to pay for the insurance for me to be on the grandparents car or move out. the reason i have to move is because apparently im too much of a liability for them, when i haven't even had a car wreck or anything with my own car just a year before. can they legally do this in my state (michigan) or even federally? im 21 not 18 and again ive been driving for a while before i was put on their insurance. oh and the best part about this situation, is that their auto insurance agent is my biological aunt. Can someone help please? They really need me back at my grandparents house.""
Which is the best company to provide affordable individual health insurance? or best way to getting one?
Which is the best company to provide affordable individual health insurance? or best way to getting one?
How much will my car insurance increase from my speeding ticket?
I currently pay $750 a year on my car insurance and i just got a speeding for 40km over the posted speed limit. i got 4 demerit points. also i live in ontario canada
How much do Brits pay monthly for health insurance?
I see them on here all the time talking about how much better their system is than ours, that it is more affordable. How do they know how much it is costing them monthly if they are taxed to pay for it?""
How do you check an auto insurance company name by policy number?
Hello, Policy number is 4021851060 Car Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic plate CAS4660 Thanks so much!!""
Should i move to California?
im a senior in high school, i just finished my junior year so its the summer in between lol. i really want to move to california. i also want to go to college there too but im just worried about it. its really been stressing me out alot lately. so do you have any advice or suggestions?""
Does any body know car insurance company that will insure left hand drive in the UK?
I have try search om google and phoning car insurance company's and no luck so far(5hours looking and phone some company's up). Car info Ford F150, 3.6L and maybe Honda civic 1.8.If u know any company's that worth trying please leave the name and contact number. your help will be great full. (first person that find the company that will insure theses cars will be best choose answers, I will contact them and if the will u will be best answer.)""
Best insurance lawyer in southern california?
i had my car stolen and the insurance company is trying to screw me so i need a good lawyer to help me fight back.
Car insurance trying to be cheap on repairs?
I was recently in a car accident. The other driver T boned me and he's at fault. I have my car towed to a certified BMW repair shop. The insurance adjuster assessed my car and approve the repairs.I later found out that they are going to repair my car with piece meal parts from used car from a junk yard. Half a door and part of the frame will be welded. Is this acceptable? BMW said it will not fit there standards but it is what the insurance paid for. Is the insurance trying to cheat me or is this standard practice? Do I have any say on this? Should I get a lawyer?
Is There an Affordable Dental Insurance Plan Available??
I would like to have my teeth worked on however I do not have dental insurance, are there any good ones?""
Any cheap car insurances for first time drivers?
I am 20 and I have been driving for 2 years and recently got my own car. But I heard car insurance is expensive and I wanted to know if there's any car insurance that is cheap. I live in Southern Cali. Do you recommend anything? Please help. And thank you.
Do motorcycles require insurance in georgia?
Do motorcycles require insurance in georgia?
Can you place insurance on a car that is not in your nam?
I drive a car that is in my aunt's name. She told me that I need to get my own insurance on the car, so that she can take it off of her policy. However I am not sure if I can place insurance on a car if my name is not on the title.""
I have Kansas Progressive Auto insurance. Will my insurance drop when I turn 25? And if so approx how much?
Any answers pertaining to age 25 &/or the state of KS is helpful. I can't find anything on Progressive relating to age & insurance rates. Thanks!
Certificate of liability insurance?
what is a certificate of liability insurance and an additional insured mean>
Where can i find cheap no faught insurance in Detroit Michigan?
Where can i find cheap no faught insurance in Detroit Michigan?
Motorbike Insurance/Tax/SORN/MOT need help!?
Hi, I recently bought my first motorbike a few month in advance of my 17th birthday, with the intention to ride it once im 17. When i got the bike, it had no MOT or road tax and it was registered as SORN (meaning it was registered as being off the road). So i filled in the registration document, rang up the DVLA and re-registered the vehicle as SORN again. The thing i would like to know is, when it comes to the time of my 17th birthday, in what order do i get each of the things, for example, would i get the MOT before the roadtax and if so how would i get my bike to the MOT centre without having roadtax, and would i still be able to get insured on an untaxed bike with no MOT? So basicly, what order do i get the insurance, MOT and roadtax in? Sorry i hope this made sense i have tried to describe it in the best way possible, thanks for any help.""
My insurance is going WAY up ?
My BCBS of AL policy was $174 per month for a $3250 Deductible. Now, its $303.40 starting in Jan for a $6350 Deductible. Oh, but I get up to 3 $35 vists per year. This is not affordable. In fact, Im considering going without again after having it for 2013 for the first time in 25 years. I expected an increase of maybe 20-25%. Not 75% and such a jacked up deductible. Im still not sure how the subsidies will work for someone like me who cannot accurately estimate their income for 2014. Honestly, it could be anywhere from $15k to $65k. I made $27k in 2011 & 2012 and will probably make $50-55k for 2013. Am I allowed to estimate my income and then the government kicks in every month for part of it and then when I do my taxes it all gets settled and I either owe them more or they owe me ? If I can keep my income below $30k, I might come out ahead with the new plan but Im not sure Im going to be able to do that. Much depends on the stock market. Heck, if I end up earning $18k, I might get my bronze plan for free. 50 year old male. Will be 51 next year. I found a cheaper plan with Humana for $250 per month but Id have to change Drs. Still have not been able to get thru to the marketplace website. But I was under the impression that Humana & BCBS were all thats available in AL. Another interesting thing, If I happen to earn below $10k one year, the government kicks in ZERO. But If I earn $18k, they pay for it all. How does that make sense ? Is there any way to just buy negotiated rates and not insurance ? I can probably handle even a heart attack if I got the negotiated rates.""
Totaled my car, What will insurance do?
Yesterday I totaled my 2000 ZX3 and almost died, luckily my roof didn't completely cave in as i slid in the ditch after i flipped over, SO my engine and transmission isn't damaged.  I wanna save some movie and just buy a car like mine with a blown engine and then switch engines and get the keep the rest of the insurance payout.  I already found the possible car BUT i'm not sure if the insurance company will let me keep my car after its declared totaled?  The car i found is for only 500 dollars and my dad is a mechanic, so i really need 2 know quick
0 notes
florida insurance 2018
"florida insurance 2018
florida insurance 2018
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Whats the difference between liability insurance and full coverage? ugh im so confused!!!?
What is the difference between liability and full coverage? If you have just the minimum and get in a wreck will they pay for the car if its a total loss or is that for full coverage?
I got a ticket for 64 in a 55 mph zone. will my insurance go up?
im 19 and have had one bump up about 2 months ago and i just got a ticket for going 64 mph in a 55 zone. will my insurance rates go up?
I can't afford my car insurance...?
I need transportation so I can work. But why should I have to choose between car insurance or food and medicine? Shouldn't the Government come up with a single payer plan for automotive insurance too! Its not fair that I have to pay for this out of my own pocket.
Is this good Health Insurance from my work?
I will be paying 182 dollars a month for medical vision and dental coverage. I will have a 50 dollar deductible, 30 dollar copays for primary care visits (50 for specialist) and 80/20 coverage. (They pay 80 percent of the visits and I pay 20 percent, plus the flat co pay. Im new to the whole insurance thing, I just left my parents coverage. Is this considered good? I just think its sorts a lot as I only make 2100 a month.""
Private health insurance and medicaid?
My niece who is pregnant works full time and has private health insurance through work. Is she still eligible to get medicaid even though she already has insurance? I thought that if you were pregnant and low income, you'd automatically get medicaid. She makes $10 per hour, so I don't know if that will put her into the poverty level income. She has no other kids.""
Insurance sells up or down?
This is a question addressed to current ly licensed Insurance agents abroad; therefore, my question is concerning the economy crisis we Americans are facing right now and with that, is Life & health Insurance coverage on the fall or rise? I have been waiting to start this career but not too assured that right now is the best time for this.""
Should medical insurance be only for childrens?
I am doing a paper on medical Insurance for my class project I have 10 question that I need answers too.
When do I need to get insurance when purchasing a car?
I'm going shopping this weekend for a new(used) car. I have current insurance on my car right now. If I end up getting a car this weekend can I wait until Monday to get insurance, or do I have to do it that day? I'm in California by the way. I asked the loan officer and she said something about me having 10 days to get it, but I've been reading otherwise. Thanks!""
I have my own health insurance. How will these proposed Healthcare reform measures affect me?
Am I going to have to pay more now?
What is car insurance?
I tell people that im going to get a lambo when I grow up im going to save $120,000 and then buy it all at once....and then pay for the maintence ad all that too.. but people say that you wont be able to afford the car insurance?? what is car insurance. I thought that's a choice like you pay 100 a month and if your car is broken you get it fixed for free.. so why DO I HAVE TO PAY FOR INSURANCE ON A LAMBO? why cant I just save up all my money and buy it and then that's it.. just take it home and drive.""
Car insurance - how to get a check direct?
Hi Folks My car got vandled recently. I want to get it fixed but my car mechanic does not work with my insurance company direct. Is there any way I can receive the check from insurance company and then pay the mechanic? I mean do I have to go through a body shop that work with the insurance directly? -Z
Car accident insurance wont pay?
Its been about 1 month since the car accident happen a police cruiser tea boned another group of serial killers into a group of cars one car total and others with heavy damage.one of the passengers died two were injured in the crash.we have tried getting a layer but the only thing they say is that they cant really be anything done cause there was a death.we called the insurance but they said that they could not do anything they need it a police report and police wont release the report there because of one death and the case is still under investigation.one month passed we called again and they told us that all of the owners of the cars that were hit had not reported and did not know how to spit what the insurance money covers. now my parents are worried they might not be able to fix there car and not get anything at all we have no idea what to do except keep calling the car insurance.my parents were going to get together with the other drivers to see what they can do. but so far only time has passed and they have not done anything or have gotten anything from the insurance.
Can you deny the other parent taking the kids because of no car insurance?
I have a friend who recently found out that his ex-wife doesn't have car insurance. He's telling her that she cannot come pick up the kids because not having insurance is illegal. It's stupid and petty, but would it hold water in court?""
Can DMV revoke my license if I don't have a car or car insurance?
I called my insurance agent (btw I have non-owners insurance) to cancel my insurance policy and the agent told me that DMV could revoke my license if I do not have insurance. I talked to my mom about it and she told me that it was a lie, I also talked to my girlfriend about it and she says that she doesn't have insurance or isn't on her parents' policy and DMV hasn't done anything to her. I just want to reassure myself, or is it a better idea to call my local DMV office about it? Also, I am 18 and I don't have a car yet. The insurance agent told me that if I get a car and I am still with that policy I can add my car onto that policy without paying any down payment fee. I am hoping to get a car in 1-2 months, is it worth keeping the car insurance? I only wanted to cancel it since I do not have a car yet.""
I have read on comments under articles on Yahoo and someone said they are required to get the same health insurance but i can not find this on any news article.
How much is car insurance for a 19yr old N driv er in BC?
I am nearly 19 about to buy a cheap car and insure it for the bare legal minimum how much approx will that cost me
How expensive is it to live in California?
I live in a small town in Ohio. It's like lower middle class. I really want to go somewhere else with more people and more exciting with more places to shop and stuff. I hate Ohio and don't want to live here. I have a dream to be a fashion designer and start my own business and I want to go to California for a Fashion Design school. It was between New York and California but California seems more exciting and less crowded than NY. My parents don't think it'll ever happen. They always say it's too expensive and don't think my cousin will make it out there, who is going out there pretty much for like drug reasons. My brother went out there when he was younger with his friends, they drove there and he lived on the beach than came back. So, exactly how expensive is it in California? Food, clothing, gas, living, price differences? Is it really crowded like in Los Angeles and San Franciso or bigger cities where colleges are?""
Can I get a dealer service department to cash out a check that was written from my insurance company?
I know I can get a repair done cheaper elsewhere. But my insurance company has already left a check at the dealer that is made out to me and the dealer so I have to sign it over to them. The dealer will not have the part in until Tuesday. So can I go to the dealer and just take the part and ask them to cash out the labor to me and I will go elsewhere for the actual repair?
18 year old car insurance help!!!!!?
I am 18 years old, past my test back in april (2011) and I cant find any affordable car insurance!! :( Even with my parents as main drivers the cheapest im getting is around 7000... its ridiculous Has anyone found any cheap car insurance companies or ways of reducing premiums significantly?""
Best health insurance for bariatric surgery?
I live in Florida and am trying to have bariatric surgery. What company's will pay for the surgery in Florida?
Car insurance?
I have hear that car insurance can be a little cheaper if its a 4 door. Is this true? I have a son getting ready to drive and I was wondering.
Should I insure my house for what i would sell it for??why or why not?
This is my first home and not my last. I have a mortgage of 90k, the house is appraised for 125k.If my house were to burn down i would not rebuild it. Would an insurance policy of 125k sound about right? 90kish to pay back the loan and my equity of 35kish.Plus now I own an empty building lot that I can sell ? I know some money will be withheld for demolishing etc.... I m trying to save some money on my current insurance policy that is a replacement value 227k. Should I change my coverage to the price i would sell it for 125k?""
Im looking for cheap insurance on a land rover series 3 im 17 years old where is the cheapest company?
what is the cheapest insurance company or cheapest option???
How can I get dental and medical insurance?
I turned 18 back in 2011 and now I'm not on my mom's dental or medical insurance. How do I get dental and medical coverage?
Best health insurance for 22 yr old?
Okay so right now I have insurance through my job and the insurance really blows (for lack of a better term). Every time I go to the doctor I end up paying a couple hundred dollars for the tests they have to run (I'm a girl so I go once a year). Plus they don't cover hospital visits (had to go the emergency room and me insurance didn't pay a dime so I had to pay $500 out of pocket for the visit). So I was looking into getting my own insurance but I am not sure which one I should get. I live in Arizona and I am a 22 year old female. The only time I go to the doctor is for my yearly gyno visit and if something is really wrong (which is very rare). I would also like a vision and dental with it too since I go to the dentist once a year along with going to the eye doctor. So any suggestions would be nice :) Thank you in advance.
florida insurance 2018
florida insurance 2018
Is there a cheaper way to drive my parents car with insurance.?
My parents won't let me drive their car without insurance (which i understand). To be added to their insurance policy will cost me $100 a month, but I would only use the car once or twice a week. I think its ridiculous to pay $100 when I would barely drive the car. Is there a cheaper way to drive their car just when i need it and still be insured?""
Cheapest car insurance for a single?
I'm 20 years of age and my parents said that having my name put on the insurance mean that there insurance will go from 800$ to 2500$. Now, I'm fairly clueless right now so I'll be doing my own research but what would you say is the best and cheapest insurance for a single male such as myself. Any recommendations?""
Insurance on small cars example punto ?
hey everyone iv just passed my theory test today and i want to buy a punto for my fist car i need advice on de price off tax and insurance like for example i would probably purchase any punto from 1997 -2001 and im 19 does anyone av any advice for me cause i don wanna be ripped off thanks for readin you guys xxxxxxxxxxx
Does the colour of a car affect insurance rates?
I mean we all know that the obvious differences between certain cars like the engine size and performance, make of car, year of manufacture etc all affects the insurance cost but does the colour make a difference too? Someone said to me that darker coloured cars like black cost more to insure on that basis than lighter coloured ones like white or silver is this true?""
Insurance for penis ?
Is there any Insurance scheme for penis ? i'm worried . beacuse i use it too much . need help .
""Sad Love Story, Car Insurance question for a 19 year old. Please Help. Will reward 10 points?""
I have been seeing this boy for a while now and I have completely fallen for him. My entire life fell apart in high school last year and he's the only thing that has gone right. He is the one person who makes my heart race all fast and stomach do flips with those butterflies. I'm absolutely crazy about him. I have my license but I'm just not ensured. My grandfather found a receipt I left by accident in the car and looked at the miles and I got the car taken away. I can't stop crying, if any of you are in love you know how I must feel. I can't stop crying. I know exactly how Juliet must have felt :'( Now on the the insurance question. My 70 year old grandfather won't let me drive anymore until I'm insured. He has esurance and I am 19 and want to get added onto it. Does anyone have any idea of the cost? It would help me out so much so I know how much I need to save. I guess till then I will have to take the bus to see him :( thank you! I will reward best answer.""
What do i need to get a car registered at a california dmv?
i called the office some lady told me only my id? im confused i thought i would need insurance and license but the lady told me different.. please let me know thanks
A Lady hit my car and we decided not to go through our insurance...?
I told her i would call her as soon as i had a estimate on how much it was going to be. This happened back in april but i have been so busy with work and school to be able to get this done, now that i have the time i want to call her and let her know, but i am afraid it might be too late.. Is it to late?? I have all her info except her insurance info (I know bad me but i was nervous) Also im going to need a car rental is that part of what she should pay me?""
Who has the cheapest Home Owner insurance in Middle TN?
I have a 975sq home. Brick exterior. Crawlspace. asphalt roof shingles, built in 1965, remodeled in 2007. New wiring, plumbing and roof as of 2007. House valued at $125,000. It has a detached carport worth about $5K. I live in Franklin, TN. I need quotes please! email me at [email protected]""
How can I get cheaper insurance?
I'm 18 years old about to be 19. I paid 200 monthly for insurance but found out there raising my fee to over 500 bucks. I used progressive to find a quote and I got 400 from it. I got in one car crash last year. What are my options?
How much is teen car insurance?
Im 16 and get my license next month. my parents are asking i pay car insurance so im looking for a rough estimate of what it would cost if i have my own car or not. im a girl with straight As and I've never been in any legal trouble. thanks!
""In general, how much does car insurance go up if you add a 17 year old male to your policy?""
I'm 17, I Just got my lisence. I'll be driving a 1994 nissan pathfinder, roughly, how much should the car insurance go up for my dad to get full coverage on the pathfinder""
Where is the best place to get cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Where is the best place to get cheap car insurance for young drivers?
How do people driver around without car insurance and get away with it?
I watch court shows on tv and many people are taking someone to court because of an accident and the other party does not have car insurance
Can I sue someone with auto insurance?
I live in Las Vegas and I was involved in a car accident in November. There were 6 cars involved and this process is being UNUSUALLY long. It is impossible to get in contact with one of the claimants so we can not settle for our car damages. Can I sue the individuals that were held respoinsible for the auto accident?
Do cheaper old cars make insurance higher?
Ive been looking up cheap old cars such as 1995 peugeot 106 the insurance is still over 2000! is it because im looking at cars that cost 400? Im looking for a really cheap car to buy and has the average insurance price any suggestions ?
""If u make 16 dollars an hour, how much would you have earned after one full year?
can i use that money to buy a car? how much does insurance cost?
What is the best car insurance for a teen driver?
I need to find insurance for myself, and wanted to know what other people use or think is the best place to get it from. I need to pay for it by myself with out help form my parents too so it can't be to expensive. Is it cheaper to get my own or to add me to their account? I am using one of their cars if that makes a diffrence...""
My insurance premium has doubled.how can they do this!(ireland)?
I put in a small claim of 600 year last year.I am full comp for four years.I have a full licence.I am a lady driver.I havent moved house.My claim is settled.some insurance companies has refused to quote me.they say it is not in there policy to do so.They wont give me this in writing as this is not there policy either.At the time of the claim i was told verbaly that my insurance would not go up more than 150 euros.
How much would my insurance most likely cost?
I am 16 years old, do not have a license yet, but I am trying to find a good insurance company first. I have had my learner's permit for 14 months, I live in North Carolina, and I get pretty good grades (As&Bs) I would be on an insurance plan with my mom and sister. My mom got a DWI back in July (No one was hurt, but she was originally pulled for reckless driving). My sister got a small speeding ticket a few months ago, but it was dismissed. I would be sharing a car with my mom to drive to school (she works at home). It's a 2004 Hyundai Sonata, and she owns the car. I would be driving every day (probably 3x a week) and no more than 15 miles to school and back. Please help! any any car insurance company recommendations would be great too!""
""What is the average cost of business insurance in Portland, Oregon?""
What is the average cost of business insurance in Portland, Oregon?""
Cheap auto insurance in Alberta?
I just got my first car and I am looking for auto insurance for the first time. Which companies offer the best rates? My car is 1988 mazda, how much does the insurance usually cost for my situation per month?""
Car insurances for a day help?
I just need to drive my car to my new apartment.Right now i don't have car insurances. Is there any way i can get car insurances just for a day. I live in new jersey. I know i can get a car insurances quote but i don't have enough money right now I just need to move it
Where can I get cheap car insurance I'm 17 male and need comprehensive cover?
I have a saxo 2001 that cost 2000, I don't mind going on my mums insurance, anyone no a cheap place?""
My friend and I got tickets for rolling right thru a stop sign. Will insurance go up even if we dont get a pt?
So, a line of cars got tickets for 'rolling right through a stop sign'. We are considering just paying the fine and taking traffic school, so then we wont get a pt on our licenses. But will the ticket still count toward raising insurance rates if we dont get the point? What do we do if we take the traffic school thing online? Do we need to take the certificate anywhere when we pass? We live in California.""
florida insurance 2018
florida insurance 2018
Question about teen car insurance?
Question about teen car insurance? I have a couple questions about insurance for teens: 1. If it is a 4 cyl, is insurance lower? 2. Is it cheaper if you have good grades? 3. Does the style/number of doors make a differance? TIA""
""Motorcycle trip in california, suggestions?""
hello fellow rider, I was going to do a trip to mainland mexico (im in cabo, baja), but mainland is kind of dangerous right now, so plan b is california, so I ran into this web site and was thinking of copying one of their tours, could you tell me which one is the best to do, or if you have any suggestions, please let me know, I appreciate your help. ramon bmw r1150gs adv http://www.best-motorcycle-gear.com/guided-motorcycle-tours.html By the way, besides: motorcycle drivers license, registration, visa, insurance, what other thing do I need to drive there?""
Car insurance trying to be cheap on repairs?
I was recently in a car accident. The other driver T boned me and he's at fault. I have my car towed to a certified BMW repair shop. The insurance adjuster assessed my car and approve the repairs.I later found out that they are going to repair my car with piece meal parts from used car from a junk yard. Half a door and part of the frame will be welded. Is this acceptable? BMW said it will not fit there standards but it is what the insurance paid for. Is the insurance trying to cheat me or is this standard practice? Do I have any say on this? Should I get a lawyer?
Can I get my own insurance while employed?
My company lowered are insurance benifits. Can I buy my own insurance if I find a better deal?
Where i can get affordable or free x rays?
I have a prescription for low back and leg x rays,but is kind of hard for me at this moment cause i don have a job and i cant afford $300 that's the estimate the hospital gave me when i'd call to ask the cost,cause i don't have health insurance neither""
How much do you pay for your home owner's insurance?
I am doing a survey and this would really be helpful for me. Please let me know how much you pay for your home owner's insurance. If you pay monthly or yearly. The location of your home. The value of your home. How big your home is. If you have flood insurance. And what you have as your deductable.
""I am staying in Italy,but i want to know much a car insurance will cost me for a year?""
I am staying in Italy,but i want to know much a car insurance will cost me for a year?""
Will state farm increase my auto insurance if I get a speeding ticket??
I got a speeding ticket going 88 in a 70 in GA. Thats 2 points on my license. I was wondering if a rumor that I heard was true. Some people were telling me that they give you your ...show more
Hi I are v8 insurance more expensive than v6?
I'm getting a car soon and I can pick between an 08 bmw 528i v6 or 08 bmw 550i v8. I was wondering if insurance would be the same because there the same car. I live in California thank you.
Auto Insurance when buying New Vehicle?
What is procedure on obtaining Auto Insurance when you buy a new vehicle and have no present insurance account setup? Does dealer offer temporary insurance until you can get quotes from a few companies?
How many questions are on the California Fire and Casualty insurance exam?
I am currently attending online classes at AD Banker for Fire and Casualty insurance. Does anyone have any idea how many questions are on the state exam?
Best insurance company for a jewelry store?
I need and insurance company to insure my jewelry store. So far I found jewelers mutual but they're expensive.
Where do I find florida health insurance ?
I am looking for a health insurance quote for florida health insurance. I am looking for cheap florida health insurance.
Health insurance quote?
Where can I get a free health insurance online quote? Hi Everyone- This is my first time on Yahoo Answers! I'm looking for a place where I can get an online free health insurance quote. I'm always skeptical everything out there is a scam. Thanks for your help!
Which is the Best Children Insurance Plan to buy in India?
my little niece is 5 years old and my sister is planning to start investing for her education early ( i know this is too early but she wants to give her the best!). She is very creative and paints really well but then she wants to become an Astronaut like Kalpana Chawla :-) now-a-days there are a lot of child insurance plans coming up-all look the same to me. Was thinking if someone can tell which one is the best : Aviva Child Insurance, ICICI, Kotak, etc..""
Car insurance question?
I only renewed my car insurance 5 month back and paying a load for it. I just found I can save 30 a month. on the whole I would save even after another initial payment. Would it be a good thing to swap insurance companinies for this and can I swap.
How much would my car insurance cost?
I'm trying to find about how much my car insurance would cost and none of the insurance website would give me a quote for some reason. I'm a 17 year old female who has a 2003 saab 9-5 (4 door) who's never been in an accident and who took drivers ed.
Can anyone explain the Affordable Care Act to me?
I'm liberal on 99% of most issues, but Obamacare confuses me. I'm all for universal health care, but NOT free health care just for the poor. So what exactly is Obamacare, what was the thought behind it, and what are some reasons why I should be for or against it?""
How much insurance cost would it cost for a provisional driver on a vauxal corsa?
hi, im 16 and soon to be 17 and learning to drive. i want to find out how much it would cost for me to be on a vauxal corsa (2001?)(1.3L) on a provisional learners license. i wanted to go on my mums tesco car insurance but they said i need to give them my provisional licence details but ive only recently sent off for one so i cant give them the details.. any ideas on the cost (any insurer) thankyou so much! katherine""
Who much money does it cost to start an insurance company?
I want to start an insurance company in Florida and was wondering how much it would cost to start one. Do not hesitate, give me your best estimate. Also, do insurance companies keep funds gathered through insurance policies in a fund or do they invest it? Comments? Thanks!""
""Can Doctors offices charge you, when they lost your medical insurance card?""
I got my appendix removed in California and used the state insurance at the time (since I was low income and never had insurance). All the hospital bills are payed for; however, the surgeon has charged me an additional 1,445.00. I never even saw the surgeon after the hospital. I went in for follow-ups to his office but would always miss him. I gave my insurance card to front desk girl and she told me she didn't need it but just in case she made a copy. Now two years later I come to find out that there is this bill. What can I do?""
Is there any affordable health insurance when you are a smoker with high blood pressure?
Is there any affordable health insurance when you are a smoker with high blood pressure?
How much is my no registration and no insurance ticket going to cost?
This is in California, if you have any idea please lemme know thanks!""
Any cheap car insurances for first time drivers?
I am 20 and I have been driving for 2 years and recently got my own car. But I heard car insurance is expensive and I wanted to know if there's any car insurance that is cheap. I live in Southern Cali. Do you recommend anything? Please help. And thank you.
Which company offers the best medicare qualified health and prescription drug insurance in California?
I'm trying to find the best and most affordable medicare covered health and prescription insurance option for an elderly person who receives less than 24,000.00 annually from Social Security and one pension, who lives near Sacramento, California. This person has been using HealthNet for doctor and specialist visits and it is a policy which includes a prescription drug plan. By Jan 1, 2010 HealthNet no longer will offer this policy in the Sacramento, CA area. This person uses one prescription medication daily and the total retail price for that drug is approx. 100.00 monthly and under the expiring HealthNet plan the drug costs this person only 40.00 per month..""
florida insurance 2018
florida insurance 2018
""I am getting ready to take the 220 insurance course,?
When I am done how do I get signed up with different insurance if I am a independent agent?
Aviva car insurance named driver no claims?
Hi, I have been a named driver on my dads insurance for one year due to not driving much and being able to afford run a car. Now that I full.time job I can now afford to run a car. So if I took my own policy out with aviva would they honour the no claim?""
Maternity Insurance?
I'm looking for health insurance that I can have for basic coverage, and at somepoint (if needed) add maternity coverage. Everything I have looked at so far will only cover ...show more""
About my leased car insurance?
I have a nissan 2009 lease, I have two questions: 1. do I need to purchase PIP insurance? also a $750 deductible in comprehensive and collision is ok? 2. My boyfriend lives with me and he has his own commercial car insurance, I drive my car the most, do I need to add him in my quote? He drives the car perhaps on Sundays when we go out other than that I drive the car most of the time. Thanks for your answers""
""Can I cancel my Health insurance at work, because it is too expensive?""
We enrolled for Health insurance thru my husbands work,and we were not told how much the payments would be. We were told to wait and see what they took out of his paycheck, and that would be the payment. Now we are paying over $500 a month, for a family of four, and on only one income. We are unable to pay our bills like water, and electric, and have to make considerable cuts in our grocery shopping. We decided to cancel our insurance, and get our kids on the state program, but when my husband asked the HR department about cancelling insurance due to financial hardship, they told him he would have to wait 6 months until it was open enrollment. We can't wait that long. Are they allowed to do this?""
How much does car insurance cost?
