#sumire ueno
saitama-division · 2 months
UNITED EMCEEZ -Enter The Hexagon- (Femme Fatale & CodeX Ver.)
Lyrics made by @uenodivision !
Bring The Beat!
Attention, please!
We are the United Emceez!
Listen to us now!
Let's go!
(Enter the hexagon!)
Yo, I'm the guardian, the voice of Saitama's streets
Spittin' bars to a beat, protectin' my peeps
Family and friends, they're the core of my rhymes
Shielding them from harm, through the hardest of times
Butterflies in the sky, they be spreadin' the peace
My words are my cocoon, from the chaos, release
Ritsuko you wouldn't understand, cause you just spread discord
I swear, at the end, you will not win this war!
Oh, sister dear, you flutter high, a butterfly so frail
I'm the spider in the shadows, weaving life's morbid tale
Your dreams of peace, they dance in your naive, little head
But I see the world for what it is, a place devoid of dread
I rap to paint the void, the stark and ruthless truth
No concern for life, that's the spirit of my youth
My plans, they simmer, a poison waiting to bloom
I'll keep spinning my verses, 'til I bring about your doom
Saitama's Femme Fatale, you won't see us with a frown!
Oppose Shinagawa's CodeX? What a foolish clown!
Best believe, at the end, we will seize the day!
[Sayaka & Ritsuko:]
I'm not stopping now, I'm still on my way!
The words that were scattered will link up into breakbeats!
We do our best and get through every day
Who’s gonna go and show the results tonight?
The words that were scattered will link up into breakbeats!
All eyes on me, you’ll forget to blink
Raise your hands higher and higher!
Enter the hexagon!
We’ll build the greatest that is now!
I won’t wait; I’ll create my own miracle!
Get ready! Our time is now!
We’re reaching for the rap game’s pinnacle!
Call me Aphrodite, goddess of the divine
Beauty and love, in every line I design
I live in the lap of luxury, my life is so grand
Wealth flows like rivers at my command
I see you, "Bronze" Maiden, with your suit and your frown
Judging my vanity, but you can't bring me down
Your empire of numbers, oh how very droll
While I reign supreme, a living work of soul
Reign supreme? Bitch, I'm a queen in my high-rise tower
I built my empire on ambition, not just seeking power
Blood, sweat, and tears are the foundation of my reign
While you settle for attention, I secure my domain!
My fortress is this business, my crown earned, not bought
I rap about determination, the battles I've fought
You waste time seeking the spotlight, but I command respect
Your path of ease and beauty, I utterly reject!
Say what you want, bitch, but Femme Fatale is by my side!
Mess with CodeX, and you won't leave here alive!
I've come to far to give up at the end of the day!
[Lola & Miho:]
I'm not stopping now, I'm still on my way!
The words that were scattered will link up into breakbeats!
We do our best and get through every day
Who’s gonna go and show the results tonight?
The words that were scattered will link up into breakbeats!
All eyes on me, you’ll forget to blink
Raise your hands higher and higher!
I paint my life with a palette of second chances
Brush strokes bold, my art advances
Like Van Gogh's stars, I swirl through strife
Monet's lilies bloom, a new lease on life
To my friend, Sumire, know my resolve is firm
For Femme Fatale, for Saitama, I stand and affirm
Though love for art and peace is what I profess
In the battle of verses, I show no finesse
I'm the voice in the dark, the truth's crusader
Rappin' 'bout the corrupt, those power-hungry traitors
A new world order, that's the vision I chase
I'd sell my goddamn soul to win this human race
Kureha, you're my friend, but hear this clear
If you block my path, I won't shed a tear
I'll summon the strength, from demons below
To protect my goal, I'll be your fiercest foe
Not a fan of the name, but I'm Femme Fatale for life!
Fucking with CodeX is a sure way to die!
I'll fight with all my might to see a brand-new day!
[Kureha & Sumire:]
I'm not stopping now, I'm still on my way!
The words that were scattered will link up into breakbeats!
We do our best and get through every day
Who’s gonna go and show the results tonight?
The words that were scattered will link up into breakbeats!
All eyes on me, you’ll forget to blink
Raise your hands higher and higher!
[Sayaka & Ritsuko:]
Look up at this hexagon in the night sky
[Lola & Miho:]
Always go where the light leads you to
[Kureha & Sumire:]
Our future can be changed in the blink of an eye
Now welcome to the new world
[Femme Fatale:]
Femme Fatale!
Iron Maiden!
The words that were scattered will link up into breakbeats!
We do our best and get through every day
Who’s gonna go and show the results tonight?
The words that were scattered will link up into breakbeats!
All eyes on me, you’ll forget to blink
Raise your hands higher and higher!
Enter the hexagon!
We’ll build the greatest that is now!
I won’t wait; I’ll create my own miracle!
Get ready! Our time is now!
We’re reaching for the rap game’s pinnacle!
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shinagawa-division · 2 months
Around the same time that Femme Fatale had received their gift, a package had arrived at the Kobayashi mansion where the team of CodeX was located. As the doorbell to the large residence rung out, the butler of the estate, Goro, informed his mistress, Miho Kobayashi, about the package. Presenting it to the lady and her teammates, his, along with the ladies' eyes widen at what was inside.
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It was a large cake with green and black frosting to commemorate the Shinagawa team for their anniversary. On the front of the package, it read:
'From Sakurai Clan and Jet Set Trio
Happy Anniversary!'
“Oh sweet! More sweets!” Sumire grinned, taking a scoop of frosting on her finger and licking it off much to Miho’s disgust.
“Damnit Sumire, at least wait until we cut it!” Miho scolded her niece who just responded with an eye roll, Ritsuko merely looked at the now ruined cake and shrugged before taking a scoop of icing on her own finger and popped it into her mouth causing Sumire to laugh and Miho to glare at the scientist.
“Honestly, were you both raised in a barn? We have utensils!” Miho pinched the bridge of her nose while Sumire and Ritsuko shrugged.
“C’mon Miho, it’s just us here, you can drop the formal shit.” Sumire grabbed a fork and began eating the cake right off the plate with Ritsuko joining her.
Miho stared blankly at her niece and best friend before sighing in defeat and grabbing her own to join her team.
Thank you for the gift!
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Author Guessing Post!
So for our first annual New Years Community Prompts, we had 6 lovely contributors!
NextTrickAnvils ( @nexttrickanvils )
Ravenoftheskyes ( @ravenoftheskyes )
Oceantoast ( @ocean--toast )
marshie_marshmallow ( @purplespacefairy )
shadow_reader (I don't know your tumblr, please send an ask or DM me so I can add you if you want)
a_salty_alto ( @yusuke-of-valla ) (aka me)
They contributed 11 wonderful works!
All I Want For Christmas is Yu
Nanako wants nothing more than to see her big bro come home for Christmas. But unfortunately, that’s not happening.
But maybe the magic of Christmas can help…?
Happy New Years from Toshiro and Takuto!
Cracks in the Stained Glass
Yusuke finds himself in Ueno, staring at that genuinely bright portrait being subjected to the harsh artificial brightness of the spotlight. It feels so hollow here, surrounded by other works of art and gawked at from afar rather than being the quiet fireplace it had been in LeBlanc. Yusuke wonders how long it had been there without him thinking anything more of it than the pedestrians stopping and passingly mentioning its beauty before moving on.
How easily he had fallen into the same blind contentment as Eve. Allowing Maruki to guide his thoughts as far back as October, easing him into the idea that he could be happy being so divorced from the art that inspired his career path like this
glory and gore
The Metaverse is amazing. She can move just as well as- no, even better than Kasumi. Feats that no human could ever actually pull off are possible in this world. She has power running through her veins and she can do anything.
And it’s the one thing that Kasumi doesn’t have.
A Leg Up
The Metaverse starts taking a toll on Ryuji’s leg.
make me feel something
Toshiro meets a strange man at a bar
Oh Captain, My Captain
Toshiro gets bullied into confessing his love for Eri by a 19 year old boy he met two minutes ago.
Operation: First Date
Yosuke wants to ask Labrys out on a date, there were just a couple hurdles for him to get through.
Really bad day in Mementos
A day where things go very, very poorly for the Phantom Thieves.
Characters getting afflicted with some of the weirder SMT status conditions such as Vamp, High, Drunk, Guilt, puppet, etc.
Red Alert!
Rise finally hits the button.
Self (in Approximation to Others)
All she’s ever wanted is to be loved the way that Kasumi has been. The way that’s been afforded to her for just existing in a way that Sumire was never good enough for. Not even good enough, just never enough to deserve.
“I know I don’t say it enough but that’s one of the reasons that I love you, Sumire.”
Her red bangs fall in front of her face and her glasses clang on the tile when she lowers her chin. Her jaw tightens and her hands ball into fists. She thinks she hears Akechi but she can’t understand a thing that he says. “Shut up.”
If you still want to have some fun, you can guess in the comments and tags of this post who contributed what!
Ground rules:
No guessing on the fics themselves, because it'll be awkward if you're wrong.
Be polite! If you don't have anything nice to say, you don't have to say anything at all!
If you can, comment on the fics themselves! They turned out great!
If you don't want to comment, share this post so others can see everyone's hard work
Authors will be revealed next week, so let's start off the year with some fun! Good luck!
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pryntery-moved · 1 year
please give us the roommate au lore
Hehehheheheeeh gladly
The Roommates au takes place 2-3 years after P5R! So everyone is in college except for Futaba and Sumire, who are high school seniors.
This is in no way a serious au, it's just all fun, goofy, and unhinged stuff.
