#summer of faffery
Hello everyone! (。’▽’。)♡ While I was taking a break from Echoes, I decided to finally work on updating the Compendium with all of the Faffery one-shots, including the lewd older!Noctis piece I posted a couple weeks ago!! As I compiled the fics, I thought to also provide a list of everything for your convenience~!
Week One: Requests
All Talk (La Squadra)
Sweet and Easy (Gintoki)
Paradise with a Pair of Guys (Lon’qu and Frederick)
Aflame (Yusuke)
Week Two: Summertime Swelter
Flaunt (Diego)
Attire (Iwaizumi)
Salty (Ryuji)
Sunlight (Oikawa)
Boiling (Jotaro)
Week Three: Assortment
Your Bonaparte (Polnareff)
Someday the Prince Will Come - Transparent (Alfonse)
Someday the Prince WIll Come - Daydream (Noctis)
The Most Beautiful Boogie Man (Ardyn)
Given Paw (Chocobros)
Week Four: Guilty As Charged
Prostitution (Mishima)
Indecent Exposure (Ryuji)
Stalking (Yusuke)
False Imprisonment (Iwai)
Violating House Arrest (Akechi)
Theft (Akira)
Week Five: Cotton Shirts
There’s No Need for Our Cotton Shirts (Polnareff)
With Expert Form (Makoto)
If You Get Your Hair Wet, I’ll Kiss You On the Mouth (Josuke)
If You Jump In With Me (Jotaro)
Bonus lewds:
Raw Ingredients (Ignis)
Nocting Wedding Boots (Noctis)
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hollandsgrave · 3 years
(Original post) Thanks for the ask!
💘 The slasher you’d MOST like to meet IRL.
Ok I have an ounce of self-preservation so I’m looking to not actually get murdered, which rules out a lot of them. I’ve got to say Jason, why? 1) I was a summer camp counselor, and I was very responsible. No tomfoolery or fiff faffery on my watch. Safety number one priority. 2) I respect nature 3) I’m really popular with people’s parents. Just parents in general. I don’t understand why.
All these factors reduce my likelihood of being killed by at least 10% (also. Happy birthday Jason)
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🥩 The Sawyers & Hewitts invite you for dinner are you taking a bite? Also which family would you rather have dinner with?
Full disclosure, I’m a vegetarian of 8 years, so sure. I’d probably be safe eating the coleslaw or mashed potatoes or w/e. Also full disclosure, I haven’t seen the 2003 TCM so gotta go Sawyers by default.
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🐶 Are there any animals you associate with slashers?
This one took me a minute, but I realized that brahms is 100% a fancy rat in my book. The movie alludes to “rats in the walls”, he has to sneak into the freezer or pantry to get food… also I love rats and ratatouille is my #1 comfort film
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faunusrights · 5 years
Part I (prologue to chapter three) here!
According to other people reading this alongside me, I have yet to even see the true extent of how, um... interesting some of the characterisations are? So, we can only do one thing: keep reading, even though I’m relatively sure the corpse of a sizeable moth was batted onto my copy :I
We’ve reached chapter three, and only now do I realise what a considerable chunk of the book that is? Blimey.
/gets six lines in /shuts the book
Look, I said I wasn’t gonna say it because we know I hate it but ughghghgh I hate canon Velvet soooooo muuuuuuuuuuch she’s SO boring I’m SO sorry but GOD--
Okay. Okay. Moving on. Yatsu is our narrator now so let’s hear how he sounds!
“Ash started crying and crying and crying--”
I know it’s inevitable that most names I picked for OCs will crop up elsewhere but... Ash? You tryna take Ash “Bottom Energy” Scarlatina away from me now? Can’t I have anything?
So, it was mentioned that apparently a recurring thing I’ll be seeing in this novel is Yatsu and Velvet being hitched together on the character development front, and honestly, I can see it happening here. They’re being made into one sort of unit and Yatsu keeps calling attention to that, which isn’t... great, ‘cause I’m kinda hoping we’ll see more individual development? But the current consensus is that It Ain’t Happening, so we’ll See, I Guess,
Okay, I love that Velvet makes spreadsheets on her Scroll. I deeply enjoy her making chats to keep track of stuff, because honestly what a mood that is.
‘Yatsuhashi whirled around in confusion, but Velvet was gone. He didn’t like losing sight of her; what kind of trouble was she getting up to now?’
Predictably, I don’t like Velvet being babies in any sense of the word, but I do like that Yatsu’s first worry is what trouble can she possibly fucking cause now? Velvet and her high chaos energy, whomst I Adore,
Also what the fuck is a breadfruit.
‘Professor Greene’s Stealth and Security class--’
UGH I wish we knew more about the classes they took in Beacon. Do you know how hard it is to write an AU in which the Fall of Beacon never happened and having to pull classes outta your ass? It’s HARD, Y’ALL,
Yatsu’s Semblance is... making people forget things? That’s. Weird but alright??? Sure??? Whatever???
Me, every time Velvet snaps: why is it I only get the Velvet I’m after when she’s being such a bi-- oh wait I have a type sorry continue as you were,
But actually God I miss chibi!Velvet pour one out for the cancellation y’all
“This is bad,” Yatsu said sadly.
Me to myself: I know it’s not good writing I know and you know but don’t say anything just move on--
Okay before I move on, I’m definitely seeing a lot of that Yatsu/Velvet hitching, and makes me Nervous because I love Yatsu and I love Velvet but I also love them separately so I’m holding out hope that they get split up at Some Point because they really have been written together pretty much the whole way, huh? 
It’s Fox time, and we’ve got an introduction to Copper, Fox’s mentor (someone mentioned it’s totally a 'The Fox and The Hound’ reference). And-- ah, he’s dead. That was quick.
‘Velvet sometimes let her feelings get the best of her, Fox thought.’
You think that’s bad? You should meet murpverse!Velvet, that bitch has never held a thought in her head for more than five seconds.
I’ll confess I’m now reading pretty far ahead before I have any commentary of note. I’m enjoying Fox’s narration far more than anyone else’s by a pretty considerable margin, and it’s probably ‘cause Fox -- despite saying literally nothing in canon -- saw a lot of people reach the same conclusion to his character? So this one is much easier to settle into. Also, maybe it’s ‘cause he was such a blank slate that the writing works better for him. I dunno.
Story-wise: Edward is-- okay, actually, side-tangent: Edward? We seem to really jump in and out of the colour scheme, huh? Anyway, Edward’s a shady mfer and LET VELVET DO SHIT ON HER OWN!!!!!! LET HER BE A DUMBASS OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!
‘That was the last time he;s underestimate [Velvet].’
Told ya, dipshitte.
Ooh, everyone’s Angery about Everything. Seems like the Mood Bombs are also more passively AOE than just being a Sudden Boom, because everyone’s got a MUCH shorter temper? Then again, mine would be Non-Existent in a desert to begin with, so maybe they’ve all got sand up their butts. Also, Gus is to blame for the Mood Bombs anyway! That’s a big F, kiddo.
Flashback to the dance!
Awh, Ruby made her own outfit and cape. Li’l seamstress! Oh, dang, do you think Summer taught her? Or, at least, showed her how her cape was made? Aaaaa--
Lien remains... weird. I thought it’d be closer to a currency rate like Yen to the dollar (so thousands are worth much less), but the implication here is that twenty Lien is more like $20? The currency here is very weird and even I’m at fault for flip-flopping on it, but I honestly expected it to be more like Yen. Huh.
Coco likes Ruby’s outfit look at that senpai GO.
Oh, okay, so they met at the dance? For some reason, I thought they’d already been acquainted? I thought they mentioned that team CFVY were away in the show (and therefore knew them at least in passing) but apparently not.
Okay, so Coco’s dialogue is... weird? I’m not totally down for the voice the author’s chosen to give her, and the more I see of it the more I’m starting to notice it. That said, I can’t believe Coco has reeled off Ozpin’s whole speech for Ruby. I’d have forgotten three words in.
Still jumping back and forth on Coco’s dialogue. I’m not sure if I like it. Moving on.
Weiss is Big Bitch Supreme, I see. This flashback is striking me all wrong for some reason, but I cannot for my life of me say why.That said, Weiss unironically saying besties is the funniest thing I’ve read all week, so there’s that.
Okay I ate too many calories and walked my dog let’s do this before I have to take said dog to the groomer. On that note, I’m like halfway through the book already? This really is short as heck.
“You had something to say to me?” Velvet asked. The boy clamped his mouth shut.
Do ya? Bihh.
Also I LOVE that highlights from the initiation are playing so that Blake literally looks a thousand times more intimidating. I wish we’d seen more of that kinda thing in the show, with RWBY being the new hotshots and the dynamic they had with Beacon as a whole. But that would have involved not blowing Beacon up to fuck and then having the writers go ‘uh, what do we do now?’ so what the hell do I know.
“What should we do with him?” [Blake] looked at Velvet.
Kill him... and then... kiss....................................
“I don’t believe in fighting prejudice with violence,” Velvet said.
I wish y’all could have heard the sound I made at that. Canon Velvet you’re just so... soggy bread about this.
Blake shook her head. “that’s not how we deal with people like him where I come from.”
Blake yr so HOT... hey you should teach Velvet how you deal with people like him and then kiss. That said, are they talking about Menagerie there? Or the Fang? If it’s Menagerie, that’s even funnier because I love the idea of an idiot running their mouth and then having five families and a baby wail on them.
Blake hates dog-ears in their books. Bad news, asshole, it’s the BEST way to mark PAGES bookmarks are for the UPPER CLASSES who don’t realise BOOKS are TOOLS of EDUCATION--
Yang beat the assholes up anyway I love her!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!
Back with Velvet. Blessing or curse? Who knows.
Edward and Gus make for an. Interesting duo. This plot hasn’t captured my interest crazy well, and if I didn’t know this was RWBY and such I’d probably pass on it ‘cause it’s pretty... eh, but I do like their Semblances and this could’ve been a pretty decent side-plot thing in the show! Such as in My Hero Academia with, uh, whats-his-name... Eraserhead. I dunno. I’m thinking this was a good idea that hasn’t had enough space to breathe.
Emotions are Flying High and Whomst will be the first to crack like Egg? I am liking the method of raising tempers because everything’s a little sloppier and unpredictable! Also, that’s the end of chapter si-- what? Wait, chapter six was only ten pages? Yeesh.
For all in-tents and porpoises, I am tryna keep track of OOC moments, but having everyone be out-of-sorts is making is pretty hard to track. Rip.
We’re with Yatsu again, and he’s talking about his Semblance to... make people forget shit! I still don’t know why this is his Semblance, or the use of it anyway, but whatever! I’m in this cart and the horse ain’t stopping until M+K says so!
I’m with Velvet here; why is she constantly being relegated to the backseat? Coco needs to fuckin’ get her shitte together on this front. Even Fox said earlier than he has to stop underestimating her, but they’re still doing it now.
OH MY GOD THERE’S A GRIMM JACKALOPE??? Holy shit I’m losing all of my marbles shouldn’t these guys have, like, other names????????????? No??? Okay!!!!
Battle scene. I’m not hot on combat in writing because I find it. Kinda boring. But it is what it is so I’m speed-running it.
And so ends chapter seven. I’m gonna stop here because. I want to! I feel like this story is very short and it could’ve already had more to it than this faffery in the desert, but that’s just me!!!!!! I guess!!!!!!!!!!! Next time: another flashback to the goddamn dance.
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All Talk
Summary: Why must it always be that whenever you decide to tease Ghiaccio, you end up in steaming hot water?
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Reader/La Squadra di Esecuzione
HELLO EVERYONE AND WELCOME TO THE FIRST WEEK(END) OF THE LAST SUMMER OF FAFFERY! To those new to this blog, Faffery is a season-long fic spam full of one-shots based on requests and various themes on a weekly basis. ; u ; And alas, this shall be my last confirmed one.
But not too get too emotional on what I hope will be a festive next few weeks, I am eager to get things started with lewds featuring some hopefully confirmed Part 5 antagonists~! I hope you enjoy!
**Warning: the following one-shot contains themes of dub-con, humiliation, and derogatory language!
An attack on one is an attack on all.
A common philosophy shared amongst those who dwelled in a city's crime-ridden underbelly, a warning to those who may feel inclined to ever stand up for themselves, whether knowing or ignorant to being face to face with these residents.
But there were some who were fully aware of who they were dealing with and just simply unfazed by it all.
Much like you towards the men of La Squadra di Esecuzione.
Admittedly, you did have some sway since in the grand hierarchy of Passione, you were roughly within the same range of status like Doppio. Though you still haven't been made privy to the Boss's identity, you communicated regularly with his underboss, which may as well have been the same thing.
Whereas this brought you respect--whether genuinely so or out of fear--whenever you had to check up on Passioine's members, this only earned the snide apprehension from La Squadra, who also happened to be the group you had to monitor and deliver key information to the most.
The black sheep of the organization, so to speak. They were a lively, rowdy bunch, one that was a pain to keep up with, but was an amusing joy to spectate as though they were a comedy routine.
Those of Passione--hell, to just be a gangster period--must be tough and resilient to survive in any circumstance. Rather than cower in fear or cry over the abrasive nature they put up against you, instead you just took it as a challenge, enjoying just how far you could prod this particular beehive. Though your Stand, Glass and Patron, was better suited for infiltrating and snooping around places and people of interest, you could still hold out against your own--at least, just enough to be able to make your escape.