I will be turning sixteen this May, and my mom has arranged for me to get my licence on my birthday (May 1). I have to pay for my own insurance and gas money (unless I am driving somewhere for them). They are buying me just an old used car that will last me through the rest of high school and college (7 years). It may be falling apart by the end of that time but it'll get me from point a to point b. I plan on getting a job as soon as possible. I want to work somewhere this summer, and I will tutor (which I already do occasionally) during the school year, because I don't have time for a part time job all year with extra-curriculars. How much do I need to make to afford my car insurance? Also, my grandad works for State Farm, so we all have to get it there. OH and I took drivers ed when I got my permit so that's deductible.""
""I want to buy a health insurance policy ,?
i am looking for the insurance company which requires xerox of the original bills at the time of reimbursment.because i have one insurance policy (health) given by my employer but the amount of coverage is less.say for exp i have insurance of 1 lack and my need is 2 lacs so i want to buy health insurance policy with sum insured of 1 lac . but at the time of claim settlement ( reimbursment) both the insurance company will required original bill that will be practically impossible . therefor am looking for the health insurance company which requires xerox of the bill at the time of reimbursment.
How Much do you think my car insurance will go up on a new car ?
OK I just bough a new car today......its a 2011 model and i traded in a 2002 model .....Im 19 years old...over the past 2 years of driving my insurance has been $100 a month and last month it went down to $75 ....i know you may not know how much just an estimate .
Motorcycle insurance is not required in florida. But can i ride a florida motorcycle in Virginia?
I live in Florida and am planning to get a motorcycle license from Florida. But I'm probably not going to get insurance because it's my first bike in the US, and it's going to be a 600 or a liter bike. (I've in riding in another country, so i do have the experience, but that doesn't count in the US). Florida doens't require me to have motorcylce insurace, but will I be able to ride this bike occassionaly out of the state without insurance? Will I be restricted to riding within the state?""
Cheap car insurance?
what car made after like 93 would have tthe cheapest insurance?
How much will my insurance go up after I've gotten a speeding ticket?
I got my first ticket when i was 14 and it was a $10 ticket. i recently turned 18, and i just got pulled over again. it was an $11 ticket. i dont want to tell my parents, but i know the insurance rate will go up, but how much? i live in north dakota.""
Car accident and issue with the insurance company?
I was in one car accident and someone hit the back of my car and pushed me to the front car. that caused a lot damage to my car. But, the insurance company which represent the guy hit me from the back said it is my fault of causing this accident. because i emerge from the left line to the right and didn't ensure there was safe enough to do emerging. The truth is the accident happend was after almost half miniute after emerging and i completely finished the emerging action. when i explained this to the insurance company, they won't listen to me.....so is that really my fault?""
2005 Pontiac G6 GT Insurance?
I have a 05 G6 GT. I am an 18 year old male living in kansas and I want to know how much monthly insurance should be? It is a 4 door car.
How much does it cost on average to insure your license?
through any insurance company. :) I just want to know how much on average.
Is car insurance issued in one province valid in another?
I can't afford insurance in Ontario. The basic rates for males under 25 are the highest in all of north america. I was thinking of changing my legal address to Manitoba to apply for their insurance whilst forwarding all my mail to my actual address. I can't take public transit, I live and study in the suburbs. I'd also have to bike 20kms each way to work otherwise. I was quoted between 6000-8000$ /year despite no accidents,tickets and choosing a relatively cheap car to insure.""
How will the insurances work out with 95 car accidents at one scene?
Just wonder because of news yesterday at California highway. I don't know about law in that state but what if it's like this in new york where I live. Ya know whoever fault will pay by their own insurance for repairs and injury for victims and a vehciles. Same for most state. How would 95 different insurance handle it? It might will have several lawsuits. With 95 cars, hard to say who started the accident and whatever if it's one person cause 95 altogther or all 95 is fault on it own. Some may not even have insurance. There would be 95 different drivers so it will be 95 different verison or story of what happening. The court with lawyers and several case line up, it can last 100 years before it all done.""
Question re: insurance premiums and taxes?
I've read that health insurance premiums can be itemized deductions. Any others? What about accident insurance I pay for out of my pocket? I pay for both accident and sickness premiums to the same company and pay for all my policies out of my pocket. Any help is appreciated.
For a BMW Mini Cooper Would car insurance be cheap for me?
My dad has an old mini cooper, it must be around 20/25 years old.""
Auto insurance and a cars value?
How do you find out how much your car is worth and what the insurance replacement value is?
Health care insurance in ny?
What is the best health care insurance for a low income 19 year old who just got cut of the affinity child health plan due to age? Any suggestions?
How can I get additional health insurance for my kids?
i work for a hospital and i have excellent 90/10 insurance. but with both of my kids seeing specialists i cant afford a $30 copay x2 . i am paying $60 just to take them to the doctor. can i get a secondary health insurance that will help cover some of the copays?
Reducing car insurance for young drivers?
I have an idea of how to reduce my insurance for young drivers like myself, and it goes like this, I buy a motorcycle for about 10 to nothing(it could be broken I don't care), with this motorcycle I insure it for about 100, because insuring a motorcycle is a lot cheaper than insuring a car, then for a year I have no claims with this motorcycle, would this then reduce the cost of my insurance premium for a car?""
""Car insurance quote when being out of the country for 4 years, lost no claims bonus?""
anyone got experience of trying to get reasonable car insurance - with full no claims in this country and new zealand, im being penalised for being out of the country and being treated as new driver, anyone got any answers or any insurance companies i could try who would be sympathetic""
How much would an '89 Mercedes 300e cost for insurance?
So my dad has found a really good deal on a potential car for me in really good condition. It's a 1989 Mercedes Benz 300e. Do you think that since this is a 22 year old car that it'd be a ridiculous amount to insure because of the Mercedes badge? Or do you think I could afford it with a job? My insurance company would be allstate, on my parents plan, I have a 4.0GPA and I plan on taking drivers ed. Advice?""
I might be pregnant where do i go to get a test were i have no insurance?
I have taken a HPT and it came up negative, but i didn't get my period. I have no insurance I just moved and started a new job. So where do I go without paying a lot of money?""
florida insurance 2018
florida insurance 2018
0 notes
Upper Tract West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 26866
"Upper Tract West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 26866
Upper Tract West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 26866
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Average insurance on a Nisan Micra?
I'm not planning to buy a car for a few years but I would like to open an account saving up for insurance ect. so I am prepared. I'm planning to buy the nissan micra or a car of similiar price and size, its not extremely important to me. I would like to know a rough price for my insurance so I know what I'm working with. Please do not tell me to look on a car insurance website like go compare or confused.com, I have tried this but do not want to fill out a long form filled with questions I am unsure about. As I said, I'm not being exact, I just want a rough price. I am aged 17-22 and female. Any rough prices are welcome:)""
I dont really have the money to purchase car insurance before i take my driving test?
i dont have the money to get car insurance before i take my driving test. is there anyways possible to get around that? dont just ******* say, get insurance either . its a waste of my damn time. im taking it wednesday and its in urbana ohio.""
Car trade in value change after accident?
Can somebody generally tell me that how much car trade in value decreased after a accident (2003 Jeep Liberty Limited, good mileages, the car is repairable)? and how to negotiate with Insurance on this?""
Has anyone had to reimburse your employer for health insurance?
my job comes with insurance i recently had to have surgery and was off work for a few weeks and now i have to repay them because i am not there to work and they want me to pay them back . i went with out pay as well is this normal??
Why do men think they are better drivers than women?
because if that were true our insurance wudnt be alot cheaper than theirs?anyone agree?
Are young adults covered under their parents health insurance till 26 under the new Obama law?
Is it true that the new Obama law states that children/young adults will receive health insurance coverage until they are 26 even if they are not in school, married, and living out of ...show more""
Rough Maryland motorcycle insurance rates?
Hello, I have two questions. First some info though, I live in Southern Md and am a 24 year old male who currently has a completely clean driving record. Right now I have full coverage with Allstate and am paying around 200/month. My question is how much should I expect my rates to jump if I get lets say a lower powered motorcycle ~$7500. Does the age of the motorcycle have much bearing on the rates? And now my more obscure question...What about an electric motorcycle at $15000? The only reason I thought it might be lower is in general they are simpler to operate, not as powerful, and have few breakable parts. Thank you""
Why can't I change my health insurance plan?
I tried calling my health insurance this morning to change to a better plan (Blue Shield) and they won't let me. Why is this? They aren't the ones paying the monthly payment, copays etc.""
How quick is an auto insurance company to drop you?
I have had 3 claims in 4 years, however, only 1 claim with my current insurance company. None of the three claims were huge...one wasn't even my fault, I was the victim of a hit and run. Anyway...How does getting dropped work? How frequently do you have to wreck, how many wrecks give you a high wreck average ?? As a side note...i've never received traffic ticket, so I'm clean in that area...""
How much would car insurance be for a first time driver ?
I'm getting my first car next month and i'm curious on how much car insurance will cost me ?
If i buy a fully comp insurance can i drive my friends car ? Im 17.?
If i buy a fully comp insurance can i drive my friends car ? Im 17.
I got a cheap quote from The General Auto Insurance company?
and I think its too cheap to be true, it was a 6 month premium for $224 with a down payment of $56, is this a scam or is it a legit quote/company????""
How much would it cost for insurance for a 18 year old with a 2001 toyota celica? Monthly and yearly?
In Canada not US
Can a employer make you get health insurance?
My boss told me that if i do not prove that i have my own health insurance, i have to get the health insurance the job offers, i would like to know if it is legal for them to do that? force me to get health insurance? now i know that with President Obamas Health law, in 2014 all people over 26 who do not have insurance will be subject to tax. but it is not 2014... its 2012 and i do not want any of my money being taken out of my check for something i do not want at this time.""
Does having V8 engine increase insurance?
Does having a V8 engine increase your insurance? And if it does is it significant??
How much will my Geico Insurance go up after my accident?
I have Geico Insurance. I had a DUI 2 years ago, and I pay $150/month for auto insurance. Two months ago I rear-ended a guy in bumper to bumper traffic (he stopped short. I've heard 90% of rear-end accidents, the person who did the hitting is at fault, but it was impossible to maintain a safe distance since people were constantly cutting in vying for an edge.) Anyway, neither of us told our insurance companies, we both took pics of each other's cars (mine looked way worse cause it already had a busted front end from someone who backed into it while parked at night and took off with no note). So I got an estimate from his mechanic for $1700. To fix my front-end, it's probably going to be $3000-4000. My question is (would LOVE to hear from a current geico or or other auto insurance agent) How much will my rates go up? How long will they go up for? Do I get a point on my license for this? Because if the amount they charge me (over time, in higher rates) is more than $4700 (i.e. his $1700 + my $3000) then I'll just pay for both on my own and spare myself the DMV point. But if it will be less than that (i.e. the higher rate expires before it reaches $4700 more), then I'll just tell my Insurance company and deal with the point. Can anyone help me here? Much appreciated!""
Will my drivers insurance rate go up after this accident?
Im 17, live in California and am insured under Geico. I was driving in a parking lot going the speed limit and this girl back out super fast (presumably without looking) and slams into me. Her car was fine but she left a small dent and paint chip near the door and rear tire opposite the drivers side. Will my rates go up even if I wasn't at fault? Should i even go to insurance on this? Please help!""
Where can I get the Cheapest Car Insurance Quotes at Online?
How can I find the cheapest car insurance for me? I just got my first car and I know I will prolly pay a lot for insurance but how can I check for deals? I am on a really tight budget but at the same time, I only have a second-hand car so I gotta make sure I get insurance that will pay out if I need to make a claim. Where can I get the cheapest car insurance for my car at, and how reliable is it if I need to claim?""
Is the new ford mustang a good 16 yr old car?
I'm either preferring that or a Chevy Avalanche. Which would be safer/better performance?
Whats the cheapest insurance for a mustang gt for a male 16?
never owned a car before got my permit about to turn 16 looking at this mustang on craigslist
Average living costs for a UK 16 year old girl on the following things?
Ok, I'm planning to move out at the age of 16 and go study at collage in Poole 3 day's a week and also have a few job's on the go to! I'm looking at roughly the living costs (Rent, food, Car or transport, Car Insurance, TV Licence and Internet Bills ect.) Website links would be brilliant and any advice would also help! Also If I could get any help financially by the government for paying the rent as i won't be earning much, about 7,000 a year? Many thank yous in advance :) I'm figuring the earlier i start budgeting, the better""
Does anyone know any cheap insurance companies for me.?
i got my boyfriend a street bike and its under my name so the insurance has to be under my name to.
""Someone backed into me in a parking lot, is this insurance company lying?""
Foreigners backed into my car in the parking lot, they had insurance, I called the insurance company and they asked for an estimate on how much it would cost to fix it, I did, and they said okay and that they would mail it on Friday morning. It's now Monday and I haven't gotten it. They are in a state not far from us. Is this insurance company full of crap or do I just need to wait longer? Thanks :)""
Cheapest car insurance - 17yr male?
Pretty much says it in the question - what insurers do you go with, how much does it cost you, what car do you have. Full license.""
I'm 17 years old will my insurance go up for a speeding ticket i just recieved?
i was getting away from someone tailgating me, horn blowing etc. for reasons still unsure and i was afraid if i pulled off the road, he would too, so i was in my corvette, i tapped my brakes, nothing and he gigged me so i pulled away and he turned off onto a side road and was i was clocked going 64 in a 45. if i go to traffic school will my insurance not go up much since its my first offense?""
Upper Tract West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 26866
Upper Tract West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 26866
""How to apply for Louisiana Children's Health Insurance Program, LACHIP?""
Are you looking for a low cost health insurance program for your children? Do you live in Louisiana? Well, I just recently found a program called LACHIP that offers affordable healthcare coverage for children. Step1 I'm a stay at home mom, and for awhile my child was getting sick all the time. Our insurance was good but, it didn't cover everything. Then suddenly, my boss told me that she was cutting my hours. I frantically started seeking healthcare insurance that was affordable but, would cover everything we needed. That's when I found a program called LACHIP. Basically, LACHIP is a no-cost or low-cost medicaid health insurance program for children. Step2 First thing, you need to find out if you qualify for the program. The program is basic on income. To find out the income guidelines, contact your medicaid office. They will also give you an application to fill out. To find out your medicaid office contact information, go to: http://www.dhh.state.la.us/offices/contacts.asp?ID=119 Step3 Finally, when you get the application in the mail, fill it out and return it back to the office. Now when I filled mine out, I did not have to put a stamp on the envelope because it was already pre-paid. Then within about a week, someone from the medicaid office will call you and tell you if you are approved or not. If you are approved, then you will receive a medicaid card in the mail for your child(ren) within 6 weeks. Once you receive it, you use the card anywhere medicaid is accepted. Also, don't forget to ask your medicaid representative to include a list of things that medicaid covers. For more how to articles, please visit http://www.ehow.com/members/kleighwickham.html?view=3rd""
How much will insurance be on a 2006 mitsubishi eclipse?
Hi im 24 years old and I'm going to get a black 2006 Mitsubishi eclipse automatic v6. And just wanted to know how much the insurance will cost, i haven't been in any car crashes with my current car and have a good driving record.""
What is the best motorcycle towing insurance to have?
I have a Yamaha 650 V-Star with spoke wheels and I tend to go on several hundred mile road trips. I did not had a flat in 6,000 miles of riding last year, but I want to be prepared.""
What type of insurance i need for a driving test does it have to be a full coverage?
do i need to bring a vehicle with full coverage insurance or could my car that only has a cheap insurance plan work for the DMV's driving test
Best option for buying insurance for my 8 yr old child?
I am wanting to buy insurance for my child. He is no longer covered by his old plan and I want to get it ASAP. Without having company/ group coverage as an option I have been looking at EHealth online services. It can be a little confusing on just exactly which is the right deal. My child is never sick and has no existing issues, but with all the sport; I just don't want to be facing a broken leg and no insurance. I could some advise here. I have all but pulled the trigger on a package I found through Humana (I think) on the E health site but I just would like an nonbias opinion first. Thanks""
Insurance question..I have 4 years no claims on my 125cc scooter....?
and I am riding it on a provisonal license in the U.K on a C.B.T certificate. I will pass my U.K driving test soon. Does anyone know if there is an insurance company that will take these four years no claims bonus into account when quoting for car insurance?
Home Owner's Insurance?
I'm hurt my foot not even a year ago. May 22, 2012. I was at my neighbor's house when her husband called, She was outside in her pasture fixing a fence. I went to take the cell phone out to her. I forgot to put on my shoes. As I was walking, I was about 5 feet from her and my older brother. And I fell to the ground. A Re-bar about the width of a pinky went through my left foot inbetween the toe by the pinky going 4 inches inside. I had to stay in the hospital for 8 days. Almost losing my foot. I have no feeling in my toe but at the top of my foot, just touching it causes me to feel pain. Is it possible for her Home Owner's Insurance to pay at least half or all my medical bills? I owe over $36,000. This also Happened in Oklahoma, and I moved to Missouri back in November (don't know if that would affect my chances). My mother decided that she didn't want my neighbor to pay for it. And I'm disagreeing.""
Insurance prices?
Why is insurance so high on a 08 suzuki 1300. I am 42 and was quoted 900 a year. Is that bout right
Were can I buy cheap insurance to reg a 1966 Vw bug?
I live in daytona florida
I live in adams wisconsin just got my licence and just got a car wondering what insurance i should get?
I would like to know the cheapest insurance........otherwise i will just go on my dad's insurance
""How much do i have to pay to cancel my auto insurance, if the vehicle is parked?""
My vehicle is currently parked and has parking insurance, this vehicle has been parked for over a week now, but i currently found some cheaper insurance and i would like to cancel my insurance, how much will it cost me to cancel it.""
What is a good (cheap!) health insurance?
i'm a college student so i have no money but i need health insurance so i can get my birthcontrol pills every month. whats a good company?
Employer health insurance?
When you have employer health insurance is there a waiting period for maturnity coverage to start?
How to get bonded and insured in Texas?
We are starting our own business and running it out of our house. We need to get bonded and insured, but we don't know where to start. Anyone have any suggestions?""
Why are those who declared a great need to be able to buy Affordable Health Insurance now refusing to buy it ?
Why are so many of those who declared that they had a great unfulfilled need to be able to buy Affordable Health Insurance.... which they assured us they would buy if & when it were made available to them,.... now refusing to buy this Affordable Health Insurance now that it has been made available to them ? Why did those people who screamed the loudest declaring the need for them to be offered the opportunity to buy Affordable Health now screaming the loudest to declare they do not intend to buy the same Affordable Health Insurance that they told us they would buy if it were offered to them and would rather pay a fine than buy the Affordable Health Insurance that they had clamored for ?""
""I need family medical/dental insurance, where do people get this if they are self employed?
We currently have very good insurance through my husband's work. He is in the process of starting his own business and will be leaving his current job soon. I am very concerned about finding affordable insurance they provides good coverage for my family. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
How much will insurance be on a 125cc scooter?
I will soon be 17, and considering buying a 125cc scooter. It will be my first motor vehicle , never had a moped, car is too expensive etc. I live in a rural area so would be using it to get to nearby places. If i buy one, and after i take the CBT test, how much roughly would insurance be? Any other info on related costs appreciated.....thanks""
Insurance for motorcycle?
i live in Montreal Quebec, and would be around 18-25 years old would a Kawasaki ninja 250 (250cc sport bike) be more expensive than a 800cc cruiser? cuz i was originally intresetd in the 250 because of its fun factor and etc... but my uncle is saying that insurance would be a lot because it is a sport bike and i would be still young, so its better to get a cruiser (sportster style bike) because it is heavyer, stabler...and will cost less to insure. but im a little skeptical because a 250cc engine really is not fast (compared to the 600cc sport bike) and a guy on youtube said that his friend pays a little less than half of what he pays for his kawa. 900 custom""
Why does car insurance never get cheaper?
I'm getting older, my car is worth less each year, I have accrued 9 years plus NCB and have never caused an accident in 15 years, yet each year my insurance goes up, and those things that used to be included ( hire car, accident insurance etc) you have to pay extra for.""
What is the health insurance like in Vermont?
Some people are saying that it's like Canada's health insurance, where anyone can have it for free. Some others are saying that it's restricted to only certain incomes, ...show more""
I'm 17 and have car insurance that i have to pay 240 every month. I live in philadelphia is there cheaper ones?
i got a 2000 ford taurus and my mom bought insurance since she doesn't have a car herself we had to get my own insurance plan and now we have to pay 240 every month because of my age..i need to know of any cheaper insurance for myself. plz and thank you.
I have just be ripped of by my car insurance help?
Hi 2 days ago I had a bill for my car insurance and it was 158 pounds. I have a car and on this insurance for over 2 years now and I was paying 48 pounds a month. I called then up about this and they said because of a crash I had 6 months ago they have put my car insurance up from 600 pounds to 1600 pounds I did not know nothing about this untill they took my money out. Will I get this money back and is this wrong how much they are charging me now for just having a claim on me please help me and let me know what I can do thanks
Classic car insurance?
I'm a young driver, no previous accidents, honor student, plan on driving something close to, if not exactly, a 1965 Type 2 Volkswagen Bus and can't find much information on insurance. I've queried my insurance agent, but I'm a bit impatient for results, haha, and also I'd like to see what other people with classic cars have done about this dilemma. :) Thanks for reading.""
""Car insurance strange quotes, why?""
Back in August, I got a quote on a car, it worked out as 900 for the year.(I'm only 17), and since then I've been getting regular quotes, and can't help but notice how much it's gone up. In only 2 months, it's gone up from 900 to 1900. I haven't changed a thing, and if you've used confused.com you'll know that you can just re-quote, which is what I've been doing. Anybody know why it's gone up so much. By the way it goes up about 40 a day at the moment. Could it be because it's the end of the month, or the end of the year? Thanks to any answers in advance.""
Motorcycle insurance?
i have seen things that say motorcycle insurance is ALOT more then car insurance and things that say car inurance is ALOT more then motorcycle insurance and i dont really know if any one will be able to give me accurate answer to my question but i just want an idea of how much the insurance would be for an 18 year old, with a Honda Rebel, in south texas ((or if there is some where i can find out, that would help to))""
Upper Tract West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 26866
Upper Tract West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 26866
""How much is the fine when a cop pull you over and dont have licence,insurance and tags!?
My uncle got pull over by a cop and gave him a fine without taking his car away(he got lucky) he didnt have a license or insurance and somebody stole his tag! he's not a resident or a citizen somebody know how much is that fine????he still have to go court but i wonder how much is going to be????
I had a car accident without insurance and they told me to get insurance my question is wold they help me?
I had a car accident without insurance and they told me to get insurance my question is would they help me with my car if i had the accident anyway and how they gonna help me?
Can you have your SR22 insurance with a different insurance from you auto insurance?
I have my SR22 insurance with one company andy my auto insurance with another company? Is this OK?
How much do i pay for teen auto insurance on a 2010 car?
my parents just got me a 2010 nissan versa! :) its not from the dealership, so we wouldn't have to pay full coverage, just the basic law coverage. i need an estimate on how much it will be a month. my parents aren't helping me that well with anything, they want me to just be on my own already so pleaseeee,help. i can't do this myself :(""
What is the cost for courier insurance?
I am looking into the idea of starting a local courier business, just me with no employees (at least to start with). I'm just trying to get an idea of what some of the start up costs would be, one of which is courier insurance, without having to talk to an insurance agent. I would only be delivering small packages and letters/paperwork in Green Bay WI and the surrounding areas.""
Car insurance and the state you live in and registration?
I just moved from Richmond VA to Greensboro NC. My car insurance is in Richmond VA and and my car is registered up there. I'm only going to stay in North Carolina for about 8 months. I want to know if I can switch my car insurance to North Carolina with out having to register my car and switching my license plates over to North Carolina. Car insurance is a hell of alot high up in Richmond than here and I want to save some much needed money. Anyone know if I can make the insurance switch with out having to register my car and switching my tags over to North Carolina? Please respond with only legit answers.
How much does car insurance cost for a 16 year old?
i live in nevada. and if you have good grades do you get a discount i got A's and B's
Average motorcycle insurance rate?
I'm 16 and living in Ontario i wanted to know how much insurance rate it is do you pay monthly? yearly? i don't know submit what you know and estimate if you don't know
What's the best car insurance company 2 get the lowest price rates on a 74 caprice classic?
What's the best car insurance company 2 get the lowest price rates on a 74 caprice classic?
What would be the average pay for car insurance per month?
i am 18 years old and my parents dont want me on there car insurance because they dont want to be liable .what would be the average pay for car insurance per month if i went on my own for the first time?
How much does insurance cost for a 2004 white dodge stratus ?
Please help me ?
Personal health insurance?
Any other health insurance companies in Michigan that are good? I checked out Blue Cross. They're pricey but offer dental coverage which might be worth it. Because I got hit with some dental bills these past few years. Any websites that allow you to compare companies?
Seriously what are the cheapest cars to insure in the UK?
alright so iv had enough, so im 17 and passed my driving test so im looking for a car, the cheapest cars iv found to insure as of december last year were a classic vw beetle or a 03 ford fiesta. i checked again and the fiesta has shot up in price for insurance now but the beetle has stayed the same but still not cheap. iv tried everything from little corsa's, clio's, punto's, peugeot's, everything, they are all really expensive, the vw beetle would cost 3000 third party fire & theft, every other car is 4000+ i mean a 2000 rover 25 would cost me 5300 to insure. seriously what is the cheapest cars to insure? i don't want names of companys that do cheap insurance i just want cars that are cheap to insure.""
""How much can the owner of a commercial Insurance Agency expect to make? (in Year 1, Year 5, Year 10?)?""
Hi all, I live in Florida and am currently in my second year of law school. I am looking to get into the insurance business after I graduate to build some form of residual income. ...show more""
Florida - Car Insurance Question?
A friend of mine who lives in Florida said that he has to pay for car insurance even though he doesn't own a car and doesn't drive his parent's car. Is it true that by ...show more
How much does Insurance cost for g37s 08?
How much does Insurance cost for g37s 08?
""I want to buy a traders insurance policy, how much about?
im 32 female and want to start buying and selling cars but i need an insurance policy to suit. il prob be buying 1 or 2 cars a week. how much should my policy cost? i have been driving for over 10 years with 7 NCB
Insurance on a 2000 Mitsubishi eclipse 6cylin?
How much would it cost to insure it i was planning to buy a eclipse im a 16 year old male and I dont want to cost my dad an extra 200 a month i just want to insure the other person not my car (cause the car is 3000 dollars) And i was just wondering cause its important please give me a general monthly payment not 'Its gonna be a lot
What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance in illinois for a 21 year old?
What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance in illinois for a 21 year old?
Need info about health insurance?
My dad is 61, mom 57. Dad has RA and a case of carple tunnel (spelling?) That went undiagnosed until it was too late. He is an over the road freight hauler and will soon lose his job along with their insurance because of it. They are too young for medicare and disability is going to take a while. We live in Minnesota. Anybody have any advise about health insurance or anything that will financially help???? Desperate here!!!""
Insurance question?
When setting up your insurance online does the company know how many years NCB you have? if not could you lie?
Quick insurance question?
Can i put my insurance under m uncles name that way insurance would be cheaper and i drive my car? is it possible hes 45, and i'm 18""
What is the cheapest auto insurance for a new driver?
I'm 23, female, and a new driver. I don't care about the quality of the insurance, I just need CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP. A potential job depends on a car I'm about to get, and I need cheap insurance ASAP.""
Are car insurance quotes always free?
Are car insurance quotes always free?
Does anyone have a Pontiac G6 GTP?? i need to know how much car insurance are on the them?? please let me know
Does anyone have a Pontiac G6 GTP?? i need to know how much car insurance are on the them?? please let me know
Upper Tract West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 26866
Upper Tract West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 26866
Will auto insurance rates go up if filing a Comprehensive claim in Texas?
I had windows knocked out and body damage done to two trucks by vandals, the vandals were identified and police report files and charges will be pressed. I carry $1000 deductable and damage was in the range of $2000 per vehicle. Any insurance claims adjusters want to comment? PS I havent called my insurance yet, cause I know just making the call will go down as a claim .""
""I'm being low balled by an insurance claims adjuster for damage to my car, now what?
I had a claim against a guys insurance company for damage he caused. They came out today and did an evaluation and now the insurance estimator is saying that the vehicle needs to be totaled and that I will be offered some low ball figure because my car has prior damage which was only cosmetic and minor nothing structural at all. I know that the vehicle will be worth more than they are going to offer. But I just want a fair price for the car. They suggested that it might take some back and forth negotiations and I need to know how to prepare for that and succeed at getting something fair? Are there any angles or cards that I can play that should give me some leverage against their claims adjuster? Your help is appreciated and thank you for your answer!
