defconprime · 1 month
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revrads · 2 years
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"The Prince with a Thousand Enemies"
Really happy with how this one turned out! This took longer than I expected (and lowkey brought my carpal tunnel back. Might take a break from drawing cause my wrists are hurting like hell)
Some other versions cause I wasn't sure which I liked more:
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starshiplamaupin · 2 years
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Been watching Enterprise with my mom and... I just hate the Suliban’s design. It looks so awful on screen, there’s no color variety. It’s just a bald guy carved out of a pumice stone. From what I’ve gleaned of the design process, Westmore was not given much to work with, but it’s not like I did any exhaustive reading on it.
I tried to do some little tweaks to at least make them more than just some paint and texture. Added some color variation (inspired by camel spiders with their bright orange chelicerae), to highlight some features. Going off of the notion that their skin texture was more for camouflage, I added some mottling that would help break up their features more.
Also some funky hands. Not terribly practical costume-wise, but I liked the idea of them having some funky little grabby hands.
Anyway, this was just funsies.
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novakspector · 5 months
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The Suliban are available in the holodeck, check them out at Civitai
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raurquiz · 8 months
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#otd #startrek #enterprise #brokenbow #22thanniversary #archer #tpol #reed #triptucker #hoshisato #mayweather #phlox #Silik #Klaang #AdmiralForrest #AdmiralLeonard #HenryArcher #Soval #suliban #klingon #vulcans #nx01 #startrek57 @TrekMovie @TrekCore @StarTrek @StarTrekOnPPlus
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sshbpodcast · 2 years
Vessel detected: Alien ships in Star Trek: Part 6
By Ames
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Finally, A Star to Steer Her By is reaching the end of the parade of ships in this blog series, and the big finale is going to feature just a ton of ships from Enterprise! The CGI has come a long way and using models has started taking a backseat, so it’s way easier to show off a much wider variety of ships from all our new, old friends and new, old enemies. The prequel series gets to really fill in a lot of gaps that were left wide open in the franchise, especially concerning all our ally races in the Federation, some familiar foes, and even a ton of new baddies (and that’s just the Xindi plotline alone!).
Settle in for the last leg of our ride spotting as many alien ships as we can stand. You can see all the ships we’re covering below and also listen to the banter at the tail of this week’s podcast episode (discussion starts at 57:25). It’s been a long road, but at least we’ve had some fun ships to test drive along the way.
[images © CBS/Paramount, Ex Astris Scientia, Eaglemoss Ltd., Star Trek Shipyards, Star Trek Timelines, probably others]
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Vulcan Surak class
Despite the fact that they’re our closest allies throughout the whole franchise, we don’t actually get to see much Vulcan technology in Star Trek. So when we finally get to see the Ni’Var, its design is just perfectly logical. This ship is so typically Vulcan in its geometric design: what other race would build a big circle into their pointy-ass ship except for our pointy-eared friends?
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Andorian battlecruiser
Speaking of allies we never got to see a ton of before this: Andorians! Enterprise gives us all the blue-skinned aliens we’ve been asking for and then some! The “then some” is their battlecruiser, the Kumari, which looks kinda like the natural progression that fighter jets would follow if they evolved for space travel. They’re just stealthy and good at killing with their tons of weaponry, as Andorians are wont to do.
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Tellarite cruiser
The other Federation-founding member race is the Tellarites, and though we only catch glimpses of their ships in the show, that’s not going to stop the merchanising of toys and video games. The Tellarites get an almost Romulan green to their ships, which are heavily weighted to the rear where they have what look like almost conventional rocket boosters strapped to their butts!
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Orion scout ship
Okay, so I probably should have covered this ship when we covered TOS, but we only get a decent look at it in the remaster. Before that, the Orion scout ship that torments the Enterprise in “Journey to Babel” just looks like a smudgy light. The remaster gave us this spinny octagon of light balls which is quite distinct from anything else. And even more than the Species 8472 ships we discussed last week, this one gives us big space anus vibes.
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Orion Syndicate interceptor
The reason I bring up the Orion scout ship from TOS is so that we can be caught up when we look at the Orion Syndicate interceptor from Enterprise. The forward-swooping wings remind us of a big ram’s head or a weird green uterus flying around in space. We don’t usually see the wings of a ship pointing forward this way, and it’s actually a pretty nice design.
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Suliban cruiser
Another race we meet in Enterprise is the Suliban and they have a clutch of ships for us to look at. Their cruiser just looks like a cockroach ship. All the Suliban ships we’ll see have that same kind of ruddy brown color palette and hard metal look like they just skittered (like a cockroach!) out of a mineshaft.
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Suliban long cell ship
Another Suliban ship, this one has a little piggy face on what’s essentially a long LEGO brick body. We find it interesting that it seems to be symmetrical front-to-back, which we don’t see much in ship design. We know they can hook up together, so maybe this one is designed to go both forward and backwards like an Amtrak train!
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Suliban short cell ship
One more Suliban ship, clearly from that same red-brown family of dense-looking ships. Like their cylindrical counterparts above, these little spherical beads can cloak and also can link together to make a larger mass... like monkey bread perhaps. And now we’re all thinking about monkey bread and won’t be able to get anything else done until we have some.
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Xindi Reptilian ship
And we’re back! Say what you will about the Xindi arc in Enterprise (and Chris is already preparing to when we get there on the podcast!), but their ships are all absolutely beautiful. We get some shades of the Son’a ships that we liked so much from Insurrection in the fanciful swooping designs in the Reptilians’ ships, but even longer and sleeker, like a needlessly elaborate butterfly. They look like they have a texture and finesse and we’re all about them.