But today's visit to La Squadra's hideout in Florence would be the day when the beehive simply had enough.
It was chaotic as always, especially with all members still gathered in the living room as you came by to inform them of their newest task from the Boss. Considering that their mission involved infiltration, Illuso took it upon himself to give Man in the Mirror a training exercise by dragging Pesci into the huge mirror that took up an entire wall--a decoration he insisted to be installed, of course--making sure that Beach Boy and a furious Prosciutto were kept outside. Ghiaccio was giving Melone a noisy earful, ranting about the latter's audacity to use the term "baby batter" in an off-hand remark about finding the perfect breeding specimen. Formaggio was dragging his knees across the tiled floor, his hands clasped together in a plead as he begged for you to stay--"It's a desert here, amore! Please be the mirage that becomes an oasis to quench my thirst!"
Then there was Risotto, who was seated in the middle of it all in his own personal seat, looking over the documents that you presented to him.
So loud, so noisy. You couldn't wait to get away from it all.
"Well, I guess I'll be seeing you boys later~!" You chimed while casually pushing Formaggio's kissy face away from your thighs. As you passed by where Ghiaccio was sitting, still rambling on better terms to refer to semen with, a grin formed on your lips. Unable to resist, you reached over and pat his head as you said "boys" for emphasis
Catching onto this, he snarled and slapped your hand away while he glared up at you. "Tch, whatever. Have fun returning to your honorary duties as the Boss's jerkoff toy."
Unfazed, you laughed amusedly in response. "As cold as always, Ghiaccio~" It was then that a response came to mind, one that made the grin on your face stretch from ear to ear with unrestrained glee.
"The shrinkage must be constant for you, huh?"
You weren't exactly sure how anyone could have picked up on what you said amidst all the madness taking place in the living room, but you immediately realized how the atmosphere tensed and quieted. If it wasn't so jarring, you would've been amused to see Illuso--dragging out Pesci by the head--poke out from the mirror, his expression tight.
Which was shared by the way how Ghiaccio seized hold of your wrist before you could draw your hand back.
"What. Was. That?"
Before you knew it, you were shoved down to your knees with Ghiaccio standing right in front of you. It was clear that--without question--you made one crucial mistake, one that even Glass and Patron's effective means to slip by undetected would be rendered useless now that you had the attention and power of all members of La Squadra trained on you.
After all, it would prove to be difficult as you were suddenly embraced from behind from Formaggio, who was glad that he was already on his knees. He held you tight, having absolutely no intention to let you go, especially when you had the rest of La Squadra, save for a disoriented Pesci crawling on the ground before the mirror, crowd around you, each with their own expression of absolute disdain.
"Amore, amore, I know that Ghiaccio can be a punk-ass brat but he, along with all of us at La Squadra," Formaggio purred against your ear with smirk, which only grew as the others--even Risotto--reached for the belts to unbuckle them. "...have a nice thing we like to refer to as size."
You shuddered, letting out a squeak of surprise when you felt the heated, wet flat of his tongue trail along the shell of your ear.
Though, nothing could honestly prepare you for the sight of five cocks are various lengths, girths, trims, and cuts being presented right before your very eyes.
Humility often goes a long way, but you really messed up when teasing about size.
Not that you could admit to it, as you snorted in response, trying your best to not seem fazed, "What? Am I supposed to be impressed by a bunch flaccid dicks?"
That earned you a sudden hair grab from Prosciutto, the icininess in his stare matching his blue irises. "Should we take that as a complaint?"
"Aww amore, if you want all nice and hard..." Formaggio teased deviously while he reached for your jaw, squeezing your face to get your mouth to part open. "...then get to work!"
There was no way wiggling out of this. Even if you were to slip out of Formaggio's hold, you were still surrounded by the annoying but formidable members of La Squadra. Your Stand would have no chance against fighting against the likes of Metallica, or eluding White Album. And even if you were to try and bite at their cocks, you could easily see yourself subjected to some weird breeding experiment with Melone's Baby Face.
You scolded yourself. It would seem that you were going to be swallowing more than pride at this moment.
Your tongue flittered out past your lips as you prepared yourself to lick along the head of Prosciutto's cock--apprehensive mainly because this was La Squadra rather than a lack of experience, which you had--but that was not to be since Ghiaccio slapped away the hand of his comrade, freeing your hair, only for him to grab a fistful and drag your head over towards his dick.
"I'll show you shrinkage!" He snarled, his shoulders remaining tense with anger even if you reluctantly complied and began to kiss and suck his cock. "Your mouth got you into this mess and it'll be your only way out!"
"Now, now, Ghiaccio, there are plenty of other places that our lovely informant can offer," Melone mused with a hum, all while he began to salivate at the thought. "Like a pretty cunt to fill with cum and bree--"
He stopped to groan, feeling the warmth of your mouth suddenly envelop the head of his dick. Glancing down, he saw that you were glaring at him, even if you were flustered. In return, he only grinned darkly--you would be the ideal host for him.
"Formaggio." At last, Risotto spoke up while his eyes remained trained on your mouth. "The arms."
"Ohh, where are my manners? Sharing is caring after all~" He purred, loosening his hold on you so your arms were freed, only for your wrists to be seized by a grinning Illuso and an ever frigid Prosciutto, your hands guided to their cocks. The latter glanced to the side, his voice cool as he commanded, "Pesci, get over here."
"I-I will!" Pesci squeaked timidly, having remained on the ground while observing what was going on from afar. "Just...give me a few minutes!"
"I'm giving you one...!" Prosciutto huffed, right as your thumb pressed against the tip of his cock, smearing his pre-cum around before beginning to stroke and pump his length.
By now, you were beyond the awkward start to your extended stay with the men of La Squadra. As much as you wished to be well on your way back to Venice to meet with Doppio, you thought to see your current predicament as a means to seize control, in that your pleasure literally rested in your hands.
Though, La Squadra and its insistent defiance wouldn't allow for you to claim victory anytime soon.
You were overwhelmed. Not a moment to think. Not a moment to dawdle. There wasn't a point when your mouth wasn't utterly stuffed with cock, or when your hands were put to use. It didn't help that while you were made to service them, Formaggio gleefully took it upon himself to strip you down, baring even more territory for La Squadra to take, claim, and grope.
They always were victorious when it came to turf wars.
Above you, the men taunted and teased, even as they groaned and craved more of the slick heat of your tongue, or the softness of your palms. If your mouth and hands were preoccupied, either they shoved one another out the way to possess you--save for their leader, obviously--or decided to nudge and rub their cocks against your now fully exposed chest, smirks forming when it was made apparent that your nipples were stiff.
"Where's that pride you carry yourself with?" The gravely tone of Risotto's voice struck deeply within you, causing a moan to be let out--though you wanted to think it was moreso because Formaggio had gone from rubbing you between your thighs after tearing off your panties to prodding your ass with his fingertips. Though, the sound you emitted was muffled, since La Squadra's leader was grasping your head with both of his big, calloused hands, keeping your head still while he fucked your mouth with the thick girth of his cock.
Your eyes narrowed at him, which resulted in Ghiaccio purposefully rubbing the slick tip of his cock over your cheek. "Oi! Speak up!"
The thought of "Look what's in my mouth, asshole!" crossed your mind, but you--unfortunately--were given the chance to answer as Risotto withdrew his cock from your mouth.
A chance to finally breathe, even if your hands were still made to stroke and jerk off Melone and Illuso.
But what could you say? Answering jokingly and get punished. Answer falsely and get ridiculed. Answer defiantly and get ravaged.
Though, with your head spinning from what you've just gone through, what could you even say about how you felt? La Squadra were the outcasts that you've unfortunately been made to play babysitter for and now you were being dragged over to patch up their pride over a joking insult to their dick size.
Could you ever live it down with yourself to say you found pleasure from this--?
A whimper was suddenly released from your lips, your body arching in surprise when you felt something hard and hot glide right beneath and against your slippery core. Glancing down, you watched as Formaggio's cock slid back and forth, the obscene sound of your wetness made prominent. A rush of heat swept over you, initially because of his actions but moreso to see the smug and/or amused expressions form on the faces of the La Squadra men.
Formaggio leaned forward, his chin resting on your shoulder as he chuckled lecherously. "To answer the question for our speechless beauty of here, Risotto: there ain't a single shred of pride left."
"Then..." Risotto's crimson gaze seized hold of yours. "It's better that we fill the void then."
You shivered.
Upon the same floor where you stood proudly while delivering intel for their next task--all the while playfully threatening them on how if they screw up, they'd all be moving in with Ariel--was where you were left sprawled and across Risotto while he laid beneath you, his hands guiding your hips, hoisting you up before spearing your ass with his cock. Whereas you were wondering how you were going to fit his girth into your mouth left you crying out as you were stretched to accommodate his size.
It made you glad that Formaggio was so insistent on teasing and feeling you up, the bit of preparation that was spared to you.
For someone who carried himself with such silent intimidation, you were honestly astonished to hear him hiss out of pleasure, curses drawn from his lips while he savored your tightness. From the way he held your hips, it seemed clear that he would continue to take control of things. Though, rather than give you time to completely adjust, he droned out loud.
"Who's first?"
Ghiaccio took one defiant step forward, his eyes directly into yours as he growled. "Me...! Goddamn I've been waiting to put you in your place for so long!"
"Heh, weird fuckin' way of confessing your little crush, Ghiaccio." Formaggio smirked arrogantly from across him, all before he rolled his eyes and scowled. "But step aside. I haven't gotten any real action yet, so I'm goin' up first!"
"None of you fuckers are going until Pesci gets his ass over here!" Prosciutto rumbled vehemently, his head snapping over to where Pesci was still seated.
Having been rubbing himself through his pants at the display before him, he responded meekly with a shaky breath. "B-Big bro, it's fine...! I can...I can wait."
"Don't think you're gettin' outta this!"
You heard the devious chuckle of Melone as he observed, "The condition of your body--a good fit for Baby Face, but to be quite honest, you're an even better fit for me--"
"Mm, then I suppose I'll go first." Illuso grinned toothily while sliding right up to you, parting your legs with one hand while the other cupped your cheek. Seeing you tense, he let out a small, amused laugh before he leaned down to peck your lips. "Oh amore, don't you know I've always been fond of you~? Now, relax. I'll be gentle~"
While not as ungodly massive as Risotto, having to take in Illuso's cock--along with that of the aforementioned leader--left you groaning, your back arching as you were overwhelmed by how completely full you felt.
Illuso's teeth clenched as he groaned from entering your warmth, his head tilting back slightly while his smile remained plastered on his face. Slowly, he rocked his hips into and against yours, a contrast to the brutal pace that Risotto was quick to work himself up to."So divine...! Amore, you're something I'd be willing to sit through mass for~"
"God--- Goddamn you, Illuso!" Ghiaccio barked, envy in his eyes. The same could be said for the others present, annoyed that they were beaten to the punch.
Not that it mattered, for everyone would be having their way with you.
Engulfed. Seized. Posessed.
Being on your knees with your mouth open for their use was nothing compared to this.
Risotto acting as your foundation--even while he drilled his cock up into your ass with some otherwordly stamina--your legs remained parted for whomever wanted to claim you for himself. And even if you were preoccupied with two, your mouth and hands were made to be used to bide time until his inevitable turn, going so far as to rub his dick against your chest. Like that of a hydra, when one climaxed, there was always another eager to ravage whatever he could of you, regardless of whether they were able to make you climax or not.
Though relentlessly teasing, you were surprised by how tender Illuso was, with kisses to your neck while thrusting into you steadily before eventually finishing off on your stomach. By contrast, Ghiaccio took after his leader well, pounding into your core, mauling your chest with pinches and gropes, viciously biting at your neck and chest--though, he was pretty flustered when he heard Formaggio's jeer of "Ya' gonna confess your love now?" Even when he came deeply inside your core with a fierce growl, he was reluctant to leave, grunting that he still wasn't done with putting you in your place and wanted to go another round.
Which would have to wait since Prosciutto shoved him off of you, all the while dragging Pesci over and curtly ordering his partner to pay close attention.
Admittedly, anyone could seem gentle by comparison to Ghiaccio and Risotto, but Prosciutto was pumping into you with gusto. You always saw him as frigid and aloof, however, hearing him grunt and curse while his face was flushed red and contorted with pleasure was a side that you couldn't help but appreciate. His hand roamed across your chest, squeezing and groping--less rough and abrasive, more firm yet still pleasurable. Though, not to be too tender, he still made it a point to look down towards you as he hissed "And that makes three...!" as he emptied himself inside of you.
By contrast, Pesci tried. He thrusted into you clumsily, his hands moving over your body, unsure of where to grab or hold onto, even with Prosciutto by his side, instructing him on what to do.
"Aren't...aren't we supposed to hold hands?"
"Absolutely not!"
Eventually, he just grabbed onto your thighs for purchase, pushing his cock in and out of you with no true sense of rhythm or composure. He ended up slipping out of you right as he came, whimpering as his release just inches below your stomach.
Prosciutto patted his head, at first with a sigh before he remarked, "You did alright, Pesci. You did alright."
Amidst the out-of-place touching moment between the two, Melone beat Formaggio to claim you next. His face was twisted with feverish glee, matched by the way he burrowed his cock inside of you, licking his lips over and over in tune to his eager thrusts. The warmth of his tongue snaked along your torso, avoiding where others have smeared their cum, wanting to savor the unique taste of your skin and sweat. Cradling your hips, he thumbed over the skin in admiration, enjoying how they felt in his hands while imagining how glorious they would look while bearing a child. "Di molto...! You're perfect! Perfect!" He exclaimed while kissing and sucking the valley between your breasts.