Auto insurance fraud..how much trouble am i looking at?
i don't need to be judged..I made a dumb decision which could have resulted in me losing my life and im lucky i didn't. anyways here goes..so a supposed friend of mine told me she couldn't wait to teach me to drive..i told her i didn't want to drive until i got my permit. well after telling me that she pulls over and asks if i want to drive..i tell her no..she keeps pushing telling me she thinks i'd be good at driving and eventually after saying no 8-10 times i give in and we switch..i continued up the road and i made the right and i was maknig another right and i lost control and ended up on the sidewalk and crashed into a pole..airbags exploded and all..when immediately got out of the car and I asked her what we were going to do and she said to me so help me god if i lose my license and again i said what are we going to do? she said were going to say i was driving..we got ran off the road by a red truck..when the cops came i stuck with the same story she did and we went to the hospital and all..this happened a month ago..the vehicle was totaled and she collected money from the accident. I however felt so guilty i went and turned myself into the police and told them the truth about everything. the cop that was at the accident is who i spoke with..i filled out a witness report and the cop said that he was really glad that I came forward with the truth and that she would be in much more trouble than I and that he planned to take it easy on me since i came forward about it and because i am a mom..he said the most i will probably get is my license suspended..i am still waiting to get anything in the mail and i'm so nervous bc i don't know if i can get in worse trouble and was wondering what other people thought..honestly the whole thing has scared me from ever wanting to drive again and even though i wasn't the victim i really felt like it for days after the accident..i was very distraught..and i'm scared even being a passenger in a car now..i watch everything and get very scared fast. Can i get in trouble with the insurance company? I didn't give them a statement. I just told them about me going to the hospital and stuff..my supposed friend actually gave them the statement..they sent me a bunch of paperwork in the mail to have me mail back in so they could cover medical expenses but i never sent the stuff in or filled it out bc i didn't want the insurance company to pay for something that was my fault. I live in pa and i guess im just wondering how much trouble i can get in? or if i should be okay because i came forward with the truth.
Would health insurance be valid in all states or just in the one you bought it in?
I am currently in Houston Texas and I wish to receive health insurance. I will be moving back and forth between Texas and Utah. I wish to know if health insurance here in Texas will be valid in Utah. I think this is a pretty uninformed question but that is why I am asking and I am only 18 so I do not have to much experience in this matter. If you know of a website I could look into to be informed then that would be very well.
I need to buy a car cheap on gas/insurance. i have 2 boys and they need car seats..?
The car seats can be the smaller skinnier type. I am debating with a nissan sentra and maybe a mitsubishi lancer. I need something basic with a great warranty and still a little room. What do you think? Anyone own a lancer or sentra with pointers on if its a good car for a couple carseats?
Whats cheap cars to insure for a new driver?
Hi there im currently undertaking my lessons and instructor said I should pass before march time and just wondering what cars are cheap to ensure for new drivers and how much roughly are they a month and is there any way I can knock it down to make a bit cheaper? can you get finance cars for new drivers with insurance and tax free for 3 years?
Will his insurance cover my vehicle ?
I was involved in a car accident recently. The individual who hit me has insurance coverage. The crash report states his license is suspender or revoked. Will his liability insurance still cover the damage to my vehicle?
What is the best insurance to have?
im just wondering which is the best car insurance to have and why? also, what is a quote? dont judge pls and thank you""
Car Insurance for a 2007-08 Mustang?
Can anyone give me an estimate on about how much a 17-18 year olds car insurance would be if they were to drive a 07-08 ford mustang please.
How much does it cost to go to ER without insurance?
Every once in a while (like every other month), I get dizzy and vomit. If I go to the hospital to diagnose the problem do i go to the ER. And also about how much will it cost me I don't have insurance.""
17 Year old insurance rates?
On average, how much would insurance be for a 17 year old male with a 2001 BMW 740li? I have an okay job but I don't wan't to spend over 5k on insurance a year, as that would eat almost a fifth of my salary. Would insurance be cheaper on a coupe such as a 1991 Nissan 240sx? Also, do you have to pay a higher rate if your car is turbocharged? Will they insure you if your pushing over around 500 horsepower? If I buy a 240sx I'm going to do an engine swap for sure, so I want to know if it would be better to wait. Any answer is a good answer, so thanks for anything!""
If someone else gets a ticket in my car will my insurance go up?
I'm wondering because my boyfriend has gotten a few tickets in my car. I haven't but my insurance has gone up $20 a month in the past year
How much should I expect from the insurance company for these damages to my car?
I have a 99 oldsmobile intrigue, my car was hit on the drivers side between the front and back doors. The front door is really damaged and the rear door has some""
Car health insurance...?
Why does car health insurance not exist I mean if it did then you would just pay a premium and then when you took it to a repair shop the insurance would cover it.
Looking for a new Auto Insurance?
I am currently insured by State Farm. I am looking for a more affordable insurance agency. What are some of your reviews on agencies like Progressive, Allstate, Nationwide, ...show more""
Can you not just pay liability instead of the full coverage car insurance if your car is not paid off?
Can you not just pay liability instead of the full coverage car insurance if your car is not paid off? I am confused, I just want liability on my car, because full coverage car insurance is too much for me to pay? Is there no way around not paying for full coverage? People who just have liability, is there car paid off and they are not making payments?? I am very young so I do not know much about this kind of stuff!""
What would be Cheaper car insurance?
im 18 and just wondering, what would be cheaper on insurance in belleville ontario? car, a truck, or a suv??""
Car insurance question!?
Sorry of his sounds dumb, but I'm 15 and want to get a car. When a kid gets his or her liscense does the insure cost more or the same if they have their own car or not? Let's say kid a has a liscense but no car so she uses her parents car every once in a while. Kid b has her own car. Which insurance would cost more or would hey be the same? (just assume they both had he same exact car and grades)""
Then why would my homeowers insurance not renew......?
Then why would my home owners insurance not renew because of a felony?
""Why can car insurance base on statistics, but other things can't.?""
Is it women who gossip more at work or men? Is it women who bring their personal life to work more or is it men? Is it women who will have to take a huge break at work because pregnancy or men? Why are women paid lower? Is it men that get in more wrecks then women? Is it men that have the need for speed always in their head while driving? Is it men that buy flashier cars? Why do men pay more for car insurance? So basically we have one type of company that can be sexist on statistics, but what about statistics everywhere else? Also, does the rule not look at soccer mom statistics? I've seen way more women talking on their phone then men. Six parking lot wrecks at my work this year all caused by women in my office (none by men). I drive a 5 speed so talking on the phone isn't something I even like to try. The reason for my complaint is my sister is 17. She has one dui and two speeding tickets. I am 21 I have a clean slate other than a warning for my headlight being out and nothing else. My insurance is $1320 a year her insurance is $720. We drive the same car and have had the same courses. It makes me feel like it makes sense I should be paid more because I pay more because something I can't control.""
Cavity/No Health Insurance?
So my tooth is freaking killing me, ouch pain....but my problem is i currently don't have dental insurance. Does anyone know on average how much it would cost to go to the dentist to have a cavity fixed with out insurance? HELP!""
Dispute Car insurance claim estimate - Tiny paint mark
I lightly bumped the car in front of me and left a tiny red mark from my license plate. When I got out of the car I could rub the paint off with my finger, but I could tell the other driver was uncomfortable with me touching his car so I stopped. He said he wasnt going to file a claim but he did and the estimate for fixing his car was $641 Dollars!!!!!! Since this is over the $500 limit my insurance has for no penalty, if i do not pay this out of pocket my insurance will go up by $250 a year for 6 years. WHAT CAN I DO? I want to dispute this because there is no way it would cost that much to rub the red paint off. Thanks in advance!""
Can I insure a Car under My Insurance if I am not on the title?
I just bought a used car and had my fiance's mother finance it under her name because she got me a 7% APR which is really good compared to what I would have gotten. The finance guy at the dealership said to just have the car under her name to get that great rate and leave me off the loan completely. I will be making the payments, driving it, & insuring it. She is just the person who's name is on the title (so I could get that great APR rate) Now, I was just wondering, can I insure the vehicle under my policy even though my name is not on the title? I am kind of worried that my insurance company will not let me insure the car because my name is not on the title. Does anyone have any experiences or knowledge about this sort of thing? Thank you for your help""
Cheap car insurance for 28 yr old?
I have a 2003 Grand Am. I've had it for a year. Until recently I had it in my mothers insurance policy. But hers has expired now and I would like to have it put under my own policy. I've had my license since I was 20. I've never had any violations, not even a speeding ticket. What are some cheap car insurance for my situation. I live in Kentucky.""
Can an insurance company know you have a pre-existing condition if you don't tell them?
Like if I go to a doctor on my new insurance company but don't tell them I was diagnosed as having ADD when I was a child (the last time I took medicine for it was 10 years ago), will they have a way of finding out?""
Upper Tract West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 26866
Upper Tract West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 26866
0 notes
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"farm bureau auto insurance quote michigan
farm bureau auto insurance quote michigan
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
600cc sports bike good for a beginner? gsxr600 or zx6r?
ive never ridin a motorrcycle before and im looking at getting a gsx-r600 or zx6r. Im taking the safety course which is 10 hours of riding and 5 of classes which i realize isnt a lot. I drive stick shift cars so i get the point of shifting the bike. Ive ridin a dirtbike once and quads once but i seem to be a natural on anything with a motor so im not nervous at all about getting a racing bike starting. A lot of people say a 600 is to big for a first bike but i know people that have them and say they arent that bad as long as you dont drive it like an asshole. I plan on really taking it veryyyyy easy the first summer out and not pushing anything untill i feel extremly comfortable with it. My question is should i get this for a first bike? Im not getting a 250 dont even bother with that. Ive seen the 650's which are more begginer friendly but i just feel ill outgrow that within the first year and ill lose my money by selling it and buying a 600 instead of getting the 600 in the first place
How much will getting dentures cost me without having any dental insurance?
How much will getting dentures cost me without having any dental insurance?
How much will a 21 year old pay for car insurance?
I am 21 years old and kinda new to america. i wanna get a car. how much do you think i will be paying for the insurance. i am experienced driver. any info. would be helpful. thank you
""If a driver dies, does his family's insurance go up?""
I know it seems like a stupid question, but think about it. I share my insurance with my family, I'm added as an occasional driver to keep my costs low. If I were to die (Heaven forbid) in a car wreck, would my family's insurance go up? I'm just curious, and we are through Country if that makes any difference.""
Cheap reliable and low INSURANCE!?
OK im 17 monday after next and im a bloke, hence very expensive car insurance. I want a second hand car in the UK which is cheap and likely to keep running. Also low insurance because i am a cheapskate.""
Where do you get long term health care insurance quotes?
Where do people get long term care health insurance quotes? I've come across many websites but was wondering if anyone has had any particularly good experiences. I did come across http://www.ltcconnects.com which appears to compare various health care providers.
What are the best car insurance sites for a 17 year old male?
Im just looking what sort of prices id be looking at for insurance for small cars (1.0/1.1 engines) and cant get a quote under 3000. Who are the best insurance providers for recently passed 17 year olds?
Insurance Coverage for Motorcycle Helmet and Jacket?
I recently Just completed a claim for an accident I was in, The insurance (progressive) is going to reimburse me for the Jacket and Helmet. The Helmet has a little scratch on the lens and that's it. the lens is easily replaceable. the Leather Jacket has a light scuff on the arm. I spoke to the local claims representative and He said that he will come by and pick up the Jacket and Helmet and throw them away. I thought I was told with the when I bought the policy that I can do whatever I want with the Accessories, meaning I could throw them away or use them or fix them up. Now what I want to know... Is the Claims representative trying to get the Jacket and Helmet for himself or is this really Policy? to throw away $600 of equipment that's still in great shape and hardly used?""
Impact of Auto Insurance Quotes on Credit History?
I am with Geico currently and is up for renewal. I am planning to take quotes from different companies. May be they offer me a low rate. But I am scared by the fact that it will impact my credit score. Can you please advice? I have been driving for 4.5 yrs with clean record.
What a cheap small car insurance company ?
Not a big company like geico , State Farm , or nation wide""
Are hearing aids covered by health insurance?
Since I was born, I've had a hearing problem on my left ear that I have to go to the audiologist for every year, and every year they say my ability to hear in it goes down by a fragment. I'm 16 now, and in high school, and they originally tried to get me to get hearing aids in 6th grade, but I threw a fit because I was afraid people would make fun of me, and they haven't brought it up since. This year I'm really noticing that my hearing is shot. I'm constantly asking people to repeat things, and whenever someone says something to me and I'm not looking at their mouth, it's all a jumbled mess. If there are a lot of people talking, and someone is standing directly in front of me, but I'm not looking at their mouth, I miss probably a fifth of what they say. I've been thinking about getting hearing aids, but I was wondered if they were covered by insurance. My mom gets the insurance through Fl Hospital, if that helps, and as I'm just now looking into it, I don't know many more details about it.""
Who gives cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Who gives cheap car insurance for young drivers?
""How much do people pay (per month, year etc) for car insurance?
The price can be per month year etc.
Whats a good cheap auto insurance company on just liability? ( I am 24 in college)?
Whats a good cheap auto insurance company on just liability? ( I am 24 in college)?
How much motorcycle insurance
I'm 16 and i live in new york but i don't know how much insurance is
How old can you be until you're kicked off your parents health insurance? ?
Another question would be if my parents move to another state would I still be covered? They'd be in Michigan and I'd be in Tennessee.
NJ Car Insurance? What do you think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.ne... Liberty Mutual Etc.?
NJ Car Insurance? What do you think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual Etc.
Most affordable insurance company is?
Looking for cheap health insurance, I have never had health insurance before. What is the least amount of money a company will want from me to have full coverage of a surgery or hospital bill?""
Do I really need liability insurance?
So, I am thinking of opening a summer company and I don't think I need liability insurance. I know that everyone should have it, but I don't think it's really worth it for me. All of the places I will be visiting will have their own insurance and I will only be using the insurance for a week or so a month. As I won't be using it a lot, I don't think I really need it. So, basically, do I need insurance for my space in an insured venue. Thanks in advanced!""
Which is the Best Health Insurance Policy available for Individuals in India?
So far I have learnt that LIC health plus is a pretty good policy. and http://sunilrams.blogspot.com has really given in detail the comparisons . Are there any better policies in the Indian Market for individuals.
""Help! Advice best cars under 1,000 best to get for a 40year 1st time driver for cheap car insurance?""
Please help I am pulling my hair out ..... My boyfriend is 40 and has had his licence for just under a year. Fingers crossed we will soon be in a position to buy ourselves a cheap car fr say under 1,000 I am looking at quotes for like 2,000 up wards. What are the best cheap cars to get for low insurance ?? Where is the best place to get quotes from??? direct, internet?? Please help""
How Much Would Insurance Cost For A 16 Year Old Female?
I was wondering how much insurance would be for a 16 year old female first time driver, who is driving a 2007 Range Rover.""
Can I dispute my insurance adjuster's estimate of value of a totaled vehicle?
I have a vehicle which was totaled. Insurer is Progressive. I live in WA, so the adjuster is not allowed to use NADA or KBB to determine value. He's supposed to provide fair market value. He got two estimates, both of which seem very low to me--less than half the replacement cost of a vehicle from the same year in the same condition. I've asked whether I can submit Craigslist listings from my half of the US to prove the value is higher. He says any documentation must be from within 150 miles of my home, which puts me at a disadvantage since I live in a rural area. I'm wondering: 1) Is my insurance company obligated to accept competitive estimates of value in determining my vehicle's value if I can find local shops that determine that the value is higher? 2) What mechanisms are in place to ensure that value estimates made by dealers are accurate, and can a dealer's estimate of value be disputed? 3) What other options do I have if my adjuster refuses to budge on value?""
How much will my insurance increase?
I'm a young driver (20) and my car insurance it's currently 3000 a year which I paid in full (lv) Now I had an accident 4 days ago and I scraped someone's car when reversing so as I worked with his girlfriend we started settling it outside work but he's giving me quotes for 1000 and I only scraped it. So settlin it is out of the question, I've only been driving since October and this insurance company I've only been with for 2 months, how much approx will insurance premium go up?""
Car accident with no drivers license or insurance?
if someone got into a single car accident because of icey roads and has no car insurance, or drivers license, only a permit, and is over 18 in the state of Ohio, the ticket saying he received 2 offenses.. what are the consequences and is there any way to get out of or lower them?""
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farm bureau auto insurance quote michigan
Car insurance for a new driver aged 21?
hi, im really close to taking my driving test, and i will be 19 when i hopefully pass. but i know that i would be unable to afford car insurance just yet! however, i would be hoping to maybe get a car when i am round about 21 or 22, as i will hopefully be in a more of a position to buy and run a car! however i was wondering if you could give me a rough ESTIMATE on how much the insurance would cost! i would be looking at getting a car such as a Nissan Micra, and would more than likely get a 1.0 litre! if you could give me an ESTIMATE on how much it could cost, so i can get a general idea! i know its hard to give an exact price, but lets just say the car is all safe and has been MOT'd and is being parked in a garage! hope you can all help, oh and its for a MALE!""
""APPROXIMATELY, how high would insurance be on a 16 year old male driver with a manual Evo X as a first car?""
I just turned 16 and i am about to get my license.I just want an estimate like 200-300 or 300-400 or 400-500, etc. My brother is 18 and currently has an Evo and is paying ~ 500 a month for his insurance but has a terrible driving record. Totaled his car and another persons (completely his fault) speeding tickets, unsafe turn ticket. and a bunch of parking tickets. And please dont give me an answer like youre gonna kill urself or evo is too fast for a first car and too hard to learn stick in an evo because the past 8 months i have been driving my brothers STICK Evo quite alot and have absolutely no problem driving it.""
""Regarding NJ Law. If I suspend Auto Insurance on my car, do I have to surrender the plates to the MVC?""
I have a car that I seldom use now, can I keep the plates on the car with no insurance policy. And if I need to use this car, reactivate my auto policy for those specific days. Is this legal? I know in some states it is and in some not. If I do suspend insurance and I do have to surrender the plates, how long do I have till the MVC penalizes me?""
How much do you pay for your car insurance ? (UK)?
I am 19 with a VW polo 1.4 payin 140 a month
What's a low cost yet good car insurance co in California(northern)?
I have a gas hog and I am trying to lower my bills since the economy slump and I am trying to find if my car insurance is high and if I should switch and to who I pay every six months 681.00.Thanks in advance.
Best time to buy car insurance renewal?
my car insurance runs out on the 28th of this month and i'm planning to change companies. when is the best time to buy it (going to pay it off in full), now to start on the 28th or closer to the time like the week before to start on the 28th? is there any difference in price?""
How much is motorbike insurance for a 125cc bike roughly?
I know it's had to predict, but im looking to buy a bike soon. Im 18 years old, live in south-west London, have a full driving license for 1 year now. (some factors they might consider) thanks.""
Why is my car on Motor Insurance Database (MID) while I haven't bought insurance yet?
I've just bought a used car for my son, received the new log book; however, I haven't bought insurance yet, as I intend to keep the car off road at the moment. But when I checked my car on the Motor Insurance Database (MID), it recognized my car. Apparently it is ok to drive this car, although I haven't bought insurance for it. Do you think this is ok, or will I be stopped by the police driving this car?""
What car should I get for cheap insurance?
Im 18, i just got my license a week ago. I live in a small Louisiana town. I catch buses and taxis to and from college and work. I really need a car. I have 2000 down for one but insurance is like 600 dollars on my own policy. I can't get on any ones policy because I live on my own. I'm beginning to get discouraged because the longer I take to get a car the less money I'll have for a car paying 10 to 20 dollars on taxis a day takes all my money. What can I do? What cars will have the cheapest insurance for a new driver?""
""How much do you pay for these items,Gas,Food etc Monthly?""
rent, water, electric, gas, car insurance , gas, food, internet service, phone bill, medication""
Car insurance - if 2 people are going to drive the car are 2 seperate insurance policies required?
My roommate is looking into getting a car and wants to give me access to driving it. Do we need to get 2 seperate insurance policies to drive the car. How does insurance on a car work?
""Im a co-signer on a car loan, do I need to be on the insurance??""
I co-signed a car loan for a friend of mine, he went to get the registration and all that but he couldnt register it unless I am on the insurance, and the registration. The dealer is threatening to take the car back from him if he doesnt come to the dealer proving that I am on all the necessary documents. Registration, and insurance. I am not driving this car at all and we also live in two seperate cities, and only did this to help him establish some sort of credit rating again, but this has ended up being a huge pain in the ***. One Idea I had was to write a bill of sale up saying that I have sold him the car and he is now the owner of the car, not me. I live in Calgary Alberta, in case insurance rules differ from province to province.""
Who gives the cheapest car insurance for a nissan skyline import?
Who gives the cheapest car insurance for a nissan skyline import?
Around how much would classic car insurance be for a 1985 chevy silverado 350 V8?
Around how much would classic car insurance be for a 1985 chevy silverado 350 V8?
Where can I find affordable life insurance for sr citizen in-laws?
I read a previous thread suggesting MediCare, but I am not talking about HEALTH insurance. They only have term life insurance tied to current job, and they need to retire. They have no burial policy, and each is worried about leaving the other with burial expenses and debts. I have seen a few ads online, but when you get to the fine print, they seem mostly like scams. They probably wouldn't get a very good rating if a health exam were required. Probably $15 -$25K max would be the amount needed. They live in Texas if that matters.""
How much is the insurance for a business property (15000 sq ft)?
what is the average quote? it doesnt need to be exact
How to get affordable HIV Medication with not so good insurance coverage.?
Diagnosed about a month ago HIV+ with a VL 111,000 CD4 167, so yeah I've had it for a while. I'm supposed to start treatment ASAP! but I can't afford them, I've talked and negotiated with my doctor to change my prescription she did but it didn't help. The problem is I have insurance and it doesn't have good prescription coverage. I'm in a position that I may have to drop my insurance just to be able to afford my medication. My doctor and case worker is advising me not to do this, I don't have any other choice... someone HELLP my time is limited""
""A car hit our car, but doesn't have insurance.?""
I have liability on that specific car, and comprehensive coverage from AAA on another of my cars. Could I use the comprehensive insurance on my other car, instead of the liability? Also, if not is there any program in California to help us with the loss.""
Why exactly do women pay lower insurance rates than men ?
How come different auto insurance agencies charge different prices for the same insurance company?
yes i went to three different insurance agencys to see what quotes theyll give me. one say said ill pay 50 a month and 140 down payment for access auto insurance . the other agency said ill pay 60 a month and 90 down payment for the same company. and the third agency said i would probably not qualify for access auto insuranc. im 20 year old male riverside ca 94 accord. why would three different agencys quote diferently for the same auto company ? whyyy is it a scam
Effect of credit score on car insurance.?
What effect does bad credit have on your car insurance price, if any?""
A question about car insurance?
This chick hit my car but I have a feeling I'm going to be found guilty due to a faulty witness. I'm on my boyfriends insurance will it raise his rate? Also can he just remove me and put the car in his name? I'm so upset because this whole situation is the other drivers fault!!
Car insurance excess?
I'm having trouble understanding how car insurance, repairs and excess works in VIC, Australia. I gather that the driver who is at fault pays an excess to his insurance company before his vehicle is repaired, and his insurance company covers the repairs for the other vehicle involved. Will this excess see both vehicles being repaired, or do two excesses need to be payed?""
Will Ryan's plan force insurance companies to sell to 'granny? Will 'granny' be forced to buy insurance?
For customers at sixty five, health insurance companies will be inclined to not sell to that age group. Can they be forced to do so by the 'government'? Will health ...show more""
Temporary Car insurance?
I just got my first car (I'm 17 years old) and I need it to go to school which is a good 80 miles away. On top of that I need to find a job which I couldn't do because I didn't have a car. However I can't drive my car because it doesn't have any insurance on it and the insurance is incredibly expensive. For now I just need it to go job hunting. Is there such thing as a temporary car insurance or maybe a waiver for students or SOMETHING that I can use?
farm bureau auto insurance quote michigan
farm bureau auto insurance quote michigan
What motorcycle security products give the biggest insurance discount?
Hi there, I'm looking to buy and insure my first motorbike in the nest few weeks so have been getting some quotes from insurance companies. There are so many chains/locks/immobilisers and alarms to choose from I am wondering what people use themselves, and if they can make a big saving on insurance prices. My insurance is obviously high as it's my first year, but I would like to try and keep costs down and also my bike secure :) Thanks""
What would be the average cost for these with a Hyundai i20?
what would be the average cost for these with a Hyundai i20 budgeting for running costs -car repayments -ongoing insurance and registration payments -car maintenance -tyres -petrol
Does anyone knows of a good Health Insurance in Florida?
HMO, PPO or whatever... I need to know asap. The work insurance is horrible!""
Health insurance for my wife at a low rate?
I work but unable to carry my wife do to the rates. Is there any insurance that we can get on at a better than the one offered at my job. So far I have found one with Blue Cross Blue Shield for $70 a month where my job is like $95 a week or so. I do know it was high on a weekly basis.
List of top insurance companies in USA?
Can u pls list down top 20 US companies in each category of insurance ... Car Home Life Health Property Marine General etc.
""In the state of New Jersey,how long does it take to get caught driving with no car insurance?""
My insurance lapse a month ago today.I am waiting on my workers comp settlement from a job related injury.Is there a way that cops can detect that my insurance has lapsed other than an accident?I have and legit insurance card till June,and registration.Can they suspend my registration?if so is there a warning?I will try to stay off the road till next month but i need to make my Dr.appointments etc.""
Life Insurance Policy?
What will happen if you have a Life Insurance and decide to stop to pay it? Will you lose all the money that you already paid? Or they will give it back to you?
Auto insurance is expensive for my teenager son. Are there any options for me to keep expenses down?
I'm makeing payments on truck for him, now that he can drive, do I have to add him to my insurance? And how much more will it be? I hear some parents don't tell there insurance, they just say there child is borrowing the car. But my son does not live in the same house hold , but is in another city over. Can I still just say he is borrowing the truck. If he gets in a car accident I understand it's on me, but will my insurancecand the law see it in that manner.""
Can I use my parents name to buy insurance for my car?
Is there? The insurance would be under my moms name but the car would be mine. It would be alot cheaper since my mom has no violations and is older than 25.
How much will an average full coverage insurance for a BMW motorcycle cost. Type k1200r.?
I have no traffic violation and perfect credit record. I am 56 years old.
When is it too late to make a car insurance claim?
About 3-4 months ago I was parked in a supermarket car park. My mum, opened the passenger door where the wind blew and hit the car next to us. Upon packing the car, the passenger in the alleged 'chip' car stated that their car was damaged- the damage was barely even visible- something you would expect as a driver to occur. I even questioned whether that 'damage' was the fault of ours because the car was that battered. Anyway, 3 months later I received a letter stating that I was involved in an accident on the 21st of June. This date is also incorrect where this 'accident' actually happened on the 1st May (my car insurance renewal date). My insurance know this happened in this time as I called them to ask what may occur. Could anyone provide me with details of when it is the latest time to make a claim. Also, what would usually happen for the 'chip' in question since I know this day that it allegedly happened was a lie. (UK answers only please)""
Is an sri astra cheaper than sxi astra on insurance?
Is an sri astra cheaper than sxi astra on insurance?
Cheap car insurance in Oklahoma?
Where can I get a good deal on car insurance in Oklahoma?
I need affordable med. insurance for my children. How do I find the best deal?
I need affordable med. insurance for my children. How do I find the best deal?
How much should insurance for a 20 year old male driving an 81 corolla cost. no tickets at all?
How much should insurance for a 20 year old male driving an 81 corolla cost. no tickets at all?
Car Insurance Dilemma?
Hello everyone, I just purchased a new vehicle and gave the old one to my mother. She really needed a vehicle. I decided not to trade it in. The problem is that she can't afford insurance however, if I was to add her to my existing policy, she could afford it. This is the problem, she must be a resident at my house in order to be added. Would they find out if I added her? Would she have a hard time registering the car? Only knowledgeable answers please. Thanks""
Im a 20 year old male and im thinking about getting my first motorcycle. I need suggestions.?
Like i said im a 20 year old student looking into getting a bike. Most of my friends have them and they tell me how much they enjoy riding so i'd like to take up the hobby and ...show more
Should I live without health insurance?
I'm 33. My husband and I are self-employed and not making much money right now. We recently graduated from the same masters program and started our business. We would like to start a family - soon. Costs of raising a child aside, I am beginning to worry about the costs of having a baby in the U.S. I have begun looking into different insurance plans. Currently I am covered at a VERY basic level and he has no insurance. From what I have found so far, all the plans we can afford have very large deductibles, especially where pre- /postnatal and labor and delivery costs are concerned. Is it crazy to consider paying for these expenses out of pocket? It seems as though we will need to come up with about $20,000 on our own before our deductible is met in any case. Should we save the $350 - $450 per month that the insurance would cost? Can anyone recommend an insurance plan with decent pregnancy coverage for a self employed couple in Washington state? Also, does anyone know how or if the Affordable Care Act will change coverage for pregnant women? Thanks.""
Does 1500 seem ok insurance?
ive got multiple quotes for 1st car 1st year driving. its going to be a 1.1 pug 106 independence and have been quoted 1500 is that reasonable? how much did your 1st car insurance year cost you? im 23.
My car was totaled by my insurance?
