#stran kids fanfic
mgg-81 · 1 year
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Illicit & Priceless by @missinghan
Wolfsbane by @healinghyunjin
11:29 p.m. by @moonblssm
crying over you by @straylightdream
It’s not living by @straylightdream
𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘤𝘢𝘯’𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶 by @pjmsomnia
the chance of love by @maatryoshkaa
my universe by @thevampywolf
first by @softyhyunjin
The Depths of Your Love by @skzsauce01
zero degrees by @neo-shitty
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solidburnreturned · 6 years
Your Very Own Troll
I’m writing a fanfic ovo I’ve been mulling over this idea for a while and I think I’ve finally got the plot down! A summary might give too much of the story away, but I’ll give you this: Something (or someone) is hunting the creatures of the forest, and the trolls are definitely including on the list of “desired items.” Here’s the first chapter! I’ll be updating and probably be uploading some illustrations to go with it :^)
The forest was a peaceful place, full of life and color. The creatures within the towering trees, winding meadows, and breezy plains were seen by very few outsiders. Camouflage kept both predators and prey hidden from prying eyes. Most animals were colored with varying tones of green, brown, grey, and yellow. Some had some bright coloring, but most kept their colors earthy.
Among the residential creatures were the unexpectedly colorful Trolls. Surprisingly, despite being quite low on the food chain, they were probably some of the loudest, brightest, and most bombastic critters in the entire area. Song, dance, and glitter were their favorite activities. They of course knew how to blend in and could defend themselves, but their village was considered quite safe and sound. Queen Poppy lead the trolls proudly, making sure the villagers were safe to party freely without worry. 
Branch was eager to help with this.
“Poppy, I did some perimeter scouting this morning and I think you should take a look at what I found.”
Poppy brushed her hair carefully, tongue peeking out of her mouth with concentration. She was sat in front of her vanity mirror in her large pink pod, surrounded by different products involved in her daily morning routine. Branch was sat behind her on her bed, his pale blues, browns and greens looking a bit out of place surrounded by so much pink. He didn’t really care. He had bigger things to worry about, and Poppy needed to hear it. 
“Run it by me, Branchie boy!”
Branch furrowed his brow and cleared his throat. “The North end of the village is secure. The river is at an appropriate water level and is looking crystal clear. The West side is also secure. The farms are thriving with the recent rains and we all have plenty of food. We should start storage early; I think Fall is going to come early. The East side is confirmed secure, although I found some feathers on the ground. I think Harper should paint up some warning signs to put in the area for now. Any big birds in that area could potentially cause pecking-related injuries. Now, the South end-”
“Branch, everything sounds just fine! It sounds fine every morning! I appreciate you checking, but you should try and relax! The biggest party of the year is tonight!” Poppy said, glancing at his disgruntled face in the mirror.
“Exactly! Poppy, I really don’t think you should go ahead with the Midsummer Bash. The South end looks compromised to me-”
She sighed loudly. “Again with the South end?”
He stomped his foot. “Yes! Well, outside of the South end! I keep finding weird stuff, and I’m just getting a bad feeling.”
“You always have a bad feeling.”
Branch’s ears turned down slightly, expression switching from frustrated to puzzled. “No, I don’t!”
“You’ve been complaining about the South end for a week now!” She spun around in her seat to face him. “Give yourself a rest, Branch! You’re just stressing yourself out over nothing.”
His light purple nose scrunched up indignantly. “It’s not nothing! A couple miles out, I found this weird...dart thing...it was bigger than me!”
Poppy smirked playfully. “Lots of things are bigger than you, Branch,”
“But I don’t know where this thing came from!”
She tried using a more calming tone, seeing that Branch was really starting to get worked up. “Maybe the bergens just have a new...game or something and one of the pieces made its way near the village.”
“Even if that were true, which I highly doubt it is since Bergentown is North of the village, that wouldn’t explain the other things I’ve found!” He marched over to her vanity and shoved her things off to the side. Ignoring her agitated protests, he slapped his sketchbook down and flipped to some more recent sketches. “Look at these!”
Poppy peered at the drawings and notes. Panicky, slightly messy drawings of some weirdly futuristic camera, a shiny gold capsule of some sort, a clear package of what might’ve been some sort of food, and a large shoe print with indents indicating that the bottoms were studded.
Poppy glanced back up at Branch, unimpressed. “These just seem like bergen things...”
“No way. Why would a bergen be all the way out here by themself? Plus, I’ve never seen a bergen eat whatever was in that weird bag.”
Gently closing the sketchbook and keeping eye contact with the light blue troll, Poppy slid it back towards him with a smile. “Branch, I know you want to keep everyone safe, and you’re very good at it! But you need to learn to let some things go.”
Branch started to get antsy. “Poppy, if I ignored something that turned out to put everyone in danger, I don’t know if I could forgive myself. Especially if something happened to you!”
