#sugar daddy!Hesh
ghouljams · 26 days
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'Til Death (Remember Me in Your Will)
Rating: Mature (Minors Do Not Interact) Words: 3.7k Tags: David "Hesh" Walker/F!Reader, Sugar Daddy au, Dom/sub undertones, flirting Summary: You start dating Hesh as a way to supliment your income. It's not like you've never sugared before, you know how to play this game. It's just too bad Hesh seems to have his own ideas about what this relationship is. Next Chapter > ao3
You’ve always been smart. You don’t know if you’ve always been pretty, but you try not to be too harsh on your younger self. You also have bills to pay. You’re fortunate enough to be doing what you love, working a job you’re passionate about, and getting paid shit all for it. Luckily you’re not the one paying your bills. You have sugar daddies for that.
Like you said, pretty, and smart enough not to rely on one stream of cash. You have a couple men you sugar for, all old enough to make sure they know you’re not looking for love, and with enough experience to get you off at the end of the night. It’s a good situation, everyone gets what they want, and you don’t worry about your job paying you barely above minimum wage. When one man drops you, you hit up your favorite sites for another. Which is how you got here, staring at Hesh with a cup of coffee held tight between your hands and a hangover that throbs like a lobotomy.
What you don’t know is how he got in, but you’re more focused on his offer than anything else. Drop the other men you sugar for to be his exclusively, and he’ll double every dollar they pay you monthly. You’re not greedy by any stretch of the word, but your mouth waters at the proposal. That’s a lot of money he’s laying on the table.
“And what about sex?” You ask him. It’s been months of dating him, and Hesh still hasn’t touched you. In fact the smoldering tension between you has made all your other relationships feel cold. Forcing you to rely on your toys after sex these days when your other daddies fail to perform. That doesn’t mean you want to cut it off cold turkey. You can’t, not when he still makes you throb eagerly even with the hangover migraine. If he doesn’t want you, there’s no deal. 
There’s something steely in Hesh’s eyes when he leans forward, his elbows settling on his knees. His smile is wicked, predatory, it makes goosebumps prickle over your skin. Your blood runs hot, and follows his eyes as they drop to stare between your legs.
“Baby,” He purrs, “I’ll fuck you over this table right now, all you gotta do is say yes to me.”
(six months ago)
You check your makeup in your compact mirror. Not your favorite, but you find the men you date appreciate the femininity of it. There’s something terribly alluring about swiping your pinky over the corners of your lips with a compact mirror in hand, and you don’t get that sort of sex-out-of-the-bag flavor with your phone camera. You really need all the cards you can get tonight too. You’ve got a date with a new man, a new sugar daddy. You don’t usually go for them when they’re this close in age to you, but he seemed nice, and paid in advance(no strings attached), so you’re taking the chance on him. He offered to pick you up, but… you’re not about to get trapped in a car with a man you don’t know. It’s better having a quick escape route if the date goes south.
You snap your compact shut and tuck it neatly back into your purse when you spot your date. He hands his keys to the restaurant’s valet, and offers you a smile. He’s wearing a suit, you expected as much with the caliber of restaurant he suggested, but it’s nice being dressed up for. You hold your hand out in greeting as his long strides carry him close. You’re pleasantly surprised when his fingers grip yours and raise your hand to his lips. He just grazes your knuckles, his eyes heavy on yours as he kisses your hand. They’re green, you note. Not just his eyes either, his suit too. It’s so dark you’d mistaken it as black, but it’s green, and it makes his eyes positively electric looking.
“I hope I didn’t keep you waiting,” He smiles, dropping his hold on your hand and slipping his around your back as you turn to walk into the restaurant.
“I just got here,” A white lie, you got here with ten minutes to spare, never early or late for the men you date. Your date hums, his thumb rubbing against the small of your back, right where the zipper of your dress ends. His hand splays wide, his pinky grazing the swell of your ass. It sends a little shiver through you, the touch quickly removed as your date gives his name to the host.