I'll break it down based on the room assignments
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The Yongen Jaya Residents | Akiren, Akechi, Morgana
They live in a 2-bedroom apartment near Leblanc!
Akiren moves back to Tokyo for college. I'm not sure what he's studying... I'm open for input on that. He decided to live off-campus so he could bring Mona with him. Don't judge him, he has a lot of 7 am classes he needs his alarm.
Akechi went MIA, under the radar, etc after the events of P5R and is now back under a fake name! Let's pretend it's all Pubsec's doing. He still works as a detective, he just gave up the whole "detective prince" thing. He's also in college, but not in the same university as Akiren. He goes by the alias Robbie H.
Shibuya The Ueno Park Pals | Haru, Makoto, Yusuke, Matthew
I wrote Shibuya in the chart but retconned it to Ueno after some research
They live in a big apartment near Yusuke's campus! Either it's Haru's late father's property, or Haru handles most of the rent.
Haru! She's still the same as ever! Working for the company, getting her degree, whilst opening her cafe! Our girl is hustling!
Makoto... Due to my disdain towards the police, I'll say that she quit the police academy and transferred to a university. The dark recesses of my brain are telling me she's studying PolSci or law
Yusuke is still Yusuke. He just goes to art school now.
They became roommates when Haru went to Yusuke's dorm to pick up a painting she commissioned for the cafe and ended up dragging him back to the apartment like a stray kitten.
Haru unintentionally started a business selling Yusuke's old paintings he hates. To make room for more canvases he'd give them to Haru to use as firewood but Haru simply couldn't destroy them.
No one knows where Matthew came from. The working theory is that lobsters live in the sewers in rich neighborhoods.
Makoto is the mom! She keeps everyone in check and makes sure everyone does their chores.
Author's note: They eat up my brain the most bc their living situation is closest to mine! I'm an art student & my roommate is a painter. I like to joke that we're both Yusuke.
French | Ann
Ann mentioned wanting to go abroad at the end of P5R, I only placed her in France because Model + That's where my friend is studying! I don't know what she's studying though.
A few things that came to mind for me are: Business, Psychology, Liberal arts, and Fashion
She lives in an apartment with a photography student named Erica
I like to think she sends the PT's the weirdest most unhinged photos of Paris. Like the fat rats in front of the Eiffel tower or sculptures at the louvre purposely taken in the wrong angles to tease Yusuke.
Nagoya? | Ryuji
I don't actually know where he is, I just said Nagoya because that's where my friend studies.
I don't know if he's going to college if he's taking a gap year, or something else. I like to think he's in college & joined his university's track team. I don't know what he's studying though.
I like to think he's started getting back into running!
Goes back home a lot to visit his mom! Would crash at Akiren's place to hang out when he does. He always comes without Akechi knowing and Akechi hates it
If you know Omori, I like to think Ryuji's like the Kel of the group. He somehow keeps everyone in touch!
The Shujin Seniors | Futaba, Sumire
Sumire approached Futaba at first to get help with her studies (balancing gymnastics and high school isn't easy) and they quickly became close!
They hang out a lot outside of school. It's like, they somehow complement each other so they end up having fun trying new things together?
Futaba teaches Sumire Gen-Z lingo.
They hang out at Akiren and Akechi's apartment sometimes to slack off from studying.
The only serious/angsty thing in this au that I can think about is Akiren's relationship with Akechi. Akechi just pops back into his life so Akiren would have some... Thoughts.
If this were a spin-off slice-of-life/sitcom anime I'd like to imagine Akiren and Akechi having a deep conversation about life on the balcony, both overcome with their strong feelings from one another, anger? Yearning? Who knows. And then it cuts to Haru, Yusuke, and Makoto, trying and failing miserably at catching a rodent that broke into their apartment. Some wacky, Community-Esque hijinks ensue.
So yeah that's the roommates au, sorry for making it long,,
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uenodivision · 20 days
Aranai's Thoughts on R.I.P Märchen
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Queen Card
"I know this woman. Not personally, of course, but I've seen her do a couple of shows over at Eagle's Nest in Okinawa and a few bars and theatres across Japan. Appareance-wise, she reminds me of the blind fortune teller from Ōta, but personality-wise, I get the same feeling from her that I get from that spider woman that's on Sumire's team from Shinagawa. Like all she sees us as nothing more than pawns in whatever little plan she's got cooking in that dome she calls a head."
"Well, let me state now: I really don't know nor do I care whatever it is you've got rolling around in your head. So long as they don't involve me, my city or my family, you can do whatever you want."
Reiaki Suzubayashi
"Reiaki-chan? Ha, yeah, I know her. She was something of an inspiration to some of the girls during my Bōsōzoku days. Is it weird to say that I see a lot of myself inside of her? We were both just two girls who wanted to do whatever the hell we wanted until reality woke us up. Still, I don't regret those days. I kinda miss them, to be honest. But anyway, yeah, Reiaki is a cool chick. I see her name often listed on some horror films I watch. I didn't know she was into the movie industry. Good on her."
Miku Shirazuki
"Some of the girls in my gang were big fans of Miku's songs. I've heard some of them, but... well, when you've heard one idol sing, you've heard them all. Nothing against her, of course. But 86 and whatever other bands Sumire's listening to at the time are more my speed. We both attend school together, but I don't think we have any classes together. She's going into astrology, studying the stars and what-not. Me, I just want to hurry up and be done with it."
R.I.P Märchen
"So, this is the other Minato team that's everyone been talking about, huh? Between them and that 'Oculus' group, it's going to be interesting to see who's going to end up running the division. I'd like to say I'm rooting for these guys (mainly cause of Reiaki), but that Oculus group has got "Bloody Mary" in the mix, so... yeah, I think I'm putting my money on them, even if they are being led by a deranged scientist."
"Other than that, I've nothing against this team. But I meant what I said about your plans, Ms. Stage Magician. Whatever schemes you're cooking, leave Ueno out of it, got it?"
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edogawa-division · 1 year
Though the day had just started, the clock read 12:00 A.M., meaning it was new. This also meant that nobody could be faulted if birthday gifts were delivered early. This would explain why early in the morning, Yuriko, Kaoru, and the birthday girl, Kanra, found a multitude of gifts on the front porch of their house.
"Presents!" Kanra exclaimed, as hurriedly picked them all up, bringing them into the house.
"Were... these all delivered last night?" Kaoru asked, speaking to no one in particular, wondering why her security cameras didn't pick anything up. Yuriko found herself thinking the same thing as she would have easily sensed someone stepping onto the lawn, no matter who they were.
"Who cares?!" Kanra exclaimed, already opening up one of the gifts.
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Inside one of the boxes was a biker helmet with a skull face cover beneath it. Looking at it, the red-haired girl tried it on and was surprised it fit her perfectly. Inside the box was a note from a certain former Bosozoku from Ueno.
"Happy Birthday, Kanra! Hope you're enjoying it so far! I heard from Kaoru that you got yourself a bike, which is awesome! Looking forward to seeing you out on the road! Make sure you wear this helmet to show off how badass you are! ...Or don't. I don't even wear mine half the time. But anyway, happy birthday again, girl! Hope it's a good one!"
P.S. Heard you also got you a sweet guitar too! Make sure you practice with it. You, your sis, Sumire, Kureha, and I have band practice next week.
"Awesome!" Kanra said, putting it back on before looking at her mom and sister. "How do I look?"
"Great dear," Yuriko said, a slight smile on her face.
"Is a helmet even necessary for you?" Kaoru asked, skeptical.
"Probably not. But it still looks good." Kanra answered, opening another present.
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Inside the next box was a clear glass containing a plethora of flowers, all of which were either African daisies or bluebells. The flowers released a nature-like scent that filled the entire room. Like the previous box, a letter was placed inside.
"A most joyous and blessed-filled birthday, Kanra-chan! I pray that it is a good one. I hope you enjoy this bouquet of flowers I picked from my shop. It is filled with African daisies and bluebells, both of which symbolize strength and remembrance. I don't know what it's like not being able to remember some of your past, but I hope and pray that you find the answers you are looking for someday. Until then, if you ever need someone to talk to, my door is always open. Again, I wish you a very blessed birthday! May you have many more."
"Oh, those are nice," Yuriko said, looking at the glass. "I'll have to stop by Shisuta-san's flower shop, myself, to buy some."
"Make sure you water those every day Kanra," Kaoru advised. "If not, they'll wilt."
"K!" Kanra exclaimed, opening her third and last present. Unlike the other two, however, this one was fairly big, requiring Kanra to have Yuriko help her unwrap it. As the wrapper came up, the box, which was being held together by it, fell open, revealing what was inside. It caused everyone's eyes to open widely.
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Inside the box was perhaps the largest cake the three of them had possibly ever seen. How it managed to stay upright the entire night was anyone's guess. It was currently dripping frosting but still managed to look good enough to eat. On the inside of the box, was a letter, which read:
"Happy birthday, Kanra. Rashaad over in Okinawa told me your birthday was coming up, so I knew I had to make something to celebrate it. I knew an ordinary cake wouldn't do, so I spent the better part of a week preparing this. Do NOT ask how I managed to get it to stay up. It was nothing short of a miracle. Anyway, like I said, this thing took me almost a week to make, so I'm dead on my feet. Enjoy it, and happy birthday."
Luis Kōkyū
P.S. If you come to my restaurant and I'm not there, you know why. Just be sure to give me some heads-up so my chefs can prepare.