Similarly to Ghiaccio, he refused to leave you once he eventually came while shivering delightedly that he got to pour his seed inside of you.
Though, with Formaggio yanking him away with the grumble of "God, sometimes your fucks really piss me off," such would not be the case.
Positioning himself between your legs, his mood changed as he winked flirtatiously. "But not you amore~ This is a wet dream come true!"
Yet more relief in contrast to the viciousness of Risotto. His thrusts were fluid, the shift of his hips adhering the experience he had to hone perfection. Warm lips wrapped around your nipples, him groaning as he joyfully buried his face into your chest, shaking his head from side to side against your skin. The callousness of his thumb on your clit offered a delightful sensation, especially as it was in perfect sync to his rhythm with you moaning and squeezing around his cock in response.
By now, your mouth was free, nothing to muffle or silence the noises of pleasure you released.
It was then that you felt Risotto nip at the base of your neck, catching your attention as his quickened his thrusts, becoming more unforgiving as you could feel his cock finally begin to throb within your ass. Your cries became a lot more apparent and clear, especially with both him and Formaggio fucking you. For how long you've endured the brunt of their brutish lust, allowed to cum whenever they felt like it, you milked the two for all they were worth as you came, feeling the heat of Risotto's release within while Formaggio's spilled onto you.
Your breath haggard and heaving, you fell back against the leader's chest, but as exhausted and drained as you were...
It felt good.
"The Boss's precious lapdog is now our little bitch in heat. How fitting," he snarled viciously against your ear. "Tch, to think that we've been getting ordered around by a shameless cock-hungry slut all this time."
His subordinates all laughed--some chuckling, others cackling. A bit of amusement before they readied themselves to have their way with you again.
There was no way they could let you go back to the Boss’s lap after this.
It seemed you were now part of that all.
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Guilty As Charged - Theft
Summary: If there was something that caught Akira’s eye, he would take. And even though you were his fellow Phantom Thief, there was nothing that could compare to the enticing gleam of your heart. 
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Reader/Akira
; u ; And thus we shall soon move on to our final last week of Faffery, the last that is to be done for the time.
But not to get sentimental and sappy, PLEASE ENJOY! 
What was yours was yours.
What was his was his.
And yet he couldn't help but want to take a bit of what was yours.
No, perhaps half.
Or no.
Better yet.
Take absolutely everything.
You or your possessions.
The order didn't matter, for he'd be claiming them anyway.
After all, here he was, in the inner-most depths of your Palace, with the glow of your Treasure shining a mere few feet away.
And this was while he had you right within his grasp, pinned to the floor, your body melding so perfectly with his.
The details were meaningless at this point. Why bother mulling over in the past when the present was just so sweet, his mouth having long been water over a moment like this for so long?
Though, surely he didn't expect you, his fellow Phantom Thief, to have a Palace of your own. Never did he expect it for he cherished and yearned for you so deeply. But there was no way around it.
Your desire for the hearts and affection of others had grown out of control, and he needed to control it.
Emphasis on he.
This would be a solo mission, one that no one else in the team may know--save for you, obviously. He did hand deliver your calling card to you in private, his expression calm and even eager for what was to come. Amidst your shock, your fumbled demand for an explanation and answers, he only shrugged and remarked that you knew what should be expected from here on out.
If you could beat him to your Treasure, he would leave you to deal with your vices on your own. Besides, what was wrong simply craving affection from others--especially when they served as such nice replacements for the guy you couldn't hope to be with?
You were already conflicted with Akira realizing the existence of your Palace, but to have to confess that your desires twisted so much simply because you couldn't find it in yourself to confess your feelings for him was something you wanted to avoid the most. It was much more preferred to not have to look at yourself and confess your insecurities, how you lacked the beauty of Ann, the wisdom of Makoto, the quirkiness of Futaba, or the tenderness of Haru.
Besides, with that confident determination in his eye, you couldn't help but feel a sense of competition rise within you.
Akira would be someone you couldn't take lightly, and having to go against someone like that thrilled you mnore than it did intimidate.
Though, the race to your Treasure resulted with you at the bottom, literally speaking.
As for his victory prize, all he wanted was for you to come clean with yourself, to tell him what caused the formation of your Palace in the first place. However, by his playful demeanor all the while he had you restrained beneath him, something told you that he was more than aware of what was the cause.
Such arrogance.
You loved it.
"You're not putting much of an effort."
A playful, teasing hum that sounded more like a seductive purr, especially when it was uttered right into your ear while you felt his fingers run along your sides, intent on seeking whichever places made you shudder and pant out most. He was situated right on top of you, the front of his lithe, toned body pressed snug against your backside. Feeling his erect cock dig into your backside furthered the conflict between your pride and you lust.
"Sh-Shut it," you panted out, attempting to buck him off of you with your body.
That wasn't happening anything soon, and by how things were looking--and feeling right between your thighs--this was a losing battle--you had to be honest with yourself.
Being dominated by Akira while he teased and toyed with you, it was becoming easier to just yield and offer yourself to him.
"You've been struggling like that for a while, and that was by far the weakest attempt. In this case...Do you prefer my cock over your Treasure then?" A devilish chuckle rose from the depths of his throat while he slowly rutted his hips deep against you. Without looking at him, you could picture the gleam in his masked eyes mirroring his expressed wickedness. "Has your Treasure lost its significance because of me?"
He wasn't lying.
Your vision was becoming clouded with lust. The enticing gleam of your Treasure became duller by the second--unlike the profound, tangible sensation of pleasure by the way Akira was teasing you.
If you weren't going to bother with protecting your Treasure, then surely there was no need to keep on your thief attire, which only made you feel stuffy and overwhelmed by ravenous heat. This was not made any easier by the warmth exterted by his body.
So close, but so far.
So far, too hard to reach.
It wasn't worth the effort. Not when you could yield to the guy you craved most.
Quivering at his words, you lifted your hips back against his, not in retaliation but to receive. "A-Akira! Please!"
You were granted freedom.
He just wanted to flip you around you were facing him while he remained on top of you. As you expected, he was smirking widely, his gaze expressing nothing but the untamed desire he had for you. Keeping your wrists pinned by either side of your head, he queried in a low, teasing purr while his hips rocked against your pelvis, "Your words and your actions...are you saying that I'll I get to keep this Treasure--all of it--to myself then?"
You nodded vigorously, tears practically lining your eyes from how long you've been teased and edged forward. "It's all for you to take!"
Akira closed the gap between your liips and his, barely leaving a milimeter of space between the two, his tone hushed. "But what if I want the pretty owner instead?"
"I'll be yours...! I'll be yours! I promise!" You cried out desperately. "It's all I want, Akira! To be yours...I wouldn't have a Palace if I wasn't craving you so much!"
"You poor, little thing," he crooned, kissing your forehead. His gaze softened though his smirk remained. "Let me take this burden right off of your hands, shall I, darling? It'll be an absolute pleasure for me to do this for you."
So flimsy.
The sturdiness of your self-control, the might of your resolve, the fabric of your attire as Akira eagerly ripped it apart.
But there was no need to concern yourself with those things any longer.
At last, you had foundation, even if--amusingly enough--it was positioned right on top of you.
And yet, you knew he was someone to rely upon, to trust, to love. He was not perfect and his intentions--however good--may be muddled with some vices, but they all attributed to why you wanted him so much in the first place. For now, you could seek comfort in the hungry kisses he took from your lips, attain joy from his fingers caressing whatever his eyes could see, find purchase in his shoulders as you clutched onto them tightly while he pummeled your slick core with his cock.
So ravenous.
"God you don't know how long I've wanted you...!" He snarled between clenched teeth before claiming your lips with his. By how many marks that his mouth left in their wake amidst all the kisses he planted on your skin, this held true. By his conflict of savoring each moment his cock sank deeply into your heat and utterly ravaging you with quick, little pounds to your center, this was unquestionable.
Hell, he would be willing to fight anyone who dared to claim otherwise.
For now, he would take this moment--this lifetime--to express how much he longed for you. Through kisses, through touch, he would show you how much he fantasized about being intimate with you.
In the end, Akira ended up not taking your Treasure. Rather, he took you home instead, where the two of you continued to relish finally resolving months worth of desire and pining over one another.
While he held you in his arms later that night, he watched as the moonlight filtered in from his window and loomed over your face. You looked ethereal, like a dream come true.
A grin forming on his features, Akira proceeded to bring his lips to yours in a soft, delicate manner.
From here on out, he would be sure to treasure you dearly.
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Cotton Shirts - If Get Your Hair Wet, I’ll Kiss You on the Mouth
Summary: Truly there was no better test of Josuke’s love than putting the heavily meticulousness of his hair on the line.
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Reader/Josuke
; u ; Hello everyone. It’s almost time for things to end! Just one more one-shot to go after this!!!
As mentioned yesterday, this collection of one-shots was inspired by “Cotton Shirts” by Revolution, I Love You!
That said, I hope you enjoy this Josuke fluff!
He won't do it.
There was no way that Josuke Higashikata would be diving into this lagoon with you.
With moonlight as your main source of illumination, your eyes peered up to the dock before you, all the while you floated in place within enchantingly teal waters. Though the point of this university-sponsored school trip to Hawaii had a heavy educational aspect to its itinerary, it would be outright cruel to not allow students to go out and enjoy the gorgeous, natural splendors of the islands--this lagoon included.
And yet, even with a day spent and devoted to seeking cooling liberation from the summer heat, you just couldn't get enough of the water whereas Josuke couldn't get enough of you.
Hence why the rest of your students--Okuyasu included--were snoring off an exhaustive yet fun day at the designated camp spot your school reserved, you were intent on sneaking back to the lagoon to continue your swim while Josuke insisted on being your confidant forever the evening, as it would be too dangerous to have you go alone.
And you were giddy that your crush was so intent on prioritizing your well-being and keeping you company.
Save for actually getting in the water with you.
It left you pouting, your mood literally dampened.
Though you understood--Josuke was simply protective of his hair and, by what you heard from Koichi, there was a sentimental reason for his painstakingly attentive care to his pompadour and was why he spent the day at the lagoon watching you while posing and flexing his muscles every time you looked his way.
Still, crush aside, it would be a shame on his behalf if he never jumped into the water at least once.
Plus, travel often drew out and encouraged one's adventurous side.
And so, as you made your way to the lagoon, you made it a show to strip down to your swimsuit while you walked before him, letting one article drop to the ground after another. His eyes were burning into the back of your head, his cool--sometimes cheesy--quips melting on his tongue before they could be articulated properly. You were tempted to look back and see the expression on his face, but determined to get him in the water one way or another, you resisted the urge, up until you reached the lagoon's small dock.
Here, it was when--before you took the plunge into the lagoon's depths--you turned back to Josuke, smiling innocently as you remarked. "Say Josuke--if you dare to get your hair wet and swim with me, I'll give you a kiss."
Your face instantly became hot and you remedied that by jumping into the water before he could react.
Now, you had risen up from the water, staring up at the dock, wondering if he was going to take the bait or not.
Which, unfortunately, was looking to be the latter.
At least, your thoughts began as you moved to float on your back, the water was worth the night visit--
The rushed padding of feet against wood caught your attention, seized in place when you witnessed and felt the intense ripple of water by the addition of another person into the lagoon.
Your heart began to race, beating right against your chest when you watched as Josuke emerged up to the surface with a gasp, the pristine state of his gelled hair slowly but surely succumbing to the water as his pompadour began to sag and fall apart.
But what truly had you petrified was the determined shine in his blue eyes and the cocky grin that swept over his features.
Josuke was feeling adventurous too.
Particularly to exploring every inch of you while being as thorough as possible.
His index finger sticking out before pointing at his lips, he asked you with a hum, "Alright then...so where's my kiss?"
You almost couldn't speak, instead left to gawk and stare at him in disbelief.
"Jo-Josuke...!" Your jaw was slack. "You--! You actually...!"
Josuke's grin turned into a teasing smirk. "You're not holdin' out on me, right?"
And while he carried all the confidence in the world, his heart as well was pounding wildly as he bent down, languidly closing the distance between your faces while making sure to maintain distance--this was to be done at your call.
Even if he couldn't help but goad you with a cheeky, "A deal's a deal after all."
As for you, though utterly flustered, you knew that you were being presented with an opportunity that you had longed and yearned for so long.
He left what was done next at your call.
And thus you picked up and answered, greeting him with a kiss.
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Dirty talk with praise from Iwai for his girlfriend who is learning how to deepthroat him? Please and thank you for all of your hard work!!!
“That’s it, cutie. Keep goin’…”
Between the hoarse but content sigh that met your ears to the calloused hand that gingerly stroked your head, you felt the wet heat between your thighs intensify, a moan escaping you as you eased more of your boyfriend’s thick cock into your mouth.
It was a slow and steady development, but as your relationship with Iwai continued to grow, so did the gradual process of you being able to deepthroat almost daunting length and girth of his cock. Being able to fit your lips around the head was one thing, but then to ease the rest of his shaft inside was a matter that would take time to accustomed to.
And Iwai was especially happy to clear his schedule for you.
His eyes half-lidded and his lips in a dazed but pleased grin, he lazily savored the lollipop he had tucked between his lips, artificial sweetness coating his tongue. And yet, his mouth continued to water while watching your earnest attempt to please and satisfy him.
