#spree (2020)
psiirockin · 4 months
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Something from a few weeks ago I think! Prompt was draw your Twitter icon with your Discord icon.. And well..
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theghostinyourwalls · 1 month
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I can’t believe we’ve all been cropped out of these pictures
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voldiscute · 4 months
This bitch walked So she could run
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sherifftillman · 10 months
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this is my new favorite blog!! Can you please put him on spree
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is it just me, or does he seem not that concerned about what just happened?
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little-bumblebeeee · 8 months
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Oh god oh fuck oh jesus fucking christ
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flocklings · 6 months
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Spree (2020) directed and written by Eugene Kotlyarenko
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38across · 2 years
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All eyes on me, I wanna be seen.
SPREE (2020) dir. Eugene Kotlyarenko
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fanofspooky · 2 months
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Horror movies of 2020
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kurtsuniverse · 3 months
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I think my favorite thing about Spree, other than Kurt being hot, is how sassy he was for like, no reason.
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seabreeze1969 · 1 month
Strawberry Pancakes
Summary: Gator Tillman meets OC stripper. She is reluctant to give him a dance, but ends up enjoying it a little too much. He is more than happy to break some rules with her.
Tags/Warnings: strippers, thigh riding, lap dance, power dynamics, paid intimacy, dirty talk, teasing
Chapter One
It was the second Friday of May. Every other Friday he found himself sitting in the back of The Tender Trap, a local strip club, with an envelope in his pocket as he waited for a militia man to collect the hefty support of Sheriff Roy Tillman, his father. It was an easy job. That’s why his father gave it to him. At least it was supposed to be easy. But things never came easy to Gator.
As his lazy gaze glossed around the small club, his heart caught in his throat. He wasn’t met with Roxy or Crystal, the usual dancers who would throw him winks every now and again. He saw a young woman he’d never seen before. He was sure if she had been there any of the other Fridays he would’ve known.
Her legs were toned, but covered in stockings forcing him to imagine the bare skin underneath. As his gaze slithered further up skipping over her bare stomach to her breasts he started to feel his pants tighten. The white laced cups pushed up her small tits and had them spilling out over the low top. And finally he reached her face. Her bouncy brown curls framed her soft face, and he couldn’t help but let his mouth fall open as he caught her big doe eyes.
He knew he must’ve looked like a moron sitting there with his jaw on the floor, but he couldn’t help himself. She was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen in person. Something straight off of one of those raunchy old bikini posters he tacked behind his bed.
Before he could stop himself his feet carried him over to the seats closest to the stage where she was entertaining two other men. The closer he got the more her eyes narrowed at him and she suddenly seemed familiar, “Wait a minute. Aren’t you the doc’s kiddo? Miss Grey?” He’d seen her only a couple times when he had to visit the local clinic after a job went sideways, and she looked vastly different in layers of clothes and thick rimmed glasses. But she had given him that same narrow look.
“No, sir,” she shook her head, her full lips turning into a pout, “My name is Candy.”
“Hah, yeah sure it is,” he huffed a laugh, “Anyways, aren’t you a little too smart to be dancing around half naked?”
And then it was her turn to laugh, “If smarts had anything to do with it you’d be the one in heels up here, sheriff.”
“Ouch, sour Candy. You trying to hurt my feelings, girl?” Gator mocked hurt feelings, putting his hand over his heart.
“Were you trying to hurt mine?” She shot back.
“No. How about you make it up to me with a dance?”
“Aren’t you on duty?”
“Nah, I just dress like this for fun,” he hooked his thumbs into the bulky sheriff’s vest, showing it off.
“Won’t it be a bad look for your father?” It was true his father’s election was going to be up soon.
“He’ll be alright. You running out of excuses?” Gator checked.
“I could just say ‘no.’ If you don’t want to take a hint,” she condescended, and that just made him want her all the more. No way in hell was she gonna say ‘no’ to him. He had all the power he needed in the envelope, who would even notice if a couple of the hundreds were missing? Taking less than a second to decide he pulled out the envelope and started counting out the hundred dollar bills that he definitely should not be spending at a strip club.
“Are you deaf? Or just dumb?” Candy frowned, but as he continued to count them she changed her tune, “Holy smokes, where’d you get all that?”
He waved three hundreds at her, “How bout that dance?”
Her mouth opened and closed a few times, struggling with the decision, but then she nodded in defeat, “Let’s go.” She hopped off the stage, and took his hand in her own. Her hand was trembling, until she squeezed him a little harder, and he pretended not to notice it. Pretended he was far too preoccupied with the way her ass swayed back and forth in her little white lace underwear.