Kaoru was holding herself up against the wall laughing at the sight of Kanra next to a cake taller than her. Even Yuriko couldn't help but give a slight smirk at the comical sight. Kanra pouted at the both of them knowing they were having a little jab at her height. 
“You're having fun with this aren't you?”
You know it.” Kaoru teased pulling out her phone, taking a picture of the scene in front of her, and posting it to her PROFILE account.
“It was nice of Aranai, Shisuta, and Luis to give you gifts,” Yuriko mentioned as she went to go get plates and silverware from the kitchen. 
“How are we gonna finish this anyway? It's taller than Kanra and that is enough sugar to send a normal person into a diabetic coma.”
“I don't know about you but I’m built different.” Kanra inched closer to the cake taking one of her fingers and scraping some frosting off and placing it in her mouth. Her eyes lit up with glee. “Luis-san’s cakes are really good.”
“Kanra Akemi I do not care if it's your birthday.  You will not eat that entire cake by yourself in one sitting.”
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vm4vm0 · 1 year
NIKE JUKU Ft.「WOO! GO!」by ATARASHII GAKKOU from Mackenzie Sheppard on Vimeo.
WINNER - Ciclope Asia GOLD 2022 - Best Director WINNER - Ciclope Berlin SILVER 2022 - Choreography 1.4 Awards - Flying High, Shortlist, Longlist - Branded
Nike Juku music video I directed [Woo! Go!] by Atarashii Gakkou. Credits below!
WIEDEN+KENNEDY TOKYO @wktokyo Creative Director Curro de la Villa (クーロ・デ・ラ・ヴィラ) @currodlv Senior Copywriter Nedal Ahmed (ネダル・アハメド) @nedallll Yumiko Ota (太田祐美子) @yuninota Senior Art Director Kazuhi Yoshikawa (吉川一陽) @kazuhi_yoshikawa Lead Producer Kosuke Sasaki (佐々木洸介) @kosukelawrence Account Director Jordan Cappadocia (ジョーダン・カパドーシャ) @jordancap Account Supervisor Chelsea Hayashi (ハヤシ・チェルシー) @chelseamiwa Kaede Ose (大瀬楓) @kadesyrup Account Executive Ryu Kaida (海田隆) @ryukaida727 Producers Ty Demura (出村太) @tydemura Yoko Onodera (小野寺陽子) @choco2910 Comms Planning Director Justin Lam (ジャスティン・ラム) @justinclam Comms Planner Joanna Fukae (深江ジョアナ) @joyofu Strategic Planning Director Thijs van de Wouw (タイス・ヴォン・デ・ウォ) @thijs.vandewouw Strategic Planner Rina Deguchi (出口莉奈) @rinadagucci Studio Designer Akane Yasuda (安田茜) @akaa.ne Shotaro Tomiyama(富山庄太郎) Studio Manager Aiwei Ichikawa (市川愛維) Agency Editor Vinod Vijayasankaran (ヴィジャヤサンカラン ヴィノド) @videovinod PR Midori Sugama (菅間碧) @midorisugama Translator Mako Tomita (富田万木子) Executive Creative Director Scott Dungate (スコット・ダンゲート) @scotty_fingers Managing Director Yosuke Suzuki (鈴木洋介) @mrnobody8695
PRODUCTION COMPANY AOI Pro. Director Mackenzie Sheppard (マッケンジー・シェパード) @mackshepp Creative Assistant w/ Mack - Kai Sandy Producer Daisuke Misu(三須大輔)@misu_da Director of Photography Mikul Eriksson(マイケル・エリクソン) @_mikul Line Producer Anna Liu(アンナ・リュウ)/ Sumire Matsumura(松村すみれ) Production Manager Kazuki Omi(近江和希)/ Kanako Sato (佐藤果南子) Assistant Director Hideaki Jimbo(神保英昭)/ Kai Hoshino Sandy (サンデイー・ホシノ・カイ) Production Designer Masami Tanaka(田中 真紗美)@masamit0125 Casting Director (for Atarashii Gakko!) Shohei Ueno (上野昇平) @shohey02 Casting Director Mai Ikeda(池田舞)/Misaki Matsui(松井美咲)/Rikiya Takano(髙野力哉) Lighting Director Arata Ijichi(伊地知新) Stylist YOPPY(よっぴー)@yoppy0123456789 Hair & Make up PHOEBE(フィービー)@feebz_ Choreographer Nozomi de Lencquesaing (ド・ランクザン・望) @nozominski
PRODUCTION COMPANY AOI Pro. Director ZUMI(中角壮一)@zoomin.graph Producer Daisuke Misu(三須大輔)@misu_da Production Manager Kai Tsuyuguchi(露口 凱)@kai_0425 /Yurika Yamada (山田 百合佳) Director of Photography Shun Murakami(村上 俊)@shun_murakami_ Casting Director Mai Ikeda(池田 舞) Lighting Director Yamato Watanabe(渡邉 大和)@yamato0326_ Wardrobe | Costume | Styling YOPPY(よっぴー)@yoppy0123456789 Hair & Make up PHOEBE(フィービー)@feebz_ Production Design Masami Tanaka(田中 真紗美)@masamit0125
Editor Sachi Sasaki @ssachi0528 Assistant editor Tomonori Watanabe @_tomostudio Sound Designer Mike Regan (マイク・リーガン) @mikeregannoise Sound Mixer yoshizaki.masaaki(吉崎 雅章)/Hiroki.Okumura(奥村 宏貴) Colorist Mikey Rossiter (マイキー・ロシター) @mikolour / Haruka.Okutsu(奥津春香) Film Transfer Metropolis Post (メトロポリスポスト) Compositor Murata Chitoshi(村田 千登志)/ Yamaguchi Sakiyo(山口 紗清) FX Artist Naomi Hayashi(林 直美) Animation Takashi Ohashi (大橋史) @ohashitakashi
STILL PRODUCTION Photographer Masumi Ishida (石田真澄)@8msmsm8 Assistant Photographer Ryuji Tamaki (玉城竜次) Retoucher Takuya Tsugane (津金 卓也)
STUDY BREAK - LA TEAM Production Company Couscous @couscous Executive Producer Bear Damen @beardamen Producer Salim El Arja 1st AD Kat Nguyen @katnguyenfilm Line Producer Po-Wei Su @poweisub Production Accountant Neil Engelman Locations Manager Tom Macdonnald DoP Logan Triplett @logan_triplett 1st AC Mike Lemnitzer @hellyeamike 2nd AC/Loader Vinnie Bredemus @vinniebredemus Key Grip Shun Goldin Grip Oscar Matute Audio Mixer Jeremy Emery @jeremyemery Medic / CCO Chris Serafin Driver PA Alessandro Sassi Processing/Scan Fotokem @fotokem_la Dailies Producer David Boito
Illustrator Audra Furuichi(古市オードラ )@kyubikitsy
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tonimining · 2 years
NIKE JUKU Ft.「WOO! GO!」by ATARASHII GAKKOU from Mackenzie Sheppard on Vimeo.
Nike Juku music video I directed [Woo! Go!] by Atarashii Gakkou. Credits below!