“So good…” Was the low rumble of his voice as he bit down onto the stick of his lollipop. “God, you’re so fuckin’ good…”
The two of you were hidden away in his office, with you situated on your knees, one hand massaging his inner thigh through his worn, denim jeans while you stroked the base of his cock with your other. Simply watching you try to wrap your lips and fingers around his thickness made him throb like nothing else–but still maintaining self-control, because like hell he’d be shooting his load off so easily like some punk teenager.
Hearing his praise, you pressed your thighs together, rubbing them against one another in hopes of easing the rush of pleasure that went through your body. However, that wasn’t enough and you were suddenly compelled to draw your hand away from his leg to instead press it over your clothed core, all while you mewled around his cock.
Iwai’s lollipop shattered as he bit down onto its sweet surface.
You felt his hand cup your cheek, the rough surface of his thumb drawing your attention. Your eyes met his and he shuddered to see the innocently curiosity in your stare.
“Fuck, when you look at me like that, with that pretty mouth sucking me off so nicely…” He licked his lips, smirking as he stroked your cheek once more before he brought it to your hair, slowly grabbing a handful as he purred. “…makes me wanna stuff that pretty pussy of yours with my cock. Which, on that note…”
He slowly drew your head back, your lips slipping off of his dick, which throbbed as the warmth of your mouth was replaced by the cool air of his office. You squeaked as you were suddenly scooped up into his arms, hearing all sorts of things–papers, pens, screwdrivers and gun parts–fall to the floor before you were laid upon his desk.
Iwai loomed over your body, his fingers cupping your chin before he bent down to steal a scorching kiss from you. When he reluctantly drew back, he proceeded to spread your legs wide as he hummed out with a wink.
“We’ll pick up where we left off tomorrow, alright baby?”
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Bath fucking with abbacchio 🅱lease
“Someone certainly missed me, huh…?”
Your words were spilled from your smiling lips in a gasp, all while your fingers desperately grasp onto the slippery, wet edge of the exquisitely ornate porcelain bathtub you intended on spending the night relaxing in. After the last mission that Don Giorno had you take on, there was nothing else on your mind besides resting within the comforts of your home.
Which, of course, also extended to the embrace of Abbacchio, your lover.
Affection was expressed and displayed quietly in the eyes of others, but much more passionate and open when it was just between the two of you.
Such as now, while Abbacchio had you pinned against one side of the bathtub, your front pressed against the sleek white surface while he caged your body with his. The glossy black color of his manicured fingernails dug into your hips while he ravaged your core with slow, firm yet deep thrusts. To feel yourself speared and stretched out by his cock was a familiar sensation that you yearned and longed for while you were away. Your neck was marred with red and black, courtesy of his teeth and smeared lipstick–its pristine state was among his top priorities to amend with your return.
You heard a snort from behind, just before a trail of kisses along your shoulder-blades up to your ear purred out hoarsely, “And someone could’ve done more status reports. It seems Narancia’s habits affected you during this mission.”
Turning back to face your lover, you remarked teasingly, matched by the glint in your eye. “Leone, don’t tell me that you’re jealous–!”
There was a smack to your ass–not too much impact to hurt, but enough to make you yelp with surprise. The hand that returned to your hip reinforced and furthered its hold on you, all while he tsked you with a grunt. “You said you wanted to relax, didn’t you, amore mio? Don’t give me reasons to deepen your fatigue.”
You shuddered, even as a grin formed while you ground your hips back against his to meet his thrusts, to take in and feel more of his thick cock. “Fine–even if I know you’d spoil me afterwards~”
Abbacchio snorted once more. Despite this, he closed the gap between your body and his, drawing you closer while he hid his face in your neck, his lips forming a smile.
Truly, he missed you so.
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Guilty As Charged - Prostitution
Summary: Somehow you weren’t surprised that Mishima would be into maids, which in turn you didn’t mind much since he was your high school crush. You also didn’t mind him hiring you to be his personal maid to tidy up his room. Even if he was consistently making a mess of himself because of you.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Reader/Mishima
And so we begin a new week of Faffery, this time with all one-shots inspired by Chairlift’s “Guilty As Charged!” I hope you enjoy Mishima today, and the one-shots that are to follow~!
This room. This bedroom.
Clean. Spotless.
You did your job well, frilly uniform and all.
But there was one place in the bedroom that remained filthy. No matter how much effort you put into removing the grime, the scum, the dirtiness stayed.
This part of the bedroom was the bed, whereupon your master--well, for as long as he could continue to hire you full-time as his personal maid despite being a college student--was sitting while watching, ogling at you clean his room. But he wasn't merely spectating, as evidenced by the quick, rhythmic slapping noise that he made while jerking himself off furiously.
He was just wondering how far he could go with you, while offering however much you wanted in exchange.
Though, the fact that he attended the same college as you made him hesitant to go any further than indulging in his maid fetish. While you appreciated him drawing the line in some regard, you really wouldn't have minded going further with him.
Yuuki Mishima was your high school crush.
But you didn't want to get too deep into reminiscing. Not when you literally had him within your grasp.
You continued to straddle his hips, your palms resting against his chest, remaining as still as possible while his hands roamed over your body. The few thousand yen bills haphazardly thrown to where your bag was currently situated on his nightstand allowed him to do so.
Love didn't pay loans, after all.
Though, feeling his need by the way he desperately pawed at you through your uniform was making you consider taking this session on the house. Between your thighs, you could feel the outline of his erect cock and how it pressed and rubbed against you. He had been at this for not even that long and you were already drenched.
Your sessions never gone beyond you legitimately cleaning his room while he masturbated to the sight of you. The only difference today was that you chose to not wear underwear. Since the two of you were both on summer break, you thought you could mention an undisclosed offer that was exclusive just for him.
He saw the bait and bit down viciously hard.
Which, on that regard, your teeth happened to sink down onto your bottom lip as you felt Mishima's hands quickly reach for the top of your white thigh-high socks, only to shove themselves up your dress to seize and grope your ass. The suddenness of his action made it hard for you to hide back a noise, the gasp you let out causing him to gulp hard, even as he continued to fondle your warm skin.
As per your job description, you were just here to clean and adhere to any requests that were legal and morally correct. Though, with the obvious implication of "Maids that do anything for you", you've heard plenty of stories from your co-workers of them doing more than simply scrubbing the floor for their masters.
Thus, while you regained your composure, your eyes scanned to the side of the bed, where crumpled balls of used, sticky tissues laid around a now empty container box. You gazed down at him warmly, your smile innocent even as your voice was sultry, "So many tissues~ Master Mishima, you're really dirty, huh?"
The effect of you calling him out for his depravity only stoked his neediness. Shuddering, he gave your ass another squeeze, keeping you still as he lifted his hips up to grind up against your pelvis. "W-What about it?! I really...I really am, but...I can't help myself! Not while you're here!"
You refrained from whimpering and pressing your hips down onto his. If things were to progress any further, you wanted him to make the first move. All those days spent pining after him from afar--now you had the upper hand in making him whine and plead for you.
Not to mention you wanted to cover your rent payment for the month.
However, before more could be done, or said, the alarm for your phone went off, signaling that your session had come to an end.
Whatever teasing quip you were to make--especially for the sake of masking your own disappointment--was silenced but the panicky cry of Mishima.
"W-Wait! Can I...can I just...put it inside you now? I'll pay double-- triple, whatever you want! I just...I just need to fuck you right now...! Please! If you leave now, I'll go mad!"
He was blabbering, his face looking so red and hot, his eyes reflecting nothing but earnest desire and need. It was a pitiful sight, coming from your senpai, who you looked up to and fawned over so much.
You absolutely loved it.
Your hands moved from his chest to his face. Cradling his soft cheeks, you smiled sweetly towards him as you chirped, "Please do whatever you wish! I'm more than happy to go overtime for you, Master Mishi--! M-Ma!"
To find yourself suddenly flipped around with him situated right above you surprised--and thrilled--you to say the least. But you were all for him taking charge, beyond just stammering over his words while shyly asking if you could sweep over his game consoles, of which doing so carried the implication of bending over to do so.
Now, however, he was lost to temptation, throwing his entire wallet at your bag, just before he tore off his belt and shoved down his pants and boxers in his frantic need to be inside of you.
You wished to admire and marvel at his cock further once it sprang free from their confines--so many hours spent fantasizing over it--but you were fine with him instead sheathing it deep within your wet, slick core once he seized your thighs to part them wide. The breathless groan he let out as your warmth enveloped around him was an embodiment euphoria in of itself.
As your hands quickly clutched at the sheets beneath your body, you cracked an amused smile as you noted, "M-My, so eager, aren't we Master Mishima? Did I fluster you this much--?"
Goodness he was in the mood to interrupt you, by how he leaned down to claim your mouth in a longing kiss. This tenderness contrasted with him proceeding to pound his cock into you without any intent of stopping. Against the frilliness of your maid uniform, he remained above you while working himself into a frantic fervor. He was moving so quickly inside of you, the sound of his hips meeting yours with balls slapping against your ass near unfathomable with his hurried rhythm.
One arm wrapped around your body to hug you close while the other sought out your chest--namely whatever he could tear at to open your uniform and have access to your skin. But he was in no hurry--for once--for as long as he could at least grope you through your clothes was enough for now, as he was much too entrenched in fucking you vigorously to regard anything else.
This was all better than you could have ever imagined. From when you were giddy at the idea of him linking fingers with you in public to him just absolutely ravaging you to this extent, you felt smothered, overwhelmed by his passion.
And you craved more.
Though, from how you could feel Mishima's cock throb within you, it was clear that you would have to look forward to another time--not that you would mind that scenario.
The kiss that the both of you have been sharing, which only grew sloppier as things between you both progressed, was broken. Instead, Mishima buried his face in your neck, the hand on your chest moving to then wrap around your body as well, now encircling you as much as he possibly could.
And then he said your name.
"I love you!" Mishima cried out while squeezing you tight, all the while his cock thrust into you shallowly as his hot seed poured into you in spurts.
As if your face wasn't hot already.
"A-Ah god...! I love you too, Mishima!" You mewled loudly while arching up into his body, your hands flying up from the bed to embrace him, all while your core squeezed around his cock in a further effort to milk as much out of him as you could.
The two of you lied upon his bed, no words said, just exchanging nothing else but ragged breaths and racing heartbeats. You remained in each other's arms, neither of you wanting to let go.
Not now.
Not even in five minutes.
Not even an hour from now.
Or longer.
Though, given by what was last said, you thought to bring it up--how could you not? Your lips moved over towards his cheek, getting the attention of your master.
Or rather, Yuuki Mishima, who you admired so.
"Hm?" He faced you directly, still not quite fully processing what the two of you just did, what he was in such demand for.
"So then, what was that about love?" You queried, your eyes twinkling and your lips curling in a wide grin.
Mishima became flustered once again.
He had a lot to say to you tonight.
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Guilty As Charged - False Imprisonment
Summary: Being Kaoru’s tutor, you were treated and paid well by Iwai, who was thankful that someone competent was helping his son with his studies. However, when a bit of accidental snooping on your end leads you to uncover some interesting details about your boss, he decides it may be best for the two of you to have a little talk in the back room--regardless if Akira is right outside.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Reader/Iwai
Reality and the Metaverse could be indistinguishable.
People, the entire expanse of Tokyo, even outer worldly places like a space station felt believable.
Mysterious, daunting, it would make the common person go mad with being immersed in such a phenomena.
And yet, Akira was capable of navigating and leading his friends through the other dimension, especially with the use of his Third Eye.
Obviously, such an ability worked mainly in the Metaverse, but there were times when he found himself trying to perceive reality while going about his daily routine. He didn't see anything too out of the ordinary while utilizing his Third Eye, save for the Arcanas of those whom he established close relationships with.
Which in turn lead to quite the mystifying night shift at Untouchable.
Tasked with helping Iwai do some major layout changes with the store's displays and wares, Akira often found his thoughts set adrift while packing up model guns. It didn't help that Iwai seemed preoccupied as well, quietly shifting the lollipop in his mouth around while he stood back to survey and think over his plans for how the new setup would look, even while the glazed look in his eyes said otherwise.
Not feeling like incurring the wrath of a former yakuza gang member--and therefore lose out on access to his boss's special menu--he didn't bring up any needless questions, simply sticking to inquires about the task at hand. At the very least, Iwai seemed be more at ease than usual, if not distracted, especially since he would suddenly mumble about needing to check the inventory in the backroom.
Akira didn't pay much mind to it.
At first.
But having to do such a tedious task--on a Thursday night no less--made it easy for him to draw forth his Third Eye so often enough that it became apparent that the Hanged Man Arcana was coming in and out of the back room.
While odd, it didn't seem something worth being suspicious over.
But it did pique some curiosity.
Especially when--upon return--Iwai seemed to be a lot more relaxed, pleased, even...smug and eager? The corners of his lips were quirked as he quickly shut the door behind him on the way out. But what was even more bizarre was when he stepped back into the main floor space with a completely different lollipop in his mouth, even if the last one was far from being finished. Added with the silence and the already strange atmosphere hanging in the store, there was definitely something strange going on this evening, and his mischievous side wanted to know why.
Hence, when Iwai announced that he was going to pass by Triple Seven to pick up some snacks after repositioning a display case closer to the store's entrance--offhandedly mentioning something about tonight going to be long--Akira quietly stepped over to the backroom once his boss was out the door.