“Aw, that’s really sweet! But, seriously! Everything is going to be fine. No one has seen or heard anything actually threatening, including yourself. A few weird things in the woods a ways away from here doesn’t mean we’re in danger.” Poppy stood up and patted Branch on his tense shoulder. “Just. Relax. Try some scrapbooking!”
Branch heaved a sigh through his nose. He knew he wasn’t going to get anywhere with the stubborn queen. Tomorrow’s party was a favorite of the trolls, and it was definitely a huge one. He could remember fretting over The Midsummer Bash constantly during his grey days, angrily warning everyone to keep the noise down, shut the lasers off, call off the fireworks...otherwise a bergen would surly come and eat them all. While he was no longer grey and bergens were no longer the enemy, Branch was still certain that parties as big as this brought only trouble. Had he been wrong for the last 20 years? Yes. But, statistically, that just made the odds of something going wrong higher. At least that’s how he saw things. Try as he might, he’d never managed to convince Poppy to call the party off, or even tone it down. He knew he wouldn’t be successful this year either. 
“Fine. Don’t listen to me. But I’m gonna be checking that perimeter like its never been checked before, and when I do find what’s leaving all this junk behind, I’m gonna rub it in your sorry face!” His nose was smashed up against hers, angry blue eyes inches away from amused magenta eyes. 
Poppy blinked at him, smiling nonchalantly. “Can’t wait! Now go eat something, you’re getting hangry.” She spun back around in her chair and continued her morning routine.
A growl from his stomach interrupted his coming denial. Poppy giggled as Branch turned and trudged out of her pod. Back to getting ready for the day. She did appreciate Branch’s vigilance and knew that he did it out of love and care for the trolls. However, his constant cries of wolf this week in particular were really starting to wear them both down. She wished she could find a way to get him to just chill out and not be so high-strung all the time.
“Things will calm down after the party,” she hummed to herself, tying up her frizzy hair. “Including Branch!”
Branch grumbled angrily to himself as he stomped around the South end of the village, chomping aggressively on an acorn. Poppy was right, he had been getting hangry...but his concerns were still valid. Bizarre objects appearing out of seemingly nowhere? That was definitely something to worry about.
Angrily grinding the acorn up with his teeth, Branch adjusted his backpack on his shoulders and pushed on, beyond the Southern border of the village. He paused when he caught glimpse of some young trolls playing in the grass, giggling and chasing each other around.
Choking down the acorn quickly, he hurried over to the kids. “H-Hey! You shouldn’t be out here!”
They stopped their romp and greeted branch with a smile.
“Hi Mr. Branch!” One little yellow troll said brightly. “Do you wanna play with us?”
“No, not right now, you guys shouldn’t be beyond the border! It’s not safe!”
A little chubby orange troll groaned. “But Mr. Braaanch! It’s fun out here! There’s no scary monsters!”
“You don’t know that,” he snapped. “Now I’m serious, go back to the village!”
The group whined and started trudging back the way they came. One whispered into the ear of another:
“Mr. Branch is just no fun...”
Branch’s sensitive ears caught that remark and he huffed sharply before continuing on his way at a furious pace. “I’m fun...I’m plenty of fun! They just don’t know anything about safe fun!” Another bite out of the acorn. “Wandering around in the woods with no supervision...no survivalist training...hmph!” Crunch. “Might as well have a glowing sign above their heads that says ‘eat me!’” He dug a sharp piece of acorn out of his back teeth. “Jeez, why didn’t I cook this thing?”
A crackle of leaves up ahead made him freeze. Pricking up his ears and dropping the partially gnawed nut to the ground softly, he ninja rolled over to a nearby rock. More crackles ahead. A low murmur. Branch’s heart started to thud in his chest. He carefully pulled his frying out of his pack, face hardening in determination. Peeking over the rock, this view of whatever was making these noises was blocked by the vine-covered trees. His hair shot forward and pulled him up from vine to vine. Silence was key, he knew. He had no idea how good the hearing was of these mysterious...whatever-they-are’s. The crunches of leaves started to move away at a surprisingly fast pace. Determined to at least catch a glimpse, Branch switched out his frying pan for binoculars, swinging from tree to tree and running along branches. He couldn’t believe how quickly the noises were fading away and keeping up was a growing challenge. Among the crunch of leaves and his own haggard breath he could just make out some strange swishing sound that was sometimes followed by a dull thunk. 
After a few more minutes of sprinting, Branch stopped short on a vine, out of breath. The binoculars pressed against his eyes desperately searched for any sign of movement, any unnatural colors, anything. But the commotion had long faded away. The only evidence that was left to justify Branch’s pursuit were some sliced vines and slashes in the tree bark. Big slashes. Biting his lip, the light blue troll hopped down closer to one of the slashes. He ran his fingers along the bright white inner wood. The gash was enormous, bigger than he was in both height and definitely length. Sap was already starting to bleed out. Catching a drop on his finger, he tasted it carefully. The usual sweetness tree sap would have was tainted with a strong metallic flavor. He swallowed thickly, his anxiety rising. 