WIEDEN+KENNEDY TOKYO @wktokyo Creative Director Curro de la Villa (クーロ・デ・ラ・ヴィラ) @currodlv Senior Copywriter Nedal Ahmed (ネダル・アハメド) @nedallll Yumiko Ota (太田祐美子) @yuninota Senior Art Director Kazuhi Yoshikawa (吉川一陽) @kazuhi_yoshikawa Lead Producer Kosuke Sasaki (佐々木洸介) @kosukelawrence Account Director Jordan Cappadocia (ジョーダン・カパドーシャ) @jordancap Account Supervisor Chelsea Hayashi (ハヤシ・チェルシー) @chelseamiwa Kaede Ose (大瀬楓) @kadesyrup Account Executive Ryu Kaida (海田隆) @ryukaida727 Producers Ty Demura (出村太) @tydemura Yoko Onodera (小野寺陽子) @choco2910 Comms Planning Director Justin Lam (ジャスティン・ラム) @justinclam Comms Planner Joanna Fukae (深江ジョアナ) @joyofu Strategic Planning Director Thijs van de Wouw (タイス・ヴォン・デ・ウォ) @thijs.vandewouw Strategic Planner Rina Deguchi (出口莉奈) @rinadagucci Studio Designer Akane Yasuda (安田茜) @akaa.ne Shotaro Tomiyama(富山庄太郎) Studio Manager Aiwei Ichikawa (市川愛維) Agency Editor Vinod Vijayasankaran (ヴィジャヤサンカラン ヴィノド) @videovinod PR Midori Sugama (菅間碧) @midorisugama Translator Mako Tomita (富田万木子) Executive Creative Director Scott Dungate (スコット・ダンゲート) @scotty_fingers Managing Director Yosuke Suzuki (鈴木洋介) @mrnobody8695
PRODUCTION COMPANY AOI Pro. Director Mackenzie Sheppard (マッケンジー・シェパード) @mackshepp Creative Assistant w/ Mack - Kai Sandy Producer Daisuke Misu(三須大輔)@misu_da Director of Photography Mikul Eriksson(マイケル・エリクソン) @_mikul Line Producer Anna Liu(アンナ・リュウ)/ Sumire Matsumura(松村すみれ) Production Manager Kazuki Omi(近江和希)/ Kanako Sato (佐藤果南子) Assistant Director Hideaki Jimbo(神保英昭)/ Kai Hoshino Sandy (サンデイー・ホシノ・カイ) Production Designer Masami Tanaka(田中 真紗美)@masamit0125 Casting Director (for Atarashii Gakko!) Shohei Ueno (上野昇平) @shohey02 Casting Director Mai Ikeda(池田舞)/Misaki Matsui(松井美咲)/Rikiya Takano(髙野力哉) Lighting Director Arata Ijichi(伊地知新) Stylist YOPPY(よっぴー)@yoppy0123456789 Hair & Make up PHOEBE(フィービー)@feebz_ Choreographer Nozomi de Lencquesaing (ド・ランクザン・望) @nozominski
PRODUCTION COMPANY AOI Pro. Director ZUMI(中角壮一)@zoomin.graph Producer Daisuke Misu(三須大輔)@misu_da Production Manager Kai Tsuyuguchi(露口 凱)@kai_0425 /Yurika Yamada (山田 百合佳) Director of Photography Shun Murakami(村上 俊)@shun_murakami_ Casting Director Mai Ikeda(池田 舞) Lighting Director Yamato Watanabe(渡邉 大和)@yamato0326_ Wardrobe | Costume | Styling YOPPY(よっぴー)@yoppy0123456789 Hair & Make up PHOEBE(フィービー)@feebz_ Production Design Masami Tanaka(田中 真紗美)@masamit0125
Editor Sachi Sasaki @ssachi0528 Assistant editor Tomonori Watanabe @_tomostudio Sound Designer Mike Regan (マイク・リーガン) @mikeregannoise Sound Mixer yoshizaki.masaaki(吉崎 雅章)/Hiroki.Okumura(奥村 宏貴) Colorist Mikey Rossiter (マイキー・ロシター) @mikolour / Haruka.Okutsu(奥津春香) Film Transfer Metropolis Post (メトロポリスポスト) Compositor Murata Chitoshi(村田 千登志)/ Yamaguchi Sakiyo(山口 紗清) FX Artist Naomi Hayashi(林 直美) Animation Takashi Ohashi (大橋史) @ohashitakashi
STILL PRODUCTION Photographer Masumi Ishida (石田真澄)@8msmsm8 Assistant Photographer Ryuji Tamaki (玉城竜次) Retoucher Takuya Tsugane (津金 卓也)
STUDY BREAK - LA TEAM Production Company Couscous @couscous Executive Producer Bear Damen @beardamen Producer Salim El Arja 1st AD Kat Nguyen @katnguyenfilm Line Producer Po-Wei Su @poweisub Production Accountant Neil Engelman Locations Manager Tom Macdonnald DoP Logan Triplett @logan_triplett 1st AC Mike Lemnitzer @hellyeamike 2nd AC/Loader Vinnie Bredemus @vinniebredemus Key Grip Shun Goldin Grip Oscar Matute Audio Mixer Jeremy Emery @jeremyemery Medic / CCO Chris Serafin Driver PA Alessandro Sassi Processing/Scan Fotokem @fotokem_la Dailies Producer David Boito
Illustrator Audra Furuichi(古市オードラ )@kyubikitsy
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montysworld · 5 months
NIKE JUKU Ft.「WOO! GO!」by ATARASHII GAKKOU from Mackenzie Sheppard on Vimeo.
WINNER - Cannes Lions 2023 - FILM | Silver Nominated - the One Show 2023 - Best Director WINNER - Spikes GOLD 2023 - Best Director WINNER - Spikes SILVER 2022 - Best Casting WINNER - Ciclope Asia GOLD 2022 - Best Director WINNER - Ciclope Berlin SILVER 2022 - Choreography 1.4 Awards - Flying High, Shortlist, Longlist - Branded
Nike Juku music video I directed [Woo! Go!] by Atarashii Gakkou. Credits below!
WIEDEN+KENNEDY TOKYO @wktokyo Creative Director Curro de la Villa (クーロ・デ・ラ・ヴィラ) @currodlv Senior Copywriter Nedal Ahmed (ネダル・アハメド) @nedallll Yumiko Ota (太田祐美子) @yuninota Senior Art Director Kazuhi Yoshikawa (吉川一陽) @kazuhi_yoshikawa Lead Producer Kosuke Sasaki (佐々木洸介) @kosukelawrence Account Director Jordan Cappadocia (ジョーダン・カパドーシャ) @jordancap Account Supervisor Chelsea Hayashi (ハヤシ・チェルシー) @chelseamiwa Kaede Ose (大瀬楓) @kadesyrup Account Executive Ryu Kaida (海田隆) @ryukaida727 Producers Ty Demura (出村太) @tydemura Yoko Onodera (小野寺陽子) @choco2910 Comms Planning Director Justin Lam (ジャスティン・ラム) @justinclam Comms Planner Joanna Fukae (深江ジョアナ) @joyofu Strategic Planning Director Thijs van de Wouw (タイス・ヴォン・デ・ウォ) @thijs.vandewouw Strategic Planner Rina Deguchi (出口莉奈) @rinadagucci Studio Designer Akane Yasuda (安田茜) @akaa.ne Shotaro Tomiyama(富山庄太郎) Studio Manager Aiwei Ichikawa (市川愛維) Agency Editor Vinod Vijayasankaran (ヴィジャヤサンカラン ヴィノド) @videovinod PR Midori Sugama (菅間碧) @midorisugama Translator Mako Tomita (富田万木子) Executive Creative Director Scott Dungate (スコット・ダンゲート) @scotty_fingers Managing Director Yosuke Suzuki (鈴木洋介) @mrnobody8695
PRODUCTION COMPANY AOI Pro. Director Mackenzie Sheppard (マッケンジー・シェパード) @mackshepp Creative Assistant w/ Mack - Kai Sandy Producer Daisuke Misu(三須大輔)@misu_da Director of Photography Mikul Eriksson(マイケル・エリクソン) @_mikul Line Producer Anna Liu(アンナ・リュウ)/ Sumire Matsumura(松村すみれ) Production Manager Kazuki Omi(近江和希)/ Kanako Sato (佐藤果南子) Assistant Director Hideaki Jimbo(神保英昭)/ Kai Hoshino Sandy (サンデイー・ホシノ・カイ) Production Designer Masami Tanaka(田中 真紗美)@masamit0125 Casting Director (for Atarashii Gakko!) Shohei Ueno (上野昇平) @shohey02 Casting Director Mai Ikeda(池田舞)/Misaki Matsui(松井美咲)/Rikiya Takano(髙野力哉) Lighting Director Arata Ijichi(伊地知新) Stylist YOPPY(よっぴー)@yoppy0123456789 Hair & Make up PHOEBE(フィービー)@feebz_ Choreographer Nozomi de Lencquesaing (ド・ランクザン・望) @nozominski
PRODUCTION COMPANY AOI Pro. Director ZUMI(中角壮一)@zoomin.graph Producer Daisuke Misu(三須大輔)@misu_da Production Manager Kai Tsuyuguchi(露口 凱)@kai_0425 /Yurika Yamada (山田 百合佳) Director of Photography Shun Murakami(村上 俊)@shun_murakami_ Casting Director Mai Ikeda(池田 舞) Lighting Director Yamato Watanabe(渡邉 大和)@yamato0326_ Wardrobe | Costume | Styling YOPPY(よっぴー)@yoppy0123456789 Hair & Make up PHOEBE(フィービー)@feebz_ Production Design Masami Tanaka(田中 真紗美)@masamit0125
Editor Sachi Sasaki @ssachi0528 Assistant editor Tomonori Watanabe @_tomostudio Sound Designer Mike Regan (マイク・リーガン) @mikeregannoise Sound Mixer yoshizaki.masaaki(吉崎 雅章)/Hiroki.Okumura(奥村 宏貴) Colorist Mikey Rossiter (マイキー・ロシター) @mikolour / Haruka.Okutsu(奥津春香) Film Transfer Metropolis Post (メトロポリスポスト) Compositor Murata Chitoshi(村田 千登志)/ Yamaguchi Sakiyo(山口 紗清) FX Artist Naomi Hayashi(林 直美) Animation Takashi Ohashi (大橋史) @ohashitakashi
STILL PRODUCTION Photographer Masumi Ishida (石田真澄)@8msmsm8 Assistant Photographer Ryuji Tamaki (玉城竜次) Retoucher Takuya Tsugane (津金 卓也)
STUDY BREAK - LA TEAM Production Company Couscous @couscous Executive Producer Bear Damen @beardamen Producer Salim El Arja 1st AD Kat Nguyen @katnguyenfilm Line Producer Po-Wei Su @poweisub Production Accountant Neil Engelman Locations Manager Tom Macdonnald DoP Logan Triplett @logan_triplett 1st AC Mike Lemnitzer @hellyeamike 2nd AC/Loader Vinnie Bredemus @vinniebredemus Key Grip Shun Goldin Grip Oscar Matute Audio Mixer Jeremy Emery @jeremyemery Medic / CCO Chris Serafin Driver PA Alessandro Sassi Processing/Scan Fotokem @fotokem_la Dailies Producer David Boito
Illustrator Audra Furuichi(古市オードラ )@kyubikitsy
0 notes
arun-pratap-singh · 1 year
13-year-old girl becomes youngest person to win Go title in Japan
Teenage Go prodigy Sumire Nakamura on Monday defeated Asami Ueno, a 21-year-old female Kisei, becoming the youngest player to have captured one of the major titles in the traditional board game in Japan at 13 years and 11 months. By winning the women’s Kisei match, Nakamura, who was a third-degree professional Go player, broke the previous record set in 2014 by Rina Fujisawa, now a 24-year-old…
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saitama-division · 10 months
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Contestants! (1/2)
Of course, we couldn’t forget about the main event! We’ve searched high and low throughout Japan to find the very best, the crème de la crème of each and every Division had to offer and we certainly weren’t disappointed with the line up we have and something tells us you aren’t going to be either once we reveal who our lovely ladies are. The contestants of the 2023 Miss Hypmic Pageant are…
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1. Lola Takahashi of Saitama and Evelyn Rose of Okinawa
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Outfits designed by Ramuda Amemura and Kaiji Sano
2. Kanra Akemi and Kaoru Shinozaki of Edogawa
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Outfits designed by Ramuda Amemura and Kaiji Sano
3. Sumire Shinomiya of Shinagawa and Aranai Norikoru of Ueno
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Outfits designed by Kaiji Sano
4. Queen Card of Minato and Makina Setsukura of Akihabara
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Outfits designed by Ramuda Amemura
Let’s wish these lovely ladies good luck!