“Walker.” He voice, sure and even, louder than the intimate softness of his voice when he’d greeted you, makes something warm slither down your spine. 
“David Walker,” you feel the name over your tongue, adding the last name to the one he’d had on his profile. You feel the way his attention slips back to you heavily, it may as well be another hand with the warmth that it draws over you.
“My friends call me Hesh,” He sounds proud, but not like he’s puffing out his chest. There’s no bragging to the nickname, just the simple exchange of information.
He settles his hand on your back again when the host leads you to your table. The firm pressure not pushing you, not hurrying you, but steadying you. You wonder if he doubts your ability to walk in the heels you picked, or if he’s simply the touchy sort. You suppose you’ll figure it out soon enough. He pulls your chair out like a gentleman, helps you scoot in to the table, and takes his seat across from you without a wasted movement. You’ve never met a man that seemed so immediately comfortable in his own skin.
You suppose that comes with the territory. The men that pay you, pay you for a reason. You’re arm candy, or a kink, or an easy lay that’s a step better than a prostitute for men too important to “date down”. You know all sorts of men, but Hesh… Hesh seems like he could find a partner easily. Maybe it’s a time issue. You’ve only dealt with some of those. The type of man that doesn’t have the time in his life for dating. You slot the possibility into your mental file for Hesh, and settle your elbows on the table, leaning against them with a smile.
“So,” You draw the word out, give him time to eye the way your breasts push together against the low cut of your dress, “how was your day?”
It’s a simple question, one that never feels out of place, but busy men will always talk about their work. Hesh’s eyes drag over you, flicking to meet yours from their brief rest on your chest. He smiles, taking the menu set in front of him to look over as he speaks.
“I’m in the military if that’s what you’re askin’.” You feel yourself falter a little, regaining your composure, your smile, when he glances up at you.
“You must be busy,” You try, keeping your tone interested but light. You dislike intelligent men, the ones that can see through you, see through your questions, it makes it harder to play the game when both sides know the rules. But a date is a date. 
“Hard to date with deployment looming,” He admits, or perhaps supplies, helping you build your mental catalog for him. You nod, you can see that. It would certainly make it hard to keep someone around without an incentive, hence the use of a sugar baby. Ah, got it. You file him neatly into the correct box and reach for your water glass. 
“I can imagine,” You raise a brow, taking a sip, busy men like talking. Busy men tell you about themselves, what they can do for you, what you should do for them, how busy they are and how little time they have for you, as if you’re meant to be grateful for every second they allow you.
Hesh waits. He sits patiently, watching you with interest as you swipe your thumb over the lipstick stain you’ve left on the rim of the glass. He’s quiet, observant. Unnerving. Busy men talk, and Hesh isn’t talking. He’s watching, taking you in like he has all the time in the world. He sets his menu down and laces his fingers together on the table. You wish you couldn’t feel the hesitance in your fingers as you take another sip of your water, delaying the inevitable.
“Do I make you nervous,” He asks after your third sip. There’s a keen evenness to his tone, low and deep enough to shiver goosebumps over your skin. You set your water down and plaster on a smile that feels as fake as you’re sure it must look.
“Of course not.”
“You done this before sweetheart?”
“Sugar?” You can feel Hesh’s hum, the warmth of it spreads through your chest, his eyes soft and his smile inquisitive. “Once or twice.” You lie.
“Once or twice,” He turns the words back to you. An interrogation technique you often employ during these sorts of things. It works though. You bite down the need to correct him, to tell him maybe it’s more than just once or twice.