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Xindi Insectoid ship
Somehow the Reptilians’ ships look more like insects than the Insectoids’ ships, but you know what, we still like them! These ships look kinda like a grappling hook. We also don’t see a lot of ships with threeway symmetry like this ship more or less has, so that’s another point in their favor, as is their pretty bluey color. Overall, they just look like a lot of knives pointing at you, which we can respect.
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Xindi Aquatic ship
Another very beautiful ship from the Xindi! Very fittingly, the Aquatics’ ships look almost liquidy, with more organic-looking lines that swoop and curve. We could list a whole bunch of aquatic creatures it reminds us of, but suffice it to say that these turquoise beauties are clearly inspired by the ocean. They also have an almost pointless hole in their design for some reason, but we can forgive that.
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Xindi Primate ship
Speaking of pointless holes, the Primates’ ships have even more cutouts for some reason. We’re reminded of the speeder bikes from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi just from their long, sledlike design. When we look close, we start to spy what looks like a little Voyager spoon shape embedded in its top. Neat! 
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Xindi Arboreal ship
You’re saying, “Wait, didn’t we already see this ship up above when we talked Tellarites?” And well, you’re half right since both the Arboreals’ and the Tellarites’ ships were sneaky reuses of the Arkonian warship design that we also see in Enterprise, but we’ll allow it because there have been a number of good ships already. This one has less green and more brown than the Tellarite ship and a little more texture to it, as far as I can tell.
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Tholian ship
Lastly, I wanted to do a quick side-by-side comparison of the Tholian ships from The Original Series and from Enterprise. Originally, they just look like little arrowheads and it was good that they kept it simple, stupid. Now we have more CGI so there’s more texture and detailing, but it overall keeps the essence of that same simplicity, stupid. Like the new USS Enterprise from Discovery and Strange New Worlds, we find this to be a good reinterpretation of TOS design without badly overhauling it.
That’s it for alien starships until we get a new crop in from any of the currently airing series, but that’s a journey for another day. Until then, we’re still making our way through Voyager and you can keep up with us over on SoundCloud or wherever you listen to podcasts, friend us on Facebook and Twitter, and have yourself some monkey bread, on us!
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giffingthingsss · 1 year
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daemonhxckergrrl · 11 months
trek really did a 9/11 episode huh, less than a year after it happened. i wish more people had taken it to heart
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papasmistakeria · 2 years
Me everytime I read a 'Drown Malcolm Reed' fic:
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el-im · 2 years
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defconprime · 1 year
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Suliban Silik Carrier from Star Trek Online
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torta-a-hab-alatt · 1 year
szóval amúgy tanárnak tanulok. harmadéves osztatlan tanáris egyetemista vagyok. 0 jövőkép, 0 motiváció... vagyis most már inkább -1 motiváció.
valaki mondja meg, hogy a jelenlegi és várható jövőbeli pedagógusi és ingatlan helyzetben hogyan lesz nekem önálló, anyagilag nem a szüleimtől függő jövőm.
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zeroz2ro · 1 year
“Korchma Zsombor, a Creative Science minecraftos iskolai táborokról jól ismert alapító tagja, a Roham irodalmi és művészeti magazin alapítója, főszerkesztője. Mindkét gyermeke tavaly felvételizett, a kisebbiket egy sporttagozatos általános iskolába, a nagyobbikat egy informatikai szakközépiskolába vették fel. Mindkét iskola Budán van, és bár nem számítanak elit iskoláknak, de jó a hírük. - Az informatikai szakközépiskolába járó fiának szeptemberben volt informatikatanára utoljára, akkor mondott fel az utolsó. - A fiúnak a tanévben öt úgynevezett projekthete volt, „ami azt jelenti, hogy nincs oktatás egy hétig, mert olyan kevés a tanár, hogy a suli egyik felének tanítanak, a másiknak nem”. - A sporttagozatos általánosba járó fiának „másfél hónapja nincs testnevelés órája, mert felmondtak a tesitanárok”. Tesiórán vagy rajzfilmet néznek, jobb esetben a gyerekeket leküldik az udvarra focizni. - A kisebbik fiúnak hetente kétszer 11:50-re kell iskolába mennie, amikor három ügyeleti órája van (ez azt jelenti, hogy átlagban hetente kétszer nincs oktatás az iskolában, de kötelező bemenni, hogy a tanév teljen). “Aki szerint ez a rendszer jó, annak hova járnak a gyerekei?”– kérdezte Korchma Zsombor.”
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gyuricaur · 9 months
Osztottak laptopot
tanároknak, diákoknak, kb egy éve. Nejem is részesült a kegyben, azóta azzal prezentál, bent tartja a suliban, nem kell a sajátját hurcolnia.
Akkor nem szóltak nekik (de ott volt apróbetűsben, vagy a pincében kiszögezve), hogy 60 órás kötelező online képzésen kell részt venni, amelyen elsajátítják mind a sok kompetenciákat, ki-ki a saját tempójában.
Tanár, valamint építené a menekülő karriert is, tehát kurvára nem ér rá erre, csak azzal tudtam megnyugtatni, hogy majd én bejelentkezek abba a modulba és végigtolom helyette. Ha találok valami izgit a tananyagban, megmutatom neki.
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novakspector · 2 months
I'm convinced that if the Suliban were less weird looking (they look like mustard oatmeal people), everyone would be shipping Silik and Captain Archer.
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