@okinawa-division @edogawa-division @uenodivision @shinagawa-division @minato-division03 @akihabara-division03
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jessemidnitekrawlr · 5 years
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Sumire Ueno
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uenodivision · 8 months
Aranai's Thoughts on Niigata Division
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Seiji Tsukimoto
Aranai groans at the picture of the police chief. "Oh great, the Chief of the fucking police, himself. As if having that cop from Kanazawa in this tournament wasn't bad enough!" Aranai sighs. "Thankfully, unlike that cop, this one doesn't know me, I don't think. I've done some work in Niigata, but I don't go there since most of my customers in Chubu hail from Nagoya, where that monk and his clique reside. Still, I suppose I'd better watch myself since another cop is snooping around. Ugh..."
Lyall Shiba
"Ha, this guy makes me laugh. Mainly because, for a cop, he's not too bad. And I'm not just saying that because Kaoru in Edogawa has got a thing for him. ...What? Surprised I know about it? Don't be! I mean, it's kinda obvious! Whenever the girls and I are out, she'll sometimes get a call on her cell phone. If it's this guy, Spider Girl's eyes will light up, she'll suddenly get red in the face and then excuse herself for a while.
"Don't get me wrong, I'm not making fun of her anything! It's actually kinda cute seeing the resident hacker trip over herself for a guy! For a while there, I was worried I was going to have to do what I do to Sumire and find an excuse to get her and this guy a reason to meet each other. Thankfully, she's not as clueless or brainless as Sumire is and isn't afraid to take a leap!"
Ayumu Hayami
Aranai frowns at the photo of the paramedic. "I'm going to say this right now: I really don't like this guy. Why? Because more than once I've seen him here in Ueno. And it's not because somebody's sick or in danger of dying. No, the reason this guy is here in Ueno is because he's got a thing for Shisuta! ...Yeah, you heard me right! The paramedic is who a year away from being four decades old has a crush on a woman who is f'ing 13 years older than him! What the hell kinda shit is that? I'm not a lawyer like Boss Lady is, but I'm pretty sure dating someone who is a decade older than you is breaking some sort of rule. And if it isn't, then it needs to be! I'm telling you now, I'm keeping a close eye on this guy. If he does anything to Shisuta, they're going to have call a paramedic for him when I get through with him!"
Valor Guard
"Ugh, is Boss Lady asking more and more cops to join this rap tournament or something? Or do they just not have enough to do at the f'ing police station? Because there shouldn't be a reason for so many cops to be joining some rap tournament! I know not every team here is full of law-abiding citizens, but I didn't realize that meant that every cop and their brother needed to form a rap team to arrest them!
"Ugh, and knowing Boss Lady, she's gonna wanna form an alliance with these guys like the ones from Kanazawa. Ugh, hopefully, someone deals with them quickly. Either that, or they become too preoccupied with whomever they're chasing to deal with us..."
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akihabaradivision · 2 years
Nikki's Thoughts on Third Members
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Saburo Yamada
"Believe it or not, I actually admire and respect Saburo. He, along with Sumire, are one of the few people who I'd trust to have my back if were planning some high-stakes cyber crime. I've seen his skills on a PC, and, despite his age, he knows his way around a hard drive. It's a shame he's not older. He'd be a very important piece for Scorpion Den."
Rio Mason Busujima
"I've not met him, but apparently, he's a former Marine. Why someone like him is choosing to associate himself with a Yakuza and a dirty cop is beyond my ability to comprehend. It's unlikely they have something on him, and even if they did, I have no doubt he'd be able to obtain it with little to no trouble. ...Oh well, it's none of my business."
Dice Arisugawa
"...Admittedly, though I don't frequent gambling institutions, I have, on more than occasion, visited the Pachinko parlors we have here in Akihabara. My reasoning is simply due to interest and curiosity than actually trying to obtain cash, though I have won a few games several times before. I don't know why people have such issue with them. The concept to beat the game is actually fairly easy once you get the hang of it. You simply have too..." Nikki stops once she realizes she's rambling, before shaking her head.
"Anyway, as I was stating, though I don't frequent such places, the few times I have gone, I almost always see this man in there, losing more times than he wins. And after he gets thrown out, he just follows people around, begging for loose change. I truly don't understand his thought process. If you're to gamble away what little funds you have, you should try to establish a steady income first. But it's none of my business what he does with his life."
Doppo Kannonzaka
"I actually have respect for Kannonzaka. Not for his work ethic, though that is worthy of attention, though he should really think about finding a new line of work. With the amount of trauma he frequently goes through on a daily basis from his boss and co-workers, it's a wonder that he isn't ill.
"But anyway, I respect him because of his rap lyrics, which I feel coincide with my own. Much of my disliking for the real world I adapted from Kannonzaka. He sees the world for the cesspool that it really is, like I do."
Rei Amayado
"The father to the Yamada boys. I question exactly what caused him to abandon his own children, but its none of my business. But if he thinks he'll find some steady income here in Akihabara, he's sorely mistaken. We've no love for con artists here."
Hitoya Amaguni
"A lawyer, though not nearly the same as the one from Ueno City. While she will take any case, he seems to be more focused on cases that involve with bullying. Admirable, but nothing really extraordinary."
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dliilb · 2 years
NIKE JUKU Ft.「WOO! GO!」by ATARASHII GAKKOU from Mackenzie Sheppard on Vimeo.
Nike Juku music video I directed [Woo! Go!] by Atarashii Gakkou. Credits below!