For most of the evening, Akira didn't have the chance to hang around behind the counter and the back room. Thus, right as he approached the door to the back, it was when he happened to glance over to where the cash register was, noticing that there was a familiar-looking backpack right underneath. Curiously, he paused his movements to instead do some further inspecting.
Akira could have sworn that he saw this bag before, else why would it have captured his attention so much that he'd want to look at it further. It was then that things became clear once he noticed that the backpack was partially open, with a Tokyo University notebook peeking out from within.
Tokyo University.
A bit of an 'aha!' moment came to mind as he recalled whose backpack this belonged to.
The bag belonged to you, the college student who was currently tutoring Kaoru for school. During his shifts--or when he passed by Unstoppable after school to inspect any new wares before heading to the Metaverse with the rest of his friends--he would occasionally see you at the store, helping your pupil with his homework. You were a pleasant person to be around, carrying your own charm while emanating this sense of--oxymoron or not--mature youth that he personally found alluring.
Though, during the times he would try his luck with you always happened to be thwarted by Iwai, who either shooed him off, or gave him some new task to keep him busy. Which, on that regard, his boss did seem to be more at ease when you were around as well--in a manner far different from it purely because of Kaoru’s presence.
What then stumped Akira at that moment was that his fellow high schooler was supposed to be away on a class trip for the week. This lead to the obvious inquiries of whether you were here or not, and if so, why?
Akira was left to ponder, falling deep in thought and in perception.
And then he heard it.
From the back room.
Blinking, Akira slowly rose up from his crouched position before he approached the door. He was certain that he heard a muffled moan from within. Which, with everything that he has seen so far--Iwai's odd behavior and your school bag--made everything rather sus--
"Huuuh? You're still working?"
Considering that it was Morgana, who just happened to make his way back into the store, it seemed fitting that Akira practically leapt up to cling to the ceiling, akin to what one would see a cat in a cartoon do. He turned around and was about to give his companion a light scolding-- were it not for the store's front door opening even wider, with Iwai having just returned.
With a plastic bag in hand and a lollipop still stuck between his lips, he grumbled out his 'hello' along with, "Hmph, passed by your cat on the way back, kid." Though, whatever calm mood he seemed to be in soured--even if it was minimal--as he noticed where Akira was currently positioned and that the task he assigned to the youth was still unfinished.
Iwai's eyes narrowed as his gaze shifted from one display case back at Akira, "You're still packing up the models...? What were you doing while I was gone?" His tone then took on a steelier edge. "And why the hell're you hangin' behind the counter?"
The feeling that swept over Akira was akin to navigating through the first floor of a Palace with its security level near its capacity. What he needed to do right now was diffuse this situation as quickly as possible.
"Sorry, I...uh...was getting messages on Line, but they weren't loading properly because of some coverage issues," Akira blurted out, all the bringing a hand to the back of his head as he bowed slightly, his expression sheepish. "I was wandering around the shop to see if it was because of the building."
Whereas Iwai heard a meow, Akira heard "Akira, you're an excellent thief but a terrible liar" from Morgana as he approached him from below. Glancing down, he watched as the cat relax one arm over his shoe while propping his elbow on the other. With one squishy paw against his cheek, the look on his face was both amused and exasperated.
It made for a good distraction from what could possibly result in feeling the wrath of Iwai.
However, his boss only shook his head in response. "Tch, you kids these days. Is less than an hour without phone access really gonna fuck with you like that?"
Remaining sheepish, Akira just shrugged. "It depends really."
Thankfully, Iwai's shoulders relaxed as he let out a sigh, "Just finish the shit that I told you to do. Got it?"
"Got it," Akira affirmed before hurriedly returning to the main store floor, with Morgana in tow.
The cat was astonished yet impressed. "Guess all that time spent with Yoshida paid off, huh?"
Iwai made his way back to the counter, noticeably having yet to set the plastic bag down, as Akira noted while getting back to work--with Morgana curling up beside his feet--all as he kept an eye on his boss. Though the room remained quiet, all he could hear was that moan he heard from the back room.
He wondered whether Iwai caught on to him being suspicious with curiosity, since he was just standing around while surveying the room. However, he was only taken by his boss suddenly letting out a sigh.
"Goddamn is it quiet in here."
It was then that Iwai continued to stand around briefly, just before an idea seemed to occur to him, given by how he turned to retrieve something from a drawer beneath the cash register.
"'Oi, Kurusu."
Akira stopped mid-pack. "Hm?"
With one hand, Iwai was holding what looked to be a fancy little Bluetooth speaker. "Here, use this if you wanna. Kaoru messes with it whenever he decides to come by and wait for me to close up shop."
"Oh...uh, sure...thanks," he responded with a nod, reaching to push up his glasses, as they were beginning to slip down the bridge of his nose.
"Choose something pleasant, will ya?" Iwai queried while cracking a small grin. "I've gotta sort through the new orders I received--some clean, some dirty." His grin faded as he sucked in his teeth. "A real pain in the ass if you ask me, but if I don't get this done tonight, it's only gonna fuck me over later."
Akira approached the counter, nodding with understanding. "Will do."
It was then, at long last, Iwai turned towards the back room. "Paperwork's gonna be some shit, so don't bother me unless some 'old friends' of mine wanna say hi. I'll try not to be long with it, so I'm trusting you've got packing shit up and moving 'em around like I told you, yeah?"
Offering a thumbs up, Akira affirmed, "Leave it to me, Iwai."
Iwai chuckled, not even looking back as he stepped forward, "Damn well better." There was a smirk that then formed one his face, unseen by Akira, but soon revealed to you as he returned to the back room, making sure that the door was locked shut once it closed.
"I'm back, sweetheart."
His smirk widened as you remained as lasciviously pristine as he left you: naked, flushed, sitting upon the stool he used for his crafting table, your legs were still spread wide apart, your calves and thighs bound together with rope while your wrists were restrained behind your back with a zip tie. There was a gleam between your legs, thanks to him hungrily lapping at and teasing your core with his tongue earlier, now mainly because of how drenched you were with need. As delicious as a sight you were, however, the first thing that caught his eye were your lips.
Your lipstick was still smeared from when he was aggressively fucking your mouth during his third visit to the backroom. However, what was the lollipop he stuck in your mouth before he left for the convenience store--while the poorest excuse for a gag, it was moreso entrusting that you would comply with his demands. Though, with a quick glance to the floor, he saw where the saliva-slick candy had fallen.
He clicked his tongue and noticed you shudder. "I thought the agreement was for you to do everything that I say." Reaching into his plastic bag, he drew out a box of condoms--you could feel your mouth water as you noticed the 'magnum' label on the front. Almost mockingly, he tossed the container up into the air before catching it, repeating this as he admonished you. "Guess I got these for nothin', huh?"
"It fell out on accident, I swear!" You whimpered with a shake of your head. "I still-- I still want to do whatever you ask, Iwai!"
Truly, when you came to Untouchable this evening, you didn't expect to wind up in this position--literally and figuratively speaking. As a college student, you cherished the money you had to your name down to the last coin. Though you did your best to save as much as possible, you still wanted to indulge in some fun over this summer, which included a trip to Okinawa with your friends.
While the cost was equally split, there was an impending deadline for when you had to turn your money in, namely for your hotel. This would have been covered easily, had there not been some delay with your paycheck from Iwai.
At first, you begun tutoring Kaoru right as he was finishing up middle school. Your assistance proved to be effective, evidence by his grades, and both he and Iwai enjoyed having you around. However, your workplace's tutoring program only covered students up to junior high school, which your newfound boss didn't see any concern, as he offered to pay you fulltime to have you tutor Kaoru exclusively.
You had no qualms about this arrangement. Kaoru was a joy to teach and--for more personal reasons--Iwai oozed this rugged, near dangerous charm that made every visit to his store worthwhile. The only difference was now that rather than work out any payment arrangements through the college program, now you were doing so directly with your boss.
And really, there hadn't been much issue over your paychecks--Iwai was an honorable man, after all. It was just that you were on a deadline and couldn't stand to wait any longer. You were told that the check was prepared. It was just mailing it over that was the issue. Bringing this up to him seemed to have no effect, as he seemed to have forgotten while dealing with new commissions and orders.
Consulting Kaoru really would've been the easiest solution, but he was gone for a school trip by the time you were expecting your payment. You avoided asking him for assistance, as you knew he would be too busy worrying about you rather than having fun.
It was then that you thought it would be wise to simply look for your check--save Iwai a few yen from having to mail it over.
By some godsend coincidence, the key that Kaoru had to Untouchable was in your personage. As your last tutoring session with him was right before he had to go pack for his trip, his priorities and excitement had his mind going elsewhere besides work. How exactly it ended up in your bag remains a mystery.
Though, on that regard, you ended up stumbling onto a whole other world of surprise when you came by the store--around when Iwai usually took his lunch. By luck, the back room was still open and though things looked the same as always, the newest addition was what was on his work table. Not a mere airsoft model--given the lack of the orange nib--but the real deal.
You saw a stack of letters on the side of the table, which prompted you to look through, even if your heart was racing against your chest. Hoping to god that your check was there, you searched, only to come up empty. Though, you wondered who these letters were for--Tsuda, Masa, and more. There was even a checklist full of different models and the quantity of each, with a Tsuda denoted at the top.
Thinking back to Iwai himself, just the fact that he has a tattoo was damning in itself. Suddenly that rogue, masculine charm he carried made a lot more sense when looking over what was before you. What was surprising to yourself was that you only found this all thrilling rather than terrifying.
Which, was fine, as you then heard the snarl of, "Who the fuck's back there?!"
There was Iwai standing at the entrance to the back room.
Here was you--looking dressed for the summer and like that of a lost lamb--standing near his work desk that had an unfinished commission job and paperwork that absolutely no one was allowed to look at.
Surely, you didn't think that you'd be begging for forgiveness from your boss, formerly of the yakuza, even if he seemed to have ties that he was unable to completely sever. You thought this was it for you, knowing too much, seeing too much.
However, Iwai was a man of honor.
Imposing and fearsome as he seemed at this moment, he took in a deep breath as he muttered about making a deal with you. Something that would allow you to keep your job--devastating Kaoru and ruining your means to make a living was the last thing he wanted, but something that would test your trustworthiness and means to keep quiet.
But Iwai was a man of yakuza honor.
An evening meant to test your endurance and draw your sanity to a teetering point. You were told that Akira was supposed to come by to work tonight--no way could he slack off any productivity. All the while he helped out with moving all the store's wares around, he would come back to check on you, bound as he saw fit with the supplies he had on hand. He could do whatever he wanted to you.
There was plenty to reconsider regarding this arrangement: him being your boss, him being formerly part of the yakuza, him having just caught you realizing he was part of the yakuza, him being a good couple decades older than you, and more.
But in all honesty, this was merely fantasy coming to be realized, of months of undisclosed sexual tension finally coming to a head.
As torturous as it was, there was something alluring to see Iwai walk in and out of the room, shrugging off his surly demeanor for something far more ravenous and carnal. Having his tongue drag tantalizingly slow over your clit after vigorously lapping over your center in quick strokes, all the while the roughness of his stubble scratched against your thighs. Paired with him growling out, "Sweeter than sake. Fuck, I wouldn't mind gettin' drunk off of you," you were left squirming and squealing into your panties as they remained tucked in your mouth--by his doing, of course.
He wished to have heard you more clearly, but that was for another time, much like your release. Right as he could tell you were about to climax, he pulled back, a smirk on his face as he hummed about needing to check up on Akira.
Per the agreement between the two, you didn’t dare complain, even as your body remained enflamed and screaming for satisfaction.
When he returned, he gave your jaw a break from having to hold your panties within your mouth. Instead, he thought to gag you with his cock, having you awkwardly lay across his stool on your back, grunting at you to keep your lips open for a treat.
Gentle he was not.
Feeling the girth of his cock stretch your mouth and slide against his tongue made you slick, a feeling furthered by the vicious tempo of his thrusts. As he pushed his hips into your face, his hands reached for your chest, groping your flesh, twisting and pinching your nipples. To hear him curse and growl out of pleasure only made you want to please him more.
In direct contrast to you, there was an expectation that he would fuck your mouth until he climaxed. But to your surprise--and disappointment--he pulled out abruptly and proceeded to reposition you back up on his stool. Though, what stoked even more anticipation was the murmur of how he wasn't done with you just yet, all before he announced that he was going to pass by Triple Seven.
Now here you were, your gaze pleading, begging for more. From outside, you could hear muffled jazz music begin to play at a decently loud volume--an effect that Iwai mentioned he would have occur.
Caring little for how pathetic you looked, you whined, "I heard footsteps, so I got excited and thought it was you. The lollipop just fell out of my mouth--really!"
"Footsteps, huh?" Iwai repeated with a lift of his eyebrow, just before a chuckle rose out of him. "You can thank Kurusu for that." His eyes trailed down your body, taking and drinking in the sight of your vulnerable state. He'd be a rotten liar if he said that he never fantasized about having his way with you. Every time you came to the store was like a refreshing, cool drink on a summer day--a perfect fit considering the current season.
You were just so lively and bright, offering Kaoru nothing else but whole-hearted support and encouragement. The treatment of his son was a definite factor in his attraction to you, but he would have to admit that he enjoyed watching you bend over to pick up fallen pencils more often than he should.
