#suicade room
qhtcc · 6 years
Seversin, sevmekten fazlası yok
Mutluluk diye bildiğimiz şey de yok
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Sadece yalanlar gerçektir
Neye inanmıyorsan
Bütün yanlışlar doğru
Öğrendin işte
Al kalbini koy yanıma
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Gel mesafeler yok
Sağima döndüm, hayır sen sol yanımsın
Yerin boş
Doldurmuyor kimse sadece cansız bir beden
İntihar var ellerin yokken
Dünya güzel bir yer değil
Kokun,unutulmuş bir kitap sonu
Gözlerin kaçıyor ben gelmiyorum arkandan
Unuttun mu ben cansız bir beden...
Yak Işığı. Etrafına bak
Karanlık daima iyidir.
Sessizlik olur
Sen konuşursun
Sen ve cansız bedenin
Ölume yürü kimseyi alma yanina
Bir tek sen lazımsın
İntihar seni bekliyor
Aç camı bak gökyüzü simsiyah
Ayni hislerin gibi
Şuan olmaz
Ağla-ma, kendine son bir kez iyilik yap.
Düşün anıları kalbinin derinlerindekileri
Zarar ver kendine sen artık ölüsün hissetmezsin acıyı
Çık cama
Aşsagiya bak
Orda değil demi
Zaten hiç olmadı
Anla !
O hiç olmadı
Sen hayal ettin hep
Işık açık
Cam kapalı
Sen onu sevmiyorsun
Evet şimdi
Uyan... Hepsi rüyaydı
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gemondkid1 · 6 years
Just Speaking My Mind
So I'm not looking for feedback just needed to put my mind at ease. I don't want to die, but I don't wanna be alive. I'm not the only one who's in this limbo and idk why I'm even making this post. I've hit another wave that has me drowning in my own self pity and I forgot how comforting it is. That's probably a bad thing to say but it's true. I feel so comfortable sitting in my pitch black room stairing at a monitor. I know when the wave is about to hit, and I know I should just swim back to shore instead of let it drag me out to sea but... by time that thought finishes i realize that I'm already 30 feet deep under. And I'm ok with that. I dont miss the clear sky, or the ability to breath. Simply because this suffocating caress that I've known since I was a kid just seems so... comforting. I feel chills flowing all over my body whenever something makes me slightly happy. It's like my depressions immune system kicking in just to let me know that I'm still in this mental. This is a long post so if you've read this far hey. How are you doing? I hope you're doing well. I've been trying to write this for 15 mins but I still have more I wanna say but I hit a writers block so this is to keep the juices flowing. Right back to the chills. Usually whenever they come through its followed by suicidal thoughts or a total emotional numbing. What I mean by that is that if I was watching a youtube video that made me laugh or slightly happy and I felt those chills the rest of the video would be nothing but me killing time until I'm able to pass out. If I'm able to sleep that is. When I get into that emotional numbness or suicadal thought process I have really bad nightmares. Things that happened in childhood or maybe that one girl that broke my heart, or even images of my aunt who's passed. I'll make a post about her next, tbh I loved her more than my parents for reasons that will be in a post about her. For now that's all I can think to write for this post. Now I'm missing my aunt so I'll do a new one about her. If you got this far thanks for reading, first time in a long time I've been able to to put my emotions and thoughts into words. I hope I didn't bore you too much.
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