Down below on the forest floor he spotted something florescent almost hidden in the crushed grass. He quickly bounded down to it, still on high alert for any suspicious activity. The forest had never been so eerily silent; it was deafening to him.
Hidden behind some blades of bent grass was a bright pink...thing that Branch had never seen before. It was about the size of himself (minus the hair), not quite as wide, and topped with a shiny, metal contraption of some kind beside a red tab. This thing was such an alarming shade of pink it would give Poppy a run for her money. Branch shrugged off his backpack and hesitantly touched the item, pulling his hand back sharply as if it had electrocuted him on contact. It was a smooth material that he had never seen or felt before and it was causing his face to scrunch in disgust. He recognized one of the metal parts at the top; a gear. It wouldn’t spin nearly as smoothly as Branch thought it should have as he gave it a tug. Some kind of yellow-tinted fluid was crusted around the metal. One whiff was all he needed before covering his nose and gagging. 
“What is this thing?” He coughed. 
Deciding more information may be on the other side, he wrapped his dark hair around it tightly and flipped it. The smooth material felt foreign in his grasp and he grunted, struggling to keep a hold if it. There was still fluid in the apparently hollowed cylinder; he could hear it slosh inside. The other side did in fact have a clue, although Branch really only felt more confused after reading it.
“Fl...ori...da? Who’s Florida?” He muttered. 
Strange wavy letters spelled the mystery word out in all caps, the bright white contrasting heavily against the eye-blinding pink. Branch snatched his sketchbook out of his hair and started feverishly documenting his findings. This included the crushed and bleeding grass, the oozing gashes in the trees, and the sliced up vines hanging loosely. It was a horrific sight to him to try and capture with his scratchy markings.
An abrupt, sharp explosion off in the distance startled Branch so badly he sprang into the air with a shriek, his pencil and book flying in different directions. He bolted for the cover of a nearby tree root. The screams and alarms of birds and other animals overwhelming him completely. The silence that followed was short, interrupted by deep cheers of triumph. Holding his ringing ears, Branch decided he had had more than enough and frantically gathered his things before sprinting back in the direction of the village.
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rebakadraws · 7 years
002 for inukouga? : 0
Aaaahhh one of my first asks for these things and
I’ll just be honest but I’ll try to be nice?
When or if I started shipping it:
Ahaaaa.. Neeeeeevvvveeerrr?
My thoughts:
This is like my least favorite Inuyasha ship I’m so sorry I see your icon ;-; . I just, really don’t like ships that are only based on sexual tension from rivalries… I just don’t think it makes for a healthy relationship…
What makes me happy about them:
Hmm……… Well, I suppose that they develop some sort of more positive relationship?? I really like InuKog as buddies, so I guess, that they could look past their pride/stubborness and respect each other? Even if that respecting each other turns into scandalous things in this scenario.. x-x
What makes me sad about them:
Gosh that what happens to Kagome here? She just all alone ;-;? Don’t say InuKagKog Extreme RIP when ur bf runs off with ur not-so-secret admirer and suddenly you go from 2 options to no options lol
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
Um… This ship tbh i’M SORRY
Things I look for in fanfic:
I don’t specifically look for it– I don’t really read that much fanfiction– but in this case platonic InuKog I guess? Still jerks but give each other advice and stuff, I always love to see that character/relationship development ^-^.
My kinks:
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
…Literally anyone else. Like even Koga x Bankotsu. I’ve seen that around, aaand I don’t like it either because it’s hecka random crackship, but at least then I still get my OTP InuKag |D. Though legitimately who I’d like them ending up with, is InuKag they are precious I cannot not ship them; and yet at the same time I can get behind KogKag, but also KogAya. Tho KamiKoga is mY LIFE THEY’RE SO CUTE AND GOOD FOR EACH OTHER AH I NEED TO POST THEM THERE’S JUST SO MUCH CONTENT IDK WHERE TO START
My happily ever after for them:
(Generally) Inuyasha marrying Kagome and Koga marrying his bae *shifty eyes*, and Koga occasionally visiting and the two of them talking about their wives probably trying to outdo each other like “my wife is better than your wife”, and maybe going hunting together like the good stran providers they areeeeee.
(More specifically my future for them) Koga marrying mah gril Kamiko and they become really close with Inuyasha and Kagome because their kids would be half-demons so they go to Inuyasha a lot for advice and Inuyasha and Kagome kinda help them raise their kids so they’re all like family aaahhhhhhh uncle Inu
Thank you so much for your inquiring tho! I really just want to talk to ppl about my nerd thoughts and connect with ppl on here ;-;
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