In the private room there was one lone chair in the center with dark velvet couches surrounding it. As she stepped into the room her white undergarments turned dark red with the lights. She led him to the chair in the center of the room, shoving him down roughly. He made a show of it for her, collapsing into the chair even though he was barely moved from her hands pushing his chest, “Take it easy, baby.”
She ignored him, sliding her hands across his chest into his leather jacket, to slip it off, taking his vest with it. She hooked it on the back of the chair, which still left him in his bulky hoodie.
“That’s more like it, sweetheart,” he grinned as she walked in front of him again. He drank her in once again now that he had her all to himself. Her slim ankles wrapped in the white plastic straps of the clear high heels that were giving her an extra half foot at least. She looked a little unsteady as his gaze raked up the stockings, lingering on the smooth bare skin of her upper thigh. He imagined for a moment how her legs would wrap around him, how he’d grip her hips. The swell of her hips was accentuated as she took a small step toward him, shifting her weight. As his eyes moved up he found her chest rising and falling in quick breathes, her breasts spilling out of the wired corset cups on every intake. Her blush went all the way down her neck, and when his gaze flickered up to her eyes she cast hers to the floor.
“Don’t get all shy on me now,” he admonished half-heartedly, pleased with her little show of innocence. It was charming.
She took another deep breath, drawing his attention back down to her breasts once again, and unballed her fists, starting to undo the bottom of her corset top. He watched her struggle with the little wire clasps that ran up the front for a long minute before he finally huffed a little laugh, “You need a hand?”
She looked up at him with those big brown eyes, and he wondered if it was more than just a show. Then she frowned and gritted, “Shut up.” And he knew it wasn’t. And that made his cock twitch in his pants. She finally got all the clasps undone and then tossed the offending garment on the couch beside her, unable to hide her pride at getting the damned thing off. She locked her arms in front of her, covering up her exposed nipples. He barely caught a glimpse of the pink skin. And then she seemed to realize what she had done and forced her arms behind her back, sticking out her chest.
“I’ve never done this before,” she finally confessed, but he had gathered that.
“I can tell,” he chuckled, “This might be the worst strip dance I’ve ever seen.”
That seemed to set something off in her. He was good at setting people off. Her cheeks were puffed out in anger as she slowly sank down to her knees, not bothering to hide her disgust at the old tile floors. And then she crawled on her hands and knees to him, swaying her hips and holding his stare like it was a challenge. He kicked his boots out on either side of him, making room for her between his thighs. Then he locked his fingers behind his head and reclined a little, the picture of unbothered, indifferent to her. And he saw exactly what he wanted. That angry determination swirling in those narrowed eyes as she let her cheek rest on his inner thigh.
She ran her hands up his shins, to the expanse of his muscular thighs. He felt the heat of her palm reach the bulge of his hardening cock, straining under his cargo pants. Her brow went up in accusation, “For the worst dance you’ve ever had, you seem to be enjoying it.”
“I’m easy,” he shrugged. Then her tongue was licking a stripe over the outline of his dick and his mouth fell open as he was unable to maintain his cool attitude toward the half naked woman between his legs. That had to be against the rules.
Before he could recover she was swinging her hips to the low vibrations of the bass that penetrated the room. She came up to her full height, giving him an eyeful of her breasts, making his mouth start salivating. Maybe he had just fallen for an act of innocence. Massaged them in his face, letting her head roll back as she let a small moan slip past her lips. His hands were moving on their own, in an attempt to assist her, when she slapped them away, “Hands by your side, deputy, or I’ll use your stupid cuffs on you.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he drawled out slow, gripping the sides of the chair to keep them there, but her threat just turned him on even more. Having her handcuff him sounded like a damn good time to him.
She swung one leg over his so her back was to him, and crawled down the slope of his leg, leaving her ass high in the air, and his hands squeezing the sides of the chair as she bounced a little on his leg. And then in time with music she was snapping back to sitting upright and grinding her hips just an inch above his thigh, letting him see that she was actually getting wet. Then she stepped out again, twisting to face him and kicked one of his boots so his legs came together before she sat in his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and playing with his hair just enough to make his head lull back and seek her fingers. He hadn’t felt a touch like that in years, something intimate and gentle. Hell, if he knew a strip dance felt this good he would’ve started skimming money a long time ago, but he had a feeling it was just her making him feel this way.
She bit her lip, trying to contain a grin, and he felt like he was losing the game he had set up. But she made losing feel good.