“It’s hard to pay the bills with just my work.” You explain, though you’re not sure why. Something in your stomach flutters to explain yourself to this man, the desire shakes itself through your bones. He reaches for his own water glass, draws the moment out as you watch his Adam's apple bob with the motion of swallowing. You've done this a good dozen times, but no one has put you on your toes as quickly as Hesh has. You take the moment to give him a once over. There's a slight shadow over his jaw, we'll groomed stubble that feeds its way into close cropped brown hair. Young-ish, with an age to his eyes that makes you wonder what he's been through, what he's seen. He's just at what you would call “acceptably older” if you were actually dating him, but he still wears his youth in the gleam of his smile. He watches you like a hawk, and you in turn watch him like a rabbit.
“Non-profit, right?” Hesh confirms, and you nod, before quickly giving a verbal affirmative. Verbal answers are more confident, and you've done this too many times to be losing your confidence now. Hesh is outside of your normal routine, but a sugar daddy is a sugar daddy, and at the end of the day they all want one thing. A pretty thing on their arm. They don't care about what you do or who you are, as long as you go home with them at the end of the night. “Do you enjoy it?”
The question takes you off guard. Or, not the question itself, you've heard that a hundred times at least, it's the genuine interest disguised behind an impassive smile. You blink at him.
“I-” you don't give details about your work, they don't want details, you give the necessary ‘yes’ and move on to talking about him or playing footsie under the table, “I do it’s-”
Your waiter stops beside the table, and you feel Hesh's attention leave you like a weight falling off your chest. He speaks with conviction, orders wine for the both of you, and where you usually feel as though that sort of move is right out of a “how to show women you’re the boss 101” handbook, on him it feels natural. He’s used to commanding attention, to giving orders. No wasted breath, no wasted words. Hesh orders and you wonder if he’ll do the same for your meal.
“What did you say you did in the military?” You ask when the waiter leaves, and Hesh’s eyes feel all the heavier on you for your interest.
“We were talking about you,” He corrects. The way he sits and looks at you show a man that holds not just himself to high standards, but everyone else as well. The weight of his full attention is crushing now that you’ve felt it leave you, and yet it sparks something in you. A desire to please. A desire to live up to those expectations.
He’s here for you, you don’t want to disappoint him.
You’ve never had a conversation with a man who makes you feel so aware of yourself. You can feel the brush of fabric against your skin like a touch, and each breath you take seems to tease you as your dress pulls over your chest. And his eyes… He touches every inch of exposed skin he can with them, drawing warmth over you until you’re positively alight with want. You have to excuse yourself to the restroom. He stands with you, old school manners you’ve only seen in movies, and offers a hand to help you around the table. You think you feel the brush of his fingers over your hip, his touch burning through you even when you must have imagined it. 
You fix your makeup in the bathroom mirror, attempt to clean up some of the mess you’re making in your panties. God. It’s been so long since you had a date that stoked the fire low in your stomach, a man that looked at you like something to be desired not just a sure thing. When’s the last time your date seemed so interested in you, asked questions to further your answers, brought up topics that related to something you’d mentioned and not just something he could brag about? When’s the last time you had a good date with a hot guy and weren’t worried about whether it would be worth your time?
God have you really not thought about the money this whole time? You’d been so swept up in the way Hesh spoke to you, the way he looked at you, that you couldn’t think of anything else. Even now you can’t help thinking of the way he’d purred, “Anythin’ you want,” when you’d asked what to order. The memory of his voice makes you press your thighs together. You want to know what he’d say to you without the filter of public decency. You want to know how he’d touch you behind closed doors.
He stands again when you make your way back to the table, waits for you to sit before taking his seat. You notice he’s barely touched his food since you left, only picking up his knife and fork when you do. You slot “slow eater” into your folder on him. It doesn’t matter you suppose, he sips his wine, always pours another swallow for you when you run low, and yet he seems to finish with you. His food is gone just a bite after yours is, and he leans against the table as the waiter whisks your plates away. Like he’s waiting for something.