WIEDEN+KENNEDY TOKYO @wktokyo Creative Director Curro de la Villa (クーロ・デ・ラ・ヴィラ) @currodlv Senior Copywriter Nedal Ahmed (ネダル・アハメド) @nedallll Yumiko Ota (太田祐美子) @yuninota Senior Art Director Kazuhi Yoshikawa (吉川一陽) @kazuhi_yoshikawa Lead Producer Kosuke Sasaki (佐々木洸介) @kosukelawrence Account Director Jordan Cappadocia (ジョーダン・カパドーシャ) @jordancap Account Supervisor Chelsea Hayashi (ハヤシ・チェルシー) @chelseamiwa Kaede Ose (大瀬楓) @kadesyrup Account Executive Ryu Kaida (海田隆) @ryukaida727 Producers Ty Demura (出村太) @tydemura Yoko Onodera (小野寺陽子) @choco2910 Comms Planning Director Justin Lam (ジャスティン・ラム) @justinclam Comms Planner Joanna Fukae (深江ジョアナ) @joyofu Strategic Planning Director Thijs van de Wouw (タイス・ヴォン・デ・ウォ) @thijs.vandewouw Strategic Planner Rina Deguchi (出口莉奈) @rinadagucci Studio Designer Akane Yasuda (安田茜) @akaa.ne Shotaro Tomiyama(富山庄太郎) Studio Manager Aiwei Ichikawa (市川愛維) Agency Editor Vinod Vijayasankaran (ヴィジャヤサンカラン ヴィノド) @videovinod PR Midori Sugama (菅間碧) @midorisugama Translator Mako Tomita (富田万木子) Executive Creative Director Scott Dungate (スコット・ダンゲート) @scotty_fingers Managing Director Yosuke Suzuki (鈴木洋介) @mrnobody8695
PRODUCTION COMPANY AOI Pro. Director Mackenzie Sheppard (マッケンジー・シェパード) @mackshepp Creative Assistant w/ Mack - Kai Sandy Producer Daisuke Misu(三須大輔)@misu_da Director of Photography Mikul Eriksson(マイケル・エリクソン) @_mikul Line Producer Anna Liu(アンナ・リュウ)/ Sumire Matsumura(松村すみれ) Production Manager Kazuki Omi(近江和希)/ Kanako Sato (佐藤果南子) Assistant Director Hideaki Jimbo(神保英昭)/ Kai Hoshino Sandy (サンデイー・ホシノ・カイ) Production Designer Masami Tanaka(田中 真紗美)@masamit0125 Casting Director (for Atarashii Gakko!) Shohei Ueno (上野昇平) @shohey02 Casting Director Mai Ikeda(池田舞)/Misaki Matsui(松井美咲)/Rikiya Takano(髙野力哉) Lighting Director Arata Ijichi(伊地知新) Stylist YOPPY(よっぴー)@yoppy0123456789 Hair & Make up PHOEBE(フィービー)@feebz_ Choreographer Nozomi de Lencquesaing (ド・ランクザン・望) @nozominski
PRODUCTION COMPANY AOI Pro. Director ZUMI(中角壮一)@zoomin.graph Producer Daisuke Misu(三須大輔)@misu_da Production Manager Kai Tsuyuguchi(露口 凱)@kai_0425 /Yurika Yamada (山田 百合佳) Director of Photography Shun Murakami(村上 俊)@shun_murakami_ Casting Director Mai Ikeda(池田 舞) Lighting Director Yamato Watanabe(渡邉 大和)@yamato0326_ Wardrobe | Costume | Styling YOPPY(よっぴー)@yoppy0123456789 Hair & Make up PHOEBE(フィービー)@feebz_ Production Design Masami Tanaka(田中 真紗美)@masamit0125
Editor Sachi Sasaki @ssachi0528 Assistant editor Tomonori Watanabe @_tomostudio Sound Designer Mike Regan (マイク・リーガン) @mikeregannoise Sound Mixer yoshizaki.masaaki(吉崎 雅章)/Hiroki.Okumura(奥村 宏貴) Colorist Mikey Rossiter (マイキー・ロシター) @mikolour / Haruka.Okutsu(奥津春香) Film Transfer Metropolis Post (メトロポリスポスト) Compositor Murata Chitoshi(村田 千登志)/ Yamaguchi Sakiyo(山口 紗清) FX Artist Naomi Hayashi(林 直美) Animation Takashi Ohashi (大橋史) @ohashitakashi
STILL PRODUCTION Photographer Masumi Ishida (石田真澄)@8msmsm8 Assistant Photographer Ryuji Tamaki (玉城竜次) Retoucher Takuya Tsugane (津金 卓也)
STUDY BREAK - LA TEAM Production Company Couscous @couscous Executive Producer Bear Damen @beardamen Producer Salim El Arja 1st AD Kat Nguyen @katnguyenfilm Line Producer Po-Wei Su @poweisub Production Accountant Neil Engelman Locations Manager Tom Macdonnald DoP Logan Triplett @logan_triplett 1st AC Mike Lemnitzer @hellyeamike 2nd AC/Loader Vinnie Bredemus @vinniebredemus Key Grip Shun Goldin Grip Oscar Matute Audio Mixer Jeremy Emery @jeremyemery Medic / CCO Chris Serafin Driver PA Alessandro Sassi Processing/Scan Fotokem @fotokem_la Dailies Producer David Boito
Illustrator Audra Furuichi(古市オードラ )@kyubikitsy
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goalhofer · 3 years
2020 Olympics Japan Roster
Kawata Yūki (Hiroshima)
Muto Hiroki (Tokyo)
Furukawa Takaharu (Aomori)
Nakamura Miki (Yokohama)
Azusa Yamauchi (Tokyo)
Hayakawa Ren (Tokyo)
Bruno Dede (Matsumoto)
Koike Yūki (Otaru)
Tada Shūhei (Higashiōsaka)
Yamagata Ryōta (Hiroshima)
Abdul Sani-Brown (Sokado)
Iizuka Shōta (Omaezaki)
Yamashita Jun (Tsukuba)
Julian Walsh (Hiroshima)
Bandō Yūta (Sumoto)
Hiroki Matsueda (Tokyo)
Akira Aizawa (Sukagawa)
Tatsuhiko Ito (Hamamatsu)
Ryoma Aoki (Kuki)
Ryūji Miura (Hamada)
Yamaguchi Kōsei (Higashiura)
Izumiya Shunsuke (Kanagawa)
Kanai Taiō (Hakodate)
Takayama Shun'ya (Hiroshima)
Abe Takotoshi (Tokyo)
Kazuki Kurokawa (Shimonoseki)
Hiromu Yamauchi (Aizuwakamatsu)
Kiryū Yoshihide (Hikone)
Rikuya Itō (Funabashi)
Kaito Kawabata (Matsusaka)
Satō Kentarō (Tokorozawa)
Aoto Suzuki (Saitama)
Shogo Nakamura (Yokkaichi)
Ōsako Suguru (Machida)
Yuma Hattori (Tōkamachi)
Ikeda Kōki (Hamamatsu)
Takahashi Eiki (Hanamaki)
Yamanishi Toshikazu (Kyoto)
Hayato Katsuki (Chukushino)
Masatora Kawano (Hyuga)
Satoshi Maruo (Kyoto)
Hashioka Yūki (Saitama)
Shiroyama Shōtarō (Hakodate)
Tsuha Hibiki (Kawagoe)
Takashi Etō (Mie)
Tobe Naoto (Noda)
Ejima Masaki (Kanagawa)
Yamamoto Seito (Okazaki)
Takuto Kominami (Sapporo)
Yu Ishikawa (Isehara)
Ran Urabe (Tokyo)
Tanaka Nozomi (Ono)
Kaede Hagitani (Saku)
Hironaka Ririka (Nagasaki)
Andō Yuka (Toyokawa)
Niiya Hitomi (Sōja)
Aoki Masumi (Okayama)
Kimura Ayako (Hiroshima)
Asuka Terada (Sapporo)
Yuna Yamanaka (Sakai)
Hanae Aoyama (Kobe)
Kodama Mei (Usuka)
Remi Tsuruta (Kagoshima)
Ami Saito (Takahashi)
Ichiyama Mao (Izumi)
Maeda Honami (Osaka)
Suzuki Ayuko (Toyohashi)
Fujii Nanako (Nakagawa)
Okada Kumiko (Ageo)
Kitaguchi Haruka (Asahikawa)
Tanaka Ryōmei (Tokyo)
Sewon Okazawa (Tokyo)
Moriwaki Yuito (Tokyo)
Narimatsu Daisuke (Kumamoto)
Namiki Tsukimi (Narita)
Irie Sena (Tokyo)
Haneda Takuya (Toyota)
Adachi Kazuya (Tokyo)
Takanori Tōme (Tokyo)
Hiroki Fujishima (Kamikuishiki)
Yusuke Miyata (Wakayama)
Matsushita Momotarō (Komatsu)
Keiji Mizumoto (Yahaba)
Ayano Sato (Tokyo)
Yazawa Aki (Iida)
Teruko Kiriake (Yame)
Manaka Kubota (Kiyose)
Yuka Ono (Honjō)
Arashiro Yukiya (Ishigaki)
Nariyuki Masuda (Sendai)
Nitta Yūdai (Aizuwakamatsu)
Wakimoto Yūta (Fukui)
Hashimoto Eiya (Gifu)
Yamamoto Kōhei (Makubetsu)
Nagasako Yoshitaku (Kasaoka)
Rim Nakamura (Kyoto)
Kaneko Hiromi (Yokkaichi)
Yonamine Eri (Osaka)
Kobayashi Yūka (Tosu)
Kajihara Yūmi (Saitama)
Kisato Nakamura (Chiba)
Miho Imai (Maebashi)
Sae Hatakeyama (Aigle, Switzerland)
Minato Oike (Shimada)
Terauchi Ken (Takarazuka)
Sakai Shō (Tokyo)
Reo Nishida (Osaka)
Tamai Rikuto (Takarazuka)
Hiroki Ito (Zama)
Murakami Kazuki (Ehime)
Mikami Sayaka (Yonago)
Arai Matsuri (Itami)
Haruka Enomoto (Utsunomiya)
Hazuki Miyamoto (Kōchi)
Itahashi Minami (Takarazuka)
Tomohiro Shimamura (Tokyo)
Kaito Streets (Tokyo)
Kento Yoshida (Morioka)
Yudai Nagano (Ibaraki)
Kanō Kōki (Ama)
Minobe Kazuyasu (Echizen)
Yamada Masaru (Toba)
Uyama Satoru (Takamatsu)
Kyosuke Matsuyama (Tokyo)
Saitō Toshiya (Tokyo)
Shikine Takahiro (Tokyo)
Tokunan Kenta (Ikeda)