With the box of condoms in his hand, his grip around it tightened slightly as he dropped the plastic bag to the ground, approaching you slowly. He watched your eyes dart to his grip on the container, seeing them brim with anticipation when he proceeded to open it and retrieve a condom wrapper.
His smirk returning to his lips, he teased, "I ain't cruel enough to deny you any longer, sweetheart. I am a man of my word after all." You watched as he shrugged off his coat, seemingly caring little for where it fell as he was more focused on unbuckling his belt. "But next time, be a little more obedient, will ya'?"
Next time.
God you couldn't wait.
You watched as he proceeded to clear his work desk clean with a sweep of his arm, again holding any regard while doing so. Letters, the unfinished model. As you were laid down across the surface, it made you wonder how much he wanted you to be this careless with something that worked him up into a near fury earlier, but thinking about it only made you even more impatient for what was to come later.
Furthermore, you were curious as why Iwai didn't strip down all the way--still donning his turtleneck and jeans--though you quickly assumed it was to quickly return to Akira once he was done with you. Really, you would've liked to see the tattoos that would have told of a life once spent with the yakuza, but that was something to look forward to next time, especially since you immediately focused on the blunt tip of his cock nudging against your entrance.
Though your legs ached from remaining bound for so long, you still relished in the sensation of one of Iwai's hands grabbing your thigh, all while he dragged the head of his dick along your slickness. Fiddling with the lollipop in his mouth with his lips, he murmured with a sleazy grin, "Can I trust ya' to keep quiet, or am I gonna have to find those pretty panties of yours?"
Shuddering, you attempted to nudge your hips forward in hopes of having him ease into you already. "I can keep quiet, especially--" The heat that swept over your body from within was at its most ferocious at this point. "--especially if you kiss me."
Iwai's lollipop joined yours one the floor, a hearty laugh rising out of him. "Hah! I like the sound of that, cutie. Really, there's nothing I like more than some pure ol'--"
You bit down on your lip to hold back a loud moan as he sheathed his cock inside you in one full thrust.
"--honesty!" Iwai grunted, his head falling back as he felt your warmth squeeze around him. With glee, he watched you squirm and quiver as you adjusted to his girth, watching pleasure spread over your face--all the while looking so precious as you refrained from being too noisy. Even with a condom on, you felt damn good. So hot and wet, so inviting and tight. The thought of one day being allowed to fuck you without protection was enough to spur him on to grab onto both of your restrained thighs to start pounding his cock into your core.
While seeing you try to keep quiet by biting on your lips pleased him, he thought to lend you a hand--all the while helping himself--by smothering your mouth with his. His teeth gently nibbled on your bottom lip, his tongue gliding along yours, carrying the taste of cigarettes and candy; a perfect match for a man like him.
Feeling the grand expanse of his hard, muscled body press against you only furthered your pleasure. Really, you wouldn't have guessed that he was no longer part of the yakuza from how toned he felt. It sparked your curiosities and fantasies further, your imagination running wild as you thought about seeing his tattoos and being able to kiss them.
For now, you were left to Iwai's mercy, lying beneath him as you were subjected to his beastly rhythm. Even if the music playing outside was meant to mask the noises coming from within, all you could hear and feel were his hips smacking into yours, of his cock sliding in and out of your slickness, of the groans rumbling from within his chest that were muffled against your lips.
This all felt as though moments spent daydreaming about him finally paid off. Finishing a session with Kaoru early, him deciding to swing by Gigolo to wait for his father to close up shop. You'd be on your way out when Iwai would grab hold of your wrist, pulling you to his chest as he murmurs huskily about how you still have a 'session' with him--a fantasy that, obviously unbeknownst to you, was also shared by him.
Now there was no need to imagine, for fantasy was now reality.
Soon, it didn't take long for you to finally seize the pleasure that you've been denied all night. With Iwai fucking you so hard, you were at last given release, all the while rendered to a whimpering mess beneath him after you cried out against his lips. Feeling you shudder, he grinned as he drew away from you, instead burying his face into your neck, his mouth and teeth seeking to mark you as he continued to pound into you, eventually riding out his orgasm with a few last solid thrusts.
You caught your breath while Iwai slumped over you, face first into your chest. While you expected for him to immediately pull away so he could fix himself up and head back out to see Akira, the opposite occurred. Rather, he lingered around, instead helping himself to slow, lazy kisses on your chest and gentle rubs to your thighs.
Though, such tenderness was marred when he eyed you with a dazed yet content look as he murmured, "You good, sweetheart?"
Cockiness dripped from every syllable, but you only found yourself further enamored, even as you playfully rolled your eyes and reassured him that you were fine.
"Good, good." He smiled--genuinely so--as he slowly lifted up from you and pulled out. For as empty as you then felt, you were only filled with a soft giddiness as he gestured to your bindings. "If I may? I'll be real careful with you, honey."
"Thank you," you sighed, feeling giggly over his gentleness.
Surely, your legs and wrists were aching like no other--well, maybe not when compared to your pelvis--but feeling Iwai rub and kiss over the skin that felt the brunt of your restraints made it all better. Having you remain on his desk, he fetched your clothes for you--disposing of the now used condom in the process. As you slowly dressed, you watched as he quickly did the same.
Though, honestly, it was hard to not notice how he just looked so damn pleased. You thought over whether Akira--who you saw to be a sharp-minded individual--would notice the change in demeanor from his boss.
After slipping on his coat, Iwai took a step towards the door, only to glance back at you. "I'm gonna send Akira off, and then I'll walk you home, okay? It's pretty fuckin' late as it is."
"Sounds good." You nodded as your lips curved in a smile. "I really appreciate it, Iwai--"
He was grinning from ear to ear.
Your smile couldn't have looked any brighter, even as your words were teasing, "Munehisa...next time, show me your tattoos okay?"
Though he chuckled, you could see a genuine gleam in his eyes as he responded, "You have my word, sweetheart."
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omg can i get a kinkfest fill for riding/light femdom with joseph? i would die 🙈
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(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ I believe this is my first fullfront attempt at femdom, so I apologize if the theme of it came off as too light or too heavy, Anon! Thank you very much for requesting!
“Relax your face, Joseph~ Being all huffy and puffy isn’t gonna help–especially with that mask on~”
The teasing tone of your voice was reflected by the gentle stroke of your fingers against the heated scarlet skin of Joseph’s face. With his furrowing brows and the growl emitted from his breathing mask, you could tell he was scowling at you in response.
To which you only offered a sweet smile while continuing to grind your hips, keeping him constrained within the hot, wet vice of your core.
He could be pouty all he wanted. There was no way you would let him seize control of this breathing exercise–and in turn, seize control of you not now at least. As per the command of your master, Lisa Lisa, you were to assist with Joseph’s breathing, especially since that Caesar, Messina and Loggins had hit a wall while guiding him through his Hamon training.
Considering that he had been prone to getting ever so distracted and rowdy whenever you were in the room–especially when you had to bend over to pick up something, or a blessed breeze came by to ruffle the hem of your dress–this seemed to be the best way to get through to him.
So now here he was in your room, lying beneath you, his arms and legs bound the bedposts by Hamon-resistant chains, naked save for his breathing mask. His massive, gorgeous body was to be your playground–taut, defined muscles for your hands to teasingly run over, robust and firm pectorals for your palms to press flat against, stiff and hard nipples to pinch and toy with your fingers and tongue. 
Above all however, was his thick hard cock, which you delighted in making it ache with your mouth while you hovered above him, your thighs straddling his face, intentionally leaving him on the edge to orgasm while you taunted and tantalized him by showing off your dripping center, its glisten making him groan and lament over how he wasn’t allowed to bury his face against.
For now, he was reluctantly content to take the scraps you offered, with you riding his cock at an inconsistent rhythm. You were either bouncing away up and down his shaft as you milked him for everything he was worth, or swiveling your hips around his tip while you dragged him to the edge of an orgasm you continued to refrain from giving him.
Joseph choked back a groan, his eyes clenching tight as his body shuddered. Through your teasing words, he knew you meant well and inevitably, he was going to have to master his breathing. As excruciating as it was to have his release continuously dangled in front of him, he sought to focus and concentrate on his breathing.
Because as soon as he was able to take his mask off, his first priority from that moment forward would be giving you his ‘thanks’ for the grueling training you put him through.
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Summertime Swelter - Boiling
Summary: It’s no surprise that Jotaro strives to be like that of the ocean, to remain calm and collected even with its sheer size and depth. However, much like the sea, once the waters become vicious, there is nothing that soothe his temper--especially when he notices Josuke and Okuyasu checking you out.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Reader/Jotaro
HELLO EVERYONE! There’s no one better to cap off a theme about fiery moods than with our resident Ocean Man himself~! I truly hope you all enjoyed yourselves! Thank you so much for reading--especially the lovely @multicoloredwaves for this theme--and I’ll be seeing you later for the next serving of spam!
The ocean during the summer made for a refreshing escape from the overbearing heat.
Waters remained calm, unprovoked even as eager beachgoers rushed ahead to dive into. Perhaps every now and then a sizeable wave would come forth, which only delighted beachgoers.
It made sense why you often compared Jotaro to the ocean for the noted reasons. His stoic coolness, keeping to himself despite plenty of people reaching out to interact with him. With his love for the sea, the comparison seemed like a match made in heaven--much like the two of you, as evidenced by the silver band on your left finger.
However, it was because of this ideal comparison that when witnessing the ocean become vicious with the brewing of a storm, the same could easily be said of your fiancé as well.
Waves swallowing the sandy shoreline as its tides rose, crashing against and pounding the natural rock formations and cliff sides.
Similar to the way his hips were barreling into yours.
A quaint, little home by the beach that overlooked the ocean was ideal for the two of you gazing out towards the endless sea with coffee in hand, or late-night conversations amidst the summer heat with the scent of salt water in the air. It also made it easy for Jotaro to quickly drag you back home after you spent the afternoon with Josuke and Okuyasu.
Your fiancé was a busy man, unlike the two college students who were eager to spend summer break by the water. As their university wasn't far from where you both lived, they took the chance to come visit. Since Jotaro was busy with writing out his newest thesis on South China Sea dolphins and their migration patterns, you were prepared to play host by yourself.
But then he saw what swimsuit you were wearing to the beach while you made your way to the front door, suddenly deciding that perhaps he needed a break from writing.
For Jotaro, his decision was sound, given by how Josuke and Okuyasu were utterly awestruck when you all met up at the beach. Flustered, the former ended up blurting out that if your swimsuit were to ever become damaged during your day out, he would be more than happy to fix it with Crazy Diamond. The latter was near tears, pleading for the numbers and Line IDs of "any other beautiful, sexy friends of yours!"
Your lover couldn't find it in himself to utter out "good grief," for there was simply nothing pleasant about having his younger delinquent of an uncle and his best friend ogling you. Though, the two seemed to get the picture when your attention was focused upon the lively scenery of the beachfront, realizing that Star Platinum seemed to have been silently called forth while its User remained eerily quiet about this occurrence.
Still, with you frolicking around the water in such a form-fitting swimsuit that bared a generous amount of skin, they were honestly willing to take a punch. For Okuyasu, it meant being able to apply sunscreen on hard to reach spots on your back. Josuke, on the other hand, was thrilled by the thought of you wading out to the water, suddenly shrieking and grabbing onto his--as you would gasp and fawn over--muscled arm of youthful strength when you noticed a shark that was looking to have a bite of your sustenance, but it was all cool and dandy because he'd protect you by launching it all the way to the Atlantic Ocean.
It didn't help that you looked to be amused by all this, giggling and referring to their shock and awe as silly. Even worse when there was a mischievous glint in your eye when you nudged his side, humming out, "Oh no, Jotaro. What ever am I going to do? How can I resist these cuties fighting for my attention?"
The thought of their hands "accidentally" grabbing at your swimsuit-clad bottom in their conquest for you returned to Jotaro's head once more in the present, which made him clench his teeth and your hips even tighter.
It was why when your day out at the beach had come to an end, rather than invite them back to your house, Jotaro affirmed that you both would meet the two tomorrow for breakfast. It was why he seemed to be in such a rush to take you back home. It was why he took your wicked grin as means for him to yank you right to his chest and rip the swimsuit right off of your body.
Not even making it all the way to the bedroom, the hallway just a step beyond the genkan served as the best place for him to convey his jealousy. Pinned and held up against the wall with ease, your arms remained wrapped around your lover's neck, all while you cooed and moaned as you felt the thick girth of his cock stretch and ravage your core with each thrust.
For someone who kept his affection from a distance, there wasn't a moment when you felt any gap between the two of you. Caged by the sheer, bulking mass of his body, his lips sought out whatever they could touch: your mouth, the nape of your neck, the skin of your chest. He savored the faint presence of sea salt on your flesh, which, combined with your skin, only made him want to possess you even further. Mellowed out by time and age, you could feel that boyish abrasiveness from his delinquent youth clawing its way out of him.
After all, his actions were the result of one reason:
I'm jealous and no mere boy can have you.
Would either Josuke or Okuyasu know how to pleasure you exactly how you liked it? Pride led to the downfall of pompous assholes like Dio, but Jotaro was certain that neither could ever come close to him. This applied to any other person in the world, really. Being someone who could understand his undisclosed emotions with a simple glance, he wanted to keep you by his side no matter what.
In the same regard of how you understood him, he knew you thoroughly, especially when it came to making you squirm and claw at his broad shoulders while you shamelessly moaned and begged for more. And he obliged, albeit on the rougher side considering that little mischievous look you gave him earlier--something that he knew you enjoyed.
