#splatoon? racism.
starbritez · 9 months
Idk if I can do this fandom shit anymore y’all I am soooooooo sick of seeing nasty behavior everywhere I go 😕
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I'm not saying Frye's losing streak is being influenced by colorism, especially on the Japanese side of the fan base. However— Like, I believe there was an interview with a bunch of Japanese fans on Deep Cut's idol design, and so many of them were calling Frye a monkey n shit. It was disgusting. We need regional Splatfest again please Nintendo. Not that NA and Euro don't have racism either but there's at least more colored fans in those regions.
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splatoonpolls · 24 days
A quick reminder it takes effort to whitewash Marina and Frye
Like, you sat there, making sure the new color pallet matched the whiteouted designs you made. Instead of just, using the ones that already existed?
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icejuggler · 9 months
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artificial-hope · 2 months
If I had a nickel for every time the splatoon fandom was incredibly disrespectful about shiver using traditional Japanese singing techniques in a song I would have 2 nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it shouldn’t have happened the first time, let alone twice.
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misiumoon · 9 months
i think they need to bring these regional splatfests back because no matter what the majority of NA players choose, whatever team people choose in Japan wins... i mean if i were japan i would pick the japanese character too but its just unfair in the end
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lostryu · 9 months
Listen up fake fan. I have logged over 600+ hours in Splatoon 3 and I have played every splatfest. I have called out of work to participate. I have scanned this game for every bit of lore and storyline that you could possibly imagine and I know without a doubt that Shiver is absolutely evil. STOP DEFENDING HER FANS. Frye deserves this win. Shiver is literally opressing all the others in an effort to dominate them like some Feudal Lord. She is supposed to be whiteness incarnate and is a foil for white supremacy. The proof of this is that she paler than any other character by far. Also if you look at their placement, she is on the FAR RIGHT. Her eyes are Red just like swastikas. Her singing/barking noises is like the Rebel Yell from the Confederacy. She is meant to embody racism, Especially with how she is always negging on Frye and Big Man, the two characters CLEARLY meant to be POC. All Shiver fans know about this type of subliminal messaging and because of that they clearly hate Frye and Bug Man. The goal of this splatfest was to subjugate the minorities. They deserve this hate!!! You are enabling them and therefore YOU are being racist. Open your eyes!
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toriliashine · 9 months
The next splatfest opens with Shiver looking directly in the camera at telling the racists in her fanbase to kill themselves
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lunityviruz · 9 months
After being on tiktok and this whole thing that just happened with @camachine or @camachine-soul on tumblr, I've noticed that non-black people also try their hand at white women tears. Y'all will say the most anti-black/racist shit ever and when people come for you (as they should) you want play victims and act like you haven't done anything wrong.
It is actually extremely creepy and weird to repeatedly say that me and my other black mutual (@icejuggler) called her the "hard r" when in reality I was the one saying nigga. Just take a look at this.
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If you go on that post and look at the notes you'll that I only said nigga and never once called her nigger. Not one time at all and yet her she playing victim to something that did not happen to her.
Like, why are you doing this? What do you gain by lying on name like this? It literally felt like I was dealing with a white women because this is type of crap WW do. Say something racist, people correct you and then you play victim while twisting peoples words. I just find this to be scary honestly, 🤷🏾‍♂️ how yall so comfortable with just being blatant liars when it comes to black people.
Also not to mention how the N word literally doesn't affect her in any way shape or form. So why are you acting like you are the victim IT'S WEIRD!! Mexicans historically have never been called the N word, it has never been associated with them so why on God's green earth are you trying to make it seem like you are the one affected by a word that was never said?
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thesicklycowboy · 2 months
Jesus fuckin christ. This person let Frye keep her melanin somewhat. But Marina? Nah just bleach that shit til it looks like a bad deviant art recolor. Definitely not super racist/weird and just generally rough to look at. Such a damn disgrace.
Every keychain and sticker of her is like this on this page. Its fuckin horrific
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Oh and the artist is in fact on here. And for you, @shinyseabass Please go fuck yourself 🖕you know damn well what the fuck is right and wrong. You are one of the prime examples of the worst aspects of this fandom and similar fandom. And should be damn ashamed. And you know damn well how fucked this is. Which makes it worse.
Legit I am so fuckin pissed at the moment. How do you look at these characters who legit look fantastic aesthetically just as a whole. And think damn. I really really cannot have a speck of representation. Nah thats too much. And actively fuck up said designs aesthetically just to meet your disgraceful "tastes".
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desthebolt · 9 months
Me, sitting here watching my entire dashboard get bombarded with splatfest grief: … Everyone okay? Yall want some fruit gushers and some water or some shit? Yall need a break?? Like what is happening rn
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gothlovecore · 2 years
Most normal POC in the splatoon fandom: Hey! Splatoon is good and all but the fanbase and game aren’t exempt from fetishizing dark-skinned characters or down right being completely racist or problematic towards them. We need to remember to stay critical about what we do and what media we consume- THAT ONE BOOTLICKER POC IN THE FAN BASE ABOUT TO DEFEND THE RACISM AND FETISHIZATION:
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splatoon-but-real · 1 month
hot tip: don't swim into the sewers. last time i did i saw this bug-eyed old decrepit creature wailing about octarians and i had to swim for my life to not get caught up in whatever it was doing
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splatoonpolls · 5 months
So there’s this splatoon troll on tiktok who makes posts where they’re racist, does like incest headcanons. And I’m wondering
What do they earn by that (outside of attention), if you’re so desperate for some attention you have to say racist stuff. Your life sucks. I can’t imagine what your social life must be like, because you don’t go up to your friends and say “hey let’s be racist towards a fictional octopus”. They are going to judge you. The amount of boredom in your life must be shocking. What do you even do in your free time that doesn’t include the computer?
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incorrect-splatoon · 10 months
It is time for Big Man to choose Big Violence.
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003soy · 3 months
why are splatoon fans obsessed with making not racist characters racist???
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