Then the song switched from fast paced to a slow jam and she lit up, standing to dance in front of him once again. She was familiar with the song, mouthing the words as she ran her hands up her body and tangled them in her hair the way his hands wanted to. While she mouthed the explicit lyrics, he imagined her in his ear whispering filth only he would ever hear.
Her body rolled in time with the slow beat and she ran her hand down between her breasts, over her flat stomach and dipped between her legs for just a second before she pulled her hand back and ran her tongue over them, her tongue that was nearly on his dick when he had ticked her off. “You want a taste?” she asked, tilting her head curiously, and only then had he noticed his mouth had fallen open in want. He only nodded, sticking his tongue out as she stepped closer to him again with her outstretched hand. Her fingers were glossy from her spit as she brushed them gently over his upper lip, avoiding his tongue, and then pulled back, leaving him running his tongue along his lip trying to taste her. He thought maybe she was wearing some kind of strawberry chapstick as he savored a distant artificial sweetness.
He hummed his approval, and when he caught her eye again her pupils were blown wide. He could nearly see himself reflected in them. He was in a similar state. And then she stepped one leg between his and slowly lowered her hips onto his thigh, grinding on him in time with the music. Her skin was hot, like her entire body was blushing. It gave him goosebumps under his jacket where her warmth couldn’t reach.
And then she made a noise in the back of her throat that had him choking on the air in the room, which was suffocating him with a palpable heat. It wasn’t an over the top moan like from the porn he usually watched, it was a whine she had tried to hide but it slipped past her lips anyways. It was the sexiest thing he had ever heard in his life.
She bit her lip and looked at him apologetically, “Hah, sorry.” And the weight of her lifted up, before his hands flew out to stop her.
“No, don’t stop,” he lifted his knee in a jerk response, applying more pressure to her clit. He pulled and pushed her waist back and forth over his thigh, making her breath quicken. She was so sensitive, shaking like a leaf as he pushed his thigh up hard against her, with intention. He wanted to give her that friction which clearly affected her. His eyes traveled down her body to find a wet spot on his camouflage, “Gonna make a mess on my trousers, girl.”
She looked away in embarrassment as he looked up at her in awe. Her lower lip trembled as he leaned forward, bringing his hand to cradle her cheek. He was completely entranced in her glowing red face. He wanted to stop the anxious tremble of her lip, soothe her embarrassment away however he could. But he found no words, instead leaning in, and letting his eyes slip closed as he brushed his thumb down her bottom lip. He could feel her sharp intake of breath nearly against his mouth. He can’t remember wanting something as simple as a kiss with such an intensity before.
She shoved at his chest and stumbled backwards, catching herself on the edge of the couch. His head was spinning from the whiplash as he watched her catch her breath moving as far away from him as the couch would allow.
“No kissing the clients,” she finally spoke after a few beats of heavy breathing.
“No? Just everything else?” He joked a little, trying to recover his own breathing and will his raging erection to go away. He couldn’t take his eyes off her as she started clipping the corset back on.
He stood and slid back into his leather jacket and vest, slicking his hair back which had gotten a little disheveled when she played with it earlier. Then she awkwardly put her hand out and he remembered what he had promised her for such a nice private dance and handed her three hundred, “That’s some technique for your first time.”
“I’m a quick learner,” she nodded, gripping the cash like he was going to snatch it back from her and run. She led him back out into the main room without so much as looking at him and then ran back to the locker rooms, still a little unsteady as his eyes followed her out.
“I’ve been waiting out here for nearly a half hour,” complained Henry, getting up from the bar when he saw Gator. He barely understood the words, too busy thinking about how there was no way in hell he could wait another two weeks to see her again. She gave him a high he knew he’d be hooked on until the day he died. He figured he’d be a married man and still jerk off to her.
“Boy! You hear me? When your daddy hears about you fucking around--” Henry started to threaten, finally pulling Gator’s attention away from the girl. The shove of the white envelope into Henry’s chest cut him off.
“My daddy ain’t gonna hear about it, unless you want me burning this money up and telling him you fucking backward ass hillbillies lost it,” he said it softly with a half smile, contrasting the shouting of the older man who got even angrier as he lost his power.
“We’ll see about that. Don’t make me wait while you’re getting your dick sucked. If you’re daddy don’t make you answer to him. I’ll make you answer to me. Understand, son?”
“Maybe if your wife was better at it you wouldn’t have had to wait so long,” Gator leaned into the man, his hand hovering over the gun in his thigh holster.