I bought a 1999 Honda for $4,500 in March of 2010 from a private party, about nine months ago. The owner never disclosed the fact that the car had been totaled in December on 2009. According to Washington State unless the total meets certain criteria it doesnt have to be listed on the title. On January 17th 2011, I was involved in a car accident. The insurance totaled my car. Somehow the insurance discovered that it had been perversely totaled, which I was not aware of. I had full coverage on the car. They now are saying that I will get receive what the car is worth with a savaged title. My question is, do I have to except this or can I fight for the value of a clean titled vehicle? Should they have run a check on the vin when I insured it with them and discovered the that the vehicle had been totaled before? Or is everything my fault?""
""Is buying scion xb 2008 for me a good decision? How about insurance, after market maintenance and so on.?""
Im in early 30s, this is my first car... here are my preferences, i'm 6ft 2 inches so i want to feel comfortable in the driving seat and so the people sitting in the rear seats, Toyota for reliability, popularity & availability of parts, less maintenance overhead,nice ROI. I need good night visibility, does it comes with HID lights installed? Good range of colors (esp. nautillica metallic blue). Is stick better than automatic (if so why) ? This is mostly for my commute to work everyday (10 miles) and occasional long driving on holidays and weekends ? I'm not looking for any bells & whistles just the base model. The total cost of the car with tax comes $18K+ ... the APR is 6.39% (scion.com) , so by paying more down payment say $12K will i be able to reduce the monthly interest for the rest of the payment (6K) or should i shop around ? I believe you cant negotiate for price with the dealer. Do you have any more suggestions""
Does anyone know any cheap insurance companies for me.?
i got my boyfriend a street bike and its under my name so the insurance has to be under my name to.
HELP with car insurance no claims ?
Since passing my test 3 years ago I've had insurance with countless insurers due to the fact I am useless and they kept asking for information for example proof of no claims and a copy of my license. I have had all my insurance policies cancelled countless times as I can't get proof of no claims as I guess I don't have any because all policies have been cancelled. The problem is now I'm getting quotes for over a thousand pounds when technically I've never made a claim in my life! Is there a way around this PLEASE HELP!
Whats the average cost of insurance for a 21 year old female?
Whats the average cost of insurance for a 21 year old female?
What is the insurance cost for a 16 year old guy with a ford mustang 2004?
What is the insurance cost for a 16 year old guy with a ford mustang 2004?
farm bureau auto insurance quote michigan
farm bureau auto insurance quote michigan
Best health insurance for woman?
Looking for health insurance and reviews on basically the health insurance companies. I'm a really picky person and having reviews eases my mind a bit lol
Allstate insurance raising my rates. real or fraud.?
they have raised my rates twice in less than 6 months. my first months were 94 for the platnum plan then in november they raised to 98 and now in march they raised to 108. the say that the state of texas is raising rates for companies and thats why my rates go up. is this happening to anyone else. im in tx. im changing my plan as soon as possible. anyone have allstate that could advise.
What is the least expensive color of car to insure?
I know red is the most expensive. I've heard that white is the least from one person and green is the least from another.
What car insurance is best/cheapest?
I am going to be getting a used car from my uncle and would like to know your opinion on what car insurance to get. My parents wont put me on their plan(this is my first car btw) so I have to get my own. I need a cheaper plan considering I only work during the summer as of now(thinking of getting a job on my college campus next semester). Any help would be good(your experience etc) I tried going onto the General insurance website(commercials say their cheap) for a quote but they keep on sending me to a Geico website, has anyone else had this problem? Thanks in advance for answering.(BTW I am a girl, I know that we get cheeper insurance typically for some reason lol and I also went through drivers ed in the past and I know most companies will give me a discount for that)""
Do you believe in any type insurance ? why ?
what is advantage and disadvantage of insurance ?
Im 24 years old. How much will car insurance cost. Im female.?
I asked this question before. Everyone assumed I was under 18. Im actually a 24 year old female in Ontario. So I needed to provide this information originally when I had asked....sorry about that. So can anyone take a guess now?
How much is an oldtimer insurance for a Rolls Royce Silver Shadow II ?
I would like to know how much per month an oldtimer insurance for a Rolls Royce Silver Shadow II or Spirit would cost about per month? I am 21 years old, self employed. Does someone know ?""
Term Life Insurance Ownership?
My wife and I are in our 40's and 50's. We have created A/B trusts and transferred our assets to them, and expect to have estates that will benefit from the estate tax saving these trusts afford. We recently both purchased $1M 10-year renewable term life insurance policies that we expect to keep for 10 years. We chose not to use life insurance trusts because the purpose of the policies is to replace the lost income of the deceased spouse if one of us dies relatively soon, not to increase our final estate, and the trusts are somewhat costly. We each specified our own trusts as the beneficiaries, because we want the disposition of assets specified there to be used for this money. The trusts provide for the income, and principle if needed, to be paid to the spouse, and for the remainder to be paid to our child at the remaining spouses death. The question of ownership of the policies is less clear. My lawyer says that it doesn't make much difference who owns them, because the value (estate) taxed is only one year's premium, not the $1M. My accountant says that the $1M is taxed, and that each policy should be owned by the other spouse to avoid tax on that amount. A friend said that there's no way to avoid or significantly decrease the tax, so just leave the ownership as is (each spouse owns their own policy). A further fly in the ointment is that the insurance company (Massachusetts SBLI) makes some forms of trust ownership more difficult and costly. I'm confused. What ownership is the best? What is the benefit of that choice? Thanks for your time.""
My car insurance was canceled due to roommate has a DUI?
I live in Michigan and I have been advised by Hartford that my car insurance will be canceled in Feb. due to the fact that another person in this household has a DUI. They feel that this person could drive my car with or without my permission. They advised one of us needs to move in order to have the policy reinstated. Is this justified? What can I do?
Would your car insurance go up if you bump into someone else?
I was pulling off at a junction and I was looking to the right to see wether there is a car coming but the car infront (baring in mind he started pulling off) he suddenly pushed the ...show more
Whats the average price on owning a 125cc bike a month?
Im planning on buying a honda cbr 125cc bike and pay it up over three years im wondering if anyone knows the average cost of running this bike including insurance price of the bike and road tax and fuel. Im 20 years old if that helps with the insurance thanks.
Sr22 insurance help please anyone?
Ok so i got pulled over last week...and i got a ticket... I also have to appear to court because i got another ticket for no insurance proof.. i was driving my dads vehicle and i couldnt find the insurance card but I can proof my dad did have insurance... So would I still have to file for sr22????
What value car would you recommend Comprehensive insurance?
What value car would you recommend moving from Third Party Fire + Theft insurance to Comprehensive Insurance?
I'm looking for affordable health care insurance plan in Texas?
I'm looking for no more than $5000 deductible around $300 to $400 a month for 1 primary and 2 dependents. And the insurance has to cover some of outpatient and inpatient as my son has asthma. Please any help I can't find anything online.
Looking for individual dental insurance in NY without a 12-month waiting period - is there such a thing?
I'm shopping around for dental insurance and most plans I see have a 12 month waiting period for major procedures - and I'm going to need to get my wisdom teeth out soon. Can anybody recommend me a plan? Thanks!
""Do you have to insure a car, if you dont drive it?""
I am 17 and currently learning to drive. I have found an ideal car, peugeot 106 quiksilver to precise. and looking at the specs i really do like this particular one that for sale at the car showroom. It will be another 2 months untill i finish all my classes and take the driving practical test. by this time this car may be sold and i might miss it. Due to the high car insurence for young/new driviver myself and me with the provisional liscense, it may be something that i cant afford. So i want to buy the car and park it in my street. so here is the question: Will the veichal need to be insured if i dont drive and just intend to leave it parked at all time on a driveaway/street? and will it be illegal if i do not insure it? P.S. i am intending to to drive the car only after i pass my practical test and also after taking Passplus""
Should i Register my car under my dad's name to get cheaper insurance?
How does it work? Do i buy the car under his name and register it under his name? OR Do i buy it under my name and register it under my name and just insure it under him? How does it work? EZ 10 Points here guys.
What is the average insurance rate for a 16 year old driver.?
16 year old driver with a 3.2 GPA. PLEASE GIVE ACTUAL ESTIMATED RATES, NOT A BUNCH OF PARAGRAPH TALK. I do realize I must contact my agent (dads agent) for exact amounts, and that it varies a LOT even by zipcode. But I am needing just an estimated amount to draw up some figures. I am looking at a 2009 Suzuki Equator or a 2008 Suzuki XL7. Please help! Thanks! (California)""
Switching car insurance providers?
am i able to switch car insurance providers before my year is up? i have 8 months left but i have had a cheaper quote elsewhere which saves me 900 a year!
What is the cheapest insurance for a teenager? --or ways to make incurance cheaper?
I live in Southern California, and I will be turning 18 next month, 2 days before I need to buy my next insurance policy. I have had my license since the day I turned 16 (I took drivers ed then got my permit for 6 months then my license). I have had no accidents or tickets or have even been pulled over. I am driving a '04 F-150 and making payments on it. I do get the good student discount. What are some cheap insurance companies? Or ways to make your rate cheaper?""
How much can i sue and get from car insurance for pain and suffering for $6000 worth of medicals?
How much can i sue and get from car insurance for pain and suffering for $6000 worth of medicals?
What will have the cheapest insurance payment? 2003 escalade or a 2012 camry hybird?
It will be my first car which one is easier to afford and which one looks better
Does anyone have HealthNet insurance?
I'm wondering if anyone else has HealthNet insurance and what it covers as far as diagnostic and fertility treatments? I'm considering switching from my Blue Cross&Blue Shield...just to something that will cover at LEAST diagnostic and maybe an RE I'm in Southern California
Car insurance quote before buying ?
Was thinking about buying a car (first car) just to run around in for a while before I actually buy a better one when im older but want to ask a question. When buying a car, should I get an insurance quote first, then buy ? Or should I just buy a car I like then think about sorting out insurance for it ?""
""Car accident, insurance coverage, process?""
I had an accident with another car on the highway, road condition was icy. I traveled with 46-50 miles/hour, kept the car in my lane, followed the cars with normal distance. The other car - one lane or two lanes to the right of me hit an icy spot and crashed into the right side of my car at the door and partially the right fender. I had no damage in the front side of my car, but the front of the other car is damaged substantially. First she admitted that she hit an icy spot, but gave the police another untrue statement about the accident. No tickets were issued by the police. We both have full insurance coverage. The damages on both cars clearly indicates, that her spinning car caused the crash. I already contacted my insurance company. Is there a chance that the insurance companies will be able to work this out and her insurance company will pay for the repair on both cars? Therefore, I will not have to pay my deductible amount? Can the ins. co. override her statement if the independent investigation indicates that her car caused the accident ? Thanks for your answer.""
farm bureau auto insurance quote michigan
farm bureau auto insurance quote michigan
0 notes
car insurance quotes melbourne
"car insurance quotes melbourne
car insurance quotes melbourne
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr
Where can i get health insurance?
I'm a 21 year old male and im live in sacramento california i just want to know where i can obtain some freaking insurance to go the dentist or doctors to get checked up on my health got darn it
Law/Rules of insurance?
I am a 20year old young adult who is my my fathers insurance. I'm turning 21 in two months and my father is happy about that because he says that I will be off his insurance. I'm kinda scared because I'm getting surgery after my birthday and I won't have insurance. I've been reading online that I can be on his insurance until I'm 26 if I'm married, live on my own, enrolled in school etc. I'm not enrolled in school but I will in the summer again. So what will happen?""
Shall I buy Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) at car rental?
I have car insurance for my Honda compact car via Geico. I need to rent a car at an airport for a small vacation. When I rent the car from Hertz or Enterprise or Dollar, shall I buy the Loss Damage Waiver (LDW), which is about $10/day ? I already have insurance on my car and the insurance company said that my existing Geico coverage will be transferred to the rental car. So it really so? Just wanted peace in mind and I do not want to spend unnecessary price either. Could you please comment? Thanks a lot.""
Cheapest car insurance?
I understand that car insurance rates will vary from person to person, but I really need to know the names of at least one or two companies that, in general, have cheaper auto insurance. I mean, who had the cheapest auto insurance for you?""
How long does a stolen car have to be gone for the insurance to pay for you for it?
My neighbor told me the other day that their car was stolen on New Years. It was found yesterday at an apartment complex down the street. It left me wondering how long your car has to be gone before the insurance will pay you the value of the car? I assume they will pay for a rental car but you can't assume that your car will be found right away and if it is gone for a long time (3 weeks or more) will they pay for a rental that long?
Range Rover Sport Car Insurcnce... Is 6k too much?
My mum and dad's combined cost of car insurance on their Range rover sport HSE TDV6 (2.7litre) is around 1200. My dad rang up his insurance broker to get a quote on putting me as a named driver, and we got a quote of a total of about 6,000 per year. I know this is a lot of money, however the insurance company says this is because the car is in bracket 19. I was led to believe by my Land Rover dealer that the TDV6 model was in group 14/15, where it was the Supercharged 4.4litre model which was in group 18/19. Is this quote too much for the model car specified? Given i am 20 years old, having held my lisence for around 3 years with no motoring convictions against my name, and having also been a named driver for the best part of 3 years on a Ford Focus. Is it about right? Or is it slightly higher than one would expect for the car. Many Thanks""
How much higher would car instance be if I hit a housei?
I lost control of my car as I was pulling into my girl friends house. I want to know if it would be worth it to call the insurance company our just take out a loan for the repairs
I just got my license and have no insurance..?
no car yet but will soon have one...what do you recommend?what will be cheaper to get my own insurance or be put on my parents...
How much does car insurance cost?
I will be turning sixteen this May, and my mom has arranged for me to get my licence on my birthday (May 1). I have to pay for my own insurance and gas money (unless I am driving somewhere for them). They are buying me just an old used car that will last me through the rest of high school and college (7 years). It may be falling apart by the end of that time but it'll get me from point a to point b. I plan on getting a job as soon as possible. I want to work somewhere this summer, and I will tutor (which I already do occasionally) during the school year, because I don't have time for a part time job all year with extra-curriculars. How much do I need to make to afford my car insurance? Also, my grandad works for State Farm, so we all have to get it there. OH and I took drivers ed when I got my permit so that's deductible.""
How i can get cheap insurance for my children?
How i can get cheap insurance for my children?
What a rough estimate of what it would cost me to insure a fifth-wheel?
I'm going to be in it full-time. It's 36 feet, purchase price: $32K (it's a 2001 model). Anyone have *any* idea? How many people insure their fifthwheels? I'm going to have a truck (buying a 2002 that's going to need insurance as well. Argh. Trying to figure out what I can afford, with regard to trailer and truck (and park fees etc...) Thanks so much!""
Which is the best medical insurance ?
Can any one suggest a good medical insurance company and plan
Can I drive my parents car without insurance?
Can I drive my parents car without insurance, the car is insured under my parents name, ( we live at the same address) and also can I drive someone elses car without insurance with his or her permission""
Insurance and a newborn??
I am so confused about how my baby (due july 7th..i know im really pushin it)... is going to have insurance right when he is born? I am covered on my moms insurance plan which covers her dependents. But it wont cover my dependents. When i call an insurance company and try to set it up to where the insurance will go into effect the day my son is born, the insurance says they dont do that and to call the day he is born to start the process but the process takes two weeks.. WHAT COVERS HIM THE FIRST 2 WEEKS???? please help =)""
Changing car while paying monthly for car insurance?
I still have like 9 months to pay on my insurance but i want to change car how can i do it or cant i ?
Do you need insurance for a driver's permit?
I'm hearing different things from all different places and rather than sifting through all of the crap at the dmvedu website I thought I'd ask you guys and get a straight answer. Do I need insurance to get my permit, or just for my liscense? I live in California, by the way, if that makes any difference with the law.""
How much would a 16 year old boy pay for car insurance?
I am not 16 yet, but I want to get a Chevy Camaro. I live in PA, and am wondering how much car insurance would cost me a year with out wrecks, tickets, etc. I went to chevy.com and built my own Camaro, and it cost me about $25,000 with the specs, and colors I want.""
What is the difference between life insurance and health insurance?
What is the difference between life insurance and health insurance?
What kind of car has cheap insurance?
What kind of car has cheap insurance?
What is the cheapest way to get car insurance for a 17 year old girl on a shared car?
I am learning to drive at the moment, and i know that insurance is high for 17 year old drivers. i would like to get some insurance before i pass my test, to practice. i am going to share the car with my mum, and at the moment my dad is looking to buy a ford fiesta. how do i get insurance cheapest?""
""High deductible, low premium?""
hello, can someone please explain insurance terminology? what does high deductible mean? who should get this and who SHOULDN'T? i am trying to help my parents by purchasing ...show more""
Isn't it time the insurance companies stopped ripping us off?
Just how annoyed am I... I've been unemployed for 4 months and receive income based job-seekers allowance,we don't have enough to live on and finding a job seems harder than ever just now.My car had an engine problem and both the Tax and M.O.T had run out,with so little money coming in I thought it best to do without the car until I get working again so I scrapped it.I called my insurer to freeze my policy and was told that I could only freeze it for 30 days and would still have to pay the monthly 20, then I would have to cancel if I didn't get another car by the end of the 30 days,cancelling will cost me 90. What the hell,how am I supposed to find the money and isn't it time these greedy companies were asked to explain why they need to charge ridiculous amounts of money for doing nothing other than posting a letter,they also charge 35 to change the policy onto another car which I find a bit hard to swallow. Why though,why do they have to charge so much in these hard economic times""
Scooters-insurance etc?
how much for m.o.t and average price for insurance a month???i'm in uk
Cheap reliable and low INSURANCE!?
OK im 17 monday after next and im a bloke, hence very expensive car insurance. I want a second hand car in the UK which is cheap and likely to keep running. Also low insurance because i am a cheapskate.""
Where can I get the best Auto Insurance Quotes?
My semi-annual auto insurance renewal is coming up. I've shopped before and I think I'm already getting a damn good rate, but still I'd like to try to get an even better rate. I've tried both Geico and Progressive, and both quoted me over $200 higher per year than I already pay. Any other good suggestions? This would be for coverage in California.""
car insurance quotes melbourne
car insurance quotes melbourne
Having a baby in Texas with no insurance.?
My friends husband died 10 days ago, he had a family insurance which now comes invalid tomorrow. What can she do, she has no money to pay insurance and is 7 months pregnant. Is there some sort of welfare or social help ? There is maybe a possible payout from 401k insurance and she could use that money but it may not arive in time.""
What is the Difference between a PRIMARY and SECONDARY type of driver on Insurance?
Was looking at Auto Insurance and was wondering what the difference is between being a Primary driver of a vehicle and a Secondary. Is it cheaper on insurance to be a primary if one driver has more years experience than another or does it matter at all? I gather being an occasional driver would make a difference on insurance though.
How much do you pay for your car insurance?
Just wondering - how much do you pay for car insurance, how old are you, and what year/model of car do you have?""
What is a cheap car insurance for me...i am 16 years old?
need the cheapest one
What is the average insurance on a 1997 camaro with usaa?
What is the average insurance on a 1997 camaro with usaa?
How much would i save on insurance by taking the motorcycle safety course?
and is their other beneifits to taking the safety course like, getting a discount at the dealer place or something""
""Florida law - Florida license, no car, so no insurance?
If someone with a Fl driver's license who doesn't have a car so doesn't have car insurance is involved in a car accident while driving someone else's car. Does the car owner's insurance cover the uninsured driver?
Insurance for a 2005 Infiniti coupe for a 16 yr old in Houston area?
I'm about to turn 16 and am starting to look at cars. Does anybody have an Infiniti coupe and how much is it to insure? I'm just north of Houston if that is a factor
Buying a home in south caroline?
Just wanted to know if Conway is near the Myrtle beach airport and how far it is from the beach. How much is real estate tax for a home for about 100,000 to 200,000? Are there any marina's close to Conway? Is there a city wage tax on income? How much is car insurance? We live in philadelphia and are tired of the area and the high cost of living. Thanks, Jeanete [email protected]""
Does an not guilty accident effect the insurance rate in California?
the type where the opposite side confesses of their guilt but the case goes to insurance. will next time my insurance raise or it will be unaffected?
Monthly motorcycle costs in Florida?
Are there any monthly costs to owning a motorcycle in Florida other than maintanence and the payments on the actual motorcycle that are mandatory? Like will my health insurance go up or anything? I know motorcycle insurance isn't required but I didn't know if like Id have to pay more for liability of others. please only answer if you are a Florida motorcycle owner. Thanks!
How is the Mitsubishi Lancer GTS classified by most insurance companies?
I've been researching insurance quotes in preparation for buying a new (used) car, mainly for various sporty compact sedans. When I got to the 2010 Mitsu Lancer GTS, I was pretty appalled at how much higher the quote was than the others, like the Subaru Impreza and Mazda3 Sport, despite having extremely similar horsepower, speed, safety features and crash test ratings. Is it considered a sports car or something? Does it get lumped in with the uber-expensive Evo because of the word Lancer ?""
""I just bought a new car, now i have to switch insurance?
how do i go about that. im right in the middle of my current insurance on my old car.
How much would a motorcycle insurance cost me monthly if i'm 17 years old and i live in toronto?
Say i get a 2008 honda cbr125r, how much would insurance cost me monthly? (an approximate estimate would be nice)""
USAA or Amica for auto insurance?
As far as I can tell, these are the two top auto insurance companies... Which do you think is better, and why?""
Is Geico a good insurance company?
Is Geico a good insurance company?
If you have fully comp insurance can you drive any car?
Basically my friend and I are having an argument - she says I can drive her car and vice versa as we both have fully comp insurance?? But I think you need to be a named driver to drive a car. Also if you don't have fully comp but the car your driving does is that still legal 2? Many Thanks
First time Car Owner Getting Insurance?
I'm a college student, not living with my parents, which means I will need to start my own parents. and I'm looking to buy my first car, which might be an out-of-state title. Say I eventually, locked on a deal. The question is: Do I have to buy insurance before paying for the car. But then how does the insurance company assess the quote since I haven't had a car yet. Do I just tell them the make and year of the car I'm Going to buy for sure or how does it work? What if I bought the insurance, but the deal didn't work out, and I have to choose other car/ make/ year? Or, can I get it insured soon After I make the purchase? If so, what happens between I picked up it from the seller and driving it to get it insured. Do I get screw if I had an accident during this time. I probably sound pretty stupid by now.. but dude help me out here.""
Where is the best place to get earthquake insurance quotes?
I live in Seattle, WA and I currently do not have earthquake coverage. I don't know what carriers provied earthquake coverage, and I don't know if I need to also get homeowners coverage from the same carrier.""
Cheapest insurance for beginner rider on a cbr-125?
I am 17 in a few days and looking to get a honda cbr-125 or any similar bike for getting to college and work, which is the best way to get cheap insurance and do you have any tips on how to lower it?""
Buying a Motorcycle and taking it to California?
So I'm in Florida and I'm selling my car to buy a motorcycle. I'm thinking about purchasing a triumph bike here in florida at the dealership and having them ship it to my house in California hoping i can get a sweet deal. What do you guys think? tax in florida is cheaper than California but will i still have to pay for other stuff besides the obvious insurance, plate, etc.? or is this all a dumb idea, should i take my car money back to California and buy the triumph bike there?""
How do people driver around without car insurance and get away with it?
I watch court shows on tv and many people are taking someone to court because of an accident and the other party does not have car insurance
What is the cheapest/ most expensive profession to be in when claiming for car insurance?
had two quotes for car insurance, one as me as full time hairdresser with part time student and one the other way round, when being a student full time my quote was 500 less than if i was a hairdresser. i just think it's crazy. any one know why?""
Can I get liability insurance if I do a roll over?
I'm currently financing a vehicle and I simply can't afford it anymore. I'm considering doing a trade in for a cheaper car. I would be trading in my car which has a higher value than the car. So there will still be a finance going on but it would be a rollover. Will the other technically be paid off meaning that I'd be able to get liability on it? I just need to lower my payments because it's too much to handle right now so even some ways that I can lower my payments or insurance would be nice.
Can i have two different Auto Insurance policies?
I have two different cars can i have two different policies on each vehicle in the state of kentucky?
car insurance quotes melbourne
car insurance quotes melbourne
Best value Florida auto insurance?
I just moved from Illinois to Florida and am looking for auto insurance because my own company is upping my price from $125 to $275 a month with the same coverage (100/300K BI, 50K property, 100K UM, and roadside assistance) with the move. Upon obtaining quotes, the best I've gotten is with Esurance which is just over $200 a month. It seems that adding BI to any auto policy ups the price pretty heavily. Are there any mid-level or local insurance companies in Florida that generally offer better premiums than the heavy hitters I've been quoting with? I'm in Port Richey.""
How much would car insurance cost for me?
I'm 21 years old and I have had my driver's license for 2 years. however i still have not been able to drive since i am a poor college student and cannot afford anything. however i will be graduating soon as a registered nurse and will get a job. So i would like to know the price range for car insurance just to have an idea. thanks.
Why do people keep comparing health insurance mandates to car insurance mandates?
Car insurance mandates are done at the STATE level, in accordance with the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. constitution. Yet people (the president included) continue to claim that a FEDERAL mandate to buy insurance is no different than being required to cover your car. (Completely ignoring that you have to BUY a car before you must get insurance...the govt's basically saying they own your body...insure it or be taxed) So isn't a FEDERAL mandate unconstitutional unless you plan on writing an amendment to the Constitution so that such a mandate is in accordance with the Tenth Amendment?? http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0909/27384.html The questions from ABCs George Stephanopoulos highlighted a politically dangerous new aspect of the health reform debate for Obama  as critics from Republican leaders to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce say his reform proposals amount to a middle-class tax increase. Obama promised during the campaign that Americans earning less than $250,000 a year would not see any tax increases from an Obama administration. Obama strongly denied that the mandate amounts to a tax increase  saying it was no different than requiring people to have auto insurance and charging a penalty if they dont. He also said it was important for everyone to have insurance so that people who do carry insurance dont have to shoulder the load for people who dont. The excise tax is designed as an enforcement mechanism to ensure people will carry insurance.""
Secondary insurance for a Mustang for a 16 year old male?
My parents are going to get me an 2008 mustang. If the car is under their name and im just the secondary user, like if i drive it once a month, how much am i looking at insurance wise?""
Will state farm increase my auto insurance if I get a speeding ticket??
I got a speeding ticket going 88 in a 70 in GA. Thats 2 points on my license. I was wondering if a rumor that I heard was true. Some people were telling me that they give you your ...show more
How can you get a car insurance estimate if you don't own a car and never have?
I just got my license a few months ago and may get a job in an area that is difficult to get to by public transportation. I want to find out how much it would cost me (roughly) for car insurance but I don't have a car (yet) and most sites I've found ask me a lot of vehicle information. How can I get a rough estimate for insurance, so I can figure out if it's even feasible for me to get a car. Thanks!""
""Selling my car, insurance question re. test drive and taking it home?""
I'm selling my old car and just want to double check insurance rules. I'm currently insured to drive it (3rd party, fire and theft), the MOT and tax is still valid, the car is in my name. If someone wanted to come and test drive it would they need their own insurance? What if they decided to buy it and drive it home? I'm not insured to drive other cars, just my own. Cheers""
""Im 16 and need to get cheap insurance, any suggestions?""
Im 16 yrs old, female, very independent and just bought a car; a 2002 chrysler pt cruiser. Im needing to get car insurance and be being 16 I know it'll be expensive so im needing to know where the cheapest place to get insurance for liability coverage in the state of Kentucky.""
Will my insurance get expensive if I don't pay it for a few months?
So I am 19 years old and I been paying insurance for 1 year now. But right now I am not working and I don't need my car as much and i feel that I am just wasting money on insurance. My policy will end in 9 days and I am thinking on ending my insurance and instead I am going to ride the city bus. Right now I am paying 96 dollars per month and the next six months will go down to $94. If I don't pay for insurance for 1 or 3 months will the price go up? How much? Thank you in advance.
Will this make my car insurance cheaper?
Hi, I'm only 15 so not anywhere near needing to buy car insurance, but unlike most teenagers, I am very interested in cars, and am already thinking about my first car, obviously I won't be getting an Aston v12 vantage, but I'd like a decent car, at the moment during the holidays I have junior driving lessons on an airfield, which are proven to make young drivers safer, I will have probably have had around 10 by the time I'm 17, will this make my insurance cheaper? Or will it just be for my own safety? Thank you""
Cheap car insurance for 18-year old male?
Hi. Been looking for cheap car insurance. so far ive been quoted 8000 on 2001 vauxhall corsa 1.2 petrol 3dr hatchback. live in ws1 4 area and im a carpenter. no parents dont drive and passed early october. Ive tried I-Kube, and other but their prices are outrageous! hoping to go with young marmalade as a last resort. Many thanks. :) and no i havent bought the car yet. car is worth 1500 approx.""
""IMPORTANT: Young, pregnant, no money! Any advice on how I wil get by?
I am 24 and pretty sure that I am pregnant (will be going to the doctor on monday to verify). I don't make a lot of money and I was wondering how other women have done it. In my head it seems impossible to afford a child. Advice please.
Multi Car discount on car insurance ?