It’s easy to slide your foot against his calf, easy to see the heat that burns in his eyes. You’re careful of your heel, but you’re well practiced in this game. He wants you, you know he wants you. That’s how these things work, pick a pretty girl off the site and take her home at the end. You get first right of refusal and some extra cash in your pocket, he gets to boast about the pretty thing he’s screwing.
“You hopin’ for something sweetheart?” Hesh catches your ankle under the table, firm fingers stopping you from trailing past his knee. His tone is casual, playful, his grip is not. “Gotta use your words like a big girl.” 
“I’m hoping we can get the check,” You purr. Your dates usually rush for it, signal the waiter as quickly as they can to shuffle you into the back seat of their car, or the nearby hotel. You don’t think you’ve had a date ever end at dinner, the same way you’re sure you’ve never had a dinner last quite as long as this. 
“We?” Hesh smiles, his thumb rubs your ankle, the friction making you shiver, “You offerin’ to split the bill little one?”
“Of course not Daddy,” the title falls from your lips with an invitation to touch further. You try not to stretch too obviously into his grip, feel the slip of your skirt as his fingers push up over your calf like a curtain drawing the evening to an end, “Just thought you might like to have dessert elsewhere.”
Hesh’s hand is warm and appreciative as it strokes your leg. You feel the drag of calluses, rough palms skating over your soft skin, and wonder how those thick fingers will feel once they’re inside you. Men like him… they like when you’re a little bold, they like knowing that you’re not too shy to avoid falling into bed on the first date. You’ve honed your edge against the predictability of the men you date, and you know you’re right by the way he catches the waiter’s eye and taps his fingers against the table.
You settle into the warm feeling of victory, and the knowledge that you’ve snagged another source of income. Not to mention the added benefit of sex. Hesh touches you with an idle sort of intimacy that makes heat throb between your legs, he touches you like it’s his right to, like he holds command over the how and when of it. You don’t think he’s the sort of man people often say ‘no’ to.
He drags his fingers over your shin, settling your foot against his knee as he takes his hand from under the table to take the check. It’s a bit of a stretch, the burn in your hamstring of keeping yourself looking presentably seated while still abiding by his placement is a wonderful precursor for the night ahead. You keep your eyes on him as he pays with barely a glance at the bill as he hands the waiter his card. The whisper of wealth. No, you don’t think people say ‘no’ to Hesh often. If ever.
Hesh slips his card back into his wallet as he stands, and moves around the table to offer you his hand. You don’t need it, but you like the way his fingers curl around yours, the firm grip he holds you with as you stand. You brush your hands over your skirt, letting the hem fall back into place. You don’t miss the way Hesh’s eyes follow the sway of your chest as you lean forward. Men are all alike, perfectly predictable.
You press close to his side, letting him feel the soft curves of your body as he leads you out of the restaurant. He hands the valet his ticket and you make a mental note to call one of your friends to come grab your car. Although you suppose you don’t have to spend the night, you can uber back here in an hour or so and grab it. The restaurant staff know you well enough they can let you park here for a bit.
“Are we going back to yours or finding a hotel?” You can’t say you aren’t interested in seeing where he lives, but a hotel is closer, and you’re ready to go.
“Neither,” Hesh hums, “you’re going home.”
He’s not- he’s not interested? Your confusion must read too clearly on your face because Hesh’s hand finds your waist and drags you close. You tip your head to avoid bumping your nose against him and he takes the motion as permission to kiss you. His lips searing yours as his hand squeezes the meat of your hip. You’re quick to wrap your arms around his shoulders, quick to press against the length of him, your chest to his, your hips to his. You can feel the thick twitch of his cock where you push yourself against it. (Fuck is that all him?) He’s like a furnace, radiating warm want that soaks into your skin. The night air feels freezing on your exposed skin
Hesh’s lips part, his breath a sigh as his head tips. The soft push of his lips against yours is exceedingly gentle for the hunger you can taste behind it. It shivers down your spine, aches in the creek of Hesh’s grip on your hips, a want that you can’t quantify. Your lips slide over his, his stubble tickling you a little as you part and kiss, part and kiss, again and again. 