Rio Azuma (Osaka)
Tsuji Sumire (Gifu)
Nozomi Satō (Fukui)
Sera Azuma (Wakayama)
Yuka Ueno (Tokyo)
Aoki Chika (Minamiechizen)
Misaki Emura (Tokyo)
Norika Tamura (Mizuho)
Shihomi Fukushima (Munakata)
Rio Azuma (Wakayama)
Sumire Tsuji (Gifu)
Takatō Naohisa (Tokyo)
Abe Hifumi (Tokyo)
Ōno Shōhei (Naha)
Takanori Nagase (Ibaraki)
Mukai Shōichirō (Hongo)
Aaron Wolf (Shin-Koiwa)
Harasawa Hisayoshi (Shimonoseki)
Tonaki Funa (Sagamihara)
Abe Uta (Kobe)
Yoshida Tsukasa (Kyoto)
Tashiro Miku (Tokyo)
Arai Chizuru (Yorii)
Hamada Shōri (Kirishima Ichi)
Sone Akira (Kurume)
Naoto Sago (Tokyo)
Ken Nishimura (Fukuoka)
Araga Ryūtarō (Kyoto)
Kiyuna Ryō (Okinawa Ichi)
Miyahara Miho (Fukuoka)
Someya Mayumi (Tokyo)
Uekusa Ayumi (Tokyo)
Shimizu Kiyou (Osaka)
Iwamoto Shōhei (Saga)
Tomonaga Natsumi (Saitama)
Rena Shimazu (Asaka)
Nanri Kenji (Kanagawa)
Hokazono Junpei (Hioki)
Okada Keiju (Kitakyushu)
Koizumi Ibuki (Tokyo)
Leo Takahashi (Auckland, New Zealand)
Shibuki Iitsuka (Enoshima)
Tomizawa Makoto (Kashiwazaki)
Segawa Kazumasa (Sakaiminato)
Shibuki Iitsuka (Yokohama)
Anna Yamazaki (Hayama)
Eri Hatayama (Enoshima)
Sunaga Yuki (Sakado)
Doi Manami (Yokohama)
Yoshida Ai (Karatsu)
Yoshioka Miho (Enoshima)
Takano Sena (Suita)
Eri Hatayama (Zushi)
Hiroyuki Ikawa (Tokyo)
Shigetaka Oyama (Toda)
Takayuki Matsumoto (Nagasaki)
Okada Naoya (Tsuyama)
Shiori Hirata (Kanagawa)
Haruka Nakaguchi (Kyoto)
Satoko Yamada (Saitama)
Kojiro Horimizu (Zentsūji)
Hiroyuki Ikawa (Yokohama)
Dai Yoshioka (Kyoto)
Ishihara Naoko (Tokyo)
Nakayama Yukie (Yūki)
Shiori Hirata (Nomi)
Haruka Nakaguchi (Kusatsu)
Chizuru Sasaki (Morioka)
Satoko Yamada (Kōka)
Fujita Yamato (Sasebo)
Ueno Yukiko (Fukuoka)
Goto Miu (Nagoya)
Mine Yukiyo (Fukuoka)
Kiyohara Nayu (Osaka)
Agatsuma Haruka (Tokyo)
Ichiguchi Yūka (Kanagawa)
Yamamoto Yū (Tokyo)
Hitomi Kawabata (Tokyo)
Atsumi Mana (Hamamatsu)
Minori Naito (Osaka)
Saki Yamazaki (Kakegawa)
Harada Nodoka (Sōja)
Mori Sayaka (Tokyo)
Yamada Eri (Fujisawa)
Harada Kai (Kanagawa)
Narasaki Tomoa (Utsunomiya)
Noguchi Akiyo (Ibaraki)
Nonaka Mihō (Tokyo)
Kanoa Igarashi (Huntington Beach, California)
Ōhara Hiroto (Chiba)
Maeda Mahina (Pupukea, Hawaii)
Tsuzuki Amuro (Shōnan)
Honda Tomoru (Yokohama)
Ikari Yūki (Okayama)
Mura Ryūya (Yonago)
Shoma Sato (Tokyo)
Akira Namba (Yokkaichi)
Takahashi Kōtarō (Shizuoka)
Hagino Kōsuke (Oyama)
Irie Ryōsuke (Tennōji-Ku)
Kawamoto Takeshi (Nagoya)
Matsumoto Katsuhiro (Kanamachi)
Mizunuma Naoki (Tochigi)
Nakamura Katsumi (Tokyo)
Seto Daiya (Moroyama)
Sunama Keita (Yamatokoriyama)
Seki Kaiya (Tokyo)
Shioura Shinri (Isehara)
Miyu Namba (Yamaguchi)
Ageha Tanigawa (Tokyo)
Nagisa Ikemoto (Tokyo)
Aoi Masuda (Kobe)
Minamide Taishin (Kainan)
Yanagimoto Kōnosuke (Imari)
Konishi Anna (Toyooka)
Aoki Reona (Tokyo)
Hasegawa Suzuka (Kita)
Kobori Waka (Nara)
Ōhashi Yui (Hikone)
Teramura Miho (Nagareyama)
Watanabe Kanako (Tokyo)
Igarashi Chihiro (Kanagawa)
Ikee Rikako (Tokyo)
Ōmoto Rika (Kyoto)
Sakai Natsumi (Saitama)
Shirai Rio (Takarazuka)
Kida Yumi (Akasaka)
Namba Miyu (Nara)
Tanigawa Ageha (Shijonawate)
Ikemoto Nagisa (Uji)
Masuda Aoi (Kurashiki)
Inui Yukiko (Ōmihachiman)
Megumu Yoshida (Nagoya)
Fukumura Juka (Kyoto)
Kijima Moeka (Hakusan)
Okina Kyogoku (Higashioka)
Mayu Tsukamoto (Oamishirasato)
Mashiro Yasunaga (Higashioka)
Yanagisawa Akane (Saitama Ichi)
Table Tennis
Harimoto Tomokazu (Sendai)
Niwa Kōki (Tomakomai)
Mizutani Jun (Iwata)
Ishikawa Kasumi (Yamaguchi)
Itō Mima (Iwata)
Hirano Miu (Numazu)
Ricardo Suzuki (Tokyo)
Sergio Suzuki (Tokyo)
Yamada Miyu (Aichi)
Hamada Mayu (Saga)
Ishijima Yūsuke (Matsubushi)
Shiratori Katsuhiro (Tokyo)
Shimizu Kunihiro (Fukui Ichi)
Ōnodera Taishi (Natori Ichi)
Fujii Naonobu (Miyagi Ichi)
Yamauchi Akihiro (Aichi Ichi)
Nishida Yūji (Inabe)
Sekita Masahiro (Tokyo)
Ishikawa Yūki (Aichi Ichi)
Lee Haku (Miyazaki Ichi)
Takanashi Kenta (Yamagata Ichi)
Ōtsuka Tatsunori (Osaka)
Yamamoto Tomohiro (Ebetsu)
Takahashi Ran (Kyoto)
Miki Ishii (Fujisawa)
Megumi Murakami (Echizen)
Ai Kurogo (Utsunomiya)
Koga Sarina (Saga)
Tasahiro Kanami (Ōtsu)
Mayu Ishikawa (Okazaki)
Shimamura Haruyo (Kamakura)
Kobata Mako (Kyoto)
Ishii Yuki (Kurashiki)
Mai Okumura (Nagatoro)
Araki Erika (Kurashiki)
Momii Aki (Sagamihara)
Hayashi Kotona (Kyoto)
Yamada Nichika (Toyota)
Otoguro Keisuke (Kōfu)
Otoguro Takuto (Kōfu)
Shohei Yabiku (Yokohama)
Fumita Ken'ichirō (Kōfu)
Takahashi Yūki (Kunawa)
Takatani Sōsuke (Kyōtango)
Yabiku Shōhei (Naha)
Susaki Yui (Matsudo)
Mukaida Mayu (Yokkaichi)
Kawai Risako (Tsubata)
Kawai Yukako (Tsubata)
Doshō Sara (Matsusaka)
Minagawa Hiroe (Uji)
Momota Kento (Mitoyo)
Tsuneyama Kanta (Ōtsu)
Endō Hiroyuki (Tokyo)
Watanabe Yūta (Suginami)
Kamura Takeshi (Saga Ichi)
Sonoda Keigo (Yatsuhiro)
Yamaguchi Akane (Katsuyama)
Okuhara Nozomi (Ōmachi)
Fukushima Yuki (Kumamoto Ichi)
Hirota Sayaka (Kumamoto Ichi)
Matsumoto Mayu (Akita Ichi)
Nagahara Wakana (Akita Ichi)
Higashino Arisa (Iwamizawa)
Kōyō Aoyagi (Yokohama)
Iwazaki Suguru (Shimizu)
Morishita Masato (Ōita Ichi)
Itoh Hiromi (Kayabe)
Yamamoto Yoshinobu (Bizen)
Tanaka Masahiro (Itami)
Yamasaki Yasuaki (Tokyo)
Kuribayashi Ryoji (Aisai)
Yūdai Ōno (Kyoto)
Senga Kodai (Gamagōri)
Taira Kaima (Ishigaki)
Umeno Ryūtarō (Nakagawa-Cho)
Kai Takuya (Ōita Ichi)
Yamada Tetsuto (Toyooka)
Genda Sōsuke (Ōita Ichi)
Asamura Hideto (Osaka)
Kikuchi Ryosuke (Tokyo)
Sakamoto Hayato (Itami)
Murakami Munetaka (Kumamoto Ichi)
Kondō Kensuke (Chiba Ichi)
Yanagita Yūki (Hiroshima)
Kurihara Ryōya (Fukui Ichi)
Yoshida Masataka (Fukui Ichi)
Suzuki Seiya (Tokyo)
Togashi Yūki (Shibata)
Makoto Hiejima (Kyoto)
Hachimura Rui (Sendai)
Leo Vendrame (Nobeoka)
Watanabe Yūta (Zentsūji)
Kanamaru Kosuke (Fukuoka Ichi)
Baba Yūdai (Toyama Ichi)
Gavin Edwards (Funabashi)
Tanaka Daiki (Unzen)
Avi Schafer (Osaka)
Hugh Watanabe (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Harimoto Tenketsu (Nisshin)
Ira Brown (Willis, Texas)
Ochiai Tomoya (Tsuchiura)
Tominaga Akirasei (Nagoya)
Yasuoka Ryūto (Koshigaya)
Nagaoka Moeko (Urakawa)
Maki Takada (Toyohashi)
Miyoshi Naho (Ichikawa)
Rui Machida (Asahikawa)
Motohashi Nako (Tokyo)
Todo Nanako (Sapporo)
Hayashi Saki (Itoshima)
Evelyn Mawuli (Toyohashi)
Saori Miyazaki (Shibuya)
Miyazawa Yuki (Yokohama)
Akaho Himawari (Ishikawa)
Monica Okoye (Tokyo)
Stephanie Mawuli (Toyohashi)
Nishioka Risa (Ikoma)
Shinozaki Mio (Yokohama)
Yamamoto Mai (Hiroshima)
Takahashi Masanao (Tokyo)
Shingo Hayashi (Sapporo)
Hiroyuki Kitahara (Tokyo)
Kazuki Sado (Kyoto)
Kitajima Ryūzō (Kobe)
Ōiwa Yoshiaki (Schleswig Holstein, Germany)
Tanaka Toshiyuki (Fukuoka Ichi)
Kazuma Tomoto (Sturminster Newton, U.K.)