Can any insurance agents out there please tell me - roughly what % discount on the total policy premium would I get if I qualified for the mulit-car discount on my car insurance policy? I am with State Farm if that matters at all. I am currently at $400 every 6 months for my pickup truck & am wondering if we add another car in our household onto the SF car insurance, how much would I save on the $400 every 6 month truck premium? Thanks very much.""
How much for car insurance i need the cheapest price?
i need the insurance the requier for the law
How much would car insurance cost for me?
How much does it cost to get my first car insurance under my parents insurance living in NV, USA? Also: I'm 18 yrs old, Just got my driver's license, White male Caucasian, Drive a black 1996 Honda Civic, been in no accidents, got good grades from High School, had no bad records in general, I live in a safe area, but will drive about 80 miles a week .""
Motorcycle insurance for 125cc?
Hi guys, Just wondering if anyone could help me, I want to get a motorcycle instead of a car - despite what people say I just can't wait to ride to college and back. So I've chosen to get a honda CG 125 which is a decent bike runs from a to b. I'm looking at insurance online and it's around a grand! Is the companies that offer cheap insurance I mean, what's the average price? I'm 18 live in a decent area without much crime - I'm doing my cbt next week and maybe it's fact I haven't been riding (in their eyes) a long time? Any help appreciated!""
Will my insurance go up?
Hi, yesterday i got into my first 'accident' driving. I was changing lanes and ended up hitting the person infront of me. The cop issued me a ticket for 'change lane - not in safety' its 115 dollar ticket and 2 points. Having only my g2 license i was wondering whats going to happen with my insurance? is my rate going to go up? please help. also i am a male and 17 so it doesnt help me either. p.s do you think i should take this to court and try to lower fine or get rid of the points?""
I have read on comments under articles on Yahoo and someone said they are required to get the same health insurance but i can not find this on any news article.
How much would it cost for a 17 year old to insure a Mazda Rx 8?
Mazda RX 8 2006 1.3L i THINK its insurance group 16 but im not sure any price estimates? dont worry about telling me thats its too much money and you should get a ford ka and all that bollocks haha i simply wish to know how much it will cost when i pass my test to insure my new Mazda
How much do you pay for car insurance?
i pay $130 /month and i think its too much
Fast old car that isnt cost millions to insure?
I am 17 i understand that the insurance on a very fast car would be millions! but i was wondering does anyone know an old fastish car that the insurance isnt tonnes and tonnes of cash in the UK
UK car insurance question?
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old boy, 3rd party F&T. 1. Provisional licence holder 2. Full licence holder Thank you""
So many health insurence companys .I need to find a good health insurence I would like your help for a good co
health insurence and dental,with eye glass too .I want my own instade of through a company as a employee""
I have a ??? about car insurance?
hey last saturday i wrecked my car...totaled. well i still owe about 3000 left on it so of course i had full coverage ins on it will ins company give you retail value or trade in value it was a 2000 stratus and i had about 109000 miles on it and have had a lot of work done on it i did have a cracked winshield that was not cause of the wreck about how much money am i looking at???
""Has anyone ever heard of the following insurance companies: Safe Co., Travelers, and Hartford?
Are they good/reputable companies?
car insurance quotes melbourne
car insurance quotes melbourne
Insurance after you buy your car?
I'm picking up a new car I just bought from a dealership tomorrow, how does insurance work? I have insurance at the moment for the car I am driving but not the new one I am buying. help :)""
How much will a suzuki vitara jlx 1999 cost for a 17 year old to insure in the UK?
Hi there i am 16, almost 17 and i own a suzuki vitara, it has previously been used as a field car but sailed through its MOT... i am looking to use this as my first road car. I can't seem to find anything at all on the internet without having to make an account.. someone please help, I simply need to know how much it will cost me to insure in the UK as my first car at 17 years old. it has no modifications, a 1.6 petrol engine, convertible and a jlx model.. someone please help if you can?""
Is -3 driving record bad or good for insurance?
I just got promoted at work and now I have to be issued a company truck and i am wondering if my employees insurance would cover -3 driving points.
Trying to be a first time homeowner - any advice before I sign?
I'm not there yet, but I plan to be ready in March of 08 to buy my first house. I've taken 15 hours of credit classes, I have $5k saved up, and I'm trying to get down payment assistance. Does anyone have any additional advice like unexpected costs (besides closing costs) and surprises that maybe happened to you when you bought your first house? I know to stay in my budget and not buy something I really can't afford. But for instance, do I find a lender first and then a house, or is it vice versa? And after I find a house and a lender, how long does it take to close? Is it stressful getting all your paperwork together?""
How much would insurance be for a 2008 Honda CBR 125cc?
I'm only a 16 year old, 5'3 115 pound girl... I've got my g1, my driving course and I'm more than willing to take the motorcycle course. I'm looking at buying a 2008 Honda CBR 125cc. I'm wondering ON AVERAGE what I'll be paying for insurance? Thanks in advance! Oh and I'm in Sudbury, Ontario. I'll only be doing about 20-30km a day, if that makes a difference""
Do any one know where to get a business vehicle insurance?
hey anyone i am try and look for a business vehicle insurance for me to have 4 car's and vans on the same insurance so all i do call up and add my staff to the insurance there than can Driver any vehicle on this one insurance. ? please help me out
Car recommendations for college student?
Working my way up to buy a car in the next few months, so I'm starting my search now. Keep these points in mind: -Affordable for purchase -Lower insurance rates -Good gas mileage -Something that's got some zip to it (sporty) I'm mostly looking at sedans, coupes, and hatchbacks and avoiding the SUV's and trucks. Any tips?""
What are the cost of car insurance?
I'm a 17 yr old female, just recently got my g2, i live in ontario canada and was wondering what my insurance cost would be per year. i will be registering as a secondary driver, and there are currently 2 cars, and will be getting a third one, for me. i have talked to friends and found out that they pay about 200 bucks a year and depends on my parents driving records. Is it possible to pay just 200 dollars a year as a secondary driver?""
Do car insurance policies follow the car or the driver?
I have a car insurance policy for my honda civic with both liability and collision. I am going to buy a motorcycle soon, and want to know if I need to get extra insurance. The value of the motorcycle won't be a lot, so I'm not crazy about getting collision on the bike. But will my liability insurance from my car policy follow me when I drive the motorcycle (or anyone else's car for that matter)? I guess the real question is: do I need to inform my insurance company that I'm getting a motorcycle?""
I just found out I was pregnant and have no insurance. What do I do?
Due to my husbands green card status we have been warned not to use Medicaid as they don't have to renew his green card. We make a combined income of 36k which isn't much and already have a lil one. Are there any options out there. I am expecting to need another c-section...which means $20k... this isn't exactly the time I want to stress. This should be a happy time!!!
""My friend already has auto insurance on her car, can I get my own insurance on her car or do i have to own it?
I have a Job interview at Coke Cola and I need to show them proof of insurance on the vehicle I drive however i do not own the car but ill be able to drive my friends
I got a no insurance ticket in alabama went to court but never paid fine what will happen if i get caught back?
Will a hemi engine effect my insurance rates??
* * Member since: November 06, 2006 * Total points: 606 (Level 2) * Points earned this week: * 10% Best answer * 171 answers SNIPES8 S Hemi engine insurance????? will the fact that i am considering a dodge ram 1500 with a hemi make a difference in the insurance cost if there wasnt a hemi engine under the hood, the truck is a 4wd dodge 1500 slt with the big engine, i am currently in a v6 4wd 2000 ford explorer, how much will the rates change??? im a 22 yr. old male.""
Can i go on another person's insurance?
im 18 and my mom doesnt drive. i got quoted for 358/month (female) would it be possible to go under another family members insurance (aunts, uncle) or does it have to be your parents (same adress)?""
Car insurance?
how much would it cost to insure a car. if the driver was sixteen. it wouldnt be a fast car. so how much for third party insurance. and how much to get my car insured
Why are insurance rates so high?
I am 18 and drive and old 1990 Geo Tracker. I have never been pulled over, given a ticket, warning, or fix-it ticket. I have been driving for 4 years (since I was 14 with a school permit) and even then I didn't get pulled over. Why are insurance rates for me so unbelievable?""
How much does a sr22 policy cost?
I caught driving with out insurance. Now I have to carry an Sr22 policy. I was wondering if any one knew what that's going to cost. I drive a 97 f 150. I don't need exact numbers just a ball park. Thank you
Why isn't the Affordable Healthcare Act more like car insurance?
I'm just wondering why no one thought to copy how car insurance works to work with healthcare. Think about it, we'd save a lot on government spending. Those who buy healthcare, are covered through insurance. If you don't buy healthcare, it is up to you to buy it, and if you're asked to show proof of health insurance and don't have it, you're fined. It's simple, easy, and perfectly understandable by anyone. So.. if it works for car insurance... why wouldn't it work for health insurance?""
Car insurance in differnt states ?
My grandmother lives in new Hampshire and there you do not need any insurance on your car , but in Connecticut by law you have to have it, so I was wondering if she comes to see us would she have to put insurance on her car to leave her state??""
""What is cheaper, car insurance or motorcycle insurance?""
What is cheaper, car insurance or motorcycle insurance?""
What car is the lowest on insurance?
Im in the market for a new car and I need a car with low full coverage insurance payments. Any suggestions? Thanks!!!
How can I find my neighbors home insurance company?
My neighbors have a pit bull which is completely untrained and escapes from their yard on a regular basis. I have tried to talk to my neighbor telling him he needs to keep his dog in his fenced yard but he does not speak English very well and I don't believe he understands me. I do know that he owns his house. I am concerned that if his dog attacks someone that his home owners insurance won't cover it. My home insurance company told me that they would not cover a pit bull if I had one. How can I find out what insurance agency my neighbor is using so that I can find out if he has coverage for his dog (or blow him in for having a dog his insurance won't cover).
What is a good month by month health insurance company in Central FL?
I need health insurance hand don't have a job. What is a good pay by the month insurance company that has decent coverage and is affordable, by affordable I mean between $30 and $80 a month.""
How much will it cost a month to finance a 20K car?
I am making around 2K a month .... I want to finance a mercedes CL600 used like year 2000-2003 .... They go for about 15K-20K now .... What I am wondering is how much it will cost a month plus insurance .... I am 19 years old by the way
Can i sign up 2 cars with the same policy? for car insurance or it has to be separate?
i have 2 cars and i have 4 years no bonus claim, and it was fine and everything, today the insurance company phoned me and said i can only use my 4 years claim on one car only and if i try insuring the other car it would be like no claim so it's like you just received your license with no experience. do you think i could sign one car with an insurance company and the other car with another insurance company?""
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car insurance quotes melbourne
0 notes
Avalon California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 90704
"Avalon California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 90704
Avalon California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 90704
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Homeowners insurance?
Last night while at my girls house I slipped in mossy stairs and broke my ankle. I need surgery now. I was wondering is her landlord responsible for this? I don't have health insurance and I need my **** paid for. I don't want to sue i just want his insurance to cover me.. do they cover stuff like this and how does this thing work
How much money should I expect to pay for car insurance if I buy a 2013 Dodge Charger?
How much money should I expect to pay for car insurance if I buy a 2013 Dodge Charger? I am 20 years old.
What are legal steps to resolving an auto insurance claim?
Allstate was supposed to compensate me for X amount of damage done to my car by the driver who had insurance upto 5 grand. Notice that I did not have insurance with AllState but that because the driver was at fault, and had coverage of upto $5000, AllState has agreed to pay me a portion of that 5 grand. However, the problem is the driver who was at fault is not agreeing to this and demands more in loss from AllState. Whereas, although, I myself deserve more in damage since the car was worth more than the amount I am being compenstated for, I have still decided to settle for less. Now because the driver is delaying the decision to accept the remaining amount out of 5 grand, this case/claim has not resolved SINCE 2010. They wouldn't send me check yet only because the driver needs to accept the offer also. My theory is that whether or not the driver finds the offer fair, is none of my problem. I shouldn't have to wait for 2 years only because the driver refuses their offer. I should get my share at least. Do I have a legal case against the company for taking too long in this regards ? What can I do to resolve this ?""
Should I buy life insurance from Transamerica?
I have read that AEGON owns Transamerica Life insurance. There is a posting that both are potential scams. One warning was about health insurance. Is there a connection between the life insurance and the health insurance? The Transamerica building in San Francisco is shaped like a Pyramid. Wouldn't it be something if........
""I have been issued a speeding ticket, what will it do to insurance?""
I was borrowing my moms car and i got a speeding ticket..i showed them my license/ her insurance card, registration, etc..... will anything happen to her insurance???..and how much is an average speeding ticket? kay thnx!""
Insurance Claim Question?
So i got hit by someone the other day and i have a question before i put a claim on it. I saw the truck that hit me but i didn't get the lincence plate number. I saw the guy pulling out after he backed into me and he didn't stop. I saw him pullin away from my car, so i know he hit me. The bumper is screwed so i had it rivited by my friend cuz it wouldn't stay up. So my question is where i did not get the guys plates and i have the basic (i think liabilty) insurnce, can i call and put a claim on it and get money from my insurance company, without my rate going up and having to pay more a month for my insurance.. Thanks..""
Is it legal to have two different insurance companies for one car?
i am currently leaving my insurance company because they give me too much headaches (ING by the way)... i have to wait a week to offically cancel my policy (its a longg story). i found another insurance company that i would like to join right away because i told my insurance company i am putting ym car away for a few years but i just didnt want to tell them i found someone else for way cheaper and i need insurance now! but im not sure if it is possible to have comprehensive with one company and coverage with another. please let me know. Thanks!! toronto, Ontario""
What is the most affordable health insurance in NYC?
My friend doesn't have health insurance and is planning on putting his new baby (born around Oct.) on his policy with him. He's Latin American and has his permanent residence card, but is not yet a citizen. Anyone know of any affordable plans for him to look into in the Manhattan area?""
What are teenage driving insurance rates for girls?
whats the cheapest in illionois? do i have to have insurance while driving w/ a permit??
About health insurance?
My job health insurance is to high, I need affordable insurance do anyone one how I can go by getting it""
Worries about insurance with a tracker?
Being a 19 year old male who lives in London, insurance was clearly going to be a problem. I have however found some decent quotes which include having a tracker fitted. Now, I don't mind it too much but I do have some worries: a) The location/address: on the quote, I provided a relative's address which is outside of London (the address is about 40 to 50 minutes away from my actual address). Consequently, the price was cut by about half! The worry I have is that if I have a tracker installed, won't it be obvious to the insurer that this isn't my real home address when they see me parking and basically using my actual address instead of the relatives'? I won't be anywhere near the relative's address b) Speed limits: I once read somewhere that '90%+ people go over the speed limit' and although I don't know how true this is, it's clear from driving that in some areas, going at 30 causes delays and its a bit daunting when you're at the limit but everyone else is just speeding past. How much would this change the insurance? c) Price: is the price of the quote they provide the limit? What I mean is if they see bad driving with the tracker, could it increase the quote or is there a limit? Thanks for any help :) P.S Happy new year!""
Car insurance and speeding points?
Hey, when I was 18 I got 3 points for speeding. It is coming up to 5 years since I got them and when doing insurance quotes it always says 'any speeding convictions within 5 years' I was just wondering, dees that mean once it has been 5 years, that I won't have to declare them anymore? and will they completely disappear from my driving record/license? Also, please no replies saying 'grow up, dont speed etc. I know, which is why I grew up and haven't for 5 years. Thanks.""
Car wreck and insurance?
Today I was in car wreck. I was in a parking lot going straight and the other driver turned left in to my car. She has dented the whole left side of my car. I called the police but because it was in a parking lot they could not do much. An officer showed up because she refused to give me her proof insurance. The officer said she was clearly at fault but could not cite her because of the private property thing. My question is does anyone know or have any idea how this will play out with her insurance? My car has a lot of damage and i'm in a lot of pain. I won't be able to go to the doctor/hospital until tomorrow because I won't have the money for a co-pay until then. The officer was very nice, he sided with me put all the blame on her, she claimed it was an accident when she clearly just didn't stop before making a left into my car, I thought she was going to stop and I tried to avoid her but she was going to fast. We both have insurance and we're in Arizona if that helps. If you have any advice for insurance or anything it would be much appreciated, thank you for your time""
Would you accept a job working as an Insurance Call Center Agent?
The job entails helping senior citizens all over the country obtain affordable insurance solutions that cover their final expenses and medical bills. The work hours are Monday  ...show more
Are mini coopers expensive to insure?
I'm 17 and I know I can probably ask this question to my insurance company but I'm trying to stay on the down-low for a while from my parents about getting a car. Obviously if I'm going to get a cooper, I'm definitely getting the supercharged S but am not sure if this would be too terrible to insure because I don't know if that's considered a sports car or not. Thanks""
Why can my insurance company ask if I other insurance?
Every year my insurance company denies my claims until I send them a form telling them I don't have any other coverage. Why can they do this? Is there an agency I can file complaint with to try and stop this practice? This seems to me that it is equal to invasion of privacy, if the claim is legitimate why don't they just pay it?""
Will I have to switch my car insurance if I buy a new or used car from a dealer?
My current car is just costing far too much money in repairs for it to be worth it to keep piling money into. I'm a college student, so money isn't exactly plentiful, but its looking right now like I just need a new car, period. I have a decent job, and I could probably afford a car payment of around $200 a month just fine, however I am very concerned about any hidden cost with insurance. My dad told me that if I buy a car from a dealer, then I will have to switch my insurance to full coverage (I'm currently just on my dads insurance, and I only have to pay about $50 a month) but he says that if I get a new or used car from a dealer, I will have to change my insurance coverage and it will cost me more around 150-200 a month in insurance. And if you pair that with a car payment, I simply couldn't afford it and still be able to make rent and whatnot. So I came here to see if he is correct in this. I know there will be taxes, dealer fees, registration costs etc. but Its the insurance part of it that might make it impossible. Also, do I have to have my credit established for a certain amount of time before I can buy a car? I tried to avoid credit cards for as long as I could, so now Im still kind of new in the whole credit game.... Anyways, thank you for taking the time to read my question and hopefully answer it!! It is much appreciated!!""
Young persons car insurance?
Having passed my test a week ago and being 17 I have been on the hunt for cheap (as possible!) car insurance. I am being quoted at best 2750 to 14000 all my friends have retrieved quotes much lower than this. I have been looking at ones regarding a 2004 ford ka. Any suggestions how to lower it or any websites to use?
Who has the most affordable health coverage?
Who has the most affordable health coverage?
Where do insurance companies get all the money?
How does an insurance company afford to pay out all that money on insurance claims?
Is there such thing as Bicycle Insurance?
When I say Bicycle Insurance, I mean that the insurance company will pay for repairs.""
State Farm Insurance Bithday Gift?
Okay, Strange question- Every year I recieve a letter in the mail from State Farm Insurance Angency to celebrate my birthday. They say that if you stop by the office, they have a free birthday gift for you. My family and I figure it is probably nothing good, just a calendar or something cheesey, but we can't help wondering what it really is! If you know what it is, do you mind eh, tell me?? lol Thank You!! :o)""
Car insurance?
hi last week i reversed into a piller and wrecked the back end off my car after paying 411 to get it fixed my b/f was coming home from work and a van went into the side of him and wrote my car off. we are getting a courtesy car today but apparently i cant drive it until my details have been sent to dvla and they get an ok back b/f reakons it will be a couple of days but i need a car is this right and does any1 know how long it will be cause i havent had a car for nearly 2 wks now and am lost without it. thank you
How can you add an illegal alien to your car insurance? Where?
I have a girlfriend who happens to be an illegal alien. I am a legal U.S. citizen living in California. She owns a car (under someone elses name) and the time is coming when she will have to go to the DMW and reregister it. She wants to transfer the ownership to me but still drive it herself, which I will have no problem with as long as she agrees to pay all costs associated with using the vehicle (an agreement I will get in writing). However, she dosn't want to give her information to any insurance companies because shes afraid the Feds will find her out and deport her back to Mexico. Is their any way I can buy an insurance policy for my new car and add her to the coverage without giving the insurance company her name and and other information? Say, some policy that covers me and any other driver that happens to use the vehicle? If so, what company should I sign up with?""
Is it possible to obtain a learner's permit without having my parents' insurance rates go up?
I am a 16 year old in NY and my parents do not want me to obtain a learner's permit because they are afraid that their insurance rates will go up and they cannot afford it now. Now, a friend told me that I could go to the NY DMV without my parents and get a learner's permit. Is this possible? I would like a learner's permit not only for the ability to drive, but also as a solid form of photo ID (like, instead of a passport). What should I do about this? PS. My parents won't be convinced.""
Avalon California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 90704
Avalon California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 90704
Do I need full insurance coverage to finance a USED car?
I am planning on buying a car after putting like 4000$ down, I want to finance for like 2-3 years BUT I heard I had to buy full coverage which is like 300-400$ for me..(currently I pay 150$ one way) This will be a huge problem. I went to some dealer and a guy working there said it's upto me if it's a USED car, and you only have to buy full coverage for brand new cars. Is this true? I am from Edmonton Alberta, Canada.""
How much would insurance be?
how much would insurance be for a mustang convertible perhaps 90's-2002 no more than 2003. the car is around 6 grand im thinking it would be about 3k a year but i don't know. i get bad grades i get about 150 a week at my job. when i bye the car i will be about 18 years old
Maternity and Health Insurance?
If you have health insurance but do not have maternity insurance. Does the health insurance cover any of the hospital. etc fees? Example...Hospital stay?
Do you know of a good health insurance plan?
I need to find a plan that is affordable outside a group plan or is there a group plan available to me? I do not want the discount card type of plan I want an actual insurance policy accepted by many doctors and hospitals. 80/20 coverage is great with annual deductible choices.
What is a car insurance raise depend on? ?
Hello, I come here because everyone I ask just tells me not to worry about it and I JUST WANT TO KNOW! Sorry if this is way too long. I don't want to miss anything. Anyways, I got into a minor accident recently. When I say minor, I mean minor. I bumped them at a red light because I scooted up without looking. Didn't even touch the gas. This is my first accident. I'm twenty years old. When I went to look at our cars my car was a little scuffed, nothing that a little buffing couldn't take off. Their car, was even less. One of the passengers (there were 5 adults total, two children sitting on laps) claimed his back hurt. I was in panic mode as the driver told me that we could handle this without contacting insurance. Later I came to my senses when I realized that this guy with the back injuries was going to keep coming back to me asking for more money, so I told them to call my insurance agency. My question is, does anyone know in the state of Florida what determines how much your car insurance goes up? His injuries (not positive but almost positive) are not bad enough to go into my bodily injury. His PIP should cover it. For example, will your insurance go up based on the damages you have to pay for ? Since I made very VERY minimal damage, will my insurance only go up a little ? Thanks for reading my giant ramble and thanks for responses. Sara""
Should people be required to have health care coverage like they do for car insurance?
That way if someone's not covered the hospital can refuse to treat them just like a car insurance company can refuse to cover someone who didn't have coverage with them. Problem solved, no need for the gov to intervene. Only those over 65 years old should be allowed to apply for medicaid, all other working age bodies should buy it themselves especially if they can all afford monthly cell phone and internet bills and clothes and vacations and stuff.""
Is Progressive a good insurance company?
My mom seems to think it's not based on what she heard almost 10 years ago. We currently have Allstate which is costing us $265/mo whereas Progressive could cost us $171/mo. IDK why she won't even try it
How much do you pay for:car insurance? Home insurance? Furnishing your first apartment?
How much do you pay for:car insurance? Home insurance? Furnishing your first apartment?
Motorcycle insurance question?
Hey, so im 19 and live in ontario. I want to get insurance for my bike but its hella expensive. Could i 'sell' the bike to my uncle (DOES NOT LIVE WITH ME), he insures it and becomes primary rider and puts me as secondary? He has his own bike so he will have 2 bikes under his name, and ill be secondary for 1 will it work?""
Private health insurance = cheaper and better care?
Statistics show that US citizens pay almost exactly 2X per capita for health care compared to countries with government-supplied general health care. As with so much of our ...show more
""Just got 3 tickets, how much does insurance rise?""
I was driving 79(the cop said this, i realy was not going this fast) in a 50 and got a ticket for that. I have a provisional license(I am 17) and had a total of 2 passengers who were not supposed to be in the car(including myself there were 4 people in the car). I also did not have the red sticker on my car. I live in New Jersey. This is my first offense. How much will my insurance rise? I get 4 points for the speeding, and i do not believe any others because points are for moving violations. 220$ for speeding, I believe 100$ for the red sticker, and I have no idea for the extra two people. They are minors, and no i did not get reckless driving.""
How much would car insurance cost for a 20 yr old male?
Im a 20 yr old guy and I want to get a car but insurance costs scare me. how much is normal for a person like me to pay?
About how much of your base pay do you spend every month? (US Military).?
I am just curious. I will go into the US Army as an E2. (So I will be making $1568.7). How much do you spend on car, insurance, phones and internet? (I do not drink.)""
Health and Maternity Insurance.?
My wife and I are wanting to have a baby and need to get health insurance that includes maternity. I have gotten a couple quotes, but they all seems somewhat high being that she is only 22 and in great health. Who would be the best and most affordable provider to talk to? Thanks, Dustin""
Temp car insurance for under 21?
I'm 19 and want car insurance for 3 months. Either short term or pay as you go
I am Looking for a Best site for Comparing HEALTH INSURANCE Quotes Online?
Are there reasonable car insurance quotes comparison sites online that someone can link me?
How do I help families not see life insurance?
How do I help families not see life insurance as a bill but rather protection for their family? I am on a crusade to help families become properly protected (create an immediate estate) in case of a loved ones untimely death. Of lately, prospects see life insurance as another bill. Although it is; can any life insurance agent please share with me how they get around to making sales in the life insurance industry? Thank you.""
Finding Cheap Car Insurance?
I am 17 years old and wanting to find the cheapest car insurance, i want my own insurance policy on a 1.0L Vaxhall Cora, but the problem is it is going to be around 2500 does anybody know any cheaper sites?""
Can i get my own car insurance?
I'll be driving someone else's car which is covered under their insurance policy. Can I get my own insurance with a DIFFERENT insurance carrier (and still drive the same car)?
""How much money do you pay for insurance, and what is your age?""
I am 21 years old and I just got my license.I use to be a listed driver on my mother's geico policy a couple of years ago.But, I got caught driving without a parent in the car and my learners permit wa suspended. I now live in a diffrent state and have a license. I went on geico.com and my quote was $155 with the license violation included. I am pretty surprised because I thought people my age pay well over $200 for their policy. Maybe it is low because I was once an insured driver under my mother's policy?""
If requiring people to have car insurance is the same as requiring them to have health insurance than why?
Wont the government help you pay your car insurance if you cant afford it? Isn't car insurance a basic human right?
Getting a car insurance even if you don't have a car?
I am 17 years old and turning 18 in 2 months. I have a permit in the state of New Jersey. Last Sunday, I made a small car accident. It was just few scratches on the other person's rear bumper. Anyway, the guy from an insurance company told my parents that I have to get an insurance as soon as i get my license even if I don't get a car. My parents can't afford to buy me a car anyway so I was planning to drive their car since I wouldn't have to get an insurance if I drive their cars. But the guy is telling me that I HAVE to get an insurance whether I'm getting my car or not. I have never heard of these things before. Can anybody explain to me why I have to get an insurance even if i am not getting car? And also, is there any other way I can solve this problem other than not getting a license? Because they're saying that the only way is not to get a license 'till I turn 21. And It would cost my parents way too much if i get my license. I mean I'm not even getting a car! Why do I need to get an insurance?""
Good dental insurance?
I am looking for a good, yet inexpensive dental insurance company...Any suggestions? I live in cali, if it matters""
Car insurance on a first car.?
I'll be buying my first car on Friday. I went to the garage today and was told I should come down on Friday when it will be ready to pick it up. My question is should I be getting my insurance sorted before Friday? I haven't put any money down on it as they said I wouldn't need a deposit on the car. Is it just the licesne plate number I need?
Is there an affordable health insurance plan for someone who doesn't make a lot of money?
I'm 23 and I work 2 jobs. I go to school part time. After I pay all my bills I don't have much money left.
Avalon California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 90704
Avalon California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 90704
Can insurance drop you before a termination? ?
I was terminated from my employment on 10/1/2011. I had surgery on 9/12/2011 and the medical insurance company claims that my coverage was dropped on 9/11/2011. I am in Pennsylvania and my insurance was through my work. Is this legal? I was on company approved time off when the surgery occurred, so I was still legally employed and paying my premiums.""
My First Speeding ticket as a minor! Will my insurance go up?
Last night I was coming home from a concert in Cleveland Ohio. Stupidly I wasn't paying attention to my speed and got pulled over for a 76 in a 60. 16 Mph over. Knowing my parents would take my car away for who knows how long my brother has agreed to help me pay the ticket. So with the ticket taken care of, that leave the possibility of my insurance going up who knows how much. I have State Farm and am on my parents plan. I will be receiving 2 points from this ticket. If anyone has a general idea about the possibility of my insurance going up at all. - I have done previous reading and can't get a straight forward find. Im hoping it wont affect my insurance premium or whatever and I can be in the free!! thanks alot in advance""
How likely is it that my car insurance will go up due to this?