“Alright, your time's coming, boy. Your time’s coming.”
“Whatever you say, Henry,” Gator grinned at him, “I’ll see you later.” He waved himself out and hopped into his truck.
He reached for his vape in his pocket, taking a long drag reigniting the buzz in his head that was worked up in the back room of The Tender Trap. He was trying to remember the way her face looked when she moaned, but his memories weren’t coming out right. He needed to see her again. And soon enough he was hard again as he drove back to the Tillman Ranch. The road was lonely and dark that night as he started to touch himself.
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theghostinyourwalls · 1 month
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The silly
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dreamties · 2 years
Slashers with a sweet & shy pushover GN! reader
A/n- I should be just about arriving to the airport by the time this posts (so I won’t be able to check it at all)- but I really hope everyone likes this! I’d love to hear from everyone <333
T/W: Swearing, inferences to non-con (not by the slashers !!), cringy pick up line I got off the web 😭, uhhh maybe other stuff? I think that might be it though. A teeny bit of angst tho!
Characters: Brahms Heelshire, Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Lester Sinclair, Michael Myers, Billy Loomis & Stu Macher and Kurt Kunkle
Brahms Heelshire
you would follow his rules so well !! afraid that messing up even a single step will end in catastrophe (you couldn't disappoint the Heelshires like that 😔)
before meeting face to face with Brahms- and you still thought you were just taking care of a doll -you never purposefully broke a rule. not once. and this is something he had never seen his other nannies do !! he's impressed and curious, and begins to feel much more comfortable with the idea of heading out of the walls to greet you.
you're definitely thoroughly spooked when you actually meet him !!
but your reaction, frankly, surprises him. he's met with confusion, sure. but also curiosity and a sense of wonder.
your not scared- which maybe you should have been. but you were given no reason to assume that this man could be of danger to you.
you don't leap into his arms (though he would've been quite thrilled by that!), but you don't run away screaming, either. it takes some soft explanation from Brahms, but you adapt to it. you invite him down for lunch. quietly letting him know there'd be sandwiches, and you'd cut off the crusts just the way he likes it.
Brahms is an extremely handsy and clingy boy ! you're just completely oblivious to his advances though, poor Y/n :(
you're always getting upset when you have to deal with the rat traps, and it's not like Brahms is gonna help you- that ain't his job. the most of support you might receive from him is staying nearby to you as you clean them out. despite how upsetting it was for you, you handle the dead rats with care and respect.
I think having someone like you in his life really helps him,, mature in a way.
like when he throws fits, you always get so scared and start crying
and...he might not be totally aware that he is causing that at first, but over time Brahms starts to notice. and he feels awful about doing this to you.
"Y/n?" Brahms calms himself, reaching out to you in a tiny, quieted voice. He tilts his head, giving a worried look at your shaking form. You're covering your eyes with your hands.
You turn away from him, discreetly lifting your hands to wipe away your tears and then move them back into place with the same ease- perfecting the weeping image. Your throat feels tight, and even as you try to let your boyfriend know that it's okay, you're fine, it comes out warbled. Brahms frowns behind his mask. "I hurt you?" You shake your head in your hands. "Sorry, no, no- I. I'm sorry." "It's okay." "But-but-- I'm supposed to be taking care of you and-" you try to muffle your words. "My yelling hurt you?" He asks again. You finally drop your hands to your lap and twist your body to look at him. He's genuine about it, his eyes boring into your form. You simply nod. Your tear streaked face displayed entirely to Brahms. He brings a large, shaky hand to cradle your face. You lean into it as he says he's sorry again and again.
Brahms would adore being able to pull you close and cuddle up with you so much !! all soft and cuddly like a lil teddy bear
it is SO hard to say no to him, and he nearly always gets his way because of your push over nature :(
he will not be standing up for you, unless it's against other people or intruders (he's protective of you, just not from him...)
Bo Sinclair
Bo totally freaks you out at first !!
he's just so,,, him. and he's stubborn on changing. he's got a bit of a temper and tends to be loud (and violent) when he's angry. that's all he really knows how to be.
when you finally come around to him...I think it would be after witnessing a softer side of him. like he's feeling sad and avoiding his feelings, and just focuses on his work and doesn't talk much. cause he doesn't want to yell at you. and when you're given time alone with him, you offer to be his shoulder to cry on, and accept him with gentle caution. he doesn't accept it...but he doesn't flip out in a burst of anger. it's progress. and it shows the two of you are comfortable with each other.