Mike Kawai (Valkenswaard, The Netherlands)
Fukushima Daisuke (Sakura)
Koki Saito (Katori)
Satō Eiken (Ogawa)
Field Hockey
Koji Yamasaki (Kōfu)
Genki Mitani (Echizen)
Tanaka Seren (Kyoto)
Ochiai Hiromasa (Tenri)
Murata Kazuma (Toyama Ichi)
Tanaka Kenta (Ōtsu)
Kitazato Kenji (Kumamoto Ichi)
Nagai Yūma (Kyoto)
Yamashita Manabu (Oyabe)
Tanaka Kaito (Tenri)
Nagayoshi Ken (Utsunomiya)
Fukuda Kentarō (Matsue)
Ōhashi Masaki (Nikkō)
Yamada Shōta (Maibara)
Zendana Hirotaka (Matsue)
Yoshikawa Takashi (Maibara)
Watanabe Kōta (Fukui Ichi)
Kirishita Yoshiki (Nara Ichi)
Kimika Hoshi (Kakamigahara)
Natsuhara Matsumoto (Matsubara)
Yu Asai (Hiroshima)
Mano Yukari (Kakamigahara)
Nagai Yuri (Kakamigahara)
Nagai Hazuki (Kakamigahara)
Oikawa Shihori (Tenri)
Kana Nomura (Nara)
Miki Kozuka (Nikko)
Segawa Maho (Tokyo)
Yamada Aki (Kōfu)
Nishikōri Emi (Matsue)
Kanon Mori (Hiroshima)
Mai Toriyama (Nara)
Sakurako Omoto (Iwakuni)
Asano Sakiyo (Kakamigahara)
Ōsako Keisuke (Izumi)
Sakai Hiroki (Kashiwa)
Nakayama Yūta (Ryūgasaki)
Itakura Kō (Yokohama)
Yoshida Maya (Nagasaki)
Endoh Wataru (Yokohama)
Kubo Takefusa (Kawasaki)
Miyoshi Kōji (Kawasaki)
Maeda Daizen (Osaka)
Dōan Ritsu (Amagasaki)
Mitoma Kaoru (Kawasaki)
Tani Kosei (Osaka)
Hatate Reo (Shizuoka)
Tomiyasu Takehiro (Fukuoka Ichi)
Hashioka Daiki (Saitama)
Sōma Yūki (Tokyo)
Tanaka Ao (Kawasaki)
Ueda Ayase (Mito)
Hayashi Daichi (Osaka)
Machida Kōki (Mito)
Seko Ayuma (Osaka)
Zion Suzuki (Saitama Ichi)
Ikeda Sakiko (Saitama Ichi)
Shimizu Risa (Kobe)
Takarada Saori (Tateyama)
Kumagai Saki (Sapporo)
Minami Moeka (Yoshikawa)
Sugita Hina (Kitakyushu)
Nakajima Emi (Yasu)
Miura Narumi (Kawasaki)
Sugasawa Yuika (Chiba Ichi)
Iwabuchi Mana (Tokyo)
Tanaka Mina (Inagi)
Endō Jun (Shirakawa)
Shiokoshi Yuzuho (Saitama Ichi)
Hasegawa Yui (Toda)
Momiki Yūka (New York, New York)
Miyagawa Asato (Yokohama)
Kitamura Nanami (Osaka)
Yamashita Ayaka (Tokyo)
Shiori Miyake (Sapporo)
Hayashi Honoka (Uji)
Kinoshita Momoka (Hyogo)
Hirao Chika (Matsudo)
Matsuyama Hideki (Sendai)
Hoshino Rikuya (Mito)
Hataoka Nasa (Kasama)
Inami Mone (Tokyo)
Hashimoto Daiki (Chiba)
Kaya Kazuma (Funabashi)
Kitazono Takeru (Osaka)
Wataru Tanigawa (Funabashi)
Daiki Kishi (Komatsu)
Ryosuke Sakai (Isehara)
Hatekeda Hitomi (Tokyo)
Hiraiwa Yūna (Tokyo)
Murakami Mai (Sagamihara)
Sugihara Aiko (Higashiōsaka)
Ōiwa Chisaki (Noda)
Sumire Kita (Tokyo)
Noshitani Sakura (Tokyo)
Sugimoto Sayuri (Nagoya)
Suzuki Ayuka (Anpachi)
Nanami Takenaka (Setagaya)
Yokota Kiko (Tokyo)
Hikaru Mori (Tokyo)
Megu Uyama (Kanazawa)
Naoki Sugioka (Kariya)
Yuta Iwashita (Kanazaki)
Kenya Kasahara (Kariya)
Adam Baig (Fukuoka Ichi)
Narita Kohei (Hiroshima)
Tokuda Shinnosuke (Inazawa)
Watanabe Jin (Ōita Ichi)
Rémi Feutrier (Tokyo)
Motoki Sakai (Isehara)
Motoki Shida (Kasumigauri)
Tatsuki Yoshino (Misato)
Agarie Yūto (Urasoe)
Mizumachi Kōtarō (Tokyo)
Rennosuke Tokuda (Iwakuni)
Yoshida Shūichi (Tarnow, Poland)
Sunami Kaho (Kagoshima)
Sunami Yui (Okayama)
Shiota Sayo (Takamatsu)
Yokoshima Aya (Takaoka)
Mana Horikawa (Hiroshima)
Itano Minami (Osaka)
Tanabe Yuki (Hakusan)
Ayaka Ikehara (Urasoe)
Hara Nozomi (Nobeoka)
Ōyama Mana (Takamatsu)
Sasaki Haruno (Takaoka)
Shiori Nagata (Fukuoka Ichi)
Sakura Hauge (Bergen, Norway)
Kondō Mahura (Tokyo)
Fujii Shio (Osaka)
Ishitate Mayuko (Fukui)
Arakawa Ryūta (Yokohama)
Tomita Chiaki (Yonago)
Ōishi Ayami (Aichi Ichi)
Jose Seru (Higashioka)
Lote Tuqiri (Namatakula, Fiji)
Colin Bourke (Tokyo)
Hano Kazushi (Nagoya)
Kameli Soejima (Labasa, Fiji)
Hikosaka Masakatsu (Aichi Ichi)
Brackin Karauria-Henry (Auckland, New Zealand)
Chihito Matsui (Osaka)
Ryota Kano (Tokyo)
Yoshikazu Fujita (Fukuoka Ichi)
Kippei Ishida (Amagasaki)
Naoki Motomura (Hachinohe)
Gōya Kazuhiro (Onojo)
Wakaba Hara (Niigata)
Rinka Matsuda (Kyoto)
Yume Hirano (Tokyo)
Haruka Hirotsu (Tokyo)
Marin Kajiki (Fukuoka Ichi)
Koide Mifuyu (Kumagaya)
Hana Nagata (Fukuoka Ichi)
Mei Otani (Kyoto)
Raichel Bativakalolo (Tokyo)
Mayu Shimizu (Tokyo)
Miyu Shirako (Tokyo)
Honoka Tsutsumi (Ureshino)
Hirano Ayumu (Murakami)
Aoki Yukito (Shizuoka)
Horigome Yūto (Tokyo)
Shirai Sora (Sagamihara)
Hiraki Kokona (Kutchan)
Okamoto Misugu (Takahama)
Yosozumi Sakura (Iwade)
Nakayama Fūna (Toyama Ichi)
Nishimuri Aori (Tokyo)
Nishiya Momiji (Osaka)
Tarō Daniel (Bradenton, Florida)
Nishikori Kei (Bradenton, Florida)
Nishioka Yoshihito (Tsu)
Sugita Yūichi (Tokyo)
Ben McLachlan (Queenstown, New Zealand)
Doi Misaki (Tokyo)
Hibino Nao (Ichinomiya)
Ōsaka Noami (Beverly Hills, California)
Aoyama Shūko (Osaka)
Shibahara Ena (Rancho Palos Verdes, California)
Ninomiya Makoto (Hiroshima)
Kenji Nener (Perth, Australia)
Makoto Odakura (Tokyo)
Niina Kishimoto (Kawagoe)
Takahashi Yūko (Mitaka)
Water Polo
Tanamura Katsuyuki (Ishigaki)
Adachi Seiya (Gifu Ichi)
Harukiirario Koppu (Tokyo)
Shiga Mitsuaki (Maebashi)
Takuma Yoshida (Nagahama)
Toi Suzuki (Yamagata Ichi)
Shimizu Yūsuke (Kumamoto Ichi)
Mitsuru Takata (Tokyo)
Arai Atsushi (Kawasaki)
Yusuke Inaba (Toyama)
Keigo Okawa (Yachiyo)
Kenta Araki (Tokyo)
Tomoyoshi Fukushima (Kagoshima Ichi)
Rikako Miura (Yamagata Ichi)
Yumi Arima (Yusashino)
Akari Inaba (Toyama)
Eruna Ura (Hakusan)
Kaho Iwano (Inabe)
Miku Koide (Kashiwazaki)
Maiko Hashida (Tokyo)
Yuki Niizawa (Tokyo)
Minori Yamamoto (Kyoto)
Kako Kawaguchi (Yokohama)
Marina Tokumoto (Tokyo)
Kyoko Kudo (Yokohama)
Minami Shioya (Yachiyo)
Itokazu Yōichi (Tokyo)
Mitsunori Konnai (Setagaya)
Masanori Miyamoto (Naha)
Toshiki Yamamoto (Yokohama)
Miyake Hiromi (Niiza)
Yagi Kanae (Kobe)
Andō Mikiko (Shiroi)
13 notes · View notes