Haven't had a claim in over ten years Haven't gotten a ticket in probably 5 years. But, the neighbor kid did $2K worth of damage to my car with his bike in three separate incidents. Basically, half of it will have to be repainted! I'd really, really rather not go to court. His insurance is NOT an option in this case. He doesn't have $2,000 laying around. IF I go the much easier route of getting him to pay at least my deductible, how likely is State Farm to raise my rates with a, after deductible, claim of about $1500 or so? Any relevant advice/comment is appreciated.""
What car and insurance?
hi can anyone help my daughter wants a car she likes the fiat punto td sx i think it is and the vauxhall corsa merit and the citroen saxo and the ford ka and fiesta what is the best car for a first time car and what has the most cheap insurance as it would be a provisional licsence ? and what website has the most cheap insurance? if anybody has any idears for any other cars like these please help also is auto trader any good? thanks any Question plz ask
How much homeowner insurance should I buy?
In other words, how much does it really cost to rebuild this house? My homeowner insurance company insures the dwelling for X, and another company suggests I insure it for 76% of X. So who is right and how do I find out? Another important question -- do most people try to get 100% coverage in case the house is vaporized, or do smart people go for, say, 75% coverage because the entire house probably won't be destroyed? Advice, please.""
How much does motorcycle insurance cost?
Im planning on purchasing an '08 kawasaki ninja 250 for college but I am doing so without my parents approval which means i have to pay for everything (bummer!) But I was wondering how much typical insurance would be for a bike like this???
Getting car insurance if your parents do not drive?
I'm 16 and I just received my license. My older brother gave me his car when he moved to L.A (he'll be driving a company car). The only problem is getting insurance. My mother has never been a driver and therefore does not have a policy of her own. Most insurance companies that we've contacted say that unless you're 18, the insurance has to go in your parents name. Does anyone know how a teenager can have a car insurance policy put in their name?""
Cheapest Car Insurance for Young Drivers in Florida?
I live in Orlando FL and I'm looking for some cheap insurance, is there any companies that are known for cheap insurance and good service? Thanks.""
How do pilot insure themselves in the USA?
Is that covered by the owner of the airplane or do they need to have their own personal insurance?
Insurance violation 16028 (a)?
I was riding my friends motorcycle today. I got pulled over for doing 75 in a 65. My friend does have insurance on the motorcycle but there was no insurance paperwork on the motorcycle. I got written up for no insurance, the cop said as long as the bike does have insurance the court should drop it. My question is, do I need to be insured on the bike or does just the bike need insurance since I was just riding it that day?""
Do I need insurance in North Carolina if I do not have a car?
Im over 18 and I need to help out my family by getting a Drivers Liscense. Do I need to have Car Insurance, even though I will not have my own Car?""
How much does insurance cost a month?
Okay, I'm 21 years old and I'm a full time college student I work part time and I live with my mother and step-father. I'm on my fathers insurance. My father is a Department of Transportation worker he has worked for the state for about 33 years. He has PEIA insurance. He called me today and was complaining cause he got a doctors bill for me for $35...he wanted to know why and I said idk maybe it was a mistake can you pay it since it's not that much...and then he goes into this whole thing how he pays my insurance every month...blah blah blah...but he doesnt realize that my mom and my step dad do everything else I mean they pay my other bills. He hasn't paid anything since I turned 18 except for insurance (he won't even take out a loan for my education...my mom and I do that). I pay my car insurance,gas, and cell phone bill out of my part time job check cause I commute to school. He has the nerve to call me and gripe over $35!!! WTF?!?! Does anyone know how much he pays a month or about how much he pays?""
How much would a car insurance agent in alberta be expected to make?
How much would a car insurance agent in alberta be expected to make?
What exactly does term life insurance mean?
I have been paying in to a Chase Life term insurance policy for $100,000.00 for over 10 years. I have recently received a quote for $250,000.00 term policy for LESS than I am paying for the $100K policy. Do I lose anything by changing companies?""
Why has car insurance gone up so much?
Im 18 learning to drive and getting my first car soon but I'm wondering why car insurance has gone up so much?
Registering a car in California?
I just bought a car in California. I just moved here and am still looking for a place to live. It was a private sale, but they left me the plates, they said it goes with the car. She also told me I have 10 days to report to the DMV. Is this true? I haven't yet because I still have no place to live. If I opened a PO Box, would that be sufficient to register my car to, and even a drivers license? Or do I need a street address? What should I do? Also, can I insure it with just a PO box? I hope to have a place within the next week, but I'm still waiting on all of this right now.""
Car insurance help!! UK?
I am 28 and JUST passed my test. I want to get either a BMW 3 series or Audi a4. Will my insurance be ridiculously high? Any ideas of prices? Thank you.
How to fight a California Medi-Cal Health Insurance denial?
I received a letter saying they would not cover my hospital stay because it was a non-emergent admission to a nonparticipating provider and there is no prior authorization. I was led to believe by the professionals that it would be covered. The situation was an emergency as even the doctors said. I did not know it was not a non participating provider and this was the closest hospital at the time during this emergency! Is there a way to fight this and win? I received a state hearing form but no other Information on what makes a winning or loosing case. Any advice?
""What is average renters insurance cost in Pensacola, FL?
Renter Insurance for a 1-bedroom Apartment.
Are auto insurance rates determined by credit score & not driving record?
I see a lot of people complain that they have a good driving record but bad credit & their insurance rates go up.. Is having good credit better then having a good driving record?
How much would insurance be for a 17 year old girl driving a 2003 350z?
how much would insurance be for a 17 year old female driver...for a 2003 nissan 350z.
Car insurance????
I am looking to get my 1st car in about a month or two and iam worried about my insurance because i am only 18 and I know it will be high so I was wondering if their are certin brands of cars and years that are cheaper on insurance like i know a 2005 Lexus will be more than a 1995 honda! Just a littel help please!!
A car insurance company that will take me with many tickets?
I am looking around for the cheapest car insurance in state of NJ and have at least 5 tickets within the last 5 years...what car insurance company will take me for the best premium...thanx
How much money does car insurance go down when you turn 17?
I'm 16 years old and turning 17 in a few months. I am currently paying about $435 for insurance in a 6 month period. Will that rate decrease when I turn 17, not having any tickets or accidents?""
Term Life Insurance?
I have Term Life Insurance for my husband. I have recieved a letter, stating that I may want to change this policy to Permanent Life Insurance. Why would I want to do this, what is the benefit or difference between the 2?""
Avalon California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 90704
Avalon California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 90704
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old in GA?
I'm 16, I own a 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS Sport- 2 door, live in Athens, GA, drive less than 7,000 miles annually, drive to and from work and school 5 days a week... haha. I just want to know how much it would be monthly for car insurance on any of the companies. Any help would be appreciated. :)""
How much roughly would car insurance be for a new male driver aged 25?
My husband is going to take his driving test soon so we can buy a car but i dont know how much to budget in for car insurance as neither of us has driven before and haven't dealt with car insurance before. We would probably just buy a cheap runaround like a ford fiesta 1.4 engine or a car like this (roughly 500 in value) and wondered hw much we should expect to pay for a years insurance on this. i know it will be more expensive than other drivers as its for a new driver and a male but I would really appreciate it if someone could give me a rough figure. thanks :D ps. i dont need links to any comparison sites as they only work if you have a car already and all the details! thankyou! :)
Roughly how much is car insurance for a new driver in uk?
im going to get my license because i've been told it's good to have early. but i can't decide whether or not to look into getting a car. i just need a rough idea of how much insurance is. i have no idea what type of car. just basic. i just need a rough price please.
""Wife and I separated, why she want me sign an auto insurance exclusion form ?""
My wife and I are separated. she keep changing insurance. she brought her own car its in her name. We live in different towns.she trying to insured in only in her name, she told them she was married so she wants to qualifies for the discounted married rate. an exclusion form need signed and wants me to sign it. i have my car in my name only as single rate with perfect records.""
How much should I expect from the insurance company for these damages to my car?
I have a 99 oldsmobile intrigue, my car was hit on the drivers side between the front and back doors. The front door is really damaged and the rear door has some""
Whats the cost of insurance difference between owning a GT mustang compared to a LX mustang?
Whats the cost of insurance difference between owning a GT mustang compared to a LX mustang?
I need health insurance as a student! Help?
My parents had the COBRA. Plan until my mompassed. Since then my dad and i have been self insured. My dad has some veterans insurance but i dont have anything. Im 18 and will be a full time college student in september. Are there any affordable plans out there? I make around 10,000 a year for my part time job..""
What would be the cheapest insurance company for a 125cc motorbike?
i am a 17 male living in the uk.
What is insurance quote?
What is insurance quote?
So , i live in England , and my neighborhood is like really nice ! ( Houses are like 300000 pounds) , so like my car would be parked in my drive with a gate closed , and it is in insurance group 7 and it is a convertible ( renault megane ) 2006 one how much would i be paying around if i am a driver under my dads name on the insurance and i have had my license for around 6 months and i have had more lessons than needed when i took lessons?""
""Cheapest car insurance in St.Cloud, MN?""
Cheapest car insurance in St.Cloud, MN?""
Car Insurance: Can they check. .?
It would be nice if someone knows this answer for sure, say a cop. I have a license, my registration is good until 2013, my insurance card says its good until 2013. Now say I do this. Say I tell my insurance company, I no longer want to have insurance with them anymore, even though I still have a card stating im insured until 2013 Will I be able to get away with a casual traffic stop (if I ever had one), since I have a card stating im insured until 2013, though in reality, I dont? Im figuring I would, since perhaps the cops computers do not have a way of checking if their insurance is valid or not just from a simple computer check. I have paid my insurance for about 3 years, no accidents, and if I had the money, id pay it. For all intents and purposes, the car insurance card only lasts for 6 months anyway, instead of a full year""
If the policy holder on car insurance crashes does it affect the named drivers?
I am wanting to get a car and been 19 it will cost a lot , my insurance drops below 1000, if i put my parents as named drivers. I was wondering if the policy holder (me) had a crash would it affect their insurance or is it just the other way around, if they crash as named drivers it will affect the policy holder? As they have no claims discount and i have none , so i can not apply NCD protection ? Thank you :)""
How can I get my own insurance?
I'm 17 years old. My dad can't afford insurance because he has 4 kids and they won't give him free insurance. I live in Georgia. I need insurance cause I end up having to pay BY MYSELF like 90$ to go to the doctor. I also don't think it's okay to not have insurance. So what do I do? Where do I do this? Would they allow a 17 year old to get insurance by their self (being a minor)
What insurance plan should I go with?
I'm a full-time college student and I work part-time. I have no insurance but need to get some soon. What health insurance do you think I should go with that is affordable?
How do I go about this? Car insurance for myself and get the car in my name?
My mom is giving me her old car. She has it in her name, and I want to put it in my own name with my own car insurance. I'm moving out so this is the reason for it. I live in Florida.""
Info about 17 year old car insurance.?
Hi, so i have been trying to look for cheap insurance lately, but was getting insurance quotes for 44k and lowest 17k! but i changed up a bit of the info and got it down to 3.2k with mum and dad added, i dont want a black box or anything, if i were to ring up and get a quote from the company, could it be even cheaper? thanks, also please leave some tips as to how to make it cheaper, and if you ask questions in the answers!... i will reply in the additional info so keep an eye out!""
Buying insurance to drive someone elses car?
My dad says if I want to drive his car, I need to pay for my own insurance on it incase I get into a car accident. How much would you think it would cost per month with the cheapest and best insurance company? - state farm and ect.""
Is it true because of government changes my car insurance bill should be lower?
some lady @ work told me 0bama passed some kind of bill so i should change my insurance so it can be lower...its currently @ $400 a month i cant afford this anymore PLEASE HELP
What's a website that tells you the average insurance of a car?
Lets say for a Mustang GT? I'm think of getting one but don't know how much the insurance of one is. Thanks.
Does it cost to remove someone on your insurance ?
I wanted to drop my sister off my insurance plan because she found a cheaper insurance company, does it cost to remove her ?""
Will insurance cover getting a rental car after a wreck?
Today I was stopped at a red light, when a Mustang ran full speed into the back of my car, sending me into the car in front of me. The Mustang owners insurance is covering the damage done to my car (front and rear bumper, hood bent, most all cosmetic). Does anyone know if it is at all possible for me to get a rental car? If so who's insurance would cover it? And I am under the age of 18 so I don't know if that affects the situation. My Dad is going to try and make some calls to our Statefarm ppl tomorrow, but I was just wondering if anyone could answer any of my questions. Thanks so much.""
Cheap car insurance in north london?!?
Hi. any advice on cheap car insurance living in north London for a 18 year old female. I am getting ridiculous quotes. Any advise appreciated Thank you.
""People that live in miami only, car insurance problem :(?""
me and my boyfriend r trying to move out, its really necesary because my parents r moving far and if i go with them i cant see him again, anyways we have enough money, we both have ...show more""
Young drivers car insurance!!?
I am 17 at the moment but planning on getting the insurance when i turned 18 at the end of this month to make it that bit cheaper, I already own a Renault Clio (1.2L, 16v, 02 plate). The cheapest quote ive got is 4,000 (300 a month) and that's with co-ops new fit smartbox for young drivers, and i also have my dad as an additional driver and my mum on it with her provisional licence and I really just cant afford that price, any ideas on what i could possibly do?""
Avalon California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 90704
Avalon California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 90704
0 notes
Sabula Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 52070
"Sabula Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 52070
Sabula Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 52070
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much does insurance cost for a bently?
I was wondering how much it would cost for a 16 year old. I'm not getting one cuz I'm not rich but I'm just curious
How much does the home owners insurance cost in south florida coral springs?
i am thinking of buying a single familyhome in coral springs zip code 33063 how much does the home owners insurance cost in south florida coral springs area 
Cheapest Car Insurance for Young Drivers?
I'm 19, and I cannot continue driving with no insurance.. im going to get pulled over!... I can afford monthly insurance for about 150/mo but everyone is charing me double that.. i think i tried every company.. any suggestions?""
Is bike insurance cheaper then car insurance?
Is bike insurance cheaper then car insurance?
Health Insurance - 31 days after Birth?
Here is my question: Me and my wife currently have health insurance (Carrier A). Effective 6/1 I plan to get into different health insurance plan with different insurer (Carrier B). On 5/23 my son was born and as per Carrier A, I have 31 days to enroll him under my current health insurance. Since I am changing eff 6/1, will he still be covered with my current plan (even I don't add him) until I add him to the new plan? So, basically from the time he is born until he gets added to Carrier B, would he have a coverage for these 7-8 days? Thanks""
""Can any one say best insurance site,which dealing with better travel insurance policies of different companies?
I want to know benefits of insurance policies of different companies before buy travel insurance policy
Car Insurance-Is it OK to lie?
I read somewhere that if you run a stop light and hit the other car, you should not admit your fault because of insurance costs. What do you think?""
What are typical limits on a full coverage auto insurance policy.?
I was recently in a mans vehicle when he wrecked, I was pretty seriously injured, and now have a lot of medical bills, and surgery bills. I know that he has a full coverage policy with Geico, because they have contacted me, and told me that. The only thing that they will not tell me is his personal limits. I have found out though that He has a history of accidents, and DUI'S. I do not know if that has any affect on his limits or not. I am just concerened about my bills getting paid, and my reimbursement for my lost time, and pain and suffering.""
Does my financed car absolutely require full coverage?
Hi, i just put a down payment on a new car, and I've had it for about a month now; they told me that I have to keep full coverage insurance on it but I really can't afford it. But I read through the papers, and it says just to keep basic insurance on it. Is the car realty trying to make more money by making me think that I have no choice but to do premium insurance, or are they right? My boyfriend told me that if it's not stated officially in writing, they're probably lying. Im 21 and imI've never been in an accident or had a driving offense of any kind, and im in college so need to save as much money as possible. Please give me serious answers only!! Thanks!""
Lowered my car insurance deductible yesterday and today hit a tree:)?
i lowered my car insurance deductible yesterday and today my car slipped and hit a tree due to severe snow here. should i file my claim right away or wait few days?? my insurance company is kemper direct the agent changed my premium to 500 from 1000 deductible...
2000+ Toyota Celica Insurance and More?
I'm a 16 year old boy and expecting to buy this car for about $6,000 in August. I am looking for details such as mpg and insurance rates for a 16yo boy buying this car. I heard the mpg are really good on this car but will it be worth it if the insurance is high? Help me decide and give me other car ideas under the budget of $7,000 -Cory, CT""
Insurance company pay for rental car while mine is being repaired?
i got rear ended, the other driver was at fault, his insurance company is paying to have my car repaired. my claim handler with his insurance company told me they would pay for me to get a rental car while my car is in the shop being repaired. now my car is scheduled to go in the shop monday, and the claim handler wont call me back. are they the ones that need to set up my rental car? or do i just call a rental car place and give them the claim information, and they bill the insurance company??""
No insurance on car used to drive child around in?
How can one go about handling the possibility that a child's non-custodial parent is driving their child in a car with no insurance. Recently, a friend of mine told me that if a parent has a car accident and a child in injured in a car with no car insurance, medical insurance won't cover expenses. Is this true? If it is, how do you suggest the custodial parent go about asking for proof of insurance from the other parent. The parents don't get along very well, and the non-custodial parent doesn't like to talk details with the other parent, even when she tries. My only thought was for her to give him notice of this policy and should something ever happen, try to hold him responsible for all expenses. Still, this does not handle the safety issue at hand. Any ideas? Simply asking the non-custodial parent to show proof would not work. His style would be I don't have to show you anything.""
What is the typical cost of motorcycle insurance in california?
What is the typical cost of motorcycle insurance in california?
Do I need to have insurance to drive a car across country?
The car is registered in California under a family member's name. I'm 18 living in Pennsylvania. I want to be able to drive this car from California to Pennsylvania. So do I need to register for insurance before i start driving the vehicle across country?
How do I get health insurance for my 2 year old son?
I have a 2 year old son and me and his mother are separated and I want to get him a health insurance plan. His mother is not working now and I work on my own so I don't have health insurance from work to cover for him and we are about to go to court to settle for child support and custody and I want to have him on health insurance. Please any help will be appreciated. Where do I go or where do I call? is any health insurance good or how does this work? Thanks.
How can I get my my insurance to pay for my nose job?
I had deviated septum surgery last Spring and now I want rhinoplasty. My nose was fairly large before my surgery now I have an even larger bump on my nose. I know that my insurance ...show more
Question about health insurance?
I went to the ER in late May and I recently got promoted so I applied for health insurance. However, my health insurance does not go into effect til July. I was told by the hospital that I will be billed in about 2 -3 months. Is there anyway I can use my insurance for the bill or will I have to pay out of pocket?""
State Farm Renters Insurance: Explain Replacement Cost Coverage to me?
From what I understand, if a claim had to be filed, I would receive the current value of an item. For instance, I have a pair of $500 shoes. They are currently priced at $450, so the pay-out would be $450 and $500, correct?. Okay, so here are my two questions: 1) Would I be bound to REPLACE the lost item? Or would they give you the current cash value to buy whatever it is that you wanted to buy? 2) Are there no such policies that exists out there: a policy that would pay you what you INITIALLY paid for an item? So that one wouldn't lost out financially in the event that an item depreciates? If I'm wrong about any of the above, or if you think I need to be sure to clarify certain things with my agent, please let me know. Thanks.""
How much is motorcycle insurance per month on average?
The kicker: I'm only 18 and will be on my own policy, not my parents. I am at the top of my class, no tickets or anything, etc. (if any of that helps).""
My health insurance paid for medical bills incurred from a car wreck. Can it come after me for reimbursement?
now I have received a settlement from the car insurance. Can the health insurance now collect the money it paid out . If so how long do they have to request the money form me?
How will USAA Insurance decide how much my car is worth in an accident?
I'm not a member and was not at fault - the liable party was a USAA client. I had a 1996 VW Passat and am waiting to hear if they are going to total it. If they do, how do they determine worth? How soon will I get the money?""
Where can i get the cheapest auto-insurance?
i just want my 2011 camaro covered, not me or anyone else. im 31. no tickets or anything, clean record""
The affect of points reduction on auto insurance?
I am looking to lower my auto insurance. The state approved defensive driving agencies I have researched offer two possibilities. Option 1. Lower auto premium DD course and Option 2. Points reduction DD course. Option 1 seem to be at the discretion at the auto insurance company but does option 2 also have an affect on insurance? Does point reduction remove traffic violations from your record and therefore results in lower insurance premium due to less violations?
Is insurance needed with a permit?
Im 17 with my drivers permit. Do i need insurance or does the insurance that my parents who are driving with me have cover it? I live in California
Sabula Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 52070
Sabula Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 52070
How insurance affects life of people?
i need it for my project so plz give me brief inforamtion
Where can i find my proof of insurance?
Earlier today i went to DMV for my behind the wheel test but they're asking for my proof of insurance but i dont know where can i find it. do i need to ask for a copy of proof of insurance to my insurance company?
How much should life insurance cost per thousand?
for a middle aged person with no health issues.
How much will my insurance give for my totaled car?
I was in a minor accident (Alone) now my insurance wants to total my car due to a previous accident that wasn't repaired correctly that happened before I purchased the car. How will my insurance decide to pay me? Bought for 8500 and owe 6500.
How much does your insurance go up after you have caused an accident?
I was in a car accident on Jan. 16th (yes, my fault!) and my car was totalled. I am buying a new car and need to know by about how much my insurance will go up. It was $270 a month (full coverage) before. I am 19, by the way. The car I am (hopefully!) buying is a 2000 Ford Mustang.""
Under parents car insurance in another state?
im going to another state for college, can i stay under my parents car insurance?""
Car Insurance for a 16 year old?
I will be driving a 1982 Dodge Ram in the next few months. I will be dropping a V8 440 into the truck. The truck will be painted black. So what will the average monthly insurance bill be on it?
INSURANCE on a BMW 318i 2.0L coupe for a 17 year old? UK?
how much will insurance cost if my dad were to add me to his policy as an additional driver? i'm not fronting, its his car and he will use it most of the time... -- 17 year old just passed test -- 2004 BMW 318i COUPE 2.0L AUTOMATIC -- dad is 50 with 20 years UK driving exp all answers appreciated :)""
Is there anyway to lower insurance rates after a traffic violation is on file?
Is there anyway to lower insurance rates after a traffic violation is on file?
Will a reduced 1 point Defective Headlamps ticket affect my auto insurance?
I was pulled over for turning onto a one way street the wrong way, which is a 3 point ticket in Denver. If I pay within the first 20 days the ticket is reduced to a 1 point Defective Headlamps ticket. My parents have state farm insurance. Will they be notified of this ticket through the insurance and will my insurance rates increase? I'd rather them not know, and the cop said my insurance wouldn't be affected because of the reduced ticket. I just wanted to follow up. Thanks!""
How much does a male aged 17 pay for car insurance?
Well I'm 17 years old and I'm currently taking driving lessons and hopping to do my driving test really soon. So the reason i asked this question is to just find out how much you pay for your car insurance. P.S If things do go well and I pass my driving test, I am planning to get a 05 Reg Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 SXI. So it would help if someone owns a 1.2 car and they're 17 years of age to answer this question. Thanks!!""
Why exactly do women pay lower insurance rates than men ?
Whats the cheapest motorcycle insurance for me?
Im 18 i live in upstate New York. its my first street bike. I ride motocross and i have a 450f (if that makes any differance) im looking to get a crotch rocket (gsxr 1000) I heard progressive is the cheapest. How much?
Philadelphia auto (car) insurance?
Where can I get auto insurance in Philadelphia? What do you recommend? I bought a car recently and I'd like to find a cheap way to insure it.
Car insurance address when at university?
I am a university 20 year old student and I will be insuring my first car next month. I was just wondering if I would be able to use my home address for the insurance details ro whether I would have to put my term time address. i ask this because I come from Wiltshire (low risk) and I go to uni in Birmingham (high risk). I mean my car will be with me at uni but the cost is sooo much lower if I use my home address. Is this ok and legal? Cheers
How much is motorcycle insurance for a harley davidson sportster 1200 in Maine ?
What's the price for full coverage and just liability
Can my husband insure a car registered in my name in MA?
I was wondering if in MA I have a leased car in my name and registered in my name can be put under my husbands car insurance policy. His premium is less than mine, and our insurance would be cheaper to pay for both on one policy rather than two. Any help would be appricated thanks in advance!""
What are the most famous sites for insurance?
eg. car insurance....house insurance etccc
How can i get my car insurance down i am 19 and i cant seem to get it cheaper then four grand?
i have a 1ltr vauxhall corsa club it is group 1 insurance i have no driving offenses point or illnesses the car has no modification and it is still 4000 pound and that was for a 10 month policy 395 a month will something like 400 deposit its just unfordable
Any cheap car insurances for first time drivers?
I am 20 and I have been driving for 2 years and recently got my own car. But I heard car insurance is expensive and I wanted to know if there's any car insurance that is cheap. I live in Southern Cali. Do you recommend anything? Please help. And thank you.
""Question about being a teen, and car insurance?""
I am 17 now, I am taking my driver's test in about a week. My boyfriend said that when he got his licence he was automatically added to his mom and dad's car insurance. Well I was wondering would it be the same for me. Because (This might be a little confusing (: ) I was adopted by my birth mother's boyfriends mom, and i live with her and her mom. No one in the house has a car, or car insurance, and my birth mother doesn't have any custody of me but she does have car insurance, and my birth father has half custody of me, and he has car insurance. So.... ha ha my question in general is, when get my license, will I be added to any ones insurance? Or will I have to get my own? Ha ha ALSO, If I do have to get my own what would be the best and cheapest insurance for me? I wouldn't want full coverage, I would just get P.I.P. Please and thank you so much!""
Job offer buyout insurance?
I just got a job offer for 40,000 with 75% benefits paid. Ill be living at home with my parents and im covered under their health insurance until im 26. Can I ask them to not pay for insurance and give me a higher salary instead? Has anyone heard of this happening? Thanks""
Is it true that black cars have higher insurance rates?
There's a truck that I'm interested in getting and I want to get it in black but I was told that I shouldn't get a car in black, because the auto insurance is higher. Is this true or is this just an urban myth?""
Should I report my small fender bender to my insurance?
so I hit a motorcycle and broke one tail light off of it. The guy took my insurance info but said if I pay out of pocket he won't report it. the thing is... there was really no fender damage to the paint but he said he needs to paint it. I went to an autobody shop and to fix the light it will be about maybe $200. but if he is gonna want to paint his fender, should I report it to my insurance. I have pictures but not close ups of the paint. how much will my premium go up. I have no deductible and I have mercury insurance in California. Is it worth going through insurance... how can he prove that the paint job is caused by me? Thanks! Any advice on what to do would be great! I don't want my insurance to go up and don't mind paying out of pocket, but am scared he will eff me over with the paint job and go to my insurance.""
What is the CHEAPEST Motorcycle Insurance?
I want to buy a fairly new 02 or newer used Crotch Rocket. I have had 3 tickets 2 in 2008 & one in 09 for speeding you know 65 in a 50 stuff like that. Well my insurance will only drop from this point as I have driven the Speed Limit Respectively & will continue to. Well I called my State Farm agent about it & they said it would cost over 400$ a month that is WAY TO MUCH How can I buy a bike & save A LOT on insurance whats the best company? Any advice would be appreciated I turn 20 On July 11th. Please help me I am sick of my car I want a BIKE!
Sabula Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 52070
Sabula Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 52070
Can I purchase a car in my name but put the insurance in someone else's name?
I plan on purchasing a car soon, but I want to put it on my fathers insurance because it would be cheaper to pay. Is that possible? also does it depend on the state that you live in? If so can someone tell me for the state of Virginia? Thank You.""
What is the best Health Insurance?
I am in need of health care insurance. What is the best? I will be paying out of my pocket on my own. I would like so meting with low deductible and low prescrioton cost. My job currently pays for BCBS, however, now going independent, I will need something like this. Im not too big of a fan of them.""
Will alloy wheels effect my insurance and in what ways?
I'm 18 and just bought my first car, (Vauxhall Corsa). It came with wheel trims, and ideally I want alloy wheels: but if it's going to put a lot on my insurance then it might not be worth it. They would be after-market alloys, and the same size as the current wheels. I'm currently paying 2,000 for my car insurance: how much would somebody estimate the new wheels increasing my insurance. Many thanks!""
How much would it be for a 16 year old kid to buy a 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 and get insurance?
How much would it be for a 16 year old kid to buy a 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 and get insurance?
My auto insurance cancelling my auto insurance...Help?
My husband caused a hit and run accident last year. After a half year later, my insurance send me a letter that they will cancel my auto insurance. I don't know what to do... Please help.""
Car Insurance in England question?
If I am insured but I drive another car (included on policy) but that car is not insured by owner will ANPR pick up car has no insurance and do I commit offense? And if I am not insured but drive a car that is insured by owner does it come up on ANPR as being insured and therefore I wont get caught? Is the driver insured or the car???
Why Is my Car insurance claim taking soooo long?