He doesn't apologize much. He hates admitting that he's in the wrong, but if he ever makes you cry, then he's quick to comfort you.
That feels so unforgivable.
He'll promise though- kissing your forehead, cheek, then lips- that he'll be better. For you, for the sanctuary of Ambrose, for the love of his brothers; he'll be better, kinder. He'll lose cracked and falling bits from his angry facade.
and it sort of...works? Your kindness runs off on him, and he can slowly afford to be better towards you and maybe even his brothers. But damn it, Y/n, he ain't boutta be treating his victims like real visitors anytime soon. Whether you like that or not.
He stands up for you all the time. EVEN against his brothers! :O
If any visitors say shit to you, then you know for sure, they'll be hell to pay
It's just Bo's love language <33
Vincent Sinclair
Vincent isn't shy but...he does keep to himself more.
like...he has to participate in the killings. but he does that to keep himself and his brothers safe. to keep the town hidden. it's what he needs to do.
what he likes to do though, is stay in his work room, and create his wax sculptures. or lounge in his room, sketching. which I think is great for you, I'd imagine it would be pretty overwhelming for you to be around all of the brothers, all the time. but having that one on one time?? that's all the two of you really need. is that. each other.
speaking of him sketching !!
he loves sketching you. you're his muse. after he's done he'll gently slide it into your hands, for you to take a look. no matter how many times he does this, you always get so happy and end up as a blushy, blubbering mess. like !! vinnie !! ur so sweet !! i dont deserve this !! *tearing up from pure joy and the feeling of being completely and wholly loved*
Just because you’re a pushover does not mean you don’t have strong feelings! You can get really upset easily, but it’s much harder to actually share with Vince what’s wrong.
since he’s generally quieter (and watches from the shadows a lot :O)— he’s very perceptive. He’s often able to figure out when you’re upset before you begin showing it, y’know?
you’re not crying (yet) but there’s a twisted & scrunched line between ur brows that you’re desperately trying to smooth out— by willing your emotions to go.
but that’s not how that goes :( you’re only hurting yourself, love
Vincent will scoop you up and carry you to the bedroom. He’ll sign to you, asking what’s wrong. Petting your hair as he watches and/or listens for your response.
Lester Sinclair
Lester and Vincent are the only men I'd trust with an s/o like this
I think it would take a little longer for you to fully adjust to Lester though, he's so much louder and more out going than you are !! it's a lot to take in. but he's also such a sweetie, the two of you complement each other so well <3
Lester WILL stand up for you with passerby's and "guests" but I think has so much respect and love but also this terrified feeling around his brothers that he has a very tough time letting them know when boundaries are crossed.
if it’s emotional stuff, okay. Whatever. He hates that Bo can just— act like such a jackass to you with no repercussions! But…he’s Les’ brother. What can he do?
if it’s physical boundaries being crossed- Lester is slow to it at first, but he may start a physical fight with his brother(s).
Michael and Lester are akin to each other in this way, but Les openly expresses it more: how has he picked up such a lovely partner? He’s just the ol’ scraggly, road kill guy.
you seem to always see the best in people (or just naively unaware of your constant danger. . .)
will definitely try his best to get you out of your shell !! But is very understanding if it makes ya anxious doing certain stuff.
you’ll go with him to pick up the animals left out to rot!
you’re not real big on handling them the first few years you live in Ambrose, but the closer you get with ur boyfriend and the more accustomed you are to his way of life— you help him bring them to his truck and drop off ones you don’t need to decompose into the earth.
you won’t skin any animals with him- you’re still pretty timid when it comes to watching him do it.
but you’ll help clean his knives
And delicately scrub the dirt off his face, till he’s bright and new and fresh
and in return- not because of all the sweet things you’ve done (though he mighty appreciates it) but how much he loves you- he brings you to bed in his house. Getting the both of you comfortably under the sheets, tangled your legs with each other’s and the cooling features of your comforter. He’ll hold your head, your face, his entire love in his tough, overworked hands. Kissing your nose and wiping the tears before they meet his skin.