He presses, forces you to lean back, arching into him. You’re reliant on him to keep you standing, trusting your balance to a man you barely know. It makes your skin prickle, makes you want. You wiggle your hips, try to entice him to give you what you know he’s looking for, even slip your tongue in the part of his lips. His fingers tighten until you squeak with pain and pull away from the kiss.
He pulls you up, lets you go to take his keys from the valet. You can still feel his spit slicking your top lip, the tingle of his stubble against your bottom. You balk, the dark fabric of his suit does enough to hide the outline of his cock in the low light but you know what you felt. How can he just leave you like this?
“You’re serious.” You realize, and Hesh pauses with his hand on the top of his car.
“I am,” No wasted words. You hesitate, worry your lip between your teeth before you can stop yourself. Hesh waits you out, patient as a saint.
“But I thought-” You try to blink through your confusion, “I thought this went well.”
“It did,” Hesh smiles and it isn’t patronizing or pitying, but there’s something in it that doesn’t feel entirely friendly, “I’d like to get to know you better, that’s all sweetheart.”
You frown. The first genuine expression you’ve given him all night and it’s a furrowed brow. You fix your face before you lose the next date to your pouting. Hesh’s brows are heavy, his eyes lidding as he watches you. There is something dark and unreadable in the way he looks at you, something heady that makes you dumb. The chill rushes to you when he looks away, climbs into his car, and leaves.
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faccal · 2 years
📃 Ever written something inspired by someone elses fic? 👽 Strangest fic you ever written? 😚 A fic you like writing more than other fics? 🌾 A fic you really want to write but you haven’t (yet)?
These are all from this post!
📃 Ever written something inspired by someone else's fic?
So I think with this one, I wanted to write some Walruss inspired by other WalRuss lmao, and even a separate ship, but I never ended up writing it. I can't find any plans for it, so I must've never written anything down, so now i don't know what it was lol. I usually bookmark stuff on AO3 I really like or want to read, so I'll have to go through there sometime and see if i can find it. I do know years ago when i first joined the COD Ghosts fandom, I wanted to write a WalRuss fic inspired by another unfinished one. It was about Keegan being a hot rich sugar daddy to broke college student Logan. Fucking love that shit, idek why. Never wrote it though, didn't want to upset the original poster by having soemthing similar, i respect other authors and their ideas, and I always feel like a thief if I find out something of mine is similar to something else.
Also on this note, watching HOTD, there was a scene that was similar to something I'd already planned for a fic and I was like "oh no, can I still use this???" XD
👽 Strangest fic you've ever written?
HAHA, definitely The Tame and The Flame, it's first draft was HORRENDOUS, horrendously funny, and also just SUPER bad. I'm not talking first draft super bad, I'm talking Alpha Rorke forcing Logan to be this omega for him as his revenge for Elias not only mating with his actual mate (Hesh and Logan's mama) but also for allowing Rorke to fall of this cliff and "die" (his dumbass lived on a cliff. Wtf was he thinking?) he became a rogue alpha and was coming back to exact his revenge when Logan was actually Keegan's mate.
Also Keegan kept thinking of his late wife and mate while being SUPER horny for Logan (but that's normal behavior for him, let's be real)
The idea has since evolved into something MUCH better and actually worth the read/worth writing, I just haven't figured out the plot lol. The new idea is literally a 100% completely different fic lmao. I like it better, and also kind of accidentally ship Daniel Russ with Rorke, so there's that :D
(I apologize to everyone who read the original TTATF. I was rewriting and doing my best to make it soemthing that's actually good, and I just eventually gave up. Still have the old drafts saved LMAO.)
😚 A fic you like writing more than other fics?