Hi all My car was stolen on 9th December and I still am waiting for a decision. My car has not been found and my insurers are requesting for a police report which will take up to 40 working days. Does car insurance claims usually take this long??? Thanks
Insurance buys non-OEM parts and voids car's warranty?
I have a new 2011 GM vehicle in Texas and was getting an insurance quote from GMAC. Part of their pitch to convince me choose them was that in an insurance claim, they will buy genuine GM OEM parts for my car, and that other insurance companies will go for cheaper aftermarket or non-OEM parts and they told me that will void my car's warranty. Is that true?""
Me and my dad are arguing about the cost of car insurance? Please have look?
On the final quote page it said that my full annual quote would be 611.49. I just paid a 101.49 deposit via my debit card. It says that my direct debits will be taken each month, next month 54 and then 8 months of 57. My deposit and the direct debits add up to 611.49, exactly as the quote stated. So what is that box (with the red arrow pointing to it); http://img829.imageshack.us/f/screenshotdi.png/ Can they take more money without saying? Can someone please explain what that means?""
Is there a grace period for insurance in california on a new vehicle?
How long can you go without insurance after purchase of a new vehicle? I know it should be done immediately but I have other things going on right now and dont have time to get quotes currently. If there is no grace period I just wont drive until I get insurance.
I am looking for a company that will help me sign up for dentical and healthy family insurance as a provider?
Can anyone help me sign up for dentical. I would like to provide service to dentical and healthy family patients in my area. I am a dentist in northern california. I am looking for a reputed company that will help me with this process. I really want to help the children in my community.
Can you pay car insurance for the whole year at once?
i see that many people pay per month, can i pay the whole year? and also for an 18 year old how much would insurance cost?""
Medical insurance coordination of benefits help?
Husband & wife both have group medical insurance with their employers. His insurance is a bucket plan through Cigna called an HSA. It pays for the first $750 & then he has to meet another $750 before anything else is pd. Her insurance is Healthlink PPO with $250 deductible. If husband's insurance pays for his chiropractor bills in full (as not over $750 total) can these bills be submitted to her insurance to help meet the family deductible of $500? We live in IL. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
How much more is it to insure two personal cars vs. one?
I am just one guy, I live by myself and nobody drives my car but me. I keep insurance on it but conditions may turn out that I will end up with a 2nd car. I would ultimately drive them both and have them insured but how much is it for one person to insure a 2nd car? Is it (premium of one car) X 2 or more like 1.5(P) I hope this wouldn't be too expensive and make it not worth it.""
Car insurance prices for 19 year old workers?
i am after getting a car because i have just passed but i am getting a sports car or a convertable and the insurance for them are so expensive! its unbelievable i got a quote for a x reg audi tt and it was 6000. how much would it be for a 8000 mini one?
Insurance problems with car theft?
a friend of mine is an american citizen living in Juarez, Mexico because of his wife is a Mexican citizen that can't cross until her papers are finalized.. So he works here and goes back to Juarez for the night and comes back in the morning.. the other day on his way home.. he stopped at the store and when he walked out.. someone stole his truck.. he called the police and reported a stolen truck but with no info given about himself or the truck, just merely a black suburban... now he's back in the states.. and wants to report it stolen here from a friends house or something... not at a store because walmart has video cameras in their parking lots.. so how can he proceed in doing this.. he doesn't want to cause insurance fraud but he has nothing left besides his truck.. if he tells the insurance company it was stolen across the border, there is no policy on where it was stolen, so Juarez, Mexico is out of their jurisdiction.. how can he do this without getting in trouble.. he's worried about the border itself.. because they snap a photo of you coming into the united states.. but do they snap a photo of you when they get out? any info on what he can do to help his situation would help so much.. thank you""
How does car insurance work?
I'm looking at getting car insurance but I'm confused how it works i want to pay monthly but u cannot afford to pay the deposit and a month in advance PLEASE HELP! xD
How much can i expect to pay for insurance?
Hi, Well im about to finance a Mercedes-Benz C300 and wanted to know how much should i expect to pay for insurance. Im 19 by the way, have a credit score of 710, dont know if insurance companies look at scores, but finally, this will be my first car. Hope that helps. Thank you!""
Help picking car insurance?
i don't have the money for a clean title car, so i want to get a salvaged title car and i want good insurance, but cheap, for it. any suggestions would help me greatly, thanks.""
Does insurance cost more if you have a sporty car versus a truck?
Guess im just wondering cause some of my friends with sporty cars talk about there insurance being high cause of that, or if it didn't matter what kind of car they have. Insurance is just based on the person not the vehicle...if that makes sense lol""
How do I get Insurance for my newborn baby?
I'm 18 and I just had my first baby. I live in Alabama. I Have insurance under my mom,but it won't cover the baby. Does anyone know how i would go about getting insurance for my baby,and do i have to have insurance before i take him to the doctor cause i have to take him tuesday.""
What exactly does term life insurance mean?
I have been paying in to a Chase Life term insurance policy for $100,000.00 for over 10 years. I have recently received a quote for $250,000.00 term policy for LESS than I am paying for the $100K policy. Do I lose anything by changing companies?""
If 2 cars fall into the same insurance group will they cost more or less the same?
regardless of how much fuel they use? I ask because I have been looking at both the Vauxall Corsa and Astra, and both models fall into insurance group 4 but the Astra is a 1.4L and the Corsa a 1.3L (They are diesel versions).""
Does anyone know where i could get a car for my driving test? I need insurance as well. I am 16 years old?
I am going to go get my licence. I am 16 years old in California. The problem is, i don't have a car. Please don't ask me what i'm going to do with my licence if i dont have a car (it's a long story). I need a car i can take with me to do my road test. The DMV also needs proof of insurance. Please tell me where i could get a car and get the proof of insurance. Thanks!!!!!!!!""
What to do with a conditional discharge and a car insurance?
My friend had a court on 25/08/2012, where he has been conditionally discharged for 12 months. His car insurance was due to be renewed on 28/08/2012. He was buying the car insurance ...show more""
Sabula Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 52070
Sabula Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 52070
""In Florida, if I let my car insurance expire, will my drivers License get suspended?""
I am not in debt with the insurance company, but I just cannot afford to continue paying for the insurance right now. So what exactly would happen if I just let the insurance expire? Would I be fined, license suspended/revoked or what? I don't plan on driving the car without insurance, but I do need to be able to drive a car.""
I have cancelled my old insurance with a company and i need a renewal notice to get cheap insurance.?
i have called the old company is asking me why i need the renewal notice from them. they told me they have put it in the post but i did not receive anything. the only mail i received, was the sorry to see u go mail the next day after i cancelled the policy. With the notice i can show i have a 6yrs no claims discount. How do i get the old insures to send me the notice with the no claims or do i just tell my new insurers to contact the old ones. Please this is urgent. Serious answers only""
""Based on my age, how much do think insurance will cost for a range rover sport?
i'm turning 17 in a few months and thinking of getting one for my birthday? a rough estimation would be nice
Car Insurance Claim Help?
Car Insurance Claim Help? On the 4/7/2011 I was at a set of traffic lights that was (RED) of my way to the shops. As the lights went green I begin to move off slowly as I did another car came from the left of me and tried to turn right as he speed up he crashed into the drivers side of the car. He clearly jumped a red light (Clearly Seen on CCTV). I was in total shock at the time! After he crashed into my car he went to drive off by reversing, I jumped out of my car to stood in his was so he could not drive off the witness behind me called the police while I was stopping his from driving off he started to drive forwards trying to me me out the way. After the driver spoke to the police on the phone, he then gave me his Name, Phone number and Insurance information. The next day I called my insurance company they was vary helpful and I believe the clam would be settled in my favor as I had CCTV of the crash as I had a camera inside of my car and a witness that was behind my car at the time of the crash. After nearly 4Months I have now revived a letter stating that the claim has been closed on a Without Prejudice Basis. When I contacted Aviva to see what the 3rd party has not accepted full liability they said it was dealt with like this as the 3rd party who crashed into me was not responding to and calls or letters that have send him. Aviva did not asked to see the CCTV of the crash and did not take into account the witness statement. WHAT CAN I DOOO??""
Will car insurance cover me if an unlicensed driver was driving?
I have a problem. My car was wrecked by an unlicensed driver. I didn't know that person's license was suspended. Will my insurance still cover it? My car is messed up pretty ...show more
Does insurance go up for out of state speeding ticket?
I hae a New York drivers license, i was pulled over going 45 in a 30.....$150 ticket....................i looked it up and i know i do not get points on my record, but does my insurance go up? does anyone knoow and have a good source they can provide? Thanks""
Is my terrible credit rating going to affect my insurance premiums if I pay monthly?I?
I'm buying a new scooter in the next week or so so I can get to my new job. I've got a terrible credit rating from being over zealous with credit cards and loans. I can only afford to pay monthly for my insurance. Because of my credit rating, is there a chance I'll get turned down to pay monthly and have to pay my whole premium one go? Also, my previous insurance company has cancelled my old policy because I didn't pay the bill. I never recieved any letters or anything saying they were going to do it and as far as I was aware my money was going out as usual. Is that going to count against me as well?""
How can i find out Insurance rates on cars?
is there a certain website which can give me the average amount i need to pay for car insurance on certain cars.
Will affordable health act help or hurt people who want to retire early?
Say you are in your late 50's or early 60's and wants and have enough money to retire, but was waiting because of health insurance issues and was going to wait till 65. With the affordable care act most likely going to proceed, will this help those people who probably have pre-existing conditions and of course old get a better deal on health insurance if affordable care act was not passed? To my simple mind, I would have to say yes. And I imagine a lot of people are going to take advantage of this and retire early.""
Can I change my health insurance?
I want to change my health insurance? I have Minnesotacare and I want to change it to Medical Assistance? My daughter needs braces for her teeth and Minnesotacare won't cover for it! And apparently we owe Delta Dental and our dental provider 5000 bucks?! Is that possible? We are certainly not paying 5000 for an X-rays for braces and my daughter didn't even get braces on?!
Adding someone to your car insurance policy?
I'm a new teen driver and as you may all know insurance rates are sky high. I was wondering if a family member, who doesn't live with me, can add me to their insurance policy? If yes, does the car have to be in their name? Or do I have to have the same address in order for them to add me?""
How can i sell truck insurance?
appointed agent to sell truck insurance
Pregnant with no insurance?
I recently moved and I no longer have health insurance. I am 33 weeks pregnant. I do not qualify for Medicaid. are there any other inexpensive options? I am currently working part time but I won't be working for much longer.
Estimated insurance on 2007 alfa romeo 147 1.6?
hey just need a estimated quote on above car. Its insurance group 11, I am 18 and this is my first car. I am willing to do whatever is needed to get the quote down I just need a estimate prehaps from past experiences? Thanks in advance for any answers.""
What do I need to add to my auto insurance policy to be considered full coverage.?
I have a car with Calif min. pl and pd. If I were to add a new car what additional coverage and how much would be considered full coverage and satisfy the finance company?
Auto Insurance Quote question?
What does the 250/500/100 liability coverage on the premium policy mean? Here's the auto insurance quote: 1999 Honda Accord LX [ assume a 20 year old male with Good Student Discount and Accident - Free for 3 years] Quote: Premium with Comprehensive and Collision ($500 deductible) With Multicar and Multiline Discount 1999 HONDA ACCORD TERR:003 ,AFD3YR, VSD2 RG:04 CL:5B GS - PREM BIPD 250/500/100 = $284.74 WITH P1 PIP P4 = $4.00 COMP $500 DED = $52.79 COLL $500 DED = $162.39 ERS = $2.60 R1 80%/500 = $11.60 U 250/500 =$19.40 S 1 AT 5000 =$1.20 NEW PREMIUM =$538.72 ----------------------------------------------------- If you can't read the above, then what's 250/500/100 liability coverage on a premium policy mean?""
Good health insurance quotes websites?
Whats a good and reliable website where I can look up health insurance packages and quotes
Any body employed at Walmart have their health insurance?
My son just got Walmarts health insurance policy after I told him to get some insurance. He says he signed up, but their health insurance is a bad one. I just wanted him to be insured because a trip to the ER for any kind of accident or illness could financially ruin him. Wages at Walmart aren't exactly great. He is so inexperienced, I don't know whether he knows a good insurance from a bad one. Any one know anything about Walmarts health care insurance?""
How does Driver's License affect insurance in Washington State?
I'm 18 and just recently moved in with my grandparents so I can go to school. I would like to get my driver's license, but they are telling me I can't because it would make their insurance rates go up. I don't think that makes any sense because I don't have a car, and I don't drive theirs. Would me getting a driver's license affect them at all actually?""
""My car was deemed a total loss by the insurance company, how much should I get?""
I have a 1999 mercury sable GS with 99,000 miles. The car is located at the zip code 08080 (new jersey). An appraiser came out and said the damage done was near $2300 and it was deemed a total loss. Now I'm waiting for them to call back with a settlement offer. I looked up my car on kelley blue book and the retail value for my car is $4,500. How much will they pay me and can I go to court if they decide to pay less than the retail value?""
""If my mum is insured to drive my car, does she still need insurance on her car?""
My mum has been driving for 30 years and she currently has her own car with fully comp insurance. I have just bought a car and want to go under my mums insurance. If I do this, can she cancel the insurance on her car and still drive it (if the cover has a policy that says she is insured to drive any car). In other words will her fully comp insurance cover her on both cars? If not if there an option to add another car onto the policy without having to get a completely different quote? Thanks for your answers""
How much is motorcycle insurance in michigan?
I know it is hard to get an exact quote without knowing all the information, but I just need a range. I am looking at a 196cc 5 speed dirtbike that has been made street legal, and just need ~3 months of insurance. Would this be in the $100-200 range? Higher? Lower?""
UK car insurance groups?
Is there a website or some kind of directory that will tell me the costs of different insurance groups? I'm shopping around for a second-hand car and a lot of cars are listed as insurance group 7 or insurance group 14 etc etc, but I don't know what that means, I've been entering the details individually of cars that I'm interested in, but that quite laborious.""
How much would my car insurance go up if I got a mustang?
I'm 24 years old, have a good driving record, and I am currently on with my dad's insurance. I have a 2005 chevy aveo right now, with almost 75,000miles; and I pay $110 a month for insurance. Unfortunately, my car may be reaching it's end, and I may have to get a new car. I've found a used 2002 ford mustang, 2 door and 14,633 miles on it. How much do you think my insurance would go up? My dad says it would sky rocket... But I figure I'd ask anyway! Thanks!""
""Car stolen, will insurance pay?
my car was stolen out of our driveway . i wanted to go to work and had everything in the car . i left to get my sleeping child andwhen i went out the car was gone . not even 3 minutes later. they recoverd the car . damaged but not the person yet . my husband is affraid that the insurance will not pay since the keys were in the car along with all my creditcards and house keys .the car was on our property next to the house . i have nightmares about it . please help
Sabula Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 52070
Sabula Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 52070
0 notes
samanthasroberts · 7 years
Alex Rodriguez is Major League Baseball’s last megastar, and that’s OK
David Lengel: A-Rods fame transcends baseball; plus, Prince Fielder retires, Gary Sheffield demands respect for Tim Tebow and the Mets manager Terry Collins is under fire
All the way to the bitter end, and it is bitter, the fans want A-Rod. On Tuesday night, with Alex Rodriguez bizarrely left out of the lineup by the Yankees manager, Joe Girardi, Boston Red Sox fans chanted his name at Fenway Park, letting Bombers brass know they made a mistake by sitting the slugger who is (for now) set to retire after one more big night in the Bronx, this coming Friday against Tampa Bay.
Can you blame the Yankees for sticking it to their man, even if he was, at least seemingly, provided with a graceful exit plan on Sunday? After all, were talking about player who tried to torch his employers, the league he played in and the union who helped guarantee most of his 10-year, $275m deal during a scorched-earth defense of his role in the Biogenesis PED scandal.
Except this shouldnt be about the Yankees settling scores, this is about pure entertainment. And with the clock running down on one of the most significant sporting careers this country has ever known, limiting the owner of 696 of the most controversial home runs in history to pinch-hit duty is the direct opposite of giving fans what they want.
Yes, they still want A-Rod, a player who cant hit like he used to, but can still light up talk radio switchboards for hours, rattle social media and fill countless pages with pixel after pixel. In an era where content is in demand like never before, A-Rod has been just that: walking, living, breathing, never-ending content. At the next Baseball Writers Association dinner, they should give A-Rod an award for enriching their lives with some of the most colorful, controversial and polarizing stories theyll ever scribble. He deserves it, because another A-Rod isnt going to walk into the sport anytime soon.
A-Rod is arguably, along with his ex-team-mate, Derek Jeter, the most recognizable name in modern baseball times, and not just to sports fans, to everybody. A-Rod has transcended the game in a way almost all ballplayers dont. In retirement, his place in mainstream gossip columns will continue, especially if he sticks with billionaire CEO and co-founder of 23andMe Anne Wojcicki, who was once married to Google co-founder Sergey Brin: know any other baseball players who have landed in Vanity Fair lately?
The NFL has their Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers and until last season, Peyton Manning, while the NBA has their LeBron James and a host of strong second-tier stars. After A-Rod, baseball has nobody on or near that level of national, crossover stardom.
Think about all the game-changing talent that is around the league today: Mike Trout, Clayton Kershaw, Jake Arrieta, Jose Altuve, Kris Bryant: the list of standouts goes on for a very long time, but theres no one that moves the needle like A-Rod, who is known by 50% of all Americans six years or older according to Q-Scores. Bryce Harper, who did make a late-night appearance with Jimmy Fallon in May, and is by far the least vanilla young ballplayer around, is the next highest at 20% awareness.
Alex Rodriguez (@AROD) October 30, 2015
Had a blast on my first time on @fallontonight with @jimmyfallon. pic.twitter.com/Gi3HjYu3rR
Every circuit wants to market its stars, who are the one of the main reasons the Big Four leagues are the behemoths they are today. But in todays sports world, MLB operates well despite the fact that their players have lower national awareness than those from other major North American sports leagues.
The league may wish their national ratings for all-star games and the post-season were rising rather than falling, but in MLB today, all of that matters much less overall. Their digital service, 33% of which was just picked up by Disney, is valued at a staggering $3.5bn, while local television and radio perform well. Their biggest issue is finding a way to maintain the status quo when it comes to the billions of dollars in local revenues earned via cable bundling, where many fans who dont watch an inning of baseball have been subsidizing huge rights deals for years and years.
So really, the model of pushing stars to drive national awareness across Major League Baseball has more or less been on life support for many years, meaning that the days of grandiose ad campaigns, as rare as theyve been, probably went out with Jeter.
As for Rodriguez, well, based on ticket sales for Fridays game, which is being broadcast nationally on Fox, hes certain to go out with a bang, whether he swings and misses or hits yet another A-bomb. As always, A-Rod will make an impact, simply by showing up.
Video of the week
ICYMI: Manny Machado: three at bats, three home runs in three innings, single handedly wrecking the White Sox on a Sunday afternoon. Thats one heck of a third of a game for the Orioles slugger who is breaking out from his breakout seasons. Is he your MVP? He certainly deserves to be in the American League conversation.
Manny from Mercury.
Quote of the Week
Take your stupid baseball team and get out.
Documents obtained by AZCentral.com say thats what Maricopa County supervisor Andy Kunasek said to Diamondbacks president Derrick Hall during an April tirade. The county, which includes the city of Phoenix, has denied the D-Backs $65m in ballpark renovations in an ongoing dispute that could threaten Arizonas long-term future at Chase Field. Kunasek also told Hall to go back to fucking West Virginia.
Whos closer to victory: Donald Trump or the Cubs?
Well, you would like to think that in a week that Le Grande Orange alluded to a possible assassination threat to a would-be presidential-elect, that the Trumpster would be farther away from victory than ever before. However, we also know that Trump bounces back easier than one of those 25 rubber balls your kid makes you buy outside the pizza shop: the Dems should limit any embarrassing high-fives.
The Cubs? Well, whatever was eating at them in July, when they were, somewhat amazingly, just 12-16, is done and dusted. Chicago raced out to a 8-0 mark this month, and their July to August ERA dropped from 4.47 to 1.29, while their OPS popped by over 60 points during the same span. That makes the Cubbies easy winners this week.
How did the kids piss off Goose Gossage this week?
The St Louis Cardinals, down 4-0 on Monday night to the Cincinnati Reds, on the verge of a three-game losing streak, got yet another gift from God. After rallying from a 4-0 ninth inning deficit, Yadier Molina stepped to the plate with the bases loaded and brought the winning home run by any means necessary.
Yadier does it again.
Theres only one thing worse than a bases-loaded walk to end a ballgame a bases loaded hit by pitch. Molina didnt exactly run away from Ross Ohlendorfs offering, and so Goose may be thinking that is one bush league way to win. Then again, hes probably thinking what we most of us think when the Cardinals somehow find a way to rise from the dead, and thats not printable here.
Nine thoughts in order
1) Prince Fielder is retiring from baseball after a second neck surgery forced the Rangers DH to call it quits. Aside from the sad news that one of the games most prodigious sluggers is retiring, it now confirms that then Tigers president and general manager Dave Dombrowski made one heck of a deal when he shipped Fielder to Texas in exchange for Ian Kinsler. By the time Fielders deal runs out, he will have been paid $138m for 34 home runs and a .760 OPS over 289 games. The Tigers will have paid $62m for Kinsler up until 2018, which includes a $5m buyout of the final year of his deal, but doesnt count the $30m they kicked over to Texas to help pay Fielders deal. So for $92m total, Detroit have received an .794 OPS, in over 400 games and counting, with the second baseman currently enjoying his best season since 2008. Theres some relief for Texas however – its reported that some $36m of the remaining deal will be covered by insurance. Fielder retires with the same number of home runs as his father Cecil: 319.
2) Toronto Blue Jays starting center fielder Kevin Pillar is out with for at least two weeks with sprained thumb ligaments, and considering the way he routinely bounces around the Rogers Centre outfield walls and dives into its turf, its a real wonder how he wasnt injured sooner. Luckily, GM Ross Atkins, who is quietly patting his own back this week, has an everyday center fielder in Melvin Upton to replace him. Upton is enjoying something of a comeback season, but has been slow to get going in T Dot now hell get his chance to play every day and make that deal look even better.
3) Tim Tebow is going to try and play baseball, allegedly, and as usual, the media are tripping over themselves to cover whatever he does. Personally, I thought he deserved more of a chance in the NFL after guiding the Broncos to the playoffs in 2011, something a whopping 10,000 Denver fans agree with after signing a petition for his return. Baseball? Well, I was tempted to write that its never, ever, EVER going to happen. Then I saw this tweet from Gary Sheffield:
Gary Sheffield (@garysheffield) August 9, 2016
I spent time w @TimTebow in the cages recently, he’s a NATURAL. I absolutley believe in his ability to play in the bigs. Tim has IT #focused
If you read Sheffields recent piece in the Players Tribune, youd have to think twice about Tebow he demands that you do! So, as per Sheffs orders, Im keeping an open mind, for now.
4) On Tuesday some 15,000 Red Sox fans learned theyd be denied a David Ortiz bobblehead doll, just hours before their game with the Yankees.
Boston Red Sox (@RedSox) August 8, 2016
We’re back home tomorrow night and we’re going big with the #BigPapi bobblehead! Get yours: https://t.co/uQuufP0I67 pic.twitter.com/Y5CzCEb5g8
I thought the bobbleheads were an inaccurate portrayal of David, said Sam Kennedy said. To go further, I thought the facial features were racially insensitive. Sox brass later announced that fans in attendance would actually be eligible to receive a more politically correct doll with a significantly thicker neck once a new figurine is made.
5) Heres an admission: my fascination with Ichiro was such that I used to write emails about him to friends before every spring. Mostly they rambled on about certain stats on how he missed just 33 games over his first 11 seasons in Seattle, or that he would have almost definitely been MLBs all-time hit king had his career started off in North America.
The first Japanese player to play the field, Ichiro is without question one of the most intriguing players in the long history of the game, and his 3,000th hit is just the latest statistical wonder surrounding his game. Ironically, after all these years of racking up hit after hit, my fondest Ichiro memory remains his throwing out of Terrance Long in 2001.
Incredible Ichiro.
6) Last month Pete Rose sued John Dowd for a statutory rape allegation the criminal defense attorney and former federal prosecutor made last year. During a 13 July 2015 radio appearance, Dowd, who lead the 1989 investigation into Roses gambling, referenced Roses ex-associate, Michael Bertolini, who allegedly told him that he ran young girls for him down in spring training, ages 12 to 14. Rose said there was no truth to the statements, which took place before the MLB commissioner, Rob Manfred, elected to not take him off the sports ineligible list in December. Now Dowd is trying to have the case dismissed, a move Roses attorney, Martin Garbus calls a stall tactic. Like anything involving Rose, this latest saga is unlikely to end anytime soon.
7) Yasiel Puigs reputation in Dodgerland continues to spiral. This time the recently demoted Puig was seen drinking beer in a party bus with a bunch of young Triple-A Oklahoma players, some of which were under the legal drinking age, having as much fun as possible inside a vehicle parked in Iowa. Unfortunately for Puig, who is just 25, these completely normal acts, which included singing, profanity and inside jokes, he posted videos of the partying on social media and so now its a full-blown controversy. Management said theyd handle it internally, while Puig merchandise was removed from Dodger Stadium stores. A word of advice to Yasiel: the nail that sticks up will be hammered down.
8) Terry Collins is under more pressure than ever after a shaky week featuring what were, more or less, indefensible decisions. On Saturday, down a run in the ninth and two outs, he didnt pinch-run for the plodding Jay Bruce, who was then thrown out at home to end the game.
Jay Bruce might be faster than anybody on our team for all I know, said Collins. I know he is a good base runner.
Bruce is new to the team, but in the age of information, there is no excuse for Collins: he has to know his players.
Making matters worse, Collins didnt challenge the call at the plate.
Mets fans have been critical of several of Collins moves this season, never mind the fact that he manages a would-be play-off team that hasnt won consecutive games since 7 July. However, few managers have had to deal with the injury issues hes faced over two seasons, and after taking New York to the World Series last season, hes probably safe for the rest of the season.
9) And finally, Clayton Kershaw is still finding ways to contribute in LA, despite being sidelined with back issues until at least 27 August. On Sunday, he led a dugout prank on Alex Wood.
LasMayores (@LasMayores) August 8, 2016
Clayton Kershaw jugandole una broma a Alex Wood. #LasMayores #MLB https://t.co/KK5eI5UkFc
A full video of Claytons stacking seeds on to the back of Wood, narrated to perfection by Vin Scully, can be found here. Rather incredibly, the Dodgers have gone 23-14 without their ace in the rotation, pulling even even with their NL West rivals, the San Francisco Giants, if only for a day. The Dodgers bullpen has played a large role in that success they have the lowest batting average against in innings seven through nine in baseball history according to SI a remarkable turnaround considering the fits LAs relief core caused their fan base over ensuing seasons.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/2017/12/01/alex-rodriguez-is-major-league-baseballs-last-megastar-and-thats-ok/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2017/12/01/alex-rodriguez-is-major-league-baseballs-last-megastar-and-thats-ok/
0 notes
Car audio mod......insurance company?
"Car audio mod......insurance company?
i recntly bought a subwoofer and amp for my car do i need to let the insurance company know its worth around 60
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Looking for health insurance for our kids???
We just moved to oklahoma and we make to much for medicaid but not enough to pay $500 a month in insurance plus have a $1100 deductible per person then a 80-20 split after the deductible. We can afford to pay our own Doctor bills but if we had a serious problem (tonsils, appendicitis,surgery) we wouldn't be able to afford that so does anyone know of any health insurance we could get??? How does a HSA plan work??? Can you get one without it being sponsored by your employer???""
Car insurance for teens !! Help?
So I live in Benton Louisiana and I'm 15. I'm about to turn 16 and my mon said that she won't let me drive or get me a car because insurance is expensive. How much is insurance for 16 year olds?! It just really makes me mad because at first she was all for it and said that she would get me a car since she ruined my 15th birthday. Now, she just let my hopes down once again. That's why I want to know like about how much is car insurance for teens. Thank you!!""
Age requirement for car and insurance?
Hey guys, I'm currently 16, and I'm wondering what's the age requirement to own a car, and also insure it with car insurance My parents are not going to get me car insurance, they made so many excuses, and because my salary is about 600 a month, working for only 1 day a week. I could accord a car by the end of this year. I don't see why my parents won't get me car insurance for my dads car. so i might as well buy my own car and see what their excuse is. Alright, back to the subject, im just wondering what's the age requirement to get a car under my name, and car insurance.""
How much would insurance be for someone like me?
i have a job that pays 1300 a month, im 23 years old, no previous record. no credit. basically it would be my first insurance for a car. i live in minnesota saint paul, how much would it be? my sis says it might be like 300 dollars or something? if u need other info ill tell it thanks guys""
How do insurance companies determine fault?
I was in an accident. My insurance company told me I was 0% at fault and the other driver 100% at fault. The other insurance company said i was 50% at fault and the other driver was 50% at fault. what happens next? who suppose to agree with who?
