#spy dates heav now and snip dates med
mickmundy · 1 year
my personal fave way to think about sniper and spy is as t4t exes (transmasc snip and transfem spy) who are cool with each other and consider themselves close friends, even if they don't talk often. they are exes of few words who mutually Know Too Much and i think they interact vaguely like bugs bunny and daffy duck. something like this:
spy: sniper, did i leave my louis crabbermarche slip in your van? i haven't seen it in months, and i have absolutely no idea where else it could be.
sniper: y'mean that satiny thing? oh, i tossed it like a year ago. was it expensive or someth-
spy: *shoots sniper's head clean off with the ambassador* *blows the smoke from the end of the gun* *puts hands behind her back* *straightens her tie* fall catalogue, page ten, size fourteen.
sniper, missing a head, gives thumbs up: expect it in four to six weeks 👍
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