Uhh, I think I have one, lmao. I enjoy writing the Dragon fic (still needs a damn title) but I haven't written much for it. I REALLY love planning/plotting for it though!!! Minus like one instance of referenced mpreg it's one of the most normal ones I have lmao. (And the mpreg fixed a plot hole, but accidentally brought back 2015 Wattpad era)
OH! THORNS AND ROSES!!! I have SO many plot twists and shiz, but I love this fic too and rewriting it (literally only had three chapters rip) has helped me flesh out the plot better and actually decide where I wanted it to go lol. I do think I need to fix the coronation scene, but other than that I love writing for this fic as well.
I used to love writing Infatuation, until i nitpicked it and then realized how weird and gross it was. Also high school? Fuck that. Despise high school. It was gross because high school lmao. I don't care if Logan was 19 in it, it started making me uncomfy LMAO. I may figure it all out one day, but I often despise my writings no matter what I do :/
🌾 A fic you really want to write but haven't (yet)?
DRAGON FIC DRAGON FIC DRAGON FIC!!!!!!! DID I SAY DRAGON FIC?!?!?!? ALSO GHOSTS FIC!!!!!!!! (and my marvel au @tokillamockingbird427 has been helping me figure out!) Like I ADORE my dragon fic man, Prince Keegan??? 😘👌🏻😘👌🏻😘👌🏻 Sexy farm boy Logan??? 😘👌🏻😘👌🏻😘👌🏻 Logan's badass grandmother??? 😘👌🏻😘👌🏻😘👌🏻 Hesh being flirted with by MULTIPLE hot dudes??? 😘👌🏻😘👌🏻😘👌🏻
Dude I can't wait to like explore this fic through rereading and writing but like I NEED TO WRITE IT!!!
My Ghosts fic is gonna be super dark too (not overly so, just certain topics) therefore I'm beyond excited for when I figure out what I want for it!
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nityarawal · 2 months
Father's Daughter
Morning Songs
Am I To Understand
Billie Eilish Gave A 
Coachella Party
To Brag
She Ate Out Claire For
But She Wasn't Given
A Cybertruck
Want To Be Famous
Like Billy
Want To Be Famous
Like Beyonce
Want To Be A Robot
Like Britney
Eloning For Eternity
Smoking In Circles
With Clones
And Eat Grimesz
For Lunch
A Little Claire Boucher 
Errol Says Covid
Is Malaria
Strands Of Aids
From Their Gays
In Super Strings
From Asia
Dabs Gives Out
Condoms At The
Charity Houses
Social Workers
Political Hookers
You Can Get A Gay BJ
On Any Street Corner
In California
Of Gay Congressmen
Party Favors
Paid For By Federal Banking
Doje Con
Where's Beyonce 
Why Doesn't She
Where's The Beyonce
Where's The Beyonce
Juice Bar 
To Feed Tropical Vegan
Dragon Fruit
Farmers Market
Blood Red Oranges
Like Alexandria House
Hand Outs
When Naya Rivera
Was Murdered
Angelina's We're Raped
And Caged
For AI Dividends
Don't You Know Campers
Are Hungry
Allergic To Sugar
And Sex Workers Disease
And We Don't Drink
Alcoholic Attys
They Sold Us On The Black
For Drugs
For Their Red Light
District Kicks
Speed Addictions
Jma And Sunil
Wanted To Force Me To Have
Sex With Elon Musk
In Front Of Tesla Staff
For Kicks
T.V Ratings
Was Beyonce
And Taylor
Trafficked Instead
For Superbowl Bribes
Not Kind To An
Ex Husband
On Custody Trial
We Wouldn't Touch
Those Poisons
For They Trafficked
All Of Vegas
San Francisco
And Palm Springs
Coachella Valley
Of Rock Star's Kids
Lookin' At All My
Jewish Friends Differently
Did Your Daddy Rape
Or Was He A Heshe
David Kaplan
Had A Big Mean Old
Man Sal
Like Errol Musk
Raping The Boys
He Was The Femminine
Football Captain
So His Big Brother Gary
Probably Batted Some Home
Runs In His
Did All Your Daddies
Rape You
Like Jonathan Cohen
We Watched Him Laugh
Feeding My 1991 Class
As David Danneman
Was Prostituted
Naked At The Pool
Vacant Homes
For A Mothers Day
Smear Graduation Plan
Did All Your Daddies
Rape You
Is That The Problem
And I
Want The Cycle
Of Abuse To Stop
We Didn't Marry Pedos
My Dad Is A Better
Cancel Contracts