How much does insurance cost for Top gear?
I need to find out how much Top Gear have to pay for there insurance for driving fast cars etc. Or how much will Jeremy Clarksons Insurance be? Hope you can help :)
I am 23 years old. Questions about affordable health insurance in the state of NJ.?
Hello. Like I already mentioned, I am 23 years old and am still living at home with my parents who have been out of work for over 3 years. I have a part time job at the moment, and am wondering what my options are for affordable health insurance in the state of nj. My parents are currently on Medicaid, but since i am over the age of 21 and have no kids of my own I don't qualify. What are some of my options? I currently have no health insurance.""
Whats The Cheapest Car To Get Insurance For?
Whats The Cheapest Car To Get Insurance For?
""Life insurance, how much is the cost?""
for 500,000$ insurance, for my family should something happen to me. i don't want my family to get in any trouble should i be gone. where can i get some estimates?""
Do you have to get insurance as soon as you get your license?
I plan on going to get my drivers license in a few weeks (hopefully I pass!) and I've been told you have to have insurance right away. I'm currently on my parents plan with my permit but it's not costing them anything. Their agent said to immediately notify her once I get my license. Could she have said this just because she thought I would be getting a car? I don't plan on getting a car anytime soon but drive my parents cars occasionally. So will the insurance go up any if I don't have my own car that needs to be insured? If so will it be a lot? All answers will be greatly appreciated, because my parents are trying to make me put off getting my license because their car insurance is sky high already because of all the tickets & wrecks my brother has gotten in & I really want my license! Thanks in advance!""
California Temporary Driver's License?
I'm 20 years old and have a valid UK driver's lisence. As I am now living in California, I was given a 'California Temporary Driver's License'. This expired yesterday but I have my behind the wheel test on Monday (12/7/09). Is this expiration going to be an issue? I did mention it at the DMV office, but the woman just ignored my question as if it was stupid and continued to book my test. Surely it means I am not licensed to drive a vehicle on my test date? Also, the car I will be driving is fully insured by someone I live with, and it is her name that is on the insurance documents. The policy insures anybody with a valid license- can I use this for the test providing it passes all their other requirements referred to on their website? Thank you in advance for any help. I have searched through all DMV related sites but this issue is never addressed.""
Sportbike insurance for 16 year old?
I was curious about getting a 2008 HONDA CBR 600RR any idea how much the insurance would be??
Insurance for an 2008 xb?
if i get a loan for a car through a credit company ..in order to get my insurance rate to go down can i put my dad as a driver? i mean as far as the dealer is concerned its paid cash since its paid with a check but my question is does my dad have to be on the loan to be the primary driver and me be secondary? or do i have to be primary..ive never been insured and in 22 and my dad cant buy the car because he has a pending social security thing..help!
Cost of ticket for driving without insurance?
im 16 and i need to get to work tomorow...my stepmom has to work so the only way to get to work is taking my dad's 2007 toyota tundra. if i get pulled over about how much will the ticket cost? i have my liscense just not insurance. i also live in texas
Is it possible to get insurance for my unborn child before he is born?
I have a good job ,but I miss the deadline to get company insurance. So I need some affordable insurance. I'm trying to get some before I get slamed with a big hospital bill.""
Where is my car insurance?
Which insurance campaign insured my car
""Car with fault, expensive to repair. can it be and insurance write off job ?""
If i had a car with a fault that was too expensive to repair, is there any way i can claim insurance writs off with insurers.""
What is the best health insurance?
what is the best health insurance?
What are the states that offer the best insurance premiums ?
What are the states that have the best insurance premiums for auto and homeowner's premiums for someone who is a LOW risk and have a very good history? Honest answers plz.
What is a good health insurance company?
I don't make much $, but I would like to have health insurance at a reasonable cost. What say ye?""
Hi I are v8 insurance more expensive than v6?
I'm getting a car soon and I can pick between an 08 bmw 528i v6 or 08 bmw 550i v8. I was wondering if insurance would be the same because there the same car. I live in California thank you.
What is the fine for driving without insurance at Southern California District Court?
How much is the fine for driving without insurance in the jurisdiction of the federal court in San Diego. For example if you get caught driving with no insurance in Marine Base and order to appear in court downtown, is there any fixed fine for that violation which will close the case and avoid court, or you must appear in court and the judge will decide how to punish you?""
""I am 17 years old and don't have health insurance, what do I do?""
I am 17 years old and don't live with my parents. I am living with a friends Aunt while I attend college. Because I don't live with my parents I can't be on their health insurance, I've been ill and worried but avoiding the doctor because any medications would cost a fortune. All my prescriptions used to only be $15 now they are dramatically raised. I don't have a job either. What do I do? Is there any type of thing I can qualify for? Any feedback would be much appreciated!!!""
""50cc Scooter, insurance?""
Hi, I have just passed my CBT for a 50cc scooter and hold a provisional licence for the UK. I am 16 and passed the CBT on 24th August. I am looking to buy a 49/50cc scooter but I have found that the insurance is extremeley expensive. I have looked around and filled in quotes from comparethemarket.com and the Post Office but the insurance I want (third party fire and theft) always seems to come out at around 300 a year! I know that some people pay only 50 a year for their 50cc insurance. Does anyone know where to get a better deal? Or does anyone have any tips? Thanks""
Will this cover my insurance too...?
hi i have a full coverage on my car that also has rental coverage... now, my friend rented a car with insurance...i was not a registered driver of that car.... but then if i drive it and gets into accident,will my personal car insurance still covers it?""
Car audio mod......insurance company?
i recntly bought a subwoofer and amp for my car do i need to let the insurance company know its worth around 60
Why is car insurance so high for young drivers?
I am 18 and currently on my fathers motor trade insurance. This covers me for anything upto 1600cc for social and domestic, you are actually having a laugh 1600cc is a joke! I can drive anything for business purposes. Recently rang the insurance to see if they would insure me on an IVECO DAILY 2.8 turbo diesel, as i was delivering some furniture to my grand parents in malta, about 1000 miles away from the uk, 2000 mile round trip. The answer i got was a blatant no, i didn't even get chance to say .8, anyway i was so pissed off i did the trip. didn't have one accident what so ever, not even a near miss when i drove to malta there and back. explain why they wouldn't insure me i really don't understand. My dads friend who is 53 years old was born not to drive a car, he has an accident atleast once a week because he mentally switches off when he drives. He drove down to germany any rolled his car times on the autobahn and i didn't have a crash or a near miss once in a 3.5 ton van, where is the common sense surely they should coin the people who litterally can't drive?""
How much should i pay for old car insurance?
how much the cheapest insurance for old car? i have a used honda.
Do you need to report a delivery job on auto Insurance?
If I got a job where I need to use my car for work, do I need to report it to my auto insurance, and if so, will my rates go up?""
What is the cheapest car insurance?
i have a 2005 mazada 6, and im just looking fot the cheapest car insurance in pa. dose anyone know of any?""
Do you pay a lot of money for car insurance where you live?
Wher so you live an dhow much does it cost. I live in NY it the sh*t is HIGH.
What are the most common vehichle that is cheapest on insurance?
I'm trying to find a new vehichle but I want to know which cars are the mostly bought because they are cheaper on insurance.
Any way to decrease my 4K quote to insure a 1.0L VW Polo?
I'm looking into buying my first car (17 year old driver), I have not passed my test yet but I'm looking to get a car to practise in. I found the car I wanted to buy, a 1.0L (999cc) 400 R Reg (1998) VW Polo, so practically the smallest engine money can buy. I needed to see how much it would cost to insure before and after I pass my test. It was 1200 a year on my provisional which is the sort of price I would expect but over 4000 when I set it to having passed my test. This is using go compare.com. Why is that so much money? I understand young drivers are high risk, but surely over 4000 a year for fully comp doesnt sound right.""
""After what age in the UK is drivers insurance, cheaper?""
im 20, i passed when i was 18. at what age is insurance cheaper, i know it depends on where you live, car, model, engine etc but at what age?""
What insurance company do cheap American car insurance for young drivers?
I'm 19 years old and I'm considering getting a 1985 Ford Mustang 5L V8 in England. The question is who is going to insure me at a reasonable price? I'm not looking at using the car everyday, I probably wont put 4k miles on the clock in a year. Please, can anyone help me?""
Should I pay or have insurance pay?
I read ended this girls car, and she got an estimate and it's roughly 868 dollars. If I payed for this, is it something that works out for me in the long run, or will it be better for insurance to pay for it. I'm 19, so I know insurance rates are already high, should I just pay for it? Thank you!""
I need help with car insurance?
So I don't have a license yet, but im workin on it. I seen a car that I want now b4 its too late n sumbody buys it. My mom has a car n her n my dad r on the same insurance, he pays it tho. SO heres what i wanna do... Can I buy the car n then get insurance in my moms name or is there sumthin i can do like let the car sit til i get my license?? I would have to get the car home tho, but it wont be insured on the ride home(is there sum temp insurance)... I mean the car is steal, n i need to get it now b4 sumbody buys it!! Its in Ohio, if that matters...""
We res the cheapest place to get car insurance?
We res the cheapest place to get car insurance?
At what age does car insurance drop to a normal rate?
im 16 and i wanna wait til a certain age so i dont have to pay alot for the insurance
Has anyone tried the Ameriprise Auto insurance? How do you rate their service compared to other insurance co?
They have a tie-up with Costco and offers a very good rate compared to AAA, Farmers, etc. I signed up with esurance who has a excellent rate but after 6 months, they are raising the premium by more than 30%. A feedback or review on Ameriprise will aid me in decision making. Thanks!""
How much should a 17 year old's car insurance cost in the UK?
i'm 17 and want to drive. i'm a full time college student, which probably doesn't make any difference? right now i'm looking at a 2001 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.6 engine, LS 5dr [AC] Hatchback, which is costing around 999 how much should i expect the insurance to cost for this car? or for a car similar? it will be my first car. Thanks.""
Can I fight this no proof of insurance ticket in the state of california?
I purchased my vehicle on 3/13/09 with insurance. I was stopped on 4/7/09 for no license plates and failure to prove financial responsibility i.e. no proof of insurance. Prior to that, the car dealer initially wouldn't even allow me to drive the car off the lot unless it was insured. Also, I hadn't received the insurance card in the mail from State Farm yet. I asked the officer (before he wrote the ticket) if he could identify my vehicle in his system to see that it is in fact insured, at which point he would not oblige. I obviously received the card a few days later and now have the card verifying insurance from 3/13/09 to the present date. Do I have a case here that can rightfully be reversed?""
What is the least expensive auto insurance company?
Currently have geico...
How much would insurance cost for a 16 yr old female?
I'm 16 & getting a 2010 Nissan Maxima. Don't tell me not to get it because I'll wreck or trash it. I learned how to drive when I was 12 and I drove all the time when I got my permit. I'm not going to trash it at all. All I need to know if how much insurance might be. A rough estimate because I know everywhere is different. Some few details: I'm 16, a female, straight A student, and really responsible. Thanks.""
What is the cheapest liability car insurance in the US?
What is the cheapest liability car insurance in the US?
""Totaled my car, What will insurance do?""
Yesterday I totaled my 2000 ZX3 and almost died, luckily my roof didn't completely cave in as i slid in the ditch after i flipped over, SO my engine and transmission isn't damaged. I wanna save some movie and just buy a car like mine with a blown engine and then switch engines and get the keep the rest of the insurance payout. I already found the possible car BUT i'm not sure if the insurance company will let me keep my car after its declared totaled? The car i found is for only 500 dollars and my dad is a mechanic, so i really need 2 know quick""
Whose insurance company I should contact for the car accident?
I am involved a car accident 5 months ago. There are four cars hit from rear one by one. I am the second car and have no fault in this accident. However, I did not have a collision insurance, so I should look for reimbursement by myself. I asked the insurance company of the car hit me, they said their insured driver has no fault(indicated in accident report), so they cannot pay for me. And they asked me to contact the company of the fourth car. Is this illegal? Cause in our country, no matter in what reason, the car hit you from rear should pay for you directly. And if their insured driver has no fault, they can ask payment from the insurance company of the car hit them. Anyone could help me? I will very appreciate.""
How much does it cost to add a teenager to a car insurance policy?
Teen in question has a 4.3ish GPA and is involved in many extracurriculars.
How much home insurance & tax for a cheap studio?
I know 0 about this: are home insurance rates annual or monthly? Could someone give me just a very rough idea about how much a cheap studio's home insurance & tax would cost? (in ...mostrar ms
How can a non insured pregnant lady get a health insurance in california that covers maternity and delivery ?
California Health Insurance for a pregnant lady
""Insured car, uninsured teen driver?""
Hi, I am 17 and just obtained my drivers license, I am not on the insurance policy for the family cars. I heard somewhere that insurance follows the car and not the driver and that even if i wasn't on the insurance policy but had permission from the owner to drive the car that any accident would be covered by the owners insurance policy? Is this information valid? And to what extent? Thanks!""
Car audio mod......insurance company?
i recntly bought a subwoofer and amp for my car do i need to let the insurance company know its worth around 60
Question about State Health Insurance and marriage in Connecticut?
I am 20 years old and 10 weeks pregnant with my fiance's child. The only reason we didn't get married a while ago is because of health insurance. He's covered on his father's plan until he's 26 IF he doesn't marry. Well, now that I'm pregnant, I was told if we aren't married, the state will come after him for child support- not to mention that I want to marry him, anyway. We've been engaged for a year and a half. I have state insurance, and everything with the pregnancy is covered, but what happens if we get married? He'll lose his insurance. Is there a state insurance plan for the entire family in CT? A plan that he can be covered on once we are married?""
Drunk driver ran into fence of ours and his insurance wont cover full cost to replace...what can we do?
recently, an underage drunk driver ran his car off the road and into our fence and tore up about 100 feet or so. we had a company come give us an estimate of around $1000 to fix which includes material and labor...the insurance company of the young man that ran into our fence is only willing to pay around $600 because they are saying that the fence is 15 - 20 years old and didnt cost that much back when it was built.....now, i have a huge problem with this...is it our fault that a drunk driver ruined our fence...should we have to pay out of our hard earned money the rest to make sure the fence is put back? is there anything we can do about this? any feedback is helpful....im so mad i want this to get nationally recognized!""
Add Car to Insurance for Just a Week?
Has anyone ever added a car to their insurance for just a week. The car is my parents and they have insurance under geico and I have insurance under progressive. We are going out of town and would like to borrow the car but to be on the safe side we would like to add it to the insurance for the time we are outta town. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Car insurance????????
I am a 16 year old boy and for my first car I got a 2005 mustang GT. All of the quotes I have gotten for insurance are between 4000 - 7000 a year. How can I get a much lower price for car insurance. ( please don`t say get a different car )
How much is car insurance for an inexperienced first year driver 18 years old in North Carolina?
Like can I get estimates from each company. I've never had a license and my family refuses to pay for my car insurance...so I have to pay it...
How much will motorcycle insurance cost?
im going to start all the things i need for it in march -15 1/2 -going to take msf course summmer -used bike -using it to go to school and job if i get one -suzuki gsxr600 or kawasaki ninja 500r is what i wanna drive
Cheepest land rover defender insurance for young drivers?
Any ideas, companies past experience would be much appreciated""
Really expensive insurance for new 16yo driver?
Hi, I'm 16 years old and I passed my driving test on Jan 23, 2014. I want to get insured asap and be added onto my fathers policy. Our insurance guy told us it would be around a MASSIVE $400 a month at the CHEAPEST!! Near $2,000 per 6 months, this can't be serious can it? Is our insurance referral ripping us off? My friend said it should be around $150 a month. ALSO.. Is it possible to get my own policy on my own at 16 and not be added to my dad's policy? I live in a SMALL town, Palm Springs in California. It's not like I'm in LA..""
Full coverage insurance for a 350z in Cali?
Age: 26 Started: 16 2005 Nissan 350z 85k miles How much in general (ball park) would it be for insurance for this car in California? so many insurance places have you go through tons of crap and then get swamped with junk mail, I'd rather just get a ballpark estimate.""
Will my Car Insurance Go up?
ok so im 17, i got my lisence last week.. well like 6 days ago to be exact and we all know winter driving is alot more dangerous than regular driving.. anyways i was driving home from work, and none of the country roads were plowed, as always.. i turned the corner in my moms car (im insured) and the car slid and went right into the ditch at the side of the road, so i called my dad he came and helped me pull the car out, but during that process, the car got stuck up against a wooden street sign and well crushed or indented part of the car right behind right side wheel. and once we finally got the car out, we noticed the alignment of the back axel was completely f**ked. so i drove it home very slowly, cause it was driving horrible from that.. just wondering if we report this to our insurance company what will happen? will my insurance go up? it was a complete accident and no police were involved. i dont know how much the damages will cost but im sure its not too cheap.. maybe a complete writeoff? the car was bought for 10000$ like 4 or 5 years ago. damages are: rear axel and front by right tire. can anyone reply? id just like to get this off my back i dont see how it can be my fault, the city did not have the roads properly plowed.. i know i cant blame it on that but it really was an accident i dont know how i can make it up to my parents, i work part time and goto hgihschool i dont make nearly enough money to pay for the damages they want me to.""
Title insurance on grant deed in California?
For California, if a Grant Deed was signed and notarized more than 1 year ago, and it was not recorded until today, will the Title Company provide title insurance for it when the house is sold later on? Is the rule on this the same for all title companies or is it up to each title company, in terms of the gap for when it was signed and when it was recorded?""
Can I visit the hospital or doctor without health insurance?
I have been off of by parents health insurance for two years, even though I am a full-time college student, it's just how it was written in their plan. Here is the scoop: Two years ago I injured my knee and got treated for puncture wounds, and had some minor problems with a popping sound here and there over the years. Now, recently, the same knee is in so much pain, I almost cry. It feels like someone is sticking a flat-head screw driver into my knee and hitting it. I checked my symtoms (swollen, severe pain, weakness, loud popping and clicking, instability, pain when walking) on web md and every symptom points to a tore ALC ligament. The charts for pain match 100%. I don't have any form of health insurance, can I still go somewhere to get treated? My knee is severely swollen, and I can feel a shooting pain up and down my leg. It also feels like my knee is pulsating... Help please, I need to go get this taken care of ASAP, I was advised to for it can cause blood clots.""
""I'm looking at Mercedes Benz E500 or S500 and BMW 745Li? Which car you think is better? Cost, Insurance etc.?
Mercedes Benz or BMW?
Car insurance-what happens if I crash ! and the car insurance is in someone elses name?
I'm down as a second driver of my mums car.if there was some sort of accident/crash what would happen? Yes the insurance would go up but would it go on my mums record or mine?
What 7 seat cars have the lowest insurance group rating?
Looking for a new car for our expanding family and want to find something that's low on insurance. The lowest two I've found so far are the Fiat Doblo (Group 3) and the Nissan Cube (Group 4). Does anyone know of any other low insurance 7 seaters? Thank you! :)
How much would it cost for a 17 year old to insure a Mazda Rx 8?
Mazda RX 8 2006 1.3L i THINK its insurance group 16 but im not sure any price estimates? dont worry about telling me thats its too much money and you should get a ford ka and all that bollocks haha i simply wish to know how much it will cost when i pass my test to insure my new Mazda
Can I drop motorcycle insurance for the winter then pick it up in the spring?
I'm 17 and am looking for a motorcycle. My mom called our insurance company (Nationwide) and had a quote prepared and they said it would be an extra $70 a month. Seeing as how it gets cold here in Ohio i don't really want to ride a bike in the wintertime. Would it be possible to drop the motorcycle part of the insurance during the wintertime and then pick it up in the springtime when I start riding again? I'll also be turning 18 in February so I think the rates would go down.
What's the average insurance cost going to be for me? (motorcycle)?
18-19 year old Air Force female riding a low power motorbike in Texas. No previous driving accidents or tickets. What else can affect my cost?
Does it cost more to get insurance for a motorcycle?
Will the price be even higher if its a new driver on a motorcycle?
Car insurance help?
Is it possible for you to put someone on your car insurance plan like to add a person on? Make sence?
Is insure 24 ltd a legit company?
I recently was offered a job with this company out in the UK called insure 24 limited and don't know whether they are legit or a scam... I just need extra insight before i go any further - also they don't use a free subscription email address which is also another reason why i'm thinking they are real.
""Which Insurance is Cheaper, Motorcycle or Car Insurance?""
I don't have a License for Either Yet, and I already Know You Need one for the Other (License), but I was just Wondering which Insurance would be cheaper If I would get both Licenses roughly in the same time. The Bike is Likely a Ninja 250 and the car is Likely a Mitsubishi Eclipse 98 RS. Manual for Both Vehicles.""
Will my insurance go up?
I am 17 and had insurance. I got into a wreck because i dint stop at a stop sign and hit a car. everybody was fine and i got a ticket for driving left of center and careless prohibited driving. So is my insurance bout to be high??
How much should I expect from the insurance company for these damages to my car?
I have a 99 oldsmobile intrigue, my car was hit on the drivers side between the front and back doors. The front door is really damaged and the rear door has some""
Is car insurance really necessary?
What if your a student and your driving a car that does not have insurance but you don't crash or nothing bad happens...Do you still get penalized if you do not have insurance? Is it a law?
Car audio mod......insurance company?
i recntly bought a subwoofer and amp for my car do i need to let the insurance company know its worth around 60
How to get cheap insurance on a nissan 350z for a 17 year old?
How to get cheap insurance on a nissan 350z for a 17 year old?
Health insurance for college student?
I am under my family's Blue Cross insurance in California, but I'm going to attend school in Massachusetts. Will the insurance cover me in Massachusetts?""
""If I move out, do I have to get my own health insurance?""
I want to move out as soon as I get a better paying job, but I also need to consider the different costs. Currently my mom has me as a dependent on her health insurance. If I moved out, would I have to get my own health insurance? I'm 19, if that matters.""
The cheapest car insurance for first time drivers?
looking to get my own car soon and trying to my license I am 24 yrs old and just starting to figure stuff out for myself and wanted to know whats the cheapest car insurance
My car was registered to an insurance company?
I bought a car about 2 years ago from a private owner. I just stumbled onto a free VIN report and it says the car was leased then titled to insurance co. No accidents though. Does this merely mean repossession or possible accident?
Will my parents insurance go up?
My parents have state farm. I'm 17 and I just got my license. I would want my name under my moms car. will my parents insurance go up? and if so about how much?
How to shop for car insurance rates?
I need to find car insurance rates to compare, but I can't find a site that lets me do a comparison and get results on the internet. I don't want to give them my phone number and email because I know I'll be spammed to death by people trying to sell me something. Is there anywhere I can go to get comparison rates for free without having to put in contact information like that?""
Does any1 know roughly how much it would cost to insure a 2000 automatic vauxhall frontera?
thinking of buying the car for my sister she's almost 19 and is a learner driver does any1 know roughly in s how much the insurance would be
If I brought 4 luxury sports cars how would that effect my insurance?
Im doing a project for school and I need to know if I brought four cars say a Bentley, porsche, a Maserati, and a aston martin would it make my insurance go up a crazy amount or would it stay the same as if i were to buy four regular cars like honda? P.S. say Im 25 and have a perfect record!""
Insurance settlement.?
Back in October, I was hit by a vehicle that was backing out too fast from a parking spot. My vehicle was parked and there was no one in the driver seat. My three children were also ...show more""
Car insurance after drink driving ban.?
hi, i was banned for 18month for drink driving when i was 16 ( i know very stupid) i am now 25 years old soon to pass my test how high will my car insurance be what would be the best, cheapest car for insurance, please constructive answers I know drink driving is VERY BAD i was 16 and very stupid, thanks for any answers.""
""Does price of car insurance go up, down, stay the same, after getting G licence?""
I'm in Ontario, Canada and am going for my G licence in July (I'm 26, if that makes any difference?). Right now I'm an occasional driver on my parents insurance and plan to stay that way after I get my G. Right now my insurance is 90 per month. I want to save up for enough insurance for 12 months so when I move out it's out of the way for one year. Anyway, does anyone know if the price of insurance goes up, down, or stays the same after getting your full G licence? I kind of want to figure out how much I should save up for the full year by knowing how much it'll be monthly. I plan on going in and talking to them, but I wont be able to for a few days...just curious if anyone can basically give me a heads up. Thanks.""
How much would car insurance be for me?
roughly what would i have to pay for car insurance heres some info -im 18 -car is a honda civic 2010, new -got my license at 18 -live in massachusetts""
""Trying to save on car insurance, who should I go with?""
Currently I pay $122.00 for car insurance with State Farm. This is going to go up I am sure since I moved back to a larger city and when I lived here before I was paying a lot more. That is two cars, a 2008 Dodge 4 Door and a 2002 Focus all full coverage 100,000/300,000 Limits with a $500 deductibles you get the idea. Oh and I also have renters for about 10 bucks a month.... okay so I just was quoted by Gieco with lower deductibles, from the more expensive city and I was quoted at about $68 (without the renters) Thoughts on the matter, is this possible should I make the switch? Is $68 too low for two cars and are they baiting me and will they get me later with the higher rates?""
Can my car get repossessed for lapse of insurance?
Okay so short and sweet my loan company called and says my insurance lapsed now is this a problem by means can they come get the car like in the same fashion as if I were not paying on it? But can they still get it even if I am making the right payments on time? Also if I fax them my insurance card showing I have the card with proof of the insurance til may will they take that as a form or do they need to contact the company directly?
How much is renters insurance?
I've lived in several apartments, but none that required renter's insurance. I'm planning on living alone in a 1 bedroom apartment in the Tucker/Stone Mountain Georgia area and several apartments I've looked at say they require it. How much can I expect to pay (approximately) for renters insurance? What factors determine rates for renters insurance? Is renters insurance always monthly, or can you pay yearly or every 6 months? 10 points to the best answer! P.S. I've tried looking around online, but all the sites want an exact address where I'll be living and my social security number just for a quote. Just looking for the ballpark.""
""When someone having AAA auto insurance full coverage, having uninsured motorist.?""
When someone having AAA auto insurance full coverage, having uninsured motorist. Does it also cover the one who caused the accident. In my case I caused the accident. Like there insurance is going to cover her car damage, is it going to claim me the amount of her car damage to pay back to her car insurance, or not ? The persons car I hit, is really sweet even though I hit her car. She told me that her insurance company is just trying to get money off of me, but she told me there's no reason because there is a reason why she pay full coverage having uninsured motorist included. But I did some research and it says that uninsured motorist only apply's if I hit her car and someone ended up injured ? . . . Help me out please ! If there claiming the amount that they are claiming I am going to be in debt. It's AAA insurance the company that the lady has. The lady's car I hit. But like insurances have CRS do there job having to work for insurances, which stands for Claims Resources Services. They sent me a claim amount that the insurance is asking for. They sent me a second notice, and it says if they don't here from me in any way of paying back the money they used up to cover the lady's car they will send the information back to AAA and AAA will end up increasing the claim amount.""
Where can I get laibality insurance for a medical assistant?
I am looking for insurance to covoer myself for Medical assistant
""Should the cost of car insurance be the same for everybody irrespective of age, ect?""
Should the cost of car insurance be the same for everybody irrespective of age, ect?""
Is HSA health insurance plan best for my situation?
I'm a 43-year-old very healthy woman who doesn't smoke. My children are on Oregon Health plan and my husband has several health problems and is on permanent disability and medicare. So..I don't qualify for Oregon health plan and we cannot afford most health insurance plans. So....I was thinking an HSA might be good for me since I have no health issues. To clarify, I am not interested in adding my children or husband to this. Just for myself...as they are already covered just fine. Wondering what the average cost per month is and wondering if it matters what credit score you have...because mine is very low currenty due to my husband's medical bills hurting our finances a few years back. Thank you!""
Do you need motorcycle insurance in the state of Tennessee?
As a Tennesseean, I was wondering if motorcycle insurance is necessary in order to ride in the state.""
Can anyone recomend some cheap insurance companies for drives who have completed pass plus?
I'm 18, soon to be 19, and have been trying to get a quote on a 1998 vauxhall corsa, and the only 1 i got before was ridiculously high. I know it being an older model is going to make a difference, but does anyone know from personal experience or whatever which insurance companies offer decent insurance prices to young drives, who have completed the pass plus scheme? Thanks, much appreciated!""
Who thinks GEICO is a great insurance company?
I think their ads on TV are so right - they have not only the lowest rates (at least for me), but the best customer service too. I have never filed a claim, but recently requested some insurance record from them. Even though I am not their customer anymore (currently do not own a car), they still were very helpful on the phone, sent me the requested letter immediately and even did a follow up on it. I think they are awesome. Who had similar experience with them or any other company? PS - I am not a GEICO employer :))""
Info on state employee heath insurance refund for alabama?
state of alabama is going to let the retiree skip a payment in april for blue cross and blue shield insurance
Why is unemployment insurance so cheap and health insurance so expensive?
The government deducts my unemployment insurance but I have to pay health insurance out of earnings? Seems like the government takes less. Conservatives hate low prices only profits. We need to take health care out like unemployment.
Car audio mod......insurance company?
i recntly bought a subwoofer and amp for my car do i need to let the insurance company know its worth around 60
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