Jotaro gripped onto you, you clung onto him. Close, never to part, forever to remain.
Intertwined you would stay, amidst breathless cries and shuddering bodies.
You were in a daze when your fiancé rolled off of your body, only to be hoisted on top of him, anchored down by one heavy arm draping over your back. His other hand reached over to grab something from his nightstand drawer--a box of cigarettes and his favorite lighter.
Amused, you proceeded to snatch them right out of his hands, insisting that you do the honor of lighting his cigarette for him--an apology for earlier. He only snorted, a small grin tugging on his lips, which parted for you to do just that.
Jotaro blew smoke to the side, right as he felt your lips kiss the side of his neck. He heard you murmur something, which in turn drew out a small chuckle from him while his arm held you closer,
"Being an adult with you is fun, darling. I don't think anything--or anyone--could ever compare~"
The ocean was at peace.
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Someday the Prince Will Come - Transparent
Summary: Though he preferred to wear his Askrian armor, Alfonse never questioned your decision to wear your robe to battle. However, when said garment becomes wet and turns sheer, there’s not a piece of protection that could spare him from the lascivious fantasies that immediately seize hold of him.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Reader/Alfonse
Also I know that this week is supposed to be themeless, but between today’s one-shot and tomorrow’s, I couldn’t resist!!!
Even while carrying the title of Prince, Alfonse often didn't adhere to it that much.
Joining the Order of Heroes brought about the ire of Askr's royal advisors, who incessantly nagged at him to reconsider his and Sharena's decision. Why meddle in the affairs of the other worlds when they should be at home, preparing for their eventual ascension to King and Queen?
Though his sister was more playful in response, she at least tried to quell the frustrations expressed by the royal court, whereas he simply shunned them out.
The fates of the other worlds, the meddling of Veronica, the disappearance of Zacharias, they were all matters that could not be ignored--a sentiment, thankfully, shared by the Heroes that he, Sharena, and Anna recruited amidst their journey.
However, their ability to create a fearsome retaliation against Veronica's vengeance couldn't have been done with the most mystifying addition to them all: you, the Summoner.
The circumstances of when you both met for the first time, the unfathomable power you possessed with Breidablik, the intriguing mystery of the world you hailed from--there was always something about you that never failed to fascinate him.
Or make him yearn to be closer to you.
As the trauma of Zacharias's disappearance seemed to forever leave its lasting effect on him, Alfonse made it an outright point to you that he had no intentions of forming any relationship beyond teammate. While Sharena chided and pouted at him for being so standoff-ish to a new friend, he couldn't find it within himself to get attached to you in any way. You appeared out of nowhere in some miraculous way. What could stop the opposite from happening, much like with Zacharias?
Though really, he should've known that the battlefield was the best place to create and strengthen relationships.
Despite you lacking the ability to draw a sword and fight, you more than made up for it with your ability to summon and composing impeccable strategies. Alfonse only saw you as a leader, one who he can trust to seek victory, which in turn lead to peace, and, ideally, would eventually lead to uncovering the mystery behind Zacharias. With each successful battle however, he felt a surge of pride and accomplishment, especially when you always made it a point to praise him for his efforts.
Suddenly, he found more reason to give it his all on the battlefield.
While above all, the mission was what was to take top priority, Alfonse eventually found himself wanting to impress you, whether by how many enemies he could defeat, or landing the finishing blow that would seize victory for you all. Sharena was quick to pick up on this, thereby teasing him with a smug grin and a coy, "What was that about not wanting to be friends~?"
Though Alfonse waved it off as his sister's imagination simply running wild, it came to the point where he just couldn't deny it.
Whenever camp was set up after battle, he always found himself drawn to your side, wishing to talk to you about anything that would allow him to bask in your presence a little longer. He was especially interested in what your world was like, mystified by all that you had to say, about these unique metal carriages that needed no horse to move, or how you had these lightning-infused devices that made communicating by letter and carrier owl obsolete--to which a nearby Feh huffed its chest and turned away with disgust.
The time spent with you, whether alone by the campfire before bed, or doing an early morning patrol together while the rest of camp was asleep, eventually added another priority that he was determined to uphold:
Protecting you.
Not merely to preserve the stability of the Order of Heroes--even though that was, without question, vital. But for his own wishes, his own desires--
His own love.
It was why that he--at this moment--couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt, shame, embarrassment for indulging in an act that was doubtlessly unbecoming of a prince.
Since Camilla, the Nohrian princess who hailed from the World of Conquest, was summoned, she immediately insisted that a bathhouse was to be installed at the Order of Heroes’ castle headquarters. While Alfonse saw her request as much too frivolous and indulgent, the idea was widely and agreed upon by those who also hailed from the princess's world, and that of Birthright.
Unsurprisingly, when you were in favor of the bathhouse--noting the benefits to having a place where everyone can unwind before or after battle--Alfonse changed his tune.
And was he ever thankful for it.
Sitting upon the smooth stone edge of one of the many baths in the area, he--surrounded by inescapable steaminess, both physically and in fantasy--was succumbing to his own desire and lust for you. His legs submerged in the enticingly warm water, he was stripped down save for the small towel he had nudged aside, offering him access to wrap his hand around his erect cock while he stroked himself furiously . Biting down on his lip, he still took great effort to keep himself from being too noisy--even with the sound of bathwater constantly streaming in and the ruckus outside with some sort of welcoming celebration hosted by Izana, the most recent Hero to be summoned. Though, really his restraint was more out of shame than anything else.
He had been at this for minutes now, somehow finding snatches of relief while dragged further along the edge of his release. Though, how could he find relief after what happened today?
As per his own personal allegiance to protect you, Alfonse didn't hesitate to object to any strategies of yours that could draw any harm your way. Your role was to give commands, not enact them. Usually this came about when their enemies were on the defensive side, hiding amidst the natural environment while waiting to strike.
In other words, they had to be lured out.
While it wasn't too much of a hassle to do so with whichever Heroes had been brought in for a fight, there were some instances when your strategy called for you to be the decoy. You draw out the enemy, your Heroes--in position--strike and commence the attack.
Today's battle called for such a plan. Heavy thickets and vast forests were nothing new to you at this point, and neither were enemies lurking within the trees in wait. Considering the opposition, there was no way you could try luring them out with a Hero without that person being completely overwhelmed.
A point that Alfonse immediately interjected with, his fists clenched tightly and his eyebrows furrowed.
However, you assured him that luring out the enemies would be a success, given that there happened to be a ledge that loomed over a lake. The height that the leap would require was feasible for a person to make, even one who wasn't battle hardened like yourself.
While concern was expressed by the likes of Anna and Sharena, the agreement for you to play decoy was near unanimous, save for Alfonse. Though, seeing the fierce determination in your eyes, he gave in soon enough--but not before insisting that he be the one to ensure that you made a clean getaway, volunteering to take the position by the lake and keep it clear of any enemies that would come forth as the battle begun.
Anxious didn't even begin to describe the wait for you to show up.
Still, losing faith in you was out of the question--he should trust you in the same way you to him while he carried out your strategies. But now, under this newfound stupor of vulnerability and affectionate wishes, he was tense as he remained hidden amidst the pine trees that grew around the lake, which remained thankfully clear of new enemies. Nothing made him yearn for that lightning-infused communication device to see how you were doing--
Suddenly, Alfonse's eyes grew wide open, his jaw becoming slack for a moment before it tightened.
Wearing your white robe, you leapt from the ledge and into the lake.
Sure enough, there were enemies behind you. Some soldiers hung back upon coming across the ledge, while one was bold enough to leap after you.
Only to be greeted by the swing of Camilla's axe as she zoomed by on her wyvern.
His body moved faster than his mind could process.
Leaving Fólkvangr, his shield, his cape along with the heaviest pieces of his armor on the shore, he quickly dove into the lake to swim towards where you landed, making sure that he wasn't weighed down. His focus unwavering, he felt even lighter when he saw you emerge from the depths with a sputtered gasp. With near rapture, he called out your name as he approached you, blessed relief sweeping over him.
"You did it again," he laughed gently while his eyes scanned over you to note any injuries you may have sustained--whether from your jump or while running away.
"It's just the prologue, more or less." You smiled in return before your eyes shifted back up to the cliff, where the cries of battle and the sound of weapons clashing could be heard overhead. "The real act begins now."
"And I'll see to it that everything sticks to the script," he assured before gesturing back to the shore with the slight flick of his head. "Come Summoner, your guidance is further needed.:
With this, the two of you made your way back to the shoreline. As Alfonse retrieved his armor, his posture was at ease, knowing that this dilemma of being so worked up over you was finished.
Or so he thought.
Embarrassing as it was, he found some issue with getting his cape to properly stick with his armor. Usually, he would ask for Sharena's help--which would earn some teasing from her end--but with her offering Anna support up on the battlefield, he had no choice to just ask you for assistance.
Then he looked your way.
And then...
"Maybe...I should start asking Robin for his robes..."
Feeling heat rise to his face, Alfonse's eyes were flued to you as you stepped onto the shore, the soaked white fabric of your robe--practically see-through due to its light material--like that of a second skin to you. As your robe was a size bigger than you, he could make out every curve of your physique. Though, what truly left him speechless was watching your hands move to the front of your robe, pulling the flaps open.
He heard you sigh over not wanting to traverse through the forest with your robe weighing you down, but it was left unfathomed. While he wasn't treated to the sight of your underclothing--or even your naked skin--you were wearing a loose-fitting sleeveless top and a pair of shorts that hugged your hips that fulfilled and realized a good chunk of his imagination. Given that summer was here, he shouldn't have been too surprised by your attire.
Or excited.
With your robe completely off, you held it in your arm, sighing with relief from the freedom. Though, recalling how Anna's stern but well-meaning advice that you keep your identity hidden at all times--if just to avoid letting the likes of Veronica exploiting that information by any means--you looked back to your outerwear, wondering if you may as well slip it on again, discomfort and all.
"Ugh...this is gonna be a pain..."
Then you suddenly had a near face full of cape being held before you.
Curiously, you glanced at Alfonse, only to see that his gaze was directed away from you, the tips of his ears a noticeably blushing red.
"H-Here, just use this for now. Wear it as you like," he stammered before stiffly stepping over to where he left Fólkvangr and his shield. "We should be quick to get you to the lookout area too. We need our strategist after all!"
Though he did not turn back to face you as he spoke, he raised his hand to offer you a thumbs up.
So awkward yet so sweet.
You smiled.
That was your Alfonse.
And now your Alfonse was hidden away in his own personal hell of vices and desire. Though the battle was successful and there was even a celebration that followed after with Izana formally recruited into the Order of Heroes, the prince couldn't find it in himself to partake in the festivities.
Simply because he had so much he needed to release.
The baths were empty, thankfully, with everyone else was swept up in the party, yourself included.
He shuddered as you came to mind, thinking back to how you wrapped his cape around your damp form. What would be better--he wondered--to be intimate with you while you wore his clothing--fatigues, royal garb--or while you were naked, your skin pressed flush against his.
Already blushing and slick with bathwater and sweat, he gasped and bucked against his hand, squeezing around his cock at the thought while his eyes shut in pleasure. His rhythm quickened the more he thought about you clinging to his body, raking your nails along his shoulder blades as you begged to be fucked harder by him and--what made him quiver most--declared your love for him.
In turn, his hands being able to roam around your body, free to stroke and discover all the spots that made you gasp and arch your back most, it only fueled his hunger and intensified his need for release.
And yet, even in the privacy of the baths, Alfonse could only feel shame for what he was doing. Wishing to step beyond mere Heroes fighting alongside together was indulgent in itself. But now, going further with jerking himself off to the mere thought of your lips parting open to moan his name was utterly disgraceful for a prince.
On the same regard, for you to call out your name in a mix of a whimper and pant was pure defilement, a sullying of your character--
Whatever heat that enveloped him turned frigid, fitting for the way he froze at the sound of a voice calling his name.
Your voice.
From the entrance to the baths itself, there was no real obstruction, save for the changing room, mainly for easy access. Thus, when it became apparent that you were standing right beside where he sat--clothed in nothing else but a towel--his current disheveled state of depravity was on full display.
Your eyes were as wide as could be, your jaw slack in complete shock.
Not only did you just walk in on Alfonse touching himself, but he was fantasizing about you while doing so.
For someone who was quick to action in battle, everything at this moment just felt so sluggish. Any excuse he could possibly think of were immediately rendered useless, for there was really no way of getting out of this, save for owning up to his shame and apologizing--though his guilt only deepened as he resisted from staring at you in your current attire (or lack thereof), even more of his imagination realized compared to earlier today.
He expected for you to curse his name and storm off. Instead however, you--while remaining understandably and completely flustered--stayed in place, even if your gaze proceeded to shift elsewhere. His hand reached for his towel to cover up his cock, right as his fingers clutched at the fabric while he stared down at the baths.
Nothing was said between you both, the only sound in the room being muffled chatter from outside and the continuous rush of bathwater.
When he couldn't take the shared silence, he gripped his towel tighter as his name tumbled from your lips. "I-I..."
"I came to rinse off since Izana thought a cake fight would liven things up at the party...! I'm so sorry, Alfonse!"
"'Sorry?'" Alfonse repeated with disbelief, his gaze immediately returning towards you. He saw that your head was lowered in apology and that--like him--you were gripping your towel as well. "For what?"
As though he couldn't feel even more remorse, you looked apologetic, even in your embarrassment.