Refund Billions
Kanye Looks Like A
Toddler Strapped Into
His Cybertruck Drugged
Kimmy A Robot
Paraded In Black S&M
Leather For Gay Studs
Nothing To Celebrate
War War War 
Now Mom You
Might Be Your
Father's Daughter 
But We Won't Be 
Snipping Dicks'
Any Longer
You Might Be Your
Father's Daughter
But We Won't Be
Feeding Nasa
Any Chinese
Or American
Kids For Supper
You Might Be Your
Father's Daughter
But I Don't Think
You'll Look At War
Children Crying Mamma
You Might Be Your 
Father's Daughter
But If You Want To Be
A Queen With Me
You'll Get Your Ass
Over To Lexus
On The Double
And Recycle
Into Cyber-
Before Those Babies
On The News
Fill More Jane
Doe Parks
Show You
What They've Done
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
Tumblr media
0 notes
ghouljams · 30 days
“You hopin’ for something sweetheart?” Hesh catches your ankle under the table, firm fingers stopping you from trailing past his knee. His tone is casual, playful, his grip is not. “Gotta use your words, like a big girl.”
I'm gonna be callin' this man daddy too by the end of this I swear to GOD
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ghouljams · 3 days
I've been thinking a lot about Hesh inviting his sugar baby over. You've been complaining about the heat and not having anywhere to cool off. Not mentioning that your a/c is busted and you're just trying to get out of the house so maintenance can swing by and fix it. So Hesh invites you to his place, letting you know you can use his pool. Which is absolutely the perfect opportunity, you think, to get this man to fuck you. If he's going to be seeing you practically naked to swim you may as well get something out of it, besides the pool of course.
But when you get there he just leads you through his house to the back and sets up in one of the deck chairs with a book on WW2 fighter pilots. You barely get a glance when you strip down to your bathing suit. Which is bullshit because you know you look good, and because you definitely gave Hesh more than a glance when he stripped his shirt off. God, you wanna drool on those firm pecs, trace your tongue through the dark hair that trails over his chest. Instead you jump in the pool and try to enjoy the cool water.
Hesh is careful to only adjust himself when you're underwater. No sense in giving up the game so quickly. He may not fuck you but what's the point of having a beautiful person in his home if he can't enjoy looking at them? The only real problem is when you try to drag him in the water with you, "accidentally" sitting on his lap when you attempt to convince him to get up. Little minx. He'd find a way to punish you for it, but you sound so sweet when you bed him, "Please daddy?" That he can't help letting you get away with it. He's spoiling you rotten, he's sure.
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ghouljams · 1 month
ari you are a weriting machine, i didnt check in throughout the weekend and it feels like i missed an entire month 😭😭😭
pls give me some of that productive energy, i beg
It's literally just because I went into the office and being on autopilot lets my brain worms wiggle. I promise I'm not that productive.
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ghouljams · 10 months
Welcome to the Show
Hello, hello! I'm Ghoul(they/them) and I write fic, like a lot of fic. This is my Directory
I write in second person(you) so all of my fic can be read as x reader, and you can think of any callsigns/nicknames as your own. However, my fic is technically x oc, if that's not for you no problem! I don't include descriptions or names in any of my fics.
This is an 18+ Blog and all fics should be considered 18+ so Minor Do Not Interact
I do not give consent for my work to be used in ai, be that ai chats or ai writing. This is a hard boundary I will not budge on.