Michael Myers
oh, people yelling freaks you out??? well good news for you, because this man doesn't talk- at all !!*
*well okay, he does a little bit but-
I think Michael would be super confused on how he ended up with you in his life. you're all the things he isn't.
your kind and tender, and incredibly patient with Michael. you rarely get upset with how Michael functions. he's quiet and near emotionless, but you'll take him in your arms with care regardless.
while he may not be anything like you- that doesn't mean he should be treated like a monster. he's done a lot of dark things, but he isn't all the bad things he's done. he's more than his bad behaviors. and there's this raw sense of innocence to you. it's not that you don't know about everything he's done, and you're not ignoring it. but you're able to see everything that's underneath. and no one has ever been able to do that to Michael before. not at Smithsgrove, with Loomis and other doctors constantly surrounding him, poking and prodding, trying to figure out what made him tick. what was inherently wrong with his being.
just because he had murdered once didn't mean that it would happen again. it was a darkness that simmered beneath him. it was preventable.
you treat him as anything but a monster
it's that "sorry, but they asked for NO pickles" meme, except Michael's just standing there with a knife to some dudes throat, while you nervously hold your burger, shaking like a wet cat
You present yourself with all honesty, Michael can learn to be himself around you. Whoever he is
He likes that he can just sit in the same room as you, and do individual activities and not have to talk. But still having the comfort you're nearby <3
He'll show you his little "craft projects" and may even invite you to help out.
I'd imagine still being pretty nervous to help out though- it's not like you think he'll hurt you if you mess up, but that shy, anxious energy coursing through you says otherwise.
back tracking a bit— Michael is killing every single fucker that thinks it’s even remotely okay to mess with you. Or talk to you. Or. Breathe in ur direction.
he’s just Extra Extra protective with an F/O like this haha
love this guy <3
Billy Loomis & Stu Macher
these boys will tease you so much about it !!
but...if anyone else tries anything they may or may not end up dead the next day :)
they can't do that to every person though because that would "raise suspicion" or whatever. they'll definitely be chewed out for making fun of their baby though >:(
Also!! Billy will encourage you to stand up for yourself. he loves you and he feels so GOOD being able to protect you from any harms but dammit Y/n :\\ it hurts him to see you shoved around like that
Stu will be embarrassing the hell out of you every pick-up line he gets!
“Feel my shirt,” he tells you. You look up with a muddled confusion.
“I’m sorry?” You squeak out. Stu’s mind briefly wanders, I wonder if there are any good mouse ones. . .cheese? Hmm— next time. Yeah.
“Feel it,” he tries again, holding the hem of his sweater out for you to touch. He wiggles his eyes at you and you can’t help but cover your face at his expression.
“C’mon,” he whines. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t like his little jokes but they’d been so consistent over the past few weeks. You’re boyfriend was a nutjob. But oh, did you love him. You laugh to yourself, feeling the fabric. It’s so soft- you want to bury your head in his chest. “Do you know what it’s made of?” You quirk a brow at him. ”Boyfriend material!” He grins, his whole aura beaming with a sunshine glow. The dust of pink and warmth on your cheeks blossom and you hide behind your hands, as Stu can’t help cracking himself up— finally covering your form in his. God, you were so cute when you were embarrassed.
Kurt Kunkle
Kurt loves doing those trendy couple tags and challenges- in hopes that'll help his channel grow and he'll get more recognition :)
he absolutely drags you into these...even if you don't want to
he shows you off a lot, which makes you so nervous !! but he's so proud and excited to call you his partner <333
He kind of just. Ignores your anxiety and pushes you out of your comfort zone. Like all the time. you'll be fine!!! He promises. C'mon! Join him! Pleasseeeeee !!!!
you still try your best to be patient with him though, even if he's not always really patient with you.
As for soft cuddly time with his precious, beautiful partner that deserves literally everything??? Oh baby, he's all over you.
He adores being allowed just. In your presence.
You're so sweet to him. He could drown in the warmth of your arms spread wide, clinging onto his body, fingers curling in the fabric of his tee-- cuddling like he's a big teddy. It's cute. He wishes he could see it from at outsiders pov
There will be no Kurt making you cry in this household !!! No, no...you poor darlins.
He totally messes up a lot though, and you'll tear up even at his mistakes.
He's recording an intro for his channel and his voice is a little too loud. It catches something more stern one night while playing Fort Nite on stream, jokingly calling out a commenter.
He won't rush to care for you right a way, but he'll awkwardly hold you in his arms and try to kiss away your tears <33
Kurt is a little wacky but he's also just suuuuuuch a fucking sweetie, cutie, whatever. All of the pet names 🥰
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sherifftillman · 6 months
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RJ'S SPOTIFY WRAPPED GIF MEME 2023 → kurt kunkle + 89: man! i feel like a woman! by shania twain
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strangererotica · 2 months
The Joe Keery “Let there be light,” Cinematic Universe ☺️
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dollalicia · 9 months
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this man will be the death of me
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