"I-It's nothing!" You exclaimed in return, shaking your head before you took a step back, looking as though you were about to leave. Though, seeing his genuine confusion, you seemed to mirror his shameful feelings, given by how you winced by some seeming internal conflict. Your voice small, you confessed while shifting away even further. "I...really didn't mean to watch you...this whole time. I'm really sorry."
With nothing more to say, you moved to depart in shame. Truly, you did come to the baths to wash up, only to catch Alfonse alone, right as he pushed his towel aside to begin stroking himself. Entranced didn't even begin to describe how enamored you were by the sight, your need to rinse forgone in favor of watching your dear prince indulge in pleasure. It wasn't until that you heard him moan your name that you had to approach, to clarify what you heard.
However, you didn't make it a step more until you felt his hand reach for your arm.
Astonished, you turned around, expecting for him to be furious.
Instead, you were met with the most vulnerable that you've ever seen him, his expression longing with need.
Alfonse spoke your name, his voice breathless. "I don't want you to go," he gasped, proceeding to draw you into his arms. Hearing his words as you become wrapped in his embrace--with his bare skin pressed against your body--you shivered and did the same, your grip clinging.
He brought a hand to your face, cradling your cheek as gently as his thumb grazed over your skin. Earnestly and with need, he panted out, "I...never want you to go."
Staring up into his eyes, which reflected a desire for you that equally matched yours for him, what was next was clear. An opportunity for you both that--for someone who lead many victories as a strategist--would be foolish the two of you to not take.
Your arms moved up to slink around his neck as your head moved towards his, any gap between your lips soon to be closed and sealed--in this case, for the rest of time.
"And I never want to leave."
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Cotton Shirts - If You Jump In With Me
Summary: Not many could make sense of Jotaro. Fewer could fathom his love for the ocean. You, however, were the one who could understand him like no one else could. And for this reason, it was why you remain by his side, with the ocean and the possibilities of the future as far beyond as you could see, but remaining calm and composed in light of it all.
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Reader/Jotaro
; u ; Hello everyone. And here we’ve reached the conclusion of this final Summer of Faffery! It’s been quite a journey to get to this point, of which I will forever be grateful to you all, to every single person who has come by my blogs/writing accounts to read and offer their support!
I’ll be a lot more sappy and ~emotional~ in the follow-up post, but for now, let us turn up for one last piece of Jotaro fluff for the summer!
As always and forever, I hope you all enjoy!
To navigate through the ocean's depths.
While some were vehemently against such an action due to intense thalassophobia, Jotaro was keen and motivated to uncover and delve as deeply as possible into the mysteries of the sea. For something as vast as the ocean was, there was at least an end to it all with the ocean floor, even if that in of itself was a daunting task to take on.
Slowly but certainly, he would navigate his way through, determined to come face to face with and attain the heart of the sea.
He had yours after all.
A sense of tranquility washed over him, transcending from a mere description of a feeling to taking the physical form of the ocean's gentle waves. The grand shine of the moon hung above, casting light amidst the dark blue hues of night, illuminating the sea's surface beneath. Paired with the warmth of Bali's tropical humidity, there was no better time to go for a swim.
Especially when you were so eager to accompany him.
His fascination with and love for the ocean earned a variety of reactions. The astonished but pleased expressions of Kakyoin and Avdol, the blatant surprise of Josuke, Okuyasu, and Koichi, and the delighted yet teasing smiles of Joseph and Polnareff. His mother was ever so elated, of course, having been the one to spoil him with dolphin plush toys and trips to the aquarium.
You were equally as supportive of his passion, if not more.
Though, certainly his love for the sea could not compare to the one he harbored for you, as subtly and quietly expressed as it was.
But here, during this vacation, during this moment where the two of you were waist deep in the water while enjoying a nightly swim, he felt compelled to be as free with himself and with you, as the ocean itself would always allow.
Jotaro held and embraced you from behind, his sturdy and muscular arms wrapped securely around your waist, all the while you reciprocated by placing your hands over his. The two of you spent a few moments swimming, having traveled further from Bali to this little plane of existence that was privy to just the two of you. Even with the lively nightlife not too far from where you both were, the sounds that were most prominent were the ocean's waves grazing over the white sandy shoreline and one another's breathing.
You had no problem with keeping yourself up as you stood in the water with him, even if you indulged yourself by leaning against his hard, well-defined chest. His hand rested over your stomach, the softness of your skin meeting his palm. His eyes--having been lost in the horizon of moon and ocean--felt the urge to move down and peek over at your expression, wanting to see how you were taking in this moment.
With the dreamy look on your face, you looked to be equally as content, at ease while you enjoyed this getaway with your lover. In your eyes, he could see a reflection of the moonlight.
And more.
Such as the future that the two of you would share, the possibilities daunting as they were exciting. There was much assured, much unknown--similar to exploring and discovering more about the ocean.
He was and would remain to be thrilled, so long as you were just as anticipative for what was to come.
Your name was rumbled from his throat, catching your attention.
"Hm? What is it, Jotaro?"
That was inquiry you let out, all as your lover's rough fingertips cupped under your chin.
The last thing your eyes could marvel at was the dark blue color of his irises before he leaned down to kiss you.
Jotaro was better with expressing himself through action than words anyhow.
And with how your arms were eager to wrap around his neck to draw him closer, not more needed to be said between you both.
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Guilty As Charged - Violating House Arrest
Summary: On the television screen, Akechi was the charming Detective Prince with a captivating smile. In the walls of your apartment, he was the warden who kept you captive with a smile.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Reader/Akechi
**Warning: this one-shot contains themes of unhealthy relationship behavior and possessiveness
A home was where one could free to be themselves.
Hidden away from the eyes of others, the walls of one’s abode allowed a person to have to put on any facade. Indulgence–however slovenly and/or decadent–was permitted, because who else was there to make a commotion about it?
Your apartment was where you could allow your shoulders to unwind, not having to concern yourself about putting up any appearances. Any secrets kept would be silently disclosed within the privacy of your room.
And yet…
This place was your home as it was your cage.
Or as the person whom you co-habited this apartment with would hum with a playful smile:
This apartment was where you would serve out a lifelong sentence in house arrest.
Though, he insisted that he was kind enough to allow you to live your life normally. Being cooped up inside wouldn’t be fun at all. The only requirements that you must adhere to was to follow his requests whenever he uttered them to you.
Somehow they always went along the lines of,
“Don’t talk to that guy person. Don’t even think about him them. Come home right now because the thought of you spending time with him makes me sick.”
One may wonder where someone could have the audacity to control who were allowed to talk to, but what could you say?
He was the judge who handed down your sentence. He was the warden who made sure you were an upstanding inmate.
Much like now, with your wrists handcuffed behind your back. You were naked, your skin marred by fingers and lips that never seemed to be satisfied, especially around your neck, chest, and inner-thighs. Your face was flushed and hot, having endured a near full night of punishment, all because you failed to abide by your warden’s rules.
Though, the wet, throbbing ache between your thighs was testament to how pleasure was still found amidst all the pain, especially since he had his cock fully sheathed inside of you.
For now, any delights were meant to only be savored by your warden, who kept you confined to his lap while he remained seated upon the bed, all within view of the large mirror positioned right before you both. He didn’t bother changing out of the clothes he wore out today, for anything that would take time away from delivering your punishment was simply out of the question.
His hands–still in his favorite pair of leather gloves–remained situated upon one of your hips and on your bound wrists, keeping you still while controlling the rhythm that you may seek pleasure from. Hearing you beg with moans and whimpers amidst the handcuffs clinking around was as euphoric to him as he had you bounce up and down his cock.
You felt the heat of his breath once his lips hovered by your ear. “These handcuffs seemed to be meant for your pretty wrists. Honestly, I don’t see why I even bother to ever remove them,” he tsked with a click of his tongue, the corner of his mouth quirked up.
“You know how I’ve had my eye on you for so long,” he hummed, nuzzling against your neck with affection, taking in your scent, the sensation of your skin against his face. “Truly it was a test of my patience to see you waste your time with pitiful wretches like the Phantom Thieves–especially that leader of theirs.”
His name was ripped from your lips in a cry as he sank you down hard upon his cock, his hips raised to meet yours fully. The hand that was on your wrists moved to cup your chin, making sure that you faced forward, to see how you were presented and displayed so lewdly, all the while the look in his eyes was just so wild and frenzied, matched with the wickedness in his grin.
He was a devil all right.
But then again, Lucifer was said to have been beautiful.
“Look at yourself–look at us! The way we’re joined, the way how you’re bound to me, the way I’m intertwined with you–no one, absolutely no one can ever get in between us!” He snarled, relinquishing your chin in favor of seizing your hips with both hands. Knowing that you would comply, he wasted not a moment more to pound your core with his cock, a ravenousness that made him less dignified and composed than a judge or a warden, but more like an executioner.
Though you know he wouldn’t dare to harm you.
Beneath everything–all the twisted layers that obscured yet made him the person he was–you knew there was something much more vulnerable and human lying underneath.
The way he thrust up into you was not out of something meant to reprimand, but to desperately seek and cling to.
“Tell me that you love being here! Tell me that–” So wrapped up in his euphoria and his emotions that he was having a hard time being comprehensible, a similar phenomenon reflected by you by the way your mouth hung open with moans and you satisfied you were just by relinquishing any control and letting him do as he pleased.
“Tell me that you love me!”
You accepted your sentence long ago. You were determined to abide by the warden’s rules as much as you could.
“I love you, Akechi!”
A cry for a cry.
Mirror be damned. He didn’t want to see you through a reflection, rather, he wanted to witness your pleasure for himself–as he always did. The positions were flipped, you were on your back, wrists bound both by handcuffs and his hand while he pinned them over your head. He loomed above you, kissing your everywhere he possibly could while he drove his cock into you, hoping for this moment–as he always did–to last a little longer, to be united with you for as much as he could.
But with the release of euphoria comes the end.
Not to your unity, however.
He was clinging to you while he laid by your side with a tight embrace, having near ripped off his clothes in his need to remained as intimately connected with you as possible. Having been freed of the handcuffs your arms wrapped around him securely, all while you brought your fingers through long, damp chestnut brown locks.
Those wickedly corrupt, daunting facades of his were gone now.
A judge did not crave to kiss a guilty defendant. A warden did not cling to an inmate while sleeping side by side.
He was more than that to you.
Distorted as his heart was, he always offered it to you on a platter–practically begging for you to take it.
He was your boyfriend.
He was your lover.
He was–
Akechi Goro is your lover.
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LATE AND IM KINDA EMBARRASSED BC IVE NEVER ACTUALLY PUBLICLY DISCLOSED A KINK (even tho its not actually that raunchy tbh) BEFORE BUT. possessive behavior + m!robin ??
You knew it was going to come down to this eventually.
Since being recruited from your home–the World of Awakening–to assist the Order of Heroes, you expected for someone having issue with the close, platonic relationship you’ve developed with Kiran, the Summoner who favored you as a reliable ally in battle.
That same very person in particular being the one who wanted to go over some strategies for the next coming battles with you in his study.
That same man who had you pinned to his desk, maps and strategy scrolls strewn about beneath and around you. With your body left exposed by the haphazard way they were tugged aside and removed, your lips were red and bruised from the hungry, longing kisses that you’ve lost count of at this point. You were left in a daze, both from genuine pleasure and from a sudden, intense display of pure, utter neediness. The table underneath you shifted and banged against the wall by the rhythmic movement of your body and his.
With the gold-trimmed purple fabric draped by either side of your body, already messy white locks plastered to sweat-slicked grin, a deep red blush spread over a pale complexion, the man above you–your Robin–was working out in his insecurities, which in turn was partially but notably tied with his deep, loving devotion to you. This was evidenced by the way he cradled and held your body close to his, fingers roaming over your bare sides or kneading the soft skin of your chest. 
However, these delicate touches that contrasted with the marks he left on your neck, or really, anywhere he knew would be exposed during battle, along with how he drove his cock inside you at a merciless pace without any sign of relent.
To be frank, he just wanted to make it clear to anyone, especially Kiran, that there was only room for one tactician in your life.
Of course, you had your eyes only for Robin. However, the Summoner merely needed someone with your skills to lead the Order of Heroes to battle, and with his talent and the plethora of other talented warriors around, it had become rather often for you to be called to battle while your lover was left to stay behind and prepare strategies for Kiran to look over for the next battle.
Your lover’s pride was well battered and bruised by the time he called you to his study, whereupon a spill of pent-up emotions led to this moment.
Which made it all the more fitting for when your lover’s claimed your mouth with his as the sticky warmth of his release spilled deeply inside you, all while he held you close and tight, his body shuddering against yours.
The two of you proceeded to catch your breath, with Robin’s body sprawled over yours. You could feel his lips on your neck once again, this time much gentler, as though a realization of his outburst had lead to an immediate plea for forgiveness.
In turn, you cupped his cheeks, murmuring out his name to catch his attention. You could see a glassiness in his eyes, of which you smiled warmly, bringing your head forward to kiss him lovingly.
And with utmost assurance, you hummed, “I love you, Robin. Don’t forget that, okay?”
The blush that was slowly leaving his face returned. However, he nuzzled against your palms with relief, all while he hugged you even tighter. “I love you too. And I promise…I won’t forget that.”
Admittedly however, he did have to hide his grin when Kiran called to battle the next day, the Summoner’s expression quizzical over why you were walking awkwardly.
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