Cowboys Fae Demons Ballet Historic Aus Sin Summer Ghost!Ghost Regency Au Cyberpunk Au The Ghost Distribution System Professor Au I want the Darlings Sugar Daddy!Hesh SCP-141
Can I write Fic with your OCs?
Yep! Just tag me in it if you post it.
Can I tell you about an OC I have for [insert au]?
Of course! OC talk is always open, but posting is contained to the morning.
Can I draw you OCs?
Yes. BUT I try to keep their descriptions vague so people can use them as Reader inserts, so I might not post/reblog it if you submit/post the art.
Do you take requests?
Sort of. If you have thoughts I'd love to hear them and if they inspire me I'll write something, but it might not be exactly what you requested. I tend to use asks as jumping off points rather than direct requests.
Do you cross post to anywhere else?
Not currently! If you see my fic elsewhere that isn't me. I don't give my consent to have my work reposted anywhere else.
Could you make a character AI for [insert character or au]?
No. I absolutely abhor ai and hope it crashes and burns before it does any more damage to art and creativity. Role-Play in a discord server like an adult.
Do you have a list of your OCs anywhere?
Yup. Here you go!
Ghoul's Hozier Bullshit
Pillow Princess Ghost
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ghouljams · 1 month
Sugar Daddy!Hesh that has you going on dates with him that never end in sex. You figure he's just one of those men, the sort that just want a pretty thing to talk to for the look of it, but the way he talks to you, looks at you, touches you --in the rare instances he does touch you-- make you squirm with want. You're sure he wants you too, but he never makes a move. It's fine. You're a smart cookie, you have other daddies you sugar for. Always knew better than to put all your finances in one basket. Lately though you're coming away unsatisfied. You leave your other daddies after faking it and sit in your nice paid off car staring at Hesh's number.
It's when you're out with your friends after a (lovely but all too chaste) date with Hesh that you break and drunk text him. You wake up with a hangover and a "We'll talk about this in the morning" text. Little do you know that Hesh has been keeping tabs on you, keeping track of the other men you're with. He doesn't want a sugar baby, he wants a wife, and he's going to have you even if it means eliminating the competition. (or making you so desperate for him you cut them off yourself)
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ghouljams · 1 month
ghoul you can't just drop sugar daddy hesh with no explanation what. help.
I was in the car driving to work and trying to come up with who I thought was the best suited to be a sugar daddy. Price is an obvious answer but he doesn't really need the money as an incentive. I thought Hesh seemed like the type of guy that's not a fan of the dating scene and would rather buy a wife than try to date. So... he'd go on a sugar daddy website(he's got plenty of money) and pick who he thought looked prettiest and seemed the most interesting, ask them out on a paid date and see if they're someone he'd want a second date with.
From there it's easy! He just had them investigated by a PI, tailed/tracked, and kept taking his new sugar baby/wife-to-be on dates. No need to rush things, he wants to get to know you! He's not even trying to sleep with you! That doesn't mean he doesn't want to though, that he doesn't find his hand on your thigh occasionally or that he doesn't whisper low in your ear how stunning you are. He knows there are other men in your life, but that doesn't matter, as soon as you express an interest in sex (taking this relationship further in Hesh's mind) he's dropping the bomb.
You get rid of your other daddies, and he'll pay you everything they'd been paying you, then he'll fuck you however you like for as long a you like. No sense relying on other men when your future husband is right here. Sure you may have started dating him for the money, but he started dating you because you were pretty! Now that you've built something deeper Hesh feels like he can finally enjoy all the pretty you have to offer.
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ghouljams · 1 month
I’ve had sugar daddy hesh for exactly one day and that is enough to drive me insane
Yeah same, I'm gonna make it a full fic I think. Chapter fic like Sin Summer, since I